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Tell Me About Yourself . I suppose I could start by telling you a little about my background. I’m a Dalton, Georgia girl, born and raised, and a huge bulldogs fan. I was born into an enormous family, and I have no earthly idea what I would do without them. My household contains my, one and only, brother, my momma, my daddy, and myself. Now that you know a little about my background, I’ll tell you about me, the person. I’m a complete people person, and new friends are always a good thing. My career choice, since I was a small child, has been to become a lawyer and study law. I love anything to do with history. My favorite thing in the world to do, is to sit down and read a book. Books are my passion. My goal in life is to to be a person that anyone can turn to and trust, when they need help.

Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Mar 12, 2016



Megan Faulknor

English 1101 porfolio: Essays and assignments
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Page 1: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Tell Me About Yourself.

I suppose I could start by telling you a little about my background. I’m a Dalton, Georgia girl, born and raised, and a huge bulldogs fan. I was born into an enormous family, and I have no earthly idea what I would do without them. My household contains my, one and only, brother, my momma, my daddy, and myself.

Now that you know a little about my background, I’ll tell you about me, the person. I’m a complete people person, and new friends are always a good thing. My career choice, since I was a small child, has been to become a lawyer and study law. I love anything to do with history. My favorite thing in the world to do, is to sit down and read a book. Books are my passion. My goal in life is to to be a person that anyone can turn to and trust, when they need help.

Page 2: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

What Did You Expect?Imagine walking into a class, and the first thing that comes out of your teacher’s mouth

is, “Get out a sheet of paper and write a two page essay and turn it in.” How would you feel?

This kind of thing is exactly what I expected to happen, when I walked into my English 1101

class. I was terrified and, more than a little, intimidated. Although English 1101 is a hard class, it

is not something to be terrified of.

When this class first started I, honestly, did not expect to learn much. I had heard from

so many people that professors do not teach. They just expect you to write papers and turn them

in. The biggest fear was that I was not going to do well in this class. I have always done very

well in any English class, but would I in college? I was not sure.

When I actually had the chance to attend this class, I knew I would be okay. I have a

teacher who I know I can relate to, and to whom I can ask any advice of. Now that I know how

this class will work, I am more confident. I know I will learn the right way to write papers, and

how to make correct punctuation marks at the right times.

After a week in this class, I am excited. I look forward to attending class, because I know

I will be encouraged. I will not just be allowed to quit. English 1101 is not what I expected. It is

going to be a more effective class, and I am ecstatic that I will get to experience it all.

Page 3: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Thesis Satement:

While people think psychology is just a bunch of made up opinions, to be in the field of law, you have to know about human behavior, which is what psychology studies.

Page 4: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Assignment 6

1. The introduction and conclusion of Stephen King’s Why We Crave Horror Movies

is indeed effective. It makes you think and it is a complete attention getter. The

introduction makes you ask yourself, “Are my habbits, like talking to myself, actualy

a form of insanity?” The conclusion, on the other hand, makes you wonder if our

“insane” habbits are actually okay, as long as we keep them tucked away. They both

keep yor attention and keep your mind busy.

2. Stephen King uses cause and effect to make some very valid points. An example

would be when he said, “When we exhibit these emotions, society showers us with

positive reinforcement…” The cause would be the emotions we exhibit. The effect

would be our positive reinforcements.

Page 5: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Psychology in the Field of Law

Imagine how our legal system would suffer if we knew absolutely nothing about behavior. How would we know what to study when trying to find a psychopathic serial killer, if we knew nothing about the workings of the human mind? Through the years psychology has helped to advance our perspective and understanding of the actions and interactions of society. Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior. While people think psychology is just a bunch of made up opinions, to be in the field of law you have to know about human behavior, which are what psychologists study.

Page 6: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Assignment 7

The thesis she is supporting is that neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people.

She gives examples to support her thesis, such as the fact that family heirlooms, to neat people,

are just objects taking up space, but with sloppy people they are precious items that are to be

cherished forever. Another reason she gives is that you cannot borrow something from a neat

person. They would have already thrown it out, but a sloppy person would gladly let you borrow


Sloppy people are more moral because they care about their possessions and the

meanings behind them. They are always meaning to give people things, and they have so much

to give to so many different people, they sometimes forget. Their hearts are in the right place,

even if their minds are too hectic to remember it all.

In this essay, neat people are the bad guys. Neat people are complete “bums and clods at

heart.” They have “do not care attitudes about everything. All they are about are the results they

get from life. Neatness is put above everything else, and would even be the cause of the disposal

of family heirlooms. Neat people care about neatness and nothing else.

Neat people do miss out on a lot in life. They cannot be carefree when they are always

obsessing over neatness. The little things in life or objects of sentimental value are not

appreciated by them. Neat people worry about the wrong things, and do not get to enjoy life as a


Page 7: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

LibrariesImagine having to write a research paper, but the only resource you have available is the

internet. What if the internet is not working or the book you are needing costs too much? This is why libraries are still around. They provide books, and many other resources, completely free and at any given time. With the amount of information available online, the library is still relevant and useful.

The internet was a great invention, and it has become extremely useful. Sometimes the internet fails, though. It doesn’t work during a storm, and what are you to do then? It can take hours to find a credible source online. Libraries have actual books that do not mess up when it rains. They have been found credible and might be more helpful, after all. Libraries also come with librarians who can help answer any questions you have.

Libraries are meant for people to use at their leisure. The internet does this, too, but those reliable resources you have to pay for. Local libraries are generally free to the public, when you sign up for a card. How much better does it get than free?

Books are not the only thing the library has to offer, though. It offers a quiet and positive environment to study or write in. It is a sanctuary from noise and people. To make it even better, there are sources all around you. The internet cannot offer you this, like the library can.

The internet is helpful, but sometimes inefficient. Libraries are everywhere and there to use as you please, free of charge. They provide a nice study environment, and can be used for other things as well. They are there for you when the internet is unmanageable. Libraries provide useful resources and people. Find your local library, today, and see what it has to offer you.

Page 8: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Psychology in the Field of Law

Imagine how our legal system would suffer if we knew absolutely nothing about behavior. How would we know what to study when trying to find a psychopathic serial killer, if we knew nothing about the workings of the human mind? Through the years psychology has helped to advance our perspective and understanding of the actions and interactions of society. Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior. While people think psychology is just a bunch of made up opinions, to be in the field of law you have to know about human behavior, which are what psychologists study.

Psychological studies experiment to understand humans basic behaviors. These experiments are not limited to basic behaviors, though. They study mentally unstable people, too. Studying human behaviors, basic or extreme, help our legal system deal with all types of criminals. It can tell us anything from why they do the things they do to how they pick their victims. Psychology is our resource into the human brain.

The human brain is a very complex system to understand. Not every mind is capable of comprehending it’s depth, and that is why we need psychologists. Cops, lawyers, judges, and every member that makes up our legal systems are all important, but we do not always have ability to do our job and figure out what makes people tick. It would be too much, and nothing would ever get accomplished. The legal system would be in complete disarray. Someone besides those cops and lawyers are needed to sort out the puzzle. This is why psychology and psychologists are so valuable. They can do this for us and do it right.

Psychology is a very important part of the law. It helps our understanding of human behavior, and the workings of the human mind. They can do what individuals in the criminal justice system do not have the time or ability to do. It is a valuable asset to each and every person, in the legal system or not. Psychology could not be left out.

Page 9: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa M. Russell

English 1101

Monday, 22, October, 2012

Psychology in the Field of Law

Imagine how our legal system would suffer if we knew absolutely nothing about

behavior. Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior by psychologists.

How would we know what to study when trying to find a psychopathic serial killer, if we knew

nothing about the workings of the human mind? Through the years psychology has helped to

advance our perspective and understanding of the actions and interactions of society. While

people think it is just a bunch of made up opinions, to be in the field of law you have to know

about human behavior, and that is the core of psychology.

The legal system provides many job opportunities to the public, but most of the jobs

provide a college degree. In the college degree it takes to get this job, you have to take

psychology classes. Most college graduates even major in it. Graduating from a four year

college, without taking at least one psychology class, is almost impossible. It has become a

useful knowledge base for any person who deals with people; which anyone working in a legal

profession does.

Psychological studies experiment to understand humans basic behaviors. An example of

this would be B.F Skinner’s experiment with the Skinner Box. He took rats and pigeons and used

levers and discs that, without being pushed or pecked on, would not produce food for the animal

to eat. Eventually, this lead to them animals automatically doing this behavior when they were

Page 10: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

hungry. Human’s minds work identically to animal’s minds. Studying human behaviors, basic or

extreme, helps our legal system deal with all types of criminals. It can tell us anything about why

they do the things they do or how they pick their victims. Psychology is our resource into the

human mind.

The human mind is a very complex system to understand. Not every mind is capable of

comprehending its depth, and that is why we need psychologists. Cops, lawyers, judges, and

every member that makes up our legal systems are all important, but we do not always have the

ability to do our job and figure out what makes people tick. It would be too much, and nothing

would ever get accomplished. The legal system would be in complete disarray. Someone, along

with those cops and lawyers, are needed to sort out the puzzle. This is why psychology and

psychologists are so valuable. They can do this for us and do it right.

Changes occur in everything imaginable. Our legal system is no different. Along with the

many changes it has made, the use of psychology, and psychological methods, are some of those

methods. Not too long ago ago, anything to do with psychology was not accepted within the

legal community. (Carson) People with mental disorders, with charges for murder, were not sent

to insane asylums. They were put in jail without the medical attention they needed so

desperately. Today it is considered creditable. Criminals can now receive help in jail, if they are

sent there, or get help in a mental hospital. These two professions have found a way to blend


Examination techniques are one one of the credible ways psychology has contributed to

the legal community. It is psychology in its simplest form. Lie detectors, the good cop/bad cop

Page 11: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

routine, and taking a witness back to the crime scene to recall information, all originated from

psychological research. All of these techniques take human emotions and behavior, and use it to

invoke reactions. These reactions, with training of the interrogator, are the telltale signs of either

innocence or guilt.

Law and psychology both deal with serial killers. Law interrogate and convicts them,

while psychology studies and analyzes their behaviors. In the article Forensic Psychology and

Criminal Profiling: Catching a Serial Killer, it says, “Forensic psychology and criminal profiling

are areas of study that are used to identify, catch, evaluate and prosecute serial killers..”

(Olivarez). This statement is so true. This is another example of how psychology and law have

found a way to blend. These two use each others resources to follow the trail of serial killers, and

hopefully catch them.

Psychology is a very important part of the law. It helps our understanding of human

behavior, and the workings of the human mind. The study of psychology helps open up jobs in

the legal systems, and helps you deal with people on a day to day basis. Psychologists can do

what individuals in the criminal justice system do not have the time or ability to do. They break

down the complexity of the mind, for law enforcement’s use. Without a doubt, psychology is a

valuable asset to each and every person, in the legal system or not. It blends society together.

Psychology could not be left out of law.

Page 12: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Works Cited Page

Seymour, Travis L., and Becky R. Fraynt. "Time And Encoding Effects In The Concealed

Knowledge Test." Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback 34.3 (2009): 177-187.

Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Hall, Susan R. "Building Bridges To A Different Kind Of Integration: New Students' Frequently

Asked Questions About Law And Psychology." Journal Of Psychology & Christianity

28.1 (2009): 66-70. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

CARSON, DAVID. "Investigative Psychology And Law: Towards Collaboration By Focusing

On Evidence And Inferential Reasoning." Journal Of Investigative Psychology &

Offender Profiling 8.1 (2011): 74-89. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Olivarez, Brittany. “Forensic Psychology and Criminal Profiling: Catching a Serial Killer.”

Helping Psychology. Education Maverick, 7 Jan. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Page 13: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

My editor was Kendall Roberts. She did help me with my grammar and sentence

structure. I followed most of her advice on commas or moving words around. She did not help

on the length part, though only because she did not know anything about my topic. I did get my

essay back very late. Overall, she did a good job.


Page 14: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Assignment #14

Understanding Meaning:

1. He represents the African American culture and their fight against white supremacy. She lived in a bad neighbor hood. So, this fight made them feel equal.

2. It would crush their hope, and they would become complacent with being submissive for the rest of their lives.

3. It is ironic because, even though Joe Louis won the fight, they were still afraid of whites.4. President Obama was elected the first colored President.

Evaluating Strategies

1. This is able to be an essay because it is describing one event.2. In the first five paragraphs, she explains the significance of the fight.3. It did not end with him winning, because she wanted to show that they were still afraid, after

the victory.4. The child’s point of view always extracts the sympathy of the reader, and children tend to be

brutally honest.

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Assignment #11

Understanding Meaning:

He felt he would be a bad neighbor and journalist if he did not go to the site. The TV did not

show him the details and views that he got from personally being there. The “eye is quick, but the heart

is slow...” means that it takes a while for what you see to sink in. His imagination was running wild, but

being at the site put his mind at ease.

Evaluating Strategies

He uses his hearing to listen to the silence of the rescue workers. He uses this sentence “…

gigantic varied panoramic landscape of destruction, an Alps of concrete, plastic, and twisted metal rising

tier upon tier in the smoky distance.” The moon plays the part of the unchangeable.

Appreciating Language

He uses over dramatized adjectives. He makes this narrative personal, but newspaper articles

are straight edged facts.

Page 16: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa Russell

English 1101

Thursday, 01, November, 2012

A Mother’s Love

A mother’s love starts from the day she finds out she has a little one on the way. Even

though she does not know what gender her little baby will be or even what its name will be, her

love grows everyday: until it becomes unconditional. Throughout her life, mommy protects and

loves her child, as if it is the most precious thing ever created: because, to her, it is. The title

“mother” is not given loosely, neither is it given only to a child’s biological parent. It is, on the

other hand, given to the woman with the heart befitting a mother. Maternal love is the most

precious and selfless type of love that can be given.

Childhood teaches a woman to become a mother. Daughters are given baby dolls for

Christmas to play with and love on. They are conditioned and taught by their mothers and

grandmothers. Even when a woman has planned and prepared to have a child, she is not all

knowing. She learns, as a process, throughout her life.

She takes her first pregnancy test, waits what feels like an eternity, for those two little

blue lines that will change her life forever. Now that this faceless, nameless little creature has

become the center of her universe. But none of this compares to the moment she first hears it’s

little heart beat. Hearing the heart beat causes emotions to arise that she never knew exsisted.

Page 17: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

The moment she sees the ultrasound of her baby, though, will create a maternal bond that can

never be broken.

It has been nine months, and today, mommy gets to meet her little blessing. Finally, she

will, after watching her belly swell with the growth of her little one, get to hold her little bundle

of joy.When a mother gets to hold her little gift from God for the first time, it is a beautiful

experience. Every pain or inconvienece the pregnancy has caused, was worth this one beautiful

moment. This will be a day she will cherish in her heart: this is the day she learned what love

really means.

Mother. The word was given by God himself, yet most do not know the true selfless

sacrifices given to earn the title. A mother is always expected to love her child more than life

itself, but there are many things expected of her that are not thought about. The number one

expectation of a mother is being there for her little one. Her loving arms are there to pull her

child up off the ground, dust them off, and comfort them. She, nine times out of ten, does not


A mother would do anything for her child, and gets almost nothing in return. Most of the

time, she does not even get the gratitude she deserves: yet still continues to love and care for her

little ones. She runs an entire household, and usually, works a full time job. The first one up and

the last to lie down at night, is how I have always heard it put. Moms would not do the things

they do, and put up with all of the antics, if she did not love her family unconditionally.

Every child, it is said, needs a father figure in their life. Having a mother is just as, if not

more, important to a child’s upbringing. Children need that mother figure, even if it is not their

biological parent. Not just any woman could step into the role. There is nothing more powerful

Page 18: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

on earth than a mother’s love for her children. (Frese) How could just anyone feel that strong of

an emotion? No one can love like a mother does.

When a child gets ready to move out and move on with their lives, mothers are

devastated. They know they have taught their child well, but it is so hard for moms to let go.

Mothers, after her children leaving her an empty nest, have to learn to adapt. Their love for their

children never diminishes, but it transforms into a more mature love. Her children, she knows,

does not need her as much, but she will never fail to be there when they do.

Mothers have a special love for their children. She is their to protect and take care of

them throughout childhood, and advises them in adulthood. Her love is never failing and always

unconditional: even if the child was not from her loins. The life she lives with her children will

be the most precious time of her life. A mother’s child will always be her baby, no matter how

old they get.

Page 19: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa M. Russell

English 1101

Monday, 22, October, 2012

Psychology in the Field of Law

Imagine how our legal system would suffer if we knew absolutely nothing about

behavior. Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior by psychologists.

How would we know what to study when trying to find a psychopathic serial killer, if we knew

nothing about the workings of the human mind? Through the years psychology has helped to

advance our perspective and understanding of the actions and interactions of society. While

people think it is just a bunch of made up opinions, to be in the field of law you have to know

about human behavior, and that is the core of psychology.

The legal system provides many job opportunities to the public, but most of the jobs

provide a college degree. In the college degree it takes to get this job, you have to take

psychology classes. Most college graduates even major in it. Graduating from a four year

college, without taking at least one psychology class, is almost impossible. It has become a

useful knowledge base for any person who deals with people; which anyone working in a legal

profession does.

Psychological studies experiment to understand humans basic behaviors. An example of

this would be B.F Skinner’s experiment with the Skinner Box. He took rats and pigeons and used

levers and discs that, without being pushed or pecked on, would not produce food for the animal

to eat. Eventually, this lead to them animals automatically doing this behavior when they were

Page 20: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

hungry. Human’s minds work identically to animal’s minds. Studying human behaviors, basic or

extreme, helps our legal system deal with all types of criminals. It can tell us anything about why

they do the things they do or how they pick their victims. Psychology is our resource into the

human mind.

The human mind is a very complex system to understand. Not every mind is capable of

comprehending its depth, and that is why we need psychologists. Cops, lawyers, judges, and

every member that makes up our legal systems are all important, but we do not always have the

ability to do our job and figure out what makes people tick. It would be too much, and nothing

would ever get accomplished. The legal system would be in complete disarray. Someone, along

with those cops and lawyers, are needed to sort out the puzzle. This is why psychology and

psychologists are so valuable. They can do this for us and do it right.

Changes occur in everything imaginable. Our legal system is no different. Along with the

many changes it has made, the use of psychology, and psychological methods, are some of those

methods. Not too long ago ago, anything to do with psychology was not accepted within the

legal community. (Carson) People with mental disorders, with charges for murder, were not sent

to insane asylums. They were put in jail without the medical attention they needed so

desperately. Today it is considered creditable. Criminals can now receive help in jail, if they are

sent there, or get help in a mental hospital. These two professions have found a way to blend


Examination techniques are one one of the credible ways psychology has contributed to

the legal community. It is psychology in its simplest form. Lie detectors, the good cop/bad cop

Page 21: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

routine, and taking a witness back to the crime scene to recall information, all originated from

psychological research. All of these techniques take human emotions and behavior, and use it to

invoke reactions. These reactions, with training of the interrogator, are the telltale signs of either

innocence or guilt.

Law and psychology both deal with serial killers. Law interrogate and convicts them,

while psychology studies and analyzes their behaviors. In the article Forensic Psychology and

Criminal Profiling: Catching a Serial Killer, it says, “Forensic psychology and criminal profiling

are areas of study that are used to identify, catch, evaluate and prosecute serial killers..”

(Olivarez). This statement is so true. This is another example of how psychology and law have

found a way to blend. These two use each others resources to follow the trail of serial killers, and

hopefully catch them.

Psychology is a very important part of the law. It helps our understanding of human

behavior, and the workings of the human mind. The study of psychology helps open up jobs in

the legal systems, and helps you deal with people on a day to day basis. Psychologists can do

what individuals in the criminal justice system do not have the time or ability to do. They break

down the complexity of the mind, for law enforcement’s use. Without a doubt, psychology is a

valuable asset to each and every person, in the legal system or not. It blends society together.

Psychology could not be left out of law.

Page 22: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Works Cited Page

Seymour, Travis L., and Becky R. Fraynt. "Time And Encoding Effects In The Concealed

Knowledge Test." Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback 34.3 (2009): 177-187.

Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Hall, Susan R. "Building Bridges To A Different Kind Of Integration: New Students' Frequently

Asked Questions About Law And Psychology." Journal Of Psychology & Christianity

28.1 (2009): 66-70. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

CARSON, DAVID. "Investigative Psychology And Law: Towards Collaboration By Focusing

On Evidence And Inferential Reasoning." Journal Of Investigative Psychology &

Offender Profiling 8.1 (2011): 74-89. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Olivarez, Brittany. “Forensic Psychology and Criminal Profiling: Catching a Serial Killer.”

Helping Psychology. Education Maverick, 7 Jan. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Page 23: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

My editor was Kendall Roberts. She did help me with my grammar and sentence

structure. I followed most of her advice on commas or moving words around. She did not help

on the length part, though only because she did not know anything about my topic. I did get my

essay back very late. Overall, she did a good job.


Page 24: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa Russell

English 1101

Thursday, 01, November, 2012

A Mother’s Love

A mother’s love starts from the day she finds out she has a little one on the way. Even

though she does not know what gender her little baby will be or even what its name will be, her

love grows everyday: until it becomes unconditional. Throughout her life, mommy protects and

loves her child, as if it is the most precious thing ever created: because, to her, it is. The title

“mother” is not given loosely, neither is it given only to a child’s biological parent. It is, on the

other hand, given to the woman with the heart befitting a mother. Maternal love is the most

precious and selfless type of love that can be given.

Childhood teaches a woman to become a mother. Daughters are given baby dolls for

Christmas to play with and love on. They are conditioned and taught by their mothers and

grandmothers. Even when a woman has planned and prepared to have a child, she is not all

knowing. She learns, as a process, throughout her life.

She takes her first pregnancy test, waits what feels like an eternity, for those two little

blue lines that will change her life forever. Now that this faceless, nameless little creature has

become the center of her universe. But none of this compares to the moment she first hears it’s

little heart beat. Hearing the heart beat causes emotions to arise that she never knew exsisted.

Page 25: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

The moment she sees the ultrasound of her baby, though, will create a maternal bond that can

never be broken.

It has been nine months, and today, mommy gets to meet her little blessing. Finally, she

will, after watching her belly swell with the growth of her little one, get to hold her little bundle

of joy.When a mother gets to hold her little gift from God for the first time, it is a beautiful

experience. Every pain or inconvienece the pregnancy has caused, was worth this one beautiful

moment. This will be a day she will cherish in her heart: this is the day she learned what love

really means.

Mother. The word was given by God himself, yet most do not know the true selfless

sacrifices given to earn the title. A mother is always expected to love her child more than life

itself, but there are many things expected of her that are not thought about. The number one

expectation of a mother is being there for her little one. Her loving arms are there to pull her

child up off the ground, dust them off, and comfort them. She, nine times out of ten, does not


A mother would do anything for her child. Mother's willingness to lift a car if her

children are in danger, is an example of something she would do to save her child. , She gets

almost nothing in return (Ansa). Most of the time, she does not even get the gratitude she

deserves: yet still continues to love and care for her little ones. She runs an entire household, and

usually, works a full time job. The first one up and the last to lie down at night, is how I have

always heard it put. Moms would not do the things they do, and put up with all of the antics, if

she did not love her family unconditionally.

Page 26: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Every child, it is said, needs a father figure in their life. Having a mother is just as, if not

more, important to a child’s upbringing. Children need that mother figure, even if it is not their

biological parent. Not just any woman could step into the role. A mother’s love can be described

as the most powerful thing on earth. How could just anyone feel that strong of an emotion? No

one can love like a mother does.

When a child gets ready to move out and move on with their lives, mothers are

devastated. They know they have taught their child well, but it is so hard for moms to let go.

Mothers, after her children leaving her an empty nest, have to learn to adapt. Their love for their

children never diminishes, but it transforms into a more mature love. Her children, she knows,

does not need her as much, but she will never fail to be there when they do.

Mothers have a special love for their children. She is their to protect and take care of

them throughout childhood, and advises them in adulthood. Her love is never failing and always

unconditional: even if the child was not from her loins. The life she lives with her children will

be the most precious time of her life. A mother’s child will always be her baby, no matter how

olf they get.

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Works Cited Page

Ansa, Tina McElroy. "Our First And Fiercest Love." Essence (Time Inc.) 43.1 (2012): 102-104.

MasterFILE Elite. Web. 10 Nov. 2012.

Fletcher, Paula, C. "My Child Has Cancer: Finding The Silver Lining In Every Mother's

Nightmare." Issues In Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 34.1 (2011): 40-55. CINAHL

Plus with Full Text. Web. 10 Nov. 2012.

Ding-Ruey, Yeh, and Kung Chun-Chia. "The Neural Substrates Of Maternal Love In Shopping:

Mother's Willingness To Pay For Her Child Vs. For Herself Measured By Fmri."

Neuropsychoeconomics Conference Proceedings (2012): 64. Business Source Complete.

Web. 10 Nov. 2012.

Page 28: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa M. Russell

English 1101

Wednesday, 14, Nov., 2012

Lorena Bobbitt: My StoryJohn Bobbitt was never a loner.

In fact, he was always a roamer.

His wife seized his prize,

And cut it down to size.

Now John is his own organ donor (Pershing).

I cannot get this chant out of my head.I’m being tried for malicious wounding of my

husband, and all I can think about is this silly little lymric. I have to focus.

“Mrs. Bobbitt, it is your turn to take the stand.”

“Lorena, the Judge is talking to you.”

I must have been lost in thought. What did the judge just say to me? This is so

embarrassing. Why can I not keep my thoughts on this trial?

”I’m sorry, Your Honor. Could you please repeat the question?”

“Mrs. Bobbitt, there was no question. Please pay attention. Do you wish to take the


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“Yes, Your Honor, I do.”

This is it. The moment I get to tell my side of the story is here. Lord, please help me.

“…do you solemly swear to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

“I do.”

Thank God my lawyer is going first. My nerves are on end. I cannot go to jail: not for

something he deserved!

“Mrs. Bobbitt, what was your marriage like?”

“More than awful. I never thought my life would become such a night mare: a hell.

Throughout our so called “marriage”, he has beat, raped, and emotionally abused me.”

“Can you explain to the court how he raped and abused you?”

Can I really tell this? Can I tell about how he put the gift of life inside of me, and then

made me have an abortion? I have to. They need to know the truth.

“One night, he came home drunk. I was asleep in my bed, but I woke up the second he

opened my bedroom door. I just layed there and pretended to still be asleep: hoping he would

just go away. He did not. He came in there, tied me up, and gagged me. I tried to fight him off,

but he overpowered me. I could not do anything. He, then, ripped my clothes off and started

hitting me. That night, he broke two ribs and gave me a black eye. After he was done hitting me,

he began the raping. It was so awful. I was just praying to God to let me die. He loves to make

me bleed, and that night he succeded beyond measure.

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I got pregnant that night. I finally, after all these years of marriage, was going to have

someone to truly love. I thought that maybe, since I was pregnant, he would stop. That was such

a foolish belief. When I told him I was pregnant, he went into a rage: told me I had cheated.

According to him, I had two choices. I could go willingly to a clinic or he would rip it out

himself. I had no choice but to do what he said. I had an abortion that day. It was the darkest day

of my life.”

Stop crying, Lorena. You can do this! If I do not tell what this horrid man put me

through, I’ll go to jail. They have to know the truth. They have to understand!

“Mrs. Bobbitt, can you tell the court room about the event’s that happen on the night of

June 23, 1993?”

I cannot. I cannot tell these strangers the vile things he did to me that night. Curse you,

John Bobbitt, for the embarrassment and turmoil you have caused me!

“It is okay, Lorena, take your time.Tell us when you are ready.”

“Thank you. John came home that night and I could tell that he had been out partying. I

do not remember exactly how it happened, but I remember him beating and raping me just like

all the other times. He enjoys it so much. I just layed there tied up and wondered how he enjoyed

something so sadistic. “

“What happened after he brutally raped you?”

“I remember laying awake in bed, and thinking about how alone I felt. I had to get out of

that bed. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and I remember bumping into a

drawer. I looked down to close the drawer, and saw a knife, that I had washed earlier that day,

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laying on the counter. While looking at that knife, I thought about what my life had become. I

spent day after day living in constant fear of my own husband. At that moment, something in me

snapped. I picked up the knife, and before I knew it I was in my bedroom. I saw him laying there

sleeping like a baby, after what he had done to me. I walked over there and destroyed the one

thing he prized most.”

“Do you remember what happened after you cut his…uh, privates, Mrs. Bobbitt?”

As I look around this court room, I cannot help but wondering if they are judging me. Are

they on my side, or do they think I am a horrid person? I need them to understand. I am so tired

of living this out in my head. I am going to go mad, if this does not end soon.

“I am not sure. All I remember is driving: driving for what seemed like hours. I was lost

in my mind. I kept looking over into the passenger side seat and seeing that bloody penis. Every

time I looked at it, it seemed to haunt my mind with images of the pain it had caused me. I

slammed on my brakes at that moment, and threw it out. Long gone was the vile object used to

abused, rape, and torment me. I was so relieved to be rid of it that I guess I stared crying. I say I

guess, because I did not notice till my palms and the front of my shirt were soaked with tears. I

sat there for a long time, and the reality of what I had done started sinking in. I called the police

and told them what I had done.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Bobbitt. No further questions, Your Honor.”

“Does the Prosecution have any questions?”

“Yes, Your Honor, we do.”

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I cannot take this anymore. I am going to lose it in front of the whole courtroom. Please,

just let this be over soon, Lord.

“Mrs. Bobbitt, you say that your marriage wasnot a happy one, and yet you stayed

married. Is that correct?”

“Yes sir, that is true, but I could not leave. He would not let me.”

“Mrs. Bobbitt, did you ever ask anyone to help you, or call the police?”

“No, I was terrified of what my husband might do to me, if I did.”

“So, you never asked for help, and you stayed married to a man that supposedly beat you.

No further questions, Your Honor.”

“If there are no further questions from the Defense or the Prosecution, you may step

down and return to your seat, Mrs. Bobbitt. Since you were the final witness in this case, the Jury

will be given time to deliberate. Court will have a seven hour recess.”

(Seven hours later, and in the courtroom)

“Court is now in session. Has the Jury reached a verdict?”

“Yes we have, Your Honor.”

Please let them find me innocent. Please. Please. Please. Plea…

“The Jury here by finds the defendant..Not Guilty on the plead of insanity.”

Guilty. Guilty. Guilt..Not guilty? I am free! I am finally free. Oh, thank you God! Thank


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My Citation Page

"A Brief Series Of Anecdotes About The Backlash Experienced By Those Of Us Working On

Marital And Date Rape." Journal Of Sex Research 31.2 (1994): 151-153. MasterFILE

Elite. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Pershing, Linda. "`His Wife Seized His Prize And Cut It To Size': Folk And Popular

Commentary On Lorena Bobbitt." NWSA Journal 8.3 (1996): 1. Sociological Collection.

Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Kaplan, David A.Ladowsky, Ellen. "Bobbitt Fever." Newsweek 123.4 (1994): 52. Middle Search

Plus. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Berns, Walter. "Getting Away With Murder." Commentary 97.4 (1994): 25. Literary Reference

Center. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Page 34: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Megan Faulknor

Lisa M. Russell

English 1101

Friday, 7, December, 2012

The Death PenaltyThe Founding Fathers of the United States wrote the Declaration of Independence to

prove to England that they could not take away a man’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of

happiness. So, when a man takes the life of another human being, is that not exactly what he has

done? In America’s early years, murder or theft was a severity. Men and the government did not

take it lightly, and men were sentenced to death for it. The death penalty has been around since

man was created, and it has been an effective form of punishment.

In today’s society, we deal with most crimes in less severe ways. Everybody wants to see

child molesters, rapists, and murderers put away. Yet, when it comes to the punishment these

offenders deserve, people’s views change. The views differ between life with parole, life without

parole, and the death penalty. The morals and conscious of people today has decayed, and the

death penalty has been labeled cruel and unusual punishment.

The death penalty has been subjected to controversy, and that causes myths to come into

effect. A popular, anti-death penalty, opinion states that people with money, with good lawyers,

and the race of the victim contributes to getting out of the death sentence. This is simply not fact.

The death sentence is given to the individuals who have been convicted of heinous acts against

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another human being. Good, and even expensive, lawyers are hired to help their clients, but if

evidence and witnesses can prove their guilt, they will be convicted: it does not matter how much

money they have.

It is said that race of the victim, race of the defendant, or both will affect the chances of

being sentenced to death. It cannot be said that racism has died out, because it has not. Over the

years, racism has affected convictions, but that has lessened immensely over the years. In today’s

society, it is just as tragic for a Black or Hispanic man to be killed, as it is any White man. Any

person killed, is a precious life lost and wasted.

Death row is a place for the scum of the earth, and the ones who have been rightfully

convicted deserve capital punishment. Americans who are anti-death row say that it cannot be

determined if a person is innocent or guilty. Innocent humans have been executed for things they

had not done, in the past. In this modern era, scientists have been able to use DNA testing to

distinguish the guilty from the innocent, though. Since the 1970s, over a hundred people have

been proven innocent and been released, through DNA testing.

Americans complain that the death penalty is a waste of tax payer’s money. Honestly

though, this may sound a bit cruel, but it saves money. After they are put to death, citizens do not

have to continue to pay to feed and clothe them. Unfortunately, there will always be someone to

take their place.

Another big part of the death penalty controversy is the execution of elderly people. If a

person spends their life in prison waiting to be executed, and grows old, should they still be put

through execution? It does not matter what age a person is: they should pay for the crimes they

have committed. The majority of the time they are sitting in prison for such a long time, because

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they keep having getting appeals. This causes a delay, and the execution process is put on hold.

The process could be changed, but should not excuse anyone rightfully convicted.

Leaving the elderly on death row is a concern, but so is distinguishing what crimes

warrant the death penalty. Is there any crime that warrants taking a human being’s life? Most

would say no, but the severest cases call for the harshest punishment. If you had to witness the

trial of your child’s murder, and all they were getting was a life sentence, would you be

satisfied? Any premeditated murder deserves a harsher punishment than a life sentence. That’s

like a slap on the hand. Men and women, on death row, are set examples to all of America that

no one can get away with murder.

Over half of America does not agree with keeping the death penalty active. Should the

death penalty be banned in the United States? To some folks, it is morally wrong, and is believed

to be against the Bible. Have they forgotten that the Bible says an eye for an eye, a life for a life?

It gives countless examples of times when God has allowed men’s lives to be taken from them,

because of the things they had done. The Bible also says that it is a sin not to follow the laws of

the land, and murder is against the law.

Our world is becoming, morally, more and more corrupt. In the 1700s and 1800s, you

could watch someone be put to death publically. In today’s society, it is “politically incorrect” to

have such things done publically. Look what that has done to our jails and prisons: they are over

flowing. If the punks of today’s society could watch a man stand in front of a firing squad and be

shot, they would change their minds about gangs, murdering, and crime in general. The death

penalty is an effective scare tactic that can be used to make the world a better place.

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Cruel and unusual punishment are the two words used to describe the death penalty.

What do you call aborting a baby at five or seven months of pregnancy? If a person is allowed

the choice of killing an innocent baby, then the government should be allowed to put a criminal

to death. Cruel and unusual punishment when murders torture their victims until the moment

they start breathing. Cruelty is a mother and father sitting through a trial and having to see

pictures of their child’s lifeless and battered body, and having to hear how badly their baby

suffered: them having to listen to how their child begged for their life. After all of that, a parent

hearing that the person who took their baby’s life is going to be allowed to live, and only serve a

prison sentence. That is the definition of cruel.

This happens in this country time and time again. When you do not punish these people,

by giving a death sentence, it shows others they will get away with it, too. Society says we

cannot do this, and cannot do that, but giving a death sentence is the one thing the government

should always have the right to do. It is not nearly as cruel as killing innocents, and will save our

tax payers money. Not every crime should be met with this punishment, but the killing of another

human should.

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Works Cited Page

Rapaport, Elizabeth. "A Modest Proposal." Brooklyn Law Review 77.3 (2012): 1089-1132.

Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

BERRY, III., WILLIAM W. "Repudiating Death." Journal Of Criminal Law & Criminology

101.2 (2011): 441-492. Legal Collection. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.


PENALTY BE RESURRECTED? (Cover Story)." Fordham Urban Law Journal 35.5

(2008): 1139-1189. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

Cohen, G. Ben, and Robert J. Smith. "The Racial Geography Of The Federal Death Penalty."

Washington Law Review 85.3 (2010): 425-492. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4

Dec. 2012.

Madeira, Jody Lyneé. "Why Rebottle The Genie?": Capitalizing On Closure In Death Penalty

Proceedings." Indiana Law Journal 85.4 (2010): 1477-1525. Legal Collection. Web. 4

Dec. 2012.

Berry, William W. "Ending Death By Dangerousness: A Path To The De Facto Abolition Of The

Death Penalty." Arizona Law Review 52.4 (2010): 889-924. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

Page 39: Megan Faulknor: Final Portfolio

Reflective Essay

In this class, I learned how to thoroughly edit and revise a paper. I wish I had learned how to add length to a paper, and I wish I understood how to use MLA formatting for internet sources, other that Galileo. I will apply my learned skills to write papers for college and work. I am not sure if I have really grown as a writer, but I will still try my best to teach myself what I do not know.