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1 Lippincott Updates - 2018 Lippincott Updates – 2018 November 13: Milk Cows and Cambodia Milk, Cows, and Cambodia When I was in High School I worked on a dairy farm in the middle of Nebraska. I have to say that back then there was very little I found interesting about the cows or the work I was doing. It was dirty, smelly work. It paid well (for a high school student) but, for the most part, was not enjoyable. It has been a long time since I set foot on a dairy farm, and the last place I expected to do it was in Cambodia. Cambodia didn't have dairy farms. They import most of their packaged milk from their neighbors Thailand and Vietnam. All their fresh milk comes from Thailand. In general Cambodia is still developing its agriculture infrastructure to fit the changing needs of its population. A lot of the food items that families use every day are also imported like pork, potatoes, carrots, and chicken. It is estimated that Cambodia imports between $20 and $40 million dollars’ worth of milk each year. Which leads me to Moo Moo Farms.... A few years ago Kenny Matthews came to Cambodia for a two year mission trip to intern with a development organization. Over the course of that time he realized that he wanted to start his own development project to help provide jobs. He eventually settled on a dairy farm because it was something that required expertise and venture capital that could not be obtained in Cambodia or by Cambodian farmers. I found Kenny and Moo Moo Farms a year ago and approached them about doing a project together. It took us a year to get fully connected and find the right timing, but we finally

Milk, Cows, and Cambodia...Holstein cows, the Moo Moo Staff are now on their way to being the local experts on dairy cows, milk processing, and packaging. Another avenue of development

Sep 11, 2020



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Page 1: Milk, Cows, and Cambodia...Holstein cows, the Moo Moo Staff are now on their way to being the local experts on dairy cows, milk processing, and packaging. Another avenue of development

1 Lippincott Updates - 2018

Lippincott Updates – 2018

November 13: Milk Cows and Cambodia

Milk, Cows, and Cambodia

When I was in High School I worked on a dairy farm in the middle of Nebraska. I have to say

that back then there was very little I found interesting about the cows or the work I was doing.

It was dirty, smelly work. It paid well (for a high school student) but, for the most part, was not


It has been a long time since I set foot on a dairy farm, and the last place I expected to do it was

in Cambodia.

Cambodia didn't have dairy farms. They import most of their packaged milk from their

neighbors Thailand and Vietnam. All their fresh milk comes from Thailand. In general Cambodia

is still developing its agriculture infrastructure to fit the changing needs of its population. A lot

of the food items that families use every day are also imported like pork, potatoes, carrots, and


It is estimated that Cambodia imports between $20 and $40 million dollars’ worth of milk each


Which leads me to Moo Moo Farms....

A few years ago Kenny Matthews came to Cambodia for a two year mission trip to intern with a

development organization. Over the course of that time he realized that he wanted to start his

own development project to help provide jobs. He eventually settled on a dairy farm because it

was something that required expertise and venture capital that could not be obtained in

Cambodia or by Cambodian farmers.

I found Kenny and Moo Moo Farms a year ago and approached them about doing a project

together. It took us a year to get fully connected and find the right timing, but we finally

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finished and published a video showing off their dairy farm, the process they use to produce

the milk and their amazing staff.

The staff ended up being one of the key factors in the content of the video. Over time Kenny

realized that his customers thought that the milk produced by Moo Moo Farms was also

imported, just like all the other fresh milk in the stores.

We decided the best way to convince his customers that it was a local product was to introduce

them to the real Cambodian people who work hard to put the milk on the shelves in the store.

The response to the video was amazing! It was published close to a month ago. Currently the

video has over 150,000 views, 3,500 shares and 7500 likes. Click here to see it.

Some might wonder why I choose to do projects like this. It seem like a commercial milk

business is a few steps away from the humanitarian work I normally do. However, small

businesses like Moo Moo Farms, are started as a humanitarian job creation and community

development project and are really effective in creating sustainable opportunities in developing


Moo Moo Farms employs a large number of graduates from the Agriculture University in

Phonm Penh. It gives them a chance to use the knowledge they have learned to provide for

themselves and their families. Also, since Moo Moo Farms is the first modern dairy farm in

Cambodia, and has brought in international experts to train them on how to care for the

Holstein cows, the Moo Moo Staff are now on their way to being the local experts on dairy

cows, milk processing, and packaging.

Another avenue of development is the sheer volume of feed that dairy cows require. Dairy

cows eat a lot and Moo Moo Farms buys all their fresh feed from local farmers. Which helps

these local farmers earn a living and pay for their children's education.

Businesses that are run well and operated with the best interests of the local community in

mind are amazing avenues of development and an honoring, culturally appropriate way to have

a humanitarian impact.

If the video doesn't show below, click this link to watch the video: (we just put it up on YouTube as unlisted so we could show it to

you. It isn't on our main page because it is just in the Cambodian language of Khmer).

Make a monthly commitment to the work of Sharing Dots

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I (Bryon) would be happy to set up a Skype meeting

to answer any questions you might have.

Over the course of this year a couple of our financial partners have had situations

come up that prevented them for continuing their donations to our work. In addition to

that our costs to maintain visas and get our work permit have been higher than

expected this year.

Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner of Sharing Dots?

Would you consider making a monthly commitment of $100? or an amount

that is significant to you?

Every donation is valuable and is making a difference to the organizations

we are working with.

Short film I created for Moo Moo Farms

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1. We got to go camping in one of the national parks near Chiang Mai last weekend.

(Lorilee too :) )

2. Ian has been able to join a local boy scout troop.

3. We have a good community of friends and a good church here in Chiang Mai.

4. Lily has been able to participate in a novel writing project ( with a


5. My (Bryon) parents are coming for a visit in January!


1. Lorilee's continued recovery. Her energy levels are improving a little and she has been

able to be up and around the house more.

2. That God will connect us to the right people in our search for financial partners.

3. That Lorilee will have the energy to continue teaching the kids school over the next few


4. That we will be led to the right connections and the right projects for us to do here

locally in Thailand. And that these projects will have an impact for the people we are


I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Copyright © 2017 Sharing Dots, all rights reserved.

Thanks so much for being part of the project!

Our mailing address is: Sharing Dots, 14231 Stagecoach Ln., Blair, Nebraska 68008.

Make a Donation to the Sharing Dots Scholarship program

Visit Our Website

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October 26: Celebrating a Huge Blessing!

Celebrating a Huge Blessing

This week we are celebrating! This week I have been working in my new office with The COC

Foundation, here in Chiang Mai for just over a month.

On the surface it can seem insignificant, something simple like a desk and a chair. But this place

to work also provides us the legal status to take on projects here in Thailand that we have been

trying to figure out for almost a year.

Since we are celebrating I wanted to take the time to explain a little more about our situation

and the foundation we are working under.

We are working under the Christian Outreach Center Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The

COC Foundation has a sister foundation, The Haven Foundation. Between the two foundations

they do a wide variety of work from education and children's homes to anti trafficking work and

community health education.

The COC foundation provides me with a volunteer visa and a work permit. In exchange I will

help them with their projects all over Thailand with marketing, media and website design to

help them raise money. I am in the beginning phases of helping them design and build a brand

and a website to help communicate about the anti-trafficking work that they are doing here in


I will be working about 25% of my time for the projects that the foundation runs. During my

other time I can take on my own projects in Thailand legally as well as keep working with

organizations we've established relationships with in other countries around Asia.

While I have a work permit that allows me to take on projects in Thailand it comes with certain

restrictions. The main restriction being that I cannot get paid for work we are doing here in


The way we have been set up is to charge for our work based on the size and ability of the

organizations to pay. This both helps us with income and helps the organizations value the

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work we are providing (because we've learned everyone will take and agree to doing anything

for free and that can end up with us doing a lot of work that isn't necessary or used).

Working with the foundation we can charge 'suggested donations' for our work in the same

way as we have been based on the size of the organization and their ability to pay. However,

now that we are under the foundation, that money is paid into the foundation and the

foundation can't legally transfer any of that money to us. (the money that is paid into the

foundation for the work we have done will go toward their programs in Thailand.)

So our method of working with clients is able to stay the same, however it cuts out this part of

our income that we've been using to help cover expenses.

Because of this, we have been trying to brainstorm other ways of making up this loss of income

and trying to increase our fundraising efforts.

I (Bryon) would be happy to set up a Skype meeting

to answer any questions you might have.

Make a monthly commitment to the work of Sharing Dots

Over the course of this year a couple of our financial partners have had situations

come up that prevented them for continuing their donations to our work. In addition to

that our costs to maintain visas and get our work permit have been higher than

expected this year.

Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner of Sharing Dots?

Would you consider making a monthly commitment of $100? or an amount

that is significant to you?

Every donation is valuable and is making a difference to the organizations

we are working with.

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6. I (Bryon) am celebrating 1 month of work under our partner foundation.

7. We are finally past a fun two weeks of medical misery. I had an outer ear infection that

required 5 different antibiotics to treat, Lily is finally over an allergic reaction to the

rabies vaccine that she got a week ago, and Ian stepped on a nail that got him a round of

antibiotics and another tetanus shot.

8. We have a good community of friends and a good church here in Chiang Mai.


5. Lorilee's continued recovery. Her energy levels are improving a little and she has been

able to be up and around the house more.

6. That God will connect us to the right people in our search for financial partners.

7. That Lorilee will have the energy to continue teaching the kids school over the next few


8. That we will be led to the right connections and the right projects for us to do here

locally in Thailand. And that these projects will have an impact for the people we are


I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Copyright © 2017 Sharing Dots, all rights reserved.

Thanks so much for being part of the project!

Our mailing address is: Sharing Dots, 14231 Stagecoach Ln., Blair, Nebraska 68008.

Make a Donation to the Sharing Dots Scholarship program

Visit Our Website

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October 6: Another Miracle!

Another Miracle! We got our work permit and visa extension this week, allowing us to work and stay here in

Chiang Mai, Thailand.

As we were celebrating, Lorilee and I got to talking about all the miracles we have been blessed

with that have allowed us to stay here doing our work in Asia.

It all started with a Toyota Prius early in 2013. We needed to sell our car before moving to

China to take a job teaching English and helping a local Christian man build a school. It finally

sold less than a week before we were supposed to leave. Then it was our first visa crisis. We

applied for visas to China and received them 2 days before we were supposed to fly to China.

In the fall of 2013 the school we were teaching at decided not to renew our contract. We felt

we were supposed still be in China, so we now needed income and a visa. God provided a visa

through an organization in Beijing, and income through a successful business that we started in

an act of desperate faith.

In the fall of 2014 the position and visa in Beijing fell through and we were again looking for a

visa and needing steady income. God provided a visa through connections we had made and

income by a chance to sell the business we started in 2013.

Summer of 2015 we were supposed to move to Thailand. We thought we had a partnership

with an organization set up to provide a visa. We packed up our apt in Beijing and gave up our

apt and left on a 3 month work trip to western China. It fell through. No house, no country to

be based in. He put Cambodia on our minds, doors opened and we were able to move to

Cambodia in the fall of 2015 after we finished our projects in western China and Mongolia.

Fall of 2016 – Lorilee was hospitalized in Cambodia, one of the worst places in the world to be

hospitalized with a serious illness. We thought for sure we would have to move again. But God

provided an amazing American internal medicine specialist at our hospital that was able to do

all the needed tests, rule out life threatening illnesses and provide much needed peace of mind.

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In the fall of 2017 we needed to try something different for Lorilee's health. The American

doctor had returned to the US. And we were afraid something in Phnom Penh was causing

Lorilee's illness. We moved out of our house, and went to the coast for fresh air and sunshine.

Hoping for a change for the better. Instead Lorilee got worse. We finally decided to try taking

her to a specialist we had heard about in Bangkok. As we were traveling to Thailand a friend

offered us the use of an apartment in Chiang Mai, for the month of September. Realizing we

needed to be closer to good medical care we decided to move to Chiang Mai in Oct 2017. At the

end of last year we were blessed with a few extra donations that allowed us to make the

transition to Thailand and get set up here in Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai has been a much better situation for our family. The Specialist in Bangkok has been

a huge blessing. He lets us have Skype appointments, get Lorilee's blood tests done locally and

send him the results and his fees are incredibly low. We have a great church, the kids have

youth groups and a homeschool group that provide friends and social activities.

This summer God provided a foundation that we could partner with to get a visa and a work

permit. The partnership will allow us to do our work with organizations here in Thailand and

stay in Chiang Mai long term. Before this we were on student visas and could not work in

Thailand. We were able to get projects out of the country but with Lorilee's health it is will be

good to have work in country and have less travel.

In July we left the country to get the right visa that would allow us to get a work permit. When

we returned, the labor dept stopped issuing work permits ... Fast forward 3 months and on

Tuesday Oct. 2 we received our work permit and new visas at 5:15pm on the day our old visas

were set to expire.

Just one more big miracle to add to our growing collection that have allowed us to be here.

Why are we here?

We are here, now, in Thailand because we know this is where we are supposed to be for this

season. We have seen incredible impact as a result of our work. Everywhere we look we see

ways to expand what we are doing and have more of an impact on the way human beings,

God's children are seen and valued. We have opportunities to help organizations communicate

better, to teach those organizations and individuals how to communicate in ways that are

effective and honoring of people.

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Even though we keep hitting roadblocks, God is still providing solutions. Each solution is

confirmation that we are where we are supposed to be.

I (Bryon) would be happy to set up a Skype meeting

to answer any questions you might have.


1. We have work permits and visas!!!!!

2. Lily has been able to join in the work of Sharing Dots. She is currently in the process of

completing a website for a local cat rescue center and will be volunteering with them to

help with administration tasks, web communications and marketing

3. I am settled in and have a good functional work space at the foundation we are

partnering with.

4. We have a good community of friends and a good church here in Chiang Mai.


1. Lorilee's continued recovery. That she will have the ability to find peace and rest in the

discomfort of illness and she can maintain and increase her energy levels.

Make a monthly commitment to the work of Sharing Dots

Over the course of this year a couple of our financial partners have had situations

come up that prevented them for continuing their donations to our work. In addition to

that our costs to maintain visas and get our work permit have been higher than

expected this year.

Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner of Sharing Dots?

Would you consider making a monthly commitment of $100? or an amount

that is significant to you?

Every donation is valuable and is making a difference to the organizations

we are working with.

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2. That God will lead us to the right people in our search for financial and prayer partners.

3. That Lorilee will have the energy to continue teaching the kids school over the next few


4. That we will be led to the right connections and the right projects for us to do. And that

these project will have an impact for the people we are serving.

I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Copyright © 2017 Sharing Dots, all rights reserved.

Thanks so much for being part of the project!

Our mailing address is: Sharing Dots, 14231 Stagecoach Ln., Blair, Nebraska 68008.

Make a Donation to the Sharing Dots Scholarship program

Visit Our Website

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September 27: Reflections from my trip to Cambodia

A few iPhone photos from my time in

Phnom Penh in August

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Reflections from My Recent Trip to Cambodia

I wanted to give you an update/report on my trip to Cambodia in August. What started as a trip

for one project quickly turned into 8 days on the ground, packed with photography, filming and

meetings with partners, potential clients and valued friends.

I left Chiang Mai, Thailand on a Tuesday afternoon and took the overnight sleeper train to

Bangkok. I arrived in Bangkok at the Don Mueang airport at 4:30 am. My flight to Cambodia left

at 6:30. Wednesday was filled with meetings and project planning.

Today I am just going to talk about one of the groups I worked with in Phnom Penh.

Be Free is a job and life skills training program started by David and Esther Allen. A couple from

Ireland. They work with vulnerable women, providing care, mentoring, counseling, and job skills

that allow these women to reenter society and the workforce. When they graduate the

program they are ready to take advantage of the opportunities that Be Free is able to connect

them with around the city.

It was so good to meet with my David and Esther for a few minutes and hear about how their

work has grown over the last 18 months since we last worked together. Their capacity to serve

the people of Cambodia has grown. The video we created for them last year created a lot of

opportunities for them. It allowed them to raise funds to rent and furnish a guest house that

they can operate to help fund their work. It helped them recruit interns to help increase their

capacity. Which allowed them to invest in training the local staff better and to empower them

to take on responsibility. They have done an amazing job of growing the capacity of their staff

and their ability to be the driving force in the organization.

Currently they are building an addition to the Be Free training center to increase their ability to

serve vulnerable women and increase the quality of care that they provide.

One of my projects for this trip was to film a promotional film to show off the new guest house

and help them attract customers. They have done an amazing job of decorating and setting up

this guesthouse to be a comfortable, place for visitors and short term project teams to stay. I'm

excited to show you the video when I get it finished.

Even though we no longer live in Cambodia, we continue to maintain a significant number of

long term partnerships in Cambodia. Through these partnerships we are able to provide much

needed services that people like David and Esther cannot get access to any other way.

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Women in the Be Free program working on craft projects

I (Bryon) would be happy to set up a skype meeting to answer any questions you might



1. We are very close to getting our work permits for Thailand and our visa renewals

2. The kids school is going well and they are connecting with more friends.

3. Bryon was able to start using some work space at the foundation we are getting our

visa through, allowing him a more focused work day.

4. We have a good community of friends and a good church here in Chiang Mai.


1. Lorilee's continued recovery. That she will have the ability to find peace and rest in the

discomfort of illness and she can maintain and increase her energy levels.

We are currently looking for new financial partners to help us make Sharing Dots sustainable

long term. We need to raise $3000 in monthly support allow us to generously serve organizations

like Be Free, and the people leading them like David and Esther Allen.

Would you consider making a commitment to support us on a monthly

basis at an amount that is significant to you? For some of you that may be

$10 a month, for others that might be $100 or $200.

Make a monthly commitment to the work of Sharing Dots

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2. That our work permit and visa will be granted this week without complications and that

the Lorilee will be strong enough to handle the process of going to immigration to get

our visa extensions next week.

3. That Lorilee will have the energy to continue teaching the kids school over the next few


4. That we are able to find the financial partners we need to make Sharing Dots

sustainable. So we can serve the people we work with generously.

I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Copyright © 2017 Sharing Dots, all rights reserved.

Thanks so much for being part of the project!

Our mailing address is: Sharing Dots, 14231 Stagecoach Ln., Blair, Nebraska 68008.

Make a Donation to the Sharing Dots Scholarship program

Visit Our Website

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August 13: Things Starting and Things on Hold

Things Starting and Things on Hold

Lily and Ian started school this

week, Lily is starting grade 11 and

Ian is starting Grade 8. I would

love to report that they are

excited to learn and happy to be

back at school, but as could be

expected they would prefer to still

be on vacation. On Friday last

week we took a day off and drove

to a national park about an hour

and a half away to the south of

Chiang Mai and spent the day

hiking to waterfalls and exploring

the national parks. As you can see

in the photo to the right, Lorilee

has been feeling much better and

was able to walk a couple hundred

meters to the waterfall and spend

time enjoying the time outdoors.

About 6 weeks ago we made a trip

to Laos to get new visa's to start

work under a foundation here.

Upon returning we prepared the

paperwork to apply for a work

permit, and after a short wait we

were told that there was a standoff between the government labor department and the

immigration department over how to handle volunteer work permits.

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So we are now deep into the waiting game. Our current visa's expire on Oct 2. and if the old

system is put back into place we then face a long paper chase to get it completed on time. We

are hoping for a speedy resolution that allow us to renew our visa's without leaving the country

as that is expensive and hard on Lorilee's health.

A quick update on our current and recent projects for Sharing Dots.

I made a trip to China to at the end of June to be the cinematographer for a documentary that

is being produced by a production company in Switzerland. I also now have 2 projects

scheduled for the end of August in Cambodia. One with Clear Cambodia, who we did a website

and other work for last year. And one for BE FREE another organization we produced a video for

last year.

We are have also been working as we have time to collect all of my personal photographs from

the countries we have work in into a collection of photos that can be used by non-profits in Asia

to enhance their communications. We allow them to use photos without recognizable people in

them for their social media and websites to help educate their donors about the areas they are

working in. You can check out the collection by following the link below.


1. We were able to get out of the city and go to the mountains for a day

2. The supplements we got for Lorilee have been helping and she is getting stronger

3. Lorilee has been feeling better and was able to plan the kids homeschool for the year

4. We have a good community of friends and a good church here in Chiang Mai


1. Lorilee's continued recovery

2. That the work permit standoff with the government would end soon and that we can

get our visa's extended in October

3. That Lorilee will have the energy to continue teaching the kids school over the next few


I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Visit Our Website

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June 18: Lots Going On

A shot out the window of my room while I was in China a few weeks ago.

Lots Going On

The last few weeks have been quite busy and the next few weeks will continue to be quite busy

for us but we are busy in good ways. Here are some snippets of what’s going on.

Two weeks ago I spent the week in China working on a project.

I am in the planning/ideation stage with some future work for Love Justice International.

The video we created for Mothers Choice in Hong Kong was shown at their Gala event on May

19. We received some good feedback on the video and its impact on the audience.

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Over the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of work for Shalom, an organization we who we

are creating a new website for. I helped them get connected to a nonprofit in the US that will

allow them to accept donations in the US and receive the money in Cambodia. It has been a

long process to get it set up and working but they were able to accept their first donations last

month and use the money to continue their work.

I have also been helping a past client, Clear Cambodia with troubleshooting on their email

system. I will also be traveling to Cambodia in August to film and photograph some new stories

for them.

A traditional Chinese Muslim Temple in Xining, China

China Trip

On Thursday I am flying back to China for 8 days as a cinematographer for project in China.

Should be a great time in one of my favorite cities in China.

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We found a foundation to work under!!!

Over the last couple months we have applied and been accepted by a foundation here in

Thailand. After my trip to China we will make another trip to Laos the first week of July to get

new visa's and officially move under this foundation. This foundation has a lot of projects going,

ranging from anti trafficking work to schools, and development work. We are excited to be able

to help them tell some of these stories as part of our work here in Thailand.

This is very exciting for us as it will allow us to legally work with organization here in Thailand

that need the services we provide. It will allow me to work closer to home and reduce the

amount of long trips that I need to take to work out of the country.

Family Update

Lorilee has been doing better over the last few weeks. She has been able to be up more and be

more active, which is really good with my travel schedule being what it is.

Lily is volunteering at a horse riding camp this summer that is put on by a local horse rescue

shelter. She gets to learn about and experience the joys of farm life. She has quickly learned

that there is a lot of work involved in caring for horses.

Ian is continuing to master the rubrics cubes, and is beginning to build a website dedicated to

everything cubing.


1. Rainy Season is here and it has brought cooler weather. (I'm really excited about this)

2. The supplements we got for Lorilee have been helping and she is getting stronger

3. Both Lily and Ian have youth groups activities to keep them connected to their friends

over the summer.

4. We found a foundation to work under and will soon have a work permit.


1. Lorilee's continued recovery.

2. Wisdom while scheduling work in the coming months.

3. Lorilee's health will not take a turn for the worse when we all travel to Laos for visa's in

a couple of weeks.

I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

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21 Lippincott Updates - 2018

April 30: Trip to Hong Kong and finding a foundation

A quick visual from my recent trip to Hong Kong to film a story for some friends of ours.

Hong Kong Trip

In the middle of April, I took a quick trip to Hong Kong to film a story for some friends of mine. I

flew out on Friday morning at 6 am and returned at noon on Sunday. A crazy fast trip full of

filming and time with good friends in Hong Kong.

The project is to tell the story of our friend’s adoption for the yearly fundraising Gala for

Mothers Choice an organization that serves children without families and pregnant teenagers

in Hong Kong.

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22 Lippincott Updates - 2018

Searching for a Foundation

We are currently in the process of searching for a foundation to work under in Thailand.

Thailand has very strict rules about who can work and what kind of work you can do, so we

currently are not able to do any projects in Thailand. I think we have found a foundation whose

scope of work encompasses what we do, we are now in the application process. Our hope is to

have the process finished by July and be able to pursue projects here in Thailand.

For now we have a couple projects in the planning stages in other parts of the world.

Family Update

Life here has been busy for the last month. Lily and Ian were both able to attend a youth camp

put on here in Chiang Mai by a group from California at the beginning of the month. And this

past weekend were about to attend a youth retreat with their youth groups which included a

trip to a local water park.

I am still studying Thai at a local language school two days a week and trying to keep myself

from getting overwhelmed with all the new information.

Lorilee has been doing better over the last few weeks. We were able to get some supplements

brought over by friends that seem to be helping her have more energy and recover from

exertion better. On Saturday she was able to get out of the house and go to a yard sale and

attend a going away party for friends of our who are moving back to Sweden.


1. We are almost finished with our back log of projects that we have been working to finish

and ready to start some new work.

2. We were able to get needed supplements brought over for Lorilee.

3. Both Lily and Ian have found good youth groups to be involved in and are enjoying

Chiang Mai

4. The wonderful lady that helps us with house cleaning was quite sick earlier this month

but is feeling much better.


1. Lorilee's continued recovery.

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23 Lippincott Updates - 2018

2. Wisdom while scheduling work in the coming months.

3. Finding a foundation or business to work under here in Thailand.

I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

Copyright © 2017 Sharing Dots, all rights reserved.

Thanks so much for being part of the project!

Our mailing address is: Sharing Dots, 14231 Stagecoach Ln., Blair, Nebraska 68008.

Make a Donation to the Sharing Dots Scholarship program

Visit Our Website

Page 24: Milk, Cows, and Cambodia...Holstein cows, the Moo Moo Staff are now on their way to being the local experts on dairy cows, milk processing, and packaging. Another avenue of development

24 Lippincott Updates - 2018

March 14: Shifting Gears

Early morning on the

riverside in Vientiane, Laos.

We had to make a trip to

Vientiane to get new Thai

visas in January.

Shifting Gears

So far this year has not

proceeded exactly as we had


Our last update after

Christmas was right after we

took a couple of days to

travel to a small town

outside Chiang Mai and

spend time as a family. Since

then life has been busy and

full. After our Christmas trip

Lorilee's health took a

downward turn. In the

middle of her health being in

a more difficult place we had

to leave Thailand and travel

to Vientiane, Laos. We

managed to choose the

coldest week in January to

make the trip. We all spent the trip trying to stay warm, but we found good food to eat and

were able to just relax and spend a couple days together. I (Bryon) was able to spend a few

hours exploring and photographing the night market in Vientiane.

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25 Lippincott Updates - 2018

The trip took a lot out of Lorilee but we made it home with new visa's and started back into

school and work. At the end of January we traveled south to Bangkok to our organizations

yearly conference. After our conference we were able to stop in Bangkok and see Lorilee's

doctor for a follow up visit and to recheck some of her important blood tests.

The results were good, all her markers are improving and moving in the right direction. Having

said that, overall her health is more fragile than when we first arrived in Thailand. For the most

part it is due to all the extra activity we have had that in the last few months that has forced her

to expend more energy than she has available.

The last few months have been a reminder to us that Lorilee's condition is serious and is going

to take her full time focus for the foreseeable future. Realistically she most likely going to be on

full bedrest for the next few months. Recovery in patients with her condition is most often slow

and limited.

We have hired a lady to help us with cleaning around the house 2 days a week to allow me

more time to focus on work, Lorilee's health and the kids.

Photos from a project we just completed for Love Justice International

Sharing Dots

The beginning of the year has been a mixed bag of projects really. We have spent time finishing

projects that were started last year and doing some new work as well. I started the year with a

couple photo projects for Love Justice International. You can see a couple of the photos from

one of those shoots above. I also have been doing some photography for some friends who are

starting a coffee business. I am currently working on a website for a local church planting

organization in Phnom Penh.

Visit Our Website

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26 Lippincott Updates - 2018

Due to Lorilee's health and the fact that our website work relies heavily on her skills, we will not

be doing any website work for the next 12-18 months as she rests and focuses on her health. So

I will be focusing on photo and video projects moving forward.

We are also in the process of looking for a foundation to work under in Thailand. Currently we

cannot work in Thailand. I am studying Thai at a language school so we can have a long term

visa and live here, but ideally with Lorilee's health situation we would like to find a non profit

foundation or a business that will give us the necessary permissions to work legally in Thailand.


1. Our busy travel season as a family is over and we can be home and focus on Lorilee's

health and finishing the projects that we have been working on over the last couple of


2. Earlier this month we found a mechanic to work on our car that saved us about $1300

on car repairs

3. Both Lily and Ian have found good youth groups to be involved in and are enjoying

Chiang Mai

4. We found a wonderful lady that comes 2 days a week to help with cleaning the house so

I can have more time to work and spend with the kids. She does an amazing job and we

are so blessed to have her helping us.


1. Lorilee's continued recovery.

2. Wisdom while scheduling work in the coming months.

3. Finding a foundation or business to work under here in Thailand.

I hope you are having a wonderful week,

Byron (also Lorilee, Lily and Ian)

We invite you help us make 2018 strong by making a one-time donation or

by starting a monthly support commitment.