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1 :VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872. PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall .. A5D REiTAUKAM. : -So. SO . Albany «tte±t, New 3mi:$w:ck. j Where can be i i: f ir«L::;r::i of a' CONFECTIONER, I ?4 • D E X N I 3 ? : ; - i : LIT, i ><w : i r : - - r : , .V. .1. a;-1r-:y :t' - Jfrs. Rasa Puerchner, : LAUNDRESS PRQFESSS8NAL CARDS. ^I'KYEYISO, ETC. The ur.d~-rii.-ned ha* opened an oflice for Civil Knciucermic and Fractica ISurveving, ai Vo. If! (Jeo-kie j'rret where all orders ia the :i:e of his "profession wi;l be promptly exe- cil'c i. Otv !ots and farm? surveyed and plotted ; '*Tid LA.d o-.\ divided up and pariujened off"; ::".!ine ^ud divis'ou ciiip> ; lop .'graphical maps :: :ik or co.urs; plans lutnULied i\v laying OUT ..:;d uinamentiu^ grounds, etc. iuvlS-ly ~~ JOHN HILI.HOISE. ? p X. DUl'GIITY, 141 George 3treet, Civil Engineer I .1- -.v ARCHITECT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS St'li»olcy's mountain Seminary. NEW JEKSt.Y. A Drst-c!a?5 Graduating School for Young i d G l g ? and Gentlemen. Loca<i^n healthful. Terms moderate. U'enth tesfion will comtmncf Sept. 8. L I STOLTKNnCRG Six- sfion p KKV. L. I. STOLTKNnCRGH, Priu KANSAS BIGISTERED BONDS. .ife and p'-dfjiiih'e investment bonds. Some <:f the wealthie-t counties in Kansas—Allen, Audi-rson, KntuMin. .lol.nson and Dou^ki.- cmntiis. !\eu r is!fied by ihe State of Kansas. Inte'e-T ;nd riici'u! v.A-\ by t!eState Treas- urer. The bench i>ay 7 per cent. iniere.-t, and over'In e- 1 wu/s '.'Id, th-* coupons having : ."on aiwavs n:_nu:ar!y and ;ir in|>>ly.paid. For •tiitistics iird in'ii-:iia'irn. i'ddri^s Sunuiel A. '.-a-, lnrd A ('•>., "'"• W. i! s r - e * , Nov.- Yrrk city. /-NO. i-. 1Hi.N^i ^Ti.Li.T. -<l lo do >V:i- "i :i^. If ,::\-£ a.? a«!f>i -*-i u r.~ ii-ait Wind \v Cirtj.lh> a -; c.-iii ARCHITECTS, A."-' i> M t-c hani cr, 1 i?l n •_-: i 13 '.lice—:4I G>>-rytr Street, GroTtr'c : Bouse and sign I*:;iiilt'r, SO.: i-: GTILDKN "STI;KI-:T. Rdr,ms Frescoed in Ou or \V;-.:-.-r C - l i o r s t<: r ing asd P.^per Hanging. done at short soi;;e. br :::•• :v.v • CDS!:-- i" j,-r I method. ETIOLATE ROOn\<i, j WM. G l °- w - STEVE (Late er New \ ork city), DENTIST, 63 CHURCH 3TKE2T, XLW UiiL'NSWICK. lleracviil. CHEVAIJtR, JL> E r\ T 1 :S T , 1 Bunet Street, . T \ew Brunswick. APPLIED ET —23 iiIKAM >;;:I:ET chimneys ar.d de;>;r.. e : ? ' _'.< :.::.,:- nctioneor, 60 Cfaavch Street, NEW BRUNSWICK,'N. .1. &ttend saics in c:.v or c^ :utrv. TIiisisilie Oldest Agency ir«' 'niit: riTY l.N- IKA.V K C/OMPAM Jersey. Removal. Carpet Weaving. BICHADL HATES, No 9 Exchauga Plac9 Jer8ay City. MB Hornet streti, next door to New, beps j ( t o inform h: 3 friends and the i>.:bY.c gen- ! y-thai he i* prepared to furnish List and j Carpets at tiie lowest cash prices* j * for weaving pron.pilv ailed, j No. 139 MICHAEL HA VE3, OFFICE: BRAXCU OFFICE: Street, N«w Brunswick, T. Tbroop avenue and RcdiEOnd st»eet. IOOKBI.\DL\<i. 4 J. HEIDIXGSFELD, tactical Binder city, brads Mutaiines, Music, Librarv r Books, Pamphlets, etc., in durable • t bindings, at moderate jr:ce^. Pl" SI AlbanT street, rear u! TerhaLc i Via An*- •"**•*• Bookstore. Rutsen Hardenber^h, ERWARP Fo- any e..-e ot Uiind, U'eediiiL'. Itch ins; or 1:1- ceraied Piles that DK i.!;Mr's I'lLK Kl MBIlT t'.iils to euro. It is pre- (••1 e x ; : r i - ^ l y o c.ire ;he Pies, :T(! nothing else. Sold bv ;iil I)n:t;- IV -c vl i n When the Liood Rushes with rocket-like violence to the head, causiag hot Hushes, ver- tigo an-1 dimness of tii'ht, it is a cermin sijo that a mild, salubrious, cooling aud equalizing laxative is required, and Tarrant's Eflerves- ceut Seltzer Aperient should be at once re- iSuid hy all Druggists. O IUiiNIC LAW OF THE SEXKS—Con ditions which nrpiur vitair.y—positive and negative el-c-ricitv—proof that life is evolved w;:hnut u n i o n - i lli-ct of tobacco—in- fluence of tish and phosphoric diet—modern j treatment ol" pelvic di-si-a-c*, s'.ricture and varicocele, und arrest o! development ten lectur s tu his pr i'. ;i : e surgical class, bv Kd- wavd 11. l)i\,,n, M. U., 12 Jr'nh avenue, N. \.; til pa_'-s, i;i cents. •• hvu.-y 1 ne tr rv the p»n nf I> r . Dixon is oi i;-'.-L' v.ilue to the v.'hol^ hmijaii tacu."—H<>iac Cr/ct.'. il. OllillTOV, >nd Hxcel-ior ( lothe> er and Krpuirer. H^jAMortnirnt Src.iud-h^ud Clothiaj;. i I' H*tt-ties, Collars, Etc., Etc. : ,.Ofce Door from corner o! Lliraar street t*l All Dsscriptions oi Properly Insured at Fair Rates "f preminFr. arid 'nr a term of years if desired. Special attention given to desirable Dwelling House and Farm Risks G lit: AT Medicitl Hook oi useful knowledge to all. .s e ut lice for two stamps. Ad Jieas Dr. li-inr.purte ACo., Cincinnati, Ohio. U C PIANO CO., N. Y. I'rice, »0».No Agents. Circulars free. AGENTS WANTE;).—Agents make more i XV money ai work for us than at anything else, business lighl arii psr:n:mcnt. I'arucu | Ur» free. U. Sti,,,;•.••.& Co.. Fine Art 1'ablisl i ers, 1 .-.rtlaiid. Miiiit. jelSndaw4' ILk DEl'Ol. M.i 1 . IV MILK, KOIl l.ONC TERMS. on |AT. AUL HOURS OP THE DAT, ' AT Van licwr'a Grocery, 7S CUtitCH ST ; :KKT. r - T.'S. tvllTJiKN. J.B. Parsons^ Son ': crRKV » ! 15 Church Street, Merchant Tailor, ! AM- OKALIE IS Y.!J eady-Made Clothing-'""' Boots adv.ii.t:i k '>• t..> select TO GENTS' Fl'KXISHINQ GOODS, .178 N«ilson Street, New Brurswick, i Beit door to National iiank ol NewJersey. i New Scale Pianos, WITU IKON FRAME, Ovcrstruni,' l!a>-* and Asrranv Wridirc. MELO&EONSi .s NII •^ ^ V ^ J p^A | jjj ^ tl T!iK RK-T M \:.;r...CTt:EKD. WA ,'UMhi) F O R M X VI-A IIS. i:'"'-:r..::.' c. -.:: ;,.., s , ni .i\d. A I;,rge dis- '" '"'' ! l: " l ' ! ' ' " 'i.i'.i.-'i-rs, <'huri:li'is .^undt -.-ii'i.'is, K:i,jivr..i; v L' Societies, etc. of , j . i , Vestings, tic, which h.- is . f bjr the Tjird, or make to'order m the Uli^t Mri* at tlie lowest prices. Kej-airiiii;, (.'ieaiii'H! ! "•dPressii; neatii lijne, at the short, s.1 uouce. i A \!' O ALBA>Y STKKET. Oil Opp.-'State Bank, near Peace\*': SCHXEIDE^R, Watchinaker i A G^eat Offer! jHorac* Wa'.ers, 181 Broadway, N. Y., ! will di>i'..^i,f () ;u . I!-,,,.;,-,.,! l'ianos, Melddeons and O^.i-.n, o! six ;:rM-class makers, including i ,',"' r ^ s 'i U ix: " uie 'y l"w prii-.-s for cash, oV I will take fi to 11.", monthly until paid ; j the sa:»e m u-i, r .:id rent applied if purchased. j .N.-.v I-.IOI.IW 1'iamss, modern improvements, ( In! t-i.\ cash. A new kind of Parlor Or^an, tin-ir.osi be.iiinnil style and perfect tone ever m..d,> II.I.V 0Il exuibniou at 4sl Utoadwav. Ne.v \ O:K. TilOV TIICIE OP JEWELRY, Ornamented H«ir Jc-welry "lo ordrr. Plain Gold Ring* made at one a notice, uir kamt. weight or sur. Wmtches and frenc-h Docks, "wirranii-d correct time. American and Kni;l;sh »lways on hand. Musical Holes Kt- All newJewelry and u.^d? w»irmcted; if bn'ken within a ve^r i trlthout cost; repairiu- ucaLv "and IT done. emu of p!ea.-in>t a!! who ir.iv' f afor us Unar patronage, I sohcii a he.riy suiij-or; ' tfce commumtr. < Verv respectfully y*»urs -IT* " JOHN" SCHNKmUK. [OHM M.UWAB, S7 FBACB BTBBST, | BOOTS ANDGAITKKS, : UaBd-sewed, always on basd. Assortment. Care Liken •,> ^ re customerj a KKPAIKING »»* abort notice and is the beat manner , s fell assortment vf RED WORK always on hand. apl-ly vs. - v ^~ - r ? ^ ? Fitting AMI Good Wearinor Article AT SATISFACTORY PRICKS. Buy Your LUMBER! .v SON, TKSTIMCXIAL OF WATKUs'S PIANOS AND ORGANS. The ••-•"-> Orjran you sent is powerful enough to till ,,ur ch.,pel. The di'terent combinations, >ub-bass, jjive a reasonable variety, and the tone? ot tiie instrument are rich" and sweet. Any churcii \b.;u has such ;.u iiistruuieut as this has a treasure. Kev. «'. A. liuckboe, Puitorol Baptist Cburch .-an t ranc'sc.i, Cal. W elmve MIU'OI \J r . Waters's pianos now inour rev..lence (where it has stood for years) of wl'iy.i a:iy iuun-.:f:u-tnrer in the wovYd might «•! i>e provd. We have always been delighted ax a sweet-toned and powerful instiu- :> '•::!. .u:d : hrve is in, d/.ubt of iis durab'i'.ityn.or.. tUaiithis, some of the best amateur-plav- er.-. in t.-e city, as well as s-veral c l«iljrated p'a»i»u, luve periorii.rtl on the said piano, anu ah pronounce it a superior and Drst-cla^s m>t.-u:ueut. .stronger I'liJum-iiftiis we could uotgive.-_,/„•,../...,.,..,/. mhlS-lv AT ?r.^>x STEAM S -^=°^ \- P. S. MAIL LINE. i betvecn New York, \ &. Xdvex*pool. ; kSteatcships Munhatia-n. Minnesota, Cul- \ Chic»zo. Nebraska ^:.d NrvaU*, NU;::^- Sew ' York eTi?rv \Veiine>,i»». L'Db::. ge#90£old ; sts^riLice p^-.-v«5te from New i _, $S0. ToNew York at k*<r!-. r^it-a, i.iv- ! »inxurrency. l'a>.>^2e :rcm aaJ t" P_n-. ! U,"fioll«rrdiu. iind Antwerp at equt»m Ffates.r Reu.ittaL,Le» to Great Bntuio, Ire-! •ad »!! parts ril Genuanr. A;^i!v to XXAMS * GUIO.V. 2y Broadirny, N. V.. w ! "*• MURPHY, 141 Krilaon street. New 1 " ! 1 illg' MlllS, _ Notice th: t the f,,!li«-i-^ letter from Urn, >chuv,,r fol-ax w;is wr | ;; ,. :1 , : „,„,. ' IITUUC'I n;l the intervening time we I ave :.-~t,- inoiiiaU of the excellence ot the P Ii Thev contain no quinine, no mercury, no arsenic" ana a r e A cenuni c,;re : ••SotTB liivn. IN:,., April :;• 1*^5 I am compelled t,. acknowledge that vottr tever aud Ague Pi!;- liave < llected'j me dec:d- e-.l i-.:re>. I.ust year you sent me anun:h<rr of h i xcs. assrrmj: me th:-.: mv creluiity would be >'v-re..;:,e l! we tr.ed them. And we"c ; in leM-tv 1.1.1*. '.n seven obstinate ca ^-s in *\i ic'-i r- .'v iuive i.,-eu tried. 1',,-y i,jr c •,,-..•.„• an'irt'.,; 1, ".. c u r e . .,.•,,! l, ; ,ve :i -t r..:!,d i r ; ,S .B -ie ir^ >••<;.•' UI '-' : •> he:ter .--: 1!. •.!.•• d-- ^.se^d...-^ not're' !»;T. ..n.i t!,e M-.!,:II :- I-.-11 :;. .. hoalthv stale " !•'' s .ie tiv ul. u:ui.'-.''--'5. FOOT OF NEW Central Goal Yard. Elias Euayoa &Son 165 BURNET STRTET, have received a fresh supply of Newly - Mined Coal, .lad also ke-p constantly onhand a lame stock of Hay, Straw, Flour, IVo'l, flntin. Course and Fine Salt, Grass S'.x'ds, 1*eriLizcTs, etc STEAM ^HKK^IIT LIXE to and from New Voik. apS l_y ARTHUE G. OGILBY, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE-iVo. GEORGE STREET. Money to Loan on Bond and Mortgage In sums to suit, on City or Country Property. Bills of Exchange on England or Ireland Irdin one pound np.vards. Also, on all the principal Cities in any amount. AGENT FOR 'ETNA (FIRE) INSIT J* %:\ <K 'JO.lIl'AM, Slartfonl, Conn., Net Cash Assets, Jan 1st, 187JJ, J4,51)0,.110.70, » ' PIKENIX^I-VSUItANCF r « J I P \ M , Brooklyn, W. IT., Net Ca»li Assets, Jan. HOYAL INSinWCB COMPANY, LIvcrjiool, Not tasli Assets, Jan. 1, 1 872, over HO,i0O,(JUO. ' ' INTERNATIONAL IY-TTHANCK COJI1MNV, New Yorlr Net Cast Assets, Jan. 1st, l-»7^, fSJ3,t>jj.os. " V1 \^r^ Kn * XKV ' \7a V - l t > NCF: . .fOMr.VXY," Hartford, Conn., 'Net Casli IHE GREAT China and Japan Tea Comp'nv 209 BURNET STREET. Encouraged by the tremendous success they hare attained since they have opened, and by general request of their customers, have added to their stock oi Coffees, Spices, AND FINE GROCERIES, a Large aud Well Selected Stock of FOREIGN AiXr> DOMESTIC Wines and Liquors, » which we will sell at wholesale aud retail at the Private Families wiil find it to their advantage to buy from us, as Our Goods are Pure, and We Warrant Them TOR MEDICAL USE. Try them, and sitisfy yourselves. Get your Teas, Wines and Groceries at New York Wholesale Prices, lr«tn The Great China and Japan Tea Co., 209 BURNET STREET, NEWBRUNSWICK, V. J., 471 9TH AVENUE, NEW YORK. •nch25-tf - WBIN3TOCS & KAUFMAN. Proprietors. 1872. SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872. ^\e present for trie inspection ot our C':sTi,rners and the public generally and unusually iirelullv assorted strck of I'liV tiOODS ptirclia^ed in Europe bv our own buyers, which em- braces nil the novel'.ies to be h.uud in European matkets. We ofle'r full lines in the following: 8ILES.—All the shades '-f Silk, embracing the newest and tinest tints. All the best makes in Black. Silk. The Lord 4 Taylor Family Silk, verv good for general wear, ia oflered at a low price. ' S H A W L S —Lace Shawls^Ottoman Shewls, Broche and Paisley Long and Square Shawls, triped Shawls and Wraps, Shetland Shawis, Mouruhig Shawls, Scarfs, etc, etc., in endless variety ot desicna and colors, and at attractive prices. ^^k ^ ^ ^a^A <H^ ^ ^tm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ * .-. h . (in English and ?'rench Prints in the newest designs to be found inthe European markets. Also, the " Dollv Varden" Prints in great variety. These Prints are well worth an n^pection. liINDNS.—The stock in this Department is unusually complete, and comprises a stock oi Linens and Linen Goods unsurpassed for vanetv, stvle anil pn-.e. WHITB OOOSS.-All the diBerent grades 'ol Laces, Embroideries, Edgings, Rufflings, Insertmgs, Etc., at very reasonable prices. Ladies' Suits and Underwear, Trousseaus, Infants' Wardrobes, Children's Suits aad Under- wear, Bonnets, Round Hats, j-'lew-ers, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Toilet Articles, Soap, Per fuinerv, etc., eic. Also, Geats' Furnishing Goods, tpholsterv Goods, etc., the whole com- prising the largest, best .selected and assorted Stock ofLiry Geods ever oflered in New York city. LORD & TAYLOR, Iiroadicay, corner Ticentieth Street, New York. Chrystie, Neto York. Grand Street, corner apl2-3m R&ILRGAD TRAVEL. Pennsylvania Railroad. Unitod Railroads of New Jersey Div- ision. SUM HE It ARK4\OElWI3i\TS. New Bronawicli lo ^ Leave New Brunswick at 1.48, 8.23, 9.12, 10.R2, A. M.: 1.42, 2.12, 3.15, 4.19, 5.11,ti.08,7.50, 10.52 P. M. P«i!adel|>hla to New KrtinuwSclt. Leave Philadelphia via West Philadelphia at 12.20, 8.00, 7.15, 8.30, 11.OU A. M.; 12.30, 1.30, 3.10,- 5.30, 6 45 P. JL; via Camden 3.00 P. M.; via Kinaington 2 30 P. -M. New UmnswlcK to New York. Leave New Jtrunswick at 3 £'J, C.04, 0.30,7.15, 7 r,ti, a si, 9.3S, a.r,4 A. ii.; 12.00, 2.D0, 5.59, 7.31, 8 47 P. M. New Vork to New Bruimwlck, Leave New York at 7.01, 10.00 A. II.; 12 00, 1.10, 2.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.10, 5.20, C.SO, 12.00 P. M. New Hrnnswlcfc and iTS!ll»tone R a i l - road. Leave New Brunswick at 8 3i A. M., 1.33, 5.33, 0.40 P. M. Leave Millstone at 6.4q, 7.26 and 9.24 A. M.; 4.04 P. M. I'erth Vmboy and Woodbrldge Rail- road. Leave New Brunswick at «.3Oand 9..">i A. M... 2.50, 4.S3, and 5.55 P. M. Leave Perth Amboy for Rahway at 7.15, 8.10 A. SI., and 12.00, 4.04, 5.1'J.ti.24"P.M. itocky Hill and Kingston Railroad. Leave New Brunswick at 9.12 A. M., and 5.11 P. M. freehold and Jamenburir Railroad. Leave New Brunswick at 8.23, 11.12 A. M., and 5.11 P. M. cHjilildtown and Pcmbertou Railroad Leave New Brunswick at S.23 A. M., and 5.11 P. M. (lelvldere and Delaware lXallroad. Leave New Brunswick at 9.12 A. Jl., and 2.12 and 5.11 P. M. !3gr The 8.23 A. M., and :J.15 P. M. trains go u Camden. Passengers to all points south of Farming- dale, on the NewJersey Southern Railroad, take the 8.23 A. M. train. Tickets tor sale audbaggage cheeked th rough lor ail points South aud vVest, F. WOLGOTT JACKSON', (Jen. Supl. A. J. CVSS \Tr, Gen. Marnier. June 3, 1H7* Garland's GENERAL MUSIC STORE, 24 Albany Street (OPPOSITE 8TATK BANK). A Large Assortment of the best Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons of the best makers, at as lowprices as it ia possible to urnish superior instruments. Stein way's Pianos, the very beBt Pianos manufactured, at prices from $450 to $1,000. Over one hundred and fifty of these Pianos have been sold by Pro- fessor Garland in this city and elsewhere. The "American Piano" well made and durable instrument, possessing tine qualities. I J rices from $300 to $tiOO. TheGabler, Emerson and Gordon Pianos. Prices from $2V5 to $300. &. Ilninliii's Celebrated of every style. PRINCE 4 CO.'S Sweet-Toned Organs and^ Melodeons. ONE PRICE ONLY. Each Instrument sold at the lowest price 5 and no further abatement made. Pianos, Organs and Melodeons to Rent, or sold onMonthly Instalments. , Musical Instruments of every description Violins, Accordecns, Guitars, Concertinas, Flutes, Harmonicons, Piccolos, Tamborines, Flageolets, Bones, Banjos, Drums, Fifes, Triangle Pitch Pipes, J Tuning Forts, Jews Harps,J Music Boxes, Violin Strings, Guitar Strings, Banjo Strings BHEIT MUSIC—the largest collection, ever kept in this city. Boosei/a Cheap Mvs eal Publications. LITOLFF'3 CHEAP CLASSICAL MUSIC. HITCHCOCK'S Dime and Half Dime Music. Music BOOKS of every description, for Hun- day, Public and Private Schools. Pianos, Organs and Melodeons tuned by ap experienced Tuner from NewYork, GARLAND'S General Music Store. 34 Albany Street,. jalS-da* 1 v New Brunswick, N. J. SCHUYIER STREET- ASSESSMENT FOR DAMAGES. JI.—The undersigned Commissioners appointed by the . Common Council ot New Brunswick to assess the damages to be sustained DT any ovratr or owners of all the lands and real estate taken and necessary to be taken to open Sohuyler street from Bayard to N'ew street, according to the provisions of an Ordinance of said city entitled : "An Ordin- ance to regulate, lay out and open Schoyler street, in the citv of New Brunswick, irom Bayard street to Newstreet," approved June 3, 1872, hertby give notice (hut ther will hold their first meeting to eatimite ana assess the damages for the opening of said street on Monday, June 24, at 4 o'clock, in Hannah's BuildinL', Hiram street. WM O. DiEART, JOHN H. TAPPING, EOBERT HAXN'AH, JOHN CHEESMAS, jel5-6t JOSEPH FISHER. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Chai. E. Elkin ia no longer in the employ of this firm. All person; having busin?sj with in in Real Estate, or piecing Loan* 1 , will apply to our principal office, No. 156 George street Respectfully, je20-2tdltw JOIiS T. JENKINS & SON. THE DAILY TIMES. Confession of a, Murderer. John Avery, ^ho was convicted in the Bergen count y court of the mur- der of Jacob Erb at Cresskill last Winter, will sufler the extreme penal- ty of the law on Friday next unless the Court of Pardons shall mitigate the sentence. The inhabitants 61 Hackensack evince great interest and sympathy for the prisoner. His cell is filled with flowers, and he has ev- erything which can add to his con\- fort. Avery himself is a pleasant- faced young man, and seems to look forward to his late very coolly. He laughs aud jokes, and reads novels ; and Sheriff Tell thinks he does not realize his peril. He has a mother and brother in New York. The murderer has made a confes- sion in which he details the early his- tory of his life. He is 22 years of age and left home when 11 years of age and went "West, where he worked for three years as chore boy and iarni la- borer. After this he led -a sort ol ving life, subsequently returning to New' York. On the 22d of June, 1ST 1, he went to work for Mr. Clark, of CresskilL Here he, became ac- quainted with Erb, -\s\ho was employed as a coachman by Mr.' Clark. We give the balance' of ljis stoi*y in his own language: I rather took a liking to Erb than otherwise, and invited him to come into my room and smoke bia pipein- ead of sitting alone. He did so and fell inlove with my little room for its ckanlhuss and neatness. I always keep my places in good order. Tifere wern many little -circumstances' .•fre-- iuently occurring which convinced, me that he was envious of ^ny was- ter's supposed preference ior uu ; , and was trying to supplant me in Iir* J:i- viir. It was a part ol my duty, to look after the hennery. I had' done tttis to Mr. Clark's satisfectiiMi,'bift now there were lrcqutnt complaints about the eggs being morie. scjarce..- I collected and gave up all I ever iouud. I have seen, and'others also, Erb g^o into the hennery. He had- no busi- ness there. Still, I could not prove that he tookithe eggs. I inquired of others the best plan to rqake them lay better. Gave them;, under . advice, bran and pepper. There were more eggs after this for a short time, but the confidence in me seemed to be de- stroyed. One day Mrs. Clark in quired after two eggs which she said were in the nest a short time previ- ously. I replied that I had not seen them. She seemed dissatisfied, and I became convinced that I should liave to leave, for it hurt my feelings to be thus suspected when I knew I was in- nocent, and was doing my best to please. I spoke to Erb about it; he made no reply, except a sneering one. Sam Building can testify that he saw him go into the hennery. On Thanksgiving Day Mr.-Clark told me I should have to leave. I wept, for I thought it very hard. I was pre- paring to leave wnen Mr. Clark came to me and informed me that he would try me another month if i would try and do better. I replied that he had but to state what he wanted and I would endeavor to do my best. I liked Clark, he was so good, and 1 stayed. One day after this, in an out- landish place, six eggs were found, which I knew had never been placed there by the hen. Then others were found, he, Erb, all the time going into my hennery. This created suspicion. Then he was always boasting of the large amount of work he had per- formed in comparison to that which I had uone, intimating that I was neg- lecting my duty, and that he was obliged to assist in its performance. I had made up my mind to leave Mr. Clark again, but lie requested me to stay another month. 1 complied. During all this time I had no words^with Erb. At the end of the month I left, but before going I shook hands with Erb; I had no malicious feelings against him when I shook hands with him, though I knew he had injured me. He said he was sorry, but I doubted hia sincerity. I went to New York, and I had money for my prqpent necessities. One day I was going down Nassau street and was looking at a book-stall, as I am very fond oi books; while I was standing there a man accosted me and said if I wanted books he would take me around the corner, where I could^have my choice of a bankrupt stock—some were worth a dollar only, and others were worth ten. I fol- lowed him, or rather them, for there were two of them. They took me in a sort of gambling hell, and one oi the two commenced to play. I had never seen the game before—saw them throw dice, and there were correspond- ing numbers on the board. I refused to play at first, but when I saw one of them win, 1 thought I would have a throw; I did so, and won five dollars. They asked me to try my luck again —I won again—and so on until I had won $500. Then the luck began to change, and I lost all I had in the world except 25 cents. I begged hard to try my luck with this, but they would not play for less than a dollar, so I left. I pawned my coat, and, being ashamed to show myself at home, made up my mind to go to Cresskill to try and borrow a little money of Mr. Moore to give me a tart and redeem my coat. I Started, and got out at Tenafly, and walked the other part of the dis- tance. I thought perhaps that Mr. Moore would recommend me to an- other situation. When I arrived I was too shy to speak, to Mr. Moore, and, undetermined how to act, I stood up against a tree I suppose tor nearly an hour. While standing here a man passed me and spoke to me—he did not know me, nor I him, 1 went into the woods, and as one of my boots pained me I picked up a stick to-walk with. Then it was that I first thought of robbing Erb of his watch. My intention was to make my way to the barn and wait for him until he came, and to strilie him, but not to do him any serion* harm. I went and picked up a piece of an old lightning-rod with which to strike him. I did not gather the stick for that purpose, ior at that time it had not-ent^red into my head to do such a deed. Tin: rod was bent, and very thin. ' I could not sleep much, so I patted the horses, and wished a thousand times that I had never came in. Early in the morning I found another piece of iron which I thought was better suited to the purpose. I found his old coat, and put it on to disguise myself. I buttoned it up close to the chin. I waited ior him, trembling all over. Toward HX o'clock he came, and sat down. He did not see me, and I struck, aiming at his forehead. He staggered—so did X—but he did not groan. I put out the light, and Is 1 was commencing to 'tiike the watch he commenced to recover. I did not strike him again, for as God is my judge I did not wish to kill the man. I snatched at the waUll and ran, for I knew that if lie allnckcd mo I should have the worst oi it, for ho was a stronger man than myself. I pulled oil" the coat and threw it down.' 1 walked onto Creskiil station. The I.rain was not due, so I went to Tenafly, took the train, and came on to New York. I had not the least idea that the man would die. I certify that this isa correct state- ment. Junx AVKKY. July IS, 1S72. CHICAGO ! One Hundred and 1'orli/ Jlrms /i<n:e tcstijicd to the j/rencn'atiou of l/n-.i'' Hook-*, I'njH-rs and Vohmblcn in the terrible CHICAGO FIRE. HSRRiNG'S PATENT CHAMPiQN Awarded the Prize Medals at the World's Fair in Londnn, At Ihe Exhibition Univcrselle inParis, and The World's Fair in Kew \'ork. ALSO, -H-IXNKH or THE WAOKR OF Awarded at the l'aris Exposition to the BEST SAFE IN THE WORLD IlERBING'S NEW TATENT CHAMPION BANKERS' SAFES Patent hi^h und Iiw steel welded, combined with Patent Franklinitc. Prool against the blow-pipe, as well us the drill. With Patent Hinged Tongue and Grooved Door and Patent Kubber-Packed Flange. Proof against wedges, Hitro-glycerine a-jd gunpowder. Manufactured only bv HERIUXG, FARRKL &SHERMAN, 251 and 2S2 Broadway, cor. Murray St., Jf. V. FAKRBL, IIBERING &Co., Philadelphia. HERRING A Co., Chicago. HEURINO, FAKREL & SnEiiHAjf, New Orleans. aplO-ly ^^_ REMOVAL. MRS. FMHCi ffALLIM, wishes to inform her friends that she has re moved 53 Church Street. Uet. George and Nciison si reel3. . i where ebe will continue the huslBIM ol •>.T7T. 1 Dress and Cloak Slaking, and where/will be found a > tneral assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS Variety of Other Goods ALL NEW and selected with regard to the wests ot this locality Aeent fur Ramsey & Warren's r<ad:es' and Children's Dress Patterns, equal ine.erj ro- ipect to Butttrick's. T'uanktul lor past tavora, by strict attention to business sbe hopes to merit a continuance f the same. " »iil^-dawW AND GO TO LEACH'S, The One Price Stationer, To bay all kiuds of Writing Paptr, Envel- opes, Account and Memorandum Books, cheap. 86 NaJwau Street, ) N y 0 fc 235 Greenwich Street, J " BW * A large assortment of Diaries all the year around. Books of any pattern mad* to order at the shortest notice. mhs-6mdair BUSUTBBS, WEDDING LSD ViarrnTO CARDS, •• Printed in a style equal to any in thU eonntry, at TBBTIMM Job office.

Merchant Tailor, ! Clothing-'' Boots China and Japan Tea ......1:VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872.PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM.:-So.

Oct 25, 2020



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Page 1: Merchant Tailor, ! Clothing-'' Boots China and Japan Tea ......1:VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872.PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM.:-So.


Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM. :

-So. SO . Albany «tte±t, New 3mi:$w:ck. j

Where can be f.v.sdi i:fir«L::;r::i of a'

CONFECTIONER, I? 4 • D E X N I 3 ? : ; - i : LIT, i

><w : i r : - - r : , .V. .1. a ; -1r - :y

: t ' - Jfrs. Rasa Puerchner, :LAUNDRESS



The ur.d~-rii.-ned ha* opened an oflice forCivil Knciucermic and Fractica ISurveving, aiVo. If! (Jeo-kie j ' r ret where all orders ia the:i:e of his "profession wi;l be promptly exe-

ci l 'c i.Otv !ots and farm? surveyed and plotted ;

'*Tid LA.d o-.\ divided up and pariujened off";::".!ine ^ud divis'ou ciiip> ; lop .'graphical maps

:: :ik or co.urs; plans lutnULied i\v laying OUT..:;d uinamentiu^ grounds, etc.

iuvlS-ly ~~ JOHN HILI.HOISE.

? p X. DUl'GIITY,

141 George 3treet,

Civil Engineer


. 1 - -.vARCHITECT.


St'li»olcy's mountain Seminary.NEW JEKSt.Y.

A Drst-c!a?5 Graduating School for Youngi d G l

g? and Gentlemen.

Loca<i^n healthful. Terms moderate.U'enth tesfion will comtmncf Sept. 8.


Six-sfion pKKV. L. I. STOLTKNnCRGH, Priu

KANSAS BIGISTERED BONDS..ife and p'-dfjiiih'e investment bonds . Some

<:f t he weal th ie- t count ies in Kansas—Allen ,Audi-rson, KntuMin. . lol .nson and Dou^ki.-c m n t i i s . !\eu ris!fied by ihe S t a t e of Kansas .Inte 'e-T ; n d rii c i ' u ! v.A-\ by t! e S t a t e Treas -urer . The bench i>ay 7 per cent . iniere.-t, o v e r ' I n e-1 w u / s '.'Id, th-* c o u p o n s hav ing:."on aiwavs n:_nu:ar!y and ;ir in|>>ly.paid. For•tiitistics iird in ' i i - : i ia ' i rn . i 'ddri^s Sunuiel A.'.-a-, lnrd A ('•>., "'"• W. i! s r-e*, Nov.- Y r r k city.

/ -NO. i - . 1H i.N^i ^Ti.Li.T.

-<l l o do >V:i- "i : i^ . If ,::\-£ a.?a « ! f > i -*-i u r.~

i i - a i t W i n d \v Ci r t j . l h> a - ; c.-iii


M t -c h a n i c r , 1 i?l n •_-: i 13'.lice—:4I G>>-rytr Street, GroTtr'c

: Bouse and sign I*:;iiilt'r,


Rdr ,ms Frescoed in O u or \V;-.:-.-r C-l iors t<: r

ing asd P. per Hanging.

done at short soi;;e. br :::•• :v.v• C D S ! : - - i " j , - r

I method.



Gl°- w-STEVE

(Late er New \ ork city),





JL> E r\ T 1 :S T ,1 Bunet Street, .T\ew Brunswick.


—23 i i I K A M > ; ; : I : E T

chimneys ar.d de;>;r.. e : ? ' _'.< :.::.,:-

nctioneor,60 Cfaavch Street,

NEW BRUNSWICK,'N. .1.&ttend saics in c:.v or c^ :utrv.

TIiisisilie Oldest Agencyir«' 'niit: riTY



Removal.Carpet Weaving.

BICHADL HATES, N o 9 E x c h a u g a P l a c 9 J e r 8 a y City.MB Hornet streti, next door to New, beps j(to inform h:3 friends and the i>.:bY.c gen- !y-thai he i* prepared to furnish List and jCarpets at tiie lowest cash prices* j* for weaving pron.pilv ailed, j No. 139



BRAXCU OFFICE:Street, N«w Brunswick,

T. Tbroop avenue and RcdiEOnd st»eet.

IOOKBI.\DL\<i. 4


tactical Bindercity, brads Mutaiines, Music, Librarvr Books, Pamphlets, etc., in durable •t bindings, at moderate jr:ce^.

Pl" SI AlbanT street, rear u! TerhaLc i Via An*-•"**•*• Bookstore.

Rutsen Hardenber^h,

ERWARPFo- any e..-e ot Uiind,U'eediiiL'. Itch ins; or 1:1-ceraied Piles that DKi . ! ; M r ' s I ' l L K K l M B I l Tt'.iils to euro. It is pre-

(••1 ex;:r i-^ly o c.ire;he P i e s , : T ( ! nothing else. Sold bv ;iil I)n:t;-

I V -c vl i n

When the Liood Rushes with rocket-likeviolence to the head, causiag hot Hushes, ver-tigo an-1 dimness of tii'ht, it is a cermin sijothat a mild, salubrious, cooling aud equalizinglaxative is required, and Tarrant's Eflerves-ceut Seltzer Aperient should be at once re-

iSuid hy all Druggists.

O IUiiNIC LAW OF THE SEXKS—Conditions which nrpiur vitair.y—positive

and negative el-c-ricitv—proof that life isevolved w;:hnut union- i lli-ct of tobacco—in-fluence of tish and phosphoric diet—modern

j treatment ol" pelvic di-si-a-c*, s'.ricture andvaricocele, und arrest o! development • tenlectur s tu his pr i'. ; i :e surgical class, bv Kd-wavd 11. l)i\,,n, M. U., 12 Jr'n h avenue, N. \.;til pa_'-s, i;i cents.

•• hvu.-y 1 ne tr rv the p»n nf I>r. Dixon is oii;-'.-L' v.ilue to the v.'hol^ hmijaii tacu."—H<>iacCr/ct. ' . il.


>nd Hxcel-ior ( lothe>er and Krpuirer.

H^jAMortnirnt o£ Src.iud-h^ud Clothiaj;. i

I' H*tt-ties, Collars, Etc., Etc. :

,.Ofce Door from corner o! Lliraar streett * l

All Dsscriptions oi ProperlyInsured at Fair Rates"f preminFr. arid 'nr a term of years if desired.Special attention given to desirable

Dwelling House and Farm Risks

G lit: AT Medicitl Hook oi useful knowledgeto all. .seut lice for two stamps. Ad

Jieas Dr. li-inr.purte A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

U C PIANO CO., N. Y. I'rice,»0».No Agents. Circulars free.

AGENTS WANTE;).—Agents make morei XV money ai work for us than at anything

else, business lighl arii psr:n:mcnt. I'arucu| Ur» free. U. Sti,,,;•.••.& Co.. Fine Art 1'ablisli e r s , 1 . - . r t l a i i d . M i i i i t . jelSndaw4'

ILk DEl'Ol. M.i1. IV




' AT

Van licwr'a Grocery,7S CUtitCH ST;:KKT.

r - T.'S. tvllTJiKN.

J.B. Parsons^ Son': crRKV» ! 15 Church Street,Merchant Tailor, !


eady-Made Clothing-'""'


adv.i i . t : ik '>• t..> s e l e c t

TO GENTS' Fl'KXISHINQ GOODS,.178 N«ilson Street, New Brurswick, i

Beit door to National iiank ol New Jersey. i

New Scale Pianos,WITU IKON FRAME,

Ovcrstruni,' l!a>-* and Asrranv Wridirc.


• ^ V J p ^ A | j j j tl

T!iK RK-T M \ : . ; r . . .CTt:EKD.W A , ' U M h i ) F O R M X VI-A I I S .

i : ' " ' - : r . . : : . ' c. - . : : ; , . . , s , n i . i \ d . A I; , rge d i s -'" ' " ' ' ! l : " l ' ! ' ' " ' i . i ' . i . - ' i - r s , < ' h u r i : l i ' i s . ^ u n d t

- . - i i ' i . ' i s , K : i , j i v r . . i ; v L ' S o c i e t i e s , e t c .

of, j . i, Vestings, t i c , which h.- is .

f bjr the Tjird, or make to'order m the Uli^tMri* at tlie lowest prices. Kej-airiiii;, (.'ieaiii'H! !"•dPressii; neatii lijne, at the short, s.1 uouce. i

A \ ! '

O ALBA>Y STKKET. OilO p p . - ' S t a t e B a n k , n e a r P e a c e\*':


i A G^eat Offer!jHorac* Wa'.ers, 181 Broadway, N. Y.,

! will di>i'..^i,f () ;u. I!-,,,.;,-,.,! l'ianos, Melddeonsand O^.i-.n, o! six ;:rM-class makers, including

i ,',"'r^ s ' i U i x : " u i e ' y l"w prii-.-s for cash, oVI will take fi to 11.", monthly until paid ;j the sa:»e m u-i, r.:id rent applied if purchased.j .N.-.v I-.IOI.IW 1'iamss, modern improvements,( In!• t-i.\ cash. A new kind of Parlor Or^an,

tin-ir.osi be.iiinnil style and perfect tone everm..d,> II.I.V 0 I l exuibniou at 4sl Utoadwav.Ne.v \ O:K.



Ornamented H«i r Jc-welry"lo ordrr. Plain Gold Ring* made at onea notice, u i r kamt. weight or sur.Wmtches and frenc-h Docks, "wirranii-d t»

correct time. American and Kni;l;sh»lways on hand. Musical Holes Kt-

All new Jewelry and u.^d?w»irmcted; if bn'ken within a ve^ri trlthout cost; repairiu- ucaLv "and

IT done.emu of p!ea.-in>t a!! who ir.iv' fafor us

Unar patronage, I sohcii a he.riy suiij-or;' tfce commumtr. <

Verv respectfully y*»urs- I T * " JOHN" SCHNKmUK.




UaBd-sewed, always on basd.


Care Liken •,> re customerj a


»»* abort notice and is the beat manner, s fell assortment vf

RED WORKalways on hand. apl-ly

vs. - v^~ -

r ? ^?


Good Wearinor Article


Buy Your


.v SON,


The ••-•"-> Orjran you sent is powerful enoughto till ,,ur ch.,pel. The di'terent combinations,>ub-bass, jjive a reasonable variety, and thetone? ot tiie instrument are rich" and sweet.Any churcii \b.;u has such ;.u iiistruuieut asthis has a treasure.

Kev. «'. A. liuckboe, Puitorol Baptist Cburch.-an t ranc'sc.i, Cal.

W elmve MIU'OI \Jr. Waters's pianos now inourrev..lence (where it has stood for years) ofwl'iy.i a:iy iuun-.:f:u-tnrer in the wovYd might«•! i>e provd. We have always been ax a sweet-toned and powerful instiu-:> '•::!. .u:d : hrve is in, d/.ubt of iis durab'i'.ity •n.or.. tUaiithis, some of the best amateur-plav-er.-. in t.-e city, as well as s-veral c l«iljratedp'a»i»u, luve periorii.rtl on the said piano,anu ah pronounce it a superior and Drst-cla^sm>t.-u:ueut. .stronger I'liJum-iiftiis we coulduotgive.-_,/„•,../...,.,..,/. mhlS-lv


?r.^>x STEAM S- =° \-

P. S. MAIL LINE.i betvecn New York, \

&. Xdvex*pool. ;kSteatcships Munhatia-n. Minnesota, Cul-\ Chic»zo. Nebraska ^:.d NrvaU*, NU;::^-Sew ' York eTi?rv \Veiine>,i»». L'Db::.

ge#90£old ; sts^riLice p -.-v«5te from New i_, $S0. To New York at k*<r!-. r^it-a, i.iv- !

»inxurrency. l'a>.>^2e :rcm aaJ t" P_n-. !U,"fioll«rrdiu. iind Antwerp at equt»m

Ffates.r Reu.ittaL,Le» to Great Bntuio, Ire-!•ad »!! parts ril Genuanr. A;^i!v to

XXAMS * GUIO.V. 2y Broadirny, N. V.. w !

"*• MURPHY, 141 Krilaon street. New1

" ! 1

illg' MlllS,

_ N o t i c e t h : t t h e f , , ! l i « - i - ^ l e t t e r f r o m Urn ,> c h u v , , r f o l - a x w ; i s w r | ; ; , . : 1 , : „ , „ , . '

I I T U U C ' I n;l t h e i n t e r v e n i n g t i m e w e I a v e :.-~t,-i n o i i i a U of t h e e x c e l l e n c e ot t h e P Ii T h e vc o n t a i n n o q u i n i n e , n o m e r c u r y , n o a r sen ic"a n a a r e A c e n u n i c , ; r e :

• • S o t T B l i i v n . I N : , . , A p r i l :;• 1*^5I a m c o m p e l l e d t , . a c k n o w l e d g e t h a t v o t t r

t e v e r a u d A g u e P i ! ; - l i a v e < l l e c t e d ' j me d e c : d -e-.l i-.:re>. I .us t y e a r y o u s e n t m e a nun:h<rr o fh i x c s . a s s r r m j : m e th:-.: m v c r e l u i i t y w o u l d b e>'v-re . . ; : ,e l! w e t r . e d t h e m . A n d we"c ; in leM-tv1.1.1*. '.n s e v e n o b s t i n a t e ca -s in *\i ic'-i r- .'viuive i.,-eu t r i e d . 1',,-y i , j r c • , , - . . • .„• a n ' i r t ' . , ; 1, "..c u r e . .,.•,,! l , ; ,ve :i -t r . . : ! ,d i r ;, S . B -ie i r ^ >••<;.•'U I ' - ' : •> h e : t e r .--: 1!. •.!.•• d - - .se^d.. .-^ n o t ' r e '!»;T. . .n.i t ! ,e M - . ! , : I I :- I-.-11 :;. .. h o a l t h v s t a l e "

! • ' ' s . ie tiv u l . u:ui . ' - . ' ' - - '5 .


Central Goal Yard.Elias Euayoa & Son


have received a fresh supply of

Newly - Mined Coal,.lad also ke-p constantly on hand a lame

stock of

Hay, Straw, Flour,IVo'l, flntin. Course and Fine Salt, GrassS'.x'ds, 1*eriLizcTs, etc

STEAM ^HKK^IIT LIXEto and from New Voik.

apS l_y




Money to Loan on Bond and Mortgage

In sums to suit, on City or Country Property.

Bills of Exchange on England or Ireland

Irdin one pound np.vards. Also, on all the principal Cities in any amount.

AGENT FOR'ETNA (FIRE) INSIT J* % :\ <K 'JO.lIl'AM, Slartfonl, Conn., Net Cash Assets,

Jan 1st, 187JJ, J4,51)0,.110.70, » '

PIKENIX^I-VSUItANCF r « J I P \ M , Brooklyn, W. IT., Net Ca»li Assets, Jan.

HOYAL INSinWCB COMPANY, LIvcrjiool, Not tasli Assets, Jan . 1, 1 872,over HO,i0O,(JUO. ' '

INTERNATIONAL IY-TTHANCK COJI1MNV, New Yorlr Net Cast Assets,Jan . 1st, l-»7^, fSJ3,t>jj.os.

" V 1 \ ^ r ^ K n *XKV' \7aV-lt >NCF:. .fOMr.VXY," Hartford, Conn., 'Net Casli


China and Japan T e a Comp'nv209 BURNET STREET.

Encouraged by the tremendous success they hare attained since they have opened, andby general request of their customers, have added to their stock oi


a Large aud Well Selected Stock of


Wines and Liquors,» which we will sell at wholesale aud retail at the

Private Families wiil find it to their advantage to buy from us, as

Our Goods are Pure, and We Warrant ThemTOR MEDICAL USE.

Try them, and sitisfy yourselves. Get your Teas, Wines and Groceries at New YorkWholesale Prices, lr«tn

The Great China and Japan Tea Co.,209 BURNET STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK, V. J.,

471 9TH AVENUE, NEW YORK.•nch25-tf - WBIN3TOCS & KAUFMAN. Proprietors.

1872. SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872.^\e present for trie inspection ot our C':sTi,rners and the public generally and unusually

iirelullv assorted strck of I'liV tiOODS ptirclia^ed in Europe bv our own buyers, which em-braces nil the novel'.ies to be h.uud in European matkets. We ofle'r full lines in the following:

8 I L E S . — A l l the shades '-f Silk, embracing the newest and tinest tints. All the best makesin Black. Silk. The Lord 4 Taylor Family Silk, verv good for general wear, ia oflered at a lowprice. '

S H A W L S —Lace Shawls^Ottoman Shewls, Broche and Paisley Long and Square Shawls,triped Shawls and Wraps, Shetland Shawis, Mouruhig Shawls, Scarfs, e tc , etc., in endless

variety ot desicna and colors, and at attractive prices.^^k ^ ^ ^ a^A <H ^ ^tm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • * . - . h .

( inEnglish and ?'rench Prints in the newest designs to be found in the European

markets. • Also, the " Dollv Varden" Prints in great variety. These Prints are well worth ann^pection.

liINDNS.—The stock in this Department is unusually complete, and comprises a stock oiLinens and Linen Goods unsurpassed for vanetv, stvle anil pn-.e.

W H I T B OOOSS.-All the diBerent grades 'ol Laces, Embroideries, Edgings, Rufflings,Insertmgs, Etc., at very reasonable prices.

Ladies' Suits and Underwear, Trousseaus, Infants' Wardrobes, Children's Suits aad Under-wear, Bonnets, Round Hats, j-'lew-ers, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Toilet Articles, Soap, Perfuinerv, etc., eic. Also, Geats' Furnishing Goods, tpholsterv Goods, etc., the whole com-prising the largest, best .selected and assorted Stock ofLiry Geods ever oflered in New York city.

LORD & TAYLOR,Iiroadicay, corner Ticentieth Street, New York.

Chrystie, Neto York.Grand Street, corner



Pennsylvania Railroad.Unitod Railroads of New Jersey Div-


SUM HE It ARK4\OElWI3i\TS.New Bronawic l i lo

Leave New Brunswick at 1.48, 8.23, 9.12, 10.R2,A. M.: 1.42, 2.12, 3.15, 4.19, 5.11, ti.08, 7.50,10.52 P. M.

P«i!adel |>hla to New KrtinuwSclt.Leave Philadelphia via West Philadelphia at12.20, 8.00, 7.15, 8.30, 11.OU A. M.; 12.30, 1.30,3.10,- 5.30, 6 45 P. JL; via Camden 3.00 P. M.;via Kinaington 2 30 P. -M.

New UmnswlcK to New Y o r k .Leave New Jtrunswick at 3 £'J, C.04, 0.30,7.15,7 r,ti, a si, 9.3S, a.r,4 A. ii.; 12.00, 2.D0, 5.59,7.31, 8 47 P. M.

New Vork to New Bru imwlck ,Leave New York at 7.01, 10.00 A. II.;12 00, 1.10, 2.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.10, 5.20, C.SO,12.00 P. M.New Hrnnswlcfc a n d iTS!ll»tone R a i l -

road .Leave New Brunswick at 8 3i A. M., 1.33,5.33, 0.40 P. M.Leave Millstone at 6.4q, 7.26 and 9.24 A. M.;4.04 P. M.I 'er th Vmboy a n d Woodbr ldge Ra i l -

road .Leave New Brunswick at «.3O and 9..">i A. M...2.50, 4.S3, and 5.55 P. M.Leave Perth Amboy for Rahway at 7.15, 8.10A. SI., and 12.00, 4.04, 5.1'J. ti.24"P. M.itocky Hil l a n d Kings ton R a i l r o a d .Leave New Brunswick at 9.12 A. M., and 5.11P. M.f reeho ld a n d Jamenbur i r R a i l r o a d .Leave New Brunswick at 8.23, 11.12 A. M., and5.11 P. M.cHjilildtown a n d Pcmber tou Ra i l roadLeave New Brunswick at S.23 A. M., and 5.11P. M.

(lelvldere and Delaware lXallroad.Leave New Brunswick at 9.12 A. Jl., and 2.12and 5.11 P. M.

!3gr The 8.23 A. M., and :J.15 P. M. trains gou Camden.Passengers to all points south of Farming-

dale, on the New Jersey Southern Railroad,take the 8.23 A. M. train.

Tickets tor sale aud baggage cheeked th roughlor ail points South aud vVest,

F. WOLGOTT JACKSON', (Jen. Supl.A. J. C VSS \Tr, Gen. Marnier.

June 3, 1H7*


MUSIC STORE,24 Albany Street


A L a r g e A s s o r t m e n t of the bestPianos, Organs, and Melodeons of the bestmakers, at as low prices as it ia possible tournish superior instruments.

Stein way's Pianos,the very beBt Pianos manufactured, at pricesfrom $450 to $1,000. Over one hundred andfifty of these Pianos have been sold by Pro-fessor Garland in this city and elsewhere.

The "American Piano"well made and durable instrument, possessing

tine qualities. IJrices from $300 to $tiOO.

TheGabler, Emerson and Gordon Pianos.

Prices from $2V5 to $300.

&. Ilninliii's Celebrated

of every style. PRINCE 4 CO.'SSweet-Toned Organs and^ Melodeons.

ONE PRICE ONLY.Each Instrument sold at the lowest price5

and no further abatement made.Pianos, Organs and Melodeons to Rent, or

sold on Monthly Instalments. ,Musical Instruments of every description

Violins, Accordecns,

Guitars, Concertinas,

Flutes, Harmonicons,

Piccolos, Tamborines,

Flageolets, Bones,

Banjos, Drums,

Fifes, Triangle

Pitch Pipes, J

Tuning Forts,

Jews Harps,J

Music Boxes,

Violin Strings,

Guitar Strings,

Banjo Strings

BHEIT MUSIC—the largest collection, everkept in this city.

Boosei/a Cheap Mvs eal Publications.


HITCHCOCK'S Dime and Half Dime Music.

Music BOOKS of every description, for Hun-day, Public and Private Schools.

Pianos, Organs and Melodeons tuned by apexperienced Tuner from New York,

GARLAND'SGeneral Music Store.

34 Albany Street,.

jalS-da*1 vNew Brunswick, N. J .


JI.—The undersigned Commissionersappointed by the . Common Council ot

New Brunswick to assess the damages to besustained DT any ovratr or owners of all thelands and real estate taken and necessary to betaken to open Sohuyler street from Bayard toN'ew street, according to the provisions of anOrdinance of said city entitled : "An Ordin-ance to regulate, lay out and open Schoylerstreet, in the citv of New Brunswick, iromBayard street to New street," approved June3, 1872, hertby give notice (hut ther will holdtheir first meeting to eatimite ana assess thedamages for the opening of said street onMonday, June 24, at 4 o'clock, in Hannah'sBuildinL', Hiram street.




Chai. E. Elkin ia no longer in the employ ofthis firm. All person; having busin?sj with inin Real Estate, or piecing Loan*1, will apply toour principal office, No. 156 George street

Respectfully,je20-2tdltw JOIiS T. JENKINS & SON.

THE DAILY TIMES.Confession of a, Murderer.

John Avery, ^ h o was convicted inthe Bergen count y court of the mur-der of Jacob Erb at Cresskill lastWinter, will sufler the extreme penal-ty of the law on Friday next unlessthe Court of Pardons shall mitigatethe sentence. The inhabitants 61Hackensack evince great interest andsympathy for the prisoner. His cellis filled with flowers, and he has ev-erything which can add to his con\-fort. Avery himself is a pleasant-faced young man, and seems to lookforward to his late very coolly. Helaughs aud jokes, and reads novels ;and Sheriff Tell thinks he does notrealize his peril. He has a motherand brother in New York.

The murderer has made a confes-sion in which he details the early his-tory of his life. He is 22 years of ageand left home when 11 years of ageand went "West, where he worked forthree years as chore boy and iarni la-borer. After this he led -a sort ol

ving life, subsequently returning toNew' York. On the 22d of June,1ST 1, he went to work for Mr. Clark,of CresskilL Here he, became ac-quainted with Erb, -\s\ho was employedas a coachman by Mr.' Clark. Wegive the balance' of ljis stoi*y in hisown language:

I rather took a liking to Erb thanotherwise, and invited him to comeinto my room and smoke bia pipein-

ead of sitting alone. He did so andfell in love with my little room for itsckanlhuss and neatness. I alwayskeep my places in good order. Tiferewern many little -circumstances' .•fre--iuently occurring which convinced,me that he was envious of ny was-ter's supposed preference ior uu;, andwas trying to supplant me in Iir* J:i-viir. It was a part ol my duty, tolook after the hennery. I had' donetttis to Mr. Clark's satisfectiiMi,'biftnow there were lrcqutnt complaintsabout the eggs being morie. scjarce..- Icollected and gave up all I ever iouud.I have seen, and'others also, Erb g ointo the hennery. He had- no busi-ness there. Still, I could not provethat he tookithe eggs. I inquired ofothers the best plan to rqake them laybetter. Gave them;, under . advice,bran and pepper. There were moreeggs after this for a short time, butthe confidence in me seemed to be de-stroyed. One day Mrs. Clark inquired after two eggs which she saidwere in the nest a short time previ-ously. I replied that I had not seenthem. She seemed dissatisfied, and Ibecame convinced that I should liaveto leave, for it hurt my feelings to bethus suspected when I knew I was in-nocent, and was doing my best toplease. I spoke to Erb about i t ; hemade no reply, except a sneering one.

Sam Building can testify that hesaw him go into the hennery. OnThanksgiving Day Mr.-Clark told meI should have to leave. I wept, forI thought it very hard. I was pre-paring to leave wnen Mr. Clark cameto me and informed me that he wouldtry me another month if i would tryand do better. I replied that he hadbut to state what he wanted and Iwould endeavor to do my best. Iliked Clark, he was so good, and 1stayed. One day after this, in an out-landish place, six eggs were found,which I knew had never been placedthere by the hen. Then others werefound, he, Erb, all the time going intomy hennery. This created suspicion.Then he was always boasting of thelarge amount of work he had per-formed in comparison to that which Ihad uone, intimating that I was neg-lecting my duty, and that he wasobliged to assist in its performance.I had made up my mind to leave Mr.Clark again, but lie requested me tostay another month.

1 complied. During all this time Ihad no words^with Erb. At the endof the month I left, but before goingI shook hands with E r b ; I had nomalicious feelings against him when Ishook hands with him, though I knewhe had injured me. He said he wassorry, but I doubted hia sincerity.

I went to New York, and I hadmoney for my prqpent necessities.One day I was going down Nassaustreet and was looking at a book-stall,as I am very fond oi books; while Iwas standing there a man accosted meand said if I wanted books he wouldtake me around the corner, where Icould^have my choice of a bankruptstock—some were worth a dollar only,and others were worth ten. I fol-lowed him, or rather them, for therewere two of them. They took me ina sort of gambling hell, and one oithe two commenced to play. I hadnever seen the game before—saw themthrow dice, and there were correspond-ing numbers on the board. I refusedto play at first, but when I saw one ofthem win, 1 thought I would have athrow; I did so, and won five dollars.They asked me to try my luck again—I won again—and so on until I hadwon $500. Then the luck began tochange, and I lost all I had in theworld except 25 cents. I begged hardto try my luck with this, but theywould not play for less than a dollar,so I left. I pawned my coat, and,being ashamed to show myself athome, made up my mind to go toCresskill to try and borrow a littlemoney of Mr. Moore to give me atart and redeem my coat.

I Started, and got out at Tenafly,and walked the other part of the dis-tance. I thought perhaps that Mr.Moore would recommend me to an-other situation. • When I arrived Iwas too shy to speak, to Mr. Moore,and, undetermined how to act, Istood up against a tree I suppose tornearly an hour. While standinghere a man passed me and spoke tome—he did not know me, nor I him,1 went into the woods, and as one ofmy boots pained me I picked up astick to-walk with. Then it wasthat I first thought of robbing Erbof his watch. My intention was tomake my way to the barn and waitfor him until he came, and to striliehim, but not to do him any serion*harm. I went and picked up a pieceof an old lightning-rod with which tostrike him. I did not gather thestick for that purpose, ior at that

time it had not-ent^red into my headto do such a deed. Tin: rod was bent,and very thin. ' I could notsleep much, so I patted thehorses, and wished a thousand timesthat I had never came in. Early inthe morning I found another pieceof iron which I thought was bettersuited to the purpose. I found hisold coat, and put it on to disguisemyself. I buttoned it up close to thechin. I waited ior him, trembling allover. Toward HX o'clock he came,and sat down. He did not see me,and I struck, aiming at his forehead.He staggered—so did X—but he didnot groan. I put out the light, andI s 1 was commencing to 'tiike thewatch he commenced to recover. Idid not strike him again, for as Godis my judge I did not wish to kill theman. I snatched at the waUll andran, for I knew that if lie allnckcd moI should have the worst oi it, for howas a stronger man than myself. Ipulled oil" the coat and threw it down.'1 walked on to Creskiil station. TheI.rain was not due, so I went toTenafly, took the train, and came onto New York. I had not the leastidea that the man would die.

I certify that this is a correct state-ment. Junx AVKKY.

July IS, 1S72.


One Hundred and 1'orli/ Jlrms /i<n:etcstijicd to the j/rencn'atiou of l/n-.i''Hook-*, I'njH-rs and Vohmblcn inthe terrible


Awarded the Prize Medals at the World'sFair in Londnn,

At Ihe Exhibition Univcrselle in Paris, andThe World's Fair in Kew \'ork.


Awarded at the l'aris Exposition to theBEST SAFE IN THE WORLD


Patent hi^h und Iiw steel welded, combinedwith Patent Franklinitc. Prool against theblow-pipe, as well us the drill. With PatentHinged Tongue and Grooved Door and PatentKubber-Packed Flange. Proof against wedges,Hitro-glycerine a-jd gunpowder. Manufacturedonly bv

HERIUXG, FARRKL & SHERMAN,251 and 2S2 Broadway, cor. Murray St., Jf. V.FAKRBL, IIBERING & Co., Philadelphia.HERRING A Co., Chicago.HEURINO, FAKREL & SnEiiHAjf, New Orleans.

aplO-ly ^ ^ _


MRS. FMHCi ffALLIM,wishes to inform her friends that she has removed t»

5 3 Church Street.Uet. George and Nciison si reel3.

. iwhere ebe will continue the huslBIM ol

•>.T7T. 1

Dress and Cloak Slaking,

and where/will be found a > tneral assortment of


Variety of Other Goods

ALL NEWand selected with regard to the wests otthis locality

Aeent fur Ramsey & Warren's r<ad:es' andChildren's Dress Patterns, equal in e.erj ro-ipect to Butttrick's.

T'uanktul lor past tavora, by strict attentionto business sbe hopes to merit a continuancef the same. " »iil^-dawW


LEACH'S,The One Price Stationer,To bay all kiuds of Writing Paptr, Envel-

opes, Account and Memorandum Books, cheap.86 NaJwau Street, ) N y 0 fc

235 Greenwich Street, J " B W *A large assortment of Diaries all the year

around. Books of any pattern mad* to orderat the shortest notice. mhs-6mdair


Printed in a style equal to any in thU eonntry,at TBBTIMM Job office.

Page 2: Merchant Tailor, ! Clothing-'' Boots China and Japan Tea ......1:VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872.PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM.:-So.

SZW BRUNSWICK TIMES. : *y-f.vo years ago), when he did whatp . . , , - . . - , v," v IK'called " posting the books" of tlie

•canvass irom week to week. AfterWJ.CZ, XO. ii A LHAXr STREET, i *»Tycying t l l t . fio!a the Otw

I'' posts the hooks" of the prose•^'-T- situation of the campaign.••• :r.^-\v r r :: ,T:n

3 c•_:;'.-; j . \Teek. wh-.-a served by

• =. -._• ir, ; - aiv^ee, when sent' PI:OI;AI;;.Y two of the fastest trains

on any raiiroai.l in this country arelVtr:^-T—Inv.>"vin advance. $'2.Av a vear.i -ot -.ou o r o r e - . j ; . - - e a - h , with a "copy i t h e 5 a n d C P . M. t ra ins from - \ c w


Call for the National DemocraticConvention.

The Nation il Democratic Committee, bv vir-tue of the *u:hority conferred ut-on them by

. -" the l*st. Natir.n A Per-.iocr&'ic Convention, |,Toted, at a aiee'-ini held this dav 13 >"ew jVork, to hold tbe next Convention for th«pa-pose of nj:ninat nj candidates fjr Presi-

_ dint anJ Viee-Pre.-ident of ihe l*niied State?oa the n:n:h dav of July, 1^7-, it Z2 o'clockJl., in Ihe City of Baltimore.

The bi^is of representation, a s Sxed by thefa^t Democratic Convention, is dauble theBomber of <em"ors a:ui hepresen'.atives in

; " " Congress in e_ich Sta-«! ur.ier the apportioc-

j York to rhiladvlphia. They often

whawrer nature, m«,t ; r e a c h t h i j . d t y j n a u h o u r a , ' l d l o u r

A. Ki Cordon, j minutes (schedule time 1.06), making

I a distance ot nearly thirtj'-two miles,

crossing the Hudson River, a dis-

tance ot over a mile lrom Desbrosses*

street, pacing over three long draw-

bridges, making three stoppages, be-

sides having to "slow up" througl

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1872.

three cjties. How is that for fast?

r •

meet of the cen^u* o' 1*7.'.>?-ch ^ta»e will =«.-m: o.''.ci:.i»ea accirdingly,

swi we i:iv:tt; The cordial cu-'-jiorat-iOn of ail.j'DH'ini'.re citizens who desire the restora- !tion ot constitutional pjvernxent and the per- jpetaation of Repiibiidn institutions.

John For-rth. John M. Hirrell, Wm. M.

THE Washington (Warren county)

j Star says that Gen. L. L. F. App^

by, oi Spotswood, in this county, is a

Democratic candidate for Congress.

The General has hosts of friends,

and as he is a successful business man

he could not fail to be a good mem-

ber. It is the first that we had heard

of Gen. A.'s candidacy, or we would

ounced it before this time.nave aimWe had supposed he was looking for


of all the New York papers,

in their report of the recent "


««ie, Wm. A.


: kefc! I ^ C ' E . E»t.-n. fh.'mis c. McCrearv. Avenue Conference,"' state 1 that-•clvesrus K. Lvxsn, Oden " „ , . . , " '

w. Sash. chas. \ Senator Stockton of tins State was a

member of the conclave. But this

was a mistake. He was not a mem-

ber of tlie Conference, and had no

connection with its deliberations.

fc. Il-.ufcer. thus. A. Mann. G. L. Miller, J.W. Jtt-Cor»ie, Harry Bingham, John McGregor,

• " Jnhti li. Tnonip=*n. Jimcs P. Birr. GideonI, Ch;». H. ^imcni.-n, William B.

- Bate. John liaacock, H. li. Smith, John

Frederick O. l'rii^ce, Secretary.Saw YORK, May ?, 1572.



William II. Kemble, of Philadel-

f~ phia^ is a banker. He is also a mem-

* : ber of-the National Republican Com-

.- mittee for the State of Pennsylvania.

l ie also admits that he wrote the fol-

!fc blowing remarkable letter :Tl ! I l« tS r DEPARTMENT Of '.

PK^N^YJ-VAXIA, H*EE!SBraG, March, 156'X »Mr DEAE TITIAN : Alloje me to

ir . introduce to you my particular friend,

" ; 31r. George O. Evans. He has a claim

' . . " of some niaguitude that he wishes

yon to help him iu. Put him through.

jy- jus vou would me. He understands

^'.Addition, Division, and Silence.

41 Yours, \V. II. KEMF.LE.

T« Titian J. Coder, Es<}., WasL^.gtou. L>. C.

- Such is the man who was selected,

'out of all the Kepublicans inPenn

bylvania, to represent his party upon

GREELKY stock is not so buoyant

as it was last week, and the belief is

steadily gaining ground that Horace

can not get the- necessary two-thirds

at Baltimore. Let us fervently hope

so, at any rate. Give us Adams, or

Davis, or Groesbeck, or Hendricks, or

Hancock, or even Trumbull.

IT is believed that the delegates

irom this county to the Democratic

State Convention, to assemble at

Trenton to-morrow, are nearly equal-

ly divided in their Greeley and

anti-Greeley proclivities, with the ma-

jority slightly in favor of the antis.

A DISPATCH to the New York Tri-

bune says that Freehold, Monmouth

county, has sent delegates to the

Democratic State Convention favor-

to the claims of Horace Greeley.f - the National Executive. Committee; j y

p" - but it may be that the selection was | A\'e n£U] supposed that old Monmouth

1- eminently proper and appropriate. If! w a s bitterly opposed to Horace.

I* so, we can only admire the excellence | -

.- of the choice. Ki-mble wants to be j J. DAGGETT HUNT IS said to be a

' . Tnn.-finr of the Committee. Why ; prominent candidate for Senatorial

-no t? Does lie not, as well as his j delegate. His status on the Greeley

|,t Iriend, '•• understand addition, divi- j question we have not heard, although

f~ won ami silence •'? Ilomst voUrs of j he was present at the late "Liberal"

I, ^Middlesex ccuuty, what think you ot \ Coiivc-ntion at Newark.

\ -*the IvemWe cia-'s i-f ooliticians ' 'THE l>i.niocratic delegates from

I this city are requested to assemble at

the Trenton House to-morrow morn-

ing at 10 o'clock.

"Sylvester Sound, tbe Somnambulist."


\Y*e have been iutoiined that the

- proposed, suits in r.gard to the

-Church street pavement assessment

are not against the Commissioners, as

- sofchy but to test the constitutionality i B>' 1 I e n r - v Cockton. This is the third vol-

[Tof t>law permitting the Commis-1 J^ f j^™^ H ^ " ^ ^ ^ " , . ^ " ' ; "sciontis of Streets and Sewers to re-j course of publication by T. B. Peterson &

pave streets without first obtaining j Bi ..there, Philadelphia, Pa., which are hav-

K- - '• . , , , , ! iiii: a very large sale.

$%«»«? views of the property-holders. •< Tiie "author of 'Valentine Vex' hasI "_r I t the law"is unconstitutional, it is no gin-u u= a «reut work under the above hap-

more than proper that the lact oe' , ,*_ i ., i •

naUV known us soon as possible: forjtvbo, of a quiet end docile disposition in

a ileei>ion would not alone at-1 h U w»ki»g lu^menie, is transformed in his_! »leop iu to a ve ry sp i i i t of lui tchie l ' . H i s"ftt-t New Unuiswick. All the other i

citios of this State are probably simi-' scinu-m-ts of.larly situated, li tlu-re is tlie least i ' u\^hl ";ik'

I. _ J '. m i d . afi t h e lii

[- d o u b l e s to tlie constitutionality o i j tube in a hi

."the law iu the minds ol

•\ -and conscientious

- sooner a c:

by tl.iy, and bin perfect uucoii-what he has doue in hisform an amusing contrast ;

iiltii'S in this R.ate are known:.• of exultation, it nviy be

any compe- j conceived that adventures of a serious as, , , j well as amui-iiig character maybe wrought

•Centtous lawyer, t h e j o u L I t u .H-c^p^i , , ! ; by eight splriud

is made up and! illustrations- ., Tlie acc>. unts of whal has



E. M. Kl'l'LEV.


Civil Eiineers and Snrvoyow.Oor. of George and Church Streets,

XL v Bnuxswrcx, N. J.

Attention raid to all kirils of


REFr.KENGES:Mij.-Gert. Q 'A. Gill-ore, U. 8. A., Corps ofKngineerv, <\T,aj buil.iiug, >'evr York; Uol.William Ludlon-.'tJ. S. A , Corps of fc.D>jineer^,

Vk C Jh MhWilliam Ludlon.tJ . S. A , Corps of fc.D>jineer^,i rmy Building Vew Vurk ; Col. John Mechun,Bureau of Docks, New ork ; f r , f. (ihailesiirowne, Kensse aer Polytechnic inatiiuie,Troy >' Y • A. V. Schenck, K»q., Coursellor-at-Luw, .New Brunswick, N. J.; Charles L^un-

iim, M. D., N»w Brunswick, M. J .je25-dnwly

Friendship L«.dKC, Xo.aO, K. of 1*.

The members of Fr.e^dshipLcil^e, No. SO, K. of 1'., a'-eherebv not:ried to attend theirnext regular meeting on Wedne.-dav Evening, J -ine 2'j, ats oVlock. Klectionofollicers.

By order,


A Itfew Bniiding 3Loaii,known as ihe " Empire Building and LoiinAssaciatiua," was v^serclav chartered. 1 hefollowing Darned geutleiner. lire t in corpora-tors: John T. Jenkins, Kiciiu:tl Hope, Fiuder-:k Slants, Aaro:: V- olt.-cn, Ma'.thew O'Gcral -.11,^rnes V. 1 anirdon, .). Klmer St-ut, \S. lv.,vonr-, Geor/e IVinztr an.l Fluichiv >'elt>.r.

This Assicia'iuu will L'O into operation as sooni~ it ii po^-sible to obtuin the necessary booksand all other articles required.

June 25, 1^7'J. je25-3t

Rariitiii L,odg:e, Ao. 47, K. of I'.

ALL Members of this Lodge are particularlyrequested to attend the next regular

meeting, in the Lodge Koo-n, on Tue.dayevfeniug, June 25, 1S72, at 8 o'clock, sharp.Business: Election of Otlicers.

Bv order." WM. B. DAVIS, W. C.

CALVIN D. TITsWOKTU, \V. K. S.je25- 2t

1776. 1872.

( M Fourth pf July Citation



American Independencerill be ushered in by a National salute and

ringing of bells.

GRAND PARADE:it 9 o'clock A. >I. Tbe line will form onCii orpe street, right resting on Livingstonavenue. i

Company C of Elizabeth, Company D of thiscity, and the South Ainboy Brass Band willlead the procession, headed by the Policeforce. ,

The procession will include His Honor theMayor, Membtra of Comm-n Council, otherdignitaries, the Orator and Keader, Committeeot Arrangement?, a Magnificent Industrial Ex-hibit'on on beautifully decorated improvisedCars, Civic Societies, Fire Department andcitizens.

Reading of the Declaration of Independenceand Oration will take place at 11 o'cloci A. il., 'n Court House Square.

Brig.-Gen. Uriah I)e Hart, Grand Marshal.Kev. W. V. Kelley, Orator.Charles U. Stecle", A. B., Reader.The Celebration ot the Day will close wi:h P.

Brilliant U'umination ot Fireworks, enlivened jitilh mu ic by Capt. Harrow's Baud. ^


Common Council—ji Mermen Isuzzee, Marshand Mulford.

Citijens—E. B. Wright, George Kule, Chas.Hubbard, Geo. Y. Smuh, Win. Kolle, Johnlieekman, John A. Vigus, A. il . Way, J. C.Goble, Fred. Staat, K. T. B. Spader, Wm.Brower, K. C. He'ra, O. A. Kibbe, B. D. Burt,Cornelius McCrellis.

K. C. Helm, Chaimian; O. A. Kibbe, Sec'y;Fre«l. Staat, Treasurer. it.'25-wlw

f*u!e of UculUstuto.

BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Courtot .Midd'esex county, the subscribers,

Comir.issiiiiiT:-. a;>pf inted to make partitionpi the lands of Win. lil ickwt'll, (lecoaKed, willsell at puSlic Vfuilue tn .Saturd.LV, Juno i2 .1S72, at 2 o'clock I', i ' . , at the public hou?e ofChaih.'rt li. (Ji-lver, in the township of Kasl.liruiitwick, the lolinwin^ jjruperty : ••• valuablelive- o! cbtisinut and oai; WOMIUU d I'OLiaitiiu.jli acres, sir 11.-110 on the ro*.-'. r-udiiig t'rorn'•Vasniii^ton '» Diinham's Coiner, and i.ear tbelast :r.« ut:oncjd J)1-JC-L'.

CoLUlii.'jns n.adi' knnwn on day of silo byCii Alil.lOS !'". I'.LiO W,ltlCUAli!> SKltVlSti

" DJf.NiLL i l . VAiL,my2S-w.r>t. Commissioners.

The above sile stands adjourne-l until Satur-day, Sept'_ niber 14, 1^72. Si;l-; will take placeat n.e ^se: -on llou.-e. corn''r oi Ui^hmona andHtirnit streets, ,'>ew lSrunswick N. J .



will sell at Public Auction, at his salesroom,i s ' e i N o j s : r < e t , o a

T1IUH5DAY, JUNE 27, 1872,

u'- \'i A. M., a a r^e <iu:.n'ity ot

FURNITURE,in part as follows : I'ailorar.d Be iroom Suites,Mahogany and other Bedsteads. Tables, Cnairy,Mattresses, one Billiard Table, !'2}^ yardsBody Brussels,. Caryet, 1'icturts, etc.

AT 2 V. M.

he following pro*,>e-ty wili be sedd : 4 Car-riages, 1 lsols'.er Wagon, 4 Bugcies, 1 MarketWagon, 5 sets of Harness, double and single,3 Trunks, 2 -vtddl-'S, 2 Uoat.-, 'He, etc.

Sale punitive. Conditions bvje2J-4t A. 1>. PKOVO3T.




Nearly Sontlg the Usual AmonntWill be Published



A First-Rate ChanceFOB


Agents Wanted.

Situation Wunted

a Grccer or Hardware Store,

by a young man who has had considerable ex-erieuce in either business. Best of references

given. Acdress P. H. ri., New Brunswick P. 0.r

Summer Arrangement.DIRECT FROM

GEYSER SPRING-the celebrated .


BW1U-.1 t l ie b e t t e r ; L - r o t c o u r s e t h e > d l > : j e b-v I ( e r s o » 8 " idowcd by hi.s fac-, , uliy lire so ixiraordiiuiry, that it is imnos-

,.,:- m a t t e r w o u l d be e a r n e d t o Hie c o u r t j s l b i . , , -o r , l u . W , K I L S I fiction to exceed them.

o f l a s t r e s o r t , a n d :it t h e «iuickest I A rich Jiarre-t of incident may be antici-• i i l l . - ] ! pated by ail who mav read ' Svlvester

H, would con-um.- eon.-iderable tune and 'V , , , ^ K -. , , , T , . } . ,| I >i.und, the p'jniuanihuast. —Iliu.itrattd

..intmi'V. We all want improvements, j J.ontton X< -.v.s imfoL course we want thviiKin the! '• Ue I' puliiriiy of " Cockton's " novels," \ |">>ive»:er fouud. Hie bomuamlmlist,"

w a v - \ , " Valeniiui- Vox. ihe Veutriloquist," " Tlieq ,Fatal Marriages," " Tlie Prince ; or George

! -S!- ' ^ J«''»a," "The Steward," " I\r-kr~ ' . . |cy ttHngbain," etc., 13 very great. "Syl-ff-;«orace-lircH-ley was an original >eees- T e ( , t e r Sound, the SemuainbulisL" is issued

The J-n,h.,r..n< lia-s iound out that

- sionist. Also that he. the said Hor- ° a '»W octavo volumr, with portrait of- , , , > , . 1 • 1 i- 1 TI • author ou Ihe cover, nriee 75 c nt' and is

;-- ace, still holds to Uns belief. Here is - . . . , „ „,, , , ., ' , '- ' 1 Ipr sale by all liooKbeikTB, or copies will be

,\ an,evidence.ot enterprise that ought | sent, post-paid, by itie pubh.htrs on receipt

tr noj to go' uiirifo<jiiised, for " no other o f I'rice-

: j>3]>er has the news." At this horri-

We announcement it is expected that ] in

the Democracy of Middlesex county j e J o u t

Auother whole uay was spent yesterdayjurorj in the : trial.

; pxhauniou of a fifth pan-wbich only «ne jjror was accept-

I . will uumediat.ely rexea>l Greeley "s j ed, who now forms the tenth. Tuere wasf-* awful denunciatioTTs of Democrats and iu o U i D« l 0 enliven the monotonous aud

.,' • - 1-1 1 •• 1 1 l formal proceedings, with the exception ofbtrcwsiomsts (which we repubttshed d i,CUMion a m o n e c o u n g e i u«on ihe effec"the other dav at the n quest ot the

'*/•'ftihmiau), and proceed to proclaim WI:,-their intention to vote for Grant^or!


discussion among counsel uftan the effectsproduced upon oue of the jurors by havingwitnessed .the representation, of "Black

iHjually unmitigated idiotic an-1 Oratorio day at Boston passed off

Bonncement. But we rather cuess, it i agreeably to the strictly musical portion

r the IJepubhcai: partv could stand Dr. i £f a , , m " d t r a t cn audience. -Israel in

<- r t-ijvpt wa« well rendered b" a chorus

^ CJweley's Sectssiouist proclivities for j or 1,200 from rive focieties in andtwelve Ion? vears, that the Democ-! 3 r o l ' u J

. , , * • " , . . , ! R u d e r s d twill not be verv much worried or

ihe soloisti being lime.

frightened alwut it at this late date.>, By the way, we heard this morting ot

, Mr*. C. A. Barry, W. J. andJ. F. Wiuch, and J. F. Rudolphson, under•.he conduct of Carl Zerrabu,

London aud various pans of Ens'andt .three more " Liberal Hepublicans '" in ' were Tisited j-esierday by very severe thun1 this CUV, who sav they will support 'tler- ^co.npanied by th, raw vivid light-, " ' - " t f ! "ing. .Much properly was destroyed, and!•- Horace lor the I residency. 1 robably 1 many people injured, but the telegram re-

I* bis Secession ili>ctrines produced this [ c o


Giec:leat Af.p'.e^n.L' . i rb . ( . i u t . t r a u d K l a g ^ i a

?•'• " - ; . l i n e a l U-e! ^

Poor " Jack" Fro?t. ot Newark, died U " ! |T McN""-.

1 a nuiJicinu! a^inicv its elYt'cts ;ire marvel -It is used with tell ing t i l e d in Kidney

iiM^, L i w r ('oniplailH^, 1 .\ >]it-ps'.a, liil-;!.f s, Acidity ol ihu Slom:ic:i , i.'on^lij»a-

r ie .

SODA WATER,with :i 1 the popular Syrups, in.-hiding the lust

vorile, Cliunipiuu Syrup. AUo,

White Cottage Beer,a cool, jiK-usant and healthy bevernge, dr^wnfrom the Soda Fountain at

AVc .siuofsupplwpurposes.

.lia number for the purposeits with copies lor cu'uvassing

It is our intention to have a

Thorough Canvas's of Middlesex and

AtJjoIuing Counties,

by numerous caiivas.-er.-, t'i'.:s : tl'ur.ling ourbusiness men the

M CDP^IEEJ oftheir got.d.s ..VLF oH'.Teti in ihis seciion of theSlate."



Advertising Schedule

P% o \v '}.<. e a d y .

Thoso "Wiio Ctsno! TirstW: ni's.1 i l l ;- be

R. G. VAN PLLT & CO. S.48je-J4

TUE C"muiissi.i!it'!v ut Streets and Sewersin the city nf .New Hrunsw.ek do hereby

hgive notice thatd l

the a^^e^^Ulent for curb,I'nion street, lrom llannl-gutier and

1011 to Mine street, was accepted and adopt-ed June -M, 1:>7:!, aud the mid Commis-sioners herel'y give notice that paymentmust be made wittmi sixty davs from date ofadoption. L'pon failure or neglect ot the own-ers oi any hits or parcels 01 land to pay stiM^•t'Muifuu, with co>ts, -.\ithm sixty davs fromdate ot aduptiou, then the said Cornmis>ionei sshall, in addition 10 the 'amount of the tinal113. e<smect, charge interes: thereon at the rateof S per centum tor the hrsi year, commencingat the expiration of'.he said siity d.T.s, and IDper ceniuin tor the aecoi.d year, aud Vi percentum fo-- the third year.

The following is the property assessed:

EAST SIDE.John T. Hill.

Curb, Gutter and Flagging,7'.' h-Vl liueul leet...I.. . .". fi'.'S.75

l>ennis CaLill.Curb, (iutter and Fla^inrir

'li linealRobert Scudrier.

Curb. Gaiter and Kl'g^ng-5 l>-12 lineal leet

Daj:on<£ Hill.Curb Uutter »nd

l"s» :in«a1 teetJohn T. Hdi.

Curo, Uutter and F'jtiriuiiS'O lineal feet . ; . 750.03

Curb, ? lineal l«t "'." 4.16

Daniel K, l!,.vce.Cum, Out'.e- and Kltt^^inis,

S- 'j-\i lineal teet.. I4ri -J,"

02 50





:n an apoplectic tit on Saturday,•ks a<jo the N ew York ' * saloon keeper, and weighed 200 pounds..

:o think that Grai.t ' e _li__.:i_M^ l'l^l

l 'resi-; \ correspoiuient at Geneva telfjjraph>

But since then a new genera- • ; l l l 4 t t h e tribunal r-jet-ts to-day iusteai o!' •...-morrow. The Lntjlish are returniiiL,'

iia*ti!v from Ohamounix.

: - O N I Y a tew weeks ay;

" JJerahl seemed Jo

f;.li*«l a sure tiling vi it lor the


lion has arisen that "knew not

"Joseph." The ITtica Obtervtr, 111

"giving Grceleys chances lor the

%, J'resideiRM", assi-jns iiim two hundred

aial twenty-nine electoral votes, oiu

and tweiitv-lour to Grant.

C u r b l e s e l , :

: . I'. Davrn A

Curb, liutier

275.01• • • • < • • ' • ' • t c e t . . .

1 1' v ' i«. v.. *uo i t ie

louitft-n <]oll!)tlul. Tlie HtiXlLl v r h o dc-ire it. he will


Td Consumptives.The advertiser, ha^'in^ been permanentlv

•ured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a.IIII;I!L' remedy, is anxious to mate known touis lcllo«"-^u2erers the means of cure. To al!

a Jopy of the pre-

l pr»CetleS the detailed estimates with i «n;-tion used (free of charge), with th« direc-••' . - • , '.:ODS for prepirine and usinir tke same, which

these words: , 1 R . T - -

• " o . ! i b o . . i ' e e l . . . .


j ';•-' l ineal feet1 c . r . t i i v i u n A .; c . yjI C 1 . 1 I . , l . u n . r a n i [••

- • • ' '• 1 - ,\U: a l t c l .

I ! - r i a r d I.-.; c h .Cur-), t; : 11 01- .Mid 1

''•'•Jl • - . i . i . - s . i l r e - .

• (•• n< o f

Tkc Fourth of JulyHoliday Nuiaber

will liud i s way into

Nearly KVITJ- House in the Comity.

Agents Wantedto whom great inducements will be oBer d as

Cauvujsers. .Apply son;.

A. K. GORDON.jell-dawtJl _____^

All Aboard!

Eini Park and Rockaway.


SSABH7 PO3T, NO. 15, G. A. R.,

Thursday, July 18.

The Steamer NORWALK, recently length-ened and splendidly refitted, and a tine barge,will leave the Steamboat Dock in New Uruus-wick at 7 o'clock, sharp. The lia'-ge aud thosewho prefer It will stop at Elm Parfc, the mostbeautiful grove on Staten Island, where amnleaccommodations will be afforded tor dancing,prou;enftd:ng, etc., with every facility for ob-taining re'reshments and luxuries of the finest([Uiihty..

The Steamboat will proceed through NewYork Hsirbcr mid the Narrows, and across theship channel to Kookiway—the best and safestsurf-bathing beach ou the Atlantic coast—where it will remain until 3 o'clock I'. M.

T- e net proceeds will be applied in the pur-chuse of hea-lstones for deceased soldiers, in-terred in the cemeteries of this ciiy andvicinity.

Keaniy Fos,*, relying upon the generally goodmanagement ot tlie two previous Excursion?,md especially up ;n the laudable object for•i liich the pvuCL-eds of" this are appro).ri .tfdhas nn heii'.uncy in appealing to ths p^Ulic fjra it?cerous paiKonnge.

The managers ot ibis Kxciraicn, prolitingby experience, I'.n-i with an eye to ihe future,Hill ppa'e no puins iu providiug tor ihe safety,comlort and pleasure of their patrons.

Barrow's Quadrille Baudwill furnish the music and rema'n at Elm Parki'or the benefit ot those who wish to dance.


will be served on the Steamer and Barge. Nointoxicating liquors allowid on either. Goodorder guaranteed.

All disturbers of the peace will he prosecutedto the extent of the law.

Uag{![iigp, liasketj, etc.; will be checked freeof expense.


Gtntlemfn, #1.00; Ladies, 50 cents •" Child-ren, under .2, 50 cents.

Tickets can be purchased at the Book andDrue stores, or of any member of the Post.


SOLDIERS GRAVES.The undersigned Committee, appointed by

Kearny Post, No. 15, G. A. R., request therelatives and fViends of the deceased soldiers,whose names are given below, to furnish saidCommittee with tbe necessary information to

lable them to complete the Headstonesordered by the Post. The inormation desiredis—Rink, company, regiment, age and date ofdeath.

Pitman II. E. Cemetery—Furman Hartpence,John Ham:ll, William Hughes.

Liberty-street M. n'. Cemetery—Enos A.Dav'soH, Chas. H. Robinson, Wm. Vallecott.

Baptiut and Prssbyterian Cemetery—Wm.Danbury, James Urown, Thos. Davis, J. T.Way.

}>rst Relormed Churchyard — VoorheesOakfy.

Willow Grove . Cemetery—Richard Acker-man. Thomas Stout, Humphrey Jinglen, Ru-rioiph CVssotl, Alexander Buzzee, ChiirlesGii!:-buUX.

Fie~:j_vteri;in Churchyard—Baxter Voorhees.New C.ithol'c Ctme'.ery—Dan'el Kiuney.Old Catholic Cemetery—James Mulone

1'ut'iek Wrpg.irj, Patrick Cushing, Hugh ilc-dl

gj'.i^.'.n, Utorge Lidley.


New irunswick Directory.The undersigned, proprietors of the Daily

Fr<••doninn Pruning and 1'ubl^hing Kstabhal -men;, will publish in June next, a

Direc tory of the Ci ty of N e w Bruns-wick, will contain the names of all the house-ho'ders, business men. their occupation andresidence, together with a

BUSINESS DIRECTORY,a list ot all chartered companies, educnttonal,beui.-volent aud religious societies, etc., with-in the limits of the corporation, the wholecarefully compiled, and making as coinp'eteand reliable a l>irec'.ory as ever published inthis or other cities ot a similar size. The can-vassing for this Directory has commenced, andit will be printed as s .ou a* possible, consistentwith thoroughness and correctness. The bookwill be handsomely printed with new type, onheavy calendered papi-r, and bound in a neat,substantial manner. The pages wiil be aboutS\' br ti luches in jize, and probably numberfrom iW to i i ' . The Directory will be sold toMibt-cribe-s and others for $1.25 per copy.

The ia.;t Direc ory ot New Brunswick rra-published in IS7U.

ADVERTISEMENTS.A few rare* will be uevoted to first; ad-

vertisements, none ol an impioper characterbein^ admit'.ed. Adveriisem-nis receive.!" bc-:ore"''iav 25, W - , wiil L>e iu.-e:ted at the iol-


THOMAS MARSH respectfully informs hisfriends and tin public that he has opened aRestaurant at iVn. 4i Albany street, which it ishis intention to keep


and be ready at all times to supply the publicwith the best the market atlords at reasonableprices. Hot meals can be here found at allhours of tt-.e day, wc'.l cooked and served upin the bf-st style. •;

The attention of strangers in our city is par-ticularly reques'ed, especially those who wanta lunch or meal at short notice. Give me atri il. I guarantee satis!action.

jelO-lni* THOS. MARSH, Proprietor.

ilantan Cheap Ice!Having put on a second waijon, I am now

i-iepareu to furnish to our citzens, in anyquantity, pure ice, at ihe following low prices.

25 CT3. P£!R CWT. D E L I V E R E D ,


"*i3~ Please give me a call.W. S. REED,

Ice House above the Railroad Bridge,on Neilsou street.

Orders can be left and tickets procured at:he lollowiujj places, viz :

J. S. Hart, between Livingston avenue andGeorge street, in .-cbureman; McCrellis Uros.,coiner Xeilson and Somerset streets, and at-!o.-e.-h Bradley's, corner Eustou avenue andProsper streets. jel0-2w



Corner French and James streets.

Every description of Urooms manufacturedto order. . jaS-tlm


STOVES,Sliest Iron, Tin and Copper Ware,

No. 2 King Block,SEW BRUASWICK, N. J.


Here It Is.


House, near Livingston

H. W. 4 3BOTT A CO.

For Sale.

3 ACRKS, high ground, endowed, within thecity limits, can be hmd tor one-hulf their

present value—a etiance for an advance whichought not to be lost.' ie2) H. W. AKBOTT & CO.

Ho te l P r a p e r i y .

THE next best hotel stand for sale. Termseaay. Apply to

je80 H. W. ABBOTT A CO.

For Sale.LOTS on Pujdam street, near the loca

jL £l tion of the >Tsw JJepot. Now is thetime to buy them. Apply to

je2j H W. ABBOTT * CO.

For Sale.

A FINE Farm, 165 acres, 180 cleared, S5woodland, located in a fine farming dis

trict, 10 miles from New BruDgwick, on*s milefrom a Railroad Station. Buildings new andlarge, cost $8,000. A large youug apple or-chard, a pear orchard producing 10J barrelsper year.

i'rice, *125 per acre, J20,COO. $15,0C0 canremain on bond and mortgage for lu years.Possession gi?en immediately. An opportuni-ty to purchase on such liberal terms does nototten occur.je20 H. W. ABBOTT & CO.

For Sale.

A FINE residence on the other side of tbe.Rivtr, very cheap. Only $8,CO0. Stable

attached.je2; H. W. ABBOTT * CO.

For Sale.

THE most desirable business property inNew Brunswick for s:le, i-ituate on

Church street. "Two stores with dwellingsabove.J-.2.I H. W. ABBOTT & CO.

For Sale.

A FULL size, superb frame dwelling house,in one ot tbe most select locations on

Somerset street, i-plendi i views.je2t» . H. W. ABBOTT <fc CO.

To Let.One of t h e Best Business Stands


Apply on the premises, corner of Church andNeileon streets, toje!3-tf G. W. METLAR.

For Sale.

\ TWO STORY Frame Dwelling House, onA . Somerset strset. Fine location ; goodneighborhood. Price 17,000.

je21 H. W. ABBOTT & CO.


F o r Sale.

OTS on Stone stieet.


F u r Sale.

T OTS on Lee avenue.

je21 H. W. ABBOTT A CO.

For Sale.

A HOUSE, Store and Suitable for aGrocery, aud now occupied as such, do-

ing a line business ; ceotral location; a rarechance.

je21 H. W. ABBOTT & CO.


All persons are hereby cautioned againstbuying, selling, using or storing away any bot-tles bearing my name, under penalty of thelaw.

H. W. JMEINCKE,je21-lwdaw* * Soutb Kiver, N J.

A, Rare ChanceTo buy a fine building site on Livingston ave-nue. Seven lots on the high ground, the


will be sold on reasonable terms.A. 1). WAY, Real Estate Agent.



V/ith Two Lots of Ground,in beat part cf the city.

, Also, for Sale or to Let the


with two lots, known as No. 12 George street,opposite St. John's Episcopal Church. Applyto Ah-THUK G. OGILBY,

mv29-lro No. 131 Ueorge street

Livery, Boarding, Sale,AND

Exchange Stables.H >rsea and Carriages, Pony Phaetons, Saddle

Horses, etc., to let on the rn'ist reasonableterms at corner of Richmond and Deunistreets, New Brunswick, N. J.

Boarding by the day or week.apM-Sm " O A. SI'EKR, Proprietor-

For Kent.

GROUND Floor and Cellar, No. 22. Albasystreet. Ap"'v at THIS TIMES otlice.




A fine three-story (with brown stone frontbasement) Brick House,

No. 39 Cliccvcr P lace , B rook lyn ,

21 feet front, by about Zi. deep, with 11 rooms,will be sold or txebanged for property iu thiscity or countv. Apply to Messrs. Edward S.Vail and Warren Hardenbergh, 58 Wall street,New "York, S. S. Mangam k Co., New Bruns-wick, N. J., or to

A. E. GORDON,TIMES Otlice, 22 Albany street,

ap!7-daw3m New Brunswick.

Also dealer in all kinds of Range?, Furnaces,Cooking Stove?, Parlor Stoves, etc.

Plumbing in all its branches promptly per-;"ormpd in the best manner. je3dawtf iidve:!i.-erfu.l 1

dad a Mir« cure tor Consumrtinn,'* T b e Utica Oh*trv r (Democratic) | AM"hm». Bronchitis, etc Parties wishing the»s r . i i j i ' i .,re«cnt-:iou will please addressI — * very careful aniUlin-wd^.l-st-rvc-r | R £ y k I > W A R D A W I L S 0 N ib »f polkuafl events—follows Mr. (in e-dify** practice iu log cabin days (thir-

S0i Fenn u'reat, WilharjiBburg, N.Y.


New lirac


:sw clt, June •2il \*~-^'UUi'>'\™,'ler.''

y';:-.rttr 1 a^e " " 3-°°Til-' arfrtr!i>-32 pai;ts will be ; riated <m

cilore.I pi't'-i', ' r ollunvi^e. HS the advertisermav direct, and be rcatt^-ed t^'rou,;!' the textot l'tie wcrk. Kath ;idver'is<?r, oc.-upyiug a t.illfait-AJ.ot-otherwisei "till be en'.itUd 10 a copyot tke Directory live.

X 1!.—All rersous ihrouehcvjt ibe c.ty willc •-!>'• a tip n, themselves, the public bedthe pubh-' jers. bv iii viJ = _: the caiiv:,: sers promptand correct in!or!t;» ti .n. heads of lamiheswoul'i do well to write their names, occupation,re-:d«nce, ec. , on cards or slips of paper,which can be triven to tbe caivasser it he cill?• lurine i!ie> ' absviice. A little af.errion '0these details will save nr.-ch trouble and m;.kethe work more reliable. , .

For paitculars apply to cr rddres.«,BABCOCK * JOHNSON, Publishers,

Ulrica, No. 3'". Uenriis street,mj3_tf NBW Brunswick N. J.




X-w r.nd ''es'rible p->".tems of the best workiransirp nnw ready tu suit all uses and astes,•a f-.e old stand,


."'eur the Railroad IVpot, New Brunswick'.Some good, sub.-tan;iul articles, good pat-

terns, of last yeit's stock, tor sale low.A number ol sound second-hand Cariingei in

complete order, cheap.apiT-dawMo . LYLE VAN NUI3.

SJLOOO in One Week.To any shrewd man who can do basinets on

tl:e quiet, 1 guarantee an Immense Fortune,ea-ilv, rapidly and in perfect safety. Addre*F,iu perfect confidtnee,

WILLIA.M WOOD,J8l9-Sm 105 Blecker street, New York.


G. Conover,333Church Street. 33


has a full line'o


Gentlemsu'E Furnishing: Goods.

Th.e Custom DepartmentWill always contain a choice selection of the

Most Seasonable Goods,which will be tnadej np to order in the mostapproved glyle.



Set Your WatchesBy tlie Large Regulator in tlie K"e"W Je'w^lry Store

AT 2(> DENNIS STREET.Fine Timepieces a specialty. Fine Watches and Chronometers adjusted td heat, cold andposition. Particular attention giveu to


2'n Dinnis Street. Xew BrunawicV, iormerl? at Mir.-h'i.N. B.—All Watches It It for repair are insured against loss by Sre. j .W 2md1iw

The One Dollar Bazaar,224 Burnet Street,


has just received an entirely New Stock of Goods, among wbich can befound a large assortment of

Elegant French Vases, Bl'k Walnut Brackets,

Mechanic, K. of P., and Temperance Pics. A large assortment of the best

MILTON COLD JSW£LET, first quality Oroide Ladies' and Gentlemen's

Chains, Silver-plated Ware, and thousands of other goods too numerous

to mention. We are selling our goods 50 per cent, less than the usual mar-

ket price. Please give us a call and convince yourself.



Life-insurance and Trust Company,OF JEBSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY.

E A. IIA YT, President, JAMES A. WILLIAMSON, Vice-President.


TheodoreF. Randolph, Ex-Governor of the State of New Jersey; A. O. Z«briskie, Chancellorof State of New Jersey ; Francis A. Palmer, President National riroadway Bank New York ;Henry S. Terbell, of H. S. Terbell A Co., New York: James Williamson, of James Bishop A Co.,New York; Blakeley Wili-on, President 2d National BaDk, Jersey City ; Daniel S. Appleton, ofD. Appleton h Co., New York; I). Jackson Steward, 160 Fifth aveni.e, New York ; llosea F.Clark, Merchant, Jersey City : Harris Pardee, late Pardee, Kates & Co.. New York ; (ieortieMcLaughlin, President Board Water Commissioners, Jersey CiU; CharleB M. Field, of Field,Morris, Fenner & Co., New York ; i). A. Uayi, Presiacnt, New York ; Isaac W. Scudder, Coun-sellor at-Law, Jersey City ; Nelson Uuuham, New Biuuswick, New Jersey. (

It has an ample Cash Capital. It is Strictly Conservative. It aroids all Doubt-ful and Untried Plans. It allows no Unnecessary .Expenses. It makes no Promisesit Cannot Perform.

O. A- KIBBE,Agent for New Brunswick and vicinity. Office—Bartle's Building, 5S Church street, New

Brunswick, N. J. mySO-ly

F. A. WISEMAN,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

NO, 7 CHURCH STREET,Would respectfully call the attention of his friends to his extensive stock, lately replenished by-:new and Tare patterns of



1ST* Repairing done well, and warranted.

IVew Brunswick Time 15—ly


Fireworks!1872. Voorhees & Stryker,


FBAI1K, OF-PSACS STREET,has ]\ifi received a

Large Lot of Fireworks

•which will be sold at New Ysrk prices.

Retail dealers will do well to call and ex-amine my stock mid I'licua be!ore purchasingelsewhere.

WM. FRANK,Ayent for HaifieM's Ceiehrated

j>lS-ti-.-4 ' Fireworks.



II. S. Voorliees,8-1 Hornet Ssareet,


t i DOW offering a

Fine Stock of Furniture,At Reduced Price*.

tndtoliclU the public to

CALL A N D EXAMINEE;§ maortment, wrucb \t as large an iny In SenBrumwlck. I call I-T:1 :o'»r aUonltou to myitock

CftDa.c bj! Of


MAHOHANY BU1TKSwblcb lam ulltng it a

V E R Y L O W P R I C E .I htTeaoDttantlj'oa hind



tgfc. Trlramtd la the belt manner; intl Warrantedatrepreaented

nm- Plrume nmll aod «YSIQ1D« norlOdavly



A great Tariety of samples can be Eeen at

Connett &.. Catheart'sCarpenter Shop, Ornarreutal and Mouided>Plaster Cornices, girtiDg lrom 6 to Z'l ; CenterFieces Irem Yi to 4 feet in bize, and of a greatvariety ol design.

COXNETT * CATUCART,Caraan ttreet, near George.


Tlie New Brunswick

Mutual Fire InsuranceCOMPANY'S OFFICE




Kent ' s Buildinjj.

my«-2mTO your interest by gettina yourlob Printing done »t %% Alban/ it


Corner of Schuyler and French Str«*U

Also, 39 Nassau street (Room 22), New York.

THE BEST SELECTION OF FARMSever oriered at one time in this market, situatedi-iid dlesext Somerset, Monmouth and Mercercounties. A large assortmrut of

New Brunswick City Propertyfor pale. Some real tiargairvs, btore stands,uiechonic stands, and one ol the beet stands ofmill property in the State. Also, vacant lot*. and lot on French street; good loca-tion ; lot 50x100 feet; large hall. House con-tains rooms. Will be cold cheap.

Double House and Lot on Vr»nch ntre«t; lot5?xa > feet. House contu n> rooniH. extraL'ood lorjichool or boarding. Will be Hold Terylow.

House and Lot, French street; Lot 60x1 SO;house large and as good as new. Price $b,OUO.Terms eauy.

House aud Lot on French street; corner lot ;size ol lot 88x130 ; house new ; dining-roomand kitchen in rear in complete order. Verytine location. $t>,600. Vtry cheap.

House and Lot on I'atercon street; nice largehouse; good location; now in complete order.*4,00(.

House and Lot on Bayard street, $8,800.House and Lot on Bayard street, $4,600.House and Lot on Bayard street, $8,000.Uoutie and Lot on Bayard s'reet, $t>,000.House and Lot on Bayard street, $6,600.Houses and Lots on Railroad avenue, $2,700.House and Lot on Railroad avenue. $3,600.UouHe and Lot on Neilxon street, $6,000.House an^ Lot, Liberty street, very low.House and Loton Hamilton avenue.Houee and Lot on College avenue.House and Lot, Townsend street, $8,600.House and Lot, George street, $7,500.House and Lot, illatone, extra fine location;

barn, hovel, and almost one acre of land; bouselarge, containing 12 rooms. $.',000.

He use and Lot in Coe's Park, East NewBrunswick, cheap.

House and Lot on Jersey avenue, near Handystreet; two lots of ground; house m good re-pair. $3,000.

Some extra choice farms for gale at lowprices, also foi exchange on cash basis.

One farm of 64 acres, 12 acres of metdawland on Millstone river; stock, crops and tools,live milch cows, three horse*, - hogs, fowls, e^c.A full stock ol utensils for farming use. Verytine location. Farm in eood fence. Plenty ofall kinds of fruits, eic. $S,£00.

Other choice farnrs for sale very low prices.ja29-6mu

To Property-Holders.The Commissioners of Streets and Sewer*

call the attention oi property-holders of thiscity to the following sections of tbe " Act ap-pointing Commissioners of Streets and Sewersn the city ot New Binnswick":

4. And be it enacted, That it shall be I ^ & lfur the said Commissioners, or a majority ofthem, and they shall have the sole and entas-ive power of directing and Musing thesi reels of said city to be graded, graveled orpaved, and crosswalks laid, and tbe sidewalksot any of said streets to be grad> d, paved,curbed and guttered, and to order and eon-srnict, or cause to be constructed in any street.avenue, lane or alley, or otherwise within saidcity, all nacessarv sewerage works that may berequired tcr tbe benefit or convenience ot thecitizens, or the,promotion ol the public health;and all such improvements sbad be made in.'iich manner, end at such times as, in thejudgment ot said Commissioners, or a majorityof th'. m, may be most conducive to the public, pc

d, and the expense thereof shall be by themassessed and collected in the manner hert in-after prescribed.

1G. And be it enacted, That all connectionswith said sewers or drains from any hou«e,building or other place, shall be mad« in themanner and at the times to be prescribed by

d Commissioners, and not otbtrwrse.

In view of the above sections, all property-holders are requited to procure peraits at theoffice of the Commissioners, previons to con-necting with sewers.


apl S- 8m Commissioners.

Page 3: Merchant Tailor, ! Clothing-'' Boots China and Japan Tea ......1:VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872.PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM.:-So.


FHOM T O ? . C v. M.

:(-;;,):• to their ri i\

V.nn, Mr. Ku-Raii.u

kuown to ni.iny of

.;.u ill initiates of the

One o

?!<•*• -

and T>eliverr of. T!SiI i f CL:•>.-:.'• 3 .

v \ . T ! ' : . h ^ - : i.-.-i V.'rV..•> r . >:.

V.V.' A. M. t- 1 »-~ : •T ~ . ' ' • . - ' - • ' ' • ' • - •

' a l l * .

A . M.

, at Tm-y, X.Cacrrero h::ve

icr Polyteoli-Y. J I t K i \been ior n

picked up by tlie nobleman, who re-*-» ihe ling and caused the arm lo bev '1(i-«-of. TLio hilly '-vas brought totlie cxu..-', Il.if^iui!, JJvA'ark, wheresoon as f>.( ;l !a;,. w a v of recovery, and

nsumc their journey as

n,v ;\n. evs. "We lv

U i Cuin^ici ; .

V, , = v


Camden &

Y.-rk. N ~ .A. H.=ad t. _r • 7 : . >'-

Jerser Citv. \"tf«-ari. K'ii.ib:JUw Jersey \Vay, ! A. M. and

- PhiUcelphLa," BaUimcre. W"a*bSenth, !• A. M.; S.55 and T P. >r.

Philadelphia and the Wesi ?.i-dAmbor W*v 10.45 A. M.. and 7 P. M.

HidSlebuJh and Millstone, 5.iv P. M.- Soath River, 10.15 A. M-Six Mile Ran,- Monday, Wednesday and Fr

*Uto« , " l l .S"A. M.Foreiro Mail s> A. M.. 7 P. M.

1 Mouxnoulh Junction, Kindlon. Kock" I- ••it-"- * Hmrljcien and B'uiweab J7£. ; A M i=t 7 P. >•

Middlebusi and M-iUtone. « A. M.Sonth River, i2-4o P. M.

JOSKI'!! F. F!~H""K P,>' .

J . V

• ; Tin-: COI.OI..

" | t'.Tiioon we w t n c r -

" ' ! "ick 1 uild'.i!^ on T'j the colored school.

us" have sev- | i.-r.ts a very prettyand' of them -'.:id when the grou

birthdays is per- | i'ji;ceJ, mid fine s'.i

.—Yesterday a'-1Y to the new

cre-aretrees are

whose ! it will hardly be considered a nuisah.

do\vith Taterson Block should thereforenot complain of him.

—We have thus given Mr. stout'sstatement as we in lairuws f,'ive publidtyto iny matter of interest, and should liketo hear a reply froWflie other side.

iui of ceiebiiiUng

haps one ot ihe ber-t. The personoirtluisiy it is lurnishesi a fine supper with that part of the city.plenty ot iiq'iids. and the society ot which :nins two large rooms capable of accom-lie is a nitaibcr iurnUhc* the guests ana

THE HAIX.—"It's a pleasant day,"everybody is paradoxically remarking;for, except the poor students at Prince-•on, we all are much more gratifiedwith the rain than with sunshine. Eversince Sunday the atmosphere has been


The building conreparing lor a po and the cool

•. rliaps more

THE DAILY TI>rES..lirieoroli-sical Kecoril.

Reported for Tar DAILY TIKIS.

t-V- M12 M

> ! - > : •

'.*.".7Sr i 7 A > K 7


. . . - - ' 7 A. M.

a-. .1. :




relrt-shmeuts. The merry

IT.IWII as=-emb'.e at their society hall,

vviien a " nenjt ot reason and flow of soul " tic

c-Lumer.ce. During tlie evening songs 1-10

are sum; and spt.L-i.-hes arc made iilld then

:hi.' fc^t-giver is erov, wi:h a wrmti :

u: i';-.-.vtrs. LAS: u i -h t Mr. John F. O'.ai-

t:iJL.'s t 'irthduv .vas Celebrated a!, Saen-

_'. r ii . ih. iiv the LTILU Club and a lew ln-

. - i t t i l u a t ; l f : : u u r i l i t s u p p e r t h e e o m -

;.:•.?;-.- v. i . , : t o l i k r e s i d e ; . e e ol .\lr. C h a r ' . e s

L-t: ; . ii:iL.-sei. w i n i - e M r . ^ l u l l i n g b o a r d s

,t_id s e r e l i i i J e d h i m . ••

State-The Demoer-it;-:

X a r Jers?_v wi i ::.itowu^Uips or. w^riiIS.1B37 be de>:_:. agate.for every ". .•lor «-v«rr fraction

o! iLi; S:.i

A i \ i n o T A T Tii;-: T K N - M S I . E L O C K . —

W e i n a d v e r t e n t l y o m i t t i d y e s t e r d a y t<i

_rivc pu ! / . i> i tv t o t h e i t e m in t h e T r e n t o n

' / ::.?(• t h a : a m a n w a s k i l l e d a t t h e t e n -

iiiik- !-'eK on Tlii :r~ii-ty la=.t. I n v e s t i g a -

:: ;. [ r ^ v e - : l : a : t h e i ' Her • x p l o s i o n wa=

n--: ?•> iL-:\i-::> as : i ; ; p r u h e n d e d . I t is

; - i . i t l i e eiiiriv.e;_r di.-ertv; r ed a l e a k in

t h e l ock


li. :::ocra-

ver : .• y-

eiiiriv.e;_r d

t u i ' c s o l ' t

:iii in LT'ie

at both L:

moduting oO pupils each, though onlyone is at present occupied. The object•four visit-was to witness the exaiifina-

tiou of the school. There were between50 pupils present, aud, as we

-houU judge, most of their parents. The-..•xe:cises commenced at two o'clock, and.-.•UMsted of recitations in arithmetic,reading. <;<.•.>gi:iphy and spoiling, interspLised wii.ii sii'ging, s-eleet readings andiledamaiioiis. Some of the pupils gaveevidence of the traiiuiig received uuderiheir te-.iehi.-r, Miss Jones; yet there ismuch woik to be done before they willcompare favorably with the majority of eq'ial a(;e in other schools that•,ve have visil'-d. However, we should notpi'ge lniriLiy. Until within a very short

liaie Ihe accommoda'.ions of this sohoo!:uve been ?) poor that it has been

At th

teacher orclose of

I'n Pierce-' spokei e J j c i i l e r ' • {

to -.-top itOS. l

-^: i riec'.' r^State Convention, to be h---M

. to bei'tii day

Tren:or. . on. J r . \ t •!•'; :it 1^ o'clock M.. icr

the~paTpc.-<- .•!" ; tp ' i i ' . ' in^ E i ^ i r c . : : I>.i._-.i;t-t o t he Utrmi-cratic Xai i - ' ia l Cv:,-••jr.':-h«-lJ in t h e city of B J t i m o r e ua sheof J a l v nex t , to noii'.i!1.-*-' I'eMi^ct^Mdates , for Pr i ' - i J fn t and V ; C L - 1 ' ! \ - I I L . :

. Un i t ed Stutt-s.

ttirortier"oi tli-2 ? t .te Cenir^! Cr. :..:

I W. I'. M.-MICHAKL. Cl...- A. J . PHITH. >ccre:ar.-.

lie was calledat through, and whe-nUL-II the top dours, put

w.lh a hammer, was

KT.—The rain made a fre-iivtthexirer to-dav.


ihe Baptist's Day.r. John

N o WATEIS.—Siime of the AlKiny-•- street resiJents couM get uo water from' t b ^ r faucets this uurning. Tbey lay the factoiics wisioh have recommenced. ! walking aloi

e'.". l.r::i<.\

t i . e t u i -

r.vay t.t) locii a I1'

in.- returne.l h-.- i'p

his !.*:.•; iu, and

-.Uc'it to tighten the plug- he liud put in.

The L r.-t blow he- s i ru 'k was a glancing

O:IJ, u:id the pi'iir i le ' .v 'out ; then there

was a ris--i oi" s".'-ii:u to his iaee, arms and

b:-'.-ast. which-sr-iHvd him bad!}", but not

- ri'.n-lv. (Jki F:iij;;7 the canal agent at

Trenton went W> the lock, the boiler was:

repaired, and on SalUiday was woik i rg

i as loll'.!. The e: —iaeer. it is said, will

• siiou be afjie to rerume duty.


TUF. AcrmuNT YI:ST::I:DAY.—"We yes-

t rdav briefly noted the fall Irom a scaf-i ild of a German carpenter at the Theo-logical Seminary. His name is FerdinandI'nite-r. aud Wi.s acting as foreman of the

ei.rpuiiU-rs at the Seminary under Con-

tractor S.'iui'-r. of Xew York. Mr. 1'. \va^the scail'oldinjj about 40

. • ' I leet from the ground when he slippedFOURTH o r . T L I . Y . - T O save room •«•(.•; ; tI ia fell between the boards. In his fall

fr refer to the advertisement in another; i l e s t r u c k t U l . iK.aIUs of two iloorings, andcolumn for the fuil programmeFourth of July's exerci-es.

of the


ark Courier of Saturday evening last as-i its readers thaf"neither-of the per-injured by the recent smash-up at

letuchen are likely to die." The TIMK-

~-Z of Friday contained the announcementthat the injured man was dead.

PAVIXG.—The p;ivii:u ot Church s:ree".below Georjic lias been liiii>hed, and :iit<..rt h e rain has settled the uroui;d .ibove tic.Nicholson will be iaid tiure. We hi •.•t h a t t i l e Couimis.-- ioi ier j w i i ! l av n o i;ioi

i l f c B o l s i i n t h a u is <>u; o n c o i ' r u t i i .uv.

j r ' _ " u n t i l a l t e r a n expref .- i ' .m <•:' p i p n l a r <>].::;-

• F H E Estr iKK. U r n . 1 1 : N . . A M < L O A N A > - |

B W I A T I O N . — T h e f . d h i w i n i ; n a i a t d ir.-i.- ';

'.' t i e m e n y e » t e r d a y i n c o r p o r a t e d t iuunre ive . - j

i n t o a - n e w b u i h i i r . i : a n d l^;;:i a . - - o u a t i " i . .

• w h i c h t h e y c a l ! t h e " E . : i p : : e . " a n d w i i i i . , ,

" t h e y w i l l p u t i n t o op•.•r.:ti.-n -^ s o o n as '.:

s JS p o s s i b l e t o <'b:ai: i t h e b . . k~. e t c : .1.

J"F. JenWuis. U.chard II. pe. Fred. >::.;.--.

A . W«>Us<>n, M. i t t i i w O'< ;<:•'.!, u ; . . ] . 1'.

1 - L a n g d . m . J . K. S t . . i : t . W . K. I . y o ; : ? . » ; , . . .

- D e i n z c r a n d F k t . l ier F e l l e r .

. when picked up Irom the ground was in-• -i. risible. He v. us at once removed :o his; :.'<.ardiou;-place in Schmidt's Hall, Xeilson

]-treet. ;iud 1):. I3:thlwin w us summoned.

: . V a e \ - . i U ! ! i . . t ' . i r ' a r e v e a ' e d t i l e faCL

j : h a t oi ;e ol" h i s l e g s ,is b r o k e n in t w o

• p l a t e s , t h e o i l i e r l e g b r o k e n i i u o u e p l a c e .

or t h r e e i f h i - r i b s a r e a lso

i i e s i l - t a i l i cd s e v e r a l b i u i - i s ,

• l ' . t t i^ether a piti:-.!ile o'oji e t . I t

i t iui \'. lu ; h>. r he c m i d .-uyvive,

ii> i n g we l l Uiiiier D r . D a l d w i n ' s

t h e b.-st is h . ' p ' d t >r. H i s wife

• : i j . ! . e ' 1 l i > r ; ! i r . ; i i i ] i ; L 1 1 • i y — \ l i e i l C -

j ' j i n t i a t l i l i t | > . i s t t w n o ' c l o c k

• r i v . d- J : , - ! n : - i i ; . l i e h : i - i o u r

::. New Vurk, u lu re he resides.i » e . - i ' : t i v d : \ - i n d e t e i ' i n i n e t h e

t H I ' i i i s i : j ' i r i " - . t m d w h e t h e r l i e

%•• i" o r n t . T i i e 1-

d : i i -. p • ! ' ] • : u i i n k i l i i - '

i ; i e i i . . . ; p i e j . . r e h i

t v, i

w a -

'.it ile is

:ire an i


ul lo i 11 -• u l i i a r v

Tin. \V \. i

wal l ,

il! l . r .v

M I'i'i.Y. By which we

IN attire's waterworks,

.!! to-.iiy, but from the

The'rain has de. pelicd

eiicc"? Drdok. and even

tauglit to dothe exercises

few words o!encouragement to the pupils, and thenurired the parents to assist the teachers inthe work of educating their children. liedeemed it an essential part of the parents'duty to secure regularity of attendance,and urged them to see to it that no childbe permitted to be absent from school oneday unnecessarily.

—From what we saw we congratulate,our colored citizens upon the advantagespresented to them for securing to theirchildren a good education.


Tuciii-.N ACCIUKNT.—We have previ-ously noticed the fact that Coro-ner Wood hael called an inquest atMetuchen over the man killed at the lateaccident there, and had adjourned it un-til yesterday, at three P. .11. The deceasedDane's name is ascertained to be JargonFs. Freese. At the call of N. A. Wood,acting Corouor, the following-named gen-tlemen were the jurors: Samuel II. Rob-inson (foreman), Joseph Longinotto,Gilbert Geduey, Samuel D. Kelley, Jos.D. Terrill and George Breunau. Uponthe opening of the inquest, Mr. J. M.Board was sworn and testified that hewas sitting upon the stoop ot his houseand noticed the train coming at a veryrapid rate of speed- -he should thinkoo miles an hour; aud lie saw fire under-neath uae ot the cars, it appeared to himto be about two aud a half or three feetin width and about 18 feet in length.L'he next thijiy he had heard the crashand the gioans oi the passeiiger= ; lie thenhurried to the scene of the accident audgave whatever assistance he could.

Mr. Anderson was then sworn. Hewas the engineer of the train which metwith the accident on last Wednesdaynight. It was the Adams Express andemigrant passenger train. He had beenan engineer 1- i 'JU yeais. At the ;une o!the accident he was running at the rate•>; '~~> iiiiles an hour. A jiii'ot' asked him\\ hu.-e business it was to see if any of theb-'xes became hoi, and he i-aid he alwayslooked out to see when he turned thecurves ut the load.

The tireiiiau corroborated the testi-mony of theeiigiueer.

.U;._StheLck, the tc!tgraph operator at

A l.onrj Session—A i'ielil Hay in t}io IJOUH-cil-llie Milk Qurstion-Tlu! Hospital—Seorea'of Mesoluttona.

Common Council met last evening,President Rogers in the chair ; absent,Aid. McSpaden and Rolfe.

The minutes of the last meeting wereread and approved. [The light in the_room was very bad, and the gas lampslooked as if they much needed the aid ofan expert.]


A communication was received fromRev. Drs. Btubbs and Jewett, Rev. C. D.Hartranft, and Messrs. WoodbridgeStrong and James Neilson, the FinancialCommittee of the recently chartered NewBrunswick Hospital, requesting the at-tention of Common Council to that institutiou, and suggesting that some pecuniary recognition should be bestowedupou it.

Aid. Powelson movec to lay upon thtable for future action.

Aid. DbHart mov°d an amendmentdon't need to tell what we have sufferediat the communication be referred to

ther was but a premonition of a con-Ion ot all the vapora which Na-

•»ian bath of the last week orha3

showered urated; which condensation

caught by theent shower-bath. And

streets. The co r D gd dashed upon the

fore there was rain, anf : O z e b e .

evergreens; the "Winter >• e v e u t h e

Spring was dry, aud we have ^ .,.Summer. It is said that if one dii-,^20 ieet no water could be found.

M'.tuuhcn, swore he was on duty at theb - c k - . \ a ! i r y e t t h : > a d - . l I i U . ( l l ' t l u . a c c i d e n t , t h a t t h i s t i a i n w a s i c -

N" CoMViNCEMoNT. — We r«Il OP

t o Princeton tor a lew hours \t-~u ni.iy, an•':

JbODd quite a number of New l'i;i:i>w a k-

"ere there •witnessing llie in'.eic.-'.h'i: C a-~

D a y prot:eediui:s, which have no (•••u'te:-

Jpalt at Rutgers. Mutters of loi-a! i: tere-t

* o f m o r e p re*- i i )^ i in;>ortu;:ce w:iicl i will

C r o w d o u r c o l u m n s tlii~ w>ek w: i j j e v e i i t

o u r g i v i n g m o r e t h a n a br ie f M: I:I:I irv ••!

affi i rg a t I ' r i n c e ' o u , l o r w h i c h w e - s h a l l c i . - '

- ' d e a v o r t o m a k e r o o m t o - m o r r o w . "


fiected that C :use "i. .lohn li'.ack andUihiwaro an.l Karitan !


rk i

d f

v . - i l l 1>

- bei-n at ivi

:-:': It .-top;

' . !_ ' . V e t i t !.- e X j i '

'.\ iii run auain.

• • o u n t ' . - r b i l a i !••.



TIince ve~-

"I- ;>. \\ W

• : o l t h a t

In two

\\;!i be

a l l i l t i i e

the citv

d a - p a - > i : ' g . M e n i o ['. - k s t a ' i o n ,

an 1 ii' passed his staliou at b.^

.Mr. U: irt sworn—Wa.-s the com'ucLor


ot the cousttuctiou train ou this division ;came lo ihe sretie of the ut'i'ideut aud as-sisted in clearing the tracks 1'rom the wreck ;liiou 'ht the accident illicit have occurred


w i t !

others Tlie

• t h e r s . w i l l b-


Canal Company aud

called in the Court of

K> peals a t Trenton this morning.

| S v i l l bring up :ii;.-iin the s:ilient p ii.ts . •.

"" t h e lease,_.aud il it is heard there w iii In-:

lengthy argument. It is, however, i \ -

pected tha t a motion will be made t.

.pos tpone the case for the term, and it

fLf- t h a t is not <;rauted, that the ea.-e will uo

OTer until the ><th of oi.i!y.

R E C I E F C o f N U L - t'iiioers ot Helur; Council, Xo. -iO, (». U. A. M.. e'.ected or.

Monday evening, .iune 24. for the ensuing

six months : Counci lor , Wm. AV. lirown.

Vice Councillor, Jol-.u C. Smith ; Record-

i n g Secretary, Cas well Voorhees; Assist-

a n t Recording Secretarv, Sylvester De-

s-j:.t l u e e n g i n e e o n -

: !i tin- w h e e l . T i i e w a t e r is

as i ' c t .Te , r i g h t in t . ) t h e m a i n - ,

g o i : : g i n t o t h e r e s e i v o i r . A -

->. ' : : , h . ' U e V e r . us b o t l i c a n b e w o r k e d

:iie c i t y w; i i be s u p p l i e d a n d t h e re se r -

\ . ' i r N\ ill In1 l i n e d . (>:ily o n e

W'ir » ; i i be i i i k . l ;.t p r e - e i n , u n t i l t h e j e v i d e n c e .

ie;ik h a s be i i i d i s c o v e r e d , l o r , us w e

U i i v e i u l o r e s a i d , t h e r e h a v e In en oUo,-

" 0 0 , 0 '' '.doe) - U [ ) t o V'.iO.OOO - -ga . lou . -

p-.imjH'.i i n t o t h e c i t y d u r i n g 'J4 h c u r s

a.'. aii'1-.LT. a n d br . t 4U0.UO0 u a . i i - u s Used

iu l i . e e i : v ; t h e u i lTercnce , t h e /•'.'...•' ..,'/.;i

t> t h e c o n t r a r y r o t w i t h . - t a u a i n g , t l ie j i n V l l L . r i . u c e

e i a i u i is w a s t e d bv an '

dropping of a i.orlrou of the brake!

ui.t notice any hot boxes or brokenby Hie

i.e I'.ii!


'1 lure were some other witnesses sworn,but their was not material. The

jury then iclired to delibeiate, ami soon

life r aiiin.uuced that they could not agree

reser- : upon u verdict, but desired if possible more

The Ci roncr then aojourned the inquestuntil Friday cveuing, June 28, at 7 o'clock.

CoMMEurs ?yr.\i:K.- Oar report of theproceedings of Comniou Council last even-

which tJicicy aiv iie , uy opposiuclurliier diiiieui' \ ; ^.

:v ot water l.-


U". i : - i ' o \ e r i d l eak

u-niiiiiL d t 'i i i i id.

:n liii-iii.-iif.ig a U:

: :nticipati d aiu r to u : \ .

Tut : I U ' M A N . t: o r THK MMTTI n; N A I

• t;>!-.M". A Xewark conu-mporary gives

the follow inu' story <•! Mr. and >Ira. l 'o-

tassi'ii, the iat ter of whom was injured at

the laU1 accident at Metuchen. We do

ing contains an abstract aud two petitionsto Commerce

were t-eul in to that bo

j street some

Har t ; Financial Secretary..! .se;ih Rolfe: LI]ot be.uvc it to be true, but we print itTreasurer, Je»hu Pol'ard : Inductor. "Wm. ! ;i:, a u juteivsting story. There wcie ru-|Inslee; Examiner, Joseph A. S.Uam ; In- j U1.-,r< ;l;i

-side Protector, David Skillinan ; c'jtsidtftotector. TlioniiiS' Shcpharii; Tn;-tei-.Cas well Voorhees, M. A. A.ien, Wm. W.Brown.

>at the ni^hl of the occurrenceupon'w Inch the tale is probably based.It may, h -.wevcr, be true, since it is possi-

! PEESOXAI..—Rev. Dr. Tiif.irty !:as gonet o the Boston Jubilee. Expect a :i:n:iy

"_ lecture next "Winter.' • -. .-Mr. Henry Waters, v. !;.-> has " jrosiUTiUd for many months w'-'.i. b;air.. ferer, and his been under the care of tfU

%t. C d e b r a t e t l suru 'eo i r . D r . AV:;;. l l . t : i ; u io : : i ! .

. . o f X e w Y : k . r c t u m e l t o h : s ::. i:ie ii:

P a t e r s n u i a - : 1 ' r i . i J \ p i i i n t i y : e s : . c e > i : o

J i e a l t h ^ a n d l o . - k i t i g . ] ; : : : • • : : : : : : -e i l :.-j..i\\:.

• o n l y " " m o r e s o . " H e wi. ' . b r at i . i- >•: : ; -

- i n a r y - n e x t w e e k . a^;d >iiir:::_r t i . e v.u . i t ion

\y w i l l p r e p a r e l o r a m . - s - . v : g . . ; . - - > . . 'i i-ti-.

• . F a l l " c a m p a i g n . " T h e P i ; - e r - n / ' . . .

g i v e s ' u s t i n * w e i o m e L C V S . ivi : i , i. w-.;;

l i e h a i l e d w i t h d e i ; g h : by h i s n i v i . •- ;;.

.this city.

'- A S E W FII:M.—By retererce to our

-advertising column- it w;il be seen thatJtlessrs. Hernandez. Kpti'.ey and Huirrer.'

&_- vhare opened an uilice in this city, crner'of George and (_'hu:ch streets, f r ;!iepurpose ot prosecuting the business itcivil engineers and surveyors. These gen-

[•. Jjttanen come among us highly recom-

• i . c t i . e

viewi i '

New ark

• U ' S p i l a i

An:. ::

vlio were v:

Newark.Mr. IV:as.-i:

- w :

•r h a s " m t e r -

:.' i- s:a_vii;LT in

:\ i i tmeu t at t h e

D.; tf ' -h

.;r> at -HI ' a f . d 1U An:-.-;

!i lew

on the traintv.oiicii were ;is young bride.;ca upon their: on tueir wa\t h e l i i ' b i e m a n ' s

W t i . e ti r-ss a::d-. but

A.: i::i:n.

spI ;-"ii

a: I.L-

Sense :ir.iisin L

:o".:ias- ani!hir irp

• ; : e -

"•quiiro winch

.-, Mr. Stout,

Ibe wiuenint; of . Peace

tiiue ago, iucmred the

opposition of a number ol property-holders

to au extension which he has long degiied

to make. We cheerfully, however, put

li is ca-e before the public, as the subject

nuilht to be fully veutilaU-d. .The proposed

extension would certain!)' seem to us to

make the bad matters at lue lower end oi

Peace street worse,"aud would cut oil' the

tine Miuare which we now have; aud this

is to ;be weighed, iu the liaal deeisiou.

a^aiust the certainly line improvement

which Mr. Stout proposes. First, as lo the

s x ieet whlc:; his oj'poueuts claim he e -

cioac'.ies upou the Si [Tare, lie says he does

ii'it admit that he encroaches any, but that

!'v his opponents own drawing he proj.-cls

but two tect six inch s, a; present, over the

line. He wi-lus to purchase IT feet out to

build upon, lint lie sa_\ < that, his encroach-

ment is not sei ba.l as that of Paterson

ill. ok. Missrs. J. A: 1). Cark have shown

hull their ileed, which calls f r :jo j feet depth

s.'Uth, uti Rtdimor.d'-; a'iey, and ;'.:'.-! feet

north on Fisher's al'.-.'y — the hitter being

made up of 57 leet from the street to the

I"..-her iront, an-i -77 f et deep beyond

tliat. Mr. St"ir. says he lias had carefully

measured this property, and fi.und that

in reality Pateisou Llock is ooT feet on

Richmond's alley—ti\o feet more than• •..vere.i-w:tu !>.''•'.••r :r.:s':'".".;.i was horr.ii d to nr.,1 •.' hi r arais hiiii been compielely \- r:: i ti.'I'..-; r.:!:.'rtaai.te lady was removed to

' - j . 1 cr. am; the h-a-band began the eickeu-i 'z ta.-A '-f M'fkiug h;s v, ile'a missiiii: arm.

lie pioe..'.-.mi-d that u;."M nae of the tinkerswtis lue diamond weelvlini; rim;, a j iwelworth m.'.ny h'.v.dred dollars, and instantlyit centra': search was becuu. Am.iiis; liieMr.'wVi.i a!:i u: the w r»-ek was a i:ait-hand ' mint is 01 ieetjfroru the Block

allowed ; anil o40 feet nine inches on Fish-er'- alley—six feet nine inches nioie thanalloweel. This he claims is the encroach-ment oi the block over the street line;and he answers to the plea that there hasbeei dock extension that li is measure-

front'i) wa- o'.isL-:yed to stcret souietlnr.g ] the Fi-hi r front, while the deed calls forunder h :s c "it ami walk away. He w a - '-I'on ovi r:,ar.:eu, aud on perceiving that hehad be-eu detected he liirew down his bur-

mended, and they particularly direct ut- Ueu, which proved lo be ihe lost arm. ll

oiilv 57 feet; and that there' is hence auunlawful projection of the Block of tourfeet, lie thinks that those who have to

on account ot Lawrence's Brook gettinglow. To-day's rain promises to set allthings right. We in this cily have com-plained of the dust, and the want of water,and the odorous cesspools which the sun\vas fetewing, aiHl the bad-smelling sewers,whose basins lacked their normal supplyof water to cover up the filth. The hardrain of to-day will wash the sewers out,and the gutters, and the committee ofCommon Council have had their occupa-tion taken from them in the work ofcleansing the open sewer parallel withAlbany street. Tiie public is not proba-bly aware of what :•- deadly nuisance thisopen sewer has become. It is no longerthe water-course it used to be, aud theordinance to compel its being kept open

.ght to have been repealed the very daythe main sevvvr was completed. The waterclosets of two streets for half a mileempty into i t ; and when the water ceasedto run, of course, the sewer became a lineot cesspools. The stench becamehorrible and several physicians de-clared they never had seen anything likeit in their lives. Some residences havebeen rendered almost untenantable by it,aud the air has been poisoned by it forblocks around. Only culpable negli-gence has permitted this breeder of dis-ease to exist so long, and the action ofthe Board of Aldermen last night camenone too soon. To-day's rain will renderefficient aid in cleansing ^it, and we hopethe matter of closing or filling up thesewer will be pushed speedily through.

—The rain is suggestive ot some of theprophecies made by the weatherwise ;forewarned, forearmed, is an excellentaxiom. The prophecy is that tlie comirgSummer will be a very hot and a veryrainy one. Everybody knows what ef-fect upon climate this kind of weatherhas. The hot sun acting upon wetground makes tropical weather, which ismarked by miasma. It is just choleraweather. It behooves us, then, to seethat the sun do not hine upon filth,and the vapors bear death as they rise.Healthtulaess is something that requires,foresight to ensure, and it is too latewhen disease comes to prevent its prog-ress by cleaning up. Let the SanitaryCommittee, then, in each ward keep its

.-yes openthem.

find out abuses and remedy

A painful rumor reaches U3 from Newton,of a case not uuliker titat of Alice Bowlsbyin some of its features, hut more resemblingihe Post case which occur:ud about thesame time. It is a tale of a aad fall, of dis-covery, the fear of disgrace, of it visit toNow York for the purpose of getting; rid ofthe shame, and the dead body of the younglady sent over the cars on Thursday even-ing to her friends in that town. In thepossibility ot mistake in our information,we withhold the names as given to us. Butshould the facts as w e have-them provetrue, they are likely to create an excitementscarcely interior in that iegard to those wehave mentioned. The parties implicatedaie of hi^h standing, and have been mov-ing hi the first circles of thai totvu.—Mor-ris Jtrsi ymaii. •

The New Jersey Yacht Club, which wasinaugurated only a few months ago, withtheir headquarters at Iloboken, heldtheir inaugural regetta yesterday, whichcreated considerable excitement on theother side of the river. The course wasfrom a stake-boat oil Hoboken to a mark-boat oft Pleasant Valley, rounding thelatter and home, the course to be goneover twice—a distance of 20 miles.Eleven yachts started, of which ScratchCat proved the winner.

Hurrah for old Hunterdon * Herty jail is empty, not a solitary person iBwithin its walls. This is, indeed, thegrandest of tributes to the moral statusof this standard Democratic county, withits majority last Fall of over 1,000. Hap-py lluuteidon.

c ;al committee. Amendment adoptappointed Aid. D

Powelson as said comm it tee.


Mayor, Common »ead,calling upon th<missioner Mitchell,\\ a m i Street Comthau C. Earle and wim s uit of Jonaat §1,000 in each suit, to u ^ damageand show cause why said in. answcnot be permitted to keep the halhoulstreets fenced in. Referred to Citj--torney, with instructions to take carthe interests of the city in the suits.


A petition was received from Kearny

ipon Council to use their endeavors toupprcsa the traffic in milk on Sundays.

Upon his request, Mr. John Bard, onef the signers of the petition, was per-mitted to make a few remarks, which,lowever, merely reiterated the arguments:ontained in the petition.

Ala. Buzzee moved that the petition)0 accepted and placed ou file.

Aid. Van Auglen hoped that Councilwould use its influence in the directionf the petition. His remarks were moral

and religious in their tone, but fell uponars not attuned to sour milk.

Aid. Oram thought that no further leg-islation was necessary. There were al-ready statutes forbidding buying orselling on Sundays, and the milkmenwho did not want to sell on that daycould easily cause the arrest of otherswho did sell.

Aid. DeHart and Powelson agreed withAid. Oram; and Aid. Uuzzee's motionwas adopted.

A communication was received fromDr. Baldwin complaining of an allegedunjust assessment of $20 against him.The matter was referred to Committeeon Streets.


Buttler & Johnson, $0.00 ; Thomas W.Curry, $1.50 ; Geo. B. Munn, $217.50—to Committee on Gas and Lamps; Ed.Cody, $93.50; Charles S. Hubbard,$11.80 ; Michael Lyons, $80 ; M. D. Vin-cent & Co., $72.20, $10.25 and $100—toGbmmittee on Poor.


Aid. Mulford offered a resolutionThat the time for the commencement

'if work upon street railroads in the city*Tew Brunswick be extended two years

A«ly 1,1872.been herifoid said that this course had


The ladieB of the Uberty-street M. E. Sundiy-sckool will hold a grand Fair and Festival at

GREEK'S HALL.ON T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 4, 1872,

for the benefit of the Sabbath-school Fund.An abundant supply of

Reireshmontswill be gerred, and


exhibited and oflered for sale.The ladies hope to m»ne this enterprise a

financial BUCCCSS for the Bchool. To our citi-zens generallv ihey extend a crrdial invitation.

Jas.Ward,47 ChurCh Street,

has just received a pplendiil lins of


25 to 50 cts. per yard, aad

ADMISSION :je20-2w



SLOVER & MADDER,Manufacturers ot warranted

C a s t S t e e l S h o v e l s , S p a d e s ,

and Scoops ot every description, which we willsell at the lowest cash prices. We make onlyarst-class goods. All parties wanting first-class goods will do well to call and examineour stock before going elsewhere. Rememberwe will not be undersold ; our motio is "tiuickSales and Small Profit*."

Don't forget our name and place ot business:SLOVER 4 MADDER,

Handy Btreet, between Tbxoop and Bern-sen aVenued

je!7-daw3m '

K«F.P THE HAIR UNBLEMISHSD.—" I am like anold humiuck - withered at tiie tcp,'* saiu a ven-urablo Indian Chief, pointing to his ttaiu andbleaching locks. Thousaads ot men and wo-mini in civilised society, much younger tbunHie cM Sagamore, are, 'like him, "' withered atthe top," M:nply because they have ne^lec;edto use the means of preserving and beautifyingthe hair which science has placed at their dis-posal. It' Lyon's Kathairon be faithfully ap-plied once or twice a day, to the fibers and ihesculp, it is just as impossible that the huirshould decay, wither, lull out or become harshar.d tuzzey, as that a meadow, duly refreshedwLh nig.itlv dews and sunlit rains, should be-come an*, aud barren 01 green b:ades. Thism itchles* preparation not 0 llv keeps the hairaave aud tlie skin of the head in a healthy andclean condition, but actually multiplier thelil.imtn.s ai d imparts to tliem a luUer. llexi-bi uy and wavy beauty unattainable by anyoil er mode of treatment. It does not, like tuVmetallic and sulphurous hair dye's, dry up thenaural moisture of ihe sca'p. but supplies nu-t< liner, to the roots of the hiir and vigor tothe libels. ielT-lm

SHARK WITH HORSES the benefits de-rivable from the work-renowned Mexican Mus-tang Liuunem. The must irretrasjauie teait-ui. nv es'.ibhsbes the lact thai iniswondf iurt...i'.::i extr;s the tame fooihing und healingmllui'iiee when applied to the human cuticle,:h.u r. d' es m c^>es ol sj ttvin, (.Minders, rin^-b.nii'. poll t-v.l,'-heo, wind tall and oilierie!:iums oi ihe heirse which requ re outwaniivj'!i:eni. ll is. in fact, the most etiectual

n! al. eiter:..i: remedies lor rheumatism, gout,stillness ot the ;.ec£. neuralgia, sore throat,sueh.Ut's, cut- aud urui.-es ol all kiuds.

THE BAR-ROOM REMSDT for weakness of the-toiii^cb is a dose of Hum Bitters. I'hey arer urch irged with. Fusel Oil, a deadly element,which ia rendered more active by the pungentasiringents wits which it is combined. Ifyourstomach is we-k, or your liver or bowels"tiisordered, tone, strengthen and regulate themwith Vinegar Bitters, a pure Vegetable Stom-achic, Corrective and Aperient, Iree from alco-hol, aud capable of infusing new vitality intoyour exhausted and disordered tystem.

A DISTRESSING Cotan causes the friends ofthe sutlereralmoat as much pain as the sufl'^rerhhnseh. and should receive immediate atttntiua Dr. Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherryspwe-iilv cures coughs, colds, i.'iiluuiza, sorethroat, etc. ll will iinvnTsrel.eTe consumption,and m mauy well-utle-ted ca^ea it lias etlectcdu perfect cure.

Post, U. A. It., of this city, asking Coun-cil to convey the vticeiut lot fronting theSecond Presbyterian Church to said As-sociation for the purpose of erectingthereon a monument to the memory ofthe deceased soldiers of the Republic.Referred to Committee on Streets, withinstructions to report at next meeting otCouncil.


A petition was received from LewisStout, asking the city authorities to sell,him a portion of Commerce Square, ofsuch size as will suffice to render his lotstraight upon ita four sides, as he pro-poses to erect thereon an expensive three-story iron ilnd brick building. Thispetition was also signed by a large num-ber of property-holders of the city.

A counter petition was also received,protesting against the granting of Mr.Stout's request, numerously signed.Some of the signers of the other petitionalso signed this one, stating that theirnames had been signed to Mr. Stout'spetition by mistake. It was claimedthat the land sought to be purchased hadbeen originally presented to the city byproperty-holders in the neighborhood,with the understanding that it should beforever kept open tor the use of the pub-lic. It was also stated that the presentbuilding of3Ir. Stout had infringed uponthe public square several leet.

Both petitions were referred to Com-mittee on Streets, after Aid. DeHart hadstilted that the property-holders in thevicinity of Commerce Square were de-sirous ol purchasing the property of Mr-Stout and Mr. Schenck at the same rateoffered by Mr. Stout to the city for theportion of Commerce Square needed byhim ; and that, if thus purchased, theywould give the same to the city as a iree;ift forever.


A communication was received fromJaines C. Vandcrbilt, protesting againstthe continuance of the ISfe v BrunswickSmallpox Hospital in its' present loca-tion.

Aid. Mulford moved to lay the com-munication on the table.

Aid. Van Anglen thought that somerespect should be paid to the signer, andhis letter referred to some committee.

Aid. DeHart said he would agree withAM. V., if any lot of ground could befound that did not adjoin some otherlot of ground. And thereupon the mo-tion to lay on the table was adopted.


Petitions were received from Mary Mc-Colligan and Edward McColligan forlicenses to keep taverns. Also petitionsfrom the following to keep saloons for thesale of ale and beer, viz : Edward Hall,Michael Lauderbach, P. G. O'Brien, Mrj.Julia Haggerty, "Win. Carbery, JamesLyons, James Masterson, John Moore,Edward Garry, George Yonker and Mich-ael Lyons. All were referred to Commit-tee on Licenses.

A communication scut to Theo. B.Booraem, County Treasurer, by the au-thorities of the New Jersey Lunatic Asy-lum, was read for the information of theBoard. It was stated that Middlesex wasentitled to 29 inmates in the Asylum ;that she had 37, including three tem-porarily absent. The Superintendenttherefore recommended that rive patientsin the Asylum from this county,'alongwith the three others out, be withdrawn.Referred to Committee on Poor.


The general committee on celebrationof the Fourth of July sent an invitationto members ot Council to participate inthe festivities of the occasion. Commu-nication received and invitation accepted.

Aid. DeHart, from Committee onStreets, reported adversely to the peti-tion of Israel Britton, asking compensa-

tion for damii^es sustained by him at arecent fire. Report adopted.


The following bills were ordered paid :Israel Voorhees, $10.38; Garret Bnest,fOO.00; Auier & Woodruff, $30.00 ; JohnDeinzer. $10(3.78; John M. Buckelew,$-.220.01, ; John Mundy, $55.65. (The lastt'wo did the carpenter and mason work forCity Hospital.) C. P. Strong, $11.00;Patrick Buckly, hospital nurse, $113.00;Geo. B. Munn, $G4.S6; A. E. Gordon,$lST.9o ; Charles A. Oliver, $102.£5.

Aid. Van Anglen, from Committee onFire Department, reported favorably tothe request to put Phenix Hose Carriage,Xo. 3, in good order. And the Commit-tee were authorized to make such repairsat an expense of not over $75.00.


A petition, laid 6n the table at a pre-vious meeting, from the milkmen of our

very fine, «0 cts. to $1.00 per yard, worth 50per cent. more.

Japanese Silk Stripes,25 SO, S5,"37K, 43, 62^ 70, 75 and 90 cts., th*very best, and worth double the amount.

Plain Poplins,new .colon, in grades, from 12}^ to 50 cts. p«iyard, worth 75 per cent, taore.

GrenadinesStriped and'Plain, 12^, 18. 25/87K»nd 50 cts.per yard, worth 25 da. to tl.00.

Grass Linen,Seer Pucker Stripes, *nd VICTORIA LAW.VS12>$ worth M cts , 20 worth 30 eta-, Iii") and 30wonh 40 to 50 cts. per yard.

All the above Goods were especially selected,by a

Buyer of 25 Years' Experience,FOR THE STYLE OF SUITS NOW WORN.


and he11 was a

in order to-£ adopted, and was necessarystreet railroadrfjlive certain charters lor

Aid. Kogers sa«matter was lorgotterM this extensionthought the charter alludead cock in the pit."

Aid. Oram thought the whv.had been so long delayed that it •about played out.

Aid. DeHart had been assured by thecorporators of the proposed street rail-roads that within 00 days after the com-pletion of the sewerage system in ourmain streets the railroad would be builtand ready for use.

The resolution was then adopted.RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED.

—That an order for f GOO be drawn infavor of the committee on celebrating theFourth of July. (Aid. Buzzee.)

— Appropriating $5.91 to John Downiefor three days' services at a time whenOfficer Van Fleet was sick. (Aid. Harsh.)

—To appoint John May as a specialpoliceman for the Second Ward, withoutcompensation. (Aid. Marsh.)

—'Calling upon the Chief of Police togive the names of all persons in this cityselling liquors without a license; to re-port at next meeting of Council. (Aid.Marsh.)

—Requesting R. G. Miller, City Col-lector, to furnish a transcript ol all taxesremaining unpaid the past year. (Aid.Van Anglen.)

—Requesting R. G. Miller, City Col-lector, to print a transcript of all personsowing unpaidRemsen avenue assessment.(Aid. Van Anglen.)

—Authorising the City Treasurer toborrow $15,000 for the purpose of payinga note in the National Bank and to meetprincipal and interest of city debt. (Aid.Powelson.)

—For an order in favor of AndrewConnolly, lamp lighter for First district,for $27.00. And an order for JohnO'Don-nell, lamp lighter Second and Third dis-tricts, for $47.92. (Aid. Mulford.)

—For an order iu favor of Chas. A.Oliver, one month's salary, $80.00. (Aid.Marsh.)

—For an order for one month's salary,$G0 each, to the following city policemen :L. Garretson, George Holman, Jas. VanDuyn, Andrew Brower, Edward Fitzger-ald, Abm. Van Fleet, "VVm. Boudinot,Geo. IV. Stelle. (Aid. Marsh.)

—To appoint Robert Collins a police-man without pay. (Aid. Marsh.)

—Empowering the Street Commissionerto remove a dangerous tree on the north-east corner of Spring alley and Churchstreet, near the property of Mr. Sage.(Aid. DeHart.)

—Appointing W. G. Eellart, NicholasIloaglaud, John "W. Tapping, RobertHannah and Joseph Fisher Commission-ers to assess benefits derived from theopening of Morris and Seaman streets.(Aid. DeHart.)

—Empowering Aid. Mulford to pro-ceed to Trenton and obtain a copy ot theoidinance of that city relative to licenses—to better protect parties taking out li-censes. (Aid. Doyle.)

-—Instructing the Street Commissioner togive the rr quiaite legal nftlice for the open-ing of Il'.iudy and Baldwin streets, fromLivingston avenue to George street, to the•wLlth of GO feet. (Aid. DeHart.)


—For the erectiou of a lamp post andlamp in Suydain street, bvtweeu Turoopand Commercial avenues. A!ao for samein Carman street, opposite the cemetery.(Aid. D.iyli-,)

Referred t» Committee on Streets, withpower to act in the premises.

—That the license granted to J. DeGrawbe transferred to Samuel Macoin. (A.ld.Mulford.)

Referred to Committee on Licenses.TI1K OPEN SEWE;: NL'lrfASck.

Aid. DeHart offered a resolution relativeto abating the nuisances existing upon thefewer running from iJtiter=ou street, be-tween Church acd Albany alrcets.

The resolution was adopted, 7 to G, aftera desultory debate, participated iu by mostof the Aldtrmen. Parties interested are re-quested to stand from under.

Ou motion of Aid. DeHart, Council then,at half-past nine, adjourned for one week—Monday evenine;, July 1.



Empire Clothing Store,NO. 9 PEACE STREET,


Tos. Livingston,

Excursions.Panie? wishing to make Excursions this

Beason will do well to cons-u'.t Capt. I. L. Fish-er belsre making any arrangements. He isprepared to furnish Steamboats and Barges tomake excursions at the shortest notice andoweat rates. ' mySO-Jni*

city, was taken up and read. It called my20-lydaw


THE Director of the Board'of Chosen Free-holders of Middlesex county can be fleen

a', the County Co lector's odic^ on the sec mdand fourth Saiur.u;,s o( each luoutb at 2o'clock P.M. Post-oMceaidress: Woodbridge.

ISAAC IN3LKK, JH., Director.

We are also manufacturing

Ladies' Suitsand Underwear,

Of the Latest Styles,at prices which are

Little Ifcra1 i t a the Costof making them up.

Being a stranger in this city, ami doingbusiness two or three blocks irom ihe'centerof trade, WARD expects to,

Must and Docs Sell Goods

Cheaper than Anyouo EIBO.


T a i l c and Clothier,offers nig entire svLESS THAN COST,'".of Summer Good? atlargest assortment of Upake room tor thein this market. The stock Joods ever oflered

ilsta ot

Ready - Made Ciu-hingOr THl LATEST STTLM,



Shirts and Drawers,JEANS, COTTOXADES,

Cloths and Cassimeres,Bleached and Unbleached



10 per cent, less than market price.

Together with every variety of ImportedCloths, Cassimeres and Vesting*, for

CUSTOM WORKAlso, a good assortment of Gentlemen's Fur-

nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises and Satchels.

Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere.

My Motto : Quick Sales and Small Profits,l& dawly

Bonds for Sale.

The Commissioners of Streets and Sewers orthe city of New Brunswick, by uuthority of theLegislature in them vested,' hereby offer lorsale

Inrorovement Bonds.




Slate Bunk at New Brumwick.

These Bonds are secured by the City ot NewBrunswick issued in

Denominations of $1CO, $600 and $1,000'

payable in five years, free from municipal tax,and me sold by the State Bank and the Com-missioners of Streets and Hewers, No.Jl Pater-son Block.




W. H. FISHER,Merchant Tailor


Clothier.ROBtRTXE E-


No- I Paterson Block,


New Brunswick Pottery

Terra Cotta Works.

152, 154, 1&5 BURNET STREET

STONEWARE(2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch)

Drain and Sewer Pipe,with a full assortment oi fittings, consisting ofStench Traps,


T'«, Vs, Etc.,

constantly on hand,

STONE AND E A R T H E K W A R E ,consisting of Jags, Jars, PoU, Pitchers, Spit-toons, Flower Pots, Etc.,fctc., at Wholesale*ndRetail. Second quality wars sold very low.

my81-8m A. J. BUTTLER.

^ ->e calling in but-iness hours can see by

The iw^h of Customers,and the amoant «• G o o < j s gold that the publicappreciate thevei. iow prices, as well as thavery nne selection ot tf)Ods al

J. WARD'S,47 C H U R C H S T l i B B T ,

Three Doors above Neilson.je4-daw


M. SCHAWB,Ootioian and Oculist'



From Tuesday, August 6, to Fri-• day, August 9, 1ST2.

REFERENCES:Having used Eye-Gl asses and Spec-

tacles supplied by M. SCHWAB, andmanufactured by him, we would cor-dially recommend him to all whoneed any aids to sight as a most'skilful Optician, and an obliging andreliable man.

Rev. Dr. W. II. Campbell,"President ei Rutgers College, New Brtuu-

. wick, N. J.Prof. George H. Cook,

of Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.Mr. John Clark,New Brunswick, N. J.

Mr. Johnson Lctson,New Brunswick, N. J.

Lewis Applegate*ecretary of the Xew Brunswick Fire Insuranoe

Companj.Ex-Gov. Parker,

Freehold, N. I have no Pedlars or Agents. •















Hoop Skirts, SQUIER'S

Kid Gloves, SQUIER'STowels, SQUIER'S

T i e s , SQUIElt'S


As Low as Any Other Placcjln ihf City.



11 Chnrch Street.

LOOK At our Rpecimenj olJob Priming at No.


Page 4: Merchant Tailor, ! Clothing-'' Boots China and Japan Tea ......1:VOL.IH.-NO. 22 NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1872.PRICE THREE CENTS, Billiard Hall.. A5D REiTAUKAM.:-So.


THE DAILY TIMES.i t New Music Store.

c ^



Bo en

i :;"ui <Ir •

c y e !o 1


r God c

e every

hU-. au..i. the LC:tifal. be:


•*] fc^ ;} • '

• Q L V i. r

:« a:.

hc*.ri ;i

-r t-.»::ii :i_'.i.::

r ye i - : - - to me

Tcz-iui' I.--.""'' '

:• : ; r-ierl t- • pr-:s<

-a Uibu.e pava.

va!!-y. and irr.iiin^ pla:e- . f the ciad r f.-aia,LUII:U; blerfed r^in.

Bodwell & Capwell,165 NEILSCN STREET,

Weak tnd he'pfcs?. we children railUpon cmr Kath^r who bie^seth all:And into H:s sheltering arms we fall.

The cmajbj frc-ai HU tsbV if Re withhold,Or » m im*at l^ave us w::h'iut His !".'ld,Ws fii-jt with hanger, or starve who. cold.

He hoMs the s~a in His hnl'ow hand:The moar.taiai ir>.-e i- His commind:^"e pitiful children _LVp;css stand.

.Bat H?s tender merc~ doth never wane,He s«*nde'h ihe early aid latter rain,And.our ba-ns are rilled with golden grain.


ti~ve just opened a Urge and varied stock ol



-c. L. Hardenbergh



Haises Brtf. Celebrated Piano?,,/ J. Bayard Kirkpatrick, Tm£JR

Real Estate Brokers,FARLEy>s


HOUSES FOR SALEin the best portions of the city, with all mod-i n conveniences,

.'AX Reasonable Ratc^ and on- Easy Term§.

"Building Lots or Plots,


; wiil always be found-at their establishment.

| New Pianos and OrgansFOR RENT AT LOW BATES,

and also said on
















AGENTS 1 AGENTS!Send for desciiptitfor the greatest caii

AGENTS!circn'or and srocial termsa^.'i book published —

Hij'iil/Hciunsin in

O'.vine to the p resen t political exciU'rricn', willsell fur the next six nicmtlis like wild-tire.

Is the most reliable book in ihe m a r k e tJ . -M. jStodiUrt ic Co., 1'ublishc-r.s. Vi3 Sun-

som strfet , Phihr le lp ' iM. • ' je'3-4>v


AGENTS WANTED FORFrof. i'owlcr's Grtat *Vork

On Manhood, Womanhood and their JIutu-Interrelations; Love, i:s Lans, Pow. r, e1

Send for specimen pages and circularterms. Address, National Pnblishine C ,Phila., Pa. .lOOl


Kennedy's Hemlock Ointment



and che'i.ists suceeededa; Iho medicinal p r o r / hlined in the Oil PU-'IPP frr

the Iler.lock T !>„? „.

blains, SiUbating inature,ave

as a S a k ' R b c u m ,ty u'Jeerrt, Bunionftorenj- F r O h t B U e S ) C h i [ ,

p ''ft' Jiipples, Ringworms,diseases ot inflammatory

& C r i U e n t 0 D . Agent. 7 Sixth

Select BoardiFor Young-Ladies—at GFPC d d

F o r


*ve l l§ fent t)lg A c ; d in (jombiaFOK Couaicieut remedies, in a popular

These TViru ol all Throat and Lung t)is-ion \v*itlvsv.--!esji and Ulceration of theonn..£itiMUf)<li;i*ely relieved and statementsa.iistaiitly b'.-iiii; sent to the proprietor ot

')!' iu cases ot Throat difficulties of years


nt to Depot „ To those coatomplatingtaUding inducements will be ofiered.

ALL INFORMATION GIVENby application at oar office.

been appuimed local agents for th»

Lifs Assurance Society: OF THE UNITED STATUS,

now prepared to issue policies tor Lifeace at the lowest rates, and to make

ion approved - -

Seal! Estate! Securities

I ef $5,Ci>0 and upwards.


No. 3 Peace Street,. unswick, N. J.




Just received several first-class

Superior Instruments.CALL AXD SEE TfiEM.

S I . 0 0 0 •' offered as a challenge to thosewho call themselves professors, or any one elsiwh# will produee Pianos superior to what I aselling, that will wear as well, that will andin tuut as well, or that have that voly trialpower of tone equaj to mine, aft»r aand. I am selling them at about



My Pianos are''.ebjttt

Oldest aad-i Skilful Makers,


did liae of the rm-.i j de=i-o!e and

atest Styles the


IAPANESE SItKSItatf prices, S7c. to .>.c., wonli 75c. to (1.00,


ip Bargains in Hosiery,Lota of Auetian Goods—wortn 25c. £weI at 1'Jj.c. Uo aud see them.

Also, a splendid line ot



A spk-utiiJ line of

I'HITE GOODS,fbtions,Fancy Goods,





mi rtilact*! pric ShirtMAHOX

ronTs Is. upJfc WAKIV


ic^' Tools,W»re, '

Ti»«nd Hpllo<r Ware,Brr.:u:iin Oocils,

" OIL Ci.OTliS, Minside &Dd Mats.

W SI! AUKS AND- HOLLANDS,and \Villnw Ware, -

_ BASK.KTS— Plain and Fancy, ;Lad !•»•»• Satchels,

Trunks aad Valises,Looking Ulasses,


JH* Wagons, Carts,- etc.,Picture Mouldings,

F g dune to order.

. . . e, and that is eaough of itselland with g rea t A p e r i o r i t r . T o per8ons wishto prore thei h # l r elections in New York iing to mferre^ a s j , WIu j . a T e extrahandling,W1li v fiano will be bought for them, and pa

,Je ol charge at the garni'low prices.a good, new


as low as it is passible to furnish superior in-struments. These Piunoa are of the samequ-Iitv as those who call themselves preferMonafmen, aad the New York manufacturers,sell 'or $1,<\''A All Pianos sold bv me arwarranted ts be equal if not supeiior to animade in New York or elsewhere.

Pianos to Rent

or sold on instalments. Don't forget the place

No. 9 Hiram Street,

dlS-dawlvNew Brunswick, X. J.


Mason & Hamlin'sCelebrated Organs,



fo~ this Citi) and J"ichiiti/,


STOCK(•rut'i and Boyi'



5W tJLASS AN1> PUTTY,ncukural Implements,BLACKSMITHS' A>I) WHEEL


Agents for


iejRtT* one month trial to both Washer andif not satisfactory money refunded.

r Spring Stock is large. We iniritemrl

te youIrdaw

French and Randolph,English and Collegiate

and- Day School for Girls,

tSid* Of Hamilton street. First door from.kstoa areaue.&TEN IKTSTBUCTION

•• fb.r the ** little en«."ar. b« obtained al the Bookstores

it. Garland's MUMC Store, apll-'ini

4tl> Avruue, opp. Cooper Iu tltutt ,Lafayette l'lucr, opp. Aaltii ?late



of ihe public at large is invited to

A. Wolfson's

Crj&tal Clothing Store,;242 COSKKBROB BQT7ABB,

where is to be fonnd tb» largest and rineatstock and the latest strles of

Goodsst% *nd Villa Plots

JIiyhlatMl Park, < n the ea-t side ofKiT*r, ODposite New Brunswick, insahip. IT!];; rerv* hi^h and COM-

t p l e r i d i J ' T I C « of the »urroundiaic, S a n i u Kivcr aad the ci:v ; it beiatc

BtMl <iesirjii)ie loc itiou-. in the SiatrFor particulars icquiri-

> n tb«" pretri^s. or T N Uougl:-urge street, Ne* Urunswick.




Ready-made & Made to Order.suitable for Men. Youths' and Boys', at price.--ihst defy competition

Great a:t<;:i!wa ia p i i i j tP Cmiox t r Work,which in !ush;uuab;_r cct by ihe uiosl

? Onttei*

FURNITURE,At Reduced Prices.


For the Spring Trade.FRANKENSTEIN & SICHEL,

NO. II PEACE STREET,Have now completed their Stock of

Dry, Fancy and Millinery Goodsof every ue.-rvipiion. A vei'j as3ortni-.-nt ol






We have paid special attention tothe largest assortment of

Department this season, winch comprises


All these Goods are o! the first quality,

('AUT.ON. Don't he deceived by worthlessimitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets.Price '.;5 cts. per box. Jo'nn Q.' Kellogg. 18P l . i tU. .S.

p, Now York,

~L'nd lor circular.Sole Agent tor the


FurnitureThe most extensive and best-assorted stock

in the above line ol goods can be found at thevarious branches ot

G. & S. HEYMAN & MACKwho, in cfinsequence of the enormity of theirsiles and immense facilities for production, areenabled to offer their customers and the publicgreat inducements during coming seabjn. Weotier special advantages to parties intendinghousekeeping. We will sell

A Complete Chamber Suite,(Imitation Walnut) with the bed, bolster andpillows, consisting of 14 pieces, for $30.

A C o m p l e t e P a r l o r Su i te ,Consisting ot Tete-a-Tete, Ladies' .A Gents'Chairs, and four side chairs in Keps, solid Wal-uut mime, $S'J.

All other goodj in our line at proportionatelow prices.

Jiive (jheese Feathers and MattressesSpecialty.


388 & 390 Hudson Street,corner of Houston St., entrance on thecorner.

Branch Store, 555 6th Ave., cor. 33d street.Bninch Store, 1023 3d Ave., cor. 61st street.Fuc oiies 371>, 378 & 8S0 Hudson street.



AV. 934 nil OAD WA Y, New York,

have just received an eutire new st;ck of

French, English and American

Paper Hangingsof ihe Latest Designs.

Fresco and l>eeorulive Painting.

Competent workmen sent to all parts of thecountry. apllnSm

arrefirst I'remium Am. Iiut. 1871

Double Elevated Oren, Warmiug Closet, Broil-ing Door, b'ender Guard. Dumping and ShakingGrate, Direct Draft. Fuller, Warren & Co.

W N Y3ii Water street, N. Y. my9-12w

to be found in the city,low prices. •


which we oder at very


A. M. WAY,Real Estate and Insurance Broker


tho IStates ol New Jerwey aud Hew


Office—No. 167 Neilson Street, New Brunswick

Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged.

INSURANCE effected in any of the following tirst-ciass companies: Continental, Atlantic, Hanover, New Yerk, Youkera of New York, London, Liverpool and Globe.

AUCTIONEERING attended to with promptness and*-lT ' A. M. WAY

CALL AND SEEour large and varied assortment of

Gent's, Youth's and Children's Kpringr StylesOF

HATS, CAPS, ETC.The Broadway Style of Silk Hats

N o w,>-..

•v Also, a \veil select-'d assortment of

Gent's Furnishing Goods, Gloves, Umbrellas, Etc.AT

J. S. & E. STEWART'S,>T o . 4 lv i rv c o i, o o

Alw>. Agentator >'ini:er's Improved Xew Family Sffv I


CARPETS.King & Storer,!

Carpet & Oil Cloth Warehouse149 BOWERY, N. Y.,

One door helcwv lirocme street, are offering alur-^.' and splendid sissoruneiit ot' Carpets, suchas jiru.ssei.% Turee-1'ly English and AmericanIngrain Curpcts; Oil Cloths of ihe latest andchoicest patterns, at rcasonabl- prices. Hotels,dwellings and public institu'.ions fitted up onshortest notice.

Strip c-r on liawery, bet. Grand and Broome

Loi.k lor the Biy Hign Overhead.\VM. K. K1\U. JAS. li. STOREK.

ap! 1 D-jai

Tcachci s, Students and othersAgents for

wanted as

The richest, raciest, most fascinating, instruct-ive and laugh-provoking book issued forvi.'iirs ; acknowledged superior to Hark Twain.Is splend.dly illustrated, elegantly bound andvery cheap. Agents report grand success.Sample pages, special terms, and " Agents'Pocket Companion" free. Ilubbard Bros,Publishers, 7^8 Sunsoin street, Philadelphia,

jo.-o, 4iv

Our Digestion ;Or, Mr JOLLY IRItSD'S b£t'RE2

1)10 LEWIS' Last and Greatest Work.This mvaliialile comrr-on-secse Book should ben a.-i by every man olid woman in the country.Three-iounhs of all the sickness in our midstmay be avoided by a knowledge and practiceof our " Jolly Friend's Secret." The moateminent authorities in the land, heartily recom-mend it for its great common sense, racyhumor, shrewd glimpses of mankind and itsvivid and pithy style of expression. Agentswunti-d to make money fast. Write for illus-trated circular, terms, etc., Geo. Maclean, Pub-lisher, 7S3_Sansom street, Phila. JC20D4W

CURTAINS,Lambraqulns and Other Decorations.Dealers and others wanting first-class goods,may have on application Drawing and Esti-mates for Furniture, Lambraquins, Shades,:te. G. L. Kelty £ Co., 722 and 724 Broad-way N". Y. mh2SpSm

ie Savings Bank iat Wo?dbrid3«, N. J., !

ESDlVS *nd SATL'KIMYS from :• <I-«*. M. iind 5 iV '.' P. M. luteresi j

>er cctit-i'cr iunuui, cociinenc- j1 ibe uiouiLi loliowiuj ttie dine ot

U. BERJIY. President.. JU.tlAU C.CCLTEK, Trc».iurer

ic»i well m^ae. A\*ci s spleudid :i>sortment ol j<irut!!-::if L'S t'urti! = :'in>; Woods of all kiudu. j

Special a'.teniiun U called to the j

Hosiery Department,M&nufscturetl by the New Brunswick and

Norfolk Hosiery Cotnpaijies.

cx&m'.De ocr oelsowlierr, io-i

a7!te yon lo cai] xni.cJ Oad stock before purchas'.Dj;

.' tbL- pJbi:c, 4a ]l u»8 beon bereL! '.he oii rel:»bie


Frioliujr fur. iialls, Soiree*. Par- i.executed a.1 T»« TIMES Job Printiiig

Bt, SS Albaoj street. Ottice open


242 Commerce Square,

XE W HKU.VSW1CK, X. J.uov3 -daw


CORNER o r NEILSCJf A N D S C H U R t l K A N B T S E E T 3 .

f a t a s I . ( i« - 'Ka tes a s a a v j l.-.ce in t h e c i t y .

THE BEST FAMILY FLOURf< per lW pounds. Sit. Vevnoii KnuuieJ Jlaa-.s i:: :•_"-.,' cts. !'t:!!'.


»pS l John S. l>ellart.'

Is a Powerful Tonic, bpecally adapted loruse in Spring, when ihe la:,euid and debilitatedsvMetn m e d - >:r n^ih a!.d v;t i! i ty ; / t will givevigor to f .e ft-ebl-, .mrenifih to ti ie/wtak, am-

tii'ii ui the t i ' . jeced, activitv t > xj-.e slupi;i.~h,:e.-t to l i e weary II ;[•_ t to the nervous, i.nd

i'ii to t r r luCr::i.: i~ a rMi:li A; j L-rtc.n p'<in*, which, neenrd-

| .i:c i • trir n L j a;, t .ifien:i::c p.-r:udicals of!I.-.H'l.n ::::.! l ' j - is , n:ist j-owcrfui tocic pro-I inTii-'-i t : i m to .Msttsii Medica, and is well

;;U.TV. n i , it. n : t i r 0 coi.lilrv ;.s having won :er-!.;: L".iru':ve I J IKL! : : :^ , and has b<ren long useda-< a sf'eeitic in a:l L•li e.• i.f Itn; uril ies of thebiood.' lJt.r..n_rerr.en: ot the Liver and sp leen ,i'un'iir>. ! :ni; ' -y. th. B o r d , Pebili-i". '' eakr.e.-s of the I.ite;"iues, Uterine orI j . c a r v t)ri;iii--.

Dr. Wells' Extract ot JnrubobaIt is strena'heninjj ar d nouri.-h-ne. Like

nutr:-.-io'.:s f-H>d taken into the Homach.'it as-• injiiau-.s and d;!fu>e.- itself tirou^h the circula-

| tio:i. living vigor and health.| It resulates tbe bowels, quiets the nerves,| acts diric;!r on the secretive organs, and byI ts powerful Tonic and restoring eilects, pro-duces hi'aithr and vigorous action to thewhole system.

J--hn'Q. Kellogg, IS Platt street, New To-k,Sole Agent for the United States. Price onedollar per bottle. Send.for Circular. •

i t MACY & CO.Our Mr. Macy is now in Europe and is con-

stantly sending us the most attructive and use-ful goods that can be procured in the marketsol



SWITZERLAND AND ITALYFor our extensive stocks of

Laces, Embroideries, Fringe?, Trimmings,White (loods, Gentlemen's, Ladies' and'Chil-dren's Furnishing Goods, Millinery and FancyGoods, Pe> fumes, Toilet Articles, Bronzes.Leather Goods, Notions, Small Wares, Toys,Doll:-*, and otiitx imported merchandise.

We have a'so splendid assortments of Suitsnnd Summer l)r«ss Good?, Parasols, Umbrellas,Straw Goods, Housekeeping and FurnishingGoods.

We gat all of these aoorl* direct from ihtmanufacturer, thus saving the profits made bythe Commissioners, Importers and Jobbers,and are able to otier them to the public st thefirst cost with only the duty, premium on gold,and our unusuayy small prolit added.

Particular"utioa paid to orders from thecountry.

R. H. MiCY & CO ,

14th street and 6th avenue, New Yjork.


CARPET STORE,123 Bowery, N. Y

(3 Doors belsw Grand Street).

Mattings 25 and 30 pents per Tard.Ingrain Carpets 50 and 75 Cta. per T a r d

A large Stock of Brussels, 3 plys and Ingrainsin. Ae*v Designs.

Oil Cloth at manufacturers' prices. WaiPaper, Window Shades. Curtains and Cornices,very cheap. All goods guaranteed as repre-sented. Fire per cent. Discount on all Billover $20.00. mh28D3m

Dress Goods.Yard -.vide English Prints at IS and 20 cents.

Former prices 25 and 30 cents.French printed Percales 25 cent3. Formerly

15 ecnts.French printed Jaconets at 15 and 25 cent."4,

former prices i5 and 35 cents.French printed .Jaconet* and Organdies, with

ich banrfs in the newest styles.French printed Baieges, Chafe, Taffetas 'and

Fon!ard3 at half the cost of importation.

Silks.Japanese Silks at 60 cents. Former price 75

cents.Japanese Silks at 65 cents. Former pricu $1.Japanese Silks at T5 cents. Former price f 1.25.These goods are in large assortment and in

he newest colorings.Siriped Silks at *1 00. Formerly *1.25.Striped Silks at $1.25. Formerlj *1.50.Hlack Silks, best makes, at ei:r'emely low

prices.Linens, Sheetings, Laces, Embroider es and

Hosiery, Iniants', Children's and Ladies' out-fitting department replets with every novelty.

Chos-ion's celebrated Kid and Castor Gloves,every pair of which are warranted.

Shawls.Real India and French Cashmere, Stripped

Grenadine, Ottoman and other fU::ey styles,Black and White Llnia, and Heal Lace.


Eich CarpetsFresh Arrivals of Carpenngs.—We have

opened a number of neve patterns Fine Carpets,which, with those previously reieivod, TDakesour assortment extremely attractive. .Also,new designs in Velvet Tapestry, Knglish, BodyBrusse's, and a Vfry fine lineot Crosslev'sTap-estry Brussels, Three-ply and Ingrain Caipets,English and American Oil Cloths, White,CLeck and Fancy Waitings at the lowest mar-ket prices.

XJpliolstevy Goods.Lace Curtains, Cornices, Shades, Table aadPiano Covers, etc., etc., all at very Sow prices.Broadway cor. of ^Nineteenth Street,

S. S Mangam&Co.,R,e»l Estate Agencj,


insurance Brokers.



Store enlarged to double its former size.Having obtained possession of the adjoining

building we will be uetter enabled to accommodate our steadily increasing trade.

We will otter special inducements this Spiingin all the different departments.

STRAW HATS, in an immense variety at ou:well-known low prices.

Elegant Trimmed Bonnets and Hats.Full lines of Fine French Flowers, Millimery

Ornaments, T,aces, Crape3, Ribbons, Silk",Silk Reps, etc.

Ladies' Huslin Uudergarments and Ladies'Suits, al! our own manufacture, at less thanJobbers' prices.

Send for our free descriptive price listn.Special bargains in Parasols, Uosiery, Cor-

sets, Kid Gloves, Real Laces, Embroideries,Silk Gimps, Passementeries, etc., etc.EEAL GUIPURE AND TIIREAD LACES,All our own importation, the very best qu.ilityguaranteed at fully 50 per cent. less than anyother store in the city.

Klegant Pattern Real Guipure Laces, full 2 to2)4 wide at 58, lio, 75 and 85 cts. all extra cheap.

EleKint Patterns, full three inches wide, at*1.H,""YI orth ^1.50.

Elegaut Patterns, full four inches wide, at$1 35, worth $1.75.

Samples sent by mail free. Orders promptlyfilled.

AT EHRICH'S TEMPLE OF FASHION,Nos. 237 and 2S9 Eighth Avenue, near 24th St.

The Trade Supplied.P. 8.—Ladies arriviag by Jer?ey or Erie

Railroads, can reach us most conveniently byPavonia Feiry to 23d street. je6i>4w

A Word in Season.

Hats, Caps,ANDAND


Hall & Kennell's359 GREENWICH STREET,

Between Park Place and Murray street: TwoMocks from Erie It. It. Depot, and one blockabove Hohoken or Barclay-street Ferry.



Opera Hats $6.

Thousands of Felt Hats in all tha fancystyles and of the best qualities, from $1.50 to$3.50. Yeuths' and Childrens' Hats and Caps,in all the latest styles 75 cts. to $2.00.

1,000 Dozen Men's and Boys' Wool Hats, inall colors and styles, $1.00 to $2.00 each.

Men's and Boys' Felt and Cassimere Hats, inall colors. $1.00 to $3.00 each.

10,000 Dozen Men's and Boys' Straw Hats,from 10 cenja to $1.00 each.

10,000 Dozen Women's and Misses' ShadeHats, all colors and styles, from 25 ceets to$1.00 each.



Cheap Advertising.Advertisements occupying one inch of space

will be inserted in 310 ffewepapers in the

SOUTHERN STATEScovering thoroughly the States of Maryland,Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, NortbCarolina, .South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee,Kentucky and Missouri,

ONE MONTH FOR $MS !This list comprises from 30 to 40 more papers

than tbe lists of the other agencies, and hagthe following special advantages :

3st. A higher grade of newspapers withleer circulation than any similar list extant.2d. circulation among better c assed and in

better loculit'es.3d. 1 ower Prices.Circulation being the main teft of values, and

the OLIV guige r.f prices in this buMnegs, it isclear that it would be economy for advertisersto avail theiiis-;lve- of our lists, even at higherproportionate rates, rather tban use the crudei'liibinatiocs of other parties.

These considerations, coupled with the facthat the average pnee per paper of our listss co3*ider:ibiy lower than rill tlie others, serve

io th-iw the unparalleled superiority of tbeadvantages we oJler.

Kq'iallv fivorabie quotations made for anysingle ivate. Copies of Lis?s, Circulars, Ksti-maur and full iniormati'in furnished on appli-calu n. Bufines." not ciutined to any lists, butembraces the best secular and rel.gioua news-papeis of tht.- country. Establiahed is»)7. Ap-to the Original aud only Great Southern Ad-vertising Agency of

GRIFFIN'4 HOFFMAN',>"o. ± Sou'h street, Baltimore.

We refer by permission to Johnston Bros.i-Co., Hackers, Baltimore ; Drexel 4 Co.,Bankers, Phiiadelfhiu ; W. K. Travers, Banker, 45 Exchange Place, N". V.; Woods, Perry& Co., Dry Goods, Boston, Mass.

made from £0 cts. Call and examineor 12 samples a?nt (pestage free)

for 50 cts, that relail quick for $10.R. L. Woolcott, 181 Chatham Square,.New

York. je6Mw



Room 18X, Second Floor, and

NO. 1 6 7 O B O R O B S T R B E T

Adjoining the New Brunswick Hotel,


Parties wishing to purchase, or having^

Property to Sell or Exchange,OB DESIBIVS


by applying at either of our offices will receiveprompt attention.

By close attention to business we hop*erit a liberal share of patronage.

NEW YORK. apll-lOw

Ranges and Furnaces.The Best in the World.

The Magee -Elevated Ranges,

Magee Fu.rn aces,are the most surprising and successful com-binations of scientific features ever brought to-gether. It is only necessary to see them to btconvinced that nothing better can be purchased


Phenix FurnaceAND

The Walker Furnaceboth excellent articles and highly approved

Call at tbe

Plumbing and Heating Establishment,





Cabinet Furniture.Upholstering, Paper-Hanging


1P. all their various branches,

Done in the Best Manner.

and upon reasonable termp* at

No. 27 Albanv StreetNKW BRUNSWICK, N. J . ,

N. B.—The latest stvles of Furniture alwuys on hund. Farticulur attention giventhe



with any design or pattern


cf all -kinds done in the best manner. Also?,

Billiard and Bagatelle Tables Repairedoc25-ly

Steam Dyer and Scourer.r . OTTTSSINAN,

No. 98 Church street, New Brunswick, is now

Erepared to do every description of business inis line, in the best manner and at reasonable

rates.All orders promptly attended to at short

notice. sp29-ly


CHESTNUT $5.50. STOVE $5.00.

Screened and delivered. Now is the time tobuy.


Burnet street, foot of Richmond.

•pSVCHOMANOY, or Soul-Charming."XT How either sex may fascinate and

gain the love and affections ot any person theychoose, instantly. This simple mental acquire-ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cts.,together with a marriage guide, EgyptianOracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. A queer,exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address T.William & Co., Publishers, Phila. je6o4w

T .


Office and Library Furniture,


Fire Cylinder Desks.Banks and offices fitted up. rav3in9w

BOOTS AND LASTS made onnew principle—only cure for

(tender feet. Recommended byAnatomists, Physicians and Chiro-Ipodists.

WATKIXS, Anatomical Boot Maker, 114Fulton street, and 307 Broadway, N. Y.


of patronage.

|B. y . MANGAM A CO.


Boot and Shoe Store,

Mver Livingston,

No- 9 Church Streeft

Agents Wanted tor -the Autobiography of

HOKACE GKEELEYor. Recollections of a Busy Li!e, illustrated.The Life and Times of so great a Phiianthro-phist and Reformer cannot fail to interestevery true American. Send t3.fO for samplecopv. E. B. Treal, Publisher, S05 Broadway,N. Y. jefiD4w

A GREAT OFFER!Horace Waters, 481 Broadway, N. 7.

will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Mclodeong,and Organs of sir first-class maiers, includingWaters , at extremely low prices far cash, dur-ing this month, or will take from $4 to f20monthly until paid; the same to let and rentapplied if purchased. A new kind of ParlorOrgan, the most beautiful stvle and perfecttone ev«r made, now on exhibition at 481

N Y k

I beg leave to announce that I have openeda new family Boot and She« Store at tbe abovenumber, where 1 will keep ou hand a LargeAssortment ot



H O O T S , SIIOKft A: W A I T E R S .

Ladies', MisBes' and Children's French andGlove Kid, Serge, Pebble Goat, Morecoo aMCalfSkin, Button, Laced and Congress UaiWrt,Slippers of all kinds, Rubber Boots, Arctic^Alaskas and Sandals, Overshoes, suitable forMen, Women and Children.

I bare also on hand a well selected stock of

Valises &


Satchels.rhich I can offer at very low prices. Bolictt-ug your patronage, and full value for youraoney, reipectfully,


No. 9 Chnrch'itreet,

oclS-lydaw New Brunswick.N J.

Jas. Marshall & Co.,THE

People's Clothiers.


Clothing House in the State.


Fine Stripe Cassimere Pants em-bracing all new and desirablegoods cut and made in tbe lateststyle, from $8.60 to 0.00Blue, Brown and Olive Frock Coats, tlO to aOFine Black Suits, from S1& to 80English Diagonal Frock Coats * flO to 40All Wool Buiinesi Suits * $19 to 35

One Entire J Floor I Occu-

pied for Boys' and Chtl-

dren'sl Cl thing.

Hoys' Suits, from $4.60 to 16.00Jhildreu'a ("lottjiuc three year's and upwards

from $2.50 to $14.00 a suit.

Broadwav, New York. ja4-Sin

CIRCULARS AND'-BILLHEADS,In plain or fancy colors, j Call and examin•pecimena and prices at TH» TIKBS Job office.

Jas. Marshall & Co.THE PEOPLE'3 OLOTHIBR3,


Opp. Newark pavings Bank,

N E W A R K , I*. J.mv3daw2m

Elastic Trusses,Without Metal SpringB, are superseding allothers. It is now fully demonstrated that rup-ture can be as surely and as easily cu»«d»*»fractured limb, and without any suflexinjrwhatever, as this Truss is worn night as wtll asday without any annoyance. If desired in Mircase this company will contract to eflent a per-manent cur?, or no charge will be made. Calland eianiiae, or send for a descriptive Elastic Truss Company, No. 688 Broadway,New York. jrirtm