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N T L C 2012-2013 VP ICX GCDP Candidate


Mar 24, 2016



Meredith Huang

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2012-2013 VP ICX GCDP Candidate

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Meredith’s words…………………

SWOT and Bottleneck…………...


Focus area1……………………… Explain 1

Focus area2………………………. Explain 2


p.3 p.4 p.5 p.6 p.7 p.9

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Hi, NTLC的大家, 我是菁鳳,1213 NTLC VP ICX GCDP candidate,這次我想藉由這樣的方式讓大家更認識我,以及知道我對於ICX GCDP 的一些想法,還有未來一年我想完成的事。 我目前就讀長庚大學 呼吸治療系二年級,幫助別人一直都是我喜歡的事在擔任team leader的這一年中,讓我又對於我可以透過自己的力量透過project去幫助更多人有了一些想法,Trainee TN(合作夥伴) MB.從大專青年到小學生 ……在這個function 裡的每個stakeholder都有著一小段的故事和火花,在進來這個部門之前,可能就像一個廟會裡的戳戳樂一格一格,你根本不到裡面有什麼驚喜,但你知道裡面都是小獎品只是內容好壞不一樣,每個人對於這個部門裡產生的故事一定不一樣,但每個人或多或少都可以從中獲得些什麼,並帶給拿到小獎品的人不一樣的溫暖和歡樂,也分享給更多人,那也就是我們的impact發生。 大家會問: 咦?你們的犬逆來自哪些國家在做什麼樣的專案押? 當然這也問到重點了 ICX GCDP是一個 ISSUE + EXCHANGE 的Function 。一開始是大家來問,漸漸的我們可以透過許多的努力付出和分會的環境營造,去找到我們在北部地區ICXGCDP的定位和價值,並且讓impact發生間接達到1st choice partner 希望可以透過我把我所認識的project分享給大家,讓NTLC的member們可以和我一起把impact shinning到整個社會。

1213 NTLC VP ICX GCDP HI大家快擦亮亮亮亮眼睛 Meredith Huang 2012.04.09

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S W -Build up a well COol Conference model. -Great partnership with most of project TNs -Successfully engage young people with AIESEC. -Both TN taker and trainee deeply get involved in the project. -Trainees build up good relationship with TNs. -Creating new market. -Some of the members get great education. -Well done in Reception process. -Well interaction of trainee and LC.

- Should keep up X process timeline -Communication between every stakeholder. -Add more new elements into our project -Should have a better education system. -Management of human resource. -Should clarify the attribution of responsibility.

O T -Add value to both the company and NGO in CSR project. -Engage every NTU students with AIESEC NTLC project. -Increase media exposure through our


-Can’t prevent other imitation of our product. -Without following up with TNs will break our branding and trust. -Compare with other organization, our product doesn’t so sufficient to contribute to TN’s demand.

1.Project design should be well-rounded, from understanding our target demand to the timeline should be more stable to fit our X process. 2. Lack of completely Training cycle.

Key bottlenecks

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Light up project branding , and make impact happen.

Drive X growth by project- based team

Strategy1: Strategy1:Build up completely project training cycle.

Strategy 2: Coherent team to navigate success.

Enhance high quality project to clarify our position

Strategy1: Through extensive market research to satisfy our target demand thus build up our NTLC Project branding.

Strategy 2: Build up our NTLC project Branding through diverse channels to all the stakeholders.

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FA1: Enhance high quality project

Strategy1: Through extensive marketing research to satisfy our target demand thus build up our NTLC Project branding.

Action1: Build up online evaluation system for TN, trainee, and MB.(線上回饋系統)

KPI & Goals : Re-raise :75% LLC case rate :60% (Trainee take LR after they join our project.) Evaluation fill out rate :80% No . of Raise from word of mouth:4

Action2: Do online market research (include issue, NGO’s good case, target (Classification) ,Trainee

KPI & Goals : No. of New learning partner :3 No . of Realization: 45

Strategy 2: Build up our NTLC Project Branding to all the stakeholders

Action 1: Showcase through the news letter ,website news , campus events ,result presentation .

KPI & Goals : No. of Media exposure :10 (include newsletter ,web news , TV channel, magazine )

Action2: Strengthen NTLC project wiki on tool), and build up LCs partnership.

KPI & Goals : No. of international LC partnership :3

Action3: X growth through integration LLC -Build up returnee database- engage returnee, contribute into learning and innovative , sustainable project . ER-Trainee house , Education project sponsor to keep sustainable project and drive performance. Communication-Media exposure to show our project banding to engage more external. TD-cooperate to raise issue awareness through events ,workshop and LC weekly session with in a global environment .

KPI & Goals : No. of returnee join our project : 3 No . of Realization: 45

Stakeholder: TNs/Trainees/Youth/AIESEC MB/External Relation

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運行了Project的日子來,讓我發現還有許多可以使我們的專案更進步的方法,希望能透過這些方法的實行提高我們專案的品質並建立我們的NTLC的branding。 我認為我們還沒有完全的了解市場,所以在我希望透過市場調查並在調查後,找出外部對於我們專案的吸引點的分布,未來我們在promote專案時更能知道外部需求或引起外部的需求,增加外部想與我們合作的動機。 除了MR外,在他們與我們合作專案後,我們也將提供即時客服系統讓外部或參與專案的Trainee能在第一時間內將問題反映讓我們知道;而我們為了讓專案本身更好,我們也將收集其他NGO或其他國家專案運行的good case,並透過此一方法讓我們的專案也更加完整專業。 當然我們的外部不僅只有小學或是NGO,Trainee也是,為了吸引更多Trainee主動想參與我們的專案,我認為可以藉由AIESEC.net上的wiki去行銷我們的專案還有我們的分會,讓未參與我們專案的研習生能透過wiki上的資訊被我們所吸引,參與我們的專案,甚至是藉建立起跨國的partnership。 除此之外,我們更能夠過電子報,網路媒體,雜誌及電視媒體或者藉由學校活動及成果發表會,當作曝光管道讓更多外部認識我們,尤其在COol conf.的宣傳上,我將會蒐集過去的資訊將他做成電子報,在下一次活動宣傳時讓更多高中生知道這個活動,增加他們想參加的動機。 另外則是希望藉由Incoming 與 Outgoing的結合engage Returnee 來創造更多X的價值和專案的可能性。

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FA2 : Drive X growth by project-based team

Strategy 1: Build up completely project training cycle.

Action1: TLs Leadership training. Establish TNs database . Build up SOP of project flow training , basic knowledge of stakeholders , PA , GCM, @net use, sales force use .

KPI & Goals : No. of X raise by TL : 5 PA fill out rate:90%

Action2:MBs Build up SOP of project flow training , basic knowledge of stakeholders , PA , GCM, @net use, sales force use .

KPI & Goals : MBs drive project X flow process rate :60%

Action3: Build up transition system(Package include VP-VP ,TL-TL ) to keep the timeline and quality.

KPI & Goals : Final project proposal finish rate :100% Transition task finish rate :100% No. of X raise by TL : 5

Strategy 2: Coherent team to navigate success.

Action1: Strengthen Middle structure leadership training .

KPI & Goals : Function retention rate:75% Member functional meeting (event) attention rate :95%

Action2: Establish Trainee body with MBs , and create more issue-based activities (design Trainee tour ,weekly session )with Trainees.

KPI & Goals : No. of MBs take X program : 5

Stakeholder: TNs/Trainees/Youth/AIESEC MB/External Relation

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我覺得project在教育制度的建立上還有進步空間。對於training system的部分我分為兩個,一個是針對MB:對於外部的基本認識,AIESEC.net以及sales force的使用;一個是針對TL:Leadership role,對於外部的基本認識,AIESEC.net以及sales force的使用等。 而對於剛進入project的MB其實要馬上了解運行的流程是簡單的,但在實務運作上卻會發生許多問題,就我而言我覺得邊運行專案的同時邊學習是最快且最有效率的方式;除此之外,我們並不能保證每一個MB在申請上TL的職位後,對於project的認識及了解是一致的,而我認為我們可以建立一套完整的SOP讓新手TL就像拿到秘笈一樣,在找不到VP或其他TL時也可以自己處理問題。這樣的方式除了能讓TL學習更多外,TL也可以更直接的去帶領MB更能降低運作上的落差,增加執行的效率,進而提升並穩固我們的專案的品質與數量,也就是說transition除了VP 與VP間當然也包含了TL 與TL間如果有換Team的話。 除了functional內的member外,我更希望我們能和Trainee一起學習,透過社課或是帶研習生去玩等等,提高member的global mindset,更能增加我們與Trainee間的跨國友誼,讓專案的運行更加順利,也或許mb在與Trainee的reception中的一環互動增加 也因為這樣自己也會想要take X program. 此外我認為Raise LC members issue awareness可以是透過Trainee 或者同時Trainee與NGO(learning partner)一同來營造分會內的issue environment較不會單純deliver issue, 對於議題,我們不是為了專案而找議題來做或是為了去提醒自己對於議題的care, 而是設身處地,從自己做起,關心這個社會周遭,嘗試尋找我們可以透過我們的什麼資源來去讓impact發生。 透過這些functional內當作”基礎”或者可以說是”基底”的元素 ,間接來去建立起NTLC Project branding .

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Project descriptions

COol conferece 可以結合NGO(本身已有合作許多小學)還有開發基隆市場,提高犬逆的人數,同時結合對象相同的NGO as Learning partner一同推廣議題教育也讓這個專案增值,並且依然保持COol conf. DG 都能和犬逆有更多的互動,因此也可以擴大COol Conference的規模因此可以吸引道的外部資源及engage的青年人相對的也提高了,甚至可以擴大我們的impact專案到世界,變成一個交流會,讓和我們有Partnership的國家也有COol Conf發生 Issue caring 集合NGO將我們的專案提供原本就有在做這方面CSR的企業讓我們專案能夠順利運行,我們幫助到的不只是一個區的小朋友,更幫助到原住民孩童下一代的教育和擴展他們的視野在未來也對自己更多的信心去發現自己的淺能 Eco-tourism ( 淡水古積博物館 ) 什麼樣才叫一個sustainability 的專案,雖然常常會想要有新的東西出現,但我覺得真的很難,把已經做過的專案再做增值或修改 或許可以發現新的可能性 Regional project ( 東南亞移工移民 ) PBOX運行了兩年,試圖去把它變成一個獨立的專案 ,與International LC合作 一方面可以讓這個專案的環境更有意義, 也讓我們的IMPACT延續下去 •Taiwan Farm Fun Taiwan Project(will not be a team) •PBOX competition final/MC Project(depends on the LC reality) •針對MC Project 做更多的extension.

TL Job descriptions

•Maintain the timeline. •Drive and manage the project education cycle and a issue based learning ,X process should be included. •Build up a team with Trainees, and have well reception with members. •Communicate towards VP,MBs and all the stakeholders. •Evaluation to the stakeholders : TN/trainee ,also collect members feedback every months. •Have the ability of handing crisis.

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What I think, the relationship between Trainee, TN, and MB.

ICX GCDP is an exchange based function, we design a project to engage trainees from all over the world as the transmitter of the neuron and members stand as the people who connect all the stakeholders. We connect and communicate with each other, everyone is the important element of this function, I can be the one who make sure all the elements work on successfully together. I hope to be a ripple maker. A kindhearted ripple maker. I hope to see people smile when getting growth form the impact we make together I hope to light up our project branding, and make global impact happen. Because we are not only putting effort in fulfill the human kinds potential but we also create a peace and wonderful sunflowers filed, and invite all the people around the world to

share our sunshine.