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LOCAL- INTELLIGENCE Wednesday, July 24, - - - 1S9S. LOCAL BBIBFS. .See Supervisor's report. .As will be seen by an advertisement elsewhere, E. G. Scrubs has left the Duval House, and has opened a shoe shop four doors north of Winnskoro Hotel. .The Misses Jennings gave a charming reception Monday evening complimentary to Misses Daisy Wright, \ of Columbia, and Virginia Workman, f of Camden. & .Judge Bnchanan left on Saturday afternoon for his home. During his week in Barnwell he labored diligently, early and iate and always witb captivating courtesy..Barnwell Peo- pie. .The supply of waternael»ns in town Saturday was decidedly grtattr than the demand for theua. Prices were "stiff" in the forenoon, kut bej ^ fore night the finest on the market ||L were being sold for a song. ^Jjr .Messrs. Jordan So Davis, agents here for wheels manufactured by the Pope Manufacturing Company, will offer for a few days great bargains in slightly shop worn wheels. These wheels are in perfect condition and f simply show the effect of handling in stock. .Uesirt. Jai. W. Hauahan, R. B. Hanahan, M. D., J. M. Elliott, «od John McMaster returned Saiday Mormiag from Eawah Island where thty spent a week fishing. They found tbe weataer not sua me mu» quitoes very mush in evidence bat in 1 spite of the discomforts they eajoyed tiio trip immensely. .The old Mi Zifn oak, one of "Winnskore's landmarks, is showing unmiitaWe signs of iiisolstion; it "etaafis treabliag on the verge ef non-existence," and without prompt and carefnl attention it will seon be numbered wita the "has beeas." This -- * > »1 maga lucent oia **. is identified with the history of Winnsbor», and it should BOt be allowed to die of neglect. No effort should be spare! to prolong its life. .Last summer we implored the town council to have the town c'.eaaei, and warned it that the filth about town contained fever germs. This year no systematic cleaning has baen done, and a few cases of typhoid faver feave developed. People ought to be made ; to keep their premises cleat. We vftntnra to sav that the ground under the freight depot has not been thoroughly cleaned ia ten years. Theie is absolutely no excaae for this. The Southern Hallway is certainly able to have ic done, and the company should . be made to do it. Other places conld be specifically Earned, bat as the whole tosvn needs a systematic cleani»g it is nnnecessary to designate the particular places. OASTOHZA. Beustb Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought 01 K~ Everything Goes. ' R. Brandt, the Chester jeweler and optician, is goiDg to make a clean .4,sweep in order to make room for ji more goods. From now until SepJr tember 1st everything will go at greatly reduced price?. Don't fail to ^ see his sew ad to-day. , Pnrma.ii University. Oar readers are referred f the advtrtisement of Furman University which this issue. Any information concerning this well known institution will be cheerfully famished by President A. P. Montague, Greenville, 15. C. ^ GF.AX3 EXIl'JS S IO>» TO CHARLOTTE. ^ C /\ Z^lanYtlA^A A%i ^XAC^IOUU CAV/UlOiVll IV VAAllV^Vg Vii July 29th wili carry a special coach for whites. Those wishing to visit Charlotte wili please btar this in mind. Fare for the rooid trip will be $1.00. Rev. J. Williams, W. M. Blake, Managers. jfe Bl»cksto«k Won the Game. |P" The gam# of ball played in Blackv ^ stock Thursday between the Winnsboro and Blackstock teams was won by the latter, the score being 14 to 19. The Winnsboro boys played good, fastball but their opponents were a little too much for tbem. Aside from ^ the great batting of Mackore-l W., Hanahan, and Quattlebaum G., there WL were no particularly interesting feaKET. JABSZ FERRIS IX COLUMBIA. At the First Baptist Church yester/Iott warninor fhf» xras flllprl hv PDr. Ferris, of "Winnsb®ro, in the absence of the pastor. Dr. TV. 0. Linder- The subject of the disconrse wa3 l "The E&i ly Conversion of Children," and on this Dr. Ferris preached aa able sermon. Ho is a strong preacher intellectually and bis sermou yesterday was a great treat to the congre-1 <10 crow tr» £hf»m mnc.h fnnrJ I*S far thought..The State. A MAD DOC GOES THROUGH TOWX. A dog supposed to be mad created a considerable amount of excitement in the "Weat End" Monday. He managed to get oct of town before »U1 ui HIS JU.UU1UU9 ^UlOUCl? »l shot at him bu: was killed before he got many miles awav. Xo one was bitten but it is net knowu whether tke dogs in that por- tion of town were as lucky. Dog owners should keep s. strict watch on their canine p*ts. A great deal of! i trouble mav be avoided, fc * i J Our baby has been continually t'jb troubled with colic and cholera inly fantom *ince his birth, and all that we eould do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera! and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy tie has not been troubled. -V Wc want to give you this teitimocial: * as an evidence of oar gratitude, not^ that you need it to advertise yoar meritorious remeay. G. M. Law,( Keokuk, Iowa. For sdie by McMaster Co., Druggists. * ; K " Rife s_:- Royal catw tirepare* wholesome aad deiirt<as/ f?g|i | POWSER AbsotureiyPur© ROYAL BAXIKO POWW3 CO.] NEW *0UK. DEATH OF MRS. J. I. ALLEM. Dillon, July 23..Mrs. Lucy Allen, tie esteemed wife of the pastor of the Baptist Church here, the Rev. J. I. A11»n died of- Ifi nVlnolr ln.sf ni^ht. 'after an illDessof several weeks. She was formerly Miss Merritte of Columbia. She leaves three bright children and five step-childrei..The State. Mr«. Allen was a sister of Mrs. B. J. Qaattlebaum of Winnsboro. Mrs. Qaattlebaum received the news of Mrs. Alleh's death while in Columbia at the badside of another sister, Mrs. J. M. Qaattlebaum, who is desperately ill of typhoid fever. Mrs. Qaattlebaum's many friends in "Winnsboro sympathise with her deeply in her affliction. Scocets.Worth Knowing. 40 years' success in the South, proves Hughe*"' Tonic & great remedy for Chills and all Malarial Fevers, Better thanQainine. Guaranteed, try it. At Druggists, otc. and $1.00 bottles. * THIS IS A2f JEXCELLEJfT SUGGESTION. To the members of the G. L. I: -IVUUWiUg laat UdC vuui^auj uao some six to eight hundred dollars on hand, and from the present outlook they will never need it, I respectfully ask that they consider the followin proposition: That they contribute their funds towards building a pavilion at the park and all other necessary improvements. Let the members of the company appoint six of tiieir company to say how it shall be used. The fa*ds of th« town are insuffioient to do it all, and ro doubt if they are aske^^key will add additional funds to the G. L. L'S and make the place a pleasant plac« for the whole town. A member G. L. I. A white family ix need of help. The News a>d Heeald ha3 teesn iiftmed that there is in Winnsboro a whif* fftmilv flAKntrafftlv in need Ot assistance. These people, it is learned, are industrious, and under ordinary circumstances thoroughly capeblc of providing for themselves, but at f resent most of them are ill and utterly unable te work. They are said to be in an almost destitute condition. This is an excellent opportunity for charitably inclined people to do seme good work. These people hare made no appeal for assistance, but we feel sure that any help offered them will ¥e thankfully accepted, and dmly appreciated. Persons interested can get farther information by calling at this office. A ttOOD CHANCE. Do you want (o join the army? If so, a splendid opportunity is ofored you. Lt. F. C. Black will opecn a reeruiting office in Spartanburg. He will reorcit for the 3rd Regt. ¥. S. Vol. Engineers. This regiment will be commanded by Col. D. D. Gaillard, and Major H. C. Davis will command one of the battalions. Beth of these officers are Fairfield men, xod they will be much gratified to'have some recruits frem this county. Privates in this regiment are paid more than in the infantry. Twenty dollars and fifty oents per mocth will be paid besides food and clothing. "We are authorized to state that whenever a sqaad of men is collected in any town in the State, they can ba enrolled there and their expenses paid to Jeffarson .Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo., tbe place of rendezvous. MAKE THE PARK SPRIN'O ATTRACTIVE. nftrvnlomttr Af thn -PnrHinA c"«rlnor jl X-i^v vi iuv xvi guu\^ oj*a*u^ water is on the increase and there are now a great many people in town who make daily trips to the spring. As yet the water has not been analyzed by an expert, so it is not known whether it contains jocoeral properties. Those of onr citizens who have been drink- ing the water regularly are firmly convinced that it Joes contain .medicinal virtues. and they are particn larly anxiou3 for the town authorise 3 tc forward a sample to some chemist for analysis. Even if the spring water is not w bal it is supposed to be, the park its all ought to be made a little more attrt ctive. The expense of erecting a »e al pavuioa o? er tne spring aDU or putting afew benches in the vicinity f<x? the comlort of people who go tbsrs woold be. inconsiderable. The park it accassiblc? to everybody now that bicycles "have come into such ge»eral use. A.ii attractive resort, such as it ceuld very easily be made, is raoidly becoming a necessity. $100 Reward, S100. The jeaders of this paper will", b* pleased to learn that there is at 1 jeas' one drvaded disease that science: h& been able to care in all its stages ant that is Catarrh, ilail's Uatarrh ' »air< is thft only positive cure now kn owi to the medical fraternity. Cal arri being a constitutional disease, req lire a constitutional treatment. 1 lair Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a< :&b.' directly upon the blood and mu coa surfaces of the system, thereby de stroyiDg the foundation of the dis< case and giving toe patient strength: k; AA»ie<i + nf?Ar» on/^ I 4C UUIIUIU^ up wuowtuwvn b sisting nature in doing its work. Ti> proprietors have so much faith i n it curative powers, tbat they offer Oa Hundred Dollars for any case tbst j fails to cure. Send for list of l «sti monials. Address, ! F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. J S3TSold by Druggists, Toe. * IMIMMIIIBImm..liMwiw i* iMnmmiiiaiMi PERSONAL. Hon. Geo. D. Tillman spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Ciyburn and children returned Saturday night from Lancaster. Mrs. HolbrookRion and family have returned from Davidaon College. 17. Ka! PohK Af Tomno Jii33 jlwc*\j V) v/l xamuaj r iviiuaj is visiting- oer grandmother, Mrs. N.I K. Rabb" Mr. TV'illiam Johnston, of Louisiana, is on a visit to bis brother Mr. T. L. Johnston. Miss Bertba Hobinaon left Taesday for a ten days' visit to friends at Edgeinoor, S. C. Mrs. IIan;ia Rion is visiting her ii n T>: ;Ua inomer ^urs. mary V/. xuuii at iuc Winnsboro botel. Mrs. il. G. Roche and children and Miss Louise Baldwin returned to Collumbia on Tuesday. E. Scott Douglass, Esq., of the Colambia bar was in town Friday on ] professions:! business. Miss E. G. Dwight returned home Sunday after an exiended visit to relatives in St. Louis, Mo. Miss Virginia Workman returned to Camden Friday after a delightful visit <o frionds in TVirmsboro. Mrs. Ka:;na Rion and her daughter ^Theresa arrived on Friday and is stopping at the Winnsboro Hotel. Mrs. M. £. Gladden left Friday morning for Shelky, N. C., to visit her dauglif-Mrs. J. G. Halliburton. MiwBer iu Cathcart, who his been visiting relaliy«s iu Winnsboro, left Saturday for her home iu Charleston. E. B. Ragsdale, Esq., returned Saturday from a combined business and pleasure trip to the national capital. Mr. M«ans Beaty arrived in Winnsboro Tuesday night. He has been quite unwell, ahd has come home to recap «rste. Mr.' A. E. Gerig left at mid-day Sunday for Ocala, Florida, after a very brief visit to bi3 parents. Mrs. Serig will remain here for several weeks. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and always with good results," 8ays Mr "W. B. Cooper of EI Rio, Cal. ''For small children we find it especially effective.-'' For sale by McMaster Co., "Hmo-oncta * .. IMPORTANT TO SURVIVORS. It is the dutv of the Fairfield 0«wnty Board of Pensions to give the following' notice: The surviving soldiers and sailors who were in the Confederate service are requested to meet on Saturday; 30th of July, at the usual following places of the township clubs in each township, and after organizing and Alpr-fincr a. chairman and secretarv, to elect by a majority vote three [of their member?.or reputable citizens. who are not applicants for pensions to constitute and be known as the Tewnskip Examining Board of Pensions. The skiu tc wnihip board shall elect one of their caembers chairman. The chairman of the several townskip boards shall meet in Winnsboro on the first Monday in August next and shall organize by electing from [am#ng their number a chairman and secretary, and when bo organized, shall elect by a majority v«; e four of their members an«l a regu'sr practising physician, who shall be known as the County ExaminiDg iJoar* 01 ronsious ior Ftirfield County. G. H. McMaster, Chairman County Examining Board of Pensions. THE FARMERS INSTITUTE. A Very Interesting Meeting.Attendance ICot Encouraging. The firfct iarmerss' institute held under the auspices of the newly organized Fairjield Agricultural Association met "n the court house on Saturday at 11 o'clock. Mr. Jas. M. Stewart, president of the association, in opening the meeting stated the object of the organization, and explained the character £.nd scope of the work proposed, Mr. Stewart then introduced Prof. C. M. Fnrman, who made "Industrial Eclacation" the subject of his remarks. Prof. Furman gave an interesting historical sketch of industrial education in this country, and then proceeded to explain in detail the plan that Ciemson College and the s C. "E-merimenfc Station will pursue in giving the farmers practical assistance and co-operation in their work. His remarks were listened to with the closest attention by those present. At the conclusion of this address Prof. Shiver, the assistant chemist at Clemson, was introduced and he delivered a most entertaining and instructive address on "Commercial Fertilizers." This is a subject of deep practical interest to plauters and those present derived much benefit from Prof. Shiver's reiaarks. Prof. Hart, who is in charge of the dairy farm at Ciemsot> was the next ! speaker. i=? au expert, in ibis line, and his address contained a great deal of valuable information. Dairy farming is rapidly becoming an important industry in Fairfield, and Prof. Hart's timely address was particularly interesting to ;hose who arc making dairying a prominent feature in t^eir ' farming operations. Prof. DuPre '! whose specialty is horticulture was present, bu;, unfortunately, the numj ber of persons present when his turn | came to spe.ik was too small to warrant his making an address, rf Ovring to tbc fact that farmers are j unusaally busy at this time the ati teodaucs w.-.s net very large. The 5 time selected was unfortunate. It i: 3 hoperf that in future the meetings cau g beheld after the crops are laid by s and farmers have mere time at theii y disposal. s .. . Backlra's Arnica Salve. The Best S<.ive in ihe wori«l for Cuts v 3rui«e?, Sore-. Ulcers, Suit Eheum 17< Piianufu^ TTa nr? c j revci cuic?. vjnt*^ i Cbillblains, '' ms, and all Skin Erup s ' tions, and positively c*res Piles, or n( e 1 pay required. It is guaranteed to givi X j perfect satisfaction, or money refund i- ed. Price 2o cents per box. Por sal* by McMaster Co. A FRICAiMri vKll corc. Rheumatism an< ] Scrofula to Stay Cured. I I Secret of Beauty i-hsolth. The secret ofhealth is the power to digest and assim o a proper quanity of food. lis never be done whe:: i!: 2 liver does not act it's par.*:. Joyoi? know th is ? T-.itt's Liver Pills are an abso j lu;c cure forsick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach; malaria,constipation, torpid liver, pi1.':... jaundice, bilious fever, biliousness and kindred diseases. Tnit's Liver Rials MANAGERS OF ELECTION. Appointments Made by Coui^ty Executive committee. Albion.Charlie Stevenson. C. S. Brice, Jr.4 J. M. Sterling. Biythewood.W. J. Uagond, Alford Dunn, Durham Boney. Bear Creek.II. L Cooper, 0/ C. Duke, C. A. Ileins. Centreville.W. B. Ilogan, Arther A.beil, Sam iloore. Gladden's Grove.Jas. B. GladdeD, T\ f.l TT.11 T\ TT rr: x/uuiei xiau, u. xi. xxi^gius. Greenbrier.'W. T. Rutland, T. E. Delleney, Jas. Young. Horeb No. 1.Wade Macfie, Preston Irby, C. A. Robinson. Horeb No. 2.A. J. Br»wn, G. B. Hagood, G. G. Steele. Jacksen Creek.E. H. Kirkpatrick, Jno. M. Turner, W. M. Harden. Jenkinsviile.J. A. Stanton, Joe McMeekin, A. M. Wallace. Moaticello. J. II. Aiken, Thomas Rabb, J. D. Blair. Mossy Dale.T. C. Camak, G. W. Brooks, T. F. Smith. Feasteiville.T. M. Beam, H. C. Coleman, T. E. Dye. Oakland.D. II. Robertson, J. "VV. Durham, J. G. Ilollis. Longtown.T. M. Haynes. W. J. j «* 1 T A aejgisr, t). a, oiewaii.. Ridgewav.J. N. Lsmaster, Joe Coleman, Dr. A.L. Ott. Salem.W. K. Turner, J. M. Yonng, M. Y. Milling. "YVinnsboro No. 1.II. E. Ketchin, W. R. Elliott, L. E. Owens. Wiansboro No. 2.U. G. DesPortes, JohQ II. Smith, J. B. Stevenson. Watered.J. M. Gayden, Waa. Isenbower. Thos. A. Moore. White Oak.J. B. Patrick, J. J. Mc- Dowel 1, H. Y. Bankhead. "Woodward.J. R. Crate, T. W. Brice, Jr.. W. M. Ilarvey. The assessment on candidates as follows: CoDgress, $10. Honsc of Representatives, $3 each. Treasurer, $5. Auditor, $5. Superintendent of Education, S3. County Supervisor, $3. Pledges of candidates to be handed to COUUty CUttirili&u ituu asscsaaicuia iu be paid to the treaeurder of the committee at least ten days before the first primary election. jSo vote will be counted for any candidate who does not comp'y with the above. J. R. Curlee,, Secretary and Treasurer. Look r-A Stik«h'in Time Saves nine. Hughes' Tonic (new improved, taste pleasant), taken in early spring and fa^l prevents Chilis, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acts on me liver, tones up the system. Better than Quinine. Gnaranteed, try it. At Druggists. 50e. and $1.00 bottles. * PICKENS PICKINGS. Good Place toKest From Business Cares. K ml and Hospitable People. i I'icke:.--, Jiiir 14..I will write a f"w line-s. Pcj-nftjn it may interest -n r-e <>f rour read rc. Pickens is a v»v ;v !i;t!o iowh noted for pure :: ouMjiin bivi and clear, sparkling water, filled 'with kind, hospitable people who are jastly proud that they are at lust connected with the world by a railroad line ftom Easlev, nine miles away. We have a bank, recently organized, and several new! stores going up, brick buildings. We have good water power on both aides nf the town which can be utilized in various ways. I find Pickens not behind other counties in the number of patriotic men, goo& and kiid to every new commer, and Anxious to f-erve their country in time of war. There is a large crop of candidates already annomcad and probably more to follow. Now, if you want a nice, quiet place to rast a month, I advise you to try Pickens. You will find good bearding houses where you can forget busin*ss and have a home at reasonable rates. The Court, of General Session is going on here now. Judge W. C. Bannet is the presiding judge. Mnrder cases are to be tried. Crops are fine. Mad dogs are quite numerous. it. k. y. Frank L. Stanton has writteu a geod deal of "verse" in his time, and is still at it, without signs of flagging, but he drops into poetry sometimes, as the following selection shows: " {0, the glory °.nd the story of the tight, The dashing or the war s e«us jn iu« strife. j The cktrge and the retreat, ,: Aud the jiag the winding sheot Of faces staring starward from the strifeLost to Me, And the waiting of thi mother and the wife!'" .Xeics and Courier. m .... MKjMWB... XfgX JAPANESE ; tM& P 1UB CURE ' A New rind Complete Treatment, consisting: oi ' SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two ISoxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and decree. It makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death, unneccs:-ry. Why endure this terrible i wa h->ri/ 5 Written Gusraatce in each j Si Box. Xo Cur ., Xo Pay. see.and $1 a bos, C lor <5. Sent bv mail. Samples free OINTMENT, 25c. and 50c. - PfiN^TlPATION Cured- p*es ^evented, fcy I/UIIO llrn I IU.M Japanese Liver Peliets.thc ) great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and j BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especial:;- adapted for children's use. 5c doses 25 cents. 2 FREE..A vial of these famous little Pellets will j be Riven with a >1 box or more of Pile Cure. Notice.The genuine fkesh Japanese J'ils I Cure for sale only by J J. J. OREAR, Druggist, Winnsboro, S. C. THE CHAIN" GANG'S V/ORK. Supervisor Tennant, in Keply to 3Ir. La eld. Says that the Board of Commissioners Designates the Koads to be "Worked by the Gang. Mr. Editor: I notice a communicatioQ in yonr issue of the lGth inst. from Mr. A. W. Ladd in reference to the wtrk of the chain gang. In reply I Deed only say that tbe direction of the chain tfang as to where it is to work is wholly at the discretion of the county board, which is composed of one representative from each township. They meet frequently and direct the movements of the gang, as to where it is to work, &c, It is the unanimous purpose of that board to put roads in the best condition in such _1 a. 1-1!. J T t.n uiauKS as uju puum; mav ucinc iu& mest advantage; lor instance the whole county will travel the various roads leading directly into "Winnsboro, while if we were to start the work oil any branch road then tbe bonefit would only be for those who live on that particular road. Oa the other hand, the chain gang has on§y been in operation j about two } ears. and it is impossible to work all roads in tk^ county i:i so short a time; bat I think tbe amount! and quality of work already done by j k/v svrt-rtrv rrry 11 CO!?C+'tr 01 ? thikf in < nit: luaiu uxu a-a. j «-*.* ^»i. «*. . few years more the roaOs of the whole county will be substantially improved, and whan they are once pat in good condition, as we are now doing, then the work of the gang will be much more rapid and the visits of the gang to different parls of the county will be much more frequent. But we find that it is useless to rush over a section of road and half do the work, as it is about as bad a3 no working As to that particular section of road to which Mr. Ladd refers, I will say that there are four other public roads running through the same neighborhood upon which the hands of the community will be put. As they are not so important as the Bell's Bridge roaa the chain gang will not be pat to work op them until all the principal roads of the county have been worked. I hope Mr. Ladd will understand my position in this matter, and every one may rest assured that every effort of mine in the discharge of public duty is to benefit the whole people. Respectfully, B. G. Tennant, July 25, 1898. Supervisor. * ' Beats the Klondike. ilr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made in tne Klondike. For years be suffered untold agony from "consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cared by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at McMsster Co/s Dros: Store. Regular size 50 cts. and 81.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 A WORD OF EXPLANATION From Rev. H. K Ezell, Candidate for Superintendent of Education. My friends have presented my name to the voters of Fairfield County as a candidate for the office of Superintendent ot Education. Permit 4me to say, therefore, that if I am eleeted, I will serve the public to the best of my fthilit.v. There are some considera-1 tions why I have consented to accept the position if it should be tendered to me. In the first place, it' has been suggested that, being a minister, I might be enabled to give moral (one to (lie schools. This is a consideration that weighs mightily with me. For L am profoundly conscious thatj auv effort to educate the intellect, while giving no attention to moral culture, is sadly deficient. My friends t,.of the, nlTtno wfinlrl add to IIT wHlli Ck. UiiUb LliV UMAVV ff sphere of usefalness as a preacher. I am aware that* some people seem to think that a preacher ought not to hold any public office. But I do not think if I should hold the position of superj intecdent of education that I would be going into politics, as it would be ray business to execute and not to make laws. Having had considerable experience as a teacher and having been actively and continuouslv engaged in preaching for some fifteenv « 1 Itt years, spending me uaic auvui In four counties of the State, namely, Spartanburg, Union, Greenville and Fairfield, and mingling -with the people both in town and country, it would seem that my observation and experience oughj to be worth something in the discbarge of the duties of this very responsible trust. Let me say also that I have not the remotest idea ot relinquishing in the slightest degree my work as a minister, should I get the office. I magnify my calling as a preacher and expect to follow it as long as the Lord gives me work in His vineyard of soul saving. 1 T ArAnr* 15Ut tile WUl'K >VUIUJJ A aixi uuiug ah the county is of such a nature that I can act as superintendent of education and continue to supply ray churches The churches are wnk and can only afford to engag* u>i preaching one* or twice p^r li;outh. and should I live in Wiitnsouro, as I hope to do, i would be in easy reach of them from my home, any Sunday inorumg. Then, too, as a matter of finance the office presents to me at this time no mean consideration as I have a terge family, fenr of whom are of proper age to be in school. The oldest, a daughter, ought to be in school of high grade, but the small salary which I get from aiy churches is intr\ onoWn mo tn t.hfi auuijuaiu iv v.uw^iw . additional expense of sending her off to school. These and other considerations from a financial standpoint lead me to wish the offi :e. The other candidates for this office are all nice gentlemen so far as I know. I am not personally acquainted with any of them except the present incumbent. He seem3 to have done well with the office, in some respects at least, but X presume that he bas done no more than was his doty. For it was his duty to do anythiog and /tnnM tr\ woL"c* imnrnvp- cvjiy iiiiug ug wuiu w w - ~ ments in the work of his office. He had thu office four years and perhaps a change would not be hurtful. 1 write thus fully of the ma ter as 1 may not be able to make any very extended canvass of the county. Indeed I am well known in m'.si «>f I hi county, and if the p^opls think favorab'.v of my candidacy and givi mc their support I shall greatly appreciate j their kinduiPS. j If circnoistances will porinit I v:i\ atiend the campus ufrr-cnt.but it may not he pos.-ime for me u , do so. In anv evenr. J ail! cheerful]) abide the will of the m jority of lh< voters of the county. : Very respectfullv, Ii: K. Ezell. P. S..There is a rumor afloat tba Rev. J. P. Isenhower withdrew free Ml I - M m ..a the race in my favor. I wish to say j that he never*mentioned the matter of his candidacy to me until after he was announced and then had withdrawn. Neither did I mention to him my purpose to run until after my announcement had gone to the press. There is C thereiore no connection between his withdrawal and my announcement. T i1r« vinr lrnr>w whv hp withdrew. Bro. Isenhower is popular aurt deservedly so; but I am askiDg the suffrage of the peeple for my own sake and not for anybody elses sake, and J am very <rrateful for the encouragemen! that I am receiving. n. k. e. .!._ > Persons l!«mb <1 with diarrce"; will t be interested in ihe experience at' Mr. W. M.Bpsh. clerk of Ilotel Dorrance, Providence, E. I. lie says: "For '? several years I have been almost a constant sufferer .from diarrboea, the frequent attacks completely prostrat--.a »nA *r\Y> mtr 0' iLIS; liiu cUiU. igiiugiiu^ niv UUUI A\JK Ui; duties at this hotel. About two years ? ago a traveling salesman kindly gave f me a small bottle of Chamberlain's ? Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal Remedy. ? Much to my surprise and delight its ? effect* were immediate. Whenever I z_ felt symptoms of the disease I would 5 fortify myeelf against the attack with *j a few doses of this valuable remedy. I? The result has been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from the ^ For sale bv* Mcilarst.-r« o., 5 cn - j SF.V I>i AND THE LETTER "X." Jf/W» the Boston Traveler. 'i The letter "M" fetill plays its part in 'I the war. Just thiok of its prominence 'i in the events of the last few months! It stands for Maine, mine, Mclvinley, 't Madrid, Matanzas, Miles, Manila, Mon- ; tojo, Maria CristiDa, Mariaune. Maria Teresa, Marbleh«ad, Minneapolis.Moie °r St. Nicholas, Manzanillo, Morro, Merfimaf Massachusetts. Mobile. Mer- - riam, Monsignor Merry del Val, the '? marines (at Guaatanamo), Mo*terey, Monadnock, Monte (the Spanish *ene- '? ral besieged at Macabora), Meiklejohn, ® Monet, McCalla, Maxim, monitor, z militia, Minister®, Morton bowilzers and Montgomery. Recently the gov- ^ «rnment at "WWhingLou has purchased . half a dozen transports the names of ? which begin with "M," and it may be added that among the most annoying * drawbacks iD camp thus far have beeu ^ measles and mud. '3 *** U S RE § Z5 0% 5 ure rs a v»a sr '-*? c SEsmEsviTAUTir « V>W$ £<0^. Vif 'jj^P - $ fvlad-3 a e \ Vv'e!1 ^an * THE ^mVoa'.^N^ 0?IVk. J GREAT . T7RENCH REMEDY produces the above result / * in 30 days. Cures SVervcms Debility, fnipnicncy. Varicocele, Failing Mar.ory. Stops all drains and ( Ios^g caused by errors of youth, it wards olT In- * jariSjr and Consumption. Young Men regain Man- . hood and Old Men recover Youthful Vigor. It < gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, a::d fits ( a man for business or innrriage. Easily carried iu the vest pocket. Price pTC 6 fay mail, in plain pack-Oy v I O.age. with written guarantee. DR. JllAM o 'HARRA, Paris £ Sold only by 'J. J. OBEAR, Drug- / gist, Winnsboro, S. C. ] MADE ME A MAN < AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE ( KjT !% A. LLIfcrrous JHxcttsts.I'ailias ilealyj .* /»! ory.Impoteacy, Sleepleesnesa, etc., caused ' I? "I by Abase or other Escesses and India- | i cretions. Th*v quiclcly and eurely V^tj restore Lost Vitality in old oryoun3.and i fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Inanity and Consumption if < taken in time. Their esc shows immediate improvement and effects a CUES where all other fail Insist npoa having the peauino Ajax Tablets. They have cored thousands and will care yon. Wecivp r. positive written guaraatee to effect a cure Eft P'r i in < each esse or refund the money. Price vU Wivi per package; or sis pieces (full treatment) for $2.51. By ' mail, in plain wrapper, cpon receipt of price. Circular i ^ AJAX REMEDY CO., For sale by JXO. H/McMASTER & CO., ' "Winnsboro. S, C. < ^ItfiA Rpnaipinff Mipitfif U11UI/ uuiiunuui I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO any kind of Shoe Repairing. Oak soles sewed 011 for 65c. All work guaranteed. Ceraeted patches a specialty. Work done while you wait". 7-21-Sw E. G. SCRUGGS S^iK*BAlSAS£ I *3SsC^-^_^r- isfjClesiwcj cad icatr.ii.ei ti.'i .'^-2. ^SSi^ «3ji'r«aote3 ft 1bxu?»p: growth. « s .^^3&-»©vor Falls to Hcstore Gi«y4 Hair to Its Youthful Co'.or. jj siiskCtSSfe^ESiStCue? scalp iiinns (t bulr t*lliaSi a rtegjfitB _.jj VIRGINIA COLLECE | For YOUNG LADIES, Eoanoke, Va. Opens Sept. S, 189S. One of the leading Schools for Young I adies in the South. Magnificent buildings, all modern improvements. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Va., famed for health, European and American teachcrs. Full course. Superior advantages in Art and JJusic. Students from twentyfire States. For catalogue address the President, MATTIE P. HAPvRIS, Roanoke, Virginia. Sheriff's Sale. RTATF, OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. BY virtue of authority vested in me, I have levied upon and will sell to the highest cash bidder, before the Court House in Winnsboro, on the FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST next, ihe following described tracts of land" .sold under the act referring to delinquent taxes: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4. Estate of Mary Raines, 19G acrcs. North by R. A. Patrick; east by R- A. Patrick; south by YV. A. Smith: west I by Jno M. bmuD. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. O. Dave Jenkins, 1S7 acres. Boimdcd north by lands of Grover; west by lands of D. H. Means; soutn bv lands j of X'bil Coau; ca t bv lands of Louis j Wilds. Estate of . Kennedy, 40 acres.! Bounded by lands of Hoffman, Brown 1 and Enfzmin^er. SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 8. Estate J. T. Johnston, 158 acres. Bounded east dv S. P. Newman and Sims; south by S. C- Aioore & i5:-o.; j west by Freeman; north by Reuben; Jones. Mrs. Amelia Iiichbu.'g, 17o acres. North and west by lands of W. T. Martion; east by J. F. Brown uad S, J A llirner; south byO. B. Boney. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 20. J. W. Powell, 225 acres. Bounded by lands of Mrs. 1 N ,w"-. Mrs. Kinloch, estate of I. i.vju« ; .1 ana Mrs. Powell. 7-9rd fi. E. ELLISON, S. F. C. iFnrman fcersi!?. GBEENV1LLE, S. C. j Thorough courses leadini' to the ,'giv^ o; D. Lit , B. S., B. A., nr.«t j M. A. The Faculty has been enlarged. J i! attention to English. E oca. i; arid P< dagcgi«s. New coar< os in I Boiy;., History, Latin, Modem Lar- ] srnasrf *,and Physics. A new Graduate . Department. Early application lor 2 rooms in tbc Mess Halls should be made to Prof, B. E. Geer, Secretary of the Faculty, Cesar's Head, S. C. Address, , A. P. MONTAGUE, a 7-21 Greenville, S. C. KEPORT OF Coitj Snjermor. lauis Approved at tk last Mf-f.ttvg of the Board of County CcnnrrssioxERS HELD ON JULV 4TH, 1898. The following claims were examined nil approved on State Ca?e fand of 39$: fo. Amount. 17 RE Ellison. * $ 13 SO IS K E Ellison, 17 40 .n T-- U.Af..).:, J_ eJUU JMUiUCVlUU, * v>v 51 WJL Weir, 5 001 52 It S Spence, 3 801 53 Jno M Boulware, o 00 54 Jno B Patrick, 10 00 55 II S llefo, 3 40 5G M D C Colvin, 1115 57 Jas C Picketr, 5 50 58 Jno R Hamilton, 12 50 59 C S Pisley, 5 00 GO B G Tenuanf, . 162 00 G1 W G Ilinnant, 25 00 G2 Juo 1< Oooper, 1250 Go R W B;ice, 2,00 64 Joe McMeekin, 12 50 Go r p Younginer, 12 50 GG II (J Arncit. o 00 (. -J .... > \ rtlrtir- 10 r.n i> Jv.cX.ij j.w t/v G8 Jas M Mills, ' 4 00 09 K II .Jih nings, 58 35 70'K C i»r;oHj, 12 50 71 K LI Heine, 12 50 72 Jno I) Biair, 12 50 73 Xews and Herald, 25 65 74 Juo It Biair, 8 50 75 Jas B Stevenson; 12 50 76 Juo II Crawford, 12 50 77 Thomas G Douglass, 5 00 7S Thomas G Douglass, 5 60 79 Jas E Douglass, 5 00 80 Jas A Brice, 6 00 81 W G Smith, 12 50 S2 IIF Bneschel, . 12 50 83 J E Kolin, 12 50 84 H PKoho, 12 50 %r> T P Ynnnorinfti*. 12 50 86 H R flanigan, 4 00 87 Jno C Buchanan, 5 00 88 S R Johnston, 150 00 >89 D L Stevenson, 47 Co >90 Jas G Mcu'ants, 6 00 >91 D L Stevenson, 100 00 192 C S Matthews, 6 00 93 R B Hanafaan, 8 00 i94 Saml AlcCormick, 12 50 '95 Jas B Stevenson, 6 56 96 Robert E Stewart, 12 50 »§7 Jno L Ratterce, . 12 50 i98 C H Douglass 12 50 '99 T J Dougias-, 12 50 100 Wot a 'Juuk, 12 50 101 H F r.tie.-cbcJ, 12 50 102 C Ji i-'oii^lass, 12 50 03 T J-DoiijfiHsj', 12 50 0-i Wiurieb'-rj Dry Gjods Co, 310 >05 Robert^ Stewart, 12 50 >17 Jas h iCicb^outf, iwuu >18 Saml McCormick, 12 50 >19 Robert Carier, 12 50 >20 £1 A Stevensou, 12 50 >30 M M (Jlinks^alen, 12 50 >10 T M Catbcarr, 37 50 Tie following claims were examined md approved on Road and Bridge faud O: 189S: So. *' Amount. >20 Joe Davis, 3 4 30 321 T P Bryson, 7 14 322 WF Powell, 13 23 ; ->* TP. M Mr/NTanll. 1 80 524 Lazarus Jahuson, 3 00 525 Joe Davis, 1 75 587 Joe Rnssell, 12 50 538 Bill-Jones, 10 00 539 -Cnarlie Robinson, 11 00 540 S H Morgan, 11 00 541 A D Hood, 20 00 542 George Mopre, 6 10 543 J D McMeekin, 2 39 544 IS-Scott, 18 50 345 B F Catsels, 10 47 546 C W Broom, 6 50 547 A J Hinnant, 2 05 545 L Landecker, 2 65 549 "W M Harvey, 110 550 R S Dunbar, 6 00 596 Jno D AlcCarley & Co, 24 18 ei is OU/ J Lt Jtiawes Ai X>rt>, Oi. J.U 50$ W J Lemmou, 5 50 £09 R B Hanahan, 12 00 510 W B Wright, , 2 so 511 1> II Robertson, . 100 512 Sin;I Cathoart, ~ 2 00 513 R Y Turner, 34 30 514 B G Tor,nam, 2 40 515 Lazarus -Johnson. 3 05 GIG T F Cur-cc, 2 65 CSC G F At;d:ev?', 5 00 637 G G Steele. 2 50 638 Y»r J Clowutsy, 11*00 639 Charley Go;ns, 0 00 The following claims were examined and approved on Poor House fand of LCC8: .so. Amount. 50S Caldwall & Raff, $11 60 &AQ P n . Q Of) UW U Ittvu^wu.v»;, 510 Heurv Boulware, 4 45 511 J W Richardson, 3 IS 529 S C Broom, 2 4c 530 Jao D Palmtr, 12 40 531 M McClintock, 1 80 532 A S Hinnant, 119 533 J vy Team, 10 0C 534 il D Spigner, 5 CO 535 B Q Montgomery, 9 0C o36 Henry JLJouiware, o u*. 621 W J Comwell, 0 00 622 J h Bag ley, 3 0C G23 W J Latban, 7 7 c 624 R Y Turner, 33 7? 625 U G DesPortes & Co, 13 7( 626 W I> Richardson, 1 0( G27 Wiunsboro Dry Goods Co, 6 0< 628 Jno D Palmer, / 15 0C 629 E R Roberts, 7 0C The following claims were examinee and approved on Public BuildiDg func of 1-S9S. No. Amonnt. 520 William Mack, $5 0C 527 Preston Rion, 1 0C 52S Preston Rion, 3 OC 631 MW Doty & Co.* 8 41 6:52 U G Dcst'ortes & Co, 1 9i 6o3 R E Ellison, 5 4! 634 R II Jennings, 8 7635 B G ""^nnant, 2 41 T An . re that tViA ahnw st.atamnn is a. correct copy of claims approvec at tb«t last meeting of the (Jountj troard held Julv -i, 1898. B. G.TENNAXr, 7*23 County Supevisor F. C. BR, J. B. BROOKS, Late physician in charge of the Keelc Institute at Hot SpriDgs, Ark., and the Tri-Elixiria liemedy Co., Memphis. Tenn.,;has opened a private institute at Hot Springs for the treatment of Morphme, flisiej, Opin ai Cocaine HaMt, Ar.u .11 di.c^as(v- 'hit coice to tins rc«ort. s»ch [ as riv i; ilia* i -. Illiit| ncrv ": . I.I'uKi. iiver, k;'J;m i - :r:raf:. c o mi p}a;suc. IIi» li-Jine treatment for tl: whiskov and <'-rn<r habit ca be sent to any add res*. Co recpondence solicited and coi fidential. i £2=*Roterence8: Any banker or cil oSkial of Hot Springs. 12-1-97 1 ire Tie People j Fir tie Very Cteajtst M I Ms in tlis Wartet 1 ~;£gS3 WE ARE CRANKS J -gm About giving you the VERY BEST liuuus ;o do tounct at toe lowest prices possible. People who bay elsewhere find that they have paid too much. There is no argament to be brought against us, onr excep- | ' tional experience has GIVEN US THE LEAD. For cur next openin* we have grea'ly reduced everything uniii J5&rxrjJtiDii.u iss. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE AGAIN. R. BRANDT, 1 JEWELER AND OPHGIAN, Chester, S. C. THE EASY MM " J "H0DS1B0II" .1 X>i^V THE MOST MODERN SEWING J MACHINE OF THE A*E, EMBRACING ALL OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Uneqoaled for % Durability, Rang® of "Work, and|Simpli«itv. Old Sewing Machines taken in er* coange. Dealers wanted in unoceupied.territory. Correspondence solicited. Address, J. H. DEKBYSEffil, GfiNZBAL ASENT, EBEL BUILDING, RICEfil$M>, YA CLERK'S SALE. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTr OF FAIBFIELD. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Arthur L, Gaston vs. Wm. R. Bool-* ware. IN pursuance of aa order of the Court of Common P!eas, made in the above stated cas?, I will offer for sale, befpre the Couri House door in Winnsboro, S. C., ou ;hs FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST next, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the following described property lo wit: (1) u All that tract or parcel of land on Broad River, bounded by said Broad River and by lands of A. «T. Bonlware, CI' 6. Boulware, estate of Edward Taylor and Lawrenee Feas* ter, containing I FOUR 1UNDRED (400) ACRES, more or less, and made up, of foor tracts, to wit: One of one hundrtd and sixty (160) acres, conveyed to said W. R Boulware by W. H. Kerr, Clerk; one ot one bnndred and seventy-nine > (179) acres, conveyed to said W. R. > Boulware by C. G. Bonlware; one of thirty-four (34) acres, conveyed to said ' W. R. Boulware by Edward Taylor; 4 * /arr\ ana one tract ox tweuij-wrcu i > acres, which was acquired by sard ) W R. Boulware from t&e estate of his \ father, Osmond Boulware, deceased. \ TEEMS OF SALE. , "One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on day of sale, at 1 the close of the biddiDg, and the bal3 anee upon a credit of one and two years from said day of sale, with interest fr«m said day of sale, to | secured by the boDd of the purchaser > and a morrgage of the premises sold; I and in case the pucshaser or pnrchasers ; fail to comply with, the terms of sale j then the Clerk shall immediately resell. > upon the same terms without any fart ther order of the Court. The pnr ) chaser to pay for all necessary papers." j 1 «-» tt tirv-vtrvmc it. II, mU.limi.lVU) ,l July 12th, 1898. C. C. P. V. C. I 7-14td Something to Please You. When you cannot decide what to drink-, <jr .--TRY Red Messina ©range. fj Cberng IRtpe, Cberr\> Ice, j Tangerine. . AT t'.\ Trim in I Ormin'n 1 JIMfl u.UJjMllD FOUNTAIN.

Ml LOCAL- Coitj f?g|i FirMs Very J · 2017. 12. 17. · .Messrs. Jordan So Davis, agents herefor wheelsmanufactured by the Pope Manufacturing Company, will offerfor afewdaysgreat

Jul 24, 2021



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Page 1: Ml LOCAL- Coitj f?g|i FirMs Very J · 2017. 12. 17. · .Messrs. Jordan So Davis, agents herefor wheelsmanufactured by the Pope Manufacturing Company, will offerfor afewdaysgreat


Wednesday, July 24, - - - 1S9S.


.See Supervisor's report.

.As will be seen by an advertisementelsewhere, E. G. Scrubs has

left the Duval House, and has openeda shoe shop four doors north of WinnskoroHotel..The Misses Jennings gave a charmingreception Monday evening complimentaryto Misses Daisy Wright,

\ of Columbia, and Virginia Workman,f of Camden.

&.Judge Bnchanan left on Saturdayafternoon for his home. During hisweek in Barnwell he labored diligently,

early and iate and always witbcaptivating courtesy..Barnwell Peo-

pie..The supply of waternael»ns in

town Saturday was decidedly grtattrthan the demand for theua. Priceswere "stiff" in the forenoon, kut bej

^ fore night the finest on the market

||L were being sold for a song.

^Jjr .Messrs. Jordan So Davis, agentshere for wheels manufactured by the

Pope Manufacturing Company, willoffer for a few days great bargains in

slightly shop worn wheels. Thesewheels are in perfect condition and

f simply show the effect of handling instock..Uesirt. Jai. W. Hauahan, R. B.

Hanahan, M. D., J. M. Elliott, «odJohn McMaster returned SaidayMormiag from Eawah Island wherethty spent a week fishing. Theyfound tbe weataer not sua me mu»

quitoes very mush in evidence bat in1 spite of the discomforts they eajoyed

tiio trip immensely..The old Mi Zifn oak, one of

"Winnskore's landmarks, is showingunmiitaWe signs of iiisolstion; it"etaafis treabliag on the verge efnon-existence," and without promptand carefnl attention it will seon benumbered wita the "has beeas." This

-- * > »1

magalucent oia **. is

identified with the history of Winnsbor»,and it should BOt be allowed todie of neglect. No effort should bespare! to prolong its life..Last summer we implored the

town council to have the town c'.eaaei,and warned it that the filth about towncontained fever germs. This year no

systematic cleaning has baen done,and a few cases of typhoid faver feavedeveloped. People ought to be made

; to keep their premises cleat. Wevftntnra to sav that the ground underthe freight depot has not been thoroughlycleaned ia ten years. Theieis absolutely no excaae for this. TheSouthern Hallway is certainly able tohave ic done, and the company should

. be made to do it. Other places conldbe specifically Earned, bat as thewhole tosvn needs a systematic cleani»git is nnnecessary to designate theparticular places.OASTOHZA.

Beustb Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought


K~ Everything Goes.' R. Brandt, the Chester jeweler andoptician, is goiDg to make a clean

.4,sweep in order to make room for

ji more goods. From now until SepJrtember 1st everything will go at

greatly reduced price?. Don't fail to

^ see his sew ad to-day. ,

Pnrma.ii University.

Oar readers are referred f the advtrtisementof Furman Universitywhich this issue. Any informationconcerning this well knowninstitution will be cheerfully famishedby President A. P. Montague, Greenville,15. C.


^ C /\ Z^lanYtlA^A A%i


July 29th wili carry a special coach forwhites. Those wishing to visit Charlottewili please btar this in mind.Fare for the rooid trip will be $1.00.

Rev. J. Williams,W. M. Blake,

Managers.jfe Bl»cksto«k Won the Game.

|P" The gam# of ball played in Blackv^ stock Thursday between the Winnsboroand Blackstock teams was won

by the latter, the score being 14 to 19.The Winnsboro boys played good,fastball but their opponents were a

little too much for tbem. Aside from

^ the great batting of Mackore-l W.,Hanahan, and Quattlebaum G., there

WL were no particularly interesting feaKET.


At the First Baptist Church yester/Iottwarninor fhf» xras flllprl hv

PDr. Ferris, of "Winnsb®ro, in the absenceof the pastor. Dr. TV. 0. Linder-

The subject of the disconrse wa3

l "The E&i ly Conversion of Children,"and on this Dr. Ferris preached aa

able sermon. Ho is a strong preacherintellectually and bis sermou yesterdaywas a great treat to the congre-1

<10 crow tr» £hf»m mnc.h fnnrJ

I*S far thought..The State.


A dog supposed to be mad createda considerable amount of excitementin the "Weat End" Monday. Hemanaged to get oct of town before»U1 ui HIS JU.UU1UU9 ^UlOUCl? »l

shot at him bu: was killed before hegot many miles awav.

Xo one was bitten but it is netknowu whether tke dogs in that por-tion of town were as lucky. Dogowners should keep s. strict watch on

their canine p*ts. A great deal of!i trouble mav be avoided,

fc * i JOur baby has been continuallyt'jb troubled with colic and cholera inly'« fantom *ince his birth, and all that

we eould do for him did not seem togive more than temporary relief, untilwe tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera!and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since givingthat remedy tie has not been troubled.

-V Wc want to give you this teitimocial:* as an evidence of oar gratitude, not^that you need it to advertise yoar

meritorious remeay. G. M. Law,(Keokuk, Iowa. For sdie by McMasterCo., Druggists. * ;

K "


Royal catw tirepare*wholesome aad deiirt<as/

f?g|i |POWSERAbsotureiyPur©



Dillon, July 23..Mrs. Lucy Allen,tie esteemed wife of the pastor ofthe Baptist Church here, the Rev. J. I.A11»n died of- Ifi nVlnolr ln.sf ni^ht.

'after an illDessof several weeks. Shewas formerly Miss Merritte of Columbia.She leaves three brightchildren and five step-childrei..TheState.Mr«. Allen was a sister of Mrs. B. J.

Qaattlebaum of Winnsboro. Mrs.Qaattlebaum received the news ofMrs. Alleh's death while in Columbiaat the badside of another sister, Mrs.J. M. Qaattlebaum, who is desperatelyill of typhoid fever. Mrs. Qaattlebaum'smany friends in "Winnsborosympathise with her deeply in heraffliction.

Scocets.Worth Knowing.40 years' success in the South, provesHughe*"' Tonic & great remedy forChills and all Malarial Fevers, BetterthanQainine. Guaranteed, try it. AtDruggists, otc. and $1.00 bottles. *


To the members of the G. L. I:-IVUUWiUg laat UdC vuui^auj uao

some six to eight hundred dollars on

hand, and from the present outlookthey will never need it, I respectfullyask that they consider the followinproposition: That they contributetheir funds towards building a pavilionat the park and all other necessaryimprovements. Let the membersof the company appoint six of tiieir

company to say how it shall be used.The fa*ds of th« town are insuffioientto do it all, and ro doubt if they are

aske^^key will add additional fundsto the G. L. L'S and make the placea pleasant plac« for the whole town.

A member G. L. I.

A white family ix need of help.

The News a>d Heeald ha3 teesniiftmed that there is in Winnsboro awhif* fftmilv flAKntrafftlv in need Otassistance. These people, it is learned,are industrious, and under ordinarycircumstances thoroughly capeblc ofproviding for themselves, but at fresentmost of them are ill and utterlyunable te work. They are said to bein an almost destitute condition. Thisis an excellent opportunity for charitablyinclined people to do seme goodwork. These people hare made no

appeal for assistance, but we feel sure

that any help offered them will ¥ethankfully accepted, and dmly appreciated.Persons interested can getfarther information by calling at thisoffice.


Do you want (o join the army? Ifso, a splendid opportunity is oforedyou. Lt. F. C. Black will opecn a

reeruiting office in Spartanburg. Hewill reorcit for the 3rd Regt. ¥. S.Vol. Engineers. This regiment willbe commanded by Col. D. D. Gaillard,and Major H. C. Davis will commandone of the battalions. Beth of theseofficers are Fairfield men, xod theywill be much gratified to'have some

recruits frem this county. Privatesin this regiment are paid more thanin the infantry. Twenty dollars andfifty oents per mocth will be paid besidesfood and clothing. "We are

authorized to state that whenever a

sqaad of men is collected in any townin the State, they can ba enrolled thereand their expenses paid to Jeffarson.Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo., tbeplace of rendezvous.

MAKE THE PARK SPRIN'O ATTRACTIVE.nftrvnlomttr Af thn -PnrHinA c"«rlnor

jl X-i^v vi iuv xvi guu\^ oj*a*u^

water is on the increase and there are

now a great many people in town whomake daily trips to the spring. Asyet the water has not been analyzed byan expert, so it is not known whetherit contains jocoeral properties. Thoseof onr citizens who have been drink-ing the water regularly are firmlyconvinced that it Joes contain .medicinalvirtues. and they are particn larlyanxiou3 for the town authorise 3 tcforward a sample to some chemist foranalysis.Even if the spring water is not w bal

it is supposed to be, the park its allought to be made a little more attrt ctive.The expense of erecting a »e al

pavuioa o? er tne spring aDU or puttingafew benches in the vicinity f<x?the comlort of people who go tbsrswoold be. inconsiderable. The park itaccassiblc? to everybody now thatbicycles "have come into such ge»eraluse. A.ii attractive resort, such as itceuld very easily be made, is raoidlybecoming a necessity.

$100 Reward, S100.

The jeaders of this paper will", b*pleased to learn that there is at 1 jeas'one drvaded disease that science: h&been able to care in all its stages antthat is Catarrh, ilail's Uatarrh ' »air<is thft only positive cure now kn owito the medical fraternity. Cal arribeing a constitutional disease, req lirea constitutional treatment. 1 lairCatarrh Cure is taken internally, a< :&b.'directly upon the blood and mu coasurfaces of the system, thereby destroyiDg the foundation of the dis< case

and giving toe patient strength: k;AA»ie<i +nf?Ar» on/^ I 4C

UUIIUIU^ up wuowtuwvn b

sisting nature in doing its work. Ti>proprietors have so much faith i n itcurative powers, tbat they offer OaHundred Dollars for any case tbst j

fails to cure. Send for list of l «stimonials. Address,! F. J. CHENEY & CO,

Toledo, O.J S3TSold by Druggists, Toe. *

IMIMMIIIBImm..liMwiw i* iMnmmiiiaiMi


Hon. Geo. D. Tillman spent Sundayin town.Mrs. Ciyburn and children returned

Saturday night from Lancaster.Mrs. HolbrookRion and family have

returned from Davidaon College.17. Ka! PohK Af Tomno

Jii33 jlwc*\j V) v/l xamuaj r iviiuaj

is visiting- oer grandmother, Mrs. N.IK. Rabb"Mr. TV'illiam Johnston, of Louisiana,

is on a visit to bis brother Mr. T. L.Johnston.

Miss Bertba Hobinaon left Taesdayfor a ten days' visit to friends atEdgeinoor, S. C.

Mrs. IIan;ia Rion is visiting herii n T>: ;Ua

inomer ^urs. mary V/. xuuii at iuc

Winnsboro botel.Mrs. il. G. Roche and children and

Miss Louise Baldwin returned to Collumbiaon Tuesday.E. Scott Douglass, Esq., of the Colambiabar was in town Friday on ]

professions:! business.Miss E. G. Dwight returned home

Sunday after an exiended visit torelatives in St. Louis, Mo.

Miss Virginia Workman returnedto Camden Friday after a delightfulvisit <o frionds in TVirmsboro.

Mrs. Ka:;na Rion and her daughter^Theresa arrived on Friday and is stoppingat the Winnsboro Hotel.

Mrs. M. £. Gladden left Fridaymorning for Shelky, N. C., to visither dauglif-Mrs. J. G. Halliburton.MiwBer iu Cathcart, who his been

visiting relaliy«s iu Winnsboro, leftSaturday for her home iu Charleston.E. B. Ragsdale, Esq., returned

Saturday from a combined businessand pleasure trip to the national capital.Mr. M«ans Beaty arrived in WinnsboroTuesday night. He has been

quite unwell, ahd has come home to

recap«rste.Mr.' A. E. Gerig left at mid-day

Sunday for Ocala, Florida, after a

very brief visit to bi3 parents. Mrs.Serig will remain here for severalweeks.

"I have used Chamberlain's CoughRemedy in my family for years andalways with good results," 8ays Mr"W. B. Cooper of EI Rio, Cal. ''Forsmall children we find it especiallyeffective.-'' For sale by McMaster Co.,"Hmo-oncta *



It is the dutv of the Fairfield 0«wntyBoard of Pensions to give the following'notice:The surviving soldiers and sailors

who were in the Confederate serviceare requested to meet on Saturday;30th of July, at the usual followingplaces of the township clubs in eachtownship, and after organizing andAlpr-fincr a. chairman and secretarv, toelect by a majority vote three [of theirmember?.or reputable citizens.who are not applicants for pensionsto constitute and be known as theTewnskip Examining Board of Pensions.The skiu tc wnihip board shall elect

one of their caembers chairman. Thechairman of the several townskipboards shall meet in Winnsboro on

the first Monday in August next andshall organize by electing from [am#ngtheir number a chairman and secretary,and when bo organized, shall elect bya majority v«; e four of their membersan«l a regu'sr practising physician,who shall be known as the CountyExaminiDg iJoar* 01 ronsious ior

Ftirfield County.G. H. McMaster,

Chairman County Examining Boardof Pensions.


A Very Interesting Meeting.AttendanceICot Encouraging.

The firfct iarmerss' institute heldunder the auspices of the newly organizedFairjield Agricultural Association

met "n the court house on

Saturday at 11 o'clock. Mr. Jas. M.Stewart, president of the association,in opening the meeting stated the objectof the organization, and explainedthe character £.nd scope of the workproposed, Mr. Stewart then introducedProf. C. M. Fnrman, who made"Industrial Eclacation" the subject ofhis remarks. Prof. Furman gave an

interesting historical sketch of industrialeducation in this country, andthen proceeded to explain in detailthe plan that Ciemson College and thes C. "E-merimenfc Station will pursue

in giving the farmers practical assistanceand co-operation in their work.His remarks were listened to withthe closest attention by those present.At the conclusion of this address

Prof. Shiver, the assistant chemist at

Clemson, was introduced and he delivereda most entertaining and instructiveaddress on "CommercialFertilizers." This is a subject of deeppractical interest to plauters and thosepresent derived much benefit fromProf. Shiver's reiaarks.

Prof. Hart, who is in charge of thedairy farm at Ciemsot> was the next

! speaker. i=? au expert, in ibis line,and his address contained a great dealof valuable information. Dairy farmingis rapidly becoming an importantindustry in Fairfield, and Prof. Hart'stimely address was particularly interestingto ;hose who arc makingdairying a prominent feature in t^eir

' farming operations. Prof. DuPre'! whose specialty is horticulture was

present, bu;, unfortunately, the numjber of persons present when his turn

| came to spe.ik was too small to warranthis making an address,rf Ovring to tbc fact that farmers are

j unusaally busy at this time the atiteodaucs w.-.s net very large. The

5 time selected was unfortunate. It i:3 hoperf that in future the meetings cau

gbeheld after the crops are laid by

s and farmers have mere time at theiiy disposal.s .. .

Backlra's Arnica Salve.

The Best S<.ive in ihe wori«l for Cutsv 3rui«e?, Sore-. Ulcers, Suit Eheum

17< Piianufu^ TTa nr? cj revci cuic?. vjnt*^

i Cbillblains, '' ms, and all Skin Erups ' tions, and positively c*res Piles, or n(

e 1 pay required. It is guaranteed to giviX j perfect satisfaction, or money refundi- ed. Price 2o cents per box. Por sal*

by McMaster Co.

A FRICAiMri vKll corc. Rheumatism an<

] Scrofula to Stay Cured.


Secret of Beautyi-hsolth. The secret ofhealth isthe power to digest and assim

o a proper quanity of food.lis never be done whe::

i!: 2 liver does not act it's par.*:.

Joyoi?knowthis?T-.itt's Liver Pills are an abso jlu;c cure forsick headache, dyspepsia,sour stomach; malaria,constipation,torpid liver, pi1.':...jaundice, bilious fever, biliousness

and kindred diseases.


Appointments Made by Coui^ty Executivecommittee.

Albion.Charlie Stevenson. C. S.Brice, Jr.4 J. M. Sterling.Biythewood.W. J. Uagond, Alford

Dunn, Durham Boney.Bear Creek.II. L Cooper, 0/ C.

Duke, C. A. Ileins.Centreville.W. B. Ilogan, Arther

A.beil, Sam iloore.Gladden's Grove.Jas. B. GladdeD,

T\ f.l TT.11 T\ TT rr:x/uuiei xiau, u. xi. xxi^gius.Greenbrier.'W. T. Rutland, T. E.

Delleney, Jas. Young.Horeb No. 1.Wade Macfie, Preston

Irby, C. A. Robinson.Horeb No. 2.A. J. Br»wn, G. B.

Hagood, G. G. Steele.Jacksen Creek.E. H. Kirkpatrick,

Jno. M. Turner, W. M. Harden.Jenkinsviile.J. A. Stanton, Joe

McMeekin, A. M. Wallace.Moaticello.J. II. Aiken, Thomas

Rabb, J. D. Blair.Mossy Dale.T. C. Camak, G. W.

Brooks, T. F. Smith.Feasteiville.T. M. Beam, H. C.

Coleman, T. E. Dye.Oakland.D. II. Robertson, J. "VV.

Durham, J. G. Ilollis.Longtown.T. M. Haynes. W. J. j

«* 1 T A

aejgisr, t). a, oiewaii..

Ridgewav.J. N. Lsmaster, Joe Coleman,Dr. A.L. Ott.Salem.W. K. Turner, J. M. Yonng,

M. Y. Milling."YVinnsboro No. 1.II. E. Ketchin,

W. R. Elliott, L. E. Owens.Wiansboro No. 2.U. G. DesPortes,

JohQ II. Smith, J. B. Stevenson.Watered.J. M. Gayden, Waa. Isenbower.Thos. A. Moore.White Oak.J. B. Patrick, J. J. Mc-

Dowel 1, H. Y. Bankhead."Woodward.J. R. Crate, T. W.

Brice, Jr.. W. M. Ilarvey.The assessment on candidates as follows:CoDgress, $10.Honsc of Representatives, $3 each.Treasurer, $5.Auditor, $5.Superintendent of Education, S3.County Supervisor, $3.Pledges of candidates to be handed

to COUUty CUttirili&u ituu asscsaaicuia iu

be paid to the treaeurder of the committeeat least ten days before the firstprimary election. jSo vote will becounted for any candidate who doesnot comp'y with the above.

J. R. Curlee,,Secretary and Treasurer.

Look r-A Stik«h'in Time

Saves nine. Hughes' Tonic (new improved,taste pleasant), taken in earlyspring and fa^l prevents Chilis, Dengueand Malarial Fevers. Acts on me

liver, tones up the system. Better thanQuinine. Gnaranteed, try it. AtDruggists. 50e. and $1.00 bottles. *


Good Place toKest From Business Cares.K ml and Hospitable People.

i I'icke:.--, Jiiir 14..I will write a

f"w line-s. Pcj-nftjn it may interest-n r-e <>f rour read rc. Pickens is a

v»v ;v !i;t!o iowh noted for pure:: ouMjiin bivi and clear, sparklingwater, filled 'with kind, hospitablepeople who are jastly proud that theyare at lust connected with the worldby a railroad line ftom Easlev, ninemiles away. We have a bank, recentlyorganized, and several new!

stores going up, brick buildings. Wehave good water power on both aidesnf the town which can be utilized invarious ways. I find Pickens not behindother counties in the number ofpatriotic men, goo& and kiid to everynew commer, and Anxious to f-erve

their country in time of war.

There is a large crop of candidatesalready annomcad and probably more

to follow. Now, if you want a nice,quiet place to rast a month, I adviseyou to try Pickens. You will findgood bearding houses where you can

forget busin*ss and have a home at

reasonable rates.The Court, of General Session is

going on here now. Judge W. C.Bannet is the presiding judge. Mnrdercases are to be tried.Crops are fine. Mad dogs are quite

numerous. it. k. y.

Frank L. Stanton has writteu a geoddeal of "verse" in his time, and is stillat it, without signs of flagging, but he

drops into poetry sometimes, as thefollowing selection shows:" {0, the glory °.nd the story of the

tight,The dashing or the war s e«us jn iu«

strife.j The cktrge and the retreat,

,: Aud the jiag the winding sheotOf faces staring starward from the

strifeLostto Me,And the waiting of thi mother and

the wife!'".Xeics and Courier.

m.... MKjMWB...



' A New rind Complete Treatment, consisting: oi' SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two

ISoxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Pilesof every nature and decree. It makes an operationwith the knife, which is painful, and often resultsin death, unneccs:-ry. Why endure this terriblei wa h->ri/ 5 Written Gusraatce in each

j Si Box. Xo Cur ., Xo Pay. see.and $1 a bos, C lor

<5. Sent bv mail. Samples freeOINTMENT, 25c. and 50c.

- PfiN^TlPATION Cured- p*es ^evented, fcyI/UIIO llrn I IU.M Japanese Liver Peliets.thc


j BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasantto take: especial:;- adapted for children's use. 5cdoses 25 cents.

2 FREE..A vial of these famous little Pellets will

j be Riven with a >1 box or more of Pile Cure.Notice.The genuine fkesh Japanese J'ils

I Cure for sale only byJ J. J. OREAR, Druggist,

Winnsboro, S. C.


Supervisor Tennant, in Keply to 3Ir. Laeld.Says that the Board of CommissionersDesignates the Koads to be "Worked

by the Gang.Mr. Editor: I notice a communicatioQin yonr issue of the lGth inst.

from Mr. A. W. Ladd in reference tothe wtrk of the chain gang. Inreply I Deed only say that tbe directionof the chain tfang as to where itis to work is wholly at the discretionof the county board, which is composedof one representative from eachtownship. They meet frequently anddirect the movements of the gang, as

to where it is to work, &c, It is theunanimous purpose of that board to

put roads in the best condition in such_1 a. 1-1!. J T t.nuiauKS as uju puum; mav ucinc iu&

mest advantage; lor instance thewhole county will travel the variousroads leading directly into "Winnsboro,while if we were to start the work oil

any branch road then tbe bonefit wouldonly be for those who live on that particularroad. Oa the other hand, thechain gang has on§y been in operation jabout two } ears. and it is impossibleto work all roads in tk^ county i:i soshort a time; bat I think tbe amount!and quality of work already done by jk/v svrt-rtrv rrry 11 CO!?C+'tr 01 ? thikf in <nit: luaiu uxu a-a. j «-*.* ^»i. «*. .

few years more the roaOs of the wholecounty will be substantially improved,and whan they are once pat in goodcondition, as we are now doing, thenthe work of the gang will be muchmore rapid and the visits of the gangto different parls of the county will bemuch more frequent. But we findthat it is useless to rush over a sectionof road and half do the work, as it isabout as bad a3 no working As tothat particular section of road towhich Mr. Ladd refers, I will say thatthere are four other public roads runningthrough the same neighborhoodupon which the hands of the communitywill be put. As they are not so

important as the Bell's Bridge roaathe chain gang will not be pat to workop them until all the principal roads ofthe county have been worked. I hopeMr. Ladd will understand my positionin this matter, and every one may restassured that every effort of mine inthe discharge of public duty is to benefitthe whole people. Respectfully,

B. G. Tennant,July 25, 1898. Supervisor.



Beats the Klondike.

ilr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in tneKlondike. For years be suffered untoldagony from "consumption, accompaniedby hemorrhages; and was absolutelycured by Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughsand Colds. He declares that gold isof little value in comparison with thismarvelous cure; would have it, evenif it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat andlung affections are positively cared byDr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.Trial bottles free at McMssterCo/s Dros: Store. Regularsize 50 cts. and 81.00. Guaranteed tocure or price refunded. 2


From Rev. H. K Ezell, Candidate for

Superintendent of Education.

My friends have presented my name

to the voters of Fairfield County as a

candidate for the office of Superintendentot Education. Permit 4me to

say, therefore, that if I am eleeted, Iwill serve the public to the best of myfthilit.v. There are some considera-1tions why I have consented to acceptthe position if it should be tenderedto me. In the first place, it' has been

suggested that, being a minister, I

might be enabled to give moral (one

to (lie schools. This is a considerationthat weighs mightily with me.

For L am profoundly conscious thatjauv effort to educate the intellect,while giving no attention to moralculture, is sadly deficient. My friends

t,.of the, nlTtno wfinlrl add to IITwHlli Ck. UiiUb LliV UMAVV ff

sphere of usefalness as a preacher. Iam aware that* some people seem to

think that a preacher ought not to holdany public office. But I do not thinkif I should hold the position of superjintecdent of education that I wouldbe going into politics, as it would be

ray business to execute and not to

make laws. Having had considerableexperience as a teacher and havingbeen actively and continuouslv engagedin preaching for some fifteenv

« 1 Ittyears, spending me uaic auvui

In four counties of the State, namely,Spartanburg, Union, Greenville andFairfield, and mingling -with thepeople both in town and country, itwould seem that my observation andexperience oughj to be worth somethingin the discbarge of the duties ofthis very responsible trust. Let me

say also that I have not the remotestidea ot relinquishing in the slightestdegree my work as a minister, shouldI get the office. I magnify my callingas a preacher and expect to follow itas long as the Lord gives me work inHis vineyard of soul saving.

1 T ArAnr*15Ut tile WUl'K >VUIUJJ A aixi uuiug ah

the county is of such a nature that Ican act as superintendent of educationand continue to supply ray churchesThe churches are wnk and can onlyafford to engag* u>i preaching one*or twice p^r li;outh. and should Ilive in Wiitnsouro, as I hope to do, iwould be in easy reach of them frommy home, any Sunday inorumg.Then, too, as a matter of finance theoffice presents to me at this time no

mean consideration as I have a tergefamily, fenr of whom are of properage to be in school. The oldest, a

daughter, ought to be in school ofhigh grade, but the small salarywhich I get from aiy churches is intr\onoWn mo tn t.hfiauuijuaiu iv v.uw^iw .

additional expense of sending her offto school. These and other considerationsfrom a financial standpoint leadme to wish the offi :e.The other candidates for this office

are all nice gentlemen so far as Iknow. I am not personally acquaintedwith any of them except the presentincumbent. He seem3 to have donewell with the office, in some respectsat least, but X presume that he basdone no more than was his doty. Forit was his duty to do anythiog and

/tnnM tr\ woL"c* imnrnvp-cvjiy iiiiug ug wuiu w w - ~

ments in the work of his office. Hehad thu office four years and perhapsa change would not be hurtful. 1write thus fully of the ma ter as 1may not be able to make any very extendedcanvass of the county. IndeedI am well known in m'.si «>f I hicounty, and if the p^opls think favorab'.vof my candidacy and givi mctheir support I shall greatly appreciate

j their kinduiPS.j If circnoistances will porinit I v:i\

atiend the campus ufrr-cnt.butit may not he pos.-ime for me u

, do so. In anv evenr. J ail! cheerful])abide the will of the m jority of lh<voters of the county.

:Very respectfullv,Ii: K. Ezell.P. S..There is a rumor afloat tba

Rev. J. P. Isenhower withdrew free

Ml I - M m ..a

the race in my favor. I wish to say jthat he never*mentioned the matter ofhis candidacy to me until after he wasannounced and then had withdrawn.Neither did I mention to him my purposeto run until after my announcementhad gone to the press. There is Cthereiore no connection between hiswithdrawal and my announcement.T i1r« vinr lrnr>w whv hp withdrew.Bro. Isenhower is popular aurt deservedlyso; but I am askiDg the suffrageof the peeple for my own sakeand not for anybody elses sake, and Jam very <rrateful for the encouragemen!that I am receiving. n. k. e.

.!._ >Persons l!«mb <1 with diarrce"; will t

be interested in ihe experience at' Mr.W. M.Bpsh. clerk of Ilotel Dorrance,Providence, E. I. lie says: "For '?several years I have been almost a

constant sufferer .from diarrboea, thefrequent attacks completely prostrat--.a»nA *r\Y> mtr 0'iLIS; liiu cUiU. igiiugiiu^ niv UUUI A\JK Ui;

duties at this hotel. About two years ?ago a traveling salesman kindly gave fme a small bottle of Chamberlain's ?Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal Remedy. ?Much to my surprise and delight its ?effect* were immediate. Whenever I z_felt symptoms of the disease I would 5fortify myeelf against the attack with *ja few doses of this valuable remedy. I?The result has been very satisfactoryand almost complete relief from the ^

For sale bv* Mcilarst.-r« o., 5

cn - jSF.V I>i AND THE LETTER "X." Jf/W»

the Boston Traveler.'iThe letter "M" fetill plays its part in 'I

the war. Just thiok of its prominence 'iin the events of the last few months!It stands for Maine, mine, Mclvinley, 'tMadrid, Matanzas, Miles, Manila, Mon- ;

tojo, Maria CristiDa, Mariaune. MariaTeresa, Marbleh«ad, Minneapolis.Moie °rSt. Nicholas, Manzanillo, Morro, MerfimafMassachusetts. Mobile. Mer- -

riam, Monsignor Merry del Val, the '?marines (at Guaatanamo), Mo*terey,

Monadnock,Monte (the Spanish *ene- '?ral besieged at Macabora), Meiklejohn, ®

Monet, McCalla, Maxim, monitor, z

militia, Minister®, Morton bowilzersandMontgomery. Recently the gov- ^

«rnment at "WWhingLou has purchased .

half a dozen transports the names of ?which begin with "M," and it may be

addedthat among the most annoying *

drawbacks iD camp thus far have beeu ^measles and mud. '3

*** U S RE § Z5 0% 5ure rs av»a sr '-*? c

SEsmEsviTAUTir «

V>W$ £<0^.Vif 'jj^P - $ fvlad-3 a e

\ Vv'e!1 ^an *

THE ^mVoa'.^N^ 0?IVk. JGREAT .

T7RENCH REMEDY produces the above result /

* in 30 days. Cures SVervcms Debility, fnipnicncy.Varicocele, Failing Mar.ory. Stops all drains and (Ios^g caused by errors of youth, it wards olT In- *

jariSjr and Consumption. Young Men regain Man- .

hood and Old Men recover Youthful Vigor. It <

gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, a::d fits (a man for business or innrriage. Easily carried iuthe vest pocket. Price pTC 6 BcAcesS2.sefay mail, in plain pack-Oy v I O.age. withwritten guarantee. DR. JllAM o 'HARRA, Paris £

Sold only by 'J. J. OBEAR, Drug- /gist, Winnsboro, S. C. ]


KjT !% A.LLIfcrrous JHxcttsts.I'ailias ilealyj.* /»! ory.Impoteacy, Sleepleesnesa, etc., caused '

I? "I by Abase or other Escesses and India- |i cretions. Th*v quiclcly and eurely

V^tj restore Lost Vitality in old oryoun3.and ifit a man for study, business or marriage.Prevent Inanity and Consumption if <

taken in time. Their esc shows immediate improvementand effects a CUES where all other fail Insistnpoa having the peauino Ajax Tablets. Theyhave cored thousands and will care yon. Wecivp r.positivewritten guaraatee to effect a cure Eft P'r i in <

each esse or refund the money. PricevU Wivi perpackage; or sis pieces (full treatment) for $2.51. By '

mail, in plain wrapper, cpon receipt of price. Circular i^ AJAX REMEDY CO.,For sale byJXO. H/McMASTER & CO., '

"Winnsboro. S, C. <

^ItfiA Rpnaipinff MipitfifU11UI/ uuiiunuui

I AM NOW PREPARED TO DOany kind of Shoe Repairing. Oaksoles sewed 011 for 65c. All workguaranteed. Ceraeted patches a specialty.Work done while you wait".7-21-Sw E. G. SCRUGGS

S^iK*BAlSAS£ I*3SsC^-^_^r- isfjClesiwcj cad icatr.ii.ei ti.'i .'^-2.

^SSi^ «3ji'r«aote3 ft 1bxu?»p: growth. «

s .^^3&-»©vor Falls to Hcstore Gi«y4Hair to Its Youthful Co'.or. jj

siiskCtSSfe^ESiStCue? scalp iiinns (t bulr t*lliaSi rtegjfitB _.jj


Opens Sept. S, 189S. One of the leadingSchools for Young I adies in the South.Magnificent buildings, all modern improvements.Campus ten acres. Grandmountain scenery in Valley of Va., famedfor health, European and American teachcrs.Full course. Superior advantages inArt and JJusic. Students from twentyfireStates. For catalogue address thePresident, MATTIE P. HAPvRIS,

Roanoke, Virginia.



BY virtue of authority vested in me,I have levied upon and will sell

to the highest cash bidder, before theCourt House in Winnsboro, on theFIRSTMONDAY IN AUGUST next,ihe following described tracts of land".sold under the act referring to delinquenttaxes:


Estate of Mary Raines, 19G acrcs.North by R. A. Patrick; east by R- A.Patrick; south by YV. A. Smith: west


Dave Jenkins, 1S7 acres. Boimdcdnorth by lands of Grover; west bylands of D. H. Means; soutn bv lands jof X'bil Coau; ca t bv lands of Louis jWilds.Estate of . Kennedy, 40 acres.!

Bounded by lands of Hoffman, Brown 1and Enfzmin^er.

SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 8.Estate J. T. Johnston, 158 acres.

Bounded east dv S. P. Newman andSims; south by S. C- Aioore & i5:-o.; jwest by Freeman; north by Reuben;Jones.

Mrs. Amelia Iiichbu.'g, 17o acres.North and west by lands of W. T.Martion; east by J. F. Brown uadS, J A llirner; south byO. B. Boney.

SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 20.J. W. Powell, 225 acres. Bounded

by lands of Mrs. 1 N ,w"-. Mrs.Kinloch, estate of I. i.vju« ; .1 anaMrs. Powell.7-9rd fi. E. ELLISON, S. F. C.

iFnrman fcersi!?.GBEENV1LLE, S. C.

j Thorough courses leadini' to the,'giv^ o; D. Lit , B. S., B. A., nr.«t

j M. A. The Faculty has been enlarged.J i! attention to English. E oca.i; arid P< dagcgi«s. New coar< os in

I Boiy;., History, Latin, Modem Lar-] srnasrf*,and Physics. A new Graduate. Department. Early application lor

2 rooms in tbc Mess Halls should bemade to Prof, B. E. Geer, Secretary ofthe Faculty, Cesar's Head, S. C.Address,

, A. P. MONTAGUE,a 7-21 Greenville, S. C.


Coitj Snjermor.lauis Approved at tk last

Mf-f.ttvg of the Board of CountyCcnnrrssioxERS HELD ON JULV

4TH, 1898.

The following claims were examinednil approved on State Ca?e fand of39$:

fo.Amount.17 RE Ellison. * $ 13 SOIS K E Ellison, 17 40.n T-- U.Af..).:, J_

eJUU JMUiUCVlUU, * v>v

51 WJL Weir, 5 00152 It S Spence, 3 80153 Jno M Boulware, o 0054 Jno B Patrick, 10 0055 II S llefo, 3 405G M D C Colvin, 111557 Jas C Picketr, 5 5058 Jno R Hamilton, 12 5059 C S Pisley, 5 00GO B G Tenuanf, .

162 00G1 W G Ilinnant, 2500G2 Juo 1< Oooper, 1250Go R W B;ice, 2,0064 Joe McMeekin, 12 50Go r p Younginer, 12 50GG II (J Arncit. o 00(. -J .... > \ rtlrtir- 10 r.n

i> Jv.cX.ij j.w t/v

G8 Jas M Mills,' 4 00

09 K II .Jih nings, 58 3570'K C i»r;oHj, 12 5071 K LI Heine, 12 5072 Jno I) Biair, 12 5073 Xews and Herald, 25 6574 Juo It Biair, 8 5075 Jas B Stevenson; 12 5076 Juo II Crawford, 12 5077 Thomas G Douglass, 5 007S Thomas G Douglass, 5 6079 Jas E Douglass, 5 0080 Jas A Brice, 6 0081 W G Smith, 12 50S2 IIF Bneschel, . 12 5083 J E Kolin, 12 5084 H PKoho, 12 50%r> T P Ynnnorinfti*. 12 5086 H R flanigan, 4 0087 Jno C Buchanan, 5 0088 S R Johnston, 150 00>89 D L Stevenson, 47 Co>90 Jas G Mcu'ants, 6 00>91 D L Stevenson, 100 00192 C S Matthews, 6 0093 R B Hanafaan, 8 00i94 Saml AlcCormick, 12 50'95 Jas B Stevenson, 6 5696 Robert E Stewart, 12 50»§7 Jno L Ratterce, . 12 50i98 C H Douglass 1250'99 T J Dougias-, 12 50100 Wot a 'Juuk, 1250101 H F r.tie.-cbcJ, 12 50102 C Ji i-'oii^lass, 12 5003 T J-DoiijfiHsj', 12 500-i Wiurieb'-rj Dry Gjods Co, 310>05 Robert^ Stewart, 12 50>17 Jas h iCicb^outf, iwuu>18 Saml McCormick, 12 50>19 Robert Carier, 12 50>20 £1 A Stevensou, 12 50>30 M M (Jlinks^alen, 12 50>10 T M Catbcarr, 3750Tie following claims were examined

md approved on Road and Bridgefaud O: 189S:So. *' Amount.>20 Joe Davis, 3 4 30321 T P Bryson, 7 14322 WF Powell, 13 23; ->* TP. M Mr/NTanll. 1 80524 Lazarus Jahuson, 3 00525 Joe Davis, 1 75587 Joe Rnssell, 12 50538 Bill-Jones, 10 00539 -Cnarlie Robinson, 11 00540 S H Morgan, 11 00541 A D Hood, 20 00542 George Mopre, 6 10543 J D McMeekin, 2 39544 IS-Scott, 18 50345 B F Catsels, 10 47546 C W Broom, 6 50547 A J Hinnant, 2 05545 L Landecker, 2 65549 "W M Harvey, 110550 R S Dunbar, 6 00596 Jno D AlcCarley & Co, 24 18

ei isOU/ J Lt Jtiawes Ai X>rt>, Oi. J.U

50$ W J Lemmou, 5 50£09 R B Hanahan, 12 00510 W B Wright, , 2 so511 1> II Robertson, . 100512 Sin;I Cathoart, ~ 2 00513 R Y Turner, 34 30514 B G Tor,nam, 2 40515 Lazarus -Johnson. 3 05GIG T F Cur-cc, 2 65CSC G F At;d:ev?', 5 00637 G G Steele. 2 50638 Y»r J Clowutsy, 11*00639 Charley Go;ns, 0 00The following claims were examined

and approved on Poor House fand ofLCC8:

.so.Amount.50S Caldwall & Raff, $11 60&AQ P n . Q Of)UW U Ittvu^wu.v»;,

510Heurv Boulware, 4 45511 J W Richardson, 3 IS529 S C Broom, 2 4c530 Jao D Palmtr, 12 40531 M McClintock, 1 80532 A S Hinnant, 119533 J vy Team, 10 0C534 il D Spigner, 5 CO535 B Q Montgomery, 9 0Co36 Henry JLJouiware, o u*.

621 W J Comwell, 0 00622 J h Bagley, 3 0CG23 W J Latban, 7 7 c

624 R Y Turner, 33 7?625 U G DesPortes & Co, 13 7(626 W I> Richardson, 1 0(G27 Wiunsboro Dry Goods Co, 6 0<628 Jno D Palmer, / 15 0C629 E R Roberts, 7 0CThe following claims were examinee

and approved on Public BuildiDg funcof 1-S9S.

No.Amonnt.520 William Mack, $5 0C527 Preston Rion, 1 0C52S Preston Rion, 3 OC631 MW Doty & Co.* 8 416:52 U G Dcst'ortes & Co, 1 9i6o3 R E Ellison, 5 4!634 R II Jennings, 8 7635B G ""^nnant, 2 41

T An . re that tViA ahnw st.atamnn

is a. correct copy of claims approvecat tb«t last meeting of the (Jountjtroard held Julv -i, 1898.

B. G.TENNAXr,7*23 County Supevisor F. C.

BR, J. B. BROOKS,Late physician in charge of the Keelc

Institute at Hot SpriDgs, Ark.,and the Tri-Elixiria liemedy

Co., Memphis. Tenn.,;hasopened a private instituteat Hot Springs

for thetreatmentof

Morphme, flisiej, Opin ai

Cocaine HaMt,Ar.u .11 di.c^as(v- 'hit coice totins rc«ort. s»ch

[ as riv i; ilia* i-. Illiit|ncrv ": . I.I'uKi. iiver,

k;'J;m i - :r:raf:. c o mip}a;suc.

IIi» li-Jine treatment for tl:whiskov and <'-rn<r habit cabe sent to any add res*. Corecpondence solicited and coifidential.

i £2=*Roterence8: Any banker or ciloSkial of Hot Springs. 12-1-97

1 ire Tie People jFir tie Very CteajtstMIMs in tlis Wartet 1


WE ARE CRANKS J-gmAbout giving you the VERY BESTliuuus ;o do tounct at toe lowest

prices possible. People who bayelsewhere find that they havepaid too much. There is noargament to be broughtagainst us, onr excep- |

' tional experience has


For cur next openin* we havegrea'ly reduced everythinguniii J5&rxrjJtiDii.u iss.



Chester, S. C.


J"H0DS1B0II" .1




Durability,Rang® of"Work,and|Simpli«itv.

Old Sewing Machines taken in er*coange.Dealers wanted in unoceupied.territory.Correspondence solicited.Address,




COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.Arthur L, Gaston vs. Wm. R. Bool-*


IN pursuance of aa order of theCourt of Common P!eas, made in

the above stated cas?, I will offer forsale, befpre the Couri House door inWinnsboro, S. C., ou ;hsFIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST

next, within the legal hours of sale, atpublic outcry, to the highest bidder,the following described property lowit:

(1) uAll that tract or parcel of landon Broad River, bounded by saidBroad River and by lands of A. «T.Bonlware, CI' 6. Boulware, estate ofEdward Taylor and Lawrenee Feas*ter, containing

I FOUR 1UNDRED (400) ACRES,more or less, and made up, of foortracts, to wit: One of one hundrtdand sixty (160) acres, conveyed to saidW. R Boulware by W. H. Kerr, Clerk;one ot one bnndred and seventy-nine

> (179) acres, conveyed to said W. R.> Boulware by C. G. Bonlware; one of

thirty-four (34) acres, conveyed to said' W. R. Boulware by Edward Taylor;

4 * /arr\ana one tract ox tweuij-wrcu i

> acres, which was acquired by sard) W R. Boulware from t&e estate of his\ father, Osmond Boulware, deceased.


, "One-third of the purchase moneyto be paid in cash on day of sale, at

1 the close of the biddiDg, and the bal3anee upon a credit of one and twoyears from said day of sale, with interestfr«m said day of sale, to b«

| secured by the boDd of the purchaser> and a morrgage of the premises sold;I and in case the pucshaser or pnrchasers; fail to comply with, the terms of sale

j then the Clerk shall immediately resell.> upon the same terms without any fartther order of the Court. The pnr

)chaser to pay for all necessary papers."j 1 «-» tt tirv-vtrvmc

it. II, mU.limi.lVU)

,l July 12th, 1898. C. C. P. V. C.I 7-14td

Somethingto Please You.When you cannot decidewhat to drink-,



RedMessina ©range.

fj Cberng IRtpe,Cberr\> Ice,

j Tangerine..


t'.\ Trim in I Ormin'n1 JIMfl u.UJjMllD