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1 MECH 103 Mechanisms & Dynamics of Machinery Instructor: Prof Yi-Kuen Lee Room: 2563 (Lift 27-28) Email: [email protected] TA for tutorial: Zhengjian XU, Email: [email protected] Rm 1205 (1/F, Lift19) TA for homework: Wentao WANG, Email: [email protected] Rm 4225 (4/F, Lift 24)

Mechanics and Dynamics of Machinery

Nov 25, 2015




Mechanics and Dynamics of Machinery Teaching PPT
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  • 1MECH 103 Mechanisms & Dynamicsof Machinery

    Instructor: Prof Yi-Kuen LeeRoom: 2563 (Lift 27-28)Email: [email protected]

    TA for tutorial: Zhengjian XU, Email: [email protected] 1205 (1/F, Lift19)

    TA for homework: Wentao WANG, Email: [email protected] 4225 (4/F, Lift 24)

  • 2Course Description:Dynamics of particles, momentum method and impact;kinematics and kinetics of planar machinery, linkage andmechanisms, cams and gear trains.Part 1. DynamicsText book: Dynamics - Engineering Mechanics, SI Ed.

    Bedford and FowlerPrentice Hall

    The score of the Dynamics part will account for roughly 50%of the final grade.

    MECH 103 Mechanisms & Dynamicsof Machinery

  • 3MECH 103

    Part II Mechanisms of MachineryText book: Design of Machinery

    By Robert L. NortonMcGraw Hill Company

    The score of the Mechanisms part will account for roughly 50% ofthe final grade.

    Prerequisites: Vector Calculus and Analytical Geometry

  • 4Grading Policy:The grade will be based on the results of homeworkassignments, midterm exam and final examinationwith the following weighting factors:

    Homework 5% Class attendance 10%Mid-term 35% Final Exam 50%

    Homework is due on specified date (TBA on thewebsite)Late homework will not be countedMid-term: 16 Oct 2008 (Thursday)

    MECH 103 Mechanisms & Dynamicsof Machinery

  • 5MECH 103

    Important NoticeThe regular class schedule is as follows:Lecture hour: Tue, Thu

    16:30-17:50 (Room 2502)Tutorial hour: Wed

    17:00-17:50(Room 3007, Lift 3-4)

  • 6MECH 103

    Office hours:

    Contact hour with TAs is to be arranged with

    the TAs directly.

  • 7Foundation of Mechanics

    Mechanics is the science of force and motion

    of matter including continuum mechanics,

    theory of relativity, quantum mechanics,

    statistical mechanics, molecular dynamics.


  • 8Foundation of MechanicsBiology involves biomechanics related to structure

    and function at all hierarchical levels from cells,tissues, organs, and individuals (not only biochem)(A living cell is not a continuum, but a protein machine, factory with internal machinery thatfunctions orderly according to laws of mechanics.)

    Engineering (aero, mech, civil, chemical, materials, biomedical, biotechnological,space, structural engineers develop and use fluid and solid mechanics)

    make useful things that do not exist in nature andinvolve design and invention. Be concerned withsafety and economics.

  • 9Foundation of MechanicsHistorical remarksGalileo Galilei (1564-1642) treated the strength of

    beams and columns.

    Bernoulli (1654-1705) introduced the simplebeam theory.

    Newton (1643-1727): Newtonian mechanicsEuler (1707-1783) derived the column formula.Coulomb (1736-1806) considered failure


    Lagrange (1736-1813) formulated the equationsof bending and vibration of plates.

    Lagrangian mechanics

  • 10

    Foundation of MechanicsHistorical remarks

    Hooke (law, 1660)Navier (general equations of elasticity: solid mechanics,

    1821)Cauchy (1789-1857, concept of stress and strain, linear

    stress/strain relationship (Hookes law))Poisson (1781-1840, molecular theory of elasticity)Green (1793-1841), Stokes (1819-1903), Kelvin (1824-

    1907)Truedell, Rivlin, Noll, Erikson, etc. (theory of finite strain,

    more recent years)

  • 11

    Foundation of Mechanics

    Hamilton (1805-1865): Hamiltonian mechanicsMicron, submicron, nano-structures with size and

    strain gradient effect (multiple scales and multiple phase physics).Growth and remodeling of living tissues

    (will lead mechanics to another plateau)

    Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine

  • 12

    Foundation of Mechanics

    Mechanics are a mainstay of our civilization

    and are developed side by side with science

    and technology

    analytical solutions

    computational methods

  • 13

    Mechanics are a mainstay of our civilizationEngineering Mechanics: Airplanes, ships, rockets,

    spacecraft, automobiles, trains, rails, highways,buildings, engines.

    Materials of design propertiesArtificial heart valves, hearts, limbs, skin,


    Foundation of Mechanics

  • 14

    Dec 30, 2002

    Shenzhou IV takes off fromChina's Jiuquan launch center

    Shenzhou V on Oct 15, 2003

    USA NASA Space Shuttle: Atlantis

    Aerospace Engineering

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    Hong Kong MTR Train

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    Artificial Heart: AbioCor@

  • 17

    BiomechanicsConstituents: living organism has a solid

    structure (shape and size) and internal fluid flow(transport materials and keep organs alive) (cells make new materials).Constitutive Equations: Biofluid is non-

    Newtonian. Biomaterials do not obey Hookeslaw. The constitutive equations for DNA andother molecules are to be determined

    Foundation of Mechanics

  • 18

    BiomechanicsHierarchy of sizes and mechanics:

    Gait, posture and sports: length of the whole body.

    Hemodynamics of heart valvesCoronary atherosclerosis (hardening of blood vessel):

    diameter of the coronary arteries for hemodynamics, orthickness of the endothelial cell (micron) for shear stresson vessel wall, or cell itself for molecular mechanism.

    Foundation of Mechanics

  • 19


    Biomechanics deals with DNA-controlledchanging materials.

    Bio-mechanics is the new frontier formechanics!!

    Foundation of Mechanics

  • 20

    Working Model 2D:a computer aided dynamics simulator

    Powerful physics-based 2D kinematic and dynamic motionSimulation and analysis

    Provides accurate solutions to complex engineering motionSimulation problems

    Save time and money by avoiding expensive prototyping andproduct failures

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    Snapshot of Working Model 2D

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    Snapshot of Working Model 2D

  • 24

    Inverted Slider-crank

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    Cylindrical cam mechanism

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    Geneva mechanism

  • 27

    Bevel gearautomobile transmission

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    Gas pedal mechanism

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    Drum brake mechanism

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    US Sandia National Lab

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    Japan Honda ASIMO

  • 32Prof Shigeo HIROSE,

    Biomemetic Robots

    Titan IVOblix

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    Multi-locomotion Robot

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    Multi-locomotion Robot learn from Nature

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    Multi-locomotion Robot learn from Nature

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    Mechanics courses in HKUST MECH Program

    Mech 221 (521)Fluid Mechanics

    Mech 593:Finite elementmethod

    Mech 261:Control principles

    Mech 101, 202Solid mechanics(mechanics of material,strength of material)

    Mech 371Introduction to Robotics

    Mech 373:Vibration

    Mech 300F:Numericalmethods in Eng.

    Mech 152:Design & Manufacturing I

    Mech 252:Design & Manufacturing II

    Mech 398, 399:Final Year Design Project I & II

    Mech 098, 099Industrial Traning

    Mech 523:ComputationalFluid Dynamics

    Mech 283, 284Mech Laboratory I & II

    Mech 251:CAD/CAM

    Mech 103:Mech. & Dyn of Machinery

  • 37

    PRS (Personal Response System)

    -PRS can help students tohave interactive learning,not just listening the lecture

    - PRS is useful for theclass with large number ofstudents

    -The studentsscore will beonly used to add bonus inyour MECH103 final grade.

    If you didnt get the PRS handset, please get it in theAV counter (Rm 1030, Lift 1) by this week.

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    MECH 103

    Important Notice

    The lecture at 16:30-17:50, 14 Oct 2008 (Tue)will be swapped with tutorial session at 17:00-18:00, 8 Oct 2008 (Wed)

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