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Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

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Page 1: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland



ISSN 1335-9185

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2015 2015



Page 2: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland



Ružomberok 2015

Page 3: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland


Číslo 2, apríl 2015, ročník XV.

Vychádza štvrťročne.

Šéfredaktor: prof. PhDr. ThDr. Amantius Akimjak, PhD.

Redakčná rada:

prof. PhDr. Eduard Gombala, CSc. – čestný predseda

prof. PaedDr. Milan Ligoš, CSc. – predseda

prof. Vasyl Byalyk, PhD. (Ukrajina)

prof. RNDr. Jozef Ďurček, CSc.

prof. Bart McGettrick, PhD. (Veľká Británia)

prof. dr hab. Krystyna Chałas (Poľsko)

prof. nadzw. dr hab. Jolanta Karbowniczek (Poľsko)

prof. Katerin Katerinov, PhD. (Taliansko)

prof. RNDr. Pavol Kluvánek, CSc.

prof. nadzw. dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski (Poľsko)

prof. Béatrice Mazur-Kolecka, PhD. (USA)

prof. akad. mal. Ján Kudlička, ArtD.

prof. PhDr. Jozef Mlacek, CSc.

prof. RNDr. ThDr. ICLic. Jana Moricová, PhD.

prof. ThDr. PaedDr. PhDr. Ľubomír Pekarčík, PhD.

prof. Gabriella Pusztai, PhD. (Maďarsko)

prof. Juan Carlos Torre Puente, PhD. (Španielsko)

prof. Jeanne Tregal, PhD. (Francúzsko)

prof. PhDr. Peter Volek, PhD.

prof. dr hab. Jan Zimny

doc. PaedDr. ThDr. Jozef Bieľak, PhD.

doc. Ing. Igor Černák, PhD., m. prof. KU

doc. Mgr. Ing. Milan Droppa, PhD., m. prof. KU

doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Miroslav Gejdoš, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Tomáš Jablonský, PhD., m. prof. KU

doc. PhDr. Helena Kuberová, PhD.

doc. RNDr. Nadežda Stollárová, CSc., m. prof. KU

doc. PhDr. Antónia Tisovičová, PhD., m. prof. KU

doc. RNDr. Marián Trenkler, CSc., m. prof. KU

doc. PhDr. Jiřina Vaňková, CSc., m. prof. KU

PaedDr. Peter Krška, PhD.

PaedDr. Štefan Kucík, PhD.

PhDr. Ladislav Šimon, CSc.

RNDr. Štefan Tkáčik, PhD.

dr Jerzy Dąbek

Obálka: doc. akad. mal. Pavol Rusko, ArtD.

Jazyková úprava: PaedDr. Oľga Drobná, PhD.

Technická spolupráca: Mgr. Milan Pudiš, Ing. Miloslav Korba, PaedDr. Ján Gera, PhD.

Nihil obstat pre teologické vedy: Mons. PaedDr. ThDr. Pavol Janáč, PhD.

Cirkevné schválenie: J. E. Mons. prof. ThDr. František Tondra, č. 197/2001 zo dňa 16. 11. 2001

EV 3238/09

Celoročné predplatné: 12,- €

Cena jedného čísla bez predplatenia: 5,- €

Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku

VERBUM - vydavateľstvo KU

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034 01 Ružomberok

IČO: 37 801 279

ISSN 1335-9185

Page 4: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland



Amantius Akimjak ..................................................................................... 11

Sociálne, ekonomické a právne vedy

Pôsobenie sociálneho pracovníka v nemocnici v kontexte názorov

a skúseností sestier

Mariana Magerčiaková............................................................................... 15

Psycho-onkologicko-paliatívne poradenstvo – niekoľko slov

Andrzej Gretkowski ................................................................................... 24

Klastre a ich zoskupenia ako nová forma komercionalizácie služieb

cestovného ruchu

Bartłomiej Walas ........................................................................................ 30

Štruktúra poskytovateľov sociálnych služieb na Slovensku

so zameraním na klientov v seniorskom veku

Erika Liptáková .......................................................................................... 36

Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie stratégií

rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku

Bartłomiej Walas, Wojciech Fedyk, Mariusz Sołtysik .............................. 47

Koncepcia rodinnej politiky

Pavol Tománek .......................................................................................... 63

Cirkev a hmotné statky

Stanisław Dubiel ........................................................................................ 72

Školská drogová prevencia

Jaroslav Rakučák ........................................................................................ 89

Výchova a vzdelávanie

Výskumné zistenia v oblasti spolupráce špeciálneho pedagóga

a asistenta učiteľa v priebehu edukačného procesu

Anna Skokanová ...................................................................................... 101

Uplatnenie didaktických hier vo vyučovaní hudobnej náuky

v základných umeleckých školách

Miroslav Kopnický................................................................................... 117

Page 5: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Výsledky dotazníkového prieskumu hodnotenia kvality štúdia

študijného programu Učiteľstvo Hudobného umenia a spev

absolventmi Katedry hudby PF KU v Ružomberku

Miriam Žiarna .......................................................................................... 135

Humanitné vedy a umenie

Epistemologická pokora v teologicko-etickom poznaní a usudzovaní

Milan Čarný ............................................................................................. 165

Rodina ako prioritná pastoračná skupina

Nikol Volková .......................................................................................... 172

Mytológia v ľudovej rozprávke

Ján Vido ................................................................................................... 186

Vidieť svet očami detí, talianska literatúra pre deti a mládež

18. a 19. storočia

Rosangela Libertini, Zuzana Chanasová .................................................. 194


Pády pacientov v zdravotníckom zariadení a ich prevencia

Marcela Ižová, Monika Štuňová .............................................................. 211

Page 6: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland


Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


Methods and Tools for Evaluating the Effectiveness

of the Implementation of the Development Strategies

of Tourism and Tourism Products in Poland

Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Bewertung

der Wirksamkeit der Umsetzung

des Tourismusentwicklungsstrategie

und Tourismusprodukte in Polen

Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti

implementácie stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu

a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku

Bartłomiej Walas, Wojciech Fedyk, Mariusz Sołtysik


The paper presents the results of an analysis concerning effectiveness

assessment of methods and instruments applied in implementing tourism

and tourist product development strategies on the regional and local level,

based on the authors’ choice of strategic documents, reflecting large

differences with regard to the quality, accuracy, and validity of the

assessment methods and tools. The research pointed at significant problems

in applying scientific and fully verifiable instruments of monitoring and

evaluation, particularly of assessing the effectiveness of the undertaken

actions concerning tourist products (commercialization capacity and

results), which should constitute an indispensable element of each

implemented tourism and tourist product development strategy.

Key words: tourism development strategy, tourist product, methods and tools

of assessment, effectiveness.


The issues of performing a qualitative assessment of the development

strategies in the sector of economy being discussed that can be observed on

the tourism market are one of the most important elements shaping the

tourism policy, especially when indicating the Polish tourist brand products

Page 7: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


and selecting effective tools for marketing, implementing and assessing the

products1. An increasing competition on the tourist market, as well as the

necessity of demonstrating the financial benefits from the development of the

tourism sphere resulting from administrative procedures and standards of the

European Union or caused by expectations of the tourism industry actors

force taking efforts to develop mechanisms (methods and tools) to scrutinize

the effectiveness of implementing regional and local strategies for tourism and

tourist products.

The purpose of the study is a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of

methods and tools of analysing the effectiveness of implementing the tourism

and tourist product development strategies, including the factor of the regional

and local diversity. The authors also attempted to indicate good practices in

the methods and tools applied to analyse the effectiveness of implementing

the tourism and tourist products development strategies, which need to be

popularized and followed both in the course of preparing documentation, and

during the implementation.

On the basis of studying secondary resources, the authors assessed

some strategic documents, accessible online, related to developing and

promoting tourism, conveying the regional and local level, and various types

of organizations and institutions responsible for this area. The selection was

arbitrary and meant to facilitate a comparative study which would indicate

examples of both good practices, and omitting the use of methods and tools

for evaluating the implementation of strategies for developing tourism and

tourist products on a regional and local level.

As part of the research, an analysis was performed of all strategies for

tourism development and promotion in regional governments (16) and

selected cities (10) of various size and various degree of development of

tourism functions and image, as well as of cross-sectoral strategic documents

(5) elaborated in local environments (county and municipal, i.e. unions of

cities and municipalities, local tourist organizations, local action groups,

partnership groups).

As supplementary material, the authors used the analyses of substantive

documents (plans, statements, and reports of local government units responsible

for implementing tourist strategies), data derived from the local government

websites (on tabs related to tourism), as well as a review of scientific publications

on conducting tourist policy, theory and methodology of developing tourist

strategies, estimating tourist products and measuring efficiency. For drawing

conclusions, a comparative method was used.

1 The discussed issues were the object of research and analyses, among others, in.: ALEJZIAK, W.

(2009), BOSIACKI, S., BASIŃSKA-ZYCH, A. (2012), FEDYK, W. (2010), KOZAK, M. W.

(2009), MEYER, B., MILEWSKI, D. (2009), PANASIUK, A. (2009), SOŁTYSIK, M. (2013).

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Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


As an outcome of studying and auditing these documents, tools have

been identified that were directly and indirectly indicated in strategic

documents as used for assessing the tourism potential, strategy implementation

level, and performance. Special attention was paid to analyse methods and

tools applied in tourist product research – both in terms of their potential, and

commercialization and efficiency features.

Overview of research concepts used in strategic documents

When creating a development strategy for a single product or for the

whole tourism sector in the territorial arrangement (municipality, province,

geographic region, country), as well as a communication strategy, it is

essential to use measurement methods applied or adopted to study tourist

phenomena. To systematize the research of this type from the perspective of

tourism business (travel agencies, lodging facilities, attractions) or a destination

(reception area), one can mention several areas of their application (Table 1).

The research can cover both the product concept and the product itself –

management, segmentation, distribution, the brand, and the price (rarely


Table 1. The research areas in regional tourism development strategies concerning tourist products

Activity objectives Analysis of the conducted

activity evolution

Growth support

– What type of a tourist

product is missing on the

market, or what is the market

gap for introducing a product?

– What is the size of the

buyers’ market?

– Is the investment profitable?

– What product price is

acceptable and competitive?

– Where and to whom to sell

the product?

– Is the product being sold in

an optimal range?

– Why do product sales


– Can the product costs be


– Why, despite the promotional

efforts, do not tourists come /

does not the product sell?

– Do segments exist for

which our product is


– Should the product be


– Are all marketing mix

elements effective?

– Are there changes in

demand requiring the

adaptation of the product?

Source: own.

It must be emphasized that in the methodological design of a

development strategy, quantitative and qualitative research methods should be

of help in taking the following decisions: choice of strategic markets,

segments and products, evaluation and analysis of the competitive

environment, image evaluation, selecting distribution channels for

Page 9: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


commercialization, efficiency and effectiveness of promotion, monitoring

strategic effects, etc.2

Methods used in tourism strategies, regardless of their geographical

span, should also take into account the competitiveness and attractiveness of

tourism, although these concepts are understood in many different ways

(Table 2).

Table 2. Overview of the concepts of destination competitiveness

Authors Brief definition of destination competitiveness Accent

d’Hartserre The ability of a destination to maintain or improve its

market position over time

Position on the


S. Hassan The ability of a destination to produce and integrate

added value while preserving resources and

environmental benefits and maintaining its market





L. Dwyer,

P. Forsyth,

P. Rao

General concept linking the price competitiveness of

tourist products and qualitative factors that determine

the attractiveness of destination and tourism sector




G. Crouch,

J. Ritchie

Continued ability to exploit tourism benefits, where

the benefits must relate to the entire socio-economic



benefits for the

whole system

and its


Source: own elaboration based on: BARTECZKO, K., GRABOWSKI, J., WRZOSEK, A. (ed.),

(2003, p. 17).

For the purposes of analysing tourist products, the product competi-

tiveness and attractiveness analysis by A.D. Little (1994) (including the

selection of the products with the highest added value, based on weights) can

be considered as the leading method3. According to the author of the indicated

method, the attractiveness is composed of the following: the level of tourist

expenditure, the length of stay, and the feasibility of the product (measured by

the level of investments required). Imposing the analysed tourist products on

the portfolio map (competitiveness and attractiveness) indicates which of

them are highly competitive and highly attractive, highly competitive but little

attractive, little competitive but highly attractive, and finally, little competitive

and little attractive. The map shows, from the point of view of the area

management entity, what direction the regional tourism policy should take

(Table 3).

2 MEYER, B., MILEWSKI, D. (ed.): Strategie rozwoju turystyki w regionie. Wydawnictwo

Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2009. 3 Among others: LITTLE, A. D.: Plan rozwoju krajowego produktu turystycznego. Bruksela-

Warszawa, 1994.

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Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


Table 3. The portfolio map (of competitiveness and attractiveness) C







High Support in creating a conducive

business climate

Support in marketing

Low No support Support in infrastructure and

product development

Low High

Source: own.

In the case of product analysis at the micro level, additional features

can be taken into account, including: the image of the product on the market,

its availability, its state, commercialization capabilities, capacity to absorb

more tourist traffic, and the economic effect4.

The analysis of methods and tools for assessing strategic documents

in Poland

In the course of the research process, significant differences have

been shown in the quality of the studied strategic documents, as well as

a diversified degree of their detail and relevance level, with a repetitive

structure of the substantive and technical construction, also in the methodo-

logical layer. This phenomenon is caused by the monopolization of the market

by several expert bodies which specialize in preparing plans and strategies for

tourism development.

The analyses conducted made it possible to identify a number of

priority conclusions regarding the the most commonly used tools assessing

the potential of the area, the status of implementation and effectiveness of

regional and local development strategies, and the promotion of tourism and

specific tourist products.

One should also mention marked quality differences in the investigated

strategic documents, and a diversified degree of their detail and relevance

level. A repetitive structure of their substantive and technical construction, also

in the methodological layer, should also be emphasized, caused by the mono-

polization of the market by several expert bodies which specialize in preparing

plans and strategies for tourism development. Among the studies, analyses,

4 WALAS, B.: Metodologiczne aspekty standaryzacji produktu turystycznego. Problemy Turystyki,

No. 1–2, vol. XVIII, Instytut Turystyki, Warszawa 1995.

Page 11: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


and evaluation methods and tools applied in the strategies considered, the

following should be noted:

Types of methods applied: desk research, Delphi (expert) and heuristic

methods, ranking method, model method, statistical indicator method

of description and analysis, interviews and questionnaires, workshops

with opinion leaders, social debates, telemarketing, polling surveys by


SWOT analysis types applied: regional analysis (including macro and

micro environment) and product analysis. In a few cases, the following

were used: ranked SWOT analysis, assigning ranks and priorities in

SWOT analysis, correlation matrices for features in SWOT analysis,

quality-price maps, SWOT vector selector.

Types of monitoring models applied: teams for implementation and

monitoring, monitoring committees, consultation councils, tourist

forums – regional market representatives, monitoring order for the

Regional Tourism Organization, strategic manager and representative.

Research types: branding research, demand studies, tourist traffic

volume research, analysis of the competitiveness of markets and

products, product ranking, parameter-based market evaluation (market

reach study, customer type, market trends, competition level,

opportunities and capabilities, target segments ranking, marketing


Types of indicator divisions applied: for a given tourist product, for

a given target, priority, action, task.

Types of performance indicators applied: GDP per capita; growth rate

of a monthly household income per capita; participation of the region

residents in tourist trips; arrivals of domestic and foreign tourists to

localities; the use of accommodation facilities; expenses of local

government units on tourism; expenditure from EU funds for tourism;

monitoring at the SIMIK (computer monitoring and control system)

system level; increase in the number and value of tourism and

tourism-oriented investments; number of new implemented tourist

products; number of theme route integrated products; level of

employment in tourism; number of the unemployed who found

employment in tourism; number of trained managers; number of study

trips; number of launched marketing campaigns; the growth dynamics

of jobs in tourism and related fields; changes in tourism segments;

changes in the structure and degree of utilizing accommodation;

changes in the structure of expenditure by tourists; arrival motivations,

expectations of tourists; perception of a region among visitors;

indicators and measures of goal achievements; the 360-degree method

of assessing an organization or an employee.

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Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


Tourist product assessment methods: gradation of product values;

tourist sub-region ranking; standardization of tourism products;

multifactorial matrix for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of

the development condition and stage of a tourist product; market

evaluation by means of performance indicators; a quality-price map of

professional services; M. Porter’s five competition forces diagram;

scenario planning with the experience curve defining the competitive

entry barrier; growth-share (BCG) matrix, and McKinsey (GE)

matrix; evaluation of the rank of a competitive offer.

Other types of evaluation and research: success measure; accommodation

base saturation; tourist traffic intensity; tourist function development;

tourist function indicator of a locality (Baretje-Defert’s index);

measures of implementation of EU funded programs; benchmarks;

Mystery Shopping in evaluating services; evaluation of brand

awareness, branding and demand studies; taxonomic measure of

development (TMD); EAS Temperament Questionnaire by A.H. Buss

and R. Plomin; Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values developed by P.

Brzozowski; survey questionnaire for studying preferences and

opinions regarding free time; semantic differential by C.E. Osgood,

G.J. Suci and P.H. Tannenbaum; perception map using the seven-

point Likert scale.

Table 4 shows the methods and tools applied in assessing, among

others, the tourist potential of the area, the state of implementation of strategies

and plans, the effectiveness of action, and the proposed and implemented

tourist products, as noted in the analysed planning documents.

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Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


Table 4. Tools applied to assess the potential, state of implementation, and effectiveness

of a tourist product in tourism development strategies in Poland

Source: own elaboration based on the analysis of planning documents.

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Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


In assessing the potential of tourist products (often the very travel

services) of the area or locality (city) and assessing by comparison to competing

tourist destinations, the use of semantic differential research was noted in

the strategic documents, as understood by C. E. Osgood, G. J. Suci and P. H.

Tannenbaum, as well as the use of a perception map using the seven-point

Likert scale, where respondents evaluated elements of the city offer with

reference to the selected features. This method type should be considered an

interesting quality assessment model for tourist products (indirectly describing

the competitiveness of tourist products), provided that the survey methodology

is correctly selected.

What is an interesting tool for assessing the market value of tourist

products is the proprietary method of ‘Standardization of tourist products’,

applied in the Małopolskie province. Its goals were to create the possibility of

classification and prioritization of the product significance, and to provide

conclusions and suggestions for creating a program to develop them and

customize them to the market needs.

An example of attempts to evaluate areas for the development of

tourist products in terms of their attractiveness degree and development

potential (as a trend) are proprietary methods of PART S.A. (Polish Agency

od Tourist Development) to evaluate the tourist subregions of Dolny Śląsk

(Lower Silesia) (assigning the weight in the scale of *–****), also used in

the Zachodniopomorskie province. As part of the concept used by PART

S.A., a taxonomic measure of development (TMD) was used to conduct

a comparative analysis of the examined areas (municipalities). The measure is

a synthetic value comprising all the analysed variables, and allowing to sort

objects by their distance from an artificially designed development model.

In the Pomorskie province, an in-depth analysis of the tourism market

was conducted, taking into account the characteristics and strategic evaluation

of the market, including the size of the market segment, demand and supply,

seasonality, trends in the SWOT analysis, and the competition level. The

model can also be used to evaluate individual tourist products. Based on this

assessment, Tables for scoring outlays needed to use them, results achievable,

and an arbitrary performance indicator, calculated as the sum of effects

divided by the sum of outlays have been devised, which allowed to distinguish

four types of markets in terms of efficiency. The presented method can be

directly implemented to analyse tourist products or even individual tourist


Also interesting was the application of the methodology by PART

S.A. to evaluate the competiveness of the tourist offer of Gdynia in comparison

to selected Polish cities, in which the overall result was the weighted average

of results describing 10 groups of chosen parameters for tourist competi-

tiveness of Polish medium-sized cities, apart from the subjective selection of

the analysed features and the weights and numerical values assigned to them,

as apparently seen in the methodological approach. It is worth noting that in

Page 15: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


addition, the competitiveness of the tourist offer of the city against the cities

of the Baltic Sea was rated by comparing the selected cities in five categories.

This seems worth spreading among other municipal entities competing for

the tourist market.

An example of the method for assessing the condition and stage of

the development of a tourist product and its other features affecting

the expected achievement of objectives can be the multifactorial quantitative

and qualitative assessment matrix, applied in the Podkarpackie province. It is

an adopted model, previously used in monitoring studies of tourist phenomena

in southern Poland provinces in the 1990s, and in the marketing grid method5.

The proposed research model seems to be worth spreading in Poland as it

combines commonly used qualitative analysis methods, such as SWOT, with

quantitative analyses of the product features important for its commercialization

and measuring efficiency. It should be mentioned that the method was not

used in the new tourism development strategy document for the province for

years 2007–2013.

Among the investigated documents, the most comprehensive attempt

to assess the competitive environment for regional tourist products was found

in the tourist strategy for Ciechocinek, where a few correlated methods and

tools were used. A proprietary modification in using SWOT was applied by

assigning weights and priorities to individual features, and then an attempt

was made to define the relationship between the factors and categories in

correlation tables of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. An

analogous assessment was carried out in relation to the assessment of the

factors of social development and tourism infrastructure. The final result was

developing an ultimate version of SWOT analysis taking into account the

repetitive components of partial assessments, and the correlation tables. The

methodology used in Ciechocinek also comprised an analysis of behaviour of

urban product consumers based on segmentation, determining the attractiveness

of the segment by analysing the profitability of the segments concerned,

designation of the target market and positioning it on a quality-price map.

Another important element of the adopted methodology for assessing the

effectiveness of a tourist product in Ciechocinek was using a competition

analysis in the health resort sector based on M. Porter’s five competition

forces diagram, applied to the forces present in the sector and estimating

the impact of competition forces. An interesting, innovative approach in

Ciechocinek was also deepening the competition analysis with the use of

scenario planning elements: an interim scenario was built of a competitive

entry to the health resort sector of a hostile economic entity; then, barriers to

enter and leave the sector were evaluated in selected segments in relation to

5 WALAS, B.: Ocena wizerunku i standaryzacji regionalnego produktu turystycznego na potrzeby

marketingu terytorialnego. Folia Turistica, No. 21, 2009.

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Ružomberok: Katolícka univerzita 2015, roč. 15, č. 2


the expected revenues, and the so called experience curve was determined,

defining the competitive entry barrier. The last element of the applied method

of assessing the effectiveness and competitiveness of the tourist product

in Ciechocinek was determining of the synthetic position of Ciechocinek on

the growth-share (BCG) matrix and the McKinsey (GE) matrix, using two

averages: the organization attractiveness and health resort sector attractiveness.

Particular features of the quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools

applied in the analysed strategic documents are shown in Tables 5a, 5b, and 5c.

Table 5a. Examples of the types of quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools used

in tourism-related strategic documents – tourism potential assessment

Document type Assessment tool type Features

Tools to assess tourism potential

Tourist audit of the Zachodniopomorskie


SWOT (with dominating analysis on the

level of assessing the overall

factors of the macro- and microenvironment)

An expert concept of ranking and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses (15 features)

and opportunities and threats (8 features), in

which a relative value was assigned to each element (ranks 1 to 5), and then, depending on

the strength of their impact on the analysed

entity, each element was assigned proper evaluation (1 to 10)

Valuing areas by predisposition

for the development of given types of tourism in terms of the

degree of their attractiveness and

growth potential (trend)

A proprietary graphic scale of attractiveness

and trend

Taxonomic measure of development (TMD)

TMD: This measure is a synthetic value comprising all the analysed variables, and

allowing to sort objects (by their

attractiveness) depending on the distance from an artificially designed development model.

The analysis based on the list of 34 features

with their measures , constituting the basis for assessing the tourist attractiveness of

municipalities (such as forests, surface waters,

protected areas, monuments, trails, accommodation, catering and recreation

facilities, road density)

Considerations and directions of tourism

development in the

Pomorskie province

Characterization and strategic evaluation of the market

Assessment of markets by

performance indicators

Evaluating the market by the following criteria: activity, base, type and coverage,

customer type (income, age, geographical

origin, education), market tendency (demand and supply), levels and types, SWOT

Performance indicator based on several

characteristics: necessary financial capital,

investing and operating knowledge, the effort

required to establish cooperation between entities, market size, market value measured

by the income of customers, attractiveness

resulting from unique qualities

Tourism development

program update for

the Dolnośląskie province

Assessment of tourist

subregions, with assigning

weights in the scale of *–****

The star rating (the more *’s, the bigger the

weight) was applied to the tourism market

segments (to tourism types in subregions), as well as to brand tourist products

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Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


City development

strategy for Ciechocinek for

years 2001–2007

Correlation tables for SWOT

SWOT vector selector for the

economic, social, and technical


Evaluating the interrelation of development

factors in various areas of the city with the use of the SWOT selector

Source: own elaboration based on the analysis of strategic documents.

Table 5b. Examples of the types of quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools used

in tourism-related strategic documents – tourist product assessment

Document type Assessment tool type Features

Tools to assess the tourist product

Tourist product development strategy for Wisła for years 2007–2020

Tourism development program update for the Dolnośląskie province

Gradation of tourist product values in different markets and segments

Subjective attribution of product potential for products and their marketing value Lack of a detailed description of the minimum number and types of criteria or characteristics to be taken into account when assigning a rank to a tourist product

Tourist product development strategy for Wisła for years 2007–2020 City development strategy for Wrocław for years 2008–2013

Semantic differential by C. E. Osgood, G. J. Suci, and P. H. Tannenbaum, and a perception map using the seven-point Likert scale

The method applied in the assessment of the sole tourist services (of the city) and in the comparative assessment of competing tourist destinations; respondents evaluate elements of the city offer for the selected features (the need for a proper selection of the survey methodology)

Tourism Development Strategy for Małopolska for years 2007–2013, part 1

Standardization of tourist product values

Product standardization on a macro (regional) scale based on several criteria, including: market, image, availability, commercialization, tourist traffic reception capacity, and the economic effect; Likert scale applied, from 1 to 10, where 1 means the worst rank , and 10 is the best rank

City development strategy for Gdynia, together with a tourist product development program, part 1

Assessment of the competitive position of the tourist offer of the city (as percentage of the points possible to achieve among 10 Polish cities)

Assessment of the competiveness of the Gdynia tourist offer; the overall rating is a weighted average of ratings describing the tourist competitiveness of medium-sized Polish cities, i.e. cultural and natural qualities, communication availability, culture, material base, products, image, and the support base

Tourism development strategy for the Podkarpackie province for years 2002–2006

A multifactorial matrix for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the state and stage of a tourist product development

The assessment based on the following characteristics: economic potential of the product, capacity to generate income for the region, estimated tourist traffic volume, image (perception of the product on the external market), commercialization degree (product sales by travel agencies), economic effect, reception capabilities, development prospects, and other components

City development strategy for Ciechocinek for years 2001–2007

Quality-price map for professional healing and sanatorium services M. Porter’s five competition forces diagram

Analysis of behaviour of urban product consumers based on the city position in the area of popular services, inexpensive services, and brand services; determining the attractiveness of the segment and designating the target market

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Scenario planning with an experience curve defining the competitive entry barrier Growth-share (BCG) matrix, McKinsey (GE) matrix

An interim scenario was built of a competitive entry to the health resort sector of a hostile economic entity, together with an assessment of barriers to enter and leave the sector in selected segments in relation to expected revenues The following parameters were used: average attractiveness of the organization and average attractiveness of the health resort sector

Source: own elaboration based on the analysis of strategic documents.

Table 5c. Examples of the types of quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools used

in tourism-related strategic documents – other assessments

Document type Assessment tool type Features

Other assessment tools used in tourism strategies

Tourist product development strategy for Wisła for years


Dolnośląska Organizacja Turystyczna (Lower Silesia

Tourist Organization),

Wrocław 2006

Quantitative and qualitative study of the local community activity in tourism

development with the use the following:

EAS Temperament Questionnaire by A. H. Buss and R. Plomin, Scheler’s

Hierarchy of Values developed by

P. Brzozowski, survey questionnaire for studying preferences and opinions

regarding free time

The obtained data used in the audit part of the strategy

Tourism Development Strategy for Małopolska for years

2007–2013, part 1

Małopolska Organizacja Turystyczna (Małopolska

Tourist Organization),

Kraków 2006

The measure of success (opinion indicators): favourable and improving

opinion of entrepreneurs and investors,

favourable and improving opinion of residents and tourists (visitors),

favourable and improving opinion of

clients and socio-economic partners

The obtained data used in the audit part of the strategy

Tourism development strategy for the Opolskie province for

years 2007–2013

Opolska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna

(Opolska Regional Tourism

Organization), Instytut Turystyki sp. z o.o. in

Kraków, Opole-Kraków 2005

Tourism development strategy

for the Śląskie province for

years 2004–2013 Parliament of the Śląskie

Province, Katowice 2004

Accommodation base saturation (Charvat’s indicator), tourist traffic

intensity (Schneider’s indicator), tourist

function development (Defert’s indicator), tourist function indicator of

a locality (Baretje-Defert’s index)

The obtained data used in the audit part of the strategy

Source: own elaboration based on the analysis of strategic documents.


The conducted audit pointed at significant problems concerning

the use of scientific and fully verifiable monitoring and evaluating tools,

especially with regard to assessing the effectiveness of the actions taken in

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Walas, B., Fedyk, W., Sołtysik, M.: Metódy a nástroje na hodnotenie efektívnosti implementácie

stratégií rozvoja cestovného ruchu a produktov cestovného ruchu v Poľsku


relation to tourist products (commercialization potential and effects), which

should be a permanent element of each implemented strategy for development

and promotion of tourism and the tourist product.

The results of the conducted study imply that the diagnosed condition

is a result of the lack of appropriate research tools or lack of knowledge and

skills to use the research methods applied in other sectors of economy on one

hand, and the lack of formal requirements posed on strategic documents on

the other. Another explanation for the existing condition is that customers are

afraid of controlling the effects of their activity with the use of a given

strategy for tourism development or promotion.

Only in a few cases were the strategic documents written with the use

of methods and research tools allowing for a quantitative, fully measurable

analysis of tourist product features, the degree of their customization to the

market or segment needs, and the assessment of the tourist product

effectiveness and commercialization. This is of concern in the context of

increasing competition on the Polish and European tourism markets.

In the light of the above conclusions, it seems necessary to elaborate

a manual – a code of best diagnostic tools – to be used by local government

units, regional and local tourist organizations, associations, tourist groups, other

entities present on the tourism market, and research units for the purposes of

assessing, among others, the degree of achieving the aims and tasks included

in tourist strategies, and tourist products under development. This postulate

seems extremely important and timely in the context of the ongoing work on

creating new strategic documents in the field of tourism development for the

purpose of applying for European funds in the new programming period of



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Authors of Papers

Autoren der Beiträge

Autori príspevkov

PhDr. Mgr. Mariana Magerčiaková, PhD.

Katedra ošetrovateľstva

Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Fakulta zdravotníctva

Nám. A. Hlinku 48, 034 01 Ružomberok

Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Gretkowski

Katedra Pedagogiki i Pedagogiki Specjalnej

Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie

Wydział Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie

Ul. Urbanistów 3, 02-397 Warszawa, Polska

Bartłomiej Walas, Ph.D.

The University College of Tourism and Ecology

Ul. Zamkowa 1, 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka, Poland

RNDr. Erika Liptáková, PhD.

Katedra aplikovanej matematiky a hospodárskej informatiky

Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Ekonomická fakulta

Němcovej 32, 040 01 Košice

Wojciech Fedyk, MA University School of Physical Education

Al. I. J. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, Poland

Mariusz Sołtysik, Ph.D.

University School of Physical Education

Al. I. J. Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wrocław, Poland

Doc. PaedDr. et PhDr. Pavol Tománek, PhD.

Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety v Bratislave

Nám. 1. Mája 1, P. O. Box 104, 810 00 Bratislava

Dr hab. Stanisław Dubiel, prof. KUL

Katedra Norm Ogólnych i Kościelnego Prawa Majątkowego

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Polska

Page 24: Methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of implementing tourism and tourist product development strategies in Poland

Autori príspevkov


PhDr. Jaroslav Rakučák, DiS. Nízkoprahové denné centrum pre deti a rodinu RK-PREROD Plavisko 47, 034 01 Ružomberok

PaedDr. Anna Skokanová, PhD.

Katedra špeciálnej pedagogiky, Inštitút Juraja Páleša v Levoči Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Bottova 15, 054 01 Levoča

PaedDr. Miroslav Kopnický, PhD.

Katedra cirkevnej hudby Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok

PaedDr. Miriam Žiarna, PhD., ArtD.

Katedra hudby Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok

Mgr. Milan Čarný

Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok

PhDr. Nikol Volková

[email protected] PaedDr. Ján Vido

Arcidiecézna kúria Rímskokatolícka cirkev, Trnavská arcidiecéza Ulica Jána Hollého 10, 917 01 Trnava

Dr. Rosangela Libertini, PhD.

Katedra cudzích jazykov Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok

Doc. PaedDr. Zuzana Chanasová, M.A., PhD.

Katedra predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Pedagogická fakulta Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok

PhDr. Marcela Ižová, PhD.

Katedra ošetrovateľstva Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Fakulta zdravotníctva Nám. A. Hlinku 48, 034 01 Ružomberok

Mgr. Monika Štuňová

[email protected]

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