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Language Comparison Language Comparison English vs. Spanish English vs. Spanish By: Elizabeth Moore By: Elizabeth Moore

Moore - Language Comparison -ESL 502

Jun 08, 2015




This presentation shows the common errors and makes suggestions of what to work on next in the classroom. with a L2 speaker It provides a language comparison between English and Spanish.
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  • 1. Language Comparison English vs. Spanish By: Elizabeth Moore

2. Demographic/Background Information:

  • Students Name:Jane(name changed for confidentially)
  • Native Language:Spanish
  • Previous Country:Puerto Rico
  • Arrival Date to USA:April 2011
  • WIDA Score:Beginner level
  • Other Info:Has an IEP

3. Comments & Difficulties in English:

  • Jane was 3 when she learned English.
  • Jane Learned English from watching TV shows like Sponge Bob, Fairy God Parents and Drake & Josh.
  • Janes parents only speak a little bit of English. Jane is teaching them.
  • Jane said, I understand it (English) but the problem is reading and writing it.
  • My language.the words are differentI dont know how to describe English, Jane stated.

4. 21 most common mistakes from a L2 Spanish Speaker

  • Improper words order in main clause
  • Improper pronoun
  • Adjective used as nouns
  • S ending on an adjective
  • Improper agreement
  • Omitted s for possessive form of noun
  • Improper word order with adverb modifying verbs
  • 8. Improper formations of irregular possessive pronoun (you for your)
  • 9. No auxiliary with negative and interrogation
  • 10. Use of present and past
  • 11. Use of present for present perfect.
  • 12. Use of past for present
  • 13. Improper formation of past participle
  • 14. Contractions not fully developed (don for dont)

5. 21 most common mistakes from a L2 Spanish Speaker Cont.

  • 15. Improper present participle
  • 16. Improper subject/verb concord of number
  • 17. Subject/verb word order reversed
  • 18. Third person subject not stated
  • 19. Double Subject
  • 20. Omitted coordinate conjunction
  • 21. Omitted preposition

6. Errors made By Jane:

  • Spelling Errors(we did a writing interview )
  • Omission of the words
  • Starts sentences off with conjunctions
  • Placed e in front of st blends
  • Verb usage
  • Pronounerrors
  • Word order
  • Sentence of short and choppy
  • Lack of adjective usages

7. Actual Errors from Jane (Prompt: What did you do over the weekend? ) What Student did: What is correct: Error: Weel what I do is that I go tu the pul whe is hut, Or I go to the besh tu play whit my brother in the warer.Well, what I do is I go to the pool when it is hot, or I go to the beach to play with my brother in the water.*Spelling *Insertion of word that *Comma usage Or a gow tu the par. Also, I go to the park. *Spelling *Article error Or I play whit my frenths in the neyverjud. Another thing I do is I play with my friends in neighborhood.*Spelling *j instead of h *Sentence beginning Or I estay in my hause and seen TV or see yuotube washin fani videos.I stay in my house and watch TV,youtube, or family videos.*Spelling *e in front of st blend *verb usage *comma usage that is the staf I du in Puerto Rico That is the stuff I do in Puerto Rico *Spelling *CapitalizationWhen in Unada Esteit I dont now watt u du bikause I em neuw and I dont have eni Frends in the neverjud.I dont know what you do in the United States because I am new and dont have many friends in the neighborhood.*Spelling *e in front of the st blend *Word order *Capitalization 8. Actual Errors from Jane (Prompt: What are your plans for the Summer? ) What Student did: What is correct: Error: I guna du is that my and may frend Caser wi are gona du a slomber party.I am going to have a slumber party with my friend Caser.*Spelling *word order *verb usage And I guna guw tu visit mey and TiTi Luli. I will go to visit my TiTi Luli (Aunt). *Spelling *Conjunction usage *Word order And I gunna go to the muvis. I am going to go to the movies too. *Spelling *Conjunction usage And I guna go to a pul if whe fair wan.If we find a pool, I am going to go to the pool also.*Spelling *comma usage *Word order And I gunna go to this ni werld for my first tam. Finally, I am going to go to the new world for my first time.*Spelling *Sentence at the end of the paragraph would make more sense at the beginning of the paragraph 9. Language Comparison English vs. Spanish 10. Language Comparison

  • Spanish
  • *Nouns two gender system
  • *Verbs conjugated
  • *Pronouns can be inflected for person, number, gender, and case
  • *Adjectives after the noun
  • *Prepositions are used differently
  • *All words are almost perfectly phonemic
  • *Letter b and v are indistinguishable
  • *Letter H is silent
  • *Change in speaker is indicated by a-
  • *Letter j does not exist
  • English
  • *Nouns Do not have two gender system
  • *Verbs not conjugated
  • *Pronouns are not inflected
  • *Most adjectives come before the noun
  • *Prepositions are not as exact
  • *Words are not usually phonemic
  • *Letter b and v are pronounced so you can tell them apart
  • *Letter H is pronounced
  • *Change is speaker not indicated by a
  • *Letter j does exist (soft and hard)

11. The FutureWhere we are headed:

  • ~Introducing the vowel combination like au, ee, ae, ai, etc
  • ~Schwa e (especially that it does not have to go at the front of the word.)
  • ~Word order & Verb usage
  • ~Sentence structure (capitalization & punctuation)
  • ~Voiceless and Voiced sounds of th
  • ~Also teach them about the b, v, and J letters in the English language.

12. References: Phonological Influences. (n.d.). In ELL Assessment for Linguistic Differences vs. Learning Disabilities. Retrieved July 8, 2011, from Google. Spanish Grammar Rules. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2011, from Google. Spanish Language Characteristics. (n.d.). Retrieved July 8, 2011, from Google.