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Melanie Strickland Portfolio

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Melanie Strickland


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    ContactMelanie Strickland6845 Cotton Dr.Colorado Springs, CO80923email: [email protected]

    phone: 719.433.6988

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Table of ContentsBrochureWeb PageBusiness CardLetterheadFlier

    Event AdLogosImagingMontage

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio



    Programs Used: Indesign, Photoshop

    Date: March 29, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an originalcompany logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images.

    Process: First I created the document and pulled out margains where I wantedthem to be. Then I put lines where the folds would go. Then I added my logo.After that I added some color-lled boxes under by logo to add some design.Then I added a picture of a dalmatian, going with the black and white theme.Then I added a dog bone to the back, also black and white. Then I moved onthe the inside. I put a line where the inside would show under the front cover.Then I found four images that I wanted to show coming out from under thefront. I made sure they were color images so they would contrast with theblack and white theme on the front cover. Then I found a picture of the storeand put it on the left side of the inside and put a text box on the right sidenext to my column of picture. Then I lled in my textbox with information and

    put some rectangular color-lled boxes on either side of the pet city picture tocontinue the theme on the front. Then I put some information about where the

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Web Page

    Programs Used: Textwrangler, Photoshop

    Date: March 16, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Writecontent to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to atarget audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and con-tent. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS.Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple les in a zipped folder toattach as one le.

    Process: I made an HTML using TextWrangler. I inserted a link that wouldconnect to my logo. Then I lled in my information about my logo. It was re-ally cool to create a web page using TextWrangler. It was a lot easier thanI thought it would be. I then made a CSS in TextWrangler, and connectedthe two with a link and used the CSS to make my HTML site look better.I changed the colors to match my logo, and I changed the fonts to ones Ithought would go with the look I wanted.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Business CardPrograms Used: Adobe Illustrator

    Date: March 2, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Create a new logo to t a company or personal image. Designconsistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools ofIllustrator & InDesign.

    Process: I started by using the rectangle tool and making a 2.53 rect-angle. Then I made a paw print using the pen tool and the circle tool. Then Imade a bone using the pen tool. Then I picked a font I liked to make Pet City.

    Then I placed it over the bone. Then I picked out a different font I like to putmy name and information in. I then put them in the bottom left corner to cre-ate white space.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio



    Programs Used: Adobe IllustratorDate: March 2, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Create a new logo to t a company or personal image. Designconsistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic toolsof Illustrator & InDesign.

    Process: For my letterhead I copied and pasted my business card ele-ments onto my letterhead. I put the dog paw in the left corner and put PetCity and Chapel Hills Mall inside of it. Then I copy and pasted 5 morebones to make a line out of across the top of the page. I then put myname and information in the top right corner, putting my name above thebones and the rest of the information below. Then I made a long rectangleshape to go across the page and made it the same tan color I made mybusiness card and put that behind everything. I did that to add consisten-cy.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Programs Used: Indesign

    Date: January 26, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typog-raphy. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic ier layout.Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project fold-er with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.

    Process: First I chose my image and placed it in my doc-

    ument. Then I started to play around with my title. ThenI worked on my body copy. I put in a subtitle to draw theeye and create contrast. I kept my body copy and subtitle


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    October 218 a.m.- 5 p.m.Lincoln Convention Center

    Come learn how at Vouant Communications Annual GraduateLeadership Conference.

    Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leadersgain essential leadership skills in the workplace.

    During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet withtop executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthroughleadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of leadership thatwill market to any employer.

    The Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.Registration and more information available at http://www. vouant-

    Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?




  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    Event Ad

    Programs Used: Microsoft Word

    Date: February 2, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Design Find, scan and import a high-quality image.Create a full-bleed design. Use text boxes for layout in Word.Insert and edit images in Word.

    Process: First I scanned an image from Elle magazine andsaved it as a jpeg. Then I opened up word on a mac and setmy margins as .125, added my picture and did a full bleed. I

    then added a black rectangle and put a textbox in it and thatis where I put my general information. I then put a second text-box and above the black textbox with the title, Natural Facialson it.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


    February 2nd . 9 am 10 am . Senior Citizen Center

    Relax and Rejuvenate for a good cause

    All proceeds go to renovate the Senior Citizens Center.Please bring donations to the Chamber of Commerce.

    All natural facials

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio



    Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator

    Date: February 23, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Create a variety of logos to t a company or personal image.Use the basic tools of Illustrator.Process: This was a pretty long process for me. First I played around with thepen tool, just making shapes and experimenting. Then I started sketching outdifferent ideas with the brush tool. Then I stared with my rst logo. I made abird cage using the shape tool and then made a bird to go inside using the pen

    tool. I then experimented with fonts until I found ones I liked. I then moved ontothe second logo. First I made a sh with the pen tool. After that was done Ifound an I without serifs so I could make it into a P. Then I put an E and a T tonish the word pet. Then in the same font i spelled city, and with the pen tool Iput a tail at the end of the Y and whiskers, a nose, two eyes, and two ears onto the top of the Y. I then started my third logo. First I used the rectangle tooland put them in the shapes of an I, T, and part of a Y. Then I found a large C I

    liked and nished off the Y with the pencil tool. I then found a different font forthe word Pet and put it above City.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio






    I Cityet

    Pet City

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio



    Programs Used: Photoshop

    Date: February 9, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digitalcamera to take a quality image, then download it. Sizeand crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast,hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate aportion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion ofthe image. Use a lter or colorize a portion of the image.

    Process: First I took a picture and uploaded into Photo-shop. The rst thing I did on Photoshop was crop it to a66 image. Then I used the magnetic selection tool andselected the focus of my image. I then clicked inverse sothe background would be selected. I desaturated the thebackground and used a gausian blur lter. I then clicked

    inverse again so the construction equipment would behighlighted and then bumped up the vibrancy to make itpop a little more.

  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio


  • 7/28/2019 Melanie Strickland Portfolio



    Programs Used: Photoshop

    Date: February 14, 2013

    Course: Visual Media, Comm130

    Instructor: Lybbert

    Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images togeth-er smoothly, using masks. Use lters. Apply appropriate typography.Process: First I decided on a quote. I thought out a design in my head andthen looked for images that t what I was looking for. I looked for a picture ofan old couple, and an image of old books. I then uploaded both to photoshop.After they were uploaded I dragged the picture of the old couple and put it on

    top of the picture of the books. I then added a layer mask on the couple imageand used the brush tool on a low opacity to blend the image together. I made atext box down the spine of one of the books and typed in my quote. I changedthe font style, size, and color.

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