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My Book Of Wonders.


Mar 28, 2016



Bailey McClure

multi-genre research project
Welcome message from author
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My Book Of


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My Favorite Foods


Hunny Buns

Granola Bars


Flaming Hot Cheetos











Dr. Pepper

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Greeting from Disney World!September 2005-2006

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Without Family I Would Be Incomplete

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Bailey McClure

Wanted for texting too much

Blonde hair

Brown eyes


Dark pink glasses


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timeline; me growing up.

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All about me!

I was born right her in Saint

Joseph, Missouri on May 31st,

1997. I was a beautiful blonde

hair, brown eyed sweetheart. I

was my mom and dad’s first


As I started to grow up, I found

out I had a little brother on the

way when I was 4 years old, I

was super excited. By then I was

already playing t-ball and

being the only girl on the team.

I wanted to be just like my dad

and play baseball. After t-ball

ended, that was the last of my

baseball career. I wanted to

become a basketball player

instead. So, when fourth grade

came, I was ready, for the next

3 years. When Middle School

came around, I gave up on

that too.

Now, in High School, I play no

sports and am really lazy.

I like hanging out with my

friends and spending time with

family. My little brother is a

pain, but I wouldn’t trade him

for anything. My favorite color

is purple, all because I went

through a Justin Bieber stage

last summer. Spaghetti is my

favorite food out of anything


Next school year, I plan to

become more involved with

sports and to stop being so lazy!

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The Daily News

Bailey McClure passed away late last night, due to overdosing on texting and sleeping to much. Bailey was constantly texting and sleeping wherever she was to be found. Evidence goes to show that Miss. McClure was also a flaming hot cheetos junkie. Bailey will be missed by her friends and family.

Rest In Peace, Sweet Angel. We Love You!

Obituaries Bailey McClure

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Bailey’s Will

For my mom, I leave her happiness, so there

in never a day, where

she’s upset. For my dad, I leave the

chance, of becoming the

baseball player, he wishes he stil

l was. For my brother, I leave my

clean skills, so there isn’t a time, when his room is a complete

mess! For my grandma Ruthie, I leave her

a new car, so she can

FINALLY get rid of that van. For My grandma and grandpa

Chase, I leave them

, a new car, without any problems. Now, none

of you can worry about cars. For my aunt Angie, I leave her


house of her own. For my uncle Jeremy, I leave a new car, with

no problems. For, my grandma Ruthie, grandma and grandpa

Chase, my aunt Angie and my uncle Jeremy, I leave them a

chance to quit smoking for good, and stop having to worry about

it. For all my cousins and everyone else,

I leave them my

happiness and my silliness.

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Layered Pudding Delight

14 whole graham crackers1 pkg instant jello vanilla pudding

2c. cold milk - 1 c. cool whip1 can(21oz) cherry pie filling or fruit of choiceLine 9 inch square pan with graham crackers,

breaking if necessary. Prepare pudding mix with

milk as directed on package. Let stand 5 minutes.

Blend in cool whip. Spread 1/2 of pudding mix

over crackers. Add another layer of crackers, top

with remaining pudding mix. Spread pie filling

over top layer of crackers. Chill 3 hours.

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The  most  in+luential  person  in  my  life  would  have  to  be  my  grandma  Ruthie.  My  grandma  is  

one  of  the  strongest,  most  generous,  respectful,  person  I  know,  even  when  she  has  every  right  to  

break  down  and  cry;  she  still  manages  to  +ight  past  it  and  keep  a  smile  on  her  face  for  us  grandkids.  

My  grandma  made  me  want  to  change  to  become  a  better  person  than  I  am.

  On  August  19th,  2010,  my  family  went  through  one  of  the  hardest  things  ever  possible,  

we  lost  our  grandpa,  dad,  friend,  and  brother,  family  member.  While  going  through  the  process  

of  losing  my  grandpa,  my  grandma  stayed  strong  for  all  of  us  and  tried  not  to  cry,  when  she  was  

the  one  who  should  have  been  crying  the  most.  My  grandpa  had  just  got  his  kidney  transplant  

maybe  a  month  before  he  passed,  everything  was  going  good  and  then  when  he  was  at  the  

doctors,  we  just  lost  him.  I  remember  my  mom  getting  the  phone  call  from  my  grandma,  like  it  

was  yesterday.  I  knew  something  had  happened  before  my  mom  even  +inished  her  +irst  

sentence  and  I  started  bawling,  instantly.  My  grandma  handled  it  just  like  any  other  loving  wife  

would  do,  probably  even  better  than  they  would  have.My  grandma  would  give  us  the  clothes  off  her  back  before  she  would  let  us  go  without.  She’s  helped  each  and  

every  one  of  us  when  we  needed  it  and  even  when  didn’t  need  it.  There  are  a  couple  of  us  that  take  

advantage  of  her,  because  we  know  how  she  is.  We’ve  all  done  it  at  least  once.  My  grandma  takes  care  of  

everyone  before  she  takes  care  of  herself,  she  makes  sure  were  happy,  before  she  thinks  about  herself.  That’s  

not  always  a  good  thing,  but  she  still  does  it.  She’ll  babysit  your  kids  just  because  you  asked  her;  that’s  just  

the  kind  of  grandma  she  is.

Looking  back  on  how  we’ve  all  treated  my  grandma,  we  deserve  no  respect  from  her  at  all.  We  walk  all  

over  her,  take  advantage  of  her,  scream  our  lungs  off  at  her,  act  like  idiots,  and  yet,  she  still  treats  all  of  us  

with  respect.  She  knows  that  we  don’t  mean  anything  of  the  hurtful  things  we  say,  because  she’s  our  

grandma  and  without  her,  we  would  be  nothing.  She’s  been  there  and  helped  us  all  through  so  much.  If  we  

didn’t  have  my  grandma,  we’d  all  be  lost.

Thanks  to  my  grandma  I  have  tried  to  become  a  better  person  like  her,  because  I  don’t  want  to  end  up  being  rude  a  hateful  toward  every  living  thing  that  walks  this  Earth.  If  I  ever  were  to  lose  my  grandma,  I  don’t  know  what  I  would  do.  She’s  my  role  model,  she’s  the  one  I  look  up  too,  she’s  the  one  I  go  to  when  I  need  advice  on  something.

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Bailey;-Usually brown hair with green or brown eyes. She is very intelligent and has an amazing way with words. She has a great sense of humor and can get anyone to laugh. There's also the kind of Bailey that is quiet and very intelligent along with wise. She knows the answer to just about everything. She has a very surprising side to her, sharp tongue and can kick butt. She's also secretly very competitive, but tries not to let it out. She's very independent ; so independent, in fact, she will go with what she thinks against an entire crowd. She'll sit by herself all day, if she wants. She can prove that she doesn't need other people, but she doesn't realize how easily they would accept her if she gave them a chance. Usually very pretty, but Baileys tend not to care as much or try to be to get accepted by others. If Bailey has a problem with you, she'll let you know; she isn't afraid of anyone! *


Recorded in several spellings including MacClure, McLure, McCloor, and McLeur, this is a Gaelic

surname of Scottish origins, also found in both Ireland and the Isle of Man. It derives from the pre

10th century M'Ill'uidhir, which literally translates as 'The son of Ordar's follower'. Just who this

'Ordar' was is unclear, but a reasonable explanation is that he was a Viking, and probably Norse,

since the whole of South West Scotland, most of Eastern Ireland and the Isle of Man were one single

Norse kingdaom in the 9th and 10th centuries. Today the surname is most popular in Galloway, and

has been since at least the 15th century when Johh McLur and Robert McClure were both arrested

for murder. They were followers of the earl of Cassillis, who rebelled against the monarchy of

Scotland in 1526. In fact the history of the McClure's has been one consistent attack on authority. As

late as 1684 Elizabeth M'Cloor was banished to 'The Plantations' which meant the colonies of the West

Indies for giving support to the rebel Clan MacGregor. This clan was outlawed by King James V1 of Scotland

in 1613, and not reinstated until 1780, and then by the orders of King George 111rd. In America the surname

achived considerable fame through William MacClure (1763 - 1840). He is regarded as the father of American

geology, and was largely responsible for some of the early finds of coal and iron ore, raw materials on which

the country's future success was to be built. *

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Resources:My wonderful family members: my mom, my dad and my

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My  cousin  is  one  of  the  strongest  people  I  know,  she  in  just  a  couple  of  years,  she  has  lost  two  babies,  when  they  were  very  young  and  she  was  young  as  well.  She  kept  her  head  up  and  looked  on  the  bright  side  of  everything  when  she  should  have  been  in  a  depression  mode.                Whitney  was  13  when  she  got  pregnant  with  her  +irst  child,  Damian.  Her  pregnancy  was  going  good,  she  had  all  the  support  she  needed,  and  her  mom  was  disappointed,  but  was  there  for  her  because  she  had  been  down  the  same  rode.  Damian  was  born  April  17th,  2003.  The  doctors  did  everything  they  could  to  save  him,  but  he  was  too  small,  too  fragile.  Later  that  night,  after  we  all  had  said  our  goodbyes,  Damian  went  to  +ly  with  the  angels  on  April  17th,  2003.  Whitney  was  devastated.  She  cried  everyday  and  blamed  herself  for  what  had  happen  to  her  sweet  baby  boy.  We'd  only  known  him  for  maybe  an  hour  or  two  and  it  broke  our  hearts,  seeing  my  cousin  give  birth  and  lose  her  baby  all  in  one  day.                A  couple  of  years  later  on  March  7th,  2005,  Whitney  had  her  little  girl,  Chloe.  She  was  a  blonde  haired  blue-­‐eyed  girl.  Just  as  beautiful  as  her  mother.  Chloe  was  a  sweet  heart.  From  the  day  she  came  into  this  world,  Whitney  was  not  letting  her  out  of  sight,  scared,  because  what  had  happened  with  her  previous  baby.  Chloe  just  turnt  6,  still  blonde  haired  and  blue  eyed  and  just  as  sweet  as  can  be.                  November  7th,  2007  Whitney  had  her  3rd  baby,  Preston  Ray.  Whitney  was  overjoyed  she  was  having  a  little  boy.  Each  month,  she  got  bigger  and  bigger,  until  her  belly  was  huge.  When  Preston  arrived,  everyone  fell  instantly  in  love  with  him.  His  big  ol'  blue  eyes,  huge  smile  and  silly  little  giggles.  Preston  was  the  sweetest  baby  there  ever  was,  always  smiling  and  being  happy.  When  you  held  Preston,  he  got  a  death  grip  on  you  and  you  never  wanted  to  put  him  down,  you  just  couldn't  look  away  from  him.  Those  big  blue  eyes  held  you  in.  Chloe  loved  Preston  more  than  anything  in  the  world,  she  loved  being  a  big  sister,  and  she  would  always  call  him  her  "big  guy".  On  April  30th,  2008  Whitney  received  a  chain  message  that  said,  "If  you  don't  send  this  to  10  people  tonight,  something  bad  will  happen.  NO  SENDBACKS!!"  Whitney  didn't  think  anything  of  it  and  deleted  the  message.  Later  that  night,  Whitney  laid  Preston  down  for  bed  just  like  she  did  every  night,  and  she  went  back  in  the  other  room.  When  she  went  and  checked  on  him,  Preston  was  not  breathing.  Whitney  called  911  and  they  arrived  quickly  and  rushed  Preston  to  the  hospital.  The  doctors  tried  to  save  him,  but  they  weren't  able  too.  Preston  had  passed  away  of  SIDS  (sudden  infant  death  syndrome)  I  remember  coming  home  from  school  and  my  mom  sitting  me  and  brother  down  and  telling  us  what  happened.  I  couldn't  believe  it,  I  ran  outside  and  cried  on  the  swing,  blaming  everyone  for  the  loss  of  my  sweet,  innocent  baby  cousin.  I  kept  wishing  that  they  would  bring  him  back  and  take  someone  else,  take  me  instead  of  him.  Whitney  and  the  kids'  dad,  Jason  were  heartbroken.  They  kept  thinking  "Why  us?  What  did  we  do,  to  deserve  this?  We've  already  lost  one,  now  you  take  another  away  from  us?"  Jason  blamed  Whitney,  telling  her  it  was  her  fault  Preston  died,  putting  all  the  blame  on  her.  At  Preston's  visitation,  the  room  was  +illed  with  people  crying,  nose  snif+ling,  used  Kleenex’s  were  scattered  everywhere!  It  took  me  forever  to  get  up  and  go  see  Preston  laying  there,  not  smiling,  or  showing  us  his  big  eyes.  When  I  +inally  got  enough  courage  to  walk  up  there,  I  couldn't  breathe.  The  last  time  I  had  seen  something  like  this,  I  was  6  and  didn't  know  what  was  going  on.  I  grabbed  on  to  my  mom  and  lost  it.  My  tears  covered  her  shirt,  my  mom  clenched  me  tighter  and  started  bawling  with  me.  A  couple  days  later  at  the  grave  site,  there  were  a  few  of  us  crying,  but  when  Chloe  kept  trying  to  open  the  lid  and  see  her  "big  guy"  it  made  everyone  bawl  their  eyes  out,  Whitney  and  Jason  had  to  drag  her  away  from  the  casket  and  tell  her  she  wasn't  going  to  be  able  to  see  him  for  a  while,  that  made  her  only  want  to  see  him  more.                Whitney  found  out  she  was  getting  ready  to  have  another  little  boy,  she  didn't  want  him  at  all.  She  almost  gave  him  to  us,  but  at  the  end,  she  decided  she  wanted  to  keep  him.  August  6th,  2009  Whitney  had  Xavier  James.  He  was  adorable,  Whitney  was  scared  she  might  lose  him  too,  but  she  knew,  this  might  be  her  last  chance  to  have  a  little  boy  again  and  so,  she  would  not  let  Xavier  go  anywhere  unless  she  was  with  him,  she  wanted  to  spend  every  moment  with.  Whitney  didn't  know  when  would  be  the  last  time  she  would  see  him,  this  year  Xavier  is  healthy  and  about  to  turn  3  in  August.  Whitney  had  just  had  her  5th  and  +inal  kid,  Kinzlee.  She  is  the  cutest  baby  you  could  ever  seen,  when  you  look  at  her,  you  seen  Preston.  You  see  his  big  blue  eyes,  blank  stares,  and  big  smile.  Whitney  is  strong,  for  living  with  the  face  of  her  little  boy,  on  her  little  girl.  They  have  all  the  same  facial  expressions.  They  look  just  alike,  but  different  genders.                I  have  a  lot  of  respect  for  Whitney,  in  just  a  few  years,  she  lost  two  baby  boys.  Going  through  that  at  such  a  young  age  is  hard.  No  mother  should  ever  have  to  bury  their  child,  especially  when  they  haven't  even  got  the  chance  to  live.  Whitney  used  to  lose  it,  on  the  babies  birthdays  and  the  day  of  their  passing,  but  now,  she  sheds  tears  and  knows  that  they  are  in  a  better  place.