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Mind Detox Mini-Guide

Jan 23, 2018


Self Improvement

Debbie Spellman
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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1 DAY MIND DETOXmini-guide

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The 1 Day Mind Detox Mini-Guide is designed to detox negativity from your mind by helping you understand why you are thinking and reacting the way you do.

This awareness enables you to create change using the four strategies shown so you no longer feel controlled by your thoughts and emotions.

Enjoy your new positive mindset!

With love + kindness

Debbie x


Debbie has graced the stage with many of Australia’s key experts in the Health & Wellness Industry sharing her heart-felt message of self-worth for women. Described as ‘authentic, real and inspirational’ her ability to touch the depths of a woman’s heart continues to stir a connection from women that captivates and encourages hope, whilst providing real-life examples and proven techniques - providing not only guidance but tangible value.

Debbie is a Mind Detox Therapist, Life Strategist, Writer and Speaker at she is on a mission to redefine how women see themselves. Her commitment lies in equipping and empowering women in identifying and living out a life of purpose by releasing self-limiting beliefs and emotional wounds.

Her message reaches women in over 63 countries via her online TV show ‘Detox Your Mind TV’. She has been featured in Women’s Fitness Magazine as their ‘Think Fit’ expert, Marie Claire, Women’s Day, Cosmopolitan, Australian Natural Health Magazine and Lorna Jane’s, Move Nourish Believe movement and is the Mind Detox Expert for Sarah Wilson’s global ‘I Quit Sugar’ program.

Debbie’s natural open style paired with kindness and grace, combined with her strait-talking no-fluff approach to creating transformation within enables her to lovingly yet firmly inspire women to embrace their true worth, step into their highest potential and create a life of meaning and joy.


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1 Day Mind Detox Mini-Guide To Eliminate Negativity From Your Mind

Do you find yourself emotionally reacting without really thinking or realising why you behave the way you do? You may even believe this is who you are and find yourself saying things like ‘I am just a feisty person’, or ‘I am really sensitive’.

These statements may be true because over time you have noticed this about yourself.

The problem occurs when these words used to describe you are not serving you or causing you to say or do things which you later regret.

Many of your negative thoughts and emotional reactions stem from your beliefs and conditioning from childhood. Over time your mind has become programmed a certain way through repetitive thinking.

This repetitive thinking has created repetitive behaviour…such as being ‘feisty’ or ‘sensitive’ or believing things such as not being good enough, smart enough or deserving of success.

Every time you have a strong consistent thought your brain creates a new connection and this connection becomes stronger every time you think this thought. In fact, an entire community of neural connections are created around that thought to establish a 'habitual thought pattern'.

In other words the more you think something, the more deeply it becomes ingrained in your brain.

Which leads us to where you are today….

You may find that your default style of thinking is mostly negative and filled with worry and fear.

This mindset is not your natural state. It can be changed and that is what we are going to do!

So before we can begin to transform your mind for the better let’s first understand where your thoughts come from…


You have two parts to your mind; your conscious and your sub-conscious.

Your conscious mind makes decisions, thinks, analyses and uses will power. Believe it or not, this makes up just 5% of your mind!

Your sub-conscious mind is the other 95% and explains why sheer will power does not always create results (or keep you away from the fridge at night!) and why self-sabotage can be so difficult to stop. Ugh.

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The sub-conscious part of your mind stores emotions, memories and runs your body (you don’t need to ‘think’ about how to beat your heart, do you? It just happens).

It’s like a big computer and everything you have ever felt, heard, thought about, watched, read or were told is stored in this computer. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!

That’s a lifetime of input that never disappears.

So back to your thoughts. What are they?

Your thoughts are simply all the ‘input’ you have received in your past coming into the conscious mind (or present moment) by way of your ‘thinking’ and then projected out into the future in an attempt to predict what will happen. It does this by referencing your past then creating a ‘conclusion’ (a.k.a. negative thought, ‘what if ’, worry, doubt fear…I could go on) based on what has previously happened to you in an attempt to avoid the same thing happening again.

Got it?

In fact, every thought you have can be linked back to a particular event in your past.

It’s a wonderful system God created in order to protect you. Such as when you hurt yourself, make a mistake or do the wrong thing you know not to do it again!

But this design doesn’t serve you if you use it in the wrong way.

It is intended to help you progress, learn and grow into your potential. Instead many of us listen to the wrong voice and allow fear to take over.

Rather than recognising our mistakes and downfalls as a lesson and rise above we perceive these as limitations, fear, failure and doubt.


Well in the past perhaps you: • Were being completely yourself and others didn’t like you.• Shared your inner most feelings and someone rejected you.• Relied on others and they failed to meet your needs.

So you decided that it is better if you: • Never show the ‘real’ you because then people won’t like you.• Remain quiet and shy so you won’t be rejected. • Don’t step out of your comfort zone and follow your dreams because then you won’t fail. • Shut off your heart and avoid being open and vulnerable because then you won’t get hurt.


…but this is a life not lived.

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• Feel deeply connected to others sharing equal moments of joy and pain because the intention is not to only experience happiness but to simply be there for each other as we journey through life. Yet your thoughts prevent you from being vulnerable ensuring your heart stays locked away out of fear of being hurt.

• Unveil your unique gifts and find the courage to share these with the world. Yet the inner voice shuts down your innate creativity making you feel like you have nothing to give.

• Embrace your fullest potential by developing your natural talents and growing into the woman you are destined to become, and yet you hear yourself say you don’t matter and that you are just not good enough.

Are you ready to no longer allow your negative mind to destroy your happiness?

Choosing to consciously think, act and behave ‘differently’ to how you have in the past is the key to reprogramming unhealthy thoughts.

So instead of being afraid of putting yourself out there – know that when you do you will experience so much more from life.

Rather than remaining quiet and shy due to fear of rejection – take small steps to speak up and make conversation – know that when you do you will experience so much more love and connection in your life.

Your thoughts like to think they keep you safe but in actual fact they are preventing you from experience a deeper more joyful and enjoyable life!



The first step in overcoming the negative voice in your head is to understand what is actually going on inside of your head. That is, the way your mind is currently programmed.

STEP 1: Grab your journal and from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep write down every negative thought that you have. Yes, it takes a little time but it's well worth the effort.

This includes any judgments you make towards another (you may wish to record in the notes section on your phone for quick and easy access).

At the end of the day transfer your thoughts onto the worksheet into the first column ‘My Current Negative Thoughts’.

Leave the second column.

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STEP 2. Now also notice the 'stories' are you continually telling yourself?

Stories are thought patterns that evoke a ‘negative emotion’.

An example would be:

Situation: Your best friend hasn’t returned your call and it’s been three days.

Story: ‘”My best friend hasn't returned my call, I wonder what I did wrong?”

Reality: You find out she has been away on a last minute work trip. All that worry for nothing!

See the difference? Same situation yet vastly different emotional experience depending on the ‘story’ you are telling yourself.

Stories are what you make up and are not reality. They are assumptions and keep you stuck in a cycle of negative emotions. Stories always make you feel crap and if you believe these stories they negatively affect how you feel and behave.

So recognise them and let them go!


Underneath each story write out the reality of the situation from another’s point of view.


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The reason why I asked you to leave this guide for a day or so is to disassociate your mind from your previous responses. A fresh perspective is essential!

Now take five minutes to read over your past entries.

You may notice just how negative you were (that's OK, we are not judging your thoughts we are simply observing them).

You may also notice how much your mind jumps around from the past to the future, regret to worry, ‘what if ’s’ and ‘if only’s’, doubt and self-criticism and a whole lot of judgment…. WOW, all of this in one day! It’s no wonder you are feeling exhausted, moody and stressed!



Start by making a decision that you no longer want to think this way. This decision is a powerful way to draw a line in the sand by saying to yourself, ‘this is not serving me anymore and I will not allow myself to be consumed by these thoughts’. Your future will thank you!


In your 1 Day Mind Detox you will notice there are both judgments about others and judgments towards yourself.

This step is related to the thoughts about yourself.

From this moment moving forward challenge each negative thought you have about yourself by asking ‘Is this really true?’, If you find yourself saying ‘yes’, then ask, ‘is it true every time?’

The truth is no.

Yes, there are times you may act or feel like you aren’t good enough, pretty enough or liked but in the grand scheme of life you ‘are’ good at certain things, there ‘are’ times you look beautiful, you ‘are’ liked by others and your friends do accept you for who you are.

Your thoughts are not absolute statements – thoughts are just thoughts.

Rather than believing the negative voice inside of your head choose instead to question the truth of what she says then tell yourself, ‘I am not that person anymore!’

Just because you failed in the past doesn't mean you will fail again!

Your past does NOT equal your future and you are not that person in your past anymore.

If she points out something that is actually real where perhaps you make a mistake at work.

Don’t fall into a pity party, grumble or beat yourself up. Apologise where necessary, do all you can to rectify the situation and then grow from the experience. Your boss will be impressed and you will feel great!

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Threaded through every challenge is a ‘hidden positive’ yet most often we can be so focused on the negatives that we miss the beauty in all of the mess. This principle relates to our thinking as well.

As an example;

• If your plane flight has been cancelled on your first day of holidays.

• Use this extra time to enjoy the city you live in without worrying about work in the morning.

There is always a silver lining if we open up our minds to see a new perspective. Even in hindsight you will notice some of the worst moments of your life were in fact a doorway to a brighter future. Sometimes things need to fall apart in order for a better future and better you to come together.


As humans we are naturally critical and our mind defaults to fear. It takes conscious effort to be kind and yet when you do you will feel soooo much better.

Make a commitment to release judgment, bitterness, resentment, envy, complaints, blame and gossip and instead choose to always come from a place of kindness.

Even when someone does you wrong…love always wins.

As an example;

• The judgmental thought you had about that ladies outfit.

• Instead find something you admire about her and better still, tell her! #sisterhoodlove


In the second column ‘My New Way Of Thinking’ write down what you choose to think instead of the negative thought using one of the four strategies above.

If one of your thoughts is ‘I look fat today’ you may wish to replace this with ‘I am committed to being a healthier me!’. Encourage yourself and lift others up too. A positive mind is a healthy mind.

Continue to do this process with every negative statement you wrote down.

Now read through your new way of thinking. How much nicer does that feel?


Every moment of every day you have a choice whether you believe the negative voice in your head and listen to the ‘story’ or whether you immediately shift your thinking with the new strategies you have learned. Happiness is a mindset and it’s in your hands my friends.