Top Banner
. n ' 4., t i ' f 4 ' P. .(' I t - f fI ?: .T" f - i U ft :tt V J ft1- v Vm.. .XV. ,i. ;;" m i 'MViWMW mi i - - i.s i , l;l- - li I I'f t I U'.l.l : 'i J , : A- - Ul H U KtiK SAI.K HArtFMNE PAINT CO.'S x, s. saciis', 104 Fort :;t , : : ; : Honolulu, ' "; Plaid Ginghams ! Fan-- y Dress it I'M K 1fyyt l;l-- ! " t a w . ,ff. fir.? ii.u V- - D YARPB POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSK, KM foil f im i, itoi.olntii. ' , .V iVriM"ri,- lHI ' , ' ' " I )f j j js o i i V(-t- f M,' f)4,t&,f ,m,,mM. f ' 4 : ft I. f 't fit ,H tli,'Ht lii lo IllUl (IfiCC "WMMr' MX t'V jir'it , fill ff H " UW10W FEED CO. . uri't-.- At i lAt 'AUWtltMA MAf , IM.IM, iiu AS, t'lAHIM, imUMi KAIJI-KV- , Mlll,JNi ;l.'0(M ISAKI.ICV, U IIKAT AND (OlIN KI.OI II. rtJHtl if Alia, (iiiMi'ii (iiili! Killliiii"! llAtVil - - i i (,.- - ii. . mmfur 'i , t,. ..I, v,, i. ! p. r.iw-rvn- P a J.M. CROWLEY, I ' w a a m i Ak . I J M i 4 A i the i f Mli-- I, Ihmoilllll, A. I. AitTHUH JJIIN ,T0';E Eui or & Sl.i,i,iy:r, I OK 111 DAILY IIUUFTM PLR'ISIIIN': KOMP.fcr, LilliL.'li.) U i.i 1. I ji'iu- j.i (jo ' ' ii iii'H;! h- - II II.) it niuii! Ii ,,' lix.-r- .ii . I I M. 111 l.l.l UN M Ull.Mit, 1 .'ii .... Oil lon-lyl- I! On Ivll'II.Mtl ;l .tii. "',-s nil hiIiii. t'uiuliHiiiU'it-- t i n IHii.v lU i.i.i i'in," Ij'Ailill'i'SS l IDUt tiT fill' illli.'il-tiu- ll Klill'UK t A V U 1,1 IVIN." l. O. Hoik Ml. I Dua. I'.uoniiB & l''uifuy, I'liyclrluii oill.v; bl il.-r.- 1111 111 Mlv.'l, JI.IMullllll, 11. J I UIUUN A TliUIIWiHJN, 1 4 Aiiucnry ill J.inv, Ojlli-i'- Over Jilliui'ii (lank, lluliollilil, II, I, I 1)1 1 M. MuNHAUKAT, I .Mloriii'y ul J .ii w uml Niilur.v i'llhll,'. Ml, rl, ll.jiiiiluhi. ; I AM''KMIJ MAUugN, I' t A t. irncy in J.inv uml Noliiry I'llhll.'. Nil, i Mm.'lliilil nll.,-1- llnilil-lul- III I AVU) DAYTON (Ki'Wlklj 1 Will lie III his ii'lviil.' t II ' I'l'uin 1a:;io In J liio i', ,m, Ullli'.i; ul hln sU'.mjI, (iii HUllMJD'J' i H'lNH, HW m . s tV I'lMiiiui-u- ii J'iiiI kIiti'I, lliiiiiiliiln, III &, iH). HllA'lKl'ISIJl I ',illll,-,-.ill- l Au'l'llll. i Kinini' J'' mi uml Uiiii.-i- fiiMiu-luli- i, II. J. W MAOKAlU.,ANJil & Ui) , I t ) iiiiui li'iv Mini 'ipiiiiiiImIhii Mi'I'i'llllllla. U'li'i'll tdl'l'l'l, ilulMlllllll, II. J. J ill 1 CJNHAIiVJUU & (!)., " J IioIi'miIi) lii'.irri'ji iiimI IIi'iiwt Jilui'lt, JJniniliilii, Jl. J. )',') I uijn 'i WArwit'iouw. it lnijiiiin-- mi, I In Mlir.'illllllll', IJllirll Mll'l'l'l, JJillHlllllll, Jl,i, ('tABThlil & t!ui)UW, iiihI l 'iiiiiiiiIm'Ihii iiiiiii Iit iimt Miti .iiiihIIoi'. An, H) vlng clri'i'l, llnliiilillil, J Ul W ,WM & Oi); Di'iili'i' In I iimliii', J'.iiiil-- , OiIm, Nulls Mull Hint tiiiiMhijj I'Vi'iy lilii'l, 'ni'M'i' I'Dn mi. Ji'iti Hi'i-i-U- , IIuiiuIiiIii, j ',)) IMWIUfili Ac tUntUW, mU'U Jl in J td'iili- III M ' Imt Mini nil MiiiIm dS liill'ilti( Miiii-pnl- ''nl'. iiiii;iiii, ',)) C, BRLWtR & CO,, General MwawtilQ mm nut' i un ,l,i, i 'Hi'K'i ,,' irnmvf A- ii'y j,.i,'7'i(.i i,, !!,(, ti,!)., H,0,mh HI CASTLE & COOKf-- , IM'IWII If, Central MjrthnMi I m;iIiHu) 4.),i, Mf, )'if ,mis titmui ;);ji', fiium' Mill". Ii'l') i 1 1.. 'ilr-.- , i,, ir- - (HI i .'i I , l'lljK i liii'liifi' v nf vi'O ir.-'- f ll'il inmhiUi I uytWf. I 'm frulij- nllnihiiii uM nliii,'. 111.,, L. i,, illil,,,,. . ,i, iv',,. . ;i,'l.'i ll ,.n' nip !, I Ai if- - irujmff, HMf If M'i f F k l ) Wap,pir-r- , Nn, - M'ililidillUT'l' Mi cPilp, 'IMMIi i lil NIIM fil lil lr- - IMIM H u leinu'il rnii '(t- f. f i -- ,i p llli', 'ii.iiin Mi I'M I ll'tl H" i II In t I). HM'I A ," P In l ', 41 HMmI t"i4 -- toijlll 1 hiiMbH, PmI l I 1 Y.SHY ('I)USUI J'OKT iW H I I f V 'I l,y l v i f y pill ffi'U 'ntlnlhi,i l'fudiee l,y l vl iy rl i",ni'iw'i,ii-- il In ni,,V "I ,.Wm, K,.Url,ie(',r, l'irti.lei 1t l pliuie, Nu, I J ;,. f Oi' .,Hn t ,V ii i i' i li.i Alan, .I.i- - ,.i- -i M.u-ic..,- It rv Ii t,.,'l ir , ,.i ..l.lli,!.,,l (u.-lr.M- .i ' ., i Kiiini Mi. i ii ... 1 V... ll,.- ( ..!! Tlir uml .J''iii-- A I fr'!.it ji Ul llll'.l ,iiMl.y V lit Id' lluc III I !,,iiIh1ii inn, ,in, (, lli.ll ,IK'II':'I 1111 1,1 .IM-- ..I A ud u ill I.'.im- Jur Hi,' .ii,,, m ,i I, liullU mill I' mi .oi ul,., ul 1I..H ,! ,i- 11 I'llV ll('l;4lll Mr u- , y M'lj ,i,,, ;, i., yi'wi c Ji' V ,i- - ) r t! . for '5v1ii-- j MM ! Xlui New mill I'in.' AJ lit . u ji 1)1 llii i'iiiii' -. am lii, 'umj.-iu- il I,.' lllll III I,,,MI III I ,111 , ,111 laiiri-- i ii on i,,- ul,., ul And will Iiiim' ir'iiii-- ili ,i.l'lj yyiij; Jiiiill-- uml a ii,',, fif III.' iil'iM1 ii Hi' )' JH'ijilil HI' J' ' J.i.r.ljy p.lljH'1 iul IH'rillllilndllli'ili,-- , ,ijiily 'iiV ' vs 'it. Hi,- - r f i (lllj)'!) l' ) f Hi n ...... . i, i r ,. , I) ill ) fit )f l ) f j Iti lH't, W1 OlJ? lil t ,,. ,, i , . , ., . 411 IH 'I it I','V; 'it Ilfilli1l1iiljlliilli;ill!ijfi mm I t 1 A I t t , 1 r i ifl i lit All iWliW n('-'- !,!' iilMiili'il illlH Hill illlllll ii j,p ),; & frilll jfllllj III tt in nl In lim il hi Urn mini I ,d H) UlUH i hi-lil- n . nii '' 'ill'- ' Mil,, ! i II ,' u 'f'll' "''(' " ' . iMM Till! AH). llMl I Mlri llniiulllllh il II III II li'P IIIMPli lniin iikfl I niUniK- pm ' Ii l;nilf fi) I'lMllnll it Innn , f ;,"!";-- : Id IVI In ' I (III ' PPrl'ld-pi- Ills r:,":;::; i:,;:; I'M I, 'lllll'' I 'I'd'li I'll Hl'tlt::;:," I mi riHM'l' l : r r f linn; fill t liih ;iil ipi Hid i in nl Mj- Ml" 'I I'lmi'Mlj-lllll-- ' .l'l IMC I lill III "I- ' i Id llll: I il MM In In) Ii Ii , l'l!,.i Held HIP) llll! llnl illrl i ni Wiil l iiiiln; I HI Si :7s 3. 'KINAU,' i.o ::r. Cum .11 .. . if I ,! .,( 1! !. k M . i h i. .1, .in. i, M.i.ii.i. li.iy ,i,-- .!,.!., n i ii.. ,..!),! .l,,y ; M.ihii- k. I, i, ,. " ii.- f' mi-- ' .1.,; .,i ii g ul llitu nt iiiiilni, lii. I VK.- - I!'i',i,,l i.r in. ..I.i " idlli I Ml.lV . " lillill 1,1 V . . . I'. li. lOili I Ml i,i V 'Mi,!-- " liil li.,l.iy'. . " Mill I III mI.IV " AI.I;IVi;r AT ll.'N il.l, WmIi.. . .. " 2'Sili III, i, IV . ...I'.li. 7lli W, .In. :..i,iy. . ... " lMli Ki hi il.iy . . . ... " a.Mii Wi .In- nI iv , , ...Mar. Jlili KilUI'laV V. dno'lay April 11 N,, iMviglit, will In' nil, i 12 i( .lay ul' Muling. SriiflR. 'CLAUDIHE.' DAVIt-- Commander, W illli-iiv.- I liuinliilii I'Vci-- 'I'm ul ,", ii'i'lurk r, M., I.Hirliinn lit Knlill-Im- , Hiii In, liana, Haimm uml Uiini- -'l. lid in ning will lllT'ivr nt HlMIII- - lulu I'V. iy Sunday iiioniiii;. Nn l''l'i'iulil will In: rrci'ivid nil' i I I'. M. i, n day oMiilinH. I 'unhiiii-c- hiiihI, I"' at tin- lniidinns In irr. i.c f In iu'lit, ns wo will nut llnl, iilll'.m-lvr- llill l' Ulrll In i Iiiih In an laiidril. W liil.a (Iiu ( lulu ,a ny will iii' ilui! dilii;.'ii('i' in linliilliil live ulnrli, Wr di'i'lilli- lo any i'i'riniihilpilily in ruse t,f t In I, ,t - i,f an will lint he fur inniicy iir j.'Wrliy unl.'fn idacrd in ' ('III'' (if I'lll'HI'lC. V. (!. Wil.KKIl, ri.'hidi'iit. H, IJO.-- Seen Ian-- ('ATI .I. A. KINU, Curl. Siinl. I 111 ri'uoB.vnifcjscis, In K'ne fire. I, iienr Alula n -- Ir, e', uppn, ( 'aliliii iiia I ruil Mm ki'l. Des'ijiior and Mdiiufnoturer of ART FURNITURE, Kui'iiiliiro I'legant WM Made, and Old lii'ddiiij; French Polishing lly a III mini, C'.EFliT-- i MADE and LAID, Window Poles, Cornices and ,eljn il mill Hindi- In llie Idlient nlyle nf nr . (Sample may he seen in us laej-luliv- i: llallj. U' I'eal wllli III.' wnikinnii. mid I'nvn ' ; 17 If j..:r .'OTP Tl 1 . -: I)'.-.-- . I poison of '"efaia i' ' e; ',;. iir:,.le if I1 i h,,.iii, ii'nl -- ;,'s,ci.-- i ninl iifirniii i' a, i'l!(' n a I h .niiv. Hen 'i u'-- (lie. fd.i'nii '(' lin- ill ual, Impiiiri- - lie ipii! : mil' II ".a ! las a (ir hruili! iiliM-nn-ti- in .' 'ia-,- ' m en i hi- - wrk. It ! 'frt, ny the ) I',".., . hi:- - !a ia villi. ill)' r. nl'iiW H rriilas I'. I'.M aw; V ho euiiiin r of Mia a, li, inlii'L'i's inn liver, t lo-'- i !';. hiilm-y-i- , re let! iMiMiiHitt'ifl HUM p!'"S. . JNn ll tint ri inna'-- rial .'in i Jiej.ii.y, pi innl i ally lie hlnoil nf H' rufi Inns ,d mi, eienrihe oi'ipl'.-MOli f.ii "i I.i. r.i 'i.n I'll I h ml, in 'l)ei ' J rs!i !, the a''-ii- t ll"'l piiiiii r, Renter's H:?.i;ig Soap Vr'i tt i.l.v.v 'I vim .; .!, for a fair. ,'lear hkiii, as'',i !. Jiv,s ,i Hilar I lint, l ii;- Ir liaes-- , ru move hi .1' in. ., ( I a al. HOLLISTER & CO., (i liHliih'iliii Aki iiU, lill plui-iii- e lii liitoriniii-- : tin- - 'll" "I'1' "Id re- - i nrac- - Nu. : Mln ml -- heel. e i.lelui-n- l j Ha- I. in iVpl , W. Piene. I iiiiiary i l;!lli. iKM. II. I Te!c, No. 1 1". I o lui COMPOUNDS arid ROOFING HEEO'S PATbNT Felt SUdiu Mpa CuT'-.rl:;- , il to. FtKTIUZtRS : Wool. IH'bT, HUNK MKAK, KISH (Jl'ANO, ALS- O- BUCK & OUliANUT'S Hlfih Grade Cane Manara. GRASS SEEDS: COCKSFOOT, JiYE (iilASS Ami CLOYEKri. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef, l and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN l5Ai:iiELS. Baiflwia Loconioiives. 'I'liii linilerslKiied hiivlnj; liccii iippolntod noli! ni'iils fur llio lliiwniinli lslmid.s i'jr tho ekhr tted Fr.iiii the work of Burham, Parry, Williams & Co., I'lillml. I .lu:i, it ., Are now prepui-e- to clvu and receive orders tor the-- c engine.-- , of any il,i! and sly l. Tim I'ALDWIN I.OI'O.MOTIVK WllliKS nrt! now iiiiiiiiifaeliii ine; u slylo of Loeu-inoli- piirtii'iilnrly ml ipled For Planlatica Purposes, A iiunilier of w hieli huvo reeently been received lit the.--e mid wo will Ini v pleii.-iii'-i- ill tnrni-hi- n plnntnlioii litems mi I inn unei's with pm'th.-ula- of Kiune. The fiiperiorily nf these I.oeoniulivu.s ovi'i'iill oilier nnikes is iml only knuwu liei'i- - hut is ne'.nowleded tliroiigliniit tllU l.'lliled Sillies. Win. (. IinVIN & Co,LM, Solo Agents for lliiwaiiun Islmids. fill IRWIN & GO. (i.niiTi-:i.- Win. O. 1 rw in. . .President it Milliliter Chi us Spreekels.. ., V Walter M. (iiffmd Secretary & Treasurer Tlico. t;. 1'oiTor Audiloi SUGAU IACTOKS AM) Commission Agents. AIIKNTS HI' TI1K ill c a mo rinni'T IHuUliiCli 11 Of Nun I l ili.eimv i. III. i ... IFx-St- f .... e1...n.''.Vi Meat Company 81 KINO STKKKT, G. I. WALILR, - - Manager. Wh-lca!- e & Rttail Butchers AM, X AV Y CO S T ! I A( :X( ) KS. TA1 WO CHAN, I- - Miiniifaettii'i-- of T.adies' A (lenlleiiicu's French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo KKIN SIIOKS MADK TO OltliKll. r i'il. .lino, MoildlcH. US NuuaiiU St., : i l V. O. Cox 203. CI. MVl.lAlll & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Iletlii l Street. "Ii.imoii'g Block," l onier stui'i-- . Surgical .V Mudeul Iiitriiiiicnt ninlly reliaire.1 at reas.uiahli- - ral,-- . j M at i in h anil reliaii-im- of nil kin, Is u i peeialtv. All kinds of Safe & ScaU-- repaln-d- . IIuiibi-IioIi- I M wing MucbiiiM or kuIu. l-- H Slripsri Ginghams I l Ginghams! Ml I WO l ll,( K-- i AIJKK ! i'.f ii low j.ii-- ,i FOP' 01.00 m m. (,,, K.lilliilllji A (Jlll'CII H., l.'Oi'K j'lnrfcH , ., t a ! ii II yf AND KINO HTIiKKTS. (.!( fnin IviHlei ii Klnlen uml Knrupe, Miner, All nidei'M linl I, fully nllemled Mi" eily free l, I'Iim;c, IhIiiIiO urilein MUST C o, ii., :i72, King Street. limy liml il, In linn ndvanliiL'e l,u Piil Pfully eneenied, ('HAS, HUSTACK. u r,ln hi llieii l,uildliir, tliey nl llrd (11 Illiil rii nit-- : : Now Ccod: ! tn"h hui-l- ! me nu I In vtnv, S i l Honolulu. Mil Chas. HuslacG, in ;i v a 4 i KrtVlliK I' i' I'f llie i,iin in (lie l.iei l.iiildiii kliuwn (in Hi" "filtiftilh Iflul-k,- denlly nppi,i(e I lie nil! .Innd, IMid liiivin lil flmf, 'UI Id, Ii til f V lui fn rim iJ'f I li,V III" liile lire, i. ml la inn III t I'l'ifil lil Net Ouu,.! pel laid fie, liner, iilnl inue mi Ike way, I nil, till pnred In lill iill ' rdi'M I' liefuie, 'I lililikiliK the plildii' fur III1 ld,e,, pull, in, ie f,e,(uwi Ml in" luf die pnM. Ki ven yi'alV., I dupe Py liCUnpl. nip lilini In nil ild. In Ineiil, a cimliiiiiaiiee nf (lie nilliln, A Mli" new idiilid ill, ill lie pli iifeil ,n pee nil my nld ciii-- - fneie,, Mid ii iiilii new nnes n enll, Ifliind ndec mlicileil nid (! h'H a ptM;fH ttitto, ll h I'll I d,i- hi, t'H-f- l j h Ml., pli Hi IVHf pnt, tM AC ... . , , , , J , . (. . fllimil tP 4,i in i land HifmtUii lAtuit, iJiiij :mm Uwxi on i ii i v MMrr ion, it'r fiA' IlitWiiUltlt hltill'Ui fell I'll! II l!f,t,! Dlilil mm . ... 114 I I' I toll ., , , I'liiilN'ihmi'i'i I'niik A, 'I I Unti l s I, if ''eli'.mii?, I ui h If, WAIMMI, I U m ini' mi I lilllili'i'i ('" I' ' nii'1 Wndefi llnlldlnw Mil-- , ( in, ii' i Wnliiiiii ilnli- - nn ah en i n mi iini)4 niieei iiuim hiin lii I lib i'linu)' Hiii l Tefeplmm dlU. 'Kf H"-- - C, o, llux 21)7, LKWlii h CO., Ill lot t Street, floNol,i:,n, ll l linpoito, WI;olsi;n!c & Hi-tnl- Dealers in Groceries k Provisions, l 'I'', - HtM Hy Ini'll fli'iiltil y hi fin-O- H, H, Cu, fui, f nliluiiiiii fri'li ( 'iilnf'ii nia Hull Ollle-- lfineii Oyl"i iind I' re.h ( ilifui m i I'iiiIk, I ir f , 0 uue, Vi e. Inhlen, I'll', fill', A I'Uniplele line i,f I 'n,.,e it Illnek Wi ll. A ,1 T, MuilnnV ' 'a Ii mil it llull ll e;,il iilWiiy nil liiiml, A Ii ii, jiir-l- leci ivi d ll froli line nf (I. Illlllll l'le llilll I'liMeil ,tl"ilU Mini llullled 'f.ervei FrilllK, l.ei it, (,'lin .M.illiT.i H,lli'f I 'lill 'I II. IIIIH lilnl Diieuli, New liieiiMind, i , Cienlil Oat Milken iiid I'liiilil VVInnl Mnlii, Kn d,V l,iTnnm uml ( 'nlifui iiin HiveiHide I Hit lHO x, tin yj'li llnilmnk I'uIiiIuih, Kl",, I'ilc, I'd", Kulif-fm-liui-i miriiiiieed. I HI ' M ' BARGAINS ! -- : BARGAINS ! Tiii: TAcinn uxudwauv, co id., Ihy h mni'inn a Iind In eiiiein u e uf lie In iit'.v lie II' rilneli" nl Wun'M In llie ion ;n v -j- - iti a ji. J HlllliU,ieiliiiVlil, III nihl' Pi piivi- - MpeiM" nf lininlliii'j "Vill f li ray If to i in; ff peiuiH 'iiili li (( iinyliihi In lli.ll line vi III Uml lh: li einlly uppmlillillli NvW Coodo 1 IPlVe lull l hei ii mi (veil uml fi it, m iiahoa o !,' ii ':. I'.iiiiil'i', ijtH and l'iiii I MiOiijIii. VI lOdli iMiiiliijih'"l, All ni'li-- lell nl llin iPmidliin llindie Mi,- Kill iceelw pmlnpl mil mini H III HlH II 10 Nllll'IM'illH, llunilld all lllli'lil l"f MI CA U lllll Kill In lul l ll dy M'niiin i ' III Ilk- ." "H'l hmle III l'lil Mill lie it Il-- lj innll" hn nlieii. pull, S 1, hi ll 14 H, h, I'll, iIhii, W, Mil. If tt PACIFIC HARDWARE C0,,L'd,i;i Coil Hin t I, i

mm fell - · ITALIAN & RENAISSANCE, E. B. THOMAS, UNION FEED CO., SEWING MAGrliNtl CLUB!!!!! Sun Frnnclsco.: &!: s &, CO. &: Society of," "") '-"-..,'.--!--",---"

Aug 22, 2020



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Page 1: mm fell - · ITALIAN & RENAISSANCE, E. B. THOMAS, UNION FEED CO., SEWING MAGrliNtl CLUB!!!!! Sun Frnnclsco.: &!: s &, CO. &: Society of," "") '-"-..,'.--!--",---"

. n '4., t i 'f 4 ' P. .('

I t - f fI?: .T"

f - i U ft :ttV J ft1- v

Vm.. .XV. ,i. ;;"

m i

'MViWMW mi i- - i.s i , l;l- - li

I I'f t I U'.l.l :'i J , : A- -


HArtFMNE PAINT CO.'Sx, s. saciis',104 Fort :;t , : : ; : Honolulu,

' "; Plaid Ginghams !

Fan-- y Dressit I'M K 1fyyt l;l-- ! " t a

w . ,ff. fir.? ii.u


POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSK,KM foil f im i, itoi.olntii.

' , .V iVriM"ri,-

lHI' , ' ' "

I )f j j js o i

i V(-t- f M,' f)4,t&,f


f ' 4 : ft I. f 't fit ,H tli,'Ht

lii lo IllUl (IfiCC



t'V jir'it , fill ff H "

UW10W FEED CO.. uri't-.- At i lAt

'AUWtltMA MAf , IM.IM, iiu AS,

t'lAHIM, imUMi KAIJI-KV- ,


rtJHtl if Alia, (iiiMi'ii (iiili! Killliiii"! llAtVil- -

i i (,.- - ii. . mmfur 'i , t,. ..I, v,, i.! p. r.iw-rvn- P a J.M. CROWLEY,

I ' w a a m i Ak . I J M i 4

A i the i f Mli-- I, Ihmoilllll,A. I.

AitTHUH JJIIN ,T0';E Eui or & Sl.i,i,iy:r,

I OK 111


U i.i 1. I ji'iu- j.i (jo' ' ii iii'H;! h- - II II.)

it niuii! Ii ,,'lix.-r- .ii .

I I M. 111 l.l.l UN M Ull.Mit, 1

.'ii .... Oil

lon-lyl- I! On

Ivll'II.Mtl ;l .tii.

"',-s nil hiIiii. t'uiuliHiiiU'it-- ti n IHii.v lU i.i.i i'in,"

Ij'Ailill'i'SS l IDUt tiT fill' illli.'il-tiu- ll

Klill'UK t A V U 1,1 IVIN."

l. O. Hoik Ml. I

Dua. I'.uoniiB & l''uifuy,I'liyclrluii oill.v; bl il.-r.-

1111 111 Mlv.'l, JI.IMullllll, 11. J

I UIUUN A TliUIIWiHJN,1 4 Aiiucnry ill J.inv, Ojlli-i'- OverJilliui'ii (lank, lluliollilil, II, I, I 1)1

1 M. MuNHAUKAT,I .Mloriii'y ul J .ii w uml Niilur.v

i'llhll,'. Ml, rl, ll.jiiiiluhi. ;

I AM''KMIJ MAUugN,I' t A t . irncy in J.inv uml NoliiryI'llhll.'. Nil, i Mm.'lliilil nll.,-1- llnilil-lul-


I AVU) DAYTON (Ki'Wlklj1 Will lie III his ii'lviil.' t II ' I'l'uin

1a:;io In J liio i', ,m, Ullli'.i; ul hlnsU'.mjI, (iii

HUllMJD'J' i H'lNH,HW m . s tV I'lMiiiui-u- ii

J'iiiI kIiti'I, lliiiiiiliiln, III

&, iH).HllA'lKl'ISIJl I ',illll,-,-.ill- l Au'l'llll.i Kinini' J'' mi uml Uiiii.-i- fiiMiu-luli- i,

II. J.

W MAOKAlU.,ANJil & Ui) ,

I t ) iiiiui li'iv Mini 'ipiiiiiiImIhiiMi'I'i'llllllla. U'li'i'll tdl'l'l'l, ilulMlllllll,II. J. J ill

1 CJNHAIiVJUU & (!).," J IioIi'miIi) lii'.irri'ji iiimI

IIi'iiwt Jilui'lt, JJniniliilii,Jl. J. )',')

I uijn 'i WArwit' lnijiiiin-- mi, I InMlir.'illllllll', IJllirll Mll'l'l'l, JJillHlllllll,Jl,i,

('tABThlil & t!ui)UW,iiihI l 'iiiiiiiiIm'Ihii

iiiiiii Iit iimtMiti .iiiihIIoi'. An, H) vlng clri'i'l,

llnliiilillil, J Ul

W ,WM & Oi);Di'iili'i' In I iimliii', J'.iiiil-- ,

OiIm, Nulls Mull Hint tiiiiMhijjI'Vi'iy lilii'l, 'ni'M'i' I'Dn mi. Ji'iti

Hi'i-i-U-, IIuiiuIiiIii, j ',))

IMWIUfiliAc tUntUW,

mU'U Jl in J td'iili- III M' Imt Mini nil MiiiIm dS liill'ilti( Miiii-pnl-

''nl'. iiiii;iiii, ',))

C, BRLWtR & CO,,

General MwawtilQ

m m nut' i un

,l,i, i 'Hi'K'i ,,' irnmvf A- ii'y

j,.i,'7'i(.ii,, !!,(, ti,!)., H,0,mh



Central MjrthnMi I

m;iIiHu) 4.),i,Mf, )'if ,mis

titmui ;);ji', fiium' Mill". Ii'l')i1 1..'ilr-.- , i,, ir- - (HI i .'i I, l'lljK i

liii'liifi' v nf vi'O ir.-'- f ll'il inmhiUiI

uytWf. I 'm frulij- nllnihiiii uMnliii,'. 111.,, L. i,, illil,,,,. . ,i, iv',,. .

;i,'l.'i ll ,.n' nip !, I

Ai if- - irujmff,HMf If M'i f F k

l ) Wap,pir-r- ,

Nn, - M'ililidillUT'l' Mi cPilp,

'IMMIi i lil NIIM fil lillr- - IMIM H

u leinu'il rnii '(t- f. f i --

,i p llli', 'ii.iiin

Mi I'M I ll'tl H" i II In t I). HM'I A

," P In l ', 41

HMmI t"i4 --toijlll 1 hiiMbH, PmI l

I 1


i W H I I f V 'I l,y l v i f y pillffi'U 'ntlnlhi,i l'fudiee l,y l vl iy rli",ni'iw'i,ii-- il In ni,,V "I

,.Wm, K,.Url,ie(',r, l'irti.lei

1t l pliuie, Nu, I J ;,.

fOi' .,Hn t

,V ii i i' i li.i

Alan, .I.i- -

,.i- -iM.u-ic..,-

It rv Ii t,.,'l ir ,


..l.lli,!.,,l(u.-lr.M- .i

' ., i

Kiiini Mi. i ii ...1 V... ll,.- ( ..!!

Tlir uml .J''iii-- A I fr'!.it ji

Ul llll'.l ,iiMl.y V litId' lluc III I !,,iiIh1ii inn, ,in, (,

lli.ll ,IK'II':'I 1111 1,1 .IM-- ..I

A ud u ill I.'.im- Jur Hi,' .ii,,, m ,i I,

liullU mill I' mi .oiul,., ul 1I..H ,! ,i-

11 I'llV ll('l;4lll Mr u- , yM'lj ,i,,, ;, i.,

yi'wi c Ji' V ,i- - ) r t! .

for '5v1ii-- j MM !

Xlui New mill I'in.' AJ lit . u j i

1)1 llii i'iiiii' -. am lii, 'umj.-iu- ilI,.' lllll III I,,,MI III I ,111 , ,111

laiiri-- i ii on i,,- ul,., ul

And will Iiiim' ir'iiii-- ili ,i.l'lj yyiij;Jiiiill-- uml a ii,',, fif

III.' iil'iM1 ii

Hi' )' JH'ijilil HI' J' ' J.i.r.ljyp.lljH'1 iul IH'rillllilndllli'ili,-- , ,ijiily



vs 'it. Hi,- -

rf i

(lllj)'!) l' ) f Hi

n ...... . i, i r ,. ,I) ill ) fit )f l ) f j Iti lH't,

W1 OlJ? lil t

,,. ,, i , . , ., .

411 IH 'I it I','V;'it


mmI t 1 A I t t

, 1 r i ifl i litAll iWliW n('-'- !,!' iilMiili'il

illlH Hill illlllll ii

j,p ),;

& frilll jflllljIII tt in nl In lim il hi Urn mini I ,d

H) UlUH i hi-lil- n .

nii '' 'ill'- '

Mil,,! i II ,' u 'f'll' "''(' " ' . iMM

Till! AH).llMl I Mlri llniiulllllh


lniin iikfl I niUniK- pm ' Ii

l;nilf fi) I'lMllnll it Innn,

f ;,"!";-- : Id IVI In ' I (III'PPrl'ld-pi- Ills r:,":;::; i:,;:; I'M

I,'lllll'' I 'I'd'li I'll Hl'tlt::;:," I miriHM'l' l : r r f linn; fill

t liih ;iil ipi Hid i in nl Mj-

Ml" 'I I'lmi'Mlj-lllll-- ' .l'l IMC I lill III "I- ' i

Id llll: I il MM In In) Ii Ii , l'l!,.i HeldHIP) llll! llnl illrl i ni Wiil l iiiiln;


Si :7s 3. 'KINAU,'i.o ::r. Cum

.11 .. . if I ,! .,( 1! !. k M .

i h i. .1, .in. i, M.i.ii.i. li.iy,i,-- .!,.!., n i ii.. ,..!),! .l,,y ; M.ihii-k. I, i, ,. " ii.-f' mi-- ' .1.,; .,i ii g ul llitu ntiiiiilni, lii.

I VK.- - I!'i',i,,l i.r

in. ..I.i " idlliI Ml.lV . " lillill

1,1 V . . . I'. li. lOili

I Ml i,i V'Mi,!--


li.,l.iy'. . " MillI III mI.IV "

AI.I;IVi;r AT ll.'N il.l,

WmIi.. . .. " 2'SiliIII, i, IV . ...I'.li. 7lli

W, .In. :..i,iy. . ... " lMliKi hi il.iy . . . ... " a.MiiWi .In- nI iv , , ...Mar. JliliKilUI'laV

V. dno'lay April 11

N,, iMviglit, will In'nil, i 12 i( .lay ul' Muling.

SriiflR. 'CLAUDIHE.'DAVIt-- Commander,

W illli-iiv.- I liuinliilii I'Vci-- 'I'mul ,", ii'i'lurk r, M., I.Hirliinn lit Knlill-Im- ,

Hiii In, liana, Haimm uml Uiini- -'l. lid in ning will lllT'ivr nt HlMIII- -

lulu I'V. iy Sunday iiioniiii;.

Nn l''l'i'iulil will In: rrci'ividnil' i I I'. M. i, n day oMiilinH.

I 'unhiiii-c- hiiihI, I"' at tin- lniidinnsIn irr. i.c f In iu'lit, ns wo will nutllnl, iilll'.m-lvr- llill l' UlrllIn i Iiiih In an laiidril. W liil.a (Iiu( lulu ,a ny will iii' ilui! dilii;.'ii('i' inlinliilliil live ulnrli, Wr di'i'lilli- lo

any i'i'riniihilpilily in ruse t,f t InI, ,t - i,f an will lint hefur inniicy iir j.'Wrliy unl.'fn idacrd in

' ('III'' (if I'lll'HI'lC.V. (!. Wil.KKIl, ri.'hidi'iit.

H, IJO.-- Seen Ian--

('ATI .I. A. KINU, Curl. Siinl.I 111

ri'uoB.vnifcjscis,In K'ne fire. I, iienr Alula n -- Ir, e', uppn,

( 'aliliii iiia I ruil Mm ki'l.

Des'ijiior and Mdiiufnoturer of

ART FURNITURE,Kui'iiiliiro I'legant

WM Made, and Oldlii'ddiiij;

French Polishinglly a III mini,

C'.EFliT-- i MADE and LAID,

Window Poles, Cornices and

,eljn il mill Hindi- In llie Idlient nlylenf nr . (Sample may he seen in us

laej-luliv- i: llallj.

U' I'eal wllli III.' wnikinnii. mid I'nvn' ; 17 If


Tl 1 . -: I)'.-.-- . I poison of'"efaia i' ' e; ',;. iir:,.leif I1 i h,,.iii, ii'nl --;,'s,ci.-- i ninliifirniii i' a, i'l!(' n a I h .niiv. Hen'i u'-- (lie. fd.i'nii '(' lin- ill ual, Impiiiri- -

lie ipii! : mil' II ".a ! las a (ir hruili!iiliM-nn-ti- in .' 'ia-,- ' m en i hi- - wrk. It! 'frt, ny the ) I',".., . hi:- - !a ia villi.ill)' r. nl'iiW H rriilas I'. I'.M aw; V

ho euiiiin r of Mia a, li, inlii'L'i'sinn liver, t lo-'- i !';. hiilm-y-i- , re let!

iMiMiiHitt'ifl HUM p!'"S. . JNnll tint ri inna'-- rial .'in i Jiej.ii.y, pi

innl i ally liehlnoil nf H' rufi Inns ,d mi, eienrihe

oi'ipl'.-MOli f.ii "i I.i. r.i 'i.n I'll I h ml,in 'l)ei ' J rs!i !, thea''-ii- t ll"'l piiiiii r,

Renter's H:?.i;ig Soap

Vr'i tt i.l.v.v 'I vim .; .!, for a fair.,'lear hkiii, as'',i !. Jiv,s,i Hilar I lint, l ii;- Ir liaes-- , rumove hi .1' in. ., ( I a al.

HOLLISTER & CO.,(i liHliih'iliii Aki iiU, lill

plui-iii- e lii liitoriniii-- : tin- -

'll" "I'1' "Id re- - i nrac- -Nu. : Mln ml -- heel. e i.lelui-n- l

j Ha- I. in iVpl , W. Piene. I iiiiiaryi l;!lli. iKM. II. I Te!c, No. 1 1".I o lui



Felt SUdiu Mpa CuT'-.rl:;- , il to.






Hlfih Grade Cane Manara.



Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, l and 2 lb. tins.


Baiflwia Loconioiives.

'I'liii linilerslKiied hiivlnj; liccii iippolntodnoli! ni'iils fur llio lliiwniinli


i'jr tho ekhr tted

Fr.iiii the work of

Burham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

I'lillml. I .lu:i, it .,

Are now prepui-e- to clvu andreceive orders tor the-- c engine.--, of anyil,i! and sly l.

Tim I'ALDWIN I.OI'O.MOTIVK WllliKSnrt! now iiiiiiiiifaeliii ine; u slylo of Loeu-inoli-

piirtii'iilnrly ml ipled

For Planlatica Purposes,

A iiunilier of w hieli huvo reeently beenreceived lit the.--e mid wo willIni v pleii.-iii'-i- ill tnrni-hi- n plnntnlioiilitems mi I inn unei's with pm'th.-ula-

of Kiune.The fiiperiorily nf these I.oeoniulivu.s

ovi'i'iill oilier nnikes is iml only knuwuliei'i- - hut is ne'.nowleded tliroiigliniittllU l.'lliled Sillies.

Win. (. IinVIN & Co,LM,Solo Agents for lliiwaiiun Islmids.

fill IRWIN & GO.


Win. O. 1 rw in. . .President it MilliliterChi us Spreekels.. ., VWalter M. (iiffmd

Secretary & TreasurerTlico. t;. 1'oiTor Audiloi


Commission Agents.AIIKNTS HI' TI1K

ill c a mo rinni'TIHuUliiCli 11

Of Nun I l ili.eimv i. III.

i ...

IFx-St- f .... e1...n.''.Vi

Meat Company81 KINO STKKKT,

G. I. WALILR, - - Manager.Wh-lca!- e & Rttail Butchers


X A V Y C O S T ! I A ( :X( ) KS.


Miiniifaettii'i-- of T.adies' A (lenlleiiicu's

French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo


r i'il. .lino, MoildlcH.US NuuaiiU St., : i l V. O. Cox 203.


Iletlii l Street. "Ii.imoii'g Block,"l onier stui'i-- .

Surgical .V Mudeul Iiitriiiiicnt ninllyreliaire.1 at reas.uiahli- - ral,-- .

j M at i in h anil reliaii-im- of nil kin, Is ui peeialtv. All kinds of Safe & ScaU--

repaln-d- . IIuiibi-IioIi- I M wing MucbiiiMor kuIu. l-- H

Slripsri Ginghams Il

Ginghams!Ml I WO l ll,( K-- i AIJKK !

i'.f ii low j.ii-- ,i

FOP' 01.00

m m.

(,,, K.lilliilllji A (Jlll'CII H.,

l.'Oi'K j'lnrfcH

, ., t a ! ii II yf


(.!( fnin IviHlei ii Klnlen uml Knrupe,Miner, All nidei'M linl I, fully nllemled

Mi" eily free l, I'Iim;c, IhIiiIiO urilein

MUST C o, ii., :i72,

King Street.

limy liml il, In linn ndvanliiL'e l,u

Piil Pfully eneenied,('HAS, HUSTACK.

u r,ln hi llieii l,uildliir, tliey

nl llrd(11 Illiil

rii nit-- : :

Now Ccod: !

tn"h hui-l- ! me nu I In vtnv,

S i l Honolulu.Mil

Chas. HuslacG,

in ;i v a 4 i

KrtVlliK I' i' I'f llie i,iin in (lie l.iei l.iiildiii kliuwn (in Hi""filtiftilh Iflul-k,- denlly nppi,i(e I lie nil! .Innd, IMid liiivinlil flmf, 'UI Id, Ii til f V lui fn rim iJ'f I li,V III" liile lire, i. ml la innIII t I'l'ifil lil Net Ouu,.! pel laid fie, liner, iilnl inue mi Ike way, I

nil, till pnred In lill iill ' rdi'M I' liefuie, 'I lililikiliK the plildii' furIII1 ld,e,, pull, in, ie f,e,(uwi Ml in" luf die pnM. Ki ven yi'alV., I

dupe Py liCUnpl. nip lilini In nil ild. In Ineiil, a cimliiiiiaiiee nf (lienilliln, A Mli" new idiilid ill, ill lie pli iifeil ,n pee nil my nld ciii-- -

fneie,, Mid ii iiilii new nnes n

enll, Ifliind ndec mlicileil nid(!

h'H a ptM;fH ttitto, ll

h I'll I d,i- hi, t'H-f- l j

h Ml., pli Hi IVHf pnt, tM AC... . , , , , J , . (. .

fllimil tP 4,i in i

land HifmtUii lAtuit,

iJiiij :mm Uwxion i ii

i v MMrr ion,it'r fiA' IlitWiiUltlt hltill'Ui

fellI'll! II

l!f,t,! Dlilil mm. ... 114 I

I' I toll., , , I'liiilN'ihmi'i'i I'niik A,

'I I Unti l s I, if ''eli'.mii?,I ui


I U m ini' mi I lilllili'i'i('" I' ' nii'1 Wndefi llnlldlnw Mil-- ,

( in, ii' i Wnliiiiii ilnli- -nn ah en i n mi iini)4 niieei iiuim

hiin lii I lib i'linu)' Hiii l

Tefeplmm dlU. 'Kf H"-- - C, o, llux 21)7,

LKWlii h CO., Ill lot t Street,floNol,i:,n, ll l

linpoito, WI;olsi;n!c & Hi-tnl- Dealers in Groceries k Provisions,

l 'I'', - HtM

Hy Ini'll fli'iiltil y hi fin-O- H, H, Cu, fui, f nliluiiiiii fri'li ( 'iilnf'ii nia HullOllle-- lfineii Oyl"i iind I' re.h ( ilifui m i I'iiiIk, I ir f , 0 uue, Vi e. Inhlen,I'll', fill', A I'Uniplele line i,f I 'n,.,e it Illnek Wi ll. A ,1 T, MuilnnV ' 'a Ii milit llull ll e;,il iilWiiy nil liiiml, A Ii ii, jiir-l- leci ivi d ll froli line nf (I. Illllllll'le llilll I'liMeil ,tl"ilU Mini llullled 'f.ervei FrilllK, l.ei it, (,'lin .M.illiT.iH,lli'f I 'lill 'I II. IIIIH lilnl Diieuli, New liieiiMind, i , Cienlil OatMilken iiid I'liiilil VVInnl Mnlii, Kn d,V l,iTnnm uml ( 'nlifui iiin HiveiHideI Hit lHO x, tin yj'li llnilmnk I'uIiiIuih, Kl",, I'ilc, I'd", Kulif-fm-liui-i miriiiiieed.


' M '


Tiii: TAcinn uxudwauv, co id.,Ihy h mni'inn a Iind In eiiiein u e uf

lie In iit'.v lie II' rilneli" nl Wun'M In llie

ion ;n v -j- - iti a ji.J HlllliU,ieiliiiVlil, III nihl' Pi piivi-- MpeiM" nf lininlliii'j "Vill

f li rayIf

to i in;ff peiuiH 'iiili li (( iinyliihi In lli.ll line vi III Uml lh: li einllyuppmlillillli

NvW Coodo 1

IPlVe lull l hei ii mi (veil uml

fi it, m iiahoa o!,' ii ':. I'.iiiiil'i', ijtH and

l'iiii I MiOiijIii.VI lOdli iMiiiliijih'"l, All ni'li-- lell nl

llin iPmidliin llindie Mi,- Kill iceelwpmlnpl mil mini H III

HlH II 10 Nllll'IM'illH,

llunilld all lllli'lil l"f MI CA

U lllll Kill In lul l ll dy M'niiin i' III Ilk- ." "H'l hmle III l'lil Mill lie

it Il-- lj innll" hn nlieii. pull,S 1, hi ll 14 H, h, I'll,

iIhii, W, Mil. If tt

PACIFIC HARDWARE C0,,L'd,i;iCoil Hin t I, i

Page 2: mm fell - · ITALIAN & RENAISSANCE, E. B. THOMAS, UNION FEED CO., SEWING MAGrliNtl CLUB!!!!! Sun Frnnclsco.: &!: s &, CO. &: Society of," "") '-"-..,'.--!--",---"

BY AUtHUr.rif


ill I i' (),.-

1. ,i i ' hi. hi i' I "' i t '

Mi M' n . ,. , '. m .

K'l i ! nii'.ii . . i II

... - .. I I' ' . I'.


JH II tltll . M I 1(111 I'ilul.Icb ucfl Kvery D olrablo Form of Policy !

it hn pa,d'.r.smeeiuorgmidion TWO HUNDRED AND NINrTY MILLIONS OF DOLIARS.pi New I iiiriiiii!ion Policy is the most liheral ver offered by ativ Ins 'tance ('uuipiiiiy.

trj- - For f ill pai'.ieiihtri apply to

Gem rat Agent fm ;he Hawaiian Islands.

A i i

It - I

,,.,1. :n

' rt 'lid


'l'lli: : .'.-.- i..l.t. - I' ,!,. hi I

I I I , ,l,.l 1,11 lit,, . 1 ..K'l.


Ti lin- - i l 'oi a- - follow :

. Vf. I'. VI.

Li we Honolulu 7 :'i o "'

Al rive Ilolioiiliilii :li."i 4 .'o.'i

la ave llououliuli :25 I :"'"

Arrive Iloiioliibi 9::;o i:('0

W Iiupi rint mil m i. R. v L Co.

;t t ;.t

lllliiolillll Fill! l)i;P;ll'tll!(!ill



JiV-.-''- .

1; '"-iS- 'i








C'i-iif-Kvt-u- iu Oil" ALOHA."





Groceries, hd Stuffs, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware,.1 yYIvV: GOODS!

FERT ILIZRS:- - Ohlendorf's Dissolved Peruvian Guano, Oldendnrf's Special Cane Manure.LONDON PURPLF destroyer of Potato, Cotton & Canker Worms, Ktc.

SCRUB E XTEKM I NATOR: Destroys ull Xoxions Weeds & Senilis.BAGJi:-Su- gar, Kice, Paddy. Coal. TWINE, H EMP CANVAS, NAVY OAKUM.FILTER PRESS CLOTHS & BAGS: Kmbracing the latest Improvements In material mid texture.

(ialvaiiiz.od "Water Pipe, Corrugated Iron, Fence Wire, Pipe Fittings, lite., .Ftc



bine Sank? Underclothin? !

VE11TIFICA TE TEA ATS L A T10N.I herewith appoint MR. M. GOLDBERG, Agent for the sale of my

Genuine Sanitary Underclothing in the Hawaiian Islands.Signed, FKOF. DR. G. JAEGER.

Stuttgart, the 19th of September, 1890.

Original to be seen in my

j ;. ,.. Itofdi r i?iiiii.-.- i I III-

pill 'i" li III' lit! ! ''.II

at II-- 1 bibi. f

All f iplll' il !ti;'.. III. It!' 'II HI

i.l '! Olii d l; poll sij pUi'ii a t t'l'Ollll C ol till- .""Upl'l Mill II'!' ill Hi I'sibblW,.,Li.

Tlo- M,ii l.-i luU'i or d"- not

bind hill. I Si to a i , yi lia 1. A' "1

any hid.Al! bids ;iiiii( bi distincily nidoi., ,1

"Tender lor I'm dging Haul for Hont ill 11."

C. N. Sl'FNl El, i of the Interior.

Intciior I Mice, Jan. 2b, (it

ale cf Loasa of GovernmentLot oa King Street foot

cf Lihha Street.

On TIICUSDAY, March 12, 1891,

it 12 n'cl'-c- noon, at the front eii- -

ranee ol Aliiolani Hale, will be sold

it puhlie auction, the h a.--c 't a

iowrnmciit Lot situate on King

treet, at the foot of Liliha si reel, andKnown as the Old Lime Quarry, con-- 'aiuiug an area of 59-1- U0 acres a ht- -

1c more or less. Terms lease 10

ears.Upset price, !f."0 per annum, pay-bl- e

semi-annuall- y in advance.C. N. Sl'ENCKR,

Ministi r of the Interior.Interior Otliee, Jan. 27, 1891.

2;l 4t

Irrigation Notice.HoNoi.tu.t', H. I., Aug. 9, 1890

Holders of Water Privileges or

hose paying Watei Rates, are hereby

lotilied that the hours for using

water for irrigating purposes are from'i to 8 o'clock a. M., and 4 to C o'clock

f. M.

CHAS. 15. WILSON,Supt. Hono. Water Works.

Approved :

C. N. Sl'KNCKH,Minister of the Interior.

('.27 tf

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11, 1891,

The most appropriate commentthat can be made in the interest of

all the parties concerned in the latelibel case, viz. : Crowley, the Adver-

tiser and the Supreme Court, is

Silence !

President Gompers of the Ameri-

can Federation of Labor has latelybeen exposing some of the politicalschemes of the American Socialists,says the New York Herald, l'resi-de- nt

(Jumper's stand has received theendorsement of the great tradeunions of the United Slates. Thefight seems to be between Americanlabor and foreign interlopers, the

latter wishing to carry out in theUnited States a policy of revenge for

wrongs received in Europe.

The reports which have been latelygoing the rounds of the San Franciscoand Eastern press, as to "supersti-tious terrors" hastening King Kala-kaua- 's

death, are all traceable to an

article printed in a late number of

the San Francisco Stock Report. Thearticle referred to was doubtless fur-

nished by some irresponsible person

from Honolulu, and alleges, among

other things, that the natives prayedthe King to death, as they did thelate Princess Likelike; that a "shoalof red fish entered the Honolulu har-

bor" shortly after the late King'sdeparture, etc., all of which weighed

upon Kalakaua's mind after he heardthe news. It is needless to denysuch rumors here, but it will not,

be amiss to informour friend abroadthat such reports are utter nonsense.

There seems to be a wave of reli-

gious liberalism sweeping over, orrather through, the clergy of theUnited States. In Pennsylvania five

young clergymen were rccuiily sus-

pended from the Presbyterian ilm ch

for modifying belief to conform itli

the facts of modern science, and the

last dispatches left two more on trial

at 1'ittsburg for the same offense.At Cleveland, Ohio, the Rev. How-

ard MacQueary was being tried,earlyin January, for heresy, by the Epis-

copal Church, for publishing a book

entitled "Christianity and Evolu-

tion," in which thn author failed to

agree with the popular faitlj us setforth in the creeds of Protestantism.

As a defense the reverend gentle-

man sets up conscience as a final

arbitrator, and aileges that, "after a

study of, Dawson, McCosh, Ceikieand the Duke of Argyll, who ore

neither nor C'hris- -

C lia iii 1m i l.i i ii'm Ni) lie.

She Finn (!.- - .ni- - Il.i I. iii

Mitji'.-l- y K.i,Ki., will i,i U I. ii

i tin Maui I' ll 1. i,ii -- I M i A V , tin'

ln Ii in.-t.m-t. ,i '! 'i k a. m.

JUli.s 'A. holiKH'lM'N.V in Cli iiiil" lain.

Ii.l.mi 1'auue, F. 2, tV.M.

JT til- -"' lit



At a meeting i if the li ivy Councilof State, hflil at Muni i'nlace on

Tlmrsdav, Jan. 2'., lS'Jl. tin- fulli-winf-

resolution wi re mianinioin-l- ailupt-o.- l


A l Tint a ri'iii lunger than wf

tiny ullirr sovereign nf Hawaii hutone, the eai lily lite nf our bclnveil

Kin;; was clnseil at '2 :3I

o'clock on J in ilay , I In' -- OJi ilay tfJanuary, 1SU1, in San FruiK-Ni'o- , Cali-

fornia, United .Slatts of America.Failing health fur sumo linmllie

past made it seem advisable that he

should sock to regain it hy a voyageto the morn bracing elimate of Cali-

fornia, and inspired with this lije,lie left his kingdom in November last.The voyage anil change of circum-

stance at first secnici! to hcnclit him,but at length mortal disease appearedwith increased vigor, anil lie sank to

uleep scarce nine days ago in a foreignland. The friendly which theHawaiian people were wailing for

with expectant eyes, came this morn-

ing, bringing hack, not their .Sover-

eign in renewed health, but, alas, hislifeless remains. The decorations of

loyal a fleet ion prcpaiing for his re-

ception are speedily changed intothose of mourning, and we meet to-

day in the impulse of a commonBorrow.

The reign of our departed King was

memorable as an era of remarkableand increasing prosperity. In theseventeen years of his reign, now

closed, this nation has made rapidstrides in its material industries, edu-

cation and the arts of civilization.But death comes alike to King and

commoner, and the seventh Sovereignof Hawuii has gone to join the roll of

the illustrious dead. We humbly bow

to the will of God.

Thkhkfoue UK IT

Rksolvkd, That the 1'rivy Councilof State here assembled, join with his

beloved Contort, His Royal Sister andrelatives, and the Hawaiian people,in expressing our great sorrow at thisuntimely decease of our late King.

Rkholvkd, That- the foregoing pre-

amble and resolutions be enteredupon the records of the l'rivy Coun-

cil and published in the newspapersof this city, and

KksOLVKD, That the members of

this Council wear the customarymourning for a period of thirty days.

C. P. I A LIKE A,25 tf-- 4 4t Secretary.

By virtue of the authority in me

vested by the Constitution and thestatutes of this Kingdom, and deem-

ing it essential to the promotion of

justice, I do hereby order that theregular term of the Fourth JudicialCircuit to be held at Nawiliwili, Isl-

and of Kauai, on the first Tuesday of

February, 181)1, is hereby postponeduntil WEDNESDAY, March 4, 1891,

at 9 o'clock A. M.

Witness my band and the, seal of the Supreme Court

Lu b--

at Honolulu, this 31st dayof January, A. D. 1891.

A. F. JUDI),Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Attest:Hknky Smith,

Clerk Supreme Court. 20 2w

From and after this date all war-

rants and other processes of all theCourts of this Kingdom must be in

the name of ''MLIUOKAL.VNI, by

the Grace of God, of the HawaiianIslands, Queen."

By the Court,HENRY SMITH,

Clerk Supreme Court.Aliiolani Hale, Jan. 29, 1891.

25 tf

Pkj'ahtmknt ok Financk, I

Honoi.11,1-- , II. I., Jan. 29, 1891. f

Notice is hereby given that all

material, etc., leijiiired for the Fune-

ral Ceremonies of His Lite Majchly

Kalakaua is only to be fornislii d on

requisitions signed be l!ie Minister of

Foreign Affairs.GODFREY BROWN,

Minister of Finance.25 tt

FoiiDios Office, I

Honoixlu, H. I., Feb. 10, '91. f

Monsieur I'ETRU.S JOHANNESBOUWMAN has been appointed Ha-

waiian Consul at Dordrecht, Holland,vice J. F. van der Made, deceased.

Monsieur FREDERIC AUGUSTEBONET has been appointed HawaiianConsul at Papeete, Tahiti, vice J. T.Cotjnet, resigned. 34 2tr-- 7 It

in in i! M l i.tti .ii..-!'-

, p, rl In the

ln:iiii' ol i I: pe, pi. , H Ii !l in

politii d :t:n r,iiii;ii-- oi.d d lel.'piiit iit. liii h ti'l our ecrv d'.iv liorionwi'li the t",ioL"!e for ex.iicuee.

Perhaps in no putt of the world

Irii the la-- t sti ji in material andMuriUi il evolution been watched ilh

so iniii'li iiitcivl :n in ll.iwnii, tthcle.on of our iiolaMon, it ha

become so iutiinateiy connected with

every day life.

On the 7th instant we publi-l- n d

an extract Iroui the Friend of Fcbruary rt'ii; rtl.liir the minion troublesin the Caioline Nlands. as set bathby Mi-- s A. rainier, one of the Am-

erican mission-ivie- at Poll. pe. Sincethat dale fuilhi r details of the trou-

ble have been icecivid at this oilice

through the New York press, as will

he seen by reference to an articleprinted in another column.

Fioui all information available il

seems that the American missionarieshave 1'ccn the abused panics, andthis in violation of treaty stipulationsbe;. ween Spain and the United States,providing that the American mission-

aries at the group should be treatedwith certain specilicd courtesies.These conditions have not been carried

out by the Spanish authorities of theCaroline Inlands. The oli'u ial reportof Commander Taylor of the I'. S. S.

Alliance cn, linns the report of thosein charge of the American missions.

It has been intimated the SpanishGovernment was surprised at the re-

ceipt of news testifying that theSpanish oilicers in the Caroline Isl-

ands had over-reache- d their author-

ity. This may or may not be so. Itis a fact, however, that Spain haslong since established a policy, if not,

a custom, of coming in at the finish

of missionary civilization to claim

and appropriate a large portion ofthe glories of peace, by an assump-

tion of force, provided the experi-

ment is not attended with too much

danger.The 1'nitid States Secretary of

State, Mr. Blaine, has taken promptaction in the ease by demanding an

apology from the Spanish Govern-

ment, as well as restitution for dam-

ages done to the property of the Am-eriua- ti

mission at I'onapc.

I'ass II ok No i:i."i() is 1.. TheI'mdt r will please i turn lo . A.Zabl iin , bahaiii:!, i ml will be reward-US'.- )

ed forLaliaimi, Fob. ( 1. I!.'. :it.

Atli-u- l ism, Jvi3 j;(t8 !

'I'll E member of Onliii Lodge No. 1..1 K. of 1' , are n iiieste I In attend

the staled meeting on WKINK-1IAY- ,

the 11th iu-t- ., al 7::t0 o'clock i M , asbusiness of impoflaiii e will be broughtforward. I'er oriler.

Ci.o. WILLI MS. !'. (.'..: :!t K. ot Ii. & S.

1. ii. . V. N,ilC!i

Olhcers anil leiiibei of Fveekioi-Lodge No. 1, a in lLirmonv Lod i;eNo. ?, I. O. O. l', and all visitingbrothers of tin ordi-r- , are ri'speetfullyrequested to meet al Kxcel ior Lodiroom on SUNDAY, Feb. 1, 1S!M, att):!5 A. M , lo al tend the funeral of hislate Maj stv.

j. I! TUCKK1L N. O.,L. L. LaI'1 lOibl':, Hecrelary.

,'!"i it

Si 'UVK.

Miland ineinbers ofOFFICICUS No. I. I. (). O. F..

and VTsiting i'ati inrelis are requestedto meat al Kxcelsinr Lodge Aiile-Koo- m

on SUNDAY. Feb. 15. ut :4" A.m . to attend the funeral of His late Muj- -j

esiv. II. II. WILLIAMS, (J. 1'.,:CJ (it L. L. LAiTFitKE, Scribe.


'I'llE undersigned having been ap-- 1

pointed assignee of the estate of

-' I'11"- - '.,f kl'"l"',i oersons lMileliteil In saiil estale arc?hereby untitled to pay the respectiveamounts owing by Iheni immediately tothe uiideigiied.

W. C. l'AKKE,Assignee.

Honolulu. Feb. 4, ls(l. if lw


SEKV.vXT Girl. German pivfcmd,to louk after a child of two years

and d i liirlit housework. .Apply at ticsoffice. n if


t SECOND II VXDTop liie-r- well-- 5

pi' Seivi d Addre-- 8 "Jt.A- - 14,'' I'.l l.l kiin Oliiee. :'.:' at.

WOr-- of lii'ds exeeuie l

J'"B neatms at the Daily liulleiin.

I certify herewith that I have given to WM. BENGERS SONS, Stutt-gart, the sole authority for the manufacture of Sanitary Underclothingafter my system both at home and abroad. I recognize, as genuine, onlythe Sanitary Underclothing made by the original appointees which arestamped in blue with the trade murk of Win. ieiujem Hons ami my

underneath. Beware of imitation !

Sigm d, PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.


For the puiose of nth ndint; thefiiiierul of Hi.-- late Maje-ty- , loriiiernieiuher of "Hawaii ' ( 'i'iii.iiny No. I,

On Scnday, Feb. 15, i 89 1

The members of the l)i partmetil arerequested to assembl" in uniformwi hunt apparatus at the KnfineHouse ol ( oiupaiiy No I, on Kinystreet, at 1) o'clock A. t.

&T A full attendance is desired.

l r order.

HIONHV SMII II.:M 5t Secretary II. F. D.


P.. OKDKXSTKIV is not in ourMil.employ any lunger.,M. S. CKIN' & CO., (L'D).

Ibiiluliibl. Feb. 7, IK!M. 811 Hv

i' (Ml i'KiN'i'

street nmv occupied bySfrjii"4ffi W. H. Sims, near ThoinasSqiiiiri'. I'nsses.-ioi-i given iui" eiliately.Train ears pass ho dour. Inquire of

0. K. ISO L'1MaN.:il tf ( iiIohi House.

von m:vra. 'P'llC I'n inises now occupied

bvJi. W. Hull as ?esi-- Q'

v'oVa deuce, on Kort sli'eet lbui.-- e

snitabli' for any one wishing So keeproomers, mid within short ofthe htisine-- part ol the eiiy. Tram cursI hi s the dour. I'ossesion given iniine-diatul- y.

Iiuiiii'e of(i. K. bDAKD.M AN,

;)1 tf ' limine.

Lost, stolen or Mr'ty-.- 1

l.JtOM my premisesI on Kiiiau stieei,.

Mp on MoniJav uiornlny;.Xv, Keh. iuiU I liny Horsewith Ihree while feet,

iiml while face. The Under wiil he miU-a- b

y ri'wiirildd on leaving the s;ine attin.!' shop of

W. W. Willi i IT A SOX'S.:tt Kin"' street.

T the aiumal niccliuir of the stock-holders in I'ne Hawaiian Fruit. &

Taro Co. held al. Waihiku, Maui, on Feb.7ili, I lie following oliieers were electedfor the ensuing year:

.lohn liicliardson Presideiir.Tlionins Clark

( SecretaryW. II. Daniels.. &

Trea-urer- ,

A. N. Kenoikai Auuitnr.W. II. I) NIKLS,

Sei'i'i'iary II. F it T. Co.vVniluku, Maui. Feb. 7, 1S1H. !W (It.


CHico & Works, :

)oors, Sash,

'"')."- ', 2: :' : ... -- f .' ;'


,: 'JL ir,:-,- ki e



t'l-tl- I'M A HIM" KuhAMKRICAN


E,ltire,y ut'wto tli i trade.

Merchant-stree- t window.

Corner Fort & Merchant streets.




I f onoliilu.Club Stables). mo

A full assortment just received and for sale at

31. i5I.iII.ldlta'K

Shortly expected aline line of


'. .-i.. .; ' ;;'::,H.i4 d

-- a


Now that, the rainy season is uponus, everybody wants n door mat. that,will be mi ornament at the frontdoor,and will thoroughly do the work re-

quired of it. The

Is just, the thing. It cannot becomeson Iced by rain, as is the case withliber nulls, and it always keeps clean.Iicing made of (bilvaui.ed Wire

They Cannot RustAs do many of the wire mats now inuse. Tin y are Jar superior to and furmore durable than liber or rubber.Can be hud of Steel Wire al.


Opposite Spreekels & Co.'s Hank,28 if Foi i slieet, Honolulu.


jlt; Susan lierlelliiatin of Pihui,Kiiuiii, will tint tie responsible for

any hil's except coiitraeti d by her or byher writ. en order, ami hereafter allmoiiies ilue the estate of Mr. C. Hertel-liian- ii

are. he paid to lieror her writtenorder. .Ino. KOSS,Attonie.v-in-f.i- et for Mr. U. & Mrs.

S. i'.i'i l 'Iniaim. 21 lm


T preparation for the press! To beI issued in book form (about loo pp

lo svo;, the entire evidence in thel.bel trial of I). M. Crowley vs. (iazetteCo. together with open letters to . I. IJ.

Athei ton. Ii. A. Thurston. II. M. Whit-ney, His Honor .liidjje McCully and auaddress to the Mechanics' Union in I'.ng-li.-- li

and Hawaiian.D. M. CKOWLEY,

S0t lit) King street.


ALikra, near Qiieuu St.

Blinds, Screens,

l '" No'"

..r rtn

15 lm


Shipping & Commission MerchantsPLANTATION & INSUHA NCIi AJKNTS,


Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' A Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oil-- , Varnishes, Lamp (ioods and

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne A Sons Family Kodicinbi

J. L.PJA1T1CA- -

House and Decorative Painter.Paper Hanging a Specially.Mouldings, Turned & Sawed Work.

Having tecated the services of Mr. C. B. KIPLEY, Architect andP lil.'.ing Kiij eiintc ndeiit, I am now prepared to furnish designs for everyd sci.iotion (if building and v ill contract or superintend the construction ofthe mi me.

.Jf Please tail and examine designs befoit: jlucing your orUers else-where. Prompt attention lo ull order. dec 27-U-

130 Kort St.dec-24- J (Opposite

Page 3: mm fell - · ITALIAN & RENAISSANCE, E. B. THOMAS, UNION FEED CO., SEWING MAGrliNtl CLUB!!!!! Sun Frnnclsco.: &!: s &, CO. &: Society of," "") '-"-..,'.--!--",---"


iiftnliPiii, fi

ti:: i caie.

tl.P III -- I. ImIii.I '!.( It lllinrj'.i' ol 1 11 II ittc - ' in, lilti'H

llie I I t ... I ll In III .l j

The Siiiiieiue C.iiirl sit in banco

j U i I u y,ullilitiWKIiM.SDAV, J 1 : It. II, H:il


till . 0 II fi !. I ill II lt' III I II' II fliti. I e 4 en f .' Oiff It.ll'C in I lieI II II I I '.I.OlliN.

; t"ii, M is-- ., .(.ni 11. p:i lTheA III. "i .111 I.),. ol t iiliiliiisioi,eH

i of. igu .Mi si,1Us, afiei 'obtainingf'l ii'i'inls ol liio iinliuiiities piae-- 1

e upon its nil' -- ioiiai ies hv theSpaniards n( I'nnape, has laid Hie( .' la foi'.i Secicar.V Hi. line, uilli aileiii'ili for I i'1'iiral inn.

iiv the I, ist iniiii there we'e receiv-

ed :l the uilirc of the Hoard detaileduccoiiiiU of the high handed pro-

ceedings which have cliaraclerizedthe last. ii.hl months, together withcopies of document emanating fromtiic (inventor and other

- ".,,,.. .,i 1,,.,., ,.. ,,. . .... ' 'i II

(III b . !! .' i I' h If 1. i " Mil h 1' '

Sin P i n .1 I I oi'! 1' i 'tn 111 I ii.' I" 'i1 .1 MalmkoiM

Ilk i.:mi Ii. .111 l.n .1 1'.- -'l

Mili lluni-- l. 1, III' hi i ur 11. . W

III. I "l. l iii.aMi'. from ( A

WIlk I Ii .111 Ni'.M'a-i'.'- , N rt'. ,or

K iiliiiliil

,Slilr,,'l,C HJfLj.'1 -- r K iil iiiiaim lo.'k ab oil

15 tuns of coal for Ki.liula'I he liai'ki'Uliiii I'l.inli'i - .liil piking

in sugar from llie sicauii'i's hiiuuea II. 111

aiul .' A ( iiiuiiiin-- .'I be sli'iiuii T I II. Pi Imp ariivril

leiilii) eM'iiing uiili ;'. iili.i iiiid I 1I1 i U

ami a c ii'iio ol sJ7 lug- - u-

gar, 100 liuit lire, 11 UtK rice luau. iimlJ11 ImiM". 1. ;i is. Her siig .i' is bringsloied in tin- - s S o's W Ml el ions. .

The ieainer .las Kc anivnl liiisinoriiiiig fioni Kauai whli 2:'5s bag-- s -gar and 5 deck pass, ngrrs. Her -- ugarIs being transhipped on board (be ban.- -

I II. It ,li ) In I II I I'l Kil-

l!!- I'i I ,l I 1. j.lll i.d 0III I'llH'I'i ll M t I IIII'I'IH II

There was a w .l'-:i- l leiidi .I n e i

ol I lie Sailor,' I j, inr S, ,, j, , i t j,..l':i in " r of ( 'i.iiini. e il,:- - morning.

to con-ide- i' the plaiir, -- M bin ted fora vv budding in n -- p,,i,si to anoffer of I'l !"-- .

Ml'. ( '. Ii. Ripley, alrllitecl In theEnterprise Plaii'lig Mill, '. a.'.'ir.l-- ,

cd the lii d. pl'i.e of 20'l, and Mr.(ieo. I.. Dali the -- ecoml prize of if,";i,Mr. Ilai'Vey Mills getl ii,o third placeamong the four couipeiiiiu s.

Tiie following committee was np-- !pointed, with authority lo prepareplans iiml spe, 'ili. i.tiohs on ,(. I;,jsol the lirst prize plan, and to adver-- ttise for tenders for the constructionof the building when ready: Mi.r- -

( M. Cooke. F. A. Schaefer. W. W.11 all, J. F. llackfeld and John 11.

I 'aty.

Auction Sales by Jdmcs p. Morgan.


Stallion s5p. n olts!

By oul. r of Mr. Paul lsenherg I willsell at Public Auction, at llie stablesat rear of llie olliec of J.I. Dowseit,Chimin si reel,

On TU. J A V, IVb'y ITth,AT la O'CLOCK UOOU,

1 Barman Stallion,1 Hawaiian Bred Stallion,


25 M of Horses & Colts,

Ilroken to saddle and harncfs.


JAS. F. MOKflAX,35 5t Auctioneer.


fousehold Furnityre!

On WEDNESDAY, Feb. 18,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. !!.,

At the residence of Mr. F. .May, No.120 King street near Alakea street, Iwill sell at Public Auction

The, Entire HousHi ;!d FurnitureComprising

BJ. Iiii IP setSofa & Center Rugs,Hanging Lamps, Curtains,

J $ - 1 1 'O0 1 1 1 l i ,

Single Pi.'dslcails, Maltrass! ,

Mosquito A'clf, Pillows,

Crockcy & Classwfo,Kitchen Stove & Utensils,Garden Hose &, Tools,1 Large Aquarium,

Pote of Fine Ferns, Etc, Etc.

JAS. F. 31 OK G A X,:!" Ct Auctioneer.

Thoroughbred Pouiiry

1)AKTIKS in want of Fine Poultry,of any kind, or Kggs for

hatching, w ill tind it to their interest lowrite or call when in San Francisco atthe "Alameda Poultry Yards,'' Ala-meda, Cal., cor. Lncinal avenue andiligh street, terminus narrow gauirerailroad.

STAPLES & SIMOXUS,'.) tf-- 2 tf Proprietors.



Justt I'oi'llllntf I


1 lr WeekFor forty weeks to get, a splendid XewHome or White .Machine which costsmore in San Francisco. Join at once !

il us. TllOS. LACK.2d Ut Fort street.

ED3IUT1 SOKillE,Wailuku, Maui.

General Accountant & BusinessAgent.

Collections and. other business promptlyattended to on the Island of Mam.

.t Dlllce w ith lohn Richardson.20 2w

FOIt SALE' ii r. large esiaie. Known as

J;f l K.diiiku Ranch, Kail,TySsk Hawaii, with all its belong

ings, llie Panel! contains1st. 000 acres. There is on

the Ranch a larm! and valuable forestof Koa and Oliia. lor turiher parti-culars, apply to KAlil'KIT,1 tf Kan, Hawaii.


1ST arrived from the Colonies, aI Ladies' .Nurse. 17 years' experi-ence, tne very In si reference. Apply atNo. 2 Cottage, back of Imi, Nuuhiii

alley. 2s lm

'THE WORKING M A N ' S PAPER1 " llie Diilv ii.uiciin. !u era's

i per inonil".


Are Receiving Ne'.j Inviiin n of



at their -

Steam Prating Office


AVhere they are fully prepared to do allkinds of work iu the latest styles, at

the shortest notice and at themost Reasonable Hates.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty I


Executed hi the Most AttractiveManner.




Printed, and Blocked when desired.- -

Read the following partial list of spec-ialties and get the ISi li.ktin's prices be-

fore placing your orders, liy so doiuyou w ill save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Rills of Lading,Statement,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,AYedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory Notes,Pamphlets,


Labels of every variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual AYashing Lists,General Book AA'ork,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,

(&T No .Job is allowed to leave the of-

fice until it gives satisfaction.



71 qnera Street, llsoelula, U.

at pi o'clock this mm iniii, tu l.avcJohn K, llil-- h show cause why heshould liol be adjudged guilty ofColl empt of 'uni t.

Mr. C. SV. A'hford appeared forMr. Push, promptly Hiuinuiioiiigtheir readiness.

Cliii f Jiislii e Judd- - Voii answerthe rule.

Mr. Yes, sir. If il pleaseyour Illinois, I si, all read a motionto discharge the rule :


And now comes the said John K.Iiiisli, respondent in this cause, andmoves the Court that the rule enter-ed against him on the tilh day ol Fe-

bruary instant, wherein and wherebythis respondent is cited to appear be-

fore this honorable Court and to showcause why he should Mot be adjudgedin contempt of said Court ; may be dis-charged and that this respondent maybe allowed to go free of any furtherproceedings herein.

And respondent alleges the follow-ing grounds for llie discharge of saidrule, viz. :

1. The act complained of in thepetition upon which said rule is bas-ed, is not in law a contempt of thisCourt, for which this Court liaslower to punish this respondent.

2. This Court cannot legally pun-ish as for a contempt, a publication ofthe nature of that herein complainedof, made 111 a newspaper and notdone in the immediate presence olthe Court.

3. No publication out of Court inrelation to the Court, or to any ofits individual members, amounts inlaw to a contempt, and the same can-not be punished as such.

4. It is nowhere alleged or inti-mated in said petition, or in the ruleissued in persuance thereof, that thesaid publication was made while thishonorable Court was sitting as such,nor that said publication was de-signed or calculated, or had anytendency to obstruct, embarrass orprevent the due administration ofjustice.

5. If this respondent were in iactthe publisher of, or legally responsi-ble for said publication, which hedoth in nowise admit to be true, thensuch a fact and the offense involvedtherein are niatteis concerning whichthis respondent is, by the Constitu-tion and the statute law, entitled totrial by a jury of his peers.

Mr- - Ashford proceeded lo argue,when

Attorney-Gener- Peterson askedfor time iu which to prepare a replyto the motion.

The Court granting the requestand adjourned till 1 :30 this after-noon.

The proprietrix of a cafe on theBoulevard des Italiens, Paris, recent-ly said to a young and impecuniousjournalist, "This is the sixth timeyou have been here without sayinga word about the money you owe me,monsieur! What am I to understandby it?" "Ah, inadaine," said thewitty journalist, "when one sees yuiione forgets everything!"

A kindly welcome. Miss Gotham"You do not reside in New York,

do you?" Handsome stranger "Ihave lived for many years in Chicago,but I left there last week and do notexpect to return very soon." MissGotham "Ah, yes, I remember see-ing something about it in the paper

ghost dances, Messiah craze, fearsof a massacre, settlers leaving and soon. "Well, you are safe here." StreetA Smith's Good News.

It was on a political excursion inKentucky, and one of the partici-pants fell overboard. A friend whoby the way could not swim jumpedover and saved him. "Wliy, Colo-

nel," said an admiring spectator,"it's the lirst time I ever saw youtouch water, but you managed it.""I wouldn't a done it you know,"was whispered back, "but the boat'ssupply of liquor has given out, andhe's the only one got a Mask."

The Department of Justice of Ca-

nada has decided to purchase a new lypatented photographic apparatus ofgreat value in detecting crime. Theinvention will enable a copy to betaken of the image in the retina ofthe eye of a dead person. This isregarded as very important, espe-

cially where there is no other clew tothe perpetrator of the murder. fS.F. Chronicle.


Mourning Jewelry!Which will be sold at wholesale

prices for TEX DAYS.


1. 1 GRINBAUM k CO.,

(j.i m iijii)),HjiH'hlu, H. I., 5 Saa Fiasco, Cal.

M. S. Giiubauin President,C. liolte

nt it Treasurer,A. Aschheiui Secretin V,M. Louissou Auditor.

M. S. Giiubaum tV: Co , (LM), Hono-lulu. II. I., and Sau F'ranci-cn- , Cal., hasassumed the assets and liabilities of .V.

S. Griiibaum iV Co. and of C. Unite, amiwill continue Hie general business for-

merly ca lied on In those two linns.Honolulu, Feb. 3, 131)1. 2S lui



To Tithe f.tto- -i !. I'i'i' '4.1.

i.M. A.M. I'.M. I' M.

leave Hcnolii H : IT. 1 : IT. 4 :.'!(tArrive Hoiouli.i... i :L'i !:l!i 2:)!) 5 :3tleave iio!!ouliu!i...T 1H:iM Jiiiil 5:4"tArrive Hfii.olulu.. ..::!') 11:53 4:")") (1:5(11

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only.

Tii'-- . Sin; mill 'Hooii.liv c. J. I, VON.

DAY. U15. 5. C 3'2f -

'il.tii. p.m. p.m. a.iii.lSim. 's 'J i.ii ;! (i III K :(n G 3(i S M f.7.Men. :i in ;i in no lo imj ii at ft ftfi 7 07

I'ni'S. I0 4 - 4 S 4(1 11 Oil li :!:! A f)0

Veil. II S 111' 4 fill !l '20 II He li :i:i 5 Wi (I IITlnirs. li li on li no lo ro I'i '20' (i lo II

p. in. n. niKri. k no ; on o lo i aii, ii :;

But. X SO, S 111 1 '20: 8 nil

Tin' thin1 signal for the piivt is fjiven at l'2li.(tin. usee, (iniilnilit i of lO'critwieli time orlli.'2sin. lilsec. p. m. or Honolulu (ibseryiitiirytime, it is tfivi'ti by the sti'imi whistle of theHonolulu I'hiuiti '.Mill, a lew doors nbovetlui Custom House. The sumo whistle isHoiniiiiMl (lorri'i'tly ut liouoliilti menu noon,Ohscrvatory inerulian, or lull. ;ilm, 'Jiiser. oitireenwieh time.

ARSiVALS.Keli in

Schr Lavinia from KatmlNmrO J liisliop from circuit of OahuStiiir.J Cummins from Koolau

Feb 11

Am bktne John Miiith, Kustcl, G4 daysfrom Newcastle, N 8 VV

Stmr ins Makeo from KiiimiStmr Kaimiloa from LahainaStmr Kuala from Kauai


Iwalaui fur Lahaina and ITama- -kiia at 10 a m

Schr Kulainanii for KohalaSclir Jloi YVahine for luihalatii lir Kawailani for KoolauJSchr Miile Morris for KoolauStmr Hawaii for Ilonomu and HaknlmiStmr Likelike for Paauhau and La. a- -

hoehoe at 2 p niShip J (J i'oi'te.r, for Sun Fr isco


Am bklne s N Castle, Hubbard, for SanFrancisco

Am bklne Maiy VVinkelman, Nisseu,for San Francisco

Slmr .las Makee for Kimai at 4 p inStmr Kiliuieu Hon for Ookala and Pe- -

peckeo ut 4 p tnSehr I.ibolilio for KsuiuiSehr Kaulilua for Kauai


Stmr .las Makee 2258 bujs sugn:Stmr Kaimiloa 3i)M bags sugar . d 2211

bands molasses.Slmr. I A i iininiiiis 11(10 bags sugar,htmr C R Hishop LSL'7 hags sugar, 100

baji's lica, 20 bags rice bran, and L'O

boxes bananas.

fasse:;ce:s.From a circuit of Oabu, per .stmr O R

Bishop, Fob 1011 C (iuttridge, C WJohnson, J 1' Kama anil I I deck.

For .Maui, per stmr t'laiuline, Feb 10Mrs Baldwin, (J Dove and 40 deck

passengers.For Kauai per slmr Mikahala, Feb 10II Lose, W O Smith, .1 Anderson, .Miss

Green, Mrs Achi, Hon G N Wilcox and50 deck.

For San Francisco, per bklne MaryWiukelman, Feb 12 Mr and Airs Wag-ner.


H 15 M S Nymplie, Turner, from a cruiseIT S S Mohican, Sbepard, from a cruiseSehr Kose Sparks, Brandt, from South

Sea IslandsAm bktne Mary Wiukelman, Nisseu,

from San FranciscoAm bklne Skagit, Robinson, from Puget

Sound -

U S Flugship rhuiieston, Hear-Admir- al

Brown, from San FranciscoBk Woollahra, Barnseii, from Svdtiey,

NSWBr bk Charlotte, Bohndorf, from Liver-

poolAm bktne Planter, Dow, from San Frau-cisc- o

Am bktne S N Oastle, Hubbard, from SanFrancisco

Bk Nicholas, Thayer, from San Fran-cisco

Am bktne W H Diinond, Drew, fromSan Francisco

Am sclir Zampu, Smith, from PugetSound

Haw bk Andrew Welch, Morrison, fromNewcastle, N S W


Bktne John Smith for HonoluluBk Andrew Welch for HonoluluBk Isle of Erin for HonoluluBk Jean Pierre for Honolulu yviHaw bk Mauna Ala for Honolulu c,Schr Exporter for Honolulu 5Schr Harvester for Honolulu JSS geahindia, Oitereudorp, from Sau

FranciscoAm schr Robert Sudden from Sydney,

for KaliuluiAm schr Win Kenton from Sydney for

KaliuluiAm schr Anna from San Francisco for

KaliuluiAm bg John I) Spreckels from San Fran-

ciscoAm bk F S Thompson, for Kaliului

from Nanaiuio, due Jan 1st.Am schr Vine, Burns, from San Fran-- "

CiscoAm schr Golden Shower from Sydney,

NSWAiii Ilk Ikvper from Newcasile. NSWAm bk Sonoma from Sydney, N S WBk C O Wbilmore, Ward, from Ncw- -

casile, due Jan 15. 1MHBk Kileshire, Jno iti'id. from Liverpool

sailed ept 2s, due Feb IH'MBk S C Allen from San FranciscoBktne Amelia from Port HlakulyUr bk Santiago from New York, sailed

Sept 20, due Feb 20-2-

Ger bk II llackfeld from LiverpoolNorbk Vivas from New York, sailed

Oct l.--,

due Mar 1. 1S01

Ship Mcrion from Port lllakclyAm bktne Klikitat from Port 'TownsendAm bjl (ieo H Douglas from San

lla'.c ju t l ei i , ! ,j pe: o'l man balk

.:,CO! '!Pel trainers and other late arrivals

a l.irge and roiupleU- assort-ment of

DRY (;OOI)S!si II As

Prints, Cottons Sheetings.Ileniiiis. Ticking--- . Regattas,III ills. Mosquito Netting,Curtains, Law us, Linens,

A line selection of

DIME'S GOODS,yi'll, Oxford. JKt'.,

In the latest styles. A splendidline of

Dlaek & Colored Merinos Ac Cash-

meres.Flannels. Satins,Velvets A Plushes,Crape, Ktc, Ktc, F.ic.

T&ILGHtV OOOBS,A full assortment ;

Silcsias, Slecveliiiings, Sliffiinen,Italian Cloth, Moleskins,Corduroy, Paiilsluff,Kaiiimgarns & I.!uekskins,Serge, Ktc, Ktc, Ktc

CLOTHING,Over & Undershirts,

Shawls, Blankets, Quills,Towels, Napkins,


Cloves it Mitts,Hosiery, Hats,Umbrellas, Ribbons,Laces, Kinbroidery,

RUGS nti C Aft PETS,Cutlery, Jewelry,

' Perfumery it Soaps,Pipes, Combs & Brushes,

FANCY GOODS,Luttons, Looking Glasses,Stationery & Notions, Threads,

BSit E j'JU Saddles,

Tape, Braids, Klustic,Acc..:dcons it Harmonicas,

bo:, rs & shoes,Sugar, Mice & Coal Rags,JJurlitp-- i '.t l' :itcrpress Cloth,Sail Twine, AY rapping Twine,AY rapping- Paper, Printing Paper,Vienna Furniture, Iron Bedsteads,Iron (Jardcn Furniture,Iron Meat Safes, Ktc, Ktc

PIANOS,From C. BcchsUing & Kd. Seiler;

Asphaltuui Roofing, Uooling Slates,Firebricks, Fireclay,Porthuid Cement,Rocksalt, Cotton Waste,Stockholm 'Par and Coal Tar, in

drums and barrels ;

Carbolineuni Avenariiis, a woodpreserving Paint Oil ;

Palm Oil, Cocoaiiut Oil, ,Kegsl looks,

1 Baxter Engine,'!() Chamber Filterpress, complete

Chamber Filtcrircss, completeSugar Coolers, (lalv'd Iron Tubs,Sheet Zinc, Sheet Lead, Tinplates,Leadiilafcs, Plain tialvaiii.ed Iron

Sheets, Charcoal Irons,Black Fence ire, Steel Rails,Fishplates, Bolts, Spikes,Steel Sleepers, Coal Baskets,Market Baskets, Demijohns and


GROCERIES,Blue Mottled Soap, AA'tndsor Soap,Yellow Soap, AYashbhie, Cream of

Tartar, Carb. Soda, Vinegar,Stearin and Parallin Candles,Camphor, Castor Oil, Hair Oil,Epsom Salts, Lo.erges, Chocolate,Braunkohl, Sauerkohl,Meatsausages,Liversausages, Split Peas,French Peas, Tablesalt, SardinesJams, Pickles, Salad Oil, Pepper,Mustard Condiment,Cocoa, Whole Bleached Ginger,

Etc., Etc, Etc

Miiis-ii- l Waiter,Harzcr Kocnigsbrunnen,Johannaberger Sauerliiig,

LIQUORS,Champagne, Port Wine, Sherry,Rhine Wine, Claret, Bitters,Brandy, Etc., Etc., Ktc,Si. Paiili Beer, Fursteiihraii,Pilsener & Bavarian Beers.

Eaiiifft Um 832 Rice,

(olden (late, Iliamond andEldorado Flour,

Salmon, Corned Beef, Lard,Etc, Etc., Etc.

For sab; on the most liberalterms and at lowest prices by

1. HACKFLD (St CO.31 2w

proofs of the gravity of lie situation.These enclosures were forwarded

l.y Coniinniuicr II. C. Taylor,the I'liitcd Slates

Alliance, ami arc accompanied by acaielul statement of the trouble,written by that ellieer, and address-ed to Foreign Secretary JudsonSmith.

The root of the whole trouble isthe mistake of the Spaniards in g

that the missionaries incitedor connived at the revolt of the na-

tives. That they did not do this isahundaiilly shown by their own testi-mony and also by Commander Tay-lor's investigations. The result ofthe loity ears' missionary work inthe islands has certainly been tomake tiie natives more civilized,more sell-- i espt cling and thereforemore dillicult of subjugat ion ; andit w as these results against which the.'paiiiarils arrayed themselves in-

stead of any direct act or incitementto revolt.

a convention wnoki;i.When three years ago, the Spanish

Government undertook to extend itssphere of inllueiice to the CarolineIslands a convention was enteredinto between Madrid and Washing-ton stipulating that the Americanmissionaries should bo unmolested solong as they quietly attended to theirown duties. Despite this stipulationMr. Rand and his havebeen treated as guilty of fomentinginsurrection, but have been given noopportunity to prove their innocence.

Their church, schools and dwell-ings at Oua have been burned bySpanish shells and nothing has beensaid about indemnity. They havebeen forbidden to continue churchand school work of any sort. Effortshave been made to extort from a nativeprisoner evidence lo be used againstthem, Two of the missionariesMiss Fletcher and Miss Palmerwere refused permission to leave theisland on September 2'J, when an op-

portunity offered, and finally a Span-ish formication, church and priest'shouse have been erected on land be-

longing to the American Board andwithin a few feel, of the missionbuildings.

Commander Taylor arrived withthe Alliance on October 1G, andai'ier enquiring thoroughly into thesituation took the missionaries toNuskaic, three hundred miles dis-

tant, for safely, they, however, notwaiving' any rights or claims by theirwithdrawal.


Missionary Hand's account of theoccurrence since May last is veryfull. He admits that some Christiannatives united with the hoodlum ele-

ment, of the tribe in the uprising ofJune 25, but he insists that the greatbody of them strove to prevent it.He points to the fact that a Spanishlieutenant and a squad of his menowe llieir lives solely to the kind in-

tervention of a native deacon, whoconcealed them until danger hadpassed.

The demand made by the SpanishGovernor after the battle in Junev. as that the natives should give uptheir ai ins or be exterminated, andhe besought the aid of Mr. Rand toinduce them to accept the formeraltt rnative. The missionary spentfour mouths iu fruitless mediationand was dually rewartled by beingrefused personal protection iu caseof war.

At last accounts the Spaniards hadone thousand lighting men at Ponape,and as the entire native populationis l ut live thousand it looks as thoughthey would succeed in taking awaythe freedom of llie islanders, if theydo not rob ihein of their chosen formof religion.

The demand which will probablybe made of Spain is the restorationof the property destroyed and aguarantee of fuil protection for thelives and labor of American citizensin nil time to come. New York Her-



Next Wednesday evening, Febru-ary 18th, at 7:iJ0 o'clock, there willbe a memorial service for His lateMajesty King Kalakaua, at the

Church. His Majesty tookan active interest in the building andfurnishing of the church, the organbeing partly of bis own design. Thechime of bells was also suggested byHis Majesty. The service will con-

sist of appropriate hymns and an-

thems rendered by the KawaialiaoFemale Seminary chorus under di-

rection of Miss Patch; the Kamcha-uieli- a

School chorus under directionof Mr. Theo. Richards, and the

Church choir. Miss Patchand Mr. P. U. Isecberg will sipgsolos, and the pastor, !ev. J. Waia-mat- t,

and others will offer prayersand make brief remarks. The ser-vice is in charge of Mr. Wray Tay-lor, who will day several selectionson the large organ. All seats will befree.

'VHZ BULLETIN is the leadingdaily paper uf the Kiiiylnui. 50

cents per mouth.

entllie S ( aslle.I be steamer Kalinilon arrived from

Labaina, Maui, Ibis ninruim;. with ;!ii:ihags sugar, 221 barrels niul:i.--i'- -, anil a

cabin passenger, K Schai iiel, The bar-

rels of molasses ure consigneil hi .1 11

Bruns.The schooners Lilmlih" and Kaulilua

of the 1 f S N Co, h ill sail lor their re-

spective ports t inorrow tlie f'.rme. iak. s

a deck load of lumber for llamipepe. a:nlthe laPer a load of 30 tons coal for Wai- -llll'A,

The Haw bark An !rew Welch is dock-

ed and discharging her cargo of coal atthe U It & I, Co"s wharf.

A he dbcard for the Admiral's bout ofthe new cruiser San Francisco is now

til Marc Island. and when com-pleted w ill be a line piece of wood ciil;)-lu- re

The seal of the city of San Fran-cisco is in t lie center and embellishedwith line scrolls cut from lie woodenbackground. Two large stars denotethe rank of admiral. It is a lit decora-tion for the boat itself, which stands 111

the boalshop. the very picture of skilfulworkmanship. Foreman Vice lias madefor the San Francisco as line a set ofboats as was ever turned out in llic country-

.-Altu. ."an. 24.The steamer Iwalani sai'ed for La --

haina and Honokaa a few minute after.0:30 o'clock Mr. Chas. Notlcy tookpassage by her, as also ten deck passen-gers.

The Am ship J C Pol ler. Cap! Mey-ers, sailed a few minutes after 7 o'clockIbis morning fur Min Francisco, taking avery large cargo of sugar, 20.4S7 bags,weighing 3,524, S41 pounds, valued at$152,81)2.0(1. 'I he shippers were : OHrewer cfc Co, 15.238 hairs. Castle &Cooke, 24112 bags, Theo I! Davies & Co.41)27 bags, V A ."icliaefer & Co, 7330. Infact the ship J C Porter packed away1702 tons sugar from this port.


A KICWAHP is ollert'd for the returnof Pass Book No. 4,'ioO.

Thhub will be a meeting of OahtiLodge, K. of P. Ibis evening.

This sleamcr Monuwai from SanFrancisco may be expectedmorning.

Notice is given member of Excel-sior ami Harmony lodges, I. (). G. F.,reganliug attendance- at His lateMajesty's funeral.

Tub Catholic natives arc going togive Admiral Brown a lionknpn bc-- !

re his departure Their oli'eringswill he delivered on the wharf.

Mr. Jas. 1 Mohuan will sell thehotiKcliold furniture of Mr. F. May,No. 1--

0 King street, on the morningof the INlh instance, at 10 o'clock.

On Tuesday, Fi brinuy 17th, Mr.Jas. F. Morgan will sell two linestallions ami twen'y-liv- c head ofhoiscs broken to saddle and harness.

Jas. Cowan has been appoint-ed manager of the K.ilmkn plantationon this island in place of Mr. A.Young, Jr. Mr. Cowan was formerlyat llamakuapoko.

The ITealani Boat Club meetingwill not take place this evening, hav-

ing been postponed until after Illslate Majesty's funeral, as previouslyannounced in (he Bi'llktin.

TtlH steamer Zealandia was to leaveSan Francisco ycstoiday for this port

the pioneer trip in the new fort-

nightly intermediate service of theOceanic Steamship Company,

Pin.'SHK James Kelly ut the steamerMokolii lias been granted a week'svacation, and Mr. Van Giesen, form-erly school teacher at Halawa, Molo-ka- i,

will act as purser in the meantime.

Tun monthly meeting of the MyrtleBoat Club will take place this even-ing. This oldest atjuatic organizationattiiiicd its anniversary lastweek, and is still in a very vigoiouscondition.

The record ot the "Rainfall for1800" published yesterday is for (liewhole year, the note for Deceiuln rmerely refeiring to the separate reportfor that month, which lias not yetbeen published.

The V. M. 0. A. Boys will meet inthe association parlorsafternoon at ') o'clock. Full attend-ance desired. Rev. V. I). Westervellwill give a talk 011 The C.ive Dwellersanil C'lifl' Ruins of Coloiadi), Arizonaand New Mexico. Any hoys not,incnihers or adults, friends of the buys,will he welcome at 3 :!.".


Wkdnkshay, Feb. 1 1.

Two Chinese, chariTcd wills assault-ing a fellow countryman in a disputeover hack fare, were acquitted. J.L. Kauiukoii for prosecution; F. ?d.Hatch for defense.

Five lines and s;x forfeitures for(lriinlvCiinsss were declin ed.

Two native boys anil their respec-tive fathers were discharged with areprimand for violating the truancylaw .

'I'HE PH! LETIM has double theI cu'iulaliiiu of any English daiiy

newspaper published iu the Kingdom.

Page 4: mm fell - · ITALIAN & RENAISSANCE, E. B. THOMAS, UNION FEED CO., SEWING MAGrliNtl CLUB!!!!! Sun Frnnclsco.: &!: s &, CO. &: Society of," "") '-"-..,'.--!--",---"


CI 1.1. I.E. v". " ir - - I', o. Hi No. 121s. I FY Y.s. inn n il. lDipit3ii( 18 Flliiilub! in nri iiiah hi V union iron mm 00.,J. N. S. WILLIAMS,li. Mol'K, : :

Engineers &Office & Works,

"TEMPLEcoum:k km:t a

WE .11-- 1 KIX KU HI)



l'Kl! " Al'STIiLIA "

MA I'l'ACril' it i:n-- t !'Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Muelnnciy, Steam Eng1""'.

Steiun Ruilers, Juice Tanks, Cooler.-- , M"hn-s- c gur Curs,Cane ("urn, Elevator, Conveyors, Furnace fittings,

Wrought it Cad Iron Work for llniisc Builders,Water Wheels & (it aring, Bar Iron, Lie,

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.

'11 ii I'l'i.priclnrs of the aln iiU rprise, beg to inform their patrons,that in Hcci'id.iiice with the spirit d' the times, and to molt tlm reipiirementsof their incrca; ing biir-incs- s they have enlarged and improved the premisesnow occupied by them and placed in

Hew Machinery of Improved Pattern !

And are now enabled .o undertalit) all kinds and descriptions of mill work

Black Silks,Hiack Grenadine,Hhiok Satins,lilack CashmeresBlack Marino-- ,Black Niinsvi'ilitiji,Black Fancy I'ihbon,Black Chumlinc,lilack Alpaca,lilack Prints,


fTmmbk HiW 111

KOl,L A UAM) SAWL(',Men's & Boy's Black Suits,Ladies' & Children's Sho s.

A large assortment of White Goods, Cashmere, Nunsveiling, Alpaca, Lawn.Swiss Musliug, Etc., Etc. llf 11 I

S. KIIHLICH & CO.,Cornor Fori, & Hotel Streeis.


: : Proprietors.



B. F. i TURNINGS, SAWING & PLANING.Mole Aijents Hawaiian IhIhikIh tor tUr

PcLl ON WATER WHEEL IThis department is under the. management of Mu. 1IIXGLEY, whosepractical knowledge and experience is well-know-

ALL f01 DONE AT CHEAPEST POSSIBLE RATES.fftT Repairs of all kirde of Machinery done nt rta?oiiHble rates and

at snort notice. (!!)(! tf



Full Line of P. D. & C. P. Corsets !

Large invoice of Black Hosiery for Ladies ami Childrens,

Black Goods of all Description !

gjgT Dipssmakiiii,' under the management of Miss CLARK, jf$PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS,





Can bo prepared at short notice by a local architect of considerable know-ledge and expirieuco.

gjuir Estimates given, and as all contracts and work are under the per-

sonal supervision of the linn, satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance.

Sf All orders from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention.21 tf

If" 1 ii is S3 1r 5 t

HLAt KBlack Silk Goods,Black Cashmere & Merino,Black Henrietta Cloths,Black Ginghams,Black Calicos & I'ibbons,Black Silk Handkerchiefs,Mourning Linen Handkerchiefs,Black Silk Gloves & Mitts,lilack Kid Gloves,Black Hosiery, Ladies', Children's

and Men's, Natural Mineral


iiotkIj htukhtn


GOODSlilack I. act",Black Kuohinsj,Black Veiling,Black CunIiuhto SlinwU,Black Kill l.lloit'i,Black Silk l i lovesBlack Hats,Black Cups,lilack Crape,Black Hosiery,

1HLER8 & CO.

A on r Fo r t

:00 IBlack Crape, good quality;

Black Frock Coats, broad cloth ;

Black Blunts, broad doth ;

Black Stiff Hats,Black Huts,Black Ties of all kinds,Men's Shirts, all quality and sizes ;

Men's White Kid Gloves,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Life Assurance





Iron Founders,Honolulu.

rifl A

iV -



Steam M PratiiOFFIOM

This olllce having added a large varietyof the latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its Job Printing Room

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Books, Pamphlets,Bill Heads,

Business Cards,Law Blanks.

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations,

Plantation Blanks,Ranking Forms.,

Wedding Cards,Calling Card's,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

Programmes, Etc., Etc.,


fciT Address

"Daily Bulletin Office,"


"MTERPRPLANIfc'G MILL, tTPlenliome fiu. 5. KB

Contractors .V ICuI1kvim.

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Pell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. l'ox4i!. y

CEORCE LUCAS,Contractor -- 1; & Builder.

Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Minds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood-work finish Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.IF'" Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.


Conttaelor 1 & Bui der.

Estimates Given on Crick, Iron, Stone& Wooden Buildings. Jobbing

Attended to.


Brick, Lime, bmv-t- Plas ter of Paris,

Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beach & Santa

Cruz Sand.

Quarry Tiles Gxfi red, white anil blue;Minton, Plastic .and Encaustic Tiles invarious patterns, all kinds of DrainageWare.

Ufa?" Office Southeast corner Ala-k-

and (jueen streets.

MuSual a TELEPHONES jST Bell 351



ANY person or persons foundon the lands of Kukuluneo

and Koula. will he prosecuted to thefull extent of the law737 1m Mhs C. P. WAKD.


BKOWX Leghornguaranteed

thoroughbred. Address "Ha-waiian Ostrich Farm,"

Park; Mutual Tele-6- 0phone ii5,


M AM I Al I I ll I III-- .

to1, Coal & MiM fa

tit Man I r:u.i i'..

Uf' These Fertilizers after actual tihd

on many of the principal pliHitiitiniis

hive given most satisfactory s

under nil circumstances

tetf Several hundred tuns of different

grades are kept in Mock in our new

warehouse. We invite scrutiny and

sell onlv under a distinct guarantee that

our Fertilizers will hold fully up to the

agreed formula.

fey For further particulars or for

orders address


Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

15 tf-- ;! tf


All Abo-.r- for Waialua a;dWay Stations !

'f'KWNS leaving Honolulu Kaihvny1 Station at 1 v. M on MON-


will carry Passengers, Mail ami SmallPackages for Waialua,

Transfer will he made at Pearl C ity toWhite's Pioneer Express, which willcommence to run Monday morning, Dee.2'Jth.

W Single tickets from Honolulu toWaialna can be bonghtat Honolulu Kail-wa- y

Station lor $:!; round trip tickets $".'The ioneer Kxpie-- s will leave Waia-

lua in time to connect wiih the passen-ger train leaving Pearl (,'ilv for Hono-lulu at 4:15 v. M., on TUKSDAYS,TUl'K.iDAYSand SATl JID AYS, arriv-ing at Honolulu Station al 4 :55 i: si.

This new line will start from Waialuaon Tuesday, Dee. SO, 11)0.

Ii. F. DILLINGHAM,13 1 in General-Manag- er O. L. & It. Co.




SX3 1txi


if YfcColeoc--(AMBER) I

; 53

o ! A'!!tlII;cLro"Rom!:'ll,

5It SA!.K 15 Y


FOK r STPvKET.7 tf

ED3IUM) NOItlJlE,Wailuku, Maui.

General Accaar:ta f & Business

(Jolleetii ns and oilier business promptlyattended to on the Island of Main.

Olli. e with lohn Richardson.20 2vv

i 5 11 8 A LI'

.. : II F, large estate knmv as

ivr'i ' K lmkii Itanch, Kau,'A Hawaii, with all its belong--

ings. The, Iiaueli contains... Jtn. 1S4,WH) acres. There is on

the lianih a large I valuable forestof Koa and Uhia. For furl tier parti-culars, apply to KAU I'M',1 tf Kan, Hawaii.



Just I'ormiiifrT !


$1 I'or WFor forty weeks to get a splendid XewHome ir White Machine which costsmore in San Francisco. Join at once !

Miw. THOS. LACK.28 (it Fo it street.

he Equitable

KlS Fort ! t.

lew ioocls !

Jewelry, Silverware,MANUFACTt'UEU BY

I11 Bl'TTKB ST.,

Sun Frnnclsco. : i (ulifoiHlit.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches,

Silverware, Silver Jewelry,Silver Mounted Canes,

Silver Mounted Umbrellas,Onyx Mantel flocks,

Gold Pens & Pencils,

XPlno IoatUcu' Uoodn,Reliable Goods at Reasonable

1B1C1 !

Catalogue sent to any address freeon request.

orders promptly and care-fully executed.

"Diamonds and Precious Stonesmounted in the latest styles.


New Model Licit Room,

Open All M(flit 1

Gentlemen :

Having fitted up the upper floor of

our premises as first-clas- s lunchroom, we are prepared to furnishmeals of the best the market affords;cooked to suit your taste. After thenext steamer, December 12th, wewill have constantly on band KronenOysters, Game, Etc., Etc., in theirseason.

fjCyEntrance by step, niauka of

main entrance.

Hoping that you will give us acall we are respectfully yours.

732 lm


The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Hi nr oho

Always on 1 luriel.H. .1. MH.TK. rnrPor.THOS. LINDSAY,


.le-wele- r & AVntclimnlierKUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY.

King St ree' , Iloimlul n, II. J

Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. y

WENNER & CO.iWrnnfactnrlne; Jefl!fr.

NO. t3 l"tltrr STHUKT.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry. WatchesGold 'itid .Silver ''lated Ware, !fce.

958 ly

W. li, SALTER,

Watchmaker & Jeweler.

King street, : Honolulu, II I.,(Next Geo. Lincolu's).

t&F Fine watch repairing a specialty.738 tf


From and after this date wewill not be responsible for anyfreight after same has beenlanded. Parties to whomfreight is consigned must be atthe landing to receive theirfreight.

WILDER'S S. S. Co.Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1890. 660 tf

Society of the United State:-:- ,

Are cow selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. The additional fea-

ture of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by Ibisoriginal and progressive Company:



The Company is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and it

popularity unbounded.

From the Neie York S'., Aril Al.h, 1H90. )

'J ti Laret Burnin gs Kver Tr"Si;:U-i- ! Vtj a Life Assur-ance Company

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of Kev

York for the first quarter of the present, year is reported to exceed FiftiMillion Dollars. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of annur-auc- e

for the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

JKaHnforuiation cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or call

upon the undersigned at his otlice.

ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety rjf the U. S.' - " jl -. JMn aHMlMMMWJO- -fill MillH m 1


J, .,' lf!M-li- . tNoi. tn Jk T Hint? Hi wet.


(Sottlo, Dozen, or Caxe,

Irnr Store-- OF

llonotnln, II. I.

lew Goods !


3B B

raw a-- ",- -v 9

3 1

& 2.mMm

- 5



Famous Grand Active & Golden Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking RangesOF ALL tlS51iiW,



r x

" .

-- si) a,

Granite, lion and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

Consiiniiiif; One-tliir- il Ia ss fuel, either wood or coal, thanany other Stove in existance.

J& No Brick Work About It ! Just a Clean Cut Stove I

WhoselBaking Qualities arc UnsurpassedXViimgultir JSr,2Lte&!


Hawaiian Hardware Co.,1 Fori street, oypo. SpreckeU' Rank, Honolulu, H. I.

WATER PIPE and RUBBERHouse Keeping Goods,

