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Annotation on the discipline Discipline name Всеобщая история / General History Content The origins and preconditions of early civilizations. The specific features of ancient eastern civilizations. Ancient civilization as a specific way of historic development. Medieval Western European Civilization. Feudal, economic and social system of Byzantine and Europe. Arabic Medieval civilization in the world. Western countries in the XVII-XVIII centuries: from traditional towards industrial society. Western countries in the XVIII centuries: from traditional towards industrial society. American version of Western civilization. Western European civilization at the industrial stage of development: the social structure of society and political processes in the XIX - early XX centuries. The social structure of industrial society. Main trends of political development of Europe and North America in Contemporary Times. War and peace issues in Contemporary Times. Western Europe in the interwar period. The development of post-industrial society Laws governing the development and functioning of contemporary system of international relations Contemporary international conflicts and ways of their resolution. International organizations under conditions of globalization Realized competences UC – 5 Learning outcomes of the discipline (module) To know: the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts. Be able to: to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio- historical, ethical and philosophical contexts Have skills: the ability to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts Volume of credits, CP 1 Forms of independent work Preparation for practical classes, independent research work, reports for round table. Forms of assessment (including terms) Credit: 1 semester List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Пантюхина, Т.В. National and Cultural Awareness in Modern Europe: course handbook for Master program students=Культура и национальное

 · Medieval Western European Civilization. Feudal, economic and social system of Byzantine and Europe. Arabic Medieval civilization in the world. Western countries in the XVII-XVIII

Oct 19, 2020



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  • Annotation on the discipline Discipline name

    Всеобщая история / General History


    The origins and preconditions of early civilizations. The specific features of ancient eastern civilizations. Ancient civilization as a specific way of historic development. Medieval Western European Civilization. Feudal, economic and social system of Byzantine and Europe. Arabic Medieval civilization in the world. Western countries in the XVII-XVIII centuries: from traditional towards industrial society. Western countries in the XVIII centuries: from traditional towards industrial society. American version of Western civilization. Western European civilization at the industrial stage of development: the social structure of society and political processes in the XIX - early XX centuries. The social structure of industrial society. Main trends of political development of Europe and North America in Contemporary Times. War and peace issues in Contemporary Times. Western Europe in the interwar period. The development of post-industrial society Laws governing the development and functioning of contemporary system of international relations Contemporary international conflicts and ways of their resolution. International organizations under conditions of globalization

    Realized competences

    UC – 5

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    To know: the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts. Be able to: to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts Have skills: the ability to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of independent work

    Preparation for practical classes, independent research work, reports for round table.

    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit: 1 semester

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Пантюхина, Т.В. National and Cultural Awareness in Modern Europe: course

    handbook for Master program students=Культура и национальное

  • самосознание Европы: практикум на английском языке / Т.В. Пантюхина ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет». – Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2014. – 99 с. : табл. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL: 2) Сравнительная история мировых цивилизаций / отв. ред. И.А. Краснова, И.В. Крючков, С.А. Польская ; Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет» и др. – Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2015. – 296 с. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL: 3) Фрейер, И. Краткая всеобщая история с продолжением оной до самых нынешних времен / И. Фрейер. – Москва : Типография Императорского Московского Университета – 641 с. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Фрейер, И.
        Краткая всеобщая история с продолжением оной до самых нынешних времен / И. Фрейер. - Москва : Типография Императорского Московского Университета. - 641 с. - ISBN 9785998990663, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    История России / History of Russia


    Introduction to the Course. Aims of the course and its tools of assessments. The primary sources and study resources overview. Methods and methodology of history. Historiography of the history of Russia. Periodization of history. Primitive era of mankind. The most ancient civilizations on the territory of Russia. Scythian culture. Volga Bulgaria. Khazar Khaganate. Alanya Ancient Rus in IX - early XII centuries. Prerequisites for the creation of the Old Russian state. Theories of the origin of the state: "Norman" theory. The first Russian princes: domestic and foreign policy. Socio-economic relations in the old Russian society. The pagan stage of Russian culture. The adoption of Christianity, its importance and influence on the internal and external development of the country. The development of the state of Kievan Rus in the X - XII centuries. Reforms of Vladimir. Russian lands and principalities at the beginning of the XII-XIII centuries. Ancient Russia and Europe: general trends and significant features of development. The heyday of Kievan Rus. The activities of Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh. Features of the socio-political structure of the Vladimir-Suzdal, Galicia-Volyn principalities and the Novgorod boyar republic. Features of feudalism in Russia. Economic and foreign policy reasons for the fragmentation of Russian lands. Culture of Russia in the IX - XIII centuries. The formation of the Mongolian state led by Genghis Khan. The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars to Russia, its influence on the development of ancient Russian society. Features vassal of the Golden Horde. The struggle of northwest Russia against the aggression of the German and Swedish feudal lords. The formation of the Russian state (XIV - beginning of the XVI centuries.) Causes, characteristics and features of the formation of a single state. The main political centers of Russia. The reasons for the rise of Moscow. Stages of the unification of Russian lands into a single state. Domestic and foreign policy of the Moscow princes. Reforms of Ivan III. Russian state in the XVI century. Formation of estate-representative monarchy in Russia. Palace and patrimonial order control system. Ivan's politics IV. Relationship problems of Ivan the Terrible and the Boyar Duma. Alternatives of reforming the country: Chosen Rada and oprichnina. The struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. Evaluation of the personality and activities of Ivan the Terrible in the national historical science. Russia in the first half of the XVIII century. The time of Peter the Great. The era of palace coups. Absolutism in Russia. Russia in the era of Peter the Great. The reasons for the modernization of Russia. The reforms of Peter I. The formation of Russia as a great European power: the foreign policy of Peter I. Azov campaigns and the Great Embassy. The Northern War and access to the Baltic Sea. Eastern conquest. The value and price of Peter's reforms. Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. Domestic and foreign policy of Catherine II. "Enlightened absolutism". The peasant war of 1773 - 1775 under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. Strengthening autocracy and serfdom. Letters of grant to the nobility and cities. The inclusion of the ancient Russian lands in the empire. Counter-reforms of Paul I and the crisis of the military-bureaucratic system. Russian culture of the XVIII c. Russia in 1801-1825. Russia during the reign of Alexander I. The beginning of

  • Alexander's reign and the activity of MM Speransky. The evolution of the state-legal and political system of Russia. The main directions of foreign policy of the beginning of the XIX century. Patriotic war of 1812. Foreign campaign of the Russian army. Congress of Vienna. Secret societies and the movement of the Decembrists. Military settlements. A.A. activity Arakcheeva. Russia in the second half of the XIX c. Russia in the era of reforms and counter-reforms 1860 - 1890 The reasons for the abolition of serfdom. Alexander II the Liberator. Abolition of serfdom. Bourgeois reforms of the 60s – 70s XIX century: territorial, judicial, urban, military, and others. Post-reform development of the country. Foreign policy under Alexander II. Counter-reforms of Alexander III. The emergence of revolutionary organizations. The origin of the proletariat and the beginning of the spread of Marxism in Russia. The Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX - XX cc. Russia at the turn of the era. Domestic and foreign policy in the late XIX - early XX centuries. under Nicholas II - the last emperor of Russia. Reforms S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin. Results of socio-economic reforms. The Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 The first Russian revolution of 1905–1907: reasons, features, stages. The manifesto of October 17, 1905 and its significance. The activities of the State Duma. Features of Russian parliamentarism. Russia in the WWI. The Great Russian Revolution 1917. The aggravation of the national crisis at the beginning of 1917. The nature of the February revolution, features, outcomes and significance. Alternatives to the development of Russia after the revolution. October armed uprising in Petrograd. II Congress of Soviets. The coming to power of the Bolsheviks. The economic and foreign policy of the Bolsheviks, the first decrees of the Soviet government. Formation of new statehood in Russia. Civil war and intervention. Their origins, essence. The main military and political events of 1918-1921. Military intervention, its goals and objectives. Economic, social, national, foreign policy of the leaders of the red and white camps. The policy and practice of "war communism". The reasons for the victory of the Bolsheviks and the defeat of the White movement in the war. Results, consequences and lessons of war. Soviet state in the 1920 and 1930. The economic and socio-political crisis in the country in late 1920 - early 1921. X Congress of the RCP (b). NEP. Education of the USSR. Constitution of 1924. The struggle in the leadership of the CPSU (b) on the development of the country. Political discussions in the country. Alternatives to the historical development of the USSR in the late 20s. The rise of I. Stalin. The collapse of NEP. The need to modernize the Soviet economy, especially its implementation. Forced industrialization: prerequisites, sources of accumulation, methods, rates. The policy of continuous collectivization of agriculture, its economic and social consequences. Dispensation. Ethnic and sociocultural changes. Soviet Union in World War II (1939-1945). USSR participation in political blocs of the 30s. and its results. The policy of "collective security" in Europe. Soviet-German pact and its consequences. Causes of the Second World War. The beginning of World War II, its main stages. The value of the Stalingrad and Kursk battles. Allied International Conferences. The opening of the second front and the final stage of the Second World War. The outcome of the war. The development of the USSR in 1946 - 1985 .: the search for ways to update. The birth and collapse of the "thaw" (1953 - 1964). The struggle for power and the reorganization of power structures. XX Party Congress. Criticism of the personality cult of Stalin. Attempts to democratize social and political life. Transformations in the economy and social sphere. Liberalization of foreign policy. Brezhnev "stagnation" (1964 - 1982). Cold War.

  • The modern Russia foundation (second half of the 80s of the XX - early XXI centuries). "Perestroika" in the USSR (1985 - 1991). Russia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Liberalization of society. The concept of "publicity" and democratization. Multiparty system. "New political thinking". Interethnic conflicts. The collapse of the USSR. Education CIS. Russia on the path of sovereign development. Modern Russia. Presidency V.V. Putin (2000 - 2008). Russia in the context of modern political and economic life. YES. Medvedev is the third president of Russia. The global economic crisis. Russia at V.V. Putin

    Realized competences

    UС-5 Able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts.

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    Code of the competence UС-5 To know: main directions, problems and methods of historical knowledge; have a scientific understanding of the main stages and laws of the historical development of society; know the main and key events in the history of Russia and the world from the times of antiquity to the present day; know the key dates and names of prominent historical figures of national and world history To be able: to analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development for the formation of patriotism and citizenship; work with diverse sources and analyze them; make logical conclusions and generalizations; conduct an effective search for the necessary information and carry out its analysis; use information to obtain new knowledge in order to understand the dynamics of the processes of world and Russian history in their interrelationship To master: the awareness of the social significance of the assimilation of historical knowledge and its place in future professional activities; basic historical concepts and terms, culture of thinking, the ability to generalize and analyze, skills to set a goal and choose ways to achieve it; skills to form and argue their citizenship.

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit - 2-nd - term.

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1. Дворецкая, А.П. Конфессиональная история России ХХ–ХХI вв. / А.П.

    Дворецкая, А.А. Ипеева, О.В. Коновалова ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Сибирский Федеральный университет. – Красноярск : СФУ, 2017. – 191 с. : ил. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL: 2. Сёмин, В. П. Военная история России. Внешние и внутренние конфликты : тематический справочник с приложением схем военных действий / В. П. Сёмин, А. П. Дегтярев. — М. : Академический Проект, Альма Матер, 2016. — 504 c. — ISBN 978-5-8291-1328-5. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional reading list

    2) Сёмин, В. П.
        Военная история России. Внешние и внутренние конфликты Электронный ресурс : Тематический справочник с приложением схем военных действий / В. П. Сёмин, А. П. Дегтярев. - Военная история России. Внешние и внутренние конфликты,2020-02-01. - Москва : Академический Проект, Альма Матер, 2016. - 504 с. - Книга находится в премиум-версии ЭБС IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-8291-1328-5, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline Discipline name

    Физическая культура и спорт / Physical culture and sport


    Physical education in the hierarchy of values, common culture and history. The concepts of “physical education system” (in the modern interpretation of the “system of physical culture and sports”), “sport (a massive, large, professional), “health”. “physical perfection” “physical development”, “physical fitness”, “Olympic movement”. Key components of a modern system of physical culture and sports. Social significance and function of physical culture. Characteristics of health, physical development and physical fitness of children and studying youth of Russia and, particularly university students. Physical training and sports in higher education, Features of education and health-system required, Key tasks of higher general education in “Physical Education”, contents of curricular and educational methodology. The system of physical culture and sports in higher education system.

    Realized competences

    UC -7 Able to maintain a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full Social and professional activity

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    To know: health-saving technologies taking into account physiological characteristics of the organism, methods of development of physical qualities, indicators of own health, features of influence of a way of life on health and physical preparation of the person. To be able: use means and methods of physical culture and sports for own physical development correction of health and restoration of working capacity. To master: rational methods and techniques for the prevention of occupational diseases, psychophysical and neuro-emotional fatigue in the workplace.

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit – 2 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list

    1) Кабачков, В. А. Профессиональная физическая культура в системе непрерывного образования студентов : учебное пособие / В. А. Кабачков, С. А. Полиевский, А. Э. Буров. — М. : Советский спорт, 2010. — 296 c. — ISBN 978-5-9718-0453-6. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL: 2) Егорова, С. А. Лечебная физическая культура и массаж : учебное пособие. Курс лекций на иностранном языке (английском) / С. А. Егорова, В. Г. Петрякова. — Ставрополь : Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, 2015. — 95 c. — ISBN 2227-8397. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Лечебная физическая культура : учебник для вузов / [С. Н. Попов, Н. М. Валеев, Т. С. Гарасева и др.] ; под ред. С. Н. Попова. - 9-е изд., испр. - Москва : Академия, 2013. - 412, [1] с. : ил., табл. ; 22 см. - (Высшее профессиональное образование. Физическая культура и спорт. Бакалавриат). - Библиогр.: с. 406-409. - ISBN 978-5-7695-9726-8, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline Discipline name Цифровая грамотность и обработка больших данных / Digital

    literacy and big data processing Content

    Information and digital information technology. Fundamentals of information theory The concept of information, signal, data; information properties. Methods of estimating of information, approaches to its measurement. Measuring the amount of information for equally probable and non-equally probable events. The concept of digital literacy and information technology. Classification of information technologies of data processing. Data representation in computer memory Number and coding systems. Methods of representation of numbers in different positional number systems. Computer representation of symbolic, graphic and sound information. Fundamentals of computer Operation principles of von Neumann. Computer architecture. Principles of operation of the Central processor. Computer memory structure. Basic hardware configuration Basic PC units. Motherboard. Microprocessor. Internal memory. External storage device. Keyboard. Manipulators. Peripheral devices of personal computers. Software Concept and classification of software (SOFTWARE) Operating systems: purpose and classification. The notion of a file, the FAT table. Utility software. Characteristics of General-purpose application software packages (PPP). Application packages for the organization of work in the office: processing of text and graphic data; technology to work with them. Data models and modeling technology Concept of model, classification of models. Material models and their brief characteristics. Abstract models and their brief characteristics. The concept of modeling. The purpose of modeling. Types of modeling. Basic concepts of computer modeling. Information models (databases) Databases: concept, basic terms and definitions. Types of data models and their structural elements. Relational database: basic terms, definitions and requirements for its development. General principles of database design. Database management systems: definition and functions. The main objects of DBMS: table, form, report, query. Types of requests. Fundamentals of information and communication technologies and distributed computing data processing systems Local computer network. The benefits of using Ethernet in the solution of applied problems of data processing. The main characteristics of the quality of the computer network Classification of computer networks. Topology of computer networks. Characteristics of messaging in computer networks: types of synchronization, modes of transmission, methods of switching data. Seven-level ISO/OSI Model: definition, brief description of each level; concept of interface, Protocol, main types of switching equipment. The history of the global computer network Internet. Basics functioning of

  • the Internet: data transmission; Internet connection. Internet addressing system. DNS. Big Data Technology Principles of working with big data, the main approaches to processing big data. Parallel computing paradigm. MapReduce. Tools for working with big data. Algorithmization and programming The concept of the algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Methods of representation of algorithms. Types of algorithmic designs. Basic algorithmic constructions: "following "(linear structure)," branching","cycle". Basics of creating software products. Software products for application development Information security Methods and means of data protection. Technical and software methods of information security. Classification of computer viruses and antivirus programs. Data protection from unauthorized access.

    Realized competences

    UC-1 Able to search for critical analysis and synthesis of information, to apply a systematic approach to solving problems. GPC-2 Able to process, analyze and present information in professional activities using information and computer technology

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    UC-1 To know: - theoretical foundations of Informatics and information technologies, opportunities and principles for the use of modern computer technology; - main characteristics of the processes of collection, transmission, retrieval, processing, and storing information; - the basics of working with databases; Be able to: - apply theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems, using the capabilities of computer technology and software; - use operating system and basic office applications; - work in local and global networks, and to use them in solving practical problems of data processing. To master: - the basic method of operation on a computer using a universal application programs; - methods quantitative processing, search and information transfer GPC-2 To know: - features of physical effects and phenomena, used for information security; - one of the programming languages; Be able to: - to work as a user PC with the use of external media for data exchange, backup and data archives;

    To master: - skills used in professional activities basic knowledge in computer science and modern information technologies;

  • - use knowledge of computers and information technology in professional activity; - use the possibilities of computer technology and software in the industry; - technical and software means of information protection while working with computer systems, including techniques of antivirus protection;

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Differential credit - 1st term Test - 1st term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Математические модели и методы синтеза в сверхбольших интегральных

    схемах : лабораторный практикум / Н. И. Червяков, А. И. Галушкин, М. Г. Бабенко, В. А. Кучуков. — Ставрополь : Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, 2016. — 187 c. — ISBN 2227-8397. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Математические модели и методы синтеза в сверхбольших интегральных схемах : лабораторный практикум : Направление подготовки 01.03.02 - Прикладная математика и информатика. Профиль «Математическое моделирование». Квалификация выпускника - бакалавр / сост.: Н. И. Червяков, А. И. Гвлушкин, М. Г. Бабенко, В. А. Кучуков ; Сев.-Кав. федер. ун-т. - Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2016. - 187 с. - Библиогр.: с. 185, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name



    Basic terms and foundation of chemistry. Atoms models. Mendeleev's Periodic Table in the points of view from the modern knowledge about atoms. Chemical bonds and structure of matter. Foundations of chemical thermodynamics. Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium. Solutions. Reactions in the electrolyte solutions. Redox reactions. Electrochemical systems. Metal corrosion and preventive methods from metal corrosion. Fundamentals of analytic and organic chemistry

    Realized competences


    Learning outcomes

    GPC – 1 To know: - properties of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles; chemical properties of the elements and their compounds of the periodic table, the chemical bond in the compounds, types and styles of intermolecular interactions, structure and properties of complex compounds, thermodynamic and kinetic conditions of chemical reactions, equilibrium in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, To be able: determination of the concentration of solutions of various compounds, thermodynamic characteristics of chemical reactions and the equilibrium concentration of the substances, the reaction rate and the impact of various factors on it, To master: the skills to perform basic chemical laboratory operations, methods of synthesis of inorganic and simple organic compounds,

    Volume of credits


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Exam -1rd term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Required reading list

    1) Nurutdinova, A. R. English for Special Purposes. Language of Chemistry : tutorial / A. R. Nurutdinova, G. V. Romanova. — Казань : Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, 2017. — 144 c. — ISBN 978-5-7882-2185-4. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    2) Selivanova, N. M. Physical Chemistry : educational аid / N. M. Selivanova, A. N. Bezrukov, Y. G. Galyametdinov. — Казань : Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, 2017. — 151 c. — ISBN 978-5-7882-2243-1. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional reading list

    2) Selivanova, N. M.
        Physical Chemistry Электронный ресурс : Educational аid / N. M. Selivanova, A. N. Bezrukov, Y. G. Galyametdinov. - Казань : Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет, 2017. - 151 с. -

  • Книга находится в премиум-версии ЭБС IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-7882-2243-1, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Лидерство и тимбилдинг в организации / Organizational leadership and team building.


    Leadership as a social influence process. The leadership interpretation main approaches. The leadership functions. The leadership theory. The leadership style. The leadership and the power. Definition, types of power. The main types of power. The formal and real power. The leadership as a power realization mechanism. The power realization methods. The leader psychological and social qualities. The individual qualities characteristics, diagnostics, technologies of psychological (self-confidence, motivation, responsibility, etc.) and social (sociability, organizational skills, diplomacy, etc.) Leadership development training. The leadership potential activation as a skills set of self-government and management of other people. The leadership influence mastering the group cohesion techniques and leadership skills development. The leadership potential and skills self- introspection. The leadership motivation. The self-actualization and the leader effectiveness enhance technology. The leader image concept and formation. The time management basics. Time management levels. The goal-setting. The leader soft-skills training. The social and communicative competence development. The emotional leadership development. The team building concept, goals and types. The team building definition and goals. The emergence and development team building history. The team building classification. The team building: effective collaboration in a team. The close-knit team characteristics. The healthy team signs. The team building methods. The cohesive team formation conditions. The team building training. The overall team spirit formation and strengthening through the group unity. The common problems solving of the participant responsibility development and contribution. The team self-awareness.

    Realized competences

    UC-3 Ability to carry out social interaction and realize the team role.

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    To know: − essence, forms of social interaction and social influence; − - theory of leadership and team building (team building)

    To be able to: − implement your role in the team − to organize team collaboration − manage conflicts in your organization

    To master: − team working methods − technologies to improve the efficiency of the leader and team building

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment

    Credit - 1 Term

  • (including terms) List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline

    Basic reading list 1) Методические указания для обучающихся по организации и проведению самостоятельной работы по дисциплине "Лидерство в некоммерческом секторе и этика" : Направление подготовки 39.04.01 Социология; Направленность (профиль) - «Менеджмент в некоммерческом секторе»; Квалификация выпускника Магистр; Форма обучения Очная; Год начала обучения - 2018 г- Ставрополь, 2018. - 18 с., экземпляров неограничено

    2) Методические рекомендации для студентов по организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине Психология лидерства : Специальность 37.05.02- Психология служебной деятельности; Специализация Психологическое обеспечение служебной деятельности в экстремальных условиях, Морально-психологическое обеспечение служебной деятельности; Квалификация выпускника специалист; Изучается в 5 семестре; Учебный план 2016 г- Ставрополь, 2018. - 11 с., экземпляров неограничено

    Additional reading list

    1) Методические указания для обучающихся по организации и проведению самостоятельной работы по дисциплине "Лидерство в некоммерческом секторе и этика" : Направление подготовки 39.04.01 Социология; Направленность (профиль) - «Менеджмент в некоммерческом секторе»; Квалификация выпускника Магистр; Форма обучения Очная; Год начала обучения - 2018 г. - Ставрополь, 2018. - 18 с., экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation of the discipline

    Discipline title



    Definition, essence and types of state. State authority as a special kind of public authority. State form: form of government, form of state, regime. Functions and mechanism of state. The concept and features of legal state and civil society. Definition, principles and functions of law. The system of Russian law. Legal norm, its structure. Legal institution. Branch of law. Forms (sources) of law. Normative legal acts and their classification. Lawmaking. Definition and types of legal relationships. Breach of law and legal responsibility. Legal conscience and legal culture. Foundations of Constitutional Order. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Federal form of state. President of Russian Federation. Federal Assembly. Government of Russian Federation. Judicial branch. Local government. Amendments to the Constitution and Revision of the Constitution. The concept, content and types of civil matter. Physical bodies and legal entities. The objects of civil matters. The bases of origination, modification and termination of civil matters. Exercise of civil rights and fulfilment of duties. Right to protection. Civil liability. Civil law terms. Basics of family legislation, exercise and protection of family rights. Marriage and dissolution of marriage. Rights and responsibilities of spouses. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Alimony obligations of members of the family. Forms of education of children without parental care. Basics of labour law. Labour relations. Parties of labour relations. The grounds of labour relations. Social partnership in employment. Legal regulation of employment and job placement. Labour contract: definition, parties, form and content. Conclusion, modification and termination of labour contract. Labour hours. Time of rest. Labour discipline and disciplinary liability. Material responsibility of employer and employee. Labour disputes: concept and types, and investigation procedure. Administrative enforcement. Administrative infraction and its composition. Administrative responsibility: definition, content and features. Administrative sanctions. Responsibility of juveniles according to the Administrative Code. Information: definition and types. Normative legal acts in the field of information security. The legal basis of state secrets protection. The responsibility for breaches of law in the field of information. Criminal law, tasks and principles of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Crime: the concept, categories, persons subject to criminal liability. Circumstances Excluding the Criminality of a Deed. The concept and purposes of punishment. Penalties. Sources of environmental law: types, general characteristics. Citizens’ and Non-governmental as well as other organisations’ rights and obligations in the field of environment protection. Ecological monitoring: purposes, tasks and types. Legal liability for law violation in the field of environmental protection.

    Realised competences

    UC-2, GPC-4

    Learning Code of the competence UC-2

  • outcomes of the course (module)

    To know: basic legal documents; the Russian Federation Constitution’s provisions regarding the constitutional order, the rights and freedoms a person and citizen, organisation and execution of state authority; To be able: know the system of legislation and normative legal acts regulating the sphere of professional activity; interpret and apply the laws and other normative legal acts; competently work out a legal documents To be skilled in: the use of legal norms in the professional and social activities. Code of the competence GPC-4 To know: fundamentals of the Russian Federation’s legal system formation; laws and normative acts related to the regulation of the various branches of law. To be able: to make a legal decisions and perform other legal actions in strict accordance with law; analyse the legislation and practice of its application, know the specialised literature. To be skilled in: in working with literature and regulations in the various branches of law; operation of terminology and basic concepts of law.

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit – 1 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Осипов, М. Ю. Сравнительное правоведение : курс лекций / М. Ю.

    Осипов. — Тула : Институт законоведения и управления ВПА, 2018. — 618 c. — ISBN 2227-8397. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional reading list 1) Осипов, М. Ю.

    правоведение Электронный ресурс : Курс лекций / М. Ю. Осипов. - Тула : Институт законоведения и управления ВПА, 2018. - 618 с. - Книга находится в премиум-версии ЭБС IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 2227-8397, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Name of the discipline Иностранный язык / Foreign language Content Foreign language (Russian language) as an academic discipline.

    Phonetic, grammatical, lexical, morphological and syntactic norms of the Russian language. Noun. Possessive pronouns. Imperative. Paradigm of verbs I conjugation. Numerical. Adjective. The concept of the verb tenses. Prepositions in and on. The paradigm of verbs II conjugation. Verbs of motion. Type of verb. The case system of the Russian language. The declension of nouns with pronouns and adjectives in the singular. The system of declension of nouns in the plural. Orthoepic norms of the Russian language. Accentological norms of the Russian language. Morphological norms: the word-formation norms of the Russian language. The word-formation norms of the Russian language. Morphological norms: noun, adjective. Morphological norms of nouns, adjectives. Morphological norms: adjective, numerative, pronoun. Morphological norms of the name of numerals, pronouns. Syntactic norms of the Russian language. Syntax of a simple and complex sentence.

    Realized competences

    UC – 4- ability to work in a team, tolerant to perceive social, ethnic, confessional, cultural differences

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    Code of the competence UC - 4 To know: the basic rules of speech behavior in typical situations of communication of educational and professional and official business spheres. To be able: to perceive information, to correctly communicate information; at the initial level to use the skills of communication and business communication To master: general communication and business communication skills

    Volume of credits, CP 4 з.е. Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit – 1, Differential credit -2

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Щербакова, О. М. Quick Guide to Russian Verbs : учебное пособие :

    для иностранцев, изучающих русский язык / О. М. Щербакова. - 4-е изд., стер. - Москва : ФЛИНТА : Наука, 2016. - 429 с. - (Русский язык как иностранный). - ISBN 978-5-9765-0340-3. - ISBN 978-5-02-034825-7, экземпляров неограничено 2) Шкатулочка : пособие по чтению для иностранцев, начинающих изучать русский язык (элементарный уровень) / [М.Н. Баринцева и др.] ; под ред. О.Э. Чубаровой. - М. : Русский язык. Курсы, 2014. - 144 с. : ил. - ISBN 978-5-88337-178-2, экземпляров неограничено

    Additional reading list 1) Шкатулочка : пособие по чтению для иностранцев, начинающих изучать русский язык (элементарный уровень) / [М.Н. Баринцева и др.] ; под ред. О.Э. Чубаровой. - М. : Русский язык. Курсы, 2014. - 144 с. : ил. - ISBN 978-5-88337-178-2, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Русский язык и культура речи / Russian language and speech etiquette


    Section 1.Russian national language and its varieties. Goals and objectives of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech". Language and society. Literary language as a kind of national language. Territorial dialects as a kind of national language. Common language as a kind of national language. Jargon as a kind of national language. The history of the formation of the Russian national language. The origin of the Russian language. Russian is the national language of the XVIII century. Russian is the national language of the nineteenth century. Russian language of the Soviet period. Russian language of the late XX century. Basics of speech culture. Characteristics of the concept "culture of speech": different approaches. Brief description of aspects of speech culture. Communicative aspect of speech culture. Consistency, accuracy, availability. Analysis of communicative aspect of speech culture. Accuracy. The relevance of consistency. Accessibility (clarity). Purity as the quality of literate speech. Barbarisms. Jargons. Clerics. Words-parasites. Vulgarisms. The expressiveness and richness as the quality of literacy and language. Trails as language tools. Stylistic figures. Richness of speech and ways of expanding vocabulary. Ethical aspect of speech culture. Analysis of the concepts of ethics and speech etiquette. Ethics and communication. Ethics and types of speech activity. Ethics of writing. Ethics of speech. Ethics of hearing

    Section 2. The normative aspect of speech culture Normativity as a condition of existence of literary language. Analysis of the notion of

    linguistic norm. Types of norms of modern Russian literary language. Lexical rules. Misunderstanding the meaning of the word. Lexical compatibility. The use of synonyms. The use of homonyms. The use of meaningful words. Verbosity. Lexical incompleteness of the statement. New word. Obsolete words. Errors in the use of phraseological units. Free and stable word combinations. Phraseological units and their types. Speech defects in the use of phraseological units. Violation of orthoepic norms and ways of overcoming them. Spelling mistakes. Accentuating mistakes. Morphological norms. Errors in the formation of noun forms. Errors in the use of the category of animacy. Errors in the use of the category of gender of nouns. Errors in the use of categories of number and declension of nouns. Errors in the forms of an adjective, name, numeral, pronouns. Errors in the formation of verb forms. The wrong education of a verb stem. Failure to comply with the alternations in the basis of the present time. Unification of the basis of infinitive and past tense. deformation raznotravem verbs. Abnormal formation of forms of imperative mood. Filling "empty cells" in the paradigm. Violations of syntactic rules and ways to overcome them. The order of words in a sentence. Coordination of subject and predicate. Harmonization of definitions and annexes. The rules of management. Rules for the use of involved and non-involved turns

    Section 3. Stylistics of modern Russian literary language Stylistics as a linguistic discipline. Brief description of the formation of stylistics as a linguistic

    discipline. The main directions and aspects of the study of stylistics. The content of the concept of "style". A functional style. Definition of basic concepts and categories of stylistics. Synonymous means of language as stylistic resources. The problem of synonymy and types of synonyms. Word-forming and morphological synonymy. The possibilities of syntactic synonymy. Scientific functional style. Feature stileobrazuyuschih factors. General characteristics of the scientific style. Vocabulary of scientific style. The morphology of the scientific style. Syntactic features of scientific style. Genres of scientific style. Abstract as a genre of scientific style of language. Abstract as a genre of scientific style of language. Abstract review as a genre of scientific style of language. Official-business style. Characteristics of the official business style. Style-defining factors of official-business style. Genres of official-business style. Vocabulary, morphology and syntax of formal business style. History and international characteristics of the business letter. The history of Russian official and business writing. International properties of official and business writing. Culture of business correspondence. Journalistic style. The concept of journalistic style: style-defining factors and linguistic features. Litter and genres of journalism. Vocabulary journalistic style. Morphological features of journalistic style. Syntactic features of journalistic style. Oratory speech. Colloquially-everyday speech. The concept of colloquial and everyday speech, language features and style-defining factors. The vocabulary of everyday speech. Word-forming resources of colloquial and everyday speech. Morphological features of colloquial and everyday speech. The syntax of everyday speech

  • Realized competences


    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    UC–4 To know: language norm. functional styles. the rules for constructing texts. the main aspects of the culture of speech. language norms at all levels of the language system. rules of construction of texts of all functional styles. To be able to: finding of violation of the norms of language in the texts, perform a comparative analysis of functional styles. to make various types of scientific and officially-business texts conduct business communication with a full understanding of the socio-cultural,

    political and economic contexts. To master: basic knowledge of language norms. system of knowledge about language, culture of speech. skills of building texts of different functional styles. principles of construction of texts of the main scientific, official and business genres. etiquette skills and rules of linguistic and social behavior in various situations.

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of independent work

    Preparation of dialogues on given models and situations, preparation for practical classes, preparation for independent work

    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Survey-interview in accordance with communicative situations, verification o abstracts, verification of control written work Differential credit - 2 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline

    Basic reading list

    1) Новости: Пособие по аудированию для иностранцев, изучающих русский язык / авт.-сост. Б.С. Белоус ; Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А. И. Герцена. – Санкт-Петербург : РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2013. – 48 с. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL:

    2) Кузьмина, Е. С. (д-р филол. наук). Мой русский язык : учебное пособие для иностранных студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению 540300 (050300) "Филологическое образование" / Е. С. Кузьмина. - Изд. 3-е, перераб. и доп. - Москва : Российский ун-т дружбы народов, 2010. - 123, [1] с. : цв. ил. ; 29. - (Для студентов-иностранцев). - Гриф: Доп. УМО. - ISBN 978-5-209-03146-8, экземпляров 1

    Additional reading list

    1. Кузьмина, Е. С. (д-р филол. наук). Мой русский язык : учебное пособие для иностранных студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению 540300 (050300) "Филологическое образование" / Е. С. Кузьмина. - Изд. 3-е, перераб. и доп. - Москва : Российский ун-т дружбы народов, 2010. - 123, [1] с. : цв. ил. ; 29. - (Для студентов-иностранцев). - Гриф: Доп. УМО. - ISBN 978-5-209-03146-8, экземпляров 1

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Математика /Mathematics


    Linear algebra and analytical geometry. Basics of mathematics analysis. Apply differential calculus. Integral calculus with different amount of variables. Linear and simple different equations. Field theory. Numerical series. Theory of power series. Theory of probability.

    Realized competences

    GPC 1 Able to solve problems of professional activity on the basis of theoretical and practical foundations of natural and technical Sciences, as well as mathematical apparatus

    Learning outcomes

    GPC1, To know:

    - the basics of linear algebra and analytical geometry, calculus, the basics of discrete mathematics, the theory of regular and differential equations, probability theory, and statistics

    To be able: - apply mathematical methods to solve typical professional problems, - use math logic to form conclusions in professional work problems

    To master: - comprehensive General training (basic knowledge) to solve practical

    problems in the professional field - the methods of constructing basic models of typical professional

    problems Volume of credits


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    1st and 2nd terms Test 1st and 2nd terms Exam

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Required reading list

    1) Ширяева, Н. В. Mathematics (Математика) : учебное пособие / Н. В. Ширяева, А. С. Мараховский. — Ставрополь : Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, 2015. — 236 c. — ISBN 2227-8397. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    2) Ширяева, Н. В. (СевКавГТУ). Математика для гуманитарных классов лицея для одаренных детей СевКавГТУ : [учеб. пособие для вузов] / Н. В. Ширяева ; Мин-во образования и науки РФ. ГОУ ВПО Сев. Кав. гос. техн. ун-т. - Ставрополь : СевКавГТУ, 2005. - 160 с. : ил., экземпляров неограничено

    Additional reading list

    2) Ширяева, Н. В. (СевКавГТУ). Математика для гуманитарных классов лицея для одаренных детей СевКавГТУ : [учеб. пособие для вузов] / Н. В. Ширяева ; Мин-во образования и науки РФ. ГОУ ВПО Сев. Кав. гос. техн. ун-т. - Ставрополь : СевКавГТУ, 2005. - 160 с. : ил., экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Физика / Physics


    Introduction to physics. Units, physical quantities, and vectors. Kinematics of point Dynamics of point Kinematics of point Laws of conservation. Work and energy. Laws of conservation. Pulse and momentum. Rotation of rigid bodies Equilibrium and elasticity Mechanics of fluid. Hydrodynamics. Temperature and heat Thermal properties of matter Thermodynamics. Electric charge and electric field Gauss’s law Electric potential Capacitance and dielectrics Direct current laws Direct current circuits Magnetic field and magnetic forces Sources of magnetic field Electromagnetic induction Inductance Electromagnetic waves Alternating current laws Maxwell equations on electrodynamics.

    Realized competences

    GPC-1 ability to apply basic laws of Science to his professional activity; ability to apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    To know: Basic laws of nature and principles of physics. To be able: Use mathematical form of physics laws for solving of professional tasks and problems in field of oil and gas engineering To master: Skill of solving special problems in field of general physics and engineering physics

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    1,2 terms - test 1, 2 terms – exam

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Mustafaev, A. S. A General Course of Physics. Mechanics : textbook / A. S.

    Mustafaev, Yu. A. Filyasova. — СПб. : Санкт-Петербургский горный университет, 2017. — 135 c. — ISBN 978-5-94211-777-1. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    2) Костко, О. К. Физика для строительных и архитектурных вузов : учеб. пособие / О.К. Костко. - Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2004. - 512 с. : ил. - (Высшее образование). - Библиогр.: с. 504. - ISBN 5-222-05270-2, экземпляров 2

    Additional reading list

    1) Костко, О. К. Физика для строительных и архитектурных вузов : учеб. пособие / О.К. Костко. - Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2004. - 512 с. : ил. - (Высшее образование). - Библиогр.: с. 504. - ISBN 5-222-05270-2, экземпляров 2

  • Annotation on the discipline Discipline name Инженерное обеспечение строительства (геодезия) / Engineering support

    of construction (Geodesy) Content Section 1. Basic facts about a geodesy. Definition of position of points on a ter-

    restrial surface. Explaining the ground Section 2. Geodetic shooting. Relief, its image on cards and plans. Digital models of district. Measurement of horizontal angles. Theodolites. Measurement of lengths of lines. Measurement of lengths of lines by range finders. Definition of relative height and marks of points. Geodetic networks

    Realized compe-tences


    Learning out-comes of the dis-cipline (module)

    Code of the competence GPC-5 To know: basic physical phenomena, fundamental concepts, laws and theories of classical and modern physics. To be able: formulate the physics formulation of the research task, select and im-plement methods of conducting scientific research, analyze and generalize the re-sults of research, bring them to practical implementation; - work on a personal computer, use the operating system and basic office applications. To master: graphical methods for solving metric problems of spatial objects on drawings, projection and image methods of spatial forms on the projection plane.

    Volume of cred-its, CP


    Forms of as-sessment (including terms)

    Test – 2rd semester Exam – 2 semester

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline

    Basic reading list 1) Кузнецов, О.Ф. Инженерная геодезия / О.Ф. Кузнецов. – Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. – Москва ; Вологда : Инфра-Инженерия, 2017. – 267 с. : ил., схем., табл. – Режим до-ступа: по подписке. – URL:

    2) Инженерная геодезия : учебное пособие / Э. Ф. Кочетова, И. И. Акрицкая, Л. Р. Тюльникова, А. Б. Гордеев ; под редакцией Э. Ф. Кочетова. — 2-е изд. — Нижний Новгород : Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный универси-тет, ЭБС АСВ, 2017. — 159 c. — ISBN 978-5-528-00236-1. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional read-ing list

    1) Инженерная геодезия Электронный ресурс : Учебное пособие / Э. Ф. Кочетова [и др.] ; ред. Э. Ф. Кочетова. - Нижний Новгород : Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2017. - 159 с. - Книга находится в премиум-версии ЭБС IPR BOOKS. - ISBN 978-5-528-00236-1, экземпляров неогра-ничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name Philosophy / Философия

    Content Philosophy, its object and place in culture; The philosophy of the Ancient world; The philosophy of the Middle ages and Renaissance; The philosophy of the epoch of New time and Education; German classical philosophy; Modern Western philosophy; The development of Russian philosophy from antiquity to the XIX century; Russian philosophy in the XIX-early-XXI centuries; The problem of existence in philosophy; Development philosophy; Philosophy of consciousness; Theory of knowledge; Scientific knowledge; People, society, culture; Philosophical anthropology; Society and its structure; Philosophy of history; Culture and civilization; Philosophical problems in the field of professional activity .

    Realized competences

    UC-1, UC-5

    Learning outcomes

    UC-1 To know: the place and role of philosophy in the life of society and man; the specifics

    of the philosophical solution of the problems of the meaning of human existence, freedom and responsibility.

    To be able: carry out search, critical analysis and synthesis of information, use a

    systematic approach to solve the tasks set and reasonably defend one's own position on issues of a scientific and ideological nature.

    To master: the basic skills of public speech, argumentation, scientific and philosophical

    debate and controversy; skills of a critical, reflective position in relation to their worldview in solving the tasks.

    UC-5 Know: basics of the intercultural diversity of society in the socio-historical, ethical

    and philosophical contexts. To be able: apply the philosophical principles and laws, forms and methods of cognition

    of the intercultural diversity of society within the framework of social practices and in the conditions of professional activity, and also demonstrate the role of philosophical knowledge in the self-identification of a person.

    To master: the skills of abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis in the perception of the

    intercultural diversity of society.

    Volume of credits


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    credit -2 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list

    1) Петрова, Е.В. Philosophy: Theory and Practice : [16+] / Е.В. Петрова ; ред. V. Sharova, E. Trufanova, A. Yakovleva ; A.o. Russian и др. – Москва : Институт философии РАН, 2013. – 272 с. : ил., табл., схем. – Режим доступа: по подписке. –

  • URL:

    2) Dictionary of Philosophy / edited bi I. Frolov. - M. : Progress Publisbers, 1984. - 464 c., экземпляров 1

    3) Шеллинг, Ф.В. Philosophische Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhängenden Gegenstände. Abhandlung über die Quelle der ewigen Wahrheiten / Ф.В. Шеллинг. – Москва : Директ-Медиа, 2010. – 170 с. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Шеллинг, Ф.В.
        Philosophische Untersuchungen ber das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhngenden Gegenstnde. Abhandlung ber die Quelle der ewigen Wahrheiten ; Philosophische Untersuchungen ber das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhngenden Gegenstnde. Abhandlung ber die Quelle der ewigen Wahrheiten / Ф.В. Шеллинг / Ф.В. Шеллинг. - Москва ; Москва : Директ-Медиа : Директ-Медиа, 2010., 2010. - 170 с. - ISBN 9785998956355. - 9785998956355. - ISBN 9785998956355. - 9785998956355, экземпляров неограничено

  • Аннотация дисциплины Discipline name

    Начертательная геометрия. Инженерная графика/ Descriptive Geometry. Engineering graphic.


    Basic rules of drawing making. Drawing equipment and tools. Lettering. Lines on drawing. Scales. Methods of projection. Point and line projecting on the three projection planes. Traces of a line and plane. True length of line definition. Position of lines in space. Competing points of skew lines. Right-angle projection. Methods of a plane determination. Points and lines are contained in plane. Position of a plane to the coordinate planes. The principle lines of a plane. Intersecting planes. The line and plane intersec-tion. The main problems of drawings transformation. Change of the pro-jection plane. Parallel-plane transformation. Methods of rotation. Prism and prismoid and pyramid. Intersecting polyhedron and plane. Intersecting polyhedron and line. Intersecting of two polyhedrons.

    Views of the object. Section and section views. Removed elements on a larger scale. Threaded elements. Representation of springs on technical drawings. Conventional representation of gears on technical drawings. Conventional representation of splined joint on technical drawings. Di-mensioning on technical drawing. Indication of levels. Indication of the tolerance and fit. Indication of surface roughness. Indication of the geo-metrical tolerances. Indication of datum on technical drawing. Representa-tion of welds on technical drawing. Axonometric projections. Blending of lines and curves.

    Realized compe-tences

    GPC – 1, GPC - 6

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    Code of the competence GPC – 1 To know: Basic laws of nature and principles of physics. To be able: Use mathematical form of physics laws for solving of profes-sional tasks and problems in field of oil and gas engineering To master: Skill of solving special problems in field of general physics and engineering physics GPC– 6 To know : rules of design documentation in accordance with the require-ments of ESKD, the basic principles of design of objects of construction and housing and communal services, the basis for the development of pro-ject documentation using computer-aided design and computing software systems To be able : read and carry out drawings of buildings, structures, parts and structural elements, prepare design and working technical documenta-tion taking into account all the requirements of ESKD, prepare design and feasibility studies for projects of construction and housing and public utili-ties facilities To master : the basics of designing objects for construction and housing and communal services, methods of calculation and feasibility study of their projects; by means of computer-aided design and computing software systems

  • Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Exam – 3rd term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Брацихин, А.А. Descriptive Geometry: course of lectures=Начертательная

    геометрия: курс лекций / А.А. Брацихин, М.А. Шпак ; Министерство обра-зования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральное государственное ав-тономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального обра-зования «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет». – Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2014. – 73 с. : ил. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Bratsikhin, A. (NCFU). Descriptive Geometry : course of lectures : for international students in oil and gas engineeringtaught the program 131000.62 – Oil and Gas Engineering / Andrey Bratsikhin, Maria Shpak ; Сев.-Кав. федер. ун-т. - Stavropol : NCFU, 2014. - 73 p. : il., экземпляров неограничено

  • Аннотация дисциплины

    Discipline name Личность в пространстве российской цивилизации / Identity in area of Russian Civilization


    Basic concepts of the individual in social and humanitarian knowledge. The worldview of the individual and the public consciousness. Man in ancient Russian culture. Personality and state: democratic and authoritarian traditions. The problem of man in Russian classical literature. The subject of personality in the Russian philosophy of the Silver Age. The ideal of equality in the Soviet civilizational project. Alternatives of individualism and collectivism in the post-Soviet period. Basic approaches to understanding civilization. Globalization and the conflict of civilizations in the modern world.

    Realized competences


    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    UC-5 To know: - the essence, types and stages of the career; specificity of career processes and the factors determining the course of a career. To be able to: -critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses; design a career management mechanism in the organization. To master: - pursuance of personal and professional self-development; high motivation to perform professional activities; ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications; the ability to assess the conditions and consequences of the adopted organizational and managerial decisions.

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Exam - 3 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Учебное пособие (практикум) по дисциплине "Личность в пространстве

    российской цивилизации" : для студентов специальности 21.05.06 «Нефтегазовые техника и технологии»; Направленность (профиль) «Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений»). - Ставрополь, 2018. - 97 с., экземпляров неограничено

    2) Методические указания для студентов по организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине "Личность в пространстве российской цивилизации" : Направление подготовки 39.03.01 Социология. Направленность (профиль) - Социальная структура, социальные институты и изменения; Квалификация выпускника - бакалавр; Форма обучения - очная; Учебный план 2018 г. - Ставрополь, 2018. - 32 с., экземпляров неограничено

    3) Методические указания для студентов по организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине "Личность в пространстве российской цивилизации" : Направление подготовки 39.03.01 Социология. Направленность (профиль) - Социология управления; Квалификация выпускника - бакалавр; Форма обучения - очная; Учебный план 2018 г. - Ставрополь, 2018. - 32 с., экземпляров неограничено

  • Additional reading list

    1) Методические указания для студентов по организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине "Личность в пространстве российской цивилизации" : Направление подготовки 39.03.01 Социология. Направленность (профиль) - Социология управления; Квалификация выпускника - бакалавр; Форма обучения - очная; Учебный план 2018 г. - Ставрополь, 2018. - 32 с., экземпляров неограничено

  • The discipline (module)

    Механика / Теоретическая механика / Mechanics (Theoretical mechanics)

    Сontent Statics of a rigid body, kinematics of rigid bodies and mechanisms, dynamics of material point and mechanical system

    Implemented competence

    the ability to use basic laws of natural-science disciplines in professional ac-tivity, to apply methods of mathematical analysis and mathematical (comput-er) modeling, theoretical and experimental studies (GPC-1); the ability to reveal natural essence of problems arising in the course of pro-fessional activity, to draw them to solve appropriate physics-mathematical formalism (GPC-1);

    Results development discipline (module)

    To know: the basic concepts, laws of mechanics, theorems of theoretical me-chanics, methods and ways of solving problems Be able to: solve applied problems using the methods of mechanics To master: calculation of plane, spatial and composite structures, kinematic and dynamic analysis of planar mechanism

    Labor intensity, c. u.

    4 c. u.

    Reporting forms (including semester)

    Test – 3 term Credit - 3 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic literature

    1) Игнатьева, Т. В. Теоретическая механика. Статика : учебное пособие / Т. В. Игнатьева, Д. А. Игнатьев. — Саратов : Вузовское образование, 2018. — 101 c. — ISBN 978-5-4487-0131-3. — Текст : электронный // Электронно-библиотечная система IPR BOOKS : [сайт]. — URL:

    Additional literature

    1) Игнатьева, Т.В.
        Теоретическая механика. Статика Электронный ресурс : учебное пособие / Д.А. Игнатьев / Т.В. Игнатьева. - Са-ратов : Вузовское образование, 2018. - 101 c. - Книга находится в базовой вер-сии ЭБС IPRbooks. - ISBN 978-5-4487-0131-3, экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline «Инженерное обеспечение строительства (геология) / Engineering support of construction (Geology)»

    Discipline name Инженерное обеспечение строительства (геология) / Engineering support of construction (Geology)

    Content Section 1. The basics of Geology. The minerals and rocks. Engineering Geology – the branch of construction industry. The formation of the geological environment, geochronology. Mineralogy. The formation of igneous rocks. The formation of metamorphic mountains of various breeds. The formation of sedimentary rocks. Construction aspects of rock. Section 2. Groundwater. Types of groundwater. Depth-to-water map. The filtration coefficient and methods of its determination. Flooding. Drainage. Section 3. The geological processes. Classification of geo-logical processes. External geological processes. The geological activity of the wind. Geological activity of flowing water. Geological activity under earth water. Geological activity of glaciers. Geological activities of rivers, lakes and seas. Geo-logical activities of the activities of living organisms. The influence of geological processes in the built environment. Section 4. Geological maps and sections. En-gineering-geological surveys for construction. Reading geological sections and maps. Construction of geological sections. Making a report of geological surveys.

    Realized compe-tences

    GPC-1; GPC-5

    Learning out-comes of the dis-cipline (module)

    Code of the competence GPC-1 To know: the laws of geology, hydrogeology, genesis and classification of rocks and classification of soils, to have an idea about engineering-geological researches. To be able: solve simple problems of engineering geology, to be able to read a ge-ological schedule. To master: methods of practical use of modern computers for processing infor-mation and the basics of numerical methods for solving engineering problems. Code of the competence GPC-5 To know: basic physical phenomena, fundamental concepts, laws and theories of classical and modern physics. To be able: formulate the physics formulation of the research task, select and im-plement methods of conducting scientific research, analyze and generalize the re-sults of research, bring them to practical implementation; - work on a personal computer, use the operating system and basic office applications. To master: graphical methods for solving metric problems of spatial objects on drawings, projection and image methods of spatial forms on the projection plane.

    Volume of cred-its, CP


    Forms of as-sessment (including terms)

    Differential credit – 3rd term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline

    Basic reading list 1) Klengel, K. J. Ingenieur-geologie fur Bauingenieure / K. J. Klengel, O. Wagenbreth. - 2. auf. - Berlin, DE : Bauverlag GMBH, 1987. - 247 s. : bild., экземпляров 1

    2) Почвоведение и инженерная геология / авт.-сост. Т.В. Дегтярева ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральное государственное авто-номное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Се-веро-Кавказский федеральный университет». – Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2014. – 165 с. : ил. – Режим доступа: по подписке. – URL:

    Additional read-ing list

    2) Почвоведение и инженерная геология : учеб. пособие : Направление подготовки 120700.62 – Землеустройство и кадастр. Профиль подготовки «Городской кадастр».

  • Бакалавриат / сост. Т. В. Дегтярева ; Сев.-Кав. федер. ун-т. - Ставрополь : СКФУ, 2014. - 165 с., экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Основы проектной деятельности / Basics of project activity


    The concept of the method and design process. Formation of project organization structure. Tools and equipment engineering. The order-processing time and the composition of the project documentation. Working with the initial permit to-documentation (IRD). The procedure for preparation of contracts for the design work.

    Influence of urban conditions in the object space-planning decision. Physical and technical and functional principles of design. Taking into account climatic conditions in the design. The structure and the scheme is planned, paid-organization of land (master plan). Space-planning re-shenie object.

    Identification of the optimal structural layout of the building. The inclusion of the space-ical for engineering equipment in the planning structure of the building. Architectural and artistic look of the building.

    Technical and economic characteristics of the object. Expertise on the design and estimate documentation. Permission for construction, supervision, commissioning of the object.

    Realized competences

    GPC-4 GPC-6

    Learning outcomes of the discipline (module)

    GPC-4, GPC-6 To know: Composition, maintenance and requirements to

    documentation on creation (to the reconstruction, repair, functioning) of objects of town-planning activity.

    To be able: To find, analyse and investigate information necessary for раз-работки and registration of project decisions on objects technical planning.

    To master: Analysis of requirements of task and collected information, including the results of researches, for planning of own activity on the technical planning of objects of town-planning activity

    Volume of credits, CP


    Forms of assessment (including terms)

    Credit – 3 term

    List of basic and additional literature necessary for the development of the discipline Basic reading list 1) Левченко, В. Н. Некоторые технические и инженерные решения в области

    проектирования и строительства промышленных зданий : учеб. пособие / В. Н. Левченко. - Киев : УМК ВО, 1989. - 112 с. - В надзаг.: МО УССР, Учеб.-метод. каб. по высшему образованию, Макеевский инженерно - строительный ин-т. - Гриф: Утв. МО в качестве учеб. пособия. - Библиогр.: с. 109-110, экземпляров 3

    2) Аленичева, Е.В. Организационно-технологическое проектирование в городском строительстве / Е.В. Аленичева, И.В. Гиясова, О.Н. Кожухина ; Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Тамбовский государственный технический университет». – Тамбов : Издательство ФГБОУ ВПО «ТГТУ», 2011. – 80 с. : ил., табл., схем. – Режим доступа: по подписке. –

  • URL:

    Additional reading list

    1) Аленичева, Е. В. Организационно-технологическое проектирование в городском строительстве / Е.В. Аленичева ; И.В. Гиясова ; О.Н. Кожухина. - Тамбов : Издательство ФГБОУ ВПО «ТГТУ», 2011. - 80 с., экземпляров неограничено

  • Annotation on the discipline

    Discipline name

    Основы научно-исследовательской работы / Basics of scientific research


    Basics of scientific research such as: - ensuring the implementation of the educational program of specialty and professional training of graduates; - obtaining knowledge by students necessary for the solution of tasks of improvement and acceleration of construction design; - training and providing opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in research and production activities; - studying by students of bases of the natural-science problems arising during professional activity; - studying of methods of the mathematical analysis and mathematical (computer) modeling, theoretical and pilot study.

    Realized competences

    UC-1 - capable of searching, critical analysis and synthesis of information, to apply a systematic approach to solving problems GPC-1 ability to apply basic laws of Science to his professional activity; ability to apply methods of mathematical analysis and model