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T F you fee l the need of more vigor, don’t take tonics nor stimulants— Increase the quantity of Quaker  Oats you eat every day, keep i t up  for thirty days and you’ll be surprised  at the improvement. Quaker Oats is recognized hy all  authorities on food values to be the  best food for building brain and  muscle. Eat plentifully and often o f it . Regular aize package 10 cents. 30 The Quaker Qafs Qmpany T W O F O R T U N E  T E L L E R S A R E CHICAGO VOLANT Mrs. John C. Potter spent Saturday In New Castle V. O. Wtlkln was In New Castle on  business last Friday. John Hall of Ptttsburg, was In town  on business laat week. Homer Thompso n and Tleed Grim spent Saturday evening In New Cas tle Tom Rumbaugh left on Friday for Tionesta, where be experts to spend a few days. Rev, Reed presented his illustrated lecture on the life of Christ at Hlch Hill Friday night. Rev. O. G. Jordan returned to his evangelist tr work Saturday, nftor spending a few' days with his mother. The next number o f the Volant lecture course will be an entertainment on December 2, by Sydney Ixmder, the  character delineator. Rev. Baker of Nerv Wilmington,  preached at the Methodist church here  on Sunday, and Rev. Davidson occupl-  ed Rev. Baker’s pulpit in New Wil mington. The illustrated lecture on the llfb of  Christ, presented In the Presbyterian church by Rev. Reed of Stoneboro, w'a s very much enjoyed by all who were present. Volant High will close their season with a game with Hew Wilmington  High on Thanksgiving day . As b oth teams have won a game this one will decide the supremacy and both are anxious to win it. A party of 13 young peo ple spent a very enjoyable time tit the home of  Miss Blanche Thompson on last Fri day evening. Those present were: Florence Wilkin. He len McConnell, Anna McConnell, Margaret Graham,   j Har ry Gra ham, Ed. Reed, Ralp h  j Sut her lan d, Floy d Gra ham, l^eon  j Alle n, Guy Ali en, Ear l Fai r and Wal ter !Braham. The membership contest of the Ep~ worth league was closed on Sunday night. The result as they were announced showed that the side  of which Estella Allen was captain had secured 54 new members, while  Harry Graham’s side had secured 41 new members. The winning side will be banqueted at the expense of the losers on Thanksgiving night. Last Saturday at Sharpsville Volant  football team experienced the tint  shutout of the season at the hands ot  Sharpsville High school. Sharpsville,  outweighing the locals 15 lbs to the  man, won the game by straight foot ball, after making 8 yards on one buck.  Owing to the light weight of the line  Volant was tackled many times for a loss. Fullbac k Reed was the most consistent ground-gainer for Volant.  Rumbaugh played a star game for Sharpsville. Lino up: Allen .R, E.... .. .. Keough H. Braham. .. .. ..R T Wert W. Braham. Ree d.Ft. GBombeek Reed, Braha m C Morrin WagnerL. G Nelson Steengra ve L. T.. .. . . Holsapple F. Reed.. .. .. .. .. L. E.. McCormick Me Kane GrahamQ BHolland Donahue Sutherlan d R H Agn. w Fair (cap t.) L. H Stewart E. Reed F. B Rumbaugh Time—20 and 15 minute halves. Of ficials—Referee Green, Sharpsville . Lmpire Igo, Volant. Timekeeper—* Radford. Sharpsville. Lineman—Mvn-  teer, New Wilmington. Touchdowns— Wert, Nelson, Agnew, Rumbaugh 2. Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Amsbary of  Pittsburg, spent Thanksgivi ng with  the latfer’s mother, Mrs. Isabel Peeb- les of North .Mercer street. Coat (need From First Page. hands read. Detective Wiggins nlso took a "reading/* After the profes sor had sized up the lines on his  hand and told Wiggi ns what he might expect to happen to him, Mur- ro then proposed to take bis subject  out some place where there was nothing but the st irs and the moon  overhea d. It was claimed that secrets  could there be revealed which would  be impossible in the narrow confines of a hotel room. Detective Wiggins asked the pro fessor where they would go. Murro said he would take him on the roof  of the Leslie house. Wiggins had no desire for such a lofty position and declined. After securing the evidence, Coun ty Deteeth e Logan made an informa tion before Alderman Morrison charging Murro with violating the law regarding fortune telling. He was arrested Wednesday evening,  spending Wednesday night and the  greater part of Thanksgiving in jail,  and finally was released on $500 bail  in time to get his Thanksgiving sup per. Prof. Murro claims that palmistry is a science and that he is not to be classed with the ordinary fortune tell er. Madame Julian, who was arrested Friday morning, has been located at  . .0 1-2 West W ashingto n stree t, in the building formerly occupied by Fannie Swadener. She gau» readings to "ladies only.” Detective Wiggins shadowed her place Wednesday,  Wednesday night and Thursday, se curing a large list of names of women who visited her. At 8 o’clock Thurs day evening six women were seen to  enter Madame Julian’s rooms in a body. Many of the women and girls  belong to prominent families. It b probable that the more prominent  will be subpoenaed as witnesses. Malame Julian sftys In her litera ture that she is from Toronto, Can ada. She professe s to be able to tell  young women whom they should marry, what they are to do, where they are to live and many ot her things which are supposed to cause  the young ladles many sleepless nights. Madame Julian is supposed to have  read the hands and to have told th*  fortunes of many prominent women in this and other countr ies. In so m* places she claims to have received $5 a reading but here she cut the pric* to $1 or 50 cents, according to tbi  kind of a reading desired. Madame Julian also professes  locate diseases and to gtve advic< what was best to be done. The formation against her was made  fore Alderman Ranney. County tecttve Logan Is the prosecutor both cases. Madame Julian furnish*.,,  bail for a hearing. Madame Julian stated to a News  reported that when she came to thb  | city she went to se e the c ity officials,   j "They told mejj she said "to go ahead and carry on phrenology of th* head and hands in a legitimate way.  that if anyone complained they would notify me to quit. i "If i t hand not been for the as- Я 1•- ] V ;* f  ё  U* T f i *1 - . J - 1 THE PE O PLE S ST ORE 2 and 4 W. Washington St.. ] t » a in- be De  i: Health Insurance IN Rexall Remed ies , Some five years ago, leading drugg ists from different parts of the United States were called upon to submit tested prescriptions, that a line of remedies might bo  prepared which they could conscientiously stand hack of, to take the plaee of the  nostrums being forced upon the people. After careful consideration, formulas were selected from which a “ REXALL REMEDY FOR EACH ILL” was prepared. e personally know what the re medies are composed of what they will do,  and feel justified in standing hack of them, so that the guarantee printed below means just what it says. Every Rexall Remedy is guaranteed to give satisfaction; if it does not, come back and get your money, it belongs to you and we want you to have it.” MUCU-TONE Cures cat ar rh by cleansing and disin fecting the mucous membrane, reducing inflammation, stopping the discharge and en riching and purifying the blood. Two sizes— 4)< * and 89c. conditions KIDNEY PILLS Not a Patent Medicine, but a tried and tested formula strictly conform ing to the U. S. Pure Food and Drug Law, They are diuretic and tonic in their effect*, quickly restoring normal bo doses, 25c. Rubbing Oil The soothing properties of  this liniment commends it in all cases of  sprains, stiff ness or rheu matic affections. Large bottles, 25c. If A A pure herb с о m p о u n d tonic an d  stimulating in its effect on the liver and kidneys. Cherry Juice Cough Syrup Large can, 20c. Tested ingre dients, put up in a pleasant flavored eher г у s у r u p .  Enough for a dozen coughs, 25c Free Copy oi Of H am pton’ s M agazine W illi Each R exall Purchase P I T T S B U R G S T . D Ä I S L E Y X W A S H I N G T O N S T . AND k / a J / Г A * - X t i AND ( R O T O N A V E . V rH F RTfl BFS * T H E P A R K The Most Tremendous Value Giving Event  This City Has Ever Known The PEOPLE'S Store has always be en famous for givin g values tha t exceed hy far other offerings of Clothing—a condition made possible through the fact that we make our own Clothing and se ll it direct to you through the medium of our many stores, which eliminates two profits, the agents and the makers. But this record of past value giving is no com- parison to what we now offer to the men and women of New Castle. To mark the First Thanksgiving Sale of the People’s Store we are placing on sale 300 Men’s Military Overcoats, regu larly sold at $15.00 to $18.00, -no w on sale at $ 9.95 85 Wom en’ s Long Coat Suits; right up to the minute in style, tha t were $15.98 and $19.98, now on sale at $ 9.95 C R E D I T Is the recognition of personal nierit. Like most rewards worth h aving it is not given until asked for. Come in and ask about our generous Credit System today. Open a charge account without delay. THE PE O PLE S STORE 2 and 4 W. Washington St. surance received from them I would; not have stopped here at all. My hus band, who is an optici an, expect ed to j open an optical office here as soon as he could find a suitable location. I have two children and was merely (arrying on this work to help along with expenses till he opened his of fice. "The bills which fell into the hands of the county detective were some old bills I us ed in York state. I have not done any slat*1 writing, medium; work or glv*-n any clairvoyant read-j ings. The only work has been phren-1 ology of the head and hand. This; is recognized as a science and I j considered that I had a right to carry it on.” MORE WIVES DESERT THAN HUSBANDS J. OTTLEY CORBETT TO WED THIS WEEK Coming as a surprise to his main  friends in this city, is tl.e news of the  coming marriage of j. Ottle y Corbett | of this city, to Miss Edith Swan of i Providence, It. I., which will take place at Pittsburg, this week. Since coming t.o this city,about a year ago Mr. Corbett has made many friends. He is in the employe of \V. S. Kuhn j and company of Pittsburg, and will j P’obably bring his bride to this city! to reside. The militant suffragette glared—then she smiled grimly. The M. S. had just  learned, from glancing over the census bureau’s statistics, that 10.5 per cent of  the divorces granted to men were for the cruelty of their wives. "False,” was the comment that ac companied the glare. "Serves ’em right,” went with the  grim smile. It really is a sad story, though.  Fancy th ** census bureau finding out that the pathetic story of the deserted j wife whose husband has gone to parts  unknown, leaving her to slave for the! hoirm alone, is losing a great deal of its1 force by reason of the fact that morei wives are deserting husband,» than hus bands a re deserting wives. The fig-' ures, cold and convincing, compiled by j reliable statisticians, can not be ar gued with; they record the fact that of  divorces obtained hy the American man for the desertion of his wife the percentage is 49.4, while the figures for the desertion of the wife by tne  husband are only 33,6. Well may the militant suffragette smile grimly. It  looks as though the American wife  were becoming a more independent creature than the American husband. For this last development there is a reason that is obvious to any one. The Wronn Filati* VVranc Flitcht и з ) . . па ; , нау . на . Formerly $2.00 lUsl K Vi'roojc Filari* Wr ong way. v>*y. way. way Now $1.00 For Man, ¥/oman and Child REBORN is a wonderful new invention that straightens round' shoulders without discomfort or stoppage, of circulation. REBORN always expands the chest two to five inches, positively preventing lung trouble by compelling deep breathing. REBORN increases the height by straightening the body.  REB ORN gives women a fascinating figure with or in place of  corsets withou t .their unhealthful effect. REBORN gives a man that erect, commanding appearance thar  Stamps him as young, energetic and successful. REBORN is light and washable, weighs only three ounces, andl you hardly know that you have it on; only when you stoop it gently  remin ds you to br ace t > . REB ORN is extrem ely com/ortnblc and straightens you up gently., being free from the unpleasant effects caused by other braces. 1*1 1 1 REB ORN on your-children and they will grow up to be well- proportioned, healthy men and women. Fiice $1. Mail orders filled. Send chest measure  SPECIAL SALE AT OUR STORE GEO. W. «’LI ITON, New Castle, l*a. Reborn Oo„ 28 \V.I5 th St., New York, N. Y. Booklet Free, girl of the present day is as well able’ to earn her living as her husband. If  marriage prove« a failure in her case she has only to tell her unsatisfactory  husband that she has resolved to sup port herself and live apart from him, and he knows well that he can no long er hold over her head the club of pov erty because of the loss of his earn ings. She can support herself these days. Blit about that cruelty charge. It  sounds almost Incredible, but. here are  again the census bureau’s indisputable  figures to show that reviewing the causes for divorce during the past for ty years it has been discovered that  the legal separation of husband and wife in consequence of the cruel treat ment of the husband by the wife has increas ed 1(3 09 .8 per cent. No less than 10.6 of the diverces granted to men during the period reviewed by the bu reau were for cruelty on the part of  the wife. As to the form that this cruelty to  the poor husband takes, the cunsus  bureau is silent. It is not the business of the statistical department to delve as deep as that into causes. But it  surely must have been a sufficiently  cruel type of cruelty to induce an Am erican jud ge to grant a divo rce to th «* injured husband. Now that our girls are being systematically trained in the gymnastic classroom at the school-  house and the anaemic woman is be coming a rarity, it behooves the Amer ican husband to practice diplomacy in the home or take lessons in the art  of dodging rolling pins and broom handles. But with her insreased ability to chastise her husband, as shown by the census bureau’s figures, there has also  come, it is really too bad to have to re cord. an increase in the vice that has been considered one peculiarly be longing to men -that of drinking to excess The figures show that t he in crease of drunkenness among women,  as shown by divorces granted for this  cause, is 554.5 per cent. In fact, this reason for divorce comes second In the  list, according to the census statistics. The men have still a little the best of in in tie- race for divorce on the alcohol line, for, while the increase among women has been recorded as 554.5 per cent, the drunkenness of  husbands has increased 699.9 per cent. It is appalling to note that in the Fnited States 73 divorces are annually granted to «very 100,000 of population.  '1o the same number of persons Ireland  annually grants less than 1. England  2, Italy 3, Austria I, Scotland 4, Ger many 15, France 23, Switzerland 32 and Japan 2 15 . Switzerland, with a ratio of 32, comes next to the United States, but this country wins by a huge  majority in the general run. How He Knew. "\\ hy is it," asked the blind man of his neighbor, "that the women  with the sweetest voices are always  ugly?” "How do you know they are ugly?" quizzed the neighbor. "My wife describes them to me.” Xew York Press, >081.- nejpt ¡ф ч - Jr/fl MAKE THIS the best Thanksgiving season  you have ever had by dep08lb ing at Our Savin gs Depart ru e'  as much money as you can j  sibly afford? Throughout the year you^  know the 3 per cent interest is steadily adding to the amount  and that next Thanksgiving  will find you with more money than you put in, without any  effort on your part. $2 oo and upwar ds pays for  a Safe Deposit Box at our bank. U NIO N NA TIO NA L BA NK NO. Of R. LONG A VENT E,  NEW CASTLE, PA. "Don’t wait for the sun to shine."  It is not necessary for sunlight to  have your photo taken hçr». Leave your orders novT\*hilo the rush is not so great for yoAt Christ mas Photos. m RALEIGH STUDIO We Guarantee Satisfaction. 129 V4 E. Washingt on St., Two Doors East of Lawrence Savings and Trust. NeighlHirlj (Consideration. "I heard your baby crying nearly all night. What was the matter with it?" "1 think sue wanted me to get up and carry her around, hut I was afraid if I did you’ d be disturbed hy hearing mo tramping the floor  over your head.’’ - Chicago R ee o r d - Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryan of this  city, spent Thanksgiving with Attor ney and Mrs. T. M. Neely of Leetsdale, D r . J . F . R o b e r t s o n Practice Limited To GENITO URINARY DISEASES OF MEN. DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND RECTUM. I Office 209-210 Lawrence Truÿt Building. tAt Office Hours: » to F2 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. in.; 7 to 8 p. in. Keep posted—read The News.  Keep posted—read The News. Keep poste*!—read The News.

More Wives Deserted Husbands Than Vice Versa in 1909

Jun 03, 2018



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Page 1: More Wives Deserted Husbands Than Vice Versa in 1909

8/12/2019 More Wives Deserted Husbands Than Vice Versa in 1909 1/1

T F you feel the need of more

vigor, don’t take tonics nor


Increase the quantity of Quaker  

Oats you eat every day, keep it up  

for thirty days and you’ll be surprised  

at the improvement.

Quaker Oats is recognized hy all  

authorities on food values to be th e 

best food for building brain and 

muscle.Eat plentifully and often o f it.

Regular aize package 10 cents.30

The Quaker Qafs Qmpany

T W O F O R T U N E  T E L L E R S A R E



rs. John C. Potter spent Saturday  New Castle

O. Wtlkln was In New Castle on  ness last Friday.

ohn Hall of Ptttsburg, was In town  business laat week.

omer Thompso n and Tleed Grim nt Saturday evening In New Cas

om Rumbaugh left on Friday for  nesta, where be experts to spend a 


ev, Reed presented his illustrated  ure on the life of Christ at Hlch  

Friday night.

ev. O. G. Jordan returned to his  ngelist tr work Saturday, nftor nding a few' days with his mother.

he next number o f the Volant ure course will be an entertainment  December 2,  by Sydney Ixmder, the  acter delineator.

ev. Baker of Nerv Wilmington,  ched at the Methodist church here  

Sunday, and Rev. Davidson occupl-  Rev. Baker’s pulpit in New Wilgton.

he illustrated lecture on the llfb of  ist, presented In the Presbyterian  rch by Rev. Reed of Stoneboro,  

very much enjoyed by all who e present.

olant High will close their season h a game with Hew Wilmington  h on Thanksgiving day. As both ms have won a game this one will  

de the supremacy and both are ious to win it.

party of 13 young people spent a y enjoyable time tit the home of  s Blanche Thompson on last Frievening. Those present were:  

rence Wilkin. He len McConnell,

Anna McConnell, Margaret Graham,   j Har ry Gra ham , Ed. Reed, Ralp h  j Sut her lan d, Floy d Gra ham, l^eon  j Alle n, Guy Ali en, Ear l Fai r and Wal ter  !Braham.

The membership contest of the Ep~ worth league was closed on Sunday night. The result as they  were announced showed that the side  of which Estella Allen was captain  had secured 54 new members, while  Harry Graham’s side had secured 41 new members. The winning side will  be banqueted at the expense of the  losers on Thanksgiving night.

Last Saturday at Sharpsville Volant football team experienced the tint  shutout of the season at the hands ot Sharpsville High school. Sharpsville,  outweighing the locals 15 lbs to the  man, won the game by straight football, after making 8 yards on one buck.  Owing to the light weight of the line  Volant was tackled many times for a  loss. Fullbac k Reed was the most consistent ground-gainer for Volant.  Rumbaugh played a star game for Sharpsville. Lino up:Allen ................... .... R, E . . . . . . . . K e ou ghH . B r ah a m .. . . . . . R T ....................   WertW. Braham. Ree d.Ft. G................ BombeekReed, Braha m C..................   MorrinW a g n e r..................... L. G ...............   NelsonSteengra ve .............. L. T.. . . . . HolsappleF . R e e d . . . . . . . . . . L . E . . M c Co r mic k

Me KaneGraham................... Q B   ........... Holland

DonahueSutherlan d R H ...............   Agn. wFair (cap t.) L. H .............   S tewartE. Reed F. B Rumbaugh

Time—20 and 15 minute halves. Officials—Referee Green, Sharpsville .Lmpire Igo, Volant. Timekeeper—*Radford. Sharpsville. Lineman—Mvn-  teer, New Wilmington. Touchdowns—  Wert, Nelson, Agnew, Rumbaugh 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Amsbary of  Pittsburg, spent Thanksgivi ng with  the latfer’s mother, Mrs. Isabel Peeb-  les of North .Mercer street.

Coat (need From Firs t Page.

hands read. Detect ive Wiggins n lso

took a "reading/* After the profes

sor had sized up the lines on his  

hand and told Wiggi ns what he 

might expect to happen to him, Mur- ro then proposed to take bis subject  out some place where there was  nothing but the st irs and the moon  overhea d. It was claimed that secrets  could there be revealed which would  be impossible in the narrow confines  of a hotel room.

Detect ive Wiggins asked the professor where they would go. Murro  said he would take him on the roof  of the Les lie house. Wiggins had no desire for such a lofty position and 

declined .After securing the evidence, Coun

ty Deteeth e Logan made an information before Alderman Morrison  charging Murro with violat ing the  law regarding fortune tell ing. He was arres ted Wednesday evening,  spending Wednesday n ight and the greater part of Thanksgiving in jail ,  and finally was released on $500 bail  in t ime to get h is Thanksgiving supper.

Prof. Murro claims that palmistry  is a science and that he is not to be  classed with the ordinary fortune teller.

Madame Julian , who was arres ted  Friday morning, has been located at  .“.0 1-2 West W ashingto n stree t, in the build ing formerly occupied by Fannie Swadener. She gau» readings to " ladies only.” Detect ive Wiggins  shadowed her p lace Wednesday,  Wednesday n ight and Thursday, securing a large l is t of names of women  who visited her. At 8 o’clock Thursday evening s ix women were seen to  enter Madame Julian’s rooms in a body. Many of the women and girls  belong to prominent families. It b  probable that the more prominent  will be subpoenaed as witnesses.

Malame Julian sftys In her literature that she is from Toronto, Canada. She professe s to be able to tell young women whom they should  

marry, what they are to do, where  they are to l ive and many other th ings which are supposed to cause  the young ladles many s leepless  nights.

Madame Julian is supposed to have  read the hands and to have told th*  fortunes of many prominent women  in this and other countr ies. In som* places she claims to h ave received $5 a reading but here she cut the pric* to $1 or 50 cents, according to tbi  kind of a reading desired.

Madame Julian also professes  locate diseases and to gtve advic<  what was best to be done. The  formation against her was made  fore Alderman Ranney. County tecttve Logan Is the prosecutor  both cases. Madame Julian furnish*.,, bail for a hearing.

Madame Julian stated to a News  reported that when she came to thb  

| city she went to se e the c ity officials,  j "They told mejj she said "to go 

ahead and carry on phrenology of th*  head and hands in a legitimate way.  that if anyone complained they would  notify me to quit.

i " I f it h a nd n o t be e n f or t h e a s -

Я1 •-]

V; * f  

  ё ■ U* T

f i *1


. J- 1

T H E P E O P L E ’ S S T O R E2 and 4 W. Washington St..


t» a in- be De  


Health InsuranceIN

Rexall Remedies,Some five years ago, leading drugg ists from different parts of the United States  

were called upon to submit tested prescriptions, that a line of remedies might bo  prepared which they could conscientiously stand hack of, to take the plaee of the nostrums being forced upon the people.

After careful consideration, formulas were selected from which a “ REXALL  REMEDY FOR EACH ILL” was prepared.

e personally know what the remedies are composed of what they will do, and feel justified in standing hack of them, so that the guarantee printed below  means just what it says.

“ Every Rexall Remedy is guaranteed to give satisfaction;  if it does not, come back and get your money, it belongs to  you and we want you to have it.”


C ures c a t a r r h b y cleansing and disinfecting the mucous 

membrane, reducing inflammation, stopping the discharge and enriching and purifying 

the blood. Two sizes— 4)<* and 89c. condit ions


Not a Patent Medicine,but a tried and tested formula strictly conforming to the U. S. Pure  

Food and Drug Law, They are diuretic and  tonic in their effect*, quickly restoring normal 

bo doses, 25c.

Rubbing Oil

The soothing properties of  this liniment commends it in all cases of  sprains, stiffness or rheu

matic affections.Large bottles, 25c.

I f A

A pure herb с о m p о u n d t o n i c a n d  

stimulating in its effect on the liver and kidneys.

Cherry JuiceCough Syrup

Large can, 20c.

Tested ingre dients, put up in a pleasant flavored eher г у s у r u p . Enough for a 

dozen coughs, 25c

F r e e C o p y o i O f H a m p t o n ’ s M a g a z i n e W i l l i E a c h R e x a l l P u r c h a s eP I T T S B U R G S T . D Ä I S L E Y X W A S H I N G T O N S T .

AND k / a J / Г A * - X t i AND

( R O T O N A V E . V r H F R T flB FS * T H E P A R K

The Most Tremendous Value Giving Event 

This City Has Ever Known

The PEOPLE'S Store has always been famous for givin g values tha t exceed hyfar other offerings of Clothing—a condition made possible through the fact that wemake our own Clothing and sell it direct to you through the medium of our manystores, which eliminates two profits, the agents and the makers.

But this record of past value giving is no com-parison to what we now offer to the men and women of New Castle.

To mark the First Thanksgiving Sale of the People’s Store we are placing on sale

300 Men’s Military Overcoats, regularly sold at $15.00 to $18.00, -now onsale at


85 Wom en’s Long Coat Suits; rightup to the minute in style, tha t were$15.98 and $19.98, now on sale at



Is the recognition of personal nierit. Like most rewards worth h aving it is notgiven until asked for. Come in and ask about our generous Credit System today.Open a charge account without delay.

T H E P E O P L E ’ S S T O R E2 and 4 W. Washington St.

surance received from them I would; not have stopped here at all. My husband, who is an optici an, expect ed to jopen an optical office here as soon as he could find a suitable location. Ihave two children and was merely (arrying on this work to help along with expenses t i l l he opened h is office.

"The bills which fell into the hands  of the county detect ive were some  old b il ls I used in York s tate. I have not done any s lat*1 writ ing, medium; work or glv*-n any clairvoyant read-j  ings . The only work has been phren-1ology of the head and hand. This; 

is recognized as a science and I jcons idered that I had a right to carry it on .”





Coming as a surprise to his main  

friends in this city, is tl.e news of the  

coming marriage of j. Ottle y Corbett |of this city, to Miss Edith Swan of iProvidence, It. I., which will take place  at Pittsburg, this week.

Since coming t.o t h i s city,about a year ago Mr. Corbett has made many friends.

He is in the employe of \V. S. Kuhn  jand company of Pittsburg, and will jP’obably bring his bride to this city!to reside.

The militant suffragette glared—then  

she smiled grimly. The M. S. had just 

learned, from glancing over the census  bureau’s statistics, that 10.5 per cent of  the divorces granted to men were for the cruelty of their wives.

"False,” was the comment that accompanied the glare.

"Serves ’em right,” went with the  grim smile.

It really is a sad story, though.  Fancy th** census bureau finding out that the pathetic story of the deserted jwife whose husband has gone to parts  unknown, leaving her to slave for the! hoirm alone, is losing a great deal of its1force by reason of the fact that moreiwives are deserting husband,» than husbands are deserting wives. The fig-' ures, cold and convincing, compiled by jreliable statisticians, can not be argued with; they record the fact that of  divorces obtained hy the American  man for the desertion of his wife the  percentage is 49.4, while the figures  for the desertion of the wife by tne  husband are only 33,6. Well may the militant suffragette smile grimly. It looks as though the American wife  were becoming a more independent creature than the American husband.

For this last development there is a  reason that is obvious to any one. The

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girl of the present day is as well able’

to earn her living as her husband. If  

marriage prove« a failure in her case  

she has only to tell her unsatisfactory  

husband that she has resolved to sup

port herself and live apart from him,  and he knows well that he can no longer hold over her head the club of poverty because of the loss of his earnings. She can support herself these days.

Blit about that cruelty charge. It sounds almost Incredible, but. here are  again the census bureau’s indisputable figures to show that reviewing the  causes for divorce during the past forty years it has been discovered that  the legal separation of husband and wife in consequence of the cruel treatment of the husband by the wife has increas ed 1(309.8 per cent. No less than  10.6 of the diverces granted to men  during the period reviewed by the bureau were for cruelty on the part of  the wife.

As to the form that this cruelty to  the poor husband takes, the cunsus  bureau is silent. It is not the business of the statistical department to delve  as deep as that into causes. But it surely must have been a sufficiently  cruel type of cruelty to induce an American jud ge to grant a divo rce to th«*injured husband. Now that our girls are being systematically trained in the  gymnastic classroom at the school-  house and the anaemic woman is becoming a rarity, it behooves the American husband to practice diplomacy in the home or take lessons in the art  of dodging rolling pins and broom  handles.

But with her insreased ability to  chastise her husband, as shown by the census bureau’s figures, there has also  come, it is really too bad to have to record. an increase in the vice that has  been considered one peculiarly belonging to men -that of drinking to excess The figures show that the increase of drunkenness among women, as shown by divorces granted for this  cause, is 554.5 per cent. In fact, this  reason for divorce comes second In the  list, according to the census statistics.

The men have still a little the best of in in tie- race for divorce on  the alcohol line, for, while the increase  among women has been recorded as  554.5 per cent, the drunkenness of  husbands has increased 699.9 per cent.

It is appalling to note that in the  Fnited States 73 divorces are annually  granted to «very 100,000 of population.  '1o the same number of persons Ireland  annually grants less than 1. England  2, Italy 3, Austria I, Scotland 4, Germany 15, France 23, Switzerland 32 and Japan 215. Switzerland, with a ratio of 32, comes next to the United  States, but this country wins by a huge  majority in the general run.

How He Knew.

"\\ hy is it," asked the blind man  of h is neighbor, "that the women  with the sweetes t voices are always  u g ly ? ”

"How do you know they are ugly?"  quizzed the neighbor.

"My wife describes them to me.”Xew York Press,




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