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Years Teaching Peace 2021 | FEBRUARY/FEBRUARI The Summary of Peace Generation Indonesia's Programs Rangkuman Program Yayasan PeaceGeneration Indonesia MONTHLY REPORT Finding Peace Amidst the Ocean Finding Peace Amidst the Ocean

MONTHLY REPORT Finding Peace Amidst the Ocean

Nov 26, 2021



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The Summary ofPeace GenerationIndonesia's Programs

RangkumanProgram YayasanPeaceGenerationIndonesia


Finding PeaceAmidst the OceanFinding PeaceAmidst the Ocean

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If educators refuse to change, then educators and schools will be adrift in the middle of the ocean without any direction.

“Jika tidak berubah, maka pendidik dan sekolah akan terombang-ambing di tengah lautan tak tahu arah.”


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Irfan AmaleeDirektur EksekutifPeaceGeneration

Menemukan Damaidi Tengah Lautan“Memasuki tahun 2021 banyak pendidik yang berharap badai akan segera berlalu. Keadaan akan normal kembali. Jika berpikir begitu, siap-siaplah kecewa.”

Pertama, kita tidak tahu kapan badai berlalu. Kedua, kalaupun badai sudah berlalu, wajah pendidikan tak akan pernah kembali seperti dulu.

Jika tidak berubah, maka pendidik dan sekolah akan terombang-ambing di tengah lautan tak tahu arah.

Selama 6 bulan ke belakang, PeaceGen dan Indika Foundation merancang peta pelayaran untuk para guru abad 21. Bersama beberapa guru, kami meramu modul 12 Nilai Dasar Perdamaian, critical thinking dan empati, yang diintegrasikan ke pelajaran PAI, PKN, dan BK.

Di bulan Januari kemarin, sekitar 150 guru terpilih dari total 713 pendaftar dari Aceh sampai Maluku, dari berbagai usia, ikut berlayar hingga seminggu lamanya. Lengkap dengan atribut bajak laut, para guru abad dua satu siap menempuh rute baru!

Selama pelayaran ini, respon guru-guru luar biasa antusias. Ternyata materi yang disampaikan selama ini adalah yang mereka butuhkan dalam menghadapi tantangan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Banyak yang langsung menerapkan Modul Perdamaian sebagai panduan dalam berlayar di kelas, baik itu pelajaran PKN, PAI, maupun Layanan BK.

Di tengah badai pandemi ini, para penggerak perdamaian membuat kenduri. Yaitu untuk mensyukuri advokasi kebijakan yang telah bertahun-tahun diperjuangkan. Yaitu dengan disahkannya Rencana Aksi Nasional Penanggulangan Ekstremisme (RAN PE).

Dalam acara kenduri perdamaian yang dimotori WGWC dan AMAN ini PeaceGen ikut berkontribusi dengan menampilkan musik hasil kolaborasi Erik Lincoln sebagai pencipta musik, dengan dua vokalis waktu Iqbal Ceka dari Bandung dan Vien Mangku dari Papua.

Lahirnya RAN PE dan 150 guru abad 21 ini membuat tahun ini dibuka dengan optimisme untuk masa depan indonesia yang damai.




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Irfan AmaleeExecutive Director


Finding PeaceAmidst the Ocean“As we enter into 2021, many educators hope that the storm will soon pass. Things will return to normal. If you think so, get ready to be disappointed.”

First, we don't know when the storm will pass. Second, even when the storm has passed, the face of education will never return to what it used to be.

If educators refuse to change, then educators and schools will be adrift in the middle of the ocean without any direction.

Over the past 6 months, PeaceGen and Indika Foundation have designed shipping maps for 21st century teachers. Together with several teachers, we have compiled the 12 Basic Values of Peace modules, critical thinking and empathy, which are integrated into the subjects of Islamic Education, Civic Education, and Counselling service.

Last January, around 150 teachers of various ages, selected from a total of 713 registrants from Aceh to Maluku, were chosen to sail with us for a week. Now equipped with new pirate skills, these twenty-first century educators are ready to take a new route!

During this voyage, the teachers' responses were extraordinarily enthusiastic. It turns out that the material presented in the training so far is what they need for facing the current challenges presented by Distance Learning. Many teachers now directly apply the Peace Module as a guide to sail in their classes, be it Islamic Education, Civic Education, or Counselling services.

In the midst of this pandemic storm, peacemakers are making feasts. We are grateful for the policy advocacy that has been fought for for years and the adoption of the National Action Plan for Combating Extremism (RAN PE).

The peace feast event led by WGWC and AMAN PeaceGen contributed by presenting music from the collaboration of Erik Lincoln as music creator, with vocalists Iqbal Ceka from Bandung and Vien Mangku from Papua.

The birth of RAN PE and 150 21st century teachers opened this year with optimism for Indonesia's peaceful future.




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Inilah yang kami lakukan selama bulan Januari 2021:

Program yang kami kerjakan tercatat sebanyak 9 program, yaitu SEAN-CSO, Frosh Project, Sistem Deteksi Dini (SITI) 2, K-HUB PVE Community, Breaking Down The Wall (BDW), Islamic Curriculum Development (ICD), Pengembangan Integrasi 12 Nilai Perdamaian, House of Peace and Ecology (HOPE), dan Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA).

Total penerima manfaat kami di bulan Januari 2021 adalah sebanyak 719 orang yang terdiri dari 297 laki-laki dan 422 perempuan.

Terlaksananya Training Guru Abad 21 yang diikuti oleh 150 guru SMP mata pelajaran PKN, PAI, dan BK dari seluruh Indonesia.

Mempublikasikan Podcast 12 Nilai Dasar Perdamaian di YouTube dan Spotify.

Training Pendidikan Anti Bully dan 12 NDP untuk santri putra di Pesantren Assalam, Malang.

Program PSA telah menghasilkan 1 buah board game, 7 buah podcast, 3 buah video dokumenter, 1 buah musik, 3 mini lessons, dan kampanye media sosial.

There are 9 programs that we are currently working on, namely SEAN-CSO, Frosh Project, Early Detection System (SITI) 2, K-HUB PVE Community, Breaking Down The Wall (BDW), Islamic Curriculum Development (ICD), Integration Development of 12 Peace Values, House of Peace and Ecology (HOPE), and the Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA).

Our total beneficiaries in January 2021 are 719 people consisting of 297 males and 422 females.

The implementation of the 21st Century Teacher Training which was attended by 150 junior high school teachers from all over Indonesia.

Published 12 Basic Values of Peace Podcasts on YouTube and Spotify.

Anti Bully Education and 12 Basic Values of Peace Training for male students at Pesantren Assalam, Malang.

The PSA program has produced 1 board game, 7 podcasts, 3 documentary videos, 1 music piece, 3 mini lessons, and a social media campaign.



Here's what we did during January 2021

9 719PROGRAMPrograms




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Peace Generation Riau ikut serta melakukan aksi kemanusian yang bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Mahasiswa Perbandingan Mazhab Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Suska Riau sebagai organisasi yang menginisiasi kegiatan tersebut, serta bekerja sama dengan Riau Pos, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Gerakan Pemuda Ansor (GP-Ansor). Aksi penggalangan dana dilakukan delapan hari, 20-28 Januari 2021.

Uang donasi yang terkumpul selama delapan hari berjumlah sebanyak Rp12.105.000. Selain itu juga ada beberapa kardus pakaian layak pakai

yang berasal dari sumbangan masyarakat Riau khususnya masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru. Hasil donasi akan disalurkan melalui ACT, GP-Ansor dan PB HMI.

Kegiatan penggalangan dana ini sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap korban yang tertimpa musibah bencana alam. Diantaranya musibah banjir maupun gempa bumi di Sulawesi Barat dan Kalimantan Selatan.

Melihat aksi teman-teman tersebut di tengah kesibukan masing-masing, para fasilitator Riau sangat berterimakasih dan mengapresiasinya. Semoga apa yang telah kita perjuangkan bersama-sama bisa menjadi ladang pahala untuk kita.

Tetaplah peduli dan saling mengasihi.

Salam damai dari kami PeaceGen Riau, semoga kita selalu bisa menebarkan kebaikan dan menebarkan perdamaian.

Penulis: PeaceGen Riau Sumber:


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PeaceGen Riau Cares

Peace Generation Riau participated in carrying out humanitarian actions in collaboration with and initiated by the Suska Riau Comparative School Student Association, and alongside Riau Pos, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), the Ansor Youth Movement (GP-Anssor). The fundraising campaign was held for eight days, 20-28 January 2021.

The donation money collected over those eight days amounted to IDR 12,105,000. In addition, there are also several boxes of

wearable donated clothes. These came from the Riau community, particularly the people of Pekanbaru City. The received donations will be distributed through ACT, GP-Ansor and PB HMI.

This fundraising activity is a form of care and concern for victims of natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes in West Sulawesi and South Kalimantan.

In the midst of these already challenging times, the Riau facilitations were very grateful and appreciative to see the generous actions of all the friends involved.

Keep caring and loving each other.

Greetings from us PeaceGen Riau, hopefully we can always spread kindness and peace.

Writer: PeaceGen Riau Source:


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breakingdownthe wall





SEAN-CSO: Merilis newsletter, pengumpulan konten, membuat laporan analitik media sosial.

Islamic Development Program: FGD bersama guru, pembuatan podcast, video, dan board game.

Pengembangan 12 NDP: Pembuatan Modul Perdamaian untuk Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan penyusunan laporan akhir.

Pengembangan 12 NDP: Pembuatan Modul Perdamaian untuk Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan penyusunan laporan akhir.

HOPE: Workshop Mind, Body, and Soul, teaser dan pembukaan pendaftaran Sociopreneur Academy.

PSA: Play Day, aktivasi media, penyusunan laporan akhir.

SITI:Simulasi EWS ke-3, 4, dan 5.

Agent of Peace: AoP Talk Live, AoP Grand Design, pembuatan modul universal 12 NDP, board game, dan online learning Resolusi Konflik.

KHub: Platform demo, pengembangan konten KHUB 2.0 (Platform & Social Media), peluncuran media sosial.

Breaking Down the Wall:BDW Day

Frosh: Co-design bersama kampus.



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breakingdownthe wall



Upcoming Programs


SEAN-CSO: Publish newsletters, connect with members, content collection, create social media analytic

Islamic Development Program: FGD with teacher, finalizing podcasts, videos, and board games.

Pengembangan 12 NDP: The making of a Peace Module for Christian subjects and creating a final report.

HOPE: Workshop Mind, Body, and Soul, teaser and open registration of Sociopreneur Academy.

PSA: Play Day, media activation, and creatinga final report.

SITI: The third, fourth, and fifth EWS Simulation.

Agent of Peace: AoP Talk Live, AoP Grand Design, the making of a universal module of the 12 Basic Values of Peace, the making of a board game, and Conflict Resolution online learning.

KHub: Platform demo, KHUB 2.0. content development (Platform & Social Media), launching social media.

Breaking Down the Wall:BDW Day

Frosh: Co-design campus assessment.



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Namu di Imah X Mind, Body,and Soul Center Workshop

Pembukaan pendaftaranSociopreneur Academy by HOPE

Soft launchingfasilitas co-learning space HOPE


#StoryofHOPE dari Pastor Ferry Sutrisna Widjadja

Kalender HOPE

Informasi program dan produk :


Saya bersyukur bisa memulai sinergi dari 2 lembaga ini, yaitu Eco Camp dan PeaceGeneration Indonesia. Sebuah sinergi apabila diumpamakan dengan matematika adalah 1 + 1 = 3 atau bisa jadi hasilnya lebih besar dari angka 3. Dengan adanya sinergi melalui HOPE ini, saya berharap akan ada perbaikan keturunan dari 2 lembaga ini yaitu menciptakan dampak yang sebesar-besarnya bagi banyak pihak. Bagi teman-teman di luar, baik individu, komunitas, atau siapapun yang mau berjuang bersama, mari datang ke HOPE dan lihatlah apa yang bisa kita lakukan.

HOPE terus berupaya menjadi jejaring berbagai komunitas perdamaian dan lingkungan di Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program dan produk dari HOPE, teman-teman bisa menghubungi admin lewat whatsApp dengan nomor 082117734807, mengirimkan pesan ke alamat surel [email protected] atau mengikuti perkembangan di media sosial instagram @storyofhope_indonesia.

15 Februari 2021 :

15 Februari 2021 :

20 Februari 2021 :

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#StoryofHOPE from Pastor Ferry Sutrisna Widjadja


I am grateful to be able to start the synergy between these 2 institutions, Eco Camp and PeaceGeneration Indonesia. A synergy when compared to mathematics is 1 + 1 = 3 or in fact the result could be greater than 3. With the synergy through this HOPE, I hope there will be an improvement in the o�spring of these 2 institutions, namely having the greatest possible impact on many parties. For our friends outside, individuals, communities, or anyone who wants to fight together, let's come to HOPE and see what we can do.

Namu at Imah X Mind, Body,and Soul Center Workshop

Open registrationof Sociopreneur Academy by HOPE.

Soft launchingof the HOPE co-learning facility space.

HOPE Calendar

HOPE continues to strive to become a network of various peace and environmental communities in Indonesia. For more information about programs and products from HOPE, friends can contact the admin via WhatsApp at 082117734807, send a message to the email address [email protected] or follow @storyofhope_indonesia on Instagram for the latest updates.

15 February 2021 :

15 February 2021 :

20 February 2021 :

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Program and product information:


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PeaceGeneration terus berupaya mendorong inovasi dan perluasan manfaat melalui kolaborasi program, penelitian, ataupun pengembangan produk. Jika sahabat tertarikbekerjasama dengan PeaceGen, jangan sungkan menghubungi [email protected] dan kunjungi website kami di

PeaceGeneration continues to strive for innovation and the expansion ofbenefits through collaborative programs, research, and product development.If you are interested in collaborating with PeaceGen, don't hesitate to contact [email protected] and visit our website at




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Simak keseharian Salam dan kawan-kawan di media sosial kami: @keluarga_salam.Nantikan keseruannya ya!

Check out the daily life of Salam and friends on our social media: @keluarga_salam.Wait for the fun!




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