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THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1890-ETGHT PAGES. 5 OAKLAND MEM-Elf. OAKLAND HEAL ESTATE. ATniANFAGENcT^ADVERTISEM^ AND subscriptions received at tbe Oakland Branch Offlce of Tub MoßNlNtr Call, 857 Broadway, near Seventh st. omce hours 9 p. St. ff. I'Ofl WILL PURCHASE A FIRST-CLASS «JP*i«)Ul/ ranch, 125 miles from San Francisco, on well-traveled stage road, about 13 miles from rail- road; pood stopping place for hotel, bar-room and store: Improvements: 5-room house, withbar-room, barn and outhouses; 5000 vines and 200 fruit trees, all bearing: plenty of water: 150 acres clear land, etc.; terms, \u25a0:, cash, balance on long term at 7 i»i cent. Full particulars address Proprietor, yayjut*! Stables, cor. Eighth and Harrison -is., Oakli-itt lilt OOK. LOOK— WE ARE (I. USING OUT A/EW or the most elegant residence lots in the very heart of the best portion of Oakland at sarriaea prices; convenient to both trains; liberal terms: caU at once and see us. A.H. BREED A Co., 232 Mont- gomery St.. San Irani- JylOlit »n-|| JUST STOP AND SEE THESE LOTS; o^- , )''« close to the center of the city: near Broadway; only $250 per lot on easy terms IT sold this week: no such Ira-gains ever offered In Oak- land: secure one of them before they go as they are worth double the money, see owner. 11. B. FIN- NEY,468 Ninth St., near Broadway, oil'ce open till 8 o'clock every night. jyBlm •07= 11 A PAYING INVESTMEST-BOARD- ttpOtOl'. ing and lodging house of 12 rooms, bath aud basement, with lot 25x80: paying a clear profit of $150 per nionth to the owner: wdlbosold on easy terms: will show the property and give reason of selling, etc. ApplyE. W.WOODWARD A CO., 803 lit Away, Oakland. i :tl. jyBtf Qj.iri/j TO $500 EACH— A RAKE CHANCE FOR tj2<)UU a home on the heights; lots 40x160: com- manding a grand viewer San Francisco, Golden oate and 111 * hay cities: a new subdivision of the Glen Echo Tract: just put on the maket: street-can now pass the tract; terms only '_ rash, u.iiau c in monthly or quarterly payments; don't put Itoff. but get a choice location now. W. E. BARN A SOS. 433 Ninth St.. Oakland. jyBtt WILLIAM J. DINGEE—OAKLAND REAL KS- »* late for sale or exchange; office, Nos 460 and 462 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. ; send for illustrated price-list. |e24 tt "I OTS! LOTS! LOT'S '.— s3oo. $325, $350; LOTS Xj 40x135 feet; south Iroatage; only 3 blocks from Dwight way-station; local trains to San Praa- cisco: only 10 more left: come quick; easy termi; see owner. L.L. SALSBURY, 475 Ninth st., Oak- land. \u25a0 Jel7 lm a_('f\(\ SIDE-HILL LOT 300x100: SHKL- »*pUUU. tered: 8. frontage: $50 cash: $10 month- ly. CHAS. A BAILEY, owner, 624 Market. Jel9 tf YEW 2-STOKY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND Is bath; stone walks; lot 25x100; in a central location, near San Pablo aye. ; $3000; on easy tertna. Mcdonald _ camekus, 479 Ninth at., oak- land; , jelstf ' OAKLAND BOABOING AND BOOMS. WANTED— BY GENTLEMAN AND MOTHER, si rooms, board for lady. Address, stating terms, J. W. P.. 857 Broadway. Oakland. )vlO 4t« L*LEOANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY KOOMS TO Id rent with board: all modern conveniences; pri- vate family. 562 Eighth st., beL Clay and Jefferson, 1 block from local train. Jyls lm ARLINGTON HOUSE, 474 NINTH ST.» OAK- lantl First-class family boarding-house; two blocks fromlocal train. Jyl6 lm* i'I.F.I.ANT KOOMS, SINGLE OK EN SUITE AT A. the Albany. Fifteenth and Broadway, Oakland; one block from the narrow-gauge depot; table Isun- surpassed; elevator and artesian water: hrst-chiss In every way. O. A. MaUERHAN, l'ropr.etur.ll 3m WILSON HOUSE OPP. CITY HALL ELK- S' gant sunny rooms: reasonable rates; special at- tention given to the comfort of guests, both trau- stent and regular, llth and Washington. lelo 3m .ILAJIKDA itkai. f.state. LAMEDJ^INSTALI^IENTS^HOUSESA lots. $250- $25 cash, $6 monthly; 25x110; sewered ;at station. $450— 550 cash, $9 monthly: 50x86: sewered; at Station. $1800-$3OO cash, $18 monthly; 25x120; at sta- tion cottage of 4 rooms. $2000-$250 cash. $20 monthly; 33x75 ; new cot- tage: at station. $3500— 5500 cash, $25 monthly. Including Inter- est: 6-room cottage: corner, 40x120; sewered and macadam D.ed; at station. $3200-$5OO cash, $25 monthly. IncludingInter- est; 6-room cottage; 50x160; sewered : near station. $4600— 5-00 cash, $30 monthly, Including Inter- ests-room house; line garden; 60x147; near sta- tion. «—»- «-*\u25a0*»»_- . Inquire at once or F. MARCUSE. Bay-st. Station, Alameda, or 313 Montgomery St., Nevada Block. my18 ThFrSa eoSu ALAMEDA BARGAINS— SI7OO— LOT 25x145: nice modern cottage 4 rooms and bath: 1 block from Park st. : $260 cash; $25 per montb.(4lS) $2700— Lot 33:-ixl 2s; rooms and bath; on Cen- tral are.; $500 .balance $30 per month. (So. 385) $2750— L0t 53x117: new modern cottage 5 rooms and bath: 3 Dlocks Irom station; $500 cash: bal- ance $40 per month. \u25a0*-»-•««»•' (No. XI $3000— 27x115: new 2-story house 7 rooms and bath at station; $600 cash; $35 per mouth. (X) $4000— Lot 50x125: fine new modern 2-storr house 7 rooms and bath on Central aye. on easy terms; a good bargain. (No. 413) $7800— Lot 50x150; elegant new 2-story house 10 rooms, withstable; well located; part cash. (101) 1 Houses built to suit; 15 cent down, balance easy Installments ; cheap lots In all parts of Ala- meda: houses to let and money to lean. H. I- MOBEAL ft CO.. 1428 Park St.. Alameda, and 40. Montgomery st_. San hit i-nni. \u25a0 ' mj_li__L_. , BEK^ll^*^t«»OMs3^is2i!ii?is-i C'^LIFOItNIATIIffEirEASTBEinfEt^^OOD V rooms; family orslngis msu; board optioual.lm* \u25a0 " ' SUMMER RESORTS. * S WANTON HOUSE, PESCADEKO, SAN MATEO County. Cal., the favorite resort of the Pacific Coast: hotel and cottages all newly furnished; lovely grounds: also the famous pebbly lie icb. where are found agates, opals, moonstones, emeralds, water crystals and many other precious stories; good trout fishing and wildgame: hoard reasonable: spo- clal rates for families. MRS. S.W. BWANTON.JU tt OTEL DE WINDSOR; (SOMMER AND WIN ter resort: beautifully located. Address L. PIEPER, Windsor. Sonoma County, J. 22 cod lin* rpAMALPAIS VILLA, TAMALPAIS STATION. I Rum Valley, nr.San Rafael : salt water bathing; commodious grounds: fine drives; pavilion: tats Sansalito ferry. MRS. PETER SMITH, proprletrest SPRING (OVE SUMMER RESORT: GOOD Ac- commodations: 5 miles from Napa. MRS. J. GItIDLEV, proprietor. jy I 1in* Uf II KINS HOUSE-THE MOST CHARMING, " convenient and best conducted hotel In Santa Cruz. HOVTA WHITMAN, proprietors, jyl 3m SANTA CRUZ-RIVERSIDE HOTEL AND COT- tages; the favorite family hotel lv Santa Cruz: 5 minutes' walk from beach; beautiful grounds; terms reasonable. FRED BARSON. je'2Blm SANTA CRUZ— SUNNYSIDE: A NEW FIRST- k? class boarding-bouse: $1 to $1 25 per day; \val- nntare. MRS. P. J. DCTCHeb. "Je27 3m T.-'OLUN COTTAGES, SANTA CRUZ, CAL -T Best summer resort on Beach Hill, overlooking the bay, O. W. fr'OLLIN. proprietor. je27 3m ANDERSON SPRINGS, LAKE COUNTY: HOTEL and cottages now open to visitors: beautifully located: free hot and cold water and hot sulphur baths: first-class board $10 to $14 per week: train to Callstoga. stage to Middletown, private carriage to springs; fare from San Francisco $5 30. J. AN- PERSON, Proprietor. ja!9 tf itl?_ MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO HOT X7-i salt-water baths. myll 4 mo AETNA HOT .MINERAL SPRINGS. THE AMEKI- can Ems 'waters: unsurpassed; pleasant place; pure air; no fogs; warm swimmingbath: table good; reasonable. Write for circulars to W. 11. LIDELLIui SAMPLE COPY OF THE HOTEL GUIDE, CON- taiulng a directory of California lintels and re- sorts, sent tree to any address. Hotel Guide. 120 Sutter st. --7 IcHtr . C~~ iIIEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA—TUB ) eight-page WEEKLY CALL, sent to any a hires* in Hie Lulled Slates or Canada one year for $1 25. postage free. 4.11 1 i. OUEN bIIARUKb. pHILDTO BOARD: V4BLOCK FRO^rscTfooiT: *-' pleasant noma. 2618 Bryant aye., bet. Tv.cuty- gfthand Twenty-sixth Sts. Jyl7 St* GERMAN WIDOW WOULD LIKE '-' OK .1 1 children to board: mother's care willbe given; references if required. Address A., Box 148. Call Bran OHlce. Jyl6 lit* "I ADY WISHES A CHILDTOBOARD AND CAKE Xj care for. 1110 Hyde St., near California. 15 3t» "I ADY LIVING SEAR 3 SCHOOLS WANTS 1 J-l or 2 children to board. 605 Howard St. 15 3t* (IHILD TO BOARD BY GERMAN WIDOW. AD- ; dress A. P.. Box 105. Cai.i. Branch time. 11l 14* Zo3t. T~OST,' JULY 16-A TaWN TICKET FOR A 1 i goldring. Kindly return to Call Brauch office, 710 Market St. . It* T OST-A BLACK AND WHITE GREYHOUND Xj bitch. Under willplease return to 612 Steven- son st. and receive reward. Jyl6 2t* St 1 (HI REWARD FOR CONVICTION OF I'll;- -0 I UU ties who stole the barge, or $10 reward fortlie recovery of small barge with tank on It; stolen from Channel st. on the night of 29th. odor- it-. Excavator ollice, 610 Market st. jy 1 5 :\f LOST-PAINTER'S ACCOUNT BOOK OKDIA BY; yellow cover: suitable reward if returned to D. WALSH, 718 .Market St. J)l5 3t* THE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. 5.H Kearny st., lends money at 2 per ceut per lunula on watches, diamonds and lewelrv. ja'.'O dm _— -—_ FtTTsn. L-OUND— BROWN, CURLY DOG, WITH WHITE breast. Call 404Vj Bitch St. It* 1/OUND— S2O IN GOLD BY PURCHASING A X merchant tailor-made dress suit for 120; mer- chant tailors' price. $10. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLOUS, corner Post aud Dupunt streets. " DKNTISTS! DB l H. «AUSTIN, -sURGEON"" DENTIST. KB* XJ moved to 719 Market, near Bancroft's. JelB lm DR. CASSILLI'B PAINLESS DENTAL rooms, 920 Market st; best teeth $4 to $7: ex- tracting or filling25c. to $1 : half price to poor.aa If SYI.X ESTER. SUBLKTT A EVE- IT. I'ENT- is'.s— Dß. W. A. SUBLET has exclusive chargs of our mechanical department, while DBS. HENRY and WILLIAM SYLVESTER manage the operative; teeth extracted or filled, positively without pain, by the use of our celebrated vitalized air. offices NX. cor. Sixth and Mission its. ; hours 9to 13. jeB ly BEAUTIFUL SET $7; PAINLESS EXTRACTING soc; gold plates; bridge work; crowns; fillings; ' at lowest rates. DR. C. A. PERRY. 8 Mason st. des tf I\R. REA 923 MARKET, EXTRACTS TEETH XJ for 60c; with gas for $1 : open evenings, sells! ,1 LL NEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES 1.1 J\ them stating that tho Insane asylums are full Jf people who took gas only once for painless tooth ex- traction and went crazy My secret painless method 18 oiitlcr' By its use any dental operation may tie done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooth that 1 cannot extract without bleep or gas, eras though a dozen dentists bave failed to extract IL All operations done better than elsewhere, slnas I have seven first prizes for beautiful fillings, plate and crown work. There are 6 Leek dentists, once open till 9:30 p. St.; Sundays till 3 r. it. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 6 O'Farreil St. QC9 tt _ _D K. C. 11. WILSON, DENTIST.! 925 MARKET St., bet. Fifthaud Sixth, opp, Mason. dels tt CSOLTON* DENTALASSOCIATION, 808 MARKET I St. (Phelan Building): gas specialists: positively extract teeth without pain; only oihce that makes anil gives the celebrated "Cotton Gas"; 30,000 ref- erences; established 186.1; all operations indentistry performed. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. :e7 tf 1 ill. A. LL'DLUMHILL, 1113 MARKET' ST.. RET. XJ Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; tenth from $8 per set: extracting 50c, rn4tf flfc7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED /_. nP ' good as can be made; filling$1. DR. SIMMS. dentist, 030 Market St.. tiert Baldwin Theater. (JAKI'ENTKUS AMI BUILDERS. V.LAWRENCE, CARPENTER ANDBUILDER, . la Sacramento st. ; cabinet work and fitting up offices promptly attended to: telephone '.'OO mldlf PERSONALS. ANY PERSON WHO KNEW DANIEL FIELd! '£_ ING. a boatswain's mate on the U. S. steamer Niagara, during the war or the rebellion, willcon- fer a favor on an old sailor by communicating either In person or by letter with NATHANIELHi BE, 604 Merchant St.. San Francisco. Jyl7 st» I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY X debts contracted by my son, Arnold fcSnheircia. CHARLES SCHEGGIA. 637 Broadway. jyl 6 31* LADIES' FRENCH KIDBUTTON SHOES $2 50. At LESSER BROS., 406 Kearuy st. jy17 cod tf VOW IS YOUR TIME-16 LBS BEST DRY GRAN- XV ulated sugar, $1: 20 Ibs light brown, $1; finest Point Reyes butter, 35c a roll (ror a few days only); best Petaluma butter, :u» a roll; good table butter, 25c a roll:mild cream cheese, a ibs for 25c; New York cream cneese, 2 lbsfor:'sc; 10-lb can best Chicago lard, Hoc: Chicago sugar-cured hams, 10c a lb; warranted Cutting's nest tomato $1per dozed: patent roller process flour. $4 per bbl, $1 per sack; fresh laid Mission eggs. 25c a dozen; ranch eggs. 20c a dozeu; good eggs, 17L£c a dozen; golden syrup. $125 per keg: jellyglasses, 40c a dozen; 0 His rolled oats, 25c; 9 large bars best laundry soap, $1: 12-lb box laundry starch, 55c; 4 cans deviled haul or tongue, 25c; 5 Ibs good family black green or mixed tea. $1; 5 lbs pure uncoloretl Japan tea, English breakfast tea, green tei or Oolong tea, $1 50, guaranteed equal to any 60c tea sold on the Coast ROBISSON A KNOX. 1910 and 1912 Mar- ket, at., cor. Rose aye.. and 900 Valencia St., cor. Twentieth.. Jyla 3t SuTuTh A 126 KEARNY. ROOM 9. YOD CAN BORROW money at low rates; private rooms lor ladles; pledges fur sale; take elevator. au7 tf ON THFJ INSTALLMENT PLAN—DRESS-GOODS, silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets, furnltnre, lace-curtalns. blankets and fuldlng-bsils at M. Friedman A CO.'S, 228 and 230 Stockton St. Why pay ready money when you can buy just as cheap by making a small cash payment down, balance weekly or monthly ? An Inspection of our stock la respectfully solicited; orders by mall for goods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and _:;_ Stockton st., cor. Post: open evenings. apl2tf / y ROCF_rRrnS^CLUFF BIIOS^ WHOLESALE VI ana retail grocers: the oldest established and most reliable house on the Pacific Coast: teas and ,culli'K.ia specialty; no chronics or crockery: best goods at lowest prices: country orders packed and shipped free. 9 and 11 Montgomery aye.. 40 and ' 42 Fourth St., 409 aud 411 Montgomery aye., 401 Hayes st. jel7 TnThSu tf 41 I Rli FOR CABINETS; FULL LENGTH: tp 1 .Uuootieus'Art Studio, 10 6th. aS SuTuTh tf CARVILL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, HAV- lugnow completed their new and commodious factory at 48 Eighth St., between Market and Mis- sion, are better prepared to fill all orders entrusted to them than ever before. A lull line of fine car- rlages always en hand at bed-ruck prices. JylO lm fI'IIE"ORIEL," CORNER OF FRANKLIN AND 1 Market sts., offers elegant accommodation: courteous attention, unexceptionable cuisine and all other advantages of a strictly first-class family hotel. Call or write for terms. JylO if IPOLDING BEDS EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001 .F mirrored withlarge plate 18x40; walnut, oak and cherry: cash price elsewhere $63: our Installment price only $50. M, FRIEDMAN A CO., 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. Post; opeu evenings. aplOtf Di'.VT F*AIL TO VISIT THE BON-TON. 1131 Market St., bet. 7th and Sth; we will sell our finest French-mixed candles at 30c per pound. 13 dm \V ILLPARTIES WHO WERE LOOKING FOB »' EDWARD DOYLE, formerly of Sairallto, please address MRS. HARRY ROWSON, Sanaa- llto. jy!s3t» IJIANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY:HALF IJIANO LESSONS Market, 32. my 16 12m honr 25 cents. !'.;! Market, Itoom 32. inyio12m T".'l \u25a0 A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHABBILY Id dressed when we can fit you In a merchant tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, for $18; mer- chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont st,. ADVICE FREE: ESTATE'S DAMAGES; GEN- eral law practice, W. N. tclleß, 124 San- soma St.. Rooms 23 and 24, Jy9 6m BUTCH EX-GOWNS AND ALL KINDS APRON'S J-) a specialty at 757'^r Howard st. Jyl3 tf MY WIFE:, WILHELMINE E. J. WOODS, having li-:; my bed and board, this is to give notice that 1 am not now. and will no longer be, responsible for any debts of her contracting. J. L. WOODS. Dated Sau Francisco, Cal., July 11, 1890. Jyl.i 7t« DEUTSCHER KRIEGERVF.REIN, SAN FRAN- CISCO— SeaIed bids will be received at Arion Hall for tbe letting or the bars and restaurant, either together or separate, at Woodward's Gar- den., of the celebration of the German Empire by tin- German societies, under the auspices of tlio Deutscher Kriegervereln, the same to continue from 9 o'clock a. St.. August 17tb, to 4 o'clock a. St., August 18th. Bids to be opened and awarded to the highest bidder at 8 oclock p. St., sharp, July 18th, at the above place, Arlcn Hall, northeast cor- ner of Sutter and Kearny s:s. For particulars ap- plyto N.V.ROSsUM. same place daily, from 11 to 2 o'clock. FRANK M HMALBERG, the Corn. 13 6 ACCORDION SKIRTS AND CAPES; FINE knife pleating. 9 Geary St., P.m 1, 22 SnMoTn tt / HEAl' AND BEST PLACE TO HAVEYOUK V-' carpets cleaned and relai.l. JUNES' Perfect Carpet-cleaning Works, 25 and 27 Eighth St., Tele- phone 3121. 9 tf BUY I'AILLARD NUN-MAGNETIC WATCHES, tbe only recognized standard. Jyl2 lin it. cuius PLAITINGDONE AT SHORT NO- IV nee. GOLDBERG, 118 McAllister st. jyll 6m 1 ADIF:S' TAILOR-MADE SUITS; LATEST li tail styles. Parlors 125 Oak st. JylO r_f_ CITY STEAM CARPET BEATING AND RENO- V-.' rating works: dyeing and cleaning. 24 aud 26 Eighth at. G. H.STEVENS, proprietor. Jy9 6m p IVE A TALL SLIM,MANA CHANCE— CAS 'J fit you, no matter how tall, Ina merchant tailor- made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's price $40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. \u25a0-•- - ••\u25a0•--7- . - . COMPLEXINE POWDER ok cream FOR FACE Vy and hands: Invisible, harmless; 25c. At nil- HOIS', Clay A- Leavenworth. A all druggists. Jy2 3m CIARPFJTS thoroughly cleaned WITHOUT \J beating; refittingcarpets a specialty. CONKLIN BROS.. 333 Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tt Ul VIST'S CUT. FITTED. STITCHED. COLLAKS " sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery belts put on; $3. MME. MICHAUX, lib Mc Al llslr. YOU CAN* BUY YOUK FURNITURE ON IN- I stailmeuts; easy terms. BARE BROS., 822 nl 1-24 Hayes St.. BeL Franklin and Gough. mrlslf DI _ OREST PATTERNS: FALLSTYLES CATA- logues free. Agency 430 Sutter st. Jy3 3tn DR. HAMPTON-EYE, EAR, THROAT AND chronic ailments. Room 6, Murphy 81dg.28 lin STRAWBERRY CREAM Kilt THE COMPLEX- Ioii; Salon Cosmelique Victoria. MMF__. ELISE 404 Post St. je'J6 lm TAILOR BUTTONS MADE FROM ASY MA- terlal; also ivory-rim buttons. 110 Taylor St., the only button factory on this Coast. Je22 3m IJRIVATFI LESSONS. SINGING, PIANO, VIOLIN and cello. W. DE JUNG, 1409 Van ess. 22 lm MRS. BR. THOMAS (COLORED), ELECTRO MAS- ssge; hygienic specialist. 1511 Leavenworth. 6m ORIENTAL COMPLEXION BATHS AND beauty treatments. MME. VIDA, Oriental Beauty Physician, 22 Geary st. je'.'l 6m Di . MAKING LATEST STYLES; REASON- abIe prices: orders by mail promptly executed; fit guaranteed. MRS. M. uf: HAGAS',967 Mission. POSITIVE CURE FOR CATARRH,BRONCHITIS, J- asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearuy. Jes tf U- E IIAYE A NUMBER OF FULL DRESS SUITS TT to hire for balls, parties or funerals at a reason- able price. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PaB- LOBS. cor. Post and Dupoat sis. Money LOANED ON ARTICLES; EVERY De- scription or collateral; old gold antl sliver bought. COLEMAN'S, 41 3d St., San Francisco. m3O fifcv en cabinets per dozen; elegant *&—. .y)U. water-color picture lv gilt frame free withevery dozen. WILSON'S, 22 Keirny. my2s Om IJORTRAIIS l-NLARGED IN INDIA INK, crayon, water colors antl pastel. Pacific Por- tralt Co.. 1221 Market St.. T.J. O'BRIEN. M'gr. 20 tt ~\ DVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY; NO _\ publicity; legal everywhere. K. SCOULAB Attorney, 34 Kearny st. \u25a0_• my18 6m GAB SNOOK. PLUMBERS. ROOFERS, GAS- J. fitters, tin. copper and sheet-Iron workers. 630 Sacramento at., near Kearny; telephone 1727. al9 tt DRY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS. WITHOUT Interest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpets; bedding, Jewelry, pictures, mirrors, banging lamps. Clocks, etc.; carpets from 65c upward. J. NOONAN A CO.. 1021 and 1023 Mission St.. bet. Sixth and Feventh; open evenings. apl7 tf HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTH lug, gold, jewelry, books. KLEIN, 109 Sixth, tt WINDOW MIAULS MANUFACTURED TO OK- I derby WILLIAM McTHUN. 1195 Market. 24 « GREAT BUSINESS PKOPOSITION-WE CAN J s save you 50 per cent by purchasing a merchant tailor-made business suit for $15: merchant tailor's price $30. ORIGINAL . MISFIT CLOTHING PAR LORS. cor. Post and Dupont sts. PIONEER CABPET-BEATING MACHINES DO X the best work. J. SPAULDING * CO.. 353 To- bamast.; telephone 3040. apl2tl ANDREW— MEET ME CORNER POST AND J. Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made by a merchant tailor for $30, our price $15. ORIGI- NAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post aad Dupout sts. ' - 7-AKIT '-CLEANING; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD; V ' the lies' work guaranteed or no pay; telephone 8228. S. STBATTON, 1211 Market st. ap6 6tn KE ADVISED IS TIMETO PURCHASE A MER- I) chant tailor-made spring suit In 3 or 4 button cutaway for $20; merchant tailor's price $40, ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. . ' (i \i;i'f;t-cleantng. 80 PER YARD: cheap- J est and best In the city. J. _. MITCHELL A CO., 230 Fourteenth st. \u25a0 ap'J tf tYON'TWAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE 100 1 ' pairs spring styles light-colored trousers made bycrack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15; our price $4 50 to $8. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dnpont sts. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLY Call. In wrapper, ready for mailing. HItKSSMAEKI'.S. SUITSMADE REASONABLY: TAILOR SYSTEM taught. MISS GILLIGAN',IIS Kearny. SuTh ly T ADIES-IF YOU WISH TO HAVE iI.EGANTLY J-i fitting suits, handsomely draped, made for $0, please call at MBS. MORRIS. 732^ Geary. 13 7t» D RESS-CUTTISO TAUGHT THOROUGHLY BY authentic French tailor system. 610 Post.Je 1 5 Orn MISS AGNES KELTEB 119 STOCKTON. NEAR Geary; stylish suits trum $3 50 up; cuttlngaad fittlr-ga specialty: 75 cents: perfect fr-.. a'pf tt ASTKOLOIIY. me MOREAUr^!Tl^L'RTir^£rßE^__AT_i past, present and tire; fee 25c. Jyl7 St* WONDERFUL CARD CLAIRVOYANT; TELLS Tl past, present, future; 323 Taylor St. 16 71* MISS BKNHARD-STOCKS, LOTTERY, LOVE, etc. ; future husband or wife. $68 Fourth. 12 lm \l KS. NORMANDREADS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE; -'1 past, present and future, and gives luckynum. bers. 815 .Mission st. advice Inbasement. Jel3 6in A ITii'sTA leola! FORTUNE-TELLER AND •A clairvoyant; magic charms; love tokens; shows true pictures of future husbands and wives; teaches fortune. 2326 Mission St.. nr.2oth; feesl. Je27 lm* lOLA MANNING. LATELY ARRIVED FROM Eu- rope, reveals past, present and future withcards. Hours. 9 _________» 9 r.n. 917" Mission, top floor.ja Bm MFi WALTERS. .117 TEHAMA ST., NR. 4TU; fortunes told; ladles. 25c; gents. 50c : open Sun. G~~ KEATEST FOKTONE-TELLER INTHECITY; reveals past, present and future. Call and sea MISS 1. EL and, 789 Mission, near Fourth; lo_, ladles 6oc; gentleman $1; lucky charms. myStt M~~ME. siIMID, FROM VIENNA;,MOST KB nowned: revealing life's future events; ladles sl, gentlemen $2, by mall $3. Office 866 Mission, mr2 tt 6TORAUE. J*s -"PACIFIC STORAGE CO.", 301 STOCKTON ST.: A furniture and merchandise; advances tt L^UIt.NI'TUKE STORED STERLING FURN! I' ture Co.. 1039. 1041 Market, Rosenthal Bids 7 tf . v FINANCIAL. ; .' * "villi IIAA TO LOAN AT LOWEST _£-_T- tSiOXJKJ.UUU ket rates' on city and country real estate, any amounts. SCUULLEK, 420 California, tf ROOMS TO CONTINUED. Ml 0 GEARY—FURNISHED BOOMS, WITH OR Hit' without board, Inprivate faintly;references required: for gentlemen only. jy16 tf 01-).) GREENWICH-PLEASANT BUNNY FOB- -o_,— nisheh room: private family. JvlO. lt* m TEHAMA- 3 FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO unfurnished kitchen. jyl ; St* OA SECOND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 'It! rooms; sunny; cheap. Jyl6 St* (ill BUSH— FURNISHED "and UNFUKSISH- oiI ed rooms, with grate, to rent. Jyl6 2t* 9C'9CI MISSION—SUITE OF KOOMS; USE OF _i._l_,o kitchen. . Jyl6 2t* \u25a0 J99 .'ESSIE-4 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH A.OO kitchen for housekeeping. jylOot* "1 CITYHALL PL., OPP. CITY HALL AND Mo- \u25a0l Alllster st.—Suuny rooms. jy 1 5 3t* J A 1 THIRD NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE- *Ii-f'l keeping and others; gas and bath. Jyls 31* 01 9 WEBSTER-FROST SUITE OF yVr- -01 ___. nlshed rooms with privilege of kitchen. 15 St* /' C POST-THREE SUNNY ROOMS. FUR. Ulilnlsbed; housekeeping: private family. 15 3* 891 VALENCIA— FOUR ROOMS mi 1and bath for housekeeping. jylast* 791 GREEN-SMALL FUBNISHED FROST I ____! 1 room. Jyll 71* 1>)'»1 MISSION— WELL FURNISHED HOUSE _y-_,L keeping roome; bath, etc; cheap. Jyls ."'.*_ 7_|f» ELLIS-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, SINGLY I sjyj or for housekeeping; very cheap. Jyl tf ft/1 MISSION-LARGE SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM, U'-lO $8: light housekeeping. Jyls tf 7jfi MISSION—LARGE FRONT SUNNY DOU- IA U ble room : light housekeeping. jyl s tf 1 "I 07 MISSION—FURNISHED BAY WINDOW, Xlist suite with kitchen complete. Jyls st* 19ft 1 MISSION -LARGE SUNNY PARLOR; l£vi bath and gas; reasonable. Jyls 3t* QOQ MARKET-SUNNY FRONT ROOM SUITE; OOP $20; large room on first floor. Jyls3l* 6^.» HOWARD- NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE OO rooms; $5 and $6. j)TS 3t» £< I 7.rESSIE-FUKNISHEDROOMWITH HAITI: DII $6. - JylS 3t* 5 MASON* SINGLF:, DOUBLE AND HOUSE- -0 keeping rooms or transient. Jyls 7t* 41Ol HAVES— FOR 2 RESPECTABLE TliJa men lv private American family: with or without board; reasonable. Jyl4 6t* QftO FIFTH—TWO FURNISHED ROOMS COM- Ovo plete for housekeeping: rent cheap, Jyl4 It* Ql 1> bush, nb.tayloh-nf:wly furnished vlDsunny rooms; alcove; Improvements. 14 st* Q/17VAN NESS AVFi-2 PARLORS. SINGLE QUI or en suite; also others; newly furnished, tf M)'_ 1 MCALLISTER-FINE SUNNY SUITE, IVlpi furnished or unfurnished; reasonable price. \u25a0 Jyl3 St* 599 SUTTER—SUNNY UNFURNISHED BASE- Olii. ment, for housekeeping or oflice. Jyl3 51 9 I Q VAN NEKS- 3 SUNNY BOOMS 1 ABLE ilO for gentlemen. Jyl3 lot* I »)(! SECOND-3 SUNNY KOOMS COMPLETE- -1— -7 1, furnished for housekeeping. Jyl3 st* 1 I l> 7 MISSION-NICELY I CRNISHED SUNNY 1 lip I parlor suite; also single rooms. jyl 3 51* lilt)- MAKKET FURNISHED ROOMS 1 UOO suites; single; rent $8 lo $20. Jyl3 tin lOn KCALLISTEB— 3D FLOOR; ELEGANTLY J md'- furulshed sunny suite. Apply Room 3. 13 10* 7I I HOWARD SUITE HOUSEKEEPING 11l rooms; everything complete; $15; double $10. Jyl3 tf no TENTH DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOMS; HObath, piano, grate; private family. JylS If r-l'S I HOWARD— BAY-WINDOW DOU- IUIa ble room; $12: use nt kitchen, jylS St* JOT ELLIS- LARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOW TOT trout room; private family. jyistf i.j 'Hi MISSION—NICE sunny BAY-WINDOW I'AOU suite; suitable for housekeeping. jylStt 1 I EDDY— SUNN V FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO -1 102 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Jyl3 st* HO- LINDEN AYE, NEAR WEBSTER— ROOMS I y)Q with use of batn. Jyl3 st* nl 7 TAYLOR-SUSS V FRONT PARLOR BED- -1 I room In private family. Jyl3 st* H| POST—BAY-WINDOW SUITE OK SIN- -1"a 1 O gle ; also other rooms ; board optional. 12 tf MULVEY HOUSE, 719 MARKET-FURNISHED 1 rooms, suites or single; cheap rent. Jyl2 lm 1 l)\'J MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED BUN- -1 UOO ny room lor 2 gentlemen. Jyl2 lin (!(lhNATOMA— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UUO housekeeping; also single. Je24 If 9.) l I MARKET—LARGE,SUNNY,BAY-WINDOW U suite, or single; suitable for ogees. Je22 1 111 oI Q MINNA— BOOMS FURNISHED COM- -010 plete for housekeeping, with bath. je'Jl tf 0 ELEGANTLY furnished sunny PARLORS 0 with dressing-room attached. 913 Valencia, 23 If 1 V-te\ MARKET, INDIANAPOLISHOUSE— —tit) furnished sunny rooms to let. my2s tf s)l 1/ I GOOD ROOMS AT LOW RATES—7I6 HOW. dUslyl ard st.,nr. Third: gas and water In each room; reading-room and bath free; linen changed dally; house open all night- best beds In the wurld.ap2ott AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 331 _r\ Sansome St., San Francisco; board aud room $1, $1 25 and $1 50 per day; free coacu. Wil. MONT- GOMERY, proprietor. jy_lltt I'll IEDDY—SONNY COKNEB BAY-WINDOW Out suite of rooms. Jyl2 7t* 9/ ! Q GOLDEN GATE. COR. HYDE— FURNISHED i-OO and unfurnished sunny front rooms. Jylllm 1 .-i|..jv MARKET— FURNISHED KOOMS: ALL 1 Ou_j new; bath and gas free. jyll lm 1'_) POLK— NEW HOUSE AND FURNITURE; -IO bay-wintlow suites and single rooms: all sun- ny; hoi and cold water. Jylllm I O/l ELLIS— GENEVA, NICELY FOR- I— nlshed sunny rooms en suite or single; a centrally located, desirable and quiet home for strangers visiting the city. jyll lm 11A ft TWENTY-FIRST— 2 VERY PLEASANT I IAUsunny rooms with board; splendid locu- tion; I block from Valencia cable. jyll 7t SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 150 A NIGHT. Llndell House, cor. Sixth and Howard. jyll tf J Oft LARKIN"-2 SUNNY ROOMS; FURNISHED 1 V for housekeeping; adjoining. JylO tt 101 A UNION-4 ROOMS. BATH. PATENT IO IA closet, $15: _ rooms, store, $20. jy9tt 1 (s'-i', MAKKET— LABGBAND SINGLEBOOMS, 1 UOU handsomely fnrnlsued, with or without housekeeping privileges; rent reasonable. jy9 tf o'K7t BUSH THE MORRIS; RENOVATED; P— nice, clean rooms. 60c a night. Jy9 lin •J.JII MCALLISTER— NICELY FURNISHED rooms; housekeeping if desired ; bath. Jyd lm 1 -CiU CALIFORNIA - FROST AND BACK X OUO room, furnished for light housekeeping; bath, hot and cold water and gas; $25; also front parlor, $15: no children. JyS tf 89ft EOLSOJI, NEAR FOURTH-FURNISHED O— i J rooms, $1 a week. jy6tt Oni GEARY-SUNNY FRONT SUITE; ALSO PU_: single rooms. Jy6 lm QAQGEAitY-2 LARGE PARLORS SUITABLE OUO for doclor or dentist. JyO lm 7 I A O'FARRELL— SUNSY ALCOVE, WITH It room adjoining: alt modern conveniences, lm II Q FIFTH—SUNNY WINDOW ROOMS; II middle flat. Jv4 lm 7 I (' O'FARRELL—SUNNY UNFURNISHED Air Ii U cove; also furnished rooms: baths. Jy4 lm 1 I Q FIFTH —NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY XIVROOMS, singles or suites: first flat. jy4 lm nKEARNY-RASSFTTTE HOUSE; FURNISHED rooms; reasonable ]\u0084:.-., MRS. C. HEDGE. lin 4(17 O'FARRFXL AND 319 TAYLOR ELE- _U I gaii'.ty furnished rooms. jyl tf Cl Q O'FARRELL- AN UNFURNISHED BOOM PIP to rent. __, Je3o tf 1 OAAHOWARD-THREE PLEASANT UNFUR- -1 £.yJO nlshed rooms; no children. Je29 tf THE VICTORIA, IISMI ELLIS, HAS CHANGED bands, and Is new and elegantly furnished; en suite or single: transient accommodated. je2B lin f*. tt' MINNA FURNISHED ROOMS FOR O'lil housekeeping. Je2(i tf I nO LARKIN, COR. GROVE NEWLY FUR 1 ' 'sit ulsned sunny bay-window room. Jo I tf BOARDING AND BOOMS. (\lZr\ STOCETON, OPP. GRACE URCH-FAM- UlPiiy boardlug-house; first class; moderate; references. Jyl 6 7t* 7- O'FARRELL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR- Unlshed single rooms; all sunny; cheap. :rpl7 rr '( ' 91 E MITE HOUSE, 1015 MARKET ST., BET. X Sixth and Seventh; 35c to $1 per night; per week, $1 60 to $6; single and en suite; families, rurl tr HE MARIPOSA 824 LAOUNA-FINE SUITES; 1 first-class board; terms moderate. no7 tr ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class lb every respect: terms reasonable. JslOLt MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 227 and 221) Second St.—Stugie meals 25c; board and room per day, 75c to $1; by the week. $4 to *5; IT9O coach to and from the hotel. ao'Jl tr STOKES TO LET. ARKETST., STALLIN CITY HALL MARKET ill suitable for grocery; also other stalls. W. H. CBIMACO.. 205 Montgomery St. 17ThSuTu tt . STORE ASD 3 ROOMS, SE CORNER OF FILL- -0 more and Greenwich sts. Jyl7 St* 1 ftftft POST— STORE, 9 BOOMS.STABLE; SUIT- -IUUUable for butcher: $30. Key grocery. 17 7* STORE AND 3 BOOMS; GOOD OPENING FOR restaurant, German dairy or retail wine; plenty of cellar room If desired. 314 Francisco st. Jyl7 3* 9 LARGE STORES; NEW BUILDING; NX COR- _* uer Valencia and Qulnn; l l ,^ blocks from Mar- ket, with family rooms; suitable for drug-store bakery, etc.; also dry light basement, 55x85; cement floor: 11 feet high: can be subdivided. YON RHEIN A CO., 524 Callioriiia st. Jyl3 lot* TO LET— 6IB SANSOME, NEAR JACKSON: 1 floor; 2 new stores, cor. Valencia and cultiu. YON RHEIN* A CO.. 624 California. Jyl'J tf rilO MANUFACTURERS— SHOP-ROOM TO KENT 1 withpower, for a term of years In the targe brick building cor. - I'olsom and Eighteenth sts. CHARLES ASH TON. 411 Montgomery St. jylSlm CORNER STORE. WITH FIXTURES AND v.' basement, suitable for a grocery, liquor or drug store. Cor. ninth and Bryant sts. Jyl2 7t* ffl; 1 £, STORE; 2 LIVING ROOMS. APPLY 325 <g 10. Fifthst. Jyl tt JARGF: ROOM, WITH POWER. 12 BTEVEN- J son st. El.en Vineyard Company. my.'iitf OFFICES TO LET. . TTto3rF~OFFIC FT, SUITABLE EITHER FOE F physician or demist. 22!) Kearny st. Jyll71* OFFICES COR. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA; COR. California and Kearny; 615 Sansome, near Jackson, top floor. YON RHEIN * CO.. 524 Call- fornlast. mvlltt STORK AM) .OFFICE FIXTURES. SALE COUNTER. SHELVING, SHllW^ J case, cabinet for thread. 227 Vi o'F*.irroll. Id 3* BAR, STORE FIXTURES, SHOW CASES, DESKS, doors, sasb ; goods taken on storage, money ad- vanced. Pioneer Slure, 21 to 25 Tenth St. Ic'2'2 tf KAK, FIXTURES. COUNTERS. SHELVING show-cases, sash-doors, etc.. at 225 Post st. Jed tr riHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS, SHELVES, V-) show-cases: olrlces A stores tltted. 834 Geary. i.l '-\u25a0 . SKIVING -MACHINES. OLD-STYLE WILCOX GIBBS' SEWING-MA- chine; cheap. 311 Main St. Jyl7 3t< SEWING MACHINES It'll SALE AND RE- paired. - W. B. HIGGINS. 628 Hayes at. inr4 if ffIJ'JC NEW YORK OS HELPMATE; BRAND »J)Ot). new; latest; best ror $35: all kinds repaired; rented cheap. « J. L. BICES, 007 Mission, mil tf - ; HOUSES TO T.KT. - j "L-OK RF:NT—IN OAKLAND: ELEGANTLY Fl'R- J nlshed bouse; new: 6 rooms and bath: hot ami cold water: $40. Apply MRS. 11. DAVEY, Golden Gate. Alameda County. - jyl . 7t* 9 l O COLLING WOOD ST., NEAKNINETEEN TH; Ami large rooms; large yard. Jyl7 lit* 6') A CAPP ST.—COTTAGE, 8 ROOMS: STABLE, i-ft chicken-house; large yard. EASTON. EL- DR I DOE tit CO. jyl 7 tf YEW HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; $12. 18 TEHAMA \u25a0Is St., rear. Jyl7 3t» dlft fvft HOUSE 6 ROOKS ANDBASEMENT. •if li'.Jll. 626 Locust aye., bet. McAllister st. and Golden Gate aye., on* Lagans st. Jyl7 tit* «JQ COTTAGE; 3 ROOMS. 317 CUMBERLAND O. St., near Nineteenth and Church. It* rPO LET-HOUSE OR 8 ROOMS AND BATH: 1 stable for two horses. In first-class order. 43 willowaye., corner of Polk st. Apply MADISON A BURKE. 401 and 403. Montgomery at. jy!67t $00 "A SUNNY BAY-WINDOW HOI'S 6 ySiOmJ.OxJ . rooms, alcove: modern Improvements. Fillmore, bet, Sutter and Post; cable, Jyl6 4t» ©Q S-P.OOM COTTAGE AND YARD. JERSEY •ITt/. and Sanchez sts. Apply at Bakery. Jersey and Sanchez sis. jy!6 2t» flj; 1(' BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE if BOOMS; *tP I U. basement. Cor.Dolores and Fifteenth. 15 7* mD NINETEENTH ST. —HOUSE 6 BOOMS, .1 UP bath and basement. Jyls 3t* 1 I 7 PERRY ST.. NILTHIRD-HOUSE 5 ROOMS I I I and bath, jyls3t» <^;9^ COSY FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 4 sJP^"/. rooms for family wltnout children. 1221 Twenty-third st., near Chattanooga. jy!s 3t» I ftftjLARKIN— HOUSE 9 ROOMS TO LET; J.UU-1 $40; carpets for sale. Jyl3 71* (Dl 9 GEARY. NEAR LARKIN, 7 KOOMS. U— bath. $05: 1851 Stevenson St., near 20th. 8 rooms and bath, $25: 2503 Clay, nr. Fillmore, 8 rooms and bath. $4 0: 916 Oak. nr. Scott. 6 rooms an.l bath, $35; 1031 Dolores, nr. Twenty-fourth, 9 rooms aud bath. $42 50; 425 Sixth, ur. I .-isoni, 7 rooms and bath, $37 50; 4 new fiats, cor. Valencia and Quinu: 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia. 8 rooms, bath, $45; 2118 Union, :.r. Webster, 7 rooms, bath, $30; 031 1.4 Stelncr. 8 rooms, bath. $40; 352 Twenty-fourth St.. uear Folsom. (i rooms and bath, $25; ; 1627-29 Post, near Buchanan, 10 rooms, bath. $115 each; 521 liaiglit. near Fillmore, 6 rooms, bath, $35: 1139 Valencia, uear 23d. 7 rooms and bath, $35: 923 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9 rooms, bath, $50: 0 Juniper, nr. llth. 6 rooms anil bath, $25; 32 Frederick, off Bryant, ur. Ist, 3 rooms, $10; 19tn. nr. Guerrero. 0 rooms, bath, $25; 618 21st, nr. Harrison, 6 rooms aud bath, $20. YON RHEIN ft CO.. b2JCalifornla St. jylg tf YEW HOUSE TO LET. 8 ROOMS AND BATH; -.' all modern conveniences. 1303 Page St., near Lyon: willbe rented reasonable to a responsible tenant; Key on premises. Jyl3 7t* '() TENEMENTS, ALABAMA ST., NEAK Twentieth; modern improvements; $14 and $16. Jy 13 7t« GOLDEN GATE AVF;., NEAR BAKER-BAY window house; 8 rooms; bath; $35. JylS St* TO LET—A COTTAGE ON CHBEEBYBT., NEAR 1the Mission -road cars, with large lot, stable, chick- ru-h..i:se. etc., enclosed by a high board fence. Also a portion of house, 559 Bryant St., near Fourth. Ap- ply J. B. LEWIS, 436 Montgomery St., Wi 1 or. Sacramento, between 12 and 1. Jyl3 If n ROOMS AND BATH; RENT $'.5. 923 1^ I Golden Gale aye. Jyl'J 71* Of ANTED—TO PURCHASE TO BE REMOVED, "' a house, either cotiage or 2-story, at reasonable figures. Apply B. Mc-luil'ii ALL A SON, 331) Street, between 1 and 4 o'clock 1-. St. JvB lit DLKEMAN PL.. OFF MASON ST.. BETWEEN Ellis andO'larrell— I roms: large yard; $17.j3tf 70K ELLIS— 10 BOOMS AND BATH; I OO all modern Improvements. j>s tf ffl?»»7 CA HOUSE OF 6 BOOMS AND BATH. C- I .OU. 2024 Powell st. Je2B tf <J- 1 O Hol'se, 6 NICE ROOMS; 1611' A MASON •IP 10. St. ; cable-road at door. 11. P. MOBEAL, 402 Montgoniery st. jell tf FLATS TO LET. DODGE ST., OFF TURK,NEARLARKIN-UP- U per flat of 4 rooms : $10. Jyl7 3t AN ELEGANT PARLOR FLAT OF 6 ROOJIS and bath: sunny side: 1318 Ellis st., Le:. La- guua and Buchanan: rent cheap. Apply G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montg cry st. JylO 7t TO LET— 4 SUNNY FLATS; 316 AND 318 JER- sey St., beL Noe and Sanchez: 4 and 5 rooms; hot ami cold water; bath and wash-trays and separate basement; rent reasonable. inquire 1419 Twenty. fourth st.; take Castro-st. cars. Jyl6 St* ITINE FLAT TO LET—E. SIDE DOLORES, BET. I Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth; second floor; bay window; 7 rooms and bath; rent $30. with water; key there. Apply to C. S. CAPP* CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 415 Mont- guniery st. Jyl6 St <>•_)£ FLAT OF 6 SUNNY ROOMS; ALLMOD- yff.IO. em Improvements; water free. 305 Halght street. ]y!6 7t* L'I.ATS-2 li-l:i)(i)l AND BATH. $15; 1 4-P.OOJI \u25a0T and bath, $12; close to cable-cars. Applyat bak- ery, Jersey and Sancnez sts. Jyl6 21* - M.AT, 4 ROOMS: LARGE PANTRY; $10 A month; Twenty-thirdaye., near Point Lobos. In- quire on premises. _yls_7t_ lilt JONES— LOWER FLAT OF* 3 OR 4 KOOMS J. 1U furnished lor housekeeping; bath; gas. JylS tf 1 1 '-(ft HOWARD-LOWER FLAT; 7 ROOMS: 1I OU bath; speaking tubes; electric bells. 7* II! I (ILEAVES WORTH-FLAT OF 5 ROOMS IU I U and lath: In good order: $13. Jyls 3t» Cl n ELLIS-UNFURNISHED FLAT; 4 ROOMS, OIU to let. ]>T5 3t« f*,ftQl STEVENSON. NEAR SIXTH LOWER OUOj tint: 5 rooms; rent $18. IylS 3t* 1017 GEARY—4 NICE ROOMS; BATH: FUR- IV I I nlshed ball; gas; cellar; cheap. jy!s 81* 91 '. 213 AND 217 VALENCIA— 4 NEW BAY- t-lt). window sunny corner fiats, IL4 blocks from Market, 7 and 8 rooms and bath each, costly mod- ern finish, if you see them you willrefuse all others; also SO other fiats In all parts of the city. YON KHEIN A CO.. 624 California St. Jyl3 10* 2 FLATS OF 4 AND 5 ROOMS: SUNNY SIDE Florida st, near Twenty-second; new hoii-e: all conveniences. Apply to MADISON A BURKE. 401 Montgomery st. jyl2 7l*_ 2 FLATS OF 7 ROOMS EACH,$20 AND $22 SO; all modern Improvements. 402 Ninth st. jyl 3 tf "1 1 I '- SACRAMENTO— UPPER FLAT; 6 ROOMS AA1 O with bath; good view. Jyl2 7t» UPPER FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. _U1312y» Larkln St.. near California. Jyl2 if VII THIRTEENTH, ""NEAR" HoWARD-2 NEW OU sunny upper fiats; 0 and 7 rooms; bath, 1 Bt* Sl AND $20—NEW FLATS. 4 AND 5 ROOMS; dp I O bath. 1203 Guerrero at., cor. 24tl_. jyll 7t l'l; i_nishf-I> HOUSES. TTiOR BALE-SUNNY FLAT 6 ROOMS: NEWLY A furnished, with piano. Apply coal-yard. 11 Taylor St. jyi7St* 1 fill SIXTH-NICELY FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 i l-_- rooms tor sale cheap: call after 11. jy!s 17t VINE HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS TO LET AND FUK- J nltnre fcraale. 1209 Howard st. Jyl3 tf 79D MCALLISTER—UPPER FLAT OF 5 ROOMS, I— O bath: modern Improvements. $30. my 29 tf ICOO.MS TO I.K'l'. 7.1 A PINE— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY '_) rooms, en suite and single; reasonable. 17 tf nTAVLOR-FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR .11 en suite; day, week or month. J>'l7 51* CO M1N N A— FLAT 3 NICELY FURNISHED 00 rooms: housekeeping; private family. Jvl7 2* Alrn CLEMENTINA, NR. SIXTH-HOUSEKEEP- *iI/ I ing rooms; furnished complete; cheap. It* 7.19 HOWARD—2 FURNISHED ROOMS: ONE 1 01. suitable for tailor-shop. JylT at* 01 .MINNA-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE ZtX tor housekeeping: use or kitchen. Jyl7 2t* "I 91 > ii ABB El I. FURNISHED OR CNFUK- X.m 1 nlsheti rooms; suitable for housekeeping. 17 5* not FOURTH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SOIT- ZZO able for light housekeeping. It* -11)17 BUSH-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM, GAS Xl.lI and hath. Jyl7 61* 99 FIFTH FURNISHED SUNNY CORNER —rooms, fine view; location central; very de- slrable or office. Jyl7 St* 1 AIM MISSION— SUNNY FUK.N*r__i[_KD -IUUI front room, one or two persons. Jyl7sl* I 1 A SEVENTH— SUNSY FRONT BOOM, X 1 U first floor: gas antl bath. Jy 1 7 3t* 1 1 '141 MISSION WELL-FURNISHED SUNNY XAZO front room, first floor: gentlemen. Jyl7 st* O'Jl MINNA -NICE, SUNNY, DOUBLE AND OOJL single rooms. It* OZ'7 MISSION— NICE, SUNNY ROOM IN REAR; QUI furnished for housekeeping; $10. jyl7St* HA TUKK-FKONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1 I I$8; single. $6. Jyl7 tt LARGE, RUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FOR MAN and wife or two gents. 648 Mission St. ]y!7 St* 'Jill JESSIE, NEAR FOURTH FURNISHED 0 1 1 2 rooms complete lor housekeeping. It* 81 Q FIFTEENTH, NORTH OF MARKET (CAS- OlOtro cable)— 3 unfurnished rooms for bouse* keeping. * it» (•111 HEN AYE.-GENTLEMAN AND WIFE vl 1 U can have 2 nice sunny rooms, unfurnished, for housekeeping; rent $9. jyl 7 2t* 79 BRADY. OFFMARKET 3 UNFURNISHED I £1 rooms upstairs: yard. It* •>.;,- FIFTH - FURNISHED SUNNY HOUSE- O— tI keeping suite of rooms; $6. 1* QKIIMISSION-LARGE FRONT HOUSEKEF.P- -000 Ingroom, $8; single sunny. $6. Jylß 69.> HOWARD-FRONT SUITE; GAS, BATH, -"-> closets; $14; single sunn}-, $6. Jyl6 if I'll THIRD-FRONT SUITE, NICELY FUR- UU nlshed. with piano, $20; double front, $14.1 8 tf 91IUP.BAKD-SINQLE, SUNNY, NEWLY FUR. nlshed rooms: $6 and $6. __________ 1 '-41 7 MISSION—NEWLY FURNISHED SUNSY J- tilI front room; gentlemen; cheap. Jyl6 2t* 1-fi'-Jft MARKET— SUNNY BAY-WINDOW AND IOOU other rooms handsomely furnished, with or without housekeeping privileges; rent moder- ate. Jyl6 7t 90 SOUTH PARK—SUNNY SUITE OF FRONT ZO parlors, elegantly furnished; also single rooms; with or without board. jy!6 7i* I'JJ MINNA— NICK SUNNY ROOM. SUITABLE AOA fur 2 gentlemen or man and wife. Jyl6 2t* 59'J FOLSOM— NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; Om.'_ also bay-window front room. Jyl6 3t» OJ_U 110 FINELY FURNISHED FRONT OTO suite, first floor. 6 21* C\n NATOMA FURNISHED AND UNFDR- UI nlshed rooms for housekeeping: cheap. 16 3t* 1 dV-i MISSION—NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY X -I— O rooms, en suite or single; bath. Jyl6 tf "I d.- MISSION Fl l: NISI! ED "FRONT SUITE; 100 hut and cold water; sliiglsrooms>6.jylBtt IS, 1 A MISSION LARGE DOUBLE SUNNY \u25a0LUIU front room: rent $12. Jylo St 7/IQPINE-2 UNFURNISHED KOOMS FOR I UU housekeeping: 2d floor; also furnished. 1651* (l^jfl HOWARD— 2 sunny UNFURNISHED s/OUg rooms, suitable for housekeeping. Jyl6 tf Of IP. 3 LARGE. BRIGHT* SUNNY ROOMS 0 '*'• with bath, pantry and sink, suitable for housekeeping for small raiuily. Inquire 170 1 Vi F'oisoru it, , Jylo 21* 71 A MCALLISTER-3 " NICELY FURNISHED Hi rooms for housekeeping. \u25a0 JylO st* 9-1 VERONA COB. THIRD SUNNY FUR- L. I 111, in I front rooms, housekeeping. i> Hi 2t*_ _4-._ll MINNA— S SUNNY BACKKOOMS. FUR- tt«->*l2 nlshed for housekeeping. jyl 6 21* ft9ft POST— NICK BUNNY AND HOME-LIKE U^U basement for small family. Jyl6 St* . 1 99ft MISSION-UNFURNISHED HALL bf.d- XZZUroom, with closet; $.1 50. - Jyl6 st» mn MISSION- _! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, I furnished or unlnrnlsbed: bath. Jy Hi at* C All MINNA-3 UNFURNISHED BOOMS Foil OAU housekeeping. , Ji 16 31* , CITT HEAL KS TATTER __ CL'QO^ft GUEKRERO -ST.; CORNER RESI- «H;O— OU. rienco; good house of 9 rooms: lot 6UX100: a bargain. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A CO., 10 Montgomery st. - Jyl3 SuTuTh tf Q! I 7 ftllft HOWARD ST.. NR. 231); GOOD ipl I .UllU. house of 8 rooms and bath; servants' rooms and laundry Inbasement: brick foundations: also house of 2 flats of 8- and 7 rooms each; total rent $107 50; lot 60x135; this is an excellent pic.c of property and isa first-class Investment. McAJFI E, BALDWIN A CO.. 10 Montgomery. jyl a SuTuTh tt ai'UO^ft LARGE LOT VERY CHEAP: 16TH ir--t)U. st, near Castro: size 100: there Is good speculation in this lot as the ltilh-st. extension Is an assured fact. McAFEE, BALDWIN* A- II AM- MOND, 10 Montgomery St. Je22 SiiTiiTh_tt_ C- I •>, ill l .'.'T'.-l LARGE LOIS 28:4X114: «35 XOUU 27th St., near Chnrcb; street graded, macadamized aud sewered. McAFEE, BALDWIN AHAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. je22 SuTuTh tf fflffi^ftft MAKE OFFER: MUST BE SOLD: (I'C'UUIf. cheapest piece on Howard St.. near 14th; good -story and finished basement house of 8 rooms and bath; brick foundation; nicely papered and painted: lirst-ciass repair; stone sidewalks: lot 25xH,">; examine tills property and make offer before buying. McAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMf'ND. 10 Montgomery st, }e22 Su 1 UTh tf $*->•_) CAB A GOOD INCOME PROPERTY; .iZ..OUyt. Folsom st, sear 4th: good building or stores and flats, bringing a monthly rental of $190; lot 97:6x80: this property pays a good In- come and Is in ;.u Improving locality; no belter In- vestment property can be found. SIcAF'EE. bald- IV IN ,-. HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. 15 tf SuTuTh Ob ~ " till SHOTWELL, NEAR 24T8; NICE \u25baJf I •lul/. modern cottage of 5 rooms, bath, etc.; brick foundation; small stable: lovely lawn; large lot. size 5Ux122:0; choice little home. McAFEE, Baldwin A Hammond, 10 Montgomery street. . ji-15 li SuTuTb $1 A ftftft MAKE AN OFFER-GOOD PAY iT.UUU. Ing investment; Garden St., near Cth; good 2-story building of 8 ten nients: rent $]'-'(>: lot100x75; this property must be sold to ciose out an estate; chance for a good buy. Mo- AFEE, BALDWINAHAMMOND, 10 -Montgomery Street. Jel6 SuTu I'h tf $11^,(1 GAPP. NEAR 25TH— GOOD FLATS •Jf II •Tu. of 4 and 5 rooms each, renting at $08; lot 35x116. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. Jels SuTuTh it Qfiftftft MAKEOFFER; A HE MiSSIuN- «J)OUUU. St. lot, suitable for stores and flats: Size 40x115, mar 25th st. ; this property 13 very cheap and properly I mprovod will pay a" good In- come. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery St. Jels tf SuTuTh $ I CHft EACH; NICE LEVEL LOTS ON CAS- sjp I OUUstillaye. ; size 28x214: these lots aro between the Market-st. extension and ltrth st., the latter street to be made Into a boulevard and passes directly In Hunt of these lots; gjod improvements are belug made In this vicinity and these lots otter a good opportunity for a speculation. McAF'EK, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery street. Jels tf SuluTh 7 111 111 AN OFFER WANTED— COENEB OF »P I UUU. 3 frontages; can be divided Into 8 lots (2 corners); this property being on Francisco st. la In the center of the manufacturing quarter of the city and improved withsuitable flats a good Income could ire derived; the lot Is on the grade ami ready for building; terms easy; the belt road will pass this property, and being so central. located It is sure to advance In value. JIcAFEE. BALDWIN A Hammond. 10 Montgomery st. Jel6 if SuTuTh Cj,|-flft LANi.T'ON ST.. NEAR HOWARD: tU-iUUU. good 2-story frame double hou3« or 5 and 6 rooms: routed low to responsible tenants at $36: lot 26x80, McAFEE, BALDWIN A IIAM- MPND, 10 Montgomery st. jel s tf SjiT'u 1 _ ".(If 111 LARGE LOT ON 19TH, NEAK DIA- ffiOUUU. moiiil: 75x100. $SOOO-Saiiche/.. near Ridley: 2*.i125. $1150— 20 th. near Church; 25x114. $4250— 00r. 17th and Diamond: 37:6x75. $6500— near 18th; 50x125. $3000— loth and Diamond; 34x100. McAFEE. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Mont- gi'lnt^vst. JelsJj_BuTuTll_ tt^Qilft FREELON, NEAR 4TH; 2-STORY OOOUU. and basement house of 11 rooms: also rear house of 7 rooms; rent $15. MCAFEE, BALD- WIN A- HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery. j-l.") SnTuTh <i_o\ lillll A CHOICE BUSINESS CORNER © O.UUU. on Howard St.: good building or 2 stores, ami 4 flats of 6 rooms each and police sta- tion: lot 50x95; rent $170. McAFEF:. BALDWIN a HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery sL Jels tt si I i [h C 1 Oftft CLIPPER. NEAR NOE COTTAGE y_filOUU. of 4 rooms; lot 25x111; street wort complete; oolv 1 block from cable-cars. McAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery street. Je29 SuTu i h tt Cfft^ftft 2 1ST ST.. NEAK VALENCIA-GOOD ©OJUl). 2-story house of 11 rooms; lot 25x115; excellent neighborhood. MCAFEE, BALDWIN « HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. je29 SuTuTh tt SCIT i7.i\t\ AN EXCELLENT PIECE OF MIS- «3St I .UUU. slon-st. property, near 3d; S-story building,occupied as warehouse ami lodging-bouse; rent $225: lot 30x160 to Jessie. McAFEE, BALD- WIN A HAMMOND.10 Montgomery. 29 SuTuTh It VOW READY, JUST COMPLETED CHEAP is and offered upon veryeasy terms; a rare chance to buy an elegant and cheap home. New residences for sale just completed; Sanchez St., close to Market; the houses are substantially built, and to meet tho requirements of a muderu and comfortable home, containing 9 rooms and bath, at such terms as tv enable most any one to ob- tain a home at very little outlay and easy payments for the balance; good-sized lots antl all street work done; the neighborhood is fast Improving and prop- erty Is bound to become very valuable on account of Its proximity to Market st. For particulars call at our office, DOWNEY a oambs. sis Montgomery street. Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t I>ACIFIC HEIGHTS LOTS PACIFIC AYE., near Van Ness; tlS:6xl27;ri, with L32x47; north side; price $16,600. 1 60xlS7:U— Vaiiejo St., near Van Ness aye. 1 50-vara— SW. corner Broadway aud Buchanan sts.; 137:6x137:6. NE. cor. Washington and Baker; 37:6x102:6; Cheap. DOWNEY A GAM P.S. 313 Mont. IS stth 3 <__! Iftft LOTS ON ISTH AYE, BET. POINT «3>-iUU. Lobos and the Park, In Block 367; only 5 left; call early, as first come first served; half cash: title absolutely perfect. P. A. DOLAN A CO.. 630 .Market. Je22 SuTuTh tf CfQftM A FEW SPLENDID LOTS, 25XM5, IN OOUl'. the Western Addition; 100 feet from Geary St.; all level and ready to build on. P. A. DOI.AN. 630 Market st. my IS tf SuTnTh •ft I c a LOTS: 25x110: FACING THE park on •Jp 1 ill/ the south side, on $10 per month install- ments will furnish a written guarantee that in one year these lots will sell for $250. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Market st. niy!B SnTnTh tt ffi 1 A A LOTS; 25x120 EACH: ONLY A SHORT •]p I l-u distance from Golden Gate Fart and grand boulevard: no sand; these, lots inside of one year willreadily sell for9260; terms only $10 cash and $5 per month; no interest ; no taxes. P. A. DOLAN', 630 Market St. mylS SuTuTh tf S \u25a0 Iftft CASH. BALANCE IN EASY PAY- UUU merits; 2-story: bay-window; 7 rooms; bath; linen-room; large laundry: driveway; room for stable; flowers; lot 30x120. Apply on premises. 15 Albion aye.. bet. 18th and 17th sts., Valencia and Guerrero. JW2 SuTuTh tf £•99X11 LOT 37:6x120: COTTAGE STABLE «Jp ZZ OU. barn, chicken-house, pretty garden; ocean view; Spring Valley water; lir.G.G. Park. Ad- dress R-. blue let tcr-oox. Halght and ny an. 11 71* L'OK SALE BY W. 11. CBIM ft CO., 428 MONT. X gomcry st. Real estate bought and sold. SIU.SUU— near Ist: rents $100; 18:6x75. Kennebec, near Jefferson; Gift .Map No. 2; 8 rooms: 25x75. $16,000— 23d and Alabama: 80x100: rent $100. $:)000— Oak, near Laguua, with frontage on Lily aye.; 27:6x120; cottage and 2 tenements. $8000 Calif near Fillmore; 7 rooms and bath; 25x132 :7Vi. Fell, near Franklin; store and flats; 27:6x120 to Hickory aye. Height, near Pierre; new house: 9 rooms, bath, s ream's room, laundry, etc.: rent $7.5 not: 2.">x 1 110. 21st, near Dolores; fine view; 8 rooms, bath; 22X 114. Shipley, near Sth—Lot 25x75; 2honses: rent $50. Guerrero, near 22tl— new flats: rents $74: 38x 117:6. $2200-Lombard. nr. Fillmore: 8 rooms: 27:6x90. Church, near 28th—5 rooms, bath; 25x100. LOTS. $8000— NX. Broderick and Jackson: 100x55. $9500— NW. Cast., and 19th; 75x125. $sliiO-Harrison, near 22d: 49:3x100. Chestnut, near Fillmore: 55x137:0. $1500—Chattanooga, nearSSrd; 25x117:6. SW. cor. Church and Hermann; BSallO, $800— 12 th aye., near Ist; 25x120: graded and fenced. $1260— SE cor. Bst. and 31st aye.; 60x169. Clement si.. 32d to2Sd avea.; 240x100; 2 corners. $125— aye., nr. W St.; 25x120. $1100— 42 d aye., nr. Point Lobos; 75x120. ]2thave., nr. M St.: 25x120. $1100— 20thSt., near Dolores; 25x114: cheap. N. C .morula, i.r. 17th ave. : 25x100. $1750— Church, nr. 27th: 25x95. 1 SE. 17th st. and Serpentine road: 21x75. 2iii st., nr. Diamond; flue view; \u0084 17:6, $1200— Army St.. nr. Mission; 25x100. $1000— Choice corner In University Homestead, nr. silver 120x100; willsubdivide. $750 each—23d. nr. "astro; 2 lots; eich 25x114. $500— Day, nr. Douglass: 50x114; InInstallments. 2 corners inFlxcelsior Homestead; each 150x100. $250— Lots lvExcelsior Homestead; 25x100; $50 cash: balance Installments; don't fail 10 see them. $16,000-SW. cor. .Market, Noe and 16th; 105 X 156. Jyl3SuTh A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— WEEKLY Call, in wranper. ready for mailing. IiiINTKY 111,11, ESTATE. DA RGAIS— ACRES Al IMPROVED LAND; Jl near school, town 'and railroad station; short distance iroin city: InSonoma County; orchard and vineyard; house 9 rooms, barn anrl other buildings; 3 horses, 2 cows, 2-seated buggy, wagon, cart, har- ness and all running Implements: Incubator and poultry; nicely located: price for all $7600; ip cash, balance time; also 35 acres unimproved ad- joiningabove. Callat 1617 Grove St., San Fran- clsco: "no triilers." Jyl6 8t» 9 ftftft ftftft ACRES; VAST ESTATES OR Z.IIUU.UUU acre lots; all specialties Inland: stock, dairy, grain, fruit and general farms, resorts, timber land. Mexican laud, mines, town sites and lots, city mansions, country villas and sites; Invest- ment and speculative properties; money to loan: send 10c for 110-page catalogue. C. 11. STREET A CO., land Agents, 415 Montgomery st. JylO lm_ AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE -\ Slate will sell his properly at a sacrifice for cash or good mortgages; Santa Clara County stock, grain and fruit farm, 1000 acres. $12 50 per acre; stock, crop and Implements, low valuation; 10 acres, Wrights Station, $400; IS and 16 acres, San Jose, part In fruit, $350 per acre: Monterey County, 640 acres, 180 in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 480 un- improved, $5 per acre: livery stable, barn and cot- tage. San Miguel, $5000: also 3 lots. $700 each; also some goof] mines; two-thirds "can remain on mort- gage on any of these: particulars on arpilratlon. Address A W. 11.. 2814 Sacramento sl, San Fran- Cisco. \u25a0 ap2t) tt SCHOOL LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AS* ACRE: ON very easy terms; sold by the State In tracts to suit: no residence or Improvement required; all kinds of lands, In many different counties; send stamp tor list, Open Monday, Wednesday and Satur- :i> evenings. F W. LAKE, 6 Flood Building. 1:4 tf FOB BALK^M"Is'4TI-TlJirANEU[i_k rilO BE REMOVED; ONE 2-STORY STABLE: 0 1 stalls; dimensions 24x68; cor. Gough aud O'Far- reil sis. Inquire 519 Clay St. It* A 1 FRESH MILCH COW FOR SALp:. 2927 ill Mission St. Jyl6 3t»_ IJUd FOR SALE—TO BE REMOVED. HOUSE •JpltlU. 1413 Scott St.. nearOeary, and buildings In rear. Applybetween 1 and 4 p. m., to B. Mo Dol HALLA SON, Architects, Room 62, 330 Plue street. Jy9 13t HUNTING PUPS FOR SALE CHEAP. SO ElGH- teenth aye., South San Francisco ]y!2 71* OANGE FOB SALE AT 311 PACIFIC STREET. It jyl2______ YEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE .' cheap. 12 Main st. . lurJO if J.-'OIt SALE—HOUSE TO BE REMOVE-, ON W. X side Jones st., bet. Bush ami pine; make an offer. Apply G. B. UMBSEN A Co., 14 Montgomery. 18 tt lAS FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS VERY CHEAP. VJ HUFSCUMIDT. 637 Clay st. myO »m SHEPAKD'S FOOT AND POWER LATH KA HICKS, agent, 667 Mission st. \u25a0 sc27tf V EW AND SECOND HAND SAFES. _ MIGHELL Is ft RICHARDS, cur. Bush and Market ata.olO 12in 4JAFE. SCALE. i.FiTEi.-PRKBB. STOKE TRUCK i . an.i luoicy-tlll cheap. 102 Clay st. au2S 12m . SECOND-.,.. BOILBtS, ENGINES, PUMPS, shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. " Mo- -INTOSU A vu.l.T .. - i 7l)ealust. . -.; t de* Ui CITY ItEAL ESTATE. _^ Jt/JOKfl A PICK UP-PINK ST.. NR. WEBSTER JTU-OU. and running through to Wilder; bay- window house of 11 rooms and bath; brick foun- dations, laundry, etc.; lot 25x127:6. G.H.I MU- SEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery sL ]y!3StSuTuTh i_ Of; Oft CLARA ST., NR. 3D; FRONT HOUSE <]f:tJt)Ul'. of 10 and rear houseol 1 rooms; rents SSO: 10125x75. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Slout- goiitery st. 18. 3t SuTuTh _ Of fif I GILBERT, Nil.BKANNAN; THREE iXUULfcI.houses and two cottages: lot 60*30. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Moulgomery.l3 3SnTuTh Hi;'}')/)!! SHERIDAN ST., SR. »TH ASD y&ZZUU. Folsom; lot 25x100: level and ready for building. G. H. UMBSEN a CO., 14 Mout- gomery st. }__}___ StSuT'uTTi Jtiinril LIZZIE ST.. Nil. MISSION AND sfiZOylU. '."Stli; 2-story house of 0 rooms; lot SS:6x7O. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery street. jyl SuTuTh St 7')r7l\ CASTRO ST.. NR. ID111 ; LOT 82:61 3) I ZOU. 123. G. 11. UMBSEN A- CO.. 14 Mont- gomery St. JylS SuTuTh St Z'-)rlitl CLIPPER ST., NR. CHURCH: LOT JJ-ZOUI*. 60:llxllL G. 11. UJIBSEN A CO., li Montgomery St. Jyl 3 SnTnTh Si CM T~Zll EACH COLLINGWOOO ST., NEAR »P 1lOU 18th: 2 lots, each 55x125. G. 11. UMB- SEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery St. Jy ISSuTuTh 3t _SC_.II LOT 26X100— OS N. LINE OF A ST., (fcUOlf. near 10th aye. G. H. UMBSEN ft CO., 11Montgomery st. JylS SuTuTh St «_. ~-,l\l\- LOT 50X120-ON COOK ST., NEAR «s>ltJl)U. Geary. G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery sL Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t ffl." I HfUl 13TH AYE.. HEAB CALIFORNIA- ijji 1 Iul). St. Extension: 50x120; will subdivide. <;. 11. UMBSEN .V CO.. 14 Montgomery. lS SuTuTh 3 lillll FOB » LOTS IN HOI.LIDAY MAPA G. i)UU 11. DHBSEN A Co., 14 Montgomery street. ]y!3 SuluTh .'•!_ «_•')! Hill eureka Sl'.. near isth-lot 21 ypZ UUU. xBS. G. 11. UMBShIN A CO.. 14 Moilt- goincry st. Jyl3 SuTuTh St tt'l^nil DOUGLASS ST., NEAR 18T1I—25x OlilUU. 150. G. 11. UMBSEN ft CO.. 14 Mont- gomery^ Jylo SuTuTh 3t C' III! 111 LOT 55X125-ON DIAMOND,NEAR «T^li.'NfU. ltllli; ready for building,street work done. G. 11. UMBSEN A Co.. 14 Montgomery street. jy!3 Sn Iulh St •iitT-NIUI COR. DOLORES AM) VALLEY— BAY- tIp I Ov'v/. window cottage of 5 rooms and bath; brick foundations and all modern conveniences; lot 51 :6xl00. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery street. Jyl 3 SnTnTh St CVJfi/Ul DOLORES ST.. NEAR VALLEY; tJp.IUUI/. hay window cottage of 5 rooms aud bath; hot and cold water, etc. ; lot 25:6:1011; brick foundation. U. 11. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Muntgom- cry st. JylS SuTuTb St Cfl^llfl BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE OF 5 tj"_rs.)l-'l-'. rooms and bath and basement: brick foundations, etc. part cash: lot 25x115: 15th St., near Martlet. G. 11. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Montgom- ery st. JylS SuTuTh st Qt(i'/Z.l- A BARGAIN; 2-STORY BAY-WIN- CU OU . Uow house of 6 rooms and bath; brick foundation; stationary washstand, etc.; all modern conveniences; lot 27:6x100 on 16th St.. near Mar- ket. G. H. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Montgomery streeL Jylg SuTuTh St C-i:/l(l GKEEN Sl'., SEAR FRANKLIN: 2- jJT'iilvv'. story house of 13 rooms ami bath; lot 28x130. G. 11. CMbsF:.N A CO., 14 Montgomery street. jyl3 _________________ 4itO(Wlft hush ST., NEARPOWELL: 2-STORY '. I'l'y'U. and basement house of 12 rooms and bath; mortgage ol $Sooo can remain If desired; lot 20x60: rents $03. G. ILUMBSEN A CO.. 14 Mont- gomeryst. Jyl3 SuTuTh St <_: in finn mission st. AND running SSl's U.UUU. tbrougb to Minna; part under lease for 3 years at $151) per month; room for 5 or 6 buildings: lot 95x160: 2 fronts. 0. 11. UMBSEN ft CO.. 14 Montgomery st. Jyis SuTuTh 3t C; l <f7.| i/ 1 I'UST ST.. sunny SIDE. NEAR »7 \Z.OUU. Leavenworth; lot 30x107:6; good, substantial bay-window house of 11 roomsand bath; stone sidewalks, brick foundations, etc. G. li. IMH- SEN * CO., 14 Montgomery St. jy!BSnTnTh 31 Q49 "ill CORNER SACRAMENTO ST. AND s&XZOU . Leroy place, nr. Leavenworth; 2 houses renting for* lot 20x70. G. 11. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Montgomery st. Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t '\u25a0_')(.(. SACRAMENTO ST., NEAR DEVISA- i?t)-Ull. dero: lot 27:6HU0. G. H. IMItsEN ft CO.. 14 Montgomery st. JylS SuTuTh St _ V .",111111 SCOTT ST.. NEAR BUTTER; HOUSE flfillnfW. of 6 rooms and bath; lot 25x137:6. O. 11. UMBSEN ft CO.. 14 Montgomery. IS SuTu St QQ-iwv SITTER ST., NEAR BAKES; NEW y^OOUU. 2-story and basement bay-window bouse in 2 flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each: brick foundations and all modern Improvements: rents $70; lot 28x87:6. O. H. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Montgomery st. jylSSuTuTh St C.l .1 nf)A WEBSTER ST., NEAR FULTON; *y)XZ.UUU. new bay-window house in 4 flats; rents $92; brick foundations: lot 33x82:6. O.H. 1 Miisks ft CO., 14 Montgomery. Jyl3 suluTh st HOI'SE AND LOT; 6 ROOMS AND BATH, 1417 Devisadero st., near Geary'. Jyl7 7t* 1 I -i\ PRKSIDii)" HEIGHTS-LOT 25x127 ON I*i OU Jackson, near Spruce. WILSON ft CARR, 18 Post st. Jyl7 2t ttf'llWll'Eß LOT— EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD, C— l'll near Mission road, 25x100 each. WILSON ft CARR. 18 Post St. Iyl72t 1)P.X150-NOE, NEAR FOURTEENTH; MUST BE .Isold; make an olfor. WILSON A L'ARR. 18 Post st. Jyl7 2t I. OR BALE— BY YON ItHEIN ft CO.. 524 CALI- I fornia st., above Montgomery. Oilers always re- spectfully considered. FOR SALE IMPROVED. 67:6x120— Mission, nr. 6th. ",sxloo— Valencia St., ur. 19tb; 4 stores and flats. 70x108- Clay st., near Kearny: renls $500; gilt- edged central business property; $65,001). 34:4XAx76:6— Clay, ur. Kearny rents $213. 35x80— 2d, nr. Folsom; rents $130. Howard-st, corner: rents $180. 75x125— SlXth-St, corner: rents $350. 80x811—Mission and Willow: rents $30. 30x80— Valencia, ur. 16th; store and flat. '^sxBo or 50x112:6— Cor. Folsom and 24ib: stores and flats. 101x245— I'olsom st.: corner; rents $264. 5.".!175— San Jose aye.. nr. 24th St.: rents $100. 25x75— park aye.. ur. Bryant; 8 flats; rents $44. 27:6x87:6— California st.. nr. Polk; rents $90. S7:6xlo7:6— Halght it., nr. Laguua; superb new Colonial style residence. 22 :llxlS7;6—Green St.. nr. Mas rents $58. 28x60 Broadway, nr, Dupoat: rents $ioi. 25x87:6— Scott, nr. Bush; small Incise. Sansome, opp. U. S. Appraiser's Building. 26x86— Halght. nr. Stelner; flats; rents *37 50. 22:11x45:10— Powell, ur. Clay; rents $56. 60x77:6—Mason st., nr. California: well situated. 28x137:6 Clay. nr. Mason: good Investment. 22:6x137:6— Eighth,nr. Bryant: 0 rooms, bath. 21 Green, nr. Powell*; cheap. 22 :6x7o—Union, nr. Montgomery; rent $20. 45:10x137:0— Francisco, ur. Stockton: rents $80. 22:6x68:9— Pacific, nr. Jones; examine. 28x62:8— Cor. Geary ami William; reuts $110. 65x100— Cor. Pine and Broderick; rents $70. Soxl2o— Bush, nr. Gougn; _iv rooms and bath; rents $75. 26x112— Broderick St.. nr. Haves: rents $45. 25x100— Page. nr. Pierce: rents $62 50; flats. 25 :»xll5—Dorlaud, nr. Dolores; cheap. 25x80— Jessie, nr. 19lh: rents $30. 28x122:6— Howard, nr. 17tb: (me residence. 25x80— Church, nr. 27th; 7 rooms and bath. 24x105— 27th, nr.Church: hall. 40x130— 17tn. nr. Noe: nice home. 2SX&S— i. 20XD0: Howard, nr. 15tb; rents CI 00. 23:6x100— Mission, nr. 16th; rents $65. 25x114—Army, nr. Dolores: rents $22 50. 82x117:6— Fair Oaks, nr. 21st; small bouse. 25x100— Chattanooga, nr. 2. id: b rooms and bath 26x122— Folsom. nr. 23d: rents $70. :..,'. 22: 'J Shotwell St., near 22t1: cheap. 25x100— Vlcksbuxg. ur. 24th; flats; rents $32. 26:10x114— Alvarailo St., near 22. 1: small house 60x122:6— Folsom St.. nr.22d: 11 rooms and bath. 4!ix62:6- Cor. 19th and Shotwell sts.: rents $12. 60x115—Dorlaud St.. near Guerrero: cheap. 26x125— c0r. 20th and Harper; good buy. -\u25a0ox7s— Zoe. offBryaut, ur. 4th; rents $128 50. 23x80— st.. near 121 3 Hats; rents sB4 50. Gilbert st., near Brannan: rents $-5. 25x80— Gilbert, nr. Bryant: rents $33. 6ih: rents $39. 25x50— AHa, nr. Montgomery: rents $16. 25:5x114— Clipper, nr Church; v rooms and bath: cheap. 45x80— Minna St., near Gib; rents $65. 60x80— Tehama st., near 4th; rents $80, 25x80—Clara St., near Stb : rents 40. 300X125— lots in Silver Terrace Homestead. 56X1S0 Williamson, near l'ulnt Lobos. UNIMPROVED IN LOTS TO SUIT. 68:9x110— Franklin, nr. California; rare chance. 37:6x137:6 Oak. close to Stanvan. 100xlu6:9-Cur. Fulton and Shradersts. 25x137:0— N. line Page, ur. Clayton: choice. 37 :Bx72 near Lanuiia: large lot. 25x100— McAllister, nr. Wlllard; must be sold. 137:6x137:6— Chestnut, near Larkln; In 5 lots. 37 :6xB7:6—Cor. Dupon antl Chestnut; 1 lot, Cor. Stockton and Dupout; In5 lots. Building lota, cash or Installments: 1 block from Castro, i 2s:(.il 1 5— Howard, nr. 26th : 3 lots cheap. 50x75— Cor. Howard and Adair; lino corner. 25x100— 26th, near Florida; cheap. 105x114— Cor. Sanchez and Cumberland: cheap. 25x100— Cor. Diamond a i. i 19th; for store and flat. Castro, near 10th; a line of lots. 1 10x115— Cor. Diamond and 23.1. 75x114—20th. nr. Church: lv 3 lots. 75x100— Cor 26th and Alabama sts. : a good buy. Los 114— 23dand Guerrero: residence corner' 26x114— 20th, nr. Dolores: cheap. 60x1 14— Liberty, nr. Sue: nice lots. 39x80-Cor. Castro and Clipper sts.: examine, 17:1— 22d St., near Mission; business. 67:6x114— Elizabeth st., near Douglass; bargain. 60x114— Cumberland st., near Church. Vax Cor. sierra and Kansas. 25x100— Rhode island, near Yolo; cheap. 60x150— Cor. Douglass and Rontalu; line Tlew. 160x115— Cor. Roanoke and Bemls. 53:1x100— Cor. Point 1... b0s aye and Boycest. Lots 5 and 8. Block 16. F'alrmouut Tract. 120x174:5— C0r. Band 31stave.: $3100; 7 lots. 600x240-0. L.Block: fronts Park. 25x120— 22d aye.. near Point Lobos. Lot 18, Block 11, Flint Tract. Lot 22, Block 8. College Homestead. I'reclta Valleylots: clican. Lots south ol the Park ; cheap. Lots In Silver Terrace Homestead Association. O. F. YON RII KIN ft CO.. 524 California St. Jyl3SnThl3t <i__l\tlFOR A SPLENDID HOME AND A NO. jpilUU1cottage and lot; lot 25x100; Mission and Slst fullpriie $1600; Mission St.. when widened, graded and cable running, this place will readily sell lor $3000; must positively be sold this week. For tin- greatest bargains ever ollered apply to P. A. DOLAN ft CO., 630 Market st, JylO tf <iil7\ -"' -4*loo. IN BERKELEY; SIDE- ty. I I O. walked: $5 cash. $5 monthly, $400— Comer, 75x100, with creek; $5 monthly. $150— Lot 40x135: sewerod and sidewalked. $900— other lots, all sizes and kinds. Send for maps. CHAS. A. BAILEY, owner. 024 Market.l 2 If Ul ILL SKI. I. TWO i:ih*i-.ii RESIDENCES, first-class and modern In every particular; just completed; $700 below value; terms, etc., posted on premises. 523. 531 Hill St.. Castro _________!__ 3* O-qn/Y BARGAIN; RICHMOND LOTS, IOTII yJUU. aye.. near Point Lobos aye. BUCK- INGHAMft CO.. 115 Montgomery st. ]____\u25a0_ SuWe lm L'OK SALE— ST.. NEAR MISSION; LOT 1 75x140. See owner. 20 Geary St.. upstairs. jyl 8 tf MAKE your OWN TERMS— FOB SALE OS monthly payments equal to rent, fine modern cottages, containing 5 rooms and bath: 7-foot base- ment: wooden mantel arid mirror; stone sidewalk, Iron fence, large lot: 2 blocks Irom Castro cable- car, on Sanchez at., between Clipper and 26th sts.: owner on premises to-day, or apply to L. LAN lI- LI.L-. 'J'-"0 \u25a0_ Montgomery st. Jyl2 St J.'LATS FOR SALE— S AMI 6 ROOMS; MODERN 1 Improvements: on l'otrero aye., bet. 2. id and '.'lib sts.: lot 25x100; Huward-st. cars pass the house; the best prospective business property In the city. Apply on the premises through the day or at .1000 California St., to A. J, WEIR. Jell tf COTT AGE FOB s.U.I ALL MODERN I_T- VJ proveinelits; lot 25x95: on 23d St., bet. Potrrro ate. and Hampshire at.: just finished; the Howard- st. line InIroiit of the house: terms easy to suit. Apply to A. J. WEIR, on premises, through the day, or at 300U California sL jell tf POII BALE—FINE MODERN COTTAGES ON I easy monthly payments, - containing 5 large rooms, bath, 7-foot basement, wooden mantle ami minor; stone walk; Iron fence: large lot: only 2 blocks rrom cable-cars: this Is an opportunity to se- cure a home by monthly payments equal to rent. ApplyL. LASDLER, 228^ Montgomery St. JylO lm A T ABARGAIN;LOT NW. colt. SUTTER AND - -\ Broderick sts.; 35x110. Inquire 208 Sutter St., top Hour. : : " 7 \ Jyls 31* BUSINESS CHANCES— CONTINUED. {.11-iio TREMENDOUS BARGAIN;HOTEL, ij!ii)UU. 50 rooms: centrally located: com- pletely furnished: handsome bar and billiards; do- ing an enormous trade; house full the year round; clears to $276 to $.00 per month: rent only $125: under long lease: house well and favorably known as being one of tbe best appointed and well kept hotels iii the city; always Insuring a house lull of guests. For a bargain seldom met with, apply at once to GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearuy st. It ©17ts. COFFEE-SALOON AND KESTAU- Cl li). rant: partner wanted; right In business center; owner first-class cook; wants steady, reli- able man for cash-counter and dining-room: has line bar; splendid trade, place handsomely lilted up; cheap rent; actually worth $250; must sell; needs help: never such a chance: don't miss It. See GEO. STEWART. 135 Kearny st, It fl|_.,nn PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY— LIGHT tip—UU . and pleasant inside work; giving steady employment; clearing $13 to $17 per week to each ; not necessary to understand the business: must be willing to work In store and make himself generally useful: no iii.:ht or Sunday work; business easily learned: will suit any industrious, steady, sober i an, GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. lt_ sJII'MI I'AKTNER WANTED IN LARGE ,_ lII.JU. commercial express and transfer busi- ness to act as cashier, book-keeper, receiving, ship- jring and delivering merchandise in freight oflice: works 12 horses with all they can do; everything In first-class running order: baa special contracts with railroad and steamship companies and many mer- cantile houses for transportation of general Ireiglit nnd merchandise, with trade clearing $350 per month; business established nnd growing: best of references; lull Investigation. GEO. STEW A I. 135 Kr.-irny st. It a;'j,".|l|| STATIONERY AND VARIETY «!?— UUU. store; best location In the city; good reason tor selling. McLaughlin* * CO.. 26 Kearny st. . Jyl7 41* a: Qnn RESTAURANT, COFFEE - SALOON, sjpOUU. I, ranch bakery: departure cause of sale. Mclaughlin A CO., 26 Kearny St. it* Cl'Ann 00-ROnM HOTEL; NEAR CITY. Mo- OUUUU. LAIHIILIN, 26 Kearny St. It* fflj/'Aiv COFFEE SALOON AND LUNCH- C^'-'v'. house; dailyreceipts $25; old age cause or sale. M. I.ACGHLIN * CO.. 26 Kearny. It* Cr-inZ, GOOD FRUIT AND VEGETABLE «?T— I O. store business; $12 dally: Hiving rooms. -Mclaughlin A CO., 20 Kearny St. it* Gil inn CORNER GROCERY: A BARGAIN tITIIUU. II sold to-day. MCLAUGHLIN A CO., 20 Kearny as. It* ffl_">(lnil LIVERY-STABLE; BARGAIN THIS C«JvUU. day. MCLAUGHLINA C 0. ,26 Kearny street. Jylß St* C' inn GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD PAYING tJ."xUU. corner. MCI.AUGHLIN,2O Kearuy.l6 3* Cl 1 ftftft I'.LEK-BOTTLISG BUSINESS: GOOD 11l\JyJ. horse; wagon, McLaughlin. 20 Kearny st. Jyl6 St* <-ii|jl BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY 1. i)\'\i. store; 3 living rooms; great bargain. An- ply at Call Branch Office. Jy!3 7t* ffl-Qnn GOOD LIQUOR SALOON BUSINESS; iJiUyJU. rare bargain; fully stocked: doing busi- ness from -.11 to $12 a day; no other within 5 blocks; long lease: good reason for selling. Apply ______ Third St.; no agents. jyl 2 7t* I AUNDRY FOR SALE— ONE OF THE BEST J-i places ever has been offered: running by steam: J places ever has been offered: running by -team: machinery almost new; 2 horses ami wagon; also Aye living rooms, with ail the furniture complete. Situated 345 Seventeenth St.. cor. Valencia. jy!27* OLD ESTABLISHED AND PAYING BOOK, SO- tion and variety store InthrivingInterior town, together withagency of San Francisco dallies; re- quired about $3000 capital. Address MACKINDER A: TKAINOB, P. O. Box 10!), Napa City,CaL Jylg 7t GROCERY MEN ATTENTION— OF THF; 1 best groceries N. of Market St., to be sold at Invoice: horse, wagon, etc. ; present owner Is doing a good business, but is compelled to go East; will sell whole or will take reliable man as partner; ref- erences exchanged. Particulars of Ik WHITE, 765 Mail, , St. Jyl3 5t 7. OOD INVESTMENT: SMALL CAPITAL: GOOD "7 paying business. 637 Kearny. '.Room 7. jy!s 3t* GffJEft CHOP-HOUSE; 1149 MAKKET: FUR- •_. _-•)''. nlshed rooms cut $25:lcavlngclty.l4 6* HOTEL FOP. SALE IN SANTA KOSA: HOTEL of 40 rooms: all well tarnished and doing a good business; everything in perfect running order: the proprietor la getting old, and wants to retire trom business: will be sold cheap If applied for at once; good piano; carpets mostly new; cheap rent and making money right along. ApplyP.O. Box 157. Santa Rosa. JylS 7t 0(j ftftft OLD-ESTABLISHED LIVERY; Ct/.UUU. splendid location; long lease; no rent ; Immense business: full value given; bear close Investigation; owner In poor health; take small ranch part payment. O. l. c, Box 17, this omce. 137* LORSALE-STOCK OF SHELF AND BUILDERS' J hardware In the best rapid-growing city inCali- fornia; annual sates about $50,000; stock will In- voice about $18,000: an elegant opening. For par- ticulars call ou _. J. ROBINSON A- CO., 79 New Montgomery st. Jyl3 0t V'-IH! RESTAURANT; GOOD LOCATION: s?OUU. new furnltnre. 100 McAllister st. 117* Psoß SALE TIN, STOVE AND PLUMBING Lbusiness; full set of tinner's tools and machines; good clean stock. For particulars call at 213 Fifth St.. near Folsom. jyll 7t* SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 896 ILLI- -nols St., l'otrero. JyOlOt* CjO'n WOOD AND COAL, HAY AND 1 AIN vOeJU. business: largo stock: 3 wagons: 3 horses; 1 buggy arid harness: tools; 3 living rooms; long lease; cheap rent. Twenty-sixth and Folsom streets. JyB 14t» BUSINESS FOR SALE CONSISTING DRY goods, craekery, bakery, stationery; within half block three schools: must lie sold, account sickness, below cost-price; 204 Twenty-fourth st., near Col- umbia. JyO 14t» C;.) DOWN AND 6.1 CENTS PER SHARK PER C*— month will purchase shares in the Republic Savings. Building and Loan Association; $16 per month willpay olf a loan of $1000; call or send for prospectus; open daily and evenings until 0 o'clock. 624 Market St. Mr 30 tf V I ".(in SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR THE *.. 1 .J' . right man; route on urn ing and even- ingnewspapers for sale; pays $80 per mouth profit. Apply at this office. lela tf MILLINERY BUSINESS ONLEADING STREET. C Box '.St. Call Branch ('dice. jell It ~ LODOINU Hoi -.I FOB. "SALK. H. FLETCHER. 1 EDDY 1.-ll , $1450— ri'-'-rooui lodging-house. $550— 10 rooms; Mason si. $.",110— 12 rooms: iin. -:. 9100—17 rooms; Howard St. $700—14 rooms: Howard St. It* A few of our bargains in LODOING- BOUSES: 20 rooms; furnished and occupied $450 62 rooms; cheap rent: lone lease 1600 12 rooms; all new furniture: bargain 575 10 rooms on Powell St.; cheap 800 40 .... ins; will exchange for land 7000 8 rooms on Bush St.; bargain 200 SO rooms: elegantly furnished: part cash 3500 9 rooms on Eddy St.. near Market 500 BOOKER -v TEMPLE, 841 Market St. It* ?'_>/' SIXTH— IB-BOOM HOUSE, ALL RENTED; IDO modern conveniences; very cheap. jy!7 tf C'l'.llA LODGING-HOUSE: $0 ROOMS; BAR- Ol«Jclc'. gain this day. MILaL'GHUN A CO.. 20 Kearny st, It* C- 1 •-'fill LODGING-HOUSE OF 40 ROOMS; 0-1 , - )^''-'* cheap rent; full of permanent roomers; this house Is a genuine bargain: sold only on ac- count of Immediate departure of proprietor. Mo- LACGHLIN A CO.. 26 Kearny st. JvlO 8t» 'd BOOMED HOTEL IN A STIRRING TOWN OU from city: clears $3000 per year; $2700. J. W. DONNELLY A CO., 34 Kearny St. It* sill rooms —CENTRALLY LOCATED; hand- ZU somelv furnished: $400 cash, balance easy pay- ments. J. W. DONNELLY * CO.. 34 Kearny. It* \ VERY DESIRABLE CORNER BOUSE OF 30 1 V rooms, handsomely furnished, clearing $125 per month. Apply W. V. HEALY. 1004 .Market. 1* C-r;-A GREAT BARGAIN: 25 ROOMS; NBAS front: rent only $50; clearing $80 per month. W. F. HEALY. 1004 Market St. It* C. r rI i 10 ROOMS: NR. SIXTH AND MISSION; QOOU. call to-day. HEALY,1004 Market st, 1* LOR SALE-LODGING-HOUSE OF' 20 ROOMS: JT finely furnished; best location: near principal hotels; must be sold immediately; terms to suit purchaser. ApplyL. LANDLER, 228 Montgom- ery st. iviu st* FLICMTCKIi FOB SALE. ijATi^'~irn (nrEN^TAßLEsrsr^o^ AT J 11. SCHELUAAS' Furniture Store, 408 FSeveuth St., Oakland. dP6eod tf VICE FLAT: 0 ROOMS ANt) BATH; NICELY j-> furnished; for sale. 226 Taylor st. Jyl6 PARTIES FURNISHING HOMES BEE OUR X complete bed-room sets. $15; mattresses, $2 to $25; parlor sets, $25 to $120; cash or easy terms. .1. noonan a p.. 1017 and 1023 Mission scjyis tf MEW CHAMBER SETS OF 7 FIECF_S, $16 CASH, _-> or Installment. WILLEYBROS. 931 Mission, tf fSOUNTRY VERS WISHING SECOND-HAND VJ furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, caUas ROSENTHAL'S, 110 Fourth st.: satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded ; goods shipped free, 1 1 r.r ALL I'Rli IN PLAIN FIOUBES: on IN- \u25a0»*V stailmeuts, without interest, you can furnish your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at 11 EN- EY'S large lurulture aud carpet wareroouis, 18 to '.4 I.llls st. 24 tf A GOOD CHANCE-YOUR HOI SE FURNISHED fs complete with furnltnre, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices, on easy Installments; small deposit. M. FRIED- MAN A CO.'S, largest Installment house on the Coast. 228 and 230 Stockton sL, cor. Post: open evenings; prompt .attention paid to country orders. TEKLING FURNITURE CO.— CARPETS AND STEBLINU FURNITURE CO.—CARPF. 1S AND furniture. IU3O and 1041 Market St., Rosenthal Building. au7tt ALL MY GOODS ARK DOWN TO BED-ROCK prices: parlor suit; $25. ranges $0, new cham- ber sets complete $35; reductions all round; cash or Installments. T B. NELSON. 136 Fourth st 30 f'AKPKn BRI s-iKLS CARPETS, elegant PATTERNS 1 > 60c per yard, sewed and laid; best value ever offered, s. w. sllll-.l K. 1234 Stockton st. je!2 If tiARPETS-SMITH'S BRUSSELS, 650 A YARD; 1 > installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M. FRIEDMAN * CO.. 228-230 Stockton sL. cor. Post. CILOSINO IT' ESTATE: BRUSSELS HF.WED[" lald,6oe; 2-ply.2sc:nll-clotli,l2' :curtaln-pole* 86c; matting. 10c. NEWMAN BBOS-. 117 SlxthSt. HOUSES. 'n3sT"ATntTvEirTiT)UK7^ARnA)ADS^^ 'J class horses nt Ihe International Horse Market, class horses at the liiteriia'.l'inal liorsu Market. Twelfth and Harrison sts. SWITZEE * iil'it- TON. Jyl77t LOR SALE AN ELEGANT STYLISH CIIEST- I nut sorrel! team of horses for carriage or buggy; ]•: high; weight 1150 to 1200: well bred; will also sell one. Apply at 1120 Market st. JvlO at* 4 1 MARES AND 1 HORSE. INQUIRE 714 FRONT - sl reel. j>lsSt* I ] LACK HOUSE, WELL BROKEN, GENTLE AND I > kind, in Inn. high: shows 2:10 gait and fine style; rare opportunity to get a young horse with all good <|iiantles and no Had ones. PATTISON _ son, OHO Market »L. or Club Stables. 1 aylor St. jy!s 3t» JUST RECEIVED 2 CAR-LOADS YOUNG horses, broken and unbroken; willsell for cash or on easy terms. J. NOONAN A CO., 1017 to Mission st. jyl 3 tf DRAUGHT HORSES; BROKEN A UNBROKEN; Perclier-.n and Clyde stock. Address J. 11. SCHNEIDER. Cornwall Star ii. Contra Crista I'ti.ln WAGONS AND . , RBI MIES. {.MUST-CLASS WAGON, SUITABLE FOR J bakery, candy, etc. 167 Eleventh st. JylSSt* FOR SALE—NEW PHAETON, TOP AND OPEN I buggy, horse, harness, wagons and buggy; also bakers' wagons; cheap. 828 Harrison st. j) ITi 71* GOOD DELIVERY WAGON FOB SALE. 337 Halght St. . Jyl6 3t« SECOND-HAND YVAGONS; 1 CART FOR SALE U cheap. 1114 Harrison St. JylS If . jl'Hysiqiajjs. D~~~~i_7_-i-ir&wiitZKiZZMM ENGATEAYE. Women's diseases specially; hygienic sponge suc- tion cleanser: simple, safe, sure; Instructions given confidentially; treatment by mouth low rates. J}'2otu nirsixrss cnAKFEs. (Cfiflfl A VISE CHANCE FOR A WORKING <„ l "'l', man: sure to clear $100 per month over nnd above all expenses; express business for sale; 2 hurses and a lino wagon; one of the very best stands lv town: has the sole trade of several stores: a full Investigation and trial allowed before you buy Ap- plyK. KENNY. 22 Kearny st -it <£e*.<AnO " OTE B FOB SALE; A GRANDOPEN- IcIV/VI. Ing; 60 rooms, handsomely furnished; In the vicinity of this city; largely patronized by first-class people: established 30 years; kept by present owner 17 yean; no question about the steadiness of the trade; a most thorough Investiga- tion allowed: owner will civs a long lease of the property and grounds, which are among the finest in ibe state- Apply K.KENNY, 22 Kearny St. It li'->S,nn PARTNICR WANTED IN A FTRST- '. iiyiyiy' . class book and stationery store: no previous experience required, but must be of un- doubted steady habits; established nearly 80 :eats: doing a large and steady business; large stock; ref- erences from banks and wholesale men given: best of reasons for ling the Interest; this is a tine In- vestment tor some man who has no specialty. Ap- ply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st- U__ QlOflfl GROCERY STOKE AND BAR FOR <^ ItlV'U. sale: a fine opening: something that Is specially good; In the neighborhood of Fifth and -Market s'.s.-. owner compelled to sell on account of bel engaged in business that keeps bis time en- tirely away ir.- in tins; anybody with common sense (no matter what their previous business lias been) can do a large trade here. Apply K. KENNY, 22 Kearny st. _^ It C;7r.n a business that anyone can- C ' «*"• run; a restaurant In the Western Addi- tion clearing over $100 per mouth: owner will re- main with yon till you are lull] posted: rooms for \u25a0 lamllyto live In:is undoubtedly sure as a business Investment : ber a man or woman cau run It. Ap- ply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st. It "-,,,,[. INVESTMENT WOOD AND COAL Ijr business; is in the Immediate vicinityof Third and Market sts.: established 30 years, and has al- ways done a large trade: a good lease willbe given; It I- not necessary for the kid-gloved gentry to ap- ply, as a business of this character will not suit thi-lii. ApplyK. KIN .22 Kearny St. It ff.l [liltSALOON IN CITY FKONT, OPPOSITE ... I IV'U. the ferry, doing a large business; cheap rent and longlease; selling on account of dis- agreement Wltb partnership. .M. LESS ft CO., 996 Market st. It* Sl I_Tl_D COKNKB SALOON IN COUNTRY «i. OUUU. and bottlingbeer business; bottling 40 barrels per week; 4 wagons, 7 horses; wine and liquor business: house 7 rooms; cheap rent; long lease; clearing from $400 to is- i-'i) per month; flue large brick cellar: well worth $12,000; owner sell- lug account of going to Germany. M. LESS ft 00., f i's Market 11* C. I Ollfl HOTEL IS THE FINEST LOCATION: •_" l—'H'. 28 rooms: nicely furnished: doing a large business; average from $500 a month up; sick- ness cause of selling:* a good chance; a bargain. M. LESS ft CO.. 995 Market st. It* lT> (Ann GROCERY AND BAR; HORSE AND ll.\l\_/. wagon; the stock alone contains the money; the location Is the finest show In the city; receipts will average to $3__ioo per mouth; this is the best chance lor a business man. Apply to M. Ll SS ft CO.. 9.5 Market st. It* V7'"vl"l Ci'RSER SALOON, WITH 4 LIVING- \u26663 s i OU. ciiis: stock alone worth more than the amount asked; good corner, excellent chance. Ap- ply Immediately to M. LESS, 995 Market st. it- C»Q| |A PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON AND i^O'iU. dull-rooms: pays from$200 to $250 per mouth; this is ati Alchance and should be luvesti- gatti. M. LESS. 9H5 Market st. It* (ST HA STATIONERY AND VARIETYSTORE; . ?-*- I UU. fuli value In stock; a good location; does a splendid business: cheap rent and a long lease: full investigation solicited. M. LESS, 995 Market St. It* Cs;r,|] CORNER GROCERY: IN "THE HEART »J-i OU. of the city: average from $20 to $25 a day : fine Block and fixtures. M. LESS ft CO.. 995 Martetst. It* Z"'l\ SALOON. NEAR MARKET; V. 1 lii 6 it^OOU. living rooms; doing _ large business; gotiii - ck and fixtures; a bargain. M.LESS ft '\u0084., i'l's .Market !", It* (J- .17 -J 1 CORNER QROI li.i :IN THEFINEST -. I «JU. location: the stocs alone contains the money; cheap rent and long lease; good chance. M. Lhss ft CO.. 995 Market st. It* 8..1.1- BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY*- V, —— O' store with furnished living rooms; In a good location : it us! be solu this week. M.LESS ft CO.. 995 aiarket street- It* V I \u25a0'"" RARE OPPORTUNITY: GREAT BAR- «_, "1 —O. gain; come and see It; sickness compels Jui mediate sale; hue restaurant north of Market St.; receipts $16 per day; worth $300. R. U. FLETCii- EK_ 1 Eddy st. It 2- $75 and $ 0.1. tm $150— A bakery and candy store. -_' variety stores, $175; worth $550. $:150— Grocery and store. $325— Fine saloon In Market. R.H. FLETCHER, It* Q-,»)X PAYING BRANCH BAKERY. CANDY, \7—d_o. cigars and laundry office, with 4 rooms an. l furniture: rem $18; Bold on account of sick* ness. Apply JON AS ft CO.. 737 Market st. Jyl7 2t« 1]AVISO BUYERS WILLING TO INVEST IN XI some reliable business, those desiring to sell promptly apply to W. F. HEALY. 1004 Market. It* C_7'fin GREAT BARGAIN; FRUIT AND ,_ * ii.'i.l . produce store, Western Addition; one or the best cor. stands lv the city; doing a trade or $25 per lay: 2 horses, wagon, etc living-rooms; cheap ren:. w. F. HEALY, 1004 Market at. lt« •ft lilD PARTNER WANTED; STEADY, RELI- *„ "iUU. able man to assist In running first-class business that reqnires the assistance of an active working partner. W. F. HEALY, 1004 Market. It* fijOXft RESTAURANT AND DINING PAR- C— y)U . lors: lirst-ciass location and custom; sacrificed on account of departure; suitable for man and wife. BOOKER * TEMPLE. 841 Market.* CfcOnn CORNER SALOON; 4 ROOMS: RENT s&ZUU. $15; bargain. STARRATT. 633 Mkt.l» C' ICO GBOCEBY, BAR: SICKNESS CAUSE; tfTQV. bargain. STARRATT, 632 Market, ll* -\u0084l, RESTAURANT—^NO. 1 location.- 2 COUU' rooms STARRATT, 632 Market st. lt« c \u0084iii I'ARTNEK WASTED-PRODUCE AND .-..11' i. jobbing business. STARRATT.632 :«;_> c- I "(1 saloon ON leading business £* I OU. street: good bar: 2 rooms: almost given _ v. ay: sure. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st. It* V*"(l CANDY AND CIGARS: 2 ROOMS AND iT 1 OU. lurniture; elegant fixtures; big stock; gootl trade. WOODRUFF. 841 Market st. It* (-. r fin LARGE CANDY-STORE: SODAFOCN- ' i^tlvU,tain; hue fixtures; big trade; two rooms unit furniture: complete for housekeeping; low ten t. WOODRUFF, Mil Market st. It* V-i-.1l GROCERY AND BAR; CENTRALLY *±OOU, located; no Immediate competition: fine stere; good trade; low rent: 2 good rooms; skit en- trance: large yard. WOODRUFF. 341 Market, it* ieMlfl RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION; rs«)UU. seat people: trade $10 per day : worth $1000; cheap rem: nothing better in city for the money. WOODRUFF, 641 Market. It* nio SELL OCT YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY 1 for cash go to I.D. BARNARD, 1148 Market st., bet. eon and Taylor, Established IBS'). It* Z- I •-'|)7i _ SALOON OS" WATER-FROST, SEAR s^ I UU . the ferries; running day and nig! L_ -: chance ever ollered to secure an A No. 1stand: most positive bargain. I. D. BARNARD, 1148 Market St., nr. Taylor. It* <t ''J'Jr. FRUIT-STORE GREAT BARGAIN; <** - O. horse and wagon: old stand: 4 rooms for family; cheap rent: must sell at once. I. D. BAR- _NAl.ii._ns- Market st„ nr. Taylor. It* Q-.-7T LARGE RESTAURANT ANDSALOON, I OU. near water front; low rent and long lease: a splendid chance to make money. I. D. HAKNARD. 1148 Market st, near Taylor. It* ALOON AND CIGAR-STORE; CHEAP: MUST ne sold. 1151 Market St. jy!7 7t» V -sillI RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SA- ,_ OUU. loon; good location. ApplyCall Branch Other. jyl 7 8t» T'ORSAI.E OB WILL TAKE PARTNER- ONE- -1 , -If or all ol pleasant manufacturing business, located in Oakland; cash trade, that takes nearly full capacity of the plant as fast as manufactured; this is an opportunity in a life-time for a pushing yonng man. Addresb Luck, Box 157, -ill Branch Olilce. lt^_ I>arinf:r WANTED IN OFFICE BUSINESS; profits $250 monthly: .sum require! $350. Ad- dress P.. Box 125, Call Bra eh office. It* CCUOOL SUPPLIES, CANDY, STATIONERY 10 and variety store for sale; must be sold account of sickness of owner: will bear strict Investiga- tion: good living for family. Address EC, Box 10, Call Branch Office. jyl 7 21" \\ ANTED— A YOUNG LADY A WELL FL'R- ' ' nlshed lodglng-bonse; from 20 to 30 rooms, or v \u25a0 \u25a0•.ill go lv partnership with respectable lady: "best references given. Address A. 1.., Box 148, Call Urarich onice. Jyl7 St* 0 I (m ./. CASII: HOTEL, 26 ROOMS; 2CORNF-R OAUUU lots: 75x120 and 120x120: opposite railway station; 15 rooms of furniture: butcher-, livery, cottage, 2 bams, all rented: mort- gaged $3650; Immense bargain: worth $7000. W. J. tl WYNN. 8261/; Montgomery st. Jyl 7 2t* AN OLD-ESTABLISHED AND PAYINGFACTO- ry of oil clothing: must be sold 011 account of owner's sickness. Apply of MILLER, In store 325 Davis st. jyl 7 3t» ii 11111 RESTAURANT; FEW MILLS FROM CIW. city; $25 rent: clears $100 per month. V"i:KIS, 14 Turk St.. Inrear. jyl 3 71* ~C_y)(\l\ GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT FOB iy"^.UU. sale on account of having two places. Apply Call Branch Office. jy1 ii 3t* / -OUNTRV HOTEL— TED TO KENT OR V.' lease. Address, with particalars, Hotel. Box 114, Call Branch Ollice. Jyl6 7t» BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY - STOKE, J> with 3 livingrooms, for sale very cheap. Apply at 504 Fourth st. JylUSt* J ARGAIN— GROCERY AND BAR. INQUIRE OF 1> CART AN MCCARTHY, wholesale liquor mer- chant. 312 Sacramento st. Jyl63t* TpOR SALE—CIGAR-STORE WITH ROOMS AT- -T taehed; doing good business. Apply on prera- lses. 326 yi,Fourth sl JylO 7t» f.11.-li COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE: 248 ' iff ZOU. Fourth: cheap. Apply320 Mlnna.lO 7* I>AYINO FRUIT ANDVEGETABLE STORE ON good street forssie. If sold at once; owner leav- ing the city. Address P., Box 58, this oflice. jylU st* fOR SALE— FINE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, doing a paying business, in Tacoma, Wash.-, no . 1 ..tor town or business anywhere. Address Photo, 1017 Pacllic aye., Tacoma. Wash. jy 18 3t IJESTAURANT; ONE OF THE BIST IN TIIE J i Mission; < heap. Apply Call Branch Ollice, 2518 Missions:. j. :b7t- BAKERY AND COFFEE-KOOM; CHEAP. IN- qulre4o7 Third st. Jy 17 St* lODGING-lIOL'SE AND SALOON FOB SALE J cheap. 431 and 433 Jessie st. jyl6 7l» / >0"D CORNER IIItOCERY AND BAR: MUST "i ' sell on account of other business. B. C. Box 48, this office. ]>'15 4t* % flftfl "NEOPPORTI'MTY; GENTLEMAN sip lyisjyj. or lady plain book-keeper to invest In a manufacturing business: large and steady Income. Call or address 619 Montgomery st.. Room 12. 15 tf /\u25a0•OKNER FAMILY LIQUOR-STORJE, DOING Vj good business; fine stock aid fixtures; be. lease; great bargain. 145 Third st. JylSTt* SALOON; 22 ROOMS ATTACHED; CHEAP; Ac- count uf departure. Call Branch OlBce. jy!s 7* <t I fin BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY AND V'UU. notion store fur sale; 3 living rooms: rent $12; roust Le sold this week. 827 Broadway, near 'fay lor St. Jyl s 3t» SI7C LiyUOK-STOREFORSALK. INQUIRE <M I O. at 407 Battery St. JylS 7t* CIIGAR-STOKE; GREAT BARGAIN. INQUIRE / IlßOytj Market st, Jyls St- I IETIRINQ- BLACKSMITH-SHOP; TOOLS; J i lease of lot. 2812 Mission St. Jylß 3t« 'OOD-PAYI.Ni; SALOON, TERMINUS OF FOUR s 1 lines of cars; also lodging-bouse; parties going Last. Inquire 413 Fonrth st. Jyls7t» Q'-'fin GOODCORNERSALOON. 636 FOURTH C""". street __ •_ JylS4t« rjKEAT BARGAIN: CANDY-STORE ON MAll- VJ ket st.: good reasons lor selling; $300. Address A. Box 140, Calx. Branch Offlce. Jyll If Y^XPRESS BUSINESS: IFSOLD TO-DAY SHALL J J take first reasonable offer; two teams. FUR LONG, 1221 Market st, . JylS 3t*

Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, … MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1890-ETGHT PAGES.

Apr 27, 2018



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Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, … MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1890-ETGHT PAGES.



ATniANFAGENcT^ADVERTISEM^ ANDsubscriptions received at tbe Oakland Branch

Offlce of Tub MoßNlNtr Call, 857 Broadway, nearSeventh st. omce hours 9 p. St.

ff. I'OflWILL PURCHASE A FIRST-CLASS«JP*i«)Ul/ ranch, 125 miles from San Francisco, onwell-traveled stage road, about 13 miles from rail-road; pood stopping place for hotel, bar-room andstore: Improvements: 5-room house, withbar-room,barn and outhouses; 5000 vines and 200 fruit trees,all bearing: plenty of water: 150 acres clear land,etc.; terms, \u25a0:, cash, balance on long term at 7 i»icent. Full particulars address Proprietor, yayjut*!Stables, cor. Eighth and Harrison -is., Oakli-itt lilt

OOK. LOOK—WE ARE (I.USING OUT A/EWor the most elegant residence lots in the very

heart of the best portion of Oakland at sarriaeaprices; convenient to both trains; liberal terms: caUat once and see us. A.H.BREED ACo., 232 Mont-gomery St.. San Irani- JylOlit»n-|| JUST STOP AND SEE THESE LOTS;o^-,)''« close to the center of the city: nearBroadway; only $250 per lot on easy terms IT soldthis week: no such Ira-gains ever offered In Oak-

land: secure one of them before they go as they areworth double the money, see owner. 11. B. FIN-NEY,468 Ninth St., near Broadway, oil'ce open till8o'clock every night. jyBlm

•07=11 A PAYING INVESTMEST-BOARD-ttpOtOl'. ing and lodging house of 12 rooms,bath aud basement, with lot 25x80: paying a clearprofit of $150 per nionth to the owner: wdlbosoldon easy terms: will show the property and givereason of selling, etc. ApplyE. W.WOODWARDA CO., 803 litAway,Oakland. i:tl. jyBtf

Qj.iri/jTO $500 EACH—A RAKE CHANCE FORtj2<)UU a home on the heights; lots 40x160: com-manding a grand viewer San Francisco, Goldenoate and 111 * hay cities: a new subdivision of theGlen Echo Tract: just put on the maket: street-cannow pass the tract; terms only '_ rash, u.iiau c inmonthly or quarterly payments; don't put Itoff.but get a choice location now. W. E.BARN ASOS. 433 NinthSt.. Oakland. jyBtt

WILLIAMJ. DINGEE—OAKLAND REAL KS-»* late for sale or exchange; office, Nos 460 and

462 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. ;send for illustratedprice-list. |e24 tt"I OTS! LOTS! LOT'S '.—s3oo. $325, $350; LOTSXj40x135 feet; south Iroatage; only 3 blocksfrom Dwightway-station; local trains to San Praa-cisco: only 10 more left: come quick; easy termi;see owner. L.L. SALSBURY, 475 Ninth st., Oak-land. \u25a0 Jel7 lma_('f\(\ SIDE-HILL LOT 300x100: SHKL-»*pUUU. tered: 8. frontage: $50 cash: $10 month-ly. CHAS. ABAILEY,owner, 624 Market. Jel9 tf

YEW 2-STOKY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS ANDIs bath; stone walks; lot 25x100; in a centrallocation, near San Pablo aye. ;$3000; oneasy tertna.Mcdonald _ camekus, 479 Ninth at., oak-

land; , jelstf'


WANTED— BY GENTLEMAN AND MOTHER,si rooms, board for lady. Address, stating terms,

J. W. P.. 857 Broadway. Oakland. )vlO4t«L*LEOANTLYFURNISHED SUNNY KOOMS TOIdrent with board: all modern conveniences; pri-vate family. 562 Eighth st., beL Clay and Jefferson,1block from local train. Jyls lm


—First-class family boarding-house; two

blocks fromlocal train. Jyl6 lm*

i'I.F.I.ANT KOOMS, SINGLE OK EN SUITE ATA. the Albany.Fifteenth and Broadway, Oakland;one block from the narrow-gauge depot; table Isun-surpassed; elevator and artesian water: hrst-chissInevery way. O. A. MaUERHAN,l'ropr.etur.ll3m


ELK-S' gant sunny rooms: reasonable rates; special at-

tention given to the comfort of guests, both trau-stent and regular, llthand Washington. lelo 3m

.ILAJIKDA itkai. f.state.


$250- $25 cash, $6 monthly;25x110; sewered ;atstation.

$450—550 cash, $9 monthly:50x86: sewered; atStation.

$1800-$3OO cash, $18 monthly; 25x120; at sta-tion cottage of 4 rooms.

$2000-$250 cash. $20 monthly;33x75 ;new cot-tage: at station.

$3500— 5500 cash, $25 monthly. Including Inter-est: 6-room cottage: corner, 40x120; sewered andmacadam D.ed; at station.

$3200-$5OO cash, $25 monthly. IncludingInter-est; 6-room cottage; 50x160; sewered :near station.

$4600— 5-00 cash, $30 monthly,Including Inter-ests-room house; line garden; 60x147; near sta-tion. «—»-

—«-*\u25a0*»»_- .

Inquire at once orF. MARCUSE. Bay-st. Station,Alameda, or 313 Montgomery St., Nevada Block.

my18 ThFrSa eoSu

ALAMEDA BARGAINS—SI7OO—LOT 25x145:nice modern cottage 4 rooms and bath: 1

block from Park st. :$260 cash; $25 per montb.(4lS)$2700— Lot 33:-ixl2s; rooms and bath; on Cen-

tral are.; $500 .balance $30 per month. (So. 385)$2750— L0t 53x117: new modern cottage 5 rooms

and bath: 3 Dlocks Irom station; $500 cash: bal-ance $40 per month. \u25a0*-»-•««»•' (No. XI

$3000— 27x115: new 2-story house 7 roomsand bath at station; $600 cash; $35 per mouth. (X)

$4000—Lot 50x125: fine new modern 2-storrhouse 7 rooms and bath on Central aye. oneasyterms; a good bargain. • (No. 413)

$7800— Lot50x150; elegant new 2-story house 10rooms, withstable; well located; part cash. (101)

1 Houses built to suit; 15 cent down, balanceeasy Installments ;cheap lots In all parts of Ala-

meda: houses to let and money to lean. H. I-

MOBEAL ft CO.. 1428 Park St.. Alameda, and 40.Montgomery st_. San hit i-nni. \u25a0


BEK^ll^*^t«»OMs3^is2i!ii?is-iC'^LIFOItNIATIIffEirEASTBEinfEt^^OODVrooms; family orslngis msu; board optioual.lm*



S WANTON HOUSE, PESCADEKO, SAN MATEOCounty. Cal., the favorite resort of the Pacific

Coast: hotel and cottages all newly furnished; lovelygrounds: also the famous pebbly lie icb. where arefound agates, opals, moonstones, emeralds,water crystals and many other precious stories; goodtrout fishing and wildgame: hoard reasonable: spo-clal rates for families. MRS. S.W. BWANTON.JU tt

OTEL DE WINDSOR; (SOMMER AND WINter resort: beautifully located. Address L.

PIEPER, Windsor. Sonoma County, J. 22 cod lin*rpAMALPAIS VILLA,TAMALPAIS STATION.IRum Valley,nr.San Rafael :salt water bathing;

commodious grounds: fine drives; pavilion: tatsSansalito ferry. MRS. PETER SMITH, proprletrest

SPRING (OVE SUMMER RESORT: GOOD Ac-commodations: 5 miles from Napa. MRS. J.

GItIDLEV,proprietor. jyI1in*

Uf IIKINS HOUSE-THE MOST CHARMING,"convenient and best conducted hotel In Santa

Cruz. HOVTA WHITMAN,proprietors, jyl3m

SANTA CRUZ-RIVERSIDE HOTEL AND COT-tages; the favorite family hotel lv Santa Cruz: 5

minutes' walk from beach; beautiful grounds;terms reasonable. FRED BARSON. je'2Blm

SANTA CRUZ—SUNNYSIDE: A NEW FIRST-k? class boarding-bouse: $1 to $125 per day; \val-nntare. MRS. P. J. DCTCHeb. "Je27 3mT.-'OLUN COTTAGES, SANTA CRUZ, CAL

—-T Best summer resort on Beach Hill,overlookingthe bay, O. W. fr'OLLIN.proprietor. je27 3m

ANDERSON SPRINGS, LAKECOUNTY: HOTELand cottages now open to visitors: beautifully

located: free hot and cold water and hot sulphurbaths: first-class board $10 to $14 per week: trainto Callstoga. stage to Middletown, private carriageto springs; fare from San Francisco $5 30. J. AN-PERSON, Proprietor. ja!9 tf


HOTX7-i salt-water baths. myll4mo

AETNAHOT .MINERAL SPRINGS. THEAMEKI-can Ems 'waters: unsurpassed; pleasant place;

pure air; no fogs; warm swimmingbath: table good;reasonable. Write forcirculars to W. 11. LIDELLIui

SAMPLE COPY OF THE HOTEL GUIDE, CON-taiulng a directory of California lintels and re-

sorts, sent tree to any address. Hotel Guide. 120Sutter st. --7 IcHtr .

C~~iIIEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA—TUB) eight-page WEEKLY CALL,sent to any a hires*

inHie Lulled Slates or Canada one year for $1 25.postage free.

4.111i.OUEN bIIARUKb.

pHILDTO BOARD: V4BLOCKFRO^rscTfooiT:*-' pleasant noma. 2618 Bryant aye., bet. Tv.cuty-gfthand Twenty-sixth Sts. Jyl7 St*

GERMAN WIDOW WOULD LIKE '-' OK .11children toboard: mother's care willbe given;

references if required. Address A.,Box 148. CallBran OHlce. Jyl6 lit*

"I ADY WISHES A CHILDTOBOARDAND CAKEXjcare for. 1110 Hyde St., near California. 15 3t»"I ADY LIVING SEAR 3 SCHOOLS WANTS 1J-l or 2children to board. 605 Howard St. 15 3t*

(IHILDTO BOARD BY GERMAN WIDOW. AD-;dress A. P.. Box 105. Cai.i. Branch time. 11l 14*

Zo3t.T~OST,' JULY 16-A TaWN TICKET FOR A1igoldring. Kindlyreturn to CallBrauch office,710 Market St. . It*T OST-A BLACK AND WHITE GREYHOUNDXjbitch. Under willplease return to 612 Steven-son st. and receive reward. Jyl62t*


-0 IUU ties who stole the barge, or $10 rewardfortlie recovery of small barge with tank on It;stolen from Channel st. on the nightof 29th. odor-it-.Excavator ollice, 610 Market st. jy15 :\f

LOST-PAINTER'S ACCOUNT BOOK OKDIA BY;yellowcover: suitable reward ifreturned to D.

WALSH,718 .Market St. J)l5 3t*

THE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. 5.HKearny st., lends money at 2 per ceut per lunula

on watches, diamonds and lewelrv. ja'.'O dm_—


L-OUND—BROWN, CURLY DOG, WITH WHITEbreast. Call 404VjBitchSt. It*

1/OUND—S2O IN GOLD BY PURCHASING AX merchant tailor-made dress suit for 120; mer-chant tailors' price. $10. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLOUS, corner Post aud Dupuntstreets. "


DBlH.«AUSTIN, -sURGEON"" DENTIST. KB*XJ moved to 719 Market, near Bancroft's. JelB lm

DR. CASSILLI'B PAINLESS DENTALrooms, 920 Market st; best teeth $4 to$7: ex-

tracting or filling25c. to $1 :half price to poor.aa If

SYI.X ESTER. SUBLKTT A EVE-IT. I'ENT-is'.s— Dß. W. A.SUBLET has exclusive chargs

of our mechanical department, whileDBS. HENRYand WILLIAMSYLVESTER manage the operative;teeth extracted or filled,positively without pain,bythe use of our celebrated vitalized air. offices NX.cor. Sixth and Mission its. ;hours 9to 13. jeB ly

BEAUTIFUL SET $7; PAINLESS EXTRACTINGsoc; gold plates; bridge work;crowns; fillings;


at lowest rates. DR. C. A. PERRY. 8Mason st. des tfI\R. REA 923 MARKET,EXTRACTS TEETHXJ for60c; withgas for $1:open evenings, sells!,1LLNEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES 1.1

J\ them stating that tho Insane asylums are fullJfpeople who took gas only once for painless toothex-traction and went crazy My secret painless method18 oiitlcr' By its use any dental operation maytiedone painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooththat 1 cannot extract without bleep or gas, erasthough a dozen dentists bave failed to extract ILAlloperations done better than elsewhere, slnas Ihave seven first prizes for beautiful fillings, plateand crown work. There are 6 Leek dentists, onceopen till9:30 p. St.; Sundays till 3 r. it. DR.GEORGE W. LEEK. 6O'Farreil St. QC9 tt __DK. C. 11. WILSON, DENTIST.! 925 MARKET

St., bet. Fifthaud Sixth, opp, Mason. dels tt

CSOLTON* DENTALASSOCIATION, 808 MARKETISt. (Phelan Building): gas specialists: positively

extract teeth without pain; only oihce that makesanilgives the celebrated "Cotton Gas"; 30,000 ref-erences; established 186.1; all operations indentistryperformed. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. :e7 tf1ill.A.LL'DLUMHILL,1113 MARKET'ST..RET.XJ Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extractingwhen plates are made; old plates made over likenew; tenth from $8 per set: extracting 50c, rn4tf •



good as can be made; filling$1. DR., 030 Market St.. tiert Baldwin Theater.

(JAKI'ENTKUS AMI BUILDERS.V.LAWRENCE,CARPENTER ANDBUILDER,. la Sacramento st.;cabinet work and fittingup

offices promptly attended to: telephone '.'OO mldlf


'£_ ING. a boatswain's mate on the U. S. steamerNiagara, during the war or the rebellion, willcon-fer a favor on an old sailor bycommunicating eitherInperson or by letter withNATHANIELHi BE,604 Merchant St.. San Francisco. Jyl7 st»

IWILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYX debts contracted by my son, Arnold fcSnheircia.CHARLES SCHEGGIA. 637 Broadway. jyl631*

LADIES' FRENCH KIDBUTTON SHOES $2 50.At LESSER BROS., 406 Kearuy st. jy17 cod tf

VOW IS YOURTIME-16 LBS BEST DRY GRAN-XV ulated sugar, $1: 20 Ibs light brown, $1; finestPoint Reyes butter, 35c a roll(rora few days only);best Petaluma butter, :u» a roll;good table butter,25c a roll:mild cream cheese, a ibs for25c; NewYork cream cneese, 2 lbsfor:'sc; 10-lb can bestChicago lard, Hoc: Chicago sugar-cured hams, 10c alb; warranted Cutting's nest tomato $1per dozed:patent roller process flour. $4 per bbl, $1per sack;fresh laid Mission eggs. 25c a dozen; ranch eggs.20c a dozeu; good eggs, 17L£c a dozen; goldensyrup. $125 per keg: jellyglasses, 40c a dozen; 0His rolled oats, 25c; 9 large bars best laundry soap,$1: 12-lb box laundry starch, 55c; 4 cans deviledhaul or tongue, 25c; 5 Ibs good family black greenor mixed tea. $1; 5 lbs pure uncoloretl Japan tea,English breakfast tea, green tei or Oolong tea,$1 50,guaranteed equal to any 60c tea sold on theCoast ROBISSON A KNOX. 1910 and 1912 Mar-ket, at., cor. Rose aye.. and 900 Valencia St., cor.Twentieth.. Jyla 3t SuTuTh

A 126 KEARNY. ROOM 9. YOD CAN BORROWmoney at low rates; private rooms lor ladles;

pledges fur sale; take elevator. au7 tf

ONTHFJ INSTALLMENTPLAN—DRESS-GOODS,silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets,

furnltnre, lace-curtalns. blankets and fuldlng-bsilsat M.Friedman A CO.'S, 228 and 230 StocktonSt. Why pay ready money when you can buy justas cheap by making a small cash payment down,balance weeklyor monthly ? An Inspection of ourstock la respectfully solicited; orders by mall forgoods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and_:;_ Stockton st., cor. Post: open evenings. apl2tf/ y ROCF_rRrnS^CLUFF BIIOS^ WHOLESALEVI ana retail grocers: the oldest established andmost reliable house on the Pacific Coast: teas and,culli'K.ia specialty; no chronics or crockery: bestgoods at lowest prices: country orders packed andshipped free. 9 and 11 Montgomery aye.. 40 and'42 Fourth St., 409 aud 411 Montgomery aye., 401Hayes st. jel7 TnThSu tf

41I Rli FOR CABINETS; FULL LENGTH:tp1.Uuootieus'Art Studio, 10 6th. aS SuTuTh tf

CARVILLMANUFACTURING COMPANY, HAV-lugnow completed their new and commodious

factory at 48 Eighth St., between Market and Mis-sion, are better prepared to fillallorders entrustedto them than ever before. A lull line of fine car-rlages always en hand at bed-ruck prices. JylO lmfI'IIE"ORIEL," CORNER OF FRANKLINAND1Market sts., offers elegant accommodation:courteous attention, unexceptionable cuisine and

allother advantages of a strictly first-class familyhotel. Call or write for terms. JylO if


EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001.F mirrored withlarge plate 18x40; walnut, oak andcherry: cash price elsewhere $63: our Installmentprice only $50. M, FRIEDMAN A CO., 228-230Stockton St.. cor. Post; opeu evenings. aplOtf

Di'.VT F*AIL TO VISIT THE BON-TON. 1131Market St., bet. 7th and Sth; we will sell our

finest French-mixed candles at 30c per pound. 13 dm



Market, 32. my16 12mhonr 25 cents. !'.;! Market, Itoom 32. inyio12mT".'l\u25a0 A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHABBILYId dressed when we can fit you In a merchanttailor-made suit, newest spring styles, for $18; mer-chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont st,.

ADVICE FREE: ESTATE'S DAMAGES; GEN-eral law practice, W. N. tclleß, 124 San-

soma St.. Rooms 23 and 24, Jy9 6m

BUTCHEX-GOWNS AND ALL KINDS APRON'SJ-) a specialty at 757'^r Howard st. Jyl3 tf

MY WIFE:, WILHELMINE E. J. WOODS,having li-:; my bed and board, this is to give

notice that 1 am not now. and willno longer be,responsible for any debts of her contracting. J. L.WOODS. Dated Sau Francisco, Cal., July 11,1890. Jyl.i7t«

DEUTSCHER KRIEGERVF.REIN, SAN FRAN-CISCO— SeaIed bids willbe received at Arion

Hall for tbe letting or the bars and restaurant,either together or separate, at Woodward's Gar-den., of the celebration of the German Empire bytin- German societies, under the auspices of tlioDeutscher Kriegervereln, the same to continuefrom 9 o'clock a. St.. August 17tb, to 4o'clock a. St.,August 18th. Bids to be opened and awarded tothe highest bidder at 8 oclock p. St., sharp, July18th, at the above place, Arlcn Hall,northeast cor-ner of Sutter and Kearny s:s. For particulars ap-plyto N.V.ROSsUM. same place daily,from 11 to2o'clock. FRANK MHMALBERG,the Corn. 13 6

ACCORDION SKIRTS AND CAPES; FINEknife pleating. 9 Geary St., P.m 1, 22 SnMoTn tt

/ HEAl' AND BEST PLACE TO HAVEYOUKV-' carpets cleaned and relai.l. JUNES' PerfectCarpet-cleaning Works, 25 and 27 EighthSt., Tele-phone 3121. 9 tf

BUY I'AILLARD NUN-MAGNETIC WATCHES,tbe only recognized standard. Jyl2 linit.cuius PLAITINGDONE AT SHORT NO-

IV nee. GOLDBERG, 118 McAllister st. jyll6m1ADIF:S' TAILOR-MADE SUITS; LATESTlitail styles. Parlors 125 Oak st. JylO r_f_

CITY STEAM CARPET BEATING AND RENO-V-.' rating works: dyeing and cleaning. 24 aud 26Eighth at. G. H.STEVENS, proprietor. Jy9 6mpIVEA TALLSLIM,MANA CHANCE— CAS'J fit you, no matter how tall, Inamerchant tailor-made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's price$40. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS,cor. Post and Dupont sts. \u25a0-•-

-••\u25a0•--7- . - .

COMPLEXINE POWDER ok cream FOR FACEVy and hands: Invisible, harmless; 25c. At nil-HOIS',Clay A- Leavenworth. A all druggists. Jy2 3m

CIARPFJTS thoroughly cleaned WITHOUT\J beating; refittingcarpets a specialty. CONKLINBROS.. 333 Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tt

Ul VIST'S CUT.FITTED. STITCHED. COLLAKS"sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery

belts put on; $3. MME. MICHAUX,lib McAlllslr.YOU CAN* BUY YOUK FURNITURE ON IN-Istailmeuts; easy terms. BARE BROS., 822nl1-24 Hayes St.. BeL Franklin and Gough. mrlslf


logues free. Agency 430 Sutter st. Jy3 3tn

DR. HAMPTON-EYE, EAR, THROAT ANDchronic ailments. Room 6, Murphy 81dg.28 lin

STRAWBERRY CREAM Kilt THE COMPLEX-Ioii; Salon Cosmelique Victoria. MMF__. ELISE

404 Post St. je'J6 lm

TAILOR BUTTONS MADE FROM ASY MA-terlal; also ivory-rim buttons. 110 Taylor St.,

the only button factory on this Coast. Je22 3m


MRS. BR. THOMAS (COLORED), ELECTRO MAS-ssge; hygienic specialist. 1511 Leavenworth. 6m


Beauty Physician, 22 Geary st. je'.'l 6m


LATEST STYLES; REASON-abIe prices: orders by mail promptly executed;

fit guaranteed. MRS. M. uf:HAGAS',967 Mission.

POSITIVE CURE FOR CATARRH,BRONCHITIS,J- asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearuy. Jes tf

U- E IIAYE A NUMBER OF FULLDRESS SUITSTT to hire for balls, parties or funerals at a reason-

able price. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHING PaB-LOBS. cor. Post and Dupoat sis.

Money LOANED ON ARTICLES; EVERY De-scription or collateral; old gold antl sliver

bought. COLEMAN'S, 41 3d St., San Francisco. m3O

fifcv en cabinets per dozen; elegant*&—..y)U. water-color picture lv gilt frame freewithevery dozen. WILSON'S, 22 Keirny. my2s Om

IJORTRAIIS l-NLARGED IN INDIA INK,crayon, water colors antl pastel. Pacific Por-

tralt Co.. 1221 Market St.. T.J. O'BRIEN. M'gr.20 tt~\ DVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY; NO_\ publicity; legal everywhere. K. SCOULABAttorney,34 Kearny st. \u25a0_• my18 6m

GAB SNOOK. PLUMBERS. ROOFERS, GAS-J.fitters, tin. copper and sheet-Iron workers. 630

Sacramento at., near Kearny; telephone 1727. al9 tt

DRY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS. WITHOUTInterest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpets;

bedding, Jewelry, pictures, mirrors, banging lamps.Clocks, etc.; carpets from 65c upward. J. NOONANA CO.. 1021 and 1023 Mission St.. bet. Sixth andFeventh; open evenings. apl7 tf

HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHlug,gold, jewelry, books. KLEIN,109 Sixth, tt


Js save you 50 per cent by purchasing amerchanttailor-made business suit for $15: merchant tailor'sprice $30. ORIGINAL .MISFIT CLOTHINGPARLORS. cor. Post and Dupont sts.

PIONEER CABPET-BEATING MACHINES DOX the best work. J. SPAULDING *CO.. 353 To-bamast.; telephone 3040. apl2tl

ANDREW— MEET ME CORNER POST ANDJ. Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made bya merchant tailor for $30, our price $15. ORIGI-NALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post aadDupout sts. ' -7-AKIT '-CLEANING; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD;V'the lies' work guaranteed orno pay; telephone

8228. S. STBATTON,1211 Market st. ap6 6tn

KE ADVISED IS TIMETO PURCHASE AMER-I)chant tailor-made spring suit In 3 or 4 buttoncutaway for $20; merchant tailor's price $40,ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor.Post and Dupont sts. . '

(i\i;i'f;t-cleantng. 80 PER YARD: cheap-J est and best In the city. J. _. MITCHELLA

CO., 230 Fourteenth st. \u25a0 ap'J tf



pairs spring styles light-colored trousers madebycrack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15; ourprice $4 50 to $8. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHINGPARLORS, cor.Post and Dnpont sts.

WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLYCall. In wrapper, ready for mailing.



T ADIES-IFYOU WISH TO HAVE iI.EGANTLYJ-i fittingsuits, handsomely draped, made for $0,please call at MBS. MORRIS. 732^ Geary. 13 7t»

DRESS-CUTTISO TAUGHT THOROUGHLY BYauthentic French tailorsystem. 610 Post.Je 15Orn

MISS AGNES KELTEB 119 STOCKTON. NEARGeary; stylish suits trum$3 50 up; cuttlngaad

fittlr-gaspecialty: 75 cents: perfect fr-.. a'pf tt


me MOREAUr^!Tl^L'RTir^£rßE^__AT_ipast, present and tire; fee 25c. Jyl7 St*

WONDERFUL CARD CLAIRVOYANT;TELLSTl past, present, future; 323 Taylor St. 16 71*

MISS BKNHARD-STOCKS, LOTTERY, LOVE,etc. ;future husband or wife. $68 Fourth. 12 lm

\lKS. NORMANDREADS YOUR ENTIRE LIFE;-'1 past, present and future, and gives luckynum.bers. 815 .Mission st. advice Inbasement. Jel3 6in

A ITii'sTA leola! FORTUNE-TELLER AND•A clairvoyant; magic charms; love tokens; showstrue pictures of future husbands and wives; teachesfortune. 2326 Mission St.. nr.2oth; feesl. Je27 lm*

lOLAMANNING.LATELY ARRIVED FROM Eu-rope, reveals past, present and future withcards.

Hours. 9 _________» 9r.n. 917" Mission, top floor.jaBm

MFi WALTERS. .117 TEHAMAST., NR. 4TU;fortunes told; ladles. 25c; gents. 50c :open Sun.

G~~KEATEST FOKTONE-TELLER INTHECITY;reveals past, present and future. Call and sea

MISS 1.EL and, 789 Mission, near Fourth; lo_,ladles 6oc; gentleman $1; lucky charms. myStt

M~~ME. siIMID, FROM VIENNA;,MOST KBnowned: revealing life's future events; ladles sl,

gentlemen $2, by mall $3. Office 866 Mission, mr2tt6TORAUE. J*s

-"PACIFIC STORAGE CO.", 301 STOCKTON ST.:A furniture and merchandise; advances ttL^UIt.NI'TUKE STORED


I'ture Co.. 1039. 1041 Market, Rosenthal Bids 7 tf

. v FINANCIAL.; .'*"villiIIAATO LOAN AT LOWEST _£-_T-tSiOXJKJ.UUU ketrates' on city and country realestate, any amounts. SCUULLEK, 420 California, tf

ROOMS TO CONTINUED.Ml0 GEARY—FURNISHED BOOMS, WITH ORHit' without board, Inprivate faintly;referencesrequired: forgentlemen only. jy16 tf01-).) GREENWICH-PLEASANT BUNNY FOB--o_,— nisheh room: private family.*

mTEHAMA-3 FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSOunfurnished kitchen. jyl;St*


ELEGANTLY FURNISHED'It!rooms; sunny; cheap. Jyl6St*(illBUSH—FURNISHED "and UNFUKSISH-oiIed rooms, with grate, to rent. Jyl6 2t*

9C'9CI MISSION—SUITE OF KOOMS; USE OF_i._l_,o kitchen. . Jyl6 2t*

\u25a0 J99 .'ESSIE-4 FURNISHED ROOMS WITHA.OO kitchen for housekeeping. jylOot*"1 CITYHALLPL., OPP. CITY HALL AND Mo-\u25a0l Alllster st.—Suuny rooms. jy15 3t*


NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE-*Ii-f'lkeeping and others; gas and bath. Jyls 31*019 WEBSTER-FROST SUITE OF yVr--01 ___.nlshed rooms with privilege of kitchen. 15 St*/' C POST-THREE SUNNY ROOMS. FUR.Ulilnlsbed; housekeeping: private family.15 3*

891 VALENCIA—FOUR ROOMSmi1and bath for housekeeping. jylast*

791 GREEN-SMALL FUBNISHED FROSTI____!1 room. Jyll71*1>)'»1 MISSION—WELL FURNISHED HOUSE_y-_,L keeping roome; bath, etc; cheap. Jyls ."'.*_7_|f» ELLIS-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, SINGLYIsjyj or for housekeeping; very cheap. Jyl tf

ft/1 MISSION-LARGE SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM,U'-lO $8: light housekeeping. Jyls tf7jfiMISSION—LARGE FRONT SUNNY DOU-IAU ble room:lighthousekeeping. jyls tf

1"I07 MISSION— FURNISHED BAY WINDOW,Xlist suite with kitchen complete. Jyls st*

19ft1MISSION -LARGE SUNNY PARLOR;l£vibath and gas; reasonable. Jyls 3t*

QOQ MARKET-SUNNY FRONT ROOM SUITE;OOP $20; large room on first floor. Jyls3l*

6^.» HOWARD- NICELY FURNISHED SINGLEOO rooms; $5 and $6. j)TS 3t»


JylS 3t*


SINGLF:, DOUBLE AND HOUSE--0 keeping rooms or transient. Jyls 7t*41Ol HAVES— FOR 2 RESPECTABLETliJa men lv private American family: with orwithout board; reasonable. Jyl4 6t*

QftO FIFTH—TWO FURNISHED ROOMS COM-Ovo plete forhousekeeping: rent cheap, Jyl4 It*

Ql 1>bush, nb.tayloh-nf:wly furnishedvlDsunny rooms; alcove; Improvements. 14 st*

Q/17VAN NESS AVFi-2 PARLORS. SINGLEQUI or en suite; also others; newly furnished, tf

M)'_ 1 MCALLISTER-FINE SUNNY SUITE,IVlpifurnished or unfurnished; reasonableprice. \u25a0 Jyl3 St*

599 SUTTER— SUNNY UNFURNISHED BASE-Olii. ment, for housekeeping or oflice. Jyl3 51

9IQ VAN NEKS- 3 SUNNY BOOMS 1ABLEilOforgentlemen. Jyl3 lot*I»)(! SECOND-3 SUNNY KOOMS COMPLETE--1— -7 1, furnished for housekeeping. Jyl3st*1Il>7 MISSION-NICELY ICRNISHED SUNNY1lipIparlor suite; also single rooms. jyl3 51*lilt)-MAKKET


1UOO suites; single; rent $8 lo $20. Jyl3 tinlOnKCALLISTEB—3D FLOOR; ELEGANTLYJ md'- furulshed sunny suite. Apply Room 3. 13 10*


SUITE HOUSEKEEPING11l rooms; everything complete; $15; double$10. Jyl3 tf


DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOMS;HObath, piano, grate; private family. JylS Ifr-l'S IHOWARD— BAY-WINDOW DOU-IUIable room; $12: use nt kitchen, jylS St*

JOT ELLIS- LARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOWTOT trout room; private family. jyistf

i.j'Hi MISSION—NICE sunny BAY-WINDOWI'AOU suite; suitable for housekeeping. jylStt1I EDDY—SUNN V FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO-1102unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Jyl3 st*HO- LINDENAYE,NEAR WEBSTER— ROOMSIy)Q with use of batn. Jyl3 st*

nl7TAYLOR-SUSS V FRONT PARLOR BED--1Iroom In private family. Jyl3 st*

H| POST—BAY-WINDOW SUITE OK SIN--1"a 1O gle;also other rooms ;board optional.12 tf


rooms, suites or single; cheap rent. Jyl2 lm

1 l)\'J MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED BUN--1UOO ny room lor 2 gentlemen. Jyl2 lin

(!(lhNATOMA— FURNISHED ROOMS FORUUO housekeeping; also single. Je24 If

9.)lIMARKET—LARGE,SUNNY,BAY-WINDOW• —U suite, or single; suitable forogees. Je22 1111

oIQ MINNA— BOOMS FURNISHED COM--010 plete for housekeeping, with bath. je'Jl tf0 ELEGANTLY furnished sunny PARLORS0 with dressing-room attached. 913 Valencia, 23If

1V-te\ MARKET,INDIANAPOLISHOUSE——tit) furnished sunny rooms to let. my2s tfs)l1/ IGOOD ROOMS ATLOW RATES—7I6 HOW.dUslyl ard st.,nr. Third:gas and water Ineach room;reading-room and bath free; linen changed dally;house open all night- best beds Inthe wurld.ap2ott

AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 331_r\ Sansome St., San Francisco; board aud room $1,$1 25 and $1 50 per day; free coacu. Wil.MONT-GOMERY, proprietor. jy_llttI'llIEDDY—SONNY COKNEB BAY-WINDOWOut suite of rooms. Jyl2 7t*

9/!Q GOLDENGATE. COR. HYDE—FURNISHEDi-OO and unfurnished sunny front rooms. Jylllm

1.-i|..jv MARKET—FURNISHED KOOMS: ALL1Ou_j new; bath and gas free. jylllm1'_) POLK—NEW HOUSE AND FURNITURE;-IO bay-wintlow suites and single rooms: all sun-ny; hoi and cold water. • Jylllm

IO/l ELLIS— GENEVA, NICELY FOR-I— nlshed sunny rooms en suite or single; acentrally located, desirable and quiet home forstrangers visiting the city. jylllm

11Aft TWENTY-FIRST—2 VERY PLEASANTIIAUsunny rooms with board; splendid locu-tion; Iblock from Valencia cable. jyll7t

SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS 150 A NIGHT.Llndell House, cor. Sixthand Howard. jylltf


—V for housekeeping; adjoining. JylO tt

101 A UNION-4 ROOMS. BATH. PATENTIOIAcloset, $15: _ rooms, store, $20. jy9tt

1(s'-i', MAKKET—LABGBANDSINGLEBOOMS,1UOU handsomely fnrnlsued, with or withouthousekeeping privileges; rent reasonable. jy9 tfo'K7t BUSH


P— nice, clean rooms. 60c a night. Jy9 lin•J.JII MCALLISTER— NICELY FURNISHED

rooms; housekeeping ifdesired ;bath. Jyd lm


FROST AND BACKXOUO room, furnished for light housekeeping;bath, hot and cold water and gas; $25; also frontparlor, $15: no children. JyS tf

89ft EOLSOJI, NEAR FOURTH-FURNISHEDO—iJ rooms, $1a week. jy6ttOni GEARY-SUNNY FRONT SUITE; ALSOPU_: single rooms. Jy6 lm

QAQGEAitY-2 LARGE PARLORS SUITABLEOUO for doclor or dentist. JyO lm

7IA O'FARRELL— SUNSY ALCOVE, WITHItroom adjoining: alt modern conveniences, lm


7I('O'FARRELL—SUNNY UNFURNISHED AirIiU cove; also furnished rooms: baths. Jy4 lm1 IQ FIFTH —NICELY FURNISHED SUNNYXIVROOMS, singles or suites: first flat. jy4lm

nKEARNY-RASSFTTTE HOUSE; FURNISHEDrooms; reasonable ]\u0084:.-., MRS. C. HEDGE. lin


ELE-_UIgaii'.ty furnished rooms. jyltfClQ O'FARRELL-AN UNFURNISHED BOOMPIP to rent. __, Je3o tf

1OAAHOWARD-THREE PLEASANT UNFUR--1 £.yJO nlshed rooms; no children. Je29 tf

THE VICTORIA, IISMIELLIS, HAS CHANGEDbands, and Is new and elegantly furnished; en

suite or single: transient accommodated. je2B linf*. tt'MINNA


O'lil housekeeping. Je2(i tfInO LARKIN,COR. GROVE



'sit ulsned sunny bay-window room. Jo Itf


(\lZr\ STOCETON, OPP. GRACE URCH-FAM-UlPiiy boardlug-house; first class; moderate;references. Jyl6 7t*7- O'FARRELL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR-Unlshed single rooms; all sunny; cheap. :rpl7rr'('91E MITE HOUSE, 1015 MARKET ST., BET.

X Sixthand Seventh; 35c to$1per night; per week,$1 60 to $6; single and en suite; families, rurl tr

HEMARIPOSA 824 LAOUNA-FINE SUITES;1first-class board; terms moderate. no7tr

ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS-ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class

lbevery respect: terms reasonable. JslOLt

MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 227and 221) Second St.—Stugie meals 25c;board and

room per day, 75c to $1; by the week. $4 to *5;IT9Ocoach to and from the hotel. ao'Jl tr


ARKETST., STALLINCITYHALLMARKETillsuitable for grocery; also other stalls. W. H.CBIMACO..205 Montgomery St. 17ThSuTu tt.STORE ASD 3 ROOMS, SE CORNER OF FILL--0 more and Greenwich sts. Jyl7 St*

1ftftftPOST— STORE, 9BOOMS.STABLE; SUIT--IUUUable forbutcher: $30. Key grocery. 17 7*

STORE AND 3 BOOMS; GOOD OPENING FORrestaurant, German dairy orretail wine; plenty

of cellar room If desired. 314 Francisco st. Jyl7 3*

9 LARGE STORES; NEW BUILDING;NX COR-_* uer Valencia and Qulnn; ll,^ blocks from Mar-ket, with family rooms; suitable for drug-storebakery, etc.; also dry light basement, 55x85;cement floor:11 feet high: can be subdivided. YONRHEIN A CO., 524 Callioriiia st. Jyl3 lot*

TO LET—6IB SANSOME, NEAR JACKSON: 1floor; 2 new stores, cor. Valencia and cultiu.

YONRHEIN* A CO.. 624 California. Jyl'J tf

rilO MANUFACTURERS— SHOP-ROOM TO KENT1withpower, for a term of years In the targebrick building cor.

-I'olsom and Eighteenth sts.

CHARLES ASHTON. 411 Montgomery St. jylSlm

CORNER STORE. WITH FIXTURES ANDv.'basement, suitable for a grocery, liquor or drugstore. Cor. ninthand Bryant sts. Jyl2 7t*ffl; 1£, STORE; 2 LIVINGROOMS. APPLY 325<g 10. Fifthst. Jyl tt

JARGF: ROOM, WITH POWER. 12 BTEVEN-J son st. El.en Vineyard Company. my.'iitf

OFFICES TO LET. .TTto3rF~OFFIC FT, SUITABLE EITHER FOEF physician or demist. 22!) Kearny st. Jyll71*

OFFICES COR. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA;COR.California and Kearny; 615 Sansome, near

Jackson, top floor. YON RHEIN * CO.. 524 Call-fornlast. mvlltt



COUNTER. SHELVING, SHllW^J case, cabinet for thread. 227 Vio'F*.irroll. Id3*

BAR,STORE FIXTURES, SHOW CASES, DESKS,doors, sasb ; goods taken onstorage, money ad-

vanced. Pioneer Slure, 21to 25 Tenth St. Ic'2'2 tf

KAK, FIXTURES. COUNTERS. SHELVINGshow-cases, sash-doors, etc.. at 225 Post st. Jed tr

riHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS, SHELVES,V-)show-cases: olrlces A stores tltted. 834 Geary. i.l


OLD-STYLE WILCOX GIBBS' SEWING-MA-chine; cheap. 311 MainSt. Jyl7 3t<

SEWING MACHINES It'll SALE AND RE-paired. - W. B.HIGGINS. 628 Hayes at. inr4 if

ffIJ'JC NEW YORK OS HELPMATE; BRAND»J)Ot). new; latest; best ror $35: allkinds repaired;rented cheap. « J. L.BICES, 007 Mission, mil tf


; HOUSES TO T.KT. - j"L-OK RF:NT—INOAKLAND:ELEGANTLY Fl'R-J nlshed bouse; new: 6rooms and bath: hot amicold water: $40. Apply MRS. 11. DAVEY,GoldenGate. Alameda County. - jyl. 7t*

9lO COLLINGWOOD ST.,NEAKNINETEENTH;Amilarge rooms; large yard. Jyl7 lit*

6')A CAPP ST.—COTTAGE,8 ROOMS: STABLE,i-ft chicken-house; large yard. EASTON. EL-

DRIDOE tit CO. jyl7 tfYEW HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; $12. 18 TEHAMA

\u25a0Is St., rear. Jyl7 3t»

dlft fvft HOUSE 6ROOKS ANDBASEMENT.•ifli'.Jll. 626 Locust aye., bet. McAllister st.and Golden Gate aye., on* Lagans st. Jyl7 tit*

«JQ COTTAGE; 3ROOMS. 317 CUMBERLANDO. St., near Nineteenth and Church. It*

rPO LET-HOUSE OR 8 ROOMS AND BATH:1 stable for two horses. In first-class order. 43willowaye., corner of Polk st. Apply MADISONABURKE. 401 and 403. Montgomery at. jy!67t

$00 "A SUNNY BAY-WINDOW HOI'S 6ySiOmJ.OxJ .rooms, alcove: modern Improvements.Fillmore, bet, Sutter and Post; cable, Jyl64t»

©Q S-P.OOM COTTAGE AND YARD. JERSEY•ITt/. and Sanchez sts. Apply at Bakery. Jerseyand Sanchez sis. jy!62t»


*tPIU. basement. Cor.Dolores and Fifteenth. 15 7*

mD NINETEENTH ST. —HOUSE 6 BOOMS,.1UP bath and basement. Jyls 3t*1 I7 PERRY ST.. NILTHIRD-HOUSE 5ROOMSIIIand bath, jyls3t»<^;9^ COSY FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 4sJP^"/. rooms for family wltnout children. 1221Twenty-third st., near Chattanooga. jy!s 3t»

IftftjLARKIN—HOUSE 9 ROOMS TO LET;J.UU-1 $40; carpets forsale. Jyl3 71*(Dl9 GEARY. NEAR LARKIN, 7 KOOMS.U—

—bath. $05: 1851 Stevenson St., near 20th. 8

rooms and bath, $25: 2503 Clay, nr. Fillmore, 8rooms and bath. $40: 916 Oak. nr.Scott. 6 roomsan.l bath, $35; 1031 Dolores, nr. Twenty-fourth, 9rooms aud bath. $42 50; 425 Sixth, ur.I.-isoni,7 rooms and bath, $37 50; 4 new fiats, cor.Valencia and Quinu: 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia. 8rooms, bath, $45; 2118 Union,:.r. Webster, 7 rooms,bath, $30; 031 1.4 Stelncr. 8 rooms, bath.$40; 352 Twenty-fourth St.. uear Folsom. (iroomsand bath, $25; ;1627-29 Post, near Buchanan, 10rooms, bath. $115 each; 521 liaiglit.near Fillmore,6 rooms, bath, $35: 1139 Valencia, uear 23d.7 rooms and bath, $35: 923 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9rooms, bath, $50: 0Juniper, nr. llth.6 rooms anilbath, $25; 32 Frederick, off Bryant,ur. Ist,3 rooms,$10; 19tn. nr. Guerrero. 0 rooms, bath, $25; 61821st, nr. Harrison, 6 rooms aud bath, $20. YONRHEIN ft CO.. b2JCalifornla St. jylg tf

YEW HOUSE TO LET.8 ROOMS AND BATH;-.' all modern conveniences. 1303 Page St., nearLyon: willbe rented reasonable to a responsibletenant; Key on premises. Jyl3 7t*'()TENEMENTS, ALABAMA ST., NEAK—

Twentieth; modern improvements; $14 and$16. Jy 137t«

GOLDEN GATE AVF;., NEAR BAKER-BAYwindow house; 8rooms; bath; $35. JylS St*

TO LET—ACOTTAGE ON CHBEEBYBT., NEAR1the Mission -road cars, withlarge lot,stable, chick-ru-h..i:se. etc., enclosed by a high board fence. Alsoa portion of house, 559 Bryant St., near Fourth. Ap-ply J. B. LEWIS, 436 Montgomery St., Wi 1 or.Sacramento, between 12 and 1. Jyl3 IfnROOMS AND BATH; RENT $'.5. 923 1^IGolden Gale aye. Jyl'J 71*OfANTED—TO PURCHASE TO BE REMOVED,"'

a house, either cotiage or 2-story, at reasonablefigures. Apply B. Mc-luil'iiALL A SON, 331) F.neStreet, between 1and 4 o'clock 1-. St. JvB lit

DLKEMAN PL.. OFF MASON ST.. BETWEENEllis andO'larrell— Iroms: large yard; $17.j3tf

70K ELLIS— 10 BOOMS AND BATH;IOO all modern Improvements. j>stf

ffl?»»7 CA HOUSE OF 6 BOOMS AND BATH.C- I.OU. 2024 Powell st. Je2B tf

<J- 1O Hol'se, 6NICE ROOMS; 1611'AMASON•IP 10. St. ; cable-road at door. 11. P. MOBEAL,402 Montgoniery st. jelltf


DODGE ST., OFF TURK,NEARLARKIN-UP-U per flat of 4 rooms :$10. Jyl7 3t

AN ELEGANT PARLOR FLAT OF 6 ROOJISand bath: sunny side: 1318 Ellis st., Le:. La-

guua and Buchanan: rent cheap. Apply G. 11.UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montg cry st. JylO 7t

TO LET—4 SUNNY FLATS; 316 AND 318 JER-sey St., beL Noe and Sanchez: 4and 5 rooms; hot

ami cold water; bath and wash-trays and separatebasement; rent reasonable. inquire 1419 Twenty.fourthst.; take Castro-st. cars. Jyl6 St*ITINE FLAT TO LET—E. SIDE DOLORES, BET.ITwenty-third and Twenty-fourth; second floor;bay window; 7 rooms and bath; rent $30. withwater; key there. Apply to C. S. CAPP* CO.,House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 415 Mont-guniery st. Jyl6 St<>•_)£ FLATOF 6 SUNNY ROOMS; ALLMOD-yff.IO.em Improvements; water free. 305 Halght

street. ]y!6 7t*L'I.ATS-2 li-l:i)(i)lAND BATH.$15; 1 4-P.OOJI

\u25a0T and bath, $12; close to cable-cars. Applyat bak-ery,Jersey and Sancnez sts. Jyl6 21*-

M.AT, 4 ROOMS: LARGE PANTRY; $10 Amonth; Twenty-thirdaye., near Point Lobos. In-

quire on premises. _yls_7t_liltJONES— LOWER FLATOF* 3 OR 4 KOOMSJ. 1Ufurnished lorhousekeeping; bath; gas. JylS tf

11 '-(ft HOWARD-LOWER FLAT; 7 ROOMS:1IOU bath; speaking tubes; electric bells. 7*II!I(ILEAVESWORTH-FLAT OF 5 ROOMSIUIU and lath: Ingood order: $13. Jyls 3t»Cln ELLIS-UNFURNISHED FLAT;4 ROOMS,OIUto let. ]>T5 3t«f*,ftQl STEVENSON. NEAR SIXTH


OUOj tint: 5 rooms; rent $18. IylS3t*

1017 GEARY—4 NICE ROOMS; BATH: FUR-IVIInlshed ball; gas; cellar; cheap. jy!s 81*

91 '. 213 AND 217 VALENCIA—4 NEW BAY-t-lt). window sunny corner fiats, IL4blocks fromMarket, 7 and 8 rooms and bath each, costly mod-ern finish, ifyousee them you willrefuse allothers;also SO other fiats In all parts of the city. YONKHEINA CO..624 California St. Jyl3 10*

2FLATS OF 4 AND 5 ROOMS: SUNNY SIDEFlorida st, near Twenty-second; new hoii-e: all

conveniences. Applyto MADISON A BURKE. 401Montgomery st. jyl27l*_

2 FLATS OF 7 ROOMS EACH,$20 AND $22 SO;all modern Improvements. 402 Ninthst. jyl3 tf

"1 1I'- SACRAMENTO—UPPER FLAT;6ROOMSAA1O with bath; good view. Jyl2 7t»

UPPER FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH._U1312y» Larkln St.. near California. Jyl2 ifVIITHIRTEENTH,""NEAR" HoWARD-2 NEWOU sunny upper fiats; 0 and 7 rooms; bath, 1Bt*

Sl AND $20—NEW FLATS. 4 AND 5 ROOMS;dp IO bath. 1203 Guerrero at., cor. 24tl_. jyll7t

l'l;i_nishf-I> HOUSES.

TTiOR BALE-SUNNY FLAT 6ROOMS: NEWLYA furnished, with piano. Apply coal-yard. 11Taylor St. jyi7St*1fillSIXTH-NICELYFURNISHED FLAT OF5il-_- rooms tor sale cheap: call after 11. jy!s17t

VINEHOUSE OF 10 ROOMS TO LET ANDFUK-J nltnre fcraale. 1209 Howard st. Jyl3 tf

79D MCALLISTER—UPPER FLATOF 5 ROOMS,I—O bath: modern Improvements. $30. my29 tf


7.1APINE— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY—'_) rooms, en suite and single; reasonable. 17 tf

nTAVLOR-FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR.11 en suite; day, week or month. J>'l7 51*CO M1 N N A—FLAT 3 NICELY FURNISHED00 rooms: housekeeping; private family. Jvl7 2*Alrn CLEMENTINA,NR. SIXTH-HOUSEKEEP-*iI/I ingrooms; furnished complete; cheap. It*7.19 HOWARD—2 FURNISHED ROOMS: ONE1 01. suitable for tailor-shop. JylT at*01 .MINNA-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLEZtX tor housekeeping: use or kitchen. Jyl7 2t*"I91 >iiABBEl I.


X.m1nlsheti rooms; suitable for housekeeping. 17 5*not FOURTH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SOIT-ZZO able forlighthousekeeping. It*-11)17 BUSH-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM,GASXl.lIand hath. Jyl7 61*


FURNISHED SUNNY CORNER——rooms, fine view; location central; very de-

slrable or office. Jyl7 St*1AIM MISSION— SUNNY FUK.N*r__i[_KD-IUUIfront room, one or two persons. Jyl7sl*

I1ASEVENTH— SUNSY FRONT BOOM,X1Ufirst floor: gas antl bath. Jy 17 3t*

11 '141 MISSION—

WELL-FURNISHED SUNNYXAZOfront room, first floor: gentlemen. Jyl7st*O'Jl MINNA -NICE, SUNNY, DOUBLE ANDOOJL single rooms. It*

OZ'7 MISSION—NICE, SUNNY ROOM INREAR;QUI furnished for housekeeping; $10. jyl7St*


LARGE, RUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FOR MANand wifeor two gents. 648 Mission St. ]y!7 St*


FURNISHED01 12 rooms complete lor housekeeping. It*

81QFIFTEENTH, NORTH OF MARKET (CAS-OlOtro cable)— 3 unfurnished rooms for bouse*keeping. • *


(•111 HEN AYE.-GENTLEMAN AND WIFEvl1Ucan have 2 nice sunny rooms, unfurnished,for housekeeping; rent $9. jyl7 2t*


3 UNFURNISHEDI£1 rooms upstairs: yard. It*

•>.;,- FIFTH-

FURNISHED SUNNY HOUSE-O— tIkeeping suite of rooms; $6. 1*QKIIMISSION-LARGE FRONT HOUSEKEF.P--000 Ingroom, $8; single sunny. $6. Jylß

69.> HOWARD-FRONT SUITE; GAS, BATH,-"-> closets; $14; single sunn}-, $6. Jyl6 ifI'llTHIRD-FRONT SUITE, NICELY FUR-UUnlshed. with piano, $20; double front, $14.1 8 tf

91IUP.BAKD-SINQLE, SUNNY, NEWLY FUR.nlshed rooms: $6 and $6. __________

1'-41 7 MISSION—NEWLY FURNISHED SUNSYJ- tilIfront room; gentlemen; cheap. Jyl6 2t*

1-fi'-Jft MARKET—SUNNY BAY-WINDOW ANDIOOUother rooms handsomely furnished, withor without housekeeping privileges; rent moder-ate. Jyl6 7t

90 SOUTH PARK—SUNNY SUITE OF FRONTZO parlors, elegantly furnished; also single rooms;with or without board. jy!67i*I'JJ MINNA—NICK SUNNY ROOM. SUITABLEAOA fur 2 gentlemen or man and wife. Jyl6 2t*

59'J FOLSOM— NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM;Om.'_ also bay-window front room. Jyl6 3t»OJ_U 110 FINELY FURNISHED FRONTOTO suite, first floor. 621*


FURNISHED AND UNFDR-UInlshed rooms for housekeeping: cheap. 16 3t*

1dV-iMISSION— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNYX -I—O rooms, en suite or single; bath. Jyl6 tf

"Id.- MISSION Fl l:NISI!ED "FRONT SUITE;100 hut and cold water; sliiglsrooms>6.jylBtt


LARGE DOUBLE SUNNY\u25a0LUIU front room: rent $12. JyloSt

7/IQPINE-2 UNFURNISHED KOOMS FORIUUhousekeeping: 2d floor; also furnished. 1651*(l^jflHOWARD—2 sunny UNFURNISHEDs/OUg rooms, suitable for housekeeping. Jyl6 tf

Of IP. 3 LARGE. BRIGHT* SUNNY ROOMS0 '*'•with bath, pantry and sink, suitable forhousekeeping for small raiuily. Inquire 170 1ViF'oisoru it, , Jylo 21*


NICELY FURNISHEDHirooms for housekeeping. \u25a0 JylO st*


SUNNY FUR-L. I111, in I front rooms, housekeeping. i> Hi 2t*__4-._ll MINNA—S SUNNY BACKKOOMS. FUR-tt«->*l2 nlshed for housekeeping. jyl6 21*

ft9ft POST— NICK BUNNY AND HOME-LIKEU^U basement forsmall family. Jyl6 St* .199ft MISSION-UNFURNISHED HALLbf.d-XZZUroom, with closet; $.1 50.

-Jyl6 st»

mn MISSION- _! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS,Ifurnished or unlnrnlsbed: bath. Jy Hiat*

C AllMINNA-3 UNFURNISHED BOOMS FoilOAU housekeeping. , Ji16 31*


CL'QO^ft GUEKRERO -ST.; CORNER RESI-«H;O— OU. rienco; good house of 9 rooms: lot6UX100: a bargain. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A CO.,

10 Montgomery st.- Jyl3 SuTuTh tf

Q!I7 ftllft HOWARD ST.. NR. 231); of 8 rooms and bath; servants'rooms and laundry Inbasement: brick foundations:also house of 2 flats of 8- and 7 rooms each; totalrent $107 50; lot 60x135; this isan excellent pic.cof property and isa first-class Investment. McAJFI E,BALDWIN A CO.. 10 Montgomery. jyla SuTuTh tt

ai'UO^ft LARGE LOT VERY CHEAP: 16THir--t), near Castro: size 100: there Isgood speculation in this lot as the ltilh-st. extensionIs an assured fact. McAFEE, BALDWIN* A- IIAM-MOND,10 Montgomery St. Je22 SiiTiiTh_tt_C- I•>, illl.'.'T'.-l LARGE LOIS 28:4X114:

«35 XOUU 27th St., near Chnrcb; street graded,macadamized aud sewered. McAFEE, BALDWINAHAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. je22 SuTuTh tf

fflffi^ftft MAKE OFFER: MUST BE SOLD:(I'C'UUIf. cheapest piece on Howard St.. near14th; good -story and finished basement house of8rooms and bath; brick foundation; nicely paperedand painted: lirst-ciass repair; stone sidewalks: lot25xH,">; examine tillsproperty and make offer beforebuying. McAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMf'ND. 10Montgomery st, • }e22 Su 1UTh tf

$*->•_) CAB A GOOD INCOME PROPERTY;.iZ..OUyt. Folsom st, sear 4th: good building

or stores and flats, bringing a monthly rental of$190; lot 97:6x80: this property pays a good In-come and Is in ;.u Improving locality; no belter In-vestment property can be found. SIcAF'EE. bald-IVIN,-. HAMMOND,10 Montgomery. 15 tf SuTuTh

Ob~ "

till SHOTWELL, NEAR 24T8; NICE\u25baJf I•lul/.modern cottage of 5 rooms, bath, etc.;brick foundation; small stable: lovely lawn; largelot. size 5Ux122:0; choice little home. McAFEE,Baldwin A Hammond, 10 Montgomerystreet. . ji-15 liSuTuTb

$1 A ftftft MAKE AN OFFER-GOOD PAYiT.UUU. Ing investment; Garden St., near

Cth; good 2-story building of 8 ten nients: rent$]'-'(>: lot100x75; this property must be sold tociose out an estate; chance for a good buy. Mo-AFEE,BALDWINAHAMMOND,10 -MontgomeryStreet. Jel6 SuTu I'h tf

$11^,(1 GAPP. NEAR 25TH— GOOD FLATS•Jf II•Tu. of 4and 5 rooms each, renting at $08;lot 35x116. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND,10 Montgomery st. Jels SuTuTh it

Qfiftftft MAKEOFFER; A HE MiSSIuN-«J)OUUU. St. lot, suitable for stores and flats:Size 40x115, mar 25th st. ; this property 13 verycheap and properly Improvod will pay a" good In-come. MCAFEE, BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10Montgomery St. Jels tf SuTuTh

$ICHftEACH; NICE LEVEL LOTS ON CAS-sjp IOUUstillaye. ;size 28x214: these lots arobetween the Market-st. extension and ltrth st., thelatter street to be made Into a boulevard and passesdirectly InHunt of these lots; gjod improvementsare belug made In this vicinity and these lots ottera good opportunity for a speculation. McAF'EK,BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomerystreet. Jels tfSuluTh


»P IUUU. 3 frontages; can be divided Into 8 lots(2 corners); this property being on Francisco st. laIn the center of the manufacturing quarter of thecity and improved withsuitable flats a good Incomecould ire derived; the lot Is on the grade ami readyforbuilding; terms easy; the belt road will passthis property, and being so central. located It issure to advance Invalue. JIcAFEE. BALDWIN AHammond. 10 Montgomery st. Jel6 ifSuTuTh

Cj,|-flft LANi.T'ON ST.. NEAR HOWARD:tU-iUUU. good 2-story frame double hou3« or 5and 6 rooms: routed low to responsible tenants at$36: lot 26x80, McAFEE, BALDWIN A IIAM-MPND,10 Montgomery st. jels tf SjiT'u1 _<£ ".(If111 LARGE LOT ON19TH, NEAK DIA-ffiOUUU. moiiil: 75x100.

$SOOO-Saiiche/.. near Ridley: 2*.i125.$1150— 20th. near Church; 25x114.$4250— 00r. 17th and Diamond: 37:6x75.$6500— near 18th; 50x125.$3000— lothand Diamond; 34x100.McAFEE. BALDWIN A HAMMOND. 10 Mont-

gi'lnt^vst. JelsJj_BuTuTll_tt^Qilft FREELON, NEAR 4TH; 2-STORYOOOUU. and basement house of 11 rooms: alsorear house of 7 rooms; rent $15. MCAFEE, BALD-WIN A-HAMMOND,10 Montgomery. j-l.")SnTuTh<i_o\ lillll A CHOICE BUSINESS CORNER©

—O.UUU. on Howard St.: good building or 2

stores, ami 4 flats of 6 rooms each and police sta-

tion: lot 50x95; rent $170. McAFEF:. BALDWINa HAMMOND,10 Montgomery sL Jels ttsi Ii[hC 1 Oftft CLIPPER. NEAR NOE


y_filOUU. of 4 rooms; lot 25x111; street wortcomplete; oolv 1block from cable-cars. McAFEE,BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomerystreet. Je29 SuTu ih tt

Cfft^ftft 2 1ST ST.. NEAKVALENCIA-GOOD©OJUl). 2-story house of 11rooms; lot25x115;excellent neighborhood. MCAFEE, BALDWIN «HAMMOND.10 Montgomery st. je29 SuTuTh tt

SCIT i7.i\t\ AN EXCELLENT PIECE OF MIS-«3St I.UUU. slon-st. property, near 3d; S-storybuilding,occupied as warehouse ami lodging-bouse;rent $225: lot 30x160 to Jessie. McAFEE, BALD-WIN A HAMMOND.10 Montgomery. 29 SuTuTh It


is and offered upon veryeasy terms; a rare chanceto buy an elegant and cheap home.

New residences for sale just completed; SanchezSt., close to Market; the houses are substantiallybuilt, and to meet tho requirements of amuderuand comfortable home, containing 9 rooms andbath, at such terms as tv enable most any one to ob-tain ahome at very little outlay and easy paymentsfor the balance; good-sized lots antl allstreet workdone; the neighborhood is fast Improving and prop-erty Is bound to become very valuable on account ofIts proximity to Market st. For particulars callat our office, DOWNEY a oambs. sis Montgomerystreet. Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t


PACIFIC AYE.,near Van Ness; tlS:6xl27;ri, with L32x47; north

side; price $16,600.1 60xlS7:U— VaiiejoSt., near Van Ness aye.1 50-vara— SW. corner Broadway aud Buchanansts.; 137:6x137:6.

NE. cor. Washington and Baker; 37:6x102:6;Cheap. DOWNEY A GAMP.S. 313 Mont. IS stth 3

<__! IftftLOTS ON ISTH AYE, BET. POINT«3>-iUU. Lobos and the Park, In Block 367; only 5left; call early, as first come first served; half cash:title absolutely perfect. P. A. DOLAN A CO.. 630.Market. Je22 SuTuTh tf

CfQftM A FEW SPLENDID LOTS, 25XM5, INOOUl'. the Western Addition; 100 feet fromGeary St.; all level and ready to build on. P. A.DOI.AN.630 Market st. my IS tf SuTnTh

•ftIca LOTS: 25x110: FACING THE park on•Jp 1 ill/ the south side, on$10 per month install-ments willfurnish a written guarantee that in oneyear these lots will sell for $250. P. A. DOLAN,630 Market st. niy!BSnTnTh ttffi1 AALOTS; 25x120 EACH: ONLY A SHORT•]p Il-u distance from Golden Gate Fart and grandboulevard: no sand; these, lots inside of one yearwillreadily sell for9260; terms only $10 cash and$5 per month; no interest ;no taxes. P. A. DOLAN',630 Market St. mylS SuTuTh tf

S \u25a0 IftftCASH. BALANCE IN EASY PAY-—UUU merits; 2-story: bay-window; 7 rooms;

bath; linen-room; large laundry: driveway; roomfor stable; flowers; lot 30x120. Apply on premises.15 Albion aye.. bet. 18th and 17th sts., Valenciaand Guerrero. JW2 SuTuTh tf

£•99X11 LOT 37:6x120: COTTAGE STABLE«Jp ZZOU. barn, chicken-house, pretty garden;ocean view; Spring Valley water; lir.G.G. Park. Ad-dress R-. blue lettcr-oox.Halght and nyan.11 71*

L'OK SALE BY W. 11. CBIM ft CO., 428 MONT.X gomcry st. Real estate bought and sold.

SIU.SUU— near Ist: rents $100; 18:6x75.Kennebec, near Jefferson; Gift .Map No. 2; 8

rooms: 25x75.$16,000— 23d and Alabama: 80x100: rent $100.$:)000— Oak, near Laguua, with frontage on Lily

aye.; 27:6x120; cottage and 2 tenements.$8000

—Calif near Fillmore; 7 rooms and

bath; 25x132 :7Vi.Fell, near Franklin; store and flats; 27:6x120 to

Hickory aye.Height, near Pierre; new house: 9 rooms, bath,

s ream's room, laundry, etc.: rent $7.5 not:2.">x1110.21st, near Dolores; fine view; 8 rooms, bath; 22X

114.Shipley, near Sth—Lot 25x75; 2honses: rent $50.Guerrero, near 22tl— new flats: rents $74: 38x

117:6.$2200-Lombard. nr. Fillmore: 8 rooms: 27:6x90.Church, near 28th— 5 rooms, bath; 25x100.

LOTS.$8000—NX.Broderick and Jackson: 100x55.$9500— NW. Cast., and 19th; 75x125.$sliiO-Harrison, near 22d: 49:3x100.

Chestnut, near Fillmore: 55x137:0.$1500—Chattanooga, nearSSrd; 25x117:6.SW. cor. Church and Hermann; BSallO,$800—12th aye., near Ist; 25x120: graded and

fenced.$1260— SE cor. Bst. and 31st aye.; 60x169.Clement si.. 32d to2Sd avea.; 240x100; 2corners.$125— aye., nr. W St.; 25x120.$1100— 42daye., nr. Point Lobos; 75x120.]2thave., nr. MSt.: 25x120.$1100— 20thSt., near Dolores; 25x114: cheap.N.C.morula, i.r.17th ave. : 25x100.$1750— Church, nr. 27th: 25x95.

1 SE. 17th st. and Serpentine road: 21x75.2iii st., nr. Diamond; flue view; \u008417:6,$1200— Army St.. nr. Mission; 25x100.$1000— Choice corner In University Homestead,

nr. silver 120x100; willsubdivide.$750 each— 23d. nr. "astro; 2 lots; eich 25x114.$500— Day,nr. Douglass: 50x114; InInstallments.2 corners inFlxcelsior Homestead; each 150x100.$250— Lots lvExcelsior Homestead; 25x100; $50

cash: balance Installments; don't fail 10 see them.$16,000-SW. cor. .Market, Noe and 16th; 105 X

156. Jyl3SuTh

AWEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— WEEKLYCall, in wranper. ready for mailing.

IiiINTKY 111,11, ESTATE.

DARGAIS— ACRES Al IMPROVED LAND;Jl near school, town 'and railroad station; shortdistance iroincity: InSonoma County; orchard andvineyard; house 9rooms, barn anrl other buildings;3 horses, 2cows, 2-seated buggy, wagon, cart, har-ness and all running Implements: Incubator andpoultry; nicely located: price for all $7600; ipcash, balance time; also 35 acres unimproved ad-joiningabove. Callat 1617 Grove St., San Fran-clsco: "no triilers." Jyl6 8t»

9 ftftft ftftftACRES; VAST ESTATES ORZ.IIUU.UUU acre lots; all specialties Inland:stock, dairy, grain, fruitand general farms, resorts,timber land. Mexican laud, mines, town sites andlots, citymansions, country villas and sites; Invest-ment and speculative properties; money to loan:send 10c for 110-page catalogue. C. 11. STREET ACO., land Agents, 415 Montgomery st. JylO lm_

AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE-\ Slate will sell hisproperly at a sacrifice forcashor good mortgages; Santa Clara County stock, grainand fruit farm, 1000 acres. $12 50 per acre; stock,crop and Implements, low valuation; 10 acres,Wrights Station, $400; IS and 16 acres, San Jose,part Infruit, $350 per acre: Monterey County, 640acres, 180 in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 480 un-improved, $5 per acre: livery stable, barn and cot-tage. San Miguel,$5000: also 3lots. $700 each; alsosome goof] mines; two-thirds "can remain on mort-gage onany of these: particulars on arpilratlon.Address A W. 11.. 2814 Sacramento sl, San Fran-Cisco. \u25a0 ap2t) tt

SCHOOL LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AS* ACRE: ONvery easy terms; sold by the State In tracts to

suit: no residence or Improvement required; allkinds of lands, In many different counties; sendstamp tor list, Open Monday, Wednesday and Satur-

:i> evenings. F W. LAKE,6 Flood Building. 1:4 tf

FOB BALK^M"Is'4TI-TlJirANEU[i_krilO BE REMOVED; ONE 2-STORY STABLE: 01stalls; dimensions 24x68; cor.Gough aud O'Far-reil sis. Inquire 519 Clay St. It*

A 1 FRESH MILCH COW FOR SALp:. 2927illMission St. Jyl6 3t»_

IJUd FOR SALE—TO BEREMOVED. HOUSE•JpltlU. 1413 Scott St.. nearOeary, and buildingsInrear. Applybetween 1 and 4 p. m., to B. MoDolHALLA SON, Architects, Room 62, 330 Pluestreet. Jy9 13t

HUNTING PUPS FOR SALE CHEAP. SO ElGH-teenth aye., South San Francisco ]y!2 71*


J.-'OIt SALE—HOUSE TO BE REMOVE-, ON W.X side Jones st., bet. Bush ami pine; make an offer.ApplyG. B.UMBSEN ACo., 14 Montgomery. 18 tt


SHEPAKD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHKAHICKS, agent, 667 Mission st. \u25a0 sc27tf


MIGHELLIs ftRICHARDS, cur. Bush and Market ata.olO 12in

4JAFE. SCALE. i.FiTEi.-PRKBB. STOKE TRUCKi. an.i luoicy-tlllcheap. 102 Clay st. au2S 12m .SECOND-.,.. BOILBtS, ENGINES, PUMPS,

shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc." Mo-

-INTOSU A vu.l.T .. -i 7l)ealust. . -.; t de* Ui


Jt/JOKfl A PICK UP-PINK ST.. NR.WEBSTERJTU-OU. and running through to Wilder; bay-window house of 11 rooms and bath; brick foun-dations, laundry, etc.; lot 25x127:6. G.H.IMU-

SEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery sL ]y!3StSuTuThi_ Of;Oft CLARAST., NR. 3D; FRONT HOUSE<]f:tJt)Ul'. of 10 and rear houseol 1 rooms; rents

SSO: 10125x75. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Slout-goiitery st. 18. 3t SuTuTh

_Of fifIGILBERT,Nil.BKANNAN; THREEiXUULfcI.houses and two cottages: lot 60*30.

G. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Moulgomery.l3 3SnTuThHi;'}')/)!! SHERIDAN ST., SR. »TH ASDy&ZZUU. Folsom; lot 25x100: level and readyfor building. G. H. UMBSEN a CO., 14 Mout-gomery st. }__}___StSuT'uTTi

Jtiinril LIZZIE ST.. Nil. MISSION ANDsfiZOylU. '."Stli; 2-story house of 0 rooms; lotSS:6x7O. G. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomerystreet. jyl SuTuTh St

7')r7l\ CASTRO ST.. NR. ID111;LOT82:613) IZOU. 123. G. 11. UMBSEN A- CO.. 14 Mont-gomery St. JylS SuTuTh StZ'-)rlitl CLIPPER ST., NR. CHURCH: LOTJJ-ZOUI*. 60:llxllL G. 11. UJIBSEN A CO.,liMontgomery St. Jyl3SnTnTh Si


COLLINGWOOO ST., NEAR»P 1lOU 18th: 2 lots, each 55x125. G. 11. UMB-SEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery St. Jy ISSuTuTh 3t_SC_.II LOT 26X100— OS N. LINE OF A ST.,(fcUOlf. near 10th aye. G. H. UMBSEN ft CO.,11Montgomery st. JylS SuTuTh St«_. ~-,l\l\- LOT 50X120-ON COOK ST., NEAR«s>ltJl)U. Geary. G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14Montgomery sL Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t

ffl."IHfUl 13TH AYE.. HEAB CALIFORNIA-ijji1 Iul).St. Extension: 50x120; willsubdivide.<;. 11. UMBSEN .V CO.. 14 Montgomery. lSSuTuTh 3

lillllFOB » LOTS IN HOI.LIDAYMAPA G.i)UU11. DHBSEN A Co., 14 Montgomery

street. ]y!3 SuluTh .'•!_«_•')!Hill eureka Sl'.. near isth-lot 21ypZUUU. xBS. G. 11. UMBShIN A CO.. 14 Moilt-goincry st. Jyl3 SuTuTh St

tt'l^nil DOUGLASS ST., NEAR 18T1I—25xOlilUU.150. G. 11. UMBSEN ft CO.. 14 Mont-gomery^ Jylo SuTuTh 3t

C' III!111 LOT 55X125-ON DIAMOND,NEAR«T^li.'NfU. ltllli;ready for building,street workdone. G. 11. UMBSEN A Co.. 14 Montgomerystreet. jy!3Sn Iulh St

•iitT-NIUI COR. DOLORES AM)VALLEY—BAY-tIp IOv'v/. window cottage of 5 rooms and bath;brick foundations and all modern conveniences; lot51:6xl00. G.H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomerystreet. Jyl3 SnTnTh St

CVJfi/Ul DOLORES ST.. NEAR VALLEY;tJp.IUUI/. hay window cottage of 5 rooms audbath; hot and cold water, etc. ; lot 25:6:1011; brickfoundation. U. 11. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Muntgom-cry st. JylS SuTuTb St

Cfl^llflBAY-WINDOW COTTAGE OF 5tj"_rs.)l-'l-'. rooms and bath and basement: brickfoundations, etc. part cash: lot 25x115: 15th St.,near Martlet. G. 11. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 Montgom-ery st. JylS SuTuTh st


—OU. Uow house of 6 rooms and bath; brick

foundation; stationary washstand, etc.; all modernconveniences; lot 27:6x100 on 16th St.. near Mar-ket. G. H. UMBSEN ft CO., 14 MontgomerystreeL Jylg SuTuTh StC-i:/l(l GKEEN Sl'., SEAR FRANKLIN: 2-jJT'iilvv'.story house of 13 rooms ami bath; lot28x130. G. 11. CMbsF:.N A CO., 14 Montgomery

street. jyl3_________________

4itO(Wlft hush ST., NEARPOWELL: 2-STORY'. I'l'y'U.and basement house of 12 rooms andbath; mortgage ol $Sooo can remain If desired; lot20x60: rents $03. G. ILUMBSEN A CO.. 14 Mont-gomeryst. Jyl3 SuTuTh St<_: in finn mission st. AND running

SSl's U.UUU. tbrougb to Minna; part under leasefor 3 years at $151) per month; room for 5or 6buildings: lot 95x160: 2 fronts. 0. 11. UMBSEN ftCO.. 14 Montgomery st. Jyis SuTuTh 3tC; l<f7.| i/ 1 I'UST ST.. sunny SIDE. NEAR»7 \Z.OUU. Leavenworth; lot 30x107:6; good,substantial bay-window house of 11roomsand bath;stone sidewalks, brick foundations, etc. G. li.IMH-SEN

*CO., 14 Montgomery St. jy!BSnTnTh 31

Q49 "ill CORNER SACRAMENTO ST. ANDs&XZOU.Leroy place, nr. Leavenworth; 2houses renting for* lot 20x70. G. 11. UMBSENft CO., 14 Montgomery st. Jyl3 SuTuTh 3t

'\u25a0_')(.(. SACRAMENTO ST.,NEAR DEVISA-i?t)-Ull. dero: lot 27:6HU0. G. H. IMItsENft CO.. 14 Montgomery st. JylS SuTuTh St _V.",111111 SCOTT ST.. NEAR BUTTER; HOUSEflfillnfW.of 6rooms and bath; lot 25x137:6. O.

11. UMBSEN ft CO.. 14 Montgomery. IS SuTu St

QQ-iwv SITTER ST., NEAR BAKES; NEWy^OOUU. 2-story and basement bay-windowbouse in 2 flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each:brick foundations and all modern Improvements:rents $70; lot 28x87:6. O. H. UMBSEN ft CO., 14Montgomery st. jylSSuTuTh StC.l .1nf)A WEBSTER ST., NEARFULTON;*y)XZ.UUU. new bay-window house in 4 flats;rents $92; brick foundations: lot 33x82:6. O.H.1Miisks ft CO., 14 Montgomery. Jyl3 suluTh st

HOI'SE AND LOT; 6 ROOMS AND BATH,1417 Devisadero st., near Geary'. Jyl7 7t*

1 I-i\PRKSIDii)" HEIGHTS-LOT 25x127 ONI*iOU Jackson, near Spruce. WILSON ftCARR,

18 Post st. Jyl7 2t

ttf'llWll'Eß LOT—EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD,C—l'llnear Mission road, 25x100 each. WILSONft CARR.18 Post St. Iyl72t1)P.X150-NOE, NEAR FOURTEENTH; MUST BE—

.Isold; make an olfor. WILSON A L'ARR. 18Post st. Jyl7 2t

I.OR BALE—BY YON ItHEIN ft CO.. 524 CALI-Ifornia st., above Montgomery. Oilers always re-spectfully considered.

FOR SALE IMPROVED.67:6x120— Mission, nr.6th.",sxloo— Valencia St., ur. 19tb; 4 stores and flats.70x108- Clay st., near Kearny: renls $500; gilt-

edged central business property; $65,001).

34:4XAx76:6— Clay, ur.Kearny rents $213.35x80— 2d,nr. Folsom; rents $130.Howard-st, corner: rents $180.75x125—SlXth-St, corner: rents $350.80x811—Mission and Willow: rents $30.30x80— Valencia, ur. 16th; store and flat.'^sxBo or 50x112:6— Cor. Folsom and 24ib: stores

and flats.101x245— I'olsom st.: corner; rents $264.5.".!175— San Jose aye.. nr. 24th St.: rents $100.25x75—park aye.. ur. Bryant; 8 flats; rents $44.27:6x87:6— California st.. nr.Polk; rents $90.S7:6xlo7:6— Halght it.,nr. Laguua; superb new

Colonial style residence.22 :llxlS7;6—Green St.. nr. Mas rents $58.28x60

—Broadway, nr, Dupoat: rents $ioi.

25x87:6— Scott, nr.Bush; small Incise.—Sansome, opp. U.S. Appraiser's Building.

26x86— Halght. nr. Stelner; flats; rents *37 50.22:11x45:10— Powell, ur. Clay;rents $56.60x77:6—Mason st., nr. California: well situated.28x137:6

—Clay. nr. Mason: good Investment.

22:6x137:6— Eighth,nr. Bryant: 0 rooms, bath.21 Green, nr. Powell*; cheap.22 :6x7o—Union, nr. Montgomery; rent $20.

45:10x137:0— Francisco, ur. Stockton: rents $80.22:6x68:9— Pacific, nr. Jones; examine.28x62:8— Cor. Geary ami William;reuts $110.65x100— Cor. Pine and Broderick; rents $70.Soxl2o— Bush, nr. Gougn; _iv rooms and bath;

rents $75.26x112— Broderick St.. nr. Haves: rents $45.25x100— Page. nr. Pierce: rents $62 50; flats.25 :»xll5—Dorlaud, nr.Dolores; cheap.25x80—Jessie, nr. 19lh: rents $30.28x122:6— Howard, nr. 17tb: (me residence.25x80— Church, nr. 27th; 7 rooms and bath.24x105— 27th, nr.Church: hall.40x130— 17tn. nr.Noe:nice home.2SX&S— i. 20XD0: Howard, nr. 15tb; rents

CI00.23:6x100— Mission, nr.16th; rents $65.25x114—Army,nr.Dolores: rents $22 50.82x117:6— Fair Oaks, nr. 21st; small bouse.25x100— Chattanooga, nr. brooms and bath26x122— Folsom. nr. 23d: rents $70.:..,'.22:'J

—Shotwell St., near 22t1: cheap.

25x100— Vlcksbuxg. ur. 24th; flats; rents $32.26:10x114— Alvarailo St., near 22.1: small house60x122:6— Folsom St.. nr.22d: 11 rooms and bath.4!ix62:6-Cor. 19th and Shotwell sts.: rents $12.60x115— Dorlaud St.. near Guerrero: cheap.26x125— c0r. 20th and Harper; good buy.-\u25a0ox7s— Zoe. offBryaut, ur. 4th; rents $128 50.23x80— st.. near 121 3Hats; rents sB4 50.—

Gilbert st., near Brannan: rents $-5.25x80— Gilbert, nr. Bryant: rents $ 6ih: rents $39.25x50— AHa,nr. Montgomery: rents $16.25:5x114— Clipper, nr Church; v rooms and bath:

cheap.45x80— MinnaSt., near Gib; rents $65.

60x80— Tehama st., near 4th; rents $80,25x80—Clara St., near Stb:rents 40.300X125— lots inSilver Terrace Homestead.56X1S0

—Williamson, near l'ulntLobos.

UNIMPROVED INLOTS TO SUIT.68:9x110—Franklin, nr. California; rare chance.37:6x137:6

—Oak. close to Stanvan.

100xlu6:9-Cur. Fulton and Shradersts.25x137:0— N.line Page, ur. Clayton: choice.37 :Bx72

—near Lanuiia: large lot.

25x100— McAllister,nr. Wlllard; must be sold.137:6x137:6— Chestnut, near Larkln; In5lots.37 :6xB7:6—Cor. Dupon antl Chestnut; 1lot,Cor. Stockton and Dupout; In5 lots.Buildinglota, cash or Installments: 1block from

Castro,i 2s:(.il15—Howard, nr. 26th:3 lots cheap.

50x75— Cor. Howard and Adair;lino corner.25x100— 26th, near Florida; cheap.105x114— Cor. Sanchez and Cumberland: cheap.25x100— Cor. Diamond a i.i19th; forstore and flat.Castro, near 10th; a line of lots.1 10x115— Cor. Diamond and 23.1.75x114—20th. nr. Church: lv 3lots.75x100— Cor 26th and Alabama sts. :a good buy.Los 114— 23dand Guerrero: residence corner'26x114— 20th, nr. Dolores: cheap.60x1 14— Liberty,nr. Sue: nice lots.39x80-Cor. Castro and Clipper sts.: examine,

17:1— 22dSt., near Mission; business.67:6x114— Elizabeth st., near Douglass; bargain.60x114— Cumberland st., near Church.Vax Cor. sierra and Kansas.25x100— Rhode island, near Yolo; cheap.60x150— Cor. Douglass and Rontalu; line Tlew.160x115— Cor. Roanoke and Bemls.53:1x100— Cor. Point 1... b0s aye and Boycest.Lots 5 and 8. Block 16. F'alrmouut Tract.120x174:5— C0r. Band 31stave.: $3100; 7lots.600x240-0. L.Block: fronts Park.25x120— 22d aye.. near Point Lobos.Lot 18, Block 11, Flint Tract.Lot 22, Block 8. College Homestead.I'reclta Valleylots: clican.Lots south ol the Park ; cheap.Lots InSilver Terrace Homestead Association.

O. F. YON RIIKIN ft CO.. 524 California St.Jyl3SnThl3t

<i__l\tlFOR A SPLENDID HOME AND A NO.jpilUU1cottage and lot; lot 25x100; Mission

and Slst fullpriie $1600; Mission St.. whenwidened, graded and cable running, this place willreadily sell lor $3000; must positively be sold thisweek. For tin- greatest bargains ever ollered applyto P. A. DOLANft CO., 630 Market st, JylO tf

<iil7\ -"' -4*loo. IN BERKELEY; SIDE-ty. IIO. walked: $5 cash. $5 monthly,

$400— Comer, 75x100, with creek; $5 monthly.$150—Lot40x135: sewerod and sidewalked.$900— other lots, all sizes and kinds. Send for

maps. CHAS. A. BAILEY,owner. 024 Market.l2If

UlILL SKI.I. TWO i:ih*i-.ii RESIDENCES,first-class and modern In every particular; just

completed; $700 below value; terms, etc., postedon premises. 523. 531 HillSt.. Castro _________!__ 3*O-qn/Y BARGAIN; RICHMOND LOTS, IOTII

yJUU. aye.. near Point Lobos aye. BUCK-INGHAMft CO.. 115 Montgomery st. ]____\u25a0_ SuWe lmL'OK SALE— ST.. NEAR MISSION; LOT175x140. See owner. 20 Geary St.. upstairs. jyl8 tf

MAKE your OWN TERMS—FOB SALE OSmonthly payments equal to rent, fine modern

cottages, containing 5 rooms and bath: 7-foot base-ment: wooden mantel arid mirror; stone sidewalk,Iron fence, large lot: 2 blocks Irom Castro cable-car, on Sanchez at., between Clipper and 26th sts.:owner on premises to-day, or apply to L. LANlI-LI.L-. 'J'-"0 \u25a0_ Montgomery st. Jyl2 St

J.'LATS FOR SALE— S AMI6 ROOMS; MODERN1 Improvements: on l'otrero aye., bet. and'.'lib sts.: lot 25x100; Huward-st. cars pass thehouse; the best prospective business property Inthecity. Apply on the premises through the day orat .1000 California St., to A. J, WEIR. Jell tf

COTTAGE FOB s.U.I ALL MODERN I_T-VJ proveinelits; lot 25x95: on 23d St., bet. Potrrroate. and Hampshire at.: just finished; the Howard-st. line InIroiit of the house: terms easy to suit.Apply to A. J. WEIR, on premises, through the day,or at 300U California sL jelltf


-containing 5 large

rooms, bath, 7-foot basement, wooden mantle amiminor; stone walk; Iron fence: large lot: only 2blocks rrom cable-cars: this Is an opportunity to se-cure a home by monthly payments equal to rent.ApplyL.LASDLER,228^ Montgomery St. JylO lm


-\ Broderick sts.; 35x110. Inquire 208 Sutter St.,top Hour. :: "

7 \ Jyls 31*

BUSINESS CHANCES— CONTINUED.{.11-iio TREMENDOUS BARGAIN;HOTEL,ij!ii)UU.50 rooms: centrally located: com-pletely furnished: handsome bar and billiards; do-ing an enormous trade; house full the year round;clears to $276 to $.00 per month: rent only $125:

under long lease: house well and favorably knownas being one of tbe best appointed and well kepthotels iiithe city;always Insuring a house lullofguests. For a bargain seldom met with, apply atonce to GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearuy st. It

©17ts. COFFEE-SALOON AND KESTAU-Cl li).rant: partner wanted; right In businesscenter; owner first-class cook; wants steady, reli-able man for cash-counter and dining-room: has linebar; splendid trade, place handsomely lilted up;cheap rent; actually worth $250; must sell; needshelp: never such a chance: don't miss It. See GEO.STEWART. 135 Kearny st, Itfl|_.,nn PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY—LIGHTtip—UU. and pleasant inside work; givingsteadyemployment; clearing $13 to $17 per week to each ;not necessary to understand the business: must bewillingto work Instore and make himself generallyuseful: no iii.:ht or Sunday work; business easilylearned: will suit any industrious, steady, soberi an, GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. lt_sJII'MI I'AKTNER WANTED IN LARGE,_ lII.JU. commercial express and transfer busi-ness to act as cashier, book-keeper, receiving, ship-jringand delivering merchandise in freight oflice:works 12 horses withall they can do; everything Infirst-class running order: baa special contracts withrailroad and steamship companies and many mer-cantile houses for transportation of general Ireiglitnnd merchandise, with trade clearing $350 permonth; business established nnd growing: best ofreferences; lull Investigation. GEO. STEW A I.135 Kr.-irnyst. Ita;'j,".|l|| STATIONERY AND VARIETY«!?— UUU. store; best location In the city; goodreason tor selling. McLaughlin* * CO.. 26Kearny st. . Jyl7 41*


SALOON,sjpOUU. I,ranch bakery: departure cause of sale.Mclaughlin ACO., 26 Kearny St. it*

Cl'Ann 00-ROnM HOTEL;NEAR CITY. Mo-OUUUU. LAIHIILIN,26 Kearny St. It*fflj/'Aiv COFFEE SALOON AND LUNCH-C^'-'v'. house; dailyreceipts $25; old age causeor sale. M.I.ACGHLIN*CO.. 26 Kearny. It*

Cr-inZ, GOOD FRUIT AND VEGETABLE«?T— IO. store business; $12 dally:Hivingrooms.-Mclaughlin A CO., 20 Kearny St. it*

Gil inn CORNER GROCERY: A BARGAINtITIIUU.IIsold to-day. MCLAUGHLIN A CO.,20 Kearny as. It*ffl_">(lnil LIVERY-STABLE; BARGAIN THISC«JvUU. day. MCLAUGHLINA C0.,26 Kearnystreet. Jylß St*C' inn GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD PAYINGtJ."xUU. corner. MCI.AUGHLIN,2OKearuy.l6 3*Cl 1 ftftft I'.LEK-BOTTLISG BUSINESS: GOOD

11l\JyJ. horse; wagon, McLaughlin. 20Kearny st. Jyl6 St*<-ii|jl BRANCH BAKERY AND VARIETY1. i)\'\; 3 livingrooms; great bargain. An-ply at Call Branch Office. Jy!3 7t*

ffl-Qnn GOOD LIQUOR SALOON BUSINESS;iJiUyJU. rare bargain; fully stocked: doing busi-ness from -.11 to $12 a day; no other within 5blocks; long lease: good reason for selling. Apply______ Third St.; no agents. jyl2 7t*

IAUNDRY FOR SALE—ONE OF THE BESTJ-i places ever has been offered: running by steam:J places ever has been offered: running by -team:machinery almost new; 2 horses ami wagon; alsoAye livingrooms, with ail the furniture complete.Situated 345 Seventeenth St.. cor. Valencia. jy!27*

OLD ESTABLISHED ANDPAYING BOOK, SO-tion and variety store InthrivingInterior town,

together withagency of San Francisco dallies; re-quired about $3000 capital. Address MACKINDERA: TKAINOB,P. O. Box 10!),Napa City,CaL Jylg 7t

GROCERY MEN ATTENTION— OF THF;1 best groceries N. of Market St., to be sold at

Invoice: horse, wagon, etc. ;present owner Isdoinga good business, but is compelled to go East; willsell whole or willtake reliable man as partner; ref-erences exchanged. Particulars of Ik WHITE,765Mail,, St. Jyl35t7.OOD INVESTMENT:SMALLCAPITAL: GOOD"7 payingbusiness. 637 Kearny.'.Room 7. jy!s 3t*GffJEft CHOP-HOUSE; 1149 MAKKET: FUR-•_. _-•)''. nlshed rooms cut $25:lcavlngclty.l4 6*

HOTEL FOP. SALE IN SANTA KOSA: HOTELof 40 rooms: all well tarnished and doing a

good business; everythingin perfect running order:the proprietor la getting old, and wants to retiretrom business: willbe sold cheap If applied for atonce; good piano; carpets mostly new; cheap rentand making money right along. ApplyP.O. Box157. Santa Rosa. JylS 7t

0(j ftftft OLD-ESTABLISHED LIVERY;Ct/.UUU. splendid location; long lease; norent ;Immense business: fullvalue given; bear closeInvestigation; owner In poor health; take smallranch part payment. O. l.c, Box 17, this omce. 137*LORSALE-STOCK OF SHELF ANDBUILDERS'J hardware In the best rapid-growing city inCali-fornia; annual sates about $50,000; stock will In-voice about $18,000: an elegant opening. For par-ticulars call ou _. J. ROBINSON A- CO., 79 NewMontgomery st. Jyl3 0t

V'-IH! RESTAURANT; GOOD LOCATION:s?OUU. new furnltnre. 100 McAllister st. 117*

Psoß SALE—

TIN, STOVE AND PLUMBINGLbusiness; fullset of tinner's tools and machines;

good clean stock. For particulars call at 213 FifthSt.. near Folsom. jyll7t*

SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. APPLY 896 ILLI--nols St., l'otrero. JyOlOt*

CjO'n WOOD AND COAL,HAY AND 1 AINvOeJU. business: largo stock: 3 wagons: 3horses; 1 buggy arid harness: tools; 3 livingrooms;long lease; cheap rent. Twenty-sixth and Folsomstreets. JyB 14t»

BUSINESS FOR SALE CONSISTING DRYgoods, craekery, bakery, stationery; within half

block three schools: must lie sold, account sickness,below cost-price; 204 Twenty-fourth st., near Col-umbia. JyO 14t»C;.) DOWN AND 6.1 CENTS PER SHARK PERC*— month will purchase shares in the RepublicSavings. Buildingand Loan Association; $16 permonth willpay olf a loan of $1000; call or send forprospectus; open daily and evenings until 0 o'clock.624 Market St. Mr30 tf

VI".(in SPLENDID OPPORTUNITYFOR THE*.. 1.J' . rightman; route on urn ing and even-ingnewspapers for sale; pays $80 per mouth profit.Apply at this office. lela tf


• $1450— ri'-'-rooui lodging-house.$550— 10 rooms; Mason si.$.",110— 12 rooms: iin.-:.9100—17 rooms; Howard St.$700—14 rooms: Howard St. It*

Afew of our bargains in LODOING-BOUSES:

20 rooms; furnished and occupied $45062 rooms; cheap rent: lone lease 160012 rooms; all new furniture: bargain 57510 rooms on Powell St.; cheap 80040 .... ins; willexchange for land 70008rooms on Bush St.; bargain 200

SO rooms: elegantly furnished: part cash 35009rooms on Eddy St.. near Market 500BOOKER -v TEMPLE,841 Market St. It*

?'_>/' SIXTH—IB-BOOM HOUSE, ALL RENTED;IDOmodern conveniences; very cheap. jy!7tf

C'l'.llA LODGING-HOUSE: $0 ROOMS; BAR-Ol«Jclc'. gain this day. MILaL'GHUN A CO..20 Kearny st, It*

C- 1 •-'fill LODGING-HOUSE OF 40 ROOMS;0-1,-)^''-'* cheap rent; fullof permanent roomers;this house Isa genuine bargain: sold only on ac-count of Immediate departure of proprietor. Mo-LACGHLINA CO.. 26 Kearny st. JvlO 8t»'d BOOMED HOTEL IN A STIRRING TOWNOU from city: clears $3000 per year;$2700. J. W. DONNELLY A CO., 34 Kearny St. It*sillrooms —CENTRALLY LOCATED; hand-ZU somelv furnished: $400 cash, balance easy pay-ments. J. W. DONNELLY*CO.. 34 Kearny. It*

\ VERY DESIRABLE CORNER BOUSE OF 301V rooms, handsomely furnished, clearing $125

per month. Apply W. V.HEALY.1004 .Market. 1*

C-r;-A GREAT BARGAIN: 25 ROOMS; front: rent only $50; clearing $80per month. W. F.HEALY.1004 Market St. It*C. r rIi10 ROOMS: NR. SIXTH AND MISSION;QOOU. call to-day. HEALY,1004 Market st, 1*

LOR SALE-LODGING-HOUSE OF' 20 ROOMS:JT finely furnished; best location: near principal

hotels; must be sold immediately; terms to suitpurchaser. ApplyL.LANDLER,228 Montgom-ery st. iviust*


ijATi^'~irn(nrEN^TAßLEsrsr^o^ ATJ 11. SCHELUAAS' Furniture Store, 408 FSeveuthSt., Oakland. dP6eod tf

VICE FLAT: 0 ROOMS ANt) BATH; NICELYj-> furnished; for sale. 226 Taylor st. Jyl6

PARTIES FURNISHING HOMES BEE OURX complete bed-room sets. $15; mattresses, $2 to$25; parlor sets, $25 to $120; cash or easy terms..1. noonan a p.. 1017 and 1023 Mission scjyis tf

MEW CHAMBER SETS OF 7 FIECF_S, $16 CASH,_-> orInstallment. WILLEYBROS. 931 Mission, tf

fSOUNTRY VERS WISHING SECOND-HANDVJ furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, caUasROSENTHAL'S, 110 Fourth st.: satisfaction guaran-teed or money refunded ;goods shipped free, 11r.r

ALL I'Rli IN PLAIN FIOUBES: on IN-\u25a0»*V stailmeuts, without interest, you can furnishyour home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at 11 EN-EY'S large lurulture aud carpet wareroouis, 18 to'.4 I.lllsst. 24 tf

A GOOD CHANCE-YOUR HOI SE FURNISHEDfs complete with furnltnre, carpets, stoves, cur-tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices,on easy Installments; small deposit. M. FRIED-MAN A CO.'S, largest Installment house on theCoast. 228 and 230 Stockton sL, cor. Post: openevenings; prompt .attention paid to country orders.


Building. au7tt

ALLMY GOODS ARK DOWN TO BED-ROCKprices: parlor suit; $25. ranges $0, new cham-

ber sets complete $35; reductions all round; cash orInstallments. T B.NELSON. 136 Fourth st 30


BRI s-iKLS CARPETS, elegant PATTERNS1> 60c per yard, sewed and laid; best value everoffered, s. w.sllll-.lK. 1234 Stockton st. je!2 If

tiARPETS-SMITH'S BRUSSELS, 650 A YARD;1> installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M.FRIEDMAN *CO.. 228-230 Stockton sL. cor. Post.

CILOSINO IT' ESTATE: BRUSSELS HF.WED["lald,6oe; 2-ply.2sc:nll-clotli,l2' :curtaln-pole*86c; matting. 10c. NEWMAN BBOS-. 117 SlxthSt.

HOUSES.'n3sT"ATntTvEirTiT)UK7^ARnA)ADS^^'J class horses nt Ihe International Horse Market,class horses at the liiteriia'.l'inal liorsu Market.Twelfth and Harrison sts. SWITZEE * iil'it-TON. Jyl77t


AN ELEGANT STYLISH CIIEST-Inut sorrel! team of horses for carriage or buggy;]•: high; weight 1150 to 1200: well bred; willalso

sell one. Apply at 1120 Market st. JvlO at*4 1 MARES AND 1HORSE. INQUIRE 714 FRONT-

slreel. j>lsSt*

I]LACKHOUSE, WELL BROKEN, GENTLE ANDI> kind, in Inn. high: shows 2:10 gait and finestyle; rare opportunity to get a young horse with allgood <|iiantles and no Had ones. PATTISON

_ son,OHO Market »L.or Club Stables. 1aylor St. jy!s 3t»

JUST RECEIVED 2 CAR-LOADS YOUNGhorses, broken and unbroken; willsell forcash

or on easy terms. J. NOONAN A CO., 1017 toMission st. jyl3 tf

DRAUGHT HORSES; BROKEN A UNBROKEN;Perclier-.n and Clyde stock. Address J. 11.

SCHNEIDER. Cornwall Star ii.Contra Crista I'ti.ln

WAGONS AND . ,RBI MIES.{.MUST-CLASS WAGON, SUITABLE FORJ bakery, candy, etc. 167 Eleventh st. JylSSt*FOR SALE—NEW PHAETON, TOP AND OPENIbuggy, horse, harness, wagons and buggy; also

bakers' wagons; cheap. 828 Harrison st. j)ITi 71*

GOOD DELIVERY WAGON FOB SALE. 337Halght St. . Jyl6 3t«

SECOND-HAND YVAGONS; 1CART FOR SALEUcheap. 1114 Harrison St. JylS If.


D~~~~i_7_-i-ir&wiitZKiZZMM ENGATEAYE.Women's diseases specially; hygienic sponge suc-

tion cleanser: simple, safe, sure; Instructions givenconfidentially; treatment by mouth low rates. J}'2otu

nirsixrss cnAKFEs.(Cfiflfl A VISE CHANCE FOR A WORKING<„ l"'l',man: sure to clear $100 per month over

nnd above allexpenses; express business forsale; 2hurses and a lino wagon; one of the very best standslv town: has the sole trade ofseveral stores: a fullInvestigation and trialallowed before you buy Ap-plyK.KENNY.22 Kearny st -it<£e*.<AnO


IcIV/VI.Ing; 60 rooms, handsomely furnished;In the vicinity of this city; largely patronized byfirst-class people: established 30 years; kept bypresent owner 17 yean; no question about thesteadiness of the trade; amost thorough Investiga-tion allowed: owner will civs a long lease of theproperty and grounds, which are among the finestin ibe state- Apply K.KENNY,22 Kearny St. Itli'->S,nn PARTNICR WANTED IN A FTRST-'. iiyiyiy'.class book and stationery store: noprevious experience required, but must be of un-doubted steady habits; established nearly 80 :eats:doing a large and steady business; large stock; ref-erences from banks and wholesale men given: bestof reasons for ling the Interest; this is a tine In-vestment tor some man who has no specialty. Ap-ply K.KENNY.22 Kearny st- U__

QlOflfl GROCERY STOKE AND BAR FOR<^ ItlV' a fine opening: something that Isspecially good; In the neighborhood of Fifth and-Market s'.s.-. owner compelled to sell on account of

bel engaged in business that keeps bis time en-tirely away ir.-in tins; anybody with common sense(nomatter what their previous business lias been)can do a large trade here. Apply K.KENNY, 22

Kearny st._^


C;7r.n a business that anyone can-C'«*"• run; a restaurant In the Western Addi-

tion clearing over $100 per mouth: owner willre-main with yon tillyou are lull]posted: rooms for

\u25a0 lamllyto liveIn:is undoubtedly sure as abusinessInvestment : ber aman or woman cau run It. Ap-ply K. KENNY.22 Kearny st. It"-,,,,[. INVESTMENT


Ijr business; is in the Immediate vicinityof Thirdand Market sts.: established 30 years, and has al-ways done a large trade: a good lease willbe given;ItI-not necessary for the kid-gloved gentry to ap-ply, as a business of this character willnot suitthi-lii. ApplyK. KIN .22 Kearny St. Itff.l [liltSALOON INCITYFKONT,OPPOSITE... I IV'U.the ferry, doing a large business;cheap rent and longlease; selling onaccount of dis-agreement Wltb partnership. .M. LESS ft CO., 996Market st. It*

SlI_Tl_D COKNKB SALOON IN COUNTRY«i. OUUU. and bottlingbeer business; bottling 40barrels per week; 4 wagons, 7 horses; wine andliquor business: house 7 rooms; cheap rent; long

lease; clearing from $400 to is- i-'i) per month; fluelarge brick cellar: well worth $12,000; owner sell-lug account of going to Germany. M. LESS ft 00.,fi's Market 11*C. IOllfl HOTEL IS THE FINEST LOCATION:•_" l—'H'. 28 rooms: nicely furnished: doing alarge business; average from $500 a month up;sick-ness cause of selling:* a good chance; a bargain. M.LESS ft CO.. 995 Market st. It*

lT> (Ann GROCERY AND BAR;HORSE ANDll.\l\_/. wagon; the stock alone contains the

money; the location Is the finest show In the city;receipts will average to $3__ioo per mouth; this isthe best chance lor a business man. Applyto M.LlSS ft CO.. 9.5 Market st. It*

V7'"vl"l Ci'RSER SALOON, WITH 4 LIVING-\u26663s iOU. ciiis: stock alone worthmore than theamount asked; good corner, excellent chance. Ap-ply Immediately to M. LESS, 995 Market st. it-

C»Q| |A PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON ANDi^O'iU. dull-rooms: pays from$200 to $250 permouth; this is ati Alchance and should be luvesti-gatti. M. LESS. 9H5 Market st. It*(STHA STATIONERY AND VARIETYSTORE;.?-*- IUU. fulivalue In stock; a good location;

does a splendid business: cheap rent and a longlease: full investigation solicited. M. LESS, 995Market St. It*Cs;r,|] CORNER GROCERY: IN"THE HEART»J-i OU. of the city: average from $20 to $25 aday:fine Block and fixtures. M.LESS ft CO.. 995Martetst. It*

Z"'l\ SALOON. NEAR MARKET; V. 1 lii6it^OOU. living rooms; doing

_large business;

gotiii •-

ck and fixtures; a bargain. M.LESS ft '\u0084.,i'l's .Market !", It*(J-.17 -J 1 CORNER QROI li.i:IN THEFINEST-. —

I«JU. location: the stocs alone contains themoney; cheap rent and long lease; good chance. M.Lhss ft CO.. 995 Market st. It*8..1.1- BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY*-V,

——O' store with furnished living rooms; In a

good location : it us! be solu this week. M.LESS ftCO.. 995 aiarket street- It*V I\u25a0'"" RARE OPPORTUNITY: GREAT BAR-«_, "1—O. gain; come and see It; sickness compelsJuimediate sale; hue restaurant north of Market St.;receipts $16 per day; worth $300. R. U. FLETCii-EK_ 1Eddy st. It

2- $75 and $ $150— A bakery and candy store.

-_' variety stores, $175; worth $550.$:150— Grocery and store.$325— Fine saloon In Market. R.H.FLETCHER, It*Q-,»)X PAYING BRANCH BAKERY.CANDY,\7—d_o. cigars and laundry office, with 4 roomsan.lfurniture: rem $18; Bold on account of sick*ness. ApplyJON ASft CO.. 737 Market st. Jyl7 2t«

1]AVISO BUYERS WILLING TO INVEST INXI some reliable business, those desiring to sellpromptly apply to W.F. HEALY.1004 Market. It*C_7'fin GREAT BARGAIN; FRUIT AND,_ *

ii.'i.l.produce store, Western Addition; one orthe best cor. stands lvthe city;doing a trade or $25per lay: 2 horses, wagon, etc living-rooms; cheapren:. w.F.HEALY,1004 Market at. lt«

•ft lilD PARTNER WANTED; STEADY,RELI-*„"iUU. able man to assist In running first-classbusiness that reqnires the assistance of an activeworking partner. W. F.HEALY,1004 Market. It*fijOXft RESTAURANT AND DINING PAR-C— y)U. lors: lirst-ciass location and custom;sacrificed on account of departure; suitable forman and wife. BOOKER *

TEMPLE. 841 Market.*

CfcOnn CORNER SALOON; 4 ROOMS: RENTs&ZUU. $15; bargain. STARRATT.633 Mkt.l»


tfTQV.bargain. STARRATT, 632 Market, ll*-\u0084l, RESTAURANT—^NO. 1location.- 2

COUU' rooms STARRATT,632 Market st. lt«c \u0084iii I'ARTNEK WASTED-PRODUCE AND.-..11'i. jobbingbusiness. STARRATT.632 :«;_>c- I"(1 saloon ON leading business£* IOU. street: good bar: 2rooms: almost given_

v.ay: sure. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st. It*


—OU. lurniture; elegant fixtures; big stock;

gootl trade. WOODRUFF. 841 Market st. It*(-. rfin LARGE CANDY-STORE: SODAFOCN-' i^tlvU,tain; hue fixtures; big trade; two roomsunit furniture: complete for housekeeping; lowtent. WOODRUFF, Mil Market st. It*

V-i-.1l GROCERY AND BAR; CENTRALLY*±OOU, located; no Immediate competition: finestere; good trade; low rent: 2 good rooms; skit en-trance: large yard. WOODRUFF. 341 Market, it*

ieMlfl RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION;rs«)UU. seat people: trade $10 per day :worth$1000; cheap rem: nothing better incity for themoney. WOODRUFF, 641 Market. It*nio SELL OCT YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY1forcash go to I.D. BARNARD,1148 Market st.,

bet. eon and Taylor, Established IBS'). It*Z- I•-'|)7i


s^ I—

UU. the ferries; running day and nig!L_ -: chance ever ollered to secure an A No. 1stand:most positive bargain. I. D. BARNARD, 1148Market St., nr. Taylor. It*



O. horse and wagon: oldstand: 4 rooms forfamily;cheap rent: must sell at once. I.D. BAR-_NAl.ii._ns- Market st„nr. Taylor. It*

Q-.-7T LARGE RESTAURANT ANDSALOON,<£ IOU. near water front; low rent and longlease: a splendid chance to make money. I.D.HAKNARD. 1148 Market st, near Taylor. It*

ALOON AND CIGAR-STORE; CHEAP: MUSTne sold. 1151 Market St. jy!77t»

V -sillIRESTAURANT AND OYSTER SA-,_ OUU. loon; good location. ApplyCall BranchOther. jyl7 8t»T'ORSAI.E OB WILL TAKE PARTNER-ONE-

-1 ,-If or all ol pleasant manufacturing business,located in Oakland; cash trade, that takes nearlyfullcapacity of the plant as fast as manufactured;this is an opportunity in a life-time for a pushingyonng man. Addresb Luck,Box 157, -illBranchOlilce. lt^_

I>arinf:r WANTED IN OFFICE BUSINESS;profits $250 monthly: .sum require! $350. Ad-

dress P.. Box125, Call Bra eh office. It*

CCUOOL SUPPLIES, CANDY, STATIONERY10 and variety store for sale; must be sold accountof sickness of owner: will bear strict Investiga-tion: good living for family. Address EC,Box

10, Call Branch Office. jyl7 21"\\ ANTED— A YOUNG LADY A WELL FL'R-''

nlshed lodglng-bonse; from 20 to 30 rooms, orv\u25a0

• \u25a0•.ill go lv partnership with respectable lady: "bestreferences given. Address A. 1.., Box 148, CallUrarich onice. Jyl7 St*0 I(m ./.CASII:HOTEL,26 ROOMS; 2CORNF-ROAUUU lots: 75x120 and 120x120: oppositerailway station; 15 rooms of furniture:, livery,cottage, 2 bams, all rented: mort-gaged $3650; Immense bargain: worth $7000. W.J. tlWYNN. 8261/; Montgomery st. Jyl72t*

ANOLD-ESTABLISHED AND PAYINGFACTO-ry of oilclothing: must be sold 011 account of

owner's sickness. Apply of MILLER,Instore 325Davis st. jyl73t»

ii11111 RESTAURANT; FEW MILLS FROMCIW. city; $25 rent: clears $100 per month.V"i:KIS,14 Turk St.. Inrear. jyl3 71*~C_y)(\l\ GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT FOBiy"^ on account of having two places.Apply Call Branch Office. jy1ii3t*/ -OUNTRV HOTEL— TED TO KENT ORV.' lease. Address, with particalars, Hotel. Box114, Call Branch Ollice. Jyl6 7t»


STOKE,J> with 3livingrooms, forsale very cheap. Applyat 504 Fourth st. JylUSt*

J ARGAIN—GROCERY ANDBAR. INQUIRE OF1> CART AN MCCARTHY, wholesale liquor mer-chant. 312 Sacramento st. Jyl63t*

TpOR SALE—CIGAR-STORE WITH ROOMS AT--T taehed; doing good business. Apply on prera-

lses. 326 yi,Fourth sl JylO 7t»

f.11.-li COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE: 248'iffZOU. Fourth: cheap. Apply320 Mlnna.lO 7*

I>AYINO FRUIT ANDVEGETABLE STORE ONgood street forssie. If sold at once; owner leav-

ing the city. Address P., Box 58, this oflice. jylUst*

fOR SALE— FINE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY,doinga payingbusiness, in Tacoma, Wash.-, no. 1 ..tor town or business anywhere. Address Photo,

1017 Pacllic aye., Tacoma. Wash. jy18 3tIJESTAURANT; ONE OF THE BIST IN TIIEJ iMission; <heap. Apply Call Branch Ollice,2518 Missions:. j.:b7t-

BAKERY AND COFFEE-KOOM; CHEAP. IN-qulre4o7 Third st. Jy 17 St*

lODGING-lIOL'SE AND SALOON FOB SALEJ cheap. 431 and 433 Jessie st. jyl67l»

/ >0"D CORNER IIItOCERY AND BAR: MUST"i' sell on account of other business. B. C. Box48,this office. ]>'154t*

% flftfl "NEOPPORTI'MTY;GENTLEMANsip lyisjyj.or lady plain book-keeper to invest Inamanufacturing business: large and steady Income.Call or address 619 Montgomery st.. Room 12. 15 tf/\u25a0•OKNER FAMILY LIQUOR-STORJE, DOINGVjgood business; fine stock aid fixtures; be. lease;great bargain. 145 Third st. JylSTt*

SALOON; 22 ROOMS ATTACHED;CHEAP; Ac-count ufdeparture. Call Branch OlBce. jy!s7*

<t Ifin BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY ANDV'UU. notion store fur sale; 3 livingrooms:rent $12; roust Le sold this week. 827 Broadway,near 'fay lorSt. Jyls 3t»

SI7C LiyUOK-STOREFORSALK. INQUIRE<M IO. at 407 Battery St. JylS 7t*

CIIGAR-STOKE; GREAT BARGAIN. INQUIRE/ IlßOytjMarket st, Jyls St-IIETIRINQ- BLACKSMITH-SHOP; TOOLS;Jilease of lot. 2812 Mission St. Jylß 3t«

'OOD-PAYI.Ni;SALOON, TERMINUS OF FOURs 1lines of cars; also lodging-bouse; parties goingLast. Inquire413 Fonrth st. Jyls7t»

Q'-'fin GOODCORNERSALOON. 636 FOURTHC""".street __ •_ JylS4t«rjKEAT BARGAIN: CANDY-STORE ON MAll-VJ ket st.: good reasons lor selling; $300. AddressA.Box 140, Calx.Branch Offlce. JyllIfY^XPRESS BUSINESS: IFSOLD TO-DAY SHALLJ J take first reasonable offer; two teams. FUR LONG,1221 Market st, . JylS 3t*