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Page 1 Moedim Ha’Elohim: The Appointed Days of God Wednesday Night – April 16, 2014 Presented by Steve Stamper Part 3: The Blood Moons and the Summary Statement of History

Moedim Ha’Elohim: The Appointed Days of Ha’Elohim: The Appointed Days of God And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”

Mar 20, 2020



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Page 1: Moedim Ha’Elohim: The Appointed Days of Ha’Elohim: The Appointed Days of God And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”

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Moedim Ha’Elohim:The Appointed Days of GodWednesday Night – April 16, 2014

Presented by Steve Stamper

Part 3: TheBlood Moonsand theSummaryStatement ofHistory

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• Pastor Ed Nelson, Executive Secretary –Treasurer, South Carolina Assemblies of God(

• Pastor Mark Biltz, founder of El ShaddaiMinistries (

• Pastor John Haggee, Pastor of CornerstoneChurch (San Antonio, TX) & CEO of JohnHaggee Ministries ( The Four Blood Moons


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RECAP (Hebraic Roots)• We study Hebraic Roots, for greaterunderstanding of The Word of God.

• Challenges: The Challenge of Time – +2,000 Years The Challenge of Distance – 6,000 Miles The Challenge of Culture – Middle-East The Challenge of Language – Idioms

• PaRDeS (or PaRaDiSe) interpretation method:1. P’shat - “the plain" "simple" meaning.2. Remez - "a hint" or the deep, allegoric, meaning.3. Drash - “ to inquire" "seek" the comparative

meaning, like a sermon or life application.4. Sod (sounds like wood)- "secret"

"mystery" or the hidden meaning, asgiven through inspiration or revelation.

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RECAP (Hebraic Roots)

• Tonight we will finish taking a look at the BloodMoons and Sackcloth Suns related to the…

APPOINTED DAYS of GOD(Moedim Ha’Elohim)

…and look at the sod ofGenesis 1:1.

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MOEDIM HA’ELOHIM (The Appointed Days of God)

• Leviticus 23 - The Appointed Days of God

Shabbat (Sabbath) – V.3 Friday to Saturdayevening – “Rest” and Keep it Holy

1. Pesach/Passover – V. 5 (Aviv 14 / Nisan 14)*2. Pesach Matzah/Unleavened Bread – V. 6-83. Yom ha Bikkurim/Day of First Fruits – V. 10-144. Shavuot/Feast of Weeks/Pentecost – V. 15-22

5. Yom Teruah /Day of Blowing – V. 24-256. Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement – V. 27-327. Sukkot/Tabernacles/Booths – V.34-36

* Always a Full Moon on Pesach

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MOEDIM HA’ELOHIM (The Appointed Days of God)

Appointed Day Established Israel Celebrates Jesus’ Fulfillment

1. Pesach Leviticus 23:4-5 “The Passover” withthe lamb’s blood– Ex. 12:21-24

Jesus’ Sacrificial Deathas God’s Lamb

- Mt. 26:17-30, 27:45-502. Pesach Matzah Leviticus 23:6-8 Delivery of Israel from

slavery in Egypt.- Ex. 12:31-39

Jesus’ Burial-Mt. 27:57-66;- Eph 4:7-10

3. Yom Ha Bikkurim Leviticus 23:10-14 Thanksgiving for First[Barley] Harvest inThe Promised Land

Resurrection of Jesus;He is the first fruit…- Matthew 28:1-10;

- I Cor. 15:20-244. Shavuot Leviticus 23:15-22 Moses given the

covenant in the[written] Torah

- Ex. 19

The Ruach Ha Kodesh(Holy Spirit) given

– Acts 2- Heb. 10:10-18

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MOEDIM HA’ELOHIM (The Appointed Days of God)

Appointed Day Established Israel Celebrates Jesus’ Fulfillment

5. Yom Teruah Leviticus 23:24-25;Numbers 29:1

Entering the PromisedLand

- Joshua 3 & 4

Jesus’ taking of HisBride (Rapture)

– I Thess. 4:16-18

6. Yom Kippur Leviticus 23:27-32;Numbers 29:7

Atonement for the sinsof Israel

- Leviticus 23:27-32

Second Coming ofJesus (Armageddon)– Revelation 19:11-21

7. Sukkot Leviticus 23:34-36;Numbers 29:12,35

Israel wandering in theWilderness

(Temporary Housing)

Jesus’ Millennial Reign– Revelation 20:1-6

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns•Why all the excitement? Genesis 1:14 - God said, “Let there be lights in

the dome of the sky to divide the day from the night;let them be for signs, seasons, days and years;(CJB)

Joel 2:31 – 31 The sun will be turned to darknessand the moon to blood before the coming of thegreat and dreadful day of the LORD.” (NIV)

Matthew 24:29, Acts 2:20 Rev. 6:12 - I watched as he opened the sixth

seal. There was a great earthquake. The sunturned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, thewhole moon turned blood red, (NIV)

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns•Aren’t Eclipses of the Sun and Mooncommon? During the five Millennium period -1999 to +3000

(2000 BCE to 3000 CE), Earth will experience 12,064lunar eclipses and 11,898 solar eclipses.

Only 28% of lunar (3,479) and 26% of solar (3,173)will be “Total Eclipses.”

A “Tetrad” is a set of 4 consecutive total lunar eclipseswithin 2 years. From 500 CE through 2000, therehave been only 39 Tetrads…

Only eight (8) have occurred on theAppointed Days since Jesus.

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns•Aren’t Eclipses of the Sun and Mooncommon? Tetrads take place in 600 Year cycles…lasting for

300 years.

1901 – 2000 (5)20th Century

2001 - 2100(2 of 7– 2003 & 2014)

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns• Significance of the Tetrads on theAppointed Days? (John Hagee)

1493 – 1494 CE: August 1, 1492 Jewish Expulsionfrom Spain and Columbus to America afterSpanish Inquisition

1949 – 1950 CE: May 14, 1948 Israel declared aNation and Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, andIraq invade, killing 6,000 Israelis (1%)

1967 – 1968 CE: June 5, 1967 Beginning of the“Six-Day War” resulting in the reclaiming ofJerusalem (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq).

2014 – 2015 CE: Be READY!!

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The Blood Moons and Sackcloth Suns• Significance of the Tetrads on theAppointed Days? (Potential) 162 – 163 CE: The Roman–Parthian War (Roman

Empire vs. Iran, Iraq, Syria) of 161–166 CE

795 – 796 CE: Charlemagne conquers the SpanishMarch from the Muslims (778) and Leo III becomesPope (December 26, 795) – crowns Charlemagne

842 – 843 CE: 842 CE Saracens (Arab Muslims)tried to take Italian island of Ponza and tookMessina, Sicily. In 846 CE the Arabs sack Rome.

860 – 861 CE: On June 18, 860 Kievan Rus'vessels started pillaging the suburbs ofConstantinople

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Moedim Ha’Elohim:The Appointed Days of God

And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”And let him whohears say, “Come!”And let him whothirsts come.Whoever desires,let him take thewater of life freely.- Rev. 22:17

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Genesis 1:1The Summary

Statement of all HistoryPrepared by Steve Stamper

April 16, 2014

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• If the Bible is God’s Holy word that he gives tomankind…

• …Genesis 1:1 is the very first thing Godwanted us to know.

• In ancient times, quoting the beginning ofsomething, made reference to the wholething… (Example: Psalm 22)

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Genesis 1:1 in the original Hebrew contains seven(7) “words.”1. (Bereshyt) In the beginning2. (bara) created3. (Elohim) God4. “untranslatable mark…”5. (ha shamayim) the heavens6. (the vav is translated as “and”) “untranslatable

mark…”7. (ha eretz) the earth

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Genesis 1:1 in the original Hebrew containsseven (7) “words.”

ה ארץואתה שמיםאתאלה יםבראבראשית

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Remez (“A Hint”)– In the Hebrew alphabet, which has 22 letters, aleph (א) is the first and

tav .is the last (ת)– In the Greek alphabet, alpha (Α) is the first and omega (Ω) is the last.– “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who

was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” – Revelation 1:8– He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the

Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without costfrom the spring of the water of life. – Revelation 21:6

– I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginningand the End. – Revelation 22:13

– Who is the Alpha and Omega (the Aleph Tav)?

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Sod (“The Hidden” or “The Mystery”)– The ancient Hebrew Rabbis and Christian scholars have said that each

of the seven (7) words, like the seven (7) days of creation, represent1,000 years, based on Ps. 90:4

– 4 A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by,or like a watch in the night. – Ps. 90:4

– But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day islike a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. – 2 Peter3:8

– Rabbi Elias, (who lived 200 years before Jesus) wrote: "The worldendures 6000 years: two thousand before the law, two thousand withthe law and two thousand with the Messiah." (Babylonian Talmud,Sanhedrin 96b-99a).

– When did Jesus come to earth the first time? When will he comeagain?

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Sod (“The Hidden” or “The Mystery”)Now reading left to right… Look where the Aleph & Tav appear in the context of time.

ב ר א א ל ה י ם א ת ה ש מ י ם ו א ת ה א ר ץ 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

ב ר א ש י ת Bereshyt

In the beginningbaracreated


ha shamayimthe heavens and

ha eretzthe earth

2,000Before the Law

Creation - Abraham

2,000with the Law

Abraham - Messiah

2,000with Messiah

Days of Messiah

1,000The MillenniumShabbat (Rest)

Genesis 5Genesis 7:11Genesis 11Galatians 3:17

1,656 + 427 + 24 + 430 + 480 + 966

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Genesis 1:1 – The SummaryStatement of all History

• Sod (“The Hidden” or “The Mystery”)– God tells us from the very first verse of the Bible that

Jesus (Yeshua) will come and when he will come.– In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. –

Genesis 1:1

– God also reveals that he makes all things new…– “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first

heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also therewas no more sea.” – Revelation 21:1 (NKJV)

– Like “Bookends” of the Bible are the “Heavens & Earth”punctuate God’s Plan for His creation

– From the beginning, God’s plan been laid out… He is inCONTROL!!

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