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Monsters and Mayhem Revised

Apr 03, 2018



Dylan Sirois
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  • 7/28/2019 Monsters and Mayhem Revised


    Monsters and Mayhem

    Welcome to Monsters and Mayhem!

    Monsters and Mayhem is a light hearted live role playing game of adventure and skullduggery. In most

    live action role playing games the players take on the role of heroic warriors who battle monsters.

    In Monster Mayhem this is reversed- the players are Orks, goblins, trolls, zombies, brigands and other

    Monsters, who must defend themselves from brave Knights, stalwart soldiers, elves, dwarves,

    adventurers and each other.

    Monster Mash games are short, humorous in theme, but also quite hard to survive compared to other

    larps- a monsters life is not an easy one!

    BackgroundThe Dark Lord of Shadows is Dead- What are you going to do about it?

    For many long years, he ruled the Shadowroot Forest, a vast tract of woodlands to the north of the many

    feuding kingdoms of the plains. Ancient and terrible, he gathered the forces of darkness, malevolent

    spirits and twisted creatures, artifacts of power and dread allies. At last the hour of his victory was at

    hand, and the sunlit lands would rue the day they cast him out so long ago. His two greatest Lieutenants,

    Morquai, Queen of Spiders and Malgaroth, the Hammer struck fear into all who dared oppose the

    Shadowlord. But brave heroes learned of his fell plans, and a company of the greatest and most capable

    was gathered. Against all odds they battled their way through legions of his minions. At last, the Sun

    Blade, thought lost, was found by a simple farmer, and the Dark Lord was struck down. All the landsrejoiced....

    To make a long story short, your side lost. Instead of getting to pillage the rich settled lands, youve been

    driven back into the dank woods of the Shadowroot. Again.

    Times are hard for the lowly minions of darkness. Adventurers bent on pillaging what little of the

    Shadowlords wealth remains set upon you at every turn. Given your aversion to any sort of productive

    labor, your only hope is to raid the settlements along the forests edge hoping for easy pickings, explore

    the ruins that now abound, try to turn the tables on the marauding adventurers or prey upon your fellow

    minions, now in disarray, for your share of your ex-masters treasure.

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    A Brief Introduction to Live Action Role Playing

    What is Extreme Roleplaying?

    Imagine a virtual reality in which you are transported into a fantasy movie like the Fellowship of the

    Ring, Conan the Barbarian, or Willow. Imagine that you could become a character in that movie, but

    without a script. Imagine that you could be a hero in the struggle against evil for a day. Imagine that you

    could feel the pulse pounding excitement of a fantasy adventure without real danger. Imagine the feeling

    of magic at your fingertips. Imagine yourself fighting hand to hand against savage foes, with victory

    decided not by dice, but by your own skill. Imagine a world created for you to adventure in, as complete

    as possible. As real as possible.

    No dice. No computers. Imagine that you do not NEED to use your imaginationbecause it is all

    there before you.

    Also called LARP (Live Action Role Playing), Extreme role-playing is a hobby in which you portray

    an imaginary character, Live, as though you were an actor in a movie, but without a script. To put itmore simply, its about picking up a (padded) sword, and heading out into the woods to enter a fantasy

    world complete with props, sets, and actors for a d

    What is the Maine Adventure Society Inc.?

    The Maine Adventure Society, or MASI, is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting Adventure,

    usually though not always in the form of Extreme Role-playing (LARP), in Maine.

    How is Combat handled?

    Combat is a sport, in which you swing specially constructed padded swords and other weapons at your

    opponent, while trying to Resist being struck by them. It is not a particularly Realistic simulation ofsword fighting, but it is fun, safe, exciting, and easy to get into.

    Does it hurt?

    When conducted properly, no. The weapons used are very safe, but they can sting or bruise when used

    with too much force. Hits to the head and other vulnerable areas are not allowed. Anyone causing

    another player pain is breaking the rules, and will be in big trouble if the problem persists.

    Poorly constructed weapons are another problem. Some people have encountered larp combat with

    heavy swords poorly padded with too much duct tape, used with too much force, and found it painful

    and intimidating. MASI combat strives to Resist this. Even the most delicate person should be able toparticipate in combat in (relative) comfort.

    So its like Martial Arts?

    Not really. It bears little resemblance to things like Kick boxing. Since the objective is NOT to hurt (or

    even bruise) your opponent, real life combat skills are not as helpful as they would be in a real fight.

    However, many of the principles of the martial arts apply, and anyone trained in Martial arts should have

    no problem mastering LARP combat.

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    How do you know when youre dead?

    Most MASI games use a Hit Point system. For example, a certain character might have 5 Hit Points

    or HP. They could be struck with a sword 5 times before being taken out. If they were hit by something

    that did 3 points of damage, they would subtract this from their HP total, and 2 HP left.

    Im no Arnold Swartzeneger or Bruce Lee. Do I still stand a chance in combat?

    Absolutely. LARP combat is a sport, and like any sport, there are those who are VERY good at it.However, it is a sport that is easy to become competent in. A few weeks of practice is enough to enable

    most people to hold their own. The weapons are light enough for just about anyone to use, so you dont

    have to build up strength, as you would have to in order to wield a real sword. Since you arent really

    trying to hurt people, large folk are actually at a DISADVANTAGE, since they present a larger target,

    and get no benefit from their generally greater strength.

    Teamwork and Tactics are often more important than raw skill and fitness. This isnt a movie where

    extras attack the hero one at a time to be conveniently slaughtered, leaving themselves wide open. Two

    fighters working together can defeat most single foes, and anyone can be defeated by a well-placed

    attack from behind.

    What about Magic?

    Magic is simulated in a variety of ways. Some spells work automatically - the person points at you, and

    says the effect of the spell. Most though require that the magician throw a spell packet, a basically a

    birdseed beanbag (hacky sack sized), at you. If it misses, the spell fails.

    Is Combat the only thing going on?

    Not at all. Combat is exciting, and plays a large role in most LARPs, but usually an equal emphasis is

    placed on role-playing characters, costumes, sets, special effects, the Story of the game, challenges of

    physical skill (such as leaping from platform to platform), or mental ability (solving puzzles),

    entertainment and feasts.

    Do I have to wear a costume?

    Yes - you wouldn't want someone in khakis and a Metallica t-shirt wandering though a "Star Wars"

    movie set would you? However, costumes can generally be borrowed from the staff if need be; though

    its better to find your own.

    What are NPCs and PCs?

    PC stands for Player Character. A person so participates as a PC plays a single character for an entire

    event - a hero or heroine of the story. The player creates a Character - an imaginary persona, who has

    various skills and abilities defined in the rules. Such characters are the central focus of the story, and the

    action revolves around them. Think of them as the Main characters of a movie. As time passes, Player

    characters progress and gain power and experience.

    NPCs are the Extras. During an event, an NPC will play many roles, often enemies of the Pcs. Thus in

    a fantasy game they might be peasants, marauding brigands, wise sages, winsome maidens, foppish

    rakes, or hideous monsters. The parts are assigned by the game STAFF, the people who actually organize

    the event, and NPCs must play the part assigned as best they can, until it is time to receive a new one.

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    Does this have anything to do with Vampires?

    No. Vampire LARP is a different hobby. Each has its own merits, but they have relatively little in

    common beyond the idea of role-playing.

    Whats the Difference between Extreme Role-playing and a Ren Faire?

    A Renaissance faire is a large production, which most people go to watch. At an extreme roleplayingevent is much smaller and there are no spectators (though see Watchers below), and everyone is

    involved in the action. Another difference is that Ren Fairs stage choreographed battles between

    professionals, using steel weapons, while LARP combat is unchoreographed, with NO steel weapons

    allowed. Everyone at a LARP is in game, and you are a direct participant in the action, not a spectator.

    You dont watch the goodly knight thwart the evil sheriff you do it yourself, or try to anyway. There is

    no script, so success or failure depends on your skill, cunning, teamwork, and luck. There also arent

    large numbers of people trying to sell you stuff.

    How does Extreme Role-playing compare with the Society for Creative Anachronism (S.C.A.)?

    Though they often appeal to the same sort of people, the experiences are very different. The maindifferences are two fold: First, LARP combat is much less demanding, and consequently, not as realistic

    as that of the SCA. On the plus side, that means you can do a lot more of it. Second, in an Extreme Role-

    Playing LARP you are continuously in character. The goal is to create as complete a world of sight,

    sound, touch and even taste as possible. There is also an ongoing story - things happen to the PC s,

    events transpire, choices are made. The SCA on the other hand, works to recreate historical arts and

    situations rather than a fantasy world.

    So theres an Ongoing Story?

    Absolutely. The Player characters continue from event to event, learning more about their world,

    learning new skills, gaining new abilities, encountering new and old friends and enemies, and generally

    living a fantasy adventure.

    What does it actually LOOK like?

    The Live Action role-playing hobby has reached the point where costuming and effects could be

    compared to a B grade movie - and they are getting better all the time. At Dreamquest all inhabitants,

    monsters, and other creatures wear costumes, often quite elaborate. A variety of masks and makeup are

    used to simulate non human beings. Clothing is worn that is appropriate to a fantasy world. The Village

    where the game takes place is specially constructed as a set to appear as a fortified settlement from the

    past. Other sets are used for ruins and tunnels. Music, fog machines, light, and other special effects

    are also sometimes used.

    Who Can Play?

    Anyone 14 years of age or older. You must present some proof of age.

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    What To Expect at a Monsters and Mayhem LARP Event

    Monsters and Mayhem events are open to anyone 14+ years of age who can follow the rules (especially

    the core safety rules) Younger players are sometimes allowed on a case by case basis.

    EVENT SCHEDULE: Most events are single day events. It is a good idea to arrive early to your first

    event and let the staff know you are attending so they can show you around as the site is quite large.

    Single Day Event Schedule:

    Saturday Morning (9:00am - 10:00am): Registration and Set up

    Saturday Day (10:00am 2:00pm): Chronicle / Quest

    Saturday Evening (2:00pm 5:00pm): Adventure Time and Dinner

    Saturday Night (5:00pm 9:00pm): Chronicle / Quest

    "Adventure Time" is a time for players to explore the Monsters and Mayhem and go on player driven

    adventures. It can also be a great opportunity to take a break and interact with other players in a leisurely

    way. No major plot will occur during adventure time however player specific and occupation based plotwill occur led by staff.

    FOOD: Monsters and Mayhem provides little to no food for players so if you plan to stay the whole

    weekend you will want to pack a lunch or two, breakfasts, and snacks. There is often a Pot luck dinner

    (out of game) Saturday night, if you plan to participate PLEASE bring an item to share.

    ACCOMMODATIONS: Anyone attending an overnight event should be aware that the Monsters and

    Mayhem Site is a wilderness campground - you will need your own tent, sleeping gear, food, sensible

    shoes, bug spray, sunscreen, and water at a minimum. Some players choose to return home during the

    overnight period.

    GEAR AND EQUIPMENT: You do not however need to worry about costumes, foam swords, spell

    packets or the like as Monsters and Mayhem is happy to loan such items to new members. However, as

    you travel deeper into the hobby you will want to acquire your own items.

    RULES: You should be at least somewhat familiar with the rules of Monsters and Mayhem, although

    you do not need to memorize them by any means. If you are going to NPC, all that is needed is a

    knowledge of the Core Rules.

    LIABILITY: Everyone needs to sign a waiver which is available online and at game check in, those

    under 18 must have it signed by a parent in advance, those 18+ can sign their own at check in.

    PRICING: The Game Costs $25 per event.


    Live Action Roleplaying is an exciting and demanding activities that often brings great personal growth.

    The athletic challenge of swordfighting helps build fitness and often appeals to young people who dont

    enjoy traditional sports.

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    Success requires practice, focus and discipline much like a traditional martial art. Most live action

    roleplaying adventures require teamwork to overcome a variety of challenges not unlike Outward

    Bound activities.

    There is also a great opportunity for social growth as people of a variety of ages and backgrounds come

    together in a way that is all too rare today. The need to create ones costume and gear is a way toexercise artistic talents and craft skills. Every participant is valued for their contributions regardless of

    their age. Successes in a difficult battle, solving a complex puzzle, or leading others to victory are great

    self-esteem builders. Unlike computer gaming, live action roleplaying takes place outdoors, has

    physical, social, and emotional benefits computers cannot provide.

    Safety Concerns

    Like any contact sport, there are risks associated with live roleplaying. Injuries are rare, but they do

    occur, almost always from falls in rough terrain. Good judgement in running and jumping is the most

    important safety skill.

    The padded swords, properly constructed, are extremely safe. If your child trains at home you should be

    sure that they are following Monsters and Mayhem safety standards for sword construction and for

    sparring. No blows to the head, no body contact, no pushing, wrestling, punching or kicking, no

    baseball bat type swings, and no more than 3 swings before a break. Sparring should take place on a

    level surface free from obstacles.

    Following these rules will help keep your child safe as well as insuring that they properly prepared for

    Monsters and Mayhem events.

    SupervisionMASI endeavors to provide a safe, supportive environment for all participants. No drugs or alcohol is

    allowed at any MASI event, and high standards of courtesy and safety are required.

    However, MASI does not provide supervision of any sort and should not be thought of as a camp or

    daycare activity. It is primarily an adult organization. Young people that participate are expected to be

    mature enough to take care of themselves.

    Age limits for MASI events vary from 14-18 years old minimum, and ultimately it is your responsibility

    as a parent to determine if your child is mature enough to participate safely. A good rule of thumb is

    Would you be comfortable with your child spending a weekend camping with friends? If the answer is

    yes, then they should be ready for MASI events.

    It may be a good idea to accompany your child to an event. This will give you a better idea of what an

    event is like and is also a great family activity. Another alternative is to start with an afternoon of

    adventuring rather than a full weekend event.

    Anyone under 18 must have a waiver of liability signed by a parent or guardian. (Found online)

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    The MASI Core RulesSafety Rules

    General Safety Notes - Live Action Role-Playing is exciting, but it is a contact sport. You wander the

    woods, have daring escapes, close calls, delve into ruins, and battle against your foes with padded nerf

    swords. All these things can be dangerous. You must keep real life safety firmly in mind at all times. It is

    a game, and the most important thing is keeping everyone safe. Common sense must be used at all timesno matter how much fun you are having. Dont hesitate to stop the game or take other steps to protect

    yourself and others from injury.

    Non-Combatants - Non-combatants are a special case. Rather than attacking them again and again, an

    enemy may merely place their weapon to the non-combatants chest and state I strike you down. The

    assailant must be able to finish this for it to work. This causes the non-combatant to drop to 0 hit points.

    Non-combatants must wear a yellow armband, or yellow Glowstick at night, to denote their status.

    Physical Contact -No physical contact is allowed without the other players permission. No direct

    physical contact is allowed in combat AT ALL, and if you are within arms length during combat YOUARE TOO CLOSE.

    Running at Night - The single greatest safety risk you face in live role-playing is NOT combat. It is

    running at night over rough terrain, risking falling and bashing your brains out on a rock. Always use

    extreme caution when running. Resist pursuing other players at night.

    Weapon Safety - The staff must inspect all weapons before they are used. It is a players responsibility

    to maintain their weapons and keep them in safe condition. Using a weapon that has become unsafe

    (worn out foam, broken off tip, etc.) is grounds for disinvitation.

    Blocking Doors - Blocking or holding a door with your body or furniture is not allowed. Do not try to

    force doors open.

    Carrying other People - Unless the person is a close friend of yours and gives you permission to carry

    them, you may not move another player. The exceptions are if you have some in-game power that

    allows you to do this (Animate), and for safety. If someone is down in a position where they are likely to

    be stepped on, you may say something like I kick your body to the side, in which case they can move

    quickly out of the way.

    Combat Force - When fighting with padded weapons, you must always pull your blows so as not to

    strike too hard. No blow should cause real pain. If you are struck by a blow that you think is too

    forceful, say Excessive Force. The hit DOES NOT COUNT! Everyone is different, so you will have to

    adjust to your opponents level of comfort. Blows that some players would hardly notice are quite

    unpleasant for others. No one should feel uncomfortable about calling Excessive Force. It doesnt

    mean you are a wimp. You are actually helping the game by keeping things under control.

    Combat Targets - Do not strike the head or groin. Hits to the hands do not count, though if you

    purposely block a blow with your hand you will take the hit.

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    Drugs, Alcohol, Real Weapons - These are NEVER allowed. You will be instantly disinvited if you

    are found with these. This includes coming to an event under the influence. You may bring a

    pocketknife or similar tool to use outside of the game for cooking or utility purposes.

    Fire -No unattended flames are allowed at any time. Fire rules may even be stricter depending on the

    situation and current fire hazard in the woods. No combat may occur within 10 feet of an open flame.Please do not yell Fire! unless there is really an out-of-game emergency.

    Light -No lights with directed beams may be used, at all. You can modify flashlights and lanterns so

    that they arent aimed by adding a diffuser or film. Glow sticks are also safe and useful.

    No Unsafe Knockoutts or Climbing - Please do not climb trees or buildings, or jump out of windows.

    You may be able to pull off such Knockoutts safely, but others less capable might imitate you.

    Multi Level Fighting No multi Level fighting is allowed for the purposes of hand to hand combat,

    although you may be able to hit someone in a tower with your sword realistically, this lends itself to

    safety hazards. It you are on a different level than your opponent only raged attacks may be used.

    Safety Calls

    Caution! - When you see a safety problem, call Caution! This is used for things such as someone

    about to back over a rock or into a tree. The caution creates a sort of mini-Hold during which you

    should be ignored by others, as should the person at risk.

    Hold! - In the case of MAJOR safety problems, injuries, lost glasses during combat, and the like, call

    "Hold!" ALL action stops within line of sight, and should start again only when the problem is resolved

    and a "Lay-On" has been called. Do not call "Hold!" for in-game reasons, but do not hesitate to call one

    when you think it might be needed.

    Clarify! - When you did not hear or do not understand a spell or in-game effect, call Clarify. The

    person should explain what has happened or answer your question.

    Excessive Force When you are struck for a blow that is uncomfortable or hurts call excessive force.

    The blow does not count. See combat force in the combat section for further clarification.

    Rules of Courtesy

    -Do Not Use Obscenities

    -Do Not Cheat-Do Not Insult Others Out-of-Game

    -Do Not Litter

    -Smoke in Designated Areas ONLY

    -Maintain Atmosphere

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    Role-Play! - MASI is about role-playing. Not everyone likes to role-play every minute of a game, but

    NO ONE likes to be trying to role-play while someone else is blatantly out of character nearby. Being

    out-of-character while others are role-playing is rude, and will not be tolerated. Certain areas of the

    game are role-playing zones. It is REQUIRED that you stay in character in these places. Some sort of

    horrid in-game penalties may be levied, such as curse from the gods, accusations of heresy, etc., against

    anyone not observing this.

    Specific Role-Playing Guidelines

    You should try not to use modern terms like OK in conversation if you can help it. Unless, of course,

    you are playing a modern game.

    You must always role-play the pain of injury in combat.

    You should always strive to portray the character you are playing to the best of your ability. You are an

    actor, your audience is the other players, and they will enjoy it much more if you do your best.

    When dead, you should fall and lie still, until everyone leaves, if at all possible. Having people standingaround after a fight chatting with the dead TOTALLY ruins the atmosphere of the battle.

    Stay in Control - Blatantly losing control of your actions or emotions leads to dangerous situations and

    out-of-game offensiveness. If you feel like this is happening, just step back from the situation for a

    moment to settle down and remember it is just a game. You may certainly role-play that yourcharacter

    has lost control, but even in that situation you must always keep safety first, and stay within the

    boundaries of good taste. Having someone raving and shouting in your face is rarely fun, even if it is

    part of the game. Whenever extreme emotions become involved, you should be a bit theatrical, and try

    to Resist creating a tense situation between players. The same applies to Berserk fighting. When your

    character is enraged, leap forward, give a great shout, and then FIGHT NORMALLY.

    Searching another Person - In many games you will encounter situations where someone has

    something you want. In this case you may (once they are dead or helpless), say I search you. The

    person will then get out their stuff in a leisurely fashion (often while doing their best to act like a dead

    body). This should be handled as discretely as possible.

    The Rules of Reality - The MASI rule of reality is quite simple: The game is real. What this means is

    that you can never say you are doing something. Nor can you ask other players out of game questions,

    generally. Questions like Do I recognize you? What do I see? What happens if I do X? are

    irrelevant. There are a few cases where you will need another player to clarify a situation, but they

    should be rare.

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    Heal - You are restored to full Hit Points (Life Points plus Armor Points); and any Severed limbs are

    restored. This will not work on a dead character. Heal followed by a number (e.g. Heal 2) restores only

    that many Hit Points.

    Life - Will only affect someone who is dead. It will restore a character to life, with full HP.

    Offensive EffectsMaim - You lose the use of the target arm or leg. If delivered by a weapon, it affects the limb struck (no

    effect on the torso when struck by a weapon). If no target is specified, you may choose which limb

    suffers the effect. Maimed legs are a special case. Hopping is discouraged for safety and silliness

    reasons. With one crippled leg assume you can drag it around behind you slowly. With two maims to the

    legs (the same leg or different, it doesnt matter), you will have to prop yourself up, sit down, or go

    down on one knee. In any case, you cant move. With three maims to the legs you must go prone, since

    they do not support any weight at all. Maim is PERMANENT until Purged by a heal or Purge Maim


    Lethal - In order to be effective a Lethal attack must strike the torso. Lethal causes you to drop toZero Hit points.

    Death - Death causes you to enter a dead state. Only the Life effect will return you to a living state.

    Doom - You will fall into a dead state after approximately one minute (a 60 count). If you receive a

    Purge for the trait of the attack (for example a purge poison) within one minute, you will suffer no ill

    effects. You must role-play the effect of the doom during the minute, but can still fight and use skills


    Bind - Your arms are bound to your sides, and you must drop your weapons.

    Root - Both your feet are stuck to the ground and cannot be moved until the effect ends.

    Paralyze - You cannot move any part of your body but you are fully aware of what is going on around


    Knockout - You are unconscious, but do not lose any Hit Points.

    # Crushing - Indicates extra-powerful damage that will still do half-damage (round down) even if

    blocked with a shield or weapon. Thus a strike that causes 4 Crushing will do 4 points of damage if it

    strikes your body and 2 points of damage if it strikes your shield or weapon. This skill may not be used

    to damage an opponent by merely tapping their weapon.

    # Damage - You take the indicated damage.

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    Shatter - The target item is damaged. A Shatter (weapon or object) will damage that item so that it loses

    any special properties it has (rip any and all tags). If the phys-rep without tags is still good for something

    (e.g. you have the ability to use a sword without a tag), you may still use it! If someone swings a weapon

    at you and calls Shatter, it damages whatever weapon is hit. In the Monsters and Mayhem world

    shattered weapons can still be used by anyone with the right skills, but shattered shields are useless until

    repaired and must be dropped.

    Disarm - Your weapon or hand-held item falls from your hand. You must drop it and do a silent 3-count

    after it hits the ground before you can pick it up.

    Defensive Effects

    Defensive effects are called when you are struck by a spell or attack, to let your foe know it didnt work,

    because you had some sort of defense against it.

    Bladeturn - This effect can be called against normal weapon attacks and effects delivered by a weapon.

    The attacker suffers the designated effect. For example, if a Mirror Beast was struck with a sword, it

    might call Bladeturn Damage 1. A bladeturned effect cannot be bladeturned again or reflected back inany way.

    Resist - The blow or effect misses as if you had moved out of the way and Resisted it, or the particular

    blow or spell was ineffective, but it was an effort to ward off, and another one might succeed. You may

    only use this on blows affecting yourself.

    No Effect - The particular blow or spell did nothing and it never will. Once someone has called No

    Effect to something, you may not continue with that attack against them. This is so that the person can

    accurately keep track of what is happening to them, without being confused by extraneous hits.

    Not Taken - The effect was not taken because it did not hit or was not delivered properly. You may role-

    play this instead of calling Not Taken. For example: Hah! Your blow was mighty- too bad it missed!

    Other Effects

    Afflict you with - You have received the indicated affliction. This has no immediate effect.

    At your earliest convenience, you must travel to the Library and look in the Book of Woe. This book

    contains listings of possible afflictions you may encounter, with descriptions of the effects of each and

    the required Purges. Read the description of your Affliction. If it is a progressive Affliction, there may be

    postings for Day 1, Day 2, etc., in which case you should only read the appropriate one.

    Bestow you with - You receive the indicated enhancement. For example: I bestow you with

    one resist fire or I bestow you with one lethal. You may have multiple enhancements bestowed on you,

    however you may not have multiples of the same benefit (i.e. "one Resist Fire") bestowed on you at a

    time. And Bestows do not stack. If someone bestows +1 hit point on you, and someone bestows +2 hit

    points on you, you only get 2 extra hit points, not 3. If someone bestows One Resist Will on you, and

    someone else bestows Two resists vs Will on you, you only get two, not three.

    Bestow lasts for 6 hours. If not used during the time, the benefits are lost. Bestowed hit points increase

    your total for the entire six hours. So for example if you had two hit points and received 2 more, you

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    would have 4 for all purposes for that, and a Heal effect would bring you back to 4 hit points, not


    Curse you to - You suffer from the stated Curse. For example: I curse you to howl like a

    wolf, or I curse you to take double damage from fire. Curses last longer than other effects- you must

    get an appropriate Purge. (A Purge Curse, or if the effect was By Magic, a Purge Magic would


    Detect - If you fit the type or possess the item being detected, you must indicate this to

    the caster. A simple wave or statement of Here is sufficient.

    Detect Health - A special ability that lets you tell how many hit points the target has. When you are

    targeted by a Detect health you must say how many hits (armor points + life points) you have. Detect

    health works on only one person at a time.

    Disengage - You must fall back from the person calling the disengage until a distance of about 10

    separates you, or if you cant get that far back for whatever reason, as far as you can safely. The spirit ofthis effect is that the person calling it drives their enemies back to get some breathing room, to make a

    hole in the line, or to escape. Disengage cant force you into a damaging area, such as an area of

    Carnivorous grass. Disengage doesnt work through doorways or narrow gaps either, so you cant use it

    to push defenders out of a fortification, though you could use it once you get inside to make room for

    others to follow.

    Purge - This effect removes ONE effect with the stated trait after a few seconds of

    role-playing. A Purge Poison would remove ONE effect By Poison. A Purge Sever would remove

    a sever effect, no matter how it was caused. Note that you do not have any choice about having effects

    removed- a Purge Magic will remove one effect caused By Magic on you, including a defensive

    spell caused By Magic if that was the only By Magic effect on you.

    If there are several effects that a Purge could remove, YOU choose which one is purged.

    The Purge effect will NOT counter an effect that happens instantly. So if you get smacked by a Death

    to Living by Magic effect, you can't Purge Magic it. You can't Purge Damage either.

    Renew - This effect is often granted upon you. Once renewed you regain all of your per renew abilities,

    and if you have the gift of wisdom your mana is also restored. (For more information look in

    Miscellaneous Rules where Renew is explained in greater detail.)

    Repel - You must stay at least 10 feet away from the caster. This effect cannot be used to drive back

    targets; if the caster advances upon the target, the target may hold ground.

    Subdue - Prevents you from doing ANYTHING for a (silent) 10 count. While subdued you can

    (perhaps) stand, or reel backwards, and can defend yourself (weakly!) with your weapons, but thats all.

    It is important to give your foe an advantage by role-playing the effect on your fighting skills.

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    Silence - You are unable to speak or make any vocal noise. You may still call appropriate out of game

    effects. This effect may last longer than 5 minutes depending on the situation.

    Slow - You become unable to run, and can only walk SLOWLY, though you can fight normally.


    Many effects have Traits, which tell you WHAT caused the effect, or HOW it was caused. They arecalled as Effect by Trait. For example: Root by Magic Slay living by Poison or Disengage by

    Will. Traits do not change the effect in any way, but may determine if you able to resist the effect in

    some way. For example if your character is immune to poison, you would call No Effect to

    Paralyze by Poison, but not to Paralyze by Magic.

    Flavor Traits

    Traits also help you to know how to role-play the effect. These are referred to as Flavor Traits. The

    Following traits are used in Monsters and Mayhem; By Fire/Water/Air/Earth, by Magic, by Will, and by

    Poison. Effects without traits are generally divine powers making them more difficult to deal with. For

    example, consider Paralyze, which states that you cannot move. This effect could be interpreteddifferently for role-play purposes depending on the trait that caused it:

    Paralyze by Will would indicate that your character was frozen in place in panic and horror. You

    would stand in place quaking or gaping until the effect wore off.

    Paralyze by Magic would indicate that you were basically frozen in place as a magical statue. You

    would hold your exact posture from the moment the effect struck you.

    Paralyze by Poison would be an effect like spiders venom. You may, for example, curl up into a ball.

    Paralyze by Ice Could indicate being frozen in a block of Ice.

    Flavor Traits also tell you if you are affected by something. If an effect is called To a certain trait,

    you take the effect only if you have that trait. For example Heal to Dwarfs would work only if you

    were, in fact, a Dwarf.

    All players have the Town Dweller trait, their race as a trait, and their gender. You have the

    Lies trait immediately after telling a falsehood, until you say something that is true. You have

    the Oathbreaker trait if you have ever broken an oath. You have the Enemy trait if you

    consider yourself an enemy of the person calling the effect. You have the Ally trait if youconsider yourself a friend, (or at least fighting on the same side) as the person calling the effect.

    Delivery Traits

    By Discourse - In order for an effect By Discourse to work on you, you must have engaged in

    conversation with the person calling it. This need not be friendly conversation (insults shouted across the

    battlefield count), but if you feel that you have not actually conversed in some way, you may say Not

    Taken to the effect.

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    By Gesture -Effects called By Gesture only require that the person point at you to call the effect. If

    you are fortunate enough to have a by gesture effect, be aware that it will not work on enemies who

    cant see you - in other words you must have their attention. The best way to get it is to use their game

    name (you may not use real life names). In fact, many forms of magic require that you know the targets


    By Packet - Effect by bean bag packets represent magical assaults that envelope your whole person.

    They affect you if they strike a weapon or shield. Again, all beanbag attacks are assumed to be By

    Packet. You dont have to call them.

    By Voice - Effects called By Voice affect EVERYONE who hears them (or should have- the fact that

    you were not paying attention doesnt mean you werent affected if everyone around you was). You

    cannot stop up your ears or talk really loud to Resist this kind of effect.

    By Name - Effects called By Name require that the person say (and know) your name to call the


    By Weapon - Effects by weapon represent a physical attack-a dart, a sword, a knife, a fist, etc. They

    must strike you in order to take effect, and they CAN be blocked by weapons or shields. If you swing a

    weapon and call and effect, it is assumed to be By Weapon; you do not have to say it every time. If

    someone throws a packet and calls and effect By Weapon you CAN block it with a shield.

    Magestrike - Effects that are Magestrike are swung with a weapon, but count as though a packet had

    struck you on the location hit. They WILL go through your armor, weapon or shield.

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    Hand to Hand CombatHand to hand combat is conducted using SAFE padded weapons.

    The Three Swing Rule - You are allowed to swing at a foe three times in quick succession before you

    must break and fall back, or, if you cannot fall back for some reason, you may pause for a few

    seconds, or attack another foe.

    This means that no one foe can ever do more than 3 points of damage to you in a single flurry, and

    usually less. If anyone presses on after three swings in the heat of combat, you should say Break to

    remind them, and not count any damage they cause after the third swing. Assume that since they were

    swinging so quickly, the blows did not have much force behind them.

    Judging Hits - Judging when you have been hit by a foe is solely your responsibility, but you MUST at

    all times do so in as fair and scrupulous a manner as possible. You are hit by any blow that, had it been

    struck full force with a razor sharp weapon, would have drawn blood. Thus most contacts are hits.

    Do Not Count

    Any blow after the first that land on the same body part. This is called machine gunning. Beforelegally scoring another blow on the same part of the body; a foe must strike at another body part, or

    parry a blow.

    A blow that strikes only cloak or a dangling pouch, unless that blow, if it had cut strait though the gear,

    would have damaged you.

    A blow that is too hard.

    A blow that overcomes your parry by force.

    Do Count

    Blows that strike capes, backpacks and the like, if they would have hit you if the item were not there.

    Blows that are very light.Blows that hit your weapon then hit you.

    Combat Targets - Hits to the groin, hands, or head do not count.

    Damage and Hit Points - Every player has a number of Hit Points, depending on the character they are

    playing at the time. These are reduced when you take damage from magic or combat. All hits with a

    melee weapon do one point of damage, UNLESS the foe calls something else when striking you, in

    which case the damage done is the number called, or you take the effect they call. Thrown weapons also

    do 1 point of damage, unless otherwise noted. Arrows and crossbow bolts do 1 point of damage.

    Falling In Combat - Feel free to stumble off to the side of battle so that you do not get stepped on. Do

    not just fall down where you are killed, if you are likely to be a tripping or movement


    Weapon Construction Guidelines - Most players will want to make their own weapons. MASI will

    provide weapons to players for their first event, free of charge, but what you get is luck of the draw from

    the NPC weapon stockpile. If at all possible, it is better to make or buy your own. For those with the

    cash, excellent weapons can be purchased on the Internet.

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    Attack Delivery

    Each ability must be delivered to its target in some way. These deliveries are the physical action needed

    to determine whether an ability has been successfully used on an opponent. There are a few different

    ways to deliver game effects, and these are described below.

    It is always up to the defender to make the final decision whether an ability has struck or affected them,and thus whether the ability has been delivered. It is important that players do not abuse this honor

    system. If a player does not count legal hits, the game breaks down. Individuals that are reported for not

    counting hits will be reviewed and, if necessary, asked to leave the game.

    Hit Points

    Hit Points is a count of how much damage you can take before you collapse. As you take damage, your

    Hit Points points are exhausted. These points can never drop below zero. Healing refreshes Hit Points,

    and these points are also refreshed at the beginning of each event. If your Hit Points ever reaches zero

    you will collapse and become unconscious.

    When you die, all active effects on your person end, unless an Bestow or Afflict effect specifically says

    otherwise on the effect card. Your remains will linger for five minutes before you change to a spirit of

    the dead and begin to walk to the gate of death. Only effects with "to Spirit" or with "to Dead" traits will

    affect a spirit of the dead.


    There are three ways that you can die in this game. First, you can be killed if someone delivers a

    successful death strike to your torso. Second, you can be killed by an attack with a Death effect that you

    cannot negate. Finally, special areas might cause your death if you have a mishap.

    Death Strike

    A death strike is used to kill an unconscious or immobile victim. You must touch a weapon to the torso

    of the victim while saying "Death strike one, death strike two, death strike three". This verbal must be

    spoken clearly and at a normal speaking pace. You do not need to have skill with the weapon to Afflict a

    death strike.

    To Afflict a death strike, the victim must be immobile. The victim can be unconscious or immobile

    because of a game effect, but you cannot Afflict a death strike on a body until it comes to rest after an

    attack, nor can you Afflict a death strike on a helpless but struggling victim. If the victim can move, the

    victim can prevent a death strike. First you must render the victim unconscious or immobile, and then

    you may Afflict a death strike.

    A death strike may be interrupted and thus nullified, forcing the person to begin another death strike. To

    interrupt a death strike, you must strike the weapon used to perform the death strike or the arm holding

    that weapon with a weapon of your own. You do not have to force the weapon away. Striking the

    weapon or the arm is sufficient. You may also interrupt a death strike by Shattering or disarming the

    weapon. If a person performing a death strike cannot finish the death strike because they are killed or

    rendered unconscious then the death strike is, of course, nullified.

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    The "Death" Effect

    Any effect that successfully Afflicts a Death effect kills you immediately. Of all the various game

    effects, only the Death effect will kill you outright. The Death effect may be nullified by an appropriate


    MishapsThere might be large scale traps, challenges, and mishaps in special areas that can cause you to perish if

    you are unfortunate enough to stumble into them. Closing walls, deep pits, and other deadly traps might

    kill you outright. These areas will be marked or made clear to you during the course of the game.

    Spirits of the Dead

    After 5 minutes of death, a dead character becomes a spirit of the dead. Because of the influence of the

    Realm of Death, the spirit and everything that spirit still carries is drawn to Death. The spirit will even

    pick up its own weapons if they are within reach unless someone else possesses them. When you rise as

    a spirit you must proceed directly to the gate of Death. You must walk with your head bowed and your

    arms at your side. You cannot interact with any other character unless they use an ability that allows youto do so. You cannot drop items. You cannot use any game ability. If someone tries to communicate with

    you, or tries to use a game effect on you that does not specifically work on Spirits, ignore the attempt,

    reply "Spirit" and continue on your way.


    You are insubstantial and gain the trait Spirit. You cannot use game abilities unless specifically allowed

    to do so. You cannot speak or converse with other characters unless they use an ability that allows you to

    do so. You cannot drop any items. You are unaffected by any effect unless it targets your Spirit trait. You

    must call "Spirit" if this is the reason an attack fails to affect you. If someone tries to talk with you, you

    may call "Spirit" to inform them that you cannot speak. Characters who have died and are traveling to

    the Realm of Death are spirits. Some abilities allow a living character to become a spirit for a time, but

    these abilities will have special restrictions or will not be absolute in their protection. Effects with the

    trait "to Spirit" affect all spirits, while effects with the trait "to Dead" affect only spirits of the dead.

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    Monsters and Mayhem Player Rules

    The following rules apply to all player characters in the game of Monsters and Mayhem.

    We're Monsters

    All player characters in Monsters and Mayhem are villains of one sort or another, and they must look thepart. Exactly what kind of critter you are is up to you, and is deliberately left vague. You do not choose a

    "Race" as such, but must be costumed in some way. This can be as elaborate as you like, but we

    recommend you pick simple costuming and makeup that is comfortable and easy to take on and off. You

    can be human if you like, however, you must have a costume or role playing habits that mark you as one

    of the bad guys. . Here are some examples.

    Piece of Cloth with Hole in It - Tabard, basic costume, worn belted. Good start, but you must have

    something else to go with it.

    Green Skin - Ork (if large, loud and stupid) or Goblin (if small, sneaky and whiny).

    Skulls on helmet, shield, or armor - Former member of the Death Guard of the Dark Lord.

    Web on Face - Former Servant of the Queen of Spiders.

    Horns - Kobold.

    Black under Eyes - Undead- zombie, vampire, ghoul, etc.

    Tusks, shoulder pads, warts, etc. - Ogre, troll.

    Animal Mask - Beast Man

    Chinese Character/Runes on Face and Forehead - Easterling

    War Paint - Barbarian

    Large Beard and Nose, short stature - Chaos Dwarf

    Voice is Whisper, Doesn't Speak, or Maniacal Laughter - Obvious sign of evildoer.

    Note that while the players are "evil" this is a light hearted sort, PG rated, 1950s kind of evil. Lying,

    stealing, Backstabbing, ranting, pillaging, Mayhem and plans to take over the world are encouraged but

    "R rated evil" (torture, rape, graphic cruelty and so on) is forbidden- it just doesnt happen in the

    Monsters and Mayhem world. Who would want to role play that kind of thing? Yuck! Also, keep in mind

    other players are there to have fun. Be equal opportunity in your betrayals and misdeeds- don't pick on

    certain people, spread the fun around! Try to see that others enjoy themselves, even if this means

    throttling back your schemes a little. Keep a humorous tone when confronting other players, so everyone

    knows that no one is actually angry and its just a game!

    Your character should also have a few redeeming qualities- perhaps you're secretly compassionate for

    the weak, or never break your word, or the like.

    You will also find that you need to work with other players to survive, so try not go on a rampage the

    moment you step into the game. Cooperation does have its benefits, and its possible to have honor

    among thieves. Needless to say, the time will come when you and your erstwhile companions will have

    to face CERTAIN DEATH unless you work together, so try to keep on the good side of at least some of

    your fellows.

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    Monsters arent Everybody

    A basic game of Monsters and Mayhem is 9-12 hours long, of which a player spends 6-8 hours as a

    Player character monster and 3-4 hours as a Non player character in various roles. This ensures

    plenty of action for everyone, and battles with reasonably balanced sides. It also gives you the chance to

    play goodly characters like knights, merchants, townsfolk, peasants and wizards- truly M&M offers

    you the best of all worlds. Its a good idea to bring a change of costume for this and make sure your

    makeup isnt too complicated to change in and out of fairly easily. Your NPC shift is randomly assigned,though special requests for time, who you serve it with, and so on can usually be accommodated.

    Monsters are Tough

    Player characters in Monsters and Mayhem do not "bleed out" when they are reduced to zero Hit Points.

    Instead, they simply lie semiconscious for 5 minutes, after which they recover to 1 Hit Points. The only

    way for a character to die is by being "Death Struck", by the "Death" effect, or from a trap/contact


    The "Heal" effect restores a monster to full strength, restoring both Hit Points AND armor points.

    However, the "Heal (Number)" effect will only heal a limited number of Hit Points- i.e. the "heal one"

    effect will heal only ONE point of damage.

    Traps Hurt

    The good news is that any monster can try to disarm a trap, though only those with special skills can

    attempt to pick locks. The bad news is that traps of any kind, be they mouse traps, buzzer traps, popper

    traps, etc KILL the person who sets them off as though they had suffered the death effect. Contact

    poison, represented by petroleum jelly, causes the "death by poison" effect.

    Webs can be Cut

    Any character with a weapon can cut away clinging spider webs. After 30 seconds of role playing, any

    character with a free arm can call "Purge Web".

    Minions, or Ill shine yer claws if ya dont kill me, Boss!

    Any player monster can , if attacked by another player, declare that they surrender and wish to serve

    their attacker (assuming that they survive long enough to blurt that out). At that point the surrendering

    player gains the "minion" trait for effects called by their new master. The minion must obey the letter of

    their master's commands as long as the lord is within line of sight, as long as those commands are not

    immediately suicidal. A minion therefore cannot be ordered to kill themselves or jump in a pool of lava,

    but could be ordered to disarm a trapped chest, go first into danger or the like. Lords must allow their

    minions to accompany them everywhere on their adventures even choosing them over other allies , and

    minions must be awarded a (small) share of any treasure discovered.

    Minions cannot be ordered to give up their treasure, and a Lord must defend their minions.

    If your lord becomes a minion, that has no effect on you- you have no relationship to HIS/HER lord.

    Once per event, a monster can call "Heal ONE to minions", thereby restoring one Hit Points. Remember

    that you only have the minion trait for your own lord, not everybody else.

    "Minionage" lasts until the lord takes a death, or until the end of the event. The moral of this rule, is

    don't pick on people who annoy you, or you're likely to wind up with them following you around all


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    Respect the Food Chain

    At times other players will try to kill you. NPCs will frequently try to kill you. Occasionally, someone

    will succeed. Fortunately this isn't necessarily the end of the line. It does, however, engender a healthy

    respect for the person who "put you down". You will naturally want to "take revenge", however this

    must wait until the next event, as your character is too intimidated by their slayer (the character who

    actually delivered the death strike) to jump them immediately. After all, someone who managed to slay

    you is entitled to have you out of their hair for more than the 15 minutes it takes you to go to death'sdoor and return! Some monsters will claim not to know who (nearly) slew them, and will instead beat up

    someone else to save face. In general, you must also steer clear of their companions, and Resist

    thwarting their schemes and stealing their gold.

    This rule cuts both ways. If you death strike someone, and then they turn up later, they must be one

    tough critter! You don't want to mess with that! You cannot attack someone you have already (nearly)

    slain a second time during the same event.

    In essence, after a killing the killer and killed must steer clear of confrontation for the rest of the event.

    It's an awkward situation after all.

    This rule is designed to prevent killings from spiraling out of control in a silly way. Next event howeverall bets are off!


    The Food chain and Minion rules are enforced by the guardians of monster tradition- trolls and Ogres. If

    someone is seen as violating the spirit of these rules, the Trolls will pay that person a visit, and it wont

    be pleasant. Breaking the letter of these rules is of course cheating, and can result in expulsion from the

    game. There are however many grey areas here, so use your sense of fair play.


    Every player has the "Monster" trait. If you have ever broken an oath sworn by the Shadow King you

    have the Oathbreaker trait. You have the "Lies" trait after you speak an untruth, until you say something

    that is true.

    Readn' and Writn'

    Most monsters can't read. But for some reason you can, though your grammar is likely to be atrocious!

    Tags and Flags

    From time to time you MAY encounter pieces of paper that have information on them, however only

    certain players may be able to glean some of it.

    All players may read yellow and white tags.

    Other colors may be read only by certain classes:

    Blue tags represent magical auras.

    Grey tags represent traps, secret doors, and so on.

    Orange tags represent historical, financial or trivial information.

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    Life's Tough and Then

    Monsters and Mayhem is about life and death. Actually, mostly death. While as a player you will mostly

    be on the "dealing" side of death, you should view death as inevitable unless you are very lucky, and

    accept it with good grace. Have a backup character ready!

    Fortunately, most "death" actually just represents a near death experience. Anyone who has seen a few

    movies knows that really important monsters rarely stay dead. There's always the inevitable comeback!

    Perhaps your character was just playing possum. Perhaps an allied spirit took a hand. Perhaps you're justthat tough!

    After taking a death strike or suffering the Death effect you must lie there for five minutes to give

    others the chance to loot your possessions, admire your corpse, boast of their victory, etc. Then you

    should become a spirit and sneak off to the NPC building. There you will roll the "Dice of Death" to see

    your fate:

    If you roll a:

    1 - 2 Very bad

    Something bad happens. Roll on the Unfortunate Event table below.3 - 5 Kinda Bad, All things Considered

    Full recovery. A close call, but you can return to the game.

    6 Kinda Good!

    Something good happens. Roll on the Fortunate Event table below.

    Unfortunate Event

    1 Especially Dead

    This time, the tenacious hold that keeps your spirit attached fails, and you shuffle off to the Great

    Dungeon in the Sky. Make a new character.

    2 That Hurt. a Lot

    Your character is mauled, beat on the head, intimidated, driven insane, or a pleasant combination

    of several. The net effect is that you lose a level. Has no effect on 1st level characters. You can

    regain the lost level by finding 50 Gold Pieces and bringing them to the NPC building for

    medical treatment.

    3 Maimed Arm

    You cant use one arm for the rest of this event.

    4 Maimed Leg

    You cannot run for the rest of the event.

    5 Lingering Wound

    Lose one Hit Points until you can find 25 GP and bring it to the NPC building for medical


    6 My Shinies!

    Someone steals all the game items on your person.

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    Fortunate Event

    1 Looting the Slain

    You find 1-6 GP among your fellow wounded.

    2 - 3 Gotta be more Careful This Time!

    You gain one free Resist against any attack. Must be used during the current event.

    4 See The World With New Eyes

    You gain a new spell (if a spell caster) or the ability to read flags of the color of your choice.5 Hardened Up

    You gain one resist per event against fear or Torment, permanently.

    6 Inspired!

    You gain a level, but must turn in all bloodstone you have ASAP.

    Important slang: Going to the NPC building is referred to as "Taking a Death". To spike someone is

    to deliver the Death Strike effect.

    The Good News about Death

    When you return to game after dying you have full Hit Points, and your skills are restored as though itwas a new event (except Memorization).

    Armor- its not just for Ogres Anymore

    Many characters can wear a certain amount of armor, as described in their character class description. In

    order for armor to function you must be wearing something that looks like armor, and you must have

    one or more "Armor Tags". Each armor tag adds one Hit Points, so the total amount of damage you can

    take and stay standing, is Hit Points + Armor Points.

    Armor tends to need a lot of upkeep. Every time you are reduced to zero, your armor "Breaches", and

    you must rip one armor tag up.

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    Creating a Character

    To create a character, choose a Class and a Gift. You begin with as many safe boffer weapons (including

    crossbows but excluding bows and arrows) as you desire, but that's it. This is so that there's no

    temptation to mug you right away for your starting money. Everything else your character must win forhimself/herself.

    ASSASSINMasters of the art of stealthy death, assassins use a variety of techniques to dispose of their enemies.

    They are particularly adept at striking from the shadows, and the use of Poison. They are the hooded

    skulkers found at the elbow of the powerful, and the cheerful but deadly who hide in plain sight.

    Special Attacks_______

    Level Hit Points Backstab Resist Swiftness Assassination Maim

    1 3 3 Damage - 1 - 12 3 3 Damage 1 1 - 1

    3 3 4 Damage 1 2 1 2

    4 4 4 Damage 2 2 1 2

    5 4 5 Damage 2 2 2 3

    Weapons and Armor

    Assassins may use any one handed sword, and can wield a long sword and short sword simultaneously.

    They may use any thrown weapon or missile weapon, and may carry up to 3 thrown weapons at any

    given time. Assassins may wear one point of armor.


    The crossbow is a weapon of choice for assassins, and they do one extra damage when using one. Thus a

    basic, untagged crossbow that would normally do one point of damage, uncalled, damage does "Two

    Damage" in the hands of an assassin.


    The ultimate ability of the assassin, this skill allows one to call Death and strike with a weapon. It can

    be used a limited number of times per event and follows the rules for special attacks. This blow must be

    aimed at the torso, but counts wherever it hits.


    An assassin has highly tuned reflexes, and may call Resist against any thrown spell or missile a

    limited number of times per event. They may NOT call Resist against hand weapon attacks.


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    The signature ability of the assassin is to slay or at least severely maul anyone they can sneak up on. To

    perform a backstab, the assassin must be behind the victim, facing the same direction, and not running.

    It is not possible to perform a drive by backstab, or a reach around backstab. The assassin calls the

    damage they Afflict just before they strike. Each victim can only be backstabbed ONCE. The damage is

    shown on the table below.

    DisengageAn assassin may call "Disengage" once per combat.


    Assassins have keen eyes and can read GREY tags.

    Poison Use

    Assassins may use poison, if they can buy, find, or steal some. See the Common Item list.

    Pick Lock

    Sometimes assassins need to break in to do their work, so assassins can pick locks.


    An assassin can use this ability to make a swift exit or a limited number of times per event. The assassin

    runs away in a safe manner. As long as s/he keeps running, s/he may call Resist against all hand to

    hand attacks. It does not help with spells or missile weapons.

    Special Attacks

    An assassin can make a limited number of Maim attacks per event. These follow the rules for special

    attacks, given at the start of the class list.

    BLADE MASTERBlade Masters are experts in the martial art of the forces of Darkness- Jhimvata, the way of the three

    blades. They are capable of extraordinary feats of arms, but tend to excel more in duels than in open


    Special Attacks_______________

    Level Hit Points Parry Resist Resist Fear Torment Maim 3 Damage

    1 3 1 - 1 2 2 2

    2 3 1 1 1 3 3 3

    3 4 2 1 2 4 4 44 4 2 2 2 5 5 5

    5 4 3 2 3 5 5 5

    Weapons and Armor

    The art of Jhimvata carefully restricts the weapons of its practitioners. At 1st level, a blade master may

    use the Fang, a sword 24 in length or less. At 2nd level, they may begin to use the Claw, a sword less

    than 36 in length. At 4th level, they may use the Talon, a two handed sword 48 to 60, and at 5th

    level, they may use the Claw and Fang simultaneously. These are the only weapons a blade master may

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    perform his class abilities with.

    However, a blade master also may opt to use any single melee weapon (one handed or two handed),

    though he gets no special benefit from doing so. Blade masters cannot use two weapons besides the

    Claw and Fang, cannot use a shield, and cannot use missile weapons. Blade masters also cannot take the

    Shield Master gift.


    A blade master has supernatural reflexes, and may call Resist against any thrown spell or missile a

    limited number of times per event. They may NOT call Resist against hand weapon attacks.


    Blade Masters are immune to the Disarm effect while fighting with a Jhimvata blade. They are also

    immune to the Torment effect.


    Blade Masters are attuned to the supernatural, and can read BLUE tags.

    Special Attacks

    A blade master can make a limited number of Torment, Maim, and 3 Damage special attacks each event.

    These follow the rules for special attacks, given at the start of the class list. This is a placeholder.


    A blade master can use the Parry effect to deflect a deadly blow a limited number of times per event as

    shown below as well. They must be wielding a Jhimvata blade to do so.

    Resist Fear

    Only the bravest and cruelest are accepted into the ranks of the blade masters, and those who succeed

    are nearly immune to fear or panic. Blade masters may call Resist against a by Fear effect a limited

    number of times per event.

    Rigidity of the Way

    Blade masters may not take the Shapechanger gift.

    Spell Deflection

    Blade Masters can deflect spells with their blades. They may call Resist to any spell packet attack that

    strikes their blade.

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    BRUTEA brute character is one who can take a beating and keep fighting- an ogre, giant thug, troll or such.

    Their abilities come from strength and resilience. They have more Hit Points and more ability to wear

    armor than any other character.

    Special Attacks________

    Level Hit Points Armor Shatter Resist 5 Damage 10 Damage

    1 5 2 1 1 1 -

    2 5 3 1 1 2 -

    3 6 3 2 2 3 -

    4 6 4 2 2 4 -

    5 6 4 2 3 5 1

    Weapons and Armor

    Brutes are somewhat limited in their weapon choices, favoring simple axes, clubs and heavy swords.

    They may use any single weapon of 60 or less in one or two hands, and they may use foam thrownrocks if they are found at hand (but no other throwing weapon. A brute starts out with the ability to wear

    2 Armor, but this increases as they go up in level, until they can become an almost unstoppable



    Brutes can easily force smaller foes back with a sweep of their weapon. They may call "Disengage"

    three times per combat.


    A brute can smash their foes shields and weapons, gaining the ability to call Shatter weapon orShatter shield while swinging a weapon a limited number of times per event.


    Brutes are resistant to many things that would cripple a weaker character. A brute may call Resist

    against the Torment or Maim effects, or any effect By Fear, By Poison or By Pain. They may do

    this a number of times per event as listed on the chart.


    Brutes are a bit slower than your average monster, and may never run.

    Special Attacks

    A brute can deliver extremely powerful blows, gaining the ability to call Five Damage or even Ten

    Damage a limited number of times per event. Unlike a warriors warcraft, these skills are only used up

    when an opponent acknowledges the hit by role playing the effect or calls a Parry, Resist or


    If the swing misses, or the opponent physically blocks it with a weapon or shield, the skill is not used up

    and may be used again later during the event. A brute may only try to hit a single foe a number of times

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    equal to his Special Attacks. For example, if a Brute has 3 special attacks left, and is blocked twice by

    his foe, he may only try to that foe once more with the special attack.

    MUTANTMutant is the catch all for the strange and misshapen critters that live on the fringes of the camps of the

    forces of darkness. Playing a mutant requires that you put a little extra effort into your costume to look

    decidedly misshapen or bizarre.

    Level Hit Points Gifts Resists

    1 3 3 1

    2 3 4 1

    3 4 4 2

    4 4 5 2

    5 5 5 2

    Weapons and Armor

    Mutants may use any sort of weapon, wear 1 point of armor, and use a single thrown weapon. They mayuse a shield but may not use two weapons at once.


    Instead of starting with 1 gift, mutants start with 3. However, they may not take the Shapechanger or

    infiltrator gifts. They gain additional gifts as they go up in level.


    Mutants can choose one color of flag to read.

    ResistanceMutants are resistant to many things that would cripple a character whose body and mind were a bit

    saner. A brute may call Resist against the Torment or Maim effects, or any effect By fear, By

    Poison or By Pain. They may do this a number of times per event as listed on the chart.


    A shaman is a monsters healer, the best hope of the injured. This makes them powerful and sought after.

    In addition to their healing, they are minor spell casters and have some ability in battle.

    Spells __________________

    Level Hit Points Healing Raise Dead Level 1 Level 21 2 4 - 1 -

    2 2 5 - 2 -

    3 3 6 1 2 1

    4 3 7 1 3 1

    5 4 8 2 3 2

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    Weapons and Armor

    A shaman can wear 1 point of armor, can use any one handed melee weapon, and may use a shield. They

    may only use one weapon at a time and may not use missile weapons.


    A shaman can deliver the Heal by Magic effect a limited number of times per event. To do this they

    need to concentrate for 30 seconds with their eyes closed and hands free.


    A shaman can read Orange flags.

    Medical Skill

    A shaman automatically has the first aid gift in addition to their regular gift.


    ONCE per event a shaman can study their spellbook for 10 minutes to renew all their spells. This power

    cannot be refreshed by any means- even if you somehow renew all your abilities, you dont get yourmemorization ability back.

    Raise Dead

    The ultimate power of the Shaman is the ability to raise the dead. This must be done BEFORE the dead

    player proceeds to the NPC building, and takes a 5 minute ritual, at the end of which the shaman calls

    "Purge Death and Bestow Undead". The raised monster gains the undead trait, but does not gain the

    powers of the vampire gift or suffer other effects.

    Spell Casting

    Shamans cast spells and have spell books exactly like warlocks, though the number of spells usable is

    shown below. They also have true names and the Spellcaster trait.

    Starting Spells

    Shamans start with two first level spells in their book.

    SUMMONERA summoner is a warrior- but without weapons. Instead, such individuals hurl bolts of flame or ice upon

    their foes. They are as limited as warriors, in that all they can do is Shatter, but they can harm creatures

    which are not affected by ordinary weapons.

    Level Hit Points Bursts Storms Summoning Damage

    1 3 2 2 2

    2 3 3 2 3

    3 4 3 3 3

    4 4 4 4 4

    5 5 4 4 5

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    Weapons and Armor

    Summoners are not skilled in the use of any weapon, nor may they wear armor, though it is possible to

    take a gift to change this.

    Elemental Burst

    This ability can be used as many times as shown on the chart. The summoner gathers a large fistful of

    spell packets, and throws them all at once, calling Two Damage by (Element).

    Elemental Storm

    This ability can be used as many times as shown on the chart. The summoner plants her feet, and begins

    throwing packets, calling One damage by (Element). The packets are thrown one at a time, and she

    can keep throwing them until she moves her feet, or takes damage.


    Summoners feed on magical power, and can read Blue tags.

    SpellcasterThough summoners are not spell casters as such, they have the "Spellcaster" trait and have a "True

    Name" which is also a trait.


    This ability can be used as often as you like. To use it, the summoner closes their eyes and concentrates

    for a 30 second count. During this time they cannot be holding anything in their hands. They may then

    open their eyes and throw a spell packet, calling the amount of damage indicated on the chart.

    Once summoned, they can hold the packet for as long as they wish, but if they move their feet or take

    damage, the effect is wasted. A summoner must choose to summon fire or ice. This can be important, as

    some creatures are immune to one or the other.

    If a summoner needs to summon a different element for some reason, s/he can, but the damage is

    reduced by one. This applies to elemental bursts and storms too.

    THIEFA thief is particularly concerned with money- acquiring it, spending it, guarding it from others. Many

    smaller, sneakier humanoids such as goblins or kobolds gravitate naturally to the path of the thief.

    Level Hit Points - Resist - Bypass - Evade - Holdout - PP -Set - Slip - Swiftness - Waylay1 2 1 - - 1 2 1 - - 2

    2 2 1 - - 2 3 1 - 1 3

    3 3 2 - 1 3 3 2 1 1 3

    4 3 2 - 1 4 4 2 1 2 4

    5 3 3 1 1 5 4 3 2 2 4

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    Slip Bonds

    A limited number of times per event a thief can struggle out of bonds- rope, manacles, or any by web



    A thief can use this ability to make a swift exit or a limited number of times per event. The thief runs

    away in a safe manner. As long as s/he keeps running, s/he may call Resist against all hand to handattacks. It does not help with spells or missile weapons.


    A thief can club someone from behind and render them unconscious. The thief must be behind the

    victim, facing the same way, and not running. S/he taps the victim on the shoulder with a safe weapon

    and calls Knockout. This can be done a limited number of times per event.

    WARLOCKA warlock is a spell caster, the archetypical deadly and mysterious magic user. They have less ability to

    deal out direct damage than a summoner, but their spells are far more versatile.


    Level Hit Points Counter Resist Magic Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

    1 2 2 - 2 1 -

    2 2 3 1 3 2 -

    3 2 3 1 3 2 1

    4 2 4 2 4 3 1

    5 3 4 2 4 3 2

    Weapons and ArmorA warlock may not wear armor, but may use a short sword or staff.

    Counter Magic

    By concentrating for 30 seconds with their eyes closed and hands free, a warlock can use the Purge

    Magic effect. This can be done a limited number of times per event, and can be thrown as a packet or

    used by touch.


    Warlocks can read Blue flags.

    Spell Casting

    The premier ability of a warlock is to cast spells. A warlock can cast a limited number of spells per

    event, as shown below. To cast a spell, the warlock must recite a 10 word incantation, then state the

    effect of the spell and throw a spell packet (if necessary). If the spell caster takes damage while reciting

    the incantation or effect, the spell cannot be thrown and is lost. A spell is used up whether it hits

    someone or not. You may cast any spell in your spell book- you do not have to choose them in advance.

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    TWICE per event a warlock can study their spell book for 10 minutes to renew all their spells. This

    power cannot be refreshed by any means- even if you somehow renew all your abilities, you dont get

    your memorization ability back.

    Spell Book

    A spell caster chooses their spells from the Spell List, and records the spells in a spell book. A spell bookis enchanted with powerful protective magics and is a red sticker item- it cannot be stolen or Shattered.

    You cannot move someone elses book more than a few feet. However, if you get a look into someone

    elses book (voluntarily or without their permission), you can copy ONE spell from it to yours. You can

    do this once per event. You may also copy spell scrolls into your book- this Shatters them.

    True Name

    Every spell caster has a True Name. This is the source of their power, but it is also a weakness, since

    their true name becomes a trait- spells cast upon their true name will work on them. Your true name

    must be written down in your spell book, but it can be encoded or hidden in gibberish. Warlocks also

    have the "Spellcaster" trait.

    Starting Spells

    A warlock starts with 4 first level and 3 second level spells of your choice in their book. Every time they

    gain a level they may add two spells of first or second level to their book, or one third level spell.

    Magic Resistance

    As the most powerful sorcerers, warlocks are hard to effect with magic, and can call resist against a

    by magic effect a limited number of times per event.


    The warrior class is a typical fighter- your basic ork, chaos knight, mercenary scum, bodyguard, or the


    Level Hit Points Disarm Parry Resist Fear Warcraft

    1 3 - - - Two Damage

    2 4 - 1 - Torment

    3 4 1 1 - Maim

    4 5 1 2 1 Three Damage

    5 5 1 2 1 *

    * At fifth level, a warrior may use their warcraft TWICE against each foe faced.

    Weapons and Armor

    A master of weapons and armor, a warrior is versatile and effective in battle. A warrior is able to use any

    single missile or melee weapon, in one or two hands, and may use shields freely. Warriors do not,

    however, have the ability to use two weapons at once. They may only carry a single thrown weapon at

    a time. Warriors may wear up to 2 points of armor.

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    The Warcraft ability allows the warrior to use a special attack against EACH foe they face. However,

    they only get one try to hit with the special attack. For example, a first level warrior with the Two

    Damage warcraft ability can call Two Damage before swinging a weapon at each foe they attack.

    However if the warrior calls Two Damage, swings, and the target jumps out of the way, or blocks with

    their shield, etc. the ability is wasted and the warrior cannot try again. Warcraft abilities are also usable

    with missile weapons. Which effects a warrior can call using their warcraft is listed below. A warriorcan always CHOOSE to use the effect from a lower level if the tactical situation warrants it.


    A warrior can knock a foes weapon out of their hand. This ability is usable only a few times per event,

    as shown on the table below.


    A warrior can use the Parry effect to deflect a deadly blow a limited number of times per event as

    shown below as well.

    Resist Fear

    Warriors are hardened over time, and become resistant to fear and panic. A warrior may call Resist

    against a by Fear effect a limited number of times per event.

    Witch Doctor

    Witch doctors are tricksters and showmen, who bamboozle and deceive their way through life festooned

    with gourds, runes, feathers, and skulls. They have a smattering of different abilities from other classes.

    Witch Doctor Spells

    Level Hit Points Heal Pick P. Waylay Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

    1 2 2 1 1 1 - -

    2 2 3 1 1 1 1 -

    3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1

    4 3 4 2 2 2 1 1

    5 4 4 2 2 2 2 1

    Weapons and Armor

    Witch doctors may use any single hand weapon or missile weapon. They may not carry more than one

    thrown weapon and may not use shields or two weapons at once. Witch doctors may wear one point of



    Witch doctors can read Orange and Blue flags.

    Spell Casting

    Witch doctors cast spells exactly like warlocks, except for the number of spells they can cast. They have

    true names and spell caster traits.

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    ONCE per event witch doctors can study their spell book for 10 minutes to regain all their spells. This

    ability cannot be renewed by any means.


    Witch doctors can go the NPC building once and buy up to 5 items at the standard rate.


    Witch doctors can call "disengage" once per combat.


    A shaman can deliver the Heal by Magic effect a limited number of times per event. To do this they

    need to concentrate for 30 seconds with their eyes closed and hands free.

    Medical Skill

    Witch Doctors get the first aid gift for free.

    Pick Locks

    At third level witch doctors gain the ability to pick locks.

    Pick Pockets

    Witch doctors can pick pockets as a thief.

    Poison Use

    Witch doctors can use poison.


    Witchdoctors can summon bolts of elemental energy in the same way as a summoner, however, they can

    only ever do two points of damage with them. They must choose fire, ice, or lightning damage.


    A witch doctor can club someone from behind and render them unconscious. The character must be

    behind the victim, facing the same way, and not running. S/he taps the victim on the shoulder with a safe

    weapon and calls Knockout. This can be done a limited number of times per event.

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    Monster GiftsAgility

    Once per game you may call Resist against any effect (this is different from most Resist abilities in

    that you CAN use it against melee attacks. You may call "Disengage" three times per combat.

    AmbidextrousThis gift allows you to use any two weapons you are usually capable of using at the same time. These

    must be one handed weapons.


    "This gift allows you to use a bow, (not a crossbow), even if not normally allowed to your class. You

    also have the ability to make your own arrows. You may fire 5 arrows per battle without expending any

    tags. At least 15 minutes must pass between "battles". If you want more, you must purchase them


    Armored Hide

    You have tough skin, perhaps bony or scaled. Or maybe you have so much armor it always gives you

    SOME protection no matter how damaged it is.

    You have one permanent Armor Point (in essence an extra Hit Points). You do not need a tag for this;

    it does not breach and cannot be stolen or Shattered. This NOT in addition to the armor points you

    wear for your class. Example: If you can wear two points of armor, and have Armored Hide you

    always have your 1st armor point, but can only get one more to make a maximum of two. If you are not

    allowed to wear any armor, you can still take this gift to get one armor point however.


    Three times per event you can throw a packet at someone and call Knockout by weapon. Since this

    represents a punch, kick, or head butt, you can only throw them at someone in melee combat. Since they

    are by weapon they can be blocked by a shield or weapon. You also gain 1 resist per event against

    Maim or Torment.


    You may use two claws (red weapons with no cross guards) in combat. These are immune to the

    Disarm effect, and the Shatter effect counts as a Maim instead.


    You can call Resist against a By fear effect three times per event. In addition, once per event youcan call a Heal by Courage on yourself, restoring yourself to full Hit Points. You can only do this

    while conscious, and it takes 15 seconds of role playing mustering your courage.

    Dabbler in Magic

    You can cast spells, have a true name, and possess the spell caster trait. The number of spells you can

    cast per event depends on your level:

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    Level Level 1 Level 2

    1-2 1 -

    3-4 2 -

    5 2 1

    Dagger Master

    You may carry and use up to 6 throwing daggers. This replaces any thrown weapons you would usually

    be allowed to use for your class.


    You're extremely stupid. On the plus side, you have an extra point of Hit Points because you don't feel

    much pain.

    Eldritch Blast

    Three times per game you may hurl a bolt (packet) doing 3 damage by fire/Ice/Lightning You mustpick the type of blast you throw. You have the "Spellcaster" trait.

    First Aid

    This gift allows you to bestow the Heal two effect by aiding an injured person for 1 minute. This skill

    can only be used on someone who is unconscious (at zero Hit Points)- the net effect is to raise them to 2

    Hit Points rather than the one they would have recovered without your help, and to get them back on

    their feet in one minute.


    This is the gift for those who dont want to wear any specific costume. Your character looks just like an

    ordinary human (or elf, or whatever), a little shady perhaps, but nothing out of the ordinary. You are able

    to pass yourself off as one of the good guys, and can deceive many of your foes, at least in the short

    term. Eventually, you may start developing a reputation and be less successful.

    In addition, no matter how notorious you are, you can use your appearance to purchase goods from

    merchants. Once per game, you can buy up to 5 items from the standard items list by going to the NPC


    If you dont have a costume that marks you as an Evil Doer, you MUST take this gift. If for some reason

    you dont have your costume at a given event, your regular gift is replaced with Infiltrator.

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    You gain the ability to pick locks, and to use the thief pick pocket ability and Holdout ability a

    limited number of times per event as