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1. Meeting Minutes Interim Meeting St. Louis, MO Monday April 4, 2016 Location/Time: Hilton St. Louis Frontenac/1pm-5pm 1) Call to Order – 1:03 PM Rousseau Welcome – priority to FGI members 2) Introductions – all around Rousseau Quorum of 11 out of 14 present 3) Addenda Status Rousseau ad Exam Room air changes Committee to reconsider based on unresolved comment from 2nd Public Review ae Misc FGI coordination issues Published a Gas-fired RTU vents Published b Reference updates Published c Laboratory Ventilation Reviewing galley proofs for publication d Exhaust requirements Published e Positive/negative prohibition Published f Primary diffuser array Reviewing galley proofs for publication g OR/Procedure Room term. Published h SPD Temperatures Reviewing galley proofs for publication i Unoccupied Setback Committee to vote on additional spaces, then issue for publication public review j Air distribution table Reviewing galley proofs for publication public review, pending approval of Addendum i k ECT Procedure Room Reviewing galley proofs for publication public review, pending approval of Addendum i Adiabatic humidifiers In progress Filter table update In progress Outpatient revisions In progress ASHRAE SSPC 170

Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

May 27, 2020



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Page 1: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1


Meeting Minutes Interim Meeting St. Louis, MO Monday April 4, 2016 Location/Time: Hilton St. Louis Frontenac/1pm-5pm

1) Call to Order – 1:03 PM Rousseau Welcome – priority to FGI members

2) Introductions – all around Rousseau

Quorum of 11 out of 14 present

3) Addenda Status Rousseau ad Exam Room air changes Committee to reconsider based on unresolved comment from 2nd Public Review ae Misc FGI coordination issues Published a Gas-fired RTU vents Published b Reference updates Published c Laboratory Ventilation Reviewing galley proofs for publication d Exhaust requirements Published e Positive/negative prohibition Published f Primary diffuser array Reviewing galley proofs for publication g OR/Procedure Room term. Published h SPD Temperatures Reviewing galley proofs for publication i Unoccupied Setback Committee to vote on additional spaces, then issue for publication public review j Air distribution table Reviewing galley proofs for publication public review, pending approval of

Addendum i k ECT Procedure Room Reviewing galley proofs for publication public review, pending approval of Addendum i Adiabatic humidifiers In progress Filter table update In progress Outpatient revisions In progress


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Residential revisions In progress

4) FGI/ASHE/ASHRAE Research Project Dombrowski Misunderstanding on scope of project – request from Georgia Tech to terminate agreement - re-evaluating process and improving scope of work – to reward to alternate bidder, possible team from University of Nebraska and AEI or reissue – Tentative schedule – July meeting prelim report, Jan meeting 90%, FGI meeting preliminary final – Note: FGI to publish 2018 FGI March of 2018

5) Addendum ad – final vote Rousseau

Responded to comments from 2nd Public Review comments – there is one unresolved comment that must be considered by committee – Motion #1 to publish with unresolved comment (copy attached) - Rick Hermans 2nd Jeremy Fauber – Discussed medicated aerosols – Reviewed Ken Mead’s response(copy attached) which counters this unresolved comment Discussed that the committee has not acted in bad faith, we have developed joint committees with three other ASHRAE standards to discuss common interests and potential improvements to all standards involved–Called for motion – Vote 11-0-0

6) Adiabatic Humidification Addendum Friedman

Reviewed modifications provided by Steve and Chris (copy – attached) – Motion #2 to approve addendum for publication for public review by Doug Erickson – 2nd Michael Sheerin - Discussed testing ports – Discussed the availability of manufacturers that can meet these requirements – Discussed testing and operational measures – Discussed that requirements are a minimum design requirement and the need for maintenance and operational procedures especially if seasonal usage is prevalent – Discussed need to provide and review documented studies to be able to pursue this optional usage – Discussed controls to limit duct humidity to a maximum value of 90% rh when operating and if there is a need to change Section 6.6 Humidifiers - General Requirements 3 – Discussed adding high pressure to Section 6.6 – Discussed location of humidifier as being ideally upstream of final filter – Discussed that ASHRAE Committee for adiabatic humidifiers are working on a testing standard – Discussed need for performance standards within the adiabatic requirements - Discussed possibly including water standards from dialysis water standards – Vote 9-0-2 – Rick Hermans and Peter Langowski don’t think addendum is ready for public review and could be better

7) Filtration Table Addendum Friedman

Reviewed added column to Table 7.1 (copy attached) – Discussed that the proposal is not ready for public review – Agreed that PE Room second filter bank should be HEPA not 17 and that Pharmacy second bank should be 14

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(these are not compounding pharmacies)– Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1 and history of changes with Procedure Rooms – Discussed that Procedure Room needs to be considered regarding the 2nd Filter Bank – Discussed ongoing discussions/issues with invasive procedures and procedure rooms – Discussed Pharmacy 2nd Filter Bank and inpatient/outpatient/compounding pharmacy status – Motion #3 to issue as an advisory public review by Rick Hermans 2nd Jonathan Flannery – Discussed line items from Table 6.4 regarding “all other outpatient spaces”, “Psychiatric Hospitals”, “Resident care, treatment and support areas in inpatient hospice facilities” and “Resident care, treatment and support areas in assistant living facilities” still need to be addressed possibly by just moving these items to Table 7.1- Discussed leaving these 3 items in Table 6.4 - Discussed impact of not having determined requirements for the remainder of columns within Table 7.1 for these areas and the implications of having NR or “-“ in these columns – Discussed adding these spaces to Table 7.1 leaving other columns blank with a footnote indicating that these spaces are included in Table 7.1 for filtration requirements only- Vote 10-0-0

8) Additional Room Spaces for Table 7.1 Set Back Rousseau Discussed the spaces that were left off of the table due to processing addendums (copy attached) – Need to revote – Motion#4 to Reconsider Rick Hermans Doug Erickson – Vote 12-0-0 – Reconsidering of table – Discussed the current entries for the spaces left off – Motion #5 to publication public review – Rick Hermans, second by Dick Moeller - Vote 12-0-0

9) Outpatient Addendum Dombrowski Discussed the Outpatient Committee proposed addendum from 11 March 2016 – Intention is to relocate existing requirements into a separate outpatient section to mirror the new Outpatient FGI book– Discussed that within ASHRAE procedures any movement of existing requirements must be underlined, which makes these requirements appear to be new requirements – Discussed that by issuing the document with as existing outpatient requirements as an exception, then the existing information would not clear – Discussed that this could cause a significant amount of confusion – Discussed the subcommittee work and best strategy to go forward – Discussed CA requirements for licensed vs non-licensed venues and how these are based on services – Reviewed draft document by the task group – Reviewed several of the proposed outpatient exceptions – Discussed that there would be a general requirements section at the front of the document that covering sections 1-5 and that Sections 6 & 7 within all the other sections i.e. inpatient, outpatient, residential – Discussed variance between a service versus a building and how to properly provide separation for the mixing of services within – Discussed potential spaces that could be added to Section 6 – spaces that might need to be considered for emergency power are infusion spaces in both inpatient and outpatient settings – Discussed the

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separation of the outpatient spaces – Reviewed the proposed relocation document where the outpatient requirements are copied from the existing section and moved to a new section and how it would require the new sections to be completely underlined even though it is “existing” text – Discussed doing an Advisory Public Review – Discussed highlighting existing language in order to help public understand – Straw vote as to whether we like the exception approach versus send it all out approach – Send it all out approach was preferred – Discussed exact location of the outpatient information to be Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 10 so that it will be prior to the appendixes

10) Residential Addendum Friedman Reviewed the various sections that will apply to the residential document – Discussed that those requirements that are currently referred within the residential chapter 9 – Reviewed the listing of these items

11) Change Proposals

1. Taylor - OA Units Ninomura Discussed the proposal from Mr. Taylor and his example of an Operating Room where he recalculated the CFM/ft2 – Concerned that could be confused with the concept for ASHRAE 62.1 – Paul Ninomura discussed with Steve Taylor directly to confirm this concern – Seeking conversation on this – What is the value of making this change – Discussed that changing the volume of the room causes a skewing of the dilution – Concern to be considered is how long it will take to “clean” the room (cfm) vs the peak contamination (ACH) – Discussed the “mean age of air” and that ideal is to have the “youngest” aged air possible – Discussed that the proposal doesn’t address the reality of the variety of room sizes and how the flows will vary – Discussed the concept of bursts of contaminates and how this influences the peak exposure – Discussed the impact of diffuser placement and mixing of the air to improve the air changes and thus reducing the “age of the air” – Discussed how this type of change could cause people to think that the Table ventilation rates are based on the same information as the per square foot information in Standard 62.1. – Discussed that there are reasons not to do this and no advantage to doing this – Discussed that this would allow changing of the room size (higher ceilings) without changing the amount of ventilation – Discussed that one advantage is that this would allow higher ceilings without being “penalized” by requiring additional air flow – straw poll taken – no one in favor of making this change

2. English – Humidity Exemption Hardin 3. English – 100% OA Hardin

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12) Open Discussion

1. Drop-in ceilings within Hybrid Operating Rooms 2. Recirculation within OR’s based on HEPA filter and Footnote a – was this the

intent of the committee – formal interpretation has been issued as long as additional heating or cooling is not included in the process

3. Bronchoscopy – where can this be done? Concern that in some situations, it is more hazardous to move the patient to the room than to do the bronchoscopy in a non-protected area

4. ETO Sterilization – ASHRAE 170 doesn’t address this – was determined previously that this is adequately addressed by OSHA standards

5. Research being performed by Middle Tennessee University – Adoption of ASHRAE 170 increased requirements therefore are doing mock surgical procedures for three different surgical facilities at 15, 20 and 25 ACH – so far finding very little difference between 20 and 25 but significant difference between 15 and 20 – Working on established costs implications of the various levels – Anticipate results for comparison in May – Plan to submit articles to American Journal of Infection Control – Project has really brought up quality of air based on particle counts versus ACH

6. Cardiac Surgery Heater Cooler Unit and HAI’s based on bacterial build up in the unit possibly in the fan – May need to make Primary Diffuser Array larger to make sure that the influence of particle introduction within the array area

13) FGI Ventilation Public Review Comments Rousseau

Dick Moller will head up this effort – FGI is not looking at these proposals at all since they fall under the purview of 170

14) HGRC member input/questions Rousseau

15) New Business Rousseau

16) Review of Action Items Flannery 1. John Dombrowski - Outpatient Task Force – To create a “send it all out”

addendum for committee review 2. Steven Friedman - Residential Task Force – To create a “send it all out

addendum” of the residential requirements for the committee to review

17) Next Meeting – June 27-28, 2016, St. Louis Rousseau


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1. Unresolved comment on Addendum ad 2. Response to unresolved comment from Ken Mead 3. Adiabatic humidifier addendum, as approved for PPR. 4. Filtration addendum, as approved for APR. 5. Missing spaces from previously approved unoccupied addendum. 6. Roll Call Vote Records for Motions 1 - 5

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 Document:  BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum ad to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of

Health Care Facilities (Second Public Review Draft)

Addendum: ad    Type: Standard    Public Review Number: 2nd 

Number: 170  Year: 2013  Scope: Full Public Review 

Suffix: P          TPS Only: No 


   Need to define Special Examination Room 

Commenter Name: Mr James R Crabb

Affiliation: PerryCrabb

Address: 2970 Clairmont Rd NE Ste 850 Brookhaven GA, 30329-4443

Phone: (678)904-1732   Fax:

Email: [email protected]


Comment Type: Substantive   Commenter Number: 0001

Section/Subsection Type: Table Comment Number: 001

Section/Subsection Identifier: 7.1 Date Submitted: 2015-10-19 10:34:00

Supportive: No Comment Status: Resolved - No Reply by Deadline

Assigned Responder: Approval Date:

Committee Response: Rejected Late Comment: 0

Commenter Reply: ANSI Comment: 0

Reply Status: Response Status: Response Approved

Attachments: No Attachments

 Comment Text:

1. Do not include definitions as footnotes to Table 7.1. 2. If two new terms are to be introduced, define both in the Definitions section of the standard.

 Substantiating Comments:

This addendum creates 2 new types of space, "General Examination Room," and "Special examination Room," neither of which are defined in the 3. Definitions. There is a footnote added to define "General Examination Room," but no corresponding footnote to define "Special Examination Room." Today, because this is new, we all pretty much understand that "Special" means "Not General," but that distinction will fade as the addendum becomes incorporated into the document and the two spaces no longer appear in contrast. Further, use of the term "special" is a rather inelegant way to describe a specific type of room. It would appear from the footnote that the space is intended for examination of patients with undiagnosed gastrointestinal, respiratory, or skin symptoms, so why not say so? Footnotes should not be used to define new terms. This practice has led to an excessive number of footnotes, which do not lend clarity to the standard. Surely, by the time footnotes are numbered "ab" it is time to clean this up - or at least stop adding more.

Comment Responses and Replies

Comment Title Type Status Submitted  ByDate Submitted

Reply Deadline

Request Further Action

Review Action

Commenter Action

Approval Date

    Response:Need to define Special Examination Room 

Response  Response Approved 

[email protected] 

03/08/2016 03/15/2016 No Rejected    01/25/2016

Standard 170 relies on the FGI Guidelines for definitions of spaces.


Approval Method: PC Meeting      Approval Mtg Location: Orlando 

Change Type: None editResolution Potential: None editGeneral Notes: edit

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    Response:Need to define Special Examination Room 

Response  Response Approved 

[email protected]  03/16/2016 03/22/2016 No Rejected    01/25/2016

Standard 170 relies on the FGI Guidelines for definitions of spaces.  

Approval Method: PC Meeting      Approval Mtg Location: Orlando 

Change Type: None editResolution Potential: None editGeneral Notes: edit


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   Document:  BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum ad to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of

Health Care Facilities (Second Public Review Draft)

Addendum: ad    Type: Standard    Public Review Number: 2nd 

Number: 170  Year: 2013  Scope: Full Public Review 

Suffix: P          TPS Only: No 


   Arbitrary requirements for general examination rooms. 

Commenter Name: Mr Travis Richard En

Affiliation: Kaiser Permanente

Address: 17440 Santa Maria St Fountain Valley CA, 92708-3126

Phone: (714)469-9553   Fax:

Email: [email protected]


Comment Type: Substantive   Commenter Number: 0002

Section/Subsection Type: Table Comment Number: 001

Section/Subsection Identifier: 7.1 Date Submitted: 2015-11-03 16:07:38

Supportive: No Comment Status: Unresolved

Assigned Responder: Approval Date:

Committee Response: Rejected Late Comment:

Commenter Reply: Unresolved ANSI Comment:

Reply Status: New - Submitted Response Status:

Attachments: No Attachments

 Comment Text:

ab. Examination rooms that are not programmed for use by patients with undiagnosed gastrointestinal symptoms, undiagnosed respiratory symptoms, or undiagnosed skin symptoms. Use ASHRAE-62.1 for indoor air quality and ASHRAE-55 comfort

 Function of Space  Pressure… Minimum Outdoor ACH 

Minimum Total ACH 

All room air exhaust.. 

Air Recirculated… 

Design RH… 

Design T… 

 General Examination Room (ab)  NR NR (ab)   NR  NR  NR  NR (ab)  NR (ab)

 Substantiating Comments:

Since “general examination rooms” are defined to not require special infection-control considerations, HVAC systems serving them should be like to those of other building types.  This proposal imposes arbitrary and unfair requirements on “general examination rooms” that are inconsistent with ASHRAE standard requirements in other buildings.  Outdoor air should be provided to meet IAQ needs.  2 ACH is not consistent with any method from or similar to ASHRAE-62.1. 2 ACH would prohibit any form of IAQ or performance-based ventilation.  Such a prohibition is unfair:: such forms are permitted in all other building types covered by ASHRAE standards.  Total air, temperature, and humidity should meet comfort needs. . The requirements listed are not consistent with any method from or similar to ASHRAE-55.  A 4 ACH minimum will allow or encourage re-heat energy in central HVAC systems.  Reheat energy is limited by ASHRAE-90.1. It should not be used without justification.  Yet, there is no reason or benefit 4 ACH provides to offset the energy use and carbon footprint it causes.  4 ACH is unfair: no such minimum energy-use is levied on other building types by ASHRAE standards.  Energy conservation is in the public interest, and should not be ignored in this case without justification.  The proposed requirements exceed those demonstrated in common practice. Most general examination rooms in the US are in B-occupancy buildings, where codes and standards similar to ASHRAE-62.1, ASHRAE-55, and ASHRAE-90.1 are apropos.  Many such US facilities use VAV systems, with minimum ventilation less than 4 ACH.

Comment Responses and Replies

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Comment Title Type Status Submitted  ByDate Submitted

Reply Deadline

Request Further Action

Review Action

Commenter Action

Approval Date

    Response:Arbitrary requirements for general examination rooms. 

Response  Response Approved 

[email protected] 

03/08/2016 03/15/2016 No Rejected    01/25/2016

We agree there is much work to be done, and this work is in progress.  We do not believe it is prudent to adjust the requirements for one space until we have the additional data that will result from the  current work.  

Approval Method: PC Meeting      Approval Mtg Location: Orlando 

Change Type: None editResolution Potential: None editGeneral Notes: edit


    Reply:Arbitrary requirements for general examination rooms. 

Reply  New - Submitted 

[email protected]  03/14/2016   No   Unresolved   

Addendum AD adds conflicts in ASHRAE standards.  It creates new space definitions, without resolving known conflicts in ASHRAE standards. I highly recommend resolving those conflicts prior to issuing new room requirements like Addendum AD. ANSI ER criteria does not appear to have been followed.  ANSI ER, §2.4 and §2.4.2 describes harmonization among ANSI standards.  It advises a "good faith effort" to avoid conflicts.  No such good faith effort occurred.  SSPC-170 was notified in early 2014 (~24 months ago) of conflicts with ASHRAE-55.  In May 2015 (~10 months ago), they were notified of conflicts with ASHRAE-62.1 and ASHRAE-90.1.  Addendum AD was proposed after those (~5 months ago).  This public comment identified three ASHRAE Standards, by name, as conflicts to the "2 ACH" outside air number, "4 ACH" total air number, and the temperature/humidity ranges in "General Examination Rooms". Per the ANSI ER, receipt of the public comment should have initiated a coordination effort.  Meeting minutes of SSPC-170 do not indicate any record of discussing these issues with the other ASHRAE Standards groups. SSPC-170’s response implies they’re working on the inter-standards conflicts. Their responses to 170-14-12-0001 and 170-14-12-002 also indicate this. Those conflicts should be resolved prior to issuing new room requirements like Addendum AD.  Requirements like this will need to be re-issued when the inter-standard conflicts are resolved.  

Change Type: None editResolution Potential: None editGeneral Notes: edit


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to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013

_____________________Public Review Draft

Proposed Addendum ? to Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of

Health Care Facilities

First Public Review (??) (Draft shows Proposed Changes to Current Standard)

This draft has been recommended for public review by the responsible project committee. To submit a comment on this proposed standard, go to the ASHRAE website at and access the online comment database. The draft is subject to modification until it is approved for publication by the Board of Directors and ANSI. Until this time, the current edition of the standard (as modified by any published addenda on the ASHRAE website) remains in effect. The current edition of any standard may be purchased from the ASHRAE Online Store at or by calling 404-636-8400 or 1-800-727-4723 (for orders in the U.S. or Canada). This standard is under continuous maintenance. To propose a change to the current standard, use the change submittal form available on the ASHRAE website, The appearance of any technical data or editorial material in this public review document does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guaranty by ASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, or design, and ASHRAE expressly disclaims such. © 2015 ASHRAE. This draft is covered under ASHRAE copyright. Permission to reproduce or redistribute all or any part of this document must be obtained from the ASHRAE Manager of Standards, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA

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BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft 30329. Phone: 404-636-8400, Ext. 1125. Fax: 404-321-5478. E-mail: [email protected]. ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta GA 30329-2305 (This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed according to the ANSI requirements for a standard and may contain material that has not been subject to public review or a consensus process. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)

FOREWORD This addendum proposes an alternate form of providing humidification. It also includes a reorganization of Paragraph 6.6 for clarity. [Note to Reviewers: This addendum makes proposed changes to the current standard. These changes are indicated in the text by underlining (for additions) and strikethrough (for deletions) except where the reviewer instructions specifically describe some other means of showing the changes. Only these changes to the current standard are open for review and comment at this time. Additional material is provided for context only and is not open for comment except as it relates to the proposed changes.] Addendum ? to 170-2013 Revise Paragraph 6.6, as follows: 6.6 Humidifiers. When outdoor humidity and internal moisture sources are not sufficient to meet the requirements of Table 7.1, humidification shall be provided by means of the health-care facility air-handling systems. Steam or adiabatic atomizing humidifiers shall be used. General Requirements:

1. Locate humidifiers within air-handling units or ductwork to avoid moisture accumulation in downstream components, including filters and insulation.

2. A humidity sensor shall be provided, located at a suitable distance downstream from the steam injection source.

3. Controls shall be provided to limit duct humidity to a maximum value of 90% rh when the humidifier is operating.

4. Duct takeoffs shall not be located within the humidifier’s absorption distance. 5. Humidifier steam control valves shall be designed so that they remain off whenever the

air-handling unit is not in operation.

Steam Humidifier Requirements: 1. Chemical additives used in the steam systems that serve humidifiers for steam

humidifiers serving health care facilities shall comply with FDA requirements.1

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BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft Adiabatic Atomizing Humidifier Requirements:

1. Humidifiers shall be high pressure water atomizing type. 2. Humidifier water shall be treated with a reverse osmosis process, including a UV-C

sterilization light source and a sub-micron filter. 3. Treated humidifier water shall be continuously circulated from the source, to the

humidifier valves. All valves, headers, and piping not part of the recirculation loop shall drain when not in use.

4. Testing ports shall be provided in the treated humidifier water piping system. 5. Moisture eliminators shall be provided, as required, to prevent moisture accumulation in

ductwork. 6. Storage of treated or untreated water is not permitted.

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TABLE 7.1 Design Parameters

Function of Space

Pressure Relationship to Adjacent Areas


Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units



Filter Efficiencies


Design Relative Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

SURGERY AND CRITICAL CARE Operating room (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No 8/14 20–60 68–75/20–24 Operating/surgical cystoscopic rooms, (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No 8/14 20–60 68–75/20–24 Delivery room (Caesarean) (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No 8/14 20–60 68–75/20–24 Substerile service area NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 NR NR Recovery room NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 20–60 70–75/21–24 Critical and intensive care NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 30–60 70–75/21–24 Intermediate care (s) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Wound intensive care (burn unit) NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 40–60 70–75/21–24 Newborn intensive care Positive 2 6 NR No 8/14 30–60 72–78/22–26 Treatment room (p) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 20–60 70–75/21–24 Trauma room (crisis or shock) (c) Positive 3 15 NR No 8/14 20–60 70–75/21–24 Medical/anesthesia gas storage (r) Negative NR 8 Yes NR 8/NR NR NR Laser eye room Positive 3 15 NR No 8/14 20–60 70–75/21–24 Emergency Department public waiting area Negative 2 12 Yes (q) NR 8/14 max 65 70–75/21–24 Triage Negative 2 12 Yes (q) NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 ER decontamination Negative 2 12 Yes No 8/14 NR NR Radiology waiting rooms Negative 2 12 Yes (q), (w) NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Procedure room (o), (d) Positive 3 15 NR No 8/14 20–60 70–75/21–24 Emergency department exam/treatment room (p) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24

INPATIENT NURSING Patient room NR 2 4(y) NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Nourishment area or room NR NR 2 NR NR 8/14 NR NR Toilet room Negative NR 10 Yes No NR NR NR Newborn nursery suite NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 30–60 72–78/22–26 Continued care nursery NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 30-60 72-78/22-26 Protective environment room (t) Positive 2 12 NR No 8/HEPA (aa) max 60 70–75/21–24 AII room (u) Negative 2 12 Yes No 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Combination AII/PE room Positive 2 12 Yes No 8/HEPA Max 60 70-75/21-24 AII anteroom (u) (e) NR 10 Yes No 8/14 NR NR PE anteroom (t) (e) NR 10 NR No 8/14 NR NR Combination AII/PE anteroom (e) NR 10 Yes No 8/14 NR NR Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum (LDRP) (s) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) (s) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Patient Corridor NR NR 2 NR NR 8/14 NR NR

NURSING FACILITY Resident room NR 2 2 NR NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Resident gathering/activity/dining NR 4 4 NR NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Resident unit corridor NR NR 4 NR NR 13/NR NR NR Physical therapy Negative 2 6 NR NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Occupational therapy NR 2 6 NR NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Bathing room Negative NR 10 Yes No 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24

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Function of Space

Pressure Relationship to Adjacent Areas


Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units



Filter Efficiencies


Design Relative Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

RADIOLOGY (v) X-ray (diagnostic and treatment) NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 72–78/22–26 X-ray (surgery/critical care and catheterization) Positive 3 15 NR No 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Darkroom (g) Negative 2 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR

DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT Laboratory, glasswashing Negative 2 10 Yes NR 13/NR NR NR Laboratory, histology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, microbiology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, nuclear medicine (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, pathology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, serology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, sterilizing Negative 2 10 Yes NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, media transfer (v) Positive 2 4 NR NR 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Nonrefrigerated body-holding room (h) Negative NR 10 Yes No 13/NR NR 70–75/21–24 Autopsy room Negative 2 12 Yes No 8/14 NR 68–75/20–24 Pharmacy(b) Positive 2 4 NR NR 8/14 NR NR Examination room NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Medication room NR 2 4 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Gastrointestinal endoscopy procedure room (x) NR 2 6 NR No 8/14 20–60 68–73/20–23 Endoscope cleaning Negative 2 10 Yes No 8/14 NR NR Treatment room NR 2 6 NR NR 8/14 max 60 70–75/21–24 Hydrotherapy Negative 2 6 NR NR 8/NR NR 72–80/22–27 Physical therapy Negative 2 6 NR NR 8/NR Max 65 72–80/22–27 Dialysis treatment area NR 2 6 NR NR 8/NR NR 72-78/22-26 Dialyzer reprocessing room Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Nuclear medicine hot lab Negative NR 6 Yes No 8/NR NR 70-75/21-24 Nuclear medicine treatment room Negative 2 6 Yes NR 8/14 NR 70-75/21-24

STERILIZING Sterilizer equipment room Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR

CENTRAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SUPPLY Soiled or decontamination room Negative 2 6 Yes No 8/NR NR 72–78/22–26 Clean workroom Positive 2 4 NR No 8/14 max 60 72–78/22–26 Sterile storage Positive 2 4 NR NR 8/14 max 60 72–78/22–26

SERVICE Food preparation center (i) NR 2 10 NR No 8/NR NR 72–78/22–26 Warewashing Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Dietary storage NR NR 2 NR No 8/NR NR 72–78/22–26 Laundry, general Negative 2 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Soiled linen sorting and storage Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Clean linen storage Positive NR 2 NR NR 8/14 NR 72–78/22–26 Linen and trash chute room Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Bedpan room Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Bathroom Negative NR 10 Yes No 8/NR NR 72–78/22–26 Janitor's closet Negative NR 10 Yes No NR NR NR

Page 17: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Function of Space

Pressure Relationship to Adjacent Areas


Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units



Filter Efficiencies


Design Relative Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

SUPPORT SPACE Soiled workroom or soiled holding Negative 2 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR Clean workroom or clean holding Positive 2 4 NR NR 8/14 NR NR Hazardous material storage Negative 2 10 Yes No 8/NR NR NR

Note: NR = no requirement

Notes for Table 7.1: a. Except where indicated by a “No” in this column, recirculating room HVAC units (with heating or cooling coils) are acceptable for providing that portion of the minimum total air changes per hour that is permitted by Section 7.1 (subparagraph [a][5]).

Because of the cleaning difficulty and potential for buildup of contamination, recirculating room units shall not be used in areas marked “No.” Recirculating devices with HEPA filters shall be permitted in existing facilities as interim, supplemental environmental controls to meet requirements for the control of airborne infectious agents. The design of either portable or fixed systems should prevent stagnation and short circuiting of airflow. The design of such systems shall also allow for easy access for scheduled preventative maintenance and cleaning.

b. Pharmacy compounding areas may have additional air change, differential pressure, and filtering requirements beyond the minimum of this table depending on the type of pharmacy, the regulatory requirements which may include adoption of USP 797), the associated level of risk of the work (see USP [2012] in Informative Appendix B), and the equipment utilized in the spaces.

c. The term trauma room as used herein is a first-aid room and/or emergency room used for general initial treatment of accident victims. The operating room within the trauma center that is routinely used for emergency surgery is considered to be an operating room by this standard.

d. Pressure relationships need not be maintained when the room is unoccupied. e. See Section 7.2 and its subsections for pressure-relationship requirements. f. This letter is not used in this table. g. All air need not be exhausted if darkroom equipment has a scavenging exhaust duct attached and meets ventilation standards regarding NIOSH, OSHA, and local employee exposure limits.2, 3 h. A nonrefrigerated body-holding room is applicable only to facilities that do not perform autopsies on-site and use the space for short periods while waiting for the body to be transferred. i. Minimum total air changes per hour (ach) shall be that required to provide proper makeup air to kitchen exhaust systems as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154.4 In some cases, excess exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit corridors compromises

the exit corridor restrictions of NFPA 90A,5 the pressure requirements of NFPA 96,6 or the maximum defined in the table. During operation, a reduction to the number of air changes to any extent required for odor control shall be permitted when the space is not in use.

j. In some areas with potential contamination and/or odor problems, exhaust air shall be discharged directly to the outdoors and not recirculated to other areas. Individual circumstances may require special consideration for air exhausted to the outdoors. To satisfy exhaust needs, constant replacement air from the outdoors is necessary when the system is in operation.

k. The RH ranges listed are the minimum and/or maximum allowable at any point within the design temperature range required for that space. l. Systems shall be capable of maintaining the rooms within the range during normal operation. Lower or higher temperature shall be permitted when patients’ comfort and/or medical conditions require those conditions. m. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) criteria documents regarding occupational exposure to waste anesthetic gases and vapors, and control of occupational exposure to nitrous oxide7 indicate a need for both local exhaust

(scavenging) systems and general ventilation of the areas in which the respective gases are utilized. Refer to NFPA 99 for other requirements.8

n. If pressure-monitoring device alarms are installed, allowances shall be made to prevent nuisance alarms. Short-term excursions from required pressure relationships shall be allowed while doors are moving or temporarily open. Simple visual methods such as smoke trail, ball-in-tube, or flutterstrip shall be permitted for verification of airflow direction.

o. Surgeons or surgical procedures may require room temperatures, ventilation rates, humidity ranges, and/or air distribution methods that exceed the minimum indicated ranges. p. Treatment rooms used for bronchoscopy shall be treated as bronchoscopy rooms. Treatment rooms used for procedures with nitrous oxide shall contain provisions for exhausting anesthetic waste gases. q. In a recirculating ventilation system, HEPA filters shall be permitted instead of exhausting the air from these spaces to the outdoors provided that the return air passes through the HEPA filters before it is introduced into any other spaces. The entire

minimum total air changes per hour of recirculating airflow shall pass through HEPA filters. When these areas are open to larger, nonwaiting spaces, the exhaust air volume shall be calculated based on the seating area of the waiting area. (Note: The intent here is to not require the volume calculation to include a very large space [e.g., an atrium] just because a waiting area opens onto it.)

r. See NFPA 99 for further requirements.8 s. For intermediate care, labor/delivery/recovery rooms, and labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum rooms, four total ach shall be permitted when supplemental heating and/or cooling systems (radiant heating and cooling, baseboard heating, etc.) are used. t. The protective environment airflow design specifications protect the patient from common environmental airborne infectious microbes (i.e., Aspergillus spores). Recirculation HEPA filters shall be permitted to increase the equivalent room air exchanges;

however, the outdoor air changes are still required. Constant-volume airflow is required for consistent ventilation for the protected environment. The pressure relationship to adjacent areas shall remain unchanged if the PE room is utilized as a normal patient room. Rooms with reversible airflow provisions for the purpose of switching between protective environment and AII functions shall not be permitted.

u. The AII room described in this standard shall be used for isolating the airborne spread of infectious diseases, such as measles, varicella, or tuberculosis. Supplemental recirculating devices using HEPA filters shall be permitted in the AII room to increase the equivalent room air exchanges; however, the minimum outdoor air changes of Table 7.1 are still required. AII rooms that are retrofitted from standard patient rooms from which it is impractical to exhaust directly outdoors may be recirculated with air from the AII room, provided that air first passes through a HEPA filter. When the AII room is not utilized for airborne infection isolation, the pressure relationship to adjacent areas, when measured with the door closed, shall remain unchanged and the minimum total air change rate shall be 6 ach.

v. When required, appropriate hoods and exhaust devices for the removal of noxious gases or chemical vapors shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 99.8 w. The requirement that all room air is exhausted directly to outdoors applies only to radiology waiting rooms programmed to hold patients who are waiting for chest x-rays for diagnosis of respiratory disease.

Page 18: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

x. If the planned space is designated in the organization’s operational plan to be utilized for both bronchoscopy and gastrointestinal endoscopy, the design parameters for “bronchoscopy, sputum collection, and pentamidine administration” shall be used. y. For single-bed patient rooms using Group D diffusers, a minimum of six total ach shall be provided and calculated based on the volume from finished floor to 6 ft (1.83 m) above the floor. z. Table entries are the minimum filter efficiencies required for the space. Refer to section 6.4 of this document for further clarification of filtration requirements. The first Table entry is the minimum filter efficiency for Filter Bank No. 1. The second Table

entry (after the slash) is the minimum filter efficiency for Filter Bank No. 2. The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) is based on the method of testing described in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size ([ASHRAE 2012] in Informative Appendix B).

aa. As an alternative to the requirement for HEPA filters in Filter Bank No. 2, MERV-14 rated filters may be used in Filter Bank No. 2 if a tertiary terminal HEPA filter is provided for this space. High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are those filters that remove at least 99.97% of 0.3 micron-sized particles at the rated flow in accordance with the testing methods of IEST RP-CC001.3 (IEST [2005] in Informative Appendix B).

Page 19: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum i to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft Revise Table 7.1 to add a new column as shown below. The remainder of the information and notes in Table 7.1 is unchanged.

TABLE 7.1 Design Parameters

Function of Space

Pressure Relationship to Adjacent Areas


Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units


Unoccupied Setback

Design Relative

Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

SURGERY AND CRITICAL CARE Operating room (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No Yes 20–60 68–75/20–24 Operating/surgical cystoscopic rooms, (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No Yes 20–60 68–75/20–24 Delivery room (Caesarean) (m), (o) Positive 4 20 NR No Yes 20–60 68–75/20–24 Substerile service area NR 2 6 NR No No NR NR Recovery room NR 2 6 NR No Yes 20–60 70–75/21–24 Critical and intensive care NR 2 6 NR No Yes 30–60 70–75/21–24 Intermediate care (s) NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Wound intensive care (burn unit) NR 2 6 NR No Yes 40–60 70–75/21–24 Newborn intensive care Positive 2 6 NR No Yes 30–60 72–78/22–26 Treatment room (p) NR 2 6 NR NR Yes 20–60 70–75/21–24 Trauma room (crisis or shock) (c) Positive 3 15 NR No Yes 20–60 70–75/21–24 Medical/anesthesia gas storage (r) Negative NR 8 Yes NR No NR NR Laser eye room Positive 3 15 NR No Yes 20–60 70–75/21–24 Emergency Department public waiting area Negative 2 12 Yes (q) NR No max 65 70–75/21–24 Triage Negative 2 12 Yes (q) NR No max 60 70–75/21–24 ER decontamination Negative 2 12 Yes No No NR NR Radiology waiting rooms Negative 2 12 Yes (q), (w) NR No max 60 70–75/21–24 Procedure room (o), (d) Positive 3 15 NR No Yes 20–60 70–75/21–24 Emergency department exam/treatment room (p) NR 2 6 NR NR No max 60 70–75/21–24

INPATIENT NURSING Patient room NR 2 4(y) NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Nourishment area or room NR NR 2 NR NR Yes NR NR Toilet room Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR Newborn nursery suite NR 2 6 NR No Yes 30–60 72–78/22–26 Continued care nursery NR 2 6 NR No YES 30-60 72-78/22-26 Protective environment room (t) Positive 2 12 NR No No max 60 70–75/21–24 AII room (u) Negative 2 12 Yes No No max 60 70–75/21–24 Combination AII/PE room Positive 2 12 Yes No No Max 60 70-75/21-24

Page 20: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft

AII anteroom (u) (e) NR 10 Yes No No NR NR PE anteroom (t) (e) NR 10 NR No No NR NR Note: NR = no requirement

TABLE 7.1 Design Parameters (Continued)

Function of Space

Pressure Relationship to Adjacent Areas


Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units


Unoccupied Setback

Design Relative

Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

Combination AII/PE anteroom (e) NR 10 Yes No No NR NR Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum (LDRP) (s) NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) (s) NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Patient Corridor NR NR 2 NR NR No NR NR

NURSING FACILITY Resident room NR 2 2 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Resident gathering/activity/dining NR 4 4 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Resident unit corridor NR NR 4 NR NR Yes NR NR Physical therapy Negative 2 6 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Occupational therapy NR 2 6 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Bathing room Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR 70–75/21–24

RADIOLOGY (v) X-ray (diagnostic and treatment) NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 72–78/22–26 X-ray (surgery/critical care and catheterization) Positive 3 15 NR No Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Darkroom (g) Negative 2 10 Yes No No NR NR

DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT Bronchoscopy, sputum collection, and pentamidine administration

Negative 2 12 Yes No Yes NR 68–73/20–23

Laboratory, general (v) Negative 2 6 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, bacteriology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, biochemistry (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, cytology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, glasswashing Negative 2 10 Yes NR Yes NR NR Laboratory, histology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, microbiology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, nuclear medicine (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, pathology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR No NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, serology (v) Negative 2 6 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24

Page 21: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft

Laboratory, sterilizing Negative 2 10 Yes NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Laboratory, media transfer (v) Positive 2 4 NR NR Yes NR 70–75/21–24 Nonrefrigerated body-holding room (h) Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR 70–75/21–24

Note: NR = no requirement TABLE 7.1 Design Parameters (Continued)

Function of Space Pressure

Relationship to Adjacent Areas (n)

Minimum Outdoor


Minimum Total ach

All Room Air Exhausted Directly to

Outdoors (j)

Air Recirculated by Means of Room Units


Unoccupied Setback

Design Relative

Humidity (k), %

Design Temperature

(l), °F/°C

Autopsy room Negative 2 12 Yes No No NR 68–75/20–24 Pharmacy(b) Positive 2 4 NR NR No NR NR Examination room NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Medication room NR 2 4 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Gastrointestinal endoscopy procedure room (x) NR 2 6 NR No Yes 20–60 68–73/20–23 Endoscope cleaning Negative 2 10 Yes No Yes NR NR Treatment room NR 2 6 NR NR Yes max 60 70–75/21–24 Hydrotherapy Negative 2 6 NR NR No NR 72–80/22–27 Physical therapy Negative 2 6 NR NR Yes Max 65 72–80/22–27 Dialysis treatment area NR 2 6 NR NR YES NR 72-78/22-26 Dialyzer reprocessing room Negative NR 10 Yes No NO NR NR Nuclear medicine hot lab Negative NR 6 Yes No NO NR 70-75/21-24 Nuclear medicine treatment room Negative 2 6 Yes NR YES NR 70-75/21-24

STERILIZING Sterilizer equipment room Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR

CENTRAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SUPPLY Soiled or decontamination room Negative 2 6 Yes No No NR 72–78/22–26 Clean workroom Positive 2 4 NR No No max 60 72–78/22–26 Sterile storage Positive 2 4 NR NR No max 60 72–78/22–26

SERVICE Food preparation center (i) NR 2 10 NR No Yes NR 72–78/22–26 Warewashing Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR Dietary storage NR NR 2 NR No No NR 72–78/22–26 Laundry, general Negative 2 10 Yes No No NR NR Soiled linen sorting and storage Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR Clean linen storage Positive NR 2 NR NR No NR 72–78/22–26 Linen and trash chute room Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR

Page 22: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

BSR/ASHRAE/ASHE Addendum h to ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2013, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities First Public Review Draft

Bedpan room Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR Bathroom Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR 72–78/22–26 Janitor's closet Negative NR 10 Yes No No NR NR

SUPPORT SPACE Soiled workroom or soiled holding Negative 2 10 Yes No No NR NR Clean workroom or clean holding Positive 2 4 NR NR No NR NR Hazardous material storage Negative 2 10 Yes No No NR NR Note: NR = no requirement

Notes for Table 7.1: […]

Page 23: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Page 1

Date:Meeting Location

Motion #:Moved by:Seconded:

Motion:Pass or Fail:



Chris Rousseau, Chair Designer XMichael Sheerin, Vice Chair Designer XJonathan Flannery User XDouglas Erickson General XJeremy Fauber Designer XSteve Friedman User XJames (Skip) Gregory User XRichard Hermans Producer XNolan Hosking Producer NPPeter Langowski Designer XFarhad Memarzadeh General NPRichard Moeller Designer XRuss Olmsted ICP NPGordon Sharp Producer X

Total 14 11 0 0 3

INTEREST CATEGORY TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN NOT VOTINGDesigner 5 5 0 0 0General 2 1 0 0 1ICP 1 0 0 0 1Producer 3 2 0 0 1User 3 3 0 0 0

Total 14 11 0 0 3

Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

Reasons for Abstenstion(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

Reasons for Negative Vote(s):

Send addendum ad to publication with unresolved commentPassed


CLB denotes votes cast by Continuation Letter BallotX denotes votes cast

Passed1. Affirmative vote of majority of the voting membership.2. Affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of those voting.

NP denotes not presentCNV denotes Chair Not Voting

SSPC 170 - Roll Call Vote Record

St. Louis, MO - Interim Meeting1Richard HermansJeremy Fauber


Page 24: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Page 2

Date:Meeting Location

Motion #:Moved by:Seconded:

Motion:Pass or Fail:



Chris Rousseau, Chair Designer XMichael Sheerin, Vice Chair Designer XJonathan Flannery User XDouglas Erickson General XJeremy Fauber Designer XSteve Friedman User XJames (Skip) Gregory User XRichard Hermans Producer XNolan Hosking Producer NPPeter Langowski Designer XFarhad Memarzadeh General NPRichard Moeller Designer XRuss Olmsted ICP NPGordon Sharp Producer X

Total 14 9 0 2 3

INTEREST CATEGORY TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN NOT VOTINGDesigner 5 4 0 1 0General 2 1 0 0 1ICP 1 0 0 0 1Producer 3 1 0 1 1User 3 3 0 0 0

Total 14 9 0 2 3

Michael Sheerin, Vice Chair

SSPC 170 - Roll Call Vote Record4/4/2016St. Louis, MO - Interim Meeting2Douglas Erickson

Submit Adiabatic Himidification addendum for public review.Passed

X denotes votes cast NP denotes not presentCLB denotes votes cast by Continuation Letter Ballot CNV denotes Chair Not Voting

Reasons for Abstenstion(s): Reason 1 - Does not feel that document is ready to send out yetReason 2Reason 3

1. Affirmative vote of majority of the voting membership. Passed2. Affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of those voting. Passed

Reasons for Negative Vote(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

Page 25: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Page 3

Date:Meeting Location

Motion #:Moved by:Seconded:

Motion:Pass or Fail:



Chris Rousseau, Chair Designer XMichael Sheerin, Vice Chair Designer XJonathan Flannery User XDouglas Erickson General XJeremy Fauber Designer XSteve Friedman User XJames (Skip) Gregory User NPRichard Hermans Producer XNolan Hosking Producer NPPeter Langowski Designer XFarhad Memarzadeh General NPRichard Moeller Designer XRuss Olmsted ICP NPGordon Sharp Producer X

Total 14 10 0 0 4

INTEREST CATEGORY TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN NOT VOTINGDesigner 5 5 0 0 0General 2 1 0 0 1ICP 1 0 0 0 1Producer 3 2 0 0 1User 3 2 0 0 1

Total 14 10 0 0 4

Jonathan Flannery

SSPC 170 - Roll Call Vote Record4/4/2016St. Louis, MO - Interim Meeting3Richard Hermans

Send filter addendum with changes discussed to Table 7.1 out for APRPassed

X denotes votes cast NP denotes not presentCLB denotes votes cast by Continuation Letter Ballot CNV denotes Chair Not Voting

Reasons for Abstenstion(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

1. Affirmative vote of majority of the voting membership. Passed2. Affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of those voting. Passed

Reasons for Negative Vote(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

Page 26: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Page 4

Date:Meeting Location

Motion #:Moved by:Seconded:

Motion:Pass or Fail:



Chris Rousseau, Chair Designer XMichael Sheerin, Vice Chair Designer XJonathan Flannery User XDouglas Erickson General XJeremy Fauber Designer XSteve Friedman User XJames (Skip) Gregory User XRichard Hermans Producer XNolan Hosking Producer NPPeter Langowski Designer XFarhad Memarzadeh General NPRichard Moeller Designer XRuss Olmsted ICP XGordon Sharp Producer X

Total 14 12 0 0 2

INTEREST CATEGORY TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN NOT VOTINGDesigner 5 5 0 0 0General 2 1 0 0 1ICP 1 1 0 0 0Producer 3 2 0 0 1User 3 3 0 0 0

Total 14 12 0 0 2

Douglas Erickson

SSPC 170 - Roll Call Vote Record4/4/2016St. Louis, MO - Interim Meeting4Richard Hermans

Reconsider addendum for Table 7.1 for unoccupied modePassed

X denotes votes cast NP denotes not presentCLB denotes votes cast by Continuation Letter Ballot CNV denotes Chair Not Voting

Reasons for Abstenstion(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

1. Affirmative vote of majority of the voting membership. Passed2. Affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of those voting. Passed

Reasons for Negative Vote(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

Page 27: Meeting Minutes - ASHRAE  · 3. (these are not compounding pharmacies) – Procedure Rooms – Discussed Table 6.1

Page 5

Date:Meeting Location

Motion #:Moved by:Seconded:

Motion:Pass or Fail:



Chris Rousseau, Chair Designer XMichael Sheerin, Vice Chair Designer XJonathan Flannery User XDouglas Erickson General XJeremy Fauber Designer XSteve Friedman User XJames (Skip) Gregory User XRichard Hermans Producer XNolan Hosking Producer NPPeter Langowski Designer XFarhad Memarzadeh General NPRichard Moeller Designer XRuss Olmsted ICP XGordon Sharp Producer X

Total 14 12 0 0 2

INTEREST CATEGORY TOTAL YES NO ABSTAIN NOT VOTINGDesigner 5 5 0 0 0General 2 1 0 0 1ICP 1 1 0 0 0Producer 3 2 0 0 1User 3 3 0 0 0

Total 14 12 0 0 2

Richard Moeller

SSPC 170 - Roll Call Vote Record4/4/2016St. Louis, MO - Interim Meeting5Richard Hermans

Put Table 7.1 Addendum out for publication public reviewPassed

X denotes votes cast NP denotes not presentCLB denotes votes cast by Continuation Letter Ballot CNV denotes Chair Not Voting

Reasons for Abstenstion(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3

1. Affirmative vote of majority of the voting membership. Passed2. Affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of those voting. Passed

Reasons for Negative Vote(s): Reason 1Reason 2Reason 3