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Dr Li Yuan Jisc CETIS, University of Bolton MOOCs and Higher Education - Concepts, Models and Trends SCONUL Annual Conference Dublin, 20 June, 2013

MOOCs and Higher Education - Concepts, Models and Trends

Jan 27, 2015




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  • 1. Dr Li YuanJisc CETIS, University of BoltonMOOCs and Higher Education- Concepts, Models and TrendsSCONUL Annual ConferenceDublin, 20 June, 2013

2. Open Educational Resources and Open Online Courses on Educational TechnologyDesigning Learning for the 21st CenturyBackground 3. Outline of the Presentation Making sense of MOOCsContext, concept and history MOOCs as a BusinessBusiness models, revenues, partnerships and outcomes MOOCs as Disruptive InnovationNon-consumers, simple products, free or lower cost Potential Impacts on HEMissions, provisions, costs, delivery models 4. What is a MOOC- The concept of MOOCs was introduced by Dave Cormier in 2008 5. The First MOOC: CCK08 (2008) Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course(CCK08) George Siemens (Athabasca University) & Stephen Downs(the National Research Council of Canada) Designed for 25 fee-paying students Over 2,300 people participated 6. AI MOOC (2011) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course Sebastian Thrun and his colleagues at Stanford Attracted 160,000 learners from 190 countries 7. 2012: The Year of MOOCs 8. xMOOCs vs. cMOOCsxMOOCs (edX, Coursera) cMOOCs (ocTEL, Change11)Scalability of provision Massive Community and connectionsIndividual learning Online Networked learningOpen access - RestrictedlicenceOpen Open access - Open licenceConsume content Course Generate resourcesBusinessModelPedagogicalModel 9. Open Education, OERs and MOOCsOERs 2006 : Open University - OpenLearn2002: MIT - Open CoursewarecMOOCs 2013: OCTEL2010: DS 106 Zone2008: CCKO8xMOOCs 2012: Udacity, CourseraedX, & FutureLearn2011: Stanford (AI MOOC)Open Education: 1969: Open univerisity 10. The Business Concept of MOOCsBusiness partnersContent providers AccreditationStartupsVentureCapitalists Learners 11. edX Coursera UDACITY Certification Sharedrevenue withuniversities Charges$250,000 foreach newcourse,$50,000 forrecurringcourse Certification Secure assessments Employee recruitment Applicant screening Human tutoring orassignment marking Enterprises pay to runtheir own trainingcourses Sponsorships Tuition fees Certification Employers pay forrecruit talentstudent Students rsumsand job matchservices Sponsored high-tech skills coursesRevenue Streams for MOOC Startups 12. MOOCs So FaredX Coursera UdacityInvestment $60 million $22 million $21.1 millionPartners 27 universities 62 universities 1 university(San Jose StateUniversity )Courses 11 courses 212 courses 24 coursesRegistered Users 0.9 million 3.2 million 0.4 million 13. Analysis of MOOC Learners- Coursera survey, 2013 14. The UKs First Coursera MOOCs inEdinburghhttp://mashe.hawksey.info309,628 15. Learners Engagement with MOOCs- MOOCs @ Edinburgh Report #1 16. Learners Time Spent on MOOCs- MOOCs @ Edinburgh Report #1 17. Global Visibility- MOOCs @ Edinburgh Report #1 18. Will MOOCs Disrupt HE? 19. Disruptive Innovation Theory Sustaining innovation to improve the existingsystem. Disruptive innovation - to create an entirely newmarket, typically by lowering price or designing fordifferent customers .(Christensen, 2003) 20. Potential Customer GroupsNon-consumerslack the ability, wealth, oraccess to a product orserviceUndershot Customersconsume a product or servicebut are frustrated with itslimitationsOvershot Customersstop paying for furtherimprovements to a productor service. 21. MOOCs and Disruptive InnovationActive DisruptionBeginsNoncustomerSustaining innovationDisruptive innovationPerformanceDemandTimeNew-market disruptive innovationUndershot CustomersMOOCsOvershot Customers 22. UK Higher Education Scenarios- from the EU TEL-Map projectTraditionalUniversityUnidiversityHybridUniversityOnlineUniversity 23. Potential BenefitsEducational Institution Supporting educational missions Strengthening brand reputation and expanding markets Low overhead provision New revenue streams Re-evaluating institutions existing pedagogical practiceLearner Pace, time and location of study Diversification of learning pathways New provision at low cost 24. Potential Impacts on HE Provision(Un-bundling)HigherEducationContentDeliveryAccreditationPlatform 25. Potential Cost StructuresCost tolearnersProvidersMOOC Startups UniversitiesFree Learning management platform ContentLower cost Automated test or peerassessmentCertificationContentHigher Cost Course offered throughpartnershipsPersonalisedfeedback andsupportAccreditation 26. MOOCs: Gartner Hype Cycle2011AI MOOC2012The year ofMOOCsWhat works?2013Negativenewsappears 27. In Summary The basic concept of MOOCs is not new- but the business model is relatively new to HigherEducation MOOCs will not disrupt universities- but they have the potential to reshape HE provision The hype of MOOCs will fade away,- but the real innovation in Open Online Courses isjust beginning 28. The Future of MOOCsA year ago, I could not have imagined thatwe would be where we are now Who knows where well be in five moreyears?Daphne Koller (the Co-founder of Coursera): 29. Thank you! 30. Further Reading:JISC CETIS, 2013, MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education,, 2012, Shifting Ground: Technology Begins to Alter Centuries Old Business Model for Universities, 2013, MOOCs @ Edinburgh Report #1, UK, 2013, Massive open online courses: higher educations digital moment?, C., M. (2003). The innovators solution: creating and sustaining successful growth. Harvard BusinessPress.Gartner (2013), Gartner Hype Cycles, P (2013), MOOCs Beyond Professional Development: Courseras Big Announcement in Context,