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    Dreams, Goals, and Achievement ....................................................................................... 27 Tips For Effective Goal Setting For the New Year.......................................................... 4Why Do New Year's Resolutions Not Work?..................................................................... 7What You Think & Speak Can Save Your Life, Or End It - Goal Setting 101 For 2009 &For Life................................................................................................................................ 9Questions to Ask When Goal Setting................................................................................ 13Goals, Failure and Personal Development ........................................................................ 14Is This the Secret to Success? ........................................................................................... 16Goal Setting - 4 Simple Steps to Set Your 2009 Intentions .............................................. 18Career Goals - Ways to Set Goals For a Career Change................................................... 19How to Start the Year! - Goals to Create Success............................................................. 21

    What Does Neuroscience Have to Teach Us About Attaining Our Goals?...................... 22What's More Powerful Than a Goal? ................................................................................ 23The Top Ten New Years Resolutions For 2009 - Trying to Improve............................... 24Some Personal Goal Setting Examples For You............................................................... 263 Goal Setting Activities Tips That You Cannot Miss ..................................................... 273 Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never Fail....................................................... 28A Simple Way to Start Living Your New Career Today - Quotes and Coaching Questionsto Motivate You ................................................................................................................ 29

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    Dreams, Goals, and Achievement

    By Dale Stuemke,-Goals,-and-Achievement&id=1056501

    Pretty much everything you read about goals in human achievement tells you about theimportance of goals, how to make them, and how to use them to succeed. Unless this isthe first article you've read about goals or you're a confirmed doubter, you know thatgoals are important.

    Simply, most of our achievements in life start with an idea of something that we wouldlike to do, to have, or to achieve. Many people call this the dream. It's an idea, a conceptof something we want.

    Some people think a dream is the same thing as a goal, but it's really not. Think of a goal

    as a dream with a date on it. That's over-simplifying, but it's easy enough to understand.Dreams can be a bit vague but goals have to be specific. To make this easier, I'll discussit in relation to a recent diet of mine.

    My dream, if you will, was not to weigh a certain amount. That's really too vague. Whatis a "weight"? It's an arbitrary number that an instrument gives us to show what? If youdon't understand scales, pounds, and the relationship between height and build, it's just anumber. My dream was not something like that; my dream was an image I had in mymind. That image was my person in a slimmer body. I knew what I wanted to look like.That picture in my mind was my dream.

    During my life I have moved through weights from around 5-1/2 pounds to 220 pounds. Isay I've moved through them. Actually, sometimes I've moved through ranges of thoseweights more than once! But, I remember what I looked like when I was at some of thoseweights. In fact, I still have pictures of my wife and me at our wedding when I weighedbetween 135 and 140. That's not my dream, but I have the image. If your weight is higherthan what you want it to be, I'll bet that you have an image of you with your preferredbody shape in your mind too. So I had a dream, a vision.

    Next, I had to refine the dream into a specific goal. I had to do some analysis to find agoal that would produce an acceptable vision. So, I chose the weight that would meet thevision, and then I put a time frame on it. In my case, that was easy because I was going

    on my first-ever cruise in nine I had a date and motivation!

    Dreams and goals are important, but you won't achieve them without a plan. You need aplan that you believe you can follow, one that you are confident will produce the desiredresults, and one that you can use to measure your progress. Also, you need to be able toadjust your plan if it doesn't produce as you want it to.

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    I was fortunate that I had dieted before and had a pretty good idea of what worked forme. So, I put a plan in place that reduced my daily calorie intake to a set amount andcontinued the exercise routine I had already developed. I created a goal chart to track myprogress on a monthly basis. And, I set an end date for achieving the goal. I'd neverstarted a diet this way before. I'd had the dream before, and I'd had goals before. I had

    just never laid them out in a reasonable, long-term, measurable manner before. This timeI decided to follow things I'd learned about goal setting, and I was going to succeed.

    So I started my diet, followed my plan, and tracked my progress. As time went on, Icould look at my progress and decide whether the plan was working and whether I wasreally executing the plan. How did it work? Well, I lost over half of what my goal was.What happened?

    Remember that thing about visualizing what you want? As it turns out my vision ofmyself wearing some clothes that I already owned became reality before the final goal. Ireached that point and lost another five pounds but fell off my plan at that point. I still

    need to get the vision of myself at the final goal weight, and it needs to be a vision ofsomething I really want, something that will provide the motivation to take me the rest ofthe way.


    What can we learn from this real-life example?

    1. The dream must be something you can visualize so you really see yourselffulfilling it.

    2. The goal is established by defining the dream with numbers that are measurable.3.

    The plan has to be something you believe will work and that you can trackyourself on.

    4. Progress must be checked along the way.Did I fail? No. I haven't reached the final goal yet, but I now weigh 25 pounds less thanwhen I started, and I've maintained that for almost nine months! That's not failure, that'sprogress toward my goal.

    Want to learn more? Visit tolearn how to stop missing your goals and start living your dreams.

    Stop by Launch Your Goals Blog at to sign up fora free special report and to learn more about setting and achieving your goals.

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    7 Tips For Effective Goal Setting For the New Year

    By Anthony Onabanjo

    It is common practice to start the New Year with a set of 'New Year Resolutions'. But did

    you know that less than 10% of people achieve their New Year resolutions? Did youachieve last year's resolutions?

    One of the reasons why New Year resolutions are not achieved is because they are treatedlike a wish list. It is therefore not surprising that such resolutions are forgotten by the endof January!

    Research conducted at Harvard into graduates 20 years after they had graduated showedthat 5% were earning more money than the other 95% combined. The only differentiatorwas that the 5% had written down their goals.

    The process of goal writing puts one in the right frame of mind to achieve them.Abraham Lincoln said "A goal properly set is halfway reached". The following 7 tips willhelp you set effective goals for the New Year. On completion, you will already behalfway to achieving them.

    1) Written

    A goal that is not written is just a dream. Writing the goals helps in the transformationfrom dream to reality. It focuses the mind. The writing process helps to articulate yourthoughts. Goals need to be SMART acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Realistic and Time based.

    2) Specific

    What is your goal? What do you want to achieve?

    Your goal should clearly describe what you want to achieve. It should be written usingpresent tense and positive language. This puts the subconscious mind in the right frame toprocess and achieve the goal.

    State what you want - not what you don't want. So avoid 'I don't want...'.

    Another common mistake is to write goals in future tense. So avoid 'I want or I wouldlike...' Write your goal as if you have already achieved it. Use 'I have', 'I am' etc.

    Here are some examples of specific and non specific goals.

    Non specific goal: I don't want to be overweight or I want to lose weight

    Specific goal: I am 60kg

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    Non specific goal: I would like to start a business

    Specific goal: I run my own cake making business

    3) Measurable

    How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What action or event will showthat the goal has been achieved?

    The measure does not necessarily have to be quantifiable, but it should be quite clear thatthe goal has been achieved. Below are some examples of measures.

    Goal: I am 60 kg

    Measure: Weight on scale

    Goal: I run my own cake making business

    Measure: Sale of x number of cakes produced by your business within a defined period

    4) Attainable

    How do you plan to attain your goal? What steps will you take?

    This is a very important part of the goal setting process. Generally, not enough time istaken to prepare a detailed plan of how the goal will be achieved.

    Write a list of the different activities or events that need to take place for you to achieveyour goal. Break the goal into smaller achievable sub-goals.

    Using one of the examples above, how do you plan to achieve 60 kg? What life stylechanges are you planning? If exercise - what exactly, jogging, swimming, joining a gym?What is your exercise schedule? If dietary, what is your dietary programme? What otherways are you planning to reach your goal?

    5) Realistic

    How realistic is the goal you have set yourself? Is the action plan realistic?

    Using the same example - do you have the time to complete your exercise routine in thefrequency you have indicated? Do you have the required resources (motivation, externalsupport) to achieve the goal?

    If the goal is too big for you to achieve within the timeframe then this could beoverwhelming. This in itself could be de-motivating leading to poor progress.

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    6) Time based

    In what time frame are you expecting to reach your overall goal? How will you know ifyou are on track?

    A completion date sets your unconscious mind into motion to begin working towards thegoal. The timeframe should be specific.

    Non specific timeframe: I will be 60kg in 6 months

    Specific timeframe: Today is 1 January 20XX and I am 60 kg

    In order to track progress intermediary targets (sub-goals) need to be set and monitored.In the example above, you could set monthly weight targets. The cumulative weight losseach month should lead to the final weight of 60kg by 1 January.

    7) Proactive

    What kinds of challenges do you anticipate encountering and how will you overcomethem?

    By proactively planning for potential show-stoppers from the onset, you can planappropriate mitigation strategies in advance. Pay particular attention to any personal traitsthat may hinder progress such as fear, lack of confidence or procrastination.

    "Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with nodestination." -- Fitzhugh Dodson. Less than 10% achieve their New Year goals. Are you

    going to be amongst this group this New Year?

    (c) Copyright - Anthony Onabanjo. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

    Anthony Onabanjo is the director of Peak Coaching. He is an experienced performancecoach and trainer with a corporate IT management background. His areas of expertiseinclude individual, team and project performance. Anthony's extensive experience iscomplemented with a Project Management MBA and Performance Coaching Diplomaqualifications. He is a full member of the Association for Coaching (UK).

    Queries or comments on this article can be directed to: [email protected]

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    Why Do New Year's Resolutions Not Work?

    By Carol Redmond

    Happy New Year!

    So starts another new year for us all. So starts a new opportunity to improve ourselves,reinvent our lives and reach new heights of success in what we achieve over the comingmonths.


    So why are we not whooping it up all over the place and entering into our new goal-setting with gusto?

    It's cold, and we are in the depths of winter, that's why.

    As Northern Hemisphere mammals in January, we are more inclined to curl up andhibernate under our duvets than run around doing things.

    The short answer to why most, if not all, our well-intentioned New Year's resolutions failmiserably is that we are setting ourselves up for this failure by trying to achieve them atthe worst time of the year...Winter. The saying, 'shutting the stable door after the horsehas bolted' comes to mind....

    The Chinese have it right. They celebrate their New Year as a Spring Festival, whichoccurs sometime around the end of January or early February depending on the timing ofthe Winter Solstice and the first lunar month. This makes much more sense!

    When do we all feel we come alive again? January 1? are you having a laugh?!

    We all naturally feel better in ourselves when the spring sun starts to shine and the budson the trees and shrubs are starting to burst with life, when the spring bulbs start to pushup from the earth they were planted in back in the autumn. Snowdrops are the first signthat the earth is indeed coming to life again after the long cold winter, so why do we ashumans think we have a head start on Mother Nature?

    Once the Christmas trees have been sent off for recycling, we are bombarded by themedia with talk- radio, television daytime shows and magazines with hints, tips andencouragement to shed those Christmas-eating-excess kilos. We are invited to take upthat spin class we were thinking about to re-sculpt our bigger-than-last-year-body. We arequilted into setting goals to make us more successful, higher achievers than we were.

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    All admirable ideas, but do you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of actuallygetting out there and doing this?

    Probably not.

    Are you not sick of the condescending attitudes of these people telling you what to dowhen all you feel like doing is sleeping? You can just about get through your normal life,never mind trying to change it!


    It's not their fault. The people on these shows are just making programmers for uslisteners and viewers to tune into which is great, and they do encourage us. Take quittingsmoking, which is one of the most common New Year's resolutions that people make,and also probably one of the least successful, who's fault is it that we are unsuccessful inquitting? its OUR OWN FAULT.

    This seems like a very negative to say in a positive article but it illustrates the point thateverything we do to self-improve, everything we try to change for the better has to besupported by one thing. YOU HAVE TO WANT TO DO IT.

    This is why we self-sabotage, why we talk ourselves out of doing well and beingsuccessful because the plain truth is that in the early days of the New Year we want to doanything but make changes, we want to give into our mammalian instincts, we want to bewhat all humans are, natural procrastinators.

    So what about motivation? Well, I read somewhere that motivation comes AFTER

    action, not before. You have to have your IDEA of what you want to do, make a plan,start doing it and then you will be motivated to continue with the plan which leads to theoutcome of the actual achievement of the idea once action has been taken...otherwise itjust remains an idea. When you are cold, tired and hungry you are not in the best place tomotivate yourself into action, so being tucked up in bed might be the only thing you cando, but this is a good place to have ideas!

    So taking this evidence and applying some reverse psychology, why not wait awhile, whynot put the resolutions off for a few weeks. Build yourself up physically and rest whilecontinuing with your life as it is now. You are not wasting your time as your mind can beactive in thinking your ideas, dreaming your dreams and assessing your aspirations while

    reflecting on your past year and congratulating yourself on your past achievements.Allow yourself this hiatus, don't feel guilty. You are still that bulb planted in autumn, youneed time to grow before blossoming....

    Then when the spring arrives, when the house is beginning to look like it could do with agood clean now that the sun is picking out the dirt on your windows, when the days arestretching, then is a good time to sit down with yourself and work our what you want todo, because at this stage in the year which is only a few weeks after the actual calendar

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    date of January 1, you will be in a much better mood, you will WANT to succeed in whatyou set yourself to do and you will have much more than a snowball's chance in hell ofachieving it all!

    Springtime will give you the energy necessary to help you make your changes, you will

    be swimming with the current helping you, not trying to swim against the tide. Lifethrows us enough obstacles without making more for ourselves. Make it easier onyourself!

    Only then will you feel able to let the horse out of its stable, only then will you have astrong hold on it, while you close that door on the old year with the confidence andenthusiasm of an explorer setting out on a voyage of discovery!

    Go get those resolutions and show them who's boss! Happy New Spring!

    I am a Life & Business Coach and have gained knowledge of this subject through my

    training. I can be found on an exciting new website,

    What You Think & Speak Can Save Your Life, Or End It -Goal Setting 101 For 2009 & For Life

    By Darin Steen

    I am so excited for today & for 2009. I know that it is going to be our best year ever. AndI have some awesome ideas on how to keep myself and anyone & everyone reading this

    "Reach Your True Potential" newsletter on target.

    If you are not happy with your station in life thus far; find someone who you want to belike; and follow them and learn. You see; the stress we are carrying around seems at anall-time high. Every day there is a rich billionaire land mogul who walks out in a fieldand blows his head off.

    A good question to revisit whenever you are being overwhelmed; Am I having aBreakdown or Break Through? Stick with me this year and you will have moreBREAKTHROUGHS than Breakdowns.


    It looks like we are going towards another "Great Depression". Well I do not know if youknow it or not but while some guys were killing themselves because the thought they losteverything; but there were many millionaires that were made at the end of the greatdepression. You see; there were those who saw opportunity where others saw lack. Itseems to be a sublt difference, but it reaps huge returns when you can habitually see theglass as 1/2 full versus 1/2 empty.

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    One guy I follow; Tim Ferris (author of The Four Hour, Work Week) had one of the guyshe has followed (mentor) for 10 years e-mail him today;

    While many are wringing their hands, I recall the 1970s when we were suffering from anoil shock causing long lines at gas stations, rationing, and 55 MPH speed limits on

    Federal highways, a recession, very little venture capital ($50 million per year into VCfirms), and, what President Jimmy Carter (wearing a sweater while addressing the Nationon TV because he had turned down the heat in the White House) called a "malaise".

    It was during those times that two kids without any real college education, Bill Gates andSteve Jobs, started companies that did pretty well. Opportunities abound in bad times aswell as good times. In fact, the opportunities are often greater when the conventionalwisdom is that everything is going into the toilet.

    Well...we're nearing the end of another great year, and, despite what we read about theoutlook for 2009, we can look forward to a New Year filled with opportunities as well as


    I am in shock. I just found out that someone that I respected, looked up to, worked next toevery day for 8 years; and really liked committed suicide. He was an acquaintace / friend.Here is what I am taking out of it.

    Every day that we wake up; we have a decision to make. Are we going to have a goodattitude, a luke warm attitude, or a positive / great / excited attitude. ARE WE GONNASEE THE GLASS AS 1/2 FULL, OR HALF EMPTY?

    You see; our attitude is the only thing in this world that we have direct control over.Every thing else comes at us; FAST AND FURIOUS. We must be aware of where ourattitude is; and make adjustments when necessary. We need to build a support teamaround us.

    - Stand Guard over your mind, be careful who you hang around, what you read, what youlisten to, what you watch- Because the above will influence your thoughts; Garbage in, garbage out- Your thoughts will become words- Your words become actions- Your actions become habits- Your habits become character- Your character becomes your destiny

    Do not fall into the trap of listening to the news, to your neighbors, to co-workers at thecopy machine or the water cooler. Cause the message out in the world is doom andgloom. It hard times; it is lack, it is fear. Trust me, you will bring into your life that whatyou focus on.

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    I understand that we need to see it as it is. And you might say, "Yeah, Darin, it's easy foryou to have a positive attitude cause you are fit, positive, happily married, and have threesuccessful business's that are exploding in growth".

    "But I got layed off, money is tight, and I am not sleeping at night, I don't have the

    energy to work out, I am drinking/eating to dull the pain; and I am depressed."

    Trust me, I can totally relate. And there is an epidemic out there right now of millions ofpeople that are in the same shoes. I know that it may be hard to believe, but I have beenthere in the past.

    Many of my clients and or their spouses are entrepreneurs. I hear their story every day. Ibelieve that with the fast paced ness of today's information age, the keep up with theJones' mentality, and lack of physical movement, and the "doom and gloom" mindset thatthe media is shoving down our throat that this is the most challenging time in the historyof the world to be healthy, fit, energetic and happy.

    I absolutely know that 2009 is going to be the best year of my and my families lives. AndI'll bet that it will be the best years of my one on one clients lives. And if you stick withme, stay open minded, and build a support team up around you, it will be the best year ofyour life as well.

    Things that help me and my clients have a positive mindset (and they will help you aswell);

    1. Do not answer e-mails until after noon, do not go on the internet to check out the newsabout your industry, or any news. Do something for yourself. Exercise, deep breath, pray,

    meditate (think of nothing) I have many techniques in my book that work great.

    2. Te-evo your evening programs on tv (or watch less tv) and watch them some othertime and go to bed a 1/2 hour earlier than normal.

    3. Listen to motivational speakers; Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Tom Venuto, Joel O'Steen,etc. Load your i-pod up, use your lap top and force this stuff in your ear.

    4. Hire a coach, a trainer, etc. Be careful about friends or family. I am not saying a friendwill not work, I am simply saying that do not get someone who will let you cry on theirshoulder. You need someone that is going to be brutally honest with you.

    5. Stand up tall with great posture and say "I am going to have a great day today; I amgoing to have a great attitude today". There is power in the spoken word. Faith it untilyou make it. There where plenty of things that materialized in my life that I did not reallybelieve deep down in my core. But I faithed them out loud. Sometimes for years untilthey materialized. Do not give up on your dreams. You can still have it all; A fulfilled,energetic, happy fit life.

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    I do not care what age you are (I am 43), what condition you are, where your financesare; etc. Everyone knows that we are supposed to have a great attitude. But why don't we.If you could go to the Vitamin Store and purchase a "Have A Great Attitude" pill, wewould. But of course, it's never that easy.

    The best way to have a great attitude is to have a positive expectation of your outcome.Do you think your best days are in front of you, or are your best days behind you. I amhere to tell you that which ever one is your predominant thought is your reality.

    Cause if you know that your best days are behind you; YOU ARE TOAST! But if youcan have a little faith and start to train yourself to think, speak, and act like your best daysare in front of you; then it will be much easier to wake up every day with a killer, positiveattitude. In fact, you will begin to wake up excited with tons of real energy.

    I do not care how old you are and feel now. Anyone and everyone has the power tochange; on a dime; in a heart beat. But sometimes it helps when you feel and

    acknowledge the pain.

    You see; I absolutely know that everything that you and I need to be totally fulfilled inevery area of our life; Fitness, / Health, Money / Finances, & Relationships (God, Self,Family, Peers, and even Strangers) is right around us.

    If we are not living our dream life; It's not for a lack of re-sources, It's for a lack of re-source fullness. So the tools that I have in store for you in 09 are powerful.

    Each and every one of us has the ability to open up your eyes, to see and use what isreadily available to you. "Just because we do not see something at any one point in time;

    does not mean that it is not there."


    So, now the choice is up to you; are you going to have a great 2009, or are you going tokeep doin what you've been doin. Just remember, pain is not really bad. It is telling ussomething. Look at the pain for what it is; a signal. It's a great thing to get a warning. Sonow you can do something about it. It is not nearly as difficult as you may think.

    I love you and believe in you all,

    Your Healthy, LifeStyle Coach,

    Darin Steen (aka "The Chicago Kid")

    Darin Steen, the "Trainers Trainer" is America's Top Fat loss, Healthy Lifestyle Coach. Abest selling Author, drug-free for life professional Bodybuilder, Personal trainer,

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    Motivational Speaker, and family man, he is an expert on fat loss, fitness, gainingmuscle, and aging gracefully. His goal in life is to help 2 million people realize a higherquality life through making healthier FATLOSS LIFESTYLE choices by leading byexample.

    Learn cutting edge fat loss / fitness strategies & get your free "Fat loss 12 Week E-course" OPERATION BURN FAT FAST at

    To learn how & why you should perform "Interval Cardiovascular" exercise to not onlylose fat faster, but to build a strong heart & lunges go to

    Media Requests: Darin Steen is a dynamic, high energy television and radio guestavailable for interviews and corporate speaking engagements.

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    Questions to Ask When Goal Setting

    By Shirley Lee

    Goal setting is a worthwhile business process if done correctly. To develop the best goals,leaders need to work with their teams to agree upon goals that are achievable andchallenging. Asking questions during the goal setting process can result in better goals.Consider the following questions during the goal setting process.

    At the start of goal setting, ask:

    What needs to done right now? What is the most important thing to do now? What is the objective or challenge that needs to be reached? What accomplishment needs to be met ultimately? What will positively impact business, career, job, task, and so forth? What results need to be visible at the end of this goal period? Why are these results important and what are the benefits? Why does this need to be done and will it get done? Why is this important right now or in the next few months? Why invest time and energy into this goal? Why doe the situation require this particular goal at this time? Why would this goal relate to purpose, vision, or organizational values?

    To establish and plan goals, ask:

    Where will the goal and accomplishment of goal take place? Where does the company, department, or team need to be in the near future?

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    When should this future be realized and what are the requirements and deadlines? When will the goal be realized and how will progress be measured? What actions need to be taken and detailed tasks done to achieve a successful

    goal? What is the plan for how often goals should be reviewed against measurement

    criteria? Who needs to be involved in this goal process in order to accomplish it

    successfully? Who possesses the skills and talent necessary to meet the goal or do we need to


    If the preceding questions are used in the goal setting process, better results will beachieved. Always consider asking multiple questions to make goal setting and otherteamwork processes more worthwhile for the business. When a good goal-setting processis used and agreed upon by leaders and their team members, it will result in goals that areboth achievable and challenging.

    Shirley Fine Lee, author of "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach", has worked as atraining and development specialist since 1986, and an independent consultant since2000. She has extensive experience, helping organizations with their team building,training development, meeting facilitation, presentation delivery, and othercommunication needs. This work involves developing productivity tools, presentingworkshops, and writing. For instance, she has authored numerous training manuals andguides, on a wide variety of topics. Her programs include time management, gettingorganized, problem solving, and team building. Sign up for Shirley's free productivitynewsletter on her website or visit her leadership blog. Find out more about her andoptions she provides on her website at

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    Goals, Failure and Personal Development

    By Michael McGrath

    Anyone who knows me will tell you that I continually tell people to set goals. I havepersonally seen the power of goal-setting in my own life and the lives of others.

    However, for many people this is not the case.

    There are individuals out there that are hindered by their goals and, in fact, are pushingsuccess further away from themselves because of them. Why? Let me explain.

    Although goal-setting has been proven to help launch you towards the success you desiremany people fail to reach their goals and therefore they become a block to their futuresuccess. This is because we tend to set up beliefs based on prior experience. Reaching

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    goals sets up a mental belief that you can reach goals. If you have reached some goalspreviously then you will have strong, positive beliefs about your ability to do it again. If,on the other hand, you have tried and failed numerous times to reach goals you probablyhave a very negative view about goal-setting. This view, or belief, will seriously damageany future attempt to reach your desires.

    For this reason I believe most of your major goals should be of a personal developmentnature. By striving to better yourself and your understanding of how your mind worksyou will eliminate many of the causes for goal-failure!

    The most common reason for failing to reach your goals lies in over-confidence. Settingobjectives that are too high or too far from where you are now, without having a proper,reasonable and realistic plan to reach them is like trying to fish in the Sahara.

    Goals need to be reasonable. There is nothing you cannot accomplish but in order to getto a place, within yourself, where you are capable of achieving big goals you must set

    some foundations!

    You set the necessary solid foundations for achieving your goals by becoming a personcapable of achieving them! This means developing the skills and knowledge you need toattain your desire. An example of this would be setting a goal to be CEO of a company in2 years when you don't even work for them! Setting a goal to become a millionaire in 2years when you currently have no job is equally as unrealistic!

    You should start with stepping-stone goals. They should be easy enough to achieve butshould require some work on your part. At the same time you should set personaldevelopment goals that help you improve as a person. For example, you should set a

    personal development goal to find and eliminate all the negative beliefs you hold aboutachieving your objectives.

    Harbouring negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions that impinge upon your goals isalways a major reason for failing to achieve your objectives. Goal-setting and personaldevelopment should always go hand-in-hand!

    By developing a strong character and belief in yourself, your abilities and yourdeservedness to reach your goals is a strong defense against doubt, fear, the desire togive-up and failure!

    A great personal development way to reach your goals is visualization. Most people failto understand the awesome power and effectiveness of this very easy to use technique.However, YOU should not overlook its effectiveness. In your mind's eye imagine what itwill be like when you have already achieved your goal. Muster up all the positive feelingsthat you will experience when this mental movie is reality. Step into that image in yourhead and feel it as though it were reality now. Through simple visualization tactics youcan ensure you stay motivated in your goal-achieving activities. You will have seen, felt

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    and experienced the very thing you are working towards and you will also increase youbelief in the possibility of attaining it!

    Use goals in this way and you will be assured of success while at the same time betteringyourself in every area through personal development.

    If you wish to know more about personal development and how it can dramaticallychange your life visit Self Improvement. You can also read free reviews of personaldevelopment products, from self improvement courses to hypnosis, visit PersonalDevelopment.

    Article Source:

    Is This the Secret to Success?

    By David Dutch

    I want to discuss a key that is vital in your quest to achieve you life goals. Ask anysuccessful person what was it that enabled them to reach goals that to the ordinary personappeared beyond comprehension, they will tell you they took action. If you do not takeaction on a goal or a dream it will eventually die.

    Being decisive and taking action fortunately is a skill that can be learned. Successfulpeople do the opposite to unsuccessful people in as much as they make decisions quicklyand change them slowly, if at all, unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change

    them quickly.

    Unsuccessful people want everything in place BEFORE embarking on a goal achievingjourney; they continually ask 'What If Something Happens?' Successful people ask 'Whatif it doesn't happen?'

    Top achievers do not wait until every 'I' is dotted and every 't' is crossed before theydecide to take a course of action. Once they feel they have enough information to make adecision that is just what they do, they then use the time on their journey to modify plans,take different directions, even stop and re-consider. But they took the initial action to getgoing, un-achievers procrastinate and are subject to inertia.

    It was Dr Martin Luther King who said, 'Take the first step; You do not need to see thewhole staircase before you, just take the first step in faith.' You see there is no shame infailure. To successful people failure is only finding out that what they were doing neededmodifying, they learn from the experience.

    I have experienced both situations, although I have always been known as a person whomakes decisions quickly, embarking on some activities that were doomed to a lack of

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    success. But each time I did not succeed another lesson was learned what I was doingwas not the correct way to reach the goal I wanted. Time for analysis and modification -so what at least I was going toward my goal not sitting hoping something would happen.

    There were times in the past however when I used to blame anything around me, people,

    events situations for my lack of success, I always had an excuse. You know what is thewonderful thing about our minds? We cannot tell ourselves lies. Think about it, whenyou are looking to blame someone else for you lack of success isn't that an outside thing,don't you just know deep inside yourself that the responsibility really lies at you owndoor.

    Remember when you point a finger there are always three fingers pointing back. Thereare three types of people in the world as far as I am concerned.

    Those that make things happen; Those that sit back and watch what is happening andfinally those that say 'Uh! What happened?' To which group do you belong?

    Fortunately for me I learned to take responsibility for my own actions, and everythingthat is in my life NOW is a direct result of ME bringing it into my life, no one else - ME!

    There again it is amazing how little effort you need to exert to start off making thingshappen in your life. As you start toward your goal you attract more and more energy thatdrives you toward success. Getting into action helps you maintain action; it's the simplelaw of physics, once a body is moving it is easier and easier to keep it moving.

    I can only use the analogy of driving a car, at first as you press the accelerator you moveslowly but the law of physics takes over and the car moves easier and easier with less

    pressure on the accelerator (Gas pedal for our American colleagues).

    Look at your goals you have written down. Just take one of them and decide to takeaction on it NOW! Ignore the fact that you haven't planned out the finest detail, ignorethe number of times your negative self tells you it cannot happen Just DO IT! Choose areward you will give yourself when the goal is achieved; no matter if it is just a goal toclear the garden of weeds, take action and you will quickly learn that the only way toachieve a goal is to take action in the first place.

    Do not hesitate as Martin Luther King Jnr said "Take the first step in faith."

    Are YOU tired of watching other people succeed when you find it difficult? - After 20years of helping people succeed David Dutch has written a guide that guarantees you cansaviour success within 30 days.Your First Step To Financial Freedom His Free report filled with hints; tips, ideas andsecrets to successful goal achievement is on on the same link.

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    Goal Setting - 4 Simple Steps to Set Your 2009 Intentions

    By Christine M. Kloser

    At the beginning of the year, you may find yourself stuck between celebrating the success

    of last year, planning for the New Year and perhaps overwhelmed by everything youhave on your full plate. You're not alone. Most conscious entrepreneurs go through thistype of celebration, anticipation and yes, sometimes even overwhelm. That being said,the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take some time to get laser-focused onwhat you want to experience and manifest this year.

    For the past 6 years, my husband and I have always spent New Year's Day clarifying andwriting our intentions for the New Year. This ritual is a highlight of the year and one thatcontinues to catapult growth on all levels, and help me fully prepare for the year...mentally, emotionally, practically and spiritually.

    You've probably heard that the most powerful thing you can do to manifest your goals isto write them down! There is something about putting your goals in writing that begins toalign the Universe to help you realize them (or something better).

    The following four step process is one of my personal New Year strategies. I hope you'llprint this out and get started with your intentions today!

    Step 1: Complete

    The first step to setting clear intentions for the New Year is to feel complete with theevents and experiences of the last year. To do this, simply reflect on the past year...

    beginning back in January. In your mind, run through the year noting theaccomplishments, challenges, successes, growth, opportunities and gifts that youexperienced. Once you've taken time to reflect on the past year, allow yourself to releaseanything that you may be hanging on to. Take several deep relaxing breaths as youenvision completing the year and become fully present to this moment and all thepotential that lies ahead for this year.

    Step 2: Celebrate

    Next, take out a pen and paper and write a list of everything you have to celebrate fromthe past year. Focus on all areas of your life, including spiritual (connection to God,

    meditation, spiritual practice, spiritual community, trust in Divine plan, etc.), personal(health, relationships, fulfillment, family, friends, community, love, etc.), financial(overall financial health, income, debt reduction, investments, money management, etc.),business (new strategies, marketing programs, joint ventures, products and services,client successes, gross income, profitability, support, etc.). Take time to complete yourlist thoroughly and review it to fully embrace your success and evolution this past year.

    Step 3: Focus

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    Once you finish completing and celebrating, now become focused on all that you want tomanifest this year. Simply create the picture of this coming year in your mind's eye,getting a clear vision of what you intend to manifest and experience (don't write anythingdown, yet... just envision it in your mind and feel it in your heart). Again, as you did inStep 2 "Celebrate", be sure to include the areas of spiritual, personal, financial and


    Step 4: Commit

    The last step is to commit your intentions for the year by putting them in writing. This isthe most powerful step of the journey; it's the beginning of taking the vision in your mindand bringing it into reality. There are two different methods I recommend for writingdown your intentions for the year, choose the one that feels like the right fit for you: 1)write a description of your year from the standpoint of January 1, 2010 including all thedetails of what has transpired during this year... be grateful in advance! 2) Write a bulletpoint-list of your intentions for the year in each of these 4 areas (spiritual, personal,

    financial and business). You can write your list on index cards putting one area of yourlife on a different card.

    Once you complete this four step process, there is one last BONUS step to include withall of your writings. And, that is to write "this or something better" at the bottom of thepaper. Because, as expansive as your intentions and vision for this year are, God/TheUniverse sees so much more for you. There are gifts waiting for you that you cannotbegin to imagine. So, enjoy being clear and energized about this incredible year knowingthat you also leave space for miracles to occur.

    Copyright (c) 2009 Christine Kloser

    Christine Kloser, author of The Freedom Formula, helps small businesses put soul intheir business and money in the bank. If you want to enjoy a purpose-driven business anda soulful life, send for my free Conscious Business Success Kit, which includes myreport, How to Avoid the 3 Massive Mistakes Made by Conscious Entrepreneurs andaudio, 7 Strategies Entrepreneurial Authors Need to Know Before Writing a Word,

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    Career Goals - Ways to Set Goals For a Career Change

    By Paul Sarwanawadya

    Even though we would all love to find that perfect career right out of school, the odds ofthat happening are slim to none. Since that is the case you should never beat yourself

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    over wanting to make a change in careers at this point in your life. You will never betruly successful until you are doing something that makes you happy.

    Whether you have been looking for a new career for the past year or you have just begunto think about a change, it is important to make sure that you are taking some very simple

    steps which will help you get closer to your ultimate career goals. You will want to makea workable career plan for yourself that would eventually bring yourself to the career thatyou want.

    Changing your career may not be as easy as just waking up one morning and turning inyour resignation. There must be a lot of planning in terms of finances, especially if youhave a family to take care of or large bills such as a mortgage to pay. Even with the bestcase scenario where you find a job right away, you could be looking at a delay in yourfirst pay and it may take a while to get everything adjusted.

    This means that your first objective should be to save some money in order to make sure

    your career transition goes smoothly when it does happen. While working on that youneed to set more goals such as getting your resume polished up and buying yourself a fewnew outfits for those interviews you will be going on. Setting a certain number ofresumes that you are going to send out on a daily or weekly basis is also important.

    While some of these things may seem a little obvious, it is essential that you have smallergoals that eventually lead to your obtaining the desired result from your main targetwhich is to find another career path. If you just stuck with that one large goal you couldeasily find yourself frustrated and scared. Feelings of frustration and fear means that youare not going to be making the most of your time in order to get to the end result youwant.

    Setting smaller and more attainable goals as you move along is the best way to buildconfidence within yourself. The more confidence you gain along the way the betterprepared you will be to face the interview process. If you just have the one largeobjective and take a long time to get to it you may feel as though you are failing.

    So you have to realize what your new career goal is and then take all of the little stepsneeded to get there. One step at a time and you will finally get your dream career. Andthen when you can finally take a look back you will be able to see what all of the workwas and how much it paid off for you.

    Read on to get more tips about setting career goals, plus you can also learn about ways tomake a midlife career change.

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    How to Start the Year! - Goals to Create Success

    By Stacey Chadwell

    It is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the past year. Was it what you had

    planned at the start of it? Did you reach the goals you set for yourself last January 1st. Ifso, Congratulations! What caused you to be successful? Ready to make new resolutionsto overcome this year?

    If you did not reach your goals, why not? What sidetracked you? Was it one of the bigfour of Fear, Focus, Life, or Lack of a Plan? What do you need to do differently in 2009to make this the Best Year Ever for you? What changes would you like to see for yourselfthis year?

    Like many things, deciding what you want and putting it into action can beuncomfortable. Think of this as a present that you are giving yourself. What would you

    like to give yourself this year? What do you deserve? Do you want something better or doyou want more of the same? All it takes is a little planning, action, and sustaining it untilit becomes your habit.

    If you want change, but need help with support or working toward your goals, then youhave several options. Find a friend who will support your endeavors. Someone who willbe honest with you when you are not doing what it takes to get you where you want to go.Someone you value and will listen to.

    If you feel like you would respect the voice of someone who knows, understands, andhelps others reach their goals, then hire a coach to help you attain yours. People use

    coaches to become the best in sports, careers, and just about every aspect of their lives.Why not you?

    Most people need support to change their lives. Think of the last time you addedsomething new to your schedule. You probably needed some form of support toremember it. Whether you used a calendar, notepad, or other form of reminder, you usedit until you were confident that you would do what you needed to do on automatic pilot.We all start out something new consciously incompetent move to consciously competent,to unconsciously competent. It is only when we are unconsciously competent that we areon automatic pilot again.

    However you decide to go after your goals, I wish you much success in this New Year!May the rewards of your endeavors be ten fold what you expect.

    And now I would like to invite you to join Stacey Chadwell International to learn Tipsand ideas about creating success in your life.

    Also follow me on Twitter, just clickHere

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    From Stacey Chadwell - Goals to Create Success

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    What Does Neuroscience Have to Teach Us About

    Attaining Our Goals?

    By Lisa Erickson

    At this time of year, when so many of us are setting new goals for ourselves, it is worthtaking a look at what the latest scientific knowledge has to teach us about the process ofpersonal change. One of the most interesting areas of research in recent years involvesneuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to restructure itself in response to stimuli andeven thoughts. Neuroplasticity in its most obvious form is easily seen in the brains ofindividuals with unusual physical abilities or apparent disabilities. For example, the areaof the brain associated with the processing of fast visual stimuli is exceptionally well-

    developed in professional baseball players, who must track pitches at 90 miles an hour ormore. The area of the brain associated with processing physical sensation through touchis much more developed in blind individuals, due to their reading of braille.

    For the rest of us, knowledge of neuroplasticity offers powerful information about howwe can change, or rather how we can set goals for ourselves to change certain habits orbehaviors. Here are some recommendations for making your goals stick, based on thisresearch:

    1) Prioritize and pick one (yes, one) thing about yourself or your life that you wouldreally like to change. Make a commitment to focus exclusively on this goal for 6-8

    weeks. This is the amount of time research indicates it takes for most of us to develop anew habit. In other words, this is the amount of time required to begin to create changesin our brain - the kind of change that will enable permanent transformation. You canmove on to other items on your list later in the year.

    2) Now, think about what underlying mental or emotional patterns contribute to yourcurrent state related to this resolution. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, whatemotional or mental triggers cause you to overeat or skip exercising? If you are trying tobe less impatient with your children, contemplate what specific situations and factorscause you to lose it? The idea here is to pinpoint the existing thoughts (and by extensionneural patterns) that currently reinforce the behavior you are trying to change.

    3) Next, develop specific affirmations or practices that counteract these triggers, andmake sure they are in positive, rather than negative, language. For example, if you realizethat you tend to overeat whenever you feel criticized at work, focus on statements relatedto building your self-esteem, such as 'I am competent and confidant in what I do.' If youalways lose your patience when your children create a mess, say 'I am flexible and calmin the face of chaos.' While this might seem hokey, the insight of the latest neuroplasticityresearch is that we can create new neural patterns in our brains through the thoughts we

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    think. So focus on creating and enforcing thoughts that support your resolution - over andover (it is all about practice.)

    4) Next, focus on strategy and routine. Develop a very specific step-by-step plan for howyou will accomplish or 'practice' your goal. If you want to lose weight, what diet are you

    planning to follow? What will your exact menu be for each of the six weeks? When,where, and with whom will you eat? When will you purchase the foods you need? If youare trying to develop your patience in the face of chaos, create test situations for yourselfeach day - for example, buy your kids a ton of art supplies and sit down with them tomake an art project (guaranteed to create a mess), and practice (again that word) adifferent response.

    5) Think in the long-term. Remember that you are trying to change your brain, and thattakes time (at least 6 weeks.) You will undoubtedly fail along the way, as your existingthought patterns surface. No matter, just plug along with your plan on all fronts. Just likepracticing batting in baseball (or any other kind of traditional practice) the number of

    times you fail is not that relevant, it is the number of times you succeed that begins tocreate new neural patterns. So focus on maximizing your successes, and don't get caughtup in counting your mistakes.

    What's More Powerful Than a Goal?

    By Bryan Appleton

    Setting goals can be a powerful thing. The more goals that you can set and achieve in

    your life, the more you can feel like your life is a success story. There is a lot to be saidabout a person who can consciously create a goal and then get out and get started onachieving that very goal. So, what is more powerful than setting goals?


    Once you have set a goal, you must get out there and begin to do whatever that you haveto in order to achieve that goal. Goals that go without being realized are just dreams andwishes. When you begin to take action to bring that goal into your reality, that is wherethe real power is.

    Making yourself get out of your comfort zone so that you can make your dreams cometrue is a true mark of a successful person. People we tend to consider to be successful failat achieving some of their goals from time to time. But, the fact that they continually getout of this comfort zone and keep trying is what brings them closer to what they reallywant.

    You do not have to spend your entire life waiting for things to change or wishing forcertain things to happen. You can take action, and get out there and make them happen.

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    This is where the true power is and this is what will determine if your life will

    ultimately be a success story or not.

    Learn how to attract love, money, or happiness or all three in YOUR LIFE NOW! Go to and SIGN up for the FREE newsletter and

    BOOKMARK the site and return as often as you can!

    You can attract the life that you truly desire! All you have to do is learn HOW!

    Bryan Appleton is an investor/entrepreneuer who has dedicated himself to teachingothers how to achieve their dream life. He is also a proud single father with one son.

    You can publish this article as long as you leave it intact and in full as well as keeping theurl link clickable.

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    The Top Ten New Years Resolutions For 2009 - Trying toImprove

    By Richard McDuff

    Every year it seems to be the same 10 top resolutions. Why? Because they are just sohard to keep! The only two resolutions listed below that I was able to keep were the quitsmoking and get more exercise. I hope that you have better luck than I did. My listincludes many of the items listed below, but this article is not about Richard's New Years

    Resolutions, but the top 10 Resolutions. Here is the list:

    1. Get Out of Debt

    This is going to be a hard one to keep, with the economy going the way it is going.People are using their credit cards for basic purchases, like gas, food, etc. With the fear oflosing their jobs or even their homes. This will be the number one fear of manyAmericans.

    2. Stop smoking

    This one should be fairly easy to keep. With governments taxing customers, and thelegislation that makes smokers feel so uncomfortable, it should be the one anybody cankeep.

    3. Get Fit

    This is an excellent habit to get into. Once you start it, you will want to continue until youcan not.

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    4. Lose Weight

    It is amazing how many overweight people there are in America. I was a physically fitperson until I moved to the North East. Than I ballooned up to 286 lbs and had highblood pressure. It has been a long battle, but the weight is coming down.

    5. Enjoy Life More

    The key here is to find something you love, and do it until you are an expert. You canthan teach other people what to do and hopefully start a business doing what you love.With a good grounding in marketing you can always find customers.

    6. Quit Drinking

    If drinking is a problem for you than you should seek medical advice and attention.Alcholol is an addictive drug, and you will need some serious attention.

    7. Get Organized

    With the help of a PDA (many cell phones now have these), getting organized is so muchsimpler. In the old days we had to use index cards and brick tablets. These PDAs helpwith the mundane stuff, in order that you can get on with the serious things in live. .

    8.. Learn Something New

    If you love to learn this is so exciting. Why should the young be the only ones to learn?In the past year or so, I have taken up art. I love it, it is so relaxing.

    9. Spend more time with the Family

    This is where you have to think of quality time, and how you should spend it with yourfamily. What can you and your family do together. Hold a little family council, and seewhat they like to do together.

    10. Help Others

    This can be an rewarding endeavor. It does necessarily mean doing things for the lowincome and the needy. It also can mean helping young kids learn a sport, or recreational

    activity, etc.

    So, that is the Top Ten New Years Resolutions. Write them down and see how successfulyou are at keeping them. I hope that you have more success than I do.

    Richard McDuff has been selling on the internet for 7 years. He has a blog at and you can find other more about the top ten

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    - How would you know where exactly you stand in terms of achieving your goals if youdo not keep track of your successes and yes, your failures too. Make a schedule and keeprecording your progress compared to this schedule. Keep a journal and record what youmanaged, what you missed, why you missed and what you are going to do about it. Feelfree to write any other thoughts that you are having related to that goal, feedback that you

    have received or just some encouraging words to yourself.

    - Engage with people who are on a similar course and understand how they are goingabout achieving their goals. See if they are facing the same problems as you are and whatthey are doing to overcome them. If you can speak to people you can relate to or aresympathetic to you, you will be able to find tons of advice, support and encouragement.You will also find different perspectives, which make even the biggest of problems seemmanageable.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guideto article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

    Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets ofList Building

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and14 published ebooks.

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    3 Goal Setting Activities Tips That You Cannot MissBy Shawn Lim

    Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to have your vacation in Hawaii and stillearn a nice income from your business? Do you want to drive your dream car and live inluxury bungalow you always dreamed of? Well, you can achieve all of your dreams ifyou know how to set empowering goals.

    Many people underestimate the power of goal setting. They know what they want to

    achieve in their life, but they did not take the necessary action and steps to make theirgoals come true. Today, I'm going to share with you the 3 goal setting activities tips thatyou cannot miss. And if you follow through these tips, I'm sure you are able to achieveyour goals...

    1. Visualize your goals have come true every night before you sleep. Visualization is oneof the most powerful tools that you can use to achieve the things that you want in yourlife. By doing so, you are telling your subconscious mind about what you really want in

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    your life and your conscious mind will find a way to achieve it. Besides that, positivevisualization is going to motivate you and drive you into action.

    2. Take some action steps that will move you closer toward your goals each andeveryday. For example, if your goal is to make $1 million from the stock market, the

    action steps that you can take are like reading financial report, doing market research,read and learn more about trading and so on. Take a few action steps everyday, don'tdelay and don't procrastinate. If you do this consistently, achieving your goals will be asure thing.

    3. Apply the reward and punish system into your goal setting activities. When you getsomething done, reward yourself. For instance, if you need to read a financial reporttoday and you get it done in time; reward yourself by relaxing and watching a movie. Onthe other hand, if you delay or procrastinate, punish yourself by sleeping late in order toget done of what you suppose to do.

    These are the 3 goal setting tips that if you follow through, you will be able to achieveyour goals, guaranteed. Most people fail to achieve their goals simply because they arenot taking enough action, so take the first step to make your goals come true now.Remember, action produces results.

    If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the righttool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases ofGoal Setting Activities, you areabout to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals.

    For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit:

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    Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never FailBy Shawn Lim

    Goal setting is an easy process; all you have to do is to write down what you want toachieve in a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. Although that thisis an easy process, you will be amazed how many people are actually doing this. The lack

    of commitment to follow through is one of the common reasons people fail to achievetheir goals.

    Another big common reason is that most people never do what they suppose to do afterthey have set their goal. You should know that it is what you do after you have set yourgoal that will bring you to your success. If you are not doing anything after you have setyour goals, nothing is going to happen.

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    Below are the 3 successful goal setting strategies that you must do them right after youhave set your goals. If you follow through, you will guarantee to achieve your goals...

    1. Affirm your goals every night and visualize about the achievement of your goals. Youneed to sink the idea into your subconscious mind and at the same time, motivate yourself

    to achieve it. By doing so, you are constantly motivating yourself into taking more action.Remember, it is the action that you take that will make your goal come true.

    2. Take at least 3 actions that will bring you toward your goal everyday. For example, ifyour goal is to become a real-estate millionaire, the actions that you can take are likedoing market research, looking for deals, read to improve, making calls to prospects andmany more. Goal setting is not a magic wand; you will never achieve your goal if you arenot doing anything.

    3. Make a public commitment by telling everyone about your goal. If you do so, you willleave yourself no alternative but to achieve your goal. Some of your friends may laugh at

    you if you tell them that you are going to be a real-estate millionaire, but so what? Turntheir negative force into positive motivation that propels you into taking action.

    By following through these 3 successful goal setting strategies that never fail, I believethat you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember, success is about getting thingsdone.

    If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the righttool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases ofGoal Setting Activities, you areabout to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals.

    For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit:

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    A Simple Way to Start Living Your New Career Today -Quotes and Coaching Questions to Motivate You

    By Leanna Fredrich


    "Nothing changes until you do." Unknown

    "Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful."Malcolm S. Forbes

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    "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where yourthoughts take you." James Allen

    You know what career you are interested in. Perhaps you have a business idea that lightsyou up or a book begging to be written or maybe an adventurous trip you are longing to

    embark on. Whatever dream you are holding onto, begin today to step into the identityand belief that you are ready and GOING to reach this goal. Often the most powerfulway to begin is to act and dress as if you have already reached your goal.

    For example if you wish to create a best selling novel and spend your days engrossed inwriting then get up a little earlier or stay up later and devote your time to writing. Put onthe cozy robe you plan on wearing as an author. Wear those fuzzy slippers and grab yourfavorite cup of tea. BE an author for a space of time each day! It is not important if youwrite a lot or little. What IS important is that you are stepping into the identity whichwill help you reach your goal. As you put on your "author outfit " and spend time writingyour book you are giving messages to the subconscious mind and letting it know that this

    is who I am. I am an author! Your subconscious which is very accommodating willbegin to support you in your goal and help you see opportunities to get there faster. Notto mention that it will help you stay motivated on those cold, dark winter mornings.

    Another way to begin living your goal is to find other people who have already donewhat you want to. Join the groups and associations they belong to. Go to the meetingsand mingle with people you aspire to be like. We are social creatures and by spendingtime with others who have done what we want to do it is motivating and educational.Soon it will be easy to believe that "I can do that too!"

    Here are some Coaching Questions to get you started today...

    1. When you reach your goal how will you be dressing? Start dressing that way as muchas possible now!

    2. What associations or networking groups will you be in when you reach your goal?Join them now.

    3. Who could you talk with who has already reached your goal? Ask them how they didit.

    4. Will you talk any different after you have reached your goal? Have those

    conversations now.

    Leanna Fredrich helps people discover their passion and build a business or career aroundit. She specializes in helping people get "unstuck" quickly and easily so they can createtheir dreams. Are you ready to enjoy a career you love? Get the FREE report "The TopTen Secrets to Discover Your Passion-filled Work." For your free report go to

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word - Dreams Goals and Achievement


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