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MGIS 301 Management Information Systems Week 04 Databases and Database Technologies M. Murat Albayrakoglu

MGIS 301 Databases and Database Technologies

Apr 12, 2017



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MGIS 301 Management Information Systems

Week 04Databases and Database Technologies

M. Murat Albayrakoglu

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Agenda • Transferable skill • Database concepts • Database design • Database management system (DBMS)

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Transferable Skills• Any skill that applies to various roles and tasks throughout an individual’s

career• Can be acquired via various activities• Informal• Formal

• Categories • Communication skills • Analytical skills • Technical skills • Personal skills • Organizational skills

Database skills = Knowledge + Practice

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Database Concepts

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Basics• Bit (b): 0 or 1 • Byte (B): 8 bits; size of each ASCII character• Data storage needs measured in

kB = 103 BMB = 106 BGB = 109 BTB = 1012 BPB = 1015 BEB = 1018 BZB = 1021 B

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Database Definition• A database is an organized collection of related data • A database

has a purpose has users has structure describes a relevant part of the real world

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Database Advantages• Program-data independence

• Data changes without changing programs • New programs can use existing data

• Planned data redundancy• Limited replication of data • Storage space efficiency

• Improved data consistency• Reduced chance for data inconsistency

• Improved data sharing • Authorized users • User view specific to a task

• Increased productivity of application development• Focus on accessing data rather than creating and updating data• Focus on functionality

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Database Advantages (cont.)• Enforcement of standards

• Single authority to enforce data standards: DBA • Improved data quality

• Entry and modification constraints • Integrity constraints

• Improved data accessibility and responsiveness• Easy to get data from within the authorized user views

• Reduced program maintenance• No impact of data changes on the programs to a certain limit

• Improved decision support• Fast access to high quality data • Faster and more accurate decisions

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Database Disadvantages• New IT specialists

• Database developers and administrators

• Installation and maintenance costs • Getting, operating and maintaining multi-user systems

• Apparent complexity• User, developer and administrator training

• Conversion costs • Changing from legacy systems to a database environment

• Security and continuity risks• Backup and recovery issues

• Organizational conflicts• Data definition, ownership, and maintenance rights

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Database ModelsPre-Relational and Relational Models• Flat file model • Hierarchical database model • Network database model • Relational database model (in

this course) • Object-relational database


Post-Relational Models (after Web 2.0)• Object database model • Column-based database model • Key-value database model • Document-based database

model • Graph database model • Hybrid database models

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Relational Database Model History • Edgar F. Codd proposed the

model in 1970• Based on the concepts of

relational algebra • First commercial

implementation in 1979 • Oracle’s SQL RDBMS

Major players today • Proprietary

• IBM DB2• Microsoft Access • Microsoft SQL Server • Oracle

• Open source • MySQL• PostGRE SQL • SQLite

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Relations • Relation (Table)

• Named and two-dimensional table, e.g. INSTRUCTOR • Contains columns e.g. instructorID, instructorName, lastName, academicTitle,

dateEmployed• Contains data, e.g. 555551, Mehmet Murat, Albayrakoglu, Instructor, 15/09/2016

in its rows

• Attribute (Field)• Each named column of a relation, e.g. instructorName, lastName, academicTitle • Of a particular data type, e.g. text, integer, decimal, date, hyperlink, Boolean, date etc.

• Tuple (Record) • Each unnamed row of a relation • Made up of data cells

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Example: A Table

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Keys• Primary key

• An attribute (or combination of attributes) whose value is unique across all occurrences of a relation• e.g. studentID, citizenshipNo, productID.

• Composite key • An attribute that has meaningful components • e.g. studentID = 20150112007 is made up of admissionYear = 2015 collegeID = 01 departmentID = 12 registrationNo = 007

• Foreign key • An a nonprimary attribute in one relation that appears as a primary key in another• e.g. departmentID in INSTRUCTOR relation.

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Keys: Examples • Primary key

INSTRUCTOR(instructorID, instructorName, lastName, academicTitle, dateEmployed)

COURSE(courseID, courseName, creditHRS) DEPARTMENT(departmentID, departmentName)

• Composite key INSTRUCTORCOURSE(instructorID, courseID, courseCoordinator)

• Foreign key INSTRUCTOR(instructorID, instructorName, lastName, academicTitle,

dateEmployed, departmentID)INSTRUCTORCOURSE(instructorID, courseID, courseCoordinator)

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Primary Keys

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Composite Key

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Foreign Key

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Foreign Keys

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Relational Algebra• An algebra is a mathematical system of operands and operators • Operands

• Relations (tables)

• Operators• Union• Intersection• Difference• Selection• Projection • Join• Renaming

Used for creating a programminglanguage, known as SQL, capable of creating and modifying relations and relationships, as well as,manipulating data contained in one or more relations

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Tuple (Record) Operations: CRUD • In a given relation• Create • Creates a new tuple

• Read • Reads an existing tuple

• Update • Updates an existing tuple

• Delete• Deletes an existing tuple

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Data Entry• Electronic forms (e-forms)• Mostly browser based• Form elements

• Label• Text box • Radio button • Check box • Menu • Slider• Action buttons (Save, Submit, OK, Cancel, Help etc.)• etc.

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Example: A Raw Form

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Queries• Filtered data for a specific purpose • To make a query • Decide what data are required• Define a criterion to select data to fulfill the requirement • Identify the relations and the fields that holds the data • Perform the query

• To perform a query • Write an SQL statement • Use a query-by-example (QBE) tool

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Example: A Query

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Example (cont.)The SQL Statement to perform the query: SELECT INSTRUCTOR.academicTitle, INSTRUCTOR.instructorName, INSTRUCTOR.lastName, DEPARTMENT.departmentName


WHERE DEPARTMENT.departmentName = ‘Economics’;

Thank God, I don’t have to know this in MGIS 301!

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Reports• A report is an organized and summarized data for a particular purpose • Report elements • Tables• Charts

• Report types • Regular reports

• Time-triggered reports • Event-triggered reports

• Ad-hoc reports • On a per-requirement basis

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Example: A Raw Report

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Database Design

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Database Design• Modeling organizational data

• Output: Conceptual data model • A representation of the organizational data (ERD)

• Conceptual database design • Output: Conceptual database model• A representation of normalized data in detail

• Physical database design • Output: Physical database model• Specific DBMS representation the conceptual database model

• Next: Database implementation (in the labs) • Programming the database visually or with SQL programming language

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Steps of Conceptual Database Design 1. Determine the relevant entities2. Indicate the relevant attributes of each entity type 3. For each entity, decide which one(s) of these characteristics can be a

candidate for uniquely identifying the entity4. Set the most useful candidate key as the identifier 5. Determine the relationships among the entities 6. Connect entities through relationships 7. Determine the business rules 8. Indicate the cardinality of the relationships

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Entities • Similar persons, places, things, events, or concepts • Categories of data • The symbol and an example



studentIDnationalIDstudentNamelastName birthDatebirthPlacegendercellPhoneeMailhomeAddress yearAdmittedyearIncumGPAyearGraduated

Candidate keys

Entity name (singular)

Attribute list


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Entities (cont.)• Entity type • Similar entities

• Three generic entity types • Strong entity • Weak entity • Associative entity

• Entity instance (or occurrence) • Single example of an entity

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Entities and Entity Instances STUDENT

studentIDnationalIDstudentNamelastName birthDatebirthPlacegendercellPhoneeMailhomeAddress yearAdmittedyearIncumGPAyearGraduated


0000001555 55 555 551EminKendinden Jul. 20, [email protected]……………

Entity Entity instance

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Attributes• Attributes • Relevant characteristics of each entity for the organization • Each attribute belongs to a domain, e.g. text, integer, date, hyperlink, file etc.

• Candidate key • One or more of the attributes of a particular entity that is used to identify

each specific occurrence of the entity • e.g. the citizenship number, tax ID, or school ID.

• Identifier • The candidate key chosen to be the unique identifying characteristic of each


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Attribute Types• Multivalued attribute, e.g. phone numbers • Repeating group, e.g. children or various addresses • Required attribute, e.g. student ID• Optional attribute, e.g. second name• Composite attribute, e.g. course ID and student ID • Derived attribute, e.g. age = today – birthDate

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Relationships • Any association of two or more instances of entities relevant to a

business • Degrees of a relationship • Unary (advanced) • Binary (in this course)• Ternary (advanced)

• Normalized relationships • Necessary to preserve data integrity

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Relationships: Depiction • Entity 1 does something to Entity 2 • Something is done to Entity 2 by Entity 1







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Relationships: Example





Taken by


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Relationships: Optionality and Cardinality

CardinalityOne Many


Optional Optionalone


Mandatory Mandatoryone


• Optional one

• Mandatory one

• Optional many

• Mandatory many • Minimum and maximum cardinalities

may be defined • e.g. a class section may have between a

minimum of 5 and a maximum of 50 students

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Optionality and Cardinality Example• From left-to-right:

A student always takes one or more courses• From right-to-left:

A course is sometimes taken by one or more students





Taken by


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Cardinality Types

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More Examples and Exercises Consider the following relationships. Describe the two-way relationships in plain English. Draw the ERD segments connecting each pair. • INSTRUCTOR advises STUDENT• STUDENT gets PC• STUDENT earns SCHOLARSHIP • STUDENT lives in ROOM • ROOM contains FURNITURE • ROOM belongs to DORM


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Degree of Relationships • Number of entities participating in a relationship

Unary Binary Ternary

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Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)• Create entity-relationship segments • Combine them to a complete diagram

E1 E2

E2 E3

E1 E4

E1 E2



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Conceptual Database Design 1. Normalize the relationships in the data model (ERD) 2. Transform entities into relations 3. Create relationships 4. Merge relations

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Normalization • Normalization is a process for converting a single many-to-many

relationship into two one-to-many relationships • Normalization helps • Avoid data anomalies • Protect data integrity







studentIDCourseIDGrade Taken by

Refers to

Referred by

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Transforming Entities into Relations • A relation has the following form: • ENTITY(primaryKey, attribute1, attribute2, … , attributeN)

• Examples • STUDENT(studentID, studentName, lastName, birthDate,

birthplace,...)• COURSE(courseID, courseName, creditHrs)• STUDENTCOURSE(studentID, courseID, grade)• DEPARTMENT(departmentID, departmentName)

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Creating Relationships• DEPARTMENT(departmentID, departmentName)

STUDENT(studentID, studentName, lastName, birthDate, birthplace,…, departmentID)

• DEPARTMENT(departmentID, departmentName)

COURSE(courseID, courseName, creditHrs, departmentID)

How toInsert the primary key of the relation on the one-side ofthe relationshipinto the relationon the many-side.

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Merging Relations• DEPARTMENT(departmentID, departmentName)

STUDENT(studentID, studentName, lastName, birthDate, birthplace,…, departmentID)

COURSE(courseID, courseName, creditHrs, departmentID)

How toReduce the number of repeating entities to one.

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Physical Database Design 1. Create relations by using the RDBMS’s visual programming tools or SQL

language 2. Establish relationships among relations by using the RDBMS’s visual

programming tools or SQL language 3. Design data entry forms by using the RDBMS’s visual programming tools 4. Design queries by using the RDBMS’s visual programming tools or SQL

language 5. Design regular reports by using the RDBMS’s visual programming tools 6. Design menus by using the RDBMS’s visual programming tools

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Database Implementation

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Database Management Systems (DBMS)

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Components of a DBMSCreate and change thelogical structure of data

Create-Read-Update-DeleteMake queries

Create and modify menus, forms and reports

Data authorization Recovery and backup Structural changes


S En




Data definition language

Data manipulationlanguage

Data administration tools

Application generation tools


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Client-Server Architecture






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Centralized Database


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Distributed Database


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Next Week • We will have two online quizzes• The first due Tuesday, 10/25/2016• The second due Thursday, 10/27/2016

• We will have a 2-page written assignment from Chapter 1 of our textbook. • We will discuss the issues related to Chapter 6 and Appendix C of our
