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Understanding Micro Elements In Film Openings By Alessia Carofalo
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Page 1: Micro elements powerpoint (2)

Understanding Micro Elements In Film Openings

By Alessia Carofalo

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Micro features include mise en scene, cinematography, editing, sound and performance. Micro features are used to create meaning in film openings. In addition they are what producers use to tell their story to the audience.

All the camera shots are from the opening sequence of dead silence. I have looked at each one and analysed them to find out the meaning of each individual camera shot to find out the meaning they produce when use in the opening sequence of dead silence.

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The props shown in this camera shot; used to dress the set are used to create as much meaning to the audience like a character would. In a horror film we expect

to see a weapon of murder or one that’s used for torture. In this camera shot tools and weapons look as if they are placed on a messy workbench, this could alarm the audience and make them a where that the character about to grab hold of one of the tools/weapons could be a dangerous character in the film. It

also makes the mysterious character look stronger, more menacing, powerful as well as dangerous as the character has full access to these harmful props that make the character seem daunting and scary to the audience, however even more so as the audience doesn’t know who the mysterious character is as the

face of the old women isn’t shown. The lighting in this camera shot is colour FX this can suggest that the scene was in the past.

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High Angle Shot, Props And Setting

This high angle shot captures the title of the film, since the camera is above it makes the objects look smaller or seem less significant. The high angle camera shot within the

opening sequence doesn’t reveal any main characters faces however it does include many props. These props within the high angle shot are tools/equipment such as small looking knifes, paint brush's and drawings. These props make the audience question what the

tools/equipment are used for, and why they’re in what looks like an enclosed space/room that looks like only holds a desk which is full of objects used to design/create something. Moreover the setting lit by only candle light sets a daunting inquisitive tone that makes

the audience curious as to what is actually being designed in this small cramped like setting. Within this cramped daunting setting that consists of many dark colours and shadows moreover the opening sequence uses low-key lighting due to the fact that is

camera shot and other camera shots throughout the opening sequence have pronounced shadows and dramatic contrasts.

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Medium Shot

The medium shot shown here shows a clear picture of the costume the puppet the ventriloquist has dressed him in. This is the only medium shot within the opening

sequence, this camera shot is the longest as all the other camera shots are quick and move to the next one extremely quickly therefore we know this puppet is significant to the film and will be a main character as it’s the first character you see as well as the

main character the opening sequence is focusing on. From the camera shot we can see that the costume hints to a period of time years ago when it was normal to wear a suit and bow on a day to day basis. You can infer from the costume that the film will be an

eerie and questioning horror due to the fact that the costume consist of dark plain colours that are dull and fit with the frightening horror genre stereotype therefore it

hints to genre of film. However the costume doesn’t give off any clear clues as to what period of time the film is set in.

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Extreme Close Up

This camera shot is purposely a close up of the eyes to show the audience who the main character is. The characters eyes look devilish and

mischievous; he’s looking away from the camera very intruded and excited with what he's looking at (but not in a good way) this suggests that his

character is not safe, nice or friendly. In addition since the opening sequence only focuses mainly around this character it shows that he is a very

important main character that the audience should be aware of however to be wary of as the character could be dangerous.

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Pace And Editing

The pace of the opening sequence is extremely fast. The images quickly move onto the next one, making it difficult to, not only capture a camera

shot but it’s also difficult for the audience because without full concentration they might not be able to catch the details in the opening

sequence. As you can see in this camera shot editing has been done due to the fact that the image is cut abruptly because another image is going to

suddenly replace the one present, however without visible transition as it’s been edited to cut to the next image that quickly.

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Zoom And Close Up

This camera shot starts off with a zoom into the puppets and old women's face. The zoom adds suspense as well as shows clear emotions of how the characters are. The zoom

highlights the importance of the characters as well as signifies them as both being main characters in the film. I have analysed this camera shot in this way due to the fact that’s

the only other zooms within the opening sequence are on the puppet however, because the old women was zoomed in on too it indicates that she also has a main role/character in the film. Both characters look in awe of each other, the old women looking very intrigued with the puppet. This sets an odd mood/tone towards the film as you don’t know why the old

women is so fascinated with this creepy life like looking puppet.

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Blocking, Deep Focus And Lighting

Within these camera shots the women is holding up a craved face however it’s blocking objects behind it… could those objects in the background, blocked by the mask be important? This camera shoe is a close up to the mask signifying the importance of the mask. The mask is blocking the surrounding/location/setting of where the camera shot has been taken, this

could mean the place is important however the location cannot be given away… yet as there will be a significant time when the location will be revealed. Moreover this will cause the

audience to feel suspense and tension because this potential old dangerous woman is in a secret mysterious place which could potentially lead the audience to feel tense and unsure.

Both camera shots are in deep focus due to the fact that the whole image is in focus including the props in the background as they have the same equal focus as the main object in front

(the mask). Additionally the lighting in both camera shots are the same as they’re lighting are both colour FX. This is because the colouring used in the camera shot are cold, blueish, whit and black which means they ate the lighting colour FX. This colour emphasises the genre of film present – horror – As those are the types of colours you expect to see in a horror genre

film (cold/harsh colours, blueish colours as well white and black).

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Costume And Track

This camera shot focuses on a main character (the puppet) and his costume. A costume can say a lot about an individual as well as has the power to place a character into a time period. The costume the puppet is wearing easily put him in the time period of the early 19th century. In the early 19th century ventriloquist acts were very much liked however to go to the theatre and watch one of the shows would be expensive therefore only wealthy people could afford

to go watch them. In addition these wealthy people would go to the theatre in their suits with bows and ties, because of this the old women is purposely dressing her puppet in a suit and bow tie to fit with the time period of the 19th century which the film is based in. This camera shot is also track due to the fact that the camera is moving alongside to follow the subject to

see what the old women does next… maybe to her puppet?

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This analysis of micro elements will help me with the construction of my own film opening because I now have the understanding and knowledge of some of the

different micro elements that are in film opening and how they create effect and meaning in a number of different ways. This will help me due to the fact I know what the audience expect to see in a film opening which will help me as I will now know

what to do with the micro elements to create meaning and effect in my film opening. I have gained knowledge so that I now know how to create different range of

emotions from the audience that will make their thoughts and feelings towards the film change. This will be done with the use of micro elements as the different

features can create certain moods towards the film therefore they are very important and need to be used correctly to have effect use within a film. I know now that I

should try and include all of the micro elements in my film opening to make it look more realistic. Additionally now that I understand the typical conventions of my

genre, I can now work to incorporate them into my own film opening.