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Module 6 Prof Saroj Kaushik Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

Module 6 Prof Saroj Kaushiksaroj/IITJ/Lect6.pdfProf Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi ` In C, Strings are defined as arrays of characters. For example, the following defines a string of 50

Jan 30, 2021



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  • Module 6Prof Saroj Kaushik

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Single dimensional Array◦ Array is a structure with fixed size.◦ Array in C is defined as:

    int numbers[50];◦ In C Array, subscript starts at 0 and ends one less

    than the array size (49 in this case).◦ Array elements can be accessed in the following

    ways:-numbers[2] = 100;x = numbers[2];

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Multi-dimensional arrays can be defined asfollows:

    int x[50][100]; // for two dimensionsX is an array with 50 rows and 100 columnsArray elements can be accessed in the followingways:

    y=x[2][3]; x[1][2]=50;For further dimensions simply add more [ ]:

    int x[50][50][40][30]......[50];

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • In C, Strings are defined as arrays of characters.◦ For example, the following defines a string of 50

    characters:char name[50];

    C has no string handling facilities built in and so thefollowing assignments are illegal:

    char fn[10],ln[10],fulln[20];fn= "Arnold";ln= "Schwarznegger";fulln= "Mr"+fn +ln;

  • However, there is a special library of string handlingroutines which may be included in headerfile and then various string operations can be used.String is enclosed in “ “.◦ Printf(“Well done”);’To print a string we use printf with a special %scontrol character:

    printf(``%s'',name);NOTE: We just need to give the name of the string.

  • In order to allow variable length strings, the 0character is used to indicate the end of a string.So if we have a following declaration

    char name[50];Initialization can be done at the declaration time asfollows:

    char name[50] = “DAVE”;The contents will look like:

  • Include as a header file. The followingfunctions are available for use.Concatenate two strings: strcat(s1, s2)Compare two strings : strcmp(s1, s2)Length of string : strlen(s)Copy one string over other: strcpy(s1, s2)◦ Here contents of s2 are copied to s1Locating substring: strstr(s1,s2)◦ Gives the position of s1 in s2

  • Enumerated Types◦ It contains a list of constants that can be addressed in integer

    values.We can declare types as follows:

    enum days {MON, TUE, ..., SUN};Variables of enumerated type are defined as follows:

    enum days week1, week2;where week1 and week2 are variables of type

    enum days

  • Possible uses of enumerated constantsEnumerated constants can be assigned to variable ofthat type

    week1 = MON ;Conditional expression can be formed

    If (week1 == week2) ….if (week1 != TUE ) …

    Can be used in switch or for statement.

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Similar to arrays, first enumerated name has indexvalue 0.◦ So MON has value 0,◦ TUE value1, and so on.We can also override the 0 start value as follows

    enum months {JAN = 1, FEB, MAR, ..., DEC};

    ◦ Here it is implied that FEB = 2 and so onExample:enum colors {RED, BLUE,GREEN=5,WHITE,PINK=9};◦ Here RED=1, BLUE=2, GREEN=5, WHITE=6, PINK=9

  • #include main() { enum Color {RED=5, YELLOW, GREEN=4, BLUE}; printf("RED = %d\n", RED); printf("YELLOW = %d\n", YELLOW); printf("GREEN = %d\n", GREEN); printf("BLUE = %d\n", BLUE); }

    Output: RED = 5 YELLOW = 6 GREEN = 4 BLUE = 5

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • We can give a name to enum colors as COLOR by usingtypedef as follows:

    typedef enum colors COLOR;COLOR x, y, z;x = RED;y = BLUE;

    Now, every time the compiler sees COLOR, it'll know thatyou mean enum colors.We can also define user named data type for even existingprimitive types:

    typedef int integer;typedef bool boolean;

  • A structure in C is a collection of items of (may be)different types.The main use of structures is to conveniently treatsuch collection as a unit.For example:

    struct employee{ char name[50];

    char sex;float salary;


    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • The following declaration defines a variable xyz ofstruct type.

    struct empolyee xyz;

    Variables can also be declared after structdeclaration, i.e.:

    struct employee{ char name[50];14

    char sex;float salary;

    } xyz;

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • struct variable can be pre-initialized at declaration:struct employee{ char name[50];

    char sex;float salary;

    } xyz = {"john", ’m’, 20000.50};

    To access a member (or field) of a struct, C providesdot (.) operator.For example,◦ ; xyz.salary;

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • typedef can also be used with structures to creates a newtype.Example:

    typedef struct employee{ char name[50];

    char sex;float salary;

    } emp_type xyz ={"john", ’m’, 2000.50};

    emp_type is new data type of struct employee type and canbe initialized as usual:It can be now used for declaring variables similar toprimitive data types are used.

  • Examples:emp_type x, y, z

    ◦ Here x, y and z are variables of type emp_type which arestructures themselves.

    emp_type emp[100];◦ Here emp is an array of 100 elements with each element of

    type emp_type.Both declarations given below are same.

    struct employee x, y, z;emp_type x, y, z;

  • C provides functions similar to the most languages.One difference is that C has main function asmain().The form of a C function is as follows:

    type fun_name(parameter along with type){ local declarations;


    type : is the type of value returned by the functionand can be basic type or user defined.

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • return statement is used in the body of a function to pass theresult back to the calling program.Example: Write a function to find the average of two integers:

    float findaverage(float a, float b){ float average; Local declaration



    We would call the function as follows:result = findaverage(6,23);

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • #include int power(int x, n) function definition{ int i, p;

    p = 1;for (i =1; i

  • #include main(){ int i, x;

    int power (x, n); function declarationfor (i =0; i < 10; ++i){ x = power(2, i);

    printf("%d%d\n", i, x); }}

    int power(int x, n) function definition{ int i, p;

    p = 1;for (i =1; i

  • The void function provides a way of not returningany value through function name.Here return statement is not used:

    void squares(){ int i;

    for (i=1;i

  • Default parameter passing is by value.◦ The values of actual parameters are copied in formal

    parameters.◦ The change is not visible in the calling program.

    main(){ int i, x, y, s;

    int sqsum (a,b);x = 5; y = 7;s = sqsum(x,y);

    printf("%d%d%d\n“ , x,y,s); }

    int sqsum(int a, b){ int sum;

    a=a*a; b= b*b;sum = a + b;return(sum);


    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Another mechanism is to call by reference.It can be achieved by passing addresses of actualparameters to formal parameters.In such cases, variables in formal parameter list arerepresented as pointers.For writing functions where call by reference is to beachieved then Void type is used.Void functions do not return any value. So returnstatement is not.Changes to formal parameters will be visible in actualparameters of calling program

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Example:void swap (int *p,*q) call by reference{ int t;

    t = *p; *p = *q; *q = t;


    Corresponding call statement x = 4; y = 5;

    swap(&x, &y); addresses are passed

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Single dimensional arrays can be passed to functionsas follows:

    float findaverage(int size,float list[]){ int i;

    float sum=0.0;for (i=0; i

  • Multi-dimensional arrays can be passed to functionsas follows:

    void printtable(int xsize,int ysize, float table[][5]){ int x,y;

    for (x=0; x

  • A union is an object similar to a structure except thatall of its members start at the same location inmemory.A union variable can represent the value of only oneof its members at a time.So an union is a variable which may hold (at differenttimes) objects of different sizes and types.Example:

    union number{ short shortnumber;

    long longnumber;double floatnumber;

    } anumber

  • It defines a union called number and an instance of itcalled anumber.Members can be accessed in the following way:

    printf("%d\n",anumber.longnumber);This clearly displays the value of longnumber.When C compiler is allocating memory for unions, itwill always reserve enough room for the largestmember◦ (in the above example this is 8 bytes for the short).

  • Example:union u_t

    { char a; short b; int c;

    }; union u_t x; x.a = ‘B’;printf("%c\n", x.a);

    Output is: B

  • In order that the program can keep track of the type ofunion variable being used, it is embedded in a structureand a variable which flags the union type.For example:

    typedef struct { int maxpassengers; } jet;typedef struct { int liftcapacity;} helicopter;typedef struct { int maxpayload; } cargoplane;typedef union

    { jet j; helicopter h; cargoplane c; } aircraft;typedef struct

    { aircraft kind;int speed;aircraft description; } an_aircraft;

  • Pointer is a fundamental part of C. Use of pointers gives the power and flexibility. C uses pointers explicitly with ◦ Arrays, ◦ Structures, ◦ Functions.C uses pointers a lot. ◦ It is the only way to express some computations. ◦ It produces compact and efficient code. ◦ It provides a very powerful tool.

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • A pointer is a variable which contains the addressin memory of another variable.We can have a pointer to any variable type.The operator & gives the address of a variable.The indirection or dereference operator * givesthe contents of an object pointed to by a pointer.To declare a pointer to a variable do:

    int *pointer_var_name;

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • In the following example px is a pointer to objects of type float, and sets it equal to the address of x:

    float x;float *px;x = 6.5;px = &x;

    The content of the memory location referenced by a pointer is obtained using the ``*'' operator (this is called dereferencing the pointer). Thus, *px refers to the value of x.

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • We must associate a pointer to a particular type.For example, consider the effect of the individual statement:

    int x = 1, y = 2;int *ip;ip = &x;y = *ip;x = ip;*ip = 3;

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • When a pointer is declared, it does not point anywhere.We must set it to point somewhere before its use.So the following statements will generate an error(program crash!!).

    int *p;*p = 10;

    The correct use is:int *p, *q, x, y;p = &x; q = &y;*p = 10; *q = 20;p = q; legal but*p = *q different meaning

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Pointers provide the solution: Pass the address of thevariables to the functions and access address offunction.Thus our function call in our program would look likethis: swap(&a, &b)The Code to swap is fairly straightforward:

    void swap(int *px, int *py){ int temp;

    temp = *px;/* contents of pointer */ *px = *py;*py = temp;


    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

  • Let us see how linked lists are created in C. The linked list node structure is defined as follows:

    struct { int value;

    link_node *next;} link_node;

    We can now try to grow the list dynamically: link = (link_node *) malloc(sizeof(link_node));

    This will allocate memory for a new link.

    Prof Saroj Kaushik, IIT Delhi

    Advanced Features of CArraysMulti- Dimensional ArrayStrings Contd..Contd…String Handling FunctionsUser Defined Data Types-Enumerated TypeContd….Contd..Contd…Type DefinitionsStructure in CContd…Contd..Type Definition of StructureContd…FunctionContd… Return statementFunction for computing x power nContd…void functionsParameter PassingContd…Call by Reference MechanismFunctions and ArraysContd…Unions Contd…Contd…Contd…Pointers in CWhat is a Pointer?Contd…Contd…Contd…Slide Number 37Contd…Contd…Linked Lists