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Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments Conference 1 Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store Geoff Stead Head of Innovation Tribal @geoffstead Andy Black @andyjb m

Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store

May 20, 2015



Andy Black

on the fly presentation on its not on flavour of mible learning its a whole grocery store .
presetation develpoed by Geoff Stead and Andy Black
delivered by Andy
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Page 1: Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store

Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments Conference


Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store

Geoff Stead Head of Innovation Tribal @geoffstead

Andy [email protected]

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90% of the planet ...

There are mobile data networks covering 90% of the people on the planet

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... but we are all different

The trends are similar all over the world

... but the specific choices of technology, and cultural significance varies

Women need to borrow from the man

in the family

Equal gender ownership

Long, expensive contracts

No contractsMicro payments

FREE to recieve a text messageFREE to recieve a text message

Pay to receive a text message

FREE to recieve a text messageFREE to recieve a text message

$400 smartphone

$100 smartphone

to recieve a text messageto recieve a text message

Do fewer thingson smarter phones

to recieve a text messageDo more things

on dumber phones

Do fewer thingson smarter phones

Costs 6x more to phone Tanzania (next door) than

USA / China / India

FREE to recieve a text messageFREE to recieve a text messageFREE to recieve a text messageLeads the world in mobile banking

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Same, same ... but different

We are using different phones used in different countries .... to do the same tasks

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5.8 billion mobile subscribers worldwide by 2013

50% of new internet connections in 2009 were from a phone

60% of the world’s population can access fast mobile connections (HSPDA/3G+)

Mobile data use exceeding Voice

Smartphone market share keeps going up and data rates keep going down

On average, your mobile phone is within an arm’s reach 19 hours per day

The hype is entrancing ...

But how can we REALLY learn what works?

Device churn costs risks too many different devices

Rapid technology evolution vs glacial curriculum change

Supplier enthusiasm vs real, transferrable lessons

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Rapid evolution: multi-touch, pinch, zoom, swipe

We used to worry about how

to fit text onto small screens

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Rapid evolution: panning over a virtual screen

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Rapid evolution: it knows where I am

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Rapid evolution: it understands what I see

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Mobile learning’s gradual evolution




Working inside the


iPad / tablets

Connecting to non-mobile systems (VLE)

Access to course resources


Class register

Specialist kit

“clicker” voting

Traditional courses & class groups.

structured learning

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Working outside the


Augmented Reality

User’s own devices



User generated


Mobile learning’s gradual evolution

Informal, work based, performance tools,

job aids, personalised

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Traditional courses & class groups.

structured learning

Informal, work based, performance tools,

job aids, personalised

Micro-course modules

Integration with institutional systems

Reference materials

User generated

Post course support tools

Augmented reference materials

Activity based



Mobile learning convergence point


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Technology as tools, not the entire “system”

But we alre

ady know this!

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It even works with knitting

Technology as tools, not the entire “system”

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Rapidly developing community in Australia primarily using Ipod touch

Great guide to getting startedat

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Project in Wolverhampton in the UK Phase 1 2003 with 120 devices in four schools. Phase 2 2005 more than 1000 pupils plus teachers in 18 schools Phase Three  2006 with an  additional 1000 devices across all Key Stages. Phase Four 2008 further rollout of over 1500 devices. This last phase includes devices rolled out within the "Computers for Pupils" initiative and the national MoLe Net scheme.

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Using SMS for real-time simulations

Sarah CorneliusPhil Marston Alastair Gemmell

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A real-time flood disaster simulation activity for undergraduate geography students

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…you are a manager of civil defence in a small town in South Eastern France…

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...Weather conditions are changing...

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…heavy rainfall is predicted…

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…you must respond to the changes that are taking place to prevent a flood disaster.

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To support, enhance and extend the reach of teaching, training and learning

Mainstream (ubiquitous) devices that you would carry on a regular basis

Used at the point of need (which for adult learners is rarely in a structured class group)

“bluffers guide” to mobile learning

US Gvt internal report: (CTTSO/TSWG)

When planning m-learning: Look at “moments of need” rather than courses Do not present mobile learning as a training program,

but rather as a productivity tool Design content for mobile. Bulk conversion is not


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adult, working learners

learning interwoven with task

at the point of need

blur between reference, support tool, learning

no formal class / group

learners are hard to reach in any other way

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MoLeNET = mobile learning in UK Further Education

3 phased rollout 2007 to 2010

40,000 learners 7,000 educators

Over 100 different projects, spanning more than 1/3 of all colleges in the UK

Multiple action research projects reviewing impact

Super messy, but some very valuable results

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Page 33: Mobile learning isn’t one flavour or one approach it’s a whole grocery store

“ubuntu”Now in 5 schools in South Africa. All ages. Mix of devices

All poor. All under-resourced. All about supporting the teachers.

Ongoing - new batch of 1000 phones recycled by Sprint, USA

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E-Books where there is no paper

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Reading. Reference. Shared devices

Improving the school dance!



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Website for M-Ubuntu

36Title of Presentation ‒ Section

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Politicised Visual Literacy

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My lessons

Ubuntu = Collaborative learning, and supporting multiple agendas

Not about the devices – ALL about the teachers, and a long term vision spanning multiple projects

Successes from the simple things:•MobiPocket

•Video evidence•Local champions

The bads?•logistics, especially when the devices are

shared and the schedules are rigid• cultural change takes time

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The learner is the traveller

We are tour-guides

Technology is the vehicle

Learning the destination

When surrounded by

hype, take a step back

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The learner is the traveller

We are tour-guides

Technology is the vehicle

The best device you can

use is an iPhone / Android /

iPad / Nintendo DS ...

When you hear

you are choosing the transport, not defining the journey

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The learner is the traveller

We are tour-guides

Technology is the vehicle

Learning the destination

Images by GeoffStead/Tribal, JessWakelin/Tribal, PlayingWithBrushes, DVidsHub, Pierre Poliquin, MarkRichardson/ZenAndNow, Twiga_269

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Geoff Stead, Head of Innovation, Tribal


Andy Black (not of tribal)
