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Modal Verbs

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Page 1: Modal Verbs
Page 2: Modal Verbs


Diane Hall & Mark Foley


Page 3: Modal Verbs


Written by - Escrito por:Diane Hall & Mark Foley

Translated by - Traducido por:Eduardo Rosset

Published by - Editado por:Editorial Stanley

Layout - Diseno y Maquetacion:Angela Gomez Martin

Design front page - Diseno portada:DISENO IRUNES

© 1998 Diane Hall & Mark Foley© 2003 Editorial StanleyApdo. 207 - 20300 IRUN - SPAINTelf. 943640412 -Fax. 943643863r i c h a r d @ s t a n l e y f o r m a c i o n . c o mw w w . g e n t e d e l l i b r o . c o m

ISBN: 84-7873-367-1Dep. Leg. BI-1295/03

Primera edition 2003Printed at - Imprime:Imprenta Berekintza

Page 4: Modal Verbs

CONTENTSPrologueIntroduction 2

1 Can/Can't/bBe able to 5Exercises 7

2 Could/Couldn't/Be able to 10Exercises 12

3 Should/Ought to/Had better 14Exercises 15

4 Must/Have to 17Exercises 19

5 Need (to) 22Exercises 23

6 Will/Won't 25Exercises 27

7 Shall/Shan't 30Exercises 31

8 Would 33Exercises 35

9 May/Might 38Exercises 40

10 Used to 43Exercises 44

Summary 46

Consolidation exercises 51

Answers to exercises (Units 1-10) 65

Answers to consolidation exercises 68

Glossary 70


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Modal Verbs are an integral part of the Englishlanguage. Each Modal Verbs can have severalmeanings and serve diferent functions, all of whichare covered in this book.

Los verbos modales forman una parte integral delidioma ingles. Cada verbo modal puede tener variessignificados y llevar a cabo diferentes funciones, todaslas cuales se cubren en este libro.

What this book consists of: En que consiste este libro:10 main units. Each unit explains and practisesone of the ten modal verbs.

if A detailed summary in which the modal verbs arepresented according to their many variedmeanings (ability, permission, offers, etc.).

55 A series of consolidation exercises. Theseexercises practise all the modal verbs in varyingcontexts.

Si Full answers to all exercises.

KS English-Spanish glossary of words /phraseswhich occur in the exercises instructions.

Key features of the book:Clear and precise Grammar explanations inSpanish.

Exercises in the ten main units linked very closelyto the Grammar explanations.

More than 70 all-English Exercises.Comprehensive cross referencing between units,and between the summary and individual units.

Who is the book for?The book is designed for intermediate students ofEnglish, who are working by themselves or in a schoolor language institution. Students above and belowintermediate level will also gain much indispensibleknowledge about the meaning of modal verbs fromthis book.

10 unidades principales. Cada unidad explica ypractica uno de los 10 verbos modales.Un resumen detallado en el que se presentan losverbos modales segun sus significados (habilidad,permiso, oferta, etc.).Una serie de ejercicios de consolidation. Estosejercicios practican todos los verbos modales endiferentes contextos.Solucionario de los ejercicios.Glosario espanol/ingles de palabras/frasesutilizadas en las instrucciones de los ejercicios.

Principalescaracteristicas del libro:

Explicaciones en espanol claras y concisas.

Ejercicios de las 10 unidades principalesrelacionadas con las explicaciones gramaticales.

Mas de 70 ejercicios en ingle's.

Una relation entre las unidades y entre el resumeny las unidades individuales.

Para quien es este libro?Este libro esta disenado para estudiantes de ingles,de nivel medio, autodidactas o que estudien en unaacademia o institute. Los estudiantes que tengan unnivel superior o inferior al medio tambien obtendran deeste libro unos conocimientos indispensables sobre elsignificado de los verbos modales.

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Page 9: Modal Verbs

Qes es un verbo modal?Los verbos modales son diferentes de los demas verbos tanto en su significado como en sucomportamiento gramatical (vease, a continuation, como se comportan los verbos modales).

Hay diez verbos modales:can should must shallcould ought to will would

Ademas de estos verbos modales, hay otroscinco verbos y expresiones que pueden fun-cionar de la misma manera. Estos son:

be able tohave toneed (to)had betterused to






Que quieren decir los verbos modales?La caracteristica de los verbos modales es que a menudo tienen diferentes significados y diferentes funciones. Forejemplo, el verbo modal could puede expresar:

una capacidad o habilidad en el pasado:When I was young I could run very fast.Cuando yo era joven (era capaz) de correr muy rdpido.

posibilidad de presente y de futuro:He's very tall. He could be a basketball player.Es muy alto. Podria serjugador de baloncesto.

If it snows tomorrow, we could go skiing. Si nieva manana podriamos ir a esquiar.








petition:Could I ask you aquestion?Podria hacerle una


permiso:Could I use your telephone?

Podria usar su telefono?

sugerencias:How about going out tonight. We could go tothe theatre.

Que tal si salimos esta noche? Podriamos ir alteatro.

y deduction:

He couldn't have done it. He wasn't here.El no pudo haberlo hecho. No estaba aqui.




Page 10: Modal Verbs

<;C6mo se comportan los verbos modales?

Hay reglas gramaticales especiales para los verbos modales:

Los verbos modales son defectives, es decir, no se conjugan en todos los tiempos.

No tienen tiempos pasados o formas en gerundio.

No anaden una -s en tercera persona del singular, del presente (he, she, it).

I must/He must go home.Yo debo/ El debe ir a casa.

No usan do (o did) en la forma interrogativa y negativa.

Can you...?I can't...

Van seguidos por el infinitive sin to.Las dos excepciones a esta regla son ought to y used to.

I can dance. (No: I can to dance)Yo se/puedo bailar.

No tienen infinitivo (no se puede decir to can, to must, etc.).

No se pueden combinar con los verbos auxiliares.No se puede decir I will must..., I have must... .

Pueden ir seguidos por have + participio.

He should have written.El deberia haber escrito.

They must have passed their exam.Ellos deben haber aprobado su examen. Presente:

I must go home.Debo ir a casa.

Se puede ver que a fin de expresar tiempos diferentesy formas verbales con verbos modales, generalmente Yo tema que ir a casa.recummos a otros medios de expresion, por ejemplo:had to, will have to en vez de must: Fiituro:

I mil have to go home soon.Tendre que ir a casa pronto.


pasado:I had to go home>

Page 11: Modal Verbs

;,Como usar este libra?Este libra consiste en diez unidades, cada una de las cuales contiene explicaciones y ejem-plos de los verbos modales. Estas explicaciones estan muy relacionadas con los ejerciciosque van a continuacion.

Puede elegir entre hacer todos los ejercicios del libra comenzando por la pagina 1 hasta launidad 10, o usted puede elegir la unidad que quiera.

El sumario (summary) divide los verbos modales por sus funciones (habilidad, permiso,etc.). Hay muchas referencias en las secciones gramaticales de las diez unidades.

Una serie de ejercicios de consolidation (consolidation exercises) va a continuacion delsumario. Se practican los verbos modales en combinaciones diferentes para comprobar quese entiende el significado en su conjunto. Hay respuestas a todos los ejercicios y finalmentehay un glosario (glossary) de palabras y frases de los ejercicios.

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Can/Be able to - HabilidadSe usa can para describir una habilidaden presente. La forma negativa escannot (o can't). Cannot solo se usageneralmente en una forma de hablarmuy formal:

Tambien se usa can y can't converbos de sensacion (see, feel, taste,hear, smell) para describir el usoactivo del sentido:

I can speak three languages, butI can't swim.Yo se hablar tres idiomas, pero no se nadar.

Can you drive?jSabe usted conducir?

I can't see you.No puedo verte.

I can smell something burning.Huelo a algo quemdndose.

No se usa can para describir habilidad en el pasado o en el future, usamos una forma de beable to.Se usa was able to/were able to para describir una habilidad que se uso en un momentoespecifico en el pasado:

Her car broke down yesterday, but she was able to repair it.A ella se le estropeo el coche ayer, pero pudo repararlo.

They missed the last bus last night, but they were able to get a taxi.Perdieron el ultimo autobus ayer noche, pero pudieron coger un taxi.

55 Pero fijese que cuando se habla acerca del pasado y se quiere describir una habilidadgeneral mas que una habilidad que se usa en un momento especifico, se puede usar could(vease 2.1, pagina 10):

When I was a child I could run very fast.Cuando era nino corria muy rdpido. (podia correr)

Se usa will be able to para describir unahabilidad en el future:

At the end of the course I'll beable to speak German fluently.A final de curso podre hablar ale-man confluidez.

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Can no tiene forma infinitiva (no se puede decirI'd like to can ski) o formas de participio.Tenemos que usar be able to despues de verboso frases que vayan seguidas de un infinitive ogerundio (ejemplo: enjoy, hate, love, like,would, etc.)

Can se usa para describir posibilidadesgenerates o teoricas. Es la clase de posibilidadque no esta relacionada con una situacion omomento especifico. Tiene un significadoparecido a sometimes:

I'd like to be able to swim.Me gustaria saber nadar.

I love being able to hear thebirds sing.Me encanta poder oir cantor alos pdjaros.

The sea can be verydangerous.El mar puede ser muy peligroso.

No se usa normalmente can para una posibilidad teorica si nos referimos al pasado, alfuturo o al momento presente (el momento de hablar). Se usa may o might (vease 9.1,pagina 38).

La exception es cuando sehabla acerca de arreglospersonates en futuro:

We can meet you at the cinema at eight o'clock.Nos podemos ver en el cine a las ocho.

Can/Can't - Permiso y petitionCan es la forma usual de pedir y conceder permiso en ingles. En una situacion formal sepuede usar may, might o could (vease 2.4, pagina 12; 9.2, pagina 39):

Tambien se puede usar can parahacer peticiones o para pedir aalguien que haga algo por usted:

Can't se usa para negar elpermiso o para decir quealgo esta prohibido. (Veasetambien mustn't 4.1, pagina

Can we smoke hi here? Yes, you can.Se puede fumar aqui? Si, se puede.

Can I borrow the car tonight?tomar el coche prestado esta noche?

Can you help me with the crossword?^Me puede ayudar con el crucigrama?

Can I use your phone? No, you can't.<;Puedo usar su telefono? No, no puede.

You can't smoke on the underground in London.No se puede fumar en el metro de Londres.



Can - Posibilidad

Page 14: Modal Verbs

Can/Can't have • Deduction negativaSe usa can't para deducciones negativas sobre el presente, cuando se quiere expresarcerteza de que algo no es cierto. En este sentido can't es lo contrario de must (vease 4.3,pagina 18):

The exam can't be difficult - everyone passes it!El examen no puede ser muy dificil - todo el mundo lo aprueba!

Se usa can't have + participio para hacer una deduction logica sobre el pasado. Esto sepuede considerar como lo contrario de must have + participio (vease 4.3, pagina 19):

She can't have gone out - her coat's still in the hall.No puede haber salido - su abrigo todavia estd en el vestibulo.


Rellene los huecos con can o be able to.

1. When I finish my medical degree I will be able to work as a doctor.2. Julian's a weightlifter. He lift over 200 kilos.3. The exam wasn't too difficult. I answer most of the questions.4. Would you like speak a foreign language?5.1 got home late yesterday so I record the TV programme for you.

(negative)6. My brother's slightly colour-blind. He tell the difference between

green and brown, (negative)i. Amanda's just got a place at art school. She paint really well.8. Our children really enjoy play in their own garden.9.1 hope that by the end of the course you speak French quite

fluently.10.1 lost my house keys yesterday but luckily I get in through the

window.11. What a delicious soup! I taste all those fresh herbs from your

garden.12. I really like watch new films on satellite television.


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RCISE 2Complete las frases y unalas con los dibujos.

1. Now I throw away these L-plates!2. By Friday you swim a hundred metres.3. The rain's terrible.

I see anything!4. I'd like snowboard like that.5.I enjoy help people.


Senate las frases correctas, A o B.

1. A Eating sweets is able to ruin your teeth.B Eating sweets can ruin your teeth.

2. A My house can get very cold in the winter.B My house can get very cold next winter.

3. A These days travelling can be very expensive.B These days travelling is able to be very expensive.

4. A Some tortoises can live to be a hundred.B My tortoise can live to be a hundred.

5. A The motorways can be very busy this weekend.B The motorways can be very busy at the weekends.


iQue diria usted en estas situaciones? Escriba una pregunta usando can y el verboque esta entre parentesis

1. You are at the check-in desk at the airport. You have a large bag and youwant to take it on the plane with you. (take)Can I take this bag on the plane?

2. You want to borrow £10 from a friend, (lend)


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3. You are at the railway station and you want to know the time of the nexttrain to Paris, (tell)

4. You are talking to the cashier in a shop. You want to pay by credit card, (pay)

5. You are in a bank. You want to cash some cheques, (cash)

6. You go into a restaurant with a friend and there is a nice table near thewindow, (sit)

7. You bought a shirt yesterday which is too small. You take it back to the shop.(change)


Mire este extracto de un folleto de una agenda deviajes y use la information para completar las fra-ses con can o can't.

1. You smoke on LuxAir flights.2. You take up to 20 kilos of baggage.3. You use mobile phones.4. You watch a movie during the flight.5. You buy duty free goods.6. You bring alcoholic drinks onto the



Una los numeros con las letras para hacer frases correctas.


1 LuxAir flights are completelynon-smoking.

' The baggage allowance is 20kg.' Use of mobile phones is forbidden.A movie will be shown during theflight.Duty free goods will be availablefor purchase during the flight.Passengers are not permitted to bringalcoholic drinks onto the plane.

1. They can't have split up ...2. They can't be away on holiday ...3. He can't have stolen the car ...4. Sylvia can't have lost all her money ..5. John can't be thirsty already ...6. She can't be as old as you say ...

A he's just had a drink.B I saw them together yesterday.c her skin is so smooth.D she's got a brand new Mercedes.E the lights are on in their house.F he can't drive.

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Could/Couldn't - CapacidadSe usa could para describir una habilidad general que existia en el pasado:

Pero cuando se describe eluso presente de una habilidaden un momento especifico enel pasado, no se usa could, seusa was able/were able to(vease 1.1, pagina 6)

Sin embargo, se usa could para describirel uso de una habilidad en un momento es-pecifico en el pasado con los verbos desensation (see, feel, taste, hear, smell):

When I was a child I could run very fast.Cuando yo era nino corria muy rdpido. (podia correr)

Her car broke down yesterday, butshe was able to repair it.A ella se le averio el coche ayer, peropudo arreglarlo.

I could hear an owl last night.Oi un buho ayer noche.(pude oir)

§ La forma negativa de could es could not (normalmente couldn't en el habla diaria).Couldn't se puede usar para una falta general de habilidad en el pasado.

o una falta de habilidad especifica enel pasado:

I couldn't swim until I was fifteen.Yo no sabia nadar hasta los quince anos.

The teacher couldn't answer my question.i El profesor no pudo responder a mi pregunta. (No supo)

Couldn't se puede usar para describir una habilidad que existia en un momento especificoen el pasado pero que no se uso:

The mechanic couldn't repair my car yesterday.El mecdnico no me pudo arreglar el coche ayer.

Para describir habilidad en elpresente se usa can (vease 1.1)para habilidad en el future seusa will be able to (vease 1.1)

Could - PosibilidadSe usa could para describir una posibilidad en el futuro:

If my sales figures don't improve next month I could lose my job.Si las cifras de mis ventas no mejoran el mes que viene podria perder mi empleo.

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Tambien se usa could para describir _ Where's my shirt?una posibihdad en el presente: estd mi camim?

There could be intelligent life on other — I'm not sure. It could be over there,planets. No estoy seguro. Podria estar alii.

Podria haber vida inteligente en otros planetas.

Could se usa para describir una posibilidad muy remota, algo de lo que no estamos segu-ros. Si la posibilidad es mas segura usamos may o might (vease 9.1).

Se usa couldn't o can't para decir que algo defmitivamente no es posible en el presente oen el future. Si se quiere decir que algo posiblemente no sucedera se usa may not o mightnot (vease 9.1). Compare los ejemplos que vienen a continuation:

She couldn't become a teacher - she's not patient enough.Ella no podria ser profesora - no tiene bastante paciencia..

She might not become a teacher - she's thinking of studying law.Ella podria no hacerse profesora - estd pensando en estudiar derecho.

Could have - Posibilidad o habilidad en elpasado y para la critica

"3 Se usa could have + pasado My boss offered me two holiday dates lastpara describir una posibilidad year. I could have gone in June or in July.que existia en el pasado: Mijefe me propuso dosfechas para mis vacadones

el ano pasado. Podia haber ido en junio o en julio.Tambien se puede usar could

have + pasado para describir You didn't lock the door last night.algo que era posible en el pasa- Someone could have come pero que no sucedio: No cerraste la puerta ayer noche. Cualquiera

podia haber entrado.

Esto incluye una habilidad I could have helped her with her homework,en el pasado que existia pero but I was too tiredque no se uso en una ocasion

Yo podia haberla ayudado con la tarea del colegio,especilica: peroestaba demasiado cansado.

La forma negativa couldn't have + participio He couldn t have done it, hese usa para hacer una deduccion negativa sobre el .pasado. Se puede considerar como lo contrario El no pudo haberlo necho, node must have + participio (vease 4.3): estaba aqui

Could have se usa, a menudo, para criticar ala genteporalgoqueno hicieron en el pasado:

semanas! Podias haberme telefoneado!



wasn't here.

I didn't hear from you for two weeks!You could have phoned me!No he tenido noticias tuyas desde hace dos

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Could - Permiso, petition y sugerenciasCould se usa de una manera cortes para pedirpermiso o para pedir algo. Es mas cortes y masformal que can. (vease 1.3):,

Tambien se usa could parahacer sugerencias. Las sugeren-cias con could son un poco massugerentes que con can: —

Could I use your bathroom?iPodria usar su bano?

Could you lend me 10 pounds?iPodria prestarme 10 libras?

How about going out tonight? We couldgo for a meal.

ue tal si salimos esta noche? Podriamos ir a cenar.


Escriba de nuevo estas frases correctamente.1. When I was a child I was able to ski better than my brother.2. It was so cold yesterday I wasn't able to feel the tips of my fingers.3. My computer broke down last Wednesday, but the engineer could fix it.4. The jewels were stolen from the shop, but the police could get them back.5.1 lost my dictionary yesterday and I wasn 't able to find it anywhere.6. The earthquake was terrible - we were able to feel the whole house shaking!


Escriba frases sobre posibilidades futuras en cada dibujo. Combine las palabras decada columna con el verbo modal apropiado.


get the votelive to the age of 200discover operations in hospitalshave fashionable againbecome oil on the moonperform babies



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|EXERCISE 3Complete cada frase con could o couldn 't.

1. Karen didn't go to university so she become a teacher.2. My son was only fifteen so he vote in the election.3. —Where's the hammer? —It be in the garage. Why don't you look there?4. Sarah help you with your accounts, she knows a lot about finance.5. If you need some milk, you try the corner shop; it stays open late.6. Simon be in Japan - he hasn't got a passport.

XERClSE 4Use la informacion de la casillapara unir a una persona con cadauna de las situaciones.

Marion is a cookLiz lives next doorKaren is rich

Katie can sewRalph owns a big carDavid is a teacher

Ahora use los nombre y una forma de could para completar las frases.

i. Katie could have repaired the hole in my jacket, but she was too busy.2. corrected my essay, but he couldn't be bothered.3. prepared lunch, but she got a take-away instead.4. given us a lift, but he didn't offer.5. looked after my cat, but she didn't want to.6. lent me some money, but she was too mean.

EXERCISE 5Use la information de los dibujos para completar los minidialogos. Use could y losverbos y sustantivos en las casillas.

go to fly to the country New Yorkwrite about drive to Napoleon the cinemabuy some CDs

— Where shall we go on holiday this year?— We

— What shall we do tonight?— We

— What do you feel like doing at theweekend?

— We

— Have you got any ideas for my historyessay?

— Yes, you

— What do you think I should spend thismoney on?

— You

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Should/Ought to/Has better - Consejos y recomndaciones

Se usa should y oughtto (y las formas negativasshouldn't y oughtn't) paraconsejos en general y parahacer recomendaciones:

You look pale. You should/ought to see a doctor.Estds pdlido. Deberias ir al medico.

You shouldn't/oughtn't to talk and eat at the same time.No deberias hablar y comer al mismo tiempo.

Had better es mas fuerte que should y ought to. En el ingles hablado se suele usar laforma contracta 'd better. La forma negativa es had ('d) better not.

Had better se usa para darconsejos en situaciones dondehay alguna urgencia, y para daravisos y amenazas: .

I can smell something burning. We'd betterphone the fire service.Huelo a quemado. Mas vale que Home a los bomberos.

You'd better put that necklace back or I'll reportyou to the police.Mas vale que devuelvas el collar o llamare a la policia.




Should have/Ought to have/Ought to have - Emm pasadosSe usa should have + participio u ought to have + participle para hablar acerca de

algo que salio mal en el pasado. Se usa para criticar a alguien por sus acciones pasadas ofalta de action:

You got wet? You should have/ought to have taken an umbrella.jTe mojaste? Deberias haber cogido un paraguas.

The road was icy. You shouldn't have/oughtn't to have driven so fast!La carretera estaba helada. No deberias haber ido tan deprisa.

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Should/Ought to - ProbabilidadSe puede usar should y ought to para expresar algo que es probable en el momento de

hablar o en el futuro:Mary isn't here. She should/ought to be back later.Maria no estd aqui. Deberia estar de vuelta mas tarde.

Se puede usar should have + parti-cipio u ought to have + participiopara describir algo que fue posible enel pasado. Puede describir algo que seesperaba que sucediera en el pasadopero que no sucedio:

Why did he fail that exam? He shouldhave/ought to have passed it easily.^Por que suspendio ese examen? Deberiahaberlo aprobado fdcilmente.

53 Should have + participio y ought to have + participio tambien se pueden usar para algoque se esperaba que sucediera pero que no se sabe actualmente si sucedio o no:

I don't know where he is. He should have/ought to have arrived yesterday.No se donde estd. Deberia haber llegado ayer.

EXERCISE 1Complete tres de las frases con una forma de had better y cinco de las frases con unaforma de should.

1. Look, someone is trying to break into that house. We phone thepolice.

2. If you've got a headache, you smoke! (negative)3. The engine's getting very hot. I think we slow down.4. You saw Sonia stealing money from the till? You really tell the boss.5. It's starting to rain. You bring the washing in.6. You're getting fat! You eat so much, (negative)7. That lake might be deep. You let the children play near it. (negative)8. The food at that new cafe is delicious. You try it some day.

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RCISE 2Estudie las situaciones y complete las frases. Use una forma de ought to en cadarespuesta.

1. Clare's car broke down. She forgot to have it serviced.She ought to have had it serviced.

2. Michael's house was burgled. He forgot to lock the door.He

3. Sandra was late for work. She overslept, (negative)She

4. The President lost the election. He didn't promise to cut taxes.He

5. The patient died. The doctor didn't give him any antibiotics.The doctor

6. The new house collapsed. The builder used cheap materials, (negative)He

7. The party wasn't very good. They didn't invite Harry.They


Use la information que se da en la casilla para casar las preguntas con las respuestas.

• The dry cleaner expects your jacket to be ready on Thursday.• Sarah is a student.• You keep clean shirts in the wardrobe.• Jackie's course ends next month.• You believe the present arrived yesterday.• You think the mechanic repaired the car and returned it this morning.• You expect a letter to arrive tomorrow.

1. Where's my clean shirt? A It should be in the wardrobe.2. When's that letter arriving? B She should be home next month.3. What happened to the present I sent? c It should have arrived yesterday.4. Where is Sarah? D It should be here tomorrow.5. When's Jackie coming home? E She should be at college.6. What's happened to my jacket? F It should be back by now.7. What happened to my car? G It should be ready on Thursday.



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MUST • HAVE TOEl verbo must es defectivo (no se puede usar en todos los tiempos. Vease: ' Como se

comportan los verbos modales?'). Usamos la forma have to donde no se puede usar must:



must/have tomust/will have tohad tohave had to

mustn't/don't have tomustn't/won't have todidn't have tohaven't had to


must I?/do I have to?must I?/will I have to?did you have to?have you had to? ,


Must/Mustn't/Have to/Don't have to - ObligacionS Se usan tanto must como have to para expresar una obligacion positiva: .

You must eat all your vegetables!Debes comer toda la verdura!

You have to shower before entering the swimming pool.Debes ducharte antes de entrar en la piscina.

Hay una pequena diferencia entre el significado de must y have to en forma afirmativa:

Cuando se usa must, el quehabla expresa una obligacionque el o ella siente:

I must do some physical exercise.Debo hacer algo de ejercicio fisico.

Pero cuando se usa have to, el que hablaesta justo expresando un hecho, una obliga-cion desde 'fuera', por ejemplo, una ley ouna regulation:

Look at the sign. You have to stop here.Mira la serial Tienes que pararte aqui.

En ingles, se usa mustn't para expresar una obligacion negativa, por ejemplo, una obliga-cion de no hacer algo:

You mustn't open the present before your birthday!No debes abrir el regalo antes de tu cumpleanos!

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Como se vio con una obligacion positiva, mustn'texpresa los sentimientos del que habla. Cuando la obli- gacion viene del 'exterior' del que habla, generalmente

se usa can't (vease 1.3) o not allowed to:

Se usa couldn't o wasn't/weren't allowed to expresa We weren't allowed to wear jewellery at school.prohibition en el pasado: No se nos permitia llevar joyasen la escuela.

Se usa la forma negativa del verbo have to para expresar la ausencia de obligacion entodos los tiempos:

The children don't have to go to bed early tonight. They're on holiday.Los ninos no tienen necesidad de ir a la cama temprano hoy. Estdn de vacaciones.

We didn't have to pay for the museum, it's free on Sundays.No tuvimos que pagar para entrar al museo, es gratis los domingos.

Tambien se puede usar needn't para expresar ausencia de obligacion (vease 5.1). Asicomo con must y mustn't, needn't expresa los sentimientos del que habla:

You needn't go to school today as you're not feeling well.No tienes por que ir al colegio hoy, pues no te sientes bien.

... mientras don't have to/doesn't You don't have to g°to scho°l today as it's

have to expresa un hecho: Sunday.No tienes que ir al colegio hoy pues es domingo.

Must - Fuerte recomendacionSe dice must para recomendar algo: You must see the new art exhibition.

Debes ver la nueva exposicion de arte.

Tambien se puede usar We really must have a holiday,must para expresar algo que Verdaderamente debemos tomarnos unas vacaciones.realmente queremos hacer:

Must - DeductionThe tickets must be in my bag! I put

Se usa must para una deducdon them there last nightlogica SObre el presente, Cuando Losbilletes tienen que estar en mi bolsa!

Los puse alh ayer noche.queremos expresar certeza:

You can't park here.No se puede aparear aqui.



Page 26: Modal Verbs

Lo contrario de must en este usoes can't (vease 1.4):

Es muy corriente usar aquf unaforma continua: must be -ing:

Maria can't be in London.I spoke to her in Rome this morning.Maria no puede estar en Londres.Hable con ella en Roma esta manana.

Se usa must have +participio para haceruna deduction logicasobre el pasado:

People have got their umbrellas up. It must be raining.La gente tiene abiertos los paraguas. Debe de estar lloviendo.

Jake must have written that.It's his handwriting.Jake debe de haber escrito eso.Es su letra.

Una vez mas, lo contrario aqui, escan't have/couldn't have + partici-pio (vease 1.4): Jake can't have written that. He's only five!

Jake no puede haber escrito eso. {Solo tiene cinco anos!

EXERCISE 1Ponga la forma correcta de must/have to en las frases. Use los verbos de la casilla.

mustn't have to will I have todo we have to hasn't had to had to

1. He doesn't go to work at the weekend.2. If I join the club, pay the membership fee straight away?3. Be careful - that's hot. You touch it.4. wear a special uniform for this job?5. We arrived late at the theatre and wait outside until the interval.6. Susan's been in France for a week and she still speak French.

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Complete los bocadillos de los dibujos con must o has to/have to.

3Elija el verbo apropiado para cada frase.

1. Look. That sign says 'Men only'! We go in!A can't B don't have to

2. Free drinks before seven o'clock today! I pay anything!A mustn't B won't have to

3. There are no entrance requirements for this course. You take a test.A don't have to B mustn't

4. You be rude to your aunt when she comes tomorrow!A won't have to B mustn't


Una las columnas A y B para hacer recomendaciones o expresar deseos.

A i. My brother lives in your town. B A You must take the children.2. We've got a big flat in London. B We must meet again soon.3. The new theme park is wonderful! c You must come and visit us.4. I've really enjoyed seeing you. D You must give him a call.


Page 28: Modal Verbs

Complete las frases junto a las seiiales. Use: must/mustn't, has to/have to o doesn'thave to/don't have to.

Complete la segunda frase del par de forma que signifique lo mismo que la primera.Use: must be/must have o can't be/can't have.

1. I'm sure that Japanese is a difficult language for Europeans to learn.Japanese a difficult language for Europeans to learn.

2. I'm sure that my boyfriend phoned me while I was out.My boyfriend phoned me while I was out.

3.1 don't believe it's midnight already!It midnight already!

4.1 don't believe that shop has closed down. It was always so busy.That shop closed down. It was always so busy.

5. I'm certain that he's the best player in the club.He the best tennis player in the club.

6. Look at those trees! I'm sure the wind blew them down!Look at those trees! The wind blown them down!

E X E R C I S E 6

Householder: This is my Woman to friend: Put your Cashier: Sorry, but yourdrive. You Park here. purse away. You give dog stay outside

money to every charity It's the rule.

Driving instructor: Slowdown! YOu Stop at

that sign!

Man to woman: Oh good.

when we go to the party, we Wear anything format.

Librarian: Please be quiet.You Shout in the


Page 29: Modal Verbs

NEED (TO)Need se puede usar como un verbo ordinario I need/She needs more money.

con el significado de 'requerir': Necesito/Ella necesita mas dinem.

Need (to) - Necesidad y obligation presente yfuturaComo verbo modal need expresa necesidad (a menudo una necesidad que siente el que

habla), en la forma afirmativa del presente siempre usa to + infinitivo:

Laformanegativasepuedeformarcomo I need to Spend more time at home.un verbo modal needn't o como un verbo Necesito pasar mas tiempo en casa

normal con don't/doesn't need to:

We needn't/don't need to go out if you don't want to.No tenemos necesidad de salir si no te apetece.

La pregunta se puede formarde dos maneras (aunque needI... no es muy corriente): Need I/Do I need to do that course?

jTengo necesidad de hacer ese curso?

88 Need tambien puede expresar unaobligation desde 'fuera', por ejem-plo, una ley una regulation, una Do we need to/have to teke our passports?autoridad externa. En este sentido, es Tenemos que coger nuestws pasaportes?parecido a have to (vease 4.1):

La forma negativa needn't amenudo expresa los sentimien- You needn't cook this. I like it raw.tOS del due habla' No hay necesidad de que cocines esto. Me gusta crudo.

Pero don't/doesn't have to expresa un hecho (vease 4.1):

You don't have to cook this. It can be eaten raw.No tienes necesidad de cocer esto. Se puede comer crudo.

Need (to) - Necesidad y obligation pasadaSe vera que el pasado de need es mas directo Did you need to see me?

que el presente: Tenias necesidad de verme?

cesidad de

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Sin embargo, hay dos formas negativas en el pasado, las cuales tienen sentidos diferentes.

5? Con la forma didn't need to,no sabemos si la action pasada fuellevada a cabo ono:

We didn't need to get a visa.No necesitdbamos conseguir un visado.




Con la forma en pasado de needn'thave + participio, solamente es posibleel primer significado:

We needn't have got a visa.No teniamos necesidad de haber

conseguido un visado.



Need + -ing - Permiso y petition!2 Need + -ing tiene el mismosignificado pasivo que need tobe + participio: The car needs washing/needs to be washed.

El coche necesita un lavado.


Complete los huecos con need en forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa. Tengacuidado, hay dos formas para las preguntas y las negaciones.

1. We're starting to argue too much. We to spend some time apart.2. to take all those clothes with you on holiday?3. I take an umbrella, do you think?4. We're going to the museum, but you come if you don't want to.5. You look very stressed. You to relax more.6. Good news! I've already passed the course, so I to do the last essay.

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Son estas frases correctas o no? Haga una marca o una cruz en las casillas.

1. We really needed to have a holiday. We were exhausted!

2. You needn't have come to see me. I was going to call you.

3. You didn't need to come to see me. I was going to call you.

4. He didn't sign the form, but that was OK because he needn't have signed it.

5. He didn't sign the form, but that was OK because he didn't need to sign it.

6. We took our tent, but we didn't need to take it.

7. We didn't take our tent, but we needn't have taken it.


Escriba frases sobre cada dibujo con la forma need + ing.

Vuelva a escribir las frases usando need to.

1. (the tyre/blow up)The tyre needs blowing up.

2. (the armchair/repair) 3. (his eyes/test)

4. (the shirt/wash) 5. (the house/rebuild) 6. (the plant/water)

Page 32: Modal Verbs

WILL • WON'TProbablemente usted conocera will como verbo auxiliar para formar el futuro. Will tam-

bien es un verbo modal con una variedad de significados que veremos en esta unidad.

Will/Won't - Decisiones hechas a la hora de hablarSe usa will/won't para expresar una

decision hecha mientras hablamos. Seusa para una intention que acabamos detomar, una intencion no premeditada:.

Are you going now? I'll come with you.Vas a salir?, ire contigo.

We won't take the car.No cogeremos el coche.

5! A menudo se usa will/won't de esta manera paraexpresar ofertas, negativas,promesas y amenazas: „

A menudo, se usa el verbothink con will:





I'll carry the heavy bag.Yo llevare la bolsa pesada.

I won't move the car.No pienso mover el coche.

Your father mil give you the money.Tu padre te dard el dinero.

I'll call the police if you don't go.Llamare a la policia si no te vas.

I don't think I'll join the club.No pienso ingresar en el club.

I think well buy the blue car.Creo que compraremos el coche azul.

Will/Won't - Predicciones

Se usa will/won't para simplespredicciones sobre el futuro:

35 Para predicciones, a menudo se usanverbos que expresan incertidumbre,tales como think, expect, suppose, conwill/won't:

It will be colder tomorrow.Hard mucho mdsfrio manana.

England won't win the World Cup.Inglaterra no ganard la Copa del Mundo.

I expect he'll arrive in a minute.Supongo que llegard dentro de un momento.

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Tambien se usan adverbios talescomo definitely (defmitivamente) ycertainly (ciertamente) para hacer quelas predicciones scan mas fuertes, oprobably (probablemente) y possibly(posiblemente) para hacer que las pre-dicciones scan mas debiles:

Unemployment will definitely rise thisyear.El paw es seguro que suba este ano.

We probably won't see you later.Seguramente no te veremos luego.

Will/won't - DeductionSe puede usar will/won't para formar deducciones que son casi seguras:

That will be the postman at the door.Ese debe de ser el cartero que estd en la puerta.(Siempre viene a esta hora).

She must be staying at the Hilton.She'll be Staying at the Hilton. Ella debe de hospedarse en el Hilton.Ella se hospedard en el Hilton. (Hemos llamado a todos los otros hoteles(Siempre se queda en el Hilton). y no estd en ninguno)


3 Will/won't - Disposition y determination

Se puede usar will para expresardisposicion:

Evidentemente, podemos tambien usarwon't para expresar falta de disposicion(vease 6.1 'negativa')

My husband will fix that tap for you.Mi marido te arreglard ese grifo.

I'm afraid he won't see you.Me temo que no va a verte.

Podemos usar will/won't para expresar una fuertedetermination para hacer algo o para no hacerlo:

I won't be intimidated by you!jNo me intimidards!

We mil get our money back!/Recuperaremos nuestro dinero!








Page 34: Modal Verbs

Will - PeticionesSe puede usar will para hacer peticiones,

generalmente de forma mas familiar quecortes:

Para ser mas cortes, se usaria o bienwould (vease 8.1) o could (vease 2.4) ,

Will/won't - OrdenesSe puede usar will/won't para orde-

nes fuertes, generalmente dadas por unapersona con autoridad sobre otra, porejemplo, en una situation militar...

o un padre hablando a un nino:

EXERCISE 1Complete las respuestas en cada mini-dialogo. Use will o won't y un verbofrasal de la casilla.

Will you close the window, please.Quieres cerrar la ventana, por favor.

Would/Could you close the window,please?

Quieres cerrar la ventana, por favor?

You will report to the office at once.Usted vendrd a la oficina inmediatamente.

You will stay in your room today!Te quedards en tu habitation hoy!

come with youget somepay for

help youstay longenough time

1. I think I'm going to play a trick on the teacher.- That's a horrible idea. I won't help you if you do.

2. - Oh no! I've forgotten my purse and we've already ordered the food!- Don't worry. I the meal this time.

3. - I'm going to a lecture on astronomy tonight. Is anyone interested?-Yes, I . I'm fascinated by astronomy.

4. - We've got friends in Vienna. Do you want their address?- No, thanks. We to visit anyone.

5. - Oh, we haven't got any milk. What a nuisance!-1 for you on the way home.

6. - Why don't you stay for dinner?- No, I . I've got a lot of work to do.

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Escriba una prediction por cada uno de los titulares de los periodicos.Use los adverbios definitely, certainly, probably o possibly, solo una vez.



1. The Japanese 3. House prices2. The Prime Minister 4. The Chancellor

Use la information para formar frases con will/won't + infinitivo o will/won't + be + ing.

1. The telephone rings. You're expecting your sister to call.That'// be my sister.

2. It's Saturday afternoon. Tom always plays cricket on Saturday afternoon.Tom will be playing cricket.

3. The postman calls. You're expecting a parcel.That

4. It's Wednesday. Your friend Sara always works at the gym on Wednesday.Sara

5. Your boss is always busy. Someone asks to see him without an appointment.I'm afraid he

4Busque dos respuestas entre A y H para cada una de las frases.

1. Dad, I can't do this homework. It's too difficult.2. My television's broken. Can Michael repair televisions?3. Do you think you'll get the job as Director?4. 1 don't believe we'll ever get the money for the car.

A Yes, I want it so much that I will get it!B I agree. I think the insurance company won't pay us.c Yes, but he won't repair friends' things.D Bring it to me. I'll help you.E No, of course not. They won't give it to a woman!F We will get it, even if we have to fight for years!G Well, I won't help you. You have to learn to do it by yourself.H Yes, he'll fix it for you.




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Una los bocadillos numerados de los dibujos con una de las frases.

A Will you marry me?B Will you tell Mrs Green?c You will do your homework, Billy!D Will you help me cross, young man?E You won't go out with him, my girl!F Will you turn that down?


Page 37: Modal Verbs

Shall y su forma negativa shall not (contraccion shan't) se pueden usar de la mismaforma que will y won't (vease 6.1.) pero solo con las primeras personas del singular y delplural (I y we)




I shall/will come with you.Ire contigo.

We shan't/won't stay for dinner.No nos quedaremos a cenar.

Shall - Consejos y sugerenciasSe puede usar shall (no will) What shall I wear tonight?

para pedir consejo: Que mepongo esta noche?

Shall we wait any longer for him?En estas situaciones tambien se ! Le esperamos mas tiempo?

puede usar should (vease 3.1):

! Should we wait any longer por him?! iDeberiamos esperarle mas tiempo? \ What shall we do at the weekend?

Que hacemos en elfin de semana?

Tambien podemos pedir y hacer Shatt we try that new pizzeria?sugerencias con shall (no will): - Vamos a la nueva pizzeria?_

Tambien podemos usar shall (no will) shall I carry for you?para ofrecer algo: .Quiere que le lleve eso?

Shall - Predicciows I think I shall/will be late.Comosevio con will/won't, se puede usar Creo que llegare tarde

shall/shan't para hacer predicciones: We shan't/won't make much moneyNo haremos mucho dinero.

I shall/will come as soon as I can.Esto tambien puede expresar intencion: _ Llegare en cuanto pueda.


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Shall - Promesas y reglasEs posible, aunque bastante anticuado, hacer una promesa a alguien con shall:

You shall go to the party.1 Shall se puede usar para expresar reglas

formales y ordenes, generalmente porescrito;

The panel's decision shall be final.La decision del jurado sera inapelable.

A menudo, se usa la voz pasiva de esta manera formal en la escritura:

Applications shall be submitted by 1st AugustLas solicitudes deberdn ser entregadas para el 1 de agosto.


Case las preguntas en la columna A con las respuestas de la columna B. Despuescomplete las preguntas de A con las palabras de la casilla.

i Shall IA Shall we

1. go to the country at the weekend? 2 get you a notepad? | What shall we 3. take as a present tonight? Where shall I4- put this chair? How shall I 5. address the Minister?6. stay at home this evening?

BA Why don't we take some flowers?B You can just call him 'Sir'.c Over there, under the window.D Good idea. I'd like to get away from the city.E Yes, I want to watch the football on the TV.F Yes, please. I'd like to write some things down.

Tu iras a la fiesta.

Shall we

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2Esta es una lista de resoluciones de Ano Nuevo: cosas que tiene intention de hacerdurante el ano. Escriba tres con shall y tres con shan't.

1.1 shall2.1 shan't3.1 shall4.1 shan't5.1 shall6.1 shan't

He aqui unas reglas para una competition. Hagalas mas normales (tal como pone enlas instrucciones) con shall/shall not.

1. Please arrive at the hotel at 8.45 a.m.Entrants shall arrive at the hotel at 8.45 a.m.

2. We'll give out the competition papers at 9.00 a.m.Competition papers shall be given out at 9.00 a.m.

3. You mustn't talk during the competition.Entrants

4. You must finish writing by 10.30.Entrants

5. We'll hold the interviews between 11.00 and 12.00.Interviews

6. We'll announce our final decision at 12.30.Our final decision



Page 40: Modal Verbs

Would - PeticionesWould you pass the salt, please?

1 Would cuando se usa en peticiones Tienela bondad dePasarme la sal?

es mas cortes que will:

Could es igual de cortes que would Could you pass the salt, please?(vease 2.4): Podria pasarme la sal, por favor?

Would like - Deseos, ofertas y peticiones88 En el ingles coloquial generalmente usamos la forma contraida ( 'd like) en las frasesafirmativas. Would like puede ir seguido por un infinitivo:

I'd like to buy a ticket to Oxford, please.Quisiera comprar un billete para Oxford, por favor.

Would like se usa para hacer Would you like some coffee?ofertas corteses... Quiere algo de cafe?

o por una frase nominal: I'd ticket to Oxford, please.Quisiera un billete para Oxford, por favor.

invitaciones y sugerencias: Would you like to come for

Le gustaria venir a comer?

y para hacer peticiones I

Quisiera una habitacion doble, por favor.

Podemos usar would like + infinitivo I'd like to swim every day.para expresar un deseo general. Fijese Me gustaria nadar todos los dias.que hay una diferencia entre el signifi- (Un deseo para el futuro)cado de would like + infinitivo y like + I like to swim every day.infinitivo. Compare estas frases: Me gusta nadar todos los dias.


I' please.

r lunch?

I'd like a double room, cosas:

Page 41: Modal Verbs

Would like - Una posibilidad futuraSe usa would para hablar sobre

predicciones y posibilidades futu-ras. Son posibilidades que dependende alguna otra cosa que ha sucedi-do o algo que cambia en el futuro:

Se usa would be + adjetivo parahablar sobre nuestras reacciones aposibilidades futuras:

An alarm clock would help us wakeup on time.Un despertador nos ayudaria a despertarnosa la hora. (Pew no tenemos uno ahora.)

Carol would be an excelent manageress.Carol seria una directora excelente. (Pero noes directora todavia.)

A pay rise would be nice.Un aumento de salario seria bienvenido.

Would rather/Would prefer - PreferentiasWould rather va seguido por el infmito sin to. Se usa para describir una preferencia.

Significa lo m i s o que prefer (preferir):

Se usa la forma negativa would rather not como unamanera cortes de rehusar una oferta o peticion:

- Would you mind answering some questions?- Yd rather not, thank you.- jLe importaria responder a algunas preguntas?- Prefiero no hacerlo, gracias.

- Would you prefer the yellow or the green shirt?- Yd rather have the green one.- tPreferiria usted la camisa amarilla o la verde?- Prefiero la verde.

- Would you like some tea?iLe gustaria un poco de te?

• Yd rather have coffee.Prefiero tomar cafe.

Would - Acetones habituates en pasadoSe puede usar would para describir cosas que sucedieron en el pasado. Se refiere a cosas

que sucedieron regular, habitual o frecuentemente. Se puede usar para eventos individuales.Tiene un significado parecido a used to (vease 10.1):

55 Would solo se puede usar para ac-ciones en el pasado. No se puede usarpara estados permanentes. (When shewas young she would have long hair).

We would go swimming everyTuesday afternoon.Soliamos ir a nadar todos losmartes por la tarde.

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Para describir estados en tiempos pasados se usa used to o el pasadosimple (vease 10.2):

When she was young she used to have/she had long hair.Cuando ella era joven solia llevar el pelo largo.

I wish... would51 Para expresar un deseo de que algo cambieo sea diferente, o para que algun otro hagaalgo, se usa: I wish + pronombre/sustantivo+ would/wouldn't.

Usamos esta estructura solamente para hablar so-bre cosas que estan fuera de nuestro control personal.No se puede usar I wish... would para hablar sobrenosotros mismos:

It's cold. / wish they wouldturn on the heating.Hace frio. /Ya podian poner lacalefaccion!

I wish Sheila wouldn'tcomplain so much./Ya podia Sheila dejar dequejarse tanto!


Haga esta conversacion mas cortes reemplazando las frases subrayadas con expre-siones apropiadas usando la forma would.Por ejemplo: I'd like to buy a ticket to Edinburgh.

Clerk Can I help you?Customer Yes, (1)1 want to buy a ticket to Edinburgh.Clerk (2) First class or standard class?Customer First class, please. Can I reserve a seat?Clerk Of course, sir. Which train (3) do you want to travel on?Customer (4) I want the 3.05.Clerk Smoking or non-smoking carriage?Customer (5) I want non-smoking, please.Clerk Very good, sir. (6) How do you want to pay?Customer By credit card please.Clerk (7) Do you want a receipt?Customer No, thanks.

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Rellene los huecos con 'd like o like.

1. When I go to Switzerland next January I to learn to ski.2.1 to sit by the fire on cold winter evenings.3. After I finish college I to take a secretarial course.4. I'm feeling rather fat. I to lose some weight.5. I to take a shower before I have breakfast in the mornings.6.1 to play more sport, but I just don't have the time.7. - Would you like a drink?

- Yes, please. I to have an orange juice with ice.8. - Would you like to see my holiday photos?

- Yes. I to see them.9. We always to take lots of photos when we go on holiday.


Carolina esta planeando unas vacaciones para el proximo verano. Esta hablando so-bre las diferentes posibilidades. Complete sus frases usando would be y un adjetivoapropiado de la casilla.

expensive fascinating unusual relaxing exhausting boring

1. Two weeks on a beach 4. A tour of Egypt2. Staying at the Ritz hotel in Paris 5. Staying at home3. Mountain climbing in Switzerland trip to Antarctica

4Una las sugerencias en la columna A con las respuestas en la columna B.

A B1. How about lunch on Tuesday? A I'd rather have a steak.2. Shall we meet at nine? B She'd rather take the train.3. How about going to the theatre? c I'd rather make it Wednesday.4. Would you like some chicken? D I'd rather meet at ten.5. Shall I buy her a plane ticket? E They'd rather have books.6. Shall I buy them some toys? F I'd rather go to the cinema.



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Ana esta hablando sobre las cosas que solian suceder en su ninez. Complete las frases.

1. A We went to the cinema every Saturday.B Every Saturday we would go to the cinema.

2. A I sat and read books for hours and hours.B I

3. A My mother read stories to me at bedtime.B At bedtime my mother

4. A My father took us for long walks.B He

5. A My aunts and uncles visited us at the weekends.B At the weekends my aunts and uncles


Una los dibujos con las frases.

1. -I wish he'd wear a tie.2. -I wish he wouldn't wear a tie.3. -I wish it would stop raining.4. -I wish it would rain.



Page 45: Modal Verbs


May/Might - Posibilidad

En las unidades 1 y 2 vimos el uso de can y could para expresar posibilidad. Tambienpodemos usar may y might para expresar posibilidad

May y might pueden expresar ambos una posibilidad en el futuro. Son muy parecidos,pero, might es algo mas remoto, por ejemplo:

may sugiere entre un 50-60 por ciento de posibilidades de que suceda algo.might sugiere entre un 30-40 por ciento de posibilidades:

It may rain on Sunday. It's so cold that it might even snow.Puede que llueva el domingo. Race tantofrio que podria incluso nevar.

No se suele usar may o might parapreguntar sobre posibilidades. En vezde ello se usa el verbo think:

Do you think you might leave your job?^Crees quepodrias dejar tu trabajo?

Se puede usar may y might para hablar sobrela posibilidad en el presente. En este caso, esta-mos haciendo una deduction basada en nuestroconocimiento de la situation:

She may/might be busy today.Puede que este ocupada hoy.

Una vez mas, might expresa una posibilidad que es un poco mas remota:

It's not likely, but he might be at the library.No es muy probable, pero el podria estar en la biblioteca.

Se puede usar tanto may have comomight have + participio para hablar so-bre una posibilidad en el pasado. Se puedenusar ambos verbos para sugerir una incer-tidumbre sobre si una action sucedio o no:

She may not have waited at theright place.Puede que ella no haya esperado enel sitio apropiado.

I think I might have seen this film.Puede que haya visto esta pelicula.

Pero tambien se puedeusar might not have cuan-do sabemos que la actionsucedio:

We might not have caught this train!fPodiamos no haber cogido este tren! (Pero si lo cogimos).

I might not have heard the phone ring.Podria no haber oido el telefono. (Pero si lo oi).

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podemos usar might cuando sabemos que la action no sucedio:

Esto es parecido Why did you climb the tree? You might have fallen down.a could (vease 2 3) Por que te subiste al arbol? Podrias haberte caido. (Pew no te caiste.)

May/Might - PermisoYa hemos visto la forma mas corriente de pedir permiso, con can (vease 1.3). Tambien se

puede usar may para pedir permiso. May es mas formal que can:

a Se puede usar might para pedir permi- May I use your phone, please?so, peroes muy cortesyde tanteo, es deck, i Puedo usar tu telefono, por favor?que no estamos muy seguros de cual serala respuesta: Might l make a suggestion?

Podria hacer una sugerencia?

Si usamos may para dar permiso, da la impresion de ser muy formal. mas corriente por

escrito: Food may be eaten only in the bar area.Solo se puede comer en la zona del bar.

Se puede usar tanto may not comoNo.ou may not/might y not leave the room.

might not para rehusar permiso. Las No, no puedes sahr de la habitacion.dos lormas son muy loraiales y den ser muyfuertes:pue

Might - Sugerendas y petidones

Se puede usar might para hacer don't know where Bill is.sugerencias de tanteo: - You might look in the garage.

No se donde estd Bill.Podrias mirar en el garajeSe podria usar might para hacer una

peticionde tanteo:Podrias llamarme cuando llegues.

Esto tiene el mismo significado que, por ejemplo, will you call me when you arrive?(vease 6.5), pero es mas de tanteo (el que habla no esta seguro de una respuesta positiva).




not leave the room.

- I

You might call me when yo arrive.


Page 47: Modal Verbs

Might have - CriticaSe usa might have + participio

para critical a una persona por no ha-cer algo en el pasado, como con couldhave (vease 2.3):

You might have told me.Podrias habermelo dicho.

She might have offered to help.Podria ella haberse ofrecido a ayudar.

May as well/Might as wellLas frases may as well/might as well se usan corrientemente para expresar un curso de

action que no es el ideal, pero que es el mejor bajo las circunstancias:

We may/might as well watch TV.Podemos ver la 'tele '. (No hay nada mejor que hacer).

You may/might as well tell the truth.Ya podrias decir la verdad. (Se que estds mintiendo).


Mire los partidos de semifinaldel campeonato de terns con elranking del mundo y las vecesque lo han ganado. Complete lasfrases con las posibilidades quetiene cada jugador de ganar.

1. Brown.2. Miller _3. Nelson4. Stiles

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Complete el dialogo entreuna secretaria distraida dela escuela y el director. Usala information en la casillapara ayudarte. Usa may omight.

Ms Price: visited her parents at theweekend

Mr Jones: trip to museum with Class 3B - allafternoon

Mrs Allen: bad toothache this morning - didshe go to dentist

Mr Wyndham: still has 'flu - visited doctor inmorning

Mrs Lewis: training course Monday - howmany days

Mr Travis: here? teaching Mr Jones' FirstCertificate group

HEAD Where is everybody this afternoon? Where's Mrs Price?SECRETARY Ah, I'm not sure, but she (1) might have visited her parents at the

weekend.HEAD Oh. What about Mr Jones?SECRETARY Now, Mr Jones ... I think he (2) may be on a museum trip with 3B.HEAD Right. And Mrs Allen isn't here, is she?SECRETARY Er, no. She (3) to the dentist.HEAD Have you seen Mr Wyndham?SECRETARY Um, no. He's got flu and he (4) the doctor this morning.HEAD I suppose Mrs Lewis is here?SECRETARY Er, well, actually. I think she (5) on a two-day course.HEAD Good grief! Are any teachers here today? What about Mr Travis?SECRETARY Mmm. Mr Travis (6) Mr Jones' First Certificate group,

as Mr Jones is out.HEAD Well, I'm glad to hear that someone's doing some work!


Complete la segunda frase de cada pareja de manera que signifique lo mismo que laprimera.

book bring pay take wear wear

1. You may wear only soft shoes on court.2. more than two guests at one time.3. food or drink onto the courts.4. for the courts by cheque or credit card.5. tennis clothes in the lounge.6. courts one week in advance.


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EXERC1SE 4Una las preguntas de la columna A y las sugerencias o peticiones de la columna B.

A B1.I can't think of a good restaurant. A You might send for past papers.2. How can I study for this exam? B You might sit on it.3. Shall I help you cook the dinner? c You might ring the Spanish shop.4. Where can I get good Spanish wine? D You might peel the potatoes.5. Can I help you close your suitcase? E You might try the 'Good Food Guide'.


Complete la segunda frase de cada pareja de manera que signifique lo mismo que laprimera.

1. They didn't tell me they were coming.They might have told me they were coming.

2. He didn't tell me he was a vegetarian!He

3. You didn't listen to me!You

4. She didn't offer to buy one drink!She

EXERClSE 6Escriba una frase por cada situation. Use las palabras claves entre parentesis.

1. You are fishing in a river. You haven't caught a fish all day.(may/go/fish shop) We may as well go to the fish shop.

2. You go to the cinema. When you arrive, the film has started.(might/come back/tomorrow) We

3. Your car is twenty years old. It never starts in the morning.(may/sell/buy/new one) We

4. You phone your friend every day. She is never at home.(might/write/letter) I

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Used to • Acciones de pasado habitualSe usa used to para describir acciones que sucedieron frecuentemente o regularmente en

el pasado pero que ya no suceden. (corresponde al imperfecto espanol):

I used to run everywhere when I was young. Nowadays I walk.Solia ir corriendo a todos los sitios cuando era joven. Hoy en dia voy andando.

Tambien se puede usar would con este significado (vease 8.5):

I would run everywhere when I was young.Nowadays I walk.Yo solia ir corriendo a todos los sitios cuando en era joven.Hoy en dia voy andando.

Para hacer una pregunta con used to se usa did + pronombre/nombre + used to. Cuidadocon la forma en que se escribe: used to se convierte en use to despues de did):

Did you use to smoke?Solias fumar?, fumabas antes?

Did Shakespeare use to live in London?Solid vivir Shakespeare en Londres? Vivid Shakespeare in Londres?

La forma negativa deused to es didn't use to(no didn't used to):

Para hacer el significadomas fuerte, se usa neverused to:

I didn't use to like classical music.No me solia gustar la musica clasica/No me gustabala musica cldsica.

She didn't use to wear jeans.Ella no solia llevar jeans/Ella no llevaba jeans antes.

I never used to eat meat:Yo nunca solia comer carne/Yo nunca comia carne antes.

She never used to swear!Ella nunca solia decir tacos/ Ella nunca decia tacos.

Page 51: Modal Verbs

Used to - Sitmdones y estados pasadvsTambien se usa used to para describir situaciones o estados en el pasado que ya no existen

o que ya no son ciertos:

Holly used to live in Tokyo. Now she lives in Florence.Holly solia vivir en Tokio. Ahora vive en Florencia.

Colour televisions used to be really expensive.Los televisores en color solian ser muy cams.

No se usa used to para des-cribir cuanto tiempo duro enel pasado una situation o ac-tion. Para eso se usa el pasadosimple (en espanol se usa elindefmido): . -

I lived in an apartment for ten years.(No I used to live in an apartment for ten years).Vivi diez anos en un apartamento.

He worked hard all his Me.(No He used to work hard all his life).El trabajo duro toda su vida.


Las frases siguientes describen los habitos actuates de algunas personas. Escribafrases sobre su pasado usando used to o never used to.

1. Jean is a heavy smoker.Jean didn 't use to/never used to smoke.

2. Simon doesn't drive these days.Simon used to drive.

3. Elizabeth often eats spicy food.4. Our children don't wake up during the night any longer.5. Michael does a lot of exercise.6. The police spend a lot of time in cars these days.7. My husband doesn't play golf any more.

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Mire las fotos de Sasha y Holly. Use la information para completar las frases conlas formas apropiadas de used to. Recuerde que algunos de los huecos pueden sernegatives.

10 years ago

1. Sasha have a beard.2. Holly wear long dresses.3. Sasha wear glasses.



4. Holly wear glasses.5. Holly have short hair.6. Sasha wear jeans.

No todas estas frases son gramaticalmente correctas. Senale solo las frases correctas.

1. It would always be sunny when I was a child.

2. It always used to be cold in the winters.

3. She didn't use to ski very well.

4. Coffee would be very expensive in those days.

5. It wouldn't rain during the holidays.

6. He would drink a cup of coffee every morning.

7. It used to be wet in April for five years.

8. We would go to the south of France every spring.

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De la unidad 1 a la 10 de este libra se ban visto los verbos modales uno por uno. Como sesabe, los verbos modales pueden expresar un niimero diferente de significados. Este sumarioesta, por lo tanto, organizado segun estos significados mas que segun cada verbo.

El numero entre parentesis se refiere a las secciones en las unidades principales donde sepuede encontrar mas information sobre cada ejemplo.




Can/Can't I can speak French.(1.1) Yo se hablar fiances.

I can't see you.No puedo verte.

Could I could speak French when I was younger.(2.1) Yo sabia hablar fiances cuando era mas joven.

He couldn't repair the car yesterday.El no pudo arreglar el coche ayer.

Be able to I'll be able to speak French at the end of the course.(1.1) Sabre hablar fiances al final del curso.

He was able to repair the car straightaway.Pudo arreglar el coche inmediatamente.

I won't be able to see you tomorrow.No podre verte manana.

2. POSIBILIDAD/ Can (presente): He can be a difficult child.PROBABILIDAD (1.2) El puede ser un nino dificil.

(futuro): We can meet you tonight at 8 o'clock.Podemos verte a las ocho.

Could (presente): There could be Me on other planets.(2.2) Podria haber vida en otros planetas.

(futuro): We could move next month.Podriamos trasladarnos el mes que viene.

Could have We could have been killed in the crash!(2.3) jPodiamos habernos matado en el choque!

Should She should be at work by now.(3.3) Ella deberia estar trabajando ahora.

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Should have He should have passed the exam.(3.3) El deberia haber aprobado el examen.

Would He would be perfect for the job.(8.3) El seria perfecto para el trabajo.

May (presente): The doctor may be able to see you now.(2.1) El doctor qukd pueda verte ahora.

(futuro) The weather may be better tomorrow.El tiempo puede que mejore mahana.

May have I may have met her before.Puede que le haya conocido antes.

Might (presente): He might still be in Venice.(9.1) Puede que el este en Venecia todavia.

(futuro): The director might retire early.El director puede que se retire temprano.

Might have They might have left already -1 don't know.(9.1) Puede que se hayan retirado temprano - no se.

3. PERMISO Can/Can't Can I smoke in here?(1.3) (Puedo fumar aqui?

Yes, you can / No, you can't.Si, puedes/No, no puedes.

Could Could I use your bathroom?(2.4) (Podria usar tu bano?

May May I use the office phone, please?(9.2) iPuedo usar el telefono de la oficina, por favor?

Might Might I borrow a company car tonight?(9.2) Podria tomar prestado uno de los caches de la

empresa esta noche?

4. PETICIONES Can Can you help me with my homework, Dad?(1.3) iMe puedes ayudar con mis deberes, papa?

Could Could you show me the way to the station?(2.4) iPodria usted mostrarme el camino a la estacion?

Will Will you close the window, please?(6.4) iQuieres cerrar la ventana, por favor?

Would Would you take this to the bank, please?(8.1) iquieres llevar esto al banco, por favor?

Might You might get me some milk while you're out?(9.3) iPodrias traerme algo de leche ya que sales?

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5. OFERTAS Will I'll carry that heavy bag for you.(6.1) Ya te llevo esa bolsa pesada.

Shall Shall I get you something to eat?(7.1) traigo algo para comer?

Would Would you like to lie down for a while?(8.2) gustaria echarte un rato?

6. PROMESAS Will Your father will give you some money.(6.1) Tu padre te dard algo de

I promise I won't tell anyone.Prometo no decirselo a nadie.

Shall You shall have that bike for Christmas!(7.3) jTendrds esa bid para Navidades!

7. ORDENES Must You must be on time in future!(4.1) jDebes llegar a tiempo en elfuturo!

Will You will report to the officer in charge.(6.6) Deberds presentarte al oficial de guardia.

Shall The exam shall be conducted in silence.(7.3) El examen se hard en silendo.

8. CRITICA Could have You could have invited me to your party!(2.3) iYa podias haberme invitado a la fiesta!

Should have You should have written your name in full.(3.2) Deberias haber escrito el nombre completo.

You shouldn't have said that.No deberias haber dicho eso.

Might have She might, at least, have thanked me.(9.4) Por lo menos, podria haberme dado las gradas.

9. CONSEJO/ Could We could go to the new bar this evening.SUGERENCIAS (2.4) Podriamos ir al nuevo bar esta tarde.

Should You should really go to the doctor.(3.1) Verdaderamente deberias ir al medico.

Must You must try these chocolates - they're delicious!(4.2) Deberias probar estos bombones, estdn delidosos.

Shall Shall I tell him the truth?(7.1) iLe. digo la verdad?

Might You might phone the restaurant and check that it's open.(9.3) Podrias telefonear al restaurante y comprobar si estd abierto.



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Should You should tell the police what you saw.(3.1) Deberias decir a la policia lo que viste.

Ought to You ought to phone home.(3.1) Deberias telefonear a casa.

Must You must circulate that report before the meeting.(4.1) Deberias hacer circular ese informe antes de la reunion.

You mustn't touch those wires.No debes tocar esos hilos electricos.

Have to You have to wait in the queue.(4.1) Tienes que esperar en la cola.

You don't have to pay on a Sunday.Los domingos no se paga.

Need I need to lose another three kilos.(5.1) Necesito perder otros tres kilos.

You needn't/don't need to show me your passport.No necesita usted ensenarme su pasaporte.

Do I need to answer all the questions?Tengo que responder a todas las preguntas?

Needn't have You needn't have bought any milk. I've got plenty.(5.2) No tenias por que haber comprado leche. Tengo cantidad.

Need This report needs typing/needs to be typed.(5.3) Hay que pasar a mdquina este informe.

The door doesn't need painting/need to be painted.La puerta no necesita que la pinten.

Those calculations can't be easy.Esos cdlculos no pueden serfdciles.

They can't have bought a new car.No pueden haber comprado un coche nuevo.

Can't(1.4)Can't have(1.4)

Couldn't have He couldn't have done it. He wasn't there.(2.3) No puede haberlo hecho. El no estaba alii.

Must She must be at home. The lights are on.(4.3) Ella debe de estar en casa. Las luces estan encendidas.

Must have It must have rained a lot in the last week.(4.3) Debe de haber llovido mucho la semana pasada.

Will What's that noise?(6.3) Que es ese ruido?

It'll be the express train.Sera el tren expreso.

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13. INTENCION / Will/Won't He'll help you paint the walls.VOLUNTAD (6.4) Te ayudard a pintar las paredes.

I won't pay more than 20 pounds for a ticket.No pagare mas de 20 libras por una entrada.

Shall/Shan't I shall come as soon as I can.(7.2) Ire en cuanto pueda.

I shan't stay very long.No me quedare mucho tiempo.

14. PREDICCION Will/Won't One day scientists will find a cure for cancer.(6.2) Un dia los cientificos encontrardn la cura del cancer.

He probably won't recognize me.Probablemente no me reconocerd.

Shall/Shan't I think I shall be late.(7.2) Creo que llegare tarde.

We shan't learn much in this class.No aprenderemos mucho en esta clase.

15. DESEOS Would I'd like to go home now.(8.2) Me gustaria ir a casa ahora.

Would rather I'd rather stay here with you than go out.(8.4) Preferiria quedarme aqui contigo que salir.

I'd rather not go out today.Preferiria no salir hoy.

Wish + would I wish he would speak louder.(8.6) jYa podia hablar un poco mas alto!

I wish you wouldn't argue so much.jYa podias dejar de discutir tanto!

16. HABITOS Y Would When I was young we would go to the beach every morning.ESTADOS PASADOS (8.5) uando era joven soliamos ir a la playa todas las


Used to I used to go to the cinema twice a week.(10.1) Yo solia ir al cine dos veces por semana.

Used to She used to have lovely hair.(10.2) Ella solia tener un pelo precioso.


Page 58: Modal Verbs


Ponga estas palabras en el orden correcto para hacer preguntas.

1.1 bed go have do to toDo I have to go to bed?

2. tomorrow to able will go skiing be we3. football he play use to did4. coffee like would tea or you5. the the Post Office you me could tell

to way

6. that carry you for I shall7. nine come o'clock can at they8. need we visa a get to do9. your may use I telephone

10. this me with you will help

Referenda de tiempoEXERCISE 2.

<,Se refieren estas frases al pasado, presente o futuro? Senate la casilla correcta.

1. She must be Spanish.2. He can't have done it.3. She'll have to get a visa.4. We would walk for miles in those days.5. They used to live next door to us.6 I wasn't able to help him.7. They could find a cure for cancer soon.8. You could have invited us!9. You needn't have bought any milk.

10. That exercise can't be difficult.11. You mustn't take any photos in here.12. Answers shall be written in ink.13.I may have left it on the bus.14. She'll be able to see you at six.15. Could I use your phone?


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Uso del infinitive con o sin "to"

Rellene los huecos con to si es necesario.

1. Danny can't _ drive.2. He has _ get a driving licence.3. He ought _4. He used5. He should6. He might pass the test the first time.7. He will be able work as a taxi driver.8. He must

_ take some driving his father's car.

_ practise driving every day.

9. He needs10. He could

find a good instructor._ talk to other learners._ phone a driving school.

Complete las frases con can, can't have y unalas con los dibujos.

1. I'm afraid you smoke in here.2. She been there - she was with me all day!3. Working on a computer make you feel tired.4. They be on holiday, their dog's in the garden.5. On a clear day you see the French coast.6. But mum, I broken it. I was in my bedroom all day!




Page 60: Modal Verbs

^EXERCISE 5 Complete las frases con una forma de can o be able to.

sunbathe in our 5.1 would love toi. We really enjoyown garden.

2.1 know your name, but Iremember it. (negative)

3. In my garden you hear the sea.4. Jackie ski really well.

retire.6. When he is eighteen he

vote in the election.7.1 want to play the violin

when I grow up.8. The goalkeeper fell over but he

catch the ball.

EXERClSE 6Rellene los huecos con can't o must have y un verbo de la casilla.

1. Gerry's car is still in the garage, he out.2. There's no ice cream in the fridge, Sylvia it all.3. The video isn't working. Clive it.4. The streets are wet. It last night.5. It's very cold in the office today. The caretaker the heating this morning.6. The cigar box is empty. My dinner guests all my cigars.7. He doesn't have a key to the safe so he the money.8. The dogs aren't in the house. Sarah them for a walk.


Solo una frase de cada par es correcta. Senale la frase correcta, A o B.

1. A I missed the party. You could have told me about it!B I missed the party. You could tell me about it!

2. - What shall we do tomorrow evening?A - Well, we will be able to go to the skating rink.B - Well, we could go to the skating rink.

3. A In the future they could find a cure for cancer.B In the future they are able to find a cure for cancer.

4. A He's feeling better now. I'm glad the doctor was able to help him.B He's feeling better now. I'm glad the doctor could have helped him.

5. A Excuse me. Are you able to tell me the way to the police station?B Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the police station?

6. A John could have taken the car, it's still in the garage.B John couldn't have taken the car, it's still in the garage.

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Lea el parrafo sobreSoutherton, una pequenaciudad de Inglaterra, y usela information para relle-nar los huecos de la frase.Use las formas apropiadasde can, could y be able to.

SouthertonSoutherton has seen a lot of changes recently. People used todrive into town and shop at all the small shops in the centre.They often parked on the main road and so there was a lot oftraffic. The Town Council decided to introduce restrictions lastmonth, and now it isn't possible to park in the town centre.Shoppers have to park in an expensive car park near the TownHall. But now a large supermarket is being built just outside thetown. When it opens next January it will have a large free carpark. It will be good news for shoppers but many of the smallshopkeepers in the old town centre believe that they will losemoney. Some even think that they will be forced to close downcompletely. Some are predicting that in five years' time therewill be no shops left in the town. People without cars may findit very difficult to get their food and basic essentials.

1. In the old days people could/were able to shop in the town centre.2. They park their cars on the main road.3. Now you park in the town centre.4. Shoppers park their cars in a car park near the town hall, but it's quite

expensive.5. Next year, people shop at the new supermarket.6. They park their cars free of charge.7. In five years' time people probably shop in the town centre, as all the

shops will be gone.8. And people who don't have cars get the things they need very easily.

EXERCISE 9Complete las frases usando should have o shouldn't have y el verbo entre parentesis.

1. John's good at chemistry but hefailed the exam, (pass) He shouldhave passed the exam.

2. Susan's got a car but she took thebus and was late, (take) Sheher car.

3. Derek stayed in the sun all day andgot sunburnt, (stay) He inthe sun so long.

4. The manager resigned but shecouldn't find a new job. (resign)She .

5. My brother ate too much chocolateand felt sick, (eat) He somuch chocolate.

6. Clare didn't drive carefully and shehad an accident, (drive) Clare

more carefully.7. Elizabeth didn't bring an umbrella

and she got very wet. (bring) Shean umbrella.

8. Henry wore jeans to the interviewand didn't get the job. (wear) Henry

such unsuitable clothes.9. Jenny shouted at a customer and

got the sack, (shout) She at acustomer.

10. Our teacher expected Juan to get an'A' in the test but he only got a 'C'.(get) Juan a better result.


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Complete los minidialogosusando las frases de la casi-lla y should, shouldn't o 'dbetter.

get your eyes testedsmoke so muchlie down for a few

minuteseat so much

buy one for the officehurry thenstop the car and call a

mechanicecarry such a heavy bag

phone the fire service try it sometime

1. - Oh look, that building's on fire! 6. - What do you think of that new- We . Mexican restaurant?

2. - I've got an awful pain in my - It's fantastic. You .back. 7. - Oh, I'm feeling quite dizzy and sick!- You . - You .

3. -1 can't read small print very well 8. - What's that new computer like?these days. - it's excellent. We .- Perhaps you . 9. _ Oh, look at the time. We're going to

4. - The car engine's making a very be late!strange noise. - We .- We . 10. - Dave's put on a lot of weight

5. -1 can't stop coughing.- Well, you .

recently.- Well, he really


Vuelva a escribir cada frase usando una forma de need.

1. My car should be washed.My car needs washing/to be washed.

2. Do I have to see you tomorrow?Do I need to see you tomorrow?/Need I see you tomorrow?

3. Did she have to get any books?4. I have to go to the bank later.5. They didn't have to take their car.6. Must I get up early tomorrow?7. My jacket should be cleaned.8. You don't have to come if you don't want to.9. That house ought to be repainted.

10. You don't have to bring a present.

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EXERCISE 12Elija el verbo correcto, A o B, por cada frase.

1. You smoke in here. It'sforbidden.A don't have to B can't

2. You bring any money, thedrinks are free.A needn't B mustn't

3. get a visa to enter the USA?A Do I have to B Must I

4. Look at that sign. You parkhere.A don't have toB aren't allowed to

5. I'm getting so fat - I really tryto lose weight.A have to B must

6. We pay for the coffee, it wasincluded in the price.A needn't B didn't have to

7. It's ages since we met. We reallyget together soon.

A must B have to8. The neighbours be at home,

I saw the light on in their bedroom.A have to B must

9. In my country, men spend oneyear in the army.A must B have to

10. You take a taxi, there's a goodbus service.A don't have to B mustn't

11. Listen, children, you finish theessay now if you don't want to.A don't have to B can't

12. You really go to that restaurant,the food's awful.A needn't B mustn't

13. Look at the water in the garden. Ithave rained last night.

A has to B must14. take a towel or does the hotel

provide them?A Will I have to B Mustn't I

15. She be married, she isn't oldenough.A must B can't

16. The instructions are clear, youuse the camera underwater.A shouldn't B don't have to

17. Look at the sign. You swimhere, it's too dangerous.A can't B needn't

18. Everyone's carrying an umbrella, itbe raining outside.

A must B has to19. Now that the law has changed we

show our passports when wecross the border.A mustn't B don't have to

20. Students take a long time to learnRussian. It be very difficult.A has to B must

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Case las frases con los dibujos.

1. They needn't have brought theirskis.

2. He didn't need to bring hissunglasses.

3. She needn't have brought herumbrella.

4. He needn't have brought hissunglasses.

5. They didn't need to bring theirskis.

6. She didn't need to bring herumbrella.


Case las frases de la columna A con las respuestas en la columna B.

1. The phone's ringing.2. Do you know the way to the post

office?3. It's very hot in here.4. Can you join us for lunch on

Sunday?5. We've run out of tea.6. It's late, I'd better order a taxi.

A I'll open a window.B I'll go out and get some.c I'll answer it.D We won't be able to, we're going

away.E Don't bother. We'll take you home.F I'll show you where it is.

Page 65: Modal Verbs

1 EXERCISE 15Lea el texto y las predicciones a continuation. Despues use la information para com-pletar los nombres del personal del hotel Horse White.

Sarah Smedley has just taken over asthe general manager of the WhiteHorse Hotel in Warmington. She isgoing to make a lot of changes to thestaff. She has noticed that thehousekeeper is always late and looksuntidy. She thinks that the assistantreceptionist is very efficient and couldeasily become the chief receptionist.She is very impressed by the cateringassistant and thinks she could copewith a managerial position if onebecame available. She is quite happywith the cleaner and thinks she is wellsuited for her present job. On the otherhand, Sarah thinks that thereservations manager finds her worktoo difficult and would be better offdoing something less responsible.Sarah's worst problem is that she hasfound out that the bar manager hasbeen stealing money from the cashbox.


Estas son las predicciones que la gente enWarmington hizo cuando Sarah se hizo cargode su trabajo.

- I suppose Amanda will stay in the samejob.

- I think Jean will probably be moved to aneasier job.

- Jackie will possibly be made a manager.- Carol will definitely be sacked.- I expect Janine will get a promotion.- I think Hilary will probably be sacked.

EXERCISE 16Use las claves (entre parentesis) para hacer deducciones usando will o won't. Hagacambios y anada cualquier palabra que sea necesaria.

1. - Someone's knocking on the door.(That/be/postman) - That'll be the postman.

2. - Where's Sylvia today?(She/be/at/office) - .

3. - Why isn't George answering his phone?(He/not/be/at home/today) - .

4. - Why can't Mike meet us for lunch?(He/be/work/all day) - .

5. - Where do you think the twins are staying this week?(They/not stay/Ritz) - .

6. - The phone's ringing.(That/be/plumber) - .

Page 66: Modal Verbs

EXERCISE 17Complete las frases usando shall o shan't. Anada cualquier otra palabra que seanecesaria.

1. Why don't we go to the new JamesBond film tonight?

go to the new James Bond filmtonight?

2. Would you like me to record thatprogramme for you?

record that programme for you?3. I'm afraid I can't arrive until after

dinner.arrive until after dinner.

4. What are we going to do tomorrowevening?

do tomorrow evening?

5. Would you like me to take that bagfor you?

take that bag for you?6. We aren't going to enjoy this meal.

enjoy this meal.7.1 will definitely give up smoking

this year.give up smoking this year.

8. You will definitely get a pay risenext month.

get a pay rise next month.

EXERCISE 18Ponga estas palabras en el orden correcto para hacer una lista de los reglamentos delos examenes. Empiece con la palabra que se le da.

1. sides both candidates of write shall 4. written answers ink shall in beon paper the Answers .Candidates .

2. not calculators used shall beCalculators .

3. shall write page on namecandidates their eachCandidates .

5. room permitted shall talkingexamination in be not theTalking .

6. one shall examination completedthe in be hourThe .


Vuelva a escribir las frases usando una forma de would. Haga cualquier cambio yanada cualquier otra palabra que sea necesaria.


1.1 want two coffees and a croissant,please.

2. Bring us the bill.3.1 prefer the steak.

4. Do you want the set menu?5. How about sitting at this table?6. How do you want to pay?7. What do you want to drink?

Page 67: Modal Verbs

EXERCISE 20Lea este texto sobre los modales

ingleses. Complete los huecos con una forma de would o wouldn't y un verbo apropia-do de la casilla.

Social manners have changed a lot in England in the last seventy years, especially in theway that men treat women. In the old days men (1) whenever a woman came intothe room, and they (2) again until she sat down. If a man was wearing a hat he (3)

as a sign of respect to a woman. A man (4) a door for a woman and usuallyhe (5) for her to walk through before he went through himself. And when a manand woman were walking along a street the man (6) on the outside nearest theroad. At dinner parties men and women (7) together but after the dessert the women(8) in the dining room. The men (9) their brandy and smoke their cigarsand the women (10) and drink coffee in a separate room.

EXERCISE 21Lea las situaciones y complete las frases mostrando lo que la gente siente. Use wish +would/wouldn't.

1. Jane is very angry because hermother won't allow her to wearmake-up.Jane: / wish my mother wouldallow me to wear make-up.

2. Simon is disappointed because hisgirlfriend won't marry him.Simon: marry me.

3. Danny isn't pleased because hissister won't lend him her car.Danny: lend me her car.


4. Lizzy is angry because Carl uses hismobile phone in the car.Lizzy: use his phone in the car.

5. Jonathan is upset because his parentsdon't allow him to play football onSundays.Jonathan: allow me to playfootball on Sundays.

6. Clive is annoyed because his flatmateleaves the door unlocked.Clive: leave the door unlocked.

Case las preguntas de la columna A con las respuestas en la columna B.

1. Do you think you'll take earlyretirement?

2. Do you think the weather willimprove?

3. Where's the gardener gone?4. Do you think Gary's going

to get the job?5. What's happened to the car?6. Is there any milk in the fridge?7. Do you think Real Madrid

will win the cup?8. Are you and Jim going to buy

that new house?

A I'm not sure, but he may be in thegreenhouse.

B I don't think so. It might even snow,c They might. They've got a very good team.D I might do if they offer me a good pension.E I don't know. Steve might have borrowed

it for the day.F We might if we agree on a good price.G Well he might. It all depends on the

interview?H There may be. I think John bought some


walk talk sit down take it off drinkstand up open wait stau eat

Page 68: Modal Verbs

EXERCISE 23Lea las frases y senale las aserciones verdaderas, A, B, o C. Senale solamente una.

1. -1 may have watered the plants yesterday.A She watered the plants yesterday.B She isn't sure whether she watered the plants yesterday.c She didn't water the plants yesterday.

2. - We might have crashed the car!A They didn't crash the car.B They crashed the car.c They don't know whether they crashed the car.

3. - The floor was really slippery. I might have hurt myself!A He had an accident and he hurt himself.B He isn't sure whether he hurt himself.c He slipped on the floor but he didn't hurt himself.

4. - He may have put it in the filing cabinet.A He didn't put it in the filing cabinet.B She isn't sure whether he put it in the filing cabinet.c He put it in the filing cabinet.

5. - Well, really John. You might have invited us to your party!A John didn't invite them to his party.B John invited them to his party.c They don't know whether John invited them to his party.

6. -1 might have been there as a child.A She has been there.B She isn't sure whether she has been there.c She hasn't been there.

7. - Look at this mess, Daisy! You might have washed up!A Daisy washed up.B Daisy didn't wash up.c He doesn't know whether Daisy washed up.

EXERCISE 24Complete las frases con should, must o had better. Cada una de estas formas seusara dos veces.

1. There's something wrong with the steering. You stop the car.2. You look rather pale. Perhaps you start taking vitamin pills.3. That fish is definitely not fresh. You not eat it.4. That new show is really fantastic. You really see it!5. If you're looking for a carpet you try that new shop on the High Street.6. That restaurant was unbelievably good. You really try it!

Page 69: Modal Verbs

EXERCISE 25Mire las fotos de Beech Road en 1890 y Beech Road hoy. Escriba cuatro frases usandoused to, y cuatro frases usando didn't use to. Use las frases de la casilla.

POSITIVE1. There2. There3. People _4. Children

NEGATIVE5. There6. There7. There8. There

a shop on the cornerany parking metersany carsride horses

play in the streetany satellite dishesany street lampstrees on the street

EXERCISE 25Algunas de estas frases son gramaticalmente incorrectas o estan mal escritas. Senalelas frases correctas.

1.1 would eat sweets all the time when I was a child.2. Cars would be very expensive in those days.3. Didn't you used to live in our street?4. Clare used to be happy.5. My brother would be very happy when he played football.6. Did you use to have a Mercedes?7.1 would cycle up and down the road for hours.8. We never used to watch TV every day.9. We used to live in Paris for three months last year.

10. He didn't used to smoke in those days.

Page 70: Modal Verbs


EXERCISE 27 Elija el verbo correcto, A, B o C para cada frase.

1. He's late. He overslept.A) must have B) should havec) has to have

2.1 lost my room key but the hotelreceptionist replace it.A) could B) could havec) was able to

3. Your answers be written inpencil or ink, it's up to you.A) must B) have to c) can

4. Excuse me, you tell me theway to the bank?A) could B) should c) shall

5. We're running out of petrol. Westop at the next filling station.

A) may B) could c) 'd better6. If you want to go to Brazil next year,

you get a visa.A) might B) will have toC) may

7. It's lucky that we weren't caught inthat storm. We got soaked!A) needn't haveB) might have c) have to have

8. The sun shine all the timewhen we were children.A) used to B) might c) could

9. But he done it, he was withme all day!A) mustn't have B) should havec) can't have

10.1 hear you had a party yesterday. Youinvited us!

A) may have B) needn't haveO might have

11. Where's David? He be here bynow.A) had better B) might o should

12. At the end of the course youspeak fluently.A) can B) can'tC) will be able to

13. Peter left it on the table, Idon't really know.A) might have B) can't haveC) must have

14. Clare be at home, her light's on.A) can't B) must c) shouldn't

15. You take any money, it's freeentry on Sundays.A) mustn't B) needn't c) can't

16.1 think they probably lose theelection.A) can B) will c) should

17. It's going to be a very long film. I'msure we enjoy it.A) shan't B) can't c) needn't

18. You show me your tickets. I'vealready checked them.A) may not B) needn't o couldn't

19. Don't bother phoning Jack. It's threeo'clock, so he be out.A) can't B) will C) can

20. The examination be conducted incomplete silence.A) shall B) would c) can

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Exercise 12. can3. was able to4. to be able to5. wasn't able to6. can't7. can8. being able to9. will be able to

10. was able to11. can12. being able to

Exercise 21. Can Picture C

2. will be able to Picture A3. Can't Picture B

4. to be able to Picture D5. being able to Picture E

Exercise 31. B 2. A 3. A 4. A

5. B

Exercise 42. Can you lend me £10?3. Can you tell me the time of

the next train to Paris?4. Can I pay by credit card?5. Can I cash some traveller's

cheques?6. Can we sit near the

window?7. Can I change this shirt for a

larger size?

Exercise 51. can't2. can3. can't4. can5. can6. can't

Exercise 61. B

4. D

2. E 5. F

5. A 6. C


Exercise 11. When I was a child I could ski

better than my brother.2. It was so cold yesterday I

couldn't feel the tips of myfingers.

3. My computer broke down lastWednesday, but the engineerwas able to fix it.

4. The jewels werethe shop, but the

stolen frompolice were

able toget them back.

5. 1 lost my dictionary yesterdayand I couldn't find it anywhere.

6. The earthquake was terrible-we could feel the whole houseshaking!

Exercise 2B Children could

get the vote.C Men could have

babiesD People could live

to the age of 200.E Wigs could

becomefashionable again.

F Robots couldperformoperations inhospitals.

Exercise 31. couldn't2. couldn't3. could4. could5. could6. couldn't

Exercise 41. Katie could have2. David could have3. Marion could

have4. Ralph could have5. Liz could have6. Karen could


Exercise 51. We could fly

to New York.2. We could go

to the cinema.3. We could

drive to thecountry.

4. Yes, youcould writeaboutNapoleon.

5. You couldbuy someCDs.


Exercise 11. had better 5. should2. shouldn't 6. shouldn't3. had better 1. had better not4. should should

Exercise 22. He ought to have locked the door.3. She oughtn't to have overslept.4. He ought to have promised to cut taxes.5. The doctor ought to have given him antibiotics.6. He oughtn't to have used cheap materials.7. They ought to have invited Harry.

Exercise 31. A2.D3. C4. E5 B6. G

7. F

8. ld


Page 73: Modal Verbs


Exercise 11. have to2. will I have to3. mustn't4. Do we have to5. had to6. hasn't had to

Exercise 21. have to2. has to3. have to4 must

Exercise 31. A


3. A

4 B

Exercise 41. mustn't2. don't have to3. has to4. have to5. don't have to6. mustn't

Exercise 51. D


3. A

4 B

Exercise 61. must be2. must have3. can't be4. can't have5. must be6. must have


Exercise 11. need2. Do you need3. Need4. needn't/don't need to5. need6. don't need

Exercise 21. / 2. / 3. /

4. X 5. / 6. /


Exercise 32. The armchair needs repairing/to be repaired.3. His eyes need testing/to be tested.4. The shirt needs cleaning/to be cleaned.5. The house needs rebuilding/to be rebuilt.6. The plant needs watering/to be watered.


Exercise 12. '11 pay for3. '11 come with

you4. won't have

enough time5. '11 get some6. won't stay long

Exercise 21. The Japanese will probably

build an underground city.2. The Prime Minister will

certainly resign next week.3. House prices will possibly

rise next year.4. The Chancellor definitely

won't raise taxes.

Exercise 33. That'll be my parcel.4. Sara will be working at

the gym.5. I'm afraid he'll be busy/

he won't be free/hewon't see you.

Exercise 41. D/G 2. C/H

3. A/E 4. B/F

Exercise 51. D 2. C

3 F 4 A

5. E 6. B


Exercise 11. D Shall we2. F Shall I3. A What shall we4. c Where shall I5. B How shall I6. E Shall we

Exercise 21.I shall give up smoking.2.I shan't watch TV all evening.3.I shall read for an hour every day.4.I shan't eat snacks between meals.5.I shall be friendlier to people.6.I shan't borrow money from my


Exercise 33. Entrants shall not talk during

the competition.4. Entrants shall finish writing

by 10.30.5. Interviews shall be held

between 11.00 and 12.00.6. Our final decision shall be

announced at 12.30.

Page 74: Modal Verbs


Exercise 12. Would you like first class or

standard class?3. Which train would you like to

travel on?4. I'd like the 3.05.5. I'd like non-smoking, please.6. How would you like to pay?7. Would you like a receipt?

Exercise 21. 'd like2. like3. 'd like4. 'd like5. like6. 'd like7. 'd like8. 'd like9. like

Exercise 31. Two weeks on a beach would be relaxing.2. Staying at the Ritz hotel in Paris would

be expensive.3. Mountain climbing in Switzerland would

be exhausting.4. A tour of Egypt would be fascinating.5. Staying at home would be boring.6. A trip to Antarctica would be unusual.

Exercise 41. C 4. A

2. D 5. B

3. F 6. E

Exercise 52.1 would sit and read books for hours and hours.3. At bedtime my mother would read stories to me.4. He would take us for long walks.5. At the weekends my aunts and uncles would visit us.

Exercise 61. C 2. B

3. A 4. D


Exercise 11. Brown may win.2. Miller might win.3. Nelson might win.4. Stiles will probably


Exercise 23. might have gone4. may have visited5. might be/might have

gone6. may be teaching

Exercise 32. You may not bring3. You may not take4. You may pay5. You may not wear6. You may book

Exercise 41. E 2. A

3. D 4. C

5. B

Exercise 52. He might have told me he was a vegetarian!3. You might have listened to me!4. She might have offered to buy a drink!

Exercise 62. We might as well come back tomorrow.3. We may as well sell it and buy a new one.4.1 might as well write her a letter.


Exercise 13. Elizabeth didn't use to/never used to eat spicy food.4. Our children used to wake up during the night.5. Michael didn't use to/never used to do a lot of exercise.6. The police didn't use to/never used to spend a lot of

time in cars.7. My husband used to play golf.

Exercise 21. didn't use to2. used to3. used to4. didn't use to5. didn't use to6. used to

Exercise 32.


8 /

Page 75: Modal Verbs

Exercise 12. Will we be able to go skiing tomorrow?3. Did he use to play football?4. Would you like tea or coffee?5. Could you tell me the way to the Post Office?6. Shall I carry that for you?7. Can they come at nine o'clock?8. Do we need to get a visa?9. May I use your telephone?

10. Will you help me with this?

Exercise 2Past 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 13.

Present 1.10. 11. 15.Future

Exercise 31. - 5. - -

2. tO 6. - 9. tO

3. tO 7. tO 10. -

4. tO

Exercise 41. Can't Picture C

2. can't have Picture F3. Can Picture B

4. can't Picture A

5. Can Picture D

6. can't have Picture E

Exercise 51. being able to2. can't3. can4. can5. be able to6. will be able to7. be able to8. was able to

Exercise1. can't2. must3. must4. must5. can't6. must7. can't8. must

have gonehave eatenhave brokenhave rainedhave turned onhave smokedhave stolenhave taken

Exercise 71. A

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. B

Exercise 82. could/were able to3. can't4. can5. will be able to6. will be able to7. won't be able to8. won't be able to

Exercise 92. She should have taken her car.3. He shouldn't have stayed in the sun so long.4. She shouldn't have resigned.5. He shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate.6. Clare should have driven more carefully.7. She should have brought an umbrella.8. Henry shouldn't have worn such unsuitable

clothes.9. She shouldn't have shouted at a customer.

10. Juan should have got a better result.

Exercise 101. We'd better phone the fire service.2. You shouldn't carry such a heavy bag.3. Perhaps you should get your eyes tested.4. We'd better stop the car and call a mechanic.5. Well, you shouldn't smoke so much.6. It's fantastic. You should try it sometime.7. You'd better lie down for a few minutes.8. It's excellent. We should buy one for the office.9. We'd better hurry then.

10. Well, he really shouldn't eat so much!

Exercise 113. Did she need to get any books?4.1 need to go to the bank later.5. They needn't have taken their car. / They didn't need to take

their car.6. Do I need to get up early tomorrow? / Need I get up early

tomorrow?7. My jacket needs cleaning. / My jacket needs to be cleaned.8. You don't need to come if you don't want to. / You needn't

come if you don't want to.9. That house needs repainting. / That house needs to be repainted.

10. You needn't bring a present. / You don't need to bring a present.

Exercise 12l.B 2.A

5.B 6.B

9.B 10. A

13.B 14. A

17.A 18. A

Exercise 131. E 2. C

5. F 6. A

Exercise 14l .C 2.F

5. B 6. E

3. A

7. A

l l .A

15. B

19. B



12. B

16. A

20. B

3. B 4. D

3. A 4.D

8. 8.

Page 76: Modal Verbs

Exercise 152. Housekeeper Hilary3. Reservations manager Jean4. Assistant receptionist Janine5. Bar manager Carol6. Catering assistant Jackie7. Cleaner Amanda

Exercise 162. She'll be at the office.3. He won't be at home

today.4. He'll be at work all day.5. They won't be staying

at the Ritz.6. That'll be the plumber.

Exercise 181. Candidates shall write on both sides of the paper.2. Calculators shall not be used.3. Candidates shall write their name on each page.4. Answers shall be written in ink.5. Talking shall not be permitted in the examination room.6. The examination shall be completed in one hour.

Exercise 171. Shall we go to the James

Bond film tonight.2. Shall I record that

programme for you.3.I shan't arrive until after

dinner.4. What shall we do tomoorow

evening?5. Shall I take that bag for you?6. We shan't enjoy this meal.7.I shall give up smoking this

year.8. You shall get a pay rise next


Exercise 191. I'd like two coffees and a

croissant, please.2. Would you bring us the bill,

please?3. I'd prefer the steak. / I'd rather

have the steak.4. Would you like the set menu?5. Would you like to sit at this table?6. How would you like to pay?7. What would you like to drink?

Exercise 201. would stand up2. wouldn't sit down

again3. would take it off4. would open5. would wait6. would walk7. would eat8. wouldn't stay9. would drink

10. would talk

Exercise 212.I wish my girlfriend would

marry me.3. wish my sister would lend

me her car.4. wish Carl wouldn't use his

phone in the car.5. wish my parents would

allow me to play football onSundays.

6.I wish my flatmate wouldn'tleave the door unlocked.

Exercise 22l.D 2.B 3.A

5.E 6.H 7.C



Exercise 23l.B 2.A 3.C

5.A 6.B 7.B


Exercise 241. had better 4. must2. should 5. should3. had better 6. must

Exercise 25Positive

1. There used to be a shop on the corner.2. There used to be trees on the streets.3. People used to ride horses.4. Children used to play in the street.

Negative5. There didn't use to be any parking meters.6. There didn't use to be any cars.7. There didn't use to be any satellite dishes.8. There didn't use to be any street lamps.

Exercise 261. / 4. / 6. / 7 / 8 /

Exercise 271.A 2.C 3.C

5.C 6.B 7.B

9.C 10. C

13.A 14. B

17.A 18. B

l l .C

15. B

19. B

4. A

8. A

12. C

16. B

20. A

Page 77: Modal Verbs

Las siguientes palabras y expresiones se usan en las instrucciones en ingles para los ejercicios. Esmuy posible que usted no tenga necesidad nunca de hacer uso nada mas que de unas pocas de ellas,pero siempre le serviran de apoyo para asegurarse que todas las instrucciones estan totalmente claras.

A form of...una forma de






Be carefulten cuidado

Boxcaja, recuadro(gramatical)



Cartoondibujos animados



Columncolumna (de untexto)






Cue wordpalabra clave





Each sentencecada frase








Gaphueco (en undidlogo)


Habithabito, costumbre

Half /halvesmitad / mitades

Head teacherdirector





Intendtener intention


Make a changehacer un cambio



Mini dialoguemini didlogo




New Yearresolutionresolution de anonuevo

Newspaperheadlinesportada delperiodico



Onceuna vez


Orderorden, secuencia




pasaje, textoPast



cuadro, dibujoPlan

plan, planear(vacaciones)

Playerjugador (de tenis,por ejemplo)





Present dayactual








Requestrequerir, petition


Rewritevolver a escribir

Ruleregla, regulation



Semi-final line-upsemi final

Signletrero, serial detrdfico


Some ofalgo de

Speech bubblebocadillo (encomics)

Spelling mistakefalta de ortografia

Staffplantilla, personal

Start withpara empezar

Studyestudiar, estudio



Take overhacerse cargo

Tennischampionshipcampeonato detenis

The (number of )timesel numero de veces

The same aslo mismo que

Tickhacer una serial,marca

Time referencereferencia horaria

Twicedos veces


Useusar, uso


Verb phrasefrase verbal

Word rankingel ranking mundial(jugadores detenis, porejemplo)

Page 78: Modal Verbs




























































• NIVELES 1,2,3,4 y 5



• NIVELES 1, 2 Y 3






• NIVELES 1-A, 1-BY1-C


























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