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MEDICINE –1 & PSYCHIATRY T&D JUNE 2020 Paper ......MEDICINE –1 & PSYCHIATRY T&D JUNE 2020 Paper Discussion DR.DEEPAK MARWAH 1. 30-year-old lady has developed weakness of both legs

Mar 06, 2021



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Page 1: MEDICINE –1 & PSYCHIATRY T&D JUNE 2020 Paper ......MEDICINE –1 & PSYCHIATRY T&D JUNE 2020 Paper Discussion DR.DEEPAK MARWAH 1. 30-year-old lady has developed weakness of both legs


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a.Multiplesclerosisb.Malingeringc.Gullian barresyndromed.Dyselectrolytemia

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3.A50-year-oldtallthinsmokerwaspuffingonacigarettewhenhedevelopedasevereboutofcough.Subsequentlyhedevelopedrespiratorydistress,wasunabletotalk,developedcyanosisandwasrushedtothehospital.OnexaminationRR– 30/minwithretractionsandhyper-resonantpercussionnoteonrightmiddlelobe.Auscultationshowsabsentbreathsoundsinrightmiddlezone.Whatisthediagnosis?

a.Acuteexacerbationofchronicbronchitisb.Pneumothoraxc.Bronchopleuralfistulad.Acutecor pulmonale

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5.A40-year-oldmanishavingsevereepigastricpainepisodesrespondingtoPPIbutrecurswhenhedoesnottakePPI.Nowhehasalsodevelopeddiarrhoeawithpurgerateabout5-6timesperdayforlastonemonth.TheDiarrhea isnonresponsivetofasting.UGIEshowsagiantduodenalulcer.Whattestshouldbedonenexttodiagnosetheetiology?a.Breathureatestb.72-hourprolongedfastingtestc.Secretinstudyd.Smallintestinalmucosalbiopsy

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6.30-year-oldladyishavingbutterflymalarrashwithanemia andjointpains.Whichisthebesttestfordiagnosisofthispatient?


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12.25-year-oldyoungladyhasthecomplaintshownintheimageandherANAtestisstronglypositive.Whichdiseasewouldyoususpect?a.SLEb.Sclerodermac.Buerger diseased.Polyarteritisnodosa

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14.40-year-oldrickshawpullerisadmittedduetomultipleepisodesoffocalseizuresoccurringonalmostdailybasisforlastfewweeks.Hismedicationstatusisnotknown.NCCTheadimageisshownbelow.Whatinvestigationwillbebesttoestablishetiology oflesions?a.CSFimmunoblotforneurocysticercosisantigenb.CSFELISAForcryptococcalantigenc.Beta1,3glucantestd.IgM/IgGtitrefortoxoplasmosis

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15.20-year-oldladyishavingcomplaintsofbilateralptosisonwatchingtelevision,chewingmuscleandshouldergirdleweakness.Whichtestwouldbeusefulforherdiagnosis?a.Anti- Endomysial antibodiesb.Anti- P/Qvoltagegatedcalciumchannelantibodiesc.Anti- Ach- receptorantibodytiterd.Anti- synthetasesyndrome

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19.DisseminatedTBleadsto?a.Gohn focusb.Assman focusc.Puhl’s lesiond.Richfocus

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24.Whichofthefollowingleadstomelena?a.Constipationb.Rectalpolypc.Angiodysplasiacolond.Dileufoys lesion

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26.Mostcommontumor associatedwithsuperiorvenacavasyndrome?a.Lungcancerb.Lymphomac.Metastasisd.Thyroidcancer

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27.FirstantibodytodetectrecentinfectiondevelopingwithDaneparticleis?a.HbsAgb.Anti-HbsAgc.Anti-HbcAg IgMd.Anti- HbeAg IgM

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28.A50yearoldmanhaspresentedwithoneepisodeofhematemesis.OnvitalexaminationHR=110/minwithBPof110/80mmHg.Systemicexaminationshowsenlargedspleenwithdilatedtortous veinsaroundtheumbilicus.Firstdifferentialdiagnosisis?a.KalaAzarb.Decompensatedcirrhosisc.Fattyliverd.TenseAscites

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32.Caprgras syndromeisseenin?a.Severedepressionb.Paranoidschizophreniac.Delusionaldisorderd.Othellosyndrome

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40.Metabolicacidosiswithhyperkalemia isseenin?a.Hyperaldosteronismb.Vomitingc.Acutekidneyinjuryd.Diarrhea withseveredehydration

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51.Alcoholwithdrawalisassociatedwithallexcept?a.Formicationb.Lilliputhallucinationsc.Mcewan signd.Auditoryhallucinations

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55.BestforAlcoholdeaddictionis?a.Chlordiazepoxideb.Diazepamc.Acamprosate– Naltrexoned.Antabuse(Disulfiram)

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68.Whichconditionhaswatermelonstomach?a.Linitis plasticab.Menetrier’s diseasec.TypeAgastritisd.Gastricantralvascularectasia

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72.MetabolicacidosiswithHypokalemia isseenin?a.Diarrheab.Acutetubularnecrosisc.Ethyleneglycolpoisoningd.Rhadbomyolysis

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