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Moiety Feat. Junhyung 000 - Disturbing the Peace “Hi, my name is Yong Junhyung.” The whole class watched him as he slightly scratched the back of his head. He slowly looked up with his piercing gaze which intimidated a good bunch of the class. Everything about him screamed from his tie loosened to his uniform blazer unbuttoned. “Three things about me? First off, I don’t care who you are, what you want, or if you want to be friends. Simple way to say it is I don’t give a fcuk. Secondly, I’m quiet and I like to keep it that way. Lastly, don’t ask about me.” Oh the irony of his last statement. With that, he threw up what seemed like two fingers up and saluted to the teacher before sitting down on the only empty seat in class…which happened to be next to Jiyoun. She stared at him, fascinated by this creature which stepped forth in the realm of Daewon High School. Rumors were that he was some legendary fighter who beat ten guys by himself. Other rumors were that he played girls like no tomorrow.
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MoietyFeat. Junhyung

000 - Disturbing the Peace

Hi, my name is Yong Junhyung.

The whole class watched him as he slightly scratched the back of his head. He slowly looked up with his piercing gaze which intimidated a good bunch of the class. Everything about him screamed from his tie loosened to his uniform blazer unbuttoned.

Three things about me? First off, I dont care who you are, what you want, or if you want to be friends. Simple way to say it is I dont give a fcuk. Secondly, Im quiet and I like to keep it that way. Lastly, dont ask about me.

Oh the irony of his last statement. With that, he threw up what seemed like two fingers up and saluted to the teacher before sitting down on the only empty seat in classwhich happened to be next to Jiyoun.

She stared at him, fascinated by this creature which stepped forth in the realm of Daewon High School. Rumors were that he was some legendary fighter who beat ten guys by himself. Other rumors were that he played girls like no tomorrow. Then again, rumors were rumors.

Jiyoun snapped out of her trance to find Junhyung staring at her. With one eyebrow raised, he gave her a questioning look before turning to the board. Her mouth opened to ask him something until

Jung Jiyoun, would you like to answer the question?

Jiyouns focus fixed back on Mrs. Moon who pointed to one of the problems about limits on the board. She motioned for Jiyoun to solve it. Biting her lip, she slightly hit her head for not paying attention and walked up to the board. It hasnt even been ten minutes and Yong Junhyung was already affecting my life.

. . .

Hey, youre Yong Junhyung, right? Im Jo Sungkyu.

A group of guys huddled around Junhyungs table, slightly joking and laughing about nothing in particular. While they kept nudging and questioning Junhyung about his reputation and rumors, Jiyoun took her sweet time packing away her pencils in hopes to hear a word from Junhyung. It wasnt too obvious that she was purposely lingering to be nosy, so she took her chances.

Hey man, we asked you, did you really date Choi Yoora? Sungkyu spoke up as he leaned in towards Junhyung who rested his head in his hands. Slowly, Junhyungs face peered from his hands with a not-too-happy face facing Sungkyu. Before Sungkyu could back away with little words stammering out of his mouth, Junhyungs hands moved fast. His hands no longer supported the weight of his face as they flew across Sungkyus face. Falling back, all of the others huddled around him.

What the fcuk!?Dude, what happened?Somethings up with that dude!

Sungkyu was now wiping the blood off of his mouth as he sat up with the support from his friends. Junhyung shook his hand and stuffed it into his pocket. Slowly rising up, he steadily walked over to where Sungkyu was sitting and kneeled to meet on an eye-to-eye level with him.

First rule, I dont care who you are. Jo Sungkyu? I could care less about you even if you were friends with the president. Secondly, I like to keep quiet and you were disturbing my peace earlier. Last rule, you dont ask about me, Choi Yoora, or anyone. Got it?

Sungkyus eyes were now filled with fear as he slowly inched away from Junhyung. In an instant, he ran out of the room with his crew following right behind his trail. It was then that Junhyung dusted himself off and walked back towards the table. Hurriedly realizing that she was still there, Jiyoun stuffed the pencil case into her bag and attempted to leave the empty classroom.

Key word: attempted. It was the grip around her wrist that made her halt where she was until she was flung around to face Junhyung. He pulled her closer as their faces were about a foot apart. He looked deeply into her eyes before giving a sneer.

These rules apply to you too. Break these rules and I dont know what I might do to you, he said before backing away from her. The grip around her wrist was now gone as he had snatched his bag and walked out of the room.

She looked at her wrist and held it in her other hand. Jiyoun still felt the heat of his grasp around the area where he had held her wrist. Slowly, the warmth had dispersed and Jiyoun realized that she was probably the only person still in school. Grabbing her bag, she quickly exited the room.

. . .


Jiyoun shushed Sunmi who was in front of her babbling about what had happened to Sungkyu. Apparently word had spread around the school that Sungkyu looked like he got badly beaten but the person who beat him remained mysterious. Obviously Sungkyu was abiding by Junhyungs rules. Who knew what Junhyung could have done then and there if Sungkyu had irritated him even further.

Her focus regained on the image of Sunmi pulling apart her cheeks widely in describing thats how swollen Sungkyus face had looked. Before Sunmi could speak any more, Jiyoun threw her hand over Sunmis mouth.

I told you to shush! She whispered furiously as she hinted with her eyes in the direction next to her. Sunmis gaze followed to a sleeping Junhyung plopped over his desk as Sunmi gave the I-dont-know look.

They began scribbling on what they were discussing onto a piece of scratch paper, Jiyoun not wanting to disturb his sleeping. After all, he could beat her anytime, any day.

It was a couple of minutes until the doors of the classroom opened as Ha Soomin walked into the classroom with a heart-shaped box in front of her. She walked over to the direction of Jiyoun and stopped right before Junhyung. Drawing in a breath of air, she tapped his shoulder lightly as he stirred in his sleep. He looked up, scanned Soomin from her head down, and put his head back down.

Soomins face was priceless in scrunching before putting on another fake smile. She tapped his shoulder again. Junhyung.

He looked back up and now leaned back in his chair with sleepy eyes. With his typical eyebrow raising, he looked back up at her, waiting for her to speak.

I bought you these, she said as she placed the heart-shaped box onto his desk. Theyre Godiva chocolates and it was expensive to purchase them, but I decided for you, I would.

Jiyoun mentally laughed in her head. Soomin was a desperate girl, clinging onto any guy at school who had a reputation. The only thing saving Soomin from being classified as a loner was the money she spent for these guys who left her like a rag doll in the end. It wasnt Jiyouns position to judge about this since Soomin technically has had more boyfriends, well, in general she had a boyfriend for the most part, than Jiyoun had.

I dont want it, Junhyung said quietly before edging the box near her, just enough to touch the fabric of her skirt.

Junhyung, Im giving it to you because I like you silly, she said before edging it back towards him. His face slightly scrunched while staring at the box before looking back at her. Then, all hell broke loose.

If a guy tells you they dont want it, do you not get the sign that hes not interested?

Soomin stood there shocked by what had happened. Although guys had played her out until they were bored, she wasnt that bad. She had the money and the looks to help her get the guys, but Junhyung was possibly the first to shoot her down so instantly. As a matter of fact, this may the first time Ha Soomin has been shot down by a guy.

Im telling you nicely, Im not interested so take your expensive chocolates and give it to someone who may want them.

He picked up the box of chocolates and placed them in her hand. He stood up, gave her a pat on the shoulder, sneered, and walked out of the classroom.

Soomin dropped the box of chocolates and ran out of the classroom with what seemed to be little tears forming in the corners of her eyes. That afternoon, Junhyung didnt return for the remaining classes, until

001 Discovering New Things

It was until after school that everyone was hurriedly finishing their cleaning duties before exiting the dreaded school. Being one of the students rushing to finish their cleaning duties, Jiyoun ran down the hallway to put the mop away until she felt something hard hit against her shoulder, causing her to slightly tumble to the side.

The collision had a big impact as Jiyoun clutched her shoulder in aching pain. She moved the bangs that spread across her forehead to see the guy motioning the same reaction she was doing.

Cocking her head a bit, she wondered where she had seen him. His brown hair styled up with his big eyes worriedly looking at his arm which was in pain. Hrm

Yoon Doojoon! She screamed in realization of who he was now. He was the student body president and also one of the most well-known guys throughout the school. He was famous for almost everything: being the soccer teams captain, student body president, one of the smartest students in the school, and the guy who had girls flocking him day in and day out.

Excuse me? He asked, confused as to why she was screaming his name.

Uhrm, I mean, I saw your face and I remembered who you wereOH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY? Jiyoun yelled upon seeing him clutch his arm. She ran to his side and slightly touched the arm that she had practically thrown herself at earlier. Not knowing what she was going to do, he reacted by moving away from her as she quickly took her hand away.

Im sorry, I didnt mean to frighten you like that, she said.

Its fine, I just didnt know. Anyway, how do you know my name? Doojoon replied back.

Well, who wouldnt know your name when its plastered practically all around the school buildings for almost every single event?

Oh, I hear your name a lot about school stuff.

Slightly disappointed by her answer, his lips pouted a little until he realized the mop she was holding earlier. Walking over, he picked it up and handed it to her.

Thanks! She smiled cheerfully as she took the mop from his hand.

I dont think we got on the right start, he said. Extending his hand out to what seemed like a handshake, she gladly took his hand in hers. She felt the warmth of his fingers wrap around hers as they shook hands before she felt the warmth disappear. Jiyoun looked back up to see Doojoon smiling down at her.

Im Yoon Doojoon. I hope I get to see you around more, Doojoon said as he gave her a wide grin. Before she could say anything, he saluted her off and walked the opposite direction she was headed. He seemed like a nice boy. No wonder half of the girl population at this school liked him.

Breaking away from her thoughts, she began to walk down until she saw a figure leaning against the wall at the edge of the hallway. His head was down and he seemed to be bobbing along to music from his earphones. Making a turn, she was headed towards the supply room until she felt herself being flung back. Surprised, she nearly screamed until the person had put his hand over her mouth. She felt a body press up against her lightly as the wall was now comforting her back. Opening her eyes, Jiyoun saw that it was Junhyung.

You seemed cuddly with Doojoon back there, he said.

Obviously, Junhyung had the wrong idea. She wanted to say something but his hand was still over her mouth.

You know, I thought you were a bit different from the other girls in this school. To think you were just like them swooning over Yoon Doojoon, he continued, still not allowing her to talk. His face leaned in a bit as his eyes looked into hers.

I guess I was wrong. He sneered before letting his hand go as he turned around. He was headed back towards the classroom.

What had just happened? Why was Junhyung watching her and Doojoon? Millions of questions popped up inside her head as she felt each question bother her in annoyance. Not being able to handle it anymore, she turned back to see him walking down the hall.

YONG JUNHYUNG! She yelled as she saw his shadow stop from walking.

I dont know what you want but what you saw was nothing!

The shadow stood still as it felt like he was really listening to what she had to say. It was weird because Jiyoun didnt understand why she was explaining herself and being rational with him. If it was any other guy, shed let it pass. However, with Yong Junhyung, she felt like if she didnt clear this up, it would remain as a misunderstanding.

Not knowing what else to say, she stood there dumbfounded as she tried to think of reasonable things to say. It was then that she saw the shadow move and it seemed to her that he was walking towards her direction. With each step, Junhyung was now growing closer to her as she could make out his face.

Once he was within a three foot distance from her, he stopped and stared down at her. He raised his eyebrow, giving her another intimidating look. She didnt know what to do so she kept staring back at him, almost as if the two were engaged in a staring contest.

I dont want anything from anybody in this school, he spoke up. But there is one thing I want from you.

Millions of thoughts and possibilities of this wanting Junhyung could have wanted ran back and forth across her mind as she began to narrow the options down. Money? Girlfriend? Her homework? She was confused as she scratched the back of her head of what this could be. Jiyoun looked back up at Junhyung as he continued to stare down at her.

The one thing I want from you is to not be around Yoon Doojoon.

What was this? Thats all? To not hang around the most popular boy at school? That was easy, she barely saw the dude aside from him talking during the events. It was her first time seeing today after all.

Thats easy, she said. She smiled at him as he continued to stare at her. Is that all?

Just stay away from Yoon Doojoon.

Before she could say anything, he had already turned his back on her and walked off. What a strange kid.

. . .

Did you hear, did you hear? Sunmi nudged Jiyoun as she broke away from her thoughts.

What did you hear? She said slowly, still fixed on what had happened earlier. Everything happened so fast and it was after Junhyung left that Jiyoun was still at school. She bum rushed back to the classroom to see that Sunmi was waiting for her, bored out of her mind. Jiyoun apologized furiously for being late as they left the school together. They were now going home together, but it seemed Sunmi was suggesting something else rather than home.

Well, theres this club event at Nu Abo and I was wondering Her voice drifted and Jiyoun knew exactly what this meant.

Sunmi, God, I swear you cannot keep your skirt on or something. Cant you just wait until we graduate to start hitting up the clubs? Jiyoun asked in a whiny voice. The two girls were both legal in terms of age to go to clubs, but it did look bad that high school students were already hitting them up so soon. Jiyoun had nothing against the activity, it was just shed rather wait until she graduated to do so.

Jiyoun, its not like you didnt go last time! Fine, fine. Well just take a peek inside because I actually need to give Jungmin oppa something, Sunmi said.

What do you need to give him?

His license. He left it last time at my house and apparently he really needs it, she said nonchalantly. I promise well only go in there to give this. I was just messing with you earlier hehe.

Jiyoun looked at Sunmi skeptically who in return threw her arms up in the air as if she did nothing wrong. Trusting her best friend, she followed along as the sun was now set with lights from different stores glowing in the dark evening.

. . .

Music blared from all sides of the room as the two swerved past couples and waiters coming forth their way. Once they had hit the center of the club, Sunmi and Jiyoun felt the heat of the bodies rubbing against one another.

Can we hurry up and give Jungmin oppa his license? Jiyoun yelled while Sunmi nodded her head in agreement. The two walked towards the bar where Jungmin was a bartender until a waiter had come forth between her and Sunmi. Talking to Sunmi, he had dragged her away while Jiyoun stared terrified. Bad timing because a group of friends were entering the dance floor, causing even more havoc between her and Sunmi. She lost her.

Bumping into people and receiving mean mugs, Jiyoun finally exhaled a breath of air once she was out of the dance floor. If Sunmi was taken away by a waiter, she knew that he was taking her for a booking.

*A/N: Booking = Korean matchmaking system in clubs.

It was the same process of receiving mean glares and creepy looks from people as she barged into the private rooms in attempt to find Sunmi. When she had finally walked in on the last room, she found Sunmi timidly sitting in between a swarm of what seemed to be college guys. One of them was Yoon Doojoon.

Jiyoun? Doojoon placed the cup he held in his hand down onto the table.

Sunmi, lets go. Without a word, Jiyoun walked over to where Sunmi was sitting and pulled her up. However, one of the guys had grabbed her wrist, sitting her back down.

Shes not going anywhere, he said. We like her.

Shes my friend and she clearly doesnt want to be here. Again, Jiyoun pulled her up, only for her to sit back down.

What are you going to do about it then? The guy had stood up also when Sunmi was pulled up again.

Im going to beat your if you dont let go of my friend, Jiyoun said. She felt her tone of voice rise in anger. The blood rose to her face and she was now shaking in slight fear of what this man would do to her.

Why dont you just run along and go do your homework while I play with your friend? With his other hand, he slightly pushed her forehead, causing her to tilt a bit. That was the last line.

Jiyoun let go of Sunmi and punched the guy square in the face. She tried to act fast, but the guy had now gripped Jiyouns wrist and flung her around. When she was facing him, his hand was raised up in the air.

HYUNG! Doojoon yelled, but it was too late. His hand made contact with her face as she felt the sting burn on her cheek.

What the fcuk is going on!? Someone had yelled as everyones gaze looked over to the sound of the voice.

There he was. His body halfway in, he stood at the doorway, an expression of shock written over his face. He marched over and pushed Jiyoun and Sunmi slightly out of his way.

Youre going to fcuking get it, Junhyung said. Jiyoun saw it coming as she saw Junhyungs fist punch the guy square in the face. From there, all hell broke loose.

. . .

Sunmi was sent home while Junhyung was now walking Jiyoun to her apartment. The two walked quietly while Junhyung kept staring at her. She felt his gaze burn through her skin but she ignored it.

I told you not to hang around Yoon Doojoon, he said.

What was that supposed to mean? It was coincidence that he was in the room where Sunmi was!

I wasnt hanging around him, he was just there, she retorted back in her defense. She slowed her pace as she saw her apartment within her vision. It was quiet until they were now in front of her place as she stopped to face him.

I didnt hang around him, she repeated. It felt like it was necessary for her to defend herself when Junhyung gave that accusatory glare to her.

How come he was in there then? He asked.

I dont know, he was just there and I was in there to help Sunmi.

Either way, he didnt protect you from that guy, Junhyung argued back.

Does it matter if he helped me? Then what makes you better than Yoon Doojoon? She was curious now as to why Junhyung was so uptight about Doojoon in the first place.

What makes me not?

I dont know, but I dont even know why I listen to you sometimes. You dont make sense, Jiyoun said before turning around. It was almost as if she was used to it by now. The grip on her wrist came back as she was now facing Junhyung.

Just dont hang around him.

Why? Give me a reason.

See? Thought so, Jiyoun smirked before turning around. She hadnt realized that he still had his grip around her as he easily flung her back around to face him.

She smiled at the thought of him not being able to explain himself. Hes probably going to tell her that him and Doojoon were rivals or something. Jiyoun expected some lame retort but suddenly saw Junhyungs face close up to hers. In an instant, she tried to back away but his other hand had wrapped around her head, keeping her position intact. His face slowly inched towards her as Jiyoun stood there, frightened of Junhyungs face, but also nervous in him trying to kiss her.

All of a sudden, she heard a soft chuckle as she opened her eyes, only to see Junhyung smiling. You thought

Before he could say anything, she shoved his face away with her hand and marched in to the apartment building. However, Junhyungs voice stopped her yet again.

Dont hang around Yoon Doojoon! He yelled while Jiyoun stood there with her back faced to him. When she turned her head around to give him a quick glare, he spoke up again.

Because if you do, I just might kiss you! Junhyung laughed while he saw that Jiyoun had slightly turned scarlet from his statement. She stuck her tongue out and ran inside hurriedly.

Taking out his phone, he began to walk towards his home as he waited for Kikwang to pick up. Once the cheery tone had stopped as a Hello? popped up from the other end, Junhyung spoke up.

Hey Kikwang, this is Junhyung. Do you have Doojoons number? I need to talk to him.

002 Know Your Past

Listen to: [Looking Back] - JOO

Can I borrow Jiyoun for a second?

It was in the middle of history when Doojoon had walked in to the classroom. He scanned the classroom and smiled upon seeing Jiyoun. Then his gaze glanced towards Junhyung who sat next to her with a grim face, clearly showing his dislike to Doojoon. He decided to ignore Junhyung as he asked the teacher politely yet loud enough for Junhyung and Jiyoun to hear.

May I ask what this is for? Mrs. Jung asked, not wanting one of her students to miss a single second of her lecture. It was alright though since Jiyoun had already spaced out of the lecture long since.

Its actually for the schools masquerade that Im in charge of. Jiyouns supposed to help me, he smiled. He gave an insisting look towards Mrs. Jung who hesitated for a while until giving him a small nod. Gaining her approval, Doojoon had walked over to where Jiyoun was sitting. Giving Junhyung a quick glance, he motioned for her to stand. Feeling uneasy with Junhyungs words repeating in the back of her mind, she didnt stand quite fast enough.

Jiyoun, I would like it if you stood up since we are in the middle of a lecture, Mrs. Jung butted in. It was obvious by the tone of her voice that she wanted them to stop disrupting the class. It was bad enough that her student was being pulled out for a school event planning.

Mrs. Jung? I dont think Doojoon told you but Im in the committee also, right Doojoon? Junhyung said all of a sudden, causing heads to turn. Mrs. Jung stood there with an o-shaped mouth while Doojoons eyes slightly grew wider. When facing him, Junhyung smiled back at Doojoon. Remember we were talking on the phone and you asked me to help you for the masquerade?

Jiyouns eyes adverted back and forth from Junhyung to Doojoon. She thought they were rivals, no?

O-Of course, Doojoon stammered. He motioned for the two to follow him as Junhyung grabbed Jiyouns wrist, having her follow behind him.

The three walked out of the classroom as Junhyung and Jiyoun followed Doojoon. They walked down the stairs until they hit the small room which was for Doojoon and other committees in planning.

Alright Junhyung, you saw me bring her here safely, you can go now. I really need to plan the masquerade with Jiyoun, Doojoon said as soon as he turned to face the two. Junhyung was quiet for a second until he started chuckling.

Cut the Doojoon. Say what you need to say when Im here. Plus, dont give me that masquerade either because I know that masquerade planning finished last week, Junhyung said.

Upon hearing this, Jiyoun didnt know whether to trust Junhyungs words or not. Either way, she gave Doojoon a questioning look who in return gave her a longing look. It was as if he wanted something.

Fine Junhyung, Ill cut to the chase, he said before looking at Jiyoun. Jiyoun, do you like Junhyung?

Jiyoun felt her body stiffen at the question of if she liked Junhyung. Did she? She turned to face Junhyung who kept his face as serious as ever, staring hard at Doojoon. Looking back at Doojoon, she was going to tell him no until Junhyung spoke up.

What does that have to do with you? Junhyung asked.

Stay out of it. If youre going to let me talk, let me talk Junhyung.

Fcuk you, Yoon Doojoon. If you think that with your dam.n looks youll get every girl you want?

I told you to Doojoon got cut off immediately.

STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO! Jiyoun said loud enough for the two to stop arguing and look at her. I dont know why you guys pulled me out of class just for you two argue. If I dont have anything to do with this, Im leaving.

She was done with this. Trying to leave, she walked out, only to be pulled back by Junhyungs grip around her wrist. Fcuk.

Let me ask you something Junhyung, why are you so protective over Jiyoun? Doojoon asked. Is it because you dont like me? Are you her friend? Or is it because she reminds you of Choi Yoora?

At that last phrase, she felt the grip on her wrist firm and her circulation being cut. She turned back around to look at Junhyung as his eyes trembled a little, his mouth quivering slightly.

Dont fcuking mention Choi Yoora, Yoon Doojoon. Shes done and

Oh Jiyoun, I think I should fill you in since you look a little lost there, Doojoon said. He was doing this in spite of Junhyung. Jiyoun wanted to know who this Choi Yoora girl was, but she was scared to make Junhyung angry.

Choi Yoora was Junhyungs ex-girlfriend. She was one of those childhood friends he grew up with and eventually fell in love with her. They were happy until

FCUK YOON DOOJOON! Junhyung yelled until he blew a fist at Doojoons face. Dodging it, Doojoon smirked, making Junhyung even angrier.

Instantly, Jiyoun held onto Junhyungs arms from behind, holding him back from getting near Doojoon any further. However, when she felt one of his arms break free, she wrapped both arms around his waist. She felt him pause from what he was doing as she leaned against him.

Pleasedont punch himI dont want to see you fight Jiyoun whispered helplessly and felt Junhyungs arm go down. Everything was silent as she heard his breathing and steady heartbeat.

Please That was all Jiyoun said until the silence grew deeper. When she felt like Junhyung had calmed down, Jiyoun tried to unravel her arms but felt his hand around hers. He kept her hands in place and began to speak up.

One minute ago, I wouldve pummeled your as you would be lying on this floor with blood around you. However, I didnt and you arent. I usually dont listen to anyone when Im angry but I did for once. Not even Choi Yoora stopped me from beating up anyone.

Now, Im warning you Yoon Doojoon. Im giving you my three rules like I did to that Sungkyu kid except Im making additions to yours.

First rule, I dont care what you are to this fcuking school. I dont care if youre the student body president or if youre a star in this school. However, if you get in my way, or more over in my eye when youre with Jiyoun, you will be a somebody and it will not be fun.

Second rule, keep it quiet. You being around Younie is making it more chaotic and louder than it already is in this school. Stay away from her and everything will stay quiet.

Last rule, dont tell my business to anyone, especially Jiyoun here. Anything and everything. If needs to be told or if she wants to know, Ill be the one to tell her. Got it?

With everything said, Junhyung pulled Jiyoun out of the small room and down the hall. Junhyung, are we going back to class?

He didnt say anything back to her as towards the back of the school. Continuing to drag her along, they crept out through the infamous opening in the back of the school gates and were now walking down the streets of Jeonju.

Junhyung Jiyouns voice drifted as she watched Junhyung lead her down the street without saying a word.


Dont worry, Ill let go of your hand soon, Junhyung said, making an abrupt turn. He took a left turn on the corner until she saw a nearby park in her view. It was as if he was taking her to the local park.

The two were silent until he had finally stopped in front of the swing set. However, there were only two swings on the set as a little girl and a boy were happily perched on the seats.

Hey kids, can we sit here? He asked but the kids continued to swing, staring at Junhyung.

I asked if we can sitcan we? Jiyoun could tell Junhyungs voice slowly rise in irritation.

The kids continued to stare at Junhyung and smiled. Instead of getting off, they just smiled and continued to swing.

When Jiyoun looked back at Junhyung, she saw his hand slowly tremble. In fear that he was going to punch the kids soon, she grabbed his hand as he faced to look at her in slight shock.

The two stared at each other until the little boy spoke up. Hey ahjussi, you could have just told us that your girlfriend wanted to go on the swings.

With that, he slowly halted the swing and so did the girl. Once they were off the swings, the boy walked up to them while smiling. Jiyoun realized that the boy didnt have a front tooth but was constantly smiling. It was a cute sight.

When the boy was in front of the two, he took Jiyouns hand off of Junhyungs. Then, he had grabbed Junhyungs hand and placed it over Jiyouns.

The guy is supposed to hold the girls hand, he said while giving his toothless grin. He walked away without a word while he held the little girls hand within his, taking her to the playground.

Junhyungs hand was gently placed over Jiyouns. In realizing that he had his hand over hers, she took her hand away until Junhyung grabbed her hand. He normally grabbed her wrist, but he went for her hand this time. Once their palms were facing one another, his fingers slinked within the spacings of her fingers, their fingers intertwining.

You know what? Forget the swings, Ill take you to somewhere better.

003 The Setup.

Hand in hand, fingers linked together, and the slight breeze warming against her face, Junhyung continued to lead her down the street until she felt that they were walking slower. When his feet halted, she stopped close behind him. Peering from his back, she saw that they were now in front of a tiny caf. It was one of those cafs youd pass by easily, not even noticing its existence. He opened the door for her with his other hand, not letting go of her. Walking side by side, the two walked into the small caf to be greeted by a waitress.

Table for two? She asked, eyeing the two of them.

Yes please, he said. She directed the two of them one of the few tables lining against the window. He let go of her hand as his fingers unraveled from hers. After holding his hand for what was a good ten minutes, she felt a bit disappointed. The warmth of his fingers was nice to hold onto. She felt his hold still linger within her hand.

Taking a seat, he sat directly across from her. She didnt know where to look but he obviously did since his gaze was fixed on her.

Heres your water. What would you like to drink? The waitress had come back with two iced waters and set it down gently on the table.

Orange juice for me, Junhyung told the waitress. He turned his attention back to Jiyoun who was looking out the window. What do you want, Jiyoun?

With a slight turn, she looked up at the waitress. Ill just stick with the water. Thank you.

Giving a light smile, the waitress walked away and Junhyung propped his head onto his elbows. Leaning in, he gave a light smile to Jiyoun. This was possibly the second time she felt her heart flutter a bit, small tosses and turns made in her stomach. He rarely gave a genuine smile and she felt that this was one of Yong Junhyungs rare smiles.

Ask me, I know youre curious, Junhyung said. And dont try to play it off because I saw you freeze when Doojoon mentioned Choi Yoora.

Junhyung defeated mind readers by a mile as he knew exactly what she was thinking. She hated that he knew things so easily and how predictable she was to him.

But you can only ask three questions about me, he said. Why three?

I realized that you always do things by the number three. Why is that?

Is that one of your three questions? He smirked. Cr.ap. She frowned a bit in realizing that she had already asked a question without knowing it.

Im kidding, I wont count that one. Go ahead, ask me, Junhyung said, taking his head away from his hands and slightly leaning back against his seat.

Hrm Jiyoun drifted slowly into her thoughts of what questions she wanted to ask Junhyung. There were a lot, but she decided to go for the ones she possibly wanted to be answered.

Tell me about Choi Yoora, she finally said after a slight pause. I know it may not be any of my business but

Ex girlfriend. I dated her for four years but she passed away from a car accident a year ago, he said before continuing. The reason why Doojoon said you reminded me of her was because she was the first person to talk to me when I first transferred to her school. Is that all?

He practically summed up all she wanted to know in one quick breath. In realizing that he said Choi Yoora had passed away, Jiyoun instantly felt a sense of guilt. She didnt mean to remind Junhyung of his ex girlfriend, especially if he loved her for a long time. Sighing, she asked another question.

Whats your relationship with Yoon Doojoon? She asked.

Simple: hate. I hated him when he had Yooras brother and his friends gang up on me. I hated him for always being around Choi Yoora, trying to be friends with her. I hated him since middle school.

So they werent friends. Well, it was obvious in him trying to punch Doojoon earlier, but she had confirmed that they didnt hate each other for no reason.

Trying to find her third question, she pondered a bit. She knew a bit about Choi Yoora to sum up that she wasnt going to attack her like the other girls do in Korean dramas. She knew why Junhyung had spite towards Doojoonnow

Why do you always care in what I dowait, that didnt sound righthow should I say it Her voice drifted in trying to find the right words until Junhyung had organized her sentence for her.

You mean, why do I pay so much attention to what you do? He asked.

Yeah, Jiyoun said. Her head was slightly facing down, somewhat embarrassed in herself asking this question. It was as if she was telling Junhyung that he liked her when he didnt.

You really want to know? He was now teasing her, seeing her face turn slightly pink in embarrassment.

When she looked up to tell him to forget her question, his face was just inches away from hers. In shock, her eyes grew wide and instantly her hands went up in trying to push his face away. However, she felt a pair of hands wrap themselves around each one of hers. Feeling the warmth over her hands, she saw Junhyungs face tilt and lean closer to hers.

It was short but sweet. Jiyoun felt his moist lips press themselves against hers. His lips moved around a bit, slightly taking in her upper lip. With one quick peck, he slowly peeled himself away from her and smiled.

I think that could have answered your question? Junhyung chuckled as Jiyoun held her hands against her face once Junhyung had let go.

She sat there in slight shock of what happened. Yong Junhyung had just kissed her and she didnt know why.

I like you Jiyoun, if you didnt get the hint.

. . .

The two walked together, hand in hand, towards Jiyouns house. There was no choice but for Junhyung to walk her home since Sunmi had dropped off both of their belongings at Jiyouns after class.

The two began talking about random moments of each other and their past at the caf for quite a while. Junhyung opened up to her about his reputation as being this cynical student when in reality, he was just like any other student. What made him different was that he chose to make actions upon his anger rather than vocalizing it like others did.

Jiyoun opened up about herself also and how she lived with an annoying brother, how long her and Sunmi have been friends, and excited about graduating in the spring.

Junhyung and Jiyoun were now in front of Jiyouns door as she rang the door bell. The door opened abruptly as loud yelling welcomed the two of them.

NUNAAAAAAAA! WHY ARE YOU HOME NOW?! It was none other than Jiyouns little brother. He had stepped out of the door to see Junhyung standing next to Jiyoun. Eyeing them two, his gaze landed on their hands interlocked together.

WHAT THE HALMONEY, IS THIS YOUR BOYFRIEND?! He yelled, causing Junhyung to cringe.

With Junhyungs free hand, he extended it out to Jiyouns little brother who slapped it.

Junhong! Jiyoun yelled at how rude her brother was being. Sorry Junhyung.

So his name is Junhyung? Hey, both of our names start with Jun. I guess that makes you slightly cooler, Junhong said. We can be Jun broskies-in-law.

At his dorky statement, Jiyoun put her head down in embarrassment yet again. Why oh why was he this weird? Especially around Junhyung

Junhong, just get me his backpack. With that, Junhong mumbled words like grr and nuna being mean again while he trailed off in search of Junhyungs backpack.

She turned around to look back up at Junhyung who chuckled. Cute brother you have there.

More like pain in the, she said. Anyway, Im going to go.

Before he left, he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Surprised, Jiyoun barely had time to react as she felt his hand loosen around hers. But your backpack!

I didnt bring my backpack, remember? Junhyung smiled before walking away. The elevator doors opened and before they closed, he gave her a wink.

Junhong busted open the door again and yelled at Younie some more. His backpack isnt even here!

Does that mean him and Sunmi set this up?

004 Truth Be Told

Sunmi, what is going on?! Jiyoun yelled once Sunmi was standing before her meanwhile munching on a bag of cookies.

I ront know rhwat youre tralking about, Sunmi mumbled as small cookie crumbs flew out.

Sunmi, Im being serious, Jiyoun said. When Sunmi put up her index finger to give her a moment, Jiyoun took her wrist and dragged her. Down the hall, taking a turn, and up to the rooftop, Sunmi let Jiyoun drag her until the breeze of the afternoon greeted them warmly. Letting go, Jiyoun turned around to face Sunmi who had chewed all of the cookies within her mouth. Upon seeing Jiyoun, Sunmi gulped as she knew she was in trouble.

Explain, Jiyoun said. Dont try to think you can by with this one. If you need help on what Im talking about, explain how Junhyung knew his backpack wasnt at my house.

Taking an even bigger gulp, Sunmi stared at Jiyoun wide-eyed.

I-I-I d-d-did! Sunmi stammered.

Cut the cr.ap Sunmi, I know something is going on and if you dont explain

In the middle of Jiyouns frustration, the door had flung open and in the doorway stood Yong Junhyung. He stared back and forth at the two of them before walking towards them.

Whats going on? He asked, a questioning look on his face.

Junhyungie can explain to you! Sunmi cheerfully yelled. Junhyung, explain to her!

Confused, Junhyung raised his eyebrow at Sunmi who smiled nervously. She jabbed him in the rib with her elbow in which he sort of winced. Glaring at Sunmi, his confused look changed into anger until Jiyoun had interrupted them.

If you both arent going to explain, Im not going to talk to any of you. Jiyoun didnt have the strength to play mind games with the two of them. She tried to walk past them until Junhyung reached for her wrist. Instantly, Jiyoun shook his grip off of her wrist.

I dont know what the fcuk is going on! I know that you guys have something behind all this and its frustrating that none of you guys are talking!

Do you think Im stupid?! Ive been thinking about this since you dropped me off, Junhyung! I feel like you guys think Im stupid!

In midst of her anger, Jiyoun felt a tear slowly roll down her cheek. Angrily wiping away the tears, Jiyoun tried to walk away again until she felt the familiar grip around her wrist. She was tired of all this. Why was she even stressing over this? Maybe because

Ill explain, Junhyung said.

Looking up, she saw Junhyung motion his head over to the door meanwhile looking at Sunmi. Understanding his signal, she quietly made her exit. Before she could look back at Junhyung, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. With his head bent low against her left ear, she felt herself being slightly pulled into Junhyungs embrace.

Im sorry I upset you, he whispered. I didnt know itd affect you this much.

With the breeze blowing gently, she felt cradled under Junhyungs hold. It felt nice, it really did.

Ill explain His voice drifted before taking a big inhale. As he exhaled, his speech began.

Somewhat of this was a set up. I asked Sunmi to help me, he said. Confused, Jiyoun tilted her head to see Junhyung whose chin was cradling on her shoulder.

It started from the first day. It wasnt in class. When I first walked in the school, I saw you walking happily with Sunmi inside the building. I know it sounds weird but seeing you brought a smile on my face.

Surprised, Jiyoun felt the blood rush to her face with what seemed to be the Yong Junhyung-compliment.

Then I found out you were in my class which made me even happier. You had no idea how happy I was to be sitting next to you. Did you ever notice that Sunmi would have normally brought you outdoors during lunch but you two were always inside sitting next to me?

Jiyoun hadnt realized that. She let Junhyung continue as she looked at his face to see him smiling.

I guess aside from all the times Sunmi helped me keep you next to me and the whole backpack incident, everything wasnt a setup. I didnt know Doojoon had a thing for you until he called you out during class, I didnt know Sungkyu was going to irritate me, and I didnt know that one girl would give me chocolates.

Nothing was a lie aside from Sunmi is what Im saying. From me telling you everything about Choi Yoora to genuinely giving you kisses and holding your handthat was real.

But you know what reason I went through all that trouble was for, right? He asked. She didnt respond as she let him continue.

I wanted to let you know that I do really like you, Jiyoun.

Once he had finished, she felt the arms around her waist unravel as he turned her around to face him. Cupping her cheeks with his hands, he leaned in until his forehead was slightly bumping against hers. He lowered his face to the point that his lips were hovering slight above hers, barely touching. He took in another breath of air until he spoke again.

I like you Jiyounis that so hard? He whispered before planting his lips onto hers. Pulling away, he looked at her sadly. Is it?

Jiyoun didnt know how to feel. She felt in fact overwhelmed that all of this, of her and Junhyung, had existed on his first day of school. He waited for her to reply until Junhyung had felt something behind his neck.

Jiyoun had moved in closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. Crooning his neck, Junhyungs face was now inches before hers. He wrapped his arms around her lower back while Jiyoun made the move.

She kissed him for the first time while their lips danced passionately. Both of them smiling, they continued to kiss until Jiyoun slightly pulled back.

Liking someone was easy until you came along, Yong Junhyung, she smiled before she felt his warm lips take hers again.

Epilogue I love you.

Hey Jiyoun, are you at home?

On the phone was Jungmin oppa. Rolling in her bed, Jiyoun turned her body to face her alarm clock which read 1:43AM. Now, why was Sunmis boyfriend calling her at this time?

Yeah, Im kind of sleeping, Jiyoun murmured while rubbing her eyes. I guess Im not anymore.

Im sorry but I just wanted to call and ask something.

What is it?

Is Yong Junhyung your boyfriend?. . .

Making her way past the hoard of people entering the club, she shoved and nearly pushed the girls and guys in her way. Unlike the last time she came here, the last time when Junhyung had rescued her, she could care less about the glares and mean looks she was receiving.

Heading over to the bartender section, she found Jungmin wiping the mugs with a cloth until he had made eye contact with her. Once she had reached the side of the bartending station, he gave her a worried look.

Are you okay? Jungmin asked. He placed a hand on her shoulder in which she politely brushed away. She didnt need condolence; she needed to find Junhyung. Looking up, Jungmin understood before saying Hes in Room 301.

Nodding her head, she walked away to the private room areas until she finally hit room 301. She stared at the door as memories of the past months replayed within her head. The happy moments of her and Junhyung from the first time they met, graduation, and the little things like holding hands. Her and Junhyung rarely fought and if they did, it was over trivial things as they both got over it. However, this may be the biggest fight theyll ever get into as Jiyoun exhaled. Her hand slowly crept onto the doorknob as she twisted it slowly.

Upon entering, it was fairly quiet. A gust of smoke greeted her inside while she could barely make out the velvet room. Coughing crazily, she fanned away the smoke as she was able to get in front of the table. Once her vision cleared, she scanned to see five men sitting with at least one girl in their arms.

It was almost like a movie. In dramatized slow motion, her eyes landed on Junhyung while his focused on her also. The whole scene was too perfect as he had one hand around a pretty girl with a drink in the other. The girl was whispering in his ear of sweet nothings as she followed Junhyungs gaze.

Excuse me, may I ask who you are? The girl spoke up. Oppa, who is this?

Junhyung didnt pay attention to the girl beside him as his gaze was fixed on Younie. Oppa, Im asking who this

Im his fcuking girlfriend! Younie yelled. Surprised, all the other men in the room, some Younie recognized as Junhyungs friends, stared at her.

Younie, I can

What? Explain? Explain to me what? Why that girl is calling you oppa? Or why you have your arm around her? Why you lied to me saying you were just going to go eat and drink with your friends? What Junhyung? What are you going to tell me? Younie scoffed as she had cut off Junhyungs words. Explain to me, Yong Junhyung. Explain to me so that I can understand.

Junhyung sat there quietly as the arm he had around the girl came down while he setting the drink on the table. He stood up and took a step closer to Younie who backed away instantly.

I said explain, not come closer. Explain to me right there where you are.

Younie, I His voice was quiet than usual. Possibly because he knew he had nothing to explain himself, he put his head down in shame.

Thought so. Put your head back up because I need to tell you something, she said. Younie waited for him as his head slightly tilted up, looking at her curiously.

Were done, Junhyung. As she threw down her last statement, she looked for her left hand and pulled something to what Junhyung knew as their promise ring. She threw it down onto the ground and reached for her neck. Feeling the cold metal pendant, she ripped it as the clasp of the chain had broken off. Holding it in her hand, she threw it down also and walked out of the room.

. . .

One month later

Hey Jiyoun, can you do me a favor?

Here was Sunmi with her favors again. What do I need to do this time?

Well, Im planning something for Jungmin oppa since his birthday is coming up soon. I need your help.

Sigh, why was Sunmi seeking her for help? Of all the people, she had to ask Younie. What are you planning?

Something romantic. Im aiming for Doosan Park and setting stuff up there, Sunmi said cheerfully. I just need you to drag Jungmin oppa to the inner forest. I promise that you dont need to do anything else.

Younie pictured the smile on Sunmis face as they talked on the phone. Sunmi was such a bright, caring girl and for Jungmin, she would give the world. Alright. When?

Today at 9PM. I told Jungmin oppa to meet you at the front part of Doosan Park. I hope thats okay?

Sure thing. Ill see you later, Younie said.

Uh-huh. Thanks Youn!

Younie hung up the phone and flung herself onto the bed. As she rolled onto her back, Younie stared up at the ceiling and began to reminisce.

. . .

WHY WOULD HE DO THIS SUNMI?! Younie screamed as she threw off all of the picture frames off of her desk. Slamming down the teddy bear, Younie screamed hysterically while Sunmi tried holding her back. Feeling defeated, Younie threw her hands back down as her knees gave in. She crumbled to the floor lifelessly while tears streamed down her face. Everything was over.

Its okay Youn, its okay, Sunmi whispered while cradling Jiyoun in her arms.

. . .

Jiyoun slowly packed away the pictures and frames into the shoebox. Carefully lacing it, Jiyoun sighed as she looked at the decorated box. Carrying it with her, she walked over to her closet and placed it gently beside the other picture boxes on the floor.

. . .

You got that fire ~

Jiyoun stirred in her sleep as one hand reached helplessly for the obnoxious sound. Landing on a hard piece of metal, she flipped it and placed it against her ear. Hello?

WHERE ARE YOU JIYOUN?! Sunmi yelled back in response. Confused, Jiyoun peeled the phone away from her ear and saw the time. 8:46PM. Fcuk.

Im SO sorry Sunmi! Im leaving right now! Younie jumped off her bed and managed to snag a cardigan on her way out. Slipping on her sneakers, she quickly closed the door and ran down the stairs. It was a good thing that Doosan Park was right next to her apartment.

Just run into the forest and you might see Jungmin oppa. Hes already making his way in. I have to go get ready so just come meet me here, okay? With that, Sunmi had hung up while Jiyoun ran.

Upon seeing the gateway to Doosan Park, she passed by the old couples walking and exercising while she took the shortcut into the forest. Occasionally she would come across branches and leaves but she managed to shove them aside. Jiyoun saw the clearing in her view and began running even faster. When the was now in front of the clearing, she was in awe.

The whole area of the clearing was decorated in lights as what seemed like Christmas lights was aligned in a pathway. Walking up to it, she saw a small stand with a paper that read TO: JIYOUN.

Confused, she took out her phone to see that it was 9PM. However, there was no Jungmin nor Sunmi. She flipped up her phone and dialed Sunmis number which went straight to voicemail.

Younie had given up in calling Sunmi as she moved the stand aside and walked down the lighted pathway. When she got to the end, there was a random door standing there. On the door was a small card attached which was yet again addressed to Jiyoun.

Taking the envelope into her hand, she opened it to find a hand written letter. It was Junhyungs handwriting.

Dear Jiyoun,

Im sorry. Thats the first thing I could say. Im sorry for what happened that night, Im sorry for hurting you, and Im sorry for everything. If I could rewind back time, I would have done it. If I could take the pain for you, I would. If I could gain your forgiveness for my life, I would take it.

I never knew how much pain I caused you until I saw your face that night. It hurt me when you threw our ring and my necklace down. It also hurt me to see you cry. I heard from Sunmi about the trouble Ive put you through. I realized that I not only hurt you but ruined a part of your life. In that, Im really sorry.

I guess karma is true because Ive beenwell, miserable. I miss your smile, your sweet words, your touch, your kisses, your hugs, and you. Everything has been unbearable and youre probably wondering why I havent called you for the past month.

I didnt want to be selfish. As much as I love you, I respect you. I didnt want my selfishness to get in the way. It would be wrong of me to tell you that you need to come back to me when I hurt you so much. I tried to suppress my greed for your happiness. However, I dont think I can do that anymore.

This, the longing, grieving, and reminiscing, made me realize that I love you. I dont just like you Younie, I love you. Those three words that I dont think I could ever say to anyone else, not even if Choi Yoora came back, belong to you now. You have my word.

Look up and you see the door in front of you. If you open it, Ill be there. I will always be waiting behind that door no matter what, whenever and wherever. Open it and Ill be yours.

That was the end of the letter as a tear drop had fallen onto the letter. Jiyoun had half-hated Junhyung now. It was hard for her to trust him again after breaking her heart. Could she?

Her free hand was now on the doorknob, holding onto it gently. She debated with herself and contemplated on taking back the love of her life. Its been a month yet she still hasnt gotten over him. If he still loved her and she still loved him, it would work, right?

As she continued to debate with herself, she felt something move under her grip as the door had flung open. In her vision was Junhyung on the other hand while her grip had followed the door. She tried to turn back but Junhyung held her wrist and pulled her onto the other side.

Jiyouns grip had loosened from the doorknob as Junhyung had shut the door. Pinning her against the door, she felt herself trapped within Junhyungs arms which carefully rested near her hips. Pulling closer to her, he lowered his head as she saw the sorrow in his eyes.

He looked pale, even underneath the dark sky while his eye bags were puffed. In Younies case, he looked miserable. She fought the urge to pull her hand up and touch his face.

What took you so long? He whispered softly into her ear.

I said Id wait, but I didnt say Id wait forever.

I opened the door. Does that mean youll be mine?

He took himself away from her ear and lowered his head until their foreheads touched. His lips barely touched hers as she felt his breath against her own. Everything was quiet while only their breathing and heartbeats could be heard in the quiet night.

Without a word, Junhyung took himself off of her as he took a few steps back. I guess you wont be.

In smiling sadly, Junhyung began to walk away. Unlike the other side, this side had no lights as it was gloomy with the forest trees as the background. In seeing his back, Jiyouns heart broke into a million pieces. It broke her even more that she was now hurting Junhyung. Even though he did cause her a lot of pain, he was still in pain when she left him. She had caused him pain all this time yet she only cared about herself. About how she felt, about what Junhyung had done, and how she needed to overcome this. Nothing about how Junhyung felt nor how Junhyung was handling this.

Tears began streaming endlessly down her face as she saw Junhyung trudge his way toward the forest. Was this the end?

Clutching onto her aching heart, Jiyoun began to run towards Junhyung with all her might. When finally reaching him, she held onto his arm and turned him around. As he looked sadly down at her, she grabbed his face and pulled him closer.

It was a messy kiss with tears staining Junhyungs face and Jiyoun moving her lips around furiously until she felt a smile on his face. When she thought he was going to pull her away, he only pulled her closer as his arms slinked around her waist. The messy kiss turned out passionate while the two nibbled and swirled their tongues in the long awaited reunion they had both desired.

Breaking away from the kiss, the two both gasped for air meanwhile smiling into each others eyes. Junhyungs hand had unraveled from her waist and wiped away the tears from her face.

Liking someone was easy until you came along, Yong Junhyung, Jiyoun said as she smiled shyly.

. . .Moiety (noun): One of two equal parts; HALF.

Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one. . . .