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mmmmmmmmsm mmmmmimmm : msm m^mssmm^mmmm^mm^sm ••^-•h-^-mm ". -*. . 'A -y^-'^l ' IT*"' "'••"^l 4 -•••• ; . ••mm % ''".'•' -••?i| -'" . "'•.'• *,{M ":••'• ,~rfl5i ^-"W-^ft'w ' ' v (•'- li 4 -'-"*: ''iil .''.'••" -Jr*-* I <•..; _, ^Jj /•jpffl *,,.•-• ••','' •»'"':,'»ra ' " J , «3 '*V»,$1 *'- •*"..• 'V,.'-,•rf->^v\'-v.i •••.. v-r••<•#» :•*•>'(•• .r-nafr .*,. .,. lV .,v«4ifl , . ' <v '•• m - •'- '- , «i *«* 1 •>-;• 1 -X& \m ^Mi "• '^'X'i' 1 ! JjS-viirtJ-r^l ..-** H ''•ml ra?*A—.--•"~-'r4 5 '.'H •• •• • • • .' ioiiL \ >• 'ijsf •:-";..•. '•' ''"••'•--•$$1 •v-i. -ill r --"ii /' ,• !•••$] ??«:; t •,>.+\ . _.* I),;.' •••.;•£— •.!••. • • •.-' ->?j.*-i|f r-*"~ ;.,.^,.,.. 5rM^| r. •. *•<. ••- :..,:••; W -.-?>• y ••••f^Mf / more'^orrte Tine Smte CoiiVfeiitlotl. '" - .' Tl' e j 0 *«*°J^ al %'pIe<;tQr^.of'thB-sev#ral' tftWiia and-wairfi% fit the^ojantesio&Wego, Ate-rtqtiest- •fW T §^S- l W 'p^legfiM'to*.represent .hem in ..UubWt Cor.veiiiioiaV trBe.-heHrw U " ' "" .„„„_ .... -.,__ .... „.,. . ^^ ,. R'v^iUow WUaMHi'M Ute Botet ot i, #tiiSSa? , ()rtli&^i&oV'er*, .BftKsh.tfr^fn&i,Square^ on Friday the .filth day -- ..... > T ...r*.-** r Qt 6«pf.aster,'|B5^ iW l2<0 1 clpek M., far the pur-. posef.i' selecting- delegates- to represent this. couo- eiiroe-Jrit(ie-T3file^tei>raii'Barit Whe'K'an"ifflattdij^ttgu't7. lSSt^' was. thro,wrt;Xjp tron)ia«5te)th:6f .80 fathoms.— 5S6'®«*9Sk-ws«Jti|i!J«^)!SgBt ofsthree t n i i e s ^ u t 0 8,be,u,ft8,ft.-ytos«'a.^e^th.e fl^no^were ex- f%^> a ^9?' ^M?^,??il^%' f Hct,:hilB. att&pjiqn had bap8^Wri»^^flhJq^ 1 ,Brf|iw- closely. Easjcrq Assembly ptsirtet Couventlon*. ; The DemgcraticjEleotora of. the tgwna -oonipdBlng' tha Eastern" Assembly District of QsweJSCouoby-are rdquested to select tlirefliDolegates; to ronrMfiafetich 'towns irf Convention at the- hQUse'-of'.fif Hatflh, a t •Bitii5iV-Squiu*, onFMday. Sept.,5, attS. rfclbdk M. tottoinJit&tStiDerao'qfof'assembly, iuid tcajraacfrsucli jteS&f H fP'^'WiiWftpjflt) W* .clpse.,tp>aoy "'"' - " - V B . aidth^t The ihr aiie.- t h a p ^lto4ii^SiF^an'ifit).aitoriaii!-,,. ._.._ SUJ '-Tt WSI^tStigh^.* W^?t)»J»P»f 'W ritft8?enieri,:'i«rot^til ;B^ithe ! - # f S r .kbiiSfed #6'totfie i 'pyliKdeft"*oaliae)ffiefeteJji;.and'w!th m$i&f$ti?alk 'intirthe- rnfdftliijf'ctffie, wliose hefitt'^nisedrlsitatatitVapecta'tore'tq> : Jrecaj_l,-. ^nd sucpeed ioiipoUrlngfJIie MforSiiiUJthfe'iritew* O&tf'tfcQ btijilflingy ,^frt^emhi<lSfQ[i#^ s es *rfe' other 1>nsinesa>ti&may bo-'daemBd* itebess^ry. '•'•• An.i^mi:. i. M;. ^A^gQW,' cay Expediency—Rlgliti S'owft'Demdefatio papesrs ijdsJse-the postpone-' ment of exeiy qiiestion.-'of .dilfc(|enoe"ajnoBgi Detaoorats u#tjl ftger th,e v EIeiitiop, and union, "to "whip 1 ft^ w h l ^ ^ y . We, •pjo^fejy. have-' no Itiflre eonfidenoeari th6 ^iga,'Uian havetihofl'd- iteM. pefarred"tors-if we"t^ad hfsitory• ftri^htr"- to' faj:ftg.thej'hHv&M<iX .ffi^i%sfed,atf'ttejimjejit * .!£rioij[rf;erifchMi^ in f! thsfOpihion of-every,, ftifindft^P l*-dJs- tas^alofpppBi(a^'jnM|fe^^a^hd .the'friend* JBfl^. p^viieges.'" gp&iraseeflrenopisa-I-' M"u,eh 3 p c u u l a t i o n ^ s j b ^ £ ^ j ^ g | j S ^ U t j o i a n l rolativp tptl)» notion of the'jffifroij.oihteg^t)<!**?- •' oratiQ j v§tatfl ooftyentiari. ($fj~t]$, on^ h"ft$Ht 'ia ^ojsvtjndod, t h l t i'na|raooIi]lj|..% : iSta^f?conr •veipm last fear pt^edl a ^|plSgon 'ap|^vin| the > let,tleatentof'8g^t§jyng^ueiiio}is^l^tCoa- Ifrgl^, 1 it was m*a , bj|oto3^al^^.^mp*pni-- now- be re-afernxeo?!" -Tfo resolu^oriVof Itet year these words;' ,. Resbjwd, That we congratulate the 'country up- on tlie"reCeai seWement by. Congresiot^the ques- tipps,w.hichi ha.ue «fthappily dlvJdgd," the people of these Statesi •- • .- !.,„;»,.'. ehntscrning-this resolution the WatertoWn Union rensjultsi. ". "_". •' ,^,.; c.'•• . Whakwere the '' quasi ions" $mt had divi- dfeditne.pftoplev^fthesft,States, natt.whieh had' b^entftm\Recently settled by. Qpijgress 1r^ Everybody knows.that the respltrtion has ex cltisfverefe/enoe to the'struggle,,ba; the one h«nd to extend the infetfWtioTof It^very bey.. ohd"ite present Utiiits, and on the "btfrer to ex- p'lude it frara p'or Pacific border. By the ac- tion of effhgfos's. .th.e>h^"Pae%_.iEi>.8st had' been then recently coneefcrate'd to Freedom. By this att farther a>itati.on for thfe extensiop of slaverjr *as rendered hop6'leH \^he very etwl'iyas 'accohi^lished foj-'wlu^the' Demod- 'racvof^few:."Yprk'~hav'6s6' inanfarf'y strug I'Ue enmaetf .TJlS^ffiai having-beo^3-ttiatt»fe» d/isAfeedit' this:: -institution, we but an aot o£J[ustieo to lay the following sj;ttteroeii(t of facts, bVits offi, sets, before ^ur v ft^d^ra. We do tbia: iho mo:re readily, fy the'^jfresept War' upon the v Btink is -ciwing^o^it8-ees0niing"ltSB"lfT6Tl6g ing business,;oflji ^lnvwillingnesa' to-.hp'u?od alj' a political fti^'tr'u'ment.. Th;e porsouS- who have' lent themselves to injuring thV Bunk may, and doubtless will, opcasion its. ofi^eers some iittlo siipposo that they will be able to injure.suoI) ! offlbers 6r the Bonk in publip ostSnation ^Vh^tdjgipx ;; .ti);e,' ktiSwii, js simply absurd.. Mr. OR^MWELI. arid his a§so-' oiates a^e beyon.d tho'^pli'bf jfersdnajujalioe; and by long yews of honesji' ind.«stty.Myo won -a reputatipo not to be destroyod-in a day. To the"PuMlc. •. C.AJtPBN BANK,Jitly §6,1851. Oji the 22d inst, a runioi; was- put in circu some busy, and ntalioious'gersttns in - this vicinity,' tha^t tlijs Baiik.. h'rid .suspended speti.le'payraenti' dbtlbrltsa with .a,' design;', to, cripple its cirouiajidn-tind to inffi're.ife' credjt,, "to tliose unaequainteif with tjie. r.4s<jttr,eea-of. this iitstituti^o and the Ikcts eonnextt^d w.ith'i ^the said-rumor, itmig-ht have thai-feffeet.-r- •Our c'apitSllB -$120,0()fJ.' ' - T h e . va'Hitj of ihe ; seduritjes' depoBUedHvcthr (bev'omptroiref fo^r ^red.forye^rs-, and u p a n ^ a Settlement of v tb a:I iedertt«ti6n ofotirbitfs .is .$130,000, .bills >th« tinesifnofl x«hi P .>. h a w it<vtrf«H. tb'n ,,^n1» recei |^|| ka&fi^- uCiro'ulatioo say $100,000. •We ha^e Dee'hj'n operation about three years, the guestiona whieh< divided the penple. ,»Ji'e pe'm^icraticjparfy of Ne.wiyor.fe could iye}l' 'cqftgratu.i,ttt'e .^ie coijntry-, „*. .'. .-, 'i v Tho"SW, Officers toBV ^Teoted'thi ? Fa» ,will"liuve.,n6 : d«ttfis to perforw, giving ttom on iafluenee upon tlie questio'n of'Slavery'or the Fugiti«6 Ijtaw. 'The efijrt. to produre "oVa'p- 'pkival ,of thfiit lawljy thd- oorivention shbnjd it. ;be suoeesafulj would injure tho'tioket seriously, 1 sucb-j- ' can not . -. -«-,-v* i ,jy means oRwiteVj'k^MBtani&JBOusly 'extinguished By it. J ' '• .' •'". '• - " v'^TMiKiiJdiEirig feSt^fts^-wh^.a^jB; Ji erfectly cdn'oWiMeiodvlihis'' point, aje'^raih the Lbpdon £bstrve$gf'' -'>>i:ti >••'• ' >•' «-'-.. •"">- ' -••' .' !... tSiff'th&Ve^tS'.pnoduced onhouflded .satis- ,fte$jop?iao]jsaatpnishmien^ the- expWation - of .t|ie^D^tur§ ja^'?P n ?P'* ,ct ' on i Bli 'he aBhiliijatpr ''S9S^aOT!?»S .- e ^ a ji .^iigw,j the;".jmnjeiis,e rawerjoHMfe:; OFJOW, paun.ds-of charcpal; -wHh4Wo5p'Q«'ds^fiifter aiid two foundi' of mdmm^mf^^emt^^Tid cotalbiafed vim •*x»iB^SSK^Intifife;iSalt5ulatKins, while the ^«t|eii^nesfi.!ttJ3'|h>'!ch^rgPj .it^.teesprMaiibbi-fDr Xg^jsiMfej'ppt.readjnesa. the'jajcliity/oi ope-'a smart touch onft huttdn;Janttr the innoxious nature.o/.the, vapor, jn which tbrd Dudlejj^£affFtJ:andr^wpjoiv-.llli«e; gen % v mjBp jjlgnier^ed; tfliew,' faces withput-Tmio'n^ mgp(|e fti jrer,i?:Ko^.8|d'ered the crowning pracr© fightsbf nwn afld ,t|e/vindioatibn ( ,'of manbpoj}., •welxpea^.ino^teg of the whigsl— They a^eihareptesenHtsvesof', they^legtelate for, capital; nbt mail.'' " ., \ ..... On the bth^r hand,; the' y , Detnoofapy- feafe heretofoxe'prbfesseo^attaohatent^p eertain well defined principles of governroeate-rhave adher- ed, to such'pdnfiipjes, in suboess- andittmbrden- tary defeat, f To secure t'hefornieroB:a,«Qi6iJli.e Ister thTqy hav.e neyer, tft:bur knbwJedgo,.poni- pealod their position.. -. -" Tbec^caa'j>e bbt'"two grounds of division be^en*partiesorthe .inembors- o%, parties.— T,he.first and es^qbtialxine is upon principle-—' iA.e^iBi'a$itjut nion ;to oarry.out or represent, the puiuciple; Ifjtheye is-differenee^pfopjaion .feeg^d^ilte'ptinpi^^ agita- tibg the pujWjo mindset those qub,st|ope! be ex- amined in -the light ofi justice and 'right—the wisdom ofrthe past^ th<s .djsetri'nes and usages of the pstfty hereaft'br beaiff- appealed to as % | s a,cgjdental, : s|ive fnVfeialitie's oontrollsbt by: ~^° r BUd ' 1 e^ort there oanlhe no*necessii;y-~there ^n^n^l^it5l,.Sni-M-b}r-.'fevoHasnB : .' As'. is "' n °-' 8 M°w of eiouaeT .If i ; t t is desirable *pa!^ , -oJ-'pyp^p^i-%r-P^ii^fess,--9oij4nd|hg tii>lt art fi * 0,lfi » slDn ' «» th » Anhinnt rip afcoi^r of — I M& ' ^ P°hfains the-foHo wing article" tf#-fe£ff ^Miijict, ^WfcB cannot fdil'to'arreBt Hi? ''Mt^^P^^M^W^m^niin : 'Sm^^\> ajr« ^ayiijjgrgf eajt .a ) tte.nti9.n,to 1 th,iB,r|tg.dern,rnir-5 jiftlej^.. Se^^al*ofthjeJ,rn^shin?s. twWeh,cost ahou'tS fr^al'of thje^'m^qffi'ngs.-^liicfe, cost . . l ^ a e h ) are'.pfoce'a"•{& tie Qtfee.n'b ^^Sb^WW8feftat 3 Whiiifi i 1ktj; ha-ve dprie- ntfrVihg*'bui A 'leg timate ^baaliiog' b'uslh.eesj' hiiv.0 .declared"Mr'".•diyjU.en.ds-'"** 'T, •has.n.ot.'b^cri'a perio'd':in"bur existence 1 ^when.ww werenot abundantlyable to ledeem' wiivh||j.sjit.ltha-counter nn<f at Albany.,-'whji*h fact is well known tb the individuals tvB'b have been,so bueiiy euga^ed in qircnlating the ru- mor ol'b'ur.Buspunpiom. - These persbflaopenly declare'that they are nctuated By ^b-rnalico; towards the. institbtion but are'jltrectipa; a)lj their efforts tb the removal pfi^fiaaWutl pfll-! cers pn th'e' salogr6't|fidi as.',(liey- al!eg.e (and no,other• hinisIjeen C(ssigne,d): tliat 'he differ* with then? politically, and htiless,, say they^ "th8 dire'otoha will disnvi&Sirteir Cashier.'and-: proc'nrethe serviced ofbhe '6f bur political faiih, we will \Vage war of exlcrt?j.inatjo.n a-; gainst their bank,'?. These .raett Jia:y5 set themselves up as tlje pqli.ti.ct\l leaders', of their .party in this-section of the ootihty and freqliently asserted iKaTi'fTCB'^X" ootj|d bring the in%pn c e of this instittitton'to bear upon 'their paTrify, they i 7 diild at any time'coritrol the jvolitjcal d*stiny ofi the county. The' stock- holders, and''officers of.tfils Bank.jJr.e about equally divided between the two gnJaitpoiiti- ''rties but are unanini6ugj.rt thb; opinion that it sh'otild not be' used'directly or indirect- ly tpalfect the vote-of a single individfual. Immediately jifer the' last, fall's^biectioh -a<ut4ifttilth# election of Bank ofHcers in"Jan- J'uary. then Foiipwing, every effprt Was rbade by "theefi Hen toeffect a removal of the Cashier. rr-is. rpu~TitlT*- 'sviif • J i.-• j^ . .iii'hey dftinbt scrttple-to-resorttb'any;' ! artiflce, 0^-^he attention of ,thfl.«ader is « w o W ^ amo 5 ^ ^ ^ th ' at!h : e m i ^ f ^ y ani j to.the advertisement of Mr. SNOW, in -another - - - tilttt an expression on the subject of Slavery be^madajjyjie .Stafe Pojiyention-^if the poli- tiokns v of the Argus sohool have .oonoludbd to denyth^ir •fbfqldt' pbsition, and affirm that a ;toaii'*-views.-<ai the subjeci of slavery shall be . poikidered ^ test of his D'emoqraoy, tjiepublio should-see to it that Delegates "aree^eoteidiwhp !"Sv£ll>*e-afi3*iit'tij'0''^ld. JeliJisonian .Doctrine of slavery restriction-^eelafe Slttvery^-a State in- spttttibn, With which" Coijgfess has nothing to doj and^therefore that the Fugitive law' is ;m- .odBstitsitibna{ r aa it ie> barbarous and ahti-Dem- socratia. Tfeerofs no inore^-propriety^it^trikes us, in ihtrodncing this subject into the State ••convention this %S8d, than tftero would be in a caucus -to- nobjinate.' village trustees; but if it must confejftjiK^-peotfe-sfionld'Bb'b'lo",- it that their views' be correctly reflecfed: *i6S^{^aHi^as-.&8fetl.f«f*Utigo1s(tteB-biy- We'Mjf4l» i .ti»yhiiJeSf^^'t»'dUldj oAer- tfeiee l«'b©bon'£iuh1fed''pfbperty ^wbrtb'ibJTOii- fiqcffo^tatesJi !She& grfeafiChryatai .Palace i # ^ . r l f ^ l t ^ j r - t ^ . f f i i c h l b e s . i in "fact, toy ^e^jm^adontgdjbx.-all^he principle •ctiinesl?i'seM>?al'#^k8 irf'SdVatiee, aithbiigh tHH'niBrnufa'istb^y/ofth^pBfentbsuppT^ iw^thQUPand'snachines per- day. Lord Br- ttughanriiab, rbeentljr-intnodnced. a .hi.U..j;hto Bafi|anjen;t regjgiribgieveriy government ves- sei (i^ ,fea.supfilie4; With pits or more of the F W .Ajapii}jia}ot?.;i../J.. ;i,| ' .•;"• ..,.,' ,"f Pronahfy a" iBittgte' ; n}'a^Hifle ty»bM-.h^ve piWbnifed'efflierlbf the re6enw.dn|^rajiQSif % -Skfj^WanCisco: 'IpTrJ,l4e3j^.crtSebs wTTl" «fli^eir'galLy'j)i'«Wdp ttiertiselVes" With 'b-pe bf •thesb'smaU. machine*, no such thing ad ai des- trnb'.iy^'fl 1 ^ need ever occur, whereas now tfibfiinWal destrtiMibn bfprpperty iti v the.tJuj- teteSfetea'is « - s8biatei' 'at.'4l5,000,000>.. and' ^ianvoty^fj|»rop'e«y itisbred., is„.^200.00Qj- WKD"-.' ,/V. •.!.-. '.LV:"-T-' . '. . ,"••,..• '. i'-The ,engagenjents--of the Patentee in Eng- land can.not iftncfclptiger permit him to with- hol4>it]ig'he'Befits,qf this-Pateripfrom this,*oun- the date o>'h%;grSbt-, .<?(•'! the sSme . becomes- foffeited. It is now sixteen months since Mr. BHii Ups 'bbiairjed. hisi"patent in. WaBhing'tbn, tintfe, tlitsre fore,,. within: t wp^nionUvjj. he, m.pst . bjfirihjs Aniiibilators forealeiin- tb.ia' canntr^i. JJa^ajUornia afetie. tb^si».aphine wquid bffin- jMv&\iile ) ..aa no insurance 'agai{}gt„.|gr.^j!aii be 'dm4&rie& tlfere. Indeed.' lii'any bjtid'-'every' part bf the oivilized world, fife"18% 'ntbstf'des- tractive elemen^andthe valuegf^the Anni-- K1Iatt)r ! » I 'rorffcspondingly .grfeafc >•.*. .• *- : | rl We'!cpftsjder-th"iB.Jsttbje'ct ofsuehf vasfcabd. •u«'iver0a;fciDiportance,:that We^hail •imniejdi'!: ivt,elsf'fay 'befbre-.Oqf leaders the -evidence pf "i^Stcoi»pliete-tttiiity (! as.. published in the Lon- d^pftgers,,wh^rer|epeated experiment.-' have been^made'".by 'Crmg build/ngs, and'where hundredsof .thojusands of dollars have already fiffrrWe^ by.ttte" -Pire Aribihilator.". ••".aftWilFpr'pc'eive "that "the CJoriim'on' Council cfCfeVfela^d, Ohiof haevappointjed a |B»mniitr tfiSotb is^cbnTC. tHfi/Aiirfihilator for, 'the pro-tocr' tiott*it:ih;ef'Csf^tj'?b¥epty.v J.TCftir system will party hereafter betbg; appealed to as sSils in ti$ ,; e£aniination* - ' . . Paving determined the- charsotar and_ttti ? deaby-of- proposed measures, having brought tatbe..Kg1ii of ttuth>.abdtrted : them by .the bn- \y proper teatf bbld.% sho.uld they be. sustained or rejected-; . -Wo-ooBiproafisiSf;' ilb'.«ounsellibg with expediency, no tiitie-gerving polioy ehotlld. for •a'nib'"r|ient Be .allowed to firM favar with the di6,oikles; of JenWspn. Lika- him/' having discojjereidrand-enjbraced the right, wb- should plo.dgejtoit&rbamtenaB'eey.^.OT lives,-OOT for- tunes, andtitjr_Bacred honors." .'• " Bivjsiqn^ about men, „ v tjie,,rejection of. an im- pijrtbnt grin&iple. or measure on aocount of the ageat. saleotedlto give it effeet,'and-tbe support of itscofltrary'.bel&tle^ih'dividuals in their own : eye?" and .^n diabpiiiigh .of their fellows. 'Shey. self their, party,,, and if.tna'r''party'is what'it "claims to be, Belt the well-being' of their eoun- try,lto gratify personal'spite* -3Pbi»r|6 man"of mind will ever do—no ma.a who belongs to the Diamtjcraoy for atiy other motive than plunder. ,„J£,Sb*=iD£mpor8cy»as.8/ party are tb renotinee their- hostj)jtj:;to class Jegislaiaon, their opposi- rti^to7<i^l.«^'ta^al^%-4^iT~^aahmeiitrto Gonstitntionat goveiamenti' ^ ty Vt°- lie made ,th.e agent or;apologist 'xjif'SWvb-pfdnogandisni, Slave-kildih^kia.SfeTe^e&'^'n^^b^^ tarifis,. of; the b a n j t i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of Sncreeised debt and>rbflb*atol exp8n8itnre-« it will havejocme'to, M>Den^)ttfatia bjhlyjtf name, and should receive, the support of no trne ^Republican. If "the' banse of pof|tb^ rights :is to be'wojihded, let the blow eomb' -ftom its old enemies. ',.., tlfnited'upon principle, we T ban .and* shall) "tvbip the whrgs." Denying;; or. cpntjealing, fear of temporary .defeat, will driveoff 1 the honest and true of the patty, leav-J ing none btifaband of harpies^drawii tbglethefe by the hopepf plunder.- '',.*/, . ''f column. Mr,. S. is a gooa.workman and turns out be,a,Htifui'..eastingsi of hja,.-Furnace. Hard- -waredealersinibis' and adjoining towns will ;nofc-only find iTrfb" their" interest in matter"of cost, bufwill'alsbTetain their"money in oircula- doi^near^me^bsr- buying "of Mr. Snpvvjjind we- wonl'd reccommend Farmers and . others in want of IStoves or other eaetinga'to save^me or more dealer's profit?, 1>y piirehe#il!g directly of the manufacturer/ ,- ' BAUBY,.of the Teetott-ll6rj: fife ^trq^gjus;- piojpns thatJKfcAtjE andrMittsvare ngfr.inoorri- gjble. ^•ademoisjelte .KunMfe.aeema. to^fiusv paet something of iBe„ kind. We- h&v'e eaeh da,y expected to find, in the. post.a.'.'heiuSfdl satin, card—"Mr. Si Jligs-l-OBtupliments,—eve- ning,' < 'etc; 'Wait a bit.j ,*• H.umiui_Actlbii "TP'ieSrtittt.a'nd impdrtartt error Of 'mankind. .isj.n->.n.istftki,n,gv.tAe4ioin|; w-Kora ali. hiJUTiitn-a-"©- tipfl has its rnp r at np^brfjul^eot.-;,Ho|p£Le/ Mann, soys^Jpt 8^!% fire, \is 'sfways'' h ^ . ; gate's 9\vn heart. Wp may rpst assured tha^fc the fire of hum-on pae|i^n!"wfiloiiii*ia hot bnougii; tobonsunje'-tiiat obme| in- don-. taot, must necessarily first eonsumo: its nxpre immediate centre or.sourc"oj whero -exists i t s greatest boat. Wexiro apt to look for evi- dence as to the exactjjature„,Qf.our oonduot, to Jts external results. Thus, if we strlkpahlnw-;. he is the sufferer upon vyhoih it fullsj if- \ve originate armies arid devastate nations, sym- pathy points to thoseupon whom these results fall, as the object of its regard—if we- oEajieit hatted and revenue, we .cstipiate their import tanoe, by their affect upon' -tliose against whom they are directed.. This is a. great rnistalj^_ We. bherjsh ijl. our. own viob Or,, ^pft^n sion Butwh'aVinjui'es'us infinitbfy.tnpretlia'n ""it-.' oanv^y-pps;sibility'7at)y one elsei. He who -is- inftlitnod by-mad revenge 'strikes a dagger-tt* the heart of s him-who having injuwd-h'inii fiats struokthe dbej5eBtand" alarming wound into his owff'nature', tfhb weapon th«t pros- trated the. yielding, apd decaying, breast of his enemy* inflicted' its-'deepest wound upon hia 'owh"oterria-l undying'spirit, a,nd wliikt to the^ object.oflMs ra.v.ongpj,thb: *esultSj,were its fleet-, ing as the b,r.64.,th of a t'nphjent^ tp' h&h'ithey niay extend far .into.the- eiroliii'g'agbSQf e t e r - nity. A wpund'upoh the flesh'is hid "by : the' sod which oflvbrs thegrav.e, but a wound upon the spirit, may carry its repulsivo scars to the- nrosenco of the -greiit'. Judge himgeljj., '' Tjhia simple faot, for is, -should be the rnosb powerffll preacher of.gpbdnoss- tp. the taee.-U Refieot.,8 ('nSfjgi^Jbt. Hb\y. injured who possese'sTa pure and 1 uprighKspirit and con- science void of. offefioo? W h a t ettf'tHly.rtia'jjoe bf rnitciitriations oah'reaph" suc'h. a spirit? Sup^ *'?».' u An insupwtio-n Wtaljeffijljrco'ln'th souihe|n-4,J 0,ce oymMppfy* againa e . creed § y tjie Supreme G^Kbknment BU 0 IQ The pftcipJe o/^atianKa i; 4n anticipation '. haviP?-ton»Aetr.qnp|^»f,-<his.loAB^ w „!„u .they have^iiterition oMoing^tlvlf ^} A eld .Wonder waaf progress the Directors on the Oswego Eastern Bailway are making in their Work? Wo sha.ll havb' something to say upon the subjeet of this Work>; unless those intrusted witn its interests antioipate -lis iWithift'-a Week or two. .' =,.„._. • • .»,. . . ,, Tjie mo^ey nj^.rketia' very close in' the Eastern .eitiesv The Atlas announees.- tbat' several- houses in Albany have failed, and that in ' seme ~ biFthe bengal and western cit- ies; several iea.ding buBinesft.honsee have^ been Qbrbpelledtoausperid paymeatj- ,-s"- -. '.Tji.e Caiman Fevolfltionfste stifnibid" their ,po ; sitrpii. bodies- -pi volunteers are about •ibWlhg them froift this-feountry/.- ' ","' f,;>'H:.'S-'w'.'• '• 1" ' ••'/-'-i...—'- -. •• ,. JpieVnext meetipg of the. Grand Division* S. afv~3L,.Wiliitej held isdmetiine in„j8eptember at .Watertowhj. •""••.- and the f S S u l i a ^ p i ^ . i S ' t " ^ « » « * extracts "iti'v, Gbticeding Pliilip'srin-vehuon its almost idestlniabje. To say nothing .of the ^Mmmiwiimm^ m&$& peffebt-sdeti- *fty-'ugatfi«t thd ra-vagieaaafaiUelamebt sp;utn - gw&sreaWc « a « | 'desjEUAtkftfas^g&.v.iijth'ertp, h4^. he'eh<whefc$n.c.e i"t'ii|[^nin i ed.-thetnaste- kmm mar Mm BSfwdliVi mm "" jng,avne; t?fev;- ?, ia'hftiairy^"1B^nsi il'-ib bur b'rtibd 1 ' cbn.^l'ili^beforj.h ^ t e ^ S dputjtj I Q?' The article below, will.|ittfa^t ayention. It is an indication by,tKc(.iiijrifbr of the "views heaesire0 fo-havea candidate.lfor- ithe' Assem-- >6ly a|ow t who would ask hiB-vjjtbftrTHeewriter proppses.^furhishing one or mbxe, artiofes -upon the proposition relative Jo .ait "fbad freights, whioh wjfl mffre;. fblly ini|lea|e hfs'viows on thatBubjeot. ;i- ., Wanted'. 'A candidate for;th'e Assembly in the seoond Assembly District taOswego'ijbttnty, who will oppose. e*e&y wrong measure aalid: support ev- Jor-y rightmeasure proposed by "any patty.--- 1 Wh"& is' in favors? the "enlargement.' of the EriVand OBWego Cabals'jiis"faa" : .fast a,s the" wants of commerce require, arid-' -the finances' of the State wiUjustify.-i- ' ' ' . '•'. ". . ^Tbojs in favor of a law so amending.the several Railroad charters as to establish a tar- ; iff o£- freight and the prioe of baggage^, and re- auiaelBAltoad Co'sta forward freighb or pas- sengera'upoh reasonable notice, and thS""tender ofmobey'tQ arty station figerit. Who- is injaver of adaw; limiting tfie qilan- tity of land hereafter to be 1 acquired j o 1-60 iacros.-i- •' , Who is ^4&v6tt6f a^l|w'to^^pprjaas-,.iho jtraffiom'^tb^ a beverage. tjfppe'i^, unless he abominates Pla» iv^yand' the.Fbg^ive"^ye..Bill« ;'," ..',.)••;'( ':., v'i, . '. . : "jtt^e-QtlA.W-Kjii. , ]- fJ^^BBBS-Co1t*;^TIie. : Editotibf "the Wa- ftertown Jeffersonlhn acknowledges-green corn ir:eebived,'bn Friday .last.. . ... b;V- ..":•• ' • I •'^(jjtes'WeBhould'Jeel under great obligations tg home pi' the Legislature for a copy [of the Doouraejntary History of the State. . "The citrienVof;Northern-tfeftsrson an'd'^1'. Lawrenoe"QcwntiosTaw_diacussing 4,rail road, project frbm Waterto.wn«to Fbts^am." Itr- will probably go through* ' ~ " BXECDTIOW pp C.purJT fi'DCAflMB.-^-The ex- ecution of Count Hyppolite-Visart de Bb-i carttte. condemned for poisoning the nrother "of his Wile with essential oil of tobacco, took place at Monsj in Jiifelgium, oft Friday, Ju)y 18th. . ' " •' J d * Mr. Emanuel-fcyon Jiasmade.apropd- sitwn to the Common Council of New York to exterminate all the latefandinice from'tbg iritjp-w-'-onejyea.r, for; the suni of $100,000.— to be.pafd #"hbn the authorities pronounce it free of ihe termini ' ' * ' . P#ft f addiffgs'tb 1 - olarcanj jiaks||MH«««" .,„„._„-_- .... „... .A^Eo'rtb;filtta^eaBit>^A"mlW*nme'd Jdhn ' <>tfn*y&1ii&^Miev^ |I-f» Thefii-moi J.81iaw& to., of New Or leans, was rohbjed by tlie slave Speru>e .of $4500;. Spencejwae afterwards arRested, and^ $1200 of he money recovered-. He-confessed that he hed;6ent ^000 of the'stolen rffbney" jn a letter to,..„4ire.&lc.'4 to the care of R,8V V H Dandridge, a-ffoltored.ftlergymani there. This^snip haaalso been'fecovered. "•had abstr'actbd' frortt the funds o( ths' Bunk a -large ametfnt; ""'S-lr' the Caenier^ ^ s tinanlh -cnously p-elected;.. Irrfhlediat'e'ly afi4r'vs.lijfeh, at the^ujgent request of the Gasliief'a rigid ex-amihaiianrwiis rnadbof-the ; affitits ol" -tlie" Bank by Mr. Vanrferheyden of Troy, who', to the.discomfiture of these slanderers'.'{•epbrted ay-right^andsaid, "That! hare" applied "all she various tests of a strict and rigid Examina- tion, and feefconstrained,to say to the gentle- tmepbftha direc0pn-of (he-Bank artd-throligli them tb <he stockhblctera as well as thkCash- ier ol the blank, {who during the' exatninatioa ,Lhave particularly kept atat a distance,) that 'Ecafli.frank'y'andjhbnestly bear testimony to the Bound"«ondition of the-JBank." Th^se mdt- ^dpal*still4bBtiup';e destruction ol',*th-e ; 'C'a9fiierJbro.ptlQy^d.acouple'oi'wbrrf)leSiSoarhps in-this vicinity to annoy the 1 , BanW'b'y tally calls of specie; varyingAn- amount frblii fifty to one hundred dollhrs; fihdtng'this riot suffi- ciently annoyiiig td. the Institution, ttI1ese pet- son's-having ho foods of their own, applied tp some of the leading, politicians of l^ticaj, to as- sist them inmaking-a run upon the Btifik. aL- legi'ng as a.reason for their conduct,, that it JVas, tfee only course by which ihey could reach the Cashier. We regret to sfiy that mencould be found in Utiofi, willing to lend themsel u yes to so base a purpose. But so it was:'"nSen and money were, found at JJ.tica,,.. frilling tb embark in this, nefarious enterprise, abd a ''run' 1 cotrimericed and pains.seems lo have bfien taken to render- the presentations as annoying and insulting as possible. ;' The Bank, continued to .redeem in specie at its coOnter allthe''paper presented untifthe 22d. rnstr, at'w-htcjr liine,"apablnrf.-e was ptesemed'. b^'a-young man from Uticaj^dhtaining $5626. The perBotrrriak^g the (remand was told by the Cashire that his help-lieing 'short that day, he could notconveniently bbunl'the motifey and'get it ready-before morning, which was-objected to and tjx(i answer wbs that the money must be"Tea'tly"o'y 12" o'clock. :as he tyished to-leave, in thai ran of cars; he was,then tendered h draft, at sight en the Commercial Bank ofTroy T with the affidavit"statute j. this was also declined, whereupon fie left the Bank in a swaggering, boasting way declaring as he passed through the streets that the Bank had' failed;' The :telegraphs were irbrtiediatcLy put in operation a"nnaunejng that tlie Camden Bank fi,aJ o-us- peti'ded,.and several anonymous letters wefe written by the same parttfs to'4ifibJ-en,tbanI("S" itf'thtf State, announcing the' same thing.-^^ Thus matters weirrbii'tfntil the-26th in«t:. wbentbesame package was again presented with anaddititfnal'sum of $3,046. The. indi- vidual'was tendered two drafts at en'gliVon the Csnimercial Bank at Troy, with The'visual afladawt. which wiis declined, and instantly ^ toil vvas-commenced in the Supreme Court By-the service of a summons against the Bank in.favor'ofJamesM'Quade.ol [Jtica* ,.• - This is the whole length, and breadth of b)J£ptlspensiort. Wehaye hidiat allj. times, an'dhave now, abundance of specie'in our, vaiilts to redeem all presentations, btit under tHe'torcamdlances.,We,d.eeraadit notonlv jus- tifiable, but' right and p'ropef to avgfl our- selves of the statute.' Perhaps, however,- it "^a^'.bad policy^as it gave ourenemies-a Han- dle to afftfet our credit. It js grafHying to |tnoW, that notwithstanding all tnes'e^xtranr- ditlary efforts tb discredit bur paper., nat-n sin- gle' dollar of'QJJP- depositas has. beefl With- drawn or any of our paper presented'at the counter forpaymentJiy any other, partiesliior has a single Bank In tftiB State, so tar- as we posd yoti doststoy the. eatthly- life 1 of sue'h a n orfe't/tt-Havb you injured him?, &oj'fbr.tfio-pure- spin't-has but passed fo, the- highor eondltio^n that it, audJgfreate.r 4'njoymiBjit'is, t h e result. Jhe upright maji caa have nothing to fear, for there.exists no power to'"do.-him harm^ but thoso who indulge tbvvards him -the pas*- sions of .hatred^and revenge, are bberishingf a- fire, which ottp J n n o respectaffoot him, but~is consuming the happiness of their own nature. Thon the-grea&objeotisto.kebp ourselv.os pur'- •or. It is not what'other-s do hut what we .our- selves do, which affects us,-'It is not that whiuh gbeth in that defilotl), but 'that'whioh cometjjj. ouu There was never yet an evil" committed' in the world,' but : the greatest sufferer \jas he who committed it.' When,.then,'Wo are dis- posed to regard'; our-biieth^efr-os.i enemies, a n d ' seek to crush tbem with indignation or blows,., -let us reoolfect that such fooliuga* aird'..!sotiorxs toll more powerfully: on us who ohermh and commit it. And whdfl we purpose-any." wiok-- edness, no matter whatjlet us bear this in view; we can do nothing, so secret, nothing so care- fully and skilfully, if it .be wrong, but, will be open andpresent to obr own notnro, working its terrihle effects upon it. It belongs tb t h e eebh6thy"of u €tod's "government, atid.cannot bo avoided, and it should...influbnee as' id dealing W>th„the criminals of society., . They ttie the greatest smWbrs by their offbnoes, and shalf we heap coals of fire upon their hetKis?. M a n teannot hopetp rival God, in the justness of his institutions. And doos any one suppose that God permits human wrong to pass without all the punishment that belongs to '". He who is borne down by the offsets of crime is not an object of our "vengeance, but .our pity; ,and when- we seek "bis pain, wo are injuring., .our- 's'etvesJnore than we are him; doing for"'our- selves the same wrong that honas dono for himself. us be wise in aecqrdance with, the plain teachirigs of these plain-principles, Let,us cherish no bad passions, for we cannerer hope to injuremrr enqmyjms'we nnist injure ourselvesi ••«• Two'Weeks -tiaterfrom Ca'llforiUar-Anotti- er toestrncllv'e Cdtiifl^|;ratfcm-~f tireeJifT,ttioii» of Property pestroyed--'l J yiich-l/aW,<j'c. •_ . • NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 2. The Alabama, at this. port r brings' two weeks laler news fram California. Another dreadful ffrb" visited, Sin Fran- cisco on the 22.d of J,une, laying in ashes the very heart of the city.. ,The fire extended over ten squares, burning through ivlonto-om- ery, Dupont, Washington, Mefchant,'"and other streets, whjch .composed the .business pgrtioD.,ofjhe f lace. The loss is "varioii^lji stated at from $2,000,000'to ®5,O0O,0(iO Tbe-fiTe was^th-e wofjt of ineendiuries, Who - have treen. arrested by the vigilant'comStit- itie' ' •' Aotive preparations Were being, made to rebuild theburht- district, and-alfEa-'Jy sewral Substantial buildings-are in process"of erec-' lien. "" - > . There have been a-nuni'b er bf addXtioha) casfes bfCy-nGhflftw, and crime'slill pervaiis to a fearful extent. Lturai prospects of the atateco n - tinue (avorublej ' From lheyfnines the reports are .conflic ting. b'ui!ire :1 ger»ernllyfavora,ble. The quartz of.the ciiggius continue to yiekl well. Indian disturbandea are stili of frequent oc- - cu'rrence, ano'iifiterJtion oh a. meeting/opBpinte'd'a commfttee''to" 8 ijT r t ' intend the pub.licatiqn of n Spanish papL' oppose life loan and the' ,L ° - ". ,. "' Thn Panama Star, of "the 21st July aa( j 8 . '/'A cotpm'itt'ee was,)hen appointed t'o Wi ii| upon,the Gbwer,n£tii p^.be-Proyince, >and i 0 rnfi'irm of tlie' noli i nteiitiori' o.fthe-iV-Cbnse r vntives'^tp pajone'dtittaftbwai'ds-(heforced iQan^nnd^Jsoy^S-Wcr'aTe Informed, to warn hjm' t h a t any attempt, to mafo) a-forced col- lection, Vy winding troops {iere tb' levu i t wpuld bo reiisted-by thtem and other'citizens Qf.Panama^to t'he.Just- eKtrernityJ-e'ven bv • force pf arm's;'which,-U' gfimpelled'to resort tp, wau;ld;en^-'iri,-a-disruption of the Eepub- lie, nnd- ihe-d,'e.C;iar-atio» pf the independence of the Iaiinmus. . ' . 5 . . -•-„., Th>appoin.ttnerit bf the commjitee, and the discharge, of-the d.ujies .assigned to it lias.giW,p r,ise.tq tb^e .r.u'mqMvh'hip- the past two or fhree-days, ^kat -on-^Su^day (last) night, a jtro^itrici^iiienio Was' to be, made 'hftying'for'itSA^<H-ii|f.j4e);^9tion'of'inde.' •fentfende pf this r^ih'm'uss-ojijl calling to ib e -%hief tn&gietrac.^;, a .rartftin'.'dislragoishad gerierStj'-vvliOis afo*S^jie,sb1'eftt bWew Qr c . nada.'-'- ••• " ; "-- : ti>-» *•*>,- :'/;.,' y \ , The French citize;nsalfiO,.l)eJd a meeiinu, and'prganized- a.NptioiMl t iGu'ard, with the avowed motive of .self-defence'.' The- Slur adds,.;. . >' •,-*"•" '-&«'•* .• • , " in the rileanfimB the cjtv: remains per- fectly. quiei,atKl,'thfirb'ii'not\the least proba- bility l-herf-any ;ptomjri!bian|bJ)t r p or. disturb- ance ofi.thepeabfe "will, taice^pface, or that any such idea at fcoy Tnpeia-fel^- has pre. '' .traite'd, ttolBss r t[ie govor.nm'^nC tm.d'ertakea- tole'vy ihe^fprced, k>ap,'-.j,fii which' ense.we don't knoxtr wha.t wiif b a p ^ n , except this' that i-t is the fir.rn ; >l*e&rmin,aiio ! n, .of. many of -lbs ha/jviy aft well, as foreign population,'not to alio* a sbldhjrt?) oniey^ie. gates of Pan. ama,-for the purpose of-'nrtem"pling^ to exe- cute the obnoxious- 1 decree." .))' The insurrection A so far as heard from,is as'yet confined to the provinces of Fopoyan, 'Oaucj^CuIUnd Bflehuy/ntuxn,, and has led to sonig.utr'ocTti'es'iiaTm'ost tbo. horrible to re- peat. - Tti-ibe' Province- of .Cnuca, n large ;body-of men,,headed b.y'an.ofjiceT, and^claim- ing tb be Soldiers of. the 'Republic,'aTla'clird a'sraall'vil|n'ge r and captured every'body, ' T h e men were tied and scourged,and then 'he women of all ages, andeven chil- dren, vyere ravished hefore.;jiia.&jieg-Bf-their hiisbanci^ and-hithers. This, .saw the Star, ; s too hbrrible^nhnost for felief^iuuve-hiwe (he account in.'"b paper before us, afc-welias tbe"'v"erbal ass"urance-of -its correctness, from agentlpriianiw.w"iH't-itis- eity, lately arrived (com tn"e immediate fieighbothood..,, ' • The Slarcontibues:' "We. hiive further intelligence from the valley of Cauea,-whjich'sfji'ies ihat,G>n. Her- retaj the neivly appointed .governoT'TSf this province, but yyh'6, upon'the eve of coming hitheV wnst'alied to ihe command of the tfove.rnitien.t-troops tb operate against the in- surrectionistSi ia.beseiged in'the city bfC/all, by 1,000 rn(>n wider ihe .cpgimapd of Colo- nel Buso. T h e gpner-a! had "j^uT a few. of. 'tile National Qbard to-support him, and -finding that be could make no head against Col, Bdsb, he sent Jiim --word under a flaj of truce, that he^ (Busb afidE's party')..tjjpuld be pardoned jf he would draw off. Wslorces. To this Busft-answered, that if any pardon bt forgi veness was to be, granted, ft was himself (Herrera) who sbuuld ask it—pre vkled he would surrender at "ditscretinn, he should be treated, with ari'^fehiency, &c— -Herrera had not surrendered .it latest dates, jnd-os it is known that a-small bod'y of gov- ernment troops were marching to his relief, perhaps they arrived in time to su-ecor him. But we a Iso-teatii, from a reliable source, that a large, n-turvber-of the landholders- of • the valley, (say 900) were in favor of Buso, and it is.a m A re^ matter of-conjecture, and will be Mtiiirrtne; arrival of monthly mail, wtiich is the victorious party. ' - 'I'he government troops are repre.sente.d- ;is pursuiri!{a-CQ«rse of vvholesahj plunder and slatightier- Haciendas and'^ilkges are burnt to the ground,'and citizens maltreated in every respect." - ;"'' • • m •-• P ,^i*P^h3pi»^M&fe!|i%Ka«^n'M: . -dt^kilntaKibaMja^^ ,. .yeaiSjatidiaiet^f T^typgviiStMofi ;'.ev,erjSj> 4feing »ttW»bli:iitfl# ' •*.&, „ifi.^*„as. ^--inefgro.,, .peVTiin^hals-peenarrssted.abdjlodg'ed iirrjail? - - -j, v. > ,;-, - ., ...-•../.';,., ^.IsroEMATioN WABTBB.—rPoter Goen^frSm Ireland, his a sister in 0 i s p'laeo, recently ar- riv.e,4 from Ireland, rfbo. .would be very giadbf infprmiitiotfwhich might enable her .to.find.hirn' =He is sapposed to be inthis ; State or New Jer- 'eby; 'fijorrriation addressed'to' Betty Cben, at; tfiie place will bo thankfully Received, and* p|?,' pers'givipg tlSeabovb ^Kine^r^on-wul^'8fer;a>" fav-.n 1 . Pnlaslri,'August 15, ' "' ' © A «ttu; T h e 'De^ipJi:'T.*tbd•««i , " estimates tharjhfr w&«at cV"o|), ; ,of (.Hat gtaVe wiH exceed in; ,amount tyiollast'yiear.lull 0 pe third, tMt ..iVtichtgan-wili joxpoft twelve miJlion bwaheig ^eix tttiJlibria,#1^ eorb>. and three .hundred :rniJiWYeefflf.IOnjM, dtiriDg the' present posed to-be. Tfice^op will-riot be argoqd* as I last ye'at;. - Farmoji ask abbutjais db%a k ton j year;* ? h e aggregate ejeportjnre^et/d'oWn iwihjt ..."• ' •"•• at twenty millions of doljalrs in value. " have beenablfetb learn, refused to accept our bills. The Directors cannot view : this*trans» action in any other light than- that A? a. foul conspiracy and an unlmiy warfare waged a- gamstuaby these men for selfish and .political purposes, by thoee too, who from evety pr.n- eipleof common honesty, grat/tttude,. and in .popsuieratjon of past favors, ought toibe orir friends. . ,' " . , ' "•••' .. ____'.' ! By order of the Board bl Direc'tarsf JACOB CROMWELL President.. AIITEMA8_ TBowBmDcjg, Vice P r e s ' i J IufDUWA^ndianapotis," August 7.—All the febfipss^onnil pistfjets havo been heard- frprb •bqt the 1st, and; tbo* result^ tliat' Samuel W. jParli;ei|,,Wbig ? is elected frbija the fb.artb'Pisf.: John I..' 4 Robiiis,on, Dem. f .-frcim.tho W ; Gfa- |ham-JN. Fitoh, Bern., from the-9&;' Jahies W< '•gdrdon, Dom.,' from the 2d; and Thomas A. Hondsioks, Dem., from the 5th. Inn the 7th/ Ed^ftrd-W. MoGaughoy; Whig is reported de- •fbated, "U, Q,. -De Brallor, Whigy-eleflied. ' -Bbth hranehesoftheii.e.gifllattife are largely J3onlbcratip., ' ^"The-'singing ofthie ^flr;se)Jlee i xiHyrrrri is ^pliibiijid "by 1 aw; in.'FraWtfe,ri(ee§|lGe- of .the madde^lfng^influcncc it IJIIK upon the pop- •^ilriK'niinri'.' .*•••. The Cailfprnl'a News, The Sat) "Francisco Hei'ajd says :-r- .Djlring the confjagran'op eight persons certainly lost, their lives, either from the di- rect, bffects of the fife or from circirmstapco.- grnwing out of it. fl'h.ree of.tham, Messrs. -Bach'^Cbailes S: L'y^ps^nd a man un known,'in Pacific street, were burned t<* dea:h. Two •were"s1iot by an otflcor while in the act of,rob/birig^. Two were beatpn jo death, onej,;F r enRilbtnn harried leun Bap- tiste Durand,.".vb;o whs falsely accused-pf in- cendiarism, and ihe Whera Mexican, wi5b was stealing some, bates,of goods, and: one died fronj terror a'nd\ excitement, There" are rhrnors that besides 'these a Me>icn.f\ woman and two chiidreb, w"ere burned' 'to- death in'a house on Pupont-s% ; and «no or two others Mr.- -I^ops in Mawson Brothers'stofe. fn nddru.oo tp, t'hese,"Polr-.' Ibcit.vvas shot at night;;. ' _.__ - of nine men,\undeai4]apL'jpiiz- patricjj, ljav i e„,beenbgt' s «ffby the Ind'iansv and, it is,supposed, all murdered at-'Bo&ue 'Rivec. " '..•*'* fl/^Tho Frepman'r-Journal, published at; Cooperstewn, has pdsso'd into the' ijali'ds of S." JVI,8h-A-W,fisif.',"Iffte-of-the -Albany AtWsY Hi's' addrdss;to'hie readdre'%p'6arS-in 'tiro last num- ber; he goos for the Union and liarniony of-' f ho Domocratre party. >" HoRRrffCH MORBEK—Arreitt of the. supposed Murderers.—»Our city was thrown into great commotion last, evening, by the news of a hor- rible murder committp'a ot-tlie water station on iho Roebestor and.. Syraetjae BAilfoad', about thrco-jniles.-a-nd'a half west 'of this city. About half past two o'clock In the afternoon, the life- less body „of Patrick Phenol'was found nt the station house'before.montiqnod, with-histbroat cut from oar to ear. and the crown and back part of .his head Phonel was last.- seen alivo .'when the--s',eamboat express tmin passed, the station, about--4-"bSclbck, when rKP\ was"op,duty'; It is thought that soon after- wards he lay "down to sleep, as was his custom, wheb the mnderer sole upop him. While tb us sleeping, broke in his skull with some unknown instrument- and then cul his throat.. As soon as the .body of Phonal .was discov- ered, on the--pa"BBage .of the next train, our city police werb 8o"nt~ftn> A special locomotive was .-immediately dispatskod -with sevoral of them. .. .-Suspicion immetflwtely fell upon a jinan.nam- ed. Ed\v ax'd Murphy as the'persorj guihy of the miifder, Be.„was siispeeted.for-.ttie-^eafion tli»t he had been rorhoved ffotn the station; keeper's position to* givo place'tb 'Phpnel, but a few days since, and he had.been seen lurking in the 'ioinity during the day." Phenol a/wife and a'"'ftirge family »t Ca'millus. 5-Iurphy Was atwoSkfor a man lin- ing near the'sco.nenf murder in the morning abd discontinued about ll-J o'oiock on aecotint- ofthorain. He went away and'Was not soon again by- hie employer untilaftet his arrest.. Kentucky Elcctloii-*t»Oemo6ratic Govern^ ( .'.Elected. Loorsvifjt,E,-Ai:g.'9. Additional return's raeeiwd'teave' no doubt of the election of"Pp%el\ 'dbni, rjls-GbWrhnrJtnnd J- ,B. Thompson, whig, as "L'yUoVqrnrirwlfo run far ahead.' Both tho fthig tihd demooraticyoto fA ha've follori .off Very.'largely this year—pnrtieu- larly thu whig..vbt,o. . '. The ga-in-% Powell^fie dem. candidate f" r governor, in IB counties,' is 2,200. *" , Crittenden's majority in' the State was 8,458. The following, are the tthtli'ohtio returns of tlie Congressional elo^Jirn:— '. ' 1st dintrietj Linne Boyd, donv. 2d, Benjamin E-. Grey", independent Whig," 3d, P. Ewin(->- whigr,' '.4ih, Wm. T . Wood, whig- "5th', Janif 8 Sto'no, dem. 68i c Addisfni;. White„Afhig- ™< Humphrey.Marshall, whigi '8th, J. C. Brc* ; oni-idjro, dem. 0th, J, C. )Mason, dem. Man E . H, Statitbh, dem. flailing tho noxt aele- gatiqo stand-rf-four -<v;Ji%3, nVb de)t)O0ra,Wj C n ° dne.-jndepondenrxvblg;-* - J8ofh-branches of the Legislature are. wing' Detnoeratic ^it^CoiivcTHJOn, r^yraeufoi r-'eW^frbrr 1ft, MS wp^tgm >SFfft*4'a&,. 7r.t ^Vf.^;

mmmmmimmm m^mssmm^mmmm^mm^ · mmmmmmmmsm mmmmmimmm :msm m^mssmm^mmmm^mm^sm ••^-•h-^-mm ". -*. . 'A -y^-'^l

Mar 18, 2020



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Page 1: mmmmmimmm m^mssmm^mmmm^mm^ · mmmmmmmmsm mmmmmimmm :msm m^mssmm^mmmm^mm^sm ••^-•h-^-mm ". -*. . 'A -y^-'^l

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Tine Smte CoiiVfeiitlotl. ' " -

. ' Tl'ej0*«*°J^al%'pIe<;tQr^.of'thB-sev#ral' tftWiia and-wairfi% fit the^ojantesio&Wego, Ate-rtqtiest-• fW T §^S- l W 'p^legfiM'to*.represent .hem in ..UubWt Cor.veiiiioiaV trBe.-heHrw U " ' "" . „ „ „ _ . . . . - . , _ _ . . . . „ . , . . — ^ ^ , . R'v^iUow WUaMHi'M Ute Botet ot i,

#tiiSSa?,()rtli&^i&oV'er* jh . an , .BftKsh.tfr^fn&i,Square^ on Friday the .filth day --.....> T ...r*.-** rQt 6«pf.aster,' |B5^ iW l2<01clpek M., far the pur-.

posef.i' selecting- delegates- to represent this. couo-

eiiroe-Jrit(ie-T3file^tei>raii'Barit Whe'K'an"ifflattdij^ttgu't7. lSSt^' was. thro,wrt;Xjp tron)ia«5te)th:6f .80 fathoms.— 5S6'®«*9Sk-ws«Jti|i!J«^)!SgBt ofsthree t n i i e s ^ u t 0 8,be,u,ft8,ft.-ytos«'a.^e^th.e fl^no^were ex-

f % ^ > a ^ 9 ? ' ^M?^,??il^%'fHct,:hilB. att&pjiqn had b a p 8 ^ W r i » ^ ^ f l h J q ^ 1 , B r f | i w - closely.

Easjcrq Assembly ptsirtet Couventlon*. ; The DemgcraticjEleotora of. the tgwna -oonipdBlng' tha Eastern" Assembly District of QsweJSCouoby-are rdquested to select tlirefliDolegates; to ronrMfiafetich

'towns irf Convention at the- hQUse'-of'.fif Hatflh, at •Bitii5iV-Squiu*, onFMday. Sept.,5, at tS. rfclbdk M. to ttoinJit&tStiDerao'qf of'assembly, iuid tcajraacfrsucli

jteS&f H fP ' ^ 'Wi iWf tp j f l t ) W * .clpse.,tp>aoy

" ' " ' • - " • - V B .

a id th^t T h e

ihr aiie.- thap ^lto4ii^SiF^an'ifit).aitoriaii!-,,. ._ . ._

SUJ'-Tt W S I ^ t S t i g h ^ . * W^? t )»J»P»f 'W • ritft8?enieri,:'i«rot^til ;B^ithe!- # f S r .kbiiSfed #6'totfiei'pyliKdeft"*oaliae)ffiefeteJji;.and'w!th m$i&f$ti?alk 'intirthe- rnfdftliijf'ctffie, wliose hefitt'^nisedrlsitatatitVapecta'tore'tq> :Jrecaj_l,-. ^nd sucpeed ioiipoUrlngfJIie MforSiiiUJthfe'iritew* O&tf'tfcQ btijilflingy ,^ f r t^emhi<lSfQ[ i#^ s es


other 1>nsinesa>ti&may bo-'daemBd* itebess^ry. '•'••

An.i^mi:. i. M;. ^A^gQW,' c a y Expediency—Rlgliti

S'owft'Demdefatio papesrs ijdsJse-the postpone-' ment of exeiy qiiestion.-'of .dilfc(|enoe"ajnoBgi Detaoorats u#tjl ftger th,evEIeiitiop, and union,

"to "whip1 ft^ w h l ^ ^ y . We, •pjo^fejy. have-' no Itiflre eonfidenoeari th6 ^iga, 'Uian havetihofl'd-iteM. pefarred"tors-if we"t^ad hfsitory• ftri^htr"-to' faj:ftg.thej'hHv&M<iX .ffi^i%sfed,atf'ttejimjejit * .!£rioij[rf;erifchMi^ in f !

• thsfOpihion of-every,, ftifindft^*-dJs-tas^alofpppBi(a^'jnM|fe^^a^hd .the'friend*

JBfl^. p^viieges.'" gp&iraseeflrenopisa-I-'

M"u,eh 3pcuulat ion^sjb^£^j^g| jS^Utjoianl rolativp tptl)» notion of the'jffifroij.oihteg^t)<!**?- •' oratiQjv§tatfl ooftyentiari. ($fj~t]$, on^ h"f t$Ht 'ia

^ojsvtjndod, th l t i'na|raooIi]lj|..% :iSta^f?conr •ve ipm last fear pt^edl a ^ |p lSgon ' a p | ^ v i n | the>let,tleatentof'8g^t§jyng^ueiiio}is^l^tCoa-Ifrgl^,1 it was m * a , b j | o t o 3 ^ a l ^ ^ . ^ m p * p n i - -

now- be re-afernxeo?!" -Tfo resolu^oriVof Itet year these words;' , . Resbjwd, That we congratulate the 'country up­on tlie"reCeai seWement by. Congresiot^the ques-tipps,w.hichi ha.ue «fthappily dlvJdgd," the people of these Statesi • •- • .- !.,„;»,.'. •

• ehntscrning-this resolution the WatertoWn Union rensjultsi. ". "_". • ' ,^,.; • c.'•• . Whakwere the '' quasi ions" $mt had divi-dfeditne.pftoplev^fthesft,States, natt.whieh had' b^entftm\Recently settled by. Qpijgress 1r^

Everybody knows.that the respltrtion has ex cltisfverefe/enoe to the 's t ruggle, ,ba; the one h«nd to extend the infetfWtioTof It^very bey.. ohd"ite present Utiiits, and on the "btfrer to ex-p'lude it frara p'or Pacific border. By the ac­tion of effhgfos's. .th.e>h^"Pae%_.iEi>.8st had' been then recently coneefcrate'd to • Freedom. B y this a t t farther a>itati.on for thfe extensiop of slaverjr * a s rendered hop6'leH \^he very etwl'iyas 'accohi^lished foj- 'wlu^the ' Demod-

'racvof^few:."Yprk'~hav'6s6' inanfarf'y strug

I'Ue enmaetf .TJlS^ffiai having-beo^3-ttiatt»fe» d/isAfeedit' this::

-institution, we but an aot o£J[ustieo to lay the following sj;ttteroeii(t of facts, bVits offi, sets, before ^urvft^d^ra. W e do tbia: iho mo:re readily, fy the'^jfresept War' upon thevBtink is -ciwing^o^it8-ees0niing"ltSB"lfT6Tl6g ing business,;oflji ^lnvwillingnesa' to-.hp'u?od alj' a political fti^'tr'u'ment.. Th;e porsouS- who have' lent themselves to injuring thV Bunk may, and doubtless will, opcasion its. ofi^eers some iittlo siipposo that they will be able to injure.suoI)! offlbers 6r the Bonk in publip ostSnation ^Vh^tdjgipx;;.ti);e,' ktiSwii, j s simply absurd.. Mr. OR^MWELI . arid his a§so-' oiates a^e beyon.d tho '^pl i 'b f jfersdnajujalioe; and by long yews of honesji' ind.«stty.Myo won

-a reputatipo not to be destroyod-in a day. To the"PuMlc.

•. C.AJtPBN BANK,Jitly §6,1851. Oji the 22d inst, a runioi; was- pu t in circu some busy, and ntalioious'gersttns in-

this vicinity,' tha^t tlijs Baiik.. h'rid .suspended speti.le'payraenti' dbtlbrltsa with .a,' design;', to, cripple its cirouiajidn-tind to inffi're.ife' credjt,, "to tliose unaequainteif with tjie. r.4s<jttr,eea-of. this iitstituti^o and the Ikcts eonnextt^d w.ith'i ^the said-rumor, itmig-ht have thai-feffeet.-r-•Our c'apitSllB -$120,0()fJ.' ' - T h e . va'Hitj of ihe ; seduritjes' depoBUedHvcthr (bev'omptroiref fo r

^red.forye^rs-, and u p a n ^ a S e t t l e m e n t of vtba:Iiedertt«ti6n ofotirbitfs .is .$130,000, .bills >th« tinesifnofl x«hiP.>. h a w it<vtrf«H. tb'n ,,^n1» r e c e i | ^ | | ka&fi^- uCiro'ulatioo say $100,000.

•We ha^e Dee'hj'n operation about three years, the guestiona whieh< divided the penple. ,»Ji'e pe'm^icraticjparfy of Ne.wiyor.fe could iye}l' 'cqftgratu.i,ttt'e .^ie coijntry-, „*. .'. .-,

'i v T h o " S W , Officers t o B V ^Teoted'thi? Fa» ,will"liuve.,n6:d«ttfis to perforw, giving ttom on iafluenee upon tlie questio'n of'Slavery'or the Fugiti«6 Ijtaw. 'The efijrt. to produre "oVa'p-'pkival ,of thfiit lawljy thd- oorivention shbnjd it. ;be suoeesafulj would injure tho'tioket seriously,

1 sucb-j-' can not

. -. -«-,-v* i , j y means oRwiteVj'k^MBtani&JBOusly 'extinguished By i t . J ' '• .' • ' " . '• - "

v'^TMiKiiJdiEirig feSt^fts^-wh^.a^jB; Ji erfectly cdn'oWiMeiodvlihis'' point, aje'^raih the Lbpdon £bstrve$gf'' -'>>i:ti >••'• ' >•' «-'-.. •"">- ' -••' .' !... tSiff'th&Ve^tS'.pnoduced onhouflded .satis-

,fte$jop?iao]jsaatpnishmien^ the- expWation - of .t|ie^D^tur§ ja^ '?Pn?P'* , c t 'o n iB l i 'he aBhiliijatpr ''S9S^aOT!?»S .-e^aji .^iigw,j the;".jmnjeiis,e rawerjoHMfe:; OFJOW, paun.ds-of charcpal;

-wHh4Wo5p'Q«'ds^fiifter aiid two foundi ' of

• mdmm^mf^^emt^^Tid cotalbiafed vim

•*x»iB^SSK^Intifife;iSalt5ulatKins, while the ^«t|eii^nesfi.!ttJ3'|h>'!ch^rgPj .it^.teesprMaiibbi-fDr Xg^jsiMfej'ppt.readjnesa. the'jajcliity/oi'a smart touch onft huttdn;Janttr the innoxious nature.o/.the, vapor, jn which t b r d Dudlejj^£affFtJ:andr^wpjoiv-.llli«e; gen% v mjBp jjlgnier^ed; tfliew,' faces withput-Tmio'n^

mgp(|eftijrer,i?:Ko^.8|d'ered the crowning pracr© fightsbf nwn afld ,t|e/vindioatibn( ,'of manbpoj}., •welxpea^.ino^teg of the whigsl— They a^eihareptesenHtsvesof', they^legtelate for, capital; nbt mail.'' " ., \ .....

On the bth^r hand,; the'y, Detnoofapy- feafe heretofoxe'prbfesseo^attaohatent^p eertain well defined principles of governroeate-rhave adher­ed, to such'pdnfiipjes, in suboess- andittmbrden-tary defeat, f To secure t'hefornieroB:a,«Qi6iJli.e Is ter thTqy hav.e neyer, tft:bur knbwJedgo,.poni-pealod their position.. -. -"

Tbec^caa'j>e bbt'"two grounds of division be^en*par t iesor the .inembors- o%, parties.— T,he.first and es^qbtialxine is upon principle-—' iA.e^iBi'a$itjut nion ;to oarry.out or represent, the puiuciple; Ifjtheye is-differenee^pfopjaion . f e e g ^ d ^ i l t e ' p t i n p i ^ ^ agita-tibg the pujWjo mindset those qub,st|ope! be ex­amined in -the light ofi justice and 'right—the wisdom ofrthe past^ th<s .djsetri'nes and usages of the pstfty hereaft'br beaiff- appealed to as

% | s a,cgjdental,:s|ive fnVfeialitie's oontrollsbt by: ~ ^ ° r BUd '1 e^ort there oanlhe no*necessii;y-~there ^n^n^l^i t5 l , .Sni-M-b}r- . ' fevoHasnB : . ' As'. i s " ' n°-' 8 M ° w of eiouaeT .If i;t tis desirable *pa!^ ,-oJ-'pyp^p^i-%r-P^ii^fess,--9oij4nd|hg tii>lt a r t fi*0,lfi»slDn' «» t h » Anhinnt rip afcoi^r

of • — I M& ' ^ P°hfains the-foHo wing article"

tf#-fe£ff ^Miijict, ^WfcB cannot fdil'to'arreBt Hi?

''Mt^^P^^M^W^m^niin :'Sm^^\> ajr« ^ayiijjgrgf eajt .a)tte.nti9.n,to1th,iB,r|tg.dern,rnir-5 jiftlej .. Se^^al*ofthjeJ,rn^shin?s. twWeh,cost ahou'tS

fr^al'of thje^'m^qffi'ngs.-^liicfe, cost . . l ^aeh) are'.pfoce'a"•{& t i e Qtfee.n'b ^ ^ S b ^ W W 8 f e f t a t 3 W h i i i f i i 1 k t j ;

ha-ve dprie- ntfrVihg*'bui A 'leg timate ^baaliiog' b'uslh.eesj' hiiv.0 .declared"Mr'".•diyjU.en.ds-'"**

'T, •has.n.ot.'b^cri'a perio'd':in"bur existence1

^when.ww werenot abundantlyable to ledeem' wiivh||j.sjit.ltha-counter nn<f at Albany.,-'whji*h fact is well known tb the individuals tvB'b have been,so bueiiy euga^ed in qircnlating the ru­mor ol'b'ur.Buspunpiom. - These persbflaopenly declare'that they are nctuated By ^b-rnalico; towards the. institbtion but are'jltrectipa; a)lj their efforts tb the removal pfi^fiaaWutl pfll-! cers pn th'e' salogr6't|fidi as.',(liey- al!eg.e (and no,other• hinisIjeen C(ssigne,d): tliat 'he differ* with then? politically, and htiless,, say they^ "th8 dire'otoha will disnvi&Sirteir Cashier.'and-: proc'nrethe serviced ofbhe '6f bur political faiih, we will \Vage war of exlcrt?j.inatjo.n a-; gainst their bank,'?. These .raett Jia:y5 set themselves up as tlje pqli.ti.ct\l leaders', of the i r .party in this-section of the ootihty and freqliently asserted iKaTi'fTCB' X" ootj|d bring the in%pn ce of this instittitton'to bear upon

'their paTrify, they i7diild at any time'coritrol the jvolitjcal d*stiny ofi the county. The' stock­holders, and''officers of.tfils Bank.jJr.e about equally divided between the two gnJaitpoiiti-

''rties but are unanini6ugj.rt thb; opinion that it sh'otild not be' used'directly or indirect­ly tpalfect the vote-of a single individfual.

Immediately j i f e r the' last, fall's^biectioh -a<ut4ifttilth# election of Bank ofHcers in"Jan-J'uary. then Foiipwing, every effprt Was rbade by "theefi Hen toeffect a removal of the Cashier.

rr-is. rpu~TitlT*- 'sviif • J i.-• j ^ . . i i i ' hey dftinbt scrttple-to-resorttb'any;'!artiflce, 0 ^ - ^ h e attention of ,thfl.«ader is « w o W ^ a m o 5 ^ ^ ^ t h ' a t ! h : e m i ^ f ^ y a n i j

to.the advertisement of Mr. SNOW, in -another - - -

tilttt an expression on the subject of Slavery be^madaj jyj ie .Stafe Pojiyention-^if the poli-tioknsvof the Argus sohool have .oonoludbd to denyth^ir •fbfqldt' pbsition, and affirm that a

;toaii'*-views.-<ai the subjeci of slavery shall be . poikidered ^ test of his D'emoqraoy, tjiepublio should-see to it that Delegates "aree^eoteidiwhp !"Sv£ll>*e-afi3*iit'tij'0'' ld. JeliJisonian .Doctrine of slavery restriction-^eelafe Slttvery^-a State in-spttttibn, With which" Coijgfess has nothing to doj and therefore that the Fugitive law' is ;m-.odBstitsitibna{raa it ie> barbarous and ahti-Dem-socratia. Tfeerofs no inore^-propriety^it^trikes us, in ihtrodncing this subject into the State

••convention this %S8d, than tftero would be in a caucus -to- nobjinate.' village trustees; but if it must confejftjiK^-peotfe-sfionld'Bb'b'lo",- it that their views' be correctly reflecfed:

• *i6S^{^aHi^as-.&8fetl.f«f*Utigo1s(tteB-biy-We'Mjf4l» i.ti»yhiiJeSf^^'t»'dUldj oAer-tfeiee l«'b©bon'£iuh1fed''pfbperty ^wbrtb'ibJTOii-fiqcffo^tatesJi !She& grfeafiChryatai .Palace i# ^ . r l f ^ l t ^ j r - t ^ . f f i i c h l b e s . i in "fact, toy ^ e ^ j m ^ a d o n t g d j b x . - a l l ^ h e principle

•ctiinesl?i'seM>?al'#^k8 irf'SdVatiee, aithbiigh tHH'niBrnufa'istb^y/ofth^pBfentbsuppT^ iw^thQUPand'snachines per- day. Lord Br-ttughanriiab, rbeentljr-intnodnced. a .hi.U..j;hto Bafi|anjen;t regjgiribgieveriy government ves-sei (i^ ,fea.supfilie4; With pits or more of the F W .Ajapii}jia}ot?.;i../J.. ; i , | ' .•;"• . . , . , ' ,"f Pronahfy a" iBittgte';n}'a^Hifle ty»bM-.h^ve piWbnifed'efflierlbf the re6enw.dn|^rajiQSif % -Skfj^WanCisco: 'IpTrJ,l4e3j^.crtSebs wTTl" «fli^eir'galLy'j)i'«Wdp ttiertiselVes" With 'b-pe bf •thesb'smaU. machine*, no such thing ad ai des-trnb'.iy^'fl1^ need ever occur, whereas now tfibfiinWal destrtiMibn bfprpperty itivthe.tJuj-teteSfetea'is «-s8biatei' 'at.'4l5,000,000>.. and' ^ i anvo ty^f j | » rop ' e«y itisbred., is„.^200.00Qj-W K D " - . ' , / V . •.!.-. ' . L V : " - T - ' . '. . ,"••,..•

'. i'-The ,engagenjents--of the Patentee in Eng­land can.not iftncfclptiger permit him to with-hol4>it]ig'he'Befits,qf this-Pateripfrom this,*oun-

the date o>'h%;grSbt-, .<?(•'! the sSme . becomes-foffeited. I t is now sixteen months since Mr. BHii Ups 'bbiairjed. hisi"patent in. WaBhing'tbn, tintfe, tlitsre fore,,. within: t wp^nion Uvjj. he, m.pst

. bjfirihjs Aniiibilators forealeiin- tb.ia' canntr^i. JJa^ajUornia afetie. tb^si».aphine wquid bffin-jMv&\iile)..aa no insurance 'agai{}gt„.|gr.^j!aii be

'dm4&rie& tlfere. Indeed.' lii 'any bjtid'-'every' part bf the oivilized world, fife"18% 'ntbstf'des-tractive e l emen^and the valuegf^the Anni--K1Iatt)r!»I'rorffcspondingly .grfeafc • >•.*. .• *-:|rlWe'!cpftsjder-th"iB.Jsttbje'ct ofsuehf vasfcabd.

•u«'iver0a;fciDiportance,:that We^hail •imniejdi'!: ivt,elsf'fay 'befbre-.Oqf leaders the -evidence pf

"i^Stcoi»pliete-tttiiity(!as.. published in the Lon-d^pftgers,,wh^rer|epeated experiment.-' have been^made'".by 'Crmg build/ngs, and 'where hundredsof .thojusands of dollars have already fiffrrWe^ by . t t t e" -Pire Aribihilator.". ••".aftWilFpr'pc'eive "that "the CJoriim'on' Council cfCfeVfela^d, Ohiof haevappointjed a |B»mniitr tfiSotb is cbnTC. tHfi/Aiirfihilator for, 'the pro-tocr' tiott*it:ih;ef'Csf^tj'?b¥epty.v J.TCftir system will

party hereafter betbg; appealed to as sSils in ti$,;e£aniination* - ' . .

Paving determined the- charsotar and_ttti?

deaby-of- proposed measures, having brought tatbe..Kg1ii of ttuth>.abdtrted:them by .the bn-\y proper teatf bbld.% sho.uld they be. sustained or rejected-; . -Wo-ooBiproafisiSf;' ilb'.«ounsellibg with expediency, no tiitie-gerving polioy ehotlld. for •a'nib'"r|ient Be .allowed to firM favar with the di6,oikles; of JenWspn. Lika- him/' having discojjereidrand-enjbraced the right, wb- should plo.dgejtoit&rbamtenaB'eey.^.OT lives,-OOT for­tunes, andtitjr_Bacred honors." .'•

" Bivjsiqn^ about men, „vtjie,,rejection of. an im-pijrtbnt grin&iple. or measure on aocount of the ageat. saleotedlto give it effeet,'and-tbe support of itscofltrary'.bel&tle^ih'dividuals in their own

: eye?" and . n diabpiiiigh .of their fellows. 'Shey. self their, party,,, and if.tna'r' 'party'is what'it "claims to be, Belt the well-being' of their eoun-try,lto gratify personal'spite* -3Pbi»r|6 man"of mind will ever do—no ma.a who belongs to the Diamtjcraoy for atiy other motive than plunder. ,„J£,Sb*=iD£mpor8cy»as.8/ party are tb renotinee

their- hostj)jtj:;to class Jegislaiaon, their opposi-r t i^ to7<i^ l .«^ ' ta^a l^%-4^iT~^aahmei i t r to Gonstitntionat goveiamenti' ^ t y Vt°- lie made ,th.e agent or;apologist 'xjif'SWvb-pfdnogandisni,

Slave-kildih^kia.SfeTe^e&'^'n^^b^^ tarifis,. of; the b a n j t i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ of Sncreeised debt and>rbflb*atol exp8n8itnre-«

i t will havejocme'to, M>Den^)ttfatia bjhlyjtf name, and should receive, the support of no trne ^Republican. If "the' banse • of pof | tb^ rights :is to be'wojihded, let the blow eomb' -ftom its old enemies. • ',..,

tlfnited'upon principle, weT ban .and* shall) "tvbip the whrgs." Denying;; or. cpntjealing, fear of temporary .defeat, will driveoff1 the honest and true of the patty, leav-J ing none btifaband of harpies^drawii tbglethefe by the hopepf plunder.- ' ' , . * / , . ' ' f

column. Mr,. S. is a gooa.workman and turns out be,a,Htifui'..eastingsi of hja,.-Furnace. Hard--waredealersinibis ' and adjoining towns will ;nofc-only find iTrfb" their" interest in matter"of cost, bufwill'alsbTetain their"money in oircula-doi^near^me^bsr- buying "of Mr. Snpvvjjind we- wonl'd reccommend Farmers and . others in want of IStoves or other eaetinga'to save^me or more dealer's profit?, 1>y piirehe#il!g directly of the manufacturer/ ,-

' BAUBY,.of the Teetott-ll6rj: fife ^trq^gjus;-piojpns thatJKfcAtjE andrMittsvare ngfr.inoorri-gjble. ^•ademoisjelte .KunMfe.aeema. to^fiusv paet something of iBe„ kind. We- h&v'e eaeh da,y expected to find, in the. post.a.'.'heiuSfdl satin, card—"Mr. Si Jligs-l-OBtupliments,—eve-ning,'<'etc; 'Wai t a b i t . j

,*• H.umiui_Actlbii "TP'ieSrtittt.a'nd impdrtartt error Of 'mankind. .isj.n->.n.istftki,n,gv.tAe4ioin|; w-Kora ali. hiJUTiitn-a-"©-tipfl has its rnprat np^brfjul^eot.-;,Ho|p£Le/ Mann, s o y s ^ J p t 8 ^ ! % o» fire, \is 'sfways'' h ^ . ;

gate's 9\vn heart . Wp may rpst assured tha^fc the fire of hum-on pae|i^n!"wfiloiiii*ia hot bnougii; tobonsunje'-tiiat obme| in- don-. taot, must necessarily first eonsumo: its nxpre immediate centre or.sourc"oj whero -exists i t s greatest boat. Wexiro apt to look for ev i ­dence as to the exactjjature„,Qf.our oonduot, • t o Jts external results. Thus, if we strlkpahlnw-;. he is the sufferer upon vyhoih it fullsj if- \ve originate armies arid devastate nations, sym­pathy points to thoseupon whom these results fall, as the object of its regard—if we- oEajieit hatted and revenue, we .cstipiate their impor t tanoe, by their affect upon' -tliose against whom they are directed.. This is a. great rnistalj^_ We. bherjsh ijl. our. own viob Or,, ^pft^n sion Butwh'aVinjui'es'us infinitbfy.tnpretlia'n ""it-.' oanv^y-pps;sibility'7at)y one elsei. He who -is-inftlitnod by-mad revenge 'strikes a dagger-tt* the heart of shim-who having injuwd-h'inii fiats struokthe dbej5eBtand" alarming wound into his owff'nature', tfhb weapon th«t pros­trated the. yielding, apd decaying, breast of h i s enemy* inflicted' its-'deepest wound upon h i a 'owh"oterria-l undying'spirit, a,nd wliikt to the^ object.oflMs ra.v.ongpj,thb: *esultSj,were its fleet-, ing as the b,r.64.,th of a t'nphjent^ tp' h&h'ithey niay extend far .into.the- eiroliii'g'agbSQf e t e r ­nity. A wpund'upoh the flesh'is hid "by : t h e ' sod which oflvbrs thegrav.e, but a wound upon the spirit, may carry its repulsivo scars to the-nrosenco of the -greiit'. Judge himgeljj., '' Tjhia simple faot, for is, -should be the rnosb powerffll preacher of.gpbdnoss- tp. the taee.-U Refieot.,8 ('nSfjgi Jbt. Hb\y. injured who possese'sTa pure and1 uprighKspirit and con­science void of. offefioo? Wha t ettf'tHly.rtia'jjoe bf rnitciitriations oah'reaph" suc'h. a spirit? S u p ^

*'?».' u An insupwtio-n Wta l j e f f i j l j r co ' l n ' t h souihe|n-4,,ce oymMppfy* a g a i n a

e .

creed § y tjie Supreme G^Kbknment B U 0 I Q The pftcipJe o/^at ianKa i ;4n anticipation '. haviP?-ton»Aetr.qnp|^»f,-<his.loAB^w„!„u

.they h a v e ^ i i t e r i t i o n o M o i n g ^ t l v l f ^}A eld

.Wonder waaf progress the Directors on the Oswego Eastern Bail way are making in their Work? Wo sha.ll havb' something to say upon the subjeet of this Work>; unless those intrusted witn its interests antioipate -lis iWithift'-a Week or two. .' =,.„._. • • .»,. . . ,,

• Tjie mo^ey nj^.rketia' very close in' the Eastern .eitiesv The Atlas announees.-tbat' several- houses in Albany have failed, and that in ' seme ~ biFthe bengal and western cit­ies; several iea.ding buBinesft.honsee have^ been Qbrbpelledtoausperid paymeatj- ,-s"-

-. '.Tji.e Caiman Fevolfltionfste stifnibid" their ,po;

sitrpii. bodies- -pi volunteers are about •ibWlhg them froift this-feountry/.- ' ","' f , ; > ' H : . ' S - ' w ' . ' • '• 1" ' • • ' / - ' - i . . . — ' - -. ••

,. JpieVnext meetipg of the. Grand Division* S. afv~3L,.Wiliitej held isdmetiine in„j8eptember at

.Watertowhj. •""••.-



f S S u l i a ^ p i ^ . i S ' t " ^ « » « * extracts "iti'v, • Gbticeding

Pliilip'srin-vehuon its almost idestlniabje. To say nothing .of the

^Mmmiwiimm^ m&$& peffebt-sdeti-*fty-'ugatfi«t thd ra-vagieaaaf aiUelamebt sp;utn -gw&sreaWc « a « | 'desjEUAtkftfas^g&.v.iijth'ertp, h4^. he'eh<whefc$n.c.e i"t'ii|[^ninied.-thetnaste-

kmm mar Mm BSfwdliVi mm "" jng,avne; t?fev;- ?,

ia'hftiairy^"1B^nsi il'-ib bur b'rtibd1' cbn.^l'ili^beforj.h

^ t e ^ S dputjtj


Q ? ' The article below, will.|ittfa^t ayention. It is an indication by,tKc(.iiijrifbr of the "views heaesire0 fo-havea candidate.lfor- ithe' Assem-->6ly a |ow t who would ask hiB-vjjtbftrTHeewriter proppses.^furhishing one or mbxe, artiofes -upon the proposition relative J o .ait "fbad freights, whioh wjfl mffre;. fblly ini|lea|e hfs'viows on thatBubjeot. ; i - • . ,

Wanted'. 'A candidate for;th'e Assembly in the seoond

Assembly District taOswego'ijbttnty, who will oppose. e*e&y wrong measure aalid: support ev-

Jor-y right measure proposed by "any patty.---1 Wh"& is' in favors? the "enlargement.' of the

EriVand OBWego Cabals'jiis"faa" a,s the" wants of commerce require, arid-' -the finances' of the State wiUjustify.-i- ' ' ' . '•'. ".

. ^Tbojs in favor of a law so amending.the several Railroad charters as to establish a tar-;

iff o£- freight and the prioe of baggage^, and re-auiaelBAltoad Co'sta forward freighb or pas-sengera'upoh reasonable notice, and thS""tender ofmobey'tQ arty station figerit. • Who- is injaver of adaw; limiting tfie qilan-tity of land hereafter to be1 acquired • jo 1-60

iacros.-i- •' , W h o is^4&v6tt6f a^l|w'to^^pprjaas-,.iho

jtraffiom'^tb^ a beverage. tjfppe'i^, unless he abominates Pla»

iv^yand' the.Fbg^ive"^ye..Bill« ; ' , " ..',.)••;'( ':., v'i, . ' . . : "jtt^e-QtlA.W-Kjii. ,

]- fJ^^BBBS-Co1t*;^TIie. :Editotibf "the Wa-ftertown Jeffersonlhn acknowledges-green corn ir:eebived,'bn Friday .last.. • . . . .

b ; V - ..":•• ' • — • • I

•'^(jjtes'WeBhould'Jeel under great obligations tg home pi' the Legislature for a copy

[of the Doouraejntary History of the State.

. "The citrienVof;Northern-tfeftsrson an'd'^1'. Lawrenoe"QcwntiosTaw_diacussing 4,rail road, project frbm Waterto.wn«to Fbts^am." Itr- will probably go through* ' ~

" BXECDTIOW pp C.purJT fi'DCAflMB.-^-The ex­ecution of Count Hyppoli te-Visart de Bb-i carttte. condemned for poisoning the nrother "of his Wile with essential oil of tobacco, took place at Monsj in Jiifelgium, oft Friday, Ju)y 18th. • . ' " •'

J d * Mr. Emanuel-fcyon Jiasmade.apropd-sitwn to t he Common Council of New York to exterminate all the latefandinice from'tbg iritjp-w-'-onejyea.r, for; the suni of $100,000.— to be.pafd #"hbn the authorities pronounce it free of ihe termini ' ' * ' .

P#ft f

addiffgs'tb1- olarcanj • j i a k s | | M H « « « "

. , „ „ . _ „ - _ - . . . . „... .A^Eo'rtb;filtta^eaBit>^A"mlW*nme'd Jdhn

' <>tfn*y&1ii&^Miev^

|I-f» Thefii-moi J .81 iaw& to., of New Or leans, was rohbjed by tlie slave Speru>e .of $4500;. Spencejwae afterwards arRested, and^ $1200 of he money recovered-. He-confessed that he hed;6ent ^ 0 0 0 of the 'stolen rffbney" jn a letter to,..„4ire.&lc.'4 to the care of R,8V V H Dandridge, a-ffoltored.ftlergymani there. This^snip haaalso been'fecovered.

"•had abstr'actbd' frortt the funds o( t h s ' Bunk a -large ametfnt; ""'S-lr' the Caenier^ ^ s tinanlh -cnously p-elected;.. Irrfhlediat'e'ly afi4r'vs.lijfeh, a t the^ujgent request of the Gasliief'a rigid ex-amihaiianrwiis rnadbof-the ; affitits ol" -tlie" Bank by Mr. Vanrferheyden of Troy, who', to the.discomfiture of these slanderers'.'{•epbrted ay-right^andsaid, " T h a t ! hare" applied "all she various tests of a strict and rigid Examina­tion, and feefconstrained,to say to the gentle-tmepbftha direc0pn-of (he-Bank artd-throligli them tb <he stockhblctera as well as thkCash­ier ol the blank, {who during the' exatninatioa

,Lhave particularly kept a t a t a distance,) tha t 'Ecafli.frank'y'andjhbnestly bear testimony to the Bound"«ondition of the-JBank." Th^se mdt-

^dpal*still4bBtiup';e destruction ol',*th-e ;'C'a9fiierJbro.ptlQy^d.acouple'oi'wbrrf)leSiSoarhps in-this vicinity to annoy the1, BanW'b'y tal ly calls of specie; varying An- amount frblii fifty to one hundred dollhrs; fihdtng'this riot suffi­ciently annoyiiig td. the Institution, ttI1ese pet-son's-having ho foods of their own, applied tp some of the leading, politicians of l^ticaj, to as­sist them inmaking-a run upon the Btifik. aL-legi'ng as a.reason for their conduct,, that it JVas, tfee only course by which ihey could reach the Cashier. W e regret to sfiy that mencould be found in Utiofi, willing to lend themseluyes to so base a purpose. But so it was:'"nSen and money were, found at JJ.tica,,.. frilling tb embark in this, nefarious enterprise, abd a ' 'run'1 cotrimericed and pains.seems lo have bfien taken to render- the presentations as annoying and insulting a s possible. ;' The Bank, continued to .redeem in specie at its coOnter allthe''paper presented untifthe 22d. rnstr, at'w-htcjr liine,"apablnrf.-e was ptesemed'. b^ ' a -young man from Uticaj^dhtaining $5626. The perBotrrriak^g the (remand was told by the Cashire that his help-lieing 'short that day, he could notconveniently bbunl'the motifey a n d ' g e t it ready-before morning, which was-objected to and tjx(i answer wbs that the money must be"Tea'tly"o'y 12" o'clock.

:as he tyished to-leave, in thai ran of c a r s ; he was,then tendered h draft, at sight en the Commercial Bank ofTroyTwith the affidavit"statute j . this was also declined, whereupon fie left the Bank in a swaggering, boasting way declaring as he passed through the streets that the Bank had' failed;' The

:telegraphs were irbrtiediatcLy put in operation a"nnaunejng that tlie Camden Bank fi,aJ o-us-peti'ded,.and several anonymous letters wefe written by the same parttfs to'4ifibJ-en,tbanI("S" itf'thtf State, announcing the' same thing.-^^ Thus matters weirrbii'tfntil the-26th in«t:. wbentbesame package was again presented with anaddititfnal'sum of $3,046. The. indi­vidual'was tendered two drafts at en'gliVon the Csnimercial Bank at Troy, with The'visual afladawt. which wiis declined, and instantly ^ toil vvas-commenced in the Supreme Court By-the service of a summons against the Bank in.favor'ofJamesM'Quade.ol [Jtica* , . • -

This is the whole length, and breadth of b)J£ptlspensiort. W e h a y e hidiat allj. times, an'dhave now, abundance of specie'in our, vaiilts to redeem all presentations, btit under tHe'torcamdlances.,We,d.eeraadit notonlv jus­tifiable, but' right and p'ropef to avgfl our­selves of the statute.' Perhaps, however,- it "^a^'.bad policy^as it gave ourenemies-a Han­dle to afftfet our credit. I t js grafHying to |tnoW, that notwithstanding all tnes'e^xtranr-ditlary efforts tb discredit bur paper., nat-n sin­gle' dollar of'QJJP- depositas has. beefl With­drawn or any of our paper presented'at the counter forpaymentJiy any other, partiesliior has a single Bank In tftiB State, so tar- as we

posd yoti doststoy the. eatthly- life1 of sue'h a n orfe't/tt-Havb you injured him?, &oj'fbr.tfio-pure-spin't-has but passed fo, the- highor eondltio^n that it, audJgfreate.r 4'njoymiBjit'is, t h e result. J h e upright maji caa have nothing t o fear, for there.exists no power to'"do.-him harm^ but thoso who indulge tbvvards him -the pas*-sions of .hatred^and revenge, are bberishingf a-fire, which ottp J n n o respectaffoot him, but~is consuming the happiness of their own nature . Thon the-grea&objeotisto.kebp ourselv.os pur'-•or. It is not what'other-s do hut what we .our­selves do, which affects us,-'It is not that whiuh gbeth in that defilotl), but 'that'whioh cometjjj. ouu There was never yet an evil" committed' in the world,' but : the greatest sufferer \jas h e who committed it . ' When,.then,'Wo are d i s ­posed to regard'; our-biieth^efr-os.i enemies, a n d ' seek to crush tbem with indignation or blows,., -let us reoolfect that such fooliuga* aird'..!sotiorxs toll more powerfully: on us who ohermh a n d commit it. And whdfl we purpose-any." wiok--edness, no matter whatjlet us bear this in v iew; we can do nothing, so secret, nothing so ca re ­fully and skilfully, if it .be wrong, but, will b e open andpresent to obr own notnro, working its terrihle effects upon it. I t belongs • tb t h e eebh6thy"ofu€tod's "government, atid.cannot bo avoided, and it should...influbnee as' id dealing W>th„the criminals of society., . They ttie t h e greatest smWbrs by their offbnoes, and shalf we heap coals of fire upon their hetKis?. Man teannot hopetp rival God, in the justness of h i s institutions. A n d doos any one suppose t h a t God permits human wrong to pass without all the punishment that belongs to '" . He who is borne down by the offsets of crime is not a n object of our "vengeance, but .our pity; , a n d when- we seek "bis pain, wo are injuring., .our-'s'etvesJnore than we are him; doing for"'our-selves the same wrong that honas dono for himself. us be wise in aecqrdance with, the plain teachirigs of these plain-principles, Let,us cherish no bad passions, for we canne re r hope to injuremrr enqmyjms'we nnist injure ourselvesi ••«•

Two'Weeks -tiaterfrom Ca'llforiUar-Anotti­er toestrncllv'e Cdtiifl^|;ratfcm-~f tireeJifT,ttioii» of Property pestroyed--'lJyiich-l/aW,<j'c.

•_ . • N E W ORLEANS, Aug. 2. T h e Alabama, at this. por t r br ings ' two

weeks laler n e w s fram California. Another dreadful ffrb" visited, Sin Fran­

cisco on the 22.d of J,une, laying in ashes t he very heart of t he city.. ,The fire extended over ten squares, burning through ivlonto-om-ery, Dupont, Washington, Mefchant,'"and other streets, whjch .composed the .business pgrtioD.,ofjhe f lace. T h e loss is "varioii^lji stated at from $2,000,000'to ®5,O0O,0(iO Tbe-fiTe was^th-e wofjt of ineendiuries, Who -have treen. arrested by the vigilant'comStit-i t i e ' • ' •'

Aotive preparations Were being, made to rebuild theburht- district, and-alfEa-'Jy sewra l

Substantial buildings-are in process"of erec- ' lien. "" - > .

There have been a-nuni'b er bf addXtioha) casfes bfCy-nGhflftw, and crime'slill pervaiis to a fearful extent. Lturai prospects of the atateco n -tinue (avorublej '

F rom lheyfnines the reports are .conflic ting. b'ui!ire:1ger»ernllyfavora,ble. The quartz of.the ciiggius continue to yiekl well. •

Indian disturbandea are stili of frequent oc- -cu'rrence,

ano'iifiterJtion oh a. meeting/opBpinte'd'a commfttee''to"8ijTr

t' intend the pub.licatiqn of n Spanish p a p L ' oppose life loan and the' ,L ° - ". ,. "'

Thn Panama Star, of "the 21st July a a ( j 8 . '/'A cotpm'itt'ee was,)hen appointed t'o Wiii|

upon,the Gbwer,n£tii p^.be-Proyince, >and i0

rnfi'irm of tlie' noli i nteiitiori' o.fthe-iV-Cbnser

vntives'^tp pajone'dtittaftbwai'ds-(heforced iQan^nnd^Jsoy^S-Wcr'aTe Informed, to warn hjm' t h a t any attempt, to mafo) a-forced col­lection, Vy winding troops {iere tb' levu it wpuld bo reiisted-by thtem and other'citizens Qf.Panama^to t'he.Just- eKtrernityJ-e'ven bv • force pf arm's;'which,-U' gfimpelled'to resort tp, wau;ld;en^-'iri,-a-disruption of the Eepub-lie, nnd- ihe-d,'e.C;iar-atio» pf the independence of the Iaiinmus. . ' . 5 . . -•-„.,

Th>appoin.ttnerit bf the commjitee, and the discharge, of-the d.ujies .assigned to it lias.giW,p r,ise.tq tb^e .r.u'mqMvh'hip- the past two o r fhree-days, ^ k a t -on-^Su^day (last) night, a jtro^itrici^iiienio • Was' to be , made

'hftying'for'itSA^<H-ii|f.j4e);^9tion'of'inde.' •fentfende pf t h i s r^ih'm'uss-ojijl calling to ibe

-%hief tn&gietrac.^;, a .rartftin'.'dislragoishad gerierStj'-vvliOis afo*S^jie,sb1'eftt bWew Qrc. nada.'-'- ••• ";"--:ti>-» *•*>,- : ' / ; . , ' y \ , The French citize;nsalfiO,.l)eJd a meeiinu, and'prganized- a.NptioiMl tiGu'ard, with the avowed motive of .self-defence'.' The- Slur adds,.;. • . >' •,-*"•" ' -&« ' •* .• • ,

" in the rileanfimB the cjtv: remains per­fectly. quiei,atKl,'thfirb'ii'not\the least proba­bility l-herf-any ;ptomjri!bian|bJ)trp or. disturb­ance ofi.thepeabfe "will, taice^pface, or that any such idea at fcoy Tnpeia-fel^- has pre. '' .traite'd, ttolBssrt[ie govor.nm'^nC tm.d'ertakea-tole'vy ihe^fprced, k>ap,'-.j,fii which' ense.we don't knoxtr wha.t wiif • b a p ^ n , except this' that i-t is the fir.rn;>l*e&rmin,aiio!n, .of. many of

-lbs ha/jviy aft well, as foreign population,'not to a l i o * a sbldhjrt?) oniey^ie. gates of Pan. ama,-for the purpose of-'nrtem"pling^ to exe­cute the obnoxious-1 decree." .))'

The insurrectionAso far as heard from,is as'yet confined to the provinces of Fopoyan,

'Oauc j^CuIUnd Bflehuy/ntuxn,, and has led to sonig.utr'ocTti'es'iiaTm'ost tbo. horrible to re­peat. - Tti-ibe' Province- of .Cnuca, n large ;body-of men,,headed b.y'an.ofjiceT, and^claim-ing tb be Soldiers of. the 'Republic,'aTla'clird a'sraall'vil|n'ge r and captured every'body, ' T h e men were tied and scourged,and then 'he women of all ages, andeven chil­dren, vyere ravished hefore.;jiia.&jieg-Bf-their hiisbanci^ and-hithers. This, .saw the Star, ;s too hbrrible^nhnost for felief^iuuve-hiwe (he account in.'"b paper before us, afc-welias tbe"'v"erbal ass"urance-of -its correctness, from agentlpriianiw.w"iH't-itis- eity, lately arrived (com tn"e immediate fieighbothood..,, ' •

The Slarcontibues: '

" W e . hiive further intelligence from the valley of Cauea,-whjich'sfji'ies ihat,G>n. Her-retaj the neivly appointed .governoT'TSf this province, but yyh'6, upon'the eve of coming hitheV wnst'alied to ihe command of the tfove.rnitien.t-troops tb operate against the in-surrectionistSi ia.beseiged in'the city bfC/all, by 1,000 rn(>n w i d e r ihe .cpgimapd of Colo­nel Buso. T h e gpner-a! had "j uT a few. of. 'tile Nat ional Qbard to-support him, and -finding that be could make no head against Col, Bdsb, he sent J i im --word under a flaj of truce, that he^ (Busb afidE's party')..tjjpuld be pardoned j f he would draw off. Wslorces. To this Busft-answered, that i f any pardon bt forgi veness was to b e , granted, ft was himself (Herrera) who sbuuld ask it—pre vkled he would surrender at "ditscretinn, he should be treated, with ari'^fehiency, &c— -Herrera had not surrendered .it latest dates, jnd-os it is known that a-small bod'y of gov­ernment troops were marching to his relief, perhaps they arrived in time to su-ecor him. But we a Iso-teatii, from a reliable source, that a large, n-turvber-of the landholders- of • the valley, (say 900) were in favor of Buso, and it is.a mAre^ matter of-conjecture, and will be Mtiiirrtne; arrival of monthly mail, wtiich is the victorious party. ' — - 'I'he government troops are repre.sente.d-;is pursuiri!{a-CQ«rse of vvholesahj plunder and slatightier- Haciendas and'^i lkges are burnt to the ground, 'and citizens maltreated in every respect." - ;"'' • •


• •-• P , ^ i * P ^ h 3 p i » ^ M & f e ! | i % K a « ^ n ' M : . - d t ^k i l n t aKibaMja^^ ,. .yeaiSjatidiaiet^fT^typgviiStMofi;'.ev,erjSj>

4feing »ttW»bli:iitfl# '

•*.&, „ifi.^*„as. ^--inefgro., , .peVTiin^hals-peenarrssted.abdjlodg'ed

iirrjail? - - -j, v. > ,;-, - ., ...-•../. ';,.,

^.IsroEMATioN WABTBB.—rPoter Goen^frSm Ireland, h i s a sister in 0 i s p'laeo, recently ar-riv.e,4 from Ireland, rfbo. .would be very giadbf infprmiitiotfwhich might enable her .to.find.hirn' =He is sapposed to be inthis ;State or N e w Jer-'eby; 'fijorrriation addressed'to' Betty Cben, at; tfiie place will bo thankfully Received, and* p|?,' pers'givipg tlSeabovb ^Kine^r^on-wul^'8fer;a>" fav-.n1.

Pnlaslri,'August 15, ' " ' ' © A «ttu;

T h e 'De^ipJi:'T.*tbd•««i," estimates tharjhfr w&«at cV"o|),;,of (.Hat gtaVe wiH exceed in;

,amount t y i o l l a s t ' y i e a r . l u l l 0 pe third, tMt ..iVtichtgan-wili joxpoft twelve miJlion bwaheig ^eix tttiJlibria,#1^ eorb>. and three .hundred : rniJ iWYeeff l f . IOnjM, dtiriDg the' present posed to-be. • Tfice^op will-riot be argoqd* as

I last ye'at;. - Farmoji ask abbutjais db%a k ton j year;* ? h e aggregate ejeportjnre^et/d'oWn iwihjt . . . " • ' •"•• at twenty millions of doljalrs in value. "

have beenablfetb learn, refused to accept our bills. The Directors cannot view:this*trans» action in any other light than- that A? a. foul conspiracy and an unlmiy warfare waged a-gamstuaby these men for selfish and .political purposes, by thoee too, who from evety pr.n-eipleof common honesty, grat/tttude,. and in

.popsuieratjon of past favors, ought toibe orir friends. . ,' " . , ' "•••' .. ____'.'

! By order of the Board bl Direc'tarsf JACOB CROMWELL President..

AIITEMA8_ TBowBmDcjg, Vice P r e s ' i

J IufDUWA^ndianapotis," August 7.—All the febfipss^onnil pistfjets havo been heard- frprb •bqt the 1st, and; tbo* resu l t^ tliat' • Samuel W. jParli;ei|,,Wbig? is elected frbija the fb.artb'Pisf.: John I..'4Robiiis,on, Dem.f .-frcim.tho W ; Gfa-|ham-JN. Fitoh, Bern., from the-9&;' Jahies W< '•gdrdon, Dom.,' from the 2d; and Thomas A. Hondsioks, Dem., from the 5th. Inn the 7th/ Ed^ftrd-W. MoGaughoy; Whig is reported de-•fbated, "U, Q,. -De Brallor, Whigy-eleflied.

' -Bbth hranehesoftheii.e.gifllattife are largely J3onlbcratip., •

' ^ " T h e - ' s i n g i n g ofthie ^flr;se)JleeixiHyrrrri is ^pliibiijid "by 1 aw; in.'FraWtfe,ri(ee§|lGe- of .the madde^lfng^influcncc it IJIIK upon the pop-•^ilriK'niinri'.' . * • • • .

The Cailfprnl'a News, T h e Sat) "Francisco Hei'ajd says :-r-

.Djlring the confjagran'op eight persons certainly lost, thei r lives, either from the di­rect, bffects of the fife or from circirmstapco.-grnwing out of it. fl'h.ree of.tham, Messrs. -Bach'^Cbailes S: L ' y ^ p s ^ n d a man un known, ' in Pacif ic street, were burned t<* dea:h. Two •were"s1iot by an otflcor while in the act of,rob/birig^. T w o were beatpn jo death, onej,;F renRilbtnn harried leun Bap-tiste Durand,.".vb;o whs falsely accused-pf in­cendiarism, and ihe W h e r a Mexican, wi5b was stealing some, bates,of goods, and: one died fronj terror a'nd\ excitement, There" are rhrnors that besides 'these a Me>icn.f\ woman and two chiidreb, w"ere burned' 'to-death in'a house on Pupont-s% ;and «no or two others Mr.- - I ^ops in Mawson Brothers'stofe. f n nddru.oo tp, t'hese,"Polr-.' Ibcit.vvas shot at night;;. ' _.__

- of n ine men,\undeai4]apL'jpiiz-patricjj, ljav ie„,beenbgt's«ffby the Ind'iansv and, it is,supposed, all murdered at-'Bo&ue 'Rivec. " • ' . . • * ' *

f l / ^ T h o Frepman'r-Journal, published a t ; Cooperstewn, has pdsso'd into the ' ijali'ds of S ." JVI,8h-A-W, fisif.', "Iffte-of-the -Albany AtWsY Hi's' addrdss;to'hie readdre'%p'6arS-in 'tiro last num­ber; he goos for the Union and liarniony of-' fho Domocratre party. >"

HoRRrffCH M O R B E K — A r r e i t t of the. supposed Murderers.—»Our city was thrown into great commotion last, evening, by the news of a hor­rible murder committp'a ot-tlie water station on iho Roebestor and.. Syraetjae BAilfoad', about thrco-jniles.-a-nd'a half west 'of this city. About half past two o'clock In the afternoon, the life­less body „of Patrick Phenol'was found nt the station house'before.montiqnod, with-histbroat cut from oar to ear. and the crown and back part of .his head Phonel was last.-seen alivo .'when the--s',eamboat express tmin passed, the station, about--4-"bSclbck, when rKP\ was"op,duty'; I t is thought that soon after­wards he lay "down to sleep, as was his custom, wheb the mnderer so le upop him. While tbus

sleeping, broke in his skull with some unknown instrument- and then cul his throat..

As soon as the .body of Phonal .was discov­ered, on the--pa"BBage .of the next train, our city police werb 8o"nt~ftn> A special locomotive was

.-immediately dispatskod -with sevoral of them. .. .-Suspicion immetflwtely fell upon a jinan.nam­ed. Ed\v ax'd Murphy as the'persorj guihy of the miifder, Be.„was siispeeted.for-.ttie-^eafion tli»t he had been rorhoved ffotn the station; keeper's position to* givo place'tb 'Phpnel, but a few days since, and he had.been seen lurking in the 'ioinity during the day."

Phenol a/wife and a'"'ftirge family »t Ca'millus. 5-Iurphy Was atwoSkfor a man lin­ing near the'sco.nenf murder in the morning abd discontinued about ll-J o'oiock on aecotint-o f thora in . He went away and'Was not soon again by- hie employer untilaftet his arrest.. Kentucky Elcctloii-*t»Oemo6ratic Govern^

( .'.Elected.

• Loorsvifjt,E,-Ai:g.'9. Additional return's raeeiwd'teave' no doubt of

the election of"Pp%el\ 'dbni, rjls-GbWrhnrJtnnd J-,B. Thompson, whig, as "L'yUoVqrnrirwlfo run far ahead.' Both tho fthig tihd demooraticyoto

fA ha've follori .off Very.'largely this year—pnrtieu-larly thu whig..vbt,o. . '.

The ga-in-% Powell^fie dem. candidate f"r

governor, in IB counties,' is 2,200. *" , Crittenden's majority in' the State was 8,458.

The following, are the tthtli'ohtio returns of tlie Congressional elo^Jirn:— '. '

1st dintrietj Linne Boyd, donv. 2d, Benjamin E-. Grey", independent Whig," 3d, P. Ewin(->-whigr,' '.4ih, Wm. T . Wood, whig- "5th', Janif8

Sto'no, dem. 68icAddisfni;. White„Afhig- ™< Humphrey.Marshall, whigi '8th, J . C. B r c *

; oni-idjro, dem. 0th, J, C. )Mason, dem. Man E . H, Statitbh, dem. flailing tho noxt aele-gatiqo stand-rf-four -<v;Ji%3, nVb de)t)O0ra,Wj Cn° dne.-jndepondenrxvblg;-* -

J8ofh-branches of the Legislature are. wing'

Detnoeratic ^it^CoiivcTHJOn, r yraeufoi

r-'eW^frbrr 1ft,


wp^tgm >SFfft*4'a&,.7r.t •
