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Meetings, Agenda, Minutes

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    AgendaA document that specifies the business to betransacted.

    A statement issued to be discussed

    Accompanies along with a notice.

    Drafted and prepared by the company secretary.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Importance of agendaAs it is a definite order, it enables the chairman to carryout the meeting smoothly.

    Helps the members to come prepared for the discussionto be held.

    Ensures that meeting should not go off track [i.e. relevantmatters are discussed].

    Helps to cover all the issues.

    Helps the company secretary to prepare minutes

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  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Minute Official written record of business transacted in a meeting.Summary of business transacted.

    Decisions and the resolutions arrived at the meeting.

    Acts as an evidence or proof of the proceedings at themeeting.

    Maintained by the Company secretary.

    Recorded in a book known as Minute Book.

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    Importance of minute It becomes a legal evidence of the happening of ameeting.

    Records of all decisions arrived at and the resolutionpassed.

    It forms the base of the meeting as every meetingbegins with the reference of the minute of the previousmeeting conducted.

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    Hints to write minutesNature of the meeting with place, date and time will be thehead-line.Serial number to each meeting will be given.

    The minutes must show the names and status of the memberwho attended.Whenever a letter is discussed in the meeting, it shouldappear in the minutes.Minutes must be as short as possible.

    Unnecessary discussion and superfluous words should beavoided.If any resolution is passed by the majority, the number of thosein favour and those against the resolution should be recorded.

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    Hints to write minutes

    (Contd ) Before writing the minutes in the in the minute-book the matteris properly corrected.It is better, if the original minutes are taken as rough. After doingcorrection, if any, or approved by the Chairman, the matter canbe copied in the minute-book.Main points of discussion and resolutions should be clearly recorded.

    Any important item discussed, will be written in the margin.

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    Technique of compiling minute It should be in reported speech.

    Each item should have a heading and a number inorder to facilitate reference.

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    Suggestions for writing

    effective minute.The minutes should be written effectively.The emotions and feelings expressed by members during the meetingshould not be recorded.

    For creating reference the items should be given heading and number

    When a majority of people approves the proposal the name of the personshould be mentioned and the number of votes casted in or against himshould be recorded.

    Circulation of minutes to the members and noting their suggestions.

    Keeping the language of the minute as simple as possible.

    Rough draft to be shown to the chairperson for his approval and suggestion.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Differences between

    agenda,notification and minutes It is a main theme in ameeting.

    Business to be carriedout in a meeting.

    E.g.: The agenda ofAnnual General Meetingof a company is toapprove the balancesheet, profit and lossaccount and so on.

    Legal document issuedby legal department andhas a legal binding.

    May be classificatory innature.

    E.g.: When anyreference cannot begiven for certainprovision of any act ,theconcerned authoritygenerally issuesnotification clarifying the

    implication of theprovisions.

    It is a record of thebusiness proceedings ofa meeting.

    Includes title, agendaand resolution of theconcerned authoritywhich should be signedand dated.

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    A meeting can be defined as a gathering with aspecific purpose .The chairperson and constituents are two importantconstituents of a meeting .Meetings are held at different level.It can be serious as meetings of Board of Directors orit can also be informal staff gathering for send-off.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    NEEDS FOR MEETINGSTo exchange information.To get feedback

    To consider proposal.To arrive at a consensus.It helps in creating coordination between differentparts of an organization.It helps in developing skills in presenting ideas and theability to analyze and argue.

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    Board of Directors has wide powers of management inthe company. According to companies act BOD should be held atleast once in every three months.

    It is convened in consultation with the chairman.

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    STATUTORY MEETING:It is the first general meeting after the incorporation of company.It is held only once in the life time of company.Purpose is to acquaint the members with the affairs of

    the company.

    ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING:It is held every year to approve the annual accounts of company, to decide dividend, to appoint auditors etc.

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    EXTRA ORDINARY MEETING:It is held to consider and decide Certain urgent andextra ordinary nature which cannot be postponed tillthe next annual general meeting.

    MEETING OF DEBENTURE HOLDERS: A meeting of debenture holder /creditors of company may be held when necessary.

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    REQUIREMENTS OF MEETINGSNOTICE A notice must be sent to the members at least 21 daysbefore the date of meeting.It must be sent according to prescribed rules andregulations.It must specify the Date, the Time and Venue of meeting. A notice does not contain a salutation and acomplimentary close .

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    It refers to a document containing the issue to bediscussed at a meeting.The secretary prepares the agenda in consultation withthe chairman

    It is sent along with the notice of the meeting.It helps in conducting meeting smoothly.

    While drafting, following points should be taken care

    It must be explicit and clear. Should be stated in brief. Items should be serially numbered.

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    It means the specified minimum no of qualifiedpersons whose presence is necessary to transact thelegally binding business at the meeting .The quorum shall be two members personally present

    in the case of private company and five memberspersonally present in the case of public company for allgeneral meeting of members.If the quorum is not complete :

    Members will wait for half an hour,Meetings should be adjourned to the same date in thenext week at the same time and place.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    PROCEDUREThe meeting consist of following steps :First of all, the chairman of the meeting ensures that themeeting is properly called up with due notice and thequorum.The meeting begins with the recording of the attendance of the members. Names of the members who are absent arealso recorded.The minutes of the previous meeting are read out andconfirmed.The items on the agenda are taken up one by one. Thesecretary notes down the observations and remarks of theparticipants.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Motions: A motion is a proposal move at a meeting for discussion and laterdecision.

    In formal procedure a motion must be duly proposed andseconded.Rules generally lay down that motion s should be in writing,signed by the mover and be handed to the chairman or secretary.It must be in order of the Agenda.

    After the motion is moved it is taken for discussion. After the discussion it is accept or rejected in the motion.It may be interrupted by raising a point of order, an amendmentor moving a formal motion.

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    Amendment :An amendment is a proposed alteration to a motion.

    The regulations normally provide that any memberother than the proposer and seconded of the motioncan move or second an amendment to it.The effect of an it may be either

    a)to omit or insert or add certain words to the motionor

    b)To omit certain words and add or insert other words.

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    Ascertaining the Sense of the House : When a motion is under discussion ,different members expressdifferent opinions and unanimity is not possible on all matters.Therefore ,the chairman has to put the motion to vote in order toascertain the sense of the house.Through voting members can express their views formally infavor of or against the motion.

    Vote of motion may take place in the following ways:By Acclamation :Under it the motion is adopted unanimously by clapping or cheering by members.

    Voice Vote : By Yes / NoBy Ballot :Every member present at the meeting records his voteon the ballot paper and puts it in the ballot box.

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    Ascertaining the Sense of the House (contd.)By Division : Under this method the members who are in favor of the motion go to one room or lobby and those against it go toanother room or lobby. The tellers appointed by the chairmancount the members in each room or lobby. The chairmanannounces the result of the division after getting the report fromthe tellers.By show of hands : The requests the members for and against themotion to raise hands. He announces the result by counting thehands in favor of against the motion. Every member has one voteirrespective of the number of shares he holds.

    Voting by poll : Every member is entitled to cast votes inproportion to the number of shares held by him.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Resolutions : A resolution is a motion which has beenapproved or adopted at a meeting. When a motion is put to vote and it is passed by the requisite majority, it becomes a

    resolution.Ordinary resolution : It can be passed with a samplemajority of the members voting at a meeting. Simplemajority means the votes cast in favor of the resolutionexceed the votes, if any, cast against it.Special resolution : Intention to move it as a specialresolution is specially stated in the notice of the meetingand it is passed by a majority of 3/4ths of the membersentitled to vote.

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  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Working Notes : Attendees often prepare in advancesome notes about what is to be said at the meeting.They may note certain points against each item of agenda.These brief notes are known as working notes. Fromthese working notes, the Secretary drafts the minutesof the meeting.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Action Plan : Plan of action is prepared immediately to implement the decisions arrived at the meeting.Such a plan is known as Action Plan. They may contain the following items :Market and technical studies.Exploring possibilities.

    Assessment of funds.Preparation of time schedule for completion of project.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Action Taken Report : Officials of the company whotake action for implementation of certain decisions areoften required to submit written reports on the actionstaken by them.It is submitted to the concerned authority.It is an upward means of communication.

    Provides valuable feedback to the management. Action report reflects the performance and efficiency of staff.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    Procedures of meetingThe person appointed sends notice which specifies the date,time, place and programmers of the meeting called as agenda.

    The procedure begins with recording the attendance ofmembers present.

    Quorum for the meeting is to be checked before thecommencement of business

    Secretary notes down whatever is said by each member.

    He officially records it called as minutes.

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    The Role of the Participants in the

    Meeting.Participants often arrive at meeting s unprepared. Thus,they take lot of time to tune-in to the situation.Participants should read the agenda and clarify anything

    that they dont understand it. If a participant has to make any contribution, he/sheshould confirm the time slot with the Chairperson andmake preparations accordingly People often go to meetings with hidden agendas, whichmay come out at some point.

    the aim to fulfill ones vested interests over and above theorganizations needs. Thus, they are dangerous for theorganization.

  • 7/31/2019 Meetings, Agenda, Minutes


    The Role of a Chairperson While participation of group members is essential, theChairperson plays an important role in conductingmeetings. A meeting can be successful only if the

    Chairperson follows certain procedures. They are asfollows:Planning the meetingPunctuality and Time management

    Controlling the agendaEncouraging participation.

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    Role of SecretaryThe secretarys role begins before actual meeting starts.

    Once the date of the meeting is decided upon, the secretary hasto send notices of the meeting and supporting documents, if any,to the concerned persons well in advance.For the meeting, the Secretary has to make all necessary arrangement at the value.During the meeting, he is responsible for the recording of theproceedings.

    Thereafter, within 30 days of the meeting, he has to write up theminutes, and make it available to all concerned.If any item on the agenda requires voting, the Secretary has totake care of it as well.