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100 General

MORT&H Specification (5th Revision)

Sep 29, 2015



Saumya Banerjee

Road Work Specification by MORT&H
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  • 2Section 100 General

  • 3General Section 100


    These specifications shall apply to all such road and bridge works as are required to beexecuted under the Contract or otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (hereinafterreferred to as the Engineer). In every case, the work shall be carried out to the satisfactionof the Engineer and conform to the location, lines, dimensions, grades and cross-sectionsshown on the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer. The quality of materials, processingof materials as may be needed at the site, salient features of the construction work andquality of finished work, measures for safety of workers and public and traffic arrangementsduring execution shall comply with the requirements set forth in succeeding sections. Wherethe drawings and Specifications describe a portion of the work in only general terms, andnot in complete detail, it shall be understood that only the sound engineering practice is toprevail, materials and workmanship of the best quality are to be employed and theinstructions of the Engineer are to be fully complied with.

    A list of Indian Roads Congress Specifications and Recommended Codes of Practicewhich have been made use of in the preparation of these Specifications is given atAppendix-1. The latest edition of all Specifications/Standards till 30 (thirty) days beforethe final date of submission of the tender, shall be adopted.


    The words like Contract, Contractor, Engineer (synonymous with Engineer-in-Charge),Drawings, Employer, Government, Works and Work Site used in these Specifications shallbe considered to have the meaning as understood from the definitions of these termsgiven in the General Conditions of Contract.

    AASHTO : American Association of State Highway andTransportation Officials

    ASTM : American Society for Testing and MaterialsBS : British Standard published by the British Standards

    InstitutionBIS : Bureau of Indian StandardsBOQ : Bill of QuantitiesCBR : California Bearing RatioIRC : Indian Roads CongressIS : Indian Standard published by the Bureau of Indian

    StandardsQA : Quality Assurance

    The various elements in the cross-section of a road referred to in these Specifications areshown in the cross-sections in Fig. 100-1 and 100-2.

  • 4Section 100 General

    Treated shoulders shown in the cross-section shall be of two types:-

    i) Hard shoulders which have select gravel/moorum, any othercompacted granular layer or bricks.

    ii) Paved shoulders which have a bituminous surfacing over granularlayers.


    The relevant standards for materials, as well as the testing procedures, have been indicatedat appropriate places in the specifications. A list of these standards with their full title andthe year of publication applicable are included at Appendix 2.

  • 5General Section 100


    The sieve designations referred to in the Specifications correspond to those specified byBureau of Indian Standards in IS:460. Table 100-1 gives the list of the commonly used ISsieves.

    Table 100-1 Designation of Test SievesIS Designation Conforming to IS:460

    (in mm) (in micron)

    *125 850 106

    * 90 * 71075 600

    * 63 * 50053 425


    * 45 * 25037.5 212

    * 31.5 * 18026.5 150

    * 22.4 * 12519.0 106

    * 16.0 * 9013.2 74

    * 11.2 * 639.50 53

    * 8.00 * 45 6.70

    * 5.604.75

  • 6Section 100 General

    (in mm) (in micron)

    * 4.00 3.35

    * 2.80 2.36

    * 2.00 1.70

    * 1.40 1.18

    * 1.00

    Notes:1) * are the principal sizes stated in ISO-5652) Sieve sizes given in BS:410 & ASTME 11 are same as in IS:4603) Only sieves with square openings shall be used.


    105.1 The work to be carried out under the Contract shall consist of the variousitems as generally described in the Tender Documents as well as in the Bill of Quantitiesfurnished in the Tender Documents.

    105.2 The works to be performed shall also include all general works preparatoryto the construction of roads, bridges, canal crossings, drainage and all other related works.The works shall include work of any kind necessary for the due and satisfactory construction,completion and maintenance of works to the intent and meaning of the drawings and theseSpecifications and further drawings and orders that may be issued by the Engineer fromtime to time. The scope of work shall include compliance by the Contractor with allConditions of Contract, whether specifically mentioned or not in the various Sections ofthese Specifications, all materials, apparatus, plant, equipment, tools, fuel, water, strutting,timbering, transport, offices, stores, workshop, staff, labour and the provision of properand sufficient protective works, diversions, temporary fencing and lighting. It shall alsoinclude, safety of public workers, first-aid equipment, suitable accommodation for the staffand workmen with adequate sanitary arrangements, the effecting and maintenance of allinsurances, the payment of all wages, salaries, fees, royalties, duties or other chargesarising out of the erection of works and the regular clearance of rubbish, reinstatementand clearing-up of the site as may be required on completion of works, safety of the publicand protection of the works and adjoining land.

  • 7General Section 100

    105.3 The Contractor shall ensure that all actions are taken to build in qualityassurance in the planning, management and execution of works. The quality assuranceshall cover all states of work such as setting out, selection of materials, selection ofconstruction methods, selection of equipment and plant, deployment of personnel andsupervisory staff, quality control testing, etc. The QA programme shall cover the details asper IRC:SP:47 and IRC:SP:57. These shall broadly cover quality assurance aspects of allservices rendered, all items to be supplied and all activities to be performed under thecontract including temporary structures and equipments which will influence the quality ofthe completed works or the progress of the contract.

    As a minimum, it shall cover the following :

    i) Organisation and management responsibility,ii) Document and data control,iii) Construction programme,iv) Methods statements,v) Process control,vi) Working, inspection, testing and documentary procedures,vii) Arrangement for traffic during construction and maintenance,viii) Control and documentation of purchasing and handling of materials,ix) Non-conformity and corrective actions,x) Internal quality audit,xi) Servicing,xii) Training of staff,xiii) Site environmental plan

    The general procedures of the QA programme shall be submitted to the Engineer forapproval, not later than 28 days after the date of letter of acceptance. The special part ofthe QA programme shall be submitted successively to the effect that it shall have beenapproved prior to the commencement of the activities to which the programme shall apply.The work of building in quality assurance shall be deemed to be covered in the scope ofthe work.

    105.4 The Contractor shall furnish, at least 7 days in advance unless otherwisestipulated in the contract his programme of commencement of item of work, the method ofworking he intends to adopt for various items of work such as site clearance, constructionfor embankment, sub-base, base, surfacing, culverts, bridges, retaining walls, well-sinking,cast-in-situ piling, construction of cast-in-situ pre-stressed concrete superstructure, andsuch other items for which the Engineer demands the submission of the method of working.He shall provide information regarding the details of the method of working and equipmenthe proposes to employ and satisfy the Engineer about the adequacy and safety of thesame. The sole responsibility for the safety and adequacy of the methods adopted by theContractor will, however, rest on the Contractor, irrespective of any approval given by theEngineer.

  • 8Section 100 General


    In addition to the conditions indicated in the Contract Documents, the following conditionsregarding use of equipment in works shall be satisfied:

    a) The Contractor shall be required to give a trial run of the equipmentfor establishing their capability to achieve the laid down Specificationsand tolerances to the satisfaction of the Engineer beforecommencement of the work;

    b) All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall beoperated and maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to theEngineer;

    c) Plants, equipments and instruments provided shall have adequatesensitivity, facility for calibration to desired level and shall be robust;

    d) Plants, equipments and instruments provided shall have data loggingarrangement and control systems to enable automatic feedbackcontrol of process;

    e) Plants, equipments and instruments provided shall have adequatesafety features and pollution control devices;

    f) Plants equipments and instruments provided shall be operated byskilled and qualified operators;

    g) All the plant/equipment to be deployed on the works shall be gotapproved from the Engineer for ensuring their fitness and efficiencybefore commencement of work;

    h) Any material or equipment not meeting the approval of the Engineershall be removed from the site forthwith;

    i) No equipment shall be removed from site without permission of theEngineer;

    j) The Contractor shall also make available stand by equipments andspare parts; and

    k) The Contractor shall also make available equipments for site qualitycontrol work as directed by the Engineer.

  • 9General Section 100


    107.1 The Contract Drawings provided for tendering purposes shall be ascontained in the Tender Documents and shall be used as reference only. The Contractorshould visualize the nature and type of work contemplated and to ensure that the rates andprices quoted by him in the Bill of Quantities have due consideration of the site andcomplexities of work involved during actual execution/construction.

    107.2 The Contractor based on hs surveys and investigations, shall submit theworking drawings (hard/soft copy) to the Engineer for each activity atleast 45 days inadvance of the scheduled date to the start of the activity as per his aproved workprogramme. The working drawings shall clearly show the modifications, if any, proposedwith reference to corresponding tender drawings. The Engineer shall review the workingdrawings including the modifications proposed, if any, revise the drawings, if required,approve and issue to the Contractor two copies of Good for Construction (GFC) drawingsatleast 21 days in advance of the scheduled date of the start of the activity.

    107.3 After careful study of GFC drawings, the Contractor shall prepare allsupplementary and working drawings and shall submit the same to the Engineer forapproval 7 days prior to schedule date for execution of the works unless otherwise stipulatedin the Contract.

    107.4 Examination and/or approval by the Engineer of any drawings or otherdocuments submitted by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilitiesor liabilities under the Contract.

    107.5 The tendered rates/prices for the work shall be deemed to include the costof preparation, supply and delivery of all necessary drawings, prints, tracings and negativeswhich the Contractor is required to provide in accordance with the Contract.


    108.1 The information about the site of work and site conditions in the TenderDocuments is given in good faith for guidance only but the Contractor shall satisfy himselfregarding all aspects of site conditions.

    108.2 The location of the works and the general site particulars are as shown inthe Site plan/Index plan enclosed with the Tender Documents.

    108.3 Whereas the right-of-way to the bridge sites/road works shall be providedto the Contractor by the Engineer, the Contractor shall have to make his own arrangementfor the land required by him for site offices, field laboratory, site for plants and equipments,labour camps, stores, etc.

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    Section 100 General

    109. SETTING OUT

    109.1 The Contractor shall establish working Bench Marks tied with the ReferenceBench Mark in the area soon after taking possession of the site. The Reference BenchMark for the area shall be as indicated in the Contract Documents and the values of thesame shall be obtained by the Contractor from the Engineer. The working Bench Marksshall be at the rate of four per km and also at or near all drainage structures, over-bridgesand underpasses. The working Bench Marks/levels should be got approved from theEngineer. Checks must be made on these Bench Marks once every month andadjustments, if any, got agreed with the Engineer and recorded. An up-to-date record ofall Bench Marks including approved adjustments, if any, shall be maintained by theContractor and also a copy supplied to the Engineer for his record.

    109.2 The lines and levels of formation, side slopes, drainage works, carriagewaysand shoulders shall be carefully set out and frequently checked, care being taken to ensurethat correct gradients and cross-sections are obtained everywhere.

    109.3 In order to facilitate the setting out of the works, the center line of thecarriageway or highway must be accurately established by the Contractor and approvedby the Engineer. It must then be accurately referenced in a manner satisfactory to theEngineer, every 50 m intervals in plain and rolling terrains and 20 m intervals in hilly terrainand in all curve points as directed by the Engineer, with marker pegs and chainage boardsset in or near the fence line, and a schedule of reference dimensions shall be preparedand supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer. These markers shall be maintained untilthe works reach finished formation level and are accepted by the Engineer.

    109.4 On construction reaching the formation level stage, the center line shall againbe set out by the Contractor and when approved by the Engineer, shall be accuratelyreferenced in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer by marker pegs set at the outer limitsof the formation.

    109.5 No reference peg or marker shall be moved or withdrawn without theapproval of the Engineer and no earthwork or structural work shall be commenced until thecenter line has been referenced.

    109.6 The Contractor will be the sole responsible party for safe-guarding all surveymonuments, bench marks, beacons, etc. The Engineer will provide the Contractor withthe data necessary for setting out the center line. All dimensions and levels shown on thedrawings or mentioned in documents forming part of or issued under the Contract shall beverified by the Contractor on the site and he shall immediately inform the Engineer of anyapparent errors or discrepancies in such dimensions of levels. The Contractor shall, inconnection with the staking out of the center line, survey the terrain along the road and shallsubmit to the Engineer for his approval, a profile along the road center line and cross-sections at intervals as required by the Engineer.

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    General Section 100

    109.7 After obtaining approval of the Engineer, work on earthwork can commenceand the profile and cross-sections as per Section 305, shall form the basis formeasurements and payment. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all thebasic traverse points are in place at the commencement of the contract and, if any, aremissing, or appear to have been disturbed, the Contractor shall make arrangements tore-establish these points. A Survey File containing the necessary data will be madeavailable for this purpose. If in the opinion of the Engineer, design modifications of thecenter line or grade are advisable, the Engineer will issue detailed instructions to theContractor and the Contractor shall perform the modifications in the field, as required, andmodify the ground levels on the cross-sections accordingly as many times as required.There will be no separate payment for any survey work performed by the Contractor. Thecost of these services shall be considered as being included in the rate of the items ofwork in the Bill of Quantities.

    109.8 The work of setting out shall be deemed to be a part of general workspreparatory to the execution of work and no separate payment shall be made for the same.

    109.9 Precision automatic levels, having a standard deviation of +2 mm per km,and fitted with micrometer attachment shall be used for all double run levelling work. Settingout of the road alignment and measurement of angles shall be done by using theodolitewith traversing target, having an accuracy of one second. Measurement of distances shallbe done preferably using precision instruments like Distomat.


    110.1 Drawings scheduling the affected services like water pipes, sewers, oilpipelines, cables, gas ducts etc. owned by various authorities including Public Undertakingsand Local Authorities included in the Contract Documents shall be verified by the Contractorfor the accuracy of the information prior to the commencement of any work.

    110.2 Notwithstanding the fact that the information on affected services may notbe exhaustive, the final position of these services within the works shall be supposed tohave been indicated based on the information furnished by different bodies and to theextent the bodies are familiar with the final proposals. The intermediate stages of theworks are, however, unknown at the design stage, these being dictated by the Contractorsmethods of working. Accordingly, the Contractors programme must take into account theperiod of notice and duration of diversionary works of each body as given on the Drawingsand the Contractor must also allow for any effect of these services and alterations upon theWorks and for arranging regular meetings with the various bodies at the commencementof the Contract and throughout the period of the Works, the Contractor shall have no objectionif the public utility bodies vary their decisions in the execution of their proposals in terms ofprogramme and construction, provided that, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractorhas received reasonable notice thereof before the relevant alterations are put in hand.

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    Section 100 General

    110.3 No clearance or alterations to the utility shall be carried out unless speciallyordered by the Engineer.

    110.4 Any services affected by the Works must be temporarily supported by theContractor who must also take all measures reasonably required by the various bodies toprotect their services and property during the progress of the Works.

    110.5 The Contractor may be required to carry out certain works for and on behalfof the various bodies and he shall also provide, with the prior approval of the Engineer,such assistance to the various bodies as may be authorized by the Engineer.

    110.6 The work of temporarily supporting and protecting the public utility servicesduring execution of the Works shall be deemed to be part of the Contract and not extrapayment shall be made for the same.

    110.7 The Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate with the service providersfor cutting of trees, shifting of utilities, removal of encroachments etc. to make siteunencumbered for completion of work. This will include frequent follow-up meetings. Co-ordination for making project site unencumbered shall be deemed to be part of the Contractand no extra payment shall be made for the same.

    110.8 In some cases, the Contractor may be required to carry out the removal orshifting of certain services/utilities on specific orders from the Engineer for which paymentshall be made to him. Such works, however, shall be taken up by the Contractor only afterobtaining clearance from the Engineer and ensuring adequate safety measures.


    111.1 General

    The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the courseof the construction of the works. He shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations in forcegoverning pollution and environmental protection that are applicable in the area where theworks are situated.

    111.2 Borrow pits for Embankment Construction

    Borrow pits shall not be dug in the right-of-way of the road. The stipulations inSection 305.2.2 and guidelines provided in IRC 10 shall govern. The Contractor shall seekprior approval from the concerned authorities for operating the borrow pits.

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    General Section 100

    111.3 Quarry Operations

    The Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after obtaining the consent of theMining Department or other concerned authorities. The quarry operations shall beundertaken within the purview of the rules and regulations in force.

    111.4 Control of Soil Erosion, Sedimentation and Water Pollution

    The Contractor shall carry out the works in such a manner that soil erosion is fully controlled,and sedimentation and pollution of natural water courses, ponds, tanks and reservoirs isavoided. The stipulations in Clause 306 shall govern.

    111.5 Pollution from Plants and Batching Plants

    Stone crushing and screening plants, Bituminous hot-mix plants, concrete batching plantsetc. shall be located sufficiently away from habitation, agricultural operations or industrialestablishments. The Contractor shall take every precaution to reduce the levels of noise,vibration, dust and emissions from his plants and shall be fully responsible for any claimsor damages caused to the owners of property, fields and residences in the vicinity andviolation of pollution control norms, if any.

    111.6 Substances Hazardous to Health

    The Contractor shall not use or generate any materials in the works which are hazardousto the health of persons, animals or vegetation. Where it is necessary to use somesubstances which can cause injury to the health of workers, the Contractor shall provideprotective clothing or appliances to his workers.

    111.7 Use of Nuclear Gauges

    Nuclear gauges shall be used only where permitted by the Engineer. The Contractor shallprovide the Engineer with a copy of the regulations governing the safe use of nucleargauges he intends to employ and shall abide by such regulations.

    111.8 The Contractor must take all reasonable steps to minimize dust nuisanceduring the construction of the works along the haul roads and the worksites by sprinklingwater at a frequency specified by the Engineer.

    All existing highways and roads used by vehicles or equipments of the Contractor or any ofhis sub-contractors or suppliers of materials or plant, and similarly any new roads whichare part of the works and which are being used by traffic, shall be kept clean and clear ofall dust/mud or other extraneous materials dropped by the said vehicles. Similarly, alldust/mud or other extraneous materials from the works spreading on these highways shallbe immediately cleared by the Contractor.

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    Section 100 General

    Clearance shall be effected immediately by sweeping and removal of debris, and all dust,mud and other debris shall be removed entirely from the road surface. Additionally, if sodirected by the Engineer, the road surface shall be hosed or watered using suitableequipment.

    Any structural damage and loss of riding surface caused to the existing roads by theContractors construction vehicles/ equipment shall be made good without any extra cost.

    Compliance with the foregoing will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility forcomplying with the requirements of any authority in respect of the roads used by him.

    111.9 Occupational Health & Safety of the workforce

    The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer the Occupational Health & SafetyProcedures / Practices for the workforce in all quarry sites, plant sites, work sites, campsites, etc., in accordance with the applicable laws.

    111.10 Water Sources and Water Quality

    The Contractor shall provide independent sources of water supply, such as bore wells, foruse in the Works and for associated storage, workshop and work force compounds. Priorapproval shall be obtained from the relevant State Authorities and all installations shall bein compliance with local regulations.

    The Contractor shall protect all watercourses, waterways, ditches, canals, drains, lakesand the like from pollution as a result of the execution of the Works. All water and otherliquid waste products arising on the Site shall be collected and disposed of at a locationon or off the Site and in a manner that shall not be cause either nuisance or pollution.

    The Contractor shall at all times ensure that all existing stream courses and drains withinand adjacent to the Site are kept safe and free from any debris and any materials arisingfrom the Works. The Contractor shall not discharge or deposit any matter arising from theexecution of the Works into any water course except with the permission of the Engineerand the regulatory authority concerned.

    111.11 Air Quality

    The Contractor shall device and implement methods of working to minimize dust, gaseousand other air-borne emissions and carry out the Works in such a manner as to minimizeadverse impacts on the air quality. Construction camps shall have facilities for LPG fuel.The use of firewood shall not be permitted.

    The Contractor shall utilize effective water sprays during delivery, manufacture, processing

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    General Section 100

    and handling of materials when dust is likely to be created, and to dampen stored materialsduring dry and windy weather. Stockpiles of friable materials shall be covered with cleantarpaulins, with applications of sprayed water during dry and windy weather. Stockpiles ofmaterials or debris shall be dampened prior to their movement, except where this is contraryto the Specification.

    Any vehicle with open load-carrying area used for transporting potentially dust-producingmaterial shall have properly fitting side and tail boards. Materials having the potential toproduce dust shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards and shall becovered with clean tarpaulins in good condition. The tarpaulin shall be properly securedand extend at least 300mm over the edges of the side and tail boards.

    111.12 Construction Camps

    The construction camps shall conform to the State and National building regulations asapplicable. The area for the storage of polluted materials shall be stored on imperviousfloors and shall be surrounded by impervious ditches in order to avoid spilling of pollutedmaterial to surrounding areas.

    Construction camps shall be properly arranged to avoid noise pollution to the nearbyhabitants and to avoid contamination of water courses from wastewater drainage. To preventsuch contamination, wastewater generated at the campsites shall be discharged into soakpits. Human excreta shall be treated though septic tanks prior to discharge and shall conformto directives and guidelines of the State. Water accumulated in tires, empty vessels andcontainers of all nature will be regularly cleaned to avoid the related health hazards.

    111.13 Control and Disposal of Wastes

    The Contractor shall control the disposal of all forms of waste generated by the constructionoperations and in all associated activities. No uncontrolled deposition or dumping shall bepermitted. Wastes to be so controlled shall include, but shall not be limited to, all forms offuels and engine oils, all types of bitumen, cement, surplus aggregates, gravels, bituminousmixtures etc. The Contractor shall make specific provision for the proper disposal of theseand any other waste products, conforming to local regulations and acceptable to theEngineer.

    Spilling of oil and bituminous products during construction and transport shall be avoidedto reduce the chances of contamination of surface as well as ground water.

    111.14 Transport of Hazardous Materials

    Transport of al hazardous materials, in bulk or in sealed containers, shall meet therequirements of the State regulations. Prior to ordering transport of hazardous material in

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    Section 100 General

    bulk, the Contractor must obtain the approval of the relevant authority as well as of theEngineer. Precautionary measures and conformity with regulations shall be stated in aMethod Statement for the approval of the Engineer. Sealed containers of hazardousmaterials shall be stored in a well-ventilated room, well guarded and secured.

    111.15 Emergency Response

    The Contractor shall plan and provide remedial measures to be implemented in the eventof occurrence of emergencies such as spillages of oil or bitumen or chemicals. TheContactor shall provide the Engineer with a statement of the measures he intends toimplement in the event of such an emergency, which shall include a statement of how heintends to provide personnel adequately trained to implement such measures.

    111.16 Measurement for payment

    The compliance of all provisions made in this Clause 111 shall be deemed to be incidentalto the work and no separate measurement shall be made. The Contractor shall be deemedto have made allowance for such compliance with these provisions in the preparation ofhis prices for items of work included in the Bill of Quantities and full compensation for suchcompliance shall be deemed to be covered by those prices.


    112.1 General

    The Contractor shall at all times, carry out work on the highway in a manner creating leastinterference to the flow of traffic while consistent with the satisfactory execution of the same.For all works involving improvements to the existing highway, the Contractor shall, inaccordance with the directives of the Engineer, provide and maintain, during execution ofthe work, a passage for traffic either along a part of the existing carriageway underimprovement or along a temporary diversion constructed close to the highway. Beforetaking up any construction or maintenance operation, the Contractor shall prepare a TrafficManagement Plan for each work zone and submit it to the Engineer for prior approval.This plan should include inter alia :

    i) A qualified safety officer with support staff to serve as a site safetyteam

    ii) Provision of traffic safety devises as per IRC:SP 55 with the followingspecifications

    a) Signages of retro-reflective sheet of high intensity grade

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    General Section 100

    b) Delineators in the form of cones/drums made of plastic/rubberhaving retro-reflective red and white bands, at a spacing of 5 malong with a reflective tape to be tied in between the gaps ofcones/drums. A bulb using solar energy is to be placed on thetop of the cone/drum for delineation in the dark hours and night.

    c) Barricades using iron sheet with adequate iron railing/framepainted with retro-reflective paint in the alternate yellow and black& white stripes. Warning lights at 5 m spacing shall be mountedon the barricades and kept lit in dark hours and night.

    d) Road markings with hot applied thermoplastic paint with glassbeads.

    iii) Safety measures for the workers engaged including personalprotection equipment

    iv) First aid and emergency response arrangements

    v) Details and drawings of arrangements in compliance with other subSections of this Section.

    112.2. Passage of Traffic along a Part of the Existing Carriageway underimprovement

    For widening/strengthening existing carriageway where part width of the existingcarriageway is proposed to be used for passage of traffic, treated shoulders shall beprovided on the side on which work is not in progress. The treatment to the shoulder shallconsist of providing atleast 150 mm thick granular (WMM/WBM) base course coveredwith bituminous surface dressing in a width of atleast 1.5 m and the surface shall bemaintained throughout the period during which traffic uses the same to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer. The continuous length in which such work shall be carried out, would belimited normally to 500 m at a place. However, where work is allowed by the Engineer inlonger stretches passing places atleast 20 m long with additional paved width of 2.5 mshall be provided at every 0.5 km interval.

    In case of widening existing two-lane to four-lane, the additional two-lanes would beconstructed first and the traffic diverted to it and only thereafter the required treatment tothe existing carriageway would be carried out. However, in case where on the request ofthe Contractor, work on existing two-lane carriageway is allowed by the Engineer withtraffic using part of the existing carriageway, stipulations as in para above shall apply.

    After obtaining permission of the Engineer, the treated shoulder shall be dismantled, thedebris disposed of and the area cleared as per the direction of the Engineer.

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    Section 100 General

    112.3 Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion

    In stretches where it is not possible to pass the traffic on part width of the carriageway, atemporary diversion shall be constructed with 7 m carriageway and 2.5 m earthen shoulderson each side (total width of roadway 12 m) with the following provision for road crust in the7 m width:

    i) 200 mm (compacted) granular sub-base;ii) 225 mm (compacted) granular base course; andiii) Premix carpet with Seal Coat/Mix Seal Surfacing

    The location of such stretch, alignment and longitudinal section of diversion includingjunctions and temporary cross drainage provision shall be as approved by the Engineer.

    112.4 Traffic Safety and Control

    The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during constructionand provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, marking, flags, lightsand flagmen as per the traffic management plan submitted by the Contractor and approvedby the Engineer, referred to in Sub-Section 112.1. Before taking up any construction, anagreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic on the highway shall be drawn up inconsultation with the Engineer.

    The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway/portion of the carriageway closedto traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation, and painted with alternate black andwhite stripes. Red lanterns or warning lights of similar type shall be mounted on thebarricades at night and kept lit throughout from sunset to sunrise.

    At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal path (whether on temporary diversionor part width of the carriageway) the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aidof pavement markings, painted drums or a similar device to the directions of the Engineer.At night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light source.

    One-way traffic operation shall be established whenever the traffic is to be passed overpart of the carriageway inadequate for two-lane traffic. This shall be done with the help oftemporary traffic signals or flagmen kept positioned on opposite sides during all hours.For regulation of traffic, the flagmen shall be equipped with red and green flags and lanterns/lights.

    On both sides, suitable regulatory/warning signs as approved by the Engineer shall beinstalled for the guidance of road users. On each approach, at least two signs shall be putup, one close to the point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 120 m

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    General Section 100

    away. The signs shall be of approved design and of reflective type, as directed by theEngineer.

    112.5 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices

    Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface ofdiversions shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are requiredand as directed by the Engineer. The temporary traveled way shall be kept free of dust byfrequent applications of water, if necessary.

    112.6 Measurements for Payment and Rate

    All arrangements for traffic during construction including provision of temporary crossdrainage structures, if required and treated shoulder as described in Section 112.2 shallbe measured and paid as per Contract rates for the corresponding items. However theirmaintenance, dismantling and clearing debris, where necessary, shall be considered asincidental to the works and shall be the Contractors responsibility.

    The construction of temporary diversion including temporary cross drainage structures asdescribed in Section 112.3, shall be measured in linear metre and the unit contract rateshall be inclusive of full compensation for construction (including supply of material, labour,tools, etc.), maintenance, final dismantling, and disposal.Traffic safety and control described in Section 112.1, 112.4 and 112.5 shall not be paidseparately and shall be incidental to the work unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract.


    113.1 General

    All measurements shall be made in the metric system. Different items of work shall bemeasured in accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant Sections read inconjunction with the General Conditions of Contract. The same shall not, however, apply inthe case of lumpsum contracts.

    All measurements and computations, unless otherwise indicated, shall be carried nearestto the following limits:

    i) length and width 10 mmii) height, depth or thickness of

    a) earthwork, subgrade, 5 mmb) sub-bases, bases, surfacing and structural

    members 2.5 mm

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    Section 100 General

    iii) area 0.01 sq.miv) volume 0.01 cu.m

    In recording dimensions of work, the sequence of length, width and height or depth orthickness shall be followed.

    113.2 Measurement of Lead for Materials

    Where lead is specified in the Contract for construction materials, the same shall bemeasured as described hereunder:

    Lead shall be measured over the shortest practicable route and not the one actually takenand the decision of the Engineer in this regard shall be taken as final. Distances upto andincluding 100 m shall be measured in units of 50 m, exceeding 100 m but not exceeding1 km in units of 100 m and exceeding 1 km in units of 500 m, the half and greater than halfof the unit shall be reckoned as one and less than half of the unit ignored. In this regard, thesource of the material shall be divided into suitable blocks and for each block, the distancefrom the centre of placing pertaining to that block shall be taken as the lead distance.

    113.3 Measurement of Pavement Thickness for Payment on VolumeBasis

    The finished thickness of sub-base, base and bituminous courses to be paid on volumebasis shall be computed in the following manner:

    Levels shall be taken before and after construction, at the grid of points 10 m centre-to-centre longitudinally in straight reaches but 5 m at curves. Normally, on two-lane roads, thelevels shall be taken at four positions transversely, at 0.75 and 2.75 m from either edge ofthe carriageway and on single-lane roads, these shall be taken at two positions transversely,being at 1.25 m from either edge of the carriageway. For multi-lane roads, levels shall betaken at two positions transversely for each lane at 0.75 m from either edge and remaininglevels at equi-distance in the balance portion of carriageway. Road with paved shoulderon both sides for this purpose shall be treated as three-lane road.

    Suitable references for the transverse grid lines should be left in the form of embeddedbricks on either ends or by other means so that it is possible to locate the grid points forlevel measurements after each successive course is laid.

    For pavement courses laid only over widening portions, atleast one line of levels shall betaken on each strip of widening, or more depending on the width of widening as decidedby the Engineer.

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    General Section 100

    Notwithstanding the above, the measurements may be taken at closer intervals also, if sodesired by the Engineer, the need for which may arise particularly in the case of estimationof the volume of the material for profile corrective course (leveling course). The averagethickness of the pavement course in any area shall be the arithmetic mean of the differenceof levels before and after construction at all the grid points falling in that area, provided thatthe thickness of finished work shall be limited to those shown on the drawings or approvedby the Engineer in writing.

    As supplement to level measurements, the Engineer shall have the option to take cores/make holes to check the depth of construction. The holes made and the portions cut fortaking cores shall be made good by the Contractor by laying fresh mix/material includingcompacting as required at his own cost immediately after the measurements are recorded.

    113.4 Checking of Pavement Thickness for Payment on Area Basis

    Where payment for any bituminous course in Section 500 is allowed to be made on thearea basis, the Engineer may have its thickness checked with the help of a suitablepenetration gauge at regular intervals or other means as he may decide. In case thicknessof the pavement is less, the same shall be regulated as per the provisions of Section 900.

    113.5 Measurement of Bituminous Courses for Payment on Weight Basis

    Plant-mixed bituminous materials for pavement courses where designated to be paid onweight basis shall be weighed on accurate scales approved by the Engineer. Approvedscales shall mean scales that are of size, capacity, kind and type suitable for the weighingto be done, and these shall be properly installed and maintained. Prior to the use of thescales and as frequently thereafter as the Engineer may deem necessary to ensureaccuracy, the scales shall be checked and approved by the Engineer, or the Engineermay direct the Contractor to have the scales checked by other competent agency at thecost of the Contractor.

    Location of the scales shall be as designated by the Engineer. Trucks used for hauling thematerial to be weighed shall be weighed empty daily at such times as the Engineer directs,and each truck shall bear a plainly legible identification mark.

    For materials specified to be measured by weight, the Engineer will have the option tomake measurements of the finished work by volume in accordance with Section 113.3and such volumes shall be converted into weight for payment purposes. The factor forconversion from volume measurement to weight measurement shall be computed from

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    Section 100 General

    the representative density of the compacted material at site determined at locationsapproved by the Engineer.


    114.1 For item rate contracts, the contract unit rates for different items of workshall be payment in full for completing the work to the requirements of the Specificationsincluding full compensation for all the operations detailed in the relevant Sections of theseSpecifications under Rates. In the absence of any directions to the contrary, the ratesare to be considered as the full inclusive rate for finished work covering all labour, materials,wastage, temporary work, plant, equipment, over-head charges and profit as well as thegeneral liabilities, performance of other obligations, insurance and risks arising out of theConditions of Contract.

    114.2 The item rates quoted by the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified,also include compliance with/supply of the following:

    i) General works such as setting out, clearance of site before settingout and clearance of works after completion;

    ii) A detailed programme for the construction and completion of the work(using CPM/PERT techniques) giving, in addition to constructionactivities, detailed network activities for the submission and approvalof materials, procurement of critical materials and equipment,fabrication of special products/equipment and their installation andtesting, for all activities of the Engineer/Employer that are likely toaffect the progress of work, etc., including updating of all such activitieson the basis of the decisions taken at the periodic site reviewmeetings or as directed by the Engineer;

    iii) Samples of various materials proposed to be used on the Works forconducting tests thereon as required as per the provisions of theContract;

    iv) Cost of laying trial stretches;v) Design of mixes as per the relevant Sections of the Specifications

    giving proportions of ingredients, sources of aggregates and binderalong with accompanying trial mixes as per the relevant Sections ofthese Specifications to the submitted to the Engineer for his approvalbefore use on the Works;

    vi) Detailed design calculations and drawings for all Temporary Works(such as form-work, staging, centering, specialized constructionalhandling and launching equipment and the like);

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    General Section 100

    vii) Detailed drawings for templates, support and end anchorage, detailsfor pre-stressing cable profiles, bar bending and cutting schedulesfor reinforcement, material lists for fabrication of structural steel, etc;

    viii) Mill test reports for all mild and high tensile steel and cast steel asper the relevant provisions of the Specifications;

    ix) Testing of various finished items and materials including bitumen,cement, concrete, bearings as required under these Specificationsand furnishing test reports/certificates;

    x) Inspection Reports in respect of formwork, staging, reinforcementand other items of work as per the relevant Specifications;

    xi) Any other data which may be required as per these Specifications orthe Conditions of Contract or any other annexures/schedules formingpart of the Contract;

    xii) Any other item of work which is not specifically provided in the Bill ofQuantities but which is necessary for complying with the provisionsof the Contract;

    xiii) All temporary works, formwork and false work not included as separateitem in the BOQ;

    xiv) Establishing and running a laboratory with facilities for testing forvarious items or works as specified in Section 900 and other relevantSections;

    xv) Cost of in-built provisions for Quality Assurance;xvi) Cost of safeguarding the environment; andxvii) Cost of providing as-built drawings in original and two sets of prints.

    114.3 Portions of road works beyond the limits and/or any other work may be gotconstructed by the Employer directly through other agencies. Accordingly, other agenciesemployed by the Employer may be working in the vicinity of the Works being executed bythe Contractor. The Contractor shall liaise with such agencies and adjust his constructionprogramme for the completion of work accordingly and no claim or compensation due toany reason whatsoever will be entertained on this account. The Employer will be indemnifiedby the Contractor for any claims from other agencies on this account.


    115.1 Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the Contractor shall, within28 days after the date of the agreement unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, submitto the Engineer for approval, the detailed method statement. The method statement shallbe submitted in two parts.

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    Section 100 General

    115.2 The general part of the method statement shall describe the Contractorsproposals regarding preliminary works, common facilities and other items that requireconsideration at the early stage of the contract. The general part shall include informationon:

    a) Sources of materials like coarse aggregates and fine aggregates,quantity and quality of materials available in different sources;

    b) Sources of manufactured materials like bitumen, cement, steelreinforcement, pre-stressing strands and bearings etc. He shall alsosubmit samples/test certificates of materials for consideration of theEngineer;

    c) Locations of the site facilities such as batching plant, hot mix plant,crushing plant, aggregate processing unit etc;

    d) Details of facilities available for transportation of men/material andequipments;

    e) Information on procedure to be adopted by the Contractor forprevention and mitigation of negative environmental impact due toconstruction activities;

    f) Safety and traffic arrangement during construction:g) Any other information required by the Engineer.

    The general part of the QA programme under sub-Section 105.3 shall accompany themethod statement.

    115.3 Special part of the method statement shall be submitted to the Engineer bythe Contractor for each important item of work as directed by the Engineer. The statementshall be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the commencement of the activity ofitem of work unless otherwise stipulated in the contract. The statement shall give informationon:

    a) Details of the personnel both for execution and quality control of thework;

    b) Equipment deployment with details of the number of units, capacity,standby arrangement;

    c) Sequence of construction and details of temporary or enabling workslike diversion, cofferdam, formwork including specialized formworkfor superstructure, details of borrow areas, method of construction of

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    General Section 100

    embankment, sub-grade and pavement, pile concreting, proprietaryprocesses and products and equipments to be deployed. Whereverrequired technical literature, design calculations and drawings shallbe included in the method statement;

    d) Testing and acceptance procedure including documentation;e) The special part of the QA programme under sub-Section 105.3 for

    the particular item of work shall accompany the method statementfor the concerned activity.

    The Engineer shall examine and approve the method statement with the requiredmodifications. The modified method statement if required shall be submitted within 14days of the receipt of the Engineers approval. The sole responsibility for adequacy andsafety of the method adopted by the Contractor shall rest on the Contractor irrespective ofany approval given by the Engineer.

    115.4 Approval of proprietary products/processes/systems.

    Within 90 days of the signing of agreement, the Contractor shall submit the followinginformation for all proprietary products, process or any other item proposed to be used inthe work, for approval of the Engineer.

    a) Name of the manufacturer and name of the product/ process/systemalong with authenticated copies of the license/collaborationagreement;

    b) General features of the product/process/system;c) Details of the product development and development testing;d) Acceptance test and criteria;e) Installation procedure;f) Maintenance procedure and schedule;g) Warranty proposal.

    The Engineer may order additional test for the purpose of acceptance. Additional chargesfor test, if any, for the product/process/system shall be borne by the Contractor.


    Where the terms crushed gravel/shingle, crushed stone, broken stone or stone aggregateappear in any part of the Tender Documents or Drawings issued for work, they refer tocrushed gravel/crushed shingle/crushed stone aggregate obtained from integrated crushing

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    Section 100 General

    plant having appropriate primary crusher, secondary cone crusher, vertical shaft impactorand vibratory screen unless specified otherwise.


    Approval of all sources of material for work shall be obtained in writing from the Engineerbefore their use on the works.


    Raw and processed samples of the mineral aggregates from the approved quarry shall besubmitted by the Contractor at his cost.


    119.1 Ordinarily, no construction traffic shall be allowed on pavement underconstruction unless authorized by the Engineer. Even in that case, the load and intensity ofconstruction traffic should be so regulated that no damage is caused to the sub-grade orpavement layers already constructed. Where necessary, service roads shall be constructedfor this purpose and the same shall be considered as incidental to the work.

    119.2 The wheels or the tracks of plant moving over the various pavement coursesshall be kept free of deleterious materials.

    119.3 Bituminous base course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated as long asthe same remains uncovered by a wearing course or surface treatment. The only trafficpermitted access to the base course shall be that engaged in laying and compacting thewearing course or that engaged on such surface treatment where the base course is to beblinded and/or surface dressed. Should the base course or tack coat on the base coursebecome contaminated, the Contractor shall make good by clearing it to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer, and if this is impracticable, by removing the layer and replacing it toSpecifications without any extra cost to the Employer.


    120.1 Scope

    The work covers the provision and maintenance of an adequately equipped field laboratoryas required for site control on the quality of materials and the works.

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    General Section 100

    120.2 Description

    The Contractor shall arrange to provide fully furnished and adequately equipped fieldlaboratory. The field laboratory shall preferably be located adjacent to the site office of theEngineer and provided with amenities like water supply, electric supply etc. as for the siteoffice of the Engineer in Section 120.2.

    The floor space for the field laboratory shall include space for the storage of samples. Theremaining space shall be provided for the installation of equipment, laboratory tables andcup boards, working space for carrying out various laboratory tests, besides a wash basin,toilet facility and a curing tank for the curing of samples, around 4 m x 2 m x 1 m in size anda fume chamber. Wooden/concrete working table with a working platform area of about1m x 10 m shall be provided against the walls, also providing wooden cupboards aboveand below the working tables to store accessories such as, sample moulds etc. Atleast 4racks of slotted angles and M.S. sheets the size 1800 mm x 900 mm x 375 mm and atleast6 stools for laboratory test operators of Godrej or equivalent make shall also be provided.

    120.3 Laboratory Equipment

    For the purpose of establishing laboratory, projects are categorized under followingcategories:

    a) Projects costing Rs 100 crore and above: and

    b) Projects costing less than Rs 100 crore.

    The items of laboratory equipment shall be provided in the field laboratory dependingupon the items to be executed as per Table 100-2:

    Table 100-2 List of Laboratory Equipments

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    A GENERAL1 Weigh Balances

    a) 7 kg to 10 kg capacity semi-self indicating type Accuracy 1 gm 1 No 2 Nos

    b) 500 gm capacitysemiself indicatingElectronic Type Accuracy 0.01 gm 1 No 2 Nos

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    Section 100 General

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    c) Pan balance 5 kg capacity Accuracy 0.5 gm 1 No 3 Nosd) Platform scale300 kg capacity 1 No 1 Noe) Chemical Balance 100 gm Capacity-

    accuracy 0.001 1 No2 Oven-electrically operated, thermostatically controlled

    (including thermometer), stainless steel interioa) From 100C to 220C Sensitivity 1C 1 No 1 No

    3 Sieves : as per IS:460-1962a) I.S. sieves 450 mm internal dia of sieve sets as

    per BIS of required sieve sizes complete with lidand pan 1 set 2 sets

    b) IS sieve 200 mm internal dia (brass frame andsteel/or brass wire cloth mesh) consisting of sievesets of required sieve sizes complete with lidand pan 2 sets 2 sets

    4 Sieve shaker capable of taking 200 mm and 450 mmdia sieves-electrically operated with time switchassembly (As per IS) 1 No 1 No

    5 200 tonnes compression testing machine 1 No 1 No6 Stop watches 1/5 sec. accuracy 1 No 2 Nos

    7 Glassware comprising beakers, pipettes, dishes,measuring cylinders (100 to 1000 cc capacity) glassrods and funnels, glass thermometers range 0Cto 100C and metallic thermometers rangeup to 300C. As req 1 Doz

    8 Hot plates 200 mm dia (1500 watt.) 1 No 2 Nos9 Enamel trays

    a) 600 mm x 450 mm x 50 mm 2 Nos 6 Nosb) 450 mm x 300 mm x 40 mm 2 Nos 6 Nosc) 300 mm x 250 mm x 40 mm 2 Nos 6 Nos

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    General Section 100

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    d) Circular plates of 250 mm dia 2 Nos 6 Nos

    10 Water Testing Kit 1 No 1 NoB FOR SOILS1 Water still 1 No

    2 Liquid limit device with ASTM grooving toolsas per IS:2720 1 No 2 Nos

    3 Sampling pipettes fitted with pressure and suction inlets, 10 ml. Capacity 1 set 1 set

    4 Compaction apparatus (proctor) as per IS:2720(Part 7) complete with collar, base plate and hammerand all other accessories 1 No 2 Nos

    5 Modified AASHTO Compaction apparatus as perIS:2720 (Part 8) 1974 or Heavy CompactionApparatus as per IS complete with collar, base platehammer and all other accessories. 1 No 2 Nos

    6 Sand pouring cylinder with conical funnel and tapand complete as per IS:2720 (Part 28 ) 1974including modern equipment. 2 Nos 6 Nos

    7 Sampling tins with lids 100 mm dia x 75 mm ht. kg capacity and miscellaneous items likemoisture tins with lid 50 grams etc. 4 Nos 24 Nos

    8 Lab CBR testing equipment for conducting 1 Set 1 SetCBR testing, load frame with 5 Tonne capacity,electrically operated with speed control as per IS 2720 (Part 16) and consisting of following:a) CBR moulds 150 mm dia 175 mm ht.

    Complete with collar, base plate etc.b) Tripod stands for holding dial gauge holderc) CBR plunger with settlement dial gauge holderd) Surcharge weight 147 mm dia 2.5 kg wt.

    With central hole

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    Section 100 General

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    e) Spacers disc 148 mm dia 47.7 mm ht. With handlef) Perforated plate (Brass)g) Soaking tank for accommodating 6 CBR mouldsh)

    Proving rings of 1000kg, 2500kg capacityi) Dial gauges 25 mm travel 0.01 mm/division

    9 Standard penetration test equipment 1 No 2 Nos

    10 Nuclear moisture Density meter or equivalent 1 No

    11 Speedy moisture meter complete with chemicals 1 No 2 Nos

    12 Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus 1 No 1 No


    1 Constant temperature bath for accommodatingbitumen test specimen, electrically operated, andthermostatically controlled 1 No 1 No

    2 Penetrometer automatic type, including adjustableweight arrangement and needles as perIS:1203-1958 1 No 1 No

    3 Soxhlet extraction or centrifuge type apparatuscomplete with extraction thimbles with solventand filter paper 1 No 1 No

    4 Bitumen laboratory mixer including requiredaccessories 1 No 1 No

    5 Marshall compaction apparatus automaticallyoperated as per ASTM 1559-62 T completewith accessories 1 set 1 set

    6 Distant reading thermometer 1 No

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    General Section 100

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    7 Rifle box 1 No

    8 Automatic Asphlat content Meter 1 No

    9 Thin film over test apparatus for modifiedbinder either with PMB or CRMB 1 set

    10 Mastic Asphalt Hardness testing equipment 1 set

    11 Sand Equivalent test apparatus 1 set 1 set

    12 Core cutting machine suitable for upto 150 mmdia core 1 set 1 set

    13 Thermometers 4 sets 4 sets


    1 Water still 1 No 1 No

    2 Vicat needle apparatus for setting time with plungersas per IS:269-1967 1 No 1 No

    3 Mouldsa) 150 mm x 300 mm ht. Cylinder with

    capping component along with the capping setand compound as per IS As req As req

    b) Cube 150 mm, and 100 mm (each size) As req As req4 Concrete permeability apparatus 1 No

    5 High frequency mortar cube vibrator for cementtesting 1 No

    6 Concrete mixer power driven, 1 cu.ft. capacity 1 No

    7 Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating tablesize 1 m x 1 m as per the relevant British Standard 1 No

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    Section 100 General

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    8 Flakiness index test apparatus 1 No 1 No

    9 Aggregate impact test apparatus asper IS:2386 (Part 4) 1963 1 No 1 No

    10 Los-Angeles abrasion test apparatus asper IS:2386 (Part 4) 1963 1 No 1 No

    11 Flow table as per IS:712-1973 1 No

    12 Equipment for slump test 1 No 4 Nos

    13 Equipment for determination of specific gravityfor fine and coarse aggregate as perIS:2386 (Part 3) 1963 1 No 4 Nos

    14 Compression and Flexural strength testingmachine of 200 T capacity with additionaldial for flexural testing 1 No 1 No

    15 Core cutting machine with 10 cm diadiamond cutting edge 1 No 2 Nos

    16 Needle vibrator 2 Nos 4 Nos

    17 Air entrainment meter 1 No

    18 0.5 Cft, 1 Cft cylinder for checking bulk densityof aggregate with tamping rod As req As req

    19 Soundness testing apparatus for cement( Lee chattier) 1 set 1 set


    1 Total Station 1 No 1 No

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    General Section 100

    Sl. Name Project ProjectNo costing costing

    less than Rs 100 CrRs 100 Cr or more

    2 Precision automatic level with micrometerattachment 1 set 2 sets

    3 Distomat or equivalent 1 set 1 set

    4 Theodolite Electronically operated withcomputerised output attachment 1 set 1 set

    5 Precision staff 2 sets 3 sets

    6 3 meter straight edge and measuring wedge 1 set 1 set

    7 Camber template 2 Lanea) Crown type cross-section 1 set 1 setb) Straight run cross-section 2 sets 2 sets

    8 Steel tapea) 5 m long 2 sets 2 setsb) 10 m long 2 sets 2 setsc) 20 m long 2 sets 2 setsd) 30 m long 2 sets 2 setse) 50 m long 1 set 2 sets

    Note : The items and their numbers listed above in this Section shall be decided by theEngineer as per requirements of the Project and modified accordingly.

    120.4 Ownership

    The field laboratory building and equipment shall be the property of the Contractor. TheEmployer and the Engineer shall have free access to the laboratory during constructionand defects liability period of the Contract.

    120.5 Maintenance

    The Contractor shall arrange to maintain the field laboratory in a satisfactory manner untilthe issue of Taking Over Certificate for the complete work. Maintenance includes all activitiesdescribed in Section 120.4.

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    Section 100 General

    120.6 Rate

    Provision and maintenance of the field laboratory is not a payable item as it is incidental tothe work.


    121.1 Scope

    The work covers the supply digital record of project events in digital format (DVD/FlashDrive) including coloured photographs mounted on albums to serve as a permanent recordof the work needed for an authentic documentation, as approved by the Engineer.

    121.2 Description

    The Contractor shall provide the following project records in digital format (DVD/FlashDrive) as directed by the Engineer :

    i) Record of work in each workfront : It shall cover the status of eachworkfront before start of work, during various stages of constructionand after completion duly including the arrangements made (day &night) for traffic during construction (This shall be need based or asdirected by the Engineer);

    ii) Record of quarry sites, plant sites, camp sites including labour camps,haul roads, access roads, etc. on quarterly basis;

    iii) Record of all accidents on project road/ various sites (quarry, plant,camp, etc.)

    The record shall be taken by a professional with a digital camera capable of taking still aswell as video images having the facility to record the date and the background commentary.The Contractor shall keep separate discs/drives, one with the Engineer and the other withthe Employer and update the data in these discs/drives on monthly basis. Separately, avideo (in digital format) of maximum one hour duration covering interesting and novelfeatures of the work duly editing the above master disc/drive shall also be maintained, onecopy each kept with the Engineer and the Employer and updated on monthly basis. Allrecording shall be done in the presence of the Engineers Representative who will certifyin writing the recording.

    121.3 Measurements for Payment

    Supply of two copies of all digital records as above and colour record photographs mounted

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    General Section 100

    in the albums project shall be measured as one item for the project.

    Supply of additional prints of colour record photograph if requested shall be measured innumber of additional prints supplied.

    121.4 Rate

    Supply of project record in digital format in two copies (one for the Engineer and the otherfor the Employeer) including video recordings updated on monthly basis throughout theconstruction period shall be measured as one single item.

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    Section 100 General

  • 200

    Site Clearance

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    Section 200 Site Clearance

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    Site Clearance Section 200


    201.1 Scope

    This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees,bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm inthickness, rubbish etc., which in the opinion of the Engineer are unsuitable for incorporationin the works, from the area of road land containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such other areas as may be specified on the drawings or by theEngineer. It shall include necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprootingof trees and stumps to required compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of clearedmaterials with all leads and lights. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advanceof earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications.

    201.2 Preservation of Property/Amenities

    Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings,pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are notto be disturbed shall be protected from injury or damage. The Contractor shall provideand install at his own cost, suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose.

    During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions againstsoil erosion, water pollution, etc., and where required, undertake additional works to thateffect vide Clause 306. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to theEngineer for approval, his work plan including the procedure to be followed for disposal ofwaste materials, etc., and the schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosioncontrol works as stipulated in Clause 306.3.

    201.3 Methods, Tools and Equipment

    Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer and which willnot affect the property to be preserved shall be adopted for the Work. If the area has thickvegetation/roots/trees, a crawler or pneumatic tyred dozer of adequate capacity may beused for clearance purposes. The dozer shall have ripper attachments for removal of treestumps. All trees, stumps, etc., falling within excavation and fill lines shall be cut to suchdepth below ground level that in no case these fall within 500 mm of the subgrade. Also, allvegetation such as roots, under-growth, grass and other deleterious matter unsuitable forincorporation in the embankment/subgrade shall be removed between fill lines to thesatisfaction of the Engineer. All branches of trees extending above the roadway shall betrimmed as directed by the Engineer.

    All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees, stumps,etc., shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make thesurface at these points conform to the surrounding area.

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    Section 200 Site Clearance

    Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct freesubsoil water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres,shall be suitably treated.

    201.4 Disposal of Materials

    All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be taken over and shallbe disposed of by the Contractor with all leads and lifts. The rates deemed to includecredit towards value of usable materials and salvage value of unusable materials. The off-set price of cut trees and stumps as per guidelines/ estimates of State Forest Departmentshall be deducted from the amount due to the Contractor and deposited with the StateForest Department. The rate is deemed to account for this off-set price also.

    201.5 Measurements for Payment

    Clearing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage structures shallbe measured on area basis in terms of hectares. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areasshall be deemed to be a part of works preparatory to embankment construction and shallbe deemed to have been included in the rates quoted for the embankment constructionitem and no separate payment shall be made for the same. Cutting of trees upto 300 mmin girth including removal of stumps and roots, and trimming of branches of treesextending above the roadway shall be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbingoperations.

    Cutting of trees, excluding removal of stumps and roots of trees of girth above 300 mmshall be measured in terms of number according to the sizes given below :-

    i) Above 300 mm to 600 mmii) Above 600 mm to 900 mmiii) Above 900 mm to 1800 mmiv) Above 1800 mm

    Removal of stumps and roots including backfilling with suitable material to requiredcompaction shall be a separate item and shall be measured in terms of number accordingto the sizes given below:-

    i) Above 300 mm to 600 mmii) Above 600 mm to 900 mmiii) Above 900 mm to 1800 mmiv) Above 1800 mm

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    Site Clearance Section 200

    For the purpose of cutting of trees and removal of roots and stumps, the girth shall bemeasured at a height of 1 metre above ground or at the top of the stump if the height of thestump is less than one metre from the ground.

    201.6 Rates

    201.6.1 The Contract unit rates for the various items of clearing and grubbing shallbe payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation forall labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work.These will also include removal of stumps of trees less than 300 mm girth excavation andback-filling to required density, where necessary, and handling, giving credit towards salvagevalue disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and leads. Ground levels shall betaken prior to and after clearing and grubbing. Levels taken prior to clearing and grubbingshall be the base level and will be accordingly used for computation of quantity of materialarising due to clearing and grubbing, including the computation of unsuitable material, ifany, which may be required to be removed as per the approval of the Engineer. The levelstaken subsequent to clearing and grubbing shall be the base level for computation ofearthwork for embankment. Clearing and grubbing shall be restricted to 150 mm only forpayment purpose.Where clearing and grubbing is done a level beyond 150 mm, the excessexcavation shall be made good as per Clause 301.3.3 and 301.6 to thesatisfaction of the Engineer prior to taking up earthwork. This shall not be paid and shallbe treated as part of clearing and grubbing.

    201.6.2 The Contract unit rate for cutting trees of girth above 300 mm shall includehandling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of the cleared materials with alllifts and leads.

    201.6.3 The Contract unit rate for removal of stumps and roots of trees girth above300 mm shall include excavation and backfilling with suitable material to requiredcompaction, handling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of the clearedmaterials with all lifts and leads.

    201.6.4 The Contract unit rate is deemed to include credit towards value of usablematerials and salvage value of unusable materials. The off-set price of cut trees andstumps as per guidelines/ estimates of State Forest Department shall be deducted fromthe amount due to the Contractor and deposited with the State Forest Department. Therate is deemed to account for this off-set price also.

    201.6.5 Where a Contract does not include separate items of clearing andgrubbing, the same shall be considered incidental to the earthwork items and the Contractunit prices for the same shall be considered as including clearing and grubbingoperations.

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    Section 200 Site Clearance


    202.1 Scope

    This work shall consist of dismantling and removing existing culverts, bridges, pavements,kerbs and other structures like guard-rails, fences, utility services, manholes, catch basins,inlets, etc., from the right of way which in the opinion of the Engineer interfere with theconstruction of road or are not suitable to remain in place, and of giving credit towardssalvage value disposing of the surplus/unsuitable materials including those remainingafter back filling the resulting trenches and pits.

    Existing culverts, bridges, pavements and other structures which are within the highwayand which are designated for removal, shall be removed upto the limits and extent specifiedin the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer.

    Dismantling and removal operations shall be carried out with such equipment and in sucha manner as to leave undisturbed, adjacent pavement, structures and any other work to beleft in place.

    All operations necessary for the removal of any existing structure which might endangernew construction shall be completed prior to the start of new work.

    202.2 Dismantling Culverts and Bridges

    The structures shall be dismantled carefully and the resulting materials so removed as notto cause any damage to the part of the structure to be retained and any other properties orstructures nearby.

    Unless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts/bridges shall be entirelyremoved and other parts removed below the ground level or as necessary dependingupon the interference they cause to the new construction. Removal of overlying or adjacentmaterial, if required in connection with the dismantling of the structures, shall be incidentalto this item.

    Where existing culverts/bridges are to be extended or otherwise incorporated in the newwork, only such part or parts of the existing structure shall be removed as are necessaryand directed by the Engineer to provide a proper connection of the new work. Theconnecting edges shall be cut, chipped and trimmed to the required lines and gradeswithout weakening or damaging any part of the structure to be retained. Due care shouldbe taken to ensure that reinforcing bars which are to be left in place so as to project intothe new work as dowels or ties are not injured during removal of concrete.

    Pipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to thepipes.

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    Site Clearance Section 200

    Steel structures shall, unless otherwise provided, be carefully dismantled in such a manneras to avoid damage to members thereof. If specified in the drawings or directed by theEngineer that the structure is to be removed in a condition suitable for re-erection, allmembers shall be match-marked by the Contractor with white lead print beforedismantling; end pins, nuts, loose plates, etc. shall be similarly marked to indicate theirproper location; all pins, pin holes and machined surfaces shall be painted with a mixtureof white lead and tallow and all loose parts shall be securely wired to adjacent members orpacked in boxes.

    Timber structures shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to such timberor lumber having salvage value as is designated by the Engineer.

    202.3 Dismantling Pavements and Other Structures

    In removing pavements, kerbs, gutters, and other structures like guard-rails, fences,manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc., where portions of the existing construction are to beleft in the finished work, the same shall be removed to an existing joint or cut and chippedto a true line with a face perpendicular to the surface of the existing structure. Sufficientremoval shall be made to provide for proper grades and connections with the new work asdirected by the Engineer.

    All concrete pavements, base courses in carriageway and shoulders etc., designated forremoval shall be broken to pieces whose volume shall not exceed 0.02 cu.m. and usedwith the approval of the Engineer or disposed of.

    202.4 Back-filling

    Holes and depressions caused by dismantling operations shall be backfilled with excavatedor other approved materials and compacted to required density as directed by the Engineer.

    202.5 Disposal of Materials

    All surplus materials shall be taken over by the Contractor which may either be re-usedwith the approval of the Engineer or disposed of with all leads and lifts.

    202.6 Measurements for Payment

    The work of dismantling shall be paid for in units indicated below by taking measurementsbefore and after, as applicable:

    i) Dismantling brick/stone masonry/ cu.mconcrete (plain and reinforced)

    ii) Dismantling flexible and cement cu.mconcrete pavement

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    Section 200 Site Clearance

    iii) Dismantling steel structures tonne

    iv) Dismantling timber structures cu.m

    v) Dismantling pipes, guard rails, kerbs, inear mgutters and fencing

    vi) Utility services No.

    202.7 Rates

    The Contract unit rates for the various items of dismantling shall be paid in full for carryingout the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools,equipment, safeguards and incidentals necessary to complete the work. These will alsoinclude excavation and backfilling where necessary to the required compaction and forhandling, giving credit towards salvage value disposing of dismantled materials with alllifts and leads.

    The rates deemed to include crdit towards value of usable materials and salvage value ofunusable materials.

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    Earthwork, ErosionControl and Drainage

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    Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage

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    Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300


    301.1 Scope

    This work shall consist of excavation, removal and disposal of materials necessary for theconstruction of roadway, side drains and waterways in accordance with requirements ofthese Specifications and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown in the drawings oras indicated by the Engineer. The cut material may be taken away by the Contractor forre-use or disposal. Hence, the scope shall include the a giving credit for suitable cutmaterials as also the salvage value and disposal of unsuitable cut materials in specifiedmanner, trimming and finishing of the road to specified dimensions or as directed by theEngineer.

    301.2 Classification of Excavated Material

    301.2.1 Classification : All materials involved in excavation shall be classified bythe Engineer in the following manner:

    a) Soil :This shall comprise topsoil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black-cotton soil, soft shale or loose moorum, a mixture of these and similarmaterial which yield to the ordinary application of pick, spade and/orshovel, rake or other ordinary digging equipment. Removal of gravelor any other modular material having dimension in any one directionnot exceeding 75 mm shall be deemed to be covered under thiscategory.

    b) Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) This shall include :i) rock types such as laterites, shales and conglomerates,

    varieties of limestone and sandstone etc., which may bequarried or split with crow bars, also including any rock whichin dry state may be hard, requiring blasting but which, whenwet, becomes soft and manageable by means other thanblasting;

    jj) macadam surfaces such as water bound and bitumen/tarbound; soling or roads, paths, etc. and hard core; compactmoorum or stabilized soil requiring grafting tool or pick or bothand shovel, closely applied; gravel and cobble stone

    iii) lime concrete, stone masonry in lime mortar and brick work inlime/cement mortar below ground level, reinforced cementconcrete which may be broken up with crow bars or picks andstone masonry in cement mortar below ground level; and

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    Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage

    iv) boulders which do not require blasting found lying loose onthe surface or embedded in river bed, soil, talus, slope washand terrace material or dissimilar origin.

    c) Hard Rock (requiring blasting)This shall comprise :

    i) any rock or cement concrete for the excavation of which theuse of mechanical plant and/or blasting is required,

    ii) reinforced cement concrete (reinforcement cut through but notseparated from the concrete) below ground level; and

    iii) boulders requiring blasting.d) Hard Rock (using controlled blasting) : Hard rock requiring blasting

    as described under (d) but where controlled blasting is to be cariedout locations where built-up area, huts, abodes of people and livestockat within 200 m.

    e) Hard Rock (blasting prohibited)Hard rock requiring blasting as described under (d) but where blastingis prohibited for any reason like people living within 20 m of blastsites etc. and excavation has to be carried out by chiseling, wedgingor any other agreed method.

    f) Marshy soilThis shall include soils like soft clays and peats excavated below theoriginal ground level of marshes and swamps and soils excavatedfrom other areas requiring continuous pumping or bailing out of water.

    301.2.2 Authority for classification : The classification of excavation shall bedecided by the Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.Merely the use of explosives in excavation will not be considered as a reason for higherclassification unless blasting is clearly necessary in the opinion of the Engineer.

    301.3 Construction Operations

    301.3.1 Setting out : After the site has been cleared as per Clause 200, the limitsof excavation shall be set out true to lines, curves, slopes, grades and sections as shownon the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide all labour,survey instruments and materials such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, lime,mortar, concrete, etc., required in connection with the setting out of works and theestablishment of bench marks. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenanceof bench marks and other marks and stakes as long as in the opinion of the Engineer, theyare required for the works.

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    Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage Section 300

    301.3.2 Stripping and storing topsoil : When so directed by the Engineer, thetopsoil existing over the sites of excavation shall be stripped to specified depths constitutingHorizon A and stockpiled at designated locations for re-use in covering embankmentslopes, cut slopes, berms and other disturbed areas where re-vegetation is desired. Priorto stripping the topsoil, all trees, shrubs etc. shall be removed along with their roots, withapproval of the Engineer.

    301.3.3 Excavation General : All excavations shall be carried out in conformitywith the directions laid here-in-under and in a manner approved by the Engineer. Thework shall be so done that the suitable materials available from excavation are satisfactorilyutilized as decided upon beforehand and suitable credit towards the cost of re-usablematerial and salvage value of unsuitable material shall be given by the Contractor whilequoting the rates.

    While planning or executing excavations, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautionsagainst soil erosion, water pollution etc. as per Clause 306, and take appropriate drainagemeasures to keep the site free of water in accordance with Clause 311.

    The excavations shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on thedrawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not excavate outside thelimits of excavation. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth/width excavatedbeyond the specified levels/dimensions on the drawings shall be made good at the cost ofthe Contractor with suitable material of characteristics similar to that removed andcompacted to the requirements of Clause 305.

    All debris and loose material on the slopes of cuttings shall be removed. No backfillingshall be allowed to obtain required slopes excepting that when boulders or soft materialsare encountered in cut slopes, these shall be excavated to approved depth on instructionsof the Engineer and the resulting cavities filled with suitable material and thoroughlycompacted in an appropriate manner.

    After excavation, the sides of excavated area shall be trimmed and the area contoured tominimize erosion and ponding, allowing for natural drainage to take place.

    301.3.4 Methods, tools and equipment : Only such methods, tools and equipmentas approved by the Engineer shall be adopted/used in the work. If so desired by theEngineer, the Contractor shall demonstrate the efficacy of the type of equipment to beused before the commencement of work. Recommended equipments for different materialsare indicated in Table 300-1.

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    Section 300 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage

    Table 300-1 Recommended Equipment

    Type of Excavation Recommended equipments

    Excavation in rock Hydraulic excavator with rock breaker or Jackhammer operated with air compressor

    Marsh excavation Slurry pump and hydraulic excavatorRemoval of earth Hydraulic excavatorSmall excavation Backhoe loaderAreas where vibrations are prohibited Silent cracking

    301.3.5 Rock excavation : Rock, when encountered in road excavation, shall beremoved upto the formation level or as otherwise indicated in the drawings. Where, however,unstable shales or other unsuitable materials are encountered at the formation level, theseshall be excavated to the extent of 500 mm below the formation level or as otherwisespecified. In all cases, the excavation operations shall be so carried out that at no point oncut formations the rock protrudes above the specified levels. Rocks and large boulderswhich are likely to cause differential settlement and also local drainage problems shall beremoved to the extent of 500 mm below the formation level in the formation width includingdrains and cut through the side drain.

    Where excavation is done to levels lower than those specified, the excess excavationshall be made good as per Clauses 301.3.3 and 301.6 to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

    Slopes in rock cutting shall be finished to uniform lines corresponding to slope lines shownon the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all loosepieces of rock on excavated slope surface which move when pierced by a crowbar shallbe removed.

    Where blasting is to be resorted to, the same shall be carried out as per Clause 302 andall precautions indicated therein observed.

    Where presplitting is prescribed to be done for the establishment of a specified slope inrock excavation, the same shall be carried out as per Clause 303