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JULY 2014 TIMES NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. Each year Morris sites hold special events to celebrate NAIDOC, from themed bush tucker menus to decorating dining halls with Indigenous flags.
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Page 1: Morris Times July 2014

JULY 2014


NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. Each year Morris sites hold special events to celebrate NAIDOC, from themed bush tucker menus to decorating dining halls with Indigenous flags.

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JULY 2014


Acknowledging NAIDOC - What it means to me. “To have all nationalities celebrate the meaning of NAIDOC means a lot to Indigenous Australians in acknowledging and reconciling this Great Nation of Ours. Myself, George and Thelma from Kenya Village; Bernice and Michael at Condabri; Jason at Wilga Park and Kelli and Annette from Reedy Creek would like to thank our village managers, teams and clients for acknowledging and celebrating NAIDOC 2014 on the sites we work on. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all other sites in the Surat Basin who put Bush Tucker on their menu during the week of NAIDOC.

~ Frances BlowMorris Indigenous Mentor, Surat Basin

COLLINSVILLE AND RAVENSWOOD SERVE A BUSH TUCKER INSPIRED MENURavenswood and Collinsville celebrated by decorating the dining halls and created a bush tucker inspired menu to celebrate the occasion. On the menu was a selection of Indigenous inspired dishes such as Crocodile stir fry with Quandong berries, Barramundi with lemon pepper rub, Emu sausages with bush tomato chutney, and Kangaroo with wattleseed rub. Great work on the effort put in by these sites.

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JULY 2014


MORRIS HAVE A BALL IN CHINCHILLAEach year the Chinchilla Rotary Club hosts a charity ball to raise funds for various charity organisations. This year the Rotary Club partnered with Morris to raise funds for farmers ravaged by drought.

Morris, who contributed staff and the catering services for the event, received recognition by the Chinchilla Rotary Club as a key participant in setting up catering facilities and serving fantastic food. Morris also provided an invaluable opportunity for the Chinchilla high school hospitality students to learn hospitality skills from the best, Mark Cumbania Head Chef of Base Camp Chinchilla. The eager students arrived at 3pm to learn from one of our own, how to make sushi and prepare canapés for the evening.

Head Office volunteer, Dominic Kanongara said “Morris received remarkable compliments on the food we prepared and served. The food displays and table set-up that Kim, our village manager and her team presented were stunning and they showcased the Morris spirit of creating welcoming customer experiences. This was also evident in the crowd’s appreciation, hearing whispers as we mingled among them with trays of delicious food.”

Base Camp Village Manager, Kim MacElroy said “The night was a great success and a great effort was put in by all who attended.”

With special thanks to Kim MacElroy’s expertise and efficiency in managing her dedicated team the Rotary Ball was an impressive event. Morris employees, from Brisbane Head Office, had the privilege of joining forces with various ESB site teams, to work behind the scenes at this popular Chinchilla Ball.

The Rotary club members accredited Morris for the success of the occasion and displayed their appreciation for the delivery of such fantastic food and warm service. Anthony from Head Office said, “The Head-Office team had a little taste of what it is it like to perform one of the core duties that Morris is renowned. In between clearing tables and washing up duties many good laughs were shared behind the scenes.” Special thanks to Denise from Windibri, Lisa from Kenya, Andrew from MGG, Mick from Condabri, Head Office staff Claudia, Cathy, Dominic and Anthony and Chef’s Mark and Stephen who contributed to making the night such a success. Well done to Kim and the dedicated team from Base Camp Chinchilla on yet another successful event.

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JULY 2014


We want your recipes. We are approaching Spring and we are putting the call out for you to contribute your recipes to be part of the new site Spring Menu. Email your ideas to [email protected] the Morris Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest Morris news.

Morris Facebook Page!

Melanie (Mel) commenced with us as the Apprentice Training Coordinator in January of this year. Mel approaches all tasks with enthusiasm and a high

achievement focus and demonstrates the Morris value to ‘Succeed through Teamwork’ in the endless work she does with our Track to Triumph Pro-

gramme. Mel completes much of the background administration work to ensure the Track to Triumph and other programmes are a success, which

involves many after hours phone calls to sort through challenges. She has taken our two new Indigenous School Based Trainees under her wing, and spends much of her personal time guiding them and ensuring they feel in-

cluded. Mel is always a team player and happy to take on any task to ensure our projects succeed.


ALSO NOMINATED: Melinda Hancock – Assistant Village Manager – Ravenswood

George Bone – Cleaning Utility , Kenya

Jai Duke – Grounds Utility, Base Camp, Chinchilla

Cathie Boyd – Cook, Nyngan

I had a different State of Origin series this year with all the Morris Maroon fans going quiet as I watched my son-in-law Ryan Hoffman play the game of his life in Sydney to break the record breaking Queensland series win run. He was voted Players’ Player by his team mates and was presented with the game ball signed by all.

Ryan became part of our family about 10 years ago and is married to my eldest daughter Melissa. Last year we welcomed the arrival of my grandson Zach. Sharon and I are proud of how they manage the pressure in the crazy world of the NRL and we help where we can. I try to get to as many games as possible.

Ryan is now back on the paddock with Melbourne Storm and is looking forward to playing out the season before heading to NZ to join the Warriors for his last NRL contract which is for three years. He has been at Storm since 2003 when he started with Billy and Cameron who are his closest mates. His achievements have been many including premierships, playing for the Kangaroos, a year with Wigan UK and of course lifting the SOO shield this month. It was a special moment for all of us.


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JULY 2014


The project will employ up to 4,500 workers at peak involving civil engineers, mechanical engineers, scaffolders, welders and pipe fitters, just to mention a few. The Morris role on this project consists mainly as construction site cleaners and waste management coordinators. Like most Morris employees, we are the ones that operate chiefly behind the scenes, working long, hard hours, mostly unnoticed, but extremely efficiently.

We have grown from our humble beginnings of a team of four, to our current size fourteen. Our team has received numerous awards since commencement including Crew of the Month, Supervision Awards and Employee of the Month awards. Morris is well regarded on this project and is held in high regard by the Client, JKC, and I’m really proud of our team.

By Stuart Froggatt, Ichthys Project ManagerMorris commenced at Ichthys around March last year (2013). The project’s aim, commissioned by Inpex, is to construct an LNG processing plant consisting of 2 x processing trains and associated auxiliaries, originally budgeted at around $34 billion. It is currently due to be completed around mid to late 2017 with the possibility of extending further should more trains be required.


Pictured above are some of the crew: Gary Kaeding (Cleaner), Marty Power (WMC), Annette Leedie (inaugural Cleaner), Sandy Maclannan (Cleaner), Jay Owen (Cleaner), Kristina Dorchimont (Cleaner), Ngaire Hamilton (Leading Hand), Ray Seeger (Cleaner), and, Rohan Varma (Asst Manager). Stuart Froggatt Project Manager (absent).

A refrigerated compactor was recently installed at Collinsville Village. Overnight, this has significantly improved the many risks posed with storage and removal of waste. The Collinsville Village and team has welcomed the new addition and have praised the ease of use and the many advantages of using this unit.

The unit is aesthetically appealing and has replaced several commercial skip bins that were needed. The Fridgepak is manufactured with a 50mm insulated double skinned interior. Temperature controls are adjustable to 3°C which will inhibit odour causing bacteria and minimise pest feral/native animal and vermin problems.

The risks of manual handling injuries have been reduced with the aid of a hydraulic wheelie bin lifter enclosed within a safety cage. The unit has several emergency stop buttons and magnetic controls in place to ensure the compactor will only work when the unit is closed, locked and safe to do so. The

compactor will reduce the need for the garbage truck to be onsite to remove rubbish from a scheduled weekly service to a monthly service. Thus reducing total costs and emissions, providing a more environmentally friendly waste management solution.

This time last year we were very pleased to be awarded the contract to provide catering and hospitality management to FMG Pilbara operations. To mark this occasion Morris sent 200 cupcakes and a personalised layer cake to the FMG corporate office in WA.


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JULY 2014


SITE SPOTLIGHT Yandi, Head of Department Team

Allison (Ally) is our straight down the line assistant village manager. Ally leads by example and is often seen out and about helping other departments where needed. From housekeeping to the kitchen and maintenance on truck day. You can go to Ally with any question or issue and she always does her best to help you out or point you in the right direction. Ally commenced her career with Morris by working in the kitchen. Following some training Ally moved to HSEQ advisor and after some time in the HSE Department in the Head Office, has worked her way up to the assistant village manager role. Ally is a good role model for the team who has proven that hard work and dedication really does pay off.

Our very own Irish HLC lad – Anthony started as a relief HLC, relief kitchen hand, relief housekeeper early 2013. He is clearly a ‘jack of all trades’, and has worked hard to master them all. His calling though, has been with the permanent role of Yandi HLC.What is a typical day for Anthony?• Conduct gym inductions• Clean the gym• Deliver the site hydration station to the external contractors (C’mon mate let’s rehydrate)•Manage his Friday night Anthony’s chipper; Saturday night chase the ace and whatever other site social activity that is occurring. So if you were to ask the question ‘Are we sure Anthony is the HLC for us’, you would definitely respond with ‘to be sure, to be sure, to be sure!’

WANT TO PUT A SPOTLIGHT ON YOUR SITE?Email your articles in, and don’t forget to email photos to be included in the Morris Times.

Joshua Gall. The Man, The Legend, our Maintenance Supervisor! Josh has been with us at Yandi since December 2013 and in that time has made his mark not only within Morris but site wide. Josh has proven how valuable he is to us by leading the maintenance department in an efficient direction. His can do attitude ensures that he handles all requests a breeze. On the ground, administration wise he really has it all and it’s all done perfectly! Socially, Josh and his trademark mullet are always kicking goals. All of the residents have warmed up to this friendly character especially his hosting during RDO activities. This guy is on the ball professionally and as a friend. This guy is the kind you want to be representing Morris.