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Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates More than words- From Rap to Literature Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages @icpjones http://isabellejones.blogsp

More than words from rap to literature-creative language learning and teaching

May 11, 2015



Isabelle Jones

Copy of the slides I used at ALL Language World 2014 at Lancaster University
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Powerpoint Templates

More than words-

From Rap to Literature

Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages


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More than words?

• Teaching grammar creatively: a contradiction in terms?

• Creativity and authentic resources

• Creative opportunities for learning grammar through speaking and writing

• Creative use of digital and mobile tools

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Teaching grammar creatively,A contradiction in terms?

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Grammar “includes syntax, morphology and semantics and wasoriginally associated with logic andrhetoric.”

The Grammar Papers, QCA, 1998

What does this mean to me??

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Morphology (word level)Analysis of stem/root words, prefixes/suffixes, number, gender, person, “word families”…

Syntax (sentence level)Study of sentence structures(clauses, subjects, verbs, objects…)

Semantics (text level)Study of meaning: literal (denotation) and implied(connotation)

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“Written material such as poetry, novels, essays, etc, esp works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression and by themes of general or enduring interest”.

Collins English dictionary

Just fiction?Excellence of style and expression?Themes of general or enduring interest?

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Text types Grammar items Connectives

Information Facts and opinionsThird person

Ordinal numbers

Explanation Telling why, how, whatFirst/ third person

Sequence, causalComparison

Description Creating a picture with wordsThird person

Sequence (prepositions)

Instruction Imperative , present tenseSecond person


Recount Past tenseFirst/ third person

Temporal, causalContrast

Persuasion One-sidedSecond personSecond person


Argument One-sided, logical steps Sequence, causal

Advice Addresses reader directlyModal verbs

Sequence, causal

discussion Presents both side of an argument

Sequence, causalAlternatives, examples

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Linguistic creative tools

The way words lookThe way words soundThe way words interact with each otherText types Being playful with the links between languages

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Visual clues

• What visuals do you use to support the language you introduce?• How do you encourage all learnersto visualise new language?• How do you encourage learners topresent their work?

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The sound of language

• Target Language sounds different todifferent learners (e/ é)

• Response to sounds (self-image, deliberately not following phonic patterns, self-conscious behaviour)• Encouraging differences without stereotyping• Pure listening (without reference tomother tongue?)• Rhymes (assonance/alliteration)• Reading out loud

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The sound/look of the language

• Silent letters, accents and grammar

• Chant/ chante/ chantent• J’ai chanté/ je chante• La/ là

• Gusto/gustó• Si/ sí

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The sound of language


Moon lunechant songrivière rivergarden rêveurpetit houselittle maison

chant songchant songbleu songet oiseau bleublood sangand bird oiseaubleu song red sangchant songchant song

chant songchant songblue songet oiseau bleublood sangand bird oiseaublue song red sang

Oh girl filleoh yes je t’aimeoh oui love youoh girl filleOh flower girlJe t’aime tant

Oh girl filleOh oui love you

Jacques Prévert, Spectacle

Moon lunechant songrivière rêveurgarden riverrêve dreammer sea

Thank youmoon lunethank youmer sea

Moon lunechant songrivière rivergarden rêveurChildren enfantmer seatime temps

Oh flower girlchildren enfantoh yes je t’aimeJe t’aime tantt’aime tantt’aime tanttime tempstime tempstime tempstime tempset tant et tantet tant et tantet tant…

et temps.

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The sound of language

L’amiral Jacques Prévert, Parole

L’amiral LarimaLarima quoila rime à rienl’amiral Larimal’amiral Rien.

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Ana Tijoux: Las horas•

Hace horas que te espero y hace horas no te veo hace horas que te quiero pero hace horas que te pierdo hace horas que te espero y hace horas no te veo hace horas que te quiero pero hace horas que te pierdo Hace horas que te pierdo en esta esquina sólo me acompaña esta tímida neblina el sabor de tus besos impregnados al vapor de este solitario invierno quizás me olvidaste o quizás la verdad tú solo me borraste este amor es un chiste triste triste como se siente cuando todo lo perdiste la miel la piel y el riel cual es el sentido cuando la vida luego es tan cruel dame más tiempo frecuento un momento juro que mi sombra será tan discreta como tu silencio pero nunca me respondes …

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Words and phrases

• Etymology: prefixes & suffixes•

• Idioms (lost in translation language)• «awkward English»

• Set phrases and expressions••

• (mind mistake and slang)


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Words and phrases /


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Words and phrases


2000 everyday English expressions translated into FrenchAnother 2000 everyday English expressions translated intoFrench

Kit Brett

Free Podcasts

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Language Awareness starters

• Jar, coffee, sugar• Sky, leg, wife• Pill, wagon• Damp, luck• Shampoo, bungalow, cot• Umbrella, piano, corridor• Tent, café, route• Rose, atlas, museum

Which languages have these been borrowed from?

ArabicNorwegian/ DanishDutchGerman



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Language Awareness starters

Word order

»Une maison blanche

»Una casa blanca

»A white house

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Playfulness with language


Does not have to rhyme (writing-exploring a topic/building sentences)Using rhymes (speaking-exploring the sounds of the language, reinforcing patterns) Rhyming dictionary (online or app) (fr-sp-Gr-it-En)

Puns and jokes:

Cultural referencesSounds of the languageDouble meaning

Carambar jokes Lepe

Tongue twisters:

Great for pronunciation practice & development of grammatical awareness

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Playfulness with language

Premier jour Jacques Prévert, Parole

Des draps blancs dans une armoireDes draps rouges dans un litUn enfant dans sa mereSa mère dans les douleursLe père dans le couloirLe couloir dans la maisonLa maison dans la villeLa ville dans la nuitLa mort dans un criEt l’enfant dans la vie.

Fais des phrases completes? Ecris une histoire?

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Playfulness with language

Le message Jacques Prévert, Parole

La porte que quelqu’un a ouverteLa porte que quelqu’un a referméeLa chaise où quelqu’un s’est assisLe chat que quelqu’un a caresséLe fruit que quelqu’un a morduLa lettre que quelqu’un a lueLa chaise que quelqu’un a renverséeLa porte que quelqu’un a ouverteLa route où quelqu’un court encoreLe bois que quelqu’un traverseLa rivière où quelqu’un se jetteL’hôpital où quelqu’un est mort.

Grammar: what is the rule? /Story/Art/clip scripting

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UN INVENTAIRE A LA PREVERT• Vous ne ferez pas de phrases complètes, mais une liste de

thèmes, objets, sentiments, personnes, actions…ayant rapport à l’amour. (focus on agreements)

• ·Nombre de vers : maximum 20

• Vous utiliserez des allitérations et/ou des assonances.

• Utilisez au moins trois mots de chacune des listes suivantes dans votre poème :

► adjectifs : ému, heureux, ensorcelé, amusé, ébloui, séduit, amoureux, fasciné, fou

► verbes : embrasser, murmurer, serrer contre soi, manquer, cajoler, penser à, tomber sous le charme de…

► adverbes : tendrement, doucement, amoureusement, passionnément, follement, affectueusement, intensément

► substantifs : la passion, l’amour, la flamme, la rencontre, la femme de ma vie, l’homme idéal, le coup de foudre.

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Un verbe : Aimer• 1. Un regard, une rencontre... un été, un sourire…

2. un numéro, un mail, une attente, un souvenir…3. un appel, une voix, un début, un rencard…4. un horaire, un endroit, une venue, un espoir…5. une terrasse, un café, un dialogue, un moment…6. un soleil, une lumière, un cœur, un battement…7. une seconde, une minute, une heure, un plaisir…8. un au-revoir, une prochaine, une promesse, un désir..9. un après, une durée, une patience, un silence..10. un doute, un pourquoi, un regret, une distance..11. un retour, une surprise, un déluge, une marée..12. une suite, une envie un projet.. une soirée..13. une pleine lune, une virée, un instant, une pulsion.. 14. un frôlement, un baiser, une magie ... Un frisson... 15. un accord, un avenir, une force,

• une destinée.. 16. une étoile, un poème

• et un verbe "aimer"

Dictionary skills,Gender, articles

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Word clouds &Calligrammes

• Wordle

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Diamond poems


adjective adjective

verb verb verb

adjective adjective


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En/core/ de/ la/ pluie (5)

Comme/ je/ pré/fére/ le/ so/leil… (7)

Vi/ ve/ ment/ l’é/té (5)

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KenningsA kenning is a form of metaphor, originally used in Anglo-Saxon and Norse poetry.

In a kenning, an object is described in a two-word phrase, such as 'whale-road' for 'sea'.

Some kennings can be more obscure than others, and are close to being a riddle.

Un jardinUn ordinateurUn teléfonoUn amigo

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Supporting and Recording Creative Talk Ppt recording function

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Strategies to focus on structures and

Topic-specific languageGrand Corps Malade-Le blues de l’instituteur

L’ écoleL’environnementLe mondeLes médiaLes guerresLa religionL’enfanceLes riches et les pauvresLe futur

Les mots-clé?Without LyricsWith gapped lyricsWithout imageWith image/karaoke

Les thèmes

Words and phrases

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Creative Writing

My Film dice game

Raconte le film comme si tu étais dans le role principal!(Make sentences in the past in the first person)

A. Le role principal

1=une petite fille 2=un SDF 3=un joueur de foot4=une tortue 5=une danseuse 6=un chanteur de rock

B. L’ événement principal

1=un spectacle 2=des vacances horribles 3=un cambriolage4=un voyage 5=un mariage 6=une course

B. Le lieu principal

1=une école 2=les Bahamas 3=un château hanté4=un bateau de croisière 5=un stade 6=une bibliothèque

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Creative Writing

Decide Now! app!/id383718755?mt=8

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•Develop/ extend ideas/ practise new structures

•Write about it: newspaper article/ letter/presentation to penpal/ blog post/ short play/ poem/ story for young audience.

•Talk about it: record an interview/ podcast (dialogue,News report, drama...) audio/ video

•Use your imaginationNightmare holiday/day, Famous for a day: who/what/why,Life Swap (dice), School of the future, My film (dice) Summer/ Winter uniform..

Creative Writing

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Musical translation

*Compare words in the song with transcript-correct mistakes

*Compare words in the song with the translation-what has been changed? Why?

*Tense discrimination/comparison

Use cover versions of popular songs like…

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Wrecking Ball"

We clawed, we chained our hearts in vainWe jumped never asking why

We kissed, I fell under your spell.A love no one could deny

Don't you ever say I just walked awayI will always want you

I can't live a lie, running for my lifeI will always want you

I came in like a wrecking ballI never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break your wallsAll you ever did was wreck me

Yeah, you, you wreck meI put you high up in the sky

And now, you're not coming downIt slowly turned, you let me burn

And now, we're ashes on the groundDon't you ever say I just walked away

I will always want youI can't live a lie, running for my life

I will always want you

En vano hoy mi corazón saltó, Pero sin preguntar, hoy te besé Un hechizo fue Amor, no lo puedo negar No me digas que sólo me alejéYo siempre te amaré Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé Yo siempre te amaré Es como una Demolición Golpea fuerte el corazón cada muro en mi derribas hoy lo único que hiciste tu, fue destruir sólo, fue destruir Te puse en lo alto de Cielo Y ahora no bajarás Esto cambio el fuego Me quemó Cenizas quedarán No me digas que sólo me alejé Yo siempre te amaré Ya no mentiré, por ti escaparé Yo siempre te amaré

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Tense practice: script-writing

Subtitling songs or silent movies using Amara or Movie Maker

v=kPWLxhu_ETc&list=PL35B8F0E6427AC3BC (Morph)

nMoQ6N8VB_TRUU6HiRpQTqHVB1Y (Simon’s cat)


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Flip your lesson!

Identify and create resources for

pupils to have access to key

Vocabulary and structures before the


How would you do this?

Pros & cons?

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Flip your lesson!(develop their independence)

Traditional resources and references:

Free Collins online dictionary

Text-to-speech: Reading support:

Related articles:

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Group boards

for grammar

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‘Appy GrammarBescherelle (£)

Bled (£)

Robert (£)

Bordas (L’intégrale des dictionnaires Bordas: difficulties, quotes,Synonyms, rhymes, verbs)

Conjugation nation (£1.99)

Brainscape: Spanish verbs, French verbs, Spanish (sentence builder/ vocabulary/ verbs/business language)

Duo linguo (all skills & all languages) FREE

¡Salsa! (fridge magnets) in Spanish

Pocket rhymer (English, Italian, German, Spanish, French)



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More than words?

• Teaching grammar creatively: a contradiction in terms?

• Creativity and authentic resources

• Creative opportunities for learning grammar through speaking and writing

• Creative use of digital and mobile tools


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Powerpoint Templates

More than words-

From Rap to Literature

Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages
