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Daniele Norbiato, Michele Ferri Autorità di Bacino dei Fiumi ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Alto Adriatico Water Authority - AAWA) 18 th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS (22-23 October 2015)

MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Mar 14, 2018



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Page 1: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Daniele Norbiato, Michele Ferri Autorità di Bacino dei Fiumi ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Alto Adriatico Water Authority - AAWA)

18th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS (22-23 October 2015)

Page 2: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

The Autorithy is a public body responsible for the development and implementation of river basin management plans that lay down policies and measures for optimisation of water use, hydrogeological and flood defence, protection of water bodies, and regulation of water rights in the basin as a whole

AAWA promotes Basin management and Flood risk management plans which indicate the measures aimed for prevention, protection, preparedness, including flood forecasts and early warning systems, and promotes also concerted and coordinated actions with the stakeholders concerned with water policies (WFD 2000/60/CE and FD 2007/60/CE)

Page 3: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

“Flood Risk Management Plans: international experiences in comparison”

Organized by: - the Eastern Alps Hydrographic District - Italian Environmental Ministry - the Engineers association of Venice Province

The conference was organized as part of the Aquae VENICE EXPO 2015

Page 4: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Greetings from the Head of the Technical Secretariat of Environmental Ministry Prof. Carlo Maria Medaglia Introduction of the Secretary General, ing. Roberto Casarin Greetings from the Head Delegation of Alpine Convention, dr. Paolo Angelini Chairman prof. Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS)

Page 5: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne


Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne e Marine, (IT)

Dr. Benoît Terrier, Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranèe Corse, (FR)

Dr. Károly Gombás, The North Transdanubian Water Management Authority, (HU)

Dr. Rudolf Hornich, Styrian Federal State Government, (A)

Dr. Luka Stravs, Slovenia Ministry for Agriculture and the Environment, (SI)

Dr. Mirza Sarac, International Sava River Basin Commission Secretariat , (HR)

Dr. Francesco Baruffi, AAWA - Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi dell'Alto Adriatico, (IT)

Page 6: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

chairman dr. Fabio Trezzini, Italian Environmental Ministry With participation of: - Speakers of morning session -dr. Anna Cestari, World Bank Group -dr. Raffaele Rocco, president of Water Platform, the Alpine Convention -sen. Giuseppe Francesco Maria Marinello, President of XIII Senate Commission Territory and Environment

Page 7: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

“Floods” Directive and

the Italian experience on Flood

Risk Management Plans

Giuseppina Monacelli ISPRA National Institute for Environmental Research and Protection

Flood Risk Management Plan A comparison of international experiences

International Conference - Venice, September 7 , 2015

contact: [email protected]

Page 8: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Flood Risk Management Plans: International experiences in comparison Venice, September 7th 2015

Implementing flood risk management plans in France while preserving and restoring our rivers – a new approach (Dr Benoît TERRIER, FRANCE)

contact: [email protected]

Page 10: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

contact: [email protected]

Page 11: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

contact: [email protected]

Page 12: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

contact: [email protected]

Page 13: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

contact: [email protected]

Page 14: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

The comparison between different experiences highlighted a common approach in endorsing in the Plan non-structural measures of prevention and preparedness

Important elements are citizen awareness of risk and on how to deal with (correct behaviour, knowledge of the escape way, partecipation in decision making)

Page 15: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

According to the European Commission the project WeSenseIt- Citizen Water Observatory is one of the three examples of EU-funded projects that have developed unique forecasting and alert systems to warn communities of impending floods

In the Eastern Alps Hydrographic District, the citizen observatory is promoted as a non structural mitigation measure for flood risk in the implementation of the European Flood Directive 2007/60/EC

Page 16: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

It's a virtual place of the two-way communication between citizens and

decision-making authority

It’s the decision support at all stages of the process management of

floods: preparedness, emergency, post-event (M_55)

Data collection of real-time information on river levels and flooding o

Supporting communication with the teams of volunteers during an


Page 17: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne


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Page 18: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

the citizen observatory

In order to investigate the potential of the Citizen Observatory in the European water innovation landscape, and in particular in Flood Risk management AAWA is organizing an International Conference…..

Page 19: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Contacts: Autorità di bacino dei fiumi Isonzo, Tagliamento, Livenza, Piave, Brenta-Bacchiglione Cannaregio 4314, 30121, Venice (IT) Tel: +39 041 714 444 Fax: +39 041 714 313

Secretariat & logistics : [email protected] Scientific committee: [email protected]


- Labia Palace

International Conference

June 7-9, 2016 - Venezia

Page 20: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

CONFERENCE TOPICS: Environmental Monitoring and Modeling (Remote Sensing, Crowdsourcing and Sensors data Integration, Data Assimilation) Technologies at the Service of Citizens (ICT and Innovative Sensors) Crisis Management and Disaster-resilience (enhancing resilience of communities and emergency services through smart technologies) The Social Dimensions of Citizen Observatories (engagement strategies to enhance citizen participation in public governance) Citizens Observatories and decision making (including agent based modeling)

Call for abstracts

Page 21: MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS .... Ezio Todini, President of Italian Hydrological Society (IHS) Speakers: Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne

Daniele Norbiato, Michele Ferri Autorità di Bacino dei Fiumi ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Alto Adriatico Water Authority - AAWA)

18th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP F ON FLOODS (22-23 October 2015)

contact: [email protected]; [email protected]