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. MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS " The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\ IIMW!Ippl Salu r d:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Cta t• Per C GIIJ l-luman Relations Council Formed In State Beaten Students Ask Protests To State And United States Officials Talladesa, Alabamo - The Social Action Committee of Tal lad•s• Collece t>•• Mkcd citizens throughout lbe United States 10 prot<!st the beAting and o.:f numti'OUS studtnt-s by pollee Aprll 25·20. Th., !'tudcn"t orga:r1i:r.ntion urged w ords ••d 10 lbe tloparl· m ent at Just lt!• Jn Wasb.lngtDn. D. C.ond to the Alal)>mll Commls.<!on in Montsomory, A labama. A mQ< bt•llng by state an<\ city took. ploce April 26 -whe n 200 studenta bc;;an a rnru·eh d-Owntown t'o prOlE!$! the beotint and jalllllg ot others Lhe night Civilian.• had. bdton ont! ••u· cf_Blt and \hro\Vf' tard. gas- on two others. A hood· lum sla•hed the litO$ on the au tomobile of a s)'Tt'lpathitf!.r w.hile. a polJc:tman looked en, Four women atudents- were ove.r eome by ,..,,. c•• whne p ic ket- ing a drugston. Six .stud,anta we.n arreated whne pki«!Unw drug slorc whet-e {O\i:t <11' thdnl. uAd pl"'fWiou.t::l)' bee n arrHted for •i\HnJ ln. These four ware later fined $100 eoch and thoir Cllses are being The proteJt mo.rchars. wnre mtt. two biCK!k& from t he col- l oge by 40 to 110 .tote ond city -pal llrmed with tire hoses. and tenr Chy OqUnp £(11 Byron Boye-tt was also t"bcre. Boyett 1 .li'IUTd.t l .. th>! th<)- wrro L ·\olntln; the l aw th\'y hud 09 portrd.o pet'-' 1nlt. Wh<'lt :hL ·ludotll• lruli!l- cd Ofl c:nnHnW11J'l lbmr pro1 esl. lb• poll•• oUack•d with club>. Orh· JttUdco1 v. ho WG4 tnJ UJ'C:d •oirl :hr polh m•de "very of. lu :- r•lu· :\ICIUn!t mt:n Sn 1he l 'l'om \\"lth U'lr c1ut». The stu- t'bf\l.s l"'H! lhroughout and djd ot bll<k. Finally !hoy drivon 10 t:w gtU.e, he: p()lt4.e JoN1rm tht-nl n: ihe "pt-rn nt o:n1 hllrl · •'\'+ t't" bn· ( · ut ' ., ('tth inlltc.od by aome £harp m•trtl· Mel\\, Local So rori ty Plans May Week Celebration Clarksdale loses $7,000. In Taxes In Two Month Period City Offici al s Blame Parking Ti ckets; FC Credit Boycotts Clark•dale, Miss., May l, 1962. City ltliclall lo Clm·k$tlale ad· m ltt t!d l'rido.y, April 27 that ta:x antici.Pa ted for the. p .. t two months In Clark$dalo .is &am@ seven. thou:s.a.n.d dolllftl on from what wa.s o-nticJpattd. The reas-on given by l be clty i s. the. con1in.uln,c prectce of aiv- ing parking \i(-ke ts to ou.r town shoppers. The Coahom• County F'edoratd Counoll rrl Hons. the organl•otion pushlnl! the b<>ycotllng ot dowrvlown until tbey ogreo to e.anplov abovC!I the 'C) and w.e CXIUI-.1ay wlton addorulng us, hove a dll· fc:re:nt version ns to ibe ru!on tor th1fl J::ag. tha!Uind doUm in tax money Is Lhe one cent (t el tax. dw> tho city. Tho omount spent In total dol· tan representing sevt1n thou· Fand doUan in !· ox wiJJ be in t he seven lmnd:rc: d t'tlou•.n nd dollar d.of<S: or tctul lhat was dont' 30rne: plDQf' durinst thrt 1\Ml t wo ot.har Uwn In (:lark ·<hl o. W1lh ll>or Llucr long orloblish t.od JuOJI .. Th<! Cignr and Tr C(lr.-1pfltt)' !hnt d'd It J!OU\.l bU.iint Wlth 'Nf nn $ o ""LH In the Clutlyln g art·n, Th .o a: nut Nnti<tlH Fon r.mJ lf' Smt 11. lurr•.•· rs·cqt lH: I l.'d b,Y we h.(\p(' Will uAneiJ1. n • h,rH'P )t nohf"IH ,,f t h ston· ldl in l'll)l rrr•ion pt ·c 111nn• •·mr: 1• 1 '" dffwrhll"·n CI.H l •· ..1 .• 1•. thnn ony ot tbc flldllml.lrr. f"1:11t.,..,nbrt '''fil l&' ln lli11torv. The !\lumnn Chpp- 1tr ttf m1 tilt-In Soro· fna. im•Tt"'' lttE' publiC" lO •l'rrd tron. Sci>IJkf'T"C fnr 1hf' f'C'l'hll10n 'frl \l b• \II"< Clot•·• C FlorV"v. AHor· fifO)" C:-r•1• Hall su'ld Mr. V R CollTI • Th" F'<dent<>d Couocll of Or· g•nizntloos wb!cl1 holds lt. m•" rncctlntA C\'£.\ry WtttnC'!dtQ• niJ!ht, mo.nth tr1u to ftt"l :a cqn(t-reneo with the down .. tl"'wn merchants to th..- d!IIOI'•nre•. To 41ll• <'nly n f••w a4rted to t alk nl;K>ut tht' prablc:rn. t'"t-11 f t wPl" to aur tmlll tb0 dt»\"\'ll tCIWn mCl'Chln, · n U'l UJ tnlr, th<"Y nuo·ct'nl lnok rw us o,·cr t htre . Th""' NAACP ltadN' 01< -till unl1 r jnil nte.nct or montiU otnrl t500.Dn lln< , I be. y nnd lht n\Q\'C!'llffH g<H Respect For Sandra Holderfield Understanding, Social Justice Is Group's Aim Wo Jn profound $ympath y wU n )IOU. rtlatins and ttiends. We nevu .knew Snndra. but "' '-' ore our re.- !JM! da 1 he wa1 human, and abo\ 'e nl1 !lhe- w n.s ny1us. what we cNegr OH) have attt!n\pted lor so vetoy Jon _g. 10 extend a helpmg bn.nil or to the un.apprtcincl ve . 'Ve ttre !ure. you have n"tVer placed ony uu:st In s Negr·o, probobly you wt>re odviKcd !.-om birth not lo, but don't you lh1nJc h ia get1i ng qu ite rld1rulous whun you e.on't trust y our own.? of the 1\ t.olc: wltol 1• bOP<'<I will bo • tong Jlr-p forwArd lhl,. wc. •r k wb:•' n thP.)' 1he C(IU11ril On H utmm Rclntion<t. In nowspop<tr, 1 hoy portr•yod Slytor Q! bolng t•· om .. el')' sUitt ex.c..:pt tha t ot wh it'h rtall)' it , D0ep wiU\in 1h1:1 • kn tw only a $Outpe rn xma.ll minded wh1te tould o mL 1 bl·utal inhuman crime as U1a1. Not n Ne:,ro: t:akt the Till the- Pa.rketr <-.tU ( e, the c. 1uet treiil.M(Iht of Ule Freedom Rldel'S1 lhe ruleose oc pollee dog$ and lnhl111t4n bt:a.Unp tram on Innocent the shoutin..g of c;o.rporat and now 0 God, whttt wm ymJr pt! op le lblnk ot n• xt ? The -putl)oJ• of t.h# CouncU. OS rotm•Uy • dop ...... lfl .to work iow•rd Ulld. •.ttt au :U.nand bctle-r r&1&1JOM bt 1w, tttt w hlle abd Ne-gro tie•• ln llM _,,,. and fOr .octet Justice wiJ h• t n Jud uoooCM i.allall con ce-p 1 t. baaed on the be.Ue:t tbo 1 'an moo- n• of tqua.l "' odb ht she slsht of God.. N!'> Styt.r is noc ln&ane, but VQrY •ano wltb >hr fUitcept tho_ ! CM do wh•t he )>Ieos .. rvep It it I• oo hl• own. ' Will your pt ople, Y<rong supporH .. 'f's ol what i tut t1Aim· t!d, eonvfct Slyter Jor ):our or will theY nltttmpt 'o vlnce lhe (Nec i'OCl) tbol • n1n n could 11111 be tha t cruel ond let him go, with hofl "" lhot. he w<u Negro? Oh. well I am 1 1111r.: will t ind .somrllt ing to blm or. ma,ybe the bre 1ach. at pc...'lce or dlsorde.rly Cl')nd uCt or jurt tgncwanc•. H'6 'he Jnw. 1t not! H h '" wn:c: n Newo. wnu td it rnn-t1 t.!r lo ,..,em wtu.:lht•r C"+r Pet\ wsq or Would hu be gh·"n :. rht"II'W(> to plt-a nQ1 cl:cn H t.c W.;aJ nntl At "e ructHid our SJn oi!J'Ciy. Negro Vole Increase Noted In Flor ida FJorld:t - T h t'l nun\ her hi N1 trt)(oJ. roti,(!-1('rrcl \O vote ln Jo "l or da h ow• ttn "r H) 129 'l\''' ' 19\,10 now 1.1:! 4'in. F' '•wVl St•t't'l.t.:uy r:.l•· ttpnr:t.•tl lhi \\'f\l:k' s J.i.ll rit"·n' :" 4 \'·M'C l" o:oltu 1 ml c:'U Wlfr!: wt) 1 lnrnl \t0\1 th<: ,,. "" d nrl11l '"' lur 1ht• 11,. <..:niML'rl Pt oplc c·•md11c · r1 11 I '' •r.m tln\'l.1 1 Thtt.t tnt •l urJt 'ht' r•tl 4 ()t T:unPJ', Jw•kv.m·tlh·1 M 'l' Orln"'dtJ 01\d Wq t fl: 1ht1 111 11dt ttntl J lmt llJP n.ntJ L(·c Cf,unhc- Ni tr rt) n•t•i51n•llnn In "Pt1\"r Uu C'rtUn1)" • It r t Sl, p, I r twru 31'1ft Ck..-u-wn1n, wtt llfl '1 1 ,..,,,f rom to 7.nnn. NAACP S(!trc-tary Roh,.rl \\', 4 h r:e r'flprsrl , 1n T IMP"t •.vh• til th1t NAACr ctl n nn n'•· -:w 1 · rlflv1 lhtt't· WM n.\.•0 :' 43 Jh l" t·f'nl int'renrl' , fruul II :!77 tu Tht• hwl'r:u,t• m I •• C"t 11niY wn mnrc lhnn till 1 ,, r r• r•l hnm 1, 1-n 111 1.$21. 0 h•·r HtnJrll"fln l •,&;1•-' U$f'tlrc:r l in Jark•rm\•ill• 23.51:1 H) 2'1.Q':..J; - t. 3iJ.l)l9• OtH1rt<ff\ - ·t ,, ':W; nd W• ' 1 1 .'llfr\ r. rn7 ,., n li!4 U. S. Gov't. Rejects Segregated Train in g School A pprentice s T tl(' Un\ll("t S"tlh• n. I)II'IOH'Il nf V1l1•u • U·Jfl 1 1 •' hfJ!JI''" tht q,1 T ! lnninJ• ' .dv H'l •tv Sl l,ewt • ''' ' 1 t ,,,tr J wiLl nn l• ,, · · 1 u I. h t ·'II ,,,., nl.t("!np pr•,.•t .,,.., U!IJtut llt•• 1):1 d ltttnio:• u J1 $-khrtal r.' \1• , hi ., r • fu. n b't·•' 1\ l•1 \.1 t1 f.'lh . In I t•l•l I 0 I ..... 1 t- flta111 l!tlJ'II'HtUa• IJrrtr.un "' l •u h dJI'Iiml• 1• t.• n-1 .,nun· •- , ('f 11"1 1h• I )I! CUI , •n• 'y liHI rnwnJ ur 1 lhnn n1t '" th ,, ••r.t11't'- l·<l• l+ursh, • ••I ''" .ctfll"lol Will 1 e- tt hhl'l"' w 1 k 1\l"' 1 t\ cl1t\ tturt.•m , .. ,,j•t:l f••• •l,ich •h(• Str l rqu·y l ..P.h,_r JlSt•rh t1 • "''"' prt'VI w•r• . nf I Ul1 '' r fh rtf111 II I h If IJw IC ml <• n t;.•,. unl . J. , ,, thf'o u• M It dut· tt1t1 I ''' Ill 11r" lt) oil , "It 1 •I nthl• CnU· An )n\'t 'h' t <m IC '.h•ICtd, F.:•fw f. (";t• htm. P ,, .... 1 r,r nt Ulll BurNIU ( I Ar l-1' 11 tu:tf'llllll) rintl Twn np, ,..,,r) lha' ltf't- 1:-:·.nnul !rom nl'' ml lh.t:: d1114"1\ uw·h r 'r hr,n 1 ,tr.wn t,y d11 1 • 1 t • !'hvhl rtcn}• n, Jr Tt.• 1 • 1 "'· lhtHttl I,,, ... , h lv •nlo•·••l run 1r 1m 111 11ivu f•mnr • J of lbt"• f lntc. ho.tJ\ ln D•) ltn 10 M Gull '"""' rrp- N'Jit'nl rd fn th..- nro up l ( J'i)t.. O tuld \\'omen. wh Hr nnc-1 Nt, whlc:h gnthcrt'd by lnv ll ntio" 1 rompu s ol &lnlh- ,-. rn Chf'1 <1 lnl'l tU·Ar .)M lt· - (.IJ\ 'l' hurs,dny i\fll!tnOOJ\, M r.y 1J 1 11 n 1 h l'l•..-...hl)ur C)l"ttnni7.a Hcnai mN'IInt.:t n'arkt'tl by h.Urm<."1l' J' pnd nccord. I tr. A D. RrUo1r\. -whit !\ p1 t:t- INtl {'-( T.,JtfnlOO, n d i•t11JCr,l, Wrtl t•'r t t .. t1 nf lhft Counrll n,_, .. nt .: n rt··1•n l nt tht tl l, Cll'l !( \ l'hl lr .. 10 Wo• :n11r.1 rn t th• f 'll ,, ... Mn,,,. let .. 'I lht I)(Uii1 11)S) df '"Vii._ nl ht hy h h·- ·•hnJ!n. 1\l'"l"rl\l t• "f Or G• ill· I' 11 .... ··tlt"'" lfw I .l 11t t !loll•l \ 0 lht (" o)tti11'll V'"' """ 1f It .-.-ttl fl thl' prr 1ml.l r, .l w ,,,.,, l k. ['4 ith·l flT• ul1"1 1 t; n·f'<Jf"ln:'\ 1 f"t'' trlt u1• '' Jl,,l"' .J(, ,•uh Brun·tH. J,,, ,, r.n: I' n J t.l lPl, .h '.\' 1 1"o 111l 1 'l Ht!I,J ('hull ',f l•lt,\l!tnl, I lj 1 I 11 I' , t• I ll• P Hl J 1 lu• •U f'l I ,', t' ••',tt\· , T. f' n1!1 J I• h• 11.,• ••f 11h· ' "', • I "'P C't.m· rh 'II,., fl. v t' n• y f"l:'Y d t !t!ll'd 1\ lrflfl ,,_ "'" uJ rt,• tl I pHi Ml•. "".V li, ' ""· J;;l l ttn PUtJ')O'I., n.-d •red 'M11 r '''' ... r •. 1n ··11•· ,,tl• ·J•l' ' 1 1 ltr n• : lftrtt A I rT"f 1 f ljU:I1 h1 I hi' I l' loT f" ''• rl o••r It 1 i I 4•11 r11 l ult' IN"f' l1"'1tl"' tb· .hill+,.,.. ('hnllth .. ,,,l,ntt')' r "'''l'lu •' \l·iln r.-. I t 11 hfJ, + l tl• rlnr.( 111 il'f IK I I ••J tf,,. •of 1 I filii q,('T ' tldt hV ; r, \hl t1 !111·• \ t:fl ' t h •I· • • ht r 1 i1Jdn 1 I I t1 11 +I fl J • f rnf•t•t·t,,.., n•!"'fn ttiW- t rtlpn+r lo of)ot:t T ' 1\J ,, \ "' 1t ,_ II l) l'ott•lfva Ap pro11rh .. tnttn Art-lnn 11"1 ll\,. 1 •h.a n( 1ht• proarnm ("h wnl hi 1ft 1n p, '\1.-mt)rill '''lhttrfl t'1lutl"h, ST·1ld'l}' •"h Dl p. M. 1\.Nl' IUAL OF THE: REOIOI'IAL COUNCIL OF NECRO LEADE116KlP MAY 13 '1tl or sq-- , ,,, j ..... •r 1 l ! rl t1Y l1t '1 I 'T -1 t·nun11l m '" ,•r •• tl'f ,,ltq Tho 'lr ,.., til«' lo fn1 1 inn ns tJr h nnnn hrJ T hi\\Hne: bt•n f t•td ' ff'l'm !h4" pt · n' Ot.: •t nurw•- rul •Jnl't h p Is •h JIT rrltf! f'f reb•'ont"- J>, 13t tv. m •n.l amon1 PfttP r- 01 e. I • lLt:t. On Sunday. May 1,, tbt An · ftUll Program of tho Council of NIIITO Leod•nlllp will be in M o\:lnd B•7ou. Mn•1..4lpl)l. r Wotk1hope 1n 111 ClfAJ ct Ct·.·U n lwht• wil1 be. ccndue-ttd. "":"•· M•ttlll Wl.Won L-nd "J w ,."'luk •a I:CCI p. m, .a.l tht ll•the1 Chu,th.. IC r:• n 11! r i c h·tn1 r I• IUO. n f·t• •• !II ' H••' If n ,t_mn1 " ntiD ' "' • 1 y tlr1 pll d UJ)J'C 1 l ! 'hi' mn: 1 'Th" N'd I 1 r' rh 'nchalln• t"'UT\Ittt'l nt ar ,,...,.,.. r•• all t '"' T!w b., lc I• <1 ! m t r ' I .,."I'Yit 1" ,. tt·c-h M- n ,. \- tCcmHntlfl't On Pt IIQ! Two)

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - NAACP · MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat•

Oct 28, 2020



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Page 1: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - NAACP · MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat•


" The Truth Sholl Make You Free"

Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat• Per CGIIJ •

l-luman Relations Council Formed In State Beaten Students Ask Protests To State And United States Officials Talladesa, Alabamo - The

Social Action Committee of Tallad•s• Collece t>•• Mkcd citizens throughout lbe United States 10 prot<!st the beAting and ga~ing o.:f numti'OUS studtnt-s by pollee Aprll 25·20. Th., !'tudcn"t orga:r1i:r.ntion urged

w ords ••d ~1\ers 10 lbe tloparl· ment a t Justlt!• Jn Wasb.lngtDn. D. C.ond to the Alal)>mll ~·­(¥ Commls.<!on in Montsomory, Alabama.

A mQ< bt•llng by state an<\ city polio~> took. ploce April 26 -whe n 200 studenta bc;;an a rnru·eh d-Owntown t'o prOlE!$! the ~ng, beotint and jalllllg ot ..,~1 others •Lhe night b~ore.

Civilian.• had. bdton ont! ••u· cf_Blt J~V('ft!ly and \hro\Vf' mU!;~ tard. gas- on two others. A hood· lum sla•hed the litO$ on the automobile of a s)'Tt'lpathitf!.r w.hile. a polJc:tman looked en, Four women atudents- were ove.r eome by ,..,,. c•• whne picket­ing a drugston.

Six .stud,anta we.n arreated whne pki«!Unw ~notlwr drug slorc whet-e {O\i:t <11' thdnl. uAd pl"'fWiou.t::l)' been arrHted for •i\HnJ ln. These four ware later fined $100 eoch and thoir Cllses are being app<>l•~·

The proteJt mo.rchars. wnre mtt. two biCK!k& from the col­loge by 40 to 110 .tote ond city -pal J~a llrmed with tire hoses. ~lubfl. and tenr Ct~~. Chy OqUnp £(11 Byron Boye-tt was also t"bcre.

Boyett w-..rn~d 1 ~e .li' .. th>! th<)- wrro L·\olntln; the law \1(\cr.:IU~I! th\'y hud 09 portrd.o pet'-' 1nlt. Wh<'lt :hL ·ludotll• lruli!l­cd Ofl c:nnHnW11J'l lbmr pro1esl. lb• poll•• oUack•d with club>.

Orh· JttUdco1 v. ho WG4 tnJUJ'C:d •oirl :hr polh m•de "very of. !.Jr~ lu :- r•lu· :\ICIUn!t mt:n Sn 1he l 'l'om \\"lth U'lr ~r c1ut». The stu­t'bf\l.s l"'H! lhroughout and djd

ot "'"~' bll<k. Finally !hoy "'~'"' drivon bo~l<

10 t:w C'I)11Ci~ gtU.e, -wh~TP he: p()lt4.e Efl'IL"'p~ ~ JoN1rm tht-nl lilllm~ n: ihe "pt-rn nt o:n1 hllrl · •'\'+ t't" bn· ( · ut ' ., ('tth inlltc.od by aome £harp m•trtl· Mel\\,

Local Sorori ty Plans May Week Celebration

Clarksdale loses $7,000. In Taxes In Two Month Period

City Officials Blame Parking Tickets; FC Credit Boycotts

Clark•dale, Miss., May l, 1962. City •ltliclall lo Clm·k$tlale ad· mlttt!d l'rido.y, April 27 that ~ales ta:x antici.Pa ted for the. p .. t two months In Clark$dalo .is &am@ seven. thou:s.a.n.d dolllftl on from what wa.s o-nticJpattd. The reas-on given by l be clty is. the. con1in.uln,c prectce of aiv­ing parking \i(-kets to ou.r town shoppers. The Coahom• County F'edoratd Counoll rrl orgoniz~· Hons. the organl•otion pushlnl! the b<>ycotllng ot dowrvlown met1:hont~ until tbey ogreo to e.anplov Nt~roP.s abovC!I the m~n· 'C) h~\>~1 and w.e CXIUI-.1ay U\1~ wlton addorulng us, hove a dll· fc:re:nt version ns to ibe ru!on tor th1fl J::ag. Thi~ II!Y~n thau· !Uind doUm in tax money Is Lhe one cent (tel tax. dw> tho city. Tho omount spent In total dol· tan representing sevt1n thou· Fand doUan in !·ox wiJJ be in the seven lmnd:rc:d t'tlou•.nnd dollar d.of<S: or tctul busim~ lhat was dont' 30rne: plDQf' c.l~c­durinst thrt 1\Ml two m:Jol.h.~ ot.har Uwn In (:lark ·<hlo.

W1lh ll>• cl~dnl! or Llucr long orloblish t.od JuOJI .. Th<! J'~~wlcr Cignr and Tr hl'l~ C(lr.-1pfltt)' !hnt d'd It J!OU\.l bU.iint Wlth 'Nf nn $ o ""LH In the Clutlylng art·n, Th .o a: nut Nnti<tlH Fon 1· ~1.-tJ;·(· r.mJ lf' Smt 11. Sh~p lurr•.•· b· rs·cqt lH: I l.'d b,Y N-o-~ror-- we h.(\p(' Will uAneiJ1. n • h,rH'P )t nohf"IH ,,f t h ~ ston· ldl in l'll)l rrr•ion Thr·r~ pt·c 111nn• •·mr: ~

1• 1 hlht~ '" dffwrhll"·n CI.H l •· ..1 .• 1•. thnn ony ot tbc flldllml.lrr. f"1:11t.,..,nbrt '''fill&' ln lli11torv.

The J~rl~ot""n !\lumnn Chpp-1tr ttf Dr!'~ ~- m1 tilt-In Soro· r1t~·. fna. im•Tt"'' lttE' publiC" lO •l'rrd n~ ''·'~· W~C!k ~lt·br11p tron.

Sci>IJkf'T"C fnr 1hf' f'C'l'hll10n 'frl\l b• \II"< Clot•·• C FlorV"v. AHor· fifO)" C:-r•1• Hall su'ld Mr. V R CollTI •

Th" F'<dent<>d Couocll of Or· g•nizntloos wb!cl1 holds lt. m•" rncctlntA C\'£.\ry WtttnC'!dtQ• niJ!ht, ~uy mo.nth tr1u to ftt"l :a cqn(t-reneo with the down .. tl"'wn merchants to r~oJvr th..­d!IIOI'•nre•. To 41ll• <'nly n f••w b~v" a4rted to talk nl;K>ut tht' prablc:rn. t'"t-11 f t wPl" hn:v~ o~ ~rot-tl to aur r<:que~t, tmlll tb0 dt»\"\'ll tCIWn mCl'Chln, · n •n•t~ U'l tr~at UJ tnlr, th<"Y nuo·ct'nl lnok rw us o,·cr thtre.

Th""' NAACP ltadN' 01< -till unl1 r jnil ~ nte.nct or montiU otnrl t500.Dn lln< , I be. y nnd lht n\Q\'C!'llffH g<H

Respect For Sandra Holderfield Understanding, Social Justice Is Group's Aim

Wo Jn profound $ympathy wU n )IOU. )'~Ur rtlatins and ttiends. We nevu .knew Snndra. but "''-' ore cxt~ndiug our re.­!JM!da ~c.ausc 1he wa1 human, and abo\'e nl1 !lhe- wn.s ny1us. what we cNegrOH) have attt!n\pted lor so vetoy Jon_g. 10 extend a helpmg bn.nil or brotb~rJy~love to the un.apprtcinclve.

'Ve ttre !ure. you have n"tVer placed ony uu:st In s Negr·o, probobly you wt>re odviKcd !.-om birth not lo, but don't you lh1nJc h ia get1ing quite rld1rulous whun you e.on't ~'· (!"n trust your own.?

Sbu~· tltl?'"'"~ of the 1\t.olc: l~k" wltol 1• bOP<'<I will bo • tong Jlr-p forwArd lhl,. wc.•r k wb:•'n thP.)' org:mit~d 1he M.b~i~qvof.

C(IU11ril On Hutmm Rc lntion<t.

In tl1~ nowspop<tr, 1 hoy portr•yod Slytor Q! bolng t•·om .. el')' sUitt ex.c..:pt that ot whit'h It~ rtall)' it, MisM~Ippl D0ep wiU\in 1h1:1• kntw only a $Outpern xma.ll minded wh1te m.~n tould com~ omL ~uch 1 bl·utal inhuman crime as U1a1. Not n Ne:,ro: t:akt the ~h Till C!O~e-. the- Pa.rketr <-.tU(e, the c.1uet treiil.M(Iht of Ule Freedom Rldel'S1 lhe ruleose oc pollee dog$ and lnhl111t4n bt:a.Unp tram poliC!(!J)l~.n on Innocent ~le the shoutin..g of c;o.rporat Ducltf~V.' and now San~I"a. 0 God, whttt wm ymJr pt!ople lblnk ot n•xt ?

The -putl)oJ• of t.h# M\uiJtip~l CouncU. OS rotm•Uy • dop ...... lfl .to work iow•rd Ulld.•.tttau:U.n• and bctle-r r&1&1JOM bt1w,tttt whlle abd Ne-gro tie•• ln llM _,,,. and fOr .octet Justice wiJh• t n JuduoooCMi.allall conce-p1t. baaed on the be.Ue:t tbo1 'an moo-• n• of tqua.l "'odb ht she slsht of God..

N!'> Styt.r is noc ln&ane, but VQrY •ano wltb >hr fUitcept tho_! h~ CM do wh•t he )>Ieos .. rvep It it I• oo hl• own.

'Will your pt ople, Y<rong supporH .. 'f's ol whati rlt:hl~ tut t1Aim· t!d, eonvfct Slyter Jor ):our 1tak~. or will theY nltttmpt 'o f'on~ vlnce lhe (Nec i'OCl) tbol • whit~ n1nn could 11111 be that cruel ond let him go, with hofl"" lhot. he w<u Negro?

Oh. well I am 11111r.: th~y will t ind .somrllting to ("4mvi~t blm or. ma,ybe the bre1ach. at pc...'lce or dlsorde.rly Cl')nduCt or jurt tgncwanc•. H'6 'he Jnw. ~ 1t not!

H h '" wn:c: n Newo. wnutd it rnn-t1t.!r lo ,..,em wtu.:lht•r C"+r Pet\ ~e wsq !i:Jn~ or tn."\On~? Would hu be gh·"n :. rht"II'W(> to plt-a nQ1 ~\'1''Y, cl:cn H t.c W.;aJ nntl

At ~un "e ructHid our ~rmp:lthy, SJnoi!J'Ciy.

Negro Vole Increase Noted In Florida TaUohn:-.~E-c-, FJorld:t - T h t'l

nun\ her hi N1 trt)(oJ. roti,(!-1('rrcl \O vote ln Jo"lor da how• ttn ln~ ru~n~<'" "r H) 129 'l\'''' 19\,10 ~:~nrl now to~''' 1.1:! 4'in. F''•wVl ·~ St•t't'l.t.:uy r:.l•· ttpnr:t.•tl lhi \\'f\l:k'

s J.i.ll rit"·n' :" 4 \'·M'C mur1~ l" o:oltu 1 ml c:'U Wlfr!: wt) 1 • lnrnl \t0\1 ~t th<: ~-- ,,. "" d A~ nrl11l '"' lur 1ht• AltV~JII('I·n1•·n· 11,. <..:niML'rl Pt oplc c·•md11c · r1 11 I '' •r.m tln\'l.11 Thtt.t tnt•lurJt 'ht' r•tl 4

()t T:unPJ', Jw•kv.m·tlh·1 M 'l' Orln"'dtJ 01\d W q t fl:1ht1 111 11dt ttntl Jlmt llJP n.ntJ L( ·c Cf,unhc-

Ni trrt) n•t•i51n•llnn In "Pt1\"r Uu C'rtUn1)" • It r t Sl, p, I r twru 31'1ft Ck..-u-wn1n, wtt llfl '1 1 ~-r ,..,,,from ~.11~$ to 7.nnn. NAACP Flt~1d S(!trc-tary Roh,.rl \\', Nr~nn~ 4h r:e r'flprsrl , 1n T IMP"t •.vh• til th1t NAACr ctl n utlttdllt'l~>d nn n'•· -:w1· rlflv1 lhtt't· WM n.\.•0

:' 43 Jh l" t·f'nl int'renrl', fruul I I :!77 tu tf),J7~. Tht• hwl'r:u,t• m I •• C"t 11niY wn mnrc lhnn till

1,, r r• r•l hnm 1,1-n 111 1.$21.

0 h•·r HtnJrll"flnl IW~"ft':)'"tt' •,&;1•-' U$f'tlrc:rl in Jark•rm\•ill•

23.51:1 H) 2'1.Q':..J; 1oU~~tml -''!!.3~« t. 3iJ.l)l9• OtH1rt<ff\ -·t ~Crl ,, .~ ':W; nd W• ' 11.'llfr\

r. rn7 ,., n li!4

U. S. Gov't. Rejects Segregated Training School Apprentices

T tl(' Un\ll("t S"tlh• n. I)II'IOH'Il

nf V1l1•u • U·Jfl 1 1 •' hfJ!JI''" tht q,1 ~~,,. 1 T! lnninJ• ' .dv H'l •tv Sl l,ewt • ''' ' 1 t ,,,tr J wiLl nn l• ,, · · 1 u I. h t ·'II

,,,., nl.t("!np pr•,.•t .,,.., U!IJtut llt•• 1):1 d ltttnio:• u J1 $-khrtal r.' \1• , ittiJP~ hi ., r • fu. n b't·•' 1\ l•1 \.1 t1 f.'lh . In ·.t1•1Hitt~t,

I t•l•l I 0 I ..... 1 t-flta111 l!tlJ'II'HtUa• t · IJrrtr.un "'l•u h dJI'Iiml• 1• t.• n-1 .,nun·••­, ('f 11"1 1h• hn~l ~~~h I )I! CUI •

, •n• ,,~. 'y liHI rnwnJ ur 1 lhnn n1t '" th ,, ••r.t11't'­

l·<l• l+ursh, • ••I ''" .ctfll"lol Will 1 e- tt <~u;•lu·qJ hhl'l"' w 1 k 1\l"' 1 t\ cl1t\ tturt.•m , .. ,,j•t:l f••• •l,ich •h(• Strl rqu·y ,~t l..P.h,_r JlSt•rh t1 •

"''"' prt'VI Hn~ w•r• . nf I Ul1 '' r fh rtf111 II I h If

IJw JJo~v•d IC m l<• n t;.•,. unl .J. , ,, thf'o u• r· M It • dut· tt1t1 I ''' Ill 11r" lt) oil , "It 1 •I nthl• CnU· (rtr.J~an~. An )n\'t 'h' t <m IC • '.h•ICtd, F.:•fw f. (";t• htm. P ,, .... 1 r,r nt Ulll BurNIU ( I Ar l-1' 11 tu:tf'llllll) rintl Twn np, ,..,,r) lha' ~~·~ro· ltf't- 1:-:·.nnul !rom nl'' ml ~1\t! lh.t:: d1114"1\ uw·h r 'r hr,n

1 ,tr.wn t,y d11 1 • 1t • !'hvhl

rtcn}• n, Jr Tt.• ~ 1 • 1

"'· lhtHttl I,,, ... , h lv •nlo•·••l run 1r 1m 111 11ivu

f•mnr • J

Y.vl"r~·· arc~ of lbt"• f lntc. ho.tJ\ CJftrklcdol~ ln th~ D•)ltn 10 ll\~ M ;.,;~ppl Gull C~n•l, '"""' rrp­N'Jit'nl rd fn th..- nroup l ( J'i)t..O

tuld \\'omen. wh Hr nnc-1 Nt, whlc:h gnthcrt'd by lnvllntio" ~1\ 1 h~ rompus ol TO,Jg~loo &lnlh­,-.rn Chf'1<1 lnl'l CoH~f:C tU·Ar .)M lt· - (.IJ\ 'l'hurs,dny i\fll!tnOOJ\, Mr.y 1J 111 n 1 h l'l•..-...hl)ur C)l"ttnni7.aHcnai mN'IInt.:t n'arkt'tl by h.Urm<."1l'J' pnd nccord.

I tr. A D. RrUo1r\. -whit!\ p1 • t:t­INtl {'-( T.,JtfnlOO, n N,...~ o •ht ll'Ch~nWtH d i•t11JCr,l, Wrtl t•'r t t .. t1 '' ~'t'$id,•nl nf lhft Counrll n,_, ..

·••:•~ nt.: nrt··1•n l nt tht tl l, • Cll'l!(\ l'hllr .. dt~y. hf'in~ 10 Wo• :n11r.1r n t th• f 'll,, ... lit~ Mn,,,. let .. ,,~,,...

' I lht I)(Uii1 11)S) d f (ltt~ic\•'1\t '"Vii._ v~·n Tl·u~tr.1y nl ht hy h h·-

·•hnJ!n. 1\l'"l"rl\l t• "f Or G• ill· I'• 11 ....

··tlt"'" lfw I .l 11t f.tfh~f t !loll•l \ 0 lht ("o)tti11'll V'"' """ 1f It .-.-ttl fl thl' prr 1ml.l r, . l w 1'1~t·v ,,,.,, lk. ['4 ith·l flT• ul1"11t;

ll,r~·,... n·f'<Jf"ln:'\1 ·~tt; f"t'' trlt u1• '' Jl,,l"' .J(, ,•uh Brun·tH. J,,, ,, r.n:

I' n J t.l lPl, .h '.\' 1 1"o 111l1 'l Ht!I,J ('hull ',f l•lt,\l!tnl, I lj 1 I 11 I' , t• I ~Ui\n ll• P Hl J1 lu• •U f'l I • ,', t' ••',tt\· ,

T. f' ~ n1!1 1· J I• h• 11.,• • ••f 11h· ' "', • I "'P C't.m·

rh 'II,., fl. v t' n• y f"l:'Y d t !t!ll'd 1\ lrflfl ,,_ "'" uJ rt,• ~~­tl I pHi Ml•. "".V li, ' ~~' ""· J;;l l ttn

PUtJ')O'I., n.-d •red 'M11 ~h'f"lttr~tla." ~I r '''' ...

r •. 1n ··11•· ,,tl•·J•l' ·~ ' 1 1 ltr

~ n• : rt~·III'\'Fnt. lftrtt A I rT"f 1

f ljU:I1 '·'""'~!h h1 I hi' I l' loT f" ''• rl h· \"'In~ o••r It 1 i I 4•11 r11l

ult' IN"f' l1"'1tl"' tb· .hill+,.,.. ('hnllth .. ,,,l,ntt')' r "'''l'lu

•' \l·iln r.-. I t 11 hfJ, ~~ +l tl• rlnr.( 111 il'f IK I I ••J tf,,. ~~. • •of ~ltr.· 1 I filii q,('T ' tldt hV ; r, \hl t1 !111·• ~ \ t:fl ' t h •I· • •

ht r1• ~~ i1Jdn 1 I I t1 11 +I fl J • f rnf•t•t·t,,.., n•!"'fn ttiW-

t rtlpn+r lo of)ot:t

T ' 1\J ~-,, \ "' 1t ,_ II l)

l'ott•lfva Appro11rh

.. tnttn tt.~tn_, ~tlt'l,111l Art-lnn 11"1 ll\,. t~mmurt{t).•" 1 •h.a 1h~m., n( 1ht• proarnm ,~·h ("h wnl b~ hi 1ft 1n ·~·· p, :~• ~ '\1.-mt)rill '''lhttrfl • t'1lutl"h, ST·1ld'l}' ~1ny •"h Dl ~M p. M.


'1tl or sq-- , ,,, j .....

•r1 l ! rl t1Y l1t '1 I 'T -1 t·nun11l m '" ,•r •• tl'f ,,ltq

Tho 'lr ,.., til«' lo liMJif~l!M fn1 r"<'~Jft 1 inn ns tJr h nnnn t~1R­hrJ T ''~'"!"ii't"' r"'lr~ hi\\Hne: bt•n f t•td 4'-r~~nrr-lt•H\• ' ff'l'm !h4" pt · n' J~tull Ot.: •t ~b nurw•­~y.

~~~~f rul •Jnl't h p Is •h JIT rrltf! f'f fi'"lt;~ reb•'ont"- J>, 13t • tv. m •n.l amon1 PfttP r- 01 e. I • lLt:t.

On Sunday. May 1,, tbt An· ftUll Program of tho fte:~fof'I•J Council of NIIITO Leod•nlllp will be in M o\:lnd B•7ou. Mn•1 .. 4lpl)l.

r Wotk1hope 1n 111 ClfAJ ct Ct·.·U nlwht• wil1 be. ccndue-ttd.

"":"•· M•ttlll Wl.Won L-nd "J w ~ ,."'luk •a I:CCI p. m, .a.l tht ll•the1 >..·~1: Chu,th.. IC r:• n 11! r i c

h·tn1 r I• IUO. n f·t• •• !II ' H••' If n • ,t_mn1 " ntiD ' "' • 1 y tlr1pll d UJ)J'C 1 l ! 'hi'

mn: 1 'Th" lrn,ltf~ N'd I 1 r'

liP< "~ rh 'nchalln• t"'UT\Ittt'l ~rt nt ar ,,...,.,.. r•• all t ~•rl" '"' ~ T!w b., lc I• <1! m t r

' I

.,."I'Yit • 1" ,. tt·c-h M- n ,. ~I) \­

tCcmHntlfl't On Pt IIQ! Two)

Page 2: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - NAACP · MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat•

t·• MISSISSIPPI. flEE PlESS PU~h.ed t"'7 Salurd.~ br the B ICo Publlth.lnc Company.

Jee., JO'ii· l Wut Lyncll st., J acl<son, w...~ Pbooe FL. 11-7345. Til~' po p<r Ia published wtekly In J trltson, Ml.ululppl,

AppliuUon to mail at .. oona olua pootaco ra re ill pendlq •I Jaclt1011, Mlnl .. lppl.

SOO.crlpllnn price: $$.10 per yeer - f2.~0 for six month.l -Ten f"rnt• ptt copy.

Voluntary Segregation Urged By Judge Mize On April 28. J ud1• Sidney a.oz. dtc:lared th >I tho .. ..., ••

t l<>n ••cna v.O<'e not unoonstjtutl<>nal The Judi• bated IuS con­cept on the bellcl thaL it is 1•181 lf both ra .... , the Judge in­linu~tts. Oll'ft to pnrlloe voluntary ••areaotl<>n.

The Ju.dce·s artumen" mean_. in othe:r words. that we (Nearoe•J moy eonllnuc l<> b olato out·•elv.. II we so defirtt. How nice ol you. J ud£«>, but It lust 10 11;1ppons lhot we llavo not endo,volf:d 10 voluntnr,y prac&Jco srgrcg(l!tlon, we nre nc1 \ 10iunttrUy proetldog 1\ now and we do not inlCnd to pracl!(.'(: II In the lulure.

Are we 101n1 to let lho Jud11o. auppoJedly o littrolo rnon, ft'! AI Jmall minded M Mr$. 8. J . GalllOt. o.neoura£e US to prac­tice \Oluntary ••~Je~a\.iQ)!

I t;uty thto Jud,ce:~· .tenSe of humor, but I ad:mlre his stand tor l.nJust.ct and itnoraoce. Howe~r. h11 idea of voluntary Rirtllhon "~uld not be iO bod If only the city poJk:u\an bad as much Jtn~ r.• the dop and Jump whttn commanded or when lhtre Is l lt;al rea•on. What lhe J ud1e hat not rcauidered b that. thtre are too man}' !mall mlndt."d people, who want a biM name liko Judat. bou or Mist Ann, th11t er.,. looking Jo.r -ways ol oblllnlng Lt•e•n . Mro. GaHlot lhe IO/Ircaulioni>t In New Or­l .. n• used her elahlll grode education to Inform Arrhblohop Jooepb F. Rummtll, who eJimed a Ph.O O.arre In Theology In 11103, bofore lhe wu born that the Bible den>ando, seg~<tlatlon. ~nnelh SlYter, the killer of Sandra Holcltorl!eld. u.<ed a tool to bftt hb ''~im 10 dt:ath aDd then ran over h~ dead body with hl.t rar In order U> l toure hla vie ory. f'i"" hunclrN 18tbertd to hear. ten pl1on Leander PeriL re<enlly exeom­municottd fl'om the Romon CathoUc Cburrh, display his t(noran<t! In orc!M to chart~• hi• name. No Judge, with tbllSC cu~ ~nd man)' otft:n like lhem t am l~cflned. to boliev~ 1ht.v would nol know y, !tat voluntary a~gregtttJon me:ans. so it Is beJt we nnL pr•cllro lt. Would I be aalc If 1 did not wlJh 10 maJn!oJn tht'l prartloe? or would Cupt•ln Ray move: lhc &mall m_!ndtrs, Aok him-.

Human Relations-(Ccnhnu~ from P~le Ooel


Thoughts Oa, frte "ss !allure to do 10, \hen ~ eboo­hi1Qi~ ... Ill ! 'l~tUI"J

The sr•~em ot " 'bJtt •• u_ llr J, a. "LT'II. .,.. """ifl-~--·'" the """"'-"' ~t"llnc .jn .11\t ~m~· ~r- · blr.ory unliJippy.i . ttltt. totial - and lnlurina IllY·

The brutol and -•ilt'" •117· WI mort tllnt, the cbolocicall¥ every alnaJ. NtiJO ln1 of Corporal Roiqplrl Duck· P'REE • \lae u tabllthtd in the stote. The 10rdld 1t11t\lt worth - a very hiih17 recard· lllelf u mt. ' onl:r call•all· quo In Mlululppl IJ pobonlna td Nearo Gl and 27 year old tho·thol•-••·w• ·•""'m nowspop<tr much of the Amerlcon South -IO!hor or six ch ildnn - by • - a publication which, u In a .trood deal or whloh oppuro Taylorville, MJui11Jppi White tho Duckworth oflalr, alves to be otlll drunked-up ond un­offjeet th.rte Y.'ee ks ago lndl· 10u.n.d eove-rage and Interpret.· de.r th.~ jnfluenee of the rabid eattd, more clearly than mOll """ ~· Mlssiulp!Jl dvl! rl1btt Mluiulpplom wh:eh wu rorrled happcnln1o In the la>t sev•nl mottus. It ltiJ'<htl out and th....,h.oul the Deep SouU> by montha. the ~ <>f t h • pro- constructive IOIUtloruo tliJit Macnoll> State "'lncama­poltooowly onimaliltir rt<:Wl at· 1 o t be monumental -lal, lion of tht Ku Klux Klan - th.e tltudt lnd pt'IC:Ike which ptr· I'<»Lomlc and potitleal problernt White Citluru' Coundlo vadto th.t mtotllllhts Of moat which plaaue Missltllppl 11 loUo-.•in( tht u. S. Suplt'me "hhe Mlool.uippiano and whlrh 1,, ... much·ntedtd publicity and Court Brown deel!lon In It~. b 1\ranclinc the ~nll~ atate. •uppotl. co lhe dt:rnouath: pro- And th~ whole aorry aystem

Sometlllng else wu inditattd Jecll ot the •ta•e, omon1 whioh south of th.e Mo$0n-Dixon line by the Duckworth •1Ay!n1: the .,., NAACP ralli.._ memberohlp I• havl01 a mishty ••••live er­<l••hon.,..ty of the vast majority drlveo. an d vol•r·"'IL•trntlon lccl on the htalih or the notlon ol white Ml'"l"'lppi nowapapero compallln•; Studen~ Non-Violenl u • whole. The hlatol'leol ml•­- lne:luding all of Ch~ major boycotts; the Concrestlonel cam· Jlion or ~ Sou.thern N~wo mey oncJ, 1'h!! DU.tkwor th klllin11 re· pafSOlJ of the Rev, R, l... T. well be to clean up the tctall-­<•h•ed little publ'city indHd In Smith and the Rev. M•rrlll Win- torlon. poverty otrlrken oorlety any tJ the stale's white newt·· • on Lindsey - th~ r:rat Nr· ot the South - and t.htre Ia no papera and when ft wu rC!fU~ -~ to run for m;.,jor politftal plat"e where thac work more tantly IIW'ntlobtd, every 110ry outre In lllbsi.sslppl alnce the «>rely n~ to be done than Javo most of the opxe to quo- RteOMtnlrllon. And th• F'REJ!: rltht h., in tho soverl,on lttte tatlons by Taylonvllle "'hllet PRESS. without qutotlon, ltl'\•· Gl Ml.u!Dippl. And. In thlr ron· who -.·tte desperat~y ea 11 the majct t'Ommunltatlon neclion. f'\-.1'1' a-tnc1e df1notUtit to rover the trarks of tht olll· worktrt fAr d~mnrro~y within proJect - NAACP mtmbtroh•p C'er - o whltc\\-ashlng maneuver Hn)( betwHn the tmb:t.tllt!d drivH and vtth!r .-calatratfon · whirl> rould only be orrompll•h· MioJI'!Slppl - it• arrlv•l on •the eempalgn.•. SNCC boyrottr, the ed. • • 11 was. by <'hlndering and :~~tt~els o'f,Qn end In 'hf" Jupport of NeRro Congrt•~lont~1 Ml'neru·lna - 1n a 1otally fovndn· illm•ll elllet ond rurnt t'ommunl· onndida:tes, nnd all of the mony tlonl(!•« fnhton - the mu.rd~r- rica throu.&hout tl'\e "tate 11 a othr:l'8 - er-e lmportonr Indeed. tel man. hlj(hii&ht of Friday a!ttmoon• And. lendin~ mlthtlly to lhe

Only th:e nt!w$paper th1t you and Sarurday mornin.c-.t. IIJ ~11ft JUtce11:~ or thwe pro)ecll Ia rh~ now hold In your bond - the Ia finely loyul t o 11 - • n d growlnf power of I he poop!"•' MlSSlSSIPPI FREE PRESS - rl1hUully 10 - and, Whit t. ne..-opapU: the MISSISSIPPI oovered the Duckworth killln1 moot lmpornont iU oupport - fREE PRESS. In an inclusive fathion. Utinc f'Pader-wise - is arowlna rapld· Over • rtn,ury 11, OM or """ll wrluen ODd up-to-date Jy, the founden ot rru,.dina Amnl t~ewa ltones and editorlal-. AUp.. Some time ago. thJ. writfr C:vl d~OC'T:t,lt' )ourn•Hrm -pl<mented by dramatic photo· '""' ott a numboor ot F'REE Hom<'<' Grotl•y _ wrote: ''Th•n crupt11. thl1 little newrpaper PRESS eoplt!i to rrrend• of hiJ halt ·o the l're,.! rho .. n suor­•ook tbe Duckworth st.ory out who are te-Bcl\ing in northern dhtn ot fn>cdom. Stronn sword­to lhe poople. colleges .,d vniversltltl. Within orm or ju~tlcel bright •u~h••m

Pregnant freedom fighter Surrenders

The sorry nature o! most or a l!lhon~ space of tSrne. Jeuert t>t truthr' Neitht'r Cr·telt)' nor Ml•lulppl's whlw neW>PDP<'rs - rome ba.rk prai• lnc tl• publico· an:v or 1he othrr plonC('rs ot or what p:u.a tor nf'w•pa-pe.n - tlo:n and R!kln .• fer mor~. "1<L-ap AmerJc::.n newsp1pcrfne - Pt11t'r 11 t'lol unknown by any mtono ~~- F'R&!: PRES;? PIP"I'I com- Zencer. William AIIM White. lC') th~ N~cro ruiden~ ot the nJ: r iehl aJong. wrott on.- L1neo:n S~t'tftn~ n. 1... M~n<''" -.•att'. •Jthougb ont iJ tempt'"<! profdiOC. ..If.s a tint-rnte hdp kf'n.. or Hl""'"'W'OOd Broun _ to t<-... 1 that,. "'"ithoot qua-tiort. In my t'lUSH.:· A.nothfr trnh· \\"O!IId h'l'"t ·OOJ• u~ fer t ht"

1i ve ln dC"'''nocnatlc trm.i•a~t:Ons rv-arty all of tbr white popula· \'klual. ablo .. .uios lot add•Honal ar-e-3• m3jont\• of whltt n<'.,.,.. may mtet togelhet without ron bu been _. thorouc:taly cop5H. p<nnttld out thet th.r papert ot Mlu:J!IIppl tnd. fjl) •

J'arkttOn - On Frtctay. A.prn 1n.dety. broan,.·•,.hed on thts and ctbtr FR£& PRESS ~~·· •' .. hoc. from lal'1[eo e"tcn~. 1~ of ttl" Am co-~ Mr .. Otannc ne,·el. a partl· 3.. Ablolule imp:trU:illty at to ,ubi~'LS thaL mlndt •r• lh~ war zooe end lnd•co 'rd South- in qc·ncnJ· lhe1:c tliSant In the tH-i·n movt!ment:J:, rnrt 1n lhe enrorcement or Jaw far from be:una cJur. Not onl y that hls copies were m1kln• the ptonr@nionc or jourl"'oll•m' "''hJrh l~rormcd tht pre~t that she wa1 by pollee lnd <'0\11'it ;md ln tho- do lh~ areatut majority of the ro\lnd.s ct hl"f ta~ult)• eoUeat(lH.•• are ~impJr dark C'l01.ult. smother· SOII')g to llltrrond~r hers.elt ~ o ,tl(l'o(:tlon or Jury m.cmbers. •tht~'• pnpc.l"' nv:oid prlntln$( any 01 well tu hill\ student,.. ThC"e In!'( Ulis unh.ap·py land: clour!~ the autho1·hlt:• on April 28. and "· 'flhe oppUeoUon of one sal w:w• which would re-fl t'11t un· and others now have r(lgular wblch ha\'e ti"own (lUI or 1he &et·ve- her l\\'O )'eDJ'I. M rs., nr r-cflulr~ntrntJ In one mannt.n' fllvor•bl>• upon \\.thite-he1d a t· :cubtc.rlptlons to \he po~r. Al"d r:ra!Jroot.,- nci'm n"d. whfeh rain & ·,·eJ ttechU''td that her a tt.ornt'v In •ll ln~'Uvldual,o~: who aee.k reli- •lludr~ of pn-Judicr nnd whlte· ~htrn. not too 1ong n"o . . we Jcnt down an endJI'.-ll lft"('lm 01 h11d lnforn"tod her rh•• her cu'e ..-·r~tton tor voling. regardless cf "hh•ted' of diJCrhninatlon •·Htr! 10 a numbrT or Hbcrai h"ltf'Mi and \'e1'1om whlth no-u­was ~m;c: •PPN•1cd ag.a_in and rli«". lJtotln•l Nexroec - bu1 evt'r'' ~tar a:nd f"f11ciou• pubHt•· rltht$ and rf"noorishr'!l lha1 iru .. th•L •he ... r..,... th~ IPJ'C'al. be- S Emnlnyment In induttry •1'\ho qu• of ...,_..hlp. plll)'lnJI· tlons tbrou~tbl>ut the rountl)• - tlal !'llci<m ceu.!t'. shr tonlfnucxt. ... have ,nrl narlc:u.llure on tbr b:lsb or down. aJld often f"JC• intonn..n• them of thr t"x·•\t ~ • • • • finally d...-ki<'CI 1o r.r...., to ro- mrrlt. clta tan 1.t utilized to o\'oid print •t tb~ FREE PRESS. Rleht a- Bu! th...., foundt,. or Amtrt· operate ";th or .,artitip:u:e In ff Wl~ complift.nte ~·lth ~he n2 en\· hina 1rth;c-h would n+-· .,.,·av. lr-tt~ catne boek - In· t'Dn jc;u~1fqn would. u fs f'l1e ot lht m",..-t ~rrupt and de-. oirll ?t the Suprttm~ Coo.:art d&. t'lht r:tvorab1t upon lhc Nf'arn d'(':ttmt whorehe-artt>d approval cafe to s-ay. ~#n(7.f! lind raytod lnUitutlcM In '!Xl.!tlen .. a e:"1on of 19:H w•thln th" lh--inq ~<mit'. J\nd. C.'(!ttanly. nt:trly o11 ,., rhJJ ~flqbr•dppl vrnturt" lnro ,t'ff;tl 3< :a btf)lhrr.Jn•lll'm'f Uu~­- th(l M!ul~lppl Court. The •:nntrxt flf I h.- "ituntlon ln ~lJJ- ;( the~~ whJte M,:--.L«if"p i ftGf'H"f11 "o.,t-ttt and d(mc~rnlltt Jnurnll• tf'lttJh littTf' FRF.F.: PRJ!SS. Jn-4f(l·eaUI"d C't)urc. ot ju.J:Uce 1 n lut~pl throuH-h: ~:ttl"\' - (orne itl a comparAIIV('I• 1 ·rf'l They fll-40, we mid1 1 nrld. dM:'<l th~e hordy ond cru~ndlmc th.l• 111o1r not ouly do not t ry ,., Vnll•ntnr\• 1mnova.l of '11a'• ,\' aophl.stlcuted way nncl IY\0:-1\ innlc:ntc:!d thnl lhe•t~ t:(•nlnu who forf!'d th~ trodlt lor'lc: lo J'I'On\ntt Ju•llrn, but A~ U.tSed rtnft locut lttwt r rlforeing !itCcre- 'n 1 ~rudl: and pa•lmitlv., fo!lh· •1.1b'crlptton rnte wi ll b~ In· r.r democr.atJc Am<'rh-nn journ(l· at HM')l~t to opprc-'• nwn and to IPHon, nn _ dir,.ct ;:,nd cam· ,..,~dnJS for~l'lwitb In q111te a liJ:m •-ould r('ea;tni~o the F'REE dc.t•le humnn worth."' h Promp~ PC't"Cflt:ance r.t qua- t)t:flJCn• lUtalt\'t th" Nc~o u 1 t)cn!lby ro~h1o-n.. PR~ as a publlcatlnn whJclt 4'h~ MUrtJ ChC"mq!olvf!S ~~.. 1-f'fod N• rrn applic::tn1~ on 'h~ Nt·ff•'CJ. Ac hmC'~'S. rbiJ fJ t'J)('Wf'd Thltr lJ tndCHJ all sood """-'A. t'iP1ini:tly mu,. Jtlf\'IVC" and

t1tt'." M,., Jko'\<~1 "-"f'nl on to ~~·rt 4'1 c:-alh'tt"'~~ In d JtT1lriuutt fr-~ h 0 rhit-c:h~u un1i~Nt"ro Th~ 1-.. PE£ PRCSS i• , 111 under &!roW and '!lev v:outd. A('(l()rd· ~'•\' .. v.·hc-n thto,~ at f'!it to a • o<'hOOlt •f\lct 11. tomc'·timt!f at lund ··Nc· .. t·~ck by the Kg~·ulord .. \ t"1f!'- ~ttl'!1y. Ci.\,. it th~lr wholrht•rtl"'(( l·d lhllt Nr,.~ are "'''•M'd (' ln~ltatton "" lhi! ~Tt or no ""'"(' .. •t~ drawn hom mPnl .. - nt .... $"~ h., ... ~" "-UPN\!1 ll' ,.,.,.1'1 (~ h t'ln. A ftft l"r riaht to ~r\'C! on ll·tt juri"-. ''"'" f'f «'tl«t "-'ill ot Mth rn«:'P4 ••II r..trl~ of the n:auon 1 n d ".,...~ by pollff. th.- prln•M" 'o mutt YOU -.uppor1 YOUR Ht~w c-an n t'Ourt PD'~ fud.p· .... h'n ltM'111 ('f)mtr~uniH,.. nf w"rld Uhr vaJtd\h" of "'hiC'h r"n "lu bt-en han~c~ by th~t Wh•1·· o~per. The MlSSIS.StP?I .~RE.E

m• nt on 111 N'taro or an l~.tJt ot "''~'~•lc. rM" ('f'Jnlpfh~n«- fn lhl-- uf•," b. quHtiQnt'd bul n~h' C t;..tcn,· Cnon.cik .. nt1o\ tht' i\U• ... Pnto"C.c; h '"our .. ,u~,._•m or ltum1n\t \\ hf'n thcv dt""' 1C\\\tor M:hoolt In advar)C"i' M .. -.,,. "hl'to r•.:_.utc~nl. frequf'intlv •f,.~IPPI Sllue S.ov~f'("hlnty Com· .,.,H,_ •. 'l\"I\1C'h \\"Ill ploy " rewfl't-­them btoftlrt' th~ tJ•I;.I bt•f:!in-." ~ f.l"moutwry Dtlinn \)y t,·d~.:nl "' qu,t'k rt u.rtto-lntf'-llt"f'ln"t f:'fH· ml~~o-..!t111 (~':·rw Jl')lff't'} ro•Hh1u•• fttl '1'1lr ln toleorina h"tk tt,e l~'c,ond or U41nu hw11 invoJv .. 'M••t" ' r! 1,l ••,..tudtes" o.r ullc~~e<l NeJ;tro I) ftc11t AJ'(IUncl tht"• cornf'l1"4 - <il\rk and P.lotlmy tlfHtd- "" "

fnq rh~ IL'tmlfi,V (tt ""'~rr·("Afif'lt'l d Jm~lwdlntr• rcpn•stonlulian .. 1n tL•r·911tv," _ fiJ•ef nltc,fti VPI n und lht1 P.!'ll'f"t C":m ~fJt• 11U of hr hrlf'r.:n~: 1he ltmll~h l h M .-•1•-•h· ~~a!d, lho !I.Y"I"m htrlrJ ht'- "'* ttu••I'Hrrl Nt'JV'l"'.." on ID .. al "'"''"',. nl NritfO ll.UCinplt to tnOI'"l IIUI"I'Ol't it run l:tt. Th~n ~tlpol. h•"''rt r't"rr·~ nr dl~rd.rrly ('On- '"II "'1" hn'1Nh f'lf Nh•r,Hnn 'w'''l''~· M'!Uallt~ ···h"l whli<'J, In·\ Hkr (!_-m• nr·.•.·•p tn•C'r t:~rNl "UC"" ....... ..,~ ,(·~ hr~:wh (If Jll"1t' • """"'r(" 1lu '~"' ltt~< nrt appoln .. f'nt• m. \• ~s well IIW ,.n 141 .. 1w ";11-t hvavv opcntlf'r, t·"tp.on~P•, rt'l"\tnbutlnn to d,.lin,urnf"\". ,...C" tn·c-. •hr rrr• t· t ml\jrtr-i\V at ,,h tl' "ub<trrirHon anti f,nnnti~1 ~n· 1 ... m $!JUif!ct lfmt: altftl\'

Tht' C'ft:l..,-<"'11 ,.,... Hniu·1 :tn.i l nf'"V'l"t"r., 1n lhc s«•t("c •cOofn· lr:hul on ano m<Kt ¥·~1C"'mr •tn• \\'f't'T:f"i br.tut et'lli t;,., f.~ .... not f""'ntrlb\lt,.·f •n 'lnvtt•1r•• Tho•f'(' ;.f't' "'tallV d ffto~ro.-, •·a ).! <~if-ILII'J"• - ptablir-,Ut~n~ An1 tt " mlehty htt-.11tn•f\a If) ttm to.a•rn 11 ., ... -· 'h· ,.-l .. hnQl1f>nC'V. I \\"f'l1•'f'l n~l .;, '"f"V'r'l• ~nh.· lha• rr•kr (I'Orr- nf•··n tOM "" )ltJ:JoiC...•ipci ~u·· ker"l th~ •be rnr_r. rrr.:c;q , h("l''.<. ,.,. h m\ hr !'lr:-. thmueh ~nt·lhtr ~-4""'1'rd 1•1\, '' ' for di•CTm,n:tl!on \\:hkh .,,. • ._,. _ dlf(1 r \"t"n• lrttl, from .,,.~aJt_ it ra!l tnk·nr: r\Ot 1'\ J lu-ll m"kft ft mnral "'Vn~ '""", fn '"•· moC1 }11-''t rt'''ltl.ttn- t·1•,. \t·ICnf'h~ St.,h• hrr1hrm "''lw-t K"Ctloru Clf thp \.,n,ll'd f.,r ~~~ r"'"tt '"""' , . ..,. .. " "'"'11•1"' "lp nutlet' Ul1floqU"ll rn!'tliiJo~. Awl lh• otht"r whi*f"-"'-'ttrri •n·l · ~· .. '" ttt'• fnju l 1t'-'"1 n •nt··u.,l~d ~· ..,t~'rl* ti-t• tl tr•~n•nce- I-,., ""f'~"O \\·hiH•·f•J)l'•d ma~iit Rlc-dl~ - f1\ll ttlt' l"''lt'~fn~ nu~ ., ,, 1"-t­lf?l-n t pt·t'plc '\\•ho IX"ll<'\e 1n ,..,,._, ttnfl '1"'''t mt'l~ h•'1"'N"n r"'Chl ••utlun• and 1'V nl• '11!-lll:ti~SlPf'l f'IH~P. I"'Rr!=I-A I' tn f-r~tinm .,,._" tw•l wo"'" "• hr'\\'¥11 Ifill tl, ,.u,nh nt.•r:tc:t.,nn\1\• n(ll C,UII(' ~n '''lie', lhl' N('lll'tl ptl •ph• nf lh~

':\lu. U1•vul c•onhu••t·d W ·~w. ''1""11 111""1 '"""' wh't• n\11"· 'tw- r1•hi1l a- thr prf' ..... , fnllow ... ..-. "II "' (J( MJ~d~t'th1"'U - " "" lhf\!11"'

'"m ;·· .. b:r rlt""t"H' '" 'h' !"'v.·n f'm n......,--t'tf •iy)ot :w'""l f t~" r h•·'r •onJf' l'O.<f, .. J..rrr ""l' r' .,.

nico down tl1tU 1•. k~pln~:o th~ N


r dn nnt "'""' '" t:,n IO f"1t1. · , ·"·N•n !\hthO'it· r· rmd B~tJif•l •. llf•ftlll1.'h· tru. ,. .. Ml'' bn•1(1 1"'1\ttt•r-t •\·hJC,. pt't'1f)1t• o,.••l!f1 ftt't• tlfl,.n '" "'""'' fo IWf' W 1th nt'-' hu .. b.,rcl '·•t "'"i••'• '" hlf•0\1 fn•''nl"t •~ '" I· r,·t~· ··h 1.,..,...,,1~· I'( thl• ton "'·'~",.. rh· "'~C: • . ln tl ·,.lr I .,,., n. t11"' fl~~ In lhl- t!~"~411.f 1 '''""' , ,. ,.,..., ...... .. r _, ... ,.,,,~. 1h1111 tf'lp.,~ diUC·ft'ncM \\hf"lhl•r , .. , thtf'lt•1,.-hnt, on th(ll 1'<"1._., ~··l't n• ~f t~inlttn1 rnr' h•- 1•' , t~nc:t, when 1 1r11 t 1!'11 ~'I (fXPt"C f.!d In s' !)t• '11\Jt-r\ f<' .. thr '0 ·' h't ntt• •"rll'tl ln I m''"'il of )hc.t~~'Ot)l - ,., .. K'U ~ \ Hlf. An-t 'I 1". •• th•' nrw-.11 hr'" 'a k<'f'l) mv ., .. ntlf' ~"'""'" ('"'"'lt l••o .,.,...._, ~ i•• ''"" n t fl \\ V tr ,,., In th~ ~411'1!1llly trr·, . .,. th1• f't"t~;\;w'r 'tf'CI~ • .. -·· lt c*~·n·•1 .1· · .. ••r•N'd!~f - tf'·1 thai h~t"n• mf' lf'l m;\' tetl• I rtt-f\"t h .. " '\ ~"~ t a·-:"!· I ..,... f'lt'('nr.m C'~l InJun- nf IJrr pt·r ·~,• ,.,...."' lt'JI..ff•t• I"' lh-t "' '. ~ttn t.,. !•n Dt:l tf1 r 11rt "'11 l •lln. ,... .. r"''"' tn bt • t-., 'T1:rn ~ r •·n "-'' , 'c¥r I~~ v·hil .. !!: ""_,., ... ,. ":1 ' '-: rrrt _,.. .. ,, ... !h,. ·~•·,. w-run.att J .,,..,., .. f'·•t Gtwl .,. ,.~--- tl!"~h,., ~ ,.,.,..,.., ht11' l-f' ,..,. t'1t ll'"rle'r•l , r.c'\' tn .r...-. n I•· ,.,.,. h ll hbrk ~" "''"'c fn ·h<' •t.,..,~ o•" •·rn'f'l ..t,.., h· • .._ • r'tl""" ~f C'"•f-• ~.., •• , liMit. to .. ,.., - "ho ,., f'lnt ',., "''" ,,.. .. _.., f'l"''-'" • ., •h,. ••·•· N" ,...

ffl• •hr,.n ·f"("ffron If r \'r'""' t"'"' "'""A m""\ foe~ .. ,," tl'l tn tuft('( I ., ... .., tt-.. \f!IC;f1:,to:~!P?T ""' • r""" 1'1 c.·~~ •r "'- h~r' rnt \t .,,....,,..., - P7Art m~r• c:ine • •net· to bt-rcmc r~n\•inCi"'d ot \\ '"'""' h u·. b1JI n 1t\·r. pnr.:o:; h.- r--.... b'!"Till NrfM I r ~ 1" 1 f',~. Ami r r t~ • ........ ''"'"Y'

Page 3: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - NAACP · MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat•

• &A'l'OROAY, MAY 5, 1M2

lindsey For .. 1

Rahy ~Jfeld On fridaj· · At Holly Springs

Rev. M~,.,.;u W, Lindsey ad­d,....ed • Llnds•y fot Congress Rolly nt Roily Sprin~ Mi.,. Frldoy nigh~ April 27th. Tht n~lly lMt•d lrom A P. m. to 10 P• m.

Mr. l..lnd<oy <pok• tn on in­tegrotod nudjence In th• Aebu.ry M•thodl•t Chur<h.

ApJl"ntin.ll On the Drogo~m w•• Prol"""'!r s. T. Nrro, An­vi.sory CommJUpeman rrom Mar •hnll County who rh•IN'd the pro(mm: Aaron E . fl<'ITY. Com­~if.n nnd the Ru'¢t Coli•,• SlngPrs who • upplled the mu"'lc.

Jn rhe addl"('~' ftf'v, Lindsc)' rni'<.Pd Lhn rouowlnJ% hi!Hl"-1,!


Charleston Youths Continue Picketing

Cllorlellon. South Carollo• -'I'll< Ch•rlo<too NA,\CP Bmn<h and Youth Couneil ctosf:'d its fif1h t'OnaecutiYt \Yttk or pJtkt!l• lrrij ol Chftl'l.,tnn·• l<ll11f Strffl lit(H"t'S at the turn of lh~ EoB·

PAO'E TB'flllla

w ith th• pttbllr 11 the wt••ly .;tas• ~'l••tln'•·

H fo noteworthy that l(jnl

ter '''t\ekend. Thu Re\•. BNljU· m' ne J. Glover, 11<ilute PrC!!Itdent tiC tho Chorlr.lon N A A C P {3run"h when quC$1 io ncd 115· 10 + t)l.e duratlo11 ot th<' pic\Nh'~ of Kinn Stret,t· stores rE'plh!d.

"Whf.u' Junth eount('y ftf' ''vic:c l-9 int<'gnned nnd w)lon nlf' l'h i~

s ...... t plrketing ~·· not ,,., ma!T(Id by :a 8inl(te o~ of "Jc~ lenc~ tln~t its inttpiJon rJ .. \hough "' numy u IQO pkk(t. bav~ ~M on du1y tl~ ' hrt ~1n~ tim~. The ... to~tl1 thing rc vlo~ Jtnce belnsr txparienced KlDJ: Strt('~ I• hy-pc.rtt!:ru1on en 1 hi" ptu·t or ;t~r n.H:~·«'h.,nt$. J'\t'cl heart troublr: ¥At4.·n tht•y tllt'dt lhl' tm n" a S:lhtrtMY nlghl

• • y • • • • • • • • IIO'IItNSON SHOE SHOP Ft~f' Cnoa &hnt' n ... p.,Jr 2U Wblttl•l4 Milia Rood

Shopping Center I h~· bn:si$ ror ('mJ)lOymrnt :111d not color tr i1 tilkc:ot until E:l$· 1('f 1072.'' y • • • • • • • • 0 • •

FULLER PIIODUCTS "Fine c,,..mrticl'! and

Ho.u'!'e.hold ll". 84~ N. F•riah St<o&t

FL t -4401. J ackion, MIM. l, Phodll•d unqunllri•d nllr­gianrt~ . to lhe presenl K~n·nedy Aclmluf~1rnllon.

2. On '.he qlh'•stlon or ForC'Jttu Polity. T ..\• .AA.fd our cou rs~ mu~t be [email protected]"Nt to the .. Cltr1~tlon Elheii< ol Brothorhood. "Glvt'

me o ficMncrney tho1 Wf"'rla in Amt'tlra. anC;' T "'"'11 deUvrr to you t\'\"0 thlrd,s of the world~ ,..pulaUon on !lhe ride of the Unil"'l State~ it. a oold or hot war."

SPHAKS AT McCOMB - Mt,., R~by Hurley, SOuth .£o•l nc-~1onal ~ercLOry o! NA;\CP will ~ 1h~ f(+~tured f.penker S•Jn@;. Moy 6. 1002 Dl :1:00 p. m. a t nn NAACP rolly in M<­Cgmb, Mi$.ot. Thr- purpose or lhc mceHn,. h~ to UTR'C Negro c.Hi· 2-~n.s 1n the- :wen to bl"COit1t! marc uc1lvc in PoH.lcat aHnlrs b)' ti !J:i~IHinJt Md Voting,

•• + _t _, ••• !_ · - ·

At tho il<'j!lnning oc l\:4l'tor Wet"kf>nd 0. '!'lrrt L. WPfli:l.'\, Ch:Urmon "t lh•• [.abor nnd ;n­rh.J.~~tl~ Cmnml111'(' o( 1 hfl Chnr­•eost(ln Brn11cb of 1\!AACP and t"O(Il"dlrn~tor o( the ('urr('n( oo-­buyinP. 1'1\l'lkr indit'tlted p:r- t

k.~imt' nnct n~ti:Hian:~~ ~avr be· lfUfl pl lyin .g orf. Mr. w~ rr!• porLt thnt So111h CarolirHl Elec­• rl~ nnd C 311 Comp.nny wh it•h l'iolrl$ the rronch1N:-- for cHy bus

''Plea~in,; Vnu - "Pl·l'l~" u~·· D ond L SHOE RJ:PAlll

Por i\11 Shnf' Nl"t--cb lOts L.,nfJi SIIW. opr.rn•ion In the c-lly·by·thc·~~

t1t1~ employed lwo ruJ) tinlP bU!

3. The thlrd luue raised by Lil1d"'~ wo. the pUJ!ht ot the smn11 rarmrr in a.KriruJturc, H~ the lncomr ot the romu!r in the ~Nnntl e:on.J:l"('~$ion!ll dJstrict f• too lnw and bi3 hour11 a,re too

long. A woy must 1>~ !ound to lner~a:JCt his lntom~ an'd 'il\Qt1.l'tt l-UJ working d ;t.y whic-h no w from twelve to sbt1cen houf"C n d.ny. 'T'ht" only rl!'fert"n~ m.a!~t tO ei\Jler of the 0\h f!r <I WO c!'!nrlidnt(tf In lh~ s.eeorld Con· ffiT'~lonnl Dl.slrJC'I was in thQ ort'• o! Vntln~ Rlghto. Llnd;oy $~ld lhat ht~ tnm1N" [cHow 11itl·

v 9 4 9 9 4 9 0 0 9 9 9 XM. rt'ferrlng to ltepres~ntultv~ Fronk Smith. whHc he and L.lnd­

CATCBINC:!'I MOTOR StRVlCE "'~' both ll\'od in Gn>onwnod. FL 2-9213 hod th<> rerpon.<~bllily ond the

Lynch 1.1 Dalton. Jackr.on. Mist.. duty a! the c~i('( politician ol the r~rmer thrtd con,gccs."tonol

~~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~· ~ di~h;:\ to ~peilk out ( OT t he riR~:t~ of all dtl7.flnJ to bec:-ornr + + • + • + + + • + + 4uallflecl vote~. He never l"ft'iacd

hi~ vnit!o in our dcJrrue Dnd by E"o~ Bf'tter B·urlal Ptatectton • • • h1' own admls:don in en advc:.r· ROYAL FUNERAL S.ERVJCfl thCm~nt appel)ring jn tht) Sr)uth

fl<oorter. In FT~lly Prompt Ambulance a.nd Funeral Spring.~. Mr4 Stnilh n<!Yflr ml~:t-

Servlce ed rt vo:c on Civlt Ri.C:hi.Jc. n ;l'

F IOWt'NI for all Oc.•c:ttior..t.

"ROYAL FLOWtl! SHOP" 501 A.s.lUcn Avt., Clarkldsl• ..

Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T.. ... Drew, Own~r and Mannge.r

P.!&y vnt~"J nn Civil R!f!hts WD" ag(ti..nst Clvn lli~ht, nnd con~e .. qu~lltly a~a1nst you Bnd m e:.

J..,jod.•<'r -eJM<!d with a cr.tu· tlon th:.t nll Am(lri..cnn!t dt~uld unit~ nnd l't~ht Maln~L oil tllhlf$ hru ~rf' dr.troln~1\iut to Am~r1-

cnn fk.>llln('fl)cv. H ... oromi~.rf '" • + • + + + + + + + + • U!P his lttfluC'"nrr- ,, bl'i.,r. n~ttl

0 9 9 9 9 9 7 + 9 4 9 4 R c-omlition v.rh ' t{'oln ohll AmPrl--~"'""~ Nuld w:.Jf( loaM l'u· dm•tll


·h~ A\'l''\U(t b( Fr~"Mom in JuH n:spf'C"t nn~ d ignity,

U. S. Government-tContinuod troro PoJt~ Om~)

dl'i\'\'l"S or cqlnr, f\ne or lhc lnr~ RfU" P.ig~:ly Wil!.l!-ly :; t~n'S h~Ntd o NPJrl·o cln·~C~k -out cle1·k, K ny· bc{l'• D~pnrtment ~nr&. I v:o

ual.ning, nol only to rn.IJre. their ~al€,';5, C'h,•rk:c nnd Mo~kln~ CrrdH Income lcvehr, but to d~mon· Clo1hic-J't11 on.c- t~nlfl~~: clerk. Oth~t str:e:e our b~leJ in equal op.. mrrchnnt~ ha\•t beA-un to "L''-'k· portumty 10 all -natlon.!." ('npft•n•nt+"-q with Oharlt~~1 on••

A compl;aint allcglr~c ugrega.. NAACP•~li'~ ;p to t<'t n brJet He-n -and ~l:ecrlminadon in n!·· In~ nn 1lun..,ndl!t' tt nn.s. lnted Sn!tlrurlion programs tor NAACP Jrndtol'$hJp in Ch:arle!; ili)PI'~n1ttes ut the Rnnk.t.n school I ('In ndmil llln't ~olnte mndr- 1110 w:)s fllt'!'d wilh A~;shu'lt Secre.. rnr nre not conlMl!'n~urnt~ with tpry or L ubor Jf"rry "fl. Rolle· fbt ~:u~ri·nt.: at llmt. Pncrfty t1nd mnn rnrty in April by the Na- r;ho.,:. l(l'nth Pr lh" pil'k~r~ h:wf.\ liOnPl Assoc:lotion tor the Ad· t•xpendcd, nevco-r1heJf':\:$ t h P y VPllCI.•M(!nl oC Co1tJre.d People. vow lo P~· ~!I Ull'\lr clnlm rttr

FL 2-9$45

• • • + t • • • . . •• y u • • • y • • • y • • Fne 13.000 In .Prbn F:rc.__


(P ure F acd and Home) M.olu':r•_. &ltp ~.-iJlon)


M oy I. 9. 10 - 7:00 P. M.


• • • • • • • • • • ·-· The h•lf'grilm W~!. signed by itll:»ity on Kin~ StrceL w l t h Arthur J. Kann~d}'. <'ht'irmon of dn~f,ild rlPtt-rmi)'m:ion.. 1 1 hn Labor and lfldWitrY Com· NAACP V'lHI h Counef\ rn{•m· tnit~No o[ th~ St. Loul~ NAACP. b(\rt dt"plo)!cd in lh(' 11.•ic::luh-y at an,d bv ~ll'll. Mar$tnrM Bosh Wl l· plf'lc-Ct lint-s ltHtin{ain tl ••,Jndn• ~on. Prt'~rd~nt ot tht St. Loiw l~t" ttnd A 11nAp!fihnt mtlJl'r\• nr Dr1,mch,. They J>oi(l ~bey wlsh.:!d 1 ''l.mrtP~ unrl PlmtJi" who ('nl'~

!\1':1': ll~ 1\Rt'lll'r AN¥ ' R!!At. EST.~ TE N EEUS

10 noc~1 1l Mr. HoiJf!'mnn's arat~ p it'kf;'t l in~. TIICOI'It- n~ 1!hnrNr nu-n! in ~t Lotd~ during th., 4

Whit(l Roul'tC" RCJtional Confcr 4 r v y 9 y 9 0 9 9 0 9 9

N1ce Thrrfl Ht .irf>f"ln Horne-• "' $300.nb !)own

S mr ll Mnnl hfy l"on rfwnh.

N1ct- l..t!tf•., T ob Fo-1 S:llt' ttnt"e thnt if racial w gre,gotio-n 1.... c. CUR :mri dl•wrhnlun.tlon were .l!hown Auto P•1'1J •nd C.nuat R 1 TfJOMPSOK in frdtlr:~llv .tu:.'lprtwrrt npprcn.. ll!'pt· 1 JNV&STMENT CO. lt<'fl11n trvlninr. pt"grnm.'!, wilh Phone 3

$257C2 \ 1'1 231)74 Or rJ 1·3947

tlm\YOl of r"!!lstl·o.Uon by thr Lync.h Adciifion, Jukson

Oc p;n!mrn1 or Lnbor wou1d be l:~·~~·~·~·:;·~·;;•;;•;;•~·~·~·;f~~~~~~~~~~~~~§. ~rdtr('fl immtort,:. l'f! l~. _ • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • •

~ Negro Vote­(C'1':nllJnued rmm Por.c One)

rn.,..lh(\r f'() ()1)0 N"'r-r-o vott•r.~ til ~ The Security Life Insurance Company

••cla,l'kRdaiC''t Ec.onomy Drus Store···

t I ·l h<' pblL:. by I hr end (l't thu f(!::tr.

1 A human wur hln~· ... oc c:~n I · ·'o Wilt ~ •n ·h~ .nJ\1( nnw • Home Office - Jockson, Mississippi

Telephone: FL 3-4954- 1328 lynch Street 213 f'ourth St., Clulu<blo, Ml.!s. Telephono: Main 4·2913

n,ly be mPA!tllrcd by I h <t pnr nmoum 1n mflT'!" than ttn pr r ! ~ r•')fmnnrt al tht lnrlivfoua1 t'(•lll ,.,r t!IJ Flnridn vote.N_ Of ~ ~

• •••• y ••••• ' lhP l fl:!-,~5fi Nl')',tl) VO\f•Nt, 14.{ill1 nrc: rf'gi<~hrr'<'f;l no; Rt•puhltt"Ort.~ '!'~"'~'(· bi R to!ol or 1.•1JSft,0 18 • h't,.. "" ~·r,;, ;nc:lutlintt :!~,U'i7

A.oron ,E. Honry - Clifton Smrtlt Phann;ou:LW!t. Ph~rnl:ac~t

C!'.TIUN':;'S GROCEaY Prerh McrdJI - h:e Crt nm

J 0.4.5 Dalton - Jaclncn. Milt..

• • • • • ••••• + • • • • • • • • •

JOINff The NAACP In Your Community

and work for JUSTICE! And EQUALITY!

. . .

Mississippi State Conference NAACP (National Associa tion for the Advancement

of Colored People)

For Information Call FL 3-6906 Jackson, Miss.

. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .


• • • • 0 •• • • • •• !


n •. ~-st l6 I !!&- t.::a1tvlew Sh·e~tr Juktc'n

• • • • • • + • • • • • • 4 • • • • 0 • • • •

T:. 'f'lrlf\" S1•hl'l"' F f r .,_ .. •uu, Mt•n ~.'lho \~'"an! A 1'r,•n'-


~~36 Whlllil!!ol Mllh P~ed

Announcing Its Cash Funeral

Service Golden Eagle Policies U50.00 - $30?.00 r or AG•• SS • 65 •

$2!5.00 - .$200.00 - !SC-n.¢0 Plens J\:re AV'Pi1abJft

For Age• I • ~S On Eilhor Whale Lifo Or '20 f ll·rrncn1 t.Ue ...

District Office - 125 ).7 N. Farish St.

Telephone Fl 5-3577

Jackson, Mississippi

.......... .. . ~······················· • 0 • • • • ••• • • • • • • • ••• •• •••• -~1

Wells Furniture Co. • "SAVE


"Terms Will Fit You"

I DIAL FL 5 7M3'

409 North Farish Street

Jocxscn, Miss.

r + + + f + + • + + + • • • • + + ' • • • 6 + + + 6 • + 6 4 .,. ,. . .... . I

Page 4: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - NAACP · MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Make You Free" Volume One - Number Twenty-One .Tadcson, 1\IIMW!Ippl Salurd:o)•, l\lny 5 1962 10 Ctat•

•All• roua

Rer. Robert L. T. Smith Speaks to Farish. Street Branch 'tMCA Wednesday, May 2· "This Important objective- it

eertalnly -In line with the t.hlnlt­inll and action ot those of you who are here today, Our com­munity it fortunate ~deed, In h•vlnt; ouch a dedkated team ol workers in thit mos< worthy task. Since out a-tate and nation la up out ot the varlou.s communities aerQSs the van u­parue ot our borden. we c:a.n aay tbat l!fforts like yours here help u• aU and •!rcngthent ouT C"Ountry.

No rollonlll minded person questloru the wlldom and neces alt:r o.l building and maintain mfficlent m!Utary ltrel'ISth to mantaln our freedom and ln­d t.pendt!nte ln a wodd whertt umcrupulou& systemo wo~k trom the out&icle.

But at the .arne t1 me we- mwt recocnize our unlhl.dc· able duty to 1trenathen and broaden our morel and ctbkal po!lltion here at bom&.

That is ,.b,. whd you are do­Ing Is 10 ,;ilal to our national well-being. Yow'a and mine Is a job tor human bettarmont. Ours Is a crusade for freedom. Justice ond ~uaJJty IU\der law for aU men. Our lob Is to help our

moral obllgatlon to particlpale In every worthwhile thlng In our community. Among !,hose things, and certainly one of the n>Ost vital, is to get \be ballot and keep au a.:Uve and sustain­ed interest in t»e aUairs o t JOVernmcnt in our coii"UX\u.n.ity, state: and nat ion. We m-ust im­press upon all of Our people .the urgeney of this metter. 1L mat­ters not, thai ob!t.ades are placed 1., "llf way by- scl\emlnr men to deny us the ballot. we must. -pursue t.h1s coW"'~ rthat leads to !lrat class ci4izenshJp and huanon dignity lor ai~ There ts a crying need n,ow tott nten o! rreal lntearlty to lead us In all .p.rea..- of human -ini.C!rest.

A concerted eUort for voter rea_is-lrat:i'o.n Js now being taun· d>ed and I just. lmow that we ~an eoun't on you t.o do your port.

We need _m~n - competent men: men with faith, men with vision._ and couroce to speak 1M us In the Councils of Govern .. mont at e!! lt.vels. We can no longer sit supinely by whlle qtls-gu!ded men pretend dohat we are still living in the 1800'1.

young = choose \he_ honor- M I d J B able w~y tn m.. we must be r.s. a ones arnes Inspired our~lv•• and inoptre Awarded Fellowship th•m to aiW!Q'$ put plinelple above cxpedl~ney snd P,..-.onal Mrs. Ida Jones Barnell, a sen· •aln. We oannot empnulze too lor lansuage arls majo,. nl Jack­.Wngly i he t "rlgbteo.......,.. ~on SUite College, has been •· ""all a n.Oilon. b11t sl n II a warded a:n Audiology Fellow· zeproam to any people.'' You ship to etiond tho State Univer­and I wish to upend our toten.ts •lty of Jowa. Ncttioe of Mrs. tot human botterment. This Barnes' award came !tonl Dr. eou111e ot oetlol\ It oommended James F. Curtis, Heod ot the to -le every-wftore. o .. partment of SpHcb Patholo-

It J. OUl'l to Impress upon _OUT IY and Audiology at lhe Unl· )'Oilnl poople •nd adult.t the verfity. 'l'he Fellowship &uarm­

te.. a sllpened eoverln& ex· ...

9 .;.:..;..:T 9 .~~ 9 4 pen$el tar one academie year and a summu ,.,..!on. It Is re·

ROOPllfO Aim IIIDIIIO CO. newable (a'Om Y«r to year If U U Whitfield MUio JIMCI her aeodemic at'hlevement war-

Phone FL HOU ranta it. 1- · Mloalatlppl A croduote of J . 1. Knox

Bonded Built-Up Roofs Iligh Schoo~ •he entered Jack· SlllnJIOI son State Co!!~e on a Masonic

Asbesto• and Brt.k Siding Sdtolarshlp. She Is an honor .roll student and an aetlve mem­

Malor MaborrT-Woil>or M-...,. ber IOrld }>110'\!clpant IJ\ man)' EM 1·371l P"- Ft. 5·1M I exlra-cunicuter activities In·

NO DOWN PAYMENT eluding the Jaokson Stole Col-lege Conoert and v- Choirs, ... -· .... ·-· ·-~ -·~-- - _ tha Mothodln St,adont Move-

JONES PHARMACY: lD Busln- For .Yow: •


Dial FL 2·838f • FREE DELIVER"!: •

912 Lynch Stree& Jack8on, Mls&

Conic's Beauty and Barber Supply

1111 N. Farish Street

• •

ment, the Sund&y School, the Dunbar Dmm•li<O Clul>, AlphA Koppa Mu Honorary Socloly. ond Alpho Kappo Alpha Sorori­ty. She Is al•o P~sident o! the L!an~u•ge Arts Club.

Mn Barnes Is a- native or Sunu1er, Miss.. tmd Ute clauJ(h­t<'t or Rev.,.ond and l\, Samuel 1ones of Wlnon•.

Try A,dvttrllltlng Wi!h Us -We: Appt<eciat~ YoW' Busi~


I Alr Condltlonln~ - fn<lllllatlon nnd ReJ>nir

I ~32 Cor.! nth St.. Jackson, Min. Ct:!t·Lified Tt!t.hnici:'ln

• • + • • • • • • • • • ; .NEW SMACXOVEB CArE

FL$-32611 Ft. 5-NU


Georgia Variety Store NAACP Steps Up Desegregates Lunch Drive For Jobs

'tl'o'YhY&'o .. VNo?oh.V.V."•""'" .....


ll43 Wbltflolcl MW Bo ..


Counter; No Incidents New YorJc - Branchea ol lh.o , ••• , ........ ._v_. ...... _., •• , ••• ,. •• ~ National Association !or the All· vance:ment of Color~d ""People P + + + + + n i ¥ ¥ 4 4 tbrougbout !he country have J'EJIKWOOl:l OJIOCEIIT AugWita, Ceor&ia -On Sotut'­

doy GftOTMOn. April 7. a group ot studenu, Nrrro and white, wcni down to the luneh counter at R L . Creen's Variety Store in Augusta, GeorglL Green's­along with several other lunch cou.nter1 In Augusta, wa, dQ­segregated by a~eement several weeks ogo.

been oa)led upon to 1tep up tbe!t "Ela:ellent Servrce & Selecllona" d rl v o apln$1 di5crhnlnatory 14h F-wood Dri .. e employment practl~:e4 In their P"- EN. t-17~ respective c:ommun1t1@1. . :~ •• 6 ••• 6 6 6 6 ClUng a rectnt r-esolution a-dopted by the Msoclation's y y v y y y y u 9 4!1 Board of Directors, NAACP LIZ'S IIEAUTT SHOP

'£hr.,., of the white lludmts and one Negro stwient lltt down on four of. lhe stools and wC!re later jOined by a young man. Mr. Cffil Hudson. who stood next to the Nesro tlrl in an empty !Pace whue there were no stools. By this Uma lllea were also Nt'STOCS eatln.g at VD· Tlou.t plac~ along lbe C()unter. There wes one polJ~man .s-ta, .. tioned ln the store. There were also ;<Se~al small groups of while m~ gathering and Wk· ing at di.tferent poinu in the store. and mollt. of their atten­tion seemed to be directed to· ward Mr. Hudson.

Executlvo Secretory Roy Wil-kins- tl\il week sent letters to 42tlfa FnAt iltn.& 1 1,500 looal NAACP u nits urging Pho,.. 418·M72 ' lhem .. to make a report on !lhelr LaQNJ. Mila. actlv!Ut.s by June- l!. • • • • + + + + + + + t'

.Mr. Wilkint' communiaaUon outlined the. 1o11owing steps to:r 9 4 9 9 4 • · 4 4 • · 4 9 +I action by tbe branches: DIXU: CLEAIII:JIII

1. Invom·eate the. employ­ment. pracUe6 ol local business .. es, rotan cttabUnmonl&, lndu•­ttJ.cs, breweries end other man- • + t e t • • + • + • t , utaclu-rint: C!One•m,. to dclcr-mne their hiring orru:tices. • 4 + 4 + + 4 4 4 o 4 + i

2, Conduct e madleling sur- AlfDIIIO IIEI'RIQEJIIATIOJf II vey to delormine the amount o! APPLIANCE SERVICE NegJ:O business enjoyed by the•e ---G_enera! Applilll)ce Repolr-c:on~s. All W' ork_ Guaranteed.

S. Necot!oto with the owners lUI Ha!Ht~ursr Sldd 1 and managcn o! comp"''i•s ~t. 5.04S7

One of the white men, oame up to l.k Jludaon and asked him to step outside and began to thl'ea\en him. Mr. Hudson tt':mained at. the COl&trter. and .!be poUcemsn then approached t bo whJte man snd escorted him out of the door.

which dj.s,Crl.rni:nate- ae•tnst. Ne- ·~~~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t~t ' era insisting that a repr.escntative: number of non- + ¥, 4 4 ¥ - 4 4 + 0 ¥1 wbite employees be hired, In-clude the repr...,ntat!ves of or• gaolted labor and the unl.ons wb.iC'h h.ave- agrc~mtnt.& w:ith thHe oompanle.s in your n.ego­ti~;tiona: .

4, Publicize your protoat and state your Intention• of withold­lng patronage If tlwR concerns dn not change tllelr practices.


Plumblnt llepalr Service

1131 Pow- A....,uo

Jaeboa. Mlos.

Pbou Ft. 6-IUI


L Tho Negno girl who w.u with

tho II'OUP had lelt by this time, and Mr. Hudson sot down. Mr. William D!dley, • student from P.alno Collece, ilhen approached the ll'OUP and told them there wu trouble brewinr ouU!do at that mommt. The tour white otudenta remained at the eoun· ler for fifteen or twenty more

Sub!eribe Now To The Mil· abaippl Free Press - 45,20 Per Ye:ar. •••••• • • • • • •

mlnutH, and It waa ol>vlous that 1-----------­tendon wu ri::h\f amona the ""rioua groups o.l white men being LTeateCI1or the mb wound standing at the store entrant<! Mr. Dldley was booked on and tbroll,llhout the store. ch•a.. ot dtaordMI)' eonducrt

and ·carr:rinc • knife. Be aaid Mr. Did loy roturned to t h • Inter that be dlcl noi have a

gnoup and, sunested that they knife on him -st all - that au leave. and lb~)' followed him students! ennagoil '" llfLlvities out the door. There wete 1hree connected with the lun.c:h coun~ or four white = st•nding to to{S e)ways emptied their pac:­-the lett ot the door on tbe sLTeet ket. of •nythlnll that might bo and as Mr. Uudi.on eme:rg(!d they ldentifled u. n dan&erous we-a .. moved towo.rd hirn saying, pon. Th& w-b:i1e -mRn tb9t was "Lei's get hlm"l 1\f&., Didley, arrested was charged only wJtb how·ever. had plaeed himselt, in disorderly conduct. tront of {h" white men, acting Mr. 'Didley i~ now In tbo Uni­M n butter for the other four, v"miy Hoapitol in AuiJU,I\O, An who turned to the clghl and ran oxplc;rqtory operation was per­down the .s-treet. fornied on Saturday evttnlng.

~ ~ ~


~ ~ ·•

T T ~

l Harmon'• Drug Store


FREE DELIVERY. 140 N. ,FarJab Street •

Jadalcm. Mlea. • Phone FL. 5-2301 •

• 6 • • Iii ~ ... . ~ - ~

~ ~

Kollege Kleonerc The white men be"an lo bil three inch.._ but had bc-<ln de­

nt Mr. Dlclley and In the arul- tho> knife hod peno'ratrd about tie ono of them ottlbbed, him In nnd the •arrgeon report•d that 1he otomach. :!41'. Didley bei(Rn fl<'l"tP~ by • rib.

Dry Cleaning,

to run down the street with I iii~iF~i=~;;i;::;;<:;~~~ 1 the wbUa men tG11owJ:n.g him, Jl + 4 + + + + '4 F+ + + " ~ He wM thrown to the oid•\va-lk, CALL t>et.UX CAB and wos cantlnou! ly be!ng uQu!ck Scn·lce" ooatcn. Ask For Cab 375

At thls tim~. n pellc<!mlm DrtvH, 'W. T. Allen came over Md look M•. DTdley Jackson Phoato n. 5-4118 I nnd lhe whih• m:'ln t~\\·ay. Altar + + t + + + + + • + + + I

Altering, and Launderlllll

1114 Lynch Street FL 2·9328

One Day Service


Box 33, Tougaloo, Miss. Phone EM. 6-6297 'I 1091 t.ynob lllr"l

~- ~ .. ~~. ~~~~~~~~...-:~~· , :: :·: ::: :~::: :1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ .... ~~..._~ .... ~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~: •• :le Improvement ''We SfiJ'II!te Ali Malt~ or T

N~nV Homes Radios & li:tetLTlc•l Aprlt .. n~•


Fred Scott Builders an<i Contractor. UH~ Lynch Street

.,..KoDepKleanen .Lc&nl: F.H.A. - G. L


:IIU Wbllflol<l Mlll Road + • • • • • 1 • + + • • • • • • • • • • y • • •


IU NozJb FO>ilb I!JrHt JoelaOD FL Q·Silll t • • • • • • • • • • •


1253 Valley Street R. L. T. Smith, Jr., Mgr •

· •••••t•• ... ~