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Mission Team Orientation Handbook

Mar 06, 2016



Handbook for our Missions Team members to read through to gain a better understanding of our guidelines, expectations, etc.
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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I. Every Member a Missionary! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

II. Biblical Foundation for Global Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

III. Kingdom Advance: Past, Present, and Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

IV. Prayer and Spiritual Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

V. Basic Mission Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

VI. Building the Team and Team Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

VII. Forming and Implementing a Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

VIII. Building Bridges of Love: Cross-Culture Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

IX. Details, Details, and More Details: Travel, Packing, and Health . . . 32

X. The Long and Short of It: Home and Looking Forward . . . . . . . . . . 40

XI. Resources for Successful Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Appendix 1 – Mission and Ministry Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Appendix 2 – Mission Trip Checklist/Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

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EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY! Some would consider that a rather bold vision. Others would go so far as to declare it unrealistic. I’ve learned something very important in over a quarter century as a pastor. There is only one thing that should drive our vision. It doesn’t matter if it’s considered bold or unrealistic. It matters that it’s Biblical. In the final words of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus gave a charge or commission to His followers, all His followers. Matthew states, “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age’ ” (Matthew 28:18-20). We are called to make disciples of all nations. The Lord made that very, very clear. How is it possible for every member to be a missionary? Each member of the Broadmoor family will be a missionary if fully devoted to two priorities. Those two priorities are large group worship and small group ministry (B Groups). Through B Groups, we are enabled to believe, belong, and become. We believe by trusting fully the Lord Jesus. We belong by connecting on personal and spiritual levels with brothers and sisters in Christ. We become missionaries by partnering with those brothers and sisters in Christ to share the Gospel with those who do not know Him. Each B Group is charged with establishing and working partnerships with missionaries at the local, national, and international levels. Therefore, through these B Group partnerships, we all become missionaries, and that excites me beyond measure! Being a missionary doesn’t just happen. It’s the task of your local church leadership to help prepare and train you for the work (Ephesians 4:12). This orientation booklet is a part of that preparation. May the Holy Spirit enrich and empower you as you live out our vision of every member being a missionary. Your Fellow-Missionary, Pastor Chuck

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“Bring my children from the ends of the earth - everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Isaiah 43:7

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church and significant contributor to Christian

hymnody, demonstrates that he was committed to reaching all nations when he passionately stated, “The world is my parish!”

Henry Blackaby, in his discipleship study “Experiencing God” says, “Anytime God has

access to His people, He can touch a world through that congregation. Every congregation is a world missions’ strategy center. God can touch a world through you. You just need to adjust your life to God’s activity where you are.”

John Piper, in his book Let the Nations be Glad, closes his book with these words, “Not every Christian is called to be a vocational missionary. But every follower of Christ is called to be a World Christian. A World Christian is someone who chooses to align himself with God’s mission to ‘fill the earth with the knowledge of His glory as the waters cover the sea’ (Habakkuk 2:14). Everything a World Christian does he does with a view to the hallowing of God’s name and the coming of God’s kingdom among all the peoples of the earth. The burning prayer of the world Christian is ‘Let the peoples praise thee, O God. Let all the peoples praise thee’ (Psalm 67:3). So whether we are those who send or those who go, let us glory in the supremacy of God in missions, and let us link arms together as we join the refrain of old, ‘Let the nations be glad!’”

As the People of God, we are on mission. We are called. We are sent. The mission is

God’s. It was born in the heart of God. From Genesis to Revelation God’s passion for His glory and purpose for all the nations is revealed.

Abraham received the scope of God’s mission when God unveiled His redemptive purpose to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, “And all peoples (all nations) will be blessed through you.”

King David recognized the mission of God. Psalm 67 is a passionate petition for the conversion of all the nations. The psalmist David expresses his hope that all peoples will praise God and sing for joy. He longs for the extension of the Kingdom of God.

Isaiah’s prophecy in the Old Testament of the coming of Christ provides the very

heartbeat of global missions. Also, a passion for global missions is at the very core of Christ’s own understanding of why He came?

Listen to what the prophets had to say about the coming of Christ and what Christ himself had to say about it. 1) Isaiah the Old Testament prophet says in 42:6b, “I will keep you [the servant] and will make

you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles.” 2) Isaiah 49:6b says, “I will also make you [the servant] a light for the Gentiles, that you may

bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” Paul and Barnabas later quoted this wonderful news during a sermon delivered to almost the entire city of Antioch of Pisidia.

3) John the Baptist too was a prophet of the Most High, the final messenger to prepare the way for the Lord. He recognized that the Old Testament prophecies revealed to Abraham, David,

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Isaiah, Jeremiah and others were being fulfilled right before his eyes. He proclaimed in John 1:29, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

4) Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:16, “God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” In v. 17 He says that God sent his Son to save … the world.

5) John 8:12 – “I am the light of the world.” 6) John 17:21b – Praying for those who would later believe in the Christ, Jesus says the night

before his crucifixion, “May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent me.”

The word “world” is used 78 times in the gospel of John. It often refers to all of

unbelieving humanity. It is so evident that Jesus consciously had all humanity, all families, tribes and nations on his mind and in view as he shared the Good News with Nicodemus. Also, as he taught his disciples, ministered, prayed the night before his crucifixion, headed to Calvary and commissioned the disciples after the resurrection in Matthew 28:19-20. Christ clearly had a vision for the salvation of all nations. His passion for the salvation of all nations challenges us to respond to the call to global missions.

Jesus says in Matthew 24:14, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” God's ultimate goal is that his name be known and praised and enjoyed by all the peoples of the earth. This truth should define and ignite our passion for missions. God's purpose to be known and praised and enjoyed among all the nations cannot fail. It is an absolute, certain promise! It is going to happen! Therefore, we can go and send and pray and give with complete confidence and expectation (hope) that His mission will succeed!

Moving to the Acts of the Apostles, God, through Peter, Stephen, Philip, Barnabas,

Timothy and Saul began to pour out His Spirit on all people (Acts 2:17). And now we come to Paul, who at some point left the name Saul behind. Listen to what

he says about the mission of God in Romans 1:5, 14 and 16: “Through Him and for His name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes through faith. 14: I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. 16: I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”

God’s passion and purpose for all the nations continues to be revealed to and through the early church. II Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Revelation 7:9-10, describing the consummation of God’s redemptive mission, reveals that God WILL ACHIEVE His purpose when it says, "a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation, tribe, peoples and tongue, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes . . .; And they cried out with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.'"

Finally, Revelation closes with this great invitation in 22:17, “The Holy Spirit says come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”

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The mission of God to all nations, as expressed from beginning to end in the Bible, could not be any clearer. His passion and purpose is to redeem all nations, to restore fallen humanity, bringing people from every tribe and tongue into a loving relationship with Himself. Steve Hawthorne states it this way, “God reveals His glory to all nations, in order to receive glory from all nations.” Therefore, the task of Broadmoor Baptist Church and every New Testament church is not merely to win as many individuals as we can but to reach all the peoples of the world. As He did with Abraham, King David, Isaiah, John the Baptist, the church at Antioch, Paul and Peter, God is inviting us to embrace His passion for all the nations, to long for the salvation of all people and to be attentive and accept His invitation to be on mission with Him to the ends of the earth.

Let us all pray as Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your

name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” In other words, “May You, Oh God, be valued supremely, treasured above all things, and loved above all others, everywhere in the world. Cause your glorious, sovereign, kingly rule to hold sway without obstruction everywhere in the world. And, cause your all-wise, all-good, all-holy will to be done (obeyed) all over this world the way the angels do it perfectly and joyfully in heaven—and make it happen in and through me.” Amen For Discussion:

1) What was the most meaningful statement or Scripture you read?

2) What will you do in response to what God revealed to you through this statement or Scripture?

3) What is your motive for becoming a member of this mission team/project?

4) How has your motive been changed or shaped by this study of the biblical basis of missions?

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The Status and Future of the World Christian Movement

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

God used Paul and other New Testament missionaries to begin to extend the Kingdom of

God among Greek and Roman citizens, along with Celtic-speaking peoples and Gothic tribal peoples both within and beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. Over the next 1200 years the Gospel spread from the Roman Basin throughout Europe. The spread of Christianity during this period occurred through involuntary means as much as through voluntarily sending and going. For example, after the Barbarians conquered the Roman Empire many were conquered by the gospel. And Christians evangelized their Viking captors. God manages to see that The Blessing continues to spread even when His people are unwilling to extend it.

From roughly 1200 to 1600 Europe takes some initiative in reaching out with the Gospel. However, this was also a period of militant Christianity, chaos, disasters and turmoil for the Christian movement. Nevertheless, out of all that confusion and lengthy travail, God birthed a new reform greater than anything before it. We see a return to the study of the Bible and the appearance of spiritual renewal and evangelistic preaching. Protestants gained the power to formulate anew their own Christian tradition and certainly thought they took the Bible seriously, yet, they did not even talk of mission outreach. From 1600 to 1800 the Catholic variety of Christianity completely dominated world-wide mission outreach.

The year 1800 marks the awakening of the Protestants from two-and-a-half centuries of inactivity in regard to missionary outreach across the world. The First Great Awakening provided much of the spark for Protestant mission awareness and zeal. William Carey and others led the way out of Europe to the coastlands of the world. The latter half of the 1800s marks the mission push toward the inland territories. Hudson Taylor and C.T. Studd were key pioneers of this era of the modern mission movement. Also, during this time numerous mission societies/agencies were formed. As the 19th Century came to a close, a new and powerful movement in missions was born. The Student Volunteer Movement mobilized a generation of college students for the cause of global evangelization. The SVM became one of the most successful missionary-recruiting organizations of all time. Prior to its formation, American Protestants supported less than a thousand missionaries throughout the world. Between 1886 and 1920, the SVM recruited 8,742 missionaries in the U.S.

Two of these college type Student Volunteers were William Cameron Townsend (founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators) and Donald Anderson McGavran (founder of Fuller School of World Mission). These two men were extremely instrumental in guiding evangelicals toward an understanding of ethno-linguistic people groups and unreached peoples. Their influence helped evangelicals see the need for reaching tribal groups and other isolated and overlooked peoples of the world. Their research helped us discover thousands of un-evangelized and forgotten groups of people. Fortunately, over the last thirty years, many of these people groups have experienced Gospel Breakthrough and the planting of indigenous churches within their cultural traditions.

God’s promise to bless all the “families of the earth,” first given to Abraham 4,000 years ago, is becoming a reality at a pace you would not believe. Biblical faith is growing and

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spreading to the ends of the earth as never before in human history. It took 18 centuries for practicing Christians to grow from 0% of the world’s population to 2.5% in 1900, only 70 years to grow from 2.5% to 5% in 1970, and just 40 years to grow from 5% to 12% by the year 2010. Each day in Africa 20,000 people convert to Christianity, 28,000 in China, and 35,000 in Latin America. Christianity has an annual growth rate of 6.9% compared to 2.75% for Islam.

While this amazing progress of the Gospel gives much cause for rejoicing, it obscures a tragic reality. Nearly 2.5 billion people, over 25% of the world’s population are cut off from the Gospel. There are 3,500 people groups who are not only unreached, but no one is even trying to reach them. About 450 of these Unengaged, Unreached People Groups have a population of more than 40,000. The fact that the Gospel doesn’t normally “jump” across cultural and language barriers between peoples, especially those created by hate or prejudice, suggests that intentional strategies to send cross-cultural missionaries must be employed.

Presently, a little less than 10% of churches and evangelical missionaries are pioneering among the unreached peoples of the world. We need to be aware of this great imbalance. The bulk of the individuals who live within unreached groups are Muslim, Tribal-Religious, Hindu and Buddhist. These peoples must be a priority if we are to take the Great Commission seriously and be a part of “Finishing the Mission.”

We have the awesome privilege and task of joining God in His redemptive mission to “make disciples of all the nations.” We are assured by God’s Word that He will be worshipped by “a great multitude that no one can count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language.” You and your B Group have an epic role to play in the biggest story of all time, God’s Story of His Glory, the story of God revealing Himself in order to draw to Himself obedient worship, or glory, from all the nations. For Discussion:

1) Did anything you read surprise you? If so, how or why?

2) Do you see the sovereign hand of God at work in “HisStory?” Explain.

3) How were you motivated or challenged by this brief historical overview?

4) Are there any adjustments that you need to make to join God, and get threaded into His Story?

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The Power of Prayer

Would a scuba diver ever try to dive without air in his tank? Of course not, because that would be foolish. Trying to go on a mission trip without prayer is like trying to scuba dive without air. It won’t work, so don’t even try it.

The best place to start a mission trip is in your closet... your prayer closet that is. • Begin by going into your prayer closet and seeking purity of heart and purpose before the

Lord. • Don’t know where to begin? You can start by praying:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me.” (Psalm 139:23-24 NIV)

• Pray for yourself, field representatives, and especially for the people with whom you will interact. Seek prayer requests from your field representatives. In addition to you and your mission team members praying, it is essential that your B

Group, family, and other friends partner with your mission partnership through prayer. This will be the most important support you receive from them. You will want to enlist a group of those faithful pray-ers who will bathe your entire missions experience in prayer. In fact, the preparation process needs prayer just as much as the trip itself! You may be thinking, “Okay, where do I start?” Well, when you think about the power of prayer and the commitment to prayer, who in your church comes to mind? Who seems to know God intimately and walk with Him daily? Who are the most godly men and women in your church? Those people need to be part of your prayer support team.

Before you go any further, stop what you’re doing and really think about these questions. Ask the Lord to bring to your mind those people who should make up your prayer team. Then contact them right away. And, remember to share your prayer needs through your Intercessory Prayer Committee. Don’t delay the power of prayer! Spiritual Readiness Ultimately, our task as missionaries is to make disciples that will make disciples of all nations. Disciples are those who follow Jesus and walk in a relationship of trust and obedience with Him daily. Disciple-makers are those who reflect the love of Jesus and share the Word of God with others. When team members think about mission initiatives they should think about people and processes, not merely projects and products.

As disciple-makers, each team member must be spiritually prepared for the experience ahead. This includes prayer, reading and meditating on God’s Word, listening to Him, and obeying Him. As you pray, remember to praise the Lord. Then confess your sins, repent and ask His forgiveness. Thank Him for His blessings and the way He is working in your life. Then express your needs to Him, asking Him to prepare you for this mission experience. He will reveal to you His desires for your trip. He also will help you see through His eyes and understand through His heart. And finally, remember to listen to Him. Focus on that still, small voice inside you, realizing that your desires may not be His desires.

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You also may want to keep a journal to record your thoughts and experiences. A journal can help you keep track of your spiritual growth. Spiritual preparation takes time. Don’t wait until the last minute.

“‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Zech 4:6, NIV). Depend on God and work in His Spirit as you go. Don’t trust in your own strength and abilities. It is only through the Holy Spirit that anything of lasting value can be accomplished. In most cases it will be beneficial for team members to utilize the same devotional guides or Scripture passage selections during the preparation phase for your mission trip. Several devotional guides, especially designed for mission teams, are available for download on the Broadmoor Baptist Church web site. Called and Accountable and God’s Heart for the Nations would also be good choices (see section 11 – Resources for Successful Planning). Prayerwalking This activity called prayer walking enables you to see, hear and touch the very objects of your intercession. As a prayer walker, you’re an on-site intercessor — someone who prays without ceasing as Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians. Prayer just becomes a part of you. You will have an attitude of prayer in everything you do. Below are three suggestions as you prayer walk for the first time:

• Pray with others. Teaming up in twos or threes and praying opens an important dimension of intercession.

• Start near home. Agree on the general area to cover, but pick an unfamiliar neighborhood for starters. You may find stored-up memories get in the way of intercession for near neighborhoods.

• Allow time. Try one hour for the first prayer walk. Refresh your relationship with God and your prayer partners before starting. Discuss developments and concerns afterward. During your prayer walk, be alert to your surroundings. God will bring you into contact

with people, places and happenings for which you can pray. You can walk and pray anywhere — tourist areas, residential areas, campuses, around monuments and shrines, in market places, homes and offices. Then be prepared for what prayer walking will do for you. You will begin to see through God’s eyes … and you will become burdened for the people and the place. Open your eyes and your heart to His power. Remember, whether you’re at home or overseas, prayer produces eternal results. Prayerwalking Tips from Some Beginners  

While we all feel like beginners at prayer walking, the following insights were gathered from people like you who have some experience walking and interceding. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, so ask Him to show you how to “walk by the Spirit.”  

• Begin by praising Him for who He is! When you feel unsure of what to do or you feel your mind wandering, praise Him some more!

• Confess any sin and stand clean before Him, presenting yourself as a living sacrifice and surrendered vessel for His use. (Psalm 24:3-4; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:21)

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• Remember this as you begin: Prayer walking is spiritual exercise, NOT physical exercise. (Ephesians 6:11-12; 1 Timothy 4:8)

• Pray for what you see and what you don’t see. You will see visual clues from natural surroundings, political and historical structures, businesses, or other things that will alert you to economic needs and barriers. At times, there may not be any visible clues which will help you know how to pray. Allow the Spirit to direct you at the moment. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

• Pray for the witness of existing believers in the area – for boldness and encouragement. • Pray against the strongholds of the enemy. You will likely be in a place and among a

people that are primarily under the influence of the kingdom of darkness. Satan and the kingdom of darkness will be defeated by the advancing kingdom of light through the conversion of people from among the nations by the power of the Gospel, as they find forgiveness for their sins and turn their backs on Satan because of the greater glory of God. Join God, through prayer, in contending with the principalities and powers of darkness and partner with Him in advancing the kingdom of light. Scripture says, “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.” (II Cor. 4:4). Our mission, like Paul’s, is to “open their eyes, so that they may turn from the power of Satan to God.” Prayer is instrumental in unleashing the proclamation and power of the gospel, “the light of God that shines in our hearts to give us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2)

• Pray for those in positions of leadership within the country – for their salvation, God’s wisdom in their lives, and their witness.  

• Personalize Scripture you have memorized. For example, pray John 3:16 by saying, “God so loved _______ (name, street, building, city or country name) that He gave His only Son for ______ that if _______ would believe in Him _______ would not perish but _______ would have everlasting life.” Pray “may Your kingdom rule and reign come among _____________. (Matthew 6:9-10)

• Use words of songs and hymns to direct your walking. • Use written prayers of yours or of other people. This is a great way to involve others

BEFORE you leave. Ask them for verses on note cards or other means to help you as you walk.

• End with praise to God. Give honor and praise to the Lord for your participation in this prayer walk. Memorize Revelation 5:9-10.

Action Plans

1) Enlist a Prayer Leader and Prayer Support Team

2) Choose a devotional guide or Bible Study with your team.

3) Provide regular “Praise, Prayer, Progress” updates to the Intercessory Prayer Committee and your Prayer Support Team

4) Prayerwalk in strategic areas in the city where you live.

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BASIC MISSION PRINCIPLES Foundational Pillars and Principles of the Mission Enterprise The ultimate goal of missions is to bring people to saving faith in Jesus Christ and initiate local communities of faith that reflect the Kingdom of God in the world. Simply stated, our basic task is evangelism that results in churches.

The foundational pillars or key components of a comprehensive mission strategy are 1) prayer, 2) evangelism, 3) church planting, 4) making disciples that make disciples, 5) training and mobilizing local leaders and 6) community transformation. Overlooking one of these components will produce mediocre results, at best. Your B Group(s) has/have chosen to adopt a people and/or place and to partner with missionaries and/or local believers in one or more of these tasks. They understand the “big picture” of missions. Your specific project may be prayer walking, Mission V.B.S., a medical clinic, an evangelistic block party and/or leadership training seminars. These “small pieces” fit together in just the right way to form the big picture, evangelism that results in churches. Your short-term efforts will be a support piece in that overall picture of missions. Mission workers are most successful when they see themselves as “partners” or “co-laborers” in ministry. This involves mutual respect, mutual sharing and mutual giving of one to another. Ideally, all mission partnerships will utilize the following approach: Model, Assist, Watch and Leave (M.A.W.L.). Modeling refers to the act of doing church with the new group of believers. Assisting refers to the act of helping them carry out the functions of a family of faith. This is the crucial, first step of transferring responsibility and authority to local leadership. Watching involves encouraging, equipping and empowering the new church to do church on its own. Leaving refers to passing the baton to a young church that is truly indigenous and self-propagating (i.e. reproduces itself). This approach can be accomplished to some degree in a week long mission project. In most cases it will be best to plan a three to five year partnership with one specific mission field to experience the benefits of this approach. Some obstacles to this approach are 1) using non-reproducible church models, 2) subsidies that create dependency on external sources of support, 3) paternalism, 4) the temptation to “do it myself” and 5) imposing extra-biblical requirements for becoming/being a church. The Indigenous Principle in Missions* The word indigenous means existing naturally in the local environment or simply “home grown.” So the indigenous principle of missions simply means the Gospel should be a natural element in any cultural setting. The Gospel challenges and transforms a culture, but it does not replace it with a foreign one. Jerry Rankin, former president of the International Mission Board, states, “mission efforts must produce churches that can exist, grow and multiply within their own culture and economy without any dependence on foreign [outside] resources.”

An indigenous church uses thoughts and actions which reflect the local environment. The Gospel is practiced and communicated in ways understood by that society because the language and structures are familiar. An indigenous church is autonomous; it’s not dependent upon outside leadership and funds. Indigenous churches are reproducible by local believers, which is essential to a church planting movement. They display the following characteristics:

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• Believers, living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, shape the discipleship and discipline.

• Local congregations decide whether or not to have a paid leader or a building. • Provide their own financial support related to church ministries and operations. • Leaders emerge from the local group and learn from doing. • Believers are more likely to focus on church planting and nurturing. • Natural witness by the whole membership is more likely. • Witness and growth follow natural networks of family and community. • Church plants/growth follow a reproducible pattern.

Great mission leaders say indigenous churches view themselves as church—self-functioning, self-determining, self-supporting, self-propagating and self-giving. They are Christ’s churches—free to follow what the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures direct them to do.

Planting indigenous churches requires great faith and trust in the power of God the Father, the sufficiency of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and the powerful leadership of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of the new believers. The indigenous principle also places great demands upon evangelists and church planters; they must become competent in their cross-cultural communication, and they must understand the worldview of the people to whom they minister. Volunteers in Missions and the Indigenous Method

You can be utilized effectively on the mission field! There are opportunities for B Groups to be on mission with God throughout the world. Even strategies using volunteers, like yourself, should follow the indigenous principle so churches will survive and flourish in their own way within their own environment and on the basis of their own financial resources.

Many times local believers will request help from volunteers who then respond compassionately and emotionally. This response encourages local believers to depend on outside help and undermines the growth of strong indigenous work. Direct gifts and subsidies can create jealousy, erode local stewardship and undermine local priorities.

When these believers look to the Lord’s provision through local resources they are more likely to develop strong churches that reproduce themselves.

Let’s be partners in facilitating a church planting movement, a rapid multiplication of indigenous churches within a people group, by planting churches in a way that is reproducible by local believers. *Adapted from Volunteers in Missions International Preparation Guide of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. For Discussion:

1) Discuss how your team will follow the M.A.W.L.(Model, Assist, Watch and Leave) approach during your three to five year mission partnership.

2) Discuss ways you can do missions with the people, not merely to the people. 3) What kinds of things can you do to avoid the five obstacles to the M.A.W.L. approach? 4) Consult your host missionary, national pastor, or local believers to find out their

expectations and suggestions for implementing these principles.

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Enlisting team members is a prayerful and purposeful process. Because tentative goals and a strategy are set before the choosing of the team, the abilities and skills needed to accomplish the trip goals become the criteria for team selection. Once you have decided upon your goals for the trip, prayerfully begin thinking about who would best fit this particular trip’s goals and objectives. Talk to people one on one about the possibility of being involved. Also, it is good to have an interest meeting for anyone who may be interested. However, make it clear that the team will be formed according to need. Present the tentative goals and the “molds” that need to be filled in order to achieve those goals. For example, if one of the goals is to gain the trust of teachers and children by teaching English in the schools, you need someone with ESL training. You may want a smaller team for this job, perhaps 6-8 team members. Other trips that may be personnel intensive may require a larger team.

Another approach to building a team is to consider assembling a core group, perhaps even before you publicly announce the trip or project. Consider inviting the following people:

• People who have some experience, perhaps having taken previous mission trips • People whose advice and ideas you respect • Members who can contribute to the success of mission, financially or with their gifts and

skills • People who have lots of contacts that can be utilized to enlist participants or supplies • Church or B Group members whom the congregation respects

Invite these people to join you in an informal setting. Share your ideas, information about the people and place you desire to reach, cost factors of the trip or long term partnership, strategic needs of the people and place, and other information necessary to make a wise and prayerful decision about the trip or mission project. Team meetings

Meeting frequency will depend completely on your strategy. Do your best to plan sufficient meeting time to prepare adequately your team for trip goals and objectives. Find a day, time and place that works best for everyone. It is a good idea to meet in the homes of the members. This makes for a relaxed atmosphere and is conducive to team building. In team meetings you want to accomplish several things:

• Team unity – do things that help the team members become unified socially and spiritually.

• Consistently cast vision – do your best to help the team see the ‘big picture.’ Help them to understand the field strategy, the ultimate objective of making disciples and initiating a church planting movement, and how this trip fits into that goal.

• Trip preparation – helping the team prepare for the activities to be accomplished as well as discussing the logistics of the trip.

Use the Mission Trip Checklist (Appendix 2) as a guide for planning, coordinating, and implementing your mission trip. This timeline will help you stay on track and avoid last minute panic attacks.

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Orienting the team to the task

Immediately begin to develop plans for implementing activities on the trip. The team leader(s) are responsible for preparing each team member for their given responsibility. For example, Susan is coming because she is certified in ESL and you said that you needed someone to teach English. Let her know that she will be completely responsible for being ready to teach. You will handle when and where of course, but she needs to be ready. John is coming because there was a need for a musician. Give him the responsibility of getting everything ready (and possibly some resources) for this part of the trip. And so on. Delegating tasks Planning and carrying out a mission trip is a multi-faceted and time consuming responsibility. Consider delegating the following roles among your team members:

• Team Leader – lead and disciple the team before, during and after the project • Co-Leader – assist the team leader and assume the leadership role if the team leader is not

able to complete the project • Logistics Coordinator – coordinate travel, team insurance; orient team members about

packing, safety, health and other issues, passports, etc. • Prayer leader – assist the team leader in implementing the team’s prayer strategy, enlist

prayer support, provide prayer updates to your senders and advocates • Luggage coordinator - Pick-up and distribute bag tags, confirm luggage limitations,

weigh all team equipment and bags, attach bag tags, and complete bag assignment list Team building Developing a quality and unified team requires an intentional approach by the team leader(s) and members. Utilizing team devotionals, group Bible/discipleship studies (see section XI, Resources for Successful Planning), team-building simulation activities, sharing personal and spiritual stories among team members, and developing a team covenant (see Team Commitment on the following page) are effective methods of team-building. Team building activities can be selected from the following web sites: The Team Building Directory - Team Building Activities - The game at the end of this section, entitled Broken Squares, is one example of a team building simulation activity.

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Laying down your rights will be the key to your experience and effectiveness. I give up my right to:

A comfortable bed Three meals a day Familiar food Dressing fashionably Seeing results Control of myself Control of Others Control of circumstances Pleasant circumstances Making decisions Taking offense Being successful Being understood Being heard Being right

I entrust to God:

My strength and endurance My health My likes and dislikes of food My security in Him His purposes and fruit in His timing My need for His Spirit’s control His workmanship in others My circumstances to His purposes in making me Christ-like The privilege of suffering for His sake His sovereign hand on my life My security in His love My reputation My need for recognition My need for His righteousness

I give God permission to do anything He wishes to me, with me, in me, or through me, that would honor Him and give Him glory. ________________________________ _____________________ Signature Date

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Broken Squares Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Analyze certain aspects of cooperation in solving a group problem. 2. Become sensitive to some of their own behavior which may contribute toward or obstruct the solving of a group problem. 3. Identify the role of trust building in cooperation situations. Group size: any number of groups, 5-6 people per group. Time required: 45 to 90 minutes. Materials needed: one set of broken squares for every six participants and observer’s instructions for one member of each group. Instructions: Divide the participants into groups of six. Five members of each group should form a small circle so they can work with the squares. The sixth person is the observer and should be given the observer’s instructions. Give each group an envelope containing one set of squares. The set of squares is broken down into five sets of pieces, each set being all the pieces labeled by one of the letters A, B, C, D, E. These sets are given to the group, one set per member, in individual envelopes within the larger envelope. Do not let the group open the envelope until the instructions are read. Read the following instructions aloud: “In each envelope there are five sets of pieces of paper for forming squares. When I give the signal to begin, the task of your group is to form five squares of equal size. The task will not be completed until each individual has before him a perfect square of the same size as that held by others. Specific limitations are imposed upon your group during this exercise. They are:

• No member may speak. • No member may ask another member for a piece or in any way signal that another person

is to give him or her a piece. • No member may take a piece from another member. • Members may, however, give their pieces to other members.

“Are the instructions clear?” (Questions are answered at this time.) “The observer in each group will enforce the rules. Begin working.” Debriefing Questions 1. How did you feel during the exercise? Why? 2. How many were frustrated? Why? (The usual answer to this question is, “I couldn’t communicate.” Suggest this is not true, but rather their normal patterns of communication were disrupted. They could communicate by giving away appropriate pieces.) 3. Ask the observers if anyone mentally dropped out when they had completed their square? Why? (For westerners with an individualistic orientation, we hear the instructions as individuals. Not everyone hears them this way.) 4. Was there any critical point at which the group started to cooperate? What was the cause? 5. What are some principles for successful group cooperation?

• Each individual must understand the total problem.

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• Each individual should understand how he or she can contribute toward solving the problem.

• Each individual should be aware of the potential contributions of other people. • There is a need to recognize the problems of other individuals in order to aid them in

making their maximum contribution. 6. How was trust developed or broken down within the whole group? 7. What was necessary to build trust within the group context? Instructions for the Observers Observer: Your job is part observer and part judge. Make sure each participant observes the following rules while playing the game. 1. No talking, pointing, or any other kind of communicating among the five people in your group. 2. Participants may give pieces to other participants but may not take pieces from other members. 3. Participants may not simply throw their pieces into the center for others to take; they have to give the pieces directly to one individual at a time. 4. It is permissible for a member to give away all the pieces to his square, even if he has already formed a square. Observations: As an observer, please record the following observations on this paper. You may record the names of individuals in your group who identify with a particular question. The participants are not to see these questions. 1. Who is willing to give away pieces of the puzzle? 2. Did anyone finish their puzzle and then somewhat divorce himself/herself from the struggles of the rest of the group? 3. Is there anyone who continually struggles with their pieces but yet is unwilling to give any or all of them away? 4. How many people are actively engaged in mentally putting the pieces together? 5. Periodically check the level of frustration or anxiety--who’s pulling their hair out? 6. Was there any crucial turning point at which time the group began to cooperate? 7. Did anyone try to violate the rules by talking or pointing as a means of helping fellow members solve their puzzle? The format for creating squares for use with Broken Squares exercise follows on next page. All pieces labeled with the same letter should be put together in one envelope. This will give you five envelopes per group of six persons working with the exercise. (The extra person serves as an observer)

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FORMING AND IMPLEMENTING A STRATEGY Where is God Sending You? First and foremost, remember that God is always at work around you and around the world. God chooses you to be on mission with Him to reconcile a lost world to Himself. He invites you to become involved with Him in His work. And, God sends you to the place where He can best work through you and your B Group to accomplish His mission. Remember, this is not the time to play “pin-the-tale-on-the-map!” Therefore, turn to God and get your B Group praying that God will speak and reveal where and to whom you need to go. Trust Him to guide you. Some ways to learn where God is at work and discerning where He is leading your B Group include:

• connecting and developing relationships with missionaries, listening to how God has directed their lives toward certain places or people

• subscribing to prayer guides, online or through the mail (e.g. Global Prayer Digest, IMB’s CompassionNet)

• researching and praying for countries and/or people groups (see Operation World by Jason Mandryk or

• Talking and praying with your B Group, other B Groups, and staff members. What is a mission strategy? The previous section presented the basic principles of missions. Some of the key terms were “indigenous,” “non-dependency,” “reproducible,” and “strategy.” A mission strategy is a plan, built upon the foundation of solid mission principles, to guide your mission team to choose what methods you will employ to reach the lost in your mission field. The first step in forming a mission strategy is asking the question; WHAT do we hope to see accomplished in our area? The second step is asking; HOW will we know when, or if, we have accomplished our goal? Knowing what you want to accomplish and what it will look like when you have reached your goal will help you determine WHAT STEPS need to be taken to get from start to finish. A good mission strategy will include what is sometimes called an “end-vision” statement and exit strategy. This is a critical step of empowering local believers, sometimes referred to as “passing the baton,” and leaving the work totally in their hands. Most B Groups will be partnering with missionaries or ministry workers who have already developed a strategy or long term master plan. This plan will likely include the following components:

Research (both initial and ongoing) Prayer Evangelism (often includes Scripture distribution) Making disciples that make disciples Equipping and mobilizing local leaders Church Planting Community Transformation

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They should provide pertinent research information to your mission team that will help prepare you for effective ministry. For example, they will share information about culture, worldview, religion, needs of the people, appropriate methods for evangelism and discipleship, etc. Your missionary or ministry worker will also communicate how your B Group can fit into their strategy, and the types of tasks you can do to help them accomplish their long term goals. For those B Groups that adopt a people group where there is no missionary working among that people group, you will receive specialized training in forming and implementing a mission strategy. Each B Group mission team leader will be required to submit a Mission & Ministry Strategy Proposal (see Appendix 1) to the Missions Committee that will include answers to the following questions regarding strategy:

1. Who: Who/What is your proposed ministry or mission partnership for 201_? (Provide details including organization name, field contact information, long term vision/strategy statement, statement of beliefs, website, annual reports, etc.)

2. What: What is your B Group’s mission and/or ministry vision and how does it support the long term mission or ministry strategy of your proposed partner?

3. How: How does your B Group plan on implementing this strategy in 201_? 4. Outcomes: What are your anticipated outcomes for your strategy in 201_?

For Discussion:

1) Each team member should have a basic understanding of the mission strategy and how a particular mission trip/assignment fits into the long term strategy.

2) Share the pertinent research information with each team member. Discuss specific ways this information will be applied on the mission/ministry field.

Evangelism and Discipleship Regardless of the specific tasks of individual team members, every team member should recognize that their participation on the mission team includes their participation in sharing the love and message of Christ and making disciples. Therefore, each team member should be able to share his or her faith in the host community. Also, team members should have a basic ability to show what God’s Word says about a relationship with Christ. The following suggestions will help team members prepare to share the simple story of how they became a Christian and the difference it is making in their lives.

• Remember to keep it short and simple so it can be translated and shared. • Don’t use long words, jokes, or idioms. They don’t translate easily. Avoid difficult

Biblical terms.

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• Generally, stay away from topics like divorce, drinking, and money. It is often difficult to relate to these issues across cultures, especially in such a brief time.

• Be sure to introduce yourself briefly. • It is helpful when you begin by establishing common ground with your listeners. This can

be done effectively by starting with a question such as: Have you ever felt insecure? Afraid? Lonely? Have you ever struggled with anger? Pride? As your story unfolds, you can share how Christ has met your deepest needs and empowered you to overcome your sins.

• Tell what your life was like before your relationship with Christ began (e.g. sin, misplaced priorities, lack of things like joy or peace, etc.).

• Tell how you came to know Christ personally (e.g. conviction, awareness of emptiness, brokenness, etc.).

• Tell what is different since you trusted Christ (e.g. parenting, priorities, attitudes, etc.). • Explain how others can have a similar relationship and experience with Christ.

Chronological Bible Storying is a unique strategy that many teams will want to consider

utilizing, especially if you are working among oral learning cultures (e.g. tribal peoples) or people that have had little exposure to the Bible. Check with your field representative to find out the best approach to sharing the Good News and making disciples. Also, see the following web sites to learn more about storying and to find storying sets:

• • • (numerous downloadable files) •

As You Speak, Using a Translator:

• Speak fairly slowly and with good enunciation. • Speak to the audience members, not the translator. • Speak loud enough for the translator to hear you clearly. • Speak using short, simple phrases. Stop after each phrase to allow the interpreter to

translate. Practice before you go. • Avoid using colloquial phrases (slang). • Visual gestures or aids can be useful. Make sure the gesture is appropriate for your host

culture. • If your interpreter doesn’t understand you, rephrase the sentence or phrase. Otherwise,

move on so nobody is embarrassed. • If you are presenting theological or technical information, get feedback from the audience

and interpreter to ensure you are communicating clearly.

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Action Plans:

1) Each team member should prepare his personal story and practice telling it. 2) Practice speaking with an interpreter. If you don’t have someone who speaks another

language, have an English speaker repeat what is being said by the one sharing their story.

3) If you use Chronological Storying, assign stories to team members and practice telling them.

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Share the following story and answer the questions that follow:

A typhoon had temporarily stranded a monkey on an island. In a secure, protected place, while waiting for the raging waters to recede, he spotted a fish swimming against the current. It seemed obvious to the monkey that the fish was struggling and in need of assistance. Being of kind heart, the monkey resolved to help the fish. A tree precariously dangled over the very spot where the fish seemed to be struggling. At considerable risk to himself, the monkey moved far out on a limb, reached down and snatched the fish from the threatening waters. Immediately scurrying back to the safety of his shelter, he carefully laid the fish on dry ground. For a few moments the fish showed excitement, but soon settled into a peaceful rest. Joy and satisfaction swelled inside the monkey. He had successfully helped another creature.

1) What was the monkey’s motivation? 2) What words would you use to describe the monkey as he went out over the raging water

on a precarious limb to “help” the fish? 3) Why did the monkey help the fish by taking it out of the water? (wrong frame of

reference) 4) What did the monkey assume about fish culture? (wrong assumptions) 5) How do you think the fish felt about the help it received? 6) What advice would you give the monkey for future situations where he would like to

help? Culture Defined

Culture refers to the total way of life for a particular group of people — their ideas,

customs, traditions, language, belief system, social structure and norms. You’ll find significant differences in the area where you’ll be serving. The stress from those differences can cause problems which impact the effectiveness of your volunteer project. The best way to overcome that potential problem is to prepare yourself for those differences before you go. Find out whatever you can about the culture where you’ll be working. Do your best to avoid being a “monkey.”

There are general and specific cultural issues you need to think about ahead of time. There will be times when you’ll be uncomfortable due to cultural differences. Remain calm. Flexibility is the key in another culture. Remember, different is not necessarily bad — just different. You’ll probably find differences, for example, related to privacy, worship styles and meal times. Privacy, or lack of, can be a stumbling block if you aren’t prepared. Bathroom facilities may be different in some circumstances. Some may be private, but shared. Worship is a big event in many cultures. You may be sitting on a hard bench for several hours or under a tree during the heat of the day. Be prepared for anything. Be prepared for a different view of “privacy” in other cultures. You’ll find you can endure almost any differences for such a short time.

Meal time can be an event in itself, lasting longer than you are accustomed to. Don’t be impatient; it’s part of the culture and should be enjoyed. Remember, it may be rude to turn food

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away, but follow the lead of your local host. If you notice him avoiding a food, you’d be wise to do the same! Smoking and drinking, as well, are often seen as rude and offensive behavior. It’s a good idea to follow the leadership of your host when it comes to these cultural differences. IMPORTANT: Be sure to consult your host missionary or church to provide you with local culture and worldview information.

The following information and learning activities will help you to reflect on your role as

a short term, volunteer mission worker. Begin now to develop the mentality and mindset of a missionary. The missionary role is to cross bridges and barriers to share the love of Jesus and the Word of God. In order to cross these barriers it is always necessary to examine and modify one’s attitudes and perceptions of the targeted people. There will be bridges and barriers that must be crossed to minister successfully in Jesus’ name. The barriers may be cultural, economic, social, language, geographic, etc. The challenge for every Christian is to have a WILLING SPIRIT, BE ACCEPTING and BE FLEXIBLE.

1) Read in Acts 10 about Peter’s call to go to share the good news with Cornelius, a

centurion in the Italian Regiment. Focus on verses 26, 28-29 and 34-35 and discuss the changes in attitude and perceptions of others that Peter experienced. How did God deal with Peter on these issues?

2) Read the following quotes. Allow team members to share their thoughts and feelings about these statements. What adjustments may be necessary to put these ideas into practice? a) Know that the ‘American way’ isn’t always the best way. In fact, sometimes it

is the ‘wrong way,’ transferred to another culture. b) Know that we Americans are much LOUDER and more OBNOXIOUS than

we think. If you are an extrovert, this will be a challenge for you. (A missionary in Russia)

c) Be gracious of your host culture, EXPECTING to learn and glean something from them. (A missionary in Croatia)

d) “Normally, when relating to others, it is good advice ‘to just be yourself.’ And that’s correct. Just remember in a multi-cultural environment that ‘just being yourself’ is ‘to be different.’”

e) Don’t assume that what you meant is what was understood. You can be sure of what you mean when you say something, but you can’t be sure how this is understood by someone else. Check for signs that the other person did or did not understand you.

3) Explain the meaning and importance of the following key attitudes and behaviors for relating to others in a cross-culture setting. REMEMBER: Before people can consider our message, they must witness credible messengers. Allow team members to share a personal or Biblical example where these attitudes and behaviors have been modeled: a) Openness (Willingness to step out of your comfort zone to initiate and sustain

relationships in a world of cultural differences. The ability to welcome people into your presence and make them feel safe. “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:2)

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b) Acceptance (grace and respect; the ability to communicate value, worth, and esteem to another person.)

c) Trust (The ability to build confidence in a relationship so that both parties believe the other will not intentionally hurt them but will act in their best interest.)

d) Learner and listener (Seeking information that changes you. The ability to glean relevant information about, from, and with other people.

e) Understanding (Seeing through the other’s eyes. The ability to see patterns of behavior and values that reveal the integrity of a people.)

f) Serving (The ability to relate to people in such a way that their dignity as human beings is affirmed and they are more empowered to live God-glorifying lives. Are there ways that we sincerely believe we are serving, yet we are failing to empower others?)

g) Flexibility (e.g. time) h) Cooperative spirit i) Redemptive love (i.e. selfless, humble, doesn’t impose, draws others to

Christ) *Jesus Christ is the only faithful example of divine love in interpersonal relationships and communication. Modeling redemptive, unfailing love, He is our perfect incarnational model for cross-cultural awareness and communication. Our goal too is to reflect redemptive love, love that has

a profound ability to draw others to Christ.

* Ministering Cross-Culturally by S. G. Lingenfelter and M. K. Mayers. Baker Book House Company, 1986.

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Cross-Culture Communication

“Principles for Managing Conflict”

People from other culture or racial groups hold different cultural values and assumptions and use different rules to respond to situations. Therefore, in managing and avoiding conflicts in a cross-cultural situation, the following principles* are important:

1) The majority of the people in the world value relationships above most other values.

Building trust takes top priority. Most Anglos try to build trust by showing themselves competent in completing tasks, whereas others tend to build trust by spending time, including work time, together. Therefore, make relationship building a high priority.

2) Most people do not separate the person from the person’s words or acts. To criticize a person’s idea is to criticize or demean the person. Anglos often believe that comments about another’s words, ideas or actions are not personal and should not strain the relationship.

3) When entering another cultural context, we need to begin by observing, asking

nonjudgmental questions, learning and seeking understanding. We must avoid thinking of cultural differences as “good” or “bad.” So, be a good listener and learner.

4) Be careful not to make evaluative or blame statements, “who-is-responsible” statements

or comments that single out one person or group as the cause of the problem. Anglos have a tendency to express themselves more directly. They will need to learn to be more indirect and more skilled at interpreting people and “reading between the lines.” Non Anglos may need to be a little more assertive when dealing with Anglos.

5) When in an ambiguous or conflict situation, Anglos are advised to employ indirect, less

confrontational strategies. Non Anglos need to realize that indirect strategies may be interpreted as devious and even deceitful. Being forthright likely will be better received.

6) The person who is getting to know a new culture will do well to build a good friendship

with someone from the new culture and allow that person to be a cultural interpreter and bridge-builder.

*See the book Cross-Cultural Conflict by Duane Elmer (InterVarsity Press, 1993) for more helpful information on building relationships for effective ministry in a multi-cultural environment.

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Learning Activity

We all have a distinct personality. The challenge is to learn to understand and relate well to those who are different and to accept another culture as a valid, albeit imperfect, way of life. Take a look at the two charts below. They present an approximate representation of basic traits behind an individual’s actions. These insights can help us to achieve positive and productive interaction with others. You may discover the criterion that you sometimes use to judge another person who does not behave as you would. Use this information as a radar signal to help you recognize tensions and avoid conflict with another person. Discuss ways that we tend to judge others based upon our culture orientation, and ways to avoid such judgments.

Characteristics of Task Oriented and People Oriented Individuals

Time Orientation People Orientation 1. Focuses on tasks and principles 1. Focuses on persons and relationships

2. Finds satisfaction in the achievement of goals

2. Finds satisfaction in interaction

3. Seeks friends with similar goals 3. Seeks friends who are group oriented

4. Accepts loneliness and social deprivation for the sake of personal achievements

4. Dislikes loneliness; sacrifices personal achievements for group interaction

Characteristics of

Time Oriented and Event Oriented Individuals Time Orientation Event Orientation 1. Concern for punctuality and amount

expended 1. Concern for details of the event,

regardless of amount of time required 2. Careful allocation of time to achieve

the maximum within set limits 2. Exhaustive consideration of a problem

until resolved 3. Tightly scheduled, goal-directed

activities 3. A “let come what may” outlook not

tied to any precise schedule 4. Rewards offered as incentives for

efficient use of time 4. Stress on completing the event as a

reward in itself

The information for this learning activity is primarily from the book Ministering Cross-Culturally by S. G. Lingenfelter and M. K. Mayers. The book addresses six sets of contrasting traits. Each set of characteristics is evaluated from a biblical perspective. This assists the reader to develop a balanced perspective and sensitivity in a multi-cultural environment. The chapter entitled “Tensions About Self-Worth” is especially beneficial. It will help you understand the differences between “status focused” and “achievement focused” cultures. If you are interested in this or other resources on cross-cultural communication, go to

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Learning Activity

Cultural Values Contrast The simple exercise below will help you to examine and identify contrasts between typical American values and those held by other societies and cultures. 1) Write the letter “A” beside the values that best apply to the U.S. and “O” beside the values that seem to apply best in other societies and cultures. 2) Next, draw a line, connecting pairs of contrasting values between the U.S. and others.

Control over environment Cooperation

Past orientation Equality / fairness

Change as positive Fate / destiny

Hierarchy / rank / status Future orientation

Competition Stability / tradition / continuity

Action / work orientation Practicality / efficiency

Idealism / theory Group welfare / dependence

Individualism / independence “Being” orientation

Directness / openness / honesty Indirectness / ritual / “saving face”

What values are considered to be North American values? What appear to be the greatest

areas of conflict or contrast between U.S. values and values of other cultures or countries? How will these affect communication between the two cultures?

This learning activity can be used by individuals or in a group setting. It can help us to identify our cultural biases, feelings of superiority, and forms of domination or discrimination.

Each of us has a natural tendency to view our cultural assumptions, attitudes and values as “the norm” by which we perceive, judge and communicate with others. This also may include thinking and acting as if “my” culture is superior to another. Provide each team member a copy of the following handout and encourage them to post it on their refrigerator door a few months before your trip.

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If you must … don’t come


The meals that our people prepare for you represent their desire to express gratitude and to share fellowship, often at great personal sacrifice. If you snub their food, they will not hear your message.

If you must sleep in a bed like your own and have your own private room, don’t come.

What you are offered will be the best that your hosts have. Accept it, endure it and say, “Thank you.” By no means insist on a hotel. Where they live for a lifetime, you can live for a week or two.

If you must be transported in a private vehicle everywhere you go, don’t come.

Most people don’t have cars. You can walk like they do, or take the bus. Cars here cost more than the houses in which a lot of folks live.

If you must communicate only in English, don’t come.

People will do their best to understand you, but you will need to use as much of their language as you know, a lot of hand signals and an interpreter. And please don’t yell. That really doesn’t help them understand you any better.

If you must do it your way or not at all, don’t come.

Not at all is a good choice if the alternative is the destruction of the bridges that missionaries have been building for many years. Your way really may be best, but that is not the point. In fact, if you ask, you can probably get a pretty good explanation for why things should be done as they are.

If you must bring your biases and prejudices, don’t come.

You may have grown up believing that some ways of living or even some people are better than others. They aren’t. You are coming to serve and to do so humbly. Any condescending attitudes or remarks will quickly and clearly be understood even if all of your attempts at communicating the Gospel are not. On the other hand, if you will allow yourself to be taught as much as you seek to teach, To Be emptied in order to be filled, To BE open to new ways of seeing and doing, To allow God’s love to be your only motivation and interest, please come. We need you and others like you. You will be blessed, you will bless others and God will smile.

This handout was submitted by IMB Rick Lane (Costa Rica) Language Learning

Culture and language learning go hand in hand. Both are critical to the success of your mission work, whether for a week, a year, or a lifetime. You will honor your new national friend

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when you make an attempt to learn some language. You will be richly rewarded for a genuine investment in language learning. A pocketsize language dictionary, phrasebook or smart phone application for travelers is a great investment. Fodor’s Language for Travelers at allows you to listen and view basic words and phrases for greetings, directions, numbers, etc. for the most used languages around the world. Lonely Planet’s phrasebooks are useful (see Search the Internet. You’ll be surprised to find recordings and written helps for what you may think are obscure languages. Where language materials and helps are not available, consider asking your host missionary to enlist a native speaker to record key words and phrases. Practice with your team members and native speakers in your own community before you leave.

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DETAILS, DETAILS, AND MORE DETAILS: Travel, Packing, and Health


Always travel with a current passport. Obtaining a passport is simple but will take a little time. It can take up to several months, so don’t delay in taking care of this essential step. You will need to apply in person if this is your first application for a passport.

If possible, you should renew your passport approximately nine (9) months before it expires. Some countries require that your passport be valid at least six (6) months beyond the dates of your trip. Some airlines will not allow you to board if this requirement is not met.

For instruction on obtaining or renewing a passport see Visa

A visa is permission to enter any given country which is granted by the government of that country. The visa may be a stamp in your passport or it could be a special certificate. EACH COUNTRY IS DIFFERENT. Your Missions Coordinator will know what you need. Many countries will not require a visa. Health (Immunizations, Meals, Water, Physical Fitness)

All your current travel immunizations should be recorded in the booklet issued by the World Health Organization. This booklet is accepted as the approved format by all members of the United Nations and should be carried with your passport. Check with your host missionary and/or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for a list of required/suggested immunizations for your assigned country. The CDC web site is

It also is recommended that you receive the following basic immunizations regardless of the country where you’re traveling: 1. Tetanus-Td. Booster every 10 years. 2. Poliomyelitis. One booster as an adult. Booster every 10 years in heavily endemic areas. 3. Typhoid Vaccine. Advisable for trips lasting more than six weeks in all Third World countries. Two injections four weeks apart. Single booster every two years if vaccinated previously. An oral vaccine also is available with boosters every five years. 4. Hepatitis A Protection. Advisable for all Third World countries for only one trip. Immune Globulin is less expensive. Injection according to body weight a few days before travel. But for multiple trips, Hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is recommended. The first injection is preferable two to four weeks before travel. Following a booster six to 12 months later, protection continues for at least 10 years. 5. Other Vaccinations. Others such as yellow fever or cholera may be required in certain countries. If not required, the cholera vaccine is not recommended as it has limited effectiveness and the risk of contagion is very low for travelers from the United States, even during epidemics. 6. Hepatitis B, Rabies Vaccine, Meningococcus Vaccine. Needed in some countries.

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Specific immunizations depend on the country where you’re serving. Contact your doctor

or your local health department for up-to-date information on inoculations needed for your country. Consult your doctor before taking any inoculations. Where do you get the shots? Well, remember to shop around for prices. Your local health department may be less expensive than your personal physician. A doctor in your church may be able to get the vaccines and give the shots at a reduced price. Start the immunization process early to avoid taking them all at once.

Allow yourself time to recover before you travel. Use caution around water and with other potentially unsanitary conditions. Even brushing your teeth with the water or using ice in your drinks can cause illness in many countries. Use common sense so you won’t pick up parasites.

Financial Arrangements (Budget) Conduct your research ahead of time to determine the cost of your mission project. Consider the following expense items:

• Transportation (airfare, ground transportation, fuel expenses, etc.) • Meals • Lodging • Travel Insurance • Supplies • Interpreters expenses & honorariums • Immunizations • Visas • Country Exit Taxes • Agency Administrative Fees • Team Training Expenses • Contingency (unexpected expenses)

Each B Group mission team leader will be required to submit a Mission & Ministry Strategy Proposal (see Appendix 1) to the Missions Committee that will include a budget proposal.

There are essentially three sources of funds for the support of B Group mission initiatives. These are Broadmoor Baptist Church’s 2% Mission Participation Fund, Team Member Contributions and Broadmoor Baptist Church's Missions Committee Funds. With respect to the 2% Mission Participation Fund category, these are funds established by Broadmoor Baptist Church each year as a part of the Church's budgeting process. These funds are to be utilized to enable Broadmoor Baptist Church members to participate in mission efforts that they would not otherwise be able to participate in. The approval of the use of these funds is administered by the 2% Mission Participation Fund Committee, based on recommendations from the Missions Committee. The current guideline for the approval of these funds is up to 75% of the Airfare costs per person, with a maximum of $1,500 per person.

The Team Member Contributions category represents a personal financial commitment by each team member. These payments should be submitted to the Ministry

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Assistant of the staff member responsible for the mission trip. The current guideline is for a contribution by each team member of 30% to 40% of the per person cost of the trip. For example, if the total team cost for a trip is $30,000 and there are 10 team members, the per person cost of the trip would be $3,000 and the guideline Team Member Contribution would be $900 to $1,200. If individuals have the financial capability, their contribution should be greater than the 40% level.

The Missions Committee Contributions category is the result of the above calculations and discussions between the Team leaders and the Missions Committee. It is very important for Team Leaders to be sensitive to the financial situation of other potential Team Members. A Team Leader may have a potential Team Member who feels that God has called him or her to be a part of this mission project, but that individual does not have the ability to provide the full amount of the estimated Team Member Contribution. In such a case, the Team Leader should contact Dr. Tom Harrison and discuss this situation.

Fundraising - All participants are encouraged to contribute personally to their own mission trip and are required to cover their own Team Member Contribution for the mission trip established by the Missions Committee as described above. When personal funds are not sufficient, the trip costs can be covered by combining self-funding with personal fundraising through family and friends. Broadmoor Baptist Church discourages the use of fundraisers (car washes, cake sales, raffles, etc.) as a means of generating support for mission trips. Additionally, those raising support must not “spam” the church directory or mailing list. The team leader must coordinate with team participants to see to it that congregational members do not receive unlimited mailings seeking support. Checks from non-participants should be written to Broadmoor Baptist Church with a separate note attached indicating the name of the person for whose benefit it was given and the name/location of the trip. Please do not write the participant’s name on the memo line of the check. These checks should be submitted directly to the Church Business Office. Any funds received for which a non-participant is granted contribution credit will remain under the administrative control of Broadmoor Baptist Church. Funds raised by a participant in excess of his/her need shall be used to offset the cost for other team members on the trip and/or be used for other mission efforts deemed appropriate by the Missions Committee. No excess funds will be refunded to a non-participant donor. A trip participant (or their parents in the case of students) will not receive contribution credit for his or her Team Member Contributions made towards the trip cost. This will allow for refunds to be made as described below if a participant is unable to attend the trip. Team Member Contributions may still be eligible to be deducted on the participant’s (or parent’s) income tax return, subject to IRS guidelines. They will simply not be included on the participant’s (or parent’s) contribution statement. See IRS Publication 526 and consult with your tax preparer for rules regarding deductibility. When requested, the Church Business Office will issue a letter acknowledging participant contributions received toward a Church approved mission trip. Refund Policy - If a trip participant is unable to attend the mission trip due to an unexpected change in schedule or emergency, then his/her Team Member Contributions toward the trip (minus any expenses already paid by the Church on the participant’s behalf) may be refunded. Any payments received on the participant’s behalf for which contribution credit was awarded to the donor cannot be refunded according to IRS Guidelines for tax-deductible contributions.

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Emergency Information It’s essential that you plan for emergencies. You never know what may happen on the field or at home while you are away. You may choose your own emergency center — a B Group member’s home or the church — which should have your personal emergency information. The following emergency information should be kept with the team and a copy left with someone at home:

• A copy of each team member’s passport • Emergency phone numbers in the U.S. for each team member • The travel itinerary and contact numbers for each stage of the trip • Medical forms for each team member (health history, current medications, blood type,

etc.). • Copies of airline E-ticket confirmations

Air Travel For international trips, the church will make the airline arrangements for the team. Deadlines you need to be aware of are: Group Airline Arrangements (group size of 10 or more people) 1) Trip dates, departure city, arrival city and good estimate of number of participants need to be

submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with the trip at least 120 days prior to departure date.

2) Trip deposits for all participants and final number of participants need to be submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with the trip at least 95 days prior to departure. (Some airline group contracts vary, so this date will be adjusted by the Ministry Assistant according to the airline contract as necessary to avoid losing deposits already paid to the airline.)

3) Copies of passports for all participants and final payments need to be submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with your trip at least 60 days prior to departure. (Again, some airline group contracts vary, so this date will be adjusted by the Ministry Assistant according to the airline contract as necessary.)

Individual Airline Arrangements (for teams less than 10 people) 1) Trip dates, departure city, arrival city, trip deposits and passport copies for all participants

need to be submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with the trip at least 60 days prior to departure date. (We have to pay for these non-refundable tickets in full when we make the reservations, so we need all of the information at that time.)

2) Final payments need to be submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with the trip at least 45 days prior to departure date.

You will be able to add the trip to your frequent flyer miles account on your own after the church makes the arrangements.

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You and your team leader should familiarize yourselves with the airline’s regulations and restrictions for baggage and the traveler information of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), especially the 3-1-1 rule for liquids and locks. Go to to view this information as these restrictions can change depending on the airport, airline or current legislation. Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush! (Packing)

Believe it or not, overseas volunteers like you often arrive on the field without a toothbrush, not to mention other important items. That’s why you should know all you can about the country you’ll be visiting — the type of work site, the weather, church atmosphere and other information concerning the culture.

What you wear overseas does make a difference. Make sure your clothing is modest in all circumstances. As you’re packing, remember you’ll need some basic types of clothing: travel, work, church and sightseeing. For travel days you’ll want to be comfortable (especially your feet) but not sloppy. Try to blend with the nationals of the country. The way you dress makes a statement about your views of the country you’re entering. At the work site dress modestly also. Jeans are usually appropriate for work. However, in some countries jeans would not be appropriate for women to wear. In some locations, women should not wear pants to church events. You may need to walk long distances so avoid high heels. Sensible, modest dress is appropriate for sight-seeing. If you’re ever in doubt in a particular situation, just ask.

It’s also important to remember that in North America, the way we dress reflects our opinion of ourselves. But in many other cultures, the way we dress also reflects our opinion of others. So don’t overdress, but at the same time don’t underdress. For example, you may be tempted to wear jeans and tennis shoes to church. This type of dressing down can send a negative statement to the nationals who know Americans have better clothing. Nationals in other countries often put on their best clothes even to go to the airport. Check with your host missionary or church leaders before your trip concerning appropriate dress.

The following list is a basic list. Remember, you bring it, you carry it! It is a good idea to carry bottled liquids in zip-lock bags. Be sure to check with your host missionary or church for items specific to their location:

• Bible • Passport/visa and copy • Airline E-ticket confirmation • Basic clothing (keep weather in mind) • Towels and washcloths (depends on accommodations) • Hat (protection from sun) • Camera • First-aid items • Toilet tissue • Insect repellent • Flashlight/penlight • Watch (Leave valuable jewelry at home.) • Feminine products

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• Blow dryer (may not be able to use) • Medicines: prescription and over-the-counter including anti-diarrhea medication (Take all

medications you need. You probably can’t buy them in the country.) • Journal/pen for quiet times • Itinerary • Work-related clothing • Comfortable shoes • Toiletry items • Sunscreen/lip balm with sunscreen • Wet wipes and/or hand sanitizer • Tissues • Plastic grocery bags (to pack dirty clothes for return trip) • Electrical current adapter • Gifts for host/hostess • Reading material for travel time • Visa or American Express credit cards (At times you cannot change money but credit

cards will be accepted.) • Extra eye glasses, especially if you wear contacts • Luggage lock/keys • Alarm clock • Ear plugs • A few family photos • Snacks (can’t go wrong with Trail Mix and peanut butter crackers)

Money The team leader should be prepared to answer the following questions regarding money, “How much money should we take with us?” “Can we use credit/debit cards or traveler’s checks at our destination?” “What do we need to know about exchanging money?”

In your communications with your field representative, ask him to provide you with a thorough briefing on the topic of money. Some countries won’t accept $100 bills. Most countries won’t accept torn bills (even with a slight tear).

Team leaders should distribute large amounts of cash among several team members for safekeeping.

Cash Advances and Reimbursements from Broadmoor Baptist Church - Requests for cash advances and reimbursement of mission trip related expenses must be processed through the Ministry Assistant of the Staff member assigned responsibility for the trip. Cash advances may be issued to the Team Leader or Designated Financial Coordinator based on expressed need as long as the advance is within the budget guidelines for the trip. Unused cash remaining at the end of the trip should be returned to the Church Business Office within two (2) business days of returning from the trip so the cash can be deposited in the bank. The full accounting and reconciliation of the cash advance should be performed within one week of returning from the trip. Proper documentation for all expenditures of Church funds is required. This includes a daily journal of activities for all funds expended, original receipts where possible and/or a

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detailed statement documenting lost receipts when applicable. The reconciliation of cash advance is to be signed by both the Team Leader and Designated Financial Coordinator.

Requests for reimbursement of non-personal mission trip expenses should be submitted to the Ministry Assistant noted above. Once again, original receipts are required where possible and each reimbursement request must be approved by either the Team Leader or Designated Financial Coordinator. In the case of foreign currency transactions, desired documentation should include a copy of the original receipt plus the participant’s debit/credit card statement showing the transaction in US dollars. In the case of personal cash expenditures, the Church Business Office will use the exchange rate published on for the date of the transaction to determine the foreign currency translation.

Cash gifts to individuals while on mission trips must be accompanied by a signed statement providing the following information: Name of recipient, date of transaction, amount of cash given, purpose of gift/intended use of gift, signature of recipient and signature of Team Leader or Designated Financial Coordinator. The signed statement should be submitted to the Church Business Office with the cash advance reconciliation or reimbursement request.

Security & Safety If your team is traveling to a region that responds unfavorably to Christians and/or Christianity, it is critical that you understand the protocol and guidelines for your work and visit there. For example, some of our field representatives live in countries where “missionaries” aren’t allowed. Use of the word “missionary” could jeopardize the safety of your team or the field representative. Your field representative will provide you with specific guidelines on what is appropriate in their context. These guidelines will include when and how you share your faith, your dress and physical characteristics, acceptable religious materials, and the size and makeup of your team. Safety is an important issue when traveling overseas. It’s helpful to think of common sense reminders ahead of time. Be prepared! Never carry large amounts of money with you, and keep it secure — close to your body. Money bags and belts work best. If you need to carry a purse, make sure it has a long strap so you can put it over your head and across your body. Never keep it unzipped or hanging loosely at your hip. Purses and jewelry on unsuspecting travelers are prime targets for most thieves. Also be careful when traveling in taxis. Keep the windows up, doors locked and move valuables to the middle of the car. And never go out alone. Always have at least one other person with you. Try your best to blend in with other people rather than drawing attention to yourself. The less noticeable you are, the less likely you are to have a problem. Broadmoor Baptist Church requires a background check for all volunteers who may work with minors at a church-sponsored event, including all mission trips. The International Mission Board also requires this of volunteers who work with IMB sponsored activities. All mission trip participants will need to fill out the Background Check form before participating in the trip. The Team Leader will make the form available to each participant who does not already have a form on file with the Church Office.

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Street Smart Tips DOs

1. Always carry your passport and guard it! 2. Use a money belt. 3. Always go out with a friend. 4. Keep your doors locked. 5. Keep car/taxi windows closed. 6. Put identification tags on all your bags. 7. Carry a card the taxi driver can read to get you back to the place you’re staying. 8. Carry Traveler’s Checks (American Express only).


1. Don’t exchange money on the street. 2. Don’t wear flashy jewelry even if it’s costume. 3. Don’t put all your money in one place. 4. Don’t go out alone. 5. Don’t flash wads of money. 6. Don’t carry a lot of cash. 7. Don’t carry a purse. 8. Don’t promise anything, not even to write a letter to someone, if you cannot follow

through with your promise. 9. Don’t carry your wallet in your rear pocket.

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THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT: Home and Looking Forward

Your short term project was part of a long term partnership and investment by your B

Group, Broadmoor Baptist Church, and others. The primary goal of this short term experience is to join with others in making a long term impact on the lives of those you shared the love of Christ and the message of hope with. This short term experience had another goal, to make a long term impact on you. Another way to express this is to see it as one long term goal, to “make disciples that will make disciples that will make disciples of all nations.” The training phase for your mission team was designed to be a disciple making process, enabling team members to become more like Christ, in order that team members could become more effective in making disciples of all nations. Your mission trip was one leg of a journey, a journey that has future opportunities to learn, give, go, send, welcome, and mobilize others to be part of the journey. This section is designed to give team members some tools as they return home, to maximize the long term impact on the mission field and on themselves. A debriefing and reentry session will help your team appreciate the big picture of your short term trip. It will enable them to be a more effective advocate. It will help them take the next step in the journey. Reflect

At the very end of your trip and/or soon after returning home, take some time to reflect on your trip. The following questions can help you process what you’ve experienced:

1) What was the highlight of your trip, and how do you feel about it? 2) What was the low point? Were there any problems, disappointments, unmet expectations

or conflicts where reconciliation needs to take place? Work through these individually and/or with teammates.

3) What were the goals for this mission or ministry effort and were they met? 4) What has God revealed to you during this process about: Himself, you, the world, the

culture you visited, etc. 5) How did you grow spiritually? 6) How will this short term mission trip alter your long term vision for your life?

Reentry and Reentry Stress When you reenter your home environment, you retake possession of and responsibility for your job, family, and life. For some people, returning home is effortless and problem-free; for others, it is a real challenge, creating feelings of disillusionment and discouragement. Many short term missionaries are unprepared to discover that some friends and family members appear disinterested in learning about their mission trips. Remember that those back home have not shared your cross-cultural experience. Be careful not to judge them. Instead, think of positive ways to influence them and share your experience. Most disappointments occur due to unmet expectations. Below are just a few *“reentry fantasies” shared by optimistic short term missionaries:

1) I will stay in touch with everyone I met! 2) People are dying to hear about my trip!

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3) I am truly spiritual! 4) God is calling my spouse! 5) I am going to sell all my belongings! 6) I have a new purpose in life!

These may seem a little silly. Nevertheless, they reflect how it is possible to set unrealistic expectations. Team members will definitely form new relationships, gain new perspectives, take new directions, or make lifestyle adjustments. Just be careful that you don’t allow these reentry issues to overwhelm you. Listen carefully to God, follow His leading, seek wise counsel from experienced mission workers, and dialogue with other teammates as you deal with these reentry issues. Watch out for tendencies of over-isolating yourself from others, becoming angry or judgmental, or pushing yourself to return to life as usual, ignoring the changes and struggles you are experiencing. Finally, be proactive in incorporating the new values or lessons learned into a missional lifestyle, allowing God’s redirection to become a reality in your life. *Reentry Fantasies from Help! We’re Going on a Short-Term Mission Trip by Ben Laurence Ragan. CULTURELink Resources, 2011. Sharing Your Story As a short term missionary, you assume the role of vision builder when you share your experience. Each lesson you learned can become a challenging lesson for your listeners. When you bear witness to the activity of God, listeners will be encouraged and challenged in their faith. You will be used to motivate and mobilize others to join God in the work that He is doing. Seek creative communication techniques to help you share your story. Whatever techniques you use, your story or testimony should be specific, concise, compelling. This also applies to using photos or videos. Here are some suggestions for developing a story:

1) Tell about a special person you met and how you saw God at work in him or her. 2) Share about what God taught you. 3) Tell about your challenges and how God met you in the middle of them. 4) Share how others can get involved in continuing the mission work.

Lifelong Learner Participating in a short term mission doesn’t make you a World Christian. Some people are glad to be home and figure they can check the “missions thing” off their Christian “bucket list.” For those who stay open to God, He will use this experience in your life for His purposes for years to come. Allow this experience to be one step in your journey toward a missional lifestyle. In the training session entitled Building Bridges of Love: Cross-Culture Orientation, you learned how critical it is for the missionary to demonstrate the posture of a learner and humility. Post-trip learning is absolutely critical. Get plugged in to ongoing discipleship opportunities provided by your church. Read books from this handbook, section XI, Resources for Successful Planning. Build mentoring relationships with local, national, or international mission workers. Seek cross-cultural or international ministries at home. May God bless you and use you to be a blessing to the nations!

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Advance preparation is the key to a fun and fruitful mission or ministry experience. The following ten reasons for planning should be enough to convince anyone of the unlimited benefits of early and thorough planning.

1) Advance preparation allows time for your plans to mature. 2) The more you put into it the more you’ll get out of it. 3) Less urgency and less pressure/stress. 4) More opportunity for the Spirit of God to influence and shape the planning process. 5) More comprehensive plans can be developed. 6) Gives you more opportunity to build a support team. 7) Enables you to involve more people, allowing them to achieve their greatest potential. 8) You will be more effective at setting a course and more successful at staying on course. 9) Greater preparedness and a higher degree of excellence make you more confident. It can

also help you be more flexible during your mission project. 10) MINISTRY BECOMES MORE SHAPED BY PRIORITIES THAN BY

PRESSURE. The planning process is multi-faceted. It includes spiritual preparation and logistical planning. Building a team, training the team, planning for travel, housing and eating arrangements and much more will impact the success or failure of your mission trip. The following resources have proven to be invaluable resources for the mission trip team leader(s). Plan early to order several for your key leaders. The Essential Guide to the Short Term Mission Trip by David C. Forward. 240 pages. Spiral edition. Moody Press, January 1998 Mack & Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Mission by J. MacK Stiles & Leeann Stiles. 192 pages. Intervarsity Press, September 2000 Help! We’re Going on a Short Term Trip! by Ben Laurence Ragan. 227 pages. CULTURELink Resources, 2011 (Team Leader’s Manual and Team Member’s Manual available) Cross-Culture learning: Cross-Cultural Connections by Duane Elmer. 215 pages. InterVarsity Press, 2002. Serving with Eyes Wide Open by David A. Livermore. 188 pages. Baker Books, 2006 Ministering Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Personal Relationships by S. G. Lingenfelter and M. K. Mayers. 128 Pages. Baker Publishing Group, 2003. Individual or Group Discipleship Studies:

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God’s Heart for the Nations by Jeff Lewis. Caleb Project, 2002. (Powerful Bible passages combined with challenging and provocative questions are used to reveal the heart and mind of God for the nations. All eight lessons are followed by a focus on an unreached people group.) Operation WorldView by Werner Mischke. Mission ONE, 2011. This eight session, DVD assisted study answers the question, “What is The Story above all stories, and what is your destiny in The Story?” The study addresses four components of missions: Biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic. Missions Dilemma: Is There a Better Way to do Missions? By Steve Saint. I-TEC, 2009. Seven week, DVD assisted study. Called and Accountable: Discovering Your Place in God’s Eternal Purpose by Henry Blackaby. New Hope Publishers, 2005. Six unit study. Biblical Basis of Missions: Let the Nations be Glad! by John Piper. Baker Academic a division of Baker Book House Company, 2007. Mission and Ministry Principles: When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor and Yourself by Steve Corvett & Brian Fikkert. 274 pages. Moody Publishers, 2009, 2012. Preach and Heal: A Biblical Model for Missions by Charles Fielding. 230 pages. International Mission Board, 2008. Church Planting Movements by David Garrison. 362 pages. WIGTake Resources, 2012. Research and Prayer: Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation by Jason Mandryk. 977 pages. InterVarsity Press, 2010.

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Broadmoor Baptist Church – 2013 B Group Mission and Ministry Strategy Proposal

Purpose: This proposal provides greater transparency and accountability for missions and ministry efforts and funds within Broadmoor Baptist Church. It enables Broadmoor Baptist Church’s B Groups (small groups) to engage in mission and ministry. At the same time it integrates these efforts into the larger body of Broadmoor Baptist Church through the leadership involvement of the Broadmoor Baptist Church Missions Committee. The Broadmoor Baptist Church Missions Committee will mobilize the resources of the church, especially prayer and communications support, on behalf of your B Group’s mission and ministry endeavors. Process: Those Broadmoor Baptist Church B Groups that are pursuing formal engagement in mission and/or ministry in the coming fiscal year (April 1 March 31) and would like to secure funds from the church budget for their work, must complete this form and submit it to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Missions Committee no later than January 1. This should be done by email to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Missions Committee chairman. The Broadmoor Baptist Church Missions Committee will prayerfully consider these proposals in January. The Missions Committee will provide feedback to you no later than March 1. Key Terms:

1. Missions - Disciple making & church planting done with the church primarily among the unreached and unevangelized where less than 2% are evangelical (ie. Turkey, Senegal, Lithuania).

2. Ministry – Service together with the church to assist physically and encourage spiritually primarily the “body of believers” (the existing church) worldwide (ie. The Hub, MITC, Romania).

3. Disciple Making (DM) - Disciple making is the full-orbed process of working to see people come to faith in Christ, training them to grow in Him, and then equipping them to go back and help others repeat this process. This process must be central to each Broadmoor Baptist Church B Group ministry and mission strategy.

4. Evangelism (EV) – Evangelism is that part of DM focused on leading the lost to faith in Christ.

5. Church Planting (CP) - Church planting is that part of DM resulting in a new (local) Christian church being established where there is currently no church, or the area is under-churched. It facilitates the teaching, training, and equipping of believers for DM.

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*Please use additional space, attaching supporting documentation, as needed to complete this proposal B Group: B Group leader(s): _____________________________ B Group mission team members: (suggested minimum of 3 people from B Group; may or may not include B Group leader). Please include email and contact phone number:

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________ Strategy:

1. Who: Who/What is your proposed ministry or mission partnership for 201_ ? (Provide

details including organization name, field contact information, long term vision/strategy statement, statement of beliefs, website, annual reports, etc.)

2. What: What is your B Group’s mission and/or ministry vision and how does it support the mission or ministry strategy of your proposed partner? (Use the key terms above to describe)

3. How: How does your B Group plan on implementing this strategy in 201_?

4. Outcomes: What are your anticipated outcomes for your strategy in 201_?

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Budget: Provide your detailed B Group mission and/or ministry strategy budget for 201_.

1. Transportation (i.e. airfare, ground transportation, fuel expenses, country exit taxes):

2. Accommodations (i.e. hotel/motel, pensions, B&Bs, lodging with missionaries, etc.)

3. Meals:

4. Insurance: 5. Supplies: 6. Other (i.e. visas, customs fees, agency administrative fees, team training expenses,


7. Contingency (unexpected expenses)

8. Total Budget: Sources of Funds:

___________ Assumed 2% Fund @ 75% of transportation costs ___________ Team contribution ___________ Remaining Balance

9. Amount requested from Broadmoor BC missions Committee: $__ ___________

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Mission Trip Checklist/Timeline This checklist is a guideline for planning, coordinating, and implementing your mission trip. The timeline may need to be adjusted to accommodate certain items (visas, passports, tickets, etc.). Review this checklist often and plan ahead, and many last minute issues will be resolved before they become problems! Six to Eight Months Prior to Departure Date:

o Identify where and to whom God is leading you. o Identify team leader(s) and attend team leader training. o Make first contact with team members. o Recruit prayer leader to enlist prayer partners to pray for your trip during planning,

traveling, and during the trip. o Research the people group and/or country you will be going to and begin gathering

information to give your team. o Research air and ground travel, food, and lodging. o Coordinate with in-country personnel you will be working with and determine purpose of

the trip or project. o Research needed shots and preventative medication, including time requirements before

departure. o Begin establishing a budget for the trip, including a cost per person. o Follow the schedule below for submitting the Mission and Ministry Strategy & Budget

Proposal (Appendix 1): 1. By November 15, B Group submits location, dates and number of team members to Dr. Tom Harrison's office. 2. By December 7, Dr. Harrison's office will provide estimates for airfare and insurance costs to B Group Team Leader. 3. By December 15, B Groups must submit completed packages to Dr. Tom Harrison's office for Mission Committee evaluation. 4. By February 15, B Groups will be provided a list of conditional approval levels for their projects. The conditional aspect is required since the overall Missions Budget is not approved until late March of each year.

o Contact potential team members and invite them to attend a project informational meeting.

Five Months Prior to Departure Date:

o Design a payment schedule (usually a deposit and 2-3 payment deadlines). o Determine deadline for team members to join team. o Hold first team meeting and schedule future team meetings (usually once a month). o Have team members apply for passport.

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Four Months Prior to Departure Date: o Collect non-refundable deposit. o Trip dates, departure city, arrival city and good estimate of number of participants need to

be submitted to the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with your trip at least 120 days prior to departure date.

o Talk with team members about a strategy for meeting trip expenses. o Assign team members’ responsibilities (e.g. preaching, teaching, luggage coordinator,

etc.). o Contact speakers/trainers for team meetings.

Three Months Prior to Departure Date:

o Finalize team selection. o Pass out team roster with addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. o Inform team members of necessary inoculations. o Collect all pertinent forms from team members: Drivers forms (for those over 25),

Release Forms and Permission to be Treated Forms, beneficiary information and copies of their passports.

o Share prayer requests with Prayer Support Team and Intercessory Prayer Committee. o Trip deposits for all participants and final number of participants need to be submitted to

the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with the trip at least 95 days prior to departure. (Some airline group contracts vary, so this date will be adjusted by the Ministry Assistant according to the airline contract as necessary to avoid losing deposits already paid to the airline.)

Ten Weeks Prior to Departure Date: o Check up on passport applications. o Collect copies of passports from team members and apply for visas (if necessary) *More

time may be required for this. Research your country to know when you need to apply.* o Begin collecting necessary supplies and equipment for the mission trip.

Eight Weeks Prior to Departure Date:

o Enlist individuals to lead team devotionals and/or worship during trip. o Copies of passports for all participants and final payments need to be submitted to the

Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with your trip at least 60 days prior to departure. (Again, some airline group contracts vary, so this date will be adjusted by the Ministry Assistant according to the airline contract as necessary.)

o Obtain emergency medical insurance through the Broadmoor Baptist Church Ministry Assistant helping with your trip.

Six Weeks Prior to Departure Date: o Obtain emergency numbers in your destination country. o Make provisions for any special medical requirements of team members. o Arrange transportation to and from airport.

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Four Weeks Prior to Departure Date: o Collect final payment from team members. o Make Room Assignments. o Put together a Team Leader Notebook. Include for each member:

Personal Information Health History (including emergency contacts and copy of insurance card) Copy of passport and visas Copy of Travel Insurance Card Emergency Information

Two Weeks Prior to Departure Date:

o Have a team meeting to: Discuss packing list Review packing items Collect and pack needed materials for trip Make sure ALL forms have been turned in Update on team members’ finances Pray for your trip Pass out contact numbers in country to give to family members

o Put together a medical kit. o Give team members copy of Travel Insurance card to carry and a daily agenda. o Make plans to obtain a cash advance. o Schedule a post-trip follow-up meeting.

One Week Prior to Departure Date:

o Remind group of time and place to meet for flight. o Give each group member necessary items/supplies to pack, if needed. o Reconfirm travel details with the Ministry Assistant helping with your trip or travel

agent/airline. During your Trip:

o Journal your insights and observations and how you see God working, and encourage your team members to do the same.

o If possible communicate with B Group members and prayer supporters back home. o Before returning home, conduct first debriefing session.

Within 2 to 3 weeks after your Trip:

o Send a report (1-2 pages) to the Missions Committee, including: Your experiences (what went well, what needs improvement) Lessons learned about planning, prayer, travel, lodging, mission strategy, etc. Plans for your B Group to send future teams to this location/people group If you would consider leading another group to the same or another place If you observed someone else who would make a good team leader Were your budget expectations met? How will this influence future budgeting?

o Have a post-trip follow up meeting. Consider inviting those who were praying for you before and during your trip.

Page 51: Mission Team Orientation Handbook
Page 52: Mission Team Orientation Handbook