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Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation

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Page 1: Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation
Page 2: Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation

As part of their ever increasing quest to alleviate poverty or rather to create con-

ditions for sustainable economic growth, fi-nancial stability and sustainable economic opportunity, the International Monetary Fund/World Bank Group (IMF/WBG) spring meetings were held from Monday April 11th to Sunday April 17th to discuss key strides made in the development agenda and deliberate on further strategies to be implemented in the pursuit of their overall global mission.Crucial on the agenda of these delibera-tions is the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) which over the years has gradually become an integral part of the meetings, justifiably so because it provides an open space for Civil Society Organizations to network, dia-logue and exchange views with World Bank G r o u p / I M F s t a f f , t h e i r p e e r s ,

government delegations on a wide range of topics which are of mutual interest. The sessions follow a participatory approach which includes an orientation session on the World Bank Group, a round table with World Bank Group Executive Directors, a CSO reception with senior management of both institutions and a policy dialogue session that reflected the diversity of Civil Society Organizations’ policy concerns.Drawing from the fact that its prenominal objective is “to Catalyze Africa’s economic transformation” it was to an extent, im-perative for the Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation to be represented. Dr. Denis Foretia, Co-founder of the Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation – participated in these meetings which “…was very productive and opened many opportunities for us”. These opportunities include but are not limited to

the following:-The decision by the World Bank Vice Presi-dent for Africa – Mr. Marktar Diop – that a consultative panel will be created to deal with the needs and concerns of NGOs. The Foretia Foundation is poised to play a criti-cal role.Secondly, Ms. Elisabeth Huybens – World Bank Country Director for Cameroon – pledged broad support for the programs and the foundation is currently working closely with her and her team to find synergistic areas.Also, Mr. Albert Zeufack – World Bank Chief Economist for Africa – agreed that he will be participating in an event organized by the Nkafu Policy Institute of the Founda-tion when next he visits Cameroon. Furthermore, in light of the World Bank “Annual Bank Conference on Africa” due to ta ke p l a c e i n J u n e 2 0 1 6 at O x fo rd University, Mr. Zeufack will be extending an invitation for the Foundation to participate.Given the positive developments accrued as a result of participating in this meeting, the foundation is taking necessary action to make diligent use these opportunities with an important goal of catapulting the Nkafu Policy Institute to the No. 1 position of Think Tanks in Cameroon by 2017.

By Nsaikila Melaine Nyuyfoni

Dr Denis Foretia at the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington D.C. Networking & Effective Communication: an unrivalled tool for African organizations to secure relevant partnerships for sustainable Growth and Development

Welcome to the new staff

Business ManagerYaounde, Cameroon – April, 2016 The Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation is pleased to announce that Mesue Michael Ngame has joined the Foundation as a Business Manager, effective April 2016.

Welcome Michael!

Page 3: Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation

International Labour Day In Cameroon 2016.

Le lymphome se définit comme une pro-lifération maligne de tissus lymphoïdes.

On parle de leucémies lorsque ces cellules lymphomateuses se retrouvent dans le sang. Les lymphomes occupent le 6ème rang des cancers dans le monde. D’après les données obtenues des laboratoires des hôpitaux de référence de la ville de Yaoundé, Ils occupent la 3ème place dans le classement des cancers au Cameroun ; avec une incidence de 1,5 à 2 pour 100.000 habitants et un sex ratio Hommes/femmes de 2,29/1,24.

Première cause de mortalité dans les pays en voie de développement comme le Yémen, le risque de cancers hématologiques aug-mente avec les états d’immunodépression ; avec une augmentation de 1% par an en cas d’infection à VIH.

D’évolution silencieuse, les cancers héma-tologiques se manifestent très souvent par un syndromepaludéen, mais le diagnostic reste cytologique et surtout histologique, l’examen de certitude étant la biopsie. C’est dans l’optique de comprendre l’épidémiologie,

le diagnostic, les limites et les moyens de prévention de cette pathologie aussi bien fréquenteque silencieuse que le Centre Pas-teur a réunit à l’occasion de la 44ème édition des « Mercredis de Pasteur » un ensemble d’acteurs impliqués dans les domaines de l’hématologie, l’anatomo-pathologie, la pédiatrie, l’épidémiologie et la recherche en santé au Cameroun pour une réflexion commune autour du thème « les Cancers Hé-matologiques » af in de dégager des réflexions pertinentes autour de cette thé-matique Centrale. Cette conférence, tenue le mercredi 27 avril 2016 dans la salle de conférence du Centre Pasteur du Cameroun à Yaoundé, ne pouvait pas se dérouler sans la participation active de la Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation, à travers son programme « Health Initiative », représentée par Julienne Nouetchognou. La thématique centrale ci-dessus a été abordée sous les angles suivants :

1- Lymphomes/Leucémies : Aspects Epidé-mio-morphologiques2- Diagnostic Biologiques et fréquences des

leucémies au Centre Pasteur du Cameroun

3- Aspects Epidémiologiques et Prise en charge des lymphomes/leucémies chez l’adulte

4- Aspects Epidémiologiques et Prise en charge Pédiatrique des lymphomes/leucé-mies

Grâce à un panel accompli d’experts venus du Ministère de la Santé Publique du Cameroun, du Centre Pasteur, du Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaoundé, de l’hôpital Général de Douala, de la Fondation Chantal Biya et une assistance composée de nombreux experts d ’ Inst i tut ions de recherche, d’ONG et de formations sanitaires, la conférence a permis de faire un état des lieux de cette pathologies et d’en analyser les aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques.

Par Julienne Nouetchognou

Historically this day is celebrated to com-memorate the 4th of May 1886 which is

the “HAYMARKET AFFAIR” (Haymarket mas-sacre) in Chicago, USA, when workers were on the general strike for their eight-hour workday. The International Labour Day/Workers Day or simply put as MAY DAY is celebrated by the international community to promote peace among classes, deal with

workers issues, provide workers with techni-cal assistance and encourage the Internal Labour Association in order to develop nations. It is usually celebrated every year on the 1st of May. MAY 1st in Cameroon is celebrated by organizing match pass at ceremonial grounds in front of government and syndicate officials with various companies decorating with

banners, posters, flyers, stickers and flags using colors representing their fabrics carrying messages of the day and their or-ganization’s logos. Varieties of information’s are captured by TV and Radio channels saying Happy Labour Day among people to increase social awareness about Labour Day.

by Michael Nkarnyuy / Kamga Hilaire

M e r c r e d i 2 7 A v r i l 2 0 1 6

Welcome to the new staff

Les Cancers Hématologiques Au Cameroun


Program Management OfficerYaounde, Cameroon – April, 2016 The Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation is pleased to announce that Kamga Fotue Jean Hilaire has joined the Foundation as a Program Management Officer, effective April 2016. Welcome Hilaire!

Executive AttacheeYaounde, Cameroon – April, 2016 The Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation is pleased to announce that Agathe Djomeghu has joined the Foundation as an Executive Attachee, effective April 2016. Welcome Agathe!

Page 4: Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation

Symposium On Industrialization In Cameroon

Le 21 avril 2016, la Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation a une fois de

plus matérialiser sa volonté de con-tribuer à la réflexion sur les meilleures stratégies de croissance durable des pays africains en organisant un sympo-sium sur l’industrialisation au Came-roun avec pour thème « Quelle indus-trialisation pour un développement durable et émergent de l’économie camerounaise à l’horizon 2035 ? ».Cette rencontre entre jur istes , spécialistes en économie de d é v e l o p p e m e n t , g e s t i o n n a i r e s d’entreprises privées de transforma-tion et un auditoire composé de nom-breux participants a eu lieu à la Chambre du Commerce, de l’Industrie, des Mines de Yaoundé.

A la suite des présentations des diffé-rents panels, on a pu mesurer les en-jeux et les défis de cette thématique ô combien importante pour l’avenir du pays. En effet, l’ industrialisation occupe une place capitale dans l’agenda économique de tout pays qui aspire au développement et comme l’a précisé le chef de l’Etat dans son adresse à la nation le 31 décembre 2015 : « le pari majeur pour notre pays reste la création des conditions d’une véritable industrialisation. L’émergence ne se conçoit pas sans une industrie viable ». Ce thème a été a b o r d é s o u s d e s a n g l e s a u s s i différents les uns que les autres intégrant les aspects juridique, institutionnel, financier, socio-envi-

ronnemental, technologique voire éducatif de la problématique de l’industrialisation au Cameroun. Au sortir des échanges, on retient que bien que l’un des objectifs du Came-roun contenus dans la vision à l’horizon 2035 soit d’atteindre le stade de nou-veau pays industrialisé (NPI), le tissu industriel est encore embryonnaire malgré les énormes potentialités en ressources humaines et naturelles. En attendant les mutations qui suivront l’élaboration du nouveau plan direc-teur d’industrialisation en cours, la Fondation compte bien capitaliser les propositions et suggestions issues de ce moment d’échanges.

Par Annette M.


Job Offer Contact us : [email protected]://

The Foundation is proud of its staff and the exciting career opportu-nities that exist at the Foundation. Our staff regularly has the opportunity to participate directly in our efforts to enhance and enrich the quality of life of individuals and their communities. We invite prospective applicants to view position announcements and, if appropriate, submit a resume, cover letter and references to the appropriate personnel.

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Le programme HEALTH INITIATIVE L’amélioration des politiques publiques de santé est une condition de développement durable, un défi de l’heure pour l’Afrique et une préoccupation avérée de la Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation. Au travers de ce programme, nous mettons en œuvre des projets allant dans le sens de l’amélioration de l’accès des populations aux services de santé essentiels, du renforcement des capacités du personnel de santé, de l’amélioration des infrastructures de santé, de l’essor d’une véritable politique d’assurance maladie, entre autres. Aussi, les questions liées à la sé-curité alimentaire et à la lutte contre la mortalité infantile n’échappent pas à notre regard stratégique.

At the University of Buea Career DayParticipation Of The Foretia Foundation

April 1St, 2016

Sponsored by MTN Cameroon, the University of Buea Career Fair was

organized in Collaboration with Better Breed Cameroon (BBC). It took place on the Campus of the University of Buea at the Dorothy L. Ndjeuma Am-phy theatre. This Career Day intended to facili-tate students’ transition from school to work by offering professional and practical career orientation from re-nowned employment companies, employment facilitators, career counsellors and young professionals. It also encouraged work placement/internships, volunteering etc. while offering young people testimonies from young professionals on what it takes to make it in certain fields.In addition, the day was organised

in the form of a fair – offering both speaking and interactive portions. Using stands, students and young graduates were given the chance to present their entrepreneurial ideas, dreams and products in the presence o f i n v i t e d g u e s t s w h o i n c l u d e potential sponsors, employers and professionals who could offer further guidance. Invited as a potential employment company and grant donors for young talented individuals, the Foretia Foun-dation was offered a stand where the 2 representatives (Epoh and Julienne) had the opportunity to present the Foundation’s programs and activi-ties as well as career opportunities, interact and respond to preoccupa-tions of students and young graduate.

The Foundation also attend the panel discussion with other potential em-ployment companies and institutions, during which one of the Foundation’s representative, Julienne Nouetchognou offered a frank talk to students on the Foundation’s programs and activities as well as career oppor-tunities and requirements. Students and graduates showed high interest in the Foundation’s programs and career opportunities within the Foundation; we received more than 120 students in our stand during exhibition and the talk was given to nearly 350 students in the Amphy Theatre.

By Julienne Nouetchognou

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20 Mai 201644è Edition de la Célébration de l’Unité Nationale

du Cameroun

Fête nationale à venir sous le signe de l’apport des chefferiestraditionnelles dans la promotion de l’unité.

You can give todayThe way to help young talented underprivileged individuals. The Opportunity Fund (supporting full scholarship for our young scholars)

Page 7: Mercredi 27 Avril 2016 - Foretia Foundation

3rd AFRICAN THINK TANK SUMMITThe Cameroonian Think-Tank, the Nkafu Policy Institute participated


The Denis & Lenora Foretia Founda-tion has been working on the im-

plementation of his strategies in the continent as a whole. Working on ca-talysing the economic transformation in Africa requires bringing together civil societies organizations, entrepre-neurs, local leaders, international or-ganizations, members of governments at the continental level. It also requires developing some platforms and enhan-cing the networking with the different stakeholders involved in the econo-mic sector. The 3rd African Think Tank Summit, held on April 8-9 2016 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, under the theme “Creating a Sustainable Future

for African Think Tanks in Support of SDGs and Agenda 2063”, was a good op-portunity for meeting the persons who decide, and those who can influence the public policies in our Continent.

Represented by Ms. Patience Manon Ombick as Director of the Nkafu Policy Institute, the Think-Tank at the Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation, the said or-ganization had the following objectives with respect to the African Think Tanks Summit:

* To improve his knowledge about the strategies for implementing the SDGs and Agenda 2063;

* To networking with other African Think Tanks;

* To identify some technical and financial partners;

* To communicate about the Foundation.

Promoting sustained inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for al l are key to reducing Africa’s poverty. It goes together with the need to transforming Africa’s economic structure from commodity based exporting to commodity- based industr ial izat ion. Through his commitment with the African Think Tank Summit, the Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation want to pursue his fight against poverty through the capa-city development and social projects. Thanks to that Summit, the Founda-tion has undoubtedly taken away the networking, sustainability’s strategies and partnerships, which are key to bu i ld a st rong and compet i t ive organization.

By Patience Ombick

Economic Policy AnalystYaounde, Cameroon – April, 2016 The Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation is pleased to announce that Nsaikila Melaine Nyuyfoni has joined the Foundation as an Economic Policy Analyst, effective April 2016.

Welcome Melaine!

Welcome to the new staff

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Email: [email protected]: www.foretiafoundation.orgFacebook: foundation?trk=top_nav_homeYoutube: 14315 Yaounde, Cameroon

Tel: +237 - 222 31 15 84

Publication: FORETIA FoundationChef de Redaction: Julienne N.Infographie et mise en page: EpohCollaboration: Patience, Melaine, Annette,Hilaire, Michael

APRIL 2016


Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) along with the Faculty of Medicine

of the University of Geneva, and Swiss and International organizations com-mitted to Global Health have joined their talents and resources to organize «The Geneva Health Forum (GHF)”. A biennial event first launched in 2006,was established to link policy and practice, and addresses health issues

through an integrative approach.Known as the largest event in Europe gathering such a distinguished au-dience, composed of academic lea-ders, practitioners, policy makers, diplomats, representatives of donor agencies and healthcare providers; the GHF combines plenary and parallel sessions attended by hundreds of par-ticipants, with a large international

exhibition area.The Keynotes lectures and plenary sessions, given by inter-national health leaders, and series of workshops, oral and poster sessions foster and nurture st imulat ing discussions on major global health issues. The sixth edition of GHF, which took place from April 19-21, 2016 at the International Conference Center of Geneva (CICG), under the general theme “sustainable and affordable innovations in healthcare” cannot go without the scientific contribution of the Denis &Lenora Foretia Foundation through his program Health Initiative, with the Presentation of the abstract entitled “Assessment of the prevention of Nosocomial infections: Yaoundé, Cameroon” in the category strengthening of Health systems, healthcare workforce development.

More Information:

By Julienne Nouetchognou