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Metropolitan Waterworks & Sewerage System A proposal for updating the MWSS 2005 Master Plan Prepared for DENR and MWSS January 2011

Metropolitan Waterworks & Sewerage System

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A Proposal for Updating the MWSS Master Plan


Metropolitan Waterworks & Sewerage System

A proposal for updating the MWSS 2005 Master Plan

Prepared for DENR and MWSS

January 2011

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A Proposal for Updating the MWSS Master Plan


Economic Development Services Pty Ltd PO Box 125, Unley BC 5061, South Australia +61 (0)408 853 376 (mobile) +61 8 7226 6169 (office) [email protected]

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A Proposal for Updating the MWSS Master Plan


Table of Contents


Table of Contents iii

Abbreviations & Glossary iv

Introduction 6

Sections in Master Plan to Update 8

Section 1: Summary of land use status 8

Section 2: Population and demographic data 8

Section 3: Metro Manila water quality 9

Section 4: Forecast of sewage volumes 10

Section 5: Assessment of sewerage technologies 11

Section 6: Development of policies, standards and procedures 11

Section 7: Inventory and associated data on S&S systems 13

Section 8: Restate the strategy for the provision of S&S 13

Section 9: Priorities and new projects and activities to reduce pollution loads 15

Draft Outline of Headings for the Updated Master Plan 16

Expected Contributions from Agencies 19

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Abbreviations & Glossary

ADD Average Day Demand ADR Appropriate Discount Rate AIC Average Incremental Cost AO Administrative Order BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BOT Build-Operate-Transfer (mode of project delivery) BSWM Bureau of Soil and Water Management CA Concession Agreement CAS Conventional Activated Sludge CO Corporate Office CWA Clean Water Act CWA-IRR Clean Water Act-Implementing Rules and Regulations DA Department of Agriculture DAO Departmental Administrative Order DBP Development Bank of the Philippines DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DOE Department of Energy DOH Department of Health DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways EIRR Economic Internal Rate Return EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMB Environmental Management Bureau EUFS Environmental User Fee System FIES Family Income and Expenditure Survey FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information System HDI Human Development Index HEPP Hydro-Electric Power Plant HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board IEC Information Education and Communication IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LGU Local Government Unit LLDA Laguna Lake Development Authority MCA Multi-criteria Analysis

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MCSS Manila Central Sewerage System MDU Mobile Dewatering Units METROSS Metro Manila Sewerage and Sanitation MM Metro Manila MMDA Metro Manila Development Authority MSSP Manila Second Sewerage Project MTSP Manila Third Sewerage Project MWCI Manila Water Company, Inc. MWSI Maynilad Water Services, Inc. MWSS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System NCR National Capital Region NEUFS National Environmental Users Fee System NGO Non-Government Organization NHA National Housing Authority NPC National Power Corporation NPV Net Present Value NRW Non Revenue Water NSO National Statistics Office O&M Operation and Maintenance PEMSEA Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia PD Presidential Decree PRRC Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission RO Regulatory Office RR Rate Rebasing SAP Strategic Action Paper SME Small and Medium Enterprises SpTP Septage Treatment Plant S&S Sanitation and Sewerage SSMP Sewerage System Master Plan STAMP Septic Tank Management Program STED Septic Tank Effluent Disposal STP Sewerage Treatment Plant TA Technical Assistance WTP Water Treatment Plant WQMAs Water Quality Management Areas WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

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The purpose of this report is twofold. First, to outline a process for selectively updating the MWSS

Master Plan of 2005. Second, to identify the likely components that will form part of the Updated

Master Plan. The original Master Plan provided a comprehensive plan from 2005 to 2025 for the Metro

Manila area and the development of water supply, sewerage and sanitation services. The Updated

Master Plan is not intended to replace this but rather to provide a focus on specific parts of the 2005

Master Plan with the intention of providing additional information and a strategic problem solving

approach to several key issues.

At least three major events are continuing to influence the objectives and strategies laid out in the

original Master Plan. The first of these events is the extension in 2009 of the concessionary agreement

for the delivery of services. The original concessionary agreements have been extended from 2022 to

2037. The original Master Plan’s investment priorities need to be reconsidered in light of the extension.

Second, the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9275) continues to exert pressure on

lead agencies. The Clean Water Act provides for a comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent

and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving all stakeholders.

The Clean Water Act identifies substantial roles for DENR and NWRB, and has significant implications for

MWSS and the concessionaries.

Third, the December 2008 Supreme Court Order for all concerned government agencies to coordinate

the clean-up, restoration and preservation of the water quality of the Manila Bay, mentions directly

DENR and MWSS and has implications for the concessionaries, as well as, many other agencies.

These major events, combined with the ongoing low rates of sewerage provision in the Metro Manila

area, means the Updating of the Master Plan will focus on environmental issues. The increased concern

with environmental issues will relate specifically to the provision of sanitation and sewerage (S&S)

services and pollution loading to the Metro Manila river systems, the Manila Bay and the Laguna Lake

area. More specifically, the interrelated purposes (objectives) of selectively updating the Master Plan

are as follows:

i. Reduce water pollution to the Metro Manila river systems and the Manila Bay;

ii. Improving S&S services in the Metro Manila area;

iii. Inform the 2012 rate rebasing exercise;

iv. Identify priorities and provide strategic basis for future plans and programs; and

v. Resolve technology and policy issues affecting future plans and programs.

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The production of this report is the first step in a process for updating and achieving the above

objectives. This report outlines what should be updated and how to update the Master Plan. It divides

the work into specific sections.

The next step, through a process of consultation, is to agree on what to update and for lead agencies to

provide, were possible, more details and guidance. The consultation process, as dictated by the terms of

reference, will occur through a workshop with key stakeholders. Ideally, a small number of key decision

makers from DENR, MWSS, MWSI and MWCI will attend the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to

provide key stakeholders an opportunity to guide and direct the MTSP Team in relation to the sections

of the Master Plan to be updated and what the Updated Master Plan should look like.

The third step is to identify for each section of the proposed Updated Master Plan one or more contact

points within each agency. These contact points will be a critical part of the process. Since much of the

information and input for the selective updating of the Master Plan will come from the key agencies of

DENR, MWSS, MWSI and MWCI and from a variety of different sources, it is important to have contact

points that can act as facilitators between the MTSP Team and the relevant and various sources within

each organisation.

Following the three step approach, this report is divided into three main “chapters”. The first chapter

outlines the nine sections proposed for updating. For each of these sections the report provides a

description of: a) what will be updated; b) why it should be updated; c) how we propose to update it,

and; d) who will need to provide the necessary information. The second chapter provides a chapter and

subsection outline of the proposed Updated Master Plan. The chapter outline corresponds to the nine

sections set out in chapter one of this report. The third section provides a table for identifying key

contact points within each agency and for each of the nine sections. This table should be filled in at the

proposed consultative workshop.

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Sections in Master Plan to Update

As mentioned in the introduction, the nine sections to be updated in the Master Plan are outlined here.

Some of them relate directly to chapters or sections in the 2005 Master Plan, others are an

amalgamation, and do not have a direct equivalent in the existing Master Plan. Instead, they reflect the

shift in focus to environmental issues and a more strategic problem solving approach. As mentioned in

the introduction, the proposed sections for updating the Master Plan are not meant to replace the

Master Plan of 2005. Rather, they are intended to add and provide a more strategic focus to issue of

pollution abatement. The nine sections presented here should be read in conjunction with the following

chapter which provides a chapter outline for the proposed selective updating of the Master Plan.

Section 1: Summary of land use status What: The summary of land use status provides the contextual setting for discussing the S&S

requirements for Metro Manila. In the Existing Master Plan, this was covered in Chapter 4

(part 4.1). The Updating exercise will examine the previous Master Plan’s information and

predictions and examine if these have substantially changed, and if so, describe in detail those

changes. The update will include:

i. Information on changes to existing and proposed land use since the 2005 MWSS Master

Plan, and;

ii. Changes in urban development trends and existing vacant land.

Why: It’s important to examine whether the previous data is still valid, and if it has changed how it

has changed and what the implications are for Metro Manila’s S&S requirements.

How: Data will be collected from LGUs, MMDA and NSO. Other relevant government agencies may

be identified for additional information.

Who: The MTSP consultants’ will collect the information from the relevant agencies.

Section 2: Population and demographic data What: Together with section 1: Summary of land use status, the population and demographic data

provides the necessary contextual information essential for updating the MWSS Master Plan.

Information on population will include:

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i. Update of demographic trends and whether they have changed since the MWSS Master

Plan was done, and;

ii. Changes that have occurred in population density in cities/municipalities.

Why : Demographic trends and population distribution are essential for planning S&S requirements.

How: Data will be collected from LGUs, MMDA and NSO. Other relevant government agencies may

be identified for additional information. The previous data will be extended from 2025 to 2037,

in line with the concession extension.

Who: The MTSP consultants’ will collect the information from the relevant agencies.

Section 3: Metro Manila water quality What: The Updated Master Plan will provide an overview of water quality across Metro Manila

catchment areas. This will cover the river systems flowing into Metro Manila Bay and covered

by the concessionaries. The precise project boundaries are yet to be finalised, but until then, it

provisionally includes the Pasig-Laguna River Basin, as well as, the sub-basin Parañaque (Las

Pinas) River System. The river basins are divided into the following Water Quality Management

Areas (WQMAs):

1. San Juan-MM River System;

a. Quezon City

b. San Juan

c. Mandaluyong City

2. Navotas, Malabon, Tullahan-Tenejeros River System including:

a. Quezon City

b. Malabon City

c. Caloocan City

d. Municipality of Navotas (dependent on final NMTT boundary)

3. Parañaque-Zapote River System, including:

a. Pasay City

b. Parañaque City

c. Las Piñas City

d. Bacoor (not included in Metro Manila)

Drawing on the modelling work being done by the MTSP Team, the intention is to provide

existing figures and trends in water quality. The modelling will allow predictions to be made

about the impact of various interventions. Depending on government agencies taking

ownership, various scenarios of interventions and expected impacts may be generated.

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Why: The modelling and measurement of water quality is essential for identifying various pollution

loads across the two concessionary areas and in planning strategic interventions for reducing

those pollution loads.

How: MTSP has an international consultant currently developing a partial water quality model for

the Metro Manila catchment river system. A second MTSP international consultant is working

on a harmonised monitoring program for the Manila Bay catchment area. A third long term

project being managed by PEMSEA within DENR is also working on modelling and measuring

pollution loads in the Greater Metro Manila area. By December 2010, PEMSEA is expecting to

have a first run of their model and identified indicative pollution loads. Capacity development

is also being carried out by the MTSP Team in order to enable DENR, or agencies within DENR,

to manage the model and monitoring functions.

Who: In updating the Master Plan, the MTSP team will rely on DENR and MWSS to generate and

provide the raw data needed for the analysis. While the MTSP international consultants are

developing the modelling and harmonised measuring systems, it will be DENR or agencies

within it, or MWSS, which will manage the model and generate the required data.

Section 4: Forecast of sewage volumes What: The updated Master Plan will identify current sewage and septage loads and forecast them to

2037. If possible, further breakdown of these figures will be done by geographical area or

other criteria. The analysis will include targets for 100 per cent coverage and include likely

alternative low and high scenarios of coverage. Specifically this section will:

i. Identify and plot exiting loads for sewage and septage;

ii. Forecast sewage and septage loads to 2037;

iii. Identify current level of services for treating sewage and septage; and

iv. Forecasted targets for sewage services to achieve 100% coverage 2018.

Why: The forecast of sewage and septage loads will provide a guide to the size of the challenge

faced. And, in conjunction with section 7, identify the necessary physical infrastructure and

financial targets needed to meet the challenge (see Section 7).

How: The projections will be done from current sewage and septage data and projected population

growth. These will then be used to calculate sewage and septage targets.

Who: Data for sewage and septage will need to be supplied by MWSS and MWSI and MWCI. They

may also provide available forecasted volumes. Targets will be derived in consultation with


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Section 5: Assessment of sewerage technologies What: The existing technologies identified in the Master Plan will be updated. This will include an

assessment of sewage collection, transport and treatment technologies and sludge

management (collection, treatment and disposal) options. The work will be linked with the

Septage Management Framework. The assessment will specifically focus on the technology

and practical aspects of using a combined gravity drainage (stormwater and sewage) system.

The policies, regulations and institutional requirements related to the use of a combined

system will be identified here and covered in the next section. Other related technological

development since 2005 that may have applications for Manila will also be reviewed.

Specifically, the Updated Master Plan will revisit the following three findings, quoted verbatim

from the 2005 Master Plan (Volume 3, Chapter 7, Section 7.3.6 (page 7-15)):

i. A Combined Drainage System (i.e. storm drainage and dirty water) should

be mostly employed where possible for conveyance of dirty water to a

treatment plant. The combined system should be gradually passed out in

favor of a separate system for the protection of human health.

ii. The separate sewerage system that should be combined sewerage should

be small bore and STED / STEP systems.

iii. The appropriate sewerage design should be suited for each drainage


Why: It is important to verify that the technological choices presented in 2005 are still valid today,

and if they have changed, how have they changed. Moreover, the experience and lessons

learned from operating a combined gravity drainage system should be identified and

incorporated in future planning.

How: DENR, MWSS, MWSI and MWCI will be asked to share their experience in regards to

technology choice and functions. The MTSP international and national consultants will also

gather information from independent experts in Manila and from outside of the Philippines.

Based on this information, the MTSP Team will adjust or confirm the findings in the 2005

Master Plan. Where appropriate, the analysis will, in addition to the technical analysis,

included financial considerations.

Who: DENR, MWSS, MWSI and MWCI will be expected to contribute their technical knowledge and

experience. The MTSP international and national consultants will also gather information from

independent experts, and carry out their own analysis.

Section 6: Development of policies, standards, procedures and

institutional arrangements

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What: Section 6 will identify the necessary and complimentary policies, standards, procedures and institutional arrangements necessary. It will do so by building on the assessment of sludge management options (e.g. collection, treatment and disposal) and more generally in line with the recommendations for improving S&S services and reducing pollution loads, as identified in the rest of the Updated Master Plan. The MTSP Team proposes developing some or all of the following:

i. Guidelines for Operation of Combined System

ii. Pre-treatment Standards

iii. Effluent Standard

iv. DENR-DILG DAO on LGU Ordinance

v. Guidelines in Classifying Water Bodies

vi. Standards and design of septic tanks

vii. Guidelines for Bio-solids

viii. Septage Management Framework

ix. Guidelines on Harmonized Water Quality Management System for Metro Manila

x. Data Classification Standard for PIC

xi. Guidelines for Sewerage System Under Rehabilitation

xii. Guidelines for Low Cost Sanitation

xiii. An Information Education and Communication (IEC) strategy for implementing the MP

Why: The implementation of specific technology options such as the combined gravity drainage

system and other investments in pollution abatement, requires complimentary policies and

regulations. In addition, additional policies and regulations are required to support the role of

LGU’s, as well as, other government agencies, in the delivery of S&S services. Moreover,

institutional arrangements will need to be reviewed and enhanced. The objective of listing the

policy and institutional requirements and discussing them in the Updated Master Plan is to

highlight the importance and their complementary nature in a strategic and comprehensive

approach to improving S&S services and reducing the pollution levels in the Manila Bay.

How: The MTSP Team has initially identified a number of specific policies, standards and procedures

required to improve S&S service delivery and reducing the pollution load into Manila Bay (see

above). In consultation with DENR, DOH, MWSS, LLDA, PRRC and other organisations, these or

other policies and procedures will have to be confirmed. An agreed number of these policies,

standards and procedures will be developed and will be appended to the Updated Master

Plan. The importance of key institutions, particularly the LGUs and MMDA, working with

concessionaries in a combined Drainage System (i.e. storm drainage and dirty water), will also

be reviewed. To obtain inputs, the MTSP team will hold one or more workshops focused on

specific policies or procedures.

Who: In consultation and cooperation with DENR, DOH, MWSS, LLDA, PRRC, as well as, other

stakeholders, the MTSP Team will develop the agreed policies, standards and procedures.

Additional policies, procedures and standards that are required but not developed under the

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MTSP program, will be identified and listed in the Updated Master Plan for future


Section 7: Inventory and associated data on S&S systems What: With a focus on the next five year rate rebasing period (2012 to 2017) and in regards to an

inventory of S&S systems, the Updated Master Plan will synthesize the plans and strategy laid

out in: a) the 2005 Master Plan; b) the Concession Extension agreement to 2037; c) the

Rebasing Agreements since 2005; and d) the concessionaries’ own Master Plans, Business

Plans and Capex documents. Together, these plans and strategies will provide:

i. A baseline inventory of what S&S systems currently exist;

ii. A description of what is planned with specific focus on S&S systems and services being

proposed for the period 2012 to 2017; and

iii. A comparison of projected S&S systems, including their required infrastructure

investments, with the likely coverage of sewage and septage this will provide (Section


In the process of carrying out the above three points, specific emphasis will be given to

evaluating the concessionaries business and development plans. This will include carrying out,

as necessary, financial and economic analysis of the development plans or its components. The

analysis of these plans will also compare the proposed projects of the two concessionaries

against the targets set out in Section four.

Why: By providing an updated inventory of what systems have been implemented and what has

been planned, we are able to gage to what extend we are on target to achieve the objectives

for the provision of S&S services. This, then, allows DENR and MWSS, MWCI and MWSI to

consider what needs to be done to further reduce pollution levels.

How : The MTSP Team will use a range of available documents to provide a unified inventory of what

has been achieved and planned in terms of S&S systems. The documents will be provided

primarily by MWSS, MWCI and MWSI. The MTSP Team will, were appropriate or necessary,

carry out financial and economic analysis of the development plans or its components.

Who: The MTSP Team will be reliant on MWSS, MWSI and MWCI to provide data. Drawing on this

data the MTSP Team will carry out the analysis for updating the Master Plan.

Section 8: Restate the strategy for the provision of S&S What: Drawing on the 2005 Master Plan, the concessionaries Business Plans and the preceding

analysis in the Updated Master Plan, it is now possible to restate the strategy for the provision

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of S&S services. The intention here is to focus on the environmental aspect and identify specific parts of the 2005 Master Plan that would benefit from a restating in terms of providing greater focus on reducing pollution loads and identifying the related investments. The restating will also link to components 3 and 4 (innovative financing and market based incentives) of the MTSP Program and being carried out in parallel to this exercise. The following are the key elements in a restated strategy:

i. Restate the broad long term strategy and how the concessionaries’ business plans

should align with the delivery of S&S services for Metro Manila (Chapter 10 in the

Master Plan).

ii. To reduce pollution loads, prioritise what technologies and where they should be


iii. Re-evaluate, identify and address issues around the use of combined gravity drainage

(stormwater and sewage) system.

iv. Revisit and restate the strategy for encouraging customers to connect to sewerage

systems. Included in the review will be incentives for the concessionaries and the role of

LGU’s and MMDA. The policy recommendations will be tied to MTSP Component 3 and

4 (innovative financing and market based incentives).

v. Revisit and restate the strategy for encouraging customers to use septic tank desludging

services. Include incentives for the concessionaries and the role of LGU’s and MMDA.

The policy recommendations will be tied to MTSP Component 3 and 4 (innovative

financing and market based incentives).

vi. Restate the pricing strategy and policy for S&S (Chapters 11 and 12).

vii. Restate the role and importance of coordination of key agencies. Particular emphasis

will be on the role of LGUs and MMDA working with concessionaries in a combined

Drainage System (i.e. storm drainage and dirty water).

Why: This section and the next are the central parts of the Updated Master Plan. The above seven key elements relate to environmental concerns flagged since the 2005 Master Plan was produced. In restating the strategy for delivery of S&S services we provide DENR, MWSS and the concessionaries with a strategic document for helping to reduce the pollution loads in the Metro Manila river systems and Manila Bay, as well as, improving S&S services.

How: A significant part of the information for this section will come from the analysis carried out in

previous sections of this report. However, it will also need direct input from relevant

stakeholders such as DENR, MWSS, MWCI, MWSI, MMDA etc. The MTSP Team will closely

liaise with these agencies to seek their inputs.

Who: This core element of the Updated Master Plan will require a joint effort and inputs from the

MTSP Team, DENR, MWSS, MWCI, MWSI, MMDA. During the workshop, contact points

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should be identified from each relevant agency against each of the major points from i to vi

listed in this Section.

Section 9: Priorities and new projects and activities to reduce pollution

loads What: Following on from the previous Section’s restatement of the strategy for the provision of S&S,

Section 9 will prioritise projects and identify specific new projects that should be considered to

reduce the pollution load. These projects and priorities will reflect the foregone analysis in the

Updated Master Plan and the consultation process with key stakeholders. Specifically, the

water quality modelling results for NMTT, San Juan and Paranaque-Las Pinas catchment areas,

plus the action plans formulated by the WQMAs will be used as inputs into the updating of the

Master Plan. Also, the updated Master Plan will incorporate the concessionaries’ development

plans (based on their Business Plans) for sewerage projects by catchment and sub-catchment

areas. The focus of the new and prioritised projects will be on reducing the pollution load and

improving S&S services. Projects may include infrastructure investments, policies, regulatory

frameworks and institutional development etc. For reducing pollution load and improving S&S

services, the Projects will be divided into two categories:

i. Priority and new projects for infrastructure development and capital expenditure.

ii. Priority and new projects that are non-capital expenditure (IEC, policies, initiatives and

regulations etc.).

Why: In order to accelerate the reduction in pollution load and improve services, existing projects

need to be prioritised and were possible new projects identified. This will help inform the next

rate rebasing. It will also provide DENR and MWSS with a consolidated and updated list of

preferred projects for improving S&S services and reducing pollution loads.

How: Prioritisation and possible new projects will be identified through the analysis carried out for

the Updated Master Plan and through a consultative process with DENR, MWSS, and the


Who: The contact points identified by each of the key agencies in Section 8, can also be the same

person to act as the contact point for Section 9.

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Draft Outline of Headings for the

Updated Master Plan

As previously mentioned, the proposed chapter outline presented here and intended for the Updated

Master Plan, reflect the nine sections in the above chapter. The following is a brief description of how

the nine chapters fit together. Chapter 1 provides an introduction, background and explanation to the

Master Plan. Chapter 2 provides the background population and land use data. Chapter 3 describes the

existing water quality in Manila and models of how the rivers are affected by various activities. Chapter

4 estimates sewage volumes and forecasts these over the life of the concession agreement. These first

four chapters provide the context essential for considering later the various options.

Chapter 5 examines the existing sewerage technologies and places emphasises on issues related to using

a combined gravity drainage (stormwater and sewage) system. Chapter 6 identifies the standards,

policies and regulations needed to support improvement in S&S services. Chapter 7 identifies and

analyses the gap between the planned S&S inventory and what is needed to meet the required service

targets. These three chapters provide the technical and policy guidance for future plans and programs.

Finally, the last two chapters, informed by the foregone analysis and stakeholder consultation process,

provide the strategic direction for the future. Chapter 8 restates the overall strategy with a specific

emphasis on S&S services, while chapter 9 list priorities and new activities for achieving a reduction in

water pollution to the Metro Manila river systems and improving S&S services to the Metro Manila area.

The following, then, is the proposed chapter outline for selectively updating the Master Plan:

Executive Summary (include summary of recommendations)

Chapter 1: Introduction

Section 1.A: Objectives (reduce pollution, provide input for MWSS etc.)

Section 1.B: Background - Clean Water Act, Supreme court Ruling

Section 1.C: Selected update of the Master Plan – description of why and how

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Chapter 2: Metro Manila Key Data

Section 2.A: Land Use and Urban Development (Section 1)

Section 2.B: Demographic Trends projected to 2037 (Section 2)

Chapter 3: Metro Manila water quality (Section 3)

Section 3.A: Description of the Metro Manila catchment area and Description of the data


Section 3.B: Pollution loads across the Metro Manila catchment area

Section 3.C: Predicted future loads and results from different interventions proposed

Section 3.D: Implications for S&S planning

Chapter 4: Forecast of sewage volumes (Section 4)

Section 4.A: Current and forecasted sewage loads to 2037

Section 4.B: Forecasted targets for 100% sewage coverage by 2037

Chapter 5: Assessment of sewerage technologies (Section 5)

Section 5.A: Update of technology options

Section 5.B Review of combined system options

Section 5.C Recommendations

Chapter 6: Development of policies, standards, procedures and

institutional arrangements (Section 6)

Section 6.A: Discussion of required policies, standards and procedures

Section 6.B: A proposed management, technical and regulatory framework for septage


Section 6C: Discussion of institutional arrangement and cooperation needed for the MP

to succeed

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Chapter 7: Inventory and associated data on S&S systems (Section 7)

Section 7.A: A baseline inventory of S&S systems

Section 7.B: Summary of the planned sewerage systems for the period 2012 to 2017

Section 7.C: An evaluation of proposed investments for the period 2012 to 2017

Chapter 8: Restating the strategy for the provision of S&S (Section 8)

Section 8.A: Restatement of the broad long term strategy for S&S

Section 8.B: Technology priorities

Section 8.C: Combined gravity drainage (stormwater and sewage) system

Section 8D. Revisit and restate the strategy for encouraging customers to connect to

sewerage systems

Section 8E. Revisit and restate the strategy for encouraging customers to use septic tank

desludging services

Section 8F. Restate the pricing strategy and policy for S&S

Chapter 9: Priorities and new projects and activities to reduce pollution

loads (Section 9)

Section 9A. Priority projects for infrastructure development and capital expenditure

Section 9B. Priority projects for non-capital expenditure projects (IEC, policies and

regulations etc.).

List of Annexes

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Expected Contributions from Agencies

The quality of the final Updated Master Plan will greatly depend on the contributions made by the

various agencies. For each of the 9 Section and each key agency, one or more contact persons need to

be identified. For some Sections some agencies are not responsible and may not need to nominate a

person. Similarly, an agency may nominate the same person for more than one Section or more than

one person for a section. At the workshop or prior, the MTSP Team will seek commitment from each

key agency to identify one or more relevant contact points. The above table is indicative only and will be

expanded for the workshop to allow various agencies to provide multiple contact points.

Agency Contact point(s) Related Section


Section 1: Summary of land use status

Section 2: Population and demographic data

Section 3: Metro Manila water quality

Section 4: Forecast of sewage volumes

Section 5: Assessment of sewerage technologies

Section 6: Development of policies, standards and procedures

Section 7: Inventory and associated data on S&S systems

Section 8: Restating the strategy for the provision of S&S

Section 9: Priorities and new projects and activities to reduce pollution loads

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Attachment 1: Terms of Reference (for international consultant)

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Provide inputs in updating the MWSS Master Plan outlining information requirements and

information sources. 2. Prepare detailed proposal for updating MWSS Master Plan. 3. Assist the Project Team and involved agencies in updating selected parts of the MWSS

Master Plan. Selection will be done with the Project Team and involved agencies based on relevance.

4. Conduct consultations and workshops with MWSS, DENR, and other pertinent government agencies and offices to develop action plans and investment programs.

5. Provide input on the financial viability of all subcomponent designs, particularly in improving investment conditions in areas covered by the project scope.

6. Provide inputs to the preparation of manual on strategic water management planning where relevant.

7. Lead the following workshops and training: o Workshop on updating the MWSS Master Plan o Workshop on proposed Action Plans and Investment Programs o Training on strategic water management planning


1. Proposal for updating the MWSS Master Plan 2. Report on the updating of the MWSS Master Plan and on the updated Master Plan with

focus on the selected parts 3. Proposed Action Plans and Investment Programs 4. Reports on results of workshops and training

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Attachment 2: Main government agencies in Manila involved in

sewerage and sanitation sector

Level of functions Agency Main responsibilities in relation to sewerage and sanitation sector in Metro Manila

Oversight DENR As the lead agency in environmental protection and improvement of water quality in the Manila Bay and its contributing river systems.

DOH As the lead agency in public health management and promotion.

NEDA As the country's economic development and planning agency, NEDA is responsible for the evaluation and approval of sewerage and sanitation projects (including ODA projects).






Sewerage and sanitation service provision

MWSS Provision of sewerage and sanitation services within its service area (Metro Manila) through its concessionaires (MWCI and MWSI).

Supporting service/ infrastructure/ land provision

MMDA Provision and maintenance of drainage systems in Metro Manila; - Provision of solid waste services in Metro Manila.

LGUs Review/approval of sanitation plans for every new house/building prior to construction or issuance of building permit; - Provision of land and access to treatment facilities.

DPWH Provision and maintenance of drainage systems in areas outside Metro Manila.

PRRC Rehabilitation of the Pasig River and its tributaries, including preparation of master plans, coordinating with other implementing agencies, relocation of informal • settlers and abate wastewater discharge to the Pasig River.

Monitoring and enforcement


Water quality and discharge/effluent monitoring and enforcement for areas outside LLDA jurisdiction.

LLDA Water quality and discharge/effluent monitoring and enforcement for the Laguna de Bay Region.

DOH Formulation of guidelines and standards for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and septage. - Regulation of septic tank desludging companies.

DA Formulation of standards for the reuse of treated sludge for agriculture purposes and its enforcement (in collaboration with DOH).

MMDA Prevention and abatement of solid waste disposals to the drainage systems and control/relocation of informal settlers.

LGUs Enforcement of sewerage/sanitation requirements for all existing/new building and periodic desludging of septic tanks.

PRRC Monitoring of water quality for the Pasig River.

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Attachment 3: Local Government Units within the Project Boundaries

1. Caloocan City

2. City of Manila

3. Las Piñas City

4. Makati City

5. Malabon City

6. Mandaluyong City

7. Marikina City

8. Municipality of Navotas

9. Municipality of Pateros

10. Municipality of San Juan

11. Muntinlupa City

12. Paranaque City

13. Pasay City

14. Pasig City

15. Quezon City

16. Taguig City

17. Valenzuela City

Local Government Units