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Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle

Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle

Feb 24, 2016




Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle. Jenis-Jenis Soal. Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Numerical, True/False , Matching, Embedded Answers (Cloze ) , Random Short-Answer Matching, Random, Description , Calculated, and Essay. Langkah-langkah. Persiapan Create Aktifitas Kuis (Quiz Body) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle

Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle

Page 2: Membuat Kuis Untuk Moodle

Jenis-Jenis Soal• Multiple Choice, • Short Answer, • Numerical, • True/False,• Matching, • Embedded Answers (Cloze),• Random Short-Answer Matching, • Random, • Description,• Calculated, and • Essay

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Langkah-langkahPersiapan• Create Aktifitas Kuis (Quiz Body)• Create Bank Soal (Question Bank)

– Dapat dibuat kategori sesuai kebutuhan, misalnya per topik, per tingkat kesulitan.

Manajemen Kuis• Pilih Soal

– Random– Fix

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Membuat Quiz Body


Membuat Quiz Body berarti membuat tempat untuk soal-soal dan menetapkan aturan dan setting yang diterapkan.

Langkah membuat quiz body:

1. Click Turn Editing On.2. Pilih Quiz dari modul aktifitas (Add an actifity ..) yang berada pada bagian konten dimana kita ingin meletakkan aktifitas ini. Misal, Kuis ada di Minggu ke-3

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Membuat Quiz Body


Pada halaman editing quiz

3. Berikan nama quiz (name). 4. Tulis sebuah introduction untuk quiz. Pastikan instruksi

untuk mengerjakan quiz ada di sini misalnya kapan kuis di buka, berapa kali boleh dicoba, dan aturan penilaian.

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Membuat Quiz Body

Pada halaman editing quiz

5. Timing (Open the quiz, Close the quiz, Time Limit, Time delay between first and second attempt, Time delay between later attempts )


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Open the quiz; Quiz closesPilih kapan quiz dibuka dan ditutup.

Time limitTetapkan berapa lama mahasiswa harus menyelesaikan quiz. Jika waktu habis, quiz akan secara otomatis mensubmit hasilnya sesuai dengan yang sudah dijawab.

Time delay between attemptsPemberian delay antara satu percobaan menjawab dengan yang lainnya dapat digunakan untuk mencegah mahasiswa sekedar mencoba-coba jawaban untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang sama.


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Pada halaman editing quiz

6. Display (Questions per page, Shuffle questions, Shuffle within questions )


Membuat Quiz Body

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Questions per page Menetapkan jumlah pertanyaan yang dimunculkan dalam satu

halaman. Jika pertanyaan yang harus dijawab lebih dari pertanyaan yang harus ditampilkan per halaman, mahasiswa akan melihat tombol nvaigasi dibagian bawah untuk menuju pertanyaan berikutnya.

Shuffle questions Set Yes untuk mengacak urutan soal yang ditampilkan ke mahasiswa.

Shuffle within questions Set Yes untuk mengacak urutan jawaban pada pada multiple choice

dan pencocokan.


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Pada halaman editing quiz

7. Attempts (Attempts allowed , Each attempt builds on the last , Adaptive mode )


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Attempts allowedBerapa kali mahasiswa dapat mengulangi kuis. Dapat di set 1 s.d 6 atau tidak terbatas.

Each attempt builds on the lastJika diset Yes, respon mahasiswa dari hasil percobaan terakhir akan ditampilkan pada kesempatan berikutnya saat mencoba mengambil kuis.

Adaptive modeJika dijawab Yes maka mahasiswa akan menerima respon hasil jawaban lebih dari satu. Sebagai contoh, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan respon atas jawaban salah dan mahasiswa boleh mengulang akan tetapi akan terdapat penalti penilaian (tergantung setting).


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Pada halaman edit quiz

8. Grades (Grading method , Apply penalties , Decimal digits in grades )


Membuat Quiz Body

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Grading methodPilih bagaimana nilai akhir akan disimpan: highest grade, average grade, first attempt, and last attempt.

Apply penaltiesDiterapkan jika quiz dalam mode adaptive (adaptive mode).

Decimal digits in gradesUntuk menetapkan sampai berapa desimal nilai akan diberikan.


Membuat Quiz Body

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Pada halaman edit quiz

9. Review Options


Membuat Quiz Body

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Opsi ini akan mengatur informasi apa yang akan dilihat peserta saat selesai menyelesaikan quiz atau saat melihat hasil yang sudah dikerjakan.

Immediately after the attempt : muncul kira-kira selama dua menit setelah mahasiswa menekan tombol 'Submit all and finish'.

Later, while the quiz is still open : Setelah ini, sampai kuis di tutup..

After the quiz is closed: Setelah tanggal kuis terlewati.


Membuat Quiz Body

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Pada halaman edit quiz

10.Security (Show quiz in a "secure" window, Require password , Require network address )


Membuat Quiz Body

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Show quiz in a secure windowMemilih “Yes” akan membuka kuis dalam sebuah browser yang tidak dilengkapi dengan forward and back buttons, address bar, atau fitur nvaigasi lain. Hal ini untuk mencegah mahasiswa mebukan situs lain saat mengerjakan kuis.

Require passwordJika ingin yang dapat mengikuti kuis adalah sangat terbatas. Hanya yang tahu passwordnya bisa ikut kuis..

Require network addressJika ingin kuis hanya bisa dilakukan di tempat tertentu dengan nomor IP tertenu makan kita dapat mengatur parameter ini. Misalnya kuis ini hanya boleh dikerjakan saat di kampus. (Tanyakan ke network admin untuk setting yang tepat) Contoh, jika hanya komputer dengan IP s.d yang diijinkan, harus kita isi


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Pada halaman edit quiz

11.Common module settings (Group mode, Visible, ID number, Grade category )


Membuat Quiz Body

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Group modeJika kuliah tersebut peserta dikelompokkan dalam grup-grup. Pilhannya adalah:o No groups – Semua peserta berada dalam satu group. o Separate groups – masing-masing group hanya dapat melihat griupnya

sendiri, yang lain tidak terlihat. o Visible groups – masing-masing group bekerja untuk grup masing-masing

tetapi dapat melihat grup yang lain.

VisibleMenetapkan apakah aktifitas kuis ini dapat dilihat mahasiswa atau tidak..


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Pada halaman edit quiz

12.Overall feedback


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Overall geedback adalah teks yang ditunjukkan ke mahasiswa setelah kuisnya dilengkapi. Teks yang ditampilkan sesuai nilai yang didapatkan.

Contoh, jika diisi:Grade boundary: 100%

Feedback: Well doneGrade boundary: 40%Feedback: Please study this week's work again....Grade boundary: 0%

maka, mahasiswa dengan nilai antara 100% dan 40% akan melihat pesan "Well done", antara 39.99% dan 0% akan melihat pesan yang lain.


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Batas nilai dapat berupa persen atau angka pasti. Contoh "31.41%", atau dengan angka pasti misalnya "7". Jika kusi bernilai maksimum 10, maka batasnya adalah 7/10.

13. Click the “Save and return to course” button atau “Save and display” button.


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Membuat soal-soal untuk Quiz (Question bank)Setelah berhasil membuat Quiz Body dan menekan tombol Save and display maka akan muncul Question bank. (Dapat dimunculkan dari menu question bank yang ada berada pada menu setting di sebelah kiri)


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Kategori digunakan untuk mengoraganisasikan soal-soal, misal urutan kategori sebagai berikut:

Topik I




Topik II




Di sebelah kanan, dapat dipilih kategori (sebagai inisialisasi sudah disediakan “default for “the course name””). Dibagian ini These are ways of organizing your questions.

To add new categories, click on “Categories,” add the new category, and click on “Add category.”.

To “build” a question, select a category (for my examples, I will use “default for “the course name””). The screen will then show any existing questions, and allow you to add new ones.

When you create a question, it is stored in the category you selected. It is then always available to add to any quiz at any time.


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Di sebelah kanan, dapat dipilih kategori (sebagai inisialisasi sudah disediakan “default for “the course name

Untuk membuat new categories, Klik “Categories,” buat kategori baru, dan klik “Add category.”.

Untuk membuat soal, pastikan soal masuk kategori mana dengan memilih pada bagian select a category (Pada contoh ini “default for “the course name””). Layar akan menampilkan pertanyaan yang sudah ada dan ada fasilitas bagi kita untuk menambah soal baru.

Soal akan diletakkan pada kategori sesuai dengan yang dipilih. Soal ini bisa digunakan untuk kuis manapun.


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Moodle provides you with a lot of flexibility when creating this common question type.You can create single- and multiple-answer questions, display pictures in the question, and give relative grading weights to individual answers.

Multiple Choice


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MULTIPLE CHOICEJenis-jenis soal

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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

To create a multiple-choice question:1. Select “Multiple choice” from the “Create new question” drop-down menu.2. On the multiple-choice question-editing page, start by giving the question a descriptive name. You’ll use the name to track your questions later, so “Question 1” isn’t a good idea.3. Create the question text. If you’re using the HTML editor, you can format thequestion just like a word-processing document. 4. Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question.5. Set the default question grade.6. If you are intending to run the quiz in adaptive mode, set the penalty factor foreach wrong response. 7. If you wish, add general feedback, i.e., text shown after attempting a questionregardless of response given. General feedback will be displayed only if selected inthe options for students to review the quiz.

Multiple Choice


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

8. Choose whether students can select only one answer or multiple answers.9. Choose whether answers should be shuffled.10. Choose the the choices number.11. Write your first response in the Choice 1 answer field.12. Select a grade percentage for the answer. This is the percentage of the total points possible for the question, selecting a given answer is worth. You can select negative percentages as well as positive percentages. So if a question is worth 10 points, selecting one correct response out of two in a multiple-choice question may give you 50 percent of the possible points (i.e., 5 points). Selecting a wrong answer may take away 10 percent.13. If you wish, you can add feedback for each response. Feedback will be displayed only if selected in the options for students to review the quiz14. Fill in the response choices in the rest of the form. Any unused areas will be ignored.

Multiple Choice


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TRUE/FALSEJenis-jenis soal

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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

This is a simple multiple-choice question with only two possible answers.

To add a true/false question, select True/False from the “Create new question” drop-down menu. This will take you to a screen like this:



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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)True/False

Category Question name Question Text Default question grade Penalty factor (always 1) General Feedback Correct answer


Feedback for the response 'True'

Feedback for the response ‘False'


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Check the box next to each question you want (remember, there may be questions you don’t want to use because they are from another unit), and click on the “Add to quiz”button:

Adding questions to the quiz


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)Adding questions to the quiz


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Notice at the top, under the tabs, you have a variety of links. One of them is “import”.When you click on this link, the following screen appears:

Importing questions


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

File format Category Match grades

Error if grade not listedNearest if grade not listed

Stop on error Import from file

upload... Import from file

already in course files...

Importing questions


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

GIFT format Aiken format Blackboard

Blackboard V6+ Course Test Manager Embedded answers (Cloze) Examview format Learnwise format Missing Word Moodle XML format WebCT

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

GIFT format GIFT is the most comprehensive import format available for importing

Moodle quiz questions from a text file. It supports Multiple-Choice, True-False, Short Answer, Matching and Numerical questions, as well as insertion of a _____ for the Missing Word format.

Various question-types can be mixed in a single text file, and the format also supports line comments, question names, feedback and percentage-weight grades.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Multiple Choice

Japanese characters originally came from what country? { ~India =China ~Korea ~Egypt}

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Multiple ChoiceMissing Word

The American holiday of Thanksgiving is celebrated on the { ~second ~third =fourth} Thursday of November.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Short Answer:

Two plus two equals {=four =4 =4}.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)



The sun rises in the east.{True}

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)



Match the following countries with their corresponding capitals. { =Canada -> Ottawa =Italy -> Rome =Japan -> Tokyo =India -> New Delhi}

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)



What is the value of pi (to 3 decimal places)? {#3.1415:0.0005}.


What is the value of pi (to 3 decimal places)? {#3.141..3.142}.{#MinimumValue..MaximumValue}.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)



Write a short essay of SUDAN { }

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)



The next set of questions will concern arithmatic

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Line Comments:

// Subheading: Numerical questions belowWhat's 2 plus 2? {#4}

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Question Name:A question name can be specified by placing it first and enclosing it within double


If no question name is specified, the entire question will be used as the name by default.

:: Japan Origins::Japanese characters originally came from what country? {=China}

::Thanksgiving Date::The American holiday of Thanksgiving is celebrated on the {~second ~third =fourth} Thursday of Novembe

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Feedback: Feedback can be included for each answer by following the answer with a

number sign (# also known as a hash mark) and the feedback.

What's the answer to this multiple-choice question? { ~wrong answer#feedback comment on the wrong answer ~another wrong answer#feedback comment on this wrong answer =right answer#Very good!}

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Percentage Answer Weights: Percentage answer weights are available for both Multiple Choice and Short

Answer questions.

Percentage answer weights can be included by following the tilde (~) (for Multiple Choice) or equal (=) sign (for Short Answer) with the desired percent enclosed within percent signs (e.g., %50%).

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Percentage Answer Weights:::Sudan Capital::The Capital of Sudan is {~%50% Khartoum~%25% Oumdurman~%25% Bahri= Tri City }.

::Sudan Capital::The Capital of Sudan is {=%50%Khartoum=%25% Oumdurman=%25% Bahri= Tri City }.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Specify text-formatting for the question: The question text (only) may have an optional text format specified.

Currently the available formats are moodle (Moodle Auto-Format), html (HTML format), plain (Plain text format) and markdown (Markdown format).

The format is specified in square brackets immediately before the question text.

[markdown]The *American holiday of Thanksgiving* is celebrated on the { ~second ~third =fourth } Thursday of November.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Multiple Answers: The Multiple Answers option is used for multiple choice questions when two or

more answers must be selected in order to obtain full credit.

The multiple answers option is enabled by assigning partial answer weight to multiple answers, while allowing no single answer to receive full credit.

Note that there is no equal sign (=) in any answer and the answers should total no more than 100%, otherwise Moodle will return an error.

To avoid the problem of students automatically getting 100% by simply checking all of the answers, it is best to include negative answer weights for wrong answers.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Multiple Answers:

::Sudan Capital::The Capital of Sudan consists of{~%50% Khartoum~%25% Oumdurman~%25% Bahri~-%50%Medeni~-%50%Portsudan}.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Special Characters ~ = # { } These symbols ~ = # { } : control the operation of this filter and cannot be used

as normal text within questions. Since these symbols have a special role in determining the operation of this filter, they are called "control characters."

But sometimes you may want to use one of these characters, for example to show a mathematical formula in a question.

The way to get around this problem is "escaping" the control characters. This means simply putting a backslash (\) before a control character so the filter will know that you want to use it as a literal character instead of as a control character. Which answer equals 5? { ~ \= 2 + 2 = \= 2 + 3 ~ \= 2 + 4 }

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)


Specifying Categories: It is possible to change the category into which the questions are added within

the GIFT file.

You can change the category as many times as you wish within the file.

Note that for this to work the from file: box must be ticked on the import screen.

The categories are created if they do not exist.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Aiken format The Aiken format is a very simple way of creating multiple choice questions using

a clear human-readable format.

Here is an example of the format: What is the correct answer to this question?A. Is it this one?B. Maybe this answer?C. Possibly this one?D. Must be this one!ANSWER: D

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Aiken format

Which LMS has the most quiz import formats?A) MoodleB) ATutorC) ClarolineD) BlackboardE) WebCTF) IliasANSWER: A

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

Aiken formatThe question must be all on one line.

Each answer must start with a single-letter character, followed by a period '.' or a bracket ')', then a space.

The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER:" and then giving the appropriate letter.

Importing questionsFile Format


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

You can also export files from your question bank, so that you can use them in other systems (or, so that you can import them into a Lesson activity).

To do this, click on the Export link at the top. The following screen will appear:

You can pick a category to export, choose the file format you want to save it as, and give the file a name. When finished, click on the “Export questions to file” button.

Exporting questions


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)

When your quiz appears, note that you have a variety of the tabs above it:

Reviewing your Quiz

The tabs include “Info”, “Results”, “Preview” and “Edit”.

The “Info” tab, as shown above, basically just shows you the quiz’s name and description.

The “Edit” tab would take you back to the previous area (where you could add more questions, change the order, etc…).

The “Preview” tab, takes you to a screen where you can see what the Quizwould look like to students.


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)Reviewing your Quiz

The “Results” tab, takes you to a screen like this:


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)Reviewing your Quiz

Notice how you now have four additional links above “Overview”, “Regrade”, “Manual grading” and “Item analysis”. OverviewThis contains the list of quiz attempts arranged in four columns:First name / SurnameStarted on - that contains the information about the exact time the test was startedCompleted – the exact time the test was finishedTime taken - the amount of time it took a given student to do the testGrade/x - the number of points students scored; 'x' is the maximum number ofpoints students could score

With the Select all / Deselect all options you can check / uncheck all the names in the list, and, with selected, delete. You also have buttons that will allow you to download the overview results as either an ODS, Excel or Text file.


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Creating Questions for a Quiz (Question bank)Reviewing your Quiz

RegradeThat tab will recalculate the quiz grades. This may become necessary if you havechanged one of the questions or the grade possible for the quiz or a question.

Manual gradingThe grade of any question in a quiz can be manually overridden, and a comment added. A teacher can do this from the results page. There are also some question types that Moodle does not grade automatically (at the moment only the Essay question). This report helps you grade questions of these types by listing just the questions that still need to be graded.

Item analysisThis table presents processed quiz data in a way suitable for analyzing and judging the performance of each question for the function of assessment. The statistical parameters used are calculated as explained by classical test theory. (If you need help interpreting the data, click on the “?” icon on this page).


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