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MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Sep 01, 2020



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Page 1: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.
Page 2: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

American Academy of Dermatology

American Academy of Neurology*

American Academy of OrthopaedicSurgeons

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Association for Hand Surgery

American Association of Collegesof Nursing

American Association of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgeons

American College of Cardiology

American College of Physicians

American Dental Association

American Foundation for Surgeryof the Hand

American Orthopaedic Foot andAnkle Society

American Physical Therapy Association

American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Hematology

Association for the Advancement ofWound Care

Society of Gynecologic Oncology

*Joined in 2014

MiSSiON STATEMENTHealth Volunteers Overseas is a private non-profit organization dedicated toimproving the availability and quality of health care in developing countriesthrough the training and education of local health care providers.

ViSiONHVO will be recognized as a global leader in the development andimplementation of educational programs designed to empower health careproviders in developing countries.

CORE VALUESHealth Volunteers Overseas:

implements innovative, effective programs that meet the needs of thehost country and institution, are sustainable and build local capacity.

recruits qualified, committed, culturally sensitive health careprofessionals as volunteers.

works in partnership with other organizations, host governments andinstitutions, and local health care professionals in a spirit of mutualrespect and cooperation.

is dedicated to good stewardship and lifelong learning.



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Emily Berry, MDNorthwestern University PrenticeWomen’s Hospital

Peter Curran, MDin private practice

Kim Dunleavy, PhD, PT, OCSWayne State UniversityRehabilitation institute of Michigan

Rita Feinberg, MAinternational Development Consultant

Richard C. Fisher, MDUniversity of Colorado, retired

John Fisk, MDProfessor EmeritusSouthern illinois UniversitySchool of Medicine

David Frost, DDS, MSin private practice

Jeffrey L. Jacobs, MiM

Stephanie Murphy, MPA, CPA

Jody Olsen, PhD, MSWVisiting Professor,University of MarylandSchool of Social Work

Julia Plotnick, RN, MPH, FAANRADM, USPHS (ret)

Steve SchwartzPresident, GDS Consulting Services, LLC

Vidya Swaminathan, PhDBristol Myers Squibb

Maureen Zutz, MHA

Nancy Kelly, MHSExecutive DirectorEx-Officio



For nearly 28 years, Health Volunteers Overseas has been providing training andeducation to health care providers in developing countries around the world. In2013, 455 HVO volunteers completed 506 assignments, and 15 new projects wereinitiated. Each of those assignments represents another step forward by improvingskills and increasing knowledge, which contribute to better patient care. Yet, “Building aGlobal Health Community” is so much more than just a transfer of skills.

HVO volunteers are placed in an environment where their skills have been requested, there is an eagerness to learn,and there are individuals committed to improving their own skills, their profession, and the health oftheir patients. ese individuals are eager for the professional connection that a volunteer offers and, through thatdesire and commitment to learn, personal connections develop. Volunteers return home and continue to provideinformation on techniques, best practices, and research opportunities. ey oen return to the project sites withadditional information, taking training to another level.

rough working alongside their colleagues and sharing information – and the volunteer experience truly is a “giveand take” opportunity - collaborative partnerships are forged. rough these collaborations, professional associa-tions have been developed or strengthened, disease awareness has been expanded to the public, and respect andunderstanding between professions have been increased.

ese personal and professional connections are crucial components that, combined with the sharing of skills andknowledge, are building a global health community.

Yet, just as each link cannot stand on its own, our volunteers cannot do their work alone. ey are part of theHVO community, which is composed of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and partners. ank you to all of you foryour contribution to this community! Together, we are expanding our work to encompass a global community ofhealth care providers.


Richard FisherRichard Fisher, MDChair, HVO Board of Directors

Nancy KellyNancy A. Kelly, MHSExecutive Director

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BUiLDiNG A GLOBAL HEALTH COMMUNiTyTackling a global shortage of 4 million health care providers, Health Volunteers Over-seas provides training and education in developing countries, with a mission of im-proving both availability and quality of health care. A world where patients have accessto skilled, knowledgeable providers and where care is provided safely is an underlying goalof a global health community.

What does it take to build a global health community?

HVO believes it involves sharing knowledge and skills, developing personal connections,and creating lasting collaborative partnerships.

Sharing Knowledge and SkillsDepending on the project site, HVO volunteers work in universities, hospitals, and clin-ics to provide both didactic and clinical training. Skills taught in the classroom arethen demonstrated in clinics or during rounds. e grasp of new knowledge is alwaysrewarding for both teacher and student, as dermatologist Charlotte Kutsch foundin Cambodia:

“I was pleased when I was able to examine a patient with the students and demonstrate mi-croscopy techniques for examining skin cells for the presence of fungus. When the specimenwas positive, I could really see the light go on in many of the students' eyes. ey were ableto grasp how we can diagnose a condition using a clinical-laboratory correlation, then in-stitute appropriate treatment. ey were able to see the art of visual pattern recognition, andyet also the laboratory science, that underlies our specialty. No additional translation wasneeded that day!”

Across the globe, physical therapist Antoinette Sander provided continuing educationin spinal rehabilitation skills for Rwandan therapists. Between the classroom sessions, Dr.Sander worked individually with the therapists, to ensure that the skills learned werebeing properly implemented.

“[Two hours north of Kigali], the therapist met me and we walked 2.5 kilometers to thehospital. Together we worked with a patient. I was really impressed with how she prepared

for my visit. We saw a patient that she has been seeing for some time. With the course in-formation [om the first two sessions], she had re-evaluated the patient and presented anice oral case before we saw him. She was able to identify his functional problems. Togetherwe advanced his basic exercise program to more strengthening, and showed him ways to pacehimself. is was new thinking for the therapist.

Yesterday in Kigali I found a similar situation. e therapist told me what her new patientneeded, again using course principles and skills. I was able to affirm her in her use of thecourse skills. With a returning patient, she needed help in advancing his exercise program.ese visits warmed my heart as I see actual changes in practice.”

Oen, volunteers’ impact is through small behavior changes such as hand washing be-tween patients or modeling communication with patients. ose small changes can sig-nificantly impact patient lives, as Kathy Clark found in Bhutan. Ms. Clark, a pediatricphysical therapy specialist, was in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and observedthe need for training in the proper positioning of newborn babies. ose first days arecrucial, as every element of care can profoundly affect healthy development – even theway the infants lie in their cribs. She was asked to present two in-services to the NICUnursing staff about the importance of positioning - the ‘why’ and ‘how.’

As Bhutan’s primary care facility, the National Referral Hospital delivers 3,500 infantsyearly and receives hundreds of pediatric referrals. e demanding work and the lim-ited staff allow little opportunity for continuing education and protocol development.Yet the NICU staff embraced the new knowledge and took initiative to ensure the bestpossible care for the tiny infants.

“Following [my in-services], almost every baby in the NICU was positioned properly, usinga prototype roll I created. e NICU’s pediatric physiotherapy staff provided consultationto parents on developmental handling and the importance of positioning, and began to sewtheir own waterproof positioning rolls for the NICU. eir effort resulted in improved po-sitioning of premature babies that will positively affect their motor and sensory develop-ment, their ability to self-calm, and their respiratory status. Proper positioning willminimize skeletal deformities and muscle imbalances. It was a small but potentially pro-found change in behaviors that I helped moderate.”

Overall, volunteering in Honduras has been a dream come true – the dream of helping thosein need as well as giving back a little bit of my knowledge to the Hispanic community.

Through oncology nursing education, Health Volunteer Overseas and ASCO are making a great impactin the development of health professionals across the world, and I am proud to be part of it.

- Loyda Braithwaite, RN

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Ms. Clark, like other HVO volunteers, witnessed the impact knowledge can have onthe quality and availability of health care where it is most needed. e lessons she im-parted, and the professional exchange she facilitated, will lead to healthier babies longaer she leaves Bhutan.

Developing Personal ConnectionsOen, it is the personal relationships that keep volunteers returning to a site, whetherit is a colleague they have mentored, a patient for whom they cared, or a member of thehospital staff who has shared their love for their country. Occasionally, a personal con-nection is not apparent until years later. Such was the case for Dr. Dale Erickson, an in-ternist and kidney specialist, who has served several times in Zimbabwe.

Aer Dr. Erickson conducted rounds in a dialysis unit, he was contacted by a patient’sphysician, Dr. Luke, whom he didn’t know but had treated years earlier, when thepediatrician was dying of kidney failure. Dr. Erickson initiated the only available treat-ment - peritoneal dialysis, but had to return to the US the next day. Dr. Luke sharedhis story:

“I got better and went to Johannesburg [for a successful kidney transplant]. Aer recover-ing, I took stock of my life and did additional training in South Aica, becoming a pediatricnephrologist. I now practice in Zimbabwe, the only trained pediatric nephrologist. My wife,an RN, works in London so that I can provide nephrology services to children in Zimbabwe.I heard you have been here other times, but have always missed you. I want to say, ‘thankyou’, for saving my life and giving me the opportunity to focus on things that are important.Many doctors would not have made the effort you did, as I was very sick, dying, that night.Now I can provide similar opportunities to children in Zimbabwe who have severe kidneydisease. ank you so very much, Chiremba. [“Doctor”]’

Dr. Erickson shared, “I had heard of a Dr. Luke, but had no idea that I was part of hisstory. anks to HVO for the opportunities!”

Creating Collaborative PartnershipsAlthough HVO volunteers usually travel alone, their service is not an isolated event.Rather, it is part of a plan with the institute and builds on the work of previous volun-teers, providing training requested by the local providers. is allows for long-term plan-ning and adjustments as skills develop and needs change. Support does not end whenvolunteers complete their assignments. Rather, volunteers continue the connectionsthey developed, through email, teleconferences, and sharing of educational resources.

Rebecca Kruisselbrink, a critical care specialist, worked in Uganda’s Mulago Hospital,where she witnessed the debilitating effect of traffic accidents in a country with fewphysicians and an increasing number of motorized vehicles.

“I cared for a four-year old girl in the ICU, the victim of a car-versus-motorbike accident.She wasn’t wearing a helmet and had suffered skull actures and a brain contusion, lung

and liver contusions, a broken femur, and several broken ribs. She required ventilator sup-port for some time and eventually had a tracheostomy placed….is little child had incred-ible odds stacked against her.”

roughout the girl’s recovery, Dr. Kruisselbrink worked closely with the hospital staff,sharing her knowledge and expertise. e young girl survived and Dr. Kruisselbrinknoted:

“I had the privilege to meet and develop strong working relationships with residents andfaculty at Mulago who are similarly interested in building critical care capacity in low-in-come Aican countries.

is case demonstrated so many health needs - om public health interventions such as mo-torcycle helmets – to pediatric ventilators and monitors in the ICU. But her story also il-lustrates the commitment of Ugandan healthcare professionals to their patients, and to doingthe best they can with available resources. I witnessed the diligence of the nursing staff whoattended to her, doing all they could to manage her symptoms, and aid her recovery. I sawthe dedication of the ICU residents who, though not on call, would stay late, return early,and answer phone calls all night long when there were questions about her care. Stories likethis child are what motivate me to participate in work that seeks to improve health care indeveloping countries.”

Aer returning home, Dr. Kruisselbrink has continued to work with her Ugandancolleagues, maintaining ongoing electronic communication, sharing ideas and educa-tional resources, and collaborating on research and quality improvement projects. Hercontributions to global health, and those of other HVO volunteers, are supporting com-mitted and caring professionals, ensuring the best possible patient care and building aglobal health community.

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2013 COLLABORATiNG iNSTiTUTiONS & ORGANiZATiONSWe thank our many outstanding partners around the world for their support.

BELiZEBelize CityKarl Heusner Memorial HospitalMinistry of HealthUniversity of Belize

BHUTANMongarEastern Regional Referral Hospital

?imphuJigme Dorji Wangchuck National

Referral HospitalMinistry of HealthRoyal institute of Health Sciences

BOLiViALa PazHOPE WorldwideHospital Arco iris

CAMBODiAKampotSonya Kill Memorial Hospital

Phnom PenhCambodian Dental AssociationCiomal Kien Kleng CentreFaculty of Dentistry, international

UniversityHOPE Medical Centers

Preah Kossamak HospitalSihanouk Hospital Center of HOPEUniversity of Health Sciences of


Siem ReapAngkor Hospital for Children

CAMEROONBamendaCameroon Baptist ConventionMbingo Baptist Hospital

CHiNAWenzhouSecond Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou

Medical School

COSTA RiCASan Jose and LiberiaCaja Costarricense de Seguro Social

SystemMedical Oncology AssociationUniversity of Costa Rica

ETHiOPiAAddis AbabaAddis Ababa UniversityBlack Lion HospitalMyungsung Christian Medical Center

GHANAKumasiKomfo Anoke Teaching Hospital

HAiTiDeschapellesHôpital Albert Schweitzer

HONDURASTegucigalpaCancer Center Emma CallejasHospital EscuelaHospital San Felipe

iNDiABangaloreBangalore Baptist Hospital

RaxaulDuncan Hospital

VelloreChristian Medical College

KENyANairobiPCEA Kikuyu HospitalUniversity of Nairobi School of Dental


LAOSVientianeNational University of Laos

MALAWiBlantyreMalawi College of MedicineQueen Elizabeth Central HospitalUniversity of Malawi

MOLDOVAChisinauClinical Hospital of Orthopaedics and

TraumatologyReconstructive Pediatric HospitalRepublic Hospital

MONGOLiAUlaanbaatarNational Traumatology and Or-

thopaedic Research Center

MyANMARYangonyangon General Hospitalyangon Orthopaedic Hospital

NiCARAGUAManaguaHospital Escuela Antonio Lenin



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Hospital Escuela Roberto CalderónGutierrez

Hospital Fernando Velez PaizHospital infantil Manuel Jesus RiveraHospital Militar Escuela Alejandro

Davila Bolanosinstituto Politecnico de la SaludUniversidad Católica Redemptoris

Mater UNiCA

PARAGUAyAsuncioninstituto National del Cancer

PERULima (and other cities)Empresa de Seguros de Salud (EsSalud)

Hospital System

RWANDAKigaliKing Faisal HospitalRwanda Physiotherapy AssociationSchool of Health Sciences, College of

Medicine & Health Sciences,University of Rwanda (formerly the Ki-

gali Health institute)

ST. LUCiAVieux FortSt. Jude Hospital

SURiNAMEParamariboAnton de Kom University

TANZANiADar es SalaamMuhimbili National HospitalMuhimbili University of Health and Al-

lied SciencesTanzanian Dental Association

MoshiKilimanjaro Christian Medical Center

MwanzaWeill Bugando Medical Centre

UGANDAKampalaMakerere UniversityMulago National Referral Hospital

MbararaMbarara University of Science and

TechnologyMbarara University Teaching Hospital

NebbiShowers Foundation Health Center

ViETNAMDa NangDa Nang Orthopedics and Rehabilita-

tion Center

Ho Chi Minh CityHospital for Traumatology and Or-

thopaedicsUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy –

Faculty of Odono-Stomatology

HueHue College of Medicine and Phar-


UNiTED STATES and ELSEWHEREAO North America, Department of

Continuing Medical EducationBhutan FoundationCatalogue for PhilanthropyDirect Relief internationalFriends without a BorderGlobal Health Workforce AllianceGlobal-HELPGlobal impactGlobal Volunteer Partnershipinternational College of Dentistsinternational Federation for Dental


international Society for Prostheticsand Orthotics

Orthopaedic Research and EducationFoundation

Orthopaedic Trauma AssociationSociety for Education in AnesthesiaUnited States Bone and Joint initiativeUS Agency for international

DevelopmentUS Department of State’s Office of

Weapons Removal and AbatementUniversity of California San Francisco,

Department of Orthopaedics

University of Utah, Department ofOrthopaedics

UPenn Medicine – Penn OrthopaedicsVellore Christian Medical College

Foundation, inc.World Health Organization, Department

of Essential Health Technologies,Emergency & Essential Surgical CareClinical Procedures Unit (CPR)

World LearningWorld Orthopaedic Concern


The Golden Apple Award, presented for extraordinary educationalcontributions, was created in 2006 by HVO’s Board of Directors torecognize those volunteers who have demonstrated a strong commitmentto HVO’s educational mission through their work on curriculum develop-ment, teacher training, didactic or clinical training, or the enhancementof educational resources.

Tank you to each of the honorees for their dedication and extraordinarycommitment.

2013 GOLDEN APPLE AWARD HONOREESWilliam Creasman, MDRandall Culp, MDDiana Davidson, CRNANorman James, MDRobert Kalb, MD

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2013 VOLUNTEER LEADERSVolunteers provide the guidance and support essential for the success of HVO programs. ?ese leaders work year-round in many capacities – on Steering CommiBeesproviding program oversight and exploring new project opportunities, and as Project Directors recruiting and preparing volunteers, as well as monitoring and re@ningthe educational goals of individual projects. Special thanks are due to these individuals who provide the framework for the management of HVO’s educational programs.


F. Peter Buckley, MBBS, FRCAJoanne Conroy, MDJo Davies, MBBS, FRCAQuentin Fisher, MDBrian Harrington, MD - chair

PROJECT DiRECTORSEthiopia Carol WarWeld, MDMalawi Jo Davies, MBBS, FRCAPeru Edward Requenez, MDVietnam Daniel Vo, MD


Lauren Good, MDCamille introcaso, MDMelissa Kanchanapoomi, MDLynn McKinley-Grant, MDAhou Meydani, MDSylvia Parra, MDVishal Patel, MDWingWeld Rehmus, MD, MPH – chairMaria Robinson, MD, MBAWendi Wohltmann, MD, FAAD

PROJECT DiRECTORSCambodia Robert Kalb, MDCosta Rica Stephen Flax, MDPeru Karen McKoy, MD, MPH

Uganda Tim O'Brien, MBBSVietnam Karen McKoy, MD, MPH


Lynn Bemiller, MDTeresa Coetzer, PhDLeslie Kean, MD, PhDTroy Lund, MSMS, PhD, MDRobert Negrin, MDStanley Schrier, MD – chairZeba Singh, MBBS, MD

PROJECT DiRECTORSCambodia Leslie Kean, MD, PhDPeru Teresa Coetzer, PhD & Susan

Harris, MDTanzania Teresa Coetzer, PhD & En-

rico Novelli, MDUganda Ana Oton, MD


Cary Bjork, MDPeter Curran, MDGeorge Meyer, MD - chairPaul Nadler, MDGeorge Pantely, MDTed Sussman, MDSuzanne Wenderoth, MD

PROJECT DiRECTORSBhutan Jason yung, MDCambodia (Kampot) Maria Teresa

Olivari, MDCambodia (Phnom Penh) Victoria

Seligman, MDIndia Michael McQuillen, MD, MAPeru George Meyer, MDUganda (Kampala) Cary Bjork, MDUganda (Mbarara) Claudia Leonard, MD


Suzanne Brown, CRNAShawn Collins, CRNA, DNP, PhDDiana Davidson, CRNADenise DiGioia, CRNA, MSKathleen Durkan, MSN, CRNARichard Henker, PhD, RN, CRNA - chairRaymond O'Keefe, CRNA, MSCliff Roberson, DNP, CRNA, APRN

PROJECT DiRECTORSBelize Suzanne Brown, CRNA & Kath-

leen Durkan, MSN, CRNABhutan Richard Henker, PhD, RN,

CRNACambodia Richard Henker, PhD, RN,

CRNAEthiopia Diana Davidson, CRNARwanda Raymond O'Keefe, CRNA, MS


Linda Baumann, PhD, RN, CSJill Derstine, RN, EdD - chairBarbara Kelley, RN, EdD, MPH, CPNPJeanne Leffers, PhD, RNLisa Kennedy Sheldon, PhD, APRN,

AOCNPMichele Upvall, PhD, FNPBarbara Wise, PhD, RN, CPNP

PROJECT DiRECTORSBolivia Elizabeth Cartwright, PhD, BSNCambodia (Phnom Penh) Jill Derstine,

RN, EdDCambodia (Siem Reap) Barbara Kelley,

RN, EdD, MPH, CPNPTanzania Ellen Murphy, RN, MS, JDUganda (Kampala) Jeanne Leffers, PhD, RNUganda (Nebbi) Ellen Murphy, RN, MS, JD


Julie Carlson, MSN, APN, AOCNSNeal Christiansen, MDWilliam Creasman, MDDavid Goldstein, MBBS, FRACP,

FRCP(UK)Daniel Kronish, MDMiklos Simon, MDWilliam Tap, MD - chair


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PROJECT DiRECTORSBhutan Julie Carlson, MSN, APN,

AOCNS & Miklos Simon, MDCosta Rica John Pippen, MD, FACP &

Barbara Wise, PhD, RN, CPNPHonduras Julie Carlson, MSN, APN,

AOCNS & Sunil Patel, MD & MelanieTomas, MD, MS

Paraquay Judith Johnson, PhD, MSN,RN, CNE, OCN & Tom Openshaw,MD, MS

Vietnam Quyen Chu, MD & DavidGoldstein, MBBS, FRACP, FRCP(UK)


David Frost, DDS, MS - chairMarshall Gallant, DMDKevin Hardwick, DDS, MPHMartin Hobdell, BDS, PhD, MABrian Hollander, DMDFreder Jaramillo, DDS, MPH, MHAJack Levine, DDSRobert Malloy, DMD

PROJECT DiRECTORSCambodia Stuart Sheer, DDSCambodia (Dental Public Health) Euge-

nio Beltran, DMD, MPH, DrPH, MSCambodia (Oral & Maxillofacial Sur-

gery) John Kelly, DMD, MDKenya James Murphy, DMD, MS, MALaos (Dental Public Health) Eugenio

Beltran, DMD, MPH, DrPH, MSNicaragua Marshall Gallant, DMDPeru Charles Bloomer, DDSRwanda James Farer, DDS, MSD, FACPSt. Lucia Honore Woodside, DDSTanzania Frank Andolino, DDSVietnam C. Neil Kay, BDS, MS


Gary Anderson, MD - chairJay Cox, MDDean Matsuda, MDCarla Smith, MD, PhD

PROJECT DiRECTORSBolivia Rex Haydon, MD, PhDBhutan Robert Hoffman, MDCambodia Mark Carlson, MDCameroon J. Michael Holloway, MDChina Alan Giachino, MDCosta Rica Lawrence Bruno, MD &

Michael Errico, MDEthiopia Germaine Fritz, DO, FAOAOGhana Don Lalonde, MD & Peter

TraYon, MDHonduras (Hand Surgery) Christopher

Johnson, MDMalawi Todd Kim, MDMoldova Michael Snedden, MDMongolia Robert Feibel, MDMyanmar Samer A[ar, MDNicaragua M. Patricia Howson, MDNicaragua (Hand Surgery) William

LaSalle, MDNicaragua (Pediatric Hand Surgery)

Michelle James, MDPeru Mark Hansen, MDPeru (Hand Surgery) Timothy Leddy,

MDSt. Lucia Tomas O'Brien, MDTanzania Glen Crawford, MDUganda James Leffers, MD

PEDiATRiCS STEERiNG COMMiTTEEBrad Berman, MDStephanie Doniger, MDCynthia Howard, MD, MPHTMMehran Mosley, MDJoseph Sherman, MD - chairDonna Staton, MD, MPH

PROJECT DiRECTORSBhutan Kathleen Opdebeeck, MDNicaragua Bronwen Anders, MD &

Shaun Berger, MDSt. Lucia Larry Gray, MDUganda yvonne Vaucher, MD, MPH


Jennifer Aude[e, PhD, PT - chair

Ricardo Fernandez, PhD, PT, OCS,CSCS

Sandy Ganz, PT, DSc, GCSJudith Hembree, PT, PhDCathy Peterson, PT, EdDPamela Reynolds, PT, EdDAlice Salzman, PT, EdD

PROJECT DiRECTORSBhutan Linda Wolff, MPTBolivia Heather Vezina, BsPT, MPH,

DPTHaiti Denise English, PTIndia Antoine[e Sander, PT, DPT, MS,

CLT-LANAMalawi Cathy Peterson, PT, EdDNicaragua Jennifer Stevens-Lapsley,

MPT, PhDNicaragua (Hand Terapy) Darcie

Olson, MHS, OTR, CHTPeru Alice Salzman, PT, EdDRwanda Julia Chevan, PT, PhD, MPH,

OCSSt. Lucia Nancy Gell, PT, MPHSuriname Leslie Glickman, PT, PhD,

MEd, MGAVietnam Janna Beling, PhD, PT


Barbara Bates-Jensen, PhD, RNRenee Cordrey, PT, PhD, MSPT, MPH,

CWSTomas Serena, MD, FACS - chairMichael Southworth, MD, FACSCristin Taylor, PA-C, DPT, ATC

PROJECT DiRECTORSCambodia (Phnom Penh) Laurie Rappl,

PT, CWSCambodia (Siem Reap) Laurie Rappl,

PT, CWSHaiti Cristin Taylor, PA-C, DPT, ATCIndia Barbara Bates-Jensen, PhD, RN &

Michael Southworth, MD, FACSPeru Geraldine Vehr, MD

SPECiAL PROJECTSEmergency Medicine Bhutan Katharine

Morley, MD, MPHMental Health Bhutan Charles

Tompson, MDPharmacy Uganda Susan Raber,

PharmD, MPH

USAID-funded Advancement of RwandanRehabilitation Services Project

Project Coordinator Monika Mann, PTTechnical Advisory Group JuliaChevan, PT, PhD, MPH, OCS & KimDunleavy, PhD, PT, MOMT

HVO STAFFWASHiNGTON, DCNancy Kelly, MHS, Executive DirectorKate Fincham, Director of Program

SupportLaura Tyson, Director of FinanceLinda James, Project DirectorBarbara Edwards, Project AssociateVolunteer CoordinatorsTony LiAndrea MoodyDanielle StonehirschKatherine McMullen, Communication

and Events CoordinatorApril Pinner, Evaluation SpecialistHaley Brightman, Administrative


RWANDAJoyce Nyiraneza, Project Manager

UGANDAStella Nyange, Volunteer Coordinator

CONSULTANTSKelley Silberberg,Graphic Design Servicese-Guard Technology Services, Network

& iT Support

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*Stars indicate numberof assignments in 2013

Michael Ackland, MDKay Ahern, PT, CHTJaimo Ahn, MD, PhDRonald Ailsby, MDSergio Martinez Alvarez,

MDKeith Anderson, MDNancy Anderson, RN,

MSN**Philip Anderson, DDSAriadna Arauz, PA-Cisidora Arzu, MD, PhDJennifer Audette, PhD,

PTFarrah Ayob, MBBSMark Baker, MD, FACEPSamuel Baker, MDCharles Balch, MD, PhD,

FACSGlen Barden, MDMark Barry, MD**Barbara Bates-Jensen,

PhD, RNBeverly Bauman, MDSuzanne Beaumont, PA-CStephen Becher, MDRoberta Beiso, RN, BSNEugenio Beltran, DMD,

MPH, DrPH, MS******Emily Benson, MDGertrudis Elizabeth

Benz ianalf, PT, MPH

Joan Bessey, CRNA, MSBarbara Billek-Sawhney,

PT, EdD, DPT, MS, GCSJean Philippe Bismuth,

MDSheena Black, MDAndrew Blackman, MDSusan Blackmore, MS,

OTR/L, CHTJoel Bleicher, MD**Berva BocklageJoseph Bocklage, MDWilliam Bohl, MDDeborah Bohn, MDReanne Booker, MN,

BScNyves Boudreau, MDLindsey BozichLoyda Braithwaite, RNPaul BrewerDanni Brown, BS, MSPaul Brown, DDS, MSSuzanne Brown,

CRNA****T. Desmond Brown, MDLawrence Bruno, MDCarol Brunzell, RDN, LD,

CDERobert Buchholz, CRNA,

MSNAEmily Bucholz, MPHRobert Bucholz, MDChester Buckenmaier,

MDGeorge Burns

John Burrell, MDJoseph Calabrese, PhDAmber CaldwellMary Jane Carraway, RNSarah Cavilla, MBBS, BSc,

MRCPAmitabha Chakraborty,

MBBS, MD, FRCPCRonda Chandler, RNHelen CharlesChing-Rong Cheng, MDLinus Chuang, MD, MPH,

MSCharlene Clark, MDWesley Clark, MD, MPHJonathan Cluett, MDTheresa Coetzer, PhDPam Cole, PT, CWSManuel Constenla-

Figueiras, MDLouisa Cotton, BSc, OTBeverly Coye, CRNA,

RN, MS, CCRNRebecca Crastnopol,

DPTBrooke Crawford, MDGlen Crawford, MDWilliam Creasman,

MD**Gwen Creel, PT, MPTLarry Crook, MDNonna CrookHal Crosswell, MDRandall Culp, MD

Johnasina Cummings,DDS

Rebekah Cummings,MSN, CRNA

Peter Curran, MDGregory Czarnecki, DDSSally Dahir, PAAlan Danielson, MDDiana Dark, MDBhalchandra Daulat, PTVeena Daulat, MDDiana Davidson,

CRNA***Rob DavisTracy Dellinger, DDSGregg Dickinson, DDSJohn Doerr, DDSPatricia DoerrGary Doolittle, MD, PhDEgon Doppenberg, MDEmily Doss, MDRachel Douglas, BSc,

MPT, CLTLon Dubey, MDJohn Dufendach, MDRaymonde Dumont, MD,

LMFTAndrew Duncan, MDJames Dunlap, MDMarcel Durieux, MD, PhDKathleen Durkan, MSN,

CRNA***iain ElliottMark Elzik, MDDenise English, PT*****

Ersne Eromo, MD, MBAMichael Errico, MDJoyce Ettenger, FNPGeorgia Eubanks, SPTConnie Evashwick, ScD,

CAE, CPHTom EvashwickMarybeth Ezaki, MDJenna Ferrara, PharmD**Brett Fink, MDDavid Fiore, MDMarty FisherRichard Fisher, MD**Catherine Fitzgerald, MDCathy Ford, RNAlan Forker, MDPam Forsythe, BSNGretchen Fox, MS, MDLawrence Freedman,

MBBS, FRCS(Eng)Michael FuAnnette Galassi, RN,

MA, OCNJanice Gardner, RNKeren GeddesHarold Gelfand, MDAlexander Gellman, MDEric Gershman, MDJay Gerzmehle, OT, CHT

Ginny Gibson, MS,OTR/L, CHT

Susan Gillis, RN, BSN,CNOR

Leslie Glickman, PT,PhD, MEd, MGA

Laurie Good, MDTorrey Goodman, MDSteve Gorlick, MDJennifer Goy, MD, MScMike Green, DOAmanda GuevaraWendy GutmannJennifer HagedornChris HallKevin Hardwick, DDS,

MPH**Thomas Hayes, MDChristina Hayhurst, MDJenny He, DMD, MS, PhDJudith Hembree, PT,

PhDRichard Henker, PhD,

RN, CRNA*****Eric Hentzen, MD, PhDRobert Hoffman, MDBrian Hollander, DMD**Ebony Hoskins, MDLisa Huang


volunteers?is list represents volunteers who completed assignments as of December 31, 2013.

Page 11: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Jessica Huddleston, BSN,RN, MPH

Margo Hudson, MDLibby Huffman, MDJanice Hulme, PT, MS,

DHScBarbara HundahlJill ibach, CSTRaymond imatani, MDigor immerman, MDLauren Jackson, MDLauren Jacobs, MDGeraldine Jacobson, MD,

MPH, MBAMichelle James, MD**Norman James, MDKathy JaworskiChristopher Johnson,

MDDaniel Judd, MDCristina Jutsum, RN,

CEN, CPEN, MiCTCheck Kam, MDShelby Kamenstein,

OTDRavish Kapoor, MDHillel Kashtan, MDMarshall Katzen, MDC. Neil Kay, BDS, MS***Elizabeth Kay, PT,

PhD***Nicole Keenan, SPTJohn Kelly, DMD, MD**Katherine Kelly, MDKitty Kelly**Richard Kemme, MDAndreaMaria Kick, DPTDaniel KickKrystyna Kiel, MDAlex KietzerRobert Kim, MDTodd Kim, MD

Kelly Kiser, MBABonnie Kittleson, MN,

FNP, AOCNPAnnie Ko, MD, MSAnne Kogler, RN, CDEJon Kolkin, MD**Thomas Kovarik, MSDouglas Krauth, JD,

CRNAKirsten Kristensen, PT,

MSRebecca Kruisselbrink,

MDKyung Kwon, CRNP,

MSNSoon-you Kwon, MDThomas Laboe, DDSSherri LaCivita, CSTElizabeth Lakind, PhD,

MDGeoffrey Langham, MDBeth Langille, PTAlvin Larkins, MDWilliam LaSalle, MD**Catalina Lawsin, PhDThu-Ba LeBa, MDAlexandra LeeFrank Lee, MDSarah Lee, MDMarie Leger, MD, PhDDavid Lewis, MDLisa LewisDanielle Liebermanisador Lieberman, MD,

MBA, FRCSCharles Lim, MD, MBAChristina LinkMatthew Links, MBBS,

PhD, FRACPMichael Lintner, MDKevin Little, MDRhianna Little, MD

H. Mark Livingston, DDS,MS

Bryan Loeffler, MDJean Logan, MSN, RN,

DrNP(C)Tracy Louk, DPTDarren Lovick, MDNurhayati Lubis, MBBS

FRCABarry Lumb, MDClare MacDermottMichael MacKechnie,

MD, CMHugh MacMenamin, MDDurga Malepati, MDVasu Malepati, MDRobert Malloy, DMDMark Manago, PT, DPT,

NCSMona Mange, MDJoshua ManolakosChristopher Marion,

MSPTCarmen Martinez-Gon-

zalez, MDCynthia Martz, BSNRebecca MasonNeil Masters, MDAna Mata-Fink, MDAlison MathaiMichael McKenzie, MDKaren McKoy, MD, MPHSamir Mehta, MDJeffrey Menashe, MDAhou Meydani, MDGeorge Meyer, MD****Lynn Meyer, RN**Edward Middleman,

MD, MPHShelly Middleman, MA,


Ellen-Marie Milan, RNC-NiC

Andrew MillerKenneth Miller, MDClinton Moen, MDRozemarijn MoetDerek Moore, MDAntoinette Moran, MDTom Morton, MBChB,

FACEMMehran Mosley, MDElaine Murphy, PT, MSA,

PhDEllen Murphy, RN, MS,

JD***Robert Murphy, MDRoman Natoli, MD, PhDMichael Neft, DNP,


Sinh Nguyen, MDSonia Nhieu, MDNadim Nimeh, MDSouha Nimeh, MSGordon Noel, MDLynn Noell, RN, MSNJohn Norton, MSSarah Beth Nossov, MDEnrico Novelli, MDGuy Nuki, MD

Stephanie NyceThomas O’Brien, MDTim O’Brien, MBBSPaul O’Byrne, MBChBJohn O’Donnell, MSN,

DrPH, RN, CRNARaymond O’Keefe,

CRNA, MSMaria Teresa Olivari,

MDGenevieve Olivier, PT,

DPT, NCSKathy O’Neil, MDKathleen Opdebeeck,

MDTrevor Oren, MDSwetha Pakala, MDMichele Panetta, SRNAGeorge Pantely, MD**Joel Paraiso, MDMegan ParkLindsey ParkerEbrahim Paryavi, MDSeetal Patel, MBBS,

MRCS, FRCASunil Patel, MDVenkat Patla, MD, MBBSMichael Patzkowski, MDCelia Pechak, PT, PhD,


Andrea Pennett, SRNAAdrian PerezJohn Pippen, MD, FACPMegan Plaster, BScNSilvia PlattnerMing Jack PoAriel Polish, MDGregory Pollard-Her-

mann, BSN, SRNAAmber PopeMary Pope, PT, PhDKris Porter, PT, DPTAlly Prebtani, BScPhm,

MDBreanna Purdom, PTJay Purdom, PT, MHPracJennifer Quisberg, MPT,

CWSLorena RamirezMichelle Ramirez, DPTCarol Rasmussen, RN,

BANFiona Ratcliffe, MBBS,

FRCABonnie Rathod, RN, MNCarleton RawlesJohn Rawles, MDJohn RawlesBryan Read, BSN, CRNAGlenn Rechtine, MD


This experience reinforced my perspective that quality health careeducation and training is vital to increase the ability of developing

nations to provide their citizens with safe, effective care. It is vitalin order to decrease health care disparities and injustices that

are present in the world. I appreciate the opportunity to haveworked to this end and I am committed to continuing to do so.

- Rebekah Cummings, MSN, CRNA

Page 12: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Joan Rechtine, MS, MPHDebra Reilly, RNCharlotte Reiter, RN,

FNPJoel Reiter, MDRonald Renz, PT, MMScCamille Reuter GrzelakSimon Ritchie, MDCliff Roberson, DNP,

CRNA, APRN**Rolando Roberto, MD**Maria Robinson, MD,

MBALen Romanowski, CRNAAmy Romer, MDRudolf Roth, MDMicheline Roy-Nuki, RN,

BSNSamantha SadtlerPeter Salamon, MDDarrel Saldanha, MD, BA

Neil Salyapongse, MDAntoine Samman, MDMadeleine SammanMichael Sangster, BScPT,

MBAChristine Sankpill, MDVanessa SarchetMara Schenker, MDLauren Schlanger, MDChristina SchmidtDavid Schmidt, MD, PhDJennifer Schmidt, MAClaudia Schneider, MDThomas Schnelldorfer,

MDAlison Scholes, MD,

MCHMBryant SeamonGary Seiden, DDSClaudia Senesac, PT,


Frances ShafferChirag Shah, MDVictoria Sharon, MDLisa Sheikovitz, OTKathryn Shine, BSNRebecca Shriver, MDDivya Singh, MDVineet Singh, MDKelsea SmithMichael Snedden, MD**Sally Snedden**Jamey Snell, MDAarjan Snoek, MBChB,

FRCAGordon Somerville, MDSarah Beth Speciale, RNMichael Sprehe, MD,

MPHAmanda Startup, BSNRobert Stein, MD

Denise Stelzner, PT,MBA

Peter Stern, MDSteven Stoddard, MD**Johanna Sturdy, DPTNeelakantan Sunder,

MBBSiva SussmanTed Sussman, MDLana Svien, PT, PhDKathryn SwansonKaren SwartzMichael Tabasko, MSPTGennaro Taddei, MD,

PhDippei Takagi, MDRyan Taylor, MDJennifer TeichmanSarah Temkin, MDAlexander Templeton,


Burton Tepfer, MDHarriet Tepfer, MAHoward Terebelo, DOMonica Thakar, MDMary Thigpen, PT, PhDGregory Thomas, MDNarhari Timilshina, PhD,

MPHLindsay TisdaleHenry TobiePaul Toogood, MD, MSRebecca Toth, MS,

OTR/LPeter Trafton, MDAndrea Tsai, MD, MADavid Tuel, MDSharon Utendorf, BSN,

CRNAAdriana Valtierra, RNNancy VanSpeybroeck,

MDThomas Vasileff, MD***yvonne Vaucher, MD,

MPHDonna Venezia, MDZoe Vinson, RN, BSN,

SRNATerry Wall, MD, JDDarryl Wallace, MDEwen Wang, MDCarol Warfield, MDAnn Warner, MDNgaire Warner, MDNicola Waters, RN, MSC

Amanda Watson, SPTJane Watson, PTKenneth Watson, DOWendy Watson, MD,

MSJeff Weil, MDMcKenzie Weiler, BSNDaria WhiteEdward White, MDNathan Whitney, PTBrian Wilson, MD, FAAPBarbara Wise, PhD, RN,

CPNPDavid Wishnew, MD,

MALawrence Wolbarsht,

MDLinda Wolff, MPTHeather Wood, OTR/L,

CHT**Karl Woodmansey, DDSMatthew Wright, MBBSRonald Wyatt, MDLenni Jo yarchinSarvari yellapragada,

MDJason yung, MDCharles Zahalka, MDMolly Zalewski, RN,

CRNASarah Zangle, SRNA, RNJulie Zielinski, MD, MSPaul Zimmer, MD, MPHStanley Zucker, MD


I return from my HVO trips re-charged andwith new ideas. The interaction with doctorsworking in resource-limited settings is always

energizing and in many ways humbling.- Peter Curran, MD

Page 13: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

REGENT’S CiRCLE($10,000+)Dr. Peter Curran @

PECO FoundationJulia Plotnick, MPH, RN,

FAANCarol WarWeld, MD

PRESiDENT’S CiRCLE($5,000-$9,999)American College of

PhysiciansAnchorage Fracture &

Orthopaedic ClinicVanessa Dayton, MDDr. & Mrs. Chris DobsonJohn Esterhai, MDMrs. Jean FranciscoFred & Stasia GreenewaltJ. Michael Holloway, MDHarry Jergesen, MDNancy Kelly & Michael

HaganMarc Kornmesser, MDWilliam LaSalle, MDDr. & Mrs. Herbert LouisMary LovejoyDean and Catherine

MatsudaDr. & Mrs. James Pe[eyConnie Rydberg & Nirav

KapadiaSanjeev Sabharwal, MDCarla Smith, MD, PhD

CHANCELLOR’SCiRCLE($1,000-$4,999)3-Point Products, inc.Barbara AlbertAnonymous (3)ATi Physical TerapyCharles Balch, MD, PhD,

FACSStephen BarryRob & Leslie Bea[yLynn Bemiller, MDJames Benne[, MDEmily Berry, MDCharles Blitzer, MDMartin Boyer, MDDr. & Mrs. Miguel

CabanelaArnold Cohn, MDConnecticut State Society

of AnesthesiologistsJay & Nancy CoxJo Davies, MBBS, FRCATomas Degenhardt, MDRobert Derkash, MDDr. & Mrs. Claes

DohlmanLena Dohlman-Gerhart,

MD, MPHJoel DuyckRita Feinbergirving Feintech Family

FoundationRichard Fisher, MDDavid Frost, DDS, MSDhana Ganesan, MD

James & Cherie GerryR. Michael Gross, MDVivienne HalpernMark HawkinsPaul Henry, PhDTomas Highland, MDRobert Hoffman, MDWilliam Horton, MDM. Patricia Howson, MDMichelle James, MDCharles & Gerry

JenningsAlbert Johnson, MDJohnson &Johnson

Matching GiYsProgram

Ronald L. Katz FamilyFoundation

Todd Kim, MDKent Kirkland, MDGregory Krivchenia, MDMichael Krosin, MDElizabeth Lakind, PhD,

MDChristine Lathuras, DDSGerald and Darlene Leeisador Lieberman, MD,

MBA, FRCSMartha Ligge[Kevin Li[le, MDHenry Stow LovejoyGary Loyd, MD, MMMHugh MacMenamin, MD

& KathleenOpdebeeck, MD

Lynn McKinley-Grant,MD

Anne Miller, MDDavid MitchellJohn Mitchell, MDPaul & Suzanne MuchnicStephanie Murphy, CPAPartners HealthcareVincent Pellegrini, MDJames PembrokeBill & Be[y Pe[yAnn PXugrath, MDFredric Price, MDRaymond Raven, MDAnthony Richards, MDDavid Robie, MDKevin Rumball, MDWilbur Sandbulte, MDH. Delano Schu[e, MDStephen SchwartzGary Seiden, DDSMiklos Simon, MDEdythe SimsJerry Sisler, MDJeffrey Soldatis, MDDavid Spiegel, MDWilliam Stetson, MDSteven Stoddard & Sally

DahirVidya Swaminathan,

PhD, MSDaniel Switlick, MDTexas Back instituteCharles Toner, MDTowers Watson

Charles Welborn, MD,MPH, MS

Te Judith C. WhiteFoundation

David Wiebe, MDStephen & Marta

WilliamsonMarcella Woiczik, MDHarry Zutz, MDRobert & Maureen Zutz

DEAN’S CiRCLE($500-$999)Dorrit Ahbel, MDGertrude Ahbel-Dallas,

MDLouis Almekinders, MDGary Anderson, MDSharon ArmstrongJennifer Aude[e, PhD,


Will Aughenbaugh, MDEaswaran

Balasubramanian, MDBank of America

Charitable FoundationV. Ted Barne[, MDPamela BensonTorey Bo[i, MDyves Boudreau, MDBristol-Myers Squibb

Foundation MatchingGiYs Program

F. Peter Buckley, MBBS,FRCA

John Callahan, MDMarilyn CallahanSusan CarringerPamela Chambers,

CRNA, MSN, EJDJay ChmieleskiNeal Christiansen, MD


donorsAnonymous (2)Richard Coughlin, MD,

MScJay S. Cox, MDNancy C. CoxKim Dunleavy, PhD, PT,

OCSGermaine Fritz, DODr. & Mrs. David FrostLeslie B. Glickman, PT,

PhD, MEdElaine Goodall, PT, MEdNancy Kelly & Michael


Richard & Mary KemmePaul Muchnic, MDStephanie & Chris

MurphyCelia Pechak, PT, PhD,

MPHJames PembrokeSteven Stoddard, MDKaren Pi[s Stubenvoll,

MDDr. & Mrs. Harry Zutz


The following people have made a commitment toHVO’s future through a provision in their charitablegift planning.

Page 14: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Quyen Chu, MDLinus Chuang, MD, MPH,

MSMichelle Cihla, MDStanley Clark, MDCharles Cornell, MDGloria DadounChau Dang, MDJeanne DelSignore, MDDenise Dowd, MD, MPHJohn Drake, MDKim Dunleavy, PhD, PT,

OCSJames Dyreby, MDJames Ertle, MDArnold & Barbara

GreviorSamantha Grillo, MDShelly GuyerMichael Haak, MDGenevieve HaganMargaret Hanna, CRNABrian Harrington, MDJeane[e Harrington, MDTeresa Hennessey, MDBarbara Jessen, MDBenjamin Kerman, MDRichard King, MBChBDr. & Mrs. Michael

KowalikCatherine Kuhn, MDViji Kurup, MDSharat Kusuma, MD,

MBAJeanne Leffers, PhD, RNRichard Lemon, MDJack Lennox, DODr. & Mrs. Randall LewisKaren McKoy, MD, MPHJeffrey Menashe, MDJan & Vol MoodyKathleen Moore Bishop,


Michael and KatharineMorley

J. Craig Morrison, MDWairimu Ndirangu, PhD,

MSSPaula Ness SpeersMary NjokuMarsha NolanMark Nystrom, MDTomas O'Brien, MDA. Lee Osterman, MDJoseph OxendineSylvia Parra, MDPradip Patel, DDSErnest Pellegrino, MDDr. & Mrs. Eugene PXumPhilip Prosapio, MDDr. & Mrs. Brian O'M.

QuinnCheryle RemleyRichardson ProductsDelene Richburg, MDRichard & Cecelia

RigginsSolon Rosenbla[, MDAndrew Ruoff, MDRichard Sandell, MDWudbhav Sankar, MDH. Delano Schu[e, MDPatricia Shands, MDGilbert Shapiro, MDBenjamin Shore, MDArris Slaughter, CRNAJared Tadje, MDVirak Tan, MDPeter TraYon, MDDrs. Mark & Tina TuckerTe i. J. Van Huffel

FoundationTomas Vasileff, MDyvonne Vaucher, MD,


Washington PrintmakersGallery

Kathy & SteveWellington

James West, MDTroy WieblerKaye Wilkins, MDGeorge & Marjorie

WordinghamJack Wylie, MD

PROFESSOR’S CiRCLE($250-$499)Jaimo & Betsy AhnOluade Ajayi, MDCarlos Alvarado, MDGay & Gish AndersonKeith Anderson, MDMarc Anderson, MDNancy Anderson, RN,

MSNMr. & Mrs. Robert

AndersonFrank Andolino, DDSAnonymousJennifer AugesonSamuel Baker, MDMarshall Balk, MDGlen Barden, MDLinda Baumann, PhD,

RN, CSDavid Beauchamp, MDEugenio Beltran, DMD,

DrPHRoland Beverly, MDShivarama Bhat, MDStefano Bini, MDHelen BjorkRobert Blo[er, MDGeorge Bogumill, MDWilliam Bohl, MDDeborah Bohn, MDLaura Bolton, PhD

Gilbert Anderson, MDMerlin Anderson, MDPaul Axtell, MDSamuel Baker, MDJames Benne[, MDCharles Blitzer, MDWilliam Bohl, MDJoseph Cass, MDRichard Coughlin,

MD, MScJay Cox, MDRobert Derkash, MDJohn Dormans, MDJohn Drake, MDJohn Esterhai, MDJ. William Follows, MDRobert Foster, MDGermaine Fritz, DO,

FAOAOBarry Gainor, MDGuillermo Garcia, MDR. Michael Gross, MDHill Hastings, MDRalph Herms, MDRobert Hoffman, MDJ. Michael Holloway,

MDM. Patricia Howson,

MDRichard idler, MDMichelle James, MDTimothy Janeway, MD

Charles Jennings, MDHarry Jergesen, MDRichard Kemme, MDTodd Kim, MDKent Kirkland, MDMarc Kornmesser, MDSubram Gopal

Krishnan, MDGregory Krivchenia,

MDMichael Krosin, MDWilliam Laney, MDWilliam LaSalle, MDGerald Lee, MDJames Lehner, MDKirk Lewis, MDisador Lieberman,

MD, MBA, FRCSEdward V.A. Lim, MDKevin Li[le, MDDean Matsuda, MDPaul Muchnic, MDWilliam Murrell, MDR. Sco[ Oliver, MDVincent Pellegrini, MDMark Perlmu[er, MDDr. & Mrs. James

Pe[eyFredric Price, MDBrian O'M. Quinn, MDDr. & Mrs. George


Raymond Raven, MDElizabeth Regan-Lowe,

MD, PhDDavid Rovinsky, MDKevin Rumball, MDSanjeev Sabharwal,

MDTomas Se[er, MDGilbert Shapiro, MDCarla Smith, MD, PhDCharles Snorf, MDRoger Sobel, MDDavid Spiegel, MDPaul Spray, MDRobert Stein, MDWilliam Stetson, MDSteven Stoddard, MDAlfred Swanson, MDDaniel Switlick, MDMichael Turner, MDLawrence & Kim

WalkerElizabeth Watson, MDWilliam West, MDDavid Whitney, MDRalph Wolf, MDRonald Wya[, MDRebecca yu, MDKenneth Zehnder, MDLewis Zirkle, MD


SURGEONS’ CiRCLEas of December 31, 2013

?e following special category of membershipreAects the generous support of individualscommiBed to the future of our organizationthrough a lifetime membership.

Page 15: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Mike Borowitz, MD, PhDJune Brady, MD, MPH,

DTM&HHolly Brown, MDPaul Brown, DDS, MSCathy Burns, MDCalhoun DentalVikki Ann CanWeld, MDHiginia Cardenes-Perera,

MD, PhD & EricSlessinger

Michael CashdollarChristine Cha, MDLyne[e CharityNorman Chutkan, MD,

FACSDavid Clauss, MDLaurence Cohen, MDJames Cole, MDMr. & Mrs. Curtis CooperKenneth CorradoMichael Craig, MD, MPHSaundra Curry, MDPatricia Dalby, MDKathleen Davis, MDRob DavisDean DeLuke, DDS

Carolien DeRoode, MDKaren Domino, MDMary Dudley, CRNA, MSDr. & Mrs. Tomas

DummDrs. Herodotos &

Elizabeth EllinasDale Erickson, MD, FACPRichard Farleigh, MDKate FinchamDouglas Freedman, MDWilliam Frick, DDS, MSDavid Frost, DDS, MSAnne[e Galassi, RN,

MA, OCNL. Michael Glode, MDBrian GoldbergTorrey Goodman, MDNeva Greenwald, PTJeannine Griffin, MDMarian Griffiths, MDBryan Gunnoe, MDMark Hansen, MDLeslie Hardy, MHSMark Henderson, MDRichard Henker, PhD,


William Hennrikus, MDLawrence Herman,

DMD, MDSally Hewe[, DDSBrian Hollander, DMDMr. & Mrs. Daniel HoranKamal ibrahim, MDSusan igras, MPHJoseph Jackson, MDAndrew Jawa, MDSandra JergerStephanie Jones, MDRobert Kalb, MDDan Kaspar, DDS, MSLinda Kaste, DDS, PhDTimothy Kauffman, PT,

PhD, MSJonathan Keeve, MDMitchell Kellert, DDSMichael & Joanne KellyGuenther Knoblich, MDElizabeth Koop, CRNAChristopher Kotchick,

DMDChristopher Lang, MDJeffrey Lazarus, MDJames Leffers, MDJack Levine, DDSDavid Lewis, MDRobert Lipscomb, MDMichael LunzerRobert Macintosh, DDSMona Mange, MD

Jean Martin, PhD, RN,CPNP

Kathleen MazurePatricia McAdoo, PTAnne McCormack, MDPatrick McGrath, MB,

BChGeselle McKnight,

CRNA, MSNKatie McMullenMichael Meddows, MDitrat Mehdi, MBBS, PhDMa[hew Mark MelinMerck Partnership for

GivingKenneth Merriman, MDGeorge Meyer, MDBerton Moed, MDRussell Morgan, DrPHShirley Murphy, MDMichael NeY, DNP, MHA,

MSN, RN, CRNALewis Nerenberg, MDJeffrey Neustadt, MDDebra Newman, MD, MSNicolas Noiseux, MDEnrico Novelli, MDWard Oakley, MDJody Olsen, PhD, MSWJudith Oppenheim, MDKarl Ordelheide, MDPediatric Health Care

AssociatesPWzer Foundation

Robert Piemonte, EdD,RN, CAE, FAAN

Robert Porter, MDShruti Prem, MBBS, MD,

DMNeal Rakov, MDDilli Ramesh, MDDr. & Mrs. George RappJohn Rawles, MDCarol Reece, DNP, APN-

CPNPWingWeld Rehmus, MD,

MPHChristina Richards, MDDouglas Ri[er, MD,

FRCS(C)James Roach, MDRolando Roberto, MDS. Robert Rozbruch, MDSally Rudicel, MDAntoine[e Sander, PT,

DPT, MS, CLT-LANAAlfred Scherzer, MD,

MS, EdDStanley Schrier, MDRobert Schultz, MDRosann & Arthur

SchwartzVictoria Seligman, MDJohn Sellman, MDNaomi Shields, MDSilicon Valley Community


Marjorie Smith & MartyOlle

James Snead, MDMichael Snedden, MDCharles Spero, MDRon Stradio[o, MDJohn Swienckowski, DOPaul Switlyk, MDMartha Tanicala, MSN,

EdDGeorge TannerCristin Taylor, PA-C,

DPT, ATCClyde Tempel, CRNAMelanie Tomas, MD, MSCharles Tompson, MDAnne Tierney, CRNA,

MSNMarc Tompkins, MDHelen Towers, MDCheri Trousil, PTAngelina Trujillo, MDLaura TysonFrederick van Pelt, MDLowell Van Zuiden, MDDonald Webb, MDStephen Weber, MDLinda Weiner, MDDr. & Mrs. Clay

WertheimerRichard White, MDJohn Whitney, MDEric Wiebke, MD, MBA


One of the student nurses doing her internship in ICU that I worked with, toldme on the 2nd day that she was so impressed at my knowledge and teachingstyle, that she was really inspired to finish her career and be an ICU nurse

and also teach someday. She was there at all the lectures and on our last day.- Rosalina Dela Rosa, RN, BSN, CCRN

Page 16: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Denise Wise, PhD, MA,PT

Richard Wise, MDRalph Wolf, MDLarry WolfeMichael Zak, DDS

SUPPORTERS(LESS THAN $250)Kay Ahern, PT, CHTMolly AndersonRandi AndresenAnonymous (3)Chad AugesonPatricia Bachiller, MDAsha Bajaj, PT, DPTUrsula BanzhafBrant Barr, MDDr. & Mrs. Alex Bart

Bennie Batson, RN, APN,CRNA

Judy Baum, PT, MSHAJaye BenjaminJennifer Benne[Gregory Binder, CRNAMichael Birman, MDTeresa Bisson, PT,

MSPT, NCS, ATPRichard Black, PTCharles Bloomer, DDSJohn & Martha

BollenbacherNorman BooksteinBarbara Bour, PTKay BristowTimothy Brox, MDChris & Gary CahnTiago Caires

James Cameron, MDSuzanne Caragianis, OTKatherine CaseyHoward Chait, MDEileen Chen, BSNJulia Chevan, PT, PhD,

MPH, OCSJames Cobey, MD, MPH,

FACSJeff Co[roneRebekah Cummings,

MSN, CRNAVivien D'Andrea, MDDiana Davidson, CRNARene[e DavisMichelle Dea MaldonadoTracy Dellinger, DDSAnthony DeLuise, MDKristina Dewulf

Manjit Dhillon, MDLisa DobberteenRobert Donohue, MDAngela DrewLina Drillman, RPHCaroline Dueger, MD,

MPH, DTM&HBarbara EdwardsRobin & Robert ElkusSue Alice Erickson, RN,

MS, PhDDr. & Mrs. Frederick

FakharzadehGregory FastKatrina FehringAmanda Finn, PT, MSJohn Fisk, MDMark FixlerMargaret Fletcher, PTJessica Freis, SRNAJeff FritzMarvin GatesJosephine GeigerNancy Gell, PT, MPHCatherine Miller GelroyElisabeth Gennis, MD,

MPHJill GoldbergCarol GrosmanSabrina Gross, RN

Coral Gubler, PT, PhD,ATC

Sophia Gutierrez, PTTor HagbergJeanne Hardin-Gres,

CRNADavid Harris, MD, MSArthur Hazlewood, DDS,

MPHJudith Hembree, PT,

PhDPat HoekmanHoward & Velma

HopkinsWilliam Hunter, DDSValeria Hutchinson,

MSN, CRNASco[ JacksonJeffrey JacobsLinda and John JamesDianne Jewell, PT, PhD,

CCS, DPTRosemary Joyce, MS,

RNPLana Kang, MDGwee-Sook KimJoseph KingCindy Kirby, PTBruce Evan Koch, CRNA,

MSNJoan Koerber

Jon Kolkin, MDDr. & Mrs. Charles

KremserKirsten Kristensen, PT,

MSChristina LaBarre, MS

RN, FNPHannah LaneEmily Lewis, LCSWMichael Lewis, MDTony LiDanielle LiebermanRhonda LopezBeth MarcouxBella J. May, PT, EdDKirsten McCloskeyWilliam McDade, MDCarol McFarland, PTDiane MenardPatricia MenardAhou Meydani, MDGlenn MilesTambi MilesEileen Miller, CRNACraig & Barbara MishlerRozemarijn MoetAndrea MoodyDerek Moore, MDSamuel Moore, MDDonna MorschauserNatarajan Murugesan


This is a developing country, obviously, and being there as avolunteer is quite an adjustment, and also a privilege, to be partof their daily life. To witness how a country deals with too fewresources, too little infrastructure, and too little prosperity is astressful but rewarding (and in a way necessary) education foranyone from the developed world.

- James Leffers, MD

Page 17: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

Arthur NahatisNoele Nelson, MD, PhDMary NiedermeierRohit Nijhawan, MDAmy Nitza, PhD, LMHCShiro Njoroge, CRNA, RNMark O'ConnellRaymond O'Keefe,

CRNA, MSPaul Padyk, MDNicholas PaigeApril PinnerReese Polesky, MDWendy Pollak, MSPTCharles Porre[a, MDBerkley Powell, MDDane[e Price, PT, MEdAnita Prinz, MSN, RN,

CWOCN, CFCNMark QuernaSusan Raber, PharmD,

MPHDean Rau, MDPamela Reynolds, PT,

EdDVirginia Richardson,

PhD, CPNPEmily RidderingPatrick Riley, CRNA, MSBarnaby RintzJennifer RoachSelma RosenWeld, MDLinda RossJacqueline Rotblo[Edward Ryter, MDErnest SammannGail SandlerRebecca Schaffer, DDSJyndia Schaible, SPTHugo Schmidt, DDSLaura SchuebelDavid Schurman, MD

Robin & Donald ScreenEarie Seals, PTJonathan ShaferKathleen ShaferMaureen Shekleton,

PhD, RN, FAANCraig Siemens, MSc,

DMDRebecca Silvers, RN,

CCRNAnnemiek SistermansMark SmithRobert Snyder, MDGregory StalsbergDiane Staves, MDRobert Stein, MDJennifer Stevens-

Lapsley, MPT, PhDDanielle Stonehirschiva SussmanDavid SwabAudry Tafoyayve[e Tanhehco, PhD,

MD, MSJudith Tomas, CRNADennis Tweedy, MDMichele Upvall, PhD,

FNPKrishna Vaddi, PhDDennis Vargo, MD,

FACPPaul VellemanMichelle VertanenMary Vrana, RN, BSNTerence Walsh, DDSJohn Weaver, MDFred Welke, CRNA, MEdRonald WesorickDaria WhiteTracy WhiteBarbara Wilkerson, PNPConnie Winkler

Felasfa Wodajo, MDNancy Wong, PTRonald Wya[, MDJason yung, MDRobert Zeiser, MD


We thank themany com-panies, associations, andindividuals who con-tributed educational ma-terials, medical equipmentand supplies, and otherservices that advancedHVO’s capacity to deliverquality educational pro-grams overseas.

American Academy ofOrthopaedic Surgeons

American Association ofNurse Anesthetists

American Association ofOral & MaxillofacialSurgeons

American College ofPhysicians

American DentalAssociation

American PhysicalTerapy Association

American Society ofClinical Oncology

American Society ofHand Terapists

American Society ofHematology

Suganya Appugounder,DMD

Benik Corporation

Chesapeake MedicalProducts

DePuy SynthesOrthopaedics

DePuy Synthes SpineFisher and Paykel

Healthcare LimitedMarnie Grant, DDSinstitute for Global

Orthopaedics andTraumatology

Journal of Bone & JointSurgery

Lakeland RegionalMedical Center

Long Beach MemorialHospital

MasimoNeotech Products inc.New England Journal of

MedicineNorth Coast Medical,

inc.Northside Hospital and

Heart instituteOncology Nursing


Pa[erson MedicalProvidence Centralia

HospitalProvidence Washington

Anesthesia ServicesSalter LabsScanlan internationalSociety of Surgical

OncologySt. Joseph's Healthcare

HamiltonSt. Joseph’s ProResp inc.TeleXex MedicalEwen Wang, MDWashington

Orthopaedic CenterWright Medical


GRANTSAmerican Foundation

for Surgery of theHand

Association for theAdvancement ofWound Care

Bates-Jensen WoundReach Foundation

Albert & Elaine BorchardFoundation

DePuy Synthes SpineFoundation for

Anesthesia Educationand Research

Global impactGlobus Medical, inc.GoogleHenry Schein Cares

Foundationindianapolis Hand

SocietyKemme Family

FoundationOrthopaedic Research

& EducationFoundation

PECO FoundationMay and Stanley Smith

Charitable TrustWorld Learning/USAiD


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in Honor of DorritAhbel

Gertrude Ahbel-Dallas,MD

in Honor of JenniferAude[e, PT, PhD

Leslie Wheelock

in Honor of CouraBadiane

Sco[ Norton, MD, MPH,MSc

in Honor of Cary Bjork,MD

Helen BjorkKaren & Stephen CassPam ihamaki

in Honor of MarthaBollenbacher

Paula Lynch

in Honor of David BourBarbara Bour, PT

in Honor of Alexis Boyd,MPH, PhD

Andrew BoydMaureen Lokos

in Honor of Bari Boyer,MD & MarshallKatzen, MD

Fred Shuster

in Honor of MarkBrouille[e, MD

Richard Fisher, MD

in Honor of Enrique &Maria Cabanela

Dr. & Mrs. MiguelCabanela

in Honor of Capital CityCamera Club

Jon Kolkin, MD

in Honor of PatriciaBrungard Couig

RADM Mary Pat Couig,MPH, RN, FAAN

in Honor of Jay Cox, MDMr. & Mrs. Daniel Horan

in Honor of DianaDavidson, CRNA

Garalynn Tomas, MEd,RN, CRNA

in Honor of John Drake,MD

Taylor Ferrell

in Honor of Jose DuarteCharles Balch, MD, PhD,


in Honor of Kim Dunleavy,PhD, PT, OCS

Carol & Glenn Weisfeld

in Honor of MichaelErrico, MD

Te Judith C. WhiteFoundation

in Honor of JohnEsterhai, MD

Kathleen Pusicz

in Honor of Dr. James &Judith Farer

Solange Abunassar, MD

in Honor of JamesWilliam Faulkner, MD

Sara Faulkner, MD

in Honor of Rita FeinbergAndrew CulbertsonAlison Feinberg

in Honor of NathanGreen, DO

David Wysong

in Honor of theGresham Family

Linda Blankenbaker

in Honor of Dr. ChristinaHayhurst

Marcel Durieux, MD,PhD

in Honor of David L.Helfet, MD

David “Dirk” Leu, MD

in Honor of J. MichaelHolloway, MD

Tomas Eison, MDDr. & Mrs. Brian

McMahonDean Rau, MDHowell Watson

in Honor of Be[yHutchinson

Douglas Hutchinson, MD

in Honor of Joe JacksonNancy Granum, RN,


in Honor of CarolineJohnston

Robert Johnston, MD

in Honor of Neil Keats,MD

3-Point Products, inc.

in Honor of Nancy Kelly& Michael Hagan,

Dr. Debra Sacco & Mr.Jim Sacco,

Dr. & Mrs. AndrewRuvo,

Dr. & Mrs. Brian Vander-sea,

Dr. & Mrs. Adam SerloDavid Frost, DDS, MS

in Honor of Jon Kolkin,MD

Cecilia Kolkin

in Honor of Sco[ Kozin,MD

Martin Boyer, MD

in Honor of KathrynKuethe

Robert Ebel

in Honor of isadorLieberman, MD

Arnold & BarbaraGrevior

in Honor of KarenMcKoy, MD, MPH

Jane Hamm

in Honor of Sitach MeyRoland Beverly, MD

in Honor of H. DavidMoehring, MD

Christine Huebner

in Honor of Dr. ClintonMoen

Community MemorialHealth

in Honor of StephanieMurphy

Margarete-Rose PaganoMiller

Robin & Donald Screen

in Honor of JanetNordstrom

Mildred & Brian Larson

in Honor of ClareOkraszewski

Teresa Bisson, PT,MSPT, NCS, ATP

in Honor of GeorgePantely, MD

Myrin & Audrey BentzKay BristowDeborah ChenowethMr. & Mrs. Raymond

HeinMary Joyce, MAJolene & Guy Neal

in Honor of Dr. AnnePawlak & Dr. DavidSimpson


in Honor of MargaretPollack

John & MarthaBollenbacher


Page 19: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.

in Honor of OlgaFigueroa Roberto

Rolando Roberto, MD

in Honor of Dr. ArminSadoff

Paul & Suzanne Muchnic

in Honor of VictoriaSeligman, MD

Dr. & Mrs. isaiahSeligman

in Honor of Drs. Vineetand Gayle Frazze[aSingh

Mr. & Mrs. CurtisCooper

in Honor of RobertStein, MD

Rita & Gideon Fishman

in Honor of ian VincentNatasha Shallow, MD

in Honor of Robert Volz,MD

H. Delano Schu[e, MD

in Honor of Jane VuMai-Lan Ha

in Honor of RonaldWya[, MD

Paula Ness Speers

in Honor of Bob ZutzLeslie & Paul Kravitz

in Honor of Harry Zutz,MD

Laurie & HowardFriedman

Robert Zutz


in Memory of BarryBohan

Sharon Fritz Upton

in Memory of DorothyCarroll

Charlene Clark, MD

in Memory of WongChuen Chiu

Lingie Chiu, MD

in Memory of BonniCurran, MD

Kim Dunleavy, PhD, PT,OCS

RADM Julia Plotnick,MPH, RN, FAAN

Victoria Seligman, MD

in Memory of Jayne E.Ernst

Pamela Reynolds, PT,EdD

in Memory of W. DavidFrancisco, MD

Mrs. Jean Francisco

in Memory of AnafredHalpern

Dr. Vivienne Halpern

in Memory of Judy Can-Weld Henry, PT, PhD

Jerri HaZield, PTPaul Henry, PhD

in Memory of ForneyHutchinson iii, MD

Mr. & Mrs. RobertAnderson

Michael BlockMrs. Be[y BoydMetrolina Corve[esDr. & Mrs. David DuPuyWoody & Debbie FoxJames GaffneyJerry & Paula GarnerDavid & Jean GayJulie HedenborgMr. & Mrs. Rafe

Harrison Lockaby

Mr. & Mrs. BrianMcintyre

Mr. & Mrs. J.R. MoodyMr. & Mrs. Keith MooreDr. & Mrs. William

MooreWeldRobert Stein, MDDr. & Mrs. David StroupQueen Whaley

in Memory of Elisabetingvar

Dr. & Mrs. ClaesDohlman

in Memory of David B.Lovejoy, MD

Kathryn & Charles AngleMrs. Corinne Eanes, RN,

PTDr. & Mrs. Anthony

FilosoJanice FossTomas & Luann GabelRuth GrannickMr. & Mrs. John GravesLibby & Bill HansenDavid & Kathleen HayesDonald & Gloria HayesDale JohnsonDr. & Mrs. George

KacoyanisGeraldine La[anziHenry Stowe Lovejoy

Mary LovejoyJoan McNultyNancy & Joe MessingerNew England Community

Medical GroupPartners HealthcarePediatric Health Care

AssociatesDr. Eric ReinesRoseann & Arthur

SchwartzPatricia SmithTalbot ElectricKathy & Steve

WellingtonGeorge & Marjorie

WordinghamWendy Zimmer

in Memory ofVirginia Moehring

Elaine Granquist

in Memory of SamNussbaum

Michael Nussbaum, MD

in Memory of JamesPuhl, MD

Dr. & Mrs. PaulHermanson

in Memory ofCathleen Marie Quinn

Dr. & Mrs. Brian O’M.Quinn

in Memory of PadreLouis Quinn

Linda Kaste, DDS, PhD

in Memory of ilanaSchaffer

Rebecca Schaffer, DDS

in Memory of LouiseSpray

Paul Spray, MD

in Memory of JeromeSullivan

Melanie Bolton, CRNA

in Memory ofTankamma“Ammachi” Tomas

Jerril Mathew, DPT

in Memory of TadTorne

Ted Rintel, MD


When you teach, you learn. Teaching is like showing a visitor around your town. You take them to the sights,places that you have seen many, many times, but as you point out the buildings, the architecture, the history, you see the city

in a new way. So it seems to be for me. I read my notes and seem to understand the concepts differently than before.- Joyce Wasserman, PT

Page 20: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.


To Te Board of DirectorsHealth Volunteers Overseas, inc. and Affiliate

i have audited the accompanying combined Wnancial statements of Health Volunteers Overseas, inc. and Affiliate (nonproWt organizations) which comprise thecombined statements of Wnancial position as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, and the related combined statements of activities, functional expenses and cashXows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the Wnancial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these Wnancial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally acceptedin the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presenta-tion of Wnancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityMy responsibility is to express an opinion on these Wnancial statements based on my audits. i conducted my audits in accordance with auditing standardsgenerally accepted in the United States of America. Tose standards require that i plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whetherthe Wnancial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Wnancial statements. Te procedures selecteddepend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Wnancial statements, whether due to fraud or making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the Wnancial statementsin order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness ofthe entity’s internal control. Accordingly, i express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and thereasonableness of signiWcant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Wnancial statements.

i believe that the audit evidence i have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.

Opinionin my opinion, the combined Wnancial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the combined Wnancial position of HealthVolunteers Overseas, inc. and Affiliate as of December 31, 2013 and 2012, and the results of their operations and their cash Xows for the years then endedin accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Kimberly F. Palmisano

Kimberly F. Palmisano, CPA, P.A.Hunt Valley, MarylandJune 16, 2014


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COMBiNED STATEMENTS OF FiNANCiAL POSiTiONDecember 31, 2013 and 2102



Cash and Cash Equivalents $263,186 $143,264

Contributions Receivable 18,728 63,761

Marketable Securities 1,020,952 963,714

Prepaid Expenses 10,157 19,594

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,313,023 1,190,333


Equipment 25,106 23,613

Furniture and Fixtures 7,375 7,375

Total 32,481 30,988

Less: Accumulated Depreciation -23,350 -24,124



investments - Other 149,821 141,842

Deposits 5,455 5,455

Charitable Remainder Trust Receivable 718,772 643,512

TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 874,048 790,809

TOTAL ASSETS $2,196,202 $1,988,006



Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $85,313 $98,797

Deferred Registration 2,100 1,600

TOTAL CURRENT LiABiLiTiES 87,413 100,397


Unrestricted 1,041,987 945,507

Temporarily Restricted 1,066,802 942,102

TOTAL NET ASSETS 2,108,789 1,887,609

TOTAL LiABiLiTiES AND NET ASSETS $2,196,202 $1,988,006

Page 22: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.


COMBiNED STATEMENTS OF ACTiViTiESFor the years Ended December 31, 2013 and 2012

2013 2012Temporarily Temporarily

Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted TotaliNCOME

Contributionsin-Kind Contributions $7,440,337 $ 0 $7,440,337 $6,466,975 $ 0 $6,466,975Member Contributions 292,555 0 292,555 318,311 0 318,311Contributions - Other 298,828 125,895 424,723 316,284 267,858 584,142Workplace Giving Contributions 16,167 0 16,167 12,936 0 12,936Charitable Remainder Trust -

Change in Fair Value 0 75,260 75,260 0 81,906 81,906Program Service Fees 4,710 0 4,710 4,545 0 4,545Publications 2,325 0 2,325 2,307 0 2,307Registration 7,750 0 7,750 10,450 0 10,450Grant income 0 321,623 321,623 0 116,912 116,912Net investment income (Loss) 163,980 0 163,980 129,574 0 129,574Overhead 40,946 0 40,946 29,125 0 29,125Miscellaneous 275 0 275 373 0 373Net Assets Released

from Restriction 398,078 -398,078 0 390,908 -390,908 0

TOTAL iNCOME 8,665,951 124,700 8,790,651 7,681,788 75,768 7,757,556

General and Administrative Expenses 151,606 0 151,606 149,179 0 149,179

PROGRAM EXPENSESin-Kind Expenditures

Professional Services Donations 4,466,818 0 4,466,818 3,773,050 0 3,773,050Travel and Living Costs Paid by

Volunteers 1,217,927 0 1,217,927 1,435,621 0 1,435,621Equipment and Other Donations 1,755,593 0 1,755,593 1,258,304 0 1,258,304

Other Program 934,384 0 934,384 980,177 0 980,177

TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES 8,374,722 0 8,374,722 7,447,152 0 7,447,152

Fundraising Expenses 43,143 0 43,143 44,364 0 44,364

TOTAL EXPENSES 8,569,471 0 8,569,471 7,640,695 0 7,640,695

CHANGE iN NET ASSETS 96,480 124,700 221,180 41,093 75,768 116,861

Net Assets - Beginning of year 945,507 942,102 1,887,609 904,414 866,334 1,770,748

NET ASSETS - END OF yEAR $1,041,987 $1,066,802 $2,108,789 $945,507 $942,102 $1,887,609

Te complete audited statements are available upon request and on the HVO website.

Page 23: MiSSiONSTATEMENT - Health Volunteers Overseas · 2015. 1. 21. · 3 Ms.Clark,likeotherHVOvolunteers,witnessedtheimpactknowledgecanhaveon thequalityandavailabilityofhealthcarewhereitismostneeded.


BENEFACTORS ($10,000 +)DePuy SynthesDePuy Synthes SpineGlobal impactGlobus Medical, inc.

STEWARDS ($5,000 - $9,999)American Association of Nurse AnesthetistsTe Bhutan FoundationFoundation for Anesthesia Education and

ResearchOrthopaedic Research and Education


PATRONS ($1,000 - $4,999)Academy of Dentistry internationalAmerican Osteopathic Academy of

OrthopedicsAmerican Society of Hand TerapistsChildren’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaHenry Schein, inc.indianapolis Hand Society

ASSOCiATES ($500 - $999)American Psychological AssociationMichigan Osteopathic Academy of

Orthopaedic SurgeonsOrthoCarolinaPediatric Orthopaedic Society of North

AmericaSaint Luke’s Hospital Medical StaffUCSF - Department of Orthopaedic

SurgeryUniversity of Utah, Department of

OrthopaedicsUPenn Medicine – Penn OrthopaedicsPhoto Credits: Sam Baker, Glen Barden, Bridget Burke, Glen Crawford, Rebekah Cummings, Gregg Dickinson,

Lon Dubey, John Kelly, Jon Kolkin, Charlotte Kutsch, isador Lieberman, Jake Pritchard, Gary Seiden, Nicole Strauss,Sarah Temkin, Jennifer Tooley, Michael Unger

Design/Printing Credits: Design: Kelley Silberberg, Graphic Design Services; Printing: Sunray Printing Solutions.


Not only are we learning medicine, but we’re learning about different cultures andperspectives. I have had different types of learning based on the different volunteers’

expertise and our friendships. As a trainer myself, I have especially appreciatedseeing the different ways of delivering teaching. I have learned more about modern

medicine and grown in my patient care, and in my bedside teaching.– Lim Kruy, MD, on-site coordinator Cambodia

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Health Volunteers Overseas ■ 1900 L Street, NW ■ Suite 310 ■ Washington, DC 20036TEL: (202) 296-0928 ■ FAX: (202) 296-8018 ■ E-MAiL: [email protected] ■ WEBSiTE:



Costa RicaHaiti


St. LuciaSuriname




People’s Republicof ChinaVietnam
