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i«i' a'.xP HOT AIH i 1 MI. irn«-TV4Uv mt> u<+Jd&nanx LlVEl. , 8TOMA<7H,or SA*W!AJ <IJSM KIDWKY8. •^WfhJjBJMv, m <Jii'kAEBrtTBB8 IWILL cum* *»*«*'»*««* ' **»fmiiwwe' NERVOUS DEBILI TY, ^MASJJQF THE KIDNEYS. AND. DISEASES AEISING C'I Hrflbtt A DISOMlBJIED • aTOUACJi^ . iu»Kft VE Til8 FOt.Wvt'lNo S Y BPTOS4» «( S1II.TINU FI.OM DISORD.; ilk. UK Tim DIGEST!Vfe ORGANS CUNHTlt'ATlOH, 1NWAKUHLB8, • * Ki;i4MBiV*> - BLOOD TO THE^lEAD, . AGllJfTY ! <Ur,^Wf1IT«ii ,, #l, ' ' NXtittEA," rTEABTBUBNJ 171 O i i iJ D T T^TX« rTTSrl^, FULNESS, or WEIGHT IN T H E STOVI u II £ » « £ ERHCTATIUNB V f | SftlK#»OJ{*UJ'ei , KRlN'. " tht * U'lT^rTflElCTOMACH, &W1MM1NU OK THE ilEAl', llUKKIJU)aiid UiieUlCVUUUtEATllitH,, Kl.i'TtKKINO ATTHEHKAB'l, < rJCHUHt* O B S U W o C A T l N (i %WSB A TfOWS when i n a LYING l'OBTUKE, DIM NESS OF VISION, in i rs OK WEBS before til* t!IUHT, r hVEK AND DULL' t'AIN IN THK HEAD DEFICIENCY of l'EKM'IKATl' IN, < ELLOWNE" >)i Till'. SI.IN AND EYEb, PAISIS THKSIDh. H VCK.CIIKSI 1,|.M ..,, ,v, I DOWN KLUtjIlfc,* 1 <V H KA 1 l.M.Ni. IS I'll E I Uv'-M, V- I' \ \ ! ! yl VUlMUt'SH OP EVIL. AKD M.' , \ r 'Ki'i: '-.s>] >\ H- sfiKi IS. W»<»w»i NOBTH AMBMCAJsTfAE UWOSAivCk: CO riml College Building. TIKOS15T|t At DEPARTMENT. (Cannon .treei 1 Containing Study Halls, accommodating 400 Students, Lecture and Recitation Room*. iVui'k.— Th* I<MW haikiiiig. aeeoiiimoaVl* 1,450 etudents. -"id private boarding-hotlees are now connected with the College—this sys- tem ol boarding being much preferred by pa- rent anil stodem. A lOport if required from f»cii Ueuse "weekly, and th# Boarding Depart- ment ol the College is under the immediate su- pervision of the Principal with two assistants 1 1' 1 It I ' M t I. A K 1 1 H I I ( I: usde r i he .•.i|>. Hi JH irp niatiy preparations aoji r-, |JIII uu 11 1 ii 1 r 1 IWiih n uoiilpuui *l whiskey or tiomuion ruin, coaling • ulN |'ir gallon , I lie last.' .li^ul.' d li> An HCul ' ".- ntnder Se«d. t'li h ( 101* > . Hitlers lias i-auscd and will con U u Lie in • -urii-c. sailing a* they ain t,«s aold. hundreds to die • i '1111 "' 11 drunkArd. By their use I tie system 1* o piiiinua,v under ihe influence ol .Vlchoholir s i" 11 -"" 1 ' ih.«-M/,,r-i kind, ! he desire .'or LojUor j. ,lrd inil kept uii, sail Ihe renull la all Ihe liuf- r 1 - aio iiilaiil upon a drunkard's life a nd deal It !',ir :':(/« wti« aeaire and WILL HA VE a l.iquor -rs, we iiOtillsh Hie liiiluwit." reri-ipl (lelll.NE rn.E lluiiFLAMrs (JKailAN UI1TEJIS, ami , . WII, IIIKEK m AETS I>F 6'«IU II(AMH WHISKEY,anil I ha result Will !>• a )Kcp«ratioii w II FA ft E \.i .A- -ti inedu-iiial virtues amllrui v - :s»BQt any or* 1 ae numerous Liquor Bmers in iiie 11111 .nl. and will C11ST MICH LESS. You will na»e .rti ^ae »*rt»es u« UUoFLA.ND'3 BiTTBas In tun- ne.tinn WHh a COOL) arUele ol Lliinor, at 1 niiirh •1911 [iricfl than thaac iiiffina-r pfeparttMnis win rn«i >ou . HOOFJL*i.lW\% GERMAN BITTERS 3WU.L GIVE YOV A | cooo;i?p E.i 1 T 1:. jWILI. ':iv/?2T(.'l ! STRONft HEALTHY NERVJB8, V\ (XL i;|VK ;\ mij JilllSSi 41!) iHSJlGKTIC rEELIRtte, W|j,l. i'lNABLB Y<il T11 SLEEP WELL. AND WILL POSITIVELY I'RKVRsi Vtllow Fever, Billons Fever. Ae, Serond 4 olle|(«' lliiildinn. Jl Mull PEPARTMKNT iir ACT! A1. HI' SI N ESS ( Vaifcar Sir- ti .j Gseii exoiuaively ior Actual B »iiie»e pur- poses, in connection with the Washington street building, wiih Post Office and Telegraph com- munication, and a regular exchange in all de- partments ol business Fitted with offices ami departments f. 1 :1>. accommodation of 3 ) 0 students, contains the Custom House, First National iiank (givinj; the College tbe facilities of lour Banks], with Express, Railroad, Tele graph and Post Office to operate in connection with tbe similar offices . ihe Washington Street 1 ullege. "WAjftU r l t t INtUslANCB Co! M* rtoVuR VntrjM&tAkiot c<». • / rV#» Ytrk. *&MIBtmx AtMt :] LMttaaof HutuM.CoUseUnf vt strata, MA allbusl I lliallk.olisu-aolM.wllJi LL 5 >' 1 1 J J, (Jsfs»wl7l» MaMtilsar in •ifa^sW* s^ltdlHf. o k« sJs—i-*iri-' 1 "r—r'—HBJP*^** H.T.*AUs)l»M.A.«s. , J'li I H n t s r i Bail ling. •• f ^ »-t»- •• »i s,iy»i I | i < 1 1 » • - SAftATbtiiA FiV-t imtmtamce Jig en eg FAVORABLE TKBUS ros THK AssuBEt*. UARTFOgD F1BK INSURANCE CO. OK feLAKWOBD, CO«W. CAMTAsL,..(PAID UP). tSlMr.OOO. TIHO 0. ALLTA^be., H. HOWTINOTOM, PrsW iriHultaiituu fire lnsarait4»« €o., UKNKW VOHK, INCORPORATED 1821. CAPITAL,:! IPAITJ V+) ANDMKW J. 8M1TH.1JIW.. W. P. PALMKH.Pee. N £ W ENOLAIID FIKE & MARINE INSURANCE CO., or HAswrow). CSONB. C A PIT Ala,. . (PAID UP) . . $3.10,000. a ysJWKTT, Sac. 0 . a t WATEBMAN ,PIW. LAIVAK FIBE IKSVBANCC CO., OK NEW YORK, CAPITAL-. (PAID UP) .. $300,000. ISAAC K ST J O H N . * * . EDWARD ANTHON, Proa- RELIEF FUUS iKSOIUNCE CO., No. § WALL St., NEW VOKK. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000.1 JIND LARGE SURPLUS I a^uiiiBi LOBB by Ffr^, 00 ulosl klndis ol property, sup- ply to tb« tmbBorllrt*!-, who 1B duly authorised lu re- oelve j>rupoB&ln aad U»«« ^oltafes. Alt the abovt- oompariys have larg<> aUrplua—and are umuag-rfie muf nilfcftble ouuipany 'HIL the oounti v . It. M«;tllCUAi;i>, AE«ni A.S. Dt PEYSTKR.Prit }i.OHKElMPKAItSON, Vie JAMKK H PINKNKY.Soc. ,«*»'. nir- Ani-H IHfMl. Fire Insurance Agency. ICOCKAVELLi PtTPrfAltl, Ajieiil. No ID) Broadway, Saratoga Spnngn, HuMK INSL'kANCK CuMPANY NEW VoKK. iJupilal and Surplus fr-'.OU/.OXKI A1TNA INStlKANCK CO—GV IIAItTKDKI Capitat.-.., CONN. PHOt'NlX KVSUaANOKCO—HAKTKOKD, CONN f upltal tSOO.000 KDCKWKI.I. PUTNAM Saratoga Springs, Jali'i , 1864 lyl2-o Saratoga Insurance Agency. Thesuoscrlber Is agent tor the following companies.' WESTERN MASS., (PIUsBeld, Maw.) Capital ...$160,000 Sulplo* B86,424-| SPRINGCIEI-D (MASS.) F tsl tauu.OOG. tBurplua A M. Cn. •267 ,nf,;i MAS8ASOIT GL)„ (Springfield, Mnae ) Aasota CHARTER OAK, Capital.../. rtfurit, c onn.) ' ),eoo. I'linrtH ^iifferin^ Iroin BrokPU^Itown and Delicttc l unstitu- tious, «tt\a I e\o r F t e m <?J r , Will rind in; H0»PI,JWS 6EK1IAN BITTERS A REMEDY Tim wnlr^^torf in I hen* their nana I heal! h Sar h '•us* Mt'-n the e*jw m ihouiMtHtn of imM«nc©f. «nH » , iirtrij«!|»jhat re<jair^d lo prove t he assarti^r) REMEMBER TH*T rHME BIT IRI H I NOT ALCHOHOLIC, And N i * T iDkn d»»d a * a f'UL,TON CO. (Me* York City ) Capital . ..>S>0,000 AodaV in isini of ETU, Era] lujpeteiH tO MttstVilJ *9Bmmum*Sh n *le«voi the system to fWi into disor«l*T aixl ^ ots cofttfmin|ik)» Is ift luertuiltvl dsMfSie, 19* litloA ttvm tiuhtaltlty air, filth and filthy batata, ,i-vs, BBtt. aisuvc a l l , Isy lion. WJtavWvw b e i u itary In th« conatitutiou, ireutt to children onto gouurajttant iisnsiaa, it rod of Huu who saysa •* I wiU x of the fathers upwa tht ir diaewts* It oriKiuam Uka according to the oiBBatu h je lungs, Scrofula {sinucea finally ConsuuipUou i in Uit which buppuruk and Us- eurt-a, in ihe Ntoiwtch and its trhi^h iirod'i^ff iixdif a lU»er£WB}>U»-U, ou ami CtltaVtVeOU affcctu.ijs ig the same origin, require the frU.. purincation And ioviKora- lood. l'urify the blood, ami is distcuiperi leave you. With corrupted blood, you cannot .-with that "life of the flush" health/, yOaaSBrinot have scrofulous disuaae. , -Xgrn**. 8tu»ei>artlU is compoWMHd from the most effectual iinii dotes WtBpjJsfcsVl science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of tiiediaotdBiBk entails. That it is far »U]HS- rior to any other remedy vet devised, U hatve^ven>atH*L That . vlirtnes truly extraordinary •jfKm this class of Complaints, ven by tlie great multitude and remarkable cures it the following diseases: King's alar Swellings, Mmors,, Pimplat, Blotohet and Sores, ~~ or'8trAiiiliony , 8 Tire; . Scald Head, Coagh* from tuberouloiu deposito in the lungt, White SwtJlinrt, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, DyspeMtt or Indigetrtion, SyphilU and 8yphifitio Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weakiiesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaiuu; tlmt arise from inipuHty of the blood. Minute reports of Individual cases, g a y b e found in A visit's A n t u n AN ALMAHA'C, whicl. is furnished to the Uruggints for gratnltous distribution, wherein muy be learnetj this directions for its use, and some of the remarks 1 i< c u r e s w h i c h it has ma-Jc when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections ol the country, in order that every reader may liave access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from pcisonalinpcrnnee. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims tar m o r e SJrtjJect to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it Uo>sH$ to.ahorti n, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human 1 life. Tin- vast importa!!' of these considerations hat led ue to spene years m perfecting a remedy which is sxsequ.iu.' to its cure. This we now offer to the pullic under the name of AYEK'S JSATlSAPARtLLA although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of SarsapwUla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suff'er- iiiK and danger of these disorders. l*urge Out ihe| flul corrujitions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu- liar virtues tin- remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which, lurk within the system or burst out [\g| T f l f f f N GUANO—Wartautsd i••«-..• fHOSPHATJf OF LIME I Bs*Mfa«ui,,r-a Prlssa. from the Lodi Mao- T UMBEK.t I i < A L T , OAtXJtl rtBOCEJUES ^X mwlloaudlup '"" STTW A*rtl»M UM «OVA 8C0T1A J«T, SAND, as* COAL. Ala., DKAM,Rlf*»aoK« J. SAVABE, „..> t , aw - "•""• FAMILY < ROCKERY CUINAt AND •- . ..--J. . I'alO Bioudtvuy. UVSON. IMPERIAL. OOLONG, SOUCHONG AND _ , f^AMffrW TEAS, Pine flavor and warranted lo give •at.alaoliun. OLD GOVT JAVA COFFEE, CHOCOLATE & BROMA. RAW AND REFINED'ffUGAHS til eyory gratlc. , ' STtlART'tS SPOAR IltUISE SYRtlPS, MOLASSES, RAISINS, CITRON. PRUNES, ALMONDS, WALNUTS, nninrto mill/ > TSQ afi A T i af TrisQ - " "Oriviuti, rriTnisifiO,'' i i n i o u r o , TOILER AND LAUNDRY SOAPS, KINGSFORD'S & DURYEA'S STARCH, BURNETT'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS, CHOICE BRANDS OF Family Flour. STANDARD KEROSENE OIL, l'uifc iiii'I irt;t^ IfOM udt>r. ? A Itirgti und i-tiiiipleK! asuorlinem ui CROCKERY, CHINA, & GLASS WARE, LAMi'S, CHIMNEYS, &c, &c. * i'lui'- an lo~*\ i»M a n y other House III t h e AMD (antrpssaisd few »*•«, laths, a»4 L«ava«. BEsJBDV, iU i^aiisdisil iDUrMla •sol ID« u'luj/jr ot«yu,a(Mli as la- a U My*Wtl a, tajsas fls Hutir alaaa tut tojsajairsj wbars all tk4«U a«s»it>nso%<U its falJatt 'Jit rtoa.In _ • KtaaassTel GrsvSt.t2laM.Uoa * ud«4 In Iboaa li Is urafaiaal DiaxilgkLy snaoanlMlwt fasaa, * only Valng from oua Ui two taaspoaufaja ^ u f c * , S ^ ^ , a ' - 1 r iannfat and sTsJnsliig tba b)«4d,Saiialoa It to flow s all of its original parity and vlgarj thus IDIUOV^ log from tba ayatam all satrnloloiia nsusas whtofr have Indttowl dlaaaau. . CHBROKKaf INJECTION Uiuteu.lad van ally or uMlatuttoibat'iiKaoMstcaU>UiUr,at)4atv>iildb4) I*uC|iari«noaa~itttth ueaily all'tba ohwp i.uat>k In U3T* By tba use of the CRcBoxtfa KfMinr and CMas»sfsi|i, llfjjBCTio*—the two tnadlaUiea at the 1 sameHja sail t«l»Proper dlsoharte* are ramoved, ? *"»«ikeae<lorg«iia »ro apvedlly ivaturwi to "Jtor fa,h nartleulars gat •- •• - mtry, o saa. at. HKNslDy.fJiper botila, ur tUreii UoMtee Hi ff»f-^rK)«,CHKBOKE* tN/KOTION. taper bot- tle, or three bottles for fJT>. Q7» gent by Kxpresa to any address on raaetpt vl prloo. .'. ,' , \ij~ Sdltl hy all druggists everywhere. fuII vigor and streetth. ICfUCar IttURarUeulers gM out pampltlei frvgi any Jvug store Uvtbe oouBtry, or wrltStis> and wo ' will mall tree lo any saldruw. full treaties. '<- D*rV*r. TL. M e r w i n «V « 2 p „ " '•.Ol.t PaOfHIKVOMB, No. 63 I.IBER'l'V*StrM»t, Now York. THK UllKAT INDIAN MEDICINE, CDMPHUNDEDKROM ;tralinr'ii Sprinps, TiaiU. .'antiary, lnivi. 12 wo Imow |H:AU ii\ AUir.usi FOP CROCKERY. CHINA. ANI) G U A S S X r V A P I 3 3 . A large and complete assortment, for Salt; at less than Albany prices, by 140 URtlAl'WAY ' Families,and those contemplating House- keeping are invited to call and examine. Saratoga Springs, January, 1864. •HOMK INSURANCE, (New Haven, C C«pital »600,000. CITY KIRK, (New Haven. Conn) » $<ttti 000 burjilus . . .(Jl Cap IKII.I.AKD (Ni- fi'Ki.Ot'll . \ork ' A KKOIN ity.) .1700,000. I)IS£A8K8 OF KIDHEYS AND BLADDER • •i VOHIH' or Agna. iffale or Fe- male, tr' sufodlly removed, and the patient rpamreii ti- health. DELICATE CHILDREN, '1 li..-.*- NutTering Irora MAfiA.SMI'S, Wfutinf away. IIISM- infly any desii on (heir bone•>. are rtifod in s . " f taftort Ume . e)n« hottlp, in mint. «•«-«•»., vsfTll have -i mo*i puifprlfji ng effect. PARENTS W'.'^*>jf*u(f»'rrflp; rhrTrlrs-n a* abore.nriti Wlttftinffr • list thi'in, will iifver r«grei i he d*i v they rommeni ^d -I ng tiiCRf Ri 11turn LlTRfURY MEN, STUDENTS, ^i.l iliiwr worklr.t ha'tl with llieir bram«, ahoulil at •vnyakfupa htMlle of HtlOFLANITS illlTlilt* near ill,'•«. tv> thev will Bntl rntietl hencfilfrnm Ire See. to |i«ih intatancl body, inriforuing and not depress**! IT IS IOTA I I QTttB STIIIinT, lltn» LEAVE* NO PROSTR ATHiN Attention. Soldiers ! AND THE FRIENDS OF 80LDIEH8 W. rail tk« ailewtian ol all havinj relallona or frlen.N in ihe army teiha effecl that " Honfland'a t;r irnan Htiiers" will rnre nine-tenths M tba diaaaaes iridtiiiedhy espeamr* and prlvanona lnetdent to earn ajli- In Mie|iM«, (.iiblieti..,! d s , i , i n the newspapers on ihe arrival of the airs u will he noticed thin a very tarjrpoHrtkM are saflSjrrsj rreM SeMUty.- Bvery rile eVtnat kind san be readily ewred »y Haef- land's tlermea Bitters. We have no basttatten la etstin* it,rit mem imrei mir aoldlers, hnndrctla or lira* oi herwlee woald be toat. The enanrietare are dally reaalriag thankMl letters t mm the army and hospital a, who haae bean restored ' ' health hy aoe of tbeee Bitaaws. seal lavahaan ky their Third < ollt'trc fMsiltllnu. <EMOr DEPARTMENT <iP At TI Al I' - 1 > , W'nshin|il(.|' Klrril tJseil enure fot Actual Business purpo~»-t- in ronnertinn with the \ asssr street College, in carrying out the original and pre-emineii mode of Business Instrnction,eomhining 1 heorv and Practice, fitted Willi Desks for the accorr- mmlatioD ol 401) students, and with the fol lowing crrHces lor Office Business Co'hge Bank, National Bank. New York Bank, Union Store, Merchant's Emporium, Insurance Ol tiee, Express Office, Rail Reading and Steam- ship and Boatint; Departments, Post Office and Stationary Departments, Telegraph Office, .lob bing and Forwarding and Commission De- partmemta, Exchange Office, Collection Agency and with suitable lecture and Recitation Rooms. Fourth College. Bnlldisssg. This building is devoted «xelosivaly to the Pemmanahipand Telegrapb Department Fall information of this Institatiott may be had in circulars and pamphlets by addressing tba PraaioVot, H O, EASTMAJI. Pswghaaaepaia, «,» Pertsonal I.etier Bsarrttt. (Ijarned RtarkensUk.) IN R Kf.ARIi Tt> THIS avtnEM or KDITCATTOM N»w — i l a w , t o n e II t.. toTsin. K.«n MvDearSir I hare Ml a greet interest In the eharari»r and saeaowa of yoar admirs •eat of atoalasaa. At eeeh,»ay mratwaamn cat Rs napnv adaptation lo ihe wants of the wna day eras) al>iilMlkillld and deepened Indeed, en in •tltntion eeatldke ewe A naerleaa- ifasre rfcaract.ri., j r of the Inprcerement Of the age. The preetieal edaea tie* imparled a ao ample, varied lad aiilliartew that w ? yem»g man wiioiakoe a ssff and hooeot adramagi, tb.a i . S few ^ n i h a . what would mm neoa Hn> to naanttra withoni M e V M "- prt.Hear whleb swoetd ewannawd T the patronage of in. NKCURITV, (New York City.) Capital $500,000., RHKI.rn IN CLARK, A^mu Sj»r i \>¥* Hardware! Hardware!! r PRIM & WATERBURY, (Succes- -S- Trltnii Weeks, a 1 theirold stand,) would res- pectfully invite the attention of the clLizene of Sara- toga Spring* and vlointty to llieir large and well sefecteil Stock of (ioods,consisting of HEAVY & SHKLF HARDWARE; IRON, STEEL; MILL, CROSS-CUT AWD CIRCULAR SAWS; CARPENTER'S TOOLS ; H0U8E TRIMMINGS ; AGRICULTURAL IMPLE IHENT8; WOODEN AND TIN WARE: PINE AND CEDAR HYDRANTS; HYDRAULIC HAMS; LEAD PIPE, ALL SIZKSi WINDOW 1ASH; CARRIAGE AND HARNESS TRIM- MINOS; POCKET AND TABLE CUT- LERY;HOUSE FUNI8HING G(M)D8; PARI.OR ANDC(M)KING8TOVES; P AINTS.OIAA, CLASS, POT- TT.TAKNISH, TURPKN TTNK, CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, LAMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Blaaling and Kifle Powder, Shot, Caps, Double and slo« le barrefgnna; also, alarge aaaortment of RUHTISO ASP riSHtNO TACKLB,**&in fact everything usually kept In a regular Hardware Store. Onr goodeare mosi 1 > bought from the Manatee Hirers thereby neving a profit wbieb we othnrwlaw would liaveto pay. were tfcey te pass into eoaaad or i bird hands, therefore we are enabled too fler them. inp' thepoblloatprtoea that will defy all competi- tion Persons In want oi goods In onr line wi;fa*iZ it to their tntereetto call and examine onr Steak and Prleesbefore parehastng. TTie btiatneea of tbe Tin Bhop willhe : snperlntend- ed by one af tbe firm,Mr.TRIM, whose competency for conducting tnls branch of bnslnese, neodeno comments, as it le well knot when to public, and with some ae good workmen aaeaa be found In the State, wa flatt«r ourselves that we nan turn oft"as good work aid it as low prices aa any ostablUh ment of the kind it tbe oonntry >r branches _ Tin Sancapmna tor Pipe; pat oa . »„ nu .. u .. IB , c miieciiid with thaTln, iheet Iron bnstneas. jfi*"jonntiio rsvostrTLt ATTEBTDBD TO. -afJH We i&jaottntamd to bold out any nrtlcla aa abatt orload et.bnt Would simply aay to oni friends give as a call and we pledge ourselves to nse onr hast endjeavorabyfalr Jealfng.low prices andgoodGwodat, to merit a liberalahare of pat-rrmoge \ T^ N. B.-^14^rofJta«a. Matasv Copper, Wood Und Lnmbertaken In Kvenange for Goods. now the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sartaparilla, that promised ranch arid did nothfng; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in tliis. Jts vir|nes have beenprovefi by abun- dant trial, aftd there remains no question of its s urpassiBg excellence for the cure of the afflicting (Bscases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before Ae people, and is far more ef- fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. ' — • • •afVTZTBS,** CHERRY PaECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- sumption, and for the relief of CoMump tive patients i a advanced stages of the disease. 1 Ins l u - liecn so long used und M> uni- versally known, that we need do no morel blood will Irritate the heart, will clog nptjfe lungs, than a.-Min the public that its quality is kept j willstupefy tbe brain, will obstruct thejivff and will up tn the lost it ever has boui, anil that it j " end lts disease-producing elements-**] aVI parts of the ma\ 1" n lnd on to do all it has ever done. ' system, and everyone will tujfn in vhni*ver organ I'n pand by DK. J. ('. AVER O; C O . . | , ma » b ' predisposed tn rl isms. Practical and Analytical Chemists, I It is only since the disooyery of that i alunble com 1 CO s CHilKOKliJi CURE! An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal Enilaeloas, and all disease* caused by aetf-pulluiiun. audi as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dtmneaa of V'laioii, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions ou the face.Tale Countenance, Insanity,Consump- tion, and all the direful oomplaluU oaueed by de- parting from the path of nature. Ui^Thl* mediolne Is a simple vegetable extract, and one on which all can rely, as It baa bean used In our praotloe for many years, and with thousands treated It baa not failed In a single Instance. Its curative powers have been aufliolent to gala victory over the most atubborn oase. [ D c To those who lia'e trifled with their consti- tution until they think themselves beyond tbe reach of medical aid, we would aay. DsavPAin s a w ! the CHKHOKH Cr/»* will restore you to health and vigor, and alter all quack doctors have failed! 03c- j,' or full jpartti ulara, gat a Circular from any Drug 8tor» tn toe oqu ntry, orwrlte to the Proprie- tors who will mall free to any one desiring the same a full treatise In pamphlet form. Tbe aale of tbe above Tsff Dal iaaatis»aadtoibe/7tu aad time of Hay va lieetlraxl prasnlaasls JarofAutssCstihasaa] saslabaraby ISSSMUllil SVi tairia sU,. Is the ntattsr «i t] IHtes B. Marray taw af Saratoga Barl UtfjirasMsaa>g adatrttll «f%tt W, Mvs stiiutjr of Saraiogi aaarasald>Mr day afJuus, iffiTiP oi all and singular tba I, ibe within aaiai aiagular the seeds, oaaitt tlswa^ve'Mtfiitl Mttta ». Murray ' at publiaauiliou, si ih« Marvin Uoaaa'• that oi sarstog i bpriugs, oa lbs ItU daj ef i is u m u M ••JffaJ 1 .'*''"- vssnsz&l. jowaed Idaaarlt aa lulluws; Beg ntttng le the north line of cbarah alt eat al lis intereeotieii wuh tbe weal line ol the ditch euriMiag Ihe creak, aa laid aarth I thence southerly htoag saht creak as lahj is*aa aa southerly ip ono kui ne oi Chan . the lot being Ally test In front and I said map ono h'undsM and «Mny>a*f«a asst la tba north bin ol Church etreel lo Ihe asaaa of hsjJaalag. tmtaiia&r.aadansakllag from t hurch street. uorilnily oae band>edagd thirty- atao _tna^wa tea JIBT, IM7-»» aevan feat to aa allay. ilatad. tba ISMt •> • llBBBCCA C«*TIB, Law la Vaaaar. Ally lor Adah's. ..... WKM1S7N4-V>J|1.OI wise ordered, tba lot ins of the ( ouoty Court _... ConVt of la and far tba CoasHy of Saratoga, will be heUlal the Court Hour*, ia Beilatou Springe, uii twrirm wanmy'sf .TJUBIW OF mzooE^xWam X AND CtiUET or bB»BloNt.-U«UI other- r ounty Judge. IMPORTANT TO ALL INVALIDS. . It it well known to tbe Medical Profession that I R O N Its tba TITAL PRINCIPLK or 1 IiTFE ELEMENT of the Blood' ' Thisfa)derived eliiefly from tBe~ food we eat; but if the food is not properly digested, or It from any cause whatever the necessary quantity of Iron Is not taken into the circulate*!. or becomes redact, the whole system suffers, /trie bad [T>~ Prices, S2" per bottle, or three bottles for"$6, and forwarded by Express to all parts of the world O y all r^apootablo druggistsevarywlmre. SOLS PHOPRISTOKB, l* No. 63 UBEBTTStreet. New York. ELIXIR. ELIXIR. DR. WRIGHT'S IIEJWOTIW FLTXlRr *• °* i **• ' •avo-v to »u ord« of E8SKNCE OF LIFE. ^3£&5SL PREPARED EROM POKE VEGETABLE EX TRACTS CONTAINING NOTHING INJURIOUS * TO THE MOST DELICATE wl»b a Petit Jury. November Term- On tbe Fourth Monday of No- vember, with a Petit Jury. .,.„ .... ,„ June Term--< »n tba Third Mynday of June, wnh a PemJ*r¥. ^ Tba aalU lo»iua will ootutaehe* at W d'ejoak la tba forenoon of the daya above doelguated. Given under mv baud, at SaraU gs Sptlnga, this mmsu&hm }m c ^^^ N ~ OTICE T6 CRED'ITOBS:—For- euaat to aa order of Cornelius A. Waldron, Surrogate ol Saratoga County, notice la hefeby given to all persona having claims against the. aalate of Isaac Fowler, lata of Saratoga Springs in ssid county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit said claims wltb tbe proper vouchers thereof, to tbe undersigned Admiaiatralrn of the estate ol said Otoaeaed, al the Omci or Ggo. S. HiTOHKl tlH, Attorney Sir ssid Administratrix, in Speucer'a Muildiag, Saratoga Sprlnga on or before the 10th day of November, 1S64 Dated May 4th, 18S1. CAROLINE FOWLER, Gso. S. lUTCHaiaite, Adalnhstratrii Attorney lor Adin'x. » •.' MVlv N OTICE TO CREDITOBSc-fcarsu- ant to an order of tbe Surrogate of Saratoga County, notice is hereby given to all peraonahaving claims against the estate of Kmbree Maxwell, late of the towtHif Saratoga, iu said county, depeased, that they are required to present tbe same w'tbtbe proper vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, Daniel Uriflin administrator oi the estate of said hie the 3d day of September next. ANNA L. MAXW1 Jarch 3,lSo4 . Aduiiolatratrlx, dwelling hpusotn said town ol Saratoga, on or before _ 'ELL Admin DANIEL OKUcplN, Admlnlsttawot. N OTICE TO Cfl£l)II0 1 l^.f-Par- auant to an order of the Surrogate ol Saratoga County, notice ia hereby given to all person a having claims against the eatute of Jgiuea DeOroff, late of the town of Saratoga Springe, In" Said county, deceased, ntiittirrtl tu lUSSSJlt voucher* thereof, t* Ihe v.w.^.'.'.h: ed, Andrew C. Face. dwelling honee of the under*!gne in tbe town ol Malta, tn asld county, on or before Ihe tmth day ol December next. Dated June INh, ISM. LEWIS DBGROFF, j «,„,.,„.. % ANDREW C.FACJ. 4 "*"'"• N OTICE TO CREDITORS.—Pur- auant to an order of 'tbe Surrogate of Saratoga County,notice is heresy givea to all pertona having claima against tbe estate of Bala K. Ralph, late oj the town of Edinburgh in esid county, deceased, that tbey ate- reojirad to present the same, with the proper vouchers thereof, to tbe uaderaigned adsstBlsiratsr and aduilnia«ratrix of the goods, chatiala aad aradits of •aiddoeeaaed, st the office ofSaaaea Dual,lath* town of Providence, Saratoga county, en or before the 15th day ol November, 18*4. * Dated May 3, ISM. ItUSMsn CAROLINE A. RALPH, Adaainiatratrix, ROBERT HUMPHREY, Adaslalatrater. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. Sol it l y nl I r\e druggieln in Saralnii A. nnfl lb ale rf 1, rnedirini'every wlar*. Al wholesale l>v ' 1 . Tlmii , eon. Sun A i o . Trov vgare .frov English and Frew Select hngttsh and Krnn-li >nm\ FOlt BO Vsi. No 5 Washington Street !)AKATOGA !iI'Knfi«i, V V N I V ill 1 PUPILS 1.1MITE1 1' IV. ' \ i ( K. KLLpENWOOD. TEACHKR. TI We are nowjpi epared to do PLvmnra In all Its Set Water tTlosets.lanares.and alydrantei s; Repair sfid Tap t^oGreenleld Vs. on Tin Roofltng and all other work narrow-cheated consumptives, csn Justly be. traced to a partial and defective education. The hau reading and worse puhUe speaking, everywhere to he met with, even In the highest seats ol warning, are the legitimate reaulte of a neglect of these exercises at the growing aft, in the teiiol room. A sound body is Indispensable t* a SOUDd mind. PRACTICAL EDUCATION. In an age and country where boys of tender years en mi ir" in active puiaalte, It la highly Important to give a practical turn to tbalr studies, so iksttbey nan make Credit given on goods' Eleven Lead,Oils, f*sW- Flnld, Camphene,and Tin Roofing, wMdb ol purehaae. Aoaounu" w*Jj be eliargad with la- pentlne.Flnld, Camphene,and Tin Roofln .... , .. ^ K will be essh^nd be eWgadwl tb Interest from of purehaae. Aedounta w*Jj be ol toreal after four monthsstandSaa. GOOD SW-?sie2.- * Til PEOPLES' j • *, BOOT A SHOE 8TOM5, JUST OPENED *T| LUCAS Su ttOVT/^ JTsrst staer saawtA of tin HO wfli constant]v have on hasH a srge aa«naa.nt of LadW. MisM*'. and Chll- dredC *bo*a, of everv deocrlpttwn. Alaa, s gfsdk va- ries v of (Jem.', Soys' end Youths' Boots and Shea*. ltllfflltlg Htmtlj Pdasaffi. ;'• both an Leaibor and Rnhawr. and warraasod to g|v« Mr Lucas having been connected wilhmanulaetnring for the aast Sftssa year*, rewbtevs hlaasatf S ready seleeta/satd a ro»spet*at jndgs of good work and ataettl and aa ws btjy otrlctly for easrti, w* Sattar MSMSlias that we ehall be able to do by ear eaatseasrs as wall as tbokanrt. Mr How Is slao well kaoers ha thlsto-wn sad vtelaity. W, sat for the favorable alt ratio* of e*r*rs*»do.— * Btraafava. also, will do wall to « ,l *lLaf I 1 ?*"*** ****** Wtni L. I.L-cas. IS-IS , a-idi f s>« 'Mm #W pnpi i atiie i trim his ic a '. • I it (•111 r fron if,. t-ii|" r.nrity dl acbools ol n lunill.! number oi • nevious, lor many rcasnns. Tbo teacher is Hi c fcrsonal .iastnictinii to each pupil, and i tin -yinreeirasallj and thoroughly, In all 'tcs. The lodtrrenr cannoi r? nil. their JesHons, i tut I nr slow receive timel\ help and irraduall) ;• 1, inaater their iiftit UIIHB ti may be < 'tiai i lie tuition in a limited school is loo high n«Af sanoATtoa a m s i KCOHOMV new melhedsaf iliatm, lion have biii' adopted t Kchaolaln the country. PHYSICAl EDUCATION A lijiht system of drrmnaslles has been introduced. lo givi tieaiih, streBgUs, ease and grace lo tin tmdy.— Ever) niuacle la Oteaaght Into action without strain or unpleasant , gleet, and many of the positions are gra.'.-iui and stn lag. Ast«, EIAitUT10NAtii(DHE«CISES AND VOCAI. OfMNASTlCS, lo iTtpnrt depth,r lUndheaa, flexibility anil sortnesato the v, r« Theev vital and fbndamentai stadias re- ceive iiiie or nc attention in acbools generally, either for wsntoi»,me or because their Importanee and value sre not undcralood. Success tn Ills—nay, life Itself— may depend open a thorough training or body and voice. Numerous eases of spinal affections and a prompt and read* aaaaf the knowledge tbey acquire at s.-.hooi. For tail purpose, the teacher and pupil in., art sutijaeia ip*n the Mack-bnard. and all must have written as well aa ill is thrown upon his own to think, independently o\ I also he written out tn blank I teacher—aa,It le believed, aghly appreciated nnleaa re- 1 drthograghlcal exerciaea, loo, Important question! verbal nnswersa resources, an booka. The 1' books.icbe cor; no leooen can Sliced to writ make a ready sast.JSjp'aal writer. Special attention is given te wPn> PENMANSHIP^ 109K-KEEPINO, ARITHMETIC AND t'()M»«»vCIAI. CORRESPONDENCE, a. s prenaratla* Mt Msalneaa. A portion of each day ts nisi, devoted t*ila itaiy or JfOUAOE, ' and a business qua]. k.write sad Tax which is a polite Motion Thai translate u. rssidsflfe nr' conversation, tbe verts. Its _ %. will lake late who win French langaaga the meehaah the blackboard. * rnnswa df Mr. mam I family, three or law bar*. oar* and attention, at the table ROV . jmmLy&$&^ * *. t o sVJm to form a pri hantis ol age, and II t] tern of Instmti •ant work oft live sase. l< As sn si tbalr aona health, San in tbe Us be liable id proveaiivein dnnvtanda* Mr. B gh. Penasaaehia Ihroagh the Uoa.erij ^ oppootletn* Bars* Weederi 9UM. M H Is eaayaa Is boysa tan le boi I teacher *l thie ay» of yeare, theimpur with reotilts te sand be remarked, that for fJMaaaat favored loeality " alee where, would .Acre finds water*, ao ahat- *- % , bination knovm>«s FERt'VIAN KVUl'I' that the I great power Of this VITALIZING AGKNT over disease has been brought to light. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP in a PROTECTED Solution of the PHOTOXIDE of IRON, a JVew IH»covery in Medicine, that STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, by fupplyiug the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element, IRON. This is the seoret of the wonderful success of this remedy tn curing DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. DROPSY, CHRONIC DIARSHCEA, BOILS, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CHILLS and FEVER, HUMORS, LOSS OF CONSTITUTION- AL VIGOR, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, And all diseases originating in A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, Or accompanied by DEBILrPYer a LOW STATE OF THE 8TSTEM Being free from Alcohol In any form, its energizing effect! art not follovnd by correiponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing BTBKHOTH, VIGOR and siw LIVE into al) parts of tbe system, and building up an IRON CONSTITUTION! It Is an .excellent substftnte for Wine or Brandy where a stimulant if needed. One element la the restorative power of Iron as a medicine ft tts mttfrnetie aottafl arte? the tkctrteUy dsvaf- oped (hereof. To take medicines to care diseases ocoasioned by a deficiency of IRON IN THE BLOOD, without restoring it to the system, Is like trying to repair a building when the foundation la gone. Pamphlet* containing certifloates of cure* and recommendations from some of the most esnlnaat Physicians, Clergymen, and others, will be sent ran to any address. We select a few of the najnus to show tlwinaractsr of tbe testimonials; ,', BsT. .tons Wefpotit, Lewis Jobttffc K. O. Rev. Warren Burton, Ros well USh*T. M. D. HevArthorB. Fuller, g. B. KaMeSK, K. D. •w.ABg.B.Pops, W.«PM»«.*. Bav.OurdonBoWBS, frBBalsBaBa, M. D. Rev SylvanusCot*, Jas-sataii Stone, M. D. Rev. T. Starr King, JossABtoMo Sanobes, M. t Bav. Osbora W K star«*Uao Aranda, M. D. Bev. KghtwjaMHlMaV AWtJiaa Wendell, M.D. A. A-Hay as, MD KstMklt. Jl. 8. Chlltoa, M. D. ,... H.BKtauMy.lI.D. BSr.atgi.B.v3MTWn, Jtm B. •vvTrjlaBB, Bsq. Bar. Hsmry Upbam, Jamas ' At the Phanix rises from the ashes of its fite, animated with new /i/f' 1 so does this Elixir re- juvenale the system and overcome disease. CEF" Tbe Rejuvenating Elixir ia the result of modem discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abatraot mathod of cur speotlve of all the old and worn-out systems. an entirely uaw and abatraot method of euro, Irra- if all the old and worn-out syl fl^" This medicine has boon tested by the most eminent medical men of the dav, and by lhain pro- nounced to be one of the greamat medical discoveries of tbe age, 02^" One bottle will cure general Debility. 03?" A few dosea cures Hysterics 1n lamales. 07* "ne bott o oureaPalpitation of the Heart. [L^ - A few doses restores the organs of genera- tion. [ty" From ono to three bottles restores the man- liness and full vigor of youth. ~"~ A few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles cure the Woist case of i in po- tency 03?" A few doseroures the low-spirltod. 03^" One bottle restores mental power. DCZ'"^ few dosea bring the rose to the oheek. ~*-,Th hla medicine restores to manly vigor and r«onst health tbe poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. 03^" The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked roan of business, the victim of nervous depression, the U divldndl suffering from general deblrtty, or from weakness of a SMOLB OMOAJS, will all find Immediate and' permanent relief by the nse of thla Elixir ofTisaenoe of Lile. HP" Prioe $2 per bottlc.or throe bottles for $6,and forwarded by Express on receipt of money, to any addreea- 02?" Sold by all druggists evo/y where. JOr. W. n. Merwin & C o . , 8oi.a PHOPUIKTOHS, No. 63 LIBERTY Street, New York. TV[ OTICE TO CREDIT0BS:^PBT8U ^darofifcei- .. ftWM ol Luey Vsndvwerksr.lsi' of tbe lown of Northumberland, daassssd. that they are requiied to present the same with tb* proper vouobers thereof, to tbe undersigned executor at the offloe of A. Pond, in the village of Saratoga Springs, on or before, the 3d day 61 September next Dated March 3,1864. JASON F. PALMER. Exeoutor. Notlc<> of Vliliiury Enrollinent. P URSUANT to section 8 Of =djhapter "177. of Laws of 1862, notice la herebjtglven, that the enrollment of persons liable to military duty tn .the 29th Regiment, of tbe 13lh Brigade, of the 4Gib Ui vision, of tbe New Yorl State National Guard composed of the towns of Bnllaton, Charlton,Clifton Park, Ualway, Half-moon, Malta, Milton, Stillwater, and Waterford, has been oompleled and filed sspro- ln vlded by law, in the several town e'erk'* same regimental district; end (bat any person Who olaims that he is for any reason exempt from military duty, can on or before the 15th day of August rext. file a written statement of aoch exemption, verified by affidavit. In the clerk's office of the same town where samo person la enrolled. •>••> t.lven ufnler my hand, al Saratov* Springs, this 8th day of July, 1*84. J. A CO REY, C lerk of Board of Supervisors. A GENTLEMAN, cursd of Nsrvous Debility, Inoompeteney, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to fnrnlah to all who need it, (free of charge), the recipe and dlreotlons for making the Blnvple remedy used In h i s muse. Tboae wishing to profit by his experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will receive the same, by return mall. IKIlUCU/i .HI ..7^^.. TO II, \J D..MJ (oarcfully sealed), by addressing JOHN B. OGDKN, tn street. New York. 3mB0 No. 60 Na Sarutofr*. County Agrlcsiltwral Ssrclety N OTICE is hereby given that thsAn- npnl Meeting, Fair and Catt e Show, of the Sara- toga County Agricultural Society, and for the election orofficcrs, will be heldon Ihe Society's Show (.rounds. - - • 0 n Tuesday, Wednee- lember 6th, 7th, 8th In the town ot Saratoga Springs,on Tuesday, Wednee- i nd Friday, September' Stk, 7th, 8th The election of officers Will take place day, Thursday end nhd9th", 18fl4 The. til 2 p. m. el I lie third day ol the Fair. The annual address, by the lion. Edward Edwards, President of lhe*Soclety, wtllbe delivered at } p, tn of the fourth day. A regular meeting of the Executive Committee will lie held at the office of ihe Society, In the Villsfe of Barninga Springs, on Saturday, the 6<h day of MgUst CHEROKEE PILLS! Coated. Fast TtiB HKMOVAI. aw OssTntroxioHH, awn T H S twsuaAncn py R««UI.A»ITV ut THK RKCITA- aamca OF T B I MOHTHI.V Pate ions LTV" They cure nr obviate thus* nnmorons ttta- that spring from Irregularity,by removing tba tMMMi. ;..'• 1 )rr*|ttteadurlta«i - Sr Tmiy cure M*n*tru*tion. H Mr Tbeyoure Oteen Slekni ley ou re Nervous and B l e a T u M lovrer eavInaaa, FatIgn- on slight tba Heart, Lowneas of Spirit*. I echo, Olddlnnss, *te., eta In a" THEIR WIDOWS AWD C T^HtS Widows or nfnor A all Soldiers who dl- or ar* " entitled t o the fl00 IK anty. and 1 i r ^ n l f t t o r . Tbe Widow* or minor children * dio or are klllotl In sorvlocyor die IraoUd Willie In servioe, are entlll If no Widow ti ehlldreh.itVel th< All soldtsr* wounded oi3™ traetadl o? i „, __ two years are enl tiled to the •! A wI.lowed mother, or inlaor I to* pension if t he sold Isr leave* ao* dren. JM» „ii' letters of Inquiry In regai noaedolalm, will b*«sise)i ass When any c will **i KM Ahd &fe. Bav.S H.BUUtel, e.c tSk^ *, tlar 'Ohm posod rrof.B.T«;uT2 rtwt , . ssa-aaa i, Fwdinand Asnlrewa, sasjh _ stranitn for we*i > „„£ j ^ , ! , 1 as«on wouldIni.lllblyrasvsai ] tbalr HT* Then em hbJom*r<iowpmf\%atti j '?^^Say"»n*^ t* aafsiv «*•« «aayas>.*ad L. CLABX * 00- i fsssr. sad I we fisr «*s <asv -north m the -a • r has>'.'*tth ' (l»*ti» 3P^%_,* 5 J*" \ji- m -' the lrr*»larlll*., tbey rsradve atjltbyMeet* thaf sdrlngTrora fjV" C*ni|ar>so<l of slmplo v. """"'" """ " " tWelorloi tiiwiFft- we*kn***,w tall to d*. vice will Druggists. "* . - •)'- **• sVSsi PaoraiaTona, l||!i_... ^ !»•• *> U » » T T Straut, W w TarBJ ,: f . At if »»« «bov* medletnoa »r* said .igfj, agftsla ! «C?? „? .^**";'' »«wwr» H^". jf rh. otvlUsad world, aa* a* all ,^^^^Bssv^" oVsW^ffmn m Nilvifl. fi'TrJt: istMJrirta-V' '. 4«'fta^ , i.., nem at If) n. in., tor the appointment of the Judges lor ihe Exhibition, und to make ail tb* preliminary ar- rangementa liir the apnroacning Pair. The Executive Committee will also he in *esnl*n Sv*r* day during the Exhibition, By order. JrT«^COiita, Saratoga Springs, July 13, led*. *- ; : '' 4*e*y. ,„ tJ -£^.is^i>..^y»a j ;i,^,j;-ji-4h^^tet,. TO •anted In eervlee.areonllllod to a pension. All soldiers who have been d I so rial god by f wim»d*reAS1vwd Is tmttte. ot uris*>y h(aT* ATTBKTI0VI •,i»., i^HHK««*ja * tss* >• ?•<:"-' ' TKl; : ' " Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

*&MIBtmx FAMIL 21/Saratoga... · ami CtltaVtVeOU affcctu.ijs ig the same origin, require the frU.. purincation And ioviKora-lood. l'urify the blood, ami is distcuiperi leave you.

Oct 26, 2020



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Page 1: *&MIBtmx FAMIL 21/Saratoga... · ami CtltaVtVeOU affcctu.ijs ig the same origin, require the frU.. purincation And ioviKora-lood. l'urify the blood, ami is distcuiperi leave you.

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W » < » w » i


r i m l C o l l e g e B u i l d i n g . TIKOS15T|t A t DEPARTMENT. (Cannon .treei 1

Containing Study Hal l s , accommodating 4 0 0 Students , Lecture and Recitation Room*.

iVui'k.— T h * I<MW haikiii ig. aeeoiiimoaVl* 1,450 etudents. -"id private boarding-hotlees are now connected with the Col l ege—thi s sys ­tem ol boarding being much preferred by pa­rent anil s t o d e m . A lOport if required from f»cii Ueuse "weekly, and t h # Boarding Depart­ment ol the Col lege is under the immediate su­pervision of the Principal with t w o ass is tants

1 1 ' 1 I t I ' M t I . A K 1

1 H I I ( I: usde r i he

. • . i | > . • Hi JH

• irp niatiy preparations aoji r-, |JIII uu 11 1 ii 1 r 1 IWiih n uoiilpuui

*l whiskey or tiomuion ruin, coaling • u lN | ' i r g a l l o n , I l ie l a s t . ' . l i ^ u l . ' d li> A n H C u l

' ".- ntnder Se«d. t'li h ( 101* > . Hitlers lias i-auscd and will con U u Lie

in • -urii-c. sailing a* they ain t,«s aold. hundreds to die • i '1111 "' 11 drunkArd. By their use I tie system 1*

o piiiinua,v under ihe influence ol .Vlchoholir s i" 1 1 -"" 1 ' ih.«-M/,,r-i kind, ! he desire .'or LojUor j .

,lrd inil kept uii, sail Ihe renull la all Ihe liuf-r 1 - aio iiilaiil upon a drunkard's life a nd deal It

!',ir :':(/« wti« aeaire and WILL HA VE a l.iquor -rs, we iiOtillsh Hie liiiluwit." reri-ipl (lelll.NE r n . E l lu i iFLAMrs (JKailAN UI1TEJIS, ami

, . WII, IIIKEK m AETS I>F 6 ' « I U I I ( A M H WHISKEY,anil I ha result Will !>• a )Kcp«ratioii w II FA ft E \.i .A- -ti inedu-iiial virtues amllrui

v- :s»BQt any or* 1 ae numerous Liquor Bmers in iiie 11111 .nl. and will C11ST MICH LESS. You will na»e .rti ^ae »*rt»es u« UUoFLA.ND'3 BiTTBas In tun-ne.tinn WHh a COOL) arUele ol Lliinor, at 1 niiirh •1911 [iricfl than thaac iiiffina-r pfeparttMnis win rn«i >ou .



c o o o ; i ? p E.i 1 T 1:. jWILI. ':iv/?2T(.'l !

STRONft HEALTHY NERVJB8, V\ (XL i;|VK ;\ m i j

JilllSSi 41!) iHSJlGKTIC rEELIRtte ,

W|j,l. i'lNABLB Y<il T11


V t l l o w F e v e r , B i l l o n s F e v e r . A e ,

S e r o n d 4 o l l e | ( « ' l l i i i l d i n n .

Jl Mull PEPARTMKNT iir ACT! A1. HI' SI N ESS ( Vaifcar Sir- ti .j

Gseii exoiuaively ior Actual B »iiie»e pur­poses, in connection wi th the Washington street building, wi ih Post Office and Telegraph com­municat ion , and a regular exchange in all de­partments ol business Fitted with offices ami departments f. 1 :1>. accommodation of 3 ) 0 students , contains the Custom House , First National iiank (givinj; the College tbe facil it ies of lour B a n k s ] , with Express , Rai lroad, Tele graph and Post Office to operate in connection with tbe similar offices . ihe Washington Street 1 ullege.

"WAjftU r l t t INtUslANCB Co!

M* rtoVuR VntrjM&tAkiot c<». • / rV#» Ytrk.

*&MIBtmx AtMt

:] LMttaaof HutuM.CoUseUnf vt strata, MA al lbusl

I lliallk.olisu-aolM.wllJi

LL 5 >' 1 1 J J, (Jsfs»wl7l» MaMtilsar in •ifa^sW* s^ltdlHf.

o k« sJs—i-*iri-'1"r—r'—HBJP*^** H . T . * A U s ) l » M . A . « s .

, J ' l i I H n t s r i Bail ling.

• •• f ^ » - t » - •• • »i s,iy»i I | i < 1 1 » • -

SAftATbtiiA FiV-t imtmtamce Jig en eg F A V O R A B L E T K B U S r o s T H K AssuBEt* .


CAMTAsL,..(PAID UP). tSlMr.OOO. TIHO 0 . A L L T A ^ b e . , H. HOWTINOTOM, PrsW

iriHultaiituu f ire lnsarait4»« €o., UKNKW VOHK, INCORPORATED 1821.



or HAswrow). CSONB. C A P I T A l a , . . (PAID UP) . . $ 3 . 1 0 , 0 0 0 .

a ysJWKTT, Sac. 0 . a t WATEBMAN , P I W .


C A P I T A L - . ( P A I D U P ) . . $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . ISAAC K ST J O H N . * * . EDWARD ANTHON, Proa-



I a^uiiiBi LOBB by Ffr^, 00 ulosl klndis ol property, sup­ply to tb« tmbBorllrt*!-, who 1B duly authorised lu re-oelve j>rupoB&ln aad U»«« ^oltafes. Alt the abovt-oompariys have larg<> aUrplua—and are umuag-rfie muf nilfcftble ouuipany 'HIL the oounti v .

I t . M « ; t l l C U A i ; i > , A E « n i



,«*»'. nir- A n i - H IHfMl.

Fire Insurance Agency. I C O C K A V E L L i P t T P r f A l t l , A j i e i i l .

No ID) Broadway, Saratoga Spnngn,

HuMK INSL'kANCK CuMPANY — NEW VoKK. iJupilal and Surplus fr-'.OU/.OXKI




KDCKWKI.I. PUTNAM Saratoga Springs, Jali'i , 1864 lyl2-o

Saratoga Insurance Agency . Thesuoscrlber Is agent tor the following companies.'

WESTERN MASS., (PIUsBeld, Maw.) • Capital ...$160,000 Sulplo* B86,424-|

SPRINGCIEI-D (MASS.) F tsl tauu.OOG. tBurplua

A M. Cn. •267 ,nf,;i

MAS8ASOIT GL)„ (Springfield, Mnae ) Aasota

CHARTER OAK, Capital . . . / .

rtfurit, c onn.) ' ),eoo.

I'linrtH ^iifferin^ Iroin

BrokPU Itown and Delicttc l unstitu-tious,

«tt\a I e\o r Fte m <?J r , Will rind in;


T i m wnlr^^torf in I hen* the ir nana I heal! h Sar h '•us* Mt'-n the e*jw m ihouiMtHtn of imM«nc©f. «nH » ,iirtrij«!|»jhat re<jair^d lo prove t he assarti^r)


NOT A L C H O H O L I C , And N i * T iDkn d»»d a * a

f'UL,TON CO. (Me* York City ) Capital . ..>S>0,000

AodaV in i s i n i of

ETU, t» Era]

lujpeteiH tO MttstVilJ *9Bmmum*Sh n

*le«voi the system to fWi into disor«l*T aixl ^

ots cofttfmin|ik)» Is ift luertuiltvl dsMfSie, 19*

litloA ttvm tiuhtaltlty air, filth and filthy batata,

,i-vs, BBtt. aisuvc a l l , Isy lion. WJtavWvw be i u

itary In th« conatitutiou, ireutt t o ch i ldren o n t o gouurajttant iisnsiaa, it

rod of Huu w h o saysa •* I wiU x o f the fathers upwa t h t ir diaewts* It o r i K i u a m U k a

according to the oiBBatu h j e lungs , Scrofula { s i n u c e a finally ConsuuipUou i in Uit

which buppuruk and Us-eurt-a, in ihe Ntoiwtch and

its trhi^h iirod'i^ff iixdif a l U » e r £ W B } > U » - U , ou

ami CtltaVtVeOU affcctu.ijs ig the same or ig in , require the

f r U . . purincat ion And ioviKora-lood. l'urify the blood, ami is distcuiperi l eave you . With

corrupted b lood, y o u cannot . -with that " l i f e o f the flush"

h e a l t h / , yOaaSBrinot have scrofulous disuaae.

, -Xgrn**. 8tu»ei>artlU is compoWMHd from the mos t effectual iinii dotes WtBpjJsfcsVl sc ience has d i scovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of tiiediaotdBiBk entails . T h a t i t is far »U]HS-rior to a n y other remedy v e t d e v i s e d , U

h a t v e ^ v e n > a t H * L That . vlirtnes t ru ly extraordinary •jfKm this c l a s s o f Complaints,

v e n by tl ie great mult i tude and remarkable cures it

t h e fo l lowing d i s e a s e s : K i n g ' s alar Swellings, Mmors,,

Pimplat, Blotohet and Sores, ~~ or'8trAiiiliony,8 Tire; . Scald Head, Coagh* from

tuberouloiu deposito in the lungt, White SwtJlinrt, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, DyspeMtt or Indigetrtion, SyphilU and 8yphifitio Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weakiiesses, and, indeed, the whole s e r i e s o f complaiuu; tlmt ar i se from inipuHty o f t h e blood. Minute reports o f Individual c a s e s , g a y be found in A visit's A n t u n AN ALMAHA'C, whicl . is furnished to the Uruggints for gratnltous distribution, where in muy be learnetj this directions for i ts u s e , a n d some o f the remarks 1 i< cures w h i c h it has ma-Jc w h e n a l l other remedies had failed to afford relief. T h o s e cases are purpose ly taken from a l l sect ions ol the country , i n order that e v e r y reader may l iave access to some o n e w h o c a n speak to h im o f its benefits from p c i s o n a l i n p c r n n e e . Scrofu la depresses the vital e n e r g i e s , and thus l e a v e s its v ict ims tar m o r e SJrtjJect to disease a n d i ts fatal results than are healthy const i tut ions . H e n c e it Uo>sH$ to.ahorti n, and d o e s greatly shorten, the average duration o f human1 l ife. Tin-v a s t importa!!' o f these cons iderat ions hat led ue to spene years m perfect ing a remedy w h i c h i s sxsequ.iu.' to its c u r e . T h i s w e now offer to the p u l l i c under the name of A Y E K ' S JSATlSAPARtLLA al though it is c o m p o s e d of ingred ient s , some o f w h i c h exceed the best o f SarsapwUla in a l terat ive power. By its aid y o u m a y protect y o u r s e l f from the suff'er-iiiK and danger of these disorders . l*urge Out i h e | f l u l corrujitions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes o f disease , and v igorous health will f o l l o w . B y its pecu­liar virtues tin- remedy s t imulates the vital funct ions , and thus e x p e l s the distempers which, lurk within the s y s t e m or burst out

[ \ g | T flfffN GUANO—Wartautsd

i••«-..• fHOSPHATJf OF LIME I Bs*Mfa«ui,,r-a Prlssa.

from the Lodi Mao-

T UMBEK.t I i < A L T , OAtXJtl

rtBOCEJUES ^ X m w l l o a u d l u p

'"" S T T W A*rtl»M UM


J«T, SAND, a s * COAL. Ala.,

D K A M , R l f * » a o K « J. SAVABE,

„..>t, aw - "•""•


AND •- . . . - - J . .

I'alO Bioudtvuy. UVSON.



Pine flavor and warranted lo give •at.alaoliun.


RAW AND REFINED'ffUGAHS til eyory gratlc. , '



n n i n r t o m i l l / > T S Q afi A T i a f TrisQ -

" "Oriviuti, rriTnisifiO,'' i i n i o u r o , TOILER AND LAUNDRY SOAPS,





l'uifc iiii'I irt;t IfOM udt>r. ?

A Itirgti und i-tiiiipleK! asuorlinem ui



CHIMNEYS, &c, &c. *

i ' l u i ' - an lo~*\ i»M a n y o t h e r H o u s e III the


(antrpssaisd few »*•«, laths, a»4 L«ava«. BEsJBDV, iU i ^ a i i s d i s i l iDUrMla • s o l ID« u'luj/jr ot«yu,a(Mli as la-


a, tajsas fls Hutir a laaa tut tojsajairsj wbars all tk4«U a«s»it>nso%<U its falJatt ' J i t

rtoa.In _ • KtaaassTel

GrsvSt.t2laM.Uoa * ud«4 In Iboaa

l i Is urafaiaal DiaxilgkLy snaoanlMlwt fasaa, * only Valng from oua Ui two taaspoaufaja

^ u f c * , S ^ ^ , a ' - 1 ri a n n f a t and sTsJnsliig tba b)«4d,Saiialoa It to flow s all of its original parity and vlgarj thus IDIUOV^

log from tba ayatam all satrnloloiia nsusas whtofr have Indttowl dlaaaau. .

CHBROKKaf INJECTION Uiuteu.lad v a n ally or uMlatuttoibat'iiKaoMstcaU>UiUr,at)4atv>iildb4)

I*uC|iari«noaa~itttth ueaily all'tba ohwp i.uat>k In

U3T* By tba use of the CRcBoxtfa K f M i n r and CMas»sfsi|i, llfjjBCTio*—the two tnadlaUiea at the1

s a m e H j a sail t«l»Proper dlsoharte* are ramoved, ?*"»«ikeae<lorg«iia »ro apvedlly ivaturwi to

"Jtor fa,h nartleulars gat •- •• - mtry, o

saa. a t . HKNslDy.fJiper botila,

ur tUreii UoMtee Hi ff»f-^rK)«,CHKBOKE* tN/KOTION. t a p e r bot­

tle, or three bottles for fJT>. Q 7 » gent by Kxpresa to any address on raaetpt vl

prloo. . ' . , ' , \ij~ Sdltl hy all druggists everywhere.

fuII vigor and streetth. ICfUCar IttURarUeulers gM out pampltlei frvgi

any Jvug store Uvtbe oouBtry, or wrltStis> and wo ' will mall tree lo any saldruw. • full treaties. '<-

D*rV*r. TL. M e r w i n «V « 2 p „ " '•.Ol.t PaOfHIKVOMB,

No. 63 I.IBER'l'V*StrM»t, Now York.

T H K U l l K A T


;tralinr'ii Sprinps,

T i a i U .

.'antiary, lnivi. 12

wo Imow

| H : A U ii\ A U i r . u s i FOP


G U A S S X r V A P I 3 3 . A large and complete assortment, for

Salt; at less than Albany prices, by

140 URtlAl'WAY '

Families,and those contemplating House­keeping are invited to call and examine.

Saratoga Springs, January, 1864.

•HOMK INSURANCE, (New Haven, C C«pital »600,000.

CITY KIRK, (New Haven. Conn) » $<ttti 000 burjilus . . .(Jl

C a p IKII .I .AKD (Ni-

fi'Ki.Ot'll . \ork '

A KKOIN ity.)



A N D BLADDER • •i V O H I H ' o r Agna. i f fa le o r F e ­

m a l e , tr' sufodlly removed, and the patient rpamreii ti-


DELICATE CHILDREN, '1 li..-.*- NutTering Irora MAfiA.SMI'S, Wfutinf away. • IIISM- infly any desii on (heir bone•>. are rtifod in s . " f taftort Ume . e)n« hottlp, in mint. «•«-«•»., vsfTll have -i mo*i puifprlfji ng effect.

P A R E N T S W'.' *>jf*u(f»'rrflp; rhrTrlrs-n a* abore.nriti Wlttftinffr • list thi'in, will iifver r«grei i he d*i v they rommeni d

-I ng tiiCRf Ri 11turn

LlTRfURY MEN, STUDENTS, ^i.l iliiwr worklr.t ha'tl with llieir bram«, ahoulil at •vnyakfupa htMlle of HtlOFLANITS i l l l T l i l t * near ill,'•«. tv> thev wil l Bntl rntietl hencf i l frnm Ire See . to

|i«ih intatancl body, inriforuing and not depress**!

I T I S I O T A I I Q T t t B S T I I I i n T , lltn» LEAVE* NO PROSTR ATHiN

Attention. Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF 80LDIEH8

W. rail tk« ailewtian ol all havinj relallona or frlen.N in ihe army teiha effecl that " Honfland'a t;r irnan Htiiers" will rnre nine-tenths M tba diaaaaes iridtiiiedhy espeamr* and prlvanona lnetdent to earn ajli- In Mie|iM«, (.iiblieti..,! ds , i , in the newspapers on ihe arrival of the airs u will he noticed thin a very tar jrpoHrtkM are saflSjrrsj rreM SeMUty.-Bvery r i l e eVtnat kind san be readily ewred »y Haef-land's tlermea Bitters. We have no basttatten la etstin* i t , r i t mem imrei mir aoldlers, hnndrctla or lira* oi herwlee woald be toat.

The enanrietare are dally reaalriag thankMl letters t mm the army and hospital a, who haae bean restored ' ' health hy aoe of tbeee Bitaaws. seal lavahaan ky their

T h i r d < ollt'trc fMsilt l lnu. <EMOr DEPARTMENT <iP At TI Al I' - 1 > ,

W'nshin|il(.|' Klrril tJseil enure fot Actual Business purpo~»-t- in

ronnert inn with the \ asssr street Col lege , in carrying out the original and pre -emine i i mode of Business Instrnction,eomhining 1 heorv and Practice, fitted Willi Desks for the accorr-mmlatioD ol 401) students, and wi th the fol lowing crrHces lor Office Business C o ' h g e Bank, National Bank. New York Bank, Union Store, Merchant's Emporium, Insurance Ol tiee, Express Office, Rail Reading and Steam­ship and Boatint; Departments, Post Office and Stationary Departments , Telegraph Office, .lob bing and Forwarding and Commiss ion De-partmemta, Exchange Office, Collection Agency and wi th suitable l e c t u r e and Recitation Rooms.

F o u r t h Col lege . Bnlldisssg. T h i s building is devoted «xe los iva ly to the

Pemmanahipand Telegrapb Department Fal l information of this Institatiott m a y be had in circulars and pamphle ts b y addressing tba PraaioVot, H O, E A S T M A J I . Pswghaaaepaia, « , »

Pertsonal I . e t i e r Bsarrttt.

(Ijarned RtarkensUk.) IN R Kf.ARIi Tt> THIS avtnEM o r KDITCATTOM

N»w — i l a w , t o n e II t.. t o T s i n . K.«n MvDearSir I hare Ml a greet

interest In the eharari»r and saeaowa of yoar admirs •eat of atoalasaa. At eeeh,»ay mratwaamn

cat Rs napnv adaptation lo ihe wants of the w n a day eras) al>iilMlkillld and deepened Indeed, en in •tltntion eeatldke e w e A naerleaa- ifasre rfcaract.ri., j r of the Inprcerement Of the age. The preetieal edaea tie* imparled a ao ample, varied lad aiilliartew that w ? yem»g man wiioiakoe a ssff and hooeot adramagi,

tb.a i . S few ^ n i h a . what would mm neoa Hn> to naanttra withoni M e V M "-prt.Hear whleb swoetd ewannawd T the patronage of in .

N K C U R I T V , (New York City.) Capital $500,000.,

RHKI.rn IN C L A R K , A ^ m u Sj»r i \>¥*

Hardware! Hardware ! ! r P R I M & W A T E R B U R Y , (Succes--S- Trltnii Weeks, a1 theirold stand,) would res­

pectfully invite the attention of the clLizene of Sara­toga Spring* and vlointty to llieir large and well sefecteil Stock of (ioods,consisting of












LAMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Blaaling and Kifle Powder, Shot, Caps, Double and s l o « le barrefgnna; also, alarge aaaortment of RUHTISO ASP riSHtNO TACKLB,**&in fact everything usually kept In a regular Hardware Store.

Onr goodeare mosi 1 > bought from the Manatee Hirers thereby neving a profit wbieb we othnrwlaw would liaveto pay. were tfcey te pass into eoaaad or i bird hands, therefore we are enabled too fler them. inp' thepoblloatprtoea that will defy all competi­tion Persons In want oi goods In onr line wi;fa*iZ it to their tntereetto call and examine onr Steak and Prleesbefore parehastng.

TTie btiatneea of tbe Tin Bhop willhe :snperlntend-ed by one af tbe f irm,Mr.TRIM, whose competency for conducting tnls branch of bnslnese, neodeno comments, as it le well knot when to public , and with some ae good workmen aaeaa be found In the State, wa flatt«r ourselves that we nan turn oft"as good work a i d i t as low prices aa any ostablUh ment of the kind it tbe oonntry

>r branches _ Tin Sancapmna tor Pipe; pat oa . »„ n u . .u . . I B , c miieciiid with thaTln, iheet Iron bnstneas.

j f i*"jonnti io rsvostrTLt ATTEBTDBD TO. -afJH We i&jaottntamd to bold out any nrtlcla aa a b a t t

orload et .bnt Would simply aay to oni friends give as a call and we pledge ourselves to nse onr hast endjeavorabyfalr Jealfng.low prices andgoodGwodat, to merit a liberalahare of pat-rrmoge \ T^

N. B . - ^ 1 4 ^ r o f J t a « a . Matasv Copper, Wood Und Lnmbertaken In Kvenange for Goods.

n o w the public h a v e been dece ived by m a n y compounds o f Sartaparilla, that promised ranch arid did n o t h f n g ; but they will ne i ther be dece ived nor disappointed in tliis. J t s vir |nes have b e e n p r o v e f i by abun­dant trial, aftd there r e m a i n s no quest ion of its s urpassiBg exce l l ence for the cure o f the afflicting (Bscases i t is in tended to reach. A l t h o u g h under the s a m e n a m e , it is a very different medic ine from a n y other w h i c h has been before A e p e o p l e , a n d is far more ef­fectual than any other w h i c h has e v e r been avai lable to them. ' — • •


CHERRY PaECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for

Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con­sumption, and for the relief

of CoMump tive patients i a advanced stages

of the disease. 1 Ins l u - liecn s o long used und M> uni­

versally known, that w e n e e d do no m o r e l blood will Irritate the heart, will clog nptjfe lungs, than a.-Min the p u b l i c that its quality is kept j willstupefy tbe brain, will obstruct thej iv f f and will up tn the l o s t i t e v e r has b o u i , anil that it j " e n d l t s disease-producing elements-**] aVI parts of the ma\ 1" n l n d on to do all it has ever done. ' system, and everyone will tujfn in vhni*ver organ

I'n p a n d by D K . J . ('. A V E R O; C O . . | , m a » b' predisposed tn rl isms. Practical and Analytical Chemists, I It is only since the disooyery of that i alunble com

1 CO


An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal Enilaeloas, and all disease* caused by aetf-pulluiiun. audi as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dtmneaa of V'laioii, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions ou the face.Tale Countenance, Insanity,Consump­tion, and all the direful oomplaluU oaueed by de­parting from the path of nature.

U i ^ T h l * mediolne Is a simple vegetable extract, and one on which all can rely, as It baa bean used In our praotloe for many years, and with thousands treated It baa not failed In a single Instance. Its curative powers have been aufliolent to gala victory over the most atubborn oase.

[ D c To those who lia'e trifled with their consti­tution until they think themselves beyond tbe reach of medical aid, we would aay. DsavPAin saw! the C H K H O K H Cr/»* will restore you to health and vigor, and alter all quack doctors have failed!

03c - j , ' o r full jpartti ulara, gat a Circular from any Drug 8tor» tn toe oqu ntry, orwrlte to the Proprie­tors who will mall free to any one desiring the same a full treatise In pamphlet form.

Tbe aale of tbe above Tsff

Dal iaaatis»aadtoibe/7tu aad time of Hay

va lieetlraxl prasnlaasls JarofAutssCst ihasaa]

saslabaraby ISSSMUll i l

SVi tairia sU,. Is the ntattsr «i t] IHtes B. Marray taw af Saratoga Barl

UtfjirasMsaa>g adatrttl l «f%tt W, Mvs stiiutjr of Saraiogi aaarasald>Mr day afJuus, i f f i T i P oi all and singular tba

I, ibe within aaiai aiagular the seeds, oaaitt

tlswa^ve'Mtfiitl Mttta ». Murray ' at publiaauiliou, si ih« Marvin U o a a a ' • that oi sarstog i bpriugs, oa lbs I t U daj ef i

is u m u M • • J f f a J 1 . ' * ' ' " -vssnsz&l. jowaed Idaaarlt

aa lulluws; Beg ntttng le the north line of cbarah alt eat al l is intereeotieii wuh tbe weal line ol the ditch euriMiag Ihe creak, aa laid

aarth I

thence southerly htoag saht creak as lahj is*aa aa southerly • ip ono kui ne oi Chan .

the lot being Ally test In front and I

said map ono h'undsM and «Mny>a*f«a asst la tba north b in ol Church etreel lo Ihe asaaa of hsjJaalag.

tmtai ia&r.aadansakl lag from t hurch street. uorilnily oae band>edagd thirty-

atao _tna^wa tea JIBT,


aevan feat to aa allay. ilatad. tba ISMt •> • llBBBCCA C«*TIB,

Law la Vaaaar. Ally lor Adah's.

— . . . . . W K M 1 S 7 N 4 - V > J | 1 . O I wise ordered, tba lot ins of the ( ouoty Court _... ConVt of la and far tba CoasHy of Saratoga, will be heUlal the Court Hour*, ia Beilatou Springe,

uii twrirm wanmy'sf

.TJUBIW OF mzooE^xWam X AND CtiUET o r b B » B l o N t . - U « U I other-

rounty Judge.


INVALIDS. . It it well known to tbe Medical

Profession that

I R O N Its tba TITAL PRINCIPLK or 1 IiTFE ELEMENT of the Blood' ' This fa) derived eliiefly from tBe~

food we eat; but if the food is not properly digested, or It from any cause whatever the necessary

quantity of Iron Is not taken into the circulate*!. or becomes redact , the whole system suffers, /trie bad

[T>~ Prices, S2" per bottle, or three bottles for"$6, and forwarded by Express to all parts of the world

O y all r^apootablo druggistsevarywlmre.


l* No. 63 UBEBTTStreet. New York.



*• ° * i **• ' •avo-v to »u o r d « of



wl»b a Petit Jury. November T e r m - On tbe Fourth Monday of No­

vember, with a Petit Jury. . , .„ . . . . ,„

June Term--< »n tba Third Mynday of June, wnh a PemJ*r¥. ^

Tba aalU lo»iua will ootutaehe* at W d'ejoak la tba forenoon of the daya above doelguated.

Given under mv baud, at SaraU gs Sptlnga, this

mmsu&hm }m c ^^^

N~ OTICE T 6 CRED'ITOBS:—For-euaat to aa order of Cornelius A. Waldron,

Surrogate ol Saratoga County, notice la hefeby given to all persona having claims against the. aalate of Isaac Fowler, lata of Saratoga Springs in ssid county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit said claims wltb tbe proper vouchers thereof, to tbe undersigned Admiaiatralrn of the estate ol said Otoaeaed, al the O m c i or Ggo. S. HiTOHKl t lH, Attorney Sir ssid Administratrix, in Speucer'a Muildiag, Saratoga Sprlnga on or before the 10th day of November, 1S64

Dated May 4th, 18S1. CAROLINE FOWLER, Gso. S. lUTCHaiaite, Adalnhstratrii

Attorney lor Adin'x. » • . ' MVlv

NOTICE TO CREDITOBSc-fcarsu-ant to an order of tbe Surrogate of Saratoga

County, notice is hereby given to all peraonahaving claims against the estate of Kmbree Maxwell, late of the towtHif Saratoga, iu said county, depeased, that they are required to present tbe same w' tbtbe proper vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, Daniel Uriflin administrator oi the estate of said hie

the 3d day of September next. ANNA L. MAXW1

Jarch 3,lSo4 . Aduiiolatratrlx,

dwelling hpusotn said town ol Saratoga, on or before

_ 'ELL Admin DANIEL OKUcplN, Admlnlsttawot.

NOTICE TO Cfl£l)II01l^.f-Par-auant to an order of the Surrogate ol Saratoga

County, notice ia hereby given to all person a having claims against the eatute of Jgiuea DeOroff, late of the town of Saratoga Springe, In" Said county, deceased,

ntiittirrtl tu lUSSSJlt voucher* thereof, t* Ihe v.w.^.'.'.h:

ed, Andrew C. Face. dwelling honee of the under*!gne in tbe town ol Malta, tn asld county, on or before Ihe tmth day ol December next. Dated June INh, ISM.

LEWIS DBGROFF, j « , „ , . , „ . . % ANDREW C.FACJ.4 " * " ' " •

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—Pur-auant to an order of 'tbe Surrogate of Saratoga

County,notice i s heresy givea to all pertona having claima against tbe estate of Bala K. Ralph, late oj the town of Edinburgh in esid county, deceased, that tbey ate- reojirad to present the same, with the proper vouchers thereof, to tbe uaderaigned adsstBlsiratsr and aduilnia«ratrix of the goods, chatiala aad aradits of •aiddoeeaaed, st the office ofSaaaea Dual,lath* town of Providence, Saratoga county, en or before the 15th day ol November, 18*4. *

Dated May 3, ISM. ItUSMsn CAROLINE A. RALPH, Adaainiatratrix, ROBERT HUMPHREY, Adaslalatrater.

L o w e l l , Mass . Sold by all druggis t s e v e r y where .

Sol it l y nl I r\e druggieln in Saralnii A. nnfl lb ale rf 1, rnedirini'every wlar*. Al wholesale l>v ' 1 . Tlmii , eon. Sun A i o . Trov

vgare . frov

English and Frew Select hngttsh and Krnn-li >nm\ F O l t B O Vsi.

N o 5 W a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t

! ) A K A T O G A ! i I ' K n f i « i , V V

N I V ill 1 PUPILS 1.1MITE1 1' IV. ' \ i



We are nowjpi epared to do P L v m n r a In al l Its Set Water tTlosets.lanares.and alydrantei

s; Repair sfid Tap t^oGreenle ld V s . on Tin Roofltng and al l other work

narrow-cheated consumptives, csn Justly be. traced to a partial and defective education. The hau reading and worse puhUe speaking, everywhere to he met with, even In the highest seats ol warning, are the legitimate reaulte of a neglect of these exercises at the growing aft, in the teiiol room. A sound body is Indispensable t* a SOUDd mind.

PRACTICAL EDUCATION. In an age and country where boys of tender years

en mi ir" in active puiaalte, It la highly Important to give a practical turn to tbalr studies, so iksttbey nan make

Credit given on goods' Eleven Lead,Oils , f*sW-Flnld, Camphene,and Tin Roofing, wMdb

ol purehaae. Aoaounu" w*Jj be eliargad with l a -

pentlne.Flnld, Camphene,and Tin Roofln

.... , .. ^K will be essh^nd be e W g a d w l tb Interest from of purehaae. Aedounta w*Jj be ol

toreal after four monthsstandSaa.

GOOD SW-?sie2.-

* T i l PEOPLES' j • *,



JTsrst staer saawtA of tin

HO wfli constant]v have on hasH a srge aa«naa.nt of LadW. MisM*'. and Chll-

dredC *bo*a, of everv deocrlpttwn. Alaa, s gfsdk va­ries v of (Jem.', Soys' end Youths' Boots and Shea*.

l t l l f f l l t l g Htmtlj Pdasaffi. ;'• both an Leaibor and Rnhawr. and warraasod to g|v«

Mr Lucas having been connected wilhmanulaetnring for the aast Sftssa year*, rewbtevs hlaasatf S ready seleeta/satd a ro»spet*at jndgs of good work and ataettl and aa ws btjy otrlctly for easrti, w* Sattar MSMSlias that we ehall be able to do by ear eaatseasrs as wall as tbokanrt. Mr H o w Is slao well kaoers ha thlsto-wn sad vtelaity.

W , sat for the favorable alt ratio* of e*r*rs*»do.— * Btraafava. also, will do wall to

« , l*lLaf I1 ?*"*** ****** Wtni L. I.L-cas. IS-IS

, a-idi f s>« 'Mm #W

pnpi i atiie i trim his ic a '. • I i t (•111 r

fron if,.

t-ii|" r.nrity dl acbools ol n lunill.! number oi • nevious, lor many rcasnns. Tbo teacher is Hi c fcrsonal .iastnictinii to each pupil, and

i tin -yinreeirasallj and thoroughly, In all 'tcs. The lodtrrenr cannoi r? nil. their JesHons, i tut I nr slow receive timel\ help and irraduall)

;• 1, inaater their iiftit UIIHB ti may be < 'tiai i lie tuition in a limited school is loo high

n«Af sanoATtoa a m s i KCOHOMV new melhedsaf iliatm, lion have biii ' adopted

t Kchaolaln the country. PHYSICAl EDUCATION

A lijiht system of drrmnaslles has been introduced. lo givi tieaiih, streBgUs, ease and grace lo tin tmdy.— Ever) niuacle la Oteaaght Into action without strain or unpleasant , gleet, and many of the positions are gra.'.-iui and stn lag. Ast«,


lo iTtpnrt depth,r lUndheaa, flexibility anil sortnesato the v, r« Theev vital and fbndamentai stadias re­ceive i i i ie or nc attention in acbools generally, either for wsntoi»,me or because their Importanee and value sre not undcralood. Success tn Ills—nay, life Itself— may depend open a thorough training or body and voice. Numerous eases of spinal affections and

a prompt and read* aaaaf the knowledge tbey acquire at s.-.hooi. For tai l purpose, the teacher and pupil in., art sutijaeia ip*n the Mack-bnard. and all

must have written as well aa ill is thrown upon his own

to think, independently o\ I also he written out tn blank

I teacher—aa,It le believed, aghly appreciated nnleaa re-

1 drthograghlcal exerciaea, loo,

Important question! verbal nnswersa resources, an booka. The 1' books.icbe cor; no leooen can Sliced to writ make a ready sast.JSjp'aal writer. Special attention is given te wPn> PENMANSHIP^ 109K-KEEPINO, ARITHMETIC

AND t'()M»«»vCIAI. CORRESPONDENCE, a. s prenaratla* Mt Msalneaa. A portion of each day ts nisi, devoted t*ila itaiy or

JfOUAOE, ' and a business qua].

k.write sad

Tax which is a polite Motion T h a i translate u. rssidsflfe nr' conversation, tbe verts. Its _ %. will lake late who win French langaaga

the meehaah the blackboard.

* rnnswa df

Mr. mam I family, three or l a w bar*. oar* and attention,

at the table

ROV. jmmLy&$&^ * *. to sVJm

to form a pri hantis ol age, and II t] tern of Instmti •ant work oft live sase. l<

As sn si tbalr aona health, San in tbe Us be liable id proveaiivein dnnvtanda*

Mr. B gh. Penasaaehia Ihroagh the U o a . e r i j ^ oppootletn*

Bars* Weederi 9UM. M

H Is eaayaa Is boysa tan le boi

I teacher *l thie

ay» of yeare, theimpur

with reotilts

te sand be remarked, that for

fJMaaaat favored loeality " alee where, would

.Acre finds water*, ao ahat-

*- %

, bination knovm>«s FERt'VIAN KVUl'I' that the I great power Of this VITALIZING AGKNT over disease has been brought to light.


JVew IH»covery in Medicine,

that STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, by fupplyiug the blood with its

Vital Principle or Life Element, IRON. This is the seoret of the wonderful success of this





And all diseases originating in A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD,

Or accompanied by DEBILrPYer a LOW STATE OF THE 8TSTEM

Being free from Alcohol In any form, its energizing effect! art not follovnd by correiponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing BTBKHOTH, VIGOR and

s i w LIVE into al) parts of tbe system, and building up an IRON CONSTITUTION!

It Is an .excellent substftnte for Wine or Brandy where a stimulant if needed.

One element la the restorative power of Iron as a medicine ft tts mttfrnetie aottafl arte? the tkctrteUy dsvaf-oped (hereof.

To take medicines to care diseases ocoasioned by a deficiency of

IRON IN THE BLOOD, without restoring it to the system, Is like trying to repair a building when the foundation la gone.

Pamphlet* containing certifloates of cure* and recommendations from some of the most esnlnaat Physicians, Clergymen, and others, will be sent ran to any address.

We select a few of the najnus to show tlwinaractsr of tbe testimonials; ,',

BsT. .tons Wefpotit, Lewis J o b t t f f c K. O. Rev. Warren Burton, Ros well USh*T. M. D . H e v A r t h o r B . Fuller, g. B . KaMeSK, K. D. •w.ABg.B.Pops, W . « P M » « . * . Bav.OurdonBoWBS, frBBalsBaBa, M. D. Rev SylvanusCot*, Jas-sataii Stone, M. D. Rev. T. Starr King, JossABtoMo Sanobes, M. t Bav. Osbora W K star«*Uao Aranda, M. D. Bev. KghtwjaMHlMaV AWtJiaa Wendell, M.D.

A . A - H a y as, M D KstMklt. Jl. 8 . Chlltoa, M. D. ,...

H . B K t a u M y . l I . D . BSr.atgi.B.v3MTWn, Jtm B. •vvTrjlaBB, Bsq.

Bar. Hsmry Upbam, Jamas

' At the Phanix rises from the ashes of its fite, animated with new /i/f'1—so does this Elixir re-juvenale the system and overcome disease.

CEF" Tbe Rejuvenating Elixir ia the result of modem discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abatraot mathod of cur speotlve of all the old and worn-out systems. an entirely uaw and abatraot method of euro, Irra-

if all the old and worn-out syl f l^" This medicine has boon tested by the most

eminent medical men of the dav, and by lhain pro­nounced to be one of the greamat medical discoveries of tbe age,

02^" One bottle will cure general Debility. 03?" A few dosea cures Hysterics 1n lamales. 0 7 * "ne bott o oureaPalpitation of the Heart. [L^ - A few doses restores the organs of genera­

tion. [ t y " From ono to three bottles restores the man­

liness and full vigor of youth. ~ " ~ A few doses restores the appetite.

Three bottles cure the Woist case of i in po­tency

03?" A few doseroures the low-spirltod. 03^" One bottle restores mental power. DCZ'"^ few dosea bring the rose to the oheek. ~ * - , T h

hla medicine restores to manly vigor and r«onst health tbe poor debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure.

03^" The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked roan of business, the victim of nervous depression, the U divldndl suffering from general deblrtty, or from weakness of a SMOLB OMOAJS, will all find Immediate and' permanent relief by the nse of thla Elixir ofTisaenoe of Lile.

HP" Prioe $2 per bottlc.or throe bottles for $6,and forwarded by Express on receipt of money, to any addreea-

02?" Sold by all druggists evo/y where.

J O r . W . n . M e r w i n & C o . ,


No. 63 LIBERTY Street, New York.

TV[ OTICE TO CREDIT0BS:^PBT8U ^darofifcei- . .

ftWM • ol Luey Vsndvwerksr.lsi'

of tbe lown of Northumberland, daassssd. that they are requiied to present the same with tb* proper vouobers thereof, to tbe undersigned executor at the offloe of A. Pond, in the village of Saratoga Springs, on or before, the 3d day 61 September next

Dated March 3,1864. JASON F. PALMER. Exeoutor.

Notlc<> o f Vl i l i iury E n r o l l i n e n t .

PURSUANT to section 8 Of =djhapter "177. of Laws of 1862, notice la herebjtglven,

that the enrollment of persons liable to military duty tn .the 29th Regiment, of tbe 13lh Brigade, of the 4Gib Ui vision, of tbe New Yorl State National Guard composed of the towns of Bnllaton, Charlton,Clifton Park, Ualway, Half-moon, Malta, Milton, Stillwater, and Waterford, has been oompleled and filed sspro-

ln vlded by law, in the several town e'erk'* same regimental district; end (bat any person Who olaims that he is for any reason exempt from military duty, can on or before the 15th day of August rext. file a written statement of aoch exemption, verified by affidavit. In the clerk's office of the same town where samo person la enrolled. • •>••>

t.lven ufnler my hand, al Saratov* Springs, this 8th day of July, 1*84.

J. A CO REY, C lerk of Board of Supervisors.

A GENTLEMAN, cursd of Nsrvous Debility, Inoompeteney, Premature Decay and

Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to fnrnlah to all who need it, (free of charge), the recipe and dlreotlons for making the Blnvple remedy used In his muse. Tboae wishing to profit by his experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will receive the same, by return mall. I K I l U C U / i . H I . . 7 ^ ^ . . TO I I , \J D..MJ

(oarcfully sealed), by addressing JOHN B. OGDKN, tn street. New York. 3mB0 No. 60 Na

Sarutofr* . C o u n t y A g r l c s i l t w r a l Ssrclety

N OTICE is hereby given that thsAn-npnl Meeting, Fair and Catt e Show, of the Sara­

toga County Agricultural Society, and for the election orofficcrs, will be heldon Ihe Society's Show (.rounds.

- - • 0n Tuesday, Wednee-lember 6th, 7th, 8th

In the town ot Saratoga Springs,on Tuesday, Wednee-i nd Friday, September' Stk, 7th, 8th

The election of officers Will take place day, Thursday end nhd9th", 18fl4 The. til 2 p. m. el I lie third day ol the Fair.

The annual address, by the lion. Edward Edwards, President of lhe*Soclety, wtl lbe delivered at } p, tn of the fourth day. •

A regular meeting of the Executive Committee will lie held at the office of ihe Society, In the Villsfe of Barninga Springs, on Saturday, the 6<h day of MgUst


Coated .

Fast TtiB HKMOVAI. aw OssTntroxioHH, awn T H S

twsuaAncn py R « « U I . A » I T V ut THK RKCITA-

aamca OF T B I MOHTHI.V Pate ions

LTV" They cure nr obviate thus* nnmorons ttta-that spring from Irregularity,by removing tba tMMMi. ;..'• 1 )rr*|ttteadurlta«i

- S r Tmiy cure M*n*tru*tion. H M r Tbeyoure Oteen Slekni

ley ou re Nervous and BleaTuM lovrer

eavInaaa, FatIgn- on slight e » tba Heart, Lowneas of Spirit*. I echo, Olddlnnss, *te., eta In a"

THEIR WIDOWS AWD C T^HtS Widows or nfnor A all Soldiers who dl- or ar* "

entitled t o the f l 0 0 IK anty. and 1 i r ^ n l f t t o r . Tbe Widow* or minor children

* dio or are klllotl In sorvlocyor die IraoUd Willie In servioe, are entlll

If no Widow ti ehlldreh.itVel th<

All soldtsr* wounded oi3™ traetadl

o ? i „ , __ t w o years are enl tiled to the • !

A wI.lowed mother, or inlaor I t o * pension if t he sold Isr leave* a o * d r e n . • JM» „ i i '

l e t t ers of Inquiry In regai noaedolalm, will b*«sise)i ass

When any c will * * i


Ahd &fe.

B a v . S H.BUUtel,

e.c tSk^ *, tlar 'Ohm posod

rrof.B.T«;uT2rtwt, . s s a - a a a i, Fwdinand Asnlrewa, sasjh _ stranitn for we*i

> „„£ j ^ , ! , 1 as«on w o u l d I n i . l l l b l y r a s v s a i ] tbalr

HT* Then em hbJom*r<iowpmf\%atti j '?^^Say"»n*^ t* aafsiv «*•« «aayas>.*ad

L. CLABX * 00-

i fsssr. sad I we fisr «*s <asv -north m the

-a • r i» has>'.'*tth ' ( l»*ti»

3P^%_,*5 J*" \ji- m -'

the lrr*»larll l*. , tbey rsradve a t j l tbyMeet* thaf sdrlngTrora

fjV" C*ni|ar>so<l of slmplo v. """"'" """ " " tWelorloi

t i iwiFft-we*kn***,w

tall to d*.

vice will


"* . - •)'- **• sVSsi PaoraiaTona,

l | | ! i _ . . . ^ !»•• *> U » » T T Straut, W w TarBJ ,: f . A t i f »»« «bov* medletnoa »r* said .igfj, agftsla ! «C?? „ ? . ^ * * " ; ' ' » « w w r » H ^ " . jf rh. otvlUsad world, aa* a* all

,^^^^Bssv^" oVsW^ffmn m N i l v i f l .


istMJrirta-V' '. 4«'fta^ , i..,

nem at If) n. in., tor the appointment of the Judges lor ihe Exhibition, und to make ail tb* preliminary ar-rangementa liir the apnroacning Pair. The Executive Committee will also he in *esnl*n Sv*r* day during the Exhibition, By order. JrT«^COiita,

Saratoga Springs, July 13, led*. * - ; : '' 4*e*y. ,„ t J -£^ . i s^ i> . .^y»a j ; i ,^ , j ; - j i -4h^^tet , .


•anted In eervlee.areonllllod to a pension. All soldiers who have been d I so rial god by

f wim»d*reAS1vwd Is tmttte. ot uris*>y h(aT*


•,i»., i ^ H H K « « * j a * tss* >• ?•<:"-' ' TKl; •

• : ' "

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