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Microgrids and Nanogrids Dr. Alessandro Burgio Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria, Italy Conferenza del 05 dicembre 2016 - Università della Calabria

Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

May 29, 2020



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Page 1: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Microgrids and NanogridsDr. Alessandro Burgio

Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria, Italy

Conferenza del 05 dicembre 2016 - Università della Calabria

Page 2: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

From dumb to smart … grids.In generale, un sistema dumb diventa smart quando sensori, dispositivi dicomunicazione, apparati intelligenti di controllo anche decentralizzato, sistemi disupporti alle decisioni concorrono per la gestione coordinata ed ottimizzata dellostesso sistema. Nel caso delle reti elettriche, un sistema elettrico non intelligente(dumb grid) diventa intelligente (smart grid) quando, senza compromessi sul livello diaffidabilità e sicurezza, si innova così da accompagnare ciascuno di noi lungo la stradadello sviluppo globale e sostenibile.

Page 3: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

From smart grids & smart cities to...

… a smart world. What comes first?

Page 4: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Three come first!

Smart grids Smart Cities Smart worldDemand Response



“Today’s killer app for Smart Grid” e “The key for engaging consumers in the SmartGrid”, queste sono due definizioni recenti di Demand Response (DR).

Definizioni più attraenti di quella convenzionale; tecnicamente, DR èun programma di azioni, finalizzate a cambiare le abitudini deiconsumatori nel consumare l’energia. Il motivo per cui perseguire talecambiamento di abitudini è l’ottenimento di molteplici benefici: theincreasing of power system flexibility and penetration of renewables,the deploying of distributed generation and storage, the improving ofthe reliability of the transmission network, the reduction oftransmission and distribution network congestions and peak load.

Page 5: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Three come first!

Smart grids Smart Cities Smart worldDemand Response



The MG concept as a means to integrate distributed generation. MG comprendesistemi di distribuzione MT con risorse energetiche distribuite (microturbines, fuelcells, PV, etc.) unitamente a sistemi di accumulo (flywheels, energy capacitors andbatteries) e carichi elettrici flessibili. Possono operare in isola o connesse alla rete AT.

Microgrid is an integration platform for supply-side(microgeneration), storage units and demandresources (controllable loads) located in a localdistribution grid. The difference between amicrogrid and a passive grid penetrated by microsources lies mainly in terms of management andcoordination of available resources.

Page 6: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Three come first!

Smart grids Smart Cities Smart worldDemand Response



Nanogrids are small microgrids which typically serves a single building or a singlehome. The nanogrid interconnects generation units and plants (PV, micro-CHP Stirling-engine, gas micro-turbines, fuel cells, etc.) and electric storage systems. In dc NG,micro-sources, storage systems and loads are connected to a common dc bus throughappropriate power converters.

A bidirectional power converterregulates the power flow betweenthe nanogrid and the grid. It allowsthe nanogrid to operate as a singlesystem, providing ancillary servicesto the grid. IEC 61850-720communication is available.

Page 7: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

DR program, microgrids, nanogrids: un percorso che un consumatore non puòpercorrere autonomamente; piuttosto, questo è un impegno collettivo, i consumatorisono membri di una comunità energeticamente integrata e coordinata da un soggettointermediario.

Power Cloud framework

Page 8: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Power Cloud as a model

Power Cloud is a management and business model applicable to the IntegratedCommunity Energy Systems (ICESs) that is locally and collectively organized energysystems. Power Cloud is a feasible solution for put in practice the concept of sustainableenergy communities, community energy systems, micro-grids community, and peer-to-peer energy.

Page 9: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Power Cloud for social developmentA PV system on the rooftop is an easy and cost-effective way to independently fulfil a part of own electricitydemand, reduce the electric bill, generate savings, contribute to the exploitation of renewable energysources, and contribute to the environmental preservation by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. Such anopportunity is evidently reserved to those users which have ample space for installing a PV system; on thecontrary, it is denied to those users which, as an example, live in apartment building.

Local demandRemote demand

Local demandRemote demand

Page 10: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Power Cloud for social development

Citizens may produce energy and participate in the electricity market, selling energy to theformers. The electricity market is accessible to all citizens that become real marketoperators in aggregate form. Such a transformation would have an immediate economicreturn, relying on price margins that exist between the wholesale and retail prices.

Citizens in urban area and those in ruralarea are joined in a process of socialdevelopment where exploiting RESsand self-consumption are two mainpillars.

Citizens in rural area, which have largearea, oversize their PV plants so togenerate electricity for those living inthe downtown and which cannotinstall a PV plant on rooftop.

Page 11: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

A prototype in LASEER labA 3.3kW prototype of a 3-phases nanogrid has been designed and built in thelaboratory of Electric Power Systems and Renewable Energy Sources (LASEER).

The prototype to implements the innovative business/management model of PowerCloud. The prototype is able to move the user from “Consumer” to “Prosumer”, from“business as usual” to “power cloud”. For the real time control, the prototype adoptsthe dc bus signalling (DBS) control strategy. The DBS control strategy has beenimplemented in a prioritized fashion so to maximize the use of renewables and tomaximize self-consumption.

Page 12: Microgrids and Nanogrids - Alessandro Burgio · Smart grids Smart Cities Smart world Demand Response Microgrids Nanogrids NANOGRIDS COME FIRST. Nanogrids are small microgrids which

Thank you for your attention

Daniele Menniti and G. Barone, G. Belli, G. Brusco, A. Burgio, F. Certo, L. Mendicino, M. Mercuri, M. Motta, A. Pinnarelli, L.

Scarcello, N. Sorrentino, P. Vizza.

Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG)University of Calabria Via Bucci 42C, Arcavacata di Rende - CS, Italy