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MedLife Medical Services_EN

Jul 07, 2018



Stefan Rusie
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  • 8/18/2019 MedLife Medical Services_EN


    The benefits of MedLife subscribers Ericsson package of benefits


    *(Beneficiary headquarters, subscriber


    Life Memorial Hospital Emergency Room - 24/24, 7/7 *

    Emergency Medical Room Grivita Clinic 7/7 According to the clinic’s schedule

    MEDICAL HOTLINE 24/24, 7/7 *FAMILY MEDICINE *Consultations *Services reimbursed by CNAS *


    Consultation (anamnesis, recommendations for investigationsand treatment, treatment monitoring) *Skin tests (prick or IDR) ** Allergy tests (nasal, ocular,bronchia provocation tests, skin tests with physical agents) **Simple spirometry **Pharmacodynamics bronchial test **Spirometry with dual bronchodilatation **Specific immunotherapy **Peakflowmetry (adults / children) **


    1. Blood tests

    HEMATOLOGY - HAEMOSTASIS **Complete blood counts (CBC) ** ABO blood grup **RH factor **Lupus cells ** A blood group antibody **B blood group antibody **D(Rh) group antibody ** APTT **Fibrinogen **Quick Time (sec, %, INR) **Fibrin monomer test **Thrombin Time **Lupic anticoagulant ** Antithrombin III **ProC Global FV NR **ProC Global NR **Protein C **Protein S **BIOCHEMISTRY - SEROLOGY **VDRL **Quantitative VDRL **MARKERI ENDOCRINI **T3 **T4 **Thyroglobulin **TSH **

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    17 ketosteroids **17-OH corticosteroids **17-OH Progesterone ** ACTH **Serum aldosterone **Urinary aldosterone **Beta hCG **Serum cortisol **Urinary cortisol **DHEAS **Estradiol **FSH **INFECTIOUS MARKERS ** Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgG ** Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgM ** Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgG ** Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgM ** Ac Anti-Lysteria ** Ac Anti-Ch trachomatis IgA ** Ac Anti-Ch trachomatis IgG ** Ac Anti-Ch trachomatis IgM ** Ac Anti-CMV IgG ** Ac Anti-CMV IgM ** Ac Anti-HAV ** Ac Anti-HAV IgM ** Ac Anti-HBc ** Ac Anti-HBc IgM * ** Ac Anti-Hbe ** Ac Anti-HBs ** Ac Anti-HIV ½ ** Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgG ** Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgM ** Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgG ** Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgM ** Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgM ** Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgG ** Ag HBs **MICROBIOLOGY - PARASITOLOGY ** Ag Ch. Trachomatis ** Ag Mycoplasma + Ureeaplasma

    **Ex. Bacteriological examination of urethral, vaginal and cervical discharge **Urine cultures **OTHERS **Urinalysis **Double test with interpretation(free-beta hCG, PAPP-A) (Down Syndrome test) **Triple test with interpretation (AFP, hCG, free Estriol) (Down Syndrome test) **2 . Regular gynecological consultations

    3. High performance imaging services: 2D, 3D, 4 D Volluson, 4D Accouson ultrasounds2D and 3D whenever needed and 4D peeach pregnancy quarter

    4. Postnatal consultation

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    Consultation (anamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Kinetotherapy with specific equipment 10 sesions/month/subscriberIndividual kinetotherapy 10 sesions/month/subscriberRegional massage *General Massage *Reflexoterapy 10 sesions/month/subscriberOther procedure 30%CARDIOLOGY

    Consultation ( anamnesis, recomandations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring ) *Echocardiography **EKG *EKG effort **Holter EKG **Holter TA *Venous, arterialan carotid ECO Doppler *Troponin- rapid test **Heart vasculat sustem **GENERAL SURGERY

    Consultation *Bandage **Removal surgical wires **Suture of the wound **Cleaning an bandaging wounds **DERMATOLOGY

    Consultation ( anamnesis, recomandations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring ) *Nail avultion ** Applications with liquid nitrogen / lesion ** Applications with podophylin - 1 sedinta

    **Curettage / lesion **Curettage of seborrheic keratosis / lesion **Curettage of skin lesions / lesion **Curettage of moluscum confagiosum / lesion **Curettage of the plantar warts / cm **Wood’s lamp examination **Electrocautery **Crioterapy 20%Harvesting a pathological product for biopsy ( excluding pathological examination ) **Laser interventions 20%Minor surgery

    **Incision of the overinfected tumors ( cysts, boils ) **Dermatoscopy **Minor dermatologic surgery ** Antibiotic bandage **Bandage with antibiotic **Bandage after surgery **Simple bandage **Leg ulcer bandaging – wound of 5 cm **Skin biopsy sampling **Surgical stitch removal **

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    Laser other vascular/ pigmented lesions 20%Laser other benign tumors / lesion 20%Laser angiomas 20%Laser angiomas/ lesion 20%Laser angiofibroma / lesion 20%Laser angiokeratom 20%Laser epidermoid cyst 20%Laser sebaceous cyst 20%Laser condyloma / cm 20%Laser epitelioma bazocell 20%Laser Genesis 10 x 10 cm 20%Laser facial Genesis 20%Laser granuloma periungual 20%Laser seborrheic keratoses 20%Laser lengitine < 1 cm 20%Laser lentigines / lez 20%Laser moluscum pendulum 20%Laser chromic nerves / lesion 20%Laser papilloma viral 20%Laser rinofina / lesion 20%Laser teleangiectasia / lesion 20%Laser teleangiectasia / lesion 20%Vascular Laser NDYAG 20%Flat warts laser 20%Laser hands warts 20%Laser foot warts 20%Laser Xanthelasma - monolateral 20%Lentigines **Facial post – peeling mask 10%Suture **DIABETES AND METABOLIC DISEASES

    Consultation for diabetes and metabolic diseases *Counselingin nutrition 20%Consultation for dyslipidemia *Consultation for thyperuricemia *ULTRASOUND

    2D Ultrasound ( general and for organ ) *2D Ultrasound (general, for organ, transvaginal) **Echocardiography **Pregnancy ultrasound (3D)

    **Pregnancy ultrasound (4D Acusson, 4D Volluson)

    **4D Ultrasound **4D E8/ Ultrasound Expert (general and for organ ) 20%4D Transvaginal Ultrasound (4D Acuson, 4D Volluson) 20%

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    Consultation ( anamnesis, recomandations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring ) *

    Growth hormone-inhibiling test *

    Dexamethasone suppression test *

    ACTH suspicious of CAH *

    DXM –suppression test – 1 mg ( includes specific analys ) *

    Harveting nipple discharge **

    Harvesting urethral discharge **

    Determination of fatty tissue / muscleratio *

    Diet counseling *GASTROENTEROLOGY

    Consultation ( annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring ) / settingup a diet plan *Esogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ) **Colonoscopy ** Anoscopy ( rectoscopy ) **Paracentesis **

    Complexpolypectomy **Simplepolypectomy **Rectal sigmoidoscopy **Helicobacter Pylori Rapid Test **Endoscopic biopsy **Endoscopic electrocoagulation **Hemostasis with metal clip **Hemostasis by injection **HEMATOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *HOMEOPATHY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *HIGH PERFORMANCE IMAGING

    Computer Scanner (CT) **RM 3 Tesla (MedLife) **LABORATORY

    Wide range of laboratory analysis : biochemistry, coagulation, hematology, histology, microbiology, parasitology,toxicology **

    Wide range of laboratory analysis : immunology markers ( allergies, anemia,endocrine,infectious, bone,tumor ) **Wide range of laboratory analysis : autoimmunity, molecular biology, genetics, pathology **PCR 20%GENERAL MEDICINE

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Release medical documents *Prenuptial certificate *INTERNAL MEDICINE

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *NEPHROLOGIE

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *


    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Ultrasound examination of the extracranial cervical-cerebral arteries (Doppler) **

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    Transcranial Doppler examination of cerebral vessels and techniques derived **Electroencephalogram (EEG) **NUTRITION

    Consultation *Counseling 20%OBSTETRICS - GYNECOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Harvesting vaginal diecharge for Babes-Papanicolau test *Harvesting nipple discharge *Recommandation of a product for contracception *Colposcopy with / without biopsy ( excluding pathological exam ) *Citogiagnostic Pap smear in dry **

    Citogiagnostic Pap smear in liquid medium **

    Laser intervetions **Cervical electrocautery **Cauterisation of condylomas **Counseling for sterile / infertile couple *Counseling for menopause *Counseling for family planning *Counseling for infertillity *Electro-resection with diathermic loop **Evacuation, debridement, drainage **Extration of cervical polyp **Coil insertion *Coil removal *Coil extration *Riselle implant *Bartholin gland abscess incision **Incision of breast abscess **Incision of Bartholin’s gland cyst **Double test interpretation **Minor surgery **Pessary insertion *Simple bandageLocal bandage grooming


    Removal of surgical wires **Treatment with aldara **Topical treatments for condylomas **Topical treatments for warts **

    Harvesting of mammary discharge **OPHTALMOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Biometry *Visual auity * Auto- refractometry *Prescription for glassesPrescription for contact lenses


    Fundus examinations *Tonometry *

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    Schirmer Test *Exploring the visual field ( perimetry ) *OftalmodinamometryExtraction of foreign bodies **Examination of previous pole *Feel chromatic exam *Exoftalmometry *Pachymetry *Laser Interventions 20% Angiofluorography (AFG) Ocular ultrasound **Ocular Ultrasound **Parabulbar injection **Parabulbar injection **Puncture for purulent discharge **Retinal photography **Tear ducts probing **Optical coherence tomography 15%ONCOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *ENT

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Rinoscopy *Laringoscopy * Acumetry *Impedancemetry **Vascular spot cautery **Simple floroscopy **Optical floroscopy **Foreign body extraction **Cerumen plug removal **Maxilary sinus puncture

    **Nasal tamponade ( anterior or posterior ) **ENT biopsy ( sampling material for examination ) ** Aerosols Auricular drainage


    Nasal suctioning ** Audiometry **Biopsy of the tumor in ENT area ( sampling material for histopathological examination ) **Biopsy of the nasopharunx ( cavum )under endoscopic control ( sampling material for histopathologicalexamination ) **Incision for collecting auricular drainageIncision in peritonsilar phlegnom ****Tubal insuflations **Tubal insuflations with Politzer **Tubal insuflations with Itard probe **Laser surgeries 20%Minor surgery **IV infusion (infusion installation and supervision) **Vestibular samples **Intraauricularspraying ( various substances ) **

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    Maxilary sinus puncture **Removal of surgical wire from wounds **Stepto-turbinalsynechiae resection **Superficial wound sutture ** Anterior nasal tamponade **Prevoius nasal tamponade with Merocel **Posterior nasal tamponade **Lidocaine text **Mastoid cavity dissection and grooming **Nasal grooming **Bandage grooming **Endoauricular bandage grooming **ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *DexaOsteodensitometry ** 2 segments

    Im obilization of circular plaster device **Infiltration with no substance **Evacuating intra-articular punctures **PEDIATRICS ( for children subscribers )

    Unlimited consultations, medical records managed, by the pediatrician, access to medical specialities by writtenreference, laboratory investigationa. *Medical permit to enter community *Epidemiologic opinion *PNEUMOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Interpretation of analyzes *Interpretation of imaging ( RX/CT ) *PSYCHIATRY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Psychiatric counseling 20%RADIOLOGY

    Mamography **Radiography **Urography **REUMATOLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Intraarticular infiltration ( maneuver ) **Intraarticular infiltration wih corticosteroids and xyline **Intraarticular infiltration with corticosteroids **

    DexaOsteodensitometry **2 segments

    Puncture Wrecker **Infiltration with Hyalgan 10%DENTISTRY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Scaling and manual brushing (1 / year ) *Other dental services 30%UROLOGY

    Consultation (annamnesis, recommendations for investigations and treatment, treatment monitoring) *Extracorporeal lithotripsy ( fragmentation of kidney stones ) 10%

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    Plastic induration therapy of corpora cavernosa – 4 sesions 20%Maneuvers ( catheterization, urethral stricture dilation, prostate massage, hervesting discharge, cathetercharging ) **Rectovesicalcatheterization with Foley catheter **Rectovesicalcatheterization with Foley catheter (silicone) **Rectovesicalcatheterization with Tiemann catheter (silicone) **Cystostomy under local anesthesia **

    Andrology consultation *Male infertility consultation *Retraction of penis foreskin **Diagnosis and treatment of urethritis and orchiepididymitis **Urethral stricture dilation **Ultrasound of genital organs ( testes, penis ) **Ultrasound of genital apparatus ( testes, penis, prostate ) **Ultrasound of urinary tract ( kidneys, urinary bladder )

    **Ultrasound of urogenitalapparatus **Transrectal prostate ultrasound **Renal Ultrasound **Testicular Ultrasound **Bladder Ultrasound **Bladder and prostate Ultrasound **Clinical examination of prostate **Phimosis **Intravesical instillations **Urethral instillations **Interpretation of analysis **Bladeer lavage **Prostate massage **Installation of urine bags **Harvest of urethal discharge **Harvest urethral – prostatic discharge **Harvest urethral discharge after prostate massage **Catheter changing **Cystostomy tube changing **Removal of surgical wires **Urethral discharge with prostate massage **