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Modern Port Folio Theory

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Modern Port Folio Theory


    Modern portfolio theory

  • 7/31/2019 Modern Port Folio Theory


    MPT postulates that savers aregenerally risk averse and try toreduce risk by all possible methods

    The markets are perfect and absorball information perfectly and returnsare the same whenever you enter

    the marketThe principle of dominance is

    applied to select a portfolio on the

    frontier line

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    Basis of modern portfolio theory The tripod on which this theory depends


    A Diversification Investment in morethan one security ,asset ,industry etcwith a view to reduce risks

    B CAPM theory and concept ofDominance

    C Role of beta it is a measure ofsensitivity ofthe return of one asset to the market


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    Modern portfolio theory postulates thefollowing axioms

    1. Diversification reduces the total risk butapplicable only to co specific unsystematic risk

    2. CAPM states that where shares are correctlypriced every security is expected to earnreturns commensurate with the risk it carries

    3. The riskiness of a security is to be seen inthe context of portfolio or market related risk,but not in isolation

    4. The importance of Beta is for managing nondiversifiable part of the risk

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    Asset allocation decision

    Investors data base is the starting pointfor designing an investment strategy

    Factors for investment strategy:

    Need for regular income

    Regularity - monthly or yearlyNeed for cash inflow to meet the


    Asset liability mix or inflow outflow

    patternNeed for capital appreciation or a

    mixture of both income and capitalappreciation

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    Investors objective can be set of as:



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    The following major asset classesare used for in the portfolios

    A) Equities (variable incomeinstruments)

    B) Debenturess,Bonds (Fixedincome instruments)

    C)Cash and money marketinstruments (Short durationinstruments)

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    Every investor should allocatetowards cash outfows in the formof:

    administrative expenses




    Incidental expenses

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    5 to 10 % of investment needs to bekept in :


    Bank deposits

    Money market instruments

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    The proportion in equity anddebentures would depend upon thespecific objective of invetment



    Mixture of both

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    The traditional theory lays down thatdiversification as a technique ofselection of securities in a portfolio

    This is called random diversifiaction orsimple diversification

    It is based on a simple rule of two isbetter than one

    Simple diversification was found to bemore remunerative

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    Nave diversification or superfluousdiversification may result from random andindiscriminate selection of securities ,whichdoes not lead to any reduction of risk

    Thus an investor may have 10 scrips insteel,mini steel and ferrous metals,which willonly increase risk

    But an investor having 10 scrips spread incycles,electronics,sugar,steel,auto etc,will have

    less risk as these industries are not co relatedand their risks are independent of each other oreven negatively related.

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    Why diversification

    It is never prudent to put all oneseggs in one basket,as it may lead tototal ruin if the basket itself is

    broken or lostThe human behaviour is normally

    risk averse

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    Diversification is a technique ofreducing the risk involved in investmentand portfolio management

    It is a process of conscious selection ofassets ,instruments and scrips of cosand govt securities ,in a manner thattotal risks are brought down

    This process helps in the reduction ofrisk ,under category of what is known asunsystematic risk and promotesoptimisation of returns

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    Forms of diversification:

    Types of asets:gold,real estate,govtsecurities ,corporate securities

    Instrumentsor security typebonds,debentures stocks

    Industry lines:plastics ,chemicals

    ,engineeringCompanies:new cos,growing

    cos,new product cos

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    Principles of diversification:

    A single co/industry is more risky thantwo cos/industries

    Two cos in say,steel industry are morerisky than one co in tyre and tubes andone co in steel

    Two cos or two industries which aresimilar in nature of demand or marketare more risky than the two in dissimilarindustry.

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    Methods of diversification

    Randomness of selection of cos andindustries: the probability of reducingrisk is more with a random selection asthe statistical error of choosing wrong

    cos will come down due to randomnessof selection which is a statisticaltechnique

    Optimisation of selection process

    Adequate diversification: this involvesas many industries and cos as possibleto get the best results

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    Markowitz diversification

    He postulated that diversificationshould not only aim at reducingrisk of a security by reducing its

    variability and standarddeviation,but by reducing the covariance or interactive risk of twoor more securities

    The theory attaches importance tostandard deviation ,to reduce it tozero and co variance

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    Assumptions of markowitz theory: Investors are rational and behave in a manner

    as to maximise their utility with a given level ogincome or money

    Investors have free access to fair and correctinformation

    The markets are efficient and absorbinformation quickly

    Investors are risk averse and try to maximiserisk and return

    Investors prefer higher returns to lower return

    for a given level of risk

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    Guidelines for diversification diversification involve s a proper no of

    securities ,not too few or many which have noco relation

    To build up a efficient port folio the followingparameters are to be seen

    1. expected return 2.variability of returns as measured by standard

    deviation from the mean variance or variance of one asset return toanother asset returns. The higher the expected return ,lower the

    standard deviation ,lower the correlation ,thebetter will be the security for investment .

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    Whatever is the risk of theindividual securities in isolation,the total risk of portfolio of

    securities may be lower,if thecovariance of their returns isnegative or negligible

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    Dominant and efficient portfolio

    Dominance refers to the superiorityof one portfolio over the other

    A set can dominate over the other,if

    with the same return ,the risk islower or with the same risk,thereturn is higher

    Dominance principle involves thetrade off between risk and return

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    The concept of dominance tells thatno investor should invest in one coalone and if there are two or more

    cos with the same risk ,then he hasto choose the one with higherreturns and if both have the sane

    return he has to choose the onewith lower risk

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    A portfolio is efficient when it is expected toyield the highest return for the level of riskaccepted or,alternatively ,the smallest possiblerisk for a specified level of expected return

    To build an efficient portfolio an expected

    return level is chosen ,and assets aresubstituted until the portfolio combination withthe small variance at the return level is found

    As this process is repeated for other expectedreturns,a setof efficient portfolios is

    generated. A single asset or portfolio is efficient if no other

    asset or portfolio offers higher expected returnwith the same or lower risk or lower risk withthe same expected return

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    Standard deviation

    Expected returnEfficient frontier

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    Corner portfolios

    The number of portfolios on theefficiency frontier are called cornerportfolios

    A corner portfolio is defined as onein which either

    The new security is added to apreviously efficient portfolio

    A security is dropped from apreviousy efficient portfolio.

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    Limitations of markowitz

    It related each security to everyother security demanding the

    sophistication and volume of workbeyond the capacity of all

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    Sharpe model

    Sharpe model relates their return ina security to a single market index

    This will reflect all well traded

    securities in the market

    It will reduce and simplify the workinvolved in compiling elaborate

    matrices of variances as betweenindividual securities

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    The optimal portfolio of sharpe iscalled the single index model

    The optimum portfolio is directly

    related to the beta

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    Calculate the co variance andcoefficient of variance from thefollowing data stocks are X and Y

    and their returns are given belowreturn expected return

    X 14 18

    Y 26 18X 22 18

    Y 10 18

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    X Y dx dy d^2x d^2y

    14 26 -4 8 16 64

    22 10 4 -8 16 64

    ----- ---- ---- ----

    36 36 32 128

    SD X= 32/2=4

    SD Y = 128/2=8

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    =1/2(-4 x +8)+1/2(4 x -8)


    =-16 -16 =-32

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    Coefficient of correlation =Cov XY


    x y= -32-----------

    4 x 8

    = -32/32 = -1

    Correlation coefficient is negative and theyare perfectly negatively correlated

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    Calculate the co variance andcoefficient of variance from thefollowing data stocks are X and Y

    and their returns are given belowreturn expected return

    X 7 9

    Y 13 9X 11 9

    Y 5 9

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    X Y dx dy d^2x d^2y

    7 13 -2 4 4 16

    11 5 2 -4 4 16

    ----- ---- ---- ----

    18 18 16 32

    SD X= 16/2=2

    SD Y = 32/2=4

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    = -8

  • 7/31/2019 Modern Port Folio Theory


    Coefficient of correlation =Cov XY


    x y= -8-----------

    2 x 4

    = -8/8 = -1

    Correlation coefficient is negative and theyare perfectly negatively correlated

  • 7/31/2019 Modern Port Folio Theory


    Portfolio management process


    Investor conditions

    Market conditions

    Investment /speculative policies

    Statement of investment policy

    Strategic asset allocation

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    Investor conditions

    Financial situation marketable nonmarketable


    Risk tolerance

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    Market conditions

    Long term expectations

    Short term expectations

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    Investors policy

    1. Strategic asset allocation- current& passive rebalancing

    2. Speculative strategy tacticalasset allocation

    3. Internal and external management

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    Statement of investment policy

    1. Objectives

    2. Strategies

    3. constraints

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    Rebalance strategic asset allocation

    Tactical asset allocation

    Security selection

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    Evaluate statement of investmentpolicy

    Evaluate investment performance

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    Statement of investment policy1.Compliance2. Periodic revision

    Portfolio performance:Aggregate portfolioAsset classes and managersSpeculative strategy returns

    Actions required control:Statement of investment policyManager selection

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    Investment policy

    Security analysis

    Valuation of securities

    Portfolio construction

    Portfolio evaluation

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    Phases of portfolio management1. Specification of investment

    objectives and constraints

    2. Choice of asset mix3. Formulations of investment


    4. Portfolio execution5. Portfolio revision

    6. Portfolio evaluation

  • 7/31/2019 Modern Port Folio Theory


    International diversification

    Many in developed countriesstarted investing in foreign bonds ,stocks and other instruments

    Diversification was extended toforeign assets to improve returnsfor a given risk by adopting proper

    techniques of diversifiocation

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    Higher returns

    Wide area of opportunities andinvestment avenues

    different business conditions andtrends