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Return to p. 2 of the packet-fill in “after” Distribute Field Trip info & permission slips! Trip is March 4 th ! Cost is $30.00 Money & Slips are due Fri, 1/22! Go over T/F questions on p.2 Turn in answers to “Life in an English Castle,” true/false /short answer q’s Introduce 14.2: Brainstorm- what are the most important buildings in your neighborhood/community? Analyze an image of an important Medieval Building


Jan 14, 2016




Monday1/7/13. Return to p. 2 of the packet-fill in “after” Distribute Field Trip info & permission slips! Trip is March 4 th ! Cost is $30.00 Money & Slips are due Fri, 1/22! Go over T/F questions on p.2 Turn in answers to “Life in an English Castle,” true/false /short answer q’s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Monday1/7/13

Return to p. 2 of the packet-fill in “after” Distribute Field Trip info & permission slips! Trip

is March 4th! Cost is $30.00 Money & Slips are due Fri, 1/22!

Go over T/F questions on p.2 Turn in answers to “Life in an English Castle,”

true/false /short answer q’s Introduce 14.2: Brainstorm- what are the most

important buildings in your neighborhood/community?

Analyze an image of an important Medieval Building

Page 2: Monday1/7/13

To: Glenside/Philadelphia Visit the: Theater & Buffet Date: 3/4/13 Time: 9 am- 1:45 pm

Fill in Allergy section *especially important if you have any FOOD ALLERGIES!

Remember to put down the name & number of an EMERGENCY CONTACT!

Check “BUS” Get this signed. Return this & $30 by


Page 3: Monday1/7/13

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F

• 8. F8. F• 9. T9. T• 10. F10. F• 11. F11. F• 12. F12. F• 13. T13. T

Page 4: Monday1/7/13

Make a list of some important buildings in your neighborhood/ community.

What do you think is the most important building in your community?

Page 5: Monday1/7/13

Read more about Cathedrals tonight for Homework! Answer questions 1-5 on the backside of the handout you received.

Tomorrow, you will be able to answer the questions at the bottom while we watch portions of the video, “Cathedral” by David Macaulay

Page 6: Monday1/7/13

Field Trip $/Slips? Discuss: What do you already know about

Christianity? View video, “Cathedral,” by David Macaulay

and record 5 new facts as you watch. Review homework & “Cathedrals” video &

analyze the image of the Notre Dame Cathedral

Homework: Read about the Church in the Middle Ages & take notes on p. 10 of the packet

Page 7: Monday1/7/13
Page 8: Monday1/7/13

Purgatory- according to Catholic belief, a place where your soul must go to pay for your sins (before getting to heaven)

Page 9: Monday1/7/13

In your groups, describe what you see in the picture on the right.


The Cathedral at Reims

In the Middle Ages, the MOST IMPORTANT BUILDING in everyone’s community was THE CHURCH! The Cathedral at Reims is a Gothic cathedral, meaning that it was designed using the Gothic style of architecture.

Page 10: Monday1/7/13

Get a closer look on p. 404- The architecture of the Cathedral reflects Medieval beliefs:

• The importance of God is seen by the building’s large size

• The fear of evil is evidenced by the gargoyles

• The hope that being close to God would get you to heaven is shown by the pointed arches

Page 11: Monday1/7/13

• The interior of the Cathredal at Reims is decorated with stained glass windows that often illustrate stories about Christianity, with statues of religious figures.

• Why might church leaders of the Middle Ages want to make sure that the Cathedral was decorated with pictures?

• Because most people in the Middle Ages couldn’t read or write!

Page 12: Monday1/7/13


Read pp. 402- 405

(The first four pages

Of Ch. 14, Sect. 2) &

Complete p. 10 Notes

Page 13: Monday1/7/13

Review notes on the Church in the Middle Ages- p. 10 of packet

Introduce today’s role play: Life in a Monastery

Act out Life in a Monastery. Be sure to follow the rules!

HW: Reflect on today’s role play on p. 11 of the packet

Page 14: Monday1/7/13

Today, there are many kinds of Christians

In the Middle Ages, almost everyone in Europe was Roman Catholic so our focus will be on Catholic beliefs & practices

Page 15: Monday1/7/13

• A style of architecture used in building Medieval cathedrals.

• Cathedrals were often large buildings with pointed arches, gargoyles, and stained glass windows.

Page 16: Monday1/7/13

• The Clergy are persons with authority to perform religious services and give out sacraments.

– Medieval Christians believed that if they followed the teachings of the CLERGY, they’d go to Heaven

– Medieval Christians believed that if they did not follow the teachings of the CLERGY, they’d go to Hell

Page 17: Monday1/7/13

There are 7 of them:Baptism (entering the Church)Communion/Eucharist (believed to be the body

of Christ [Jesus] received at every Roman Catholic mass)

Penance (confessing sins to a priest)Confirmation (becoming an adult Christian)MarriageHoly Orders/ Ordination (for priests)Last Rites (for the sick & dying)

Page 18: Monday1/7/13

Who are the Clergy?





Priests Abbots/Abesses Monks/Nuns

Mnemonic Device:P erfectC ooksA lwaysB ringP A M

Page 19: Monday1/7/13

Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities



Head of a monastery/ convent-





Head of a diocese (group of parishes)-

- Head of an archdiocese (group of diocese)

- Counselors to Pope, also in charge of selecting a new Pope

- Head of the entire church (Pope comes from the Latin word “father”)

PRIESTPRIESTHead of a parish-

Page 20: Monday1/7/13

Being expelled from the Church If you did not follow the laws of the clergy, you could be excommunicated!

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Excommunication gave the Church a huge influence over Europe. In Medieval times, excommunication was SOCIAL SUICIDE! Few people would associate with someone who had been excommunicated

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Religious men could be become MONKS Religious women could become NUNS Monks & Nuns lived lives of prayer and

work. They farmed, raised livestock, looked after the sick, set up schools, and copied ancient texts to preserve knowledge

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Monks and Nuns lived together in religious communities called Monasteries and Convents

Monasteries were for monks. An abbot led the monks in a monastery.

Convents were for nuns. An abess led the nuns in a convent.

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The Church had a lot of influence over people’s lives & communities through Social, Economic, and Political power

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The clergy were present for nearly all aspects of life- ex, childbirth,marriage,death; plus, they listened to people’s confessions & forgave them for sins

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The Church gained wealth in the Middle Ages:They collected taxesThey took fiefs from lords in exchange for

religious services* The Church was the single BIGGEST landowner

in the Middle Ages!

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The Church affected the practices of the government:The Church made lawsThe Church set up courts to enforce laws

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Monks lives of hard work, prayer, and charity.

Monks took vows that they promised to live by such as vows of: OBEDIENCE POVERTY SILENCE

We are going to re-enact life in a monastery today. To participate, you must: Follow the directions/ rules Give up all of your things (put them in the hall) REMAIN SILENT!

Page 29: Monday1/7/13

Follow the directions at each station. When the bell rings, you will move to the

next station. Before you leave, you should have visited

the: Scriptorium Chapel Dormitory Workhouse

HOMEWORK: Reflect on today’s activity by completing p. 13 of your packet

Page 30: Monday1/7/13

Review Life in a Monastery Discover how towns & cities grew in Medieval Times by reading the rest of 14.2. As you read, complete the notes on p. 12 of the packet

Introduce the Black Death

Homework: Open Note Quiz on ch. 14 sect. 1 & 2 (p. 14)

Page 31: Monday1/7/13

Start reading p. 406- 408 FROM “Trade Revives and Towns


Find out what the advantages and disadvantages of living in a medieval city were!

Complete notes on p. 14 for homework!

Page 32: Monday1/7/13

Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

Not all people lived in feudal manorsor monasteries. Who left the country

manors for towns?

•Peasants (including serfs who had bought their freedom) left the manors for towns.

•Many peasants became merchants or craftsworkers once they reached the towns.

Page 33: Monday1/7/13

Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

8. Why did trade make a comeback? 8. Due to the feudal

system, Europe was becoming safe again so people were comfortable with traveling to other places again.

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

9. Why did towns begin to grow?

9. • As trade grew, towns grew! Traders gathered at river crossings and along highways, therefore towns developed in these locations.

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

10. Middle class 10. The class between the nobles and peasants made up of (merchants, traders, and crafts workers).

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

11. guild 11. An organization of people who practiced a certain trade.

Ex.. weavers, grocers, shoemakers

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

12. apprentice 12. An unpaid worker being trained in a craft.

•A boy started as an apprentice where he stayed until he mastered basic skills (began at seven years old)

•He then became a journeyman. He was paid. Here he created a masterpiece to be presented to the guild- around age 13

•An expert/master who had created an acceptable masterpiece was allowed to join the guild.

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

15. chilvary15. The code of honorable conduct by which knights were supposed to live.

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

16. troubadours 16. Traveling poets and musicians who sang of the brave deeds performed by knights to win the love of a beautiful and worthy woman.

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

17. Describe some advantages of living in a medieval city.


• job opportunities because of trade & wealth

• education- cathedral schools for learning

• culture- beautiful artwork displayed in churches

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Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

13. Problems in towns and cities


• extremely crowded

• unsanitary

• disease

Page 42: Monday1/7/13

Chapter 14- Lesson 2 The Church and the Rise of Cities

14. What was the Black Death?

14. A disease that wiped out 1/3 of Europe’s population in the 1300’s. It is also known as the bubonic plague. It was spread by fleas living on rats.

Page 43: Monday1/7/13

Learn about the Black Death

Participate in the Grim Reaper choose your own adventure. Would you have survived???

Introduce the ch. 14 sect. 1 & 2 Project! Worth 20 pts.

Page 44: Monday1/7/13

Review the 14.1/2 Quiz, p. 14 Read over the choices for the ch. 14 project and explain the requirements for each

Begin planning your projects! In class work will take place the rest of this week & Tues, 1/22.

Projects are due Friday, 1/25