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MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4

Apr 05, 2018



Mohan Krishna
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  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report

    for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Table o f Cont ent s

    Section 1: Executive Summary Section 2: Schedule Section 3: Development Managers Report Section 4: Budget Section 5: Economic Inclusion Section 6: Construction Managers Report Section 7: Cincinnati Riverfront Park Report Section 8: Communications Appendices

    o AProject Scope & Descriptiono BDesigners Reporto CBudget Detailo DEconomic Inclusion Detailo EGlossary of Acronymso FDistribution List

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for March 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 1 : Ex ecu t i ve Sum m ary

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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sec t ion 1 : Execu t i ve Sum m ary

    As the saying goes, April Showers Bring May Flowers, but to The Banks Project,

    April meant rain and rising Ohio River levels that challenged construction crews.

    Whether it was intermittent showers or thunderous cloudbursts, the downpours ofthe month did little to dampen the commitment nor stall the progress achieved byThe Banks team.

    All the Public Parties Phase 1 work is completed (with Bid Package #10 signageremaining to be installed in the Phase 2a parking facility).

    Phase 2a construction work continued on schedule. Despite weather affecting cer-

    tain work on Phase 2a work (Mehring Way relocation, Bid Package #9 and Block 2

    Garage, Bid Package 11), contract completion is still expected to hit all target mile-stones for the parking counts required by the sports teams leases and the opening

    in October, weather permitting, of Freedom Way and the new garage segment westof the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.

    Both construction phases of Public Parties work are within approved budgets and on

    target to meet SBE, DBE and safety goals. Federal Highway Administration andOhio Department of Transportation inspection and audit took place in April. Inspec-

    tion and audit included all construction work in place as well as the Project files.There were no negative comments on the construction. There was one minor

    comment on the Construction Managers change order records for one contract;

    correction will not change totals, just improve documentation.

    Bid Package #12 for Street Grid and Pedestrian Network Improvements will now bebid in two parts. A draft of the first Local Public Agency Agreement is expected

    soon. Turn to Appendix A: Project Scope Description for a complete listing of thelocations of the work under both parts of the scope.

    This Monthly Report cover photo (top left) captures a close-up of the April 1 con-

    crete pour of the last section of Freedom Way. The top right photo shows the pournearly completed. The main photo is a view of Lot 2 Garage construction, which

    continued on schedule despite one of the wettest months on record.

    Deve loper

    April welcomed the first residents into Current@TheBanks, as tenants moved into

    the north building. Installation of landscaping in the amenity terrace continued, asdid work to complete building skin and finishes. On Block 16, the south building,

    work on the building skin was substantially complete, with Brasfield & Gorrie install-ing exterior components and building finishes at all levels. Block 16 is on schedule

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    for May 15, 2011 completion. Construction on the Police Welcome Center contin-

    ued, and plans for Toby Keith and Johnny Rockets have been submitted for permit



    Progress continued on The Cincinnati Riverfront Park project. Workers from Mon-arch Construction continued to construct form work and steel installation for the

    Grand Stair, and framing for the Bicycle Center storefront and doors. Megen Con-

    struction began creating planters and the large Schmidlapp Event Lawn on the roofof the south end of the Phase 1 Garage by waterproofing the roof, setting large

    granite capstones and seat walls, and then filling the large recesses in the garageroof with sand, gravel and soil in preparation for the landscape planting and sod in-

    stallation planned for May.

    The Moerlein Lager House contractor, Schumacher-Dugan Construction, completedelevator shaft construction, continued structural block work, began utility installa-

    tion, and prepared to begin exterior shell construction in May.


    A total of 1,670 trade workers have attended safety orientations. The Projectlogged 356,939 hours without a lost-time accident.

    Econom ic I nc lus ion

    As of March 25, 2011, Small Business Enterprise (SBE) construction partici-pation is 36.1% (goal 30%). Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participa-tion totaled 16.1% and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) is 2.8%. Com-

    bined minority and female workforce participation was 17.95%. Of the pro-duction workers active on the Project, 77.4% resided in the Cincinnati-Middletown MSA.

    Budge t

    Construction expenditure projections are within approved target budgets forboth Phase 1 and for Phase 2a. Combined approved and potential change

    orders for both phases equal 5.28% of total approved contract amounts.


    Phase 2a construction remains on schedule. All parties continue to coordi-nate project construction schedule successfully. See Section 3: Develop-ment Managers Review for the Master Project Schedule. See Section 6:

    Construction Managers Report for the Phase 2a Schedule.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 2 : Sch edu le

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 2 : Schedu le

    In the month of April, Phase 2a i n f r as t r uc t u r e w o r k by t he Pub l i c Pa r t i es proceeded onschedule. Opening of Freedom Way (East to West) is scheduled for October, with the East

    portion planned official opening slated for June. Opening of the Lot 2 Garage is still pro-jected for late fall, despite heavy rains during the month.

    See Section 6: Construction Managers Report for details and a schedule.W or k on t he ove r bu i l d by t he P r i va t e Deve lope r continues on schedule, with a ribbon-

    cutting mid-month to welcome first residents to their apartment in Current@The Banks.

    Work continues on designs, permitting and construction for dining and entertainment ten-ants.

    See Section 3: Development Managers Report and Master Project Schedulefor details.

    Cinc inna t i R i ve r f r on t Par k const r u c t i on made noticeable progress and remained on

    schedule, as the Walnut Street Fountain and Grand Stair as well as the Event Lawn became

    recognizable to the casual passer-by.

    See Section 7: Cincinnati Riverfront Park Report.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 3 : Deve lopm entMan ager s Rev iew

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sec t ion 3 : Deve lopm ent Manager s Rev iew

    M ast e r Schedu le : I nc l uded a t t he end o f t h i s Sect i on .

    Progress Updat e on Pub l i c Par t ies wo rk

    Phase 1

    All Phase 1 work has been completed with the exception of the Bid Package #10signage being installed in the Phase 2 parking facility. A final certificate ofoccupancy will replace the current temporary certificate of occpancy once theelevator installation at the Freedom Way East head house is completed. Messer isworking with the trade contractor to schedule final inspections for the elevator and

    it is hoped that a final certificate of occupancy document will be in hand before theend of May.

    As documented in last months report, the team is working toward resolution onseveral deficient work items. An agreement on the approach to rework theexpansion joint blockout conditions has been reached with the Private Developer.Freedom Way West has recently exhibited more issues with silica fume pop-outs.The City is reviewing this issue with Baker and the concrete supplier to determinethe appropriate next steps.

    Phase 2

    The Phase 2 work of the Parking Facility continues to progress according to theschedule.

    Prus has completed the Mehring Way realignment and pedestrian accessibility forLots D and F. They also completed the street paving scope for the Joe NuxhallWay. With these efforts finalized, Prus work is now confined to the removal ofTheodore M. Berry Way.

    Since the closure of Theodore M. Berry Way in January, Prus has removed the ex-isting utilities and pavement at the roadway and has installed the piles to supportthe soil tieback wall where the existing roadway intersects Rosa Parks Street. Ex-cavation activities have been underway for approximately two months. Prus beganhauling material off-site in mid-March. The majority of the haul-off will be taken tothe Parks site. Record-breaking rain in April has limited this work over the pastmonth; however, the team is looking toward a drier month of May to increase the

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    progress of removal. In the interim, Messer worked with Prus to determine alter-nate access options, allowing for the excavation and haul-off to be expedited onceproduction resumes. Originally the haul-off was anticipated to run through the endof May; the team is now targeting haul-off completion in June.

    The team was able to resolve the soil tieback wall issue at Theodore M. Berry Wayand Rosa Parks Street associated with the tieback sizes. However, as work hasstarted, the quality of the soil and existing obstructions have raised constructabilityissues as well as a new potential cost exposure. The design team is working to fi-nalize direction on the modifications to the work. The trade contractor has submit-ted a claim in the last several days, and the team is working to determine validityof the request.

    Although Bakers work has slowed somewhat with the recent weather conditions,progress is still being made. Pile cap work is nearing completion, as are the first

    column lift pours. This in turn will allow the slab on grade work to be completed.Several elevated pours were made at the 500 level during the month, as were thepodium pours along Second Street. The electrical and plumbing rough-ins areclosely following the structure work on the facility, and the fire protection contractormobilized in recent weeks. The mason will be beginning on site within the next twoweeks. Waterproofing work on Freedom Way West will begin as the weather per-mits.

    Baker completed all of the work the Second Street sidewalk replacement west ofRosa Parks Street. They also completed the curb cut at the deck entrance on Block26, as well as repairs to the sidewalk at the northeast corner of the block to ac-

    commodate an existing condition grade differential. All of this work proceeded withfew to no issues.

    The Freedom Way head houses are substantially complete. Baker is working tofinish all miscellaneous caulking and punchlist work. Installation of the elevator isnearly complete, with final adjustment work ongoing. The team anticipates beingable to receive a final inspection on the elevator soon which in turn allows the headhouse to be fully operational. The stair head house has been open to the public forapproximately three weeks.

    Safety continues to be a tremendous success. The Project continues to accruemanhours worked without a lost time accident beyond the 350,000-hour threshold.

    This continues to speak to the Project teams focus on safety. Weekly siteinspections continue to be favorable, with only minor items being cited.

    The team continues to work with the City and County to ensure that the environ-ment is safe for patrons and general public. Traffic circulation at the project site

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    now circumvents the closed portion of Theodore M. Berry Way, with direction beingprovided through site signage, including a variable message board. Second Streetsidewalks have now been opened back up, with the completion of both Bakers andthe Private Developers work in this area. The sidewalks at Walnut Street and JoeNuxhall Way that were previously closed are now opened back up to the public, asis the north sidewalk on Freedom Way East. The balance of Freedom Way East istargeted to open on June 1, 2011.

    Quality is also a ongoing focus of the team. Through the services of fourindependent testing firms and various City and County inspections, review ofongoing and completed work is evaluated. As deficient items are raised, they aretracked on a deficiency log. A request for information (RFI) is issued to the designteam for their input on the deficiency. All parties are working to ensure that eachfield issue is properly addressed and closed out. The most recent log reflects thatall deficient items have been closed out, and no new deficient items have been cited

    in over five months.

    The design team is sufficiently supporting the trade contractors efforts. As submit-tal and request for information (RFI) documents are issued, they are being ad-dressed. To date, the design team has been responsive and their turnaround timeshave supported the work flow of the project.

    Budget Rev iew

    The were no changes made during the month to the budget projection forPhase 1.

    On Phase 2, there was a minor increase in the hard costs projection.Previously this projection was showing an amount of $29.830M for BidPackages #9 and #11. Currently these packages combined total $29.893M.The change is a result of several additive and deductive change orders. Thisprojected amount is approximately $10.3M below the Construction ManagerPublished Estimate of $40.3M.

    Bid Package #9 was awarded at an amount of $7.1M. Change orders totaling$133,693 have been executed. This change order total is approximately$91,000 higher than what was reported last month, due to a handful ofmiscellaneous small changes. An allowance of $800,000 was included within

    the contract. Approximately $190,000 of this allowance remains, the majorityof which is the specific allowance for historical archeological excavation.

    The original contract amount for Bid Package #11 is $22.3M. Two changeorders have been executed to date totalling $337,136. The change orderamount decrease in this past month was due to a credit related to thereconciliation of Allowance #3 within Bakers contract. A contract allowance of

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    $975,000 was included in the contract. Approximately $250,000 of thisallowance is projected as remaining at this point in the Project.

    The County and City are working to finalize the soft costs budget. In the past

    month, a draft of the overall budget was prepared and is being reviewed andapproved by the Project Team. Currently, the soft costs are tracking withinbudget.

    I nc l usi on Rev iew

    See Section 5: Economic Inclusion report.

    Parks and Overbu i ld Updat e


    See Section 7: Cincinnati Riverfront Park report.

    Deve loper

    The first residents moved into The Banks during the past month! A temporarycertificate of occupancy was received on April 13, 2011. Punchlist activities areunderway on all floors of the building, as well as at the building exterior.Installation of landscaping at the amenity terrace is underway, with weather beingthe primary hurdle to final completion. Final installation of exterior appliedcomponents such as metal panels and handrails is wrapping up.

    On Block 16, work on the building skin and envelope is substantially complete.Brasfield & Gorrie is working to install the applied exterior building componentssuch as railings, metal panels, and zinc shingles. Installation of the buildingfinishes is ongoing at all levels of the building. Punchlist work has begun on thesecond floor, and will proceed up the building in the coming weeks. Amenityterrace work is underway and will follow completion of the terrace at Block 26.Block 16 is tracking on schedule for a May 15, 2011 completion.

    Construction on the Police Welcome Center continued throughout the month. Plansfor Toby Keith and Johnny Rockets have been circulated to the Private Developerfor review and comment, and have also been submitted to the City for permit

    review. Construction will begin upon receipt of permits. The Doyle Group isworking to finalize their plans in the coming weeks for landlord review, and thensubmit for permit.

    Prepared by Patti Neal, Carter.

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  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4




    Task Name Duration Start Finish

    Structure 185 days Wed 12/2/09 Tue 8/17/10

    Skin 139 days Wed 8/18/10 Mon 2/28/11

    Roof 16 days Wed 8/18/10 Wed 9/8/10

    Interiors 172 days Wed 8/18/10 Thu 4/14/11

    Hardscape 126 days Thu 10/21/10 Thu 4/14/11

    Certificate of Occupancy 0 days Thu 4/14/11 Thu 4/14/11

    Block 16 285 days Mon 4/12/10 Fri 5/13/11

    Structure 130 days Mon 4/12/10 Fri 10/8/10

    Skin 124 days Mon 10/11/10 Thu 3/31/11

    Roof 65 days Mon 10/11/10 Fri 1/7/11

    Interiors 150 days Mon 10/18/10 Fri 5/13/11

    Hardscape 100 days Mon 12/27/10 Fri 5/13/11

    Certificate of Occupancy 0 days Fri 5/13/11 Fri 5/13/11

    Parks 104 days Thu 4/28/11 Wed 9/21/11

    Walnut Street Event Lawn 0 days Thu 4/28/11 Thu 4/28/11

    Walnut Street Fountain and Grand Stair 0 days Wed 9/21/11 Wed 9/21/11





    Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

    2010 2011

    The Banks - Master Project Schedule

    Page 2

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 4 : Bu dg et

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 4 : Budg et

    Phase 1 construction budget expended as of April 30, 2011 was 95.64%.

    A total of 41.42% of the Phase 2a construction budget was expended as of the end

    of April.

    Phase 2a construction expenditures and projections remain within the approved

    budget. Construction budget detail appears on the following pages.

    Representatives of the City, County, OKI and ODOT continued discussions in Aprilto finalize the scope, budget and schedule for Bid Package #12. Construction activ-

    ities to complete street grid and pedestrian improvements in this Bid Package will

    be divided into two parts. Draft of the Local Public Agency Agreement is in devel-opment.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    BP# Description


    Budget as of



    Budget as of




    Budget as of

    May, 2010



















    to Date

    Balance to







    1 Site Demolition 698,900$ 698,900$ 698,900$ 698,900$ (25,123)$ -$ 673,777$ 673,777$ -$ (25$

    2 Partial Pile Package 505,000 505,000 505,000 505,000 (54,912) - 450,088 450,088 - (54

    3 Piles & Soil Retention 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 3,510,188 (58,773) - 3,451,415 3,451,415 (0) (7484 Foundations, Underground Utilities & FW 5,681,210 5,681,210 5,681,210 5,681,210 380,217 - 6,061,427 6,032,904 28,523 380


    Block 26 Concrete Structure, Slab on Grade through &including Podium 3,794,500 3,794,500 3,794,500 3,871,260 (98,266) - 3,772,994 3,772,994 (0) (2


    Block 16 & 20 Concrete Structure, Slab on Grade thru& including Podium + Plumbing & Fire Protection 15,649,009 11,487,414 11,487,414 8,539,304 126,730 - 8,666,034 363,480 8,559,642 106,392 (2,82

    7 FW East & West Streetgrid 6,102,417 4,341,168 4,341,168 4,992,030 682,258 - 5,674,288 693,348 5,524,024 150,264 1,3338 Block 26, 16 & 20 Architectural & Mech & Elec 2,477,288 5,768,025 5,768,025 5,783,000 248,865 - 6,031,865 5,969,055 62,810 2639 Mehring Way Relocation - Elm to Main including utilties 11,482,236 6,991,000 N/A - - - - -

    10 Signage 368,900 38,458 407,358 311,344 96,014 407

    11 Freedom Way Central - 7,400,000 N/A - - - - -

    13 Plumbing 498,514 (31,163) 467,351 467,351 - 467Subtotal - Construction 50,590,560$ 50,867,217$ 36,476,217$ 34,448,306$ 1,208,291$ -$ 35,656,597$ 1,056,828$ 35,212,594$ 444,003$ (819$

    Parking Grant 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 - - - - 2,800,000 400,000

    Soft costs 11,367,117 11,367,117 9,374,258 9,374,258 3,006,642 12,380,900 12,380,900 - 3,006

    Economic Development Assistance Grant 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 - - - - 9,000,000 3,000,000

    Parks 10,750,000 10,750,000 10,750,000 - - - - 10,750,000 -

    Owner's Contingency 2,874,513 2,597,856 3,788,770 - - - - 1,056,828 2,187,022 544,920 (2,187Project Totals 90,782,190$ 90,782,190$ 75,589,245$ 43,822,564$ 4,214,933$ -$ 48,037,497$ 1,056,828$ 72,330,516$ 4,388,923$ $



    AS OF APRIL 30, 2011

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    A B D E F G H I J K

    BP# Description

    ConstructionBudget as of

    March 2010















    to Date

    Balance toComplete





    9 Mehring Way Relocation and Site Demolition 7,119,555$ 7,119,555$ 133,693$ 83,124$ 7,336,372$ 4,798,190$ 2,538,182$ 216$

    11 Intermodal Garage and Freedom Way West 30,466,924 22,303,433 337,136 - 22,640,569 4,788,568 12,290,161 10,350,408 (7,826

    12 Street Grid & Pedestrian Network 2,860,000 - - - - - -

    Subtotal - Construction 40,446,479$ 29,422,988$ 470,829$ 83,124$ 29,976,941$ 4,788,568$ 17,088,352$ 12,888,589$ (7,609$

    Soft costs 9,302,691 9,302,691 - - 9,302,691 1,000,000 4,861,616 4,441,075

    Owner's Contingency 2,487,459 - - - - 5,788,568 (7,609,538) 4,308,429 7,609

    Project Totals 52,236,629$ 38,725,679$ 470,829$ 83,124$ 39,279,632$ 5,788,568$ 14,340,430$ 21,638,093$ $



    AS Of APRIL 30,2011

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 5 : Econ om ic I nc lusion

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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 5 : Econom ic I nc lus ion

    As we near the end of the initial phase of The Banks Project, Ellington ManagementServices, Inc., (EMS) is assessing the outcome of the inclusion commitments madeby prime contractors since project inception. Seventeen of the 18 prime contractssubject to the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program are closed, and most of thecontractors meet or exceeded their inclusion commitments. We are continuing tomonitor the one open contract; the work of its SBE subcontractors is yet to becompleted. To date, the overall project outcomes exceed the Public PartnershipsSBE contractor inclusion goal by 6.1% at 36.1% compared to the 30% goal.

    As of March 25, 2011 SBE participation is 36.1%, Minority Business Enterprise(MBE) participation is 16.1% and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) participationremains at 2.8% (see Appendix D, Attachment A).

    There are five bid packages supported by state and/or federal funding and are sub-ject to the goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation estab-lished by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Three of these contractsare closed out and are highlighted in the table below.

    Bid Packag e

    No .



    Cont rac to r

    C o m m i t m e n t

    Ac tua l DBE

    Par t i c ipa t ion

    DBE Dol-

    l a r s

    5 8.0% 10.8% 12.0% $746,386

    7 8.0% 10.7% 11.7% $676,7416 5.0% 5.0% 5.5% $615,285

    The DBE goal for Bid Package #9 is 4%. The commitment is 4.9%. The actual DBEparticipation is 2.8%, and 2.5% actual WBE participation. The goal for Bid Package#11 is 8%. The commitment is 8.2%. Actual participation to date is 6.5% (see Ap-pendix D, Attachment B).

    The goal is 10% SBE participation for professional services. The current level ofparticipation is 8.9%. Results are moving closer to the goal, but remain 1.1% be-low the goal. The total dollar value of these contracts has increased with no corre-

    sponding increase to sub-consultants. The MBE participation is 7.6% and WBE par-ticipation is 2.0% (see Appendix D, Attachment C).

    The Public Partnership set a combined minority and women workforce participationgoal of 22%, which is measured in work hours. Minority workforce participation is16.46%, which includes minority female hours. The total female participation is2.26% for a combined participation of 17.95% (minority females are not counted

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    twice) as reported by hours for September 1, 2008 March 25, 2011 (see AppendixD, Attachment D).

    From February 26, 2011 to March 25, 2011, employees on The Banks Project livingwithin the 15-County Cincinnati-Middletown Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)represented 83.5% of the workforce (see Appendix D, Attachment E).

    Workforce inclusion reporting forms and certified payroll records were used to ana-lyze the residency composition of The Banks Project workforce from December2008 through July 25, 2010. The most recent data covering July 26, 2010 throughJanuary 25, 2011, includes a review of the inclusion reporting forms but does notinclude a review of certified payroll records. Only information for production work-ers active on site during the covered period was analyzed. Analysis of data for1,241 workers active on the Project during the covered period revealed the follow-ing:

    Geographic Area Residency Percentage

    Tri-State 97.7%



    Hamilton County 25.9%

    City of Cincinnati 9.12%

    There were no local residency participation goals established for this Project.

    Prepared by Ellington Management Services; Bernice Walker, Hamilton County; and

    Rochelle Thompson, City of Cincinnat i.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 6 : Cons t r uc t ion Manager sRepor t

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 6 : Const ru c t ion Man ager s Repor t

    A newly poured slab on grade in the Lot 2 Garage (looking north).

    Progress Updat e

    The term "April Showers" took on a whole new meaning this month as crews bat-tled record rainfall to keep the Project moving forward. Contrary to what you mayrecall, there were a handful of days where it didn't rain and crews took full advan-tage by often pouring multiple concrete slabs in a single day.

    Although the rain certainly hindered progress in regard to hauling the Theodore M.Berry Way dirt, crews did begin installing the tiebacks that will support the new re-taining wall at the intersection of Theodore M. Berry Way and Rosa Parks Street.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Cur r en t H igh l i gh t s

    Bid Package #11 trade contractor continued pouring structural slabs at the500' level and street level (see photos #1 and #2).

    Bid Package #11 trade contractor continued pouring slabs on grade at the489 level (see photo #3).

    Bid Package #11 trade contractor continued excavating and pouring pilecaps. The team anticipates the last of the caps will be poured in mid-May(see photo #4).

    Bid Package #11 trade contractor poured all the podium slabs at SecondStreet (see photo #5).

    Bid Package #11 trade contractor began forming the stairs in the Garage(see photo #6).

    Bid Package #9 trade contractor began installing the tiebacks to support theretaining wall at Theodore M. Berry Way and Rosa Parks Street (see photo#7).

    Photo #1 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor continued pouring the structural decks.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Photo #2 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor pours the parking deck at the bottom of the

    Race Street ramp.

    Photo #3 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor prepped and poured the slab under FreedomWay.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Photo #4 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor continued excavating and pouring pile caps.

    Photo #5 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor poured all podium slabs at Second Street.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Photo #6 Bid Package #11: Trade contractor began forming the stairs in the garage.

    Photo #7 Bid Package #9: Trade contractor began installing tiebacks at Rosa Parks Streetand Theodore M. Berry Way.

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    Page 6

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Com m un i t y Env i r onm en t I m pact and Pro j ect Sa f e t y

    Bid Package #9 and Bid Package #11 Trade Contractors have continued to make

    public safety a priority. They have been mindful of the public within the Lots B andC, on Second Street, at Theodore M. Berry Way and along Joe Nuxhall Way andhave utilized construction fencing to isolate their activities. Pro-active communica-tion with the City and County has also kept the public informed of the ongoing Riv-erfront changes associated with the construction work.

    Between Phases 1 and 2, a total of 1,670 trade workers have attended the sitesafety orientation. The Pro jec t c u r ren t l y s t ands a t 356 , 939 hou r s w i t hou t al os t t im e ac ciden t . Formal site safety walk-thrus are conducted three times aweek. Workers continue to maintain a very good attitude about working safely. Infact, the score for the site walk-thru has been a 100% multiple times in April

    meaning not one hazard was observed.

    The scorecard below categorizes observations from our safety walk-thrus by haz-ard, severity and resolution rate for the past 30 days.

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    Page 7

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    The im pac t t o R iv e r f r on t Opera t i ons a round t he Phase 2 w o rk h as been as

    f o l l o w s :

    T ra f f i c Race Street between Second Street and Theodore M. Berry Way will remain

    closed until the fourth quarter of 2011. Theodore M. Berry Way is now per-manently closed between Elm Street and Rosa Parks Street and remainsclosed at the dogleg at Walnut Street.

    Opera t ion o f Ad jacen t Faci l i t i es No impact to GABP, the Reds HOF, PBS, the Arena or the Transit Center.

    Pedes t r ian Rout es

    Theodore M. Berry Way is now permanently closed between Elm Street andRosa Parks Street and continues to be closed at the dogleg at Walnut Street.

    The West Pete Rose Way entrance to the Central Riverfront Garage remainsclosed for Bid Package #11 work. Pedestrians within the Garage are beingrouted up to street level from the Central Riverfront Garage.

    The sidewalk replacement at Second Street was completed in March.Park i ng

    The West Pete Rose Way entrance to the Lot 3 Garage remains closed for BidPackage #11 work. This will require Lot 3 Garage patrons to utilize the newentrances to the Garage on Mehring Way and Main Street.

    Signage and Fenc ing

    Site fencing and gates are checked on a daily basis to insure they are secure.Cons t r uc t ion Schedu le

    The schedule included in this month's report includes activities associated with thetwo active Phase 2 contracts: Bid Packages #9 and #11.

    B id Package # 9

    The Bid Package #9 trade contractor has completed the work associated with Me-hring Way, the reconfiguration of Lots D and F, and Joe Nuxhall Way and is 90%complete with the pavement and sidewalk rework on Theodore M. Berry Way be-tween Walnut and Rosa Parks Streets. The last lane of pavement and sidewalk at

    Rosa Parks Street and Theodore M. Berry Way will be completed in late summer.

    The removal of Theodore M. Berry Way between Elm Street and Rosa Parks Streetis ongoing. This work, including the parking lot to be paved within the old Theo-dore M. Berry Way footprint, is on schedule for completion in August.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    B id Package # 11

    The Bid Package #11 trade contractor is 90% complete with the slabs on grade,80% complete with the structural slabs at the intermediate level and is 70% com-plete with the structural slabs at the street level. The electrical, plumbing and fireprotection contractors have already started their rough-in.

    The sidewalk work on the south side of Second Street is complete. The headhouses and elevator on Freedom Way East will be completed in May.

    The Lot 2 Garage, Freedom Way and Race Street are all on schedule for completionin October.

    Cost Recap

    The Cost Recap Report includes the following Trade Contractors:

    TC-24 (Bid Package #9 General Trades) construction work is now in pro-gress. To date, Prus Construction has billed $4,953,469 of their $7,253,249contract (68%).

    TC-25 (Bid Package #11 General Trades) construction work is now in pro-gress. To date, Baker Concrete has billed $13,612,046 of their $22,640,568contract (60%).

    Change Managemen t

    Updated Approved and Pending Change Order Logs for Bid Package #9 (TC-24) andBid Package #11 (TC-25) are included in Appendix C. Also included in Appendix Care updated allowance tracking logs describing the changes being billed against theallowances for each Bid Package.

    RFI s and Bu l le t in s

    The RFI Log identifies request for information issued to date and the status of eachRFI. To date, there have been 201 RFIs created, 193 of which are closed.

    To date, there have been six bulletins issued for the Bid Package #11 work.

    Qual i t y Managem ent and Assurance Plan

    The QM/QA currently incorporates professional firms to do special inspections andtesting associated with the construction of Bid Packages #9 and #11. Thelen Asso-ciates Inc. and HC Nutting are the professional firms providing support to executethe Project QM/QA Plan for Bid Package #9. HC Nutting and ATC Associates are the

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    professional firms providing support for Bid Package #11. The City and the Countyprovide personnel for inspections and material verification per ODOT requirements.Prus Construction and Baker Construction will also have their own testing agenciesto provide services per their contracts.

    In addition to the inspections above, local utility providers such as Greater Cincin-nati Water Works, Cincinnati Bell, Duke Energy and the Metropolitan Sewer Districtare on site regularly to inspect the installations associated with their systems.

    Installations are also subject to the approval of the building department, as well aslocal electrical and plumbing inspectors.

    The QM/QA plan will cover areas such as inspection and testing of shallow founda-tions, controlled structural fill, mix design, material certification, reinforcement andinstallation, formwork geometry, concrete placement, evaluation of concrete

    strength, grouting operations and evaluation of masonry strength.

    The Quality Management and Assurance Plan continue will be used for Bid Packages#9 and #11.

    All Non-Conforming Work gets addressed with the Trade Contractor in a timelymanner.

    Prepared by Brian Borcherding, Messer Construction.

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    Description Dur Start FinishTotalFloat






    BP#9 - Mehring Way, Ted Berry Way, Main St

    BP9 Pre-Construction and Bidding

    1350 BP9 - PSE review and approval 0 19OCT09 A 25JAN10 A

    1360 BP9 - Public Bidding Advertisement 15d 28JAN10 A 22FEB10 A

    1370 BP9 - Pre-bid Meeting 1d 04FEB10 A 04FEB10 A

    1380 BP9 - Bids Due 0 22FEB10 A

    1390 BP9 - Prosecutor Review and Approval 3d 24FEB10 A 26FEB10 A

    1400 BP9 - County Commissioners Approval 4d 01MAR10 A 04MAR10 A

    Mehring Way

    1000A Demo, grade and storm work - west of Roebl ing 30d 15MAR10 A 22APR10 A

    1040A Mehring Way west of Roebling, Lot D restorations 108d 15MAR10 A 11AUG10 A

    1050A Mehring Way work east of Roebling 175d 15MAR10 A 19NOV10 A

    1120A BP9 estimated construction start 0 15MAR10 A

    1230A Phase 1 laydown requirement east of 35+00 50d 15MAR10 A 21MAY10 A

    1010A Duke Energy - 8" and 4" gas main 30d 23APR10 A 09JUL10 A

    1200A Phase 1 of addendum #1 water main instal lation 20d 21MAY10 A 03JUN10 A

    1160A Interim Completion Date for Restoration of Lot D 0 11AUG10 A

    1070A Bengals '10 Season 107d 12AUG10 A 31DEC10 A

    1060A Lot F extension work 15d 01NOV10 A 19NOV10 A

    1200A1 Mehring Way - open to traffic 0 01NOV10 A

    1200A2Northern lane and sidewalk under the Roebl ing 40d 06DEC10 A 04FEB11 A

    1140A Start of Bengals '11 Season 0 25AUG11 * 72d

    Main St

    1100A Joe Nuxhal l Way Pavement Replacement - East 20d 08NOV10 A 17DEC10 A

    1180A2 Joe Nuxhall Way Pavers, Sidewalk 20d 10JAN11 A 11MAR11 A

    1180A1 Joe Nuxhall Way Pavement Replacement - West 20d 01FEB11 A 25FEB11 A

    1180A Joe Nuxhall Way Interim Completion Date 0 31MAR11 A

    Ted Berry Way

    1020A Roebling closed for painting project 5d5h 12APR10 A 01NOV10 A

    1090A Ted Berry Way Approach - north, west of Roebling 102d 12APR10 A 31AUG10 A1220A Sewer main installation (by others) 15d 12APR10 A 30APR10 A

    1110A Ted Berry Way Approach - Eas t o f Roebling 82d 10MAY10 A 31AUG10 A

    1150A Interim Completion Date - TBW between Vine/Walnu 0 31AUG10 A

    1130A Ted Berry Way Removal between Elm and Rosa 119d 17JAN11 A 11AUG11 81d

    1190A Phase 3 of addendum #1 water main installation 20d 15JUL11 11AUG11 81d

    1170A Contract Completion Date 0 12AUG11 * 80d

    Lot 2, Freedom Way Central, Race St

    1210A Phase 2 of addendum #1 water main instal lation 20d 23AUG10 A 31AUG10 A

    BP#11 - Lot 2 Garage, Freedom Way Central, Race

    BP11 Pre-Construction and Bidding

    P9 - PSE review and approval

    BP9 - Public Bidding Advertisement

    BP9 - Pre-bid Meeting

    BP9 - Bids Due

    BP9 - Prosecutor Review and Approval

    BP9 - County Commissioners Approval

    Demo, grade and storm work - west of Roebling

    Mehring Way west of Roebling, Lot D restorations

    Mehring Way work east of Roebling

    BP9 estimated construction start

    Phase 1 laydown requirement east of 35+00

    Duke Energy - 8" and 4" gas main

    Phase 1 of addendum #1 water main installation

    Interim Completion Date for Restoration of Lot D

    Bengals '10 Season

    Lot F extension work

    Mehring Way - open to traffic

    Northern lane and sidewalk under the Roebli

    Start of Ben

    Joe Nuxhall Way Pavement Replacement - East

    Joe Nuxhall Way Pavers, Sidewalk

    Joe Nuxhall Way Pavement Replacemen

    Joe Nuxhall Way Interim Completio

    Roebling closed for painting project

    Ted Berry Way Approach - north, west of Roebling

    Sewer main installation (by others)

    Ted Berry Way Approach - East of Roebling

    Interim Completion Date - TBW between Vine/Walnu

    Ted Berry Way

    Phase 3 of add

    Contract Com

    Phase 2 of addendum #1 water main installation

    Start date 19OCT09

    Finish date 28OCT11

    Data date 05MAY11

    Run date 06MAY11

    Page number 1A

    Primavera Systems, Inc.

    Messer/MBJThe Banks Phase 2

    Early bar

    Progress bar

    Critical bar

    Summary bar

    Start milestone poin

    Finish milestone poi

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4



    Description Dur Start FinishTotalFloat






    1410 BP11 PSE Submission and Approval 1d 13NOV09 A 22APR10 A

    1420 BP11 - Public Bidding Advertisement 1d 22MAR10 A 11MAY10 A

    1430 BP11 - Bids Due 0 11MAY10 A

    1440 BP11 - Prosecutor Review and Approval 3d 13MAY10 A 17MAY10 A

    1450 BP11 - County Commissioner Approval 4d 18MAY10 A 21MAY10 A

    Lot 2, Freedom Way Central, Race St

    1000 Construction Start 0 31MAY10 A

    1140 Demo, Mass Exc, Site Utilities 30d 31MAY10 A 23JUL10 A

    1040 Pete Rose Way and Ramp Demo allowed to begin 0 07JUN10 A

    1260 Demo, mass exc at ramp and PRW 20d 07JUN10 A 23JUL10 A

    1060 Race St closed for construction 0 21JUN10 A

    1130 Augercast Piles 90d 12JUL10 A 29OCT10 A

    1340 Storm and Sanitary Mains 30d 19JUL10 A 05AUG10 A

    1330 Bengals - 2010 season 122d 12AUG10 A 28JAN11 A

    1150 Pile Caps 95d 23AUG10 A 18MAR11 A

    1160 Columns, Walls 90d 30AUG10 A 25MAR11 A

    1170 Underslab Utilities 80d 06SEP10 A 01APR11 A

    1180 Slab on Grade 120d 17SEP10 A 24MAY11 45d

    1190 Supported Slab (500' level) 153d 11OCT10 A 15JUN11 45d

    1070 Interim milestone - piles complete 0 28OCT10 A

    1200 Supported Slab (515' level) 125d 22NOV10 A 01JUL11 45d

    1310 Replace 2nd St south sidewalk 40d 31JAN11 A 31MAR11 A

    1210 Street grid - H2Oproofing, topping slabs, lights 94d 05MAY11 14SEP11 57d

    1220 MEPS 94d 05MAY11 14SEP11 57d

    1230 Finishes 94d 05MAY11 14SEP11 37d

    1320 Approach slabs and sidewalk - 2nd St north 60d 23MAY11 * 15AUG11 79d

    1280 Interim milestone - slab on grade complete 0 24MAY11 137d

    1290 Interim milestone - supported slabs complete 0 01JUL11 109d

    1300 Interim milestone - permanent power energized 0 01JUL11 109d

    1270 Project Punchlist and Closeout 20d 15SEP11 12OCT11 37d1240 Milestone - Temporary C of O 0 30SEP11 * 45d

    1120 Milestone - Project Completion 0 28OCT11 * 25d

    BP11 PSE Submission and Approval

    BP11 - Public Bidding Advertisement

    BP11 - Bids Due

    BP11 - Prosecutor Review and Approval

    BP11 - County Commissioner Approval

    Construction Start

    Demo, Mass Exc, Site Utilities

    Pete Rose Way and Ramp Demo allowed to begin

    Demo, mass exc at ramp and PRW

    Race St closed for construction

    Augercast Piles

    Storm and Sanitary Mains

    Bengals - 2010 season

    Pile Caps

    Columns, Walls

    Underslab Utilities

    Slab on Grade

    Supported Slab (500' le

    Interim milestone - piles complete

    Supported Slab (515

    Replace 2nd St south sidewalk

    Street gr



    Approach slab

    Interim milestone - slab on

    Interim milestone - s

    Interim milestone - p



    Start date 19OCT09

    Finish date 28OCT11

    Data date 05MAY11

    Run date 06MAY11

    Page number 2A

    Primavera Systems, Inc.

    Messer/MBJThe Banks Phase 2

    Early bar

    Progress bar

    Critical bar

    Summary bar

    Start milestone poin

    Finish milestone poi

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 7 : Cinc inn a t i Rive r f r on t


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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Section 7: Cincinnati Riverfront Park

    Despite record rainfall of nearly 14 inches, the rising Ohio River, and severeweather outbreaks throughout April, The Cincinnati Riverfront Park project forged

    ahead. The contractor for the Walnut Street Fountain and Grand Stairway, MonarchConstruction, continued concrete placements and began new structural wall form

    work and steel on the north side along Theodore M. Berry Way. Form work andsteel installation continued on the grand stairway, and framing for the bike center

    storefront and doors began in April. Plumbing continued and Monarch began electri-cal and fixture installation for the fountain lighting. Elevator equipment arrived on

    site and preparations for the elevator and head house installation began. Elevateddeck forming for May concrete placements was underway. Granite seat walls for the

    grand stairway and bike center glass storefront installation will take place in May.

    During April, the contractor for the Schmidlapp Event Lawn and Stage, Megen Con-

    struction, began filling the Event Lawn with sand, gravel and soil in preparation for

    landscape planting and sod installation in early May. Plumbing and electrical instal-lation continued throughout the lawn area and within the garage electric room. The

    Duke Energy transformer arrived on site and will be energized in mid-May. Water-proofing flood tests continued as the waterproofing contractor neared completionand installation of expansion joint systems began. Solar panel design by Third Sun

    Solar was completed and approved by the Cincinnati Park Board; installation of the

    PV panels will begin in late May. Granite paver installation began and will continue

    throughout May. Megen Construction is progressing toward a late May substantialcompletion date.

    Tilsley and Associates, architect for the Moerlein Lager House, progressed towardfinal interior design and continued coordination with adjacent projects. In April, TheLager House contractor, Schumacher-Dugan Construction, completed elevator shaft

    construction, continued structural block work, began utility installation work in the

    MLH service level and began preparations to start exterior shell construction in May.

    Prepared by Dave Prather, Cincinnati Park Board and Kimberlee Curtis, Parsons


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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Granite delivery for Walnut Street Fountain and Grand Stairway.

    Construction progress on Walnut Street Fountain and Grand Stairway.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Event Lawn Stage takes shape.

    Progress continues on the Moerlein Lager House.

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect ion 8 : Com m un ica t ions

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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Sect i on 8 : Com m un i c a t i ons

    This section details highlights of April media coverage of The Banks Riverfront De-

    velopment. These items were published on newspaper websites, magazine web-

    sites, television websites and blogs.

    The media mentions are listed in chronological order. The actual headlines of the

    articles are highlighted in the bold text. Links to each article are provided, as well

    as the publication date of each item.

    For more information on The Banks Public Partnership, please visit:

    How to Access th e Or ig in a l A r t i c les

    For those of you who have an electronic copy of the report, simply click on the link

    provided and you will be taken to the article in its original form (Some programs

    may require you to hold down the control key while simultaneously clicking the

    link). For those of you with a hard copy version, type the URL into your web

    browser or search the exact title of the article through an online search engine.

    Banks Pro j ec t Moves Forw ard Overn igh t April 1,

    Concret e Pour Star ts Nex t Step in Banks Pro j ec t Youtube Video

    The Bank s Pro jec t gets m ore concre te April 1, 2011

    St ru c tu ra l deck conc re te poured a t t he B anks April 1, 2011



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    Page 2

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    River f r ont Fus ionApril 13, 2011


    Holy Gra i l ( Rev iew ) Seen in print edition as Banking on Big BusinessApril 13, 2011City Beat

    Years a f te r th e concept arose, f i rs t peop le mov ing t o The Banks April 18, 2011

    Fi rs t r es idents to m ove in t o The Banks TuesdayApril 18, 2011 Developing Now Blog

    Soapd ish : B looming on t he B anksApril 19, 2011Soapbox Media

    Fi r s t t enan t s move i n t o apar tm en ts a t The Banks April 19, 2011



    Fi r s t apar tm en t r esiden t s move i n t o The BanksApril 19, 2011

    Cincy Biz Blog (Cincinnati Business Courier)

    Fi r s t Res iden t s Move I n to B anks A par tm en ts More Than Half Of Units Already Rented

    April 19,

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Fi rs t r es idents m ove in a t The Bank sApril 19, 2011



    Developers , c i t y leaders w e lcome f i rs t r es idents to $80 M f i rs t phase o f TheB anksApril 19, 2011


    Mayor w e l com es f i r st r es iden t s t o The B anks April 19,

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Mal lory s fu l l S ta te o f t he Ci ty speech April 19, 2011Cincinnati.com


    Ci t y m anagers and i nvesto rs p ra i se dow ntow n redeve lopment April 21, 2011



    Holy Gra i l Tavern ( on t he Banks) April 25, 2011


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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Append ices

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    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Append ix A: Pro j ec t Scope Descr ip t ionThe Cen t ra l R i v e r f r on t I n t e rm oda l Trans i t F ac il i t y , and the c omp le t i on

    o f Cen t ra l R i v er f r on t S t ree t Gr i d and pedes t r i an ne t w o rk , u t i l i t y i n f r a -

    s t r uc t u r e and t r a f f i c c on t ro l (i.e., the Project) is the design and construc-

    tion of multiple structured public parking facilities and related public infrastruc-

    ture improvements including, but not limited to, site development, streets andsidewalks, public utility distribution, structural elements, mechanical, electricaland plumbing systems, interior and exterior building and parking systems and

    fixtures, fire and security systems, interior and exterior pedestrian and vehicu-

    lar traffic control and access systems, landscaping and related improvements.

    The overall Project will be planned, designed and constructed in multiplephases or parts over a period of several years. This Project is executedthrough the efforts of Hamilton County, the City of Cincinnati, and the Devel-

    opment Manager, Carter Dawson. Hamilton County has retained THP Limited,Inc. for Central Riverfront Intermodal facility design services. The City of Cin-

    cinnati has retained Burgess & Niple for Freedom Way structural bridge deck,utility infrastructure and traffic control design services. In addition, Hamilton

    County has retained Messer Construction for construction management serv-ices.

    Phase 1 of the Project includes the Central Riverfront Intermodal facility be-

    tween Second Street (to the North), Mehring Way (to the South), Walnut

    Street (to the West) and Main Street (to the East).

    Cen t ra l Ri v e r f r on t I n t e rm oda l T ransi t F aci l i t y Phas e 1

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Phase 1 of the Project also includes Freedom Way West (between Elm Street and

    Race Street) and Freedom Way East (between Walnut Street and Joe Nuxhall

    Way/Main Street).

    River f r on t St r ee t Gr id

    The Phase 1 Wor k Scope i s o rg an ized in to t he fo l low ing B id Packages to

    f aci l i t a t e t he l og i ca l s equenc ing o f des ign and c ons t ruc t i on i n a f ast -

    t r a c k ed m a n n e r :

    Bid Package ( BP) No . 1 - S i te Demo l i t i on CLOSED Trade Cont rac t ( TC) -01 General Trades (site and field office

    set-up) TC-02 Demolition (demolition of abandoned stadium foundations

    and backfill to achieve a free-draining site) TC-03 Site Surveying - Withdrawn / Not Required

    Bid Package N o. 2 - Par t ia l P i le Package CLOSED

    TC-04 General Trades (Selective demolition) - Not Required(w ork re-allocated t o BP No. 4)

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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    TC-05 Auger Cast Piles for Freedom Way East

    Bid Package N o. 3 - P i les and So i l Reten t io n CLOSED

    TC-06 General Trades (Selective demolition) - Not Required(w ork re-allocated t o BP No. 4)

    TC-07 Auger Cast Piles for Blocks 26, 16, & 20 TC-08 Soil Retention (permanent retaining wall along Walnut

    Street and temporary retaining wall along Main Street) - Not Re-quired ( work re-allocated t o BP No. 4)

    Bid Package No . 4 - Founda t ions , Underg roun d Ut i l i t i es,

    and Freedom Way CLOSED TC-09 General Trades (Permanent and Temporary retaining

    walls on Walnut & Main, Selective Demo for Tie-ins, Site fencing,

    Site Maintenance, Installation of Pile Caps for Block 26, Structuresupporting Freedom Way East and West), Intermodal facility

    Equipment ( previously TC-18) TC-10 Auger Cast Piles (ACP for Freedom Way West) TC-11 Resteel-Material (fabricate and deliver reinforcing steel

    for pile caps, Freedom Way East & West structures)

    TC-12 Resteel-Labor (install the reinforcing steel from TC-11) TC-13 Hoisting (Tower crane for Block 26) TC-14 Support Deck Forming (Forming, wrecking, & reshoring of

    the 500 ft. level under Freedom Way East)

    TC-15 Flatwork Package (Pump, Place, Finish of 500 ft. level un-der Freedom Way East)

    TC-16 Site Utilities & Underground Plumbing (Undergroundstorm and sanitary for Blocks 26 & 16, miscellaneous site utility

    relocations) TC-17 Site Electric (Temporary electric for the tower crane)

    Bid Package No . 5 - B lock 26 I n t e rm oda l faci l i t y S t ruc tu re(ODOT) CLOSED

    TC-18 General Contractor (concrete columns/walls from pilecaps to 500 ft., slab on grade, structural deck at 500 ft. level,columns/walls from 500 ft. to underside of podium, includes re-

    inforcing steel, deck form, flatwork)

    Bid Package No. 6 - B lock 16 & 20 Concre te St ru c tur e , Slab-


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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    TC-20 General Contractor (concrete columns/walls from pilecaps to 500 ft., slab on grade, structural deck at 500 ft. level,columns/walls from 500 ft. to underside of podium, includes re-

    inforcing steel, deck form, flatwork, masonry, metal fabrications,expansion joint seals, waterproofing, painting, striping, eleva-tors, plumbing, utility vault (permanent electric for Phase I),

    PhaseIA gas main,lines, fire protection systems for Blocks 26,

    16, and 20)

    Bid Package No . 7 - Freedom Way Eas t & Wes t S t ree tg r id(ODOT) CLOSED

    TC-19 General Contractor (concrete structural deck, reinforcingsteel, waterproofing, road overlay, sidewalks, tree pits, electricduct bank)

    Bid Package No . 8 - B lock 26 , 16 & 20 Ar ch i tec tu ra l & MEPI N CLOSE-OUT PROCESS

    TC-21 General Contractor (traffic equipment, doors/door hard-ware, door frames, store fronts, curtain walls, stairs and enclo-sures, handrails, ornamental metals, duct bank for Mehring Way

    & Theodore M. Berry Way utility infrastructure, Main Street

    remediation, temporary headhouses, painting, firestopping, pav-ing and striping, cashier booths, fire protection systems, parking,

    access and revenue control systems)

    TC-22 Mechanical HVAC TC-23 Electrical (electric and lighting)

    Bid Package No. 10 Signage & Tree Pi ts UND ER CONSTRUCTI ON

    TC-27 General Contractor (Garage vehicular directional sign-age. Pedestrian wayfinding signage, elevator signage, emer-

    gency exit signage, tree grates, tree pit soil)

    Bid Package No. 13 Second St r eet W ater Main and Theo-dore M. Ber ry Way San i t a ry Sew er CLOSED

    TC-26: General Contractor: 2nd Street water main and Theo-dore M. Berry Way sanitary sewer

    Phase 2 W ork Scope

    Bid Package No . 9 Mehr ing Way and Freedom Way Cen-


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    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    TC-24 General Contractor (Mehring Way realignment, bike trail,Elm Street/Theodore M. Berry Way intersection, BerryWay/Roebling Bridge Approach reconfiguration, Mehring

    Way/Theodore M. Berry Way utilities, Elm Street sidewalk reme-diation, surface parking restoration)

    Bid Package No . 11 F reedom Way Cen t r a lUND ER CONSTRUCTI ON TC-25 Phase II garage structure, HVAC, electrical and lighting,

    Freedom Way Central, Race Street sidewalks, Freedom Way Eastand West head houses, Second Street pavers and remediation,

    Theodore M. Berry Way west removal

    B id Package No . 12 Fina l St r ee t Gr id I m provem entsI N DEVELOPMENT Scope and trade contracts to be developed. Race Street termi-

    nus, Roebling Bridge pedestrian access connection to Theodore

    M. Berry Way, Broadway stairs, Riverfront safety and securitytechnology.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Page 6

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Bid Package # 12 Proposed Scope

    Part One:

    1. Traffic and Security Cameras (roadway, park, and garage)

    2. Second Street/Transit Center Pedestrian Upgrade (north walk and curb)

    3. Freedom Way, Rosa Parks (Vine) Street to Walnut Street Reconstruction

    (adding curbs and gutters)

    4. Removal of Temporary Race Street, south of Freedom Way

    Part Two (to proceed based on funding availability):

    1. Suspension Bridge Approach Pedestrian Connection (completing connection

    from upstream side of the bridge to Theodore M Berry Way)

    2. Riverwalk Trail (walking trail on river bank)

    3. Broadway Pedestrian Connection (reconstruction of the pedestrian bridge

    over Pete Rose Way to the arena and ballpark plaza)

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Append ix B: Design er s Repor t

    THP Mon t h l y Repo r t Ap r i l 20 11

    The Banks Phase 1 and Phase 2THP No. 98090.10 and 98090.12

    PH ASE 1 - L ot 2 6 / 1 6 / 2 0 P a r k i n g Ga r a g e

    A. Phas e 1 - Ap r i l 2011 Cons t ruc t i on Adm in i s t r a t i on Ac t i v i t i es:1. No Phase 1-related tasks were performed in April 2011.

    B. Phase 1 - An t i c ipa t ed May 201 1 Tasks :1. No Phase 1-related tasks are expected to be performed in May 2011.

    PHASE 2 - New Mehr i ng W ay and Lo t 2 I n t e rm oda l Trans i t Faci l i t y

    A. Phas e 2 - Ap r i l 2011 Cons t ruc t i on Adm in i s t r a t i on Ac t i v i t i es :1. Continued with Construction Administration services for Bid Package #11

    Phase 2 Lot 2 Garage construction.

    2. Continued field reviews on the installed stair and elevator enclosures at Free-dom Way East.

    3. Continued submittal reviews for the Phase 2/Lot 2 Garage. Submittals gen-erally covered Architectural and MEP/FP work items. Structural submittalsare complete.

    B. Phase 2 - An t i c ipa t ed May 201 1 Tasks :1. Continue Construction Administration services for Bid Package #11 - Phase 2

    Lot 2 Garage construction. Primary activities will be reviewing shop draw-ings and submittals, performing periodic site visits, attending the weeklyConstruction Coordination meetings, and reviewing and responding to RFIs.

    2. Continue site observations focusing on construction of the Phase 2 Lot 2structured decks. The last major Phase 2 deck pour is schedule for mid-June2011.

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    Page 2

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Burges s & N ip l e Mon t h l y Repo r t Apr i l 201 1

    Acc omp l i s hm en t s f o r Ap r i l 2011

    1. Completed Shop Drawing reviews for Bid Package #11 and Bid Package #9.2. Responded to RFIs for Bid Package #11.3. Reviewed concept for repair of existing MSE wall at Freedom Way and Rosa

    Parks Street; provided comments to the City.

    Goals fo r May 20 11

    1. Review Shop Drawings as needed for Bid Package #11 and Bid Package #9.2. Provide Bid Package #11 construction assistance as required.3. Finalize all Rosa Parks Street retaining wall RFIs.4. Review Tree Pit water proofing.

    SBE Repor t

    City Contract amount $1,204,550

    SBE contract amount $ 119,991.30Percentage SBE (10% Goal) 119,991.30/1,204,550 = 9.96%Current SBE Invoicing 119,793.80SBE Percentage to Date 9.94% of Total Contract Amount

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Page 1

    Monthly Progress Report for April 2011

    Issued: May 20, 2011

    Append ix C: Budge t De ta i l s

    For past change order details for Phase 1 please go to access the monthly reports.

    Budget information for any past month can be found by clicking on the link to themonthly report for that time period. The reports are listed on the site in reverse

    chronological order, starting with the most recent.

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4



    Approved Change Logas of 4/28/2011

    Number Description Final Amount BP# Funding Source Classification C.O. # TC ClassificationsECI0019 ECI0019 - Deduct for Goettle Resolution (15,000)$ 11 - Baker P CRC CO-001 TC-25 Trade Contractor E or O = TC E/O

    ECI0044 - Move Lot B Entrance to the West 64,461$ 11 - Baker P CRC CO-002 TC-25 Differing Site Conditions = S CECI0038 - Uti lize modera te se t concrete for areas o f Mehring pavement 13,031$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-001 TC-24 Design Error or Omissions = D E/OECI0011 - Rework ductbank at Duke Manhole 5,339$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-002 TC-24 Code Agency Requirements = Code ReqECI0043 - Roebling expansion joint - WEST 10,294$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-002 TC-24 Master Developer Requested Change = MDRCECI0075 - Loss of Productivity due to utility abandonment & 4 lane traffic requiremen 4,029$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-002 TC-24 City Park Requested Change = CPRCECI0076 - Lot F ADA access 33,600$ 9 - Prus P CRC CO-002 TC-24 County Requested Change = CRCECI0077 - Abandon o ld Mehring Way l ight ing and rework Lot F ligh ting 16,793$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-002 TC-24 City Requested Change = CityRCECI0079 - Bulletin #002 316,088$ 11-Baker P O CO-003 TC-25 Other = OECI0083 - Internally illuminated signs 8,751$ 9-Prus P O CO-003 TC-24ECI0084 - Haul TBW dirt to Parks property (118,400)$ 9-Prus P O CO-003 TC-24 Funding SourceECI0085 - 6" water lateral at Main St 16,044$ 9-Prus P SC CO-003 TC-24 Public = PECI0086 - Valve assembly to isolate TBW water main at Elm St 7,719$ 9-Prus P SC CO-003 TC-24 Developer = DECI0087 - Offsets for Main St electric lateral ,891$ 9-Prus P SC CO-003 TC-24 Parks = PksECI0088 - 10' light pole below Roebling approach ,266$ 9-Prus P SC CO-003 TC-24ECI0089 - Increase tieback diameter to 14" 3,800$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-004 TC-24

    ECI0090 - Third St message boards 17,325$ 9 - Prus P CITY CO-004 TC-24ECI0078 - Repair concrete at Main St bridge in garage 11,142$ 9 - Prus P CITY CO-005 TC-24ECI0091 - Replace Joe Nuxhall Way compression seal 10,114$ 9 - Prus P CITY CO-005 TC-24ECI0095 - Temporary sidewalk at Fountain project 9,212$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-005 TC-24ECI0099 - Restore Lot D irrigation system at Mehring/Elm 13,157$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-005 TC-24ECI0100 - Deliver light/strain poles to city traffic yard 5,244$ 9 - Prus P CITY CO-005 TC-24ECI0101 - Grind high concrete in crosswalk for paver installation 1,343$ 9 - Prus P SC CO-005 TC-24ECI0093 - Bulletin 003 and Reconcile Allowance #3 (28,413)$ 11-Baker P O CO-004 TC-25

    TOTAL 470,829$

    BP9 133,693$BP11 337,136$

    Page 1 of 2

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4



    Potential Change Logas of 4/28/2011

    Description Estimate BP# Funding Source Classification TC ClassificationsECI0096 - Replace Mehring grass strip with concrete 24,000$ 9 - Prus P CITY TC-24 Trade Contractor E or O = TC E/OECI0102 - Mehring crosswalk west of Roebling Bridge 12,000$ 9 - Prus P CITY TC-24 Differing Site Conditions = S CECI0104 - Electric changes in Lot D, Lot F (2,876)$ 9 - Prus P CRC TC-24 Design Error or Omissions = D E/ORosa Parks retaining wall issues 50,000 $ 9 - Prus Code Agency Requirements = Code Req

    Master Developer Requested Change = MDRCCity Park Requested Change = CPRCCounty Requested Change = CRCCity Requested Change = CityRCOther = O

    Funding SourcePublic = PDeveloper = DParks = Pks

    TOTAL 83,124$BP9 83,124$

    BP11 -$

    Page 2 of 2

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Append ix D : Econom ic I nc lus ion

    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date: May 4,

    Vendor Inform ation

    Vendor Name Total $ Total % SBE $ SBE % Total $ Total % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WB

    HGC Construction Company $50,900 100.0 $50,900 1 00.0 $41,206 100.0 $41,206 1 00.0

    Total $50,900 100.0 $50,900 100.0 $41,206 100.0 $41,206 100.0 $0 0.0 $0

    Evans $534,600 82.5 $545,493 82.8

    Armrel Byrnes $92,000 14.2 $92,000 14.2 $92,000 14.0 $92,000 14.0 $92,000

    TesTech, Inc. $21,400 3.3 $21,400 3.3 $21,400 3.2 $21,400 3.2 $21,400 3.2

    Total $648,000 100.0 $113,400 17.5 $658,893 100.0 $113,400 17.2 $21,400 3.2 $92,000

    Richard Goettle I nc $378,491 74.9 $330,185 72.3

    Addison Trucking $10,000 2.0 $10,000 2.0 $10,000 2.2 $10,000 2.2 $10,000

    Hilltop Concrete $114,858 22.7 $114,858 25.1

    Xtreme Reinforcing, Inc $1,651 0.3 $1,651 0.3 $1,651 0.4 $1,651 0.4

    Total $505,000 100.0 $11,651 2.3 $456,694 100.0 $11,651 2.6 $0 0.0 $10,000

    Richard Goettle I nc $2,150,000 51.2 $2,173,162 51.7

    Addison Trucking $110,000 2.6 $110,000 2.6 $110,000 2.6 $110,000 2.6 $110,000

    Ashcraft Sand & Gravel $10,000 0.2 $10,000 0.2 $22,785 0.5 $22,785 0.5

    Harrison Concrete $1,100,000 26.2 $1,100,000 26.2 $1,078,000 25.6 $1,078,000 25.6

    TesTech, Inc. $150,000 3.6 $150,000 3.6 $150,000 3.6 $150,000 3.6 $150,000 3.6Xtreme Reinforcing, Inc $680,000 16.2 $680,000 16.2 $670,000 15.9 $670,000 15.9

    Tot al $4,200,000 100.0 $2,050,000 48.8 $4,203,947 100.0 $2,030,785 48.3 $150,000 3.6 $110,000

    Baker Construction $716,913 30.5 $1,365,648 53.7

    Maxim Crane Works $21,560 0.9 $0 0.0

    National Fence Company $11,083 0.5 $0 0.0

    Northside Supply & Services $360,000 15.3 $360,000 15.3 $364,787 14.3 $364,787 14.3 $364,787 14.3

    Richard Goettle Inc $850,000 36.2 $0 0.0

    RJ Beischel $378,553 16.1 $378,553 16.1 $804,830 31.6 $804,830 31.6

    Sauerwein Welding, Inc $8,891 0.4 $8,891 0.4 $8,891 0.3 $8,891 0.3

    Tot al $2,347,000 100.0 $747,444 31.8 $2,544,157 100.0 $1,178,509 46.3 $364,787 14.3 $0

    Closed Contracts

    Commitment Actual


    General Trades


    Auger Cast Piles


    Demolit ion


    Auger Cast Piles


    Place/ Finish Concrete


  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date: May

    Vendor Information

    Vendor Name Tot al $ Total % SBE $ SBE % Tot al $ Tot al % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ W

    Richard Goettle I nc $503,000 87.0 $418,495 81.2

    Addison Trucking $10,000 1.7 $10,000 1.7 $10,000 1.9 $10,000 1.9 $10,000

    TesTech, Inc. $15,000 2.6 $15,000 2.6 $36,825 7.1 $36,825 7.1 $36,825 7.1

    Xtreme Reinforcing, Inc $50,000 8.7 $50,000 8.7 $50,000 9.7 $50,000 9.7

    Total $578,000 100.0 $75,000 13.0 $515,320 100.0 $96,825 18.8 $36,825 7.1 $10,000 Gerdau Ameristeel $523,910 100.0 $524,615 100.0

    Total $523,910 100.0 $0 0.0 $524,615 100.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0 $0

    J&B Steel Erectors, I nc. $170,000 100.0 $170,000 100.0 $202,917 100.0 $202,917 100.0 $202,917

    Total $170,000 100.0 $170,000 100.0 $202,917 100.0 $202,917 100.0 $0 0.0 $202,917

    Maxim Crane Works $383,000 84.2 $353,745 78.4

    Rod Techs $72,000 15.8 $72,000 15.8 $97,720 21.6 $97,720 21.6 $97,720 21.6

    Total $455,000 1 00.0 $72,000 15.8 $451,465 1 00.0 $97,720 21.6 $97,720 21.6 $0

    Gateway Concrete Forming

    Services, I nc

    $207,800 75.6 $207,800 75.6

    Rod Techs $67,200 24.4 $67,200 24.4 $67,200 24.4 $67,200 24.4 $67,200 24.4

    Total $275,000 1 00.0 $67,200 24.4 $275,000 1 00.0 $67,200 24.4 $67,200 24.4 $0

    Jostin Concrete Construction,

    Inc .

    $202,500 96.7 $202,500 96.7 $198,992 96.4 $198,992 96.4 $198,992 96.4

    Brewster Pumping, LLC $7,000 3.3 $7,500 3.6 $7,500 3.6 $7,500

    Total $209,500 100.0 $202,500 96.7 $206,492 100.0 $198,992 96.4 $206,492 100.0 $7,500

    Nelson Stark Construction Co. $1,039,457 83.9 $980,337 80.4

    B&C Nationwide $100,000 8.1 $100,000 8.1 $112,262 9.2 $112,262 9.2 $112,262 9.2

    R. Kelly, Inc. $100,000 8.1 $100,000 8.1 $126,132 10.3 $126,132 10.3 $126,132 10.3

    Total $1,239,457 100.0 $200,000 16.1 $1,218,730 100.0 $238,393 19.6 $238,393 19.6 $0

    Ginter $104,820 85.1 $104,820 85.1 $173,422 90.0 $173,422 90.0

    Bluegrass Excavation & Construction $18,380 14.9 $19,180 10.0

    Total $123,200 100.0 $104,820 8 5.1 $192,602 100.0 $173,422 9 0.0 $0 0.0 $0

    Commit ment Act ual

    Auger Cast Piles





    Support Deck Forming


    Resteel Material


    Pump/ Place/ Finish


    Underground Plumbing and

    Site Utilities


    Crane Rental




  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date: May

    Vendor Information

    Vendor Name Tot al $ Total % SBE $ SBE % Tot al $ Tot al % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ W

    Ford Development Corporation

    DBA Trend Construction

    $333,114 66.8 $311,995 67.5

    Cousin Construction $150,400 30.2 $150,400 30.2 $150,400 32.5 $150,400 32.5

    Scherzinger Drilling Inc $15,000 3.0 $0 0.0

    Tot al $498,514 100.0 $150,400 30.2 $462,395 100.0 $150,400 32.5 $0 0.0 $0

    Solica $68,637 18.6 $256,174 80.8

    Davies Landscape & Lawncare $59,503 16.1 $59,503 16.1 $0 0.0

    Ray Meyer Sign Company $230,000 62.3 $60,000 18.9

    Security Fence $10,760 2.9 $10,760 2.9 $1,053 0.3 $1,053 0.3 $1,053

    Tot al $368,900 100.0 $70,263 19.0 $317,227 100.0 $1,053 0.3 $0 0.0 $1,053

    Grand Tot al $17,975,381 100.0 $6,473,401 36.0 $18,322,097 100.0 $6,607,700 36.1 $2,940,944 16.1 $507,955

    Goal 30%

    Commitment Actual


    General Trades


    The Banks Str eet Grid


  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report


    as of March 25, 2011


    Report Date: May 2

    Vendor I nformation

    Vendor Name Tot al $ Total % DBE $ DBE % Tot al $ Total % DBE $ DBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Lithko Contracting, I nc $5,107,146 89.2 $5,463,065 88.0

    Ramcrete, Inc $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Spurlino $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Rod Techs $618,354 10.8 $618,354 10.8 $746,386 12.0 $746,386 12.0 $746,386 12.0

    Ginter $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Ceco Concrete Constuction $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Gerdau Ameristeel $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Nelson Stark Construction Co. $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Tot al $5,725,500 100.0 $618,354 10.8 $6,209,451 100.0 $746,386 12.0 $746,386 12.0 $0 0.0

    Baker Construction $4,548,019 89.3 $5,115,059 88.3

    CMC $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Gerdau Ameristeel $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Hilltop Concrete $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Delta 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Lot 26 Garage Structure

    TC-18 (ODOT) BP # 5

    Hamilton County Street


    TC-19 (ODOT) BP# 7

    Commit ment Actual


    . .

    Titan $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Ceco Concrete Constuction $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Maxim Crane Works $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Spurlino $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Moraine Materials $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Gateway Concrete Forming

    Services, Inc

    $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Rod Techs $544,316 10.7 $544,316 10.7 $676,741 11.7 $676,741 11.7 $676,741 11.7Nelson Stark Construction Co. $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Tot al $5,092,335 100.0 $544,316 10.7 $5,791,800 100.0 $676,741 11.7 $676,741 11.7 $0 0.0

    Grand Tot al $10,817,835 100.0 $1,162,670 10.7 $12,001,251 100.0 $1,423,127 11.9 $1,423,127 11.9 $0 0.0

    Goal 8%

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report


    as of March 25, 2011


    Report Date: May 2,

    Vendor I nformation

    Vendor Name Total $ Total % DBE $ DBE % Total $ Total % DBE $ DBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Monarch $5,796,976 54.1 $10,459,880 92.7

    RAM Construction $185,500 1.7 $0 0.0

    Dalmatian Fire $841,000 7.8 $0 0.0

    Perry Interiors, Inc. $310,000 2.9 $204,807 1.8 $204,807 1.8

    Maxim Crane Works $131,695 1.2 $0 0.0

    Glenwood Electric, Inc $34,000 0.3 $0 0.0

    CHC Manufacturing Inc, $137,400 1.3 $0 0.0

    Gateway Concrete Forming

    Services, Inc

    $1,476,000 13.8 $0 0.0

    Rod Techs $536,229 5.0 $536,229 5.0 $615,285 5.5 $615,285 5.5 $615,285 5.5

    Vertical Systems Elevator


    $301,000 2.8 $0 0.0

    Ollier Masonry, Inc $278,000 2.6 $8,919 0.1 $8,919 0.1

    Ne lson S ta rk Con st ru ct ion Co. $689,200 6 .4 $0 0.0

    Total $10,717,000 100.0 $536,229 5.0 $11,288,891 100.0 $615,285 5.5 $615,285 5.5 $213,726 1.9

    Commitment Actual


    General t rades

    TC-20 ( ODOT) BP# 6

    ran o a , , . , . , , . , . , . , .

    Goal 5%

    Vendor I nformation

    Vendor Name Tot al $ Tot al % DBE $ DBE % Total $ Total % DBE $ DBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Prus Construct ion $4,713,069 66.2 $4,544,391 93.5

    Security Fence $320,977 4.5 $320,977 4.5 $120,855 2.5 $120,855 2.5 $120,855 2.5

    Maxim Crane Works $540,052 7.6 $0 0.0

    Scherzinger Drilling Inc $10,650 0 .1 $99,292 2 .0

    Barrett Paving Materials $391,148 5.5 $0 0.0

    Delta Electric Contractors $954,220 13.4 $78,679 1.6

    Geotech Servi ces Con trac to rs $112,500 1 .6 $0 0.0

    Rod Techs $30,264 0.4 $30,264 0.4 $14,978 0.3 $14,978 0.3 $14,978 0.3

    Kneisel Contracting Corporation $46,675 0.7 $0 0.0

    Total $7,119,556 100.0 $351,241 4.9 $4,858,195 100.0 $135,832 2.8 $14,978 0.3 $120,855 2.5

    Grand Total $7,119,556 100.0 $351,241 4.9 $4,858,195 100.0 $135,832 2.8 $14,978 0.3 $120,855 2.5

    Goal 4%

    Commit ment Actual


    Ham-Mehring Way


    TC-24 BP#9 ( ODOT)

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report


    as of March 25, 2011


    Report Date: May 2, 201

    Vendor I nformation

    Vendor Name Total $ Total % DBE $ DBE % Total $ Total % DBE $ DBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Baker Construction $10,648,607 47.7 $11,680,219 93.5

    Gerdau Ameristeel $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Nelson Stark Construct ion Co. $1,741,514 7 .8 $0 0.0

    Dywidag Systems $38,573 0.2 $0 0.0

    Weisbrod Masonry $278,450 1.2 $0 0.0

    Elex $295,098 1.3 $295,098 1.3 $23,905 0.2 $23,905 0.2

    Rayburn $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Titan $460,000 2.1 $0 0.0

    Security Fence $253,621 1.1 $253,621 1.1 $49,812 0.4 $49,812 0.4 $49,812 0.4

    Richard Goettle Inc $2,195,000 9.8 $0 0.0

    Lithko Contracting, Inc $418,805 1.9 $0 0.0

    Ramcrete, Inc $120,000 0.5 $0 0.0

    Peck Hannaf ord and Briggs $957,400 4.3 $0 0.0

    Maxim Crane Works $250,000 1.1 $0 0.0

    Hillto p Basi c Resource $1,600,000 7.2 $0 0.0

    Commitment Actual


    Garage and Street Grid

    BP# 11

    TC-25/ ODOT BP # 11

    Del ta E le ct ri c C on tr ac to rs $1 ,243 ,000 5 .6 $0 0.0

    Novum Structures $510,000 2.3 $0 0.0

    Rod Techs $1,279,437 5.7 $1,279,437 5.7 $740,172 5.9 $740,172 5.9 $740,172 5.9

    A&A Safety $13,930 0.1 $0 0.0

    Total $22,303,435 100.0 $1,828,156 8.2 $12,494,108 100.0 $813,889 6.5 $740,172 5.9 $49,812 0.4

    Grand Total $22,303,435 100.0 $1,828,156 8.2 $12,494,108 100.0 $813,889 6.5 $740,172 5.9 $49,812 0.4

    Goal 8%

  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    Professional Services

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date as of: May 4

    Vendor Information

    Vendor Name Total $ Total % SBE $ SBE % Total $ Total % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Messer Construction


    $2,702,830 87.1 $8,261,464 94.9

    Ace Products $15,341 0.5 $15,341 0.5 $16,831 0.2 $16,831 0.2 $16,831 0.2

    MBJ Consultants $206,383 6.7 $206,383 6.7 $305,499 3.5 $305,499 3.5 $305,499 3.5

    New Concepts Janitorial $2,240 0.1 $2,240 0.1 $14,277 0.2 $14,277 0.2 $14,277 0.2

    Rumpke $626 0.0 $626 0.0

    TesTech, Inc. $7,000 0.2 $7,000 0.2 $26,948 0.3 $26,948 0.3 $26,948 0.3

    Thelen Associates Inc. $164,969 5.3 $77,693 0.9

    Whitton Trucking $4,090 0.1 $4,090 0.1 $4,465 0.1 $4,465 0.1

    Total $3,103,479 100.0 $235,054 7.6 $8,707,802 100.0 $368,019 4.2 $363,554 4.2 $0 0.0

    Burgess & Niple I nc $450,460 86.4 $713,756 85.6

    Barr & Prevost $70,740 13.6 $70,740 13.6 $119,794 14.4 $119,794 14.4

    Total $521,200 100.0 $70,740 13.6 $833,549 100.0 $119,794 1 4.4 $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    ATC Associates (City ) $35,000 100.0 $36,236 100.0

    Total $35,000 100.0 $0 0 .0 $36,236 100.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0 $0 0 .0

    HC Nutting $48,500 100.0 $48,679 100.0

    Total $48,500 100.0 $0 0.0 $48,679 100.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Gary and Pape $321,531 100.0 $162,418 100.0

    Total $321,531 100.0 $0 0.0 $162,418 100.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    PB Americas $18,069 100.0 $28,988 100.0

    Total $18,069 100.0 $0 0.0 $28,988 100.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0 $0 0.0

    Commitment Actual


    Construction Manager

    Architects (city)

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  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    Professional Services

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date as of: May 4, 20

    Vendor I nformation

    Vendor Name Tot al $ Tot al % SBE $ SBE % Tot al $ Tot al % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    THP Limit ed $1,777,284 57.4 $3,399,293 73.0

    Arcodect Code


    $26,925 0.9 $26,925 0.6

    Burgess & Niple Inc $19,000 0.6 $19,000 0.4

    DNK Architects $258,000 8.3 $258,000 8.3 $240,105 5.2 $240,105 5.2 $240,105 5.2

    GBBN Architects $228,000 7.4 $227,500 4.9

    Heapy Engineering $542,000 17.5 $509,830 11.0

    Kolar Design, Inc. $50,000 1.6 $50,000 1.6 $50,000 1.1 $50,000 1.1 $50,000 1.1

    McGill Smith Punshon,


    $37,956 1.2 $47,956 1.0

    Thelen Associates Inc. $23,950 0.8 $23,950 0.5

    Valu-Tech Engineering $58,000 1.9 $58,000 1.9 $43,000 0.9 $43,000 0.9 $43,000 0.9

    Walker Parking $75,000 2.4 $66,875 1.4

    Tot al $3,096,115 100.0 $366,000 11.8 $4,654,434 100.0 $333,105 7.2 $283,105 6.1 $50,000 1.1


    Management Services


    $287,530 73.4 $287,530 73.4 $407,940 77.5 $407,940 77.5 $407,940 77.5

    Quest Management


    $104,171 26.6 $118,696 22.5 $118,696 22.5 $118,696 22.5

    Tot al $391,700 100.0 $287,530 73.4 $526,635 100.0 $407,940 77.5 $526,635 100.0 $118,696 22.5

    Thelen Associates


    $16,161 100.0 $64,457 100.0

    Tot al $16,161 100.0 $0 0 .0 $64,457 100.0 $0 0 .0 $0 0 .0 $0 0.0

    HNTB Ohio $14,837 100.0 $16,040 100.0

    Tot al $14,837 100.0 $0 0 .0 $16,040 100.0 $0 0 .0 $0 0 .0 $0 0.0

    HC Nutting $791,021 100.0 $480,737 91.6

    Contech Design, Inc. $0 0.0 $33,998 6.5 $33,998 6.5 $33,998 6.5

    Resource International,


    $0 0.0 $9,998 1.9 $9,998 1.9

    Tot al $791,021 100.0 $0 0.0 $524,733 100.0 $43,996 8.4 $33,998 6.5 $0 0.0

    Architect Consultant


    In clusion Consultant



    Consultant (county)

    Commit ment Act ual


  • 7/31/2019 MonthlyReport Apr DRAFT4


    Economic Inclusion

    Tracking Report

    Professional Services

    as of March 25, 2011


    Reporting Date as of: May 4,

    Vendor Inform ation

    Vendor Name Total $ Total % SBE $ SBE % Total $ Tot al % SBE $ SBE % MBE $ MBE % WBE $ WBE %

    Stantec $142,485 100.0 $142,579 100.0

    Tot al $142,485 100.0 $0 0.0 $142,579 100.0 $0 0.0 $0