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Media studies Evaluation Tom McCrae
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  • 1. Media studies Evaluation Tom McCrae

2. Introduction This is going to be an evaluation on the components of a music magazine that I created they are the front cover, contents page and a double page spread my chosen genre for this magazine is the rock genre, I researched the other magazines that are currently in production as I knew that this is a genre that will have some tough competition so I looked at the other magazines and used their colour schemes that were similar to each other anyway and I created one myself based on the other ones.I also made extensive notes on the different music magazines layouts and the various features that they have incorporated into the designs of the magazines to standout from the others in such a competitive market. 3. Examples Front coverI have taken some inspiration from the front cover of this edition of Kerrang. One such feature is the band name location that is across the middle of the main image.Here are a few examples of the rock genre music magazine that I have obtained inspiration from:Contents PageThe features that I have tried to imitate is the subtitles that stand out from the background signifying the different topics being listed on the contents page.Double Page spreadI have taken into account the layout of this double page spread, such as the majority of the text being on one side the right side of the page in this case of this example. This allows the main picture on the left to be uncompromised by adding text around or over the top of the image. 4. Techniques There are multiple ways in which the music magazine I created uses the current techniques that other magazines use in the same genre as mine (rock) these are the colour schemes of the rock magazines that I analysed were very similar and I also used a colour scheme that was in line with those other magazines. So the audience will recognise the genre and if they read that type of magazine then they will purchase the magazine. These are two examples of rock/ metal magazines and I have included their colour schemes they are very similar in colour. They both use black and white with two different shades of red. This shows me that the colour scheme is reflecting the typical view that rock music is dark and angry due to red being seen as a colour that reflects the most powerful emotions like anger and passion. 5. My colour scheme in my front cover This is my colour scheme for my music magazine project I used these colours because I think that they are similar to the other music magazines and the magazines target audience would recognise the type of magazine that it is and be curious to pick it up and buy the product. The colours themselves are used because I feel that the magazine needs to have some contrasting colours in it for example the black and white would be good to use for the background and the background of the textboxes. This is my front cover that I created for my chosen genre I have taken into account the other magazines that I reviewed in my colour scheme for example the colour scheme has contrasting colours ( the black and white). Also I have included the a few red points on the cover as I feel that it will be in tune with the other magazines that I had analysed as they both included red in their colour schemes. 6. Representing the target audience My magazine I think effectively represents the type of people that read the magazine because the majority are fans of the metal themed music that the magazine offers to its viewers.The ways in which I think that the music magazine represents the target audience is the fact that it will display content that will appeal to the target audience and the activities in which they engage in for example on the front cover along the top it lists various concerts that will appeal to the target audience as the ones lists on the cover are renown for playing a large variety of genres of music that will appeal to a large This is an example of the number of people. download festival that is listed on my front cover. As you can see there is thousands of people present at the event and will all be fans of the music that will be played there, which is predominantly rock and alternative genres of music.Also here is a poster with the line up of the various artists and bands that will be performing in the event. 7. Attracting the target audience The techniques that I used to attract and entice the target audience were the familiar colour scheme that followed a pattern of other music magazines of the same genre. The layout of the main image is also similar to others but with a twist. It has a feature that will make the audience intrigued to see what it is all about this is a feature that I have not seen on any other rock/metal music magazine. This will attract them into buying the product as it will feature advertisements that they can relate to. As shown in the previous slide the various advertisements of music festivals and concerts. This will be an effective feature that will attract potential customers as these concert advertisements will appeal to the customers as these events are renown for offering artists that would appeal to the public, and they would like to know all about these various artists in any platform possible, and the prospect of the magazine containing any information about these renown artists would be enough encouragement to the customer purchasing the product to learn this new information. 8. Premises that might sell my magazine The kind of media institution that might distribute the music magazine that I created would be the newsagents in and around the UK because they mainly sell newspapers and magazines with other goods. Also in the modern age the normal shops and supermarkets will sell these kinds of magazines to the general population.So the magazine will have lots of different places to be purchased in by the target audience. This will be a mass marketed product. That will be sold to companies that would like to buy it this could be record shops or bookshops for example because most book shops also sell magazines or other reading material. 9. Audience The audience for my magazine would be the type of people who are interested in rock music and the magazines that it offers, they could be of both genders and the age would be late teens (16+) however most people over this age could read the music magazine that I have created . For example the magazine will be presented in a way that is suitable for the target age and they will be able to understand the language that it will use in its information.It will also feature advertisements that we be appealing to the target audience as they will be interested in the upcoming dates for rock music festivals for example or the advertisements in the classified section of the magazine which will feature companies who will specialise in genre appropriate merchandise. An example of genre appropriate merchandise would be the drop dead clothing line that is founded and endorsed by a metal genre artist and the businesses advertisements are commonly featured in music magazine of a similar genre. 10. Advertising methods The methods that I will use to advertise my magazine and promote it will be the in newsagents in the shop windows and the posters that are in bus stops these forms of promotion are cheap and effective and I think that the target audience of the magazine will see this because the target audience uses these premises where the magazine will be sold in.To come to this decision I have conducted some research into the activities of the target audience such as their main form of transport which was the public transport system, so it was the most logical step to advertise the product in those locations as the advertisements would be seen by the correct target audience.This is an example of the advertising methods that I will use for my magazine project as the advertisement itself is in a location that has a high foot flow due to the transport located nearby, if I was to advertise this product to the public I would feel confident that it would be viewed by a large number of people and the target audience would also see this as they are prone to using this system quite often, so in theory they would see this advertisement and be tempted to buy said product. 11. Techniques that I have learnt I have learnt some techniques in designing the magazine they are mainly adopting and maintaining a colour scheme that was similar to other music magazines in the same genre as mine. This is because the target audience would recognise my design of a music magazine and might be tempted to pick it up and read it. Also the positioning of the main image on the front cover was an important technique that I learnt as well because it was a portrait front cover then the image had to be adjusted this was achieved by making the image compact and covering on a person in the image up in white with a question mark and creating a story behind it. This made the image narrower and better suited to the portrait set up. 12. The technology that I have learnt about during this projectDuring this media studies project I have used many different software programmes and internet webpages to create and research my music magazine for example the whole project is displayed on a blog programme called Blogger this allowed the pages of information to be displayed to people who also have blogger this programmes also allows the users to comment on other peoples work suggesting improvements or giving praise to them. Also the main programme that I used to create the music magazine project was called fireworks CS6 . This allowed me to import images and lots of other programmes. Also I used Microsoft power point 2010 edition this allowed me to present any written work in a suitable format such as the evaluation. Another programme that I used was on called Slide Share which allowed me to turn files into a suitable programme that could be presented on Blogger such as PowerPoint presentations. 13. Screenshots of the programmes I have used in the production of my music magazine: This is the main programme that I have used to design and create my music magazine it is called Fireworks CS6 and I has many different features that have helped me to create this media project. An example is the tool bar on the far left side of the page that gives the user a large amount of different options in the creation of the music magazine.This is an online blog that has provided me with a stable platform in which I can easily and safely display my work for the examination board and others to see. This also has helped me to keep all my work organised and secure on the internet and for other like minded people to observe my work. It also allows me to see other students work that I have followed so I can get inspirations and ideas from which will benefit my own work. 14. Advancements between prelim task and the music magazine. PrelimFront coverCourse work 15. Contents PagePrelimCoursewor k 16. Double page spread (Coursework only) 17. Audio about music magazine This is a recording of the factors I took into account when designing my music magazine.