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[Faculty of Science Information and Computing Sciences] 1 Concepts of programming languages C++ Template Metaprogramming Michiel Magendans Robin Ganpat Jelmer van Nuss Hugo Heemskerk Thomas Dirkse

MichielMagendans RobinGanpat JelmervanNuss HugoHeemskerk ...+-templates.pdf · [Faculty of Science Information and Computing Sciences] 1 Conceptsofprogramminglanguages C++TemplateMetaprogramming

Jul 17, 2020



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Concepts of programming languagesC++ Template Metaprogramming

Michiel Magendans Robin Ganpat Jelmer van NussHugo Heemskerk Thomas Dirkse

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[Faculty of ScienceInformation and Computing



Why programmetaprograms?

I Programs writing programs, we’ve seen this beforeI An introduction, not limited to C++I Very useful in the real world!I Can go horribly wrong..

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Hypothetical company

I Wemake administration software! Exciting!I Web application that allows us to interact with adatabase

I Some business logic when interacting with the database

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What do we want to make?

I CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) software requiresinsert, update, etc. functions/statements

I A database table is essentially a small set of namedparameters, which themselves can have parameters

I Boilerplate heaven! So much code to write!I Functions, getters, setters, loving itI Always write the general case, don’t abstract

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How to monetize this

I Charge customer by programmer hourI Hire lots more programmersI OutsourceI Profit!

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Lots of work though

I Work is getting cumbersome, let’s trymetaprogramming

Figure 1:

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Let’s reduce our workload

I Idea: Write a code generator! It writes the code for us!I Set of 12 database table parameters to create 2k LoC,spread out over 16 files

I Stringly typed, some extra xml, no documentationnecessary

I Manually add every generated file to a complex file tree

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More profit!

I We have now guaranteed ourselves work for years tocome!

I When the generator changes, we will have toretroactively update all previously generated files

I A job that would normally cost 30 minutes will now cost10 hours at the minimum: we will make so much money!

I Technical debt? Owed by our customers, to us? Brilliant!

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Figure 2:

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But.. why?

I This is not due to incompetence!I It’s a set of common business problems comingtogether in an unfortunate way

I Strategy problems: no short-term financial incentives towork efficiently, historical artifacts

I People problems: Unwillingness to change, attachmentto own code, egos

I People problems are usually caused by strategyproblems

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What should happen in the business

I Different business model can make a huge difference!I Upfront single-price purchaseI SaaS (Software as a Service, subscription fee)I Different languages can prevent different types ofsituations from happening in the first place

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What should happen in the tech

I DRY: Don’t Repeat YourselfI Make the generic case trivialI Extensibility: allow boilerplate to be written iffnecessary, and let it override very specific parts of themeta program

I Never let programmers touch the generated code - itmight as well not exist

I Allow business logic to interact with metaprogrammedclasses as if they were written manually

I IDE/text editor support, humans are not good atspotting syntax errors

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I You can do this in pure OOP too!I However: requires multifaceted investment inframework

I Business logic becomes harder to separate from theframework

I Onboarding/training new developers becomes harderI Language/IDEs/autocompletion might not becooperative

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There are costs and obstacles

I If your chosen language does not support any types ofmetaprogramming, expect heavy costs, or rather don’ttry at all

I Requires a higher upfront investment regardlessI Can be tougher to debugI Small changes in the meta program affect everything

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I Metaprogramming can be extremely useful andextremely damaging if done wrong

I Choice in language and programming practices greatlyaffects how a business is, and can be run

I The opposite is also true!I The question you need to ask yourself when choosing alanguage is: What mistakes will I allow the company’sprogrammers to make? What bugs are worth their time?

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C++ Templates

What are they?

I A feature of C++ which allows functions and classes tooperate with generic types.

I Generics are generic until the types are substituted forthem at runtime. Templates are specialized at compiletime.

I Templates allow explicit specialization.I Type substition is done during compilation, notrun-time.

I There are Function Templates and Class Templates

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Function Templates - A Simple example

A possible Max()-function defined in C++:

int Max(int a, int b){

return a > b ? a : b;}


cout << Max(23, 40);#> 40

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A Simple example

The same function as previous slide, but for the double datatype.

double Max(double a, double b){

return a > b ? a : b;}


cout << Max(12.5, 48.21);#> 48.21

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So what’s the difference?

It is exactly the same logic, but the data type isdifference.

This is where Templates come in handy!

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The Max()-function using Function Templates

template <typename T>T GetMax(T a, T b){

return a > b ? a : b;}


cout << Max(23, 40);#> 40

This invokes the template function with T == int. Thefunction returns a value of int type.

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Class templates

I Function templates allow writing generic functions thatwill work on many types.

I The same idea applies for class templates.

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A Simple example (1)

template <typename T>class ValueComparer {T first, second;public:ValueComparer(T a, T b) {

first = a;second = b;

}T getBiggerOne();


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A Simple example (2)

getBiggerOne() is a member function of the class template.Here is the implementation:

template <typename T>T ValueComparer<T>::getBiggerOne() {

return first > second ? first : second;}


ValueComparer <int> vc_int(69, 34);ValueComparer <double> vc_double(29.23, 49.133);cout << vc_int.getBiggerOne() << endl;cout << vc_double.getBiggerOne();#> 69#> 49.133

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Template Specialization

In some cases you may want a specific implementationfor a specific data type.

This is where Template Specialization comes in.

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Template Specialization

ValueComparer Template definition from previous slide:

template <typename T>class ValueComparer {T first, second;public:ValueComparer(T a, T b) {

first = a;second = b;

}T getBiggerOne();


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Lets say we want to create a specific implementation for thedata type: string. The function getBiggerOne() should returnthe string with the biggest length.

template <typename T>T ValueComparer<T>::getBiggerOne() {

return first > second ? first : second;}

template <>string ValueComparer<string>::getBiggerOne() {cout << "We can do even more things here." << endl;return first.length() > second.length()

? first : second;}

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The results

ValueComparer <int> vc_int(69, 34);ValueComparer <double> vc_double(29.23, 49.133)ValueComparer <string> vc_string("aaa", "bb");std::cout << vc_int.getBiggerOne() << endl;std::cout << vc_double.getBiggerOne();std::cout << vc_string.getBiggerOne();

#> 69#> 49.133#> We can do even more things here.#> aaa

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Generic Programming

I PolymorphismI Widely used concept in OO languagesI Used to associate different specific behaviours with asingle generic notation

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I In C++, you make use of inheritance and virtualfunctions

Figure 3: C++ Polymorphism

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class GeoObj{public:

virtual void draw() const = 0;virtual Coordinate center_of_gravity() const = 0;


class Circle : public GeoObj{public:

// Both methods implementations in .cpp file.virtual void draw() const;virtual Coordinate center_of_gravity() const;


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I After creating the concrete objects, access the differentconcrete implementations using references or pointersto base class.

// Draw any GeoObjvoid draw_shape(GeoObj const& shape){


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// draw a collection of all kinds of shapesvoid draw_shapes(std::vector<GeoObj*> const& elems){

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i)elems[i]->draw();

}// calculate the distance using the centers// of the shapesCoordinate distance_between(GeoObj const& x1,

GeoObj const& x2){

return x1.center_of_gravity()- x2.center_of_gravity;


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Dynamic Polymorphism

I Compiler does not know at compile time which versionof the virtual function “draw” is used

I At runtime the right “draw” function is invokeddynamically using the virtual functions

I This is called Dynamic Polymorphism

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Static Polymorphism

I Using templates, static polymorphism can be used.I Relies on common syntax, rather than commonbehaviour in base class.

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Figure 4: Dynamic C++ Polymorphism

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I No longer relies on base-class

// Concrete circle class, NOT derived from any classclass Circle{public:

// Both methods implementations in .cpp file.void draw() const;Coordinate center_of_gravity() const;


Figure 5: Static C++ Polymorphism

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I Now using a template parameter

// Draw any GeoObjvoid draw_shape(GeoObj const& shape){


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I Now using a template parameter

// Draw any GeoObjtemplate <typename GeoObj>void draw_shape(GeoObj const& shape){


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I Now using a template parameterI Collection turns into collection of one typeI No longer requires to be collection of pointersI Possible to have advantages in terms of performanceand type-safety

// draw a collection of all kinds of shapesvoid draw_shapes(std::vector<GeoObj*> const& elems){

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i)elems[i]->draw();


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I Now using a template parameterI Collection turns into collection of one typeI No longer requires to be collection of pointersI Possible to have advantages in terms of performanceand type-safety

// draw a collection of one kind of shapetemplate <typename GeoObj>void draw_shapes(std::vector<GeoObj> const& elems){

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i)elems[i].draw();


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// calculate the distance using the centers// of the shapesCoordinate distance_between(GeoObj const& x1,

GeoObj const& x2){

return x1.center_of_gravity()- x2.center_of_gravity;


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// calculate the distance using the centers// of the shapestemplate <typename GeoObj1, typename GeoObj2>Coordinate distance_between(GeoObj1 const& x1,

GeoObj2 const& x2){

return x1.center_of_gravity()- x2.center_of_gravity;


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Dynamic vs Static

Dynamic strengths

I Multityped collections are handled easierI Executable code size is potentially smallerI Code can be entirely compiled

Static strengths

I Often regarded more type-safe, binding is checked atcompile-time

I Generated code is potentially faster (no indirectionthrough pointers and no layer of virtual functions)

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Generic Programming

I Finding abstract representation of efficient algorithmsI Already widely used in STL (Standard Template Library)I STL provides a number of useful algorithms to use forcollection objects

I Algorithms are written in a genericway so it can beused with every kind of collection which uses theconcept of Iterators

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STL: Iteratorstemplate<typename Iterator>Iterator max_element(Iterator first, Iterator last){

if (first == last) {return last;

}Iterator largest = first;++first;for (; first != last; ++first) {

if (*largest < *first) {largest = first;

}}return largest;



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STL: Vector

template<typename T, ... >class vector {public:

// implementation-specific iterator// type for constant vectorstypedef ... const_iterator;const_iterator begin() const;const_iterator end() const;


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template <typename T>void print_max (T const& coll){

// Declare local iterator of collectiontypename T::const_iterator pos;

// compute position of maximum valuepos = std::max_element(coll.begin(), coll.end());

// print value of maximum elementstd::cout << *pos << std::endl;


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STL Iterators

I Using these iterators, algorithms likemax_element onlyhave to be created once and can be used by anycollection type that makes use of this iterator concept

I Could probably be implemented using dynamicpolymorphism, but this is a really lightweight andsimple approach: using a layer of virtual functions willprobably slow down the operations.

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Traits are used to extract properties from generic type

I Example:

template< typename T >struct is_integral{static const bool value;typedef std::integral_constant<bool, value> type;};

Return integrality of type via T:type

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Policies are used to inject behavior into parent class

I Example:

template<typename T, typename Allocator =std::allocator<T>> class vector;

Inject memory allocation into vector, defaultstd::allocator<T>

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Accumulator: Idea

Let’s accumulate some items…

Take the array consisting of 5 integers

I int num[] = {1,2,3,4,5}

Function accum accumulates items from beg to end

accum(&num[0], &num[5]) returns 15

…But should work for any type T!

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Accumulator: Idea

Let’s accumulate some items…

Take the array consisting of 5 integers

I int num[] = {1,2,3,4,5}

Function accum accumulates items from beg to end

accum(&num[0], &num[5]) returns 15

…But should work for any type T!

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Accumulator: Idea

Let’s accumulate some items…

Take the array consisting of 5 integers

I int num[] = {1,2,3,4,5}

Function accum accumulates items from beg to end

accum(&num[0], &num[5]) returns 15

…But should work for any type T!

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Accumulator: First try

template <typename T>T accum (T const* beg, T const* end){

T total = T();while (beg != end) {

total += *beg;++beg;

}return total;


Correct result for int

Can result in incorrect for char (negative numbers)

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Accumulator: First try

template <typename T>T accum (T const* beg, T const* end){

T total = T();while (beg != end) {

total += *beg;++beg;

}return total;


Correct result for int

Can result in incorrect for char (negative numbers)

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Accumulator: First try

template <typename T>T accum (T const* beg, T const* end){

T total = T();while (beg != end) {

total += *beg;++beg;

}return total;


Correct result for int

Can result in incorrect for char (negative numbers)

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Accumulator: Adding traits template

T is not always a good accumulator type!

Specify some accumulator type for every type.

I char values should be accumulated as int

Call this accumulator type AccT

I AccT is a trait/property of the class of type T

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Accumulator: Adding traits template

T is not always a good accumulator type!

Specify some accumulator type for every type.

I char values should be accumulated as int

Call this accumulator type AccT

I AccT is a trait/property of the class of type T

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Accumulator: Adding traits template

T is not always a good accumulator type!

Specify some accumulator type for every type.

I char values should be accumulated as int

Call this accumulator type AccT

I AccT is a trait/property of the class of type T

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Accumulator: Adding traits template

template<typename T>class AccumulationTraits;

template<>class AccumulationTraits<char> {public:

typedef int AccT;};

template<>class AccumulationTraits<short> {public:

typedef int AccT;};...

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Accumulator: Using traits template

Update accum to use traits template

I Swap out the original accumulator type T for associatedAccT

I Also make AccT the new return type of accum

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Accumulator: Using traits template

template <typename T>

typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT accum(T const* beg, T const* end)

{typedef typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT AccT;

AccT total = AccT();while (beg != end) {

total += *beg;++beg;

}return total;


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Accumulator: Value Traits

AccT total = AccT();

I Problematic if AccT() doesn’t default to zeroI Also: AccTmight not even have a constructor

Update traits template to contain a zero constant

...template<>class AccumulationTraits<char> {public:

typedef int AccT;static AccT const zero = 0;


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Accumulator: Value Traits

AccT total = AccT();

I Problematic if AccT() doesn’t default to zeroI Also: AccTmight not even have a constructor

Update traits template to contain a zero constant

...template<>class AccumulationTraits<char> {public:

typedef int AccT;static AccT const zero = 0;


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Accumulator: Using value traits

template <typename T>

typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT accum(T const* beg, T const* end)

{typedef typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT AccT;

// initialisation is changedAccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero;while (beg != end) {

total += *beg;++beg;

}return total;


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Zero problem using value traits

Now the initialisation of the accumulation variable is simply

AccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero;

But works only for static constant data member of type intor enum.


...template<>class AccumulationTraits<float> {public:

typedef double AccT;// ERROR: not an integral typestatic double const zero = 0.0;


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Zero problem using value traits

Now the initialisation of the accumulation variable is simply

AccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero;

But works only for static constant data member of type intor enum.


...template<>class AccumulationTraits<float> {public:

typedef double AccT;// ERROR: not an integral typestatic double const zero = 0.0;


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Zero problem using value traits

Now the initialisation of the accumulation variable is simply

AccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero;

But works only for static constant data member of type intor enum.


...template<>class AccumulationTraits<float> {public:

typedef double AccT;// ERROR: not an integral typestatic double const zero = 0.0;


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Zero problem workaround

Update accumulation traits once more

...template<>class AccumulationTraits<float> {public:

typedef double AccT;static AccT zero() {

return 0;}


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Zero problem workaround: function

The accum functions now uses a function to initialise thetotal

I AccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero();

instead of

I AccT total = AccumulationTraits<T>::zero;

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Introducing Policies

Thus far accumulation = summation

But also possible

I accumulation =multiplicationI accumulation = concatenationI …

accum can remain the same, except for

I total += *start.

This is the policy of the accumulation.

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Introducing Policies

Thus far accumulation = summation

But also possible

I accumulation =multiplicationI accumulation = concatenationI …

accum can remain the same, except for

I total += *start.

This is the policy of the accumulation.

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Accumulator: Add Policy

I Create a Policywith an accumulate functionI Pass the Policy to accumI Now use the Policy’s accumulator

accum doesn’t care about the implementation ofaccumulator, as long as it works

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Accumulator: Add Policy

template <typename T,typename Policy = SumPolicy,typename Traits = AccumulationTraits<T> >

class Accum {public:

typedef typename Traits::AccT AccT;static AccT accum (T const* beg, T const* end) {

AccT total = Traits::zero();while (beg != end) {

Policy::accumulate(total, *beg);++beg;

}return total;


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Different Policies: Sum

Where the Policy can be a sum

class SumPolicy {public:

template<typename T1, typename T2>static void accumulate (

T1& total, T2 const & value) {total += value; // sum


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Different Policies: Multiplication

…or a multiplication

class MultiplicationPolicy {public:

template<typename T1, typename T2>static void accumulate (

T1& total, T2 const& value) {total *= value; // multiplication


or some other accumulation function.

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Different Policies: Multiplication

…or a multiplication

class MultiplicationPolicy {public:

template<typename T1, typename T2>static void accumulate (

T1& total, T2 const& value) {total *= value; // multiplication


or some other accumulation function.

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Summary Traits and Policies

Use Traits and Policies to

I Extract properties from specific specialisations ofgeneric types

I Add behaviour to specific specialisations of generictypes


I Generic code unchanged, except for theinterchangeable trait/policy reference

I Easy to incorporate new types

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Determining Element Types

Given some container types

vector<T>, list<T>, stack<T>

what is the element type T?


I vector<int> has element type intI stack< <stack<bool> > has element type stack<bool>

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Determining Element Types

Given some container types

vector<T>, list<T>, stack<T>

what is the element type T?


I vector<int> has element type intI stack< <stack<bool> > has element type stack<bool>

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Element Type via partial specialization

template <typename T>// primary templateclass ElementT;

template <typename T>// partial specializationclass ElementT<std::vector<T> > {public:

typedef T Type;};

template <typename T>// partial specializationclass ElementT<std::list<T> > {}public:

typedef T Type;};

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Get Element Type

typeid(typename ElementT<T>::Type).name()

returns the element type of container type T

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Template metaprogramming (C++)

Template metaprogramming

I Generates temporary source code which is merged withthe rest of the source code before compilation

I Is a primitive recursive language that can be seen as aform of functional programming

I Used for data structures and non-trivial computationsat compile time

I Is a Turing-complete languageI Is different frommacro’s: mutable variables are notallowed

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Metaprogram - A Simple example

An example: How to compute a power of 3?

The idea:

3n = 3 · 3n−1 (1)

30 = 1 (2)

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Metaprogram - A Simple example

//primary template:template<int N> class Pow3 {

enum { result=3*Pow3<N-1>::result};};//specialization to end recursiontemplate<> class Pow3<0> {

enum { result=1};};

cout << Pow3<7>::result << endl;#> 2187

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//primary template:template<int N> class Pow3 {

enum { result=3*Pow3<N-1>::result};};//specialization to end recursiontemplate<> class Pow3<0> {

enum { result=1};};

cout << Pow3<7>::result << endl;#> 2187

Note: using static constant members causes the computationto be no longer limited to a pure “compile time” effect. Useenumeration values instead!

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Metaprogram - A Simple example

Pow3<7> requires instantiation of the same template for 6,its result is 3 * Pow3<6>::result .

The recursion stops when Pow3<> is instantiated over zero

The Pow3<> template (including its specilization) is called atemplate metaprogram

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Metaprogram - Another example

Computation of a square root. We need to do this recurively!

The idea: use the same procedure as binary search tocompute the root:

int findRoot(int n, int l, int r){

if (l==r) return l;//compute midpoint, rounded up:int mid = (l + r + 1) / 2;//search in a halved interval:int result = (n<mid*mid) ? findRoot(n, l, mid - 1)

: findRoot(n, mid, r);return result;


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Metaprogram - Another example

In the template metaprogramming language this becomes:

//primary templatetemplate <int N, int LO=1, int HI=N> class Sqrt {

//compute the midpoint, rounded up:enum { mid = (LO+HI/2) };//search in a halved interval:enum { result= (N<mid*mid) ?

Sqrt<N,LO,mid-1>::result :Sqrt<N,mid,HI>::result };

};//partial specilization for the case LO == HI:template<int N, int M> class Sqrt<N,M,M> {

enum { result=M};};

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Metaprogram - Another example

cout << Sqrt<16>::result << endl#> 4

The expression Sqrt<16>::resultwill expand toSqrt<16,1,16>::result inside the template.

Both Sqrt<N,LO,mid-1> and Sqrt<N,mid,HI> areinstantiated, this can easily result in many instantiations!

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Metaprogram - Another example

I Template instantiation is a expensive process for mostcompilers

I An explosion of template instantiations can be avoidedby using specilizations

I Specilizations are used to select the result ofcomputation instead of using condition operator ? :

I As a workaround, one may also use a special templatethat takes a Boolean to select a path in recursion tree

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Metaprogram - Unrolling loops

An example with the dot-product:a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]


I Straightforward implementation of a template using afor-loop is not sufficient.

I The compiler usually optimizes loops, which iscounterproductive in this case!

Solution: Use an extra variable for the dimension torecursively unroll the loop

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Metaprogram - Unrolling loopsSolution: Use an extra variable for the dimension torecursively unroll the loop:

//primary template:template <int DIM, typename T> class DotProduct {

static T result (T* a, T* b) {return *a * *b +

DotProduct<DIM-1, T>::result(a+1, b+1);}


//partial specilization as end criteria:template <typename T> class DotProduct<1,T> {

static T result (T* a, T* b) {return *a * *b;


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Metaprogram - Unrolling loops

We can also introduce a convenience function :

template<int DIM, typename T>inline T dot_product (T* a, T* b) {

return DotProduct<DIM,T>::result(a,b);}

The template can be instantiated by dot_product<S>(a,b)where S is the dimension of the vectors a and b

Note: using static member functions are implicitely inline

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Metaprogram - Unrolling loops


int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3};int b[3] = { 5, 6, 7};

dot_product<3>(a,b) now unrolls into:

= *a * *b + DotProduct<2,int>::result(a+1, b+1)= *a * *b + *(a+1) * *(b+1) + *(a+2) * *(b+2)

This is a very efficient and optimized way to perform hugevector computations!

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Metaprogram - Data structures: Lists

Template metaprogramming can be used to implement datastructures at compile time, for example Lists

Think of a list as tuples of tuples, for example: (1, (2, (3, NIL)))

template <typename H, typename T=NIL>struct Lst {

typedef H Head;typedef T Tail;


All basic list operations can be implemented with (recursive)template programming

Note: This is very similar to Haskell

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Metaprogram - Data structures: Lists

Getting the lenght of a list:

//primary templatetemplate <typename LST> struct Lenght {

enum{ result = 1 +Lenght< typename LST::Tail >::result };

};//specializationtemplate <> struct Lenght<NIL> {

enum { result = 0};};

Note: typename needs to be written before LST::Tail tomake sure the compiler treats LST::Tail as a type

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Metaprogram - Data structures: Fractions

Template metaprogramming may also be used for abstractoperations on a data structure, for example on fractions:

I Addition, substraction, multiplication, divisionI Simplication rules of expressions

template<int N, int D> struct Frac {static const long Num = N;static const long Den = D;

};template<int N, typename F> struct ScalarMultiplication {

typedef Frac<N*F::Num, F::Den> result;};... etc.

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Metaprogram - Summary

A template metaprogram can contain:

I State variables: the template parametersI Loop constructs: through recursionI Path selection: by using conditional expressions orspecilizations

I Integer arithmetic