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L arge, architecturally complex sites are the hallmark of the late prehistoric- historic tran- sition in central and northern New Mexico, as well as across much of the Southwest. These sites represent persistent places (Schlanger 1992) that witnessed extensive and intensive use over long periods of time. Their size often dwarfed the largest of the earlier aggregated pueblos on the Colorado Plateau (Adler et al. 1996), with room counts rang- ing from 300 to more than 1,500 (Adams and Duff 2004). These settlements are composed of the rem- nants of single or multistory room blocks made of stone masonry and/or adobe, as well as extramural features including ramadas, kivas, plazas, and deep middens. In some cases, their internal structure appears amorphous, a series of room blocks scat- tered across an area and lacking an ordered arrange- ment. In other cases, the room blocks are aligned MEASURING TIME, POPULATION, AND RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY FROM THE SURFACE AT SAN MARCOS PUEBLO, NORTH CENTRAL NEW MEXICO Ann F. Ramenofsky, Fraser Neiman, and Christopher D. Pierce To understand the effects of European contact on the organization, size, and mobility of Pueblo populations in the South- west requires detailed knowledge of the occupational histories of the aggregated settlements that typify the late prehistoric and early historic record. Unfortunately, such understanding is generally lacking because the methods used to document occupational histories of settlements tend to either obscure fine- grained temporal distinctions or necessitate costly, and politically objectionable, large- scale excavations. To overcome these difficulties, we use surface expressions to analyze the occupational and population history of San Marcos Pueblo (LA98), an aggregated, late prehistoric site in the Galisteo Basin of New Mexico that persisted to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Field methods include detailed mapping of the settlement and systematic surface collections of middens. Frequency seriation, correspondence analysis, and mean ceramic dates of dec- orated ceramic rims comprise our principal analytic methods and demonstrate that the pueblo was abandoned four times before 1680. Causes of abandonment are discussed. Relative scale measures of population show demographic fluctuations with maximum aggregation during the fifteenth century. Despite demographic pulses, the pueblo remained vital until the terminal abandonment. Para entender los efectos del contacto europeo en la organización , el tamaño y la movilidad de los poblaciónes amerindias “Pueblo” en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos de América, se necesita un conocimiento detallado de las historias de ocu- pación de los poblados de agregación que caracterizan los registros tardi prehistórico y histórico temprano. Desgraciada- mente, tal conocimiento falta generalmente porque los métodos empleados para documentar las historias de la ocupación los yacimientos tienden o a obscurecer las distincciones temporales finas o requieren excavaciónes grandes y costosas o políti- camente dificiles. Para superar estas dificultades, empleamos las evidencias en surperficie para analizar la historia de ocu- pación y de población del Pueblo de San Marcos (LA 98), un gran poblado de agregación tardi- prehistorica en la Cuenca de Galisteo de Nuevo Mexico que continuó hasta la Revuelta de los Indios Pueblo en 1680. Los métodos del trabajo de campo incluyeron la cartografiá detallada del yacimiento y la recogida sistemática de colecciones de superficie en las zonas de basurero. La seriación de frecuencias, el análisis de correspondencia y los promedios de las fechas ceramicas de los bordes decoradas componen nuestros métodos analíticos principales y demuestran que el pueblo fué abandonados cuatro veces antes de 1680. Se discuten las causas del abandono. Las medidas del tamaño relativo de la población demuestran la existencia de fluctua- ciones demográficas, con una máxima agregación durante el siglo XV. A pesar de las pulsaciones demográficas, el pueblo seguió siendo vital hasta su abandono final. Ann F. Ramenofsky Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 ([email protected]). Fraser D. Neiman Department of Archaeology, Monticello, Box 316, Charlottesville, Va, 22902 ([email protected]) Christopher D. Pierce Web Data Works, 2733 Endicott Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120 ([email protected]). American Antiquity 74(3), 2009, pp. XX-XX Copyright ©2009 by the Society for American Archaeology 1 AQ74(3) Ramenofsky:Layout 1 6/5/09 6:24 PM Page 1


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Large, architecturally complex sites are thehallmark of the late prehistoric- historic tran-sition in central and northern New Mexico,

as well as across much of the Southwest. These sitesrepresent persistent places (Schlanger 1992) thatwitnessed extensive and intensive use over longperiods of time. Their size often dwarfed the largestof the earlier aggregated pueblos on the ColoradoPlateau (Adler et al. 1996), with room counts rang-

ing from 300 to more than 1,500 (Adams and Duff2004). These settlements are composed of the rem-nants of single or multistory room blocks made ofstone masonry and/or adobe, as well as extramuralfeatures including ramadas, kivas, plazas, and deepmiddens. In some cases, their internal structureappears amorphous, a series of room blocks scat-tered across an area and lacking an ordered arrange-ment. In other cases, the room blocks are aligned



Ann F. Ramenofsky, Fraser Neiman, and Christopher D. Pierce

To understand the effects of European contact on the organization, size, and mobility of Pueblo populations in the South-west requires detailed knowledge of the occupational histories of the aggregated settlements that typify the late prehistoricand early historic record. Unfortunately, such understanding is generally lacking because the methods used to documentoccupational histories of settlements tend to either obscure fine- grained temporal distinctions or necessitate costly, andpolitically objectionable, large- scale excavations. To overcome these difficulties, we use surface expressions to analyze theoccupational and population history of San Marcos Pueblo (LA98), an aggregated, late prehistoric site in the Galisteo Basinof New Mexico that persisted to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Field methods include detailed mapping of the settlement andsystematic surface collections of middens. Frequency seriation, correspondence analysis, and mean ceramic dates of dec-orated ceramic rims comprise our principal analytic methods and demonstrate that the pueblo was abandoned four timesbefore 1680. Causes of abandonment are discussed. Relative scale measures of population show demographic fluctuationswith maximum aggregation during the fifteenth century. Despite demographic pulses, the pueblo remained vital until theterminal abandonment.

Para entender los efectos del contacto europeo en la organización , el tamaño y la movilidad de los poblaciónes amerindias“Pueblo” en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos de América, se necesita un conocimiento detallado de las historias de ocu-pación de los poblados de agregación que caracterizan los registros tardi prehistórico y histórico temprano. Desgraciada-mente, tal conocimiento falta generalmente porque los métodos empleados para documentar las historias de la ocupación losyacimientos tienden o a obscurecer las distincciones temporales finas o requieren excavaciónes grandes y costosas o políti-camente dificiles. Para superar estas dificultades, empleamos las evidencias en surperficie para analizar la historia de ocu-pación y de población del Pueblo de San Marcos (LA 98), un gran poblado de agregación tardi- prehistorica en la Cuenca deGalisteo de Nuevo Mexico que continuó hasta la Revuelta de los Indios Pueblo en 1680. Los métodos del trabajo de campoincluyeron la cartografiá detallada del yacimiento y la recogida sistemática de colecciones de superficie en las zonas de basurero.La seriación de frecuencias, el análisis de correspondencia y los promedios de las fechas ceramicas de los bordes decoradascomponen nuestros métodos analíticos principales y demuestran que el pueblo fué abandonados cuatro veces antes de 1680.Se discuten las causas del abandono. Las medidas del tamaño relativo de la población demuestran la existencia de fluctua-ciones demográficas, con una máxima agregación durante el siglo XV. A pesar de las pulsaciones demográficas, el puebloseguió siendo vital hasta su abandono final.

Ann F. Ramenofsky � Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131([email protected]).Fraser D. Neiman � Department of Archaeology, Monticello, Box 316, Charlottesville, Va, 22902 ([email protected])Christopher D. Pierce �Web Data Works, 2733 Endicott Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120 ([email protected]).

American Antiquity 74(3), 2009, pp. XX-XXCopyright ©2009 by the Society for American Archaeology


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2 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

with one another, forming enclosed plazas (Bernar-dini 1998; Potter 1998). Both architectural patternsmay be present at the same place. The size, architectural complexity, and histori-

cal connection with early modern Pueblo peoplesmake these settlements essential to all discussionsof place use history, settlement patterns, and pop-ulation dynamics across the late prehistoric andearly historic transition. The very characteristicsthat distinguish them, however, pose significantmethodological challenges for reconstructing theiroccupational histories. Excavation is the traditionalmethod employed for reconstructing the occupa-tional history of these sites. Excavation provideswood samples used in estimating the age of con-struction events (through radiocarbon or tree- rings),as well as measurements of room size and func-tion. The latter estimates are employed as proxiesfor creating numerical estimates of population size.Excavations also may recover stratigraphicsequences, as well as decorated ceramics or othertemporal indicators, helpful for constructingchronologies of place use and abandonment.These important contributions notwithstanding,

excavation has several limitations. It is an oneroustask at large sites, requiring years of sustained fieldand laboratory investigations and substantialamounts of money. In addition, given the currentemphasis on preservation of archaeologicaldeposits, excavation of these aggregated settle-ments is seen as politically objectionable, if notimpossible. These problems in part explain why themajor excavations at large late sites, notably nativecommunities with missions, occurred in the earlydecades of the twentieth century (Cordell 1997;Ramenofsky and Feathers 2002). Since World WarII, only a handful of reported excavations of aggre-gated settlements from late prehistoric New Mex-ico have occurred: Pot Creek (Crown 1991; Crownand Kohler 1994), Arroyo Hondo (Creamer 1993),Tijeras (Cordell 1980), Pueblo Pardo (Toulouseand Stevenson 1960), Pa’ako (Lambert 1954;Lycett 2002), and Pueblo Blanco (Creamer et al.2002). Unfortunately, most of these large places were

abandoned well before the sixteenth century andthe onset of documented history. Thus, modernarchaeological knowledge of occupational historiesor population dynamics across the late prehistoric- historic transition is extremely limited.

Despite their obvious significance, the lateaggregated settlements tend to stand outside muchof the current Southwestern research on settlementaggregation and dispersion, or persistence andchange of Pueblo populations. For instance, theassumption of what it means to be sedentary isshifting in the Southwest (Lekson 1990; Powell1990; Varien 1999); the simple contrasts betweensedentism and mobility or agriculture and forag-ing no longer hold. Sedentary agriculturalists wereresidentially mobile at a number of temporal scales.Sometimes they returned to previous residences;sometimes they did not. This significant change in knowledge, however,

has not been integrated into archaeological under-standing of the protohistoric aggregated settle-ments. They are assumed to represent deeplysedentary populations (Lekson 1990) who stayedput and grew incrementally over time. Because ofthis assumption, the terminal abandonment of thesesettlements during the Pueblo Revolt has been inter-preted as representing significant populationdecline from introduced infectious diseases. Thatdecline, in turn, is considered causal in changingthe sociopolitical structure of early modern Pueblopopulations (Cordell and Plog 1979; Haas andCreamer 1992 ; Lightfoot and Upham 1989;Upham 1982; Wilcox 1981).Here, we evaluate the nature of sedentism and

population dynamics of protohistoric Puebloanaggregated settlements by reconstructing the place- use history of San Marcos Pueblo (LA98), one ofeight aggregated settlements located at the westernedge of the Galisteo Basin (Figure 1). San Marcos,currently a preserve owned by the ArchaeologicalConservancy, is approximately 24 hectares. Dur-ing its long use life that spanned the fourteenththrough the seventeenth centuries, it was a signif-icant community in the region. The pueblo is situ-ated 5 km from the Cerrillos Hills, the principalsource of turquoise and galena. Cerrillos HillsGalena was the primary flux in San Marcos glaze- paint ceramics (Habicht- Mauche et al. 2000), andthe community was an important node of ceramic glaze- paint production, social interaction, andregional trade throughout the protohistoric period(Herhahn 2006; Huntley and Kintigh 2004; Nel-son and Habicht- Mauche 2006; Shepard 1942;Warren 1976). Historical references to San Mar-cos appear routinely after 1582 and always in ref-

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erence to the metallic minerals of the Cerrillos Hills(Ramenofsky et al. 2008). In the 1630s, the Fran-ciscans established San Marcos as a doctrina(Hodge et al. 1945). Until 1680, one priest was inresidence at the pueblo. In building this occupational history we employ

a set of concepts and noninvasive methods mostoften used on regional scales, but are also suitablefor reconstructing the use and population historyof individual large settlements. The fieldworkfocused spatially on the locations, documentation,and artifact collections of middens because they arerich repositories of temporal indicators. Our tem-poral constructions rely on frequency seriation andcorrespondence analysis of decorated ceramics, aswell as mean ceramic dates. Our analysis of surface evidence indicates dra-

matic fluctuations in the size of the native popula-tion at the pueblo. We use counts of ceramicsdeposited into middens as proxies for populationsize. The archaeological evidence is compellingand suggests that the San Marcoseños were notdeeply sedentary. They practiced a form of resi-dential mobility at the scale of centuries thatinvolved both emigration from and return to thepueblo. This reconstruction contrasts with thereceived wisdom regarding the nature of sedentismat protohistoric pueblos, and points to a robust and

far less costly strategy for reconstructing place usehistory at these large settlements.

Chronology and Tree- Ring Dating in Southwestern Archaeology

In the early decades of the twentieth century, South-western archaeologists applied frequency seriationto temporally order surface artifacts, primarily potsherds (Kroeber 1916; Lyman and O’Brien 1999;Lyman et al. 1998; Spier 1917, 1918, 1919). Themethod, however, did not survive very long. At thefirst Pecos Conference, A. E. Douglass summa-rized his initial results of dendrochronological dat-ing of archaeological villages (Kidder 1927). Giventhe potential precision of tree- ring dating, South-western archaeologists moved quickly to establishthe method as their principal means to temporallyorder archaeological events (Nash 1999; Towner2002). Frequency seriation all but ceased as achronological tool in the Southwest throughoutmost of the twentieth century. Initially, the fine temporal discrimination pro-

vided by tree- ring dates was used to supplementculture historical periodization, adding calendricalestimates to culture history units. However, as period- based chronologies became fixed inabsolute time by tree- ring dates and, as dates from

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Figure 1. Galisteo Basin Pueblos.

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numerous sites accumulated, dendrochronologycame to be used as a stand- alone method for build-ing temporal sequences. Traditional culture historyunits, by contrast, served mainly as monikers of thegeneral time period of interest (e.g., Adams andDuff 2004; Adler 1996; Spielmann 1998). The pre-cision of the tree- ring dates translated into newrealms of investigation including documentation ofrapid regional abandonments, migration, and set-tlement reconfigurations. To use dendrochronology to reconstruct settle-

ment histories of such long- lived pueblos as SanMarcos typically requires excavation because exca-vation supplies tree- ring samples. Moreover, largesamples of wood are preferred to counteract theproblems of differential preservation and wood recy-cling. Large samples, in turn, mean extensive exca-vation. Thus, an association exists between thenumber of tree- ring dates and the duration of exca-vation projects. For instance, Pecos Pueblo, exca-vated for more than a decade, has approximately 90 tree- ring dates (Kidder 1958). San Marcos, by con-trast, with a more limited excavation history, has atotal tree- ring sample of 15. Eight of these dates are non- cutting; seven are cutting dates divided acrossthe fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. Even if allthe dendrochronological dates from San Marcoswere cutting dates, this sample is too small to sug-gest the nature or the duration of settlement use. Despite the high potential precision of den-

drochronology for estimating the age of archaeo-logical expressions, including occupational historyof aggregated pueblos, the method is most suc-cessful where excavation is an option. As describedabove, excavation is not currently a viable approachfor the ancestral aggregated pueblos. To reintegratethese obviously important sites into the discussionof occupational dynamics and population pulsesacross the historic baseline requires a different strat-egy that works within the current economic andpolitical structure of the discipline.

Chronology and Surface Archaeology

Beginning in the 1970s, archaeologists developeda different orientation to regional surface expres-sions, variously known as the siteless or nonsite sur-vey (Bintliff 2000; Dancey 1998; Dunnell andDancey 1983; Ebert 1992; Foley 1981; Jones andBeck 1992; Sullivan 1998; Thomas 1975). Collec-

tively, these approaches view the surface as an inde-pendent research domain with interpretive orexplanatory potential. The general approach is dis-tributional. Artifacts rather than sites are the fun-damental analytic unit. The change in analytic scalemeans that sites are simply highdensity nodes in avariable landscape of artifacts. At San Marcos, we implemented a surface per-

spective to work at the scale of site. Artifacts andtheir distributions across the surface, rather thanroom blocks, constituted the initial analytic units.Variations in the density and composition of sur-face artifact distributions facilitated defining otheranalytic units, namely middens, which becamemore useful for reconstructing occupation history.There have been objections to the interpretive

potential of surface archaeology (e.g., Odell andCowen 1987; Simmons 1998), including theassumption that the surface is more disturbed thanthe subsurface and the absence of datable materialon the surface. Neither objection is supportable.Although surface expressions are obviouslyaffected by record formation processes, suchprocesses are not limited to current surfaces. Allburied surfaces were originally surficial and sub-ject to many of the processes affecting current sur-faces (Dunnell and Dancey 1983). Rather thanautomatically discounting surface distributions,they must be evaluated in the context of a particu-lar research effort. Simply, there is no universal cri-terion of disturbance. The issue must be empiricallyassessed.Additionally, although there are no dating meth-

ods explicitly designed to work with surface arti-facts, it does not follow that surface distributionsare temporally impoverished. In fact, a number ofdating methods are well suited for estimating theage of surface artifacts (e.g., Beck 1999; Feathers1997, 2000; Jones et al. 2003; Phillips et al. 1951).As in all temporal construction, multiple methodsare useful for increasing the precision of age esti-mation of an archaeological event.In this reconstruction, we employ frequency

seriation, correspondence analysis, and meanceramic dating. All three methods estimate the sameevent: the weighted average of the time period overwhich the assemblage accumulated. Weights areproportional to the rate at which artifacts aredeposited at a given point during the duration ofuse. Because the three methods are complementary,

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they increase the likelihood of more completely elu-cidating the occupation history of San Marcos.

Frequency Seriation (FS)

FS is based on a simple model of how the relativefrequencies of a suite of mutually exclusive typesis distributed across temporally successive assem-blages: (1) there is temporal overlap among types— subsets of types do not appear and then disappearsynchronously; (2) the type frequencies follow uni-modal or battleship- shaped curves over time (Dun-nell 1970; Ford 1962). Types that meet these criteriahave been traditionally defined as “historical types”(Kreiger 1944). Given a set of assemblages whosetemporal order is unknown, the FS model suggeststhat the one- dimensional ordering of assemblagesthat most closely fits the model is likely to bechronological. Types, however, can demonstrateunimodal responses along other gradients, includ-ing geographical space or social status (Kruskal1971). Hence, the conclusion that any particularseriation solution is a chronology must be evalu-ated against independent evidence.Culture historians recognized two nonchrono-

logical factors that could cause departure from theunimodality assumption of the FS model (Dunnell1970): time averaging (variability in the amount oftime over which assemblages accumulate), or com-bining assemblages from different local- stylistictraditions into a single seriation. Tradition is usedhere in the cultural- historical sense to refer to con-tinuity of people and the social learning amongthem. Recently, evolutionary archaeologists havecapitalized on this condition to track learning lin-eages (e.g., Lipo 2001; O’Brien and Lyman 2003;Shennan 2003; Van Hoose 2008). The FS model places a heavy burden on the

identification of types that are historical in the sense

that they have unimodal distributions in time. Theceramic types we use have been thought to be his-torical for nearly a century (Kidder 1936; Mera1933; Nelson 1916). Two decorated ceramic tradi-tions dominate the late prehistoric and early his-toric periods in the central and northern Rio GrandeValley. The matte- painted black- on- white wares,initially defined by Amsden (Kidder and Amsden1931) and Mera (1935), are earlier and the glaze- paint wares later (Kidder 1936; Mera 1940). Nel-son’s stratigraphic excavation in the Galisteo Basin(1916) showed convincingly that the glaze- paintwares replaced the matte- painted wares. Both waresare present in significant numbers at San MarcosPueblo. There are two typologies for the glaze- paint

types (Table 1). Kidder’s excavations at PecosPueblo defined the glaze- paint sequence, known asGlaze I- VI (Kidder 1936). Rim shape of decoratedbowls was the fundamental criterion used to dis-tinguish among types. With a larger sample of rimsfrom many more locations along the Rio Grande,Mera redefined Kidder’s sequence as Glazes A- F(Mera 1933, 1940), adding subtypes based on geo-graphic location, as well as the number and colorof slips. Because San Marcos is within the RioGrande corridor, rim shape is coded using Mera’sdefinitions, as are the identifications of red, yellow,and polychrome slips. The final issue is variable time averaging.

Because our assemblages are drawn from a singlesite, the probability that some of them may havebeen deposited on areas of the site previously aban-doned may be a problem. However, whether theassemblages seriate is ultimately an empirical mat-ter. Close examination of trial solutions makes itpossible to evaluate the fit between the types andthe model.

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Table 1. Comparison of Kidder’s and Mera’s Glaze-Paint Types.

Kidder’s glaze sequence (1936) Mera’s glaze sequence (1933)

Glaze I Glaze A RedGlaze A Yellow

Glaze A PolychromeGlaze II Glaze B Yellow

Glaze B PolychromeGlaze III Glaze C PolychromeGlaze IV Glaze D PolychromeGlaze V Glaze E PolychromeGlaze VI Glaze F Red

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Correspondence Analysis (CA)

CA is a multivariate statistical technique (Clausen1998) with a long history of archaeological appli-cation in Europe (Bech 1988; Bølviken et al. 1982;Madsen 1988; Nielsen 1988; Shennan 1997) anda shorter one in the North America (Duff 1996;Neiman and Alcock 1995; Scholnick 2003; Smithand Neiman 2007; Van Hoose 2008). There aremultiple mathematical derivations leading to thesame equations of CA (De Leeuw 1983; Gower1990), but the one most relevant to chronologicalinference begins with the FS model (Hill 1974;Neiman and Alcock 1995; Smith and Neiman2007). FS assumes that type frequencies are unimodal

response functions on a single underlying tempo-ral gradient. It seems likely, however, that typeabundance might be influenced simultaneously bysynchronic variation along a second gradient, or athird, or fourth. CA can be seen as an attempt toaccommodate this possibility by identifying anyadditional gradients and providing estimates of thelocations of assemblages and points of maximumfrequency of the types along each one. CA repre-sents those estimates as assemblage and type scoreson a set of axes. The score of each assemblage oneach CA axis is proportional to the weighted aver-age of the scores of the types that are representedin it, where the weights are the type frequencies.The CA axes are constructed, as in principle com-ponents analysis (PCA), so that the scores on suc-cessive axes account for the most variation, or“inertia,” in the data and are uncorrelated with oneanother. Inertia values for each assemblage repre-sent their distance from all assemblages, or theaverage midden. Also, as in PCA, the amount ofvariation accounted for by each CA axis offers aninitial clue about whether it has identified a real gra-dient. Parsing type- frequency variation into variation

along several orthogonal gradients comes at a para-metric price. We must make additional assump-tions about the type- frequency response functionsand the locations along the gradients from whichour samples are derived: (1) type frequenciesapproximate Gaussian curves, each with its ownmean and variance when plotted against the under-lying gradient to which it responds; (2) the type tol-erances, which control the spread of the types alongeach gradient, are roughly equal; (3) the spacings

of the type means, which coincide with the loca-tions of type- frequency maxima along each gradi-ent, are equal or drawn from a uniform distribution;and (4) the spacings of the locations of assemblagesamples along the underlying gradient are alsoequal or drawn from a uniform distribution. Giventhese assumptions, analytical and simulation resultsshow that the scores of the assemblages and typeson the CA axes approximate maximum- likelihoodestimates of their true locations on the underlyinggradients. In addition, CA appears to have consid-erable robustness in the face of departures from theassumptions (ter Braak 1985; ter Braak and Pren-tice 1988).Do the San Marcos assemblages meet these

requirements? As with FS, the technique and themodels behind it allow us to generate concreteexpectations about the patterns we should see ifthey do (Neiman and Alcock 1995; Smith andNeiman 2007). If type frequencies respond to onlya single underlying gradient, as specified in the FSmodel, then the CA Axis-1 scores will capture thatgradient. Sorting the assemblages on those scoreswill yield the unimodal- response curves of the FSmodel. The type scores will give the order in whichthe type maxima occur, producing a seriation oftypes as well as assemblages. The scores of the assemblages and the types on

the second CA axis may be a quadratic function oftheir scores on the first, leading to an arch config-uration when plotted. The appearance of the archsignals that type frequencies are determined by uni-modal response functions to a gradient that is longenough to capture inflections in the curves. With asingle underlying gradient long enough to producean arch, the variation or inertia of both the Axis-1and Axis-2 scores will be far greater than the iner-tias of the high- order axes. With a single, shortergradient, only the first axis will have a high iner-tia. If a second, underlying gradient influences typefrequencies, then a higher- order CA axis will alsohave high inertia associated with it.Plots of the assemblage and type scores on the

CA axes allow us to identify clustering in theirlocations along the underlying gradients. The sep-aration between adjacent clusters on CA plotsshould also be reflected in jumps in the frequen-cies of one or more types between assemblagesthat are adjacent in the FS order. Clusters of assem-blages from CA and jumps in type frequencies from

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FS are indicators of discontinuities in depositionand occupation.

Mean Ceramic Dates from Dendrochronologi-cal Cross- Dates

Our final chronological method, mean ceramic dat-ing, combines the assumption from the FS modelthat type frequencies are unimodal responses to asingle chronological gradient with the assumptionfrom the CA model that the response functions areGaussian and have equal variances. The mean- ceramic- date (MCD) method further assumes thatwe already know the means in calendar years of theGaussian functions that describe the type frequen-cies. If the type- frequency curves are Gaussian, thentheir means can be estimated as the midpointsbetween the beginning and ending manufacturingdates of each type. South (1972, 1977) proposed anestimator for the MCD that was the weighted aver-age of the manufacturing midpoints. In this solu-tion, the weights were the frequencies of the ceramictypes and the midpoints were estimated from thedocumented history of the manufacture of the typesin early- modern Europe. Unlike FS and CA, MCDsoffer no feedback on the fit of the MCD model to aparticular dataset. Employing MCDs alone forchronological inference invites unnoticed errors.However, MCDs offer a useful way to summarizethe implications for one or more assemblages ofindependently derived evidence on manufacturingdates of the types found in them. The results canthen be used to evaluate FS and CA solutions. Applying the MCD method in the Puebloan

Southwest requires estimates of manufacturing

midpoints from dendrochronology (Christenson1994). Caution is necessary because there is a tor-tuous inferential trail linking the target event to thedated event, especially when extrapolating toassemblages (e.g., Dean 1978; Schiffer 1987).Table 2 summarizes the dendrochronological esti-mates of production dates for Mera’s rim shapes.There is broad agreement among authors on thechronological order of the types. In what follows,we construct manufacturing midpoints based onMcKenna and Miles (1991) and reported in Vint(2000).

Investigating the Surface at San Marcos

Archaeological investigations at San MarcosPueblo follow a pattern typical of many large, latesettlements in the Southwest. Nels Nelson initiatedarchaeological fieldwork on the Galisteo Basinpueblos in the early twentieth century including SanMarcos (Nelson 1912-1915, 1914). His planimet-ric map of the visible architecture at San Marcosidentified 43 room blocks, three kivas, and a Span-ish mission complex (Figure 2). Nelson also exca-vated test trenches across all room blocks. Despitethe significant scale of the test excavations, onlyselected artifacts were saved (see Welker 1997 forceramic summary). Descriptive notes are sparse,and there are no stratigraphic profiles or descrip-tions. Most recent investigators have undertakenmore limited explorations of San Marcos (Creamer1996; Creamer et al. 2002; Eddy et al. 1996; Haasand Creamer 1992; Ivey and Thomas 2005; Reed1954; Thomas 2000; Welker 1997). Our surface

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Table 2. Tree-Ring Cross-Dates for Black-on-White and Glaze-Paint types (Dates are A.D.).

Kidder Mera Breternitz Warren McKenna andGlaze Type (1936) (1940)a (1966) (1979) Miles (1991)b

Santa Fe Black-on-White 1200–1350 1175 –1350(or early 1400s)

Wiyo Black-on-White 1300–1400 1300–1400Galisteo Black-on-White 1300–1350 1300–1400Glaze I/Glaze A 1350–1450 1300–1425+ 1315–1425 1315–1425Glaze II/ Glaze B 1425–1475 1350–1450 1300–1450 1400–1450 1400–1450Glaze III/ Glaze C 1475–1550 1425–1575 1400–1500 1425–1500 1425–1490Glaze IV/ Glaze D 1550–1600 1475–1550 1425–1575 1490–1515 1490–1515Glaze V/ Glaze E 1600–1700 1550–1600 1425–1600 1515–1600 1515–1650/1700

1600–1700Glaze VI/ Glaze F 1600–1700 1650–1700 1625–1700aDates refer to Glaze periods, not glaze–paint types.bPublished in Vint 2000.

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data were collected as part of a large multiyearstudy of the entire pueblo (Pierce and Ramenofsky2000; Ramenofsky 2001, 2003; Ramenofsky andPierce 1998, 1999; Ramenofsky et al. 2008). Herewe consider only that portion relating to the recon-struction of the occupation history.

UNM Surface Protocol

Sampling the surface for temporally sensitive arti-facts was the first step in building a place- use his-tory of San Marcos. To accomplish this goal weused a two- stage approach. In 1999 (Pierce andRamenofsky 2000), the entire surface of the pueblowas systematically sampled at 20 m intervals. Ineach 1 m square unit, a shovel was used to scrapea thin layer (1–2 cm) of material from the surfacethat was dry screened and saved. Although sub-stantially less than one percent of the area of SanMarcos, these 371 units provided a reasonably clearpicture of surficial artifact distributions. Artifactsoccurred in low densities on room block mounds,but in discrete areas adjacent to nearly every room

block, artifact density increased greatly. Twentysuch high- density locations were identified anddefined as middens (Figure 3). To increase the sample size of temporally sen-

sitive artifacts from the middens, a second surfacecollection was conducted in 2000 (Ramenofsky2001). This effort was enhanced by an unusuallydry winter and spring, which greatly reduced veg-etative growth. After defining midden boundariesmore exactly, we established a collection grid con-sisting of 5 m square units over the accessible sur-face of each midden. This protocol resulted in a totalof 1,055 sample units. Within each unit, all tem-porally sensitive artifacts were collected. The com-bined samples from both seasons of surfacecollection produced a total of 7,600 rim sherds.The temporally diagnostic glaze- paint bowl portionof the sample constituted approximately 50 percentof the total rim sherd sample.

Surface Formation Processes

The most significant issue regarding San Marcos

8 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Figure 2. Nelson’s 1914 planimetric map of San Marcos Pueblo.

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surface expressions is the extent to which artifactspresent on surfaces are representative in someunderstandable way of the range of artifactsdeposited during the entire period of use of thetrash dump. At San Marcos, two major processescan be identified that have likely exposed buriedartifacts on the surface: erosion and bioturbationby gophers and people. Erosional effects are closely linked to site topog-

raphy. The room blocks and middens are situatedon a small rise that gradually descends across twofill terraces and terminates at San Marcos arroyoon the south (Figure 4) (Hinz et al. 2008; Pinson2008). The effect of this gradual descent is that thesettlement is arranged in a series of tiers. Fromnorth to south, buildings are located on the twostream terrace surfaces and terminate on the flood-

plain of San Marcos arroyo. Sediments across thesite are uniform, consisting of unconsolidated siltysand with gravel. The topographic setting suggests downslope

migration of sediments and artifacts. Because mostmiddens are located in topographic lows relativeto room blocks, the artifact record in these loca-tions could be buried or enriched from those ups-lope. Complete burial has not occurred, but theextent of artifact displacement down slope isunknown. Bioturbation is also important. Because of the

dense vegetative cover and rich, friable soils ofmiddens, burrowing rodents, especially pocketgophers (Thomomys umbrinus), have potentiallymodified all midden surfaces. Of the 1 m square surface- scrape units, approximately 22 percent of

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Figure 3. Middens and room blocks, San Marcos Pueblo.

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the midden units showed signs of active burrow-ing; 10 percent of non- midden units displayed com-parable evidence. Although some of the burrowsindicate the presence of large mammals such as rab-bits, or hares, most are suggestive of pocket gophersor other fossorial animals. In general, the level ofevidence for active burrowing is indicative of athriving community of burrowing animals capableof producing substantial effects on the surface andsubsurface record (Balek 2002; Morin 2006; Pierce1992). Pierce (1992) used his burrowing simulation

program to evaluate the likely effects of sustainedexposure to burrowing on the composition of sur-face artifact assemblages. The program is based onthe burrowing behavior of the pocket gopher andthe depth and size of burrows can vary by species(Wilkins and Roberts 2007). Consequently, the sim-

ulation results should be viewed as indicative of ageneral pattern of artifact movement from bur-rowing. Figure 5 shows the changes in the relativecontributions to the surface of artifacts from dif-ferent depth intervals over 700 years of burrowingexposure. Although artifacts originally depositedon or near the surface remain the most abundantthroughout the period of simulated burrowing, con-tributions from deeper levels rise rapidly makingup slightly less than 70 percent of the surfaceassemblage after only 300 years. The relative con-tribution to the surface of artifacts from differentdepth intervals decrease with increasing depthbelow the surface with artifacts buried below 70cm never rising above 1 percent of the surfaceassemblage. There is also evidence of cultural modification

both during and following native abandonment.

10 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Figure 4. Digital terrain model of San Marcos Pueblo.

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Room block construction and/or adobe melt havecovered earlier trash deposits (Pinson 2000; Pin-son and Angel 2001), and some later room blockconstructions mined earlier middens for adobe(Penman 2001). Consequently, although our mid-den sample is 100 percent of late middens, we donot have a complete sample of earlier middens (Pin-son 2000; Pinson and Angel 2001). Following native abandonment, the settlement

continued to be used. In the eighteenth century, themission area was reoccupied and the church wasused as an animal pen (Pinson 2008). Still later, asmall dairy was built on San Marcos and the con-crete footings of that operation are still visible inthe vicinity of Midden 19. In the early twentiethcentury, a small frame structure associated withfarming was built on top of part of Midden 14.Finally, Nelson’s test excavations contributed tosurface accumulations. His collection strategy wasselective, and he did not backfill his trenches. It ispossible that artifacts from his excavations haveenriched adjacent middens. Table 3 summarizes the effects of surface for-

mation processes across all middens at San Mar-cos. All middens have been subjected to these

processes. Surface artifacts have been buried, andburied artifacts have been brought to the surface.As a result, it is possible that surface assemblagesare massively time- averaged palimpsests fromwhich any chronological signal has been erased. Itis also possible that surface assemblages reflect thedeposits buried beneath them and that spatial vari-ation among assemblages captures an informativechronological signal. Frequency seriation offers ameans of evaluating which of these possibilities bet-ter accounts for the surface record.

Temporal Inference

Frequency Seriation

Analyses reported here are based on a data matrixof 3,680 sherds containing the counts of 19 ceramictypes in 20 middens (Ramenofsky and Neiman2008). Because the Black- on- White rim sherds area very small proportion of the total, we groupedthem into one type that includes Wiyo Black- on- white, Santa Fe Black- on- white, and Galisteo Black- on- white. The glaze- paint types A–F are aparadigmatic classification based on the intersec-

ramenofsky et al.] meaSurinG time, POPuLatiOn, anD reSiDentiaL mOBiLity 11

Figure 5. Simulation of gopher activity.

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tion of rim shape and slip color. A frequency seriation for the San Marcos assem-

blages reveals a strong chronological signal1 (Fig-ure 6). The type- frequency curves are roughlyunimodal. The order of the frequency maxima forthe different types matches the order arrived at byearlier researchers of the region (Table 2), with Black- on- White at one end, followed by Glazes A,B, C and D, and finally E and F at the other end.The spread of the rim shapes across the entiresequence does not fit with the beginning and end-ing dates suggested by ceramic cross dates (Table2). Time averaging in the San Marcos samples ispartially responsible. However, the extent of thecontrast suggests that a reevaluation of the den-drochronological evidence for the beginning andending dates of the Glaze- paint rim shapes is over-

due. We do not pursue the issue further here. The most striking violation of unimodality

occurs near the top of the sequence (Middens 6,10, and 13), where Black- on- White, Glaze A- Yel-low, Glaze A- Red, and/or Glaze B- Yellow increaseagain in frequency after periods of apparent decline.We offer two hypotheses for this pattern. First, thetrend may accurately reflect a later increase in theuse and production of these types. In other words,these three types are not historical in the traditional, culture- historical sense. The second hypothesisexplains the reappearance of these types as a func-tion of the averaged nature of the middens. Mid-dens 6, 10, and 13 may been have used early in thesequence, when the types were near their frequencypeaks, then abandoned, and finally used again atthe end of the sequence, when E and F rim shapes

12 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Table 3. Summary of Surface Disturbance at San Marcos Pueblo.

Midden Erosion Deposition Burying Rodents Cultural Disturbance

1 X2 X3 X X4 X X X5 X X X6 X X X7 X X8 X X9 X X10 X X11 X X12 X X X13 X X X14 X X X15 X X16 X X17 X X18 X X19 X X X20 X X

Figure 6. Frequency seriation of 20 midden assemblages from San Marcos.

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dominated. In contrast, all the other middens hadmore uniform periods of use. The second hypothesis is a more likely expla-

nation of the near- synchronous reappearance of thetypes. Because these middens are located just northof earlier Middens 11, 12, 14, and 19, an earlieroccupation is more likely. Midden 10 is an erosionalsurface; the mission complex is built on an earlierroom block; and Nelson’s previously excavatedmission complex overlaps Midden 13. The princi-pal lack of fit to the FS model is due to more exten-sive time averaging in the three assemblages at theend of the sequence.

Correspondence Analysis and Mean Ceramic Dating

Three correspondence analyses summarized onTable 4 were constructed in an effort to discrimi-nate temporal use of middens. In the first analysis(CA 1), the proportion of inertia accounted for bythe two CA axes is significantly greater thanexpected by chance, according to the broken- stickmodel, which indicates what would happen if thetotal inertia were randomly apportioned among theaxes (Jackson 1993; Legendre and Legendre 1998).A scatterplot of the midden assemblages on thefirst two axes reveals what initially looks like anarch, implying that CA Axis 1 captures time, andCA Axis 2 has no temporal significance (Figure 7a).The plot of the ceramic types in CA space, how-ever, reveals a different pattern (Figure 7b). The ori-entation of Axis 1 is heavily influenced by the earlytypes, Black- on- White and Glaze A, on the onehand, and later Glazes B, C and D, on the other.Axis 2 contrasts Glazes B, C, and D with the lat-est types, Glaze E and F. In other words, Axis 2 isnot simply a quadratic function of Axis 1. It, too,is correlated with time. This interpretation is sup-ported by the demonstration that both Axis-1 andAxis-2 scores are significantly correlated with theMCDs computed from marginal counts of rimshapes (Table 4a). These results confound the the-oretical expectations outlined above, indicating oneof the assumptions of the model behind CA is notmet in these data. The assumption most likely violated in CA 1 is

that the temporal spacing of all assemblages is uni-formly distributed. The CA scatterplot of middensshows a large gap between the Midden 16 assem-blage and all the others. A plot of the inertia val-

ues for each assemblage against the temporal rankof those values (Figure 7c) confirms that the Mid-den-16 assemblage is, indeed, an outlier. Midden16 is so distinctive relative to the others that Axis1, seeking to maximize inertia, contrasts it withthem. Axis 2 is left to capture the later part of thetemporal gradient (for a similar result with a dataset

ramenofsky et al.] meaSurinG time, POPuLatiOn, anD reSiDentiaL mOBiLity 13

Figure 7. Results of CA 1. (a) Plot of the midden assem-blages on Axes 1 and 2. (b) Plot of types on Axes1 and 2. (c) Plot of midden assemblages inertia values against theirtemporal rank.

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from the Woodland- Period Deep South, see Smithand Neiman 2007). In the second correspondence analysis (CA 2),

we omitted the Midden 16 assemblage (Table 4b).Having estimated the CA axes and the scores ofthe types without Midden 16, we then plotted Mid-den 16 on them.2 This technique removes the dis-torting effects of the Midden 16 assemblage onestimation of the type scores, while allowing us todetermine its location relative to the other assem-blages. Again, the broken- stick model suggeststhat only the first two axes account for more vari-ation than expected by chance. Both scatterplotsof the assemblages and the types reveal theexpected arch (Figure 8a, 8b). This time only theAxis-1 scores for the assemblages significantlycorrelate with the MCDs (Figure 8c). In addition,the order of the Axis-1 type scores fits the tradi-tional culture- historical understanding of the tem-poral order with Black- on- White preceding theglazes A- F––recall that the positions of the typesalong Axis 1 are estimates of their points of max-imum frequency (Table 1). Although CA 2 resolves some of the problems

of CA 1, it points out others, namely the lack of fitof the Middens 3, 10, 6, and 13 to the seriationmodel (See Figure 6). The FS showed enrichmentof early types (Glaze A- Yellow, Glaze A- Red, andGlaze B) in late assemblages clearly dominated byGlazes E and F. The reappearance of the early typesis due to mixing and causes a shift left in the loca-tions of Middens 3 and 10 on the CA-2 scatter plot.The early types may also be pulling Midden 6toward an earlier position on the scatterplot. A com-parison of the midden plot to the type plot demon-strates these shifts. This pattern raises the questionregarding CA-2 solution: How robust are the resultsof CA 2 for the end of sequence in the face of mix-ing from earlier occupations?A simple way to evaluate this question is to con-

struct a third CA (CA 3), in which the early typesinvolved in the mixing are excluded, along with theassemblages in which they dominate. Table 4cshows the results of omitting all but the latest eightassemblages, along with the early types (Black- on- White, and Glazes A and B). In this solution,because of the shorter period sampled by theseeight assemblages, the inertia is concentrated inAxis 1. The correlation between Axis 1 and theMCDs is near unity. The FS diagram, in which the

assemblage order is based on the Axis-1 scores,yields a good fit to the seriation model (Figure 9).The removal of the earlier types has had theexpected consequences. The assemblages of Mid-dens 3 and 10 are now later in the sequence. Mid-den 10 is nearly contemporary with Middens 6 and13, and Midden 3 is earlier. In addition, the distance

14 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Figure 8. Results of CA 2. (a) Plot of the midden assem-blages on Axes 1 and 2. (b) Plot of types on Axes1 and 2. (c)Plot of midden assemblages MCDs and Axis-1 scores.

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between the Period? 4 and Period? 5 assemblageshas increased considerably (Figure 10).Finally, theMCDs for the assemblages are later than in the pre-vious analysis. They are probably more accurateestimates of calendar years because sherds associ-ated with early deposits do not bias the results.Using CA-2 and CA-3 results, we sort middens

into spatial clusters and temporal periods. Gaps inAxis-1 scores bound the periods. When the clus-ters have multiple members, they group togetherin geographical space, as well as in CA space. TheMCDs of middens establish the centuries of use ofeach cluster and determine the period designation(Table 5; Figure 3). In the fourteenth century, there are two periods.

Midden 16 comprises Period 1. Black- on- Whiteand Glaze A- Red dominate in this assemblage.Period 2 includes Middens 17 and 18, in which Black- on- White declines precipitously and isreplaced by Glaze A- Yellow. Middens of both peri-ods are located in the southwest section of the set-tlement adjacent to the springs. This patternconforms to that described by Reed (1954) in hissmall excavation of Room Block 38 adjacent toMiddens 16 and 17, as well as to Nelson’s originalimpression of the settlement (Nelson 1912–1915). Period 3 spans the first half of the fifteenth cen-

tury and includes Middens 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14,

15, and 19. Spatially, the period is located more orless in the central part of settlement, north and eastof the first two. These midden assemblages havehigh frequencies of Glaze A- Yellow and Glaze B- Yellow. Period 4 includes middens 1, 2, 3, 4, and20 and is located just to the north and east of thePeriod 3 middens. Temporal estimates place thisperiod in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth cen-turies. Finally, Period 5 (Middens 6, 10, and 13)dates to the later sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesand is characterized by high frequencies of GlazesE and F, especially Glaze F- Yellow and Glaze F- Red. The latest middens surround the mission com-plex, and their use is likely associated with theconstruction and use of the mission in the 1630s. The only exception to this otherwise clear tem-

poral and spatial pattern is Period 4. Although theMCDs place the cluster in the late- fifteenth and early- sixteenth century, ancillary information sug-gests these middens were reused during Period 5.Historic artifacts, e.g., majolica, iron nails, andcolono wares, were only recovered from these twogroups of middens, and a seventeenth- centurySpanish smelting complex was established on topof previously abandoned Room Blocks 17 and 18(Ramenofsky et al. 2008) (See Figure 3). Althoughnative use of Period 4 middens likely terminatedin the early sixteenth century, the area was reusedin the seventeenth century, during which some clas-sic postcontact artifacts were deposited in Period4 middens. The reuse of the area, however, was notextensive. There is strong agreement among FS, CA, and

MCDs, suggesting that, despite record formationprocesses, time is the predominant factor respon-sible for the kind and abundance of decorated rimsherds deposited as middens at San Marcos. Themutual confirmation indicates five clusters of mid-dens and five periods of occupation. Over time thespatial focus of the occupation shifts north and east.

Residential Mobility and Demographic Pulses

How can we use these chronological results toadvance our understanding of the population his-tory and settlement use of San Marcos? At leastthree additional ingredients are necessary to addressthese questions. The first is a way of estimating thenumber of people who contributed to the ceramic

ramenofsky et al.] meaSurinG time, POPuLatiOn, anD reSiDentiaL mOBiLity 15

Table 4. Summaries of Correspondence Analysis Solutions1–3 (First Five Axes Only).

Axis Inertia (Percent) R (Axis 1: MCD) P (p =0)

a. CA 1: All Midden Assemblages.1 45.0 –0.84 <0.00012 30.6 0.48 –.033 14.3 0.05 0.834 6.9 –0.14 0.545 1.9 –0.22 0.35

b. CA 2: Midden 16 Assemblage Removed.1 40.4 0.95 <0.00012 29.6 –0.01 0.963 13.4 –0.07 0.774 4.6 –0.19 0.425 3.9 –0.43 0. 06

c. CA 3: Latest Middens Only (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 13, and 20).1 72.9 –1.00 <0.00012 13.8 0.08 0.853 6.2 0.54 0.174 3.8 0.44 0.275 1.9 –0.11 0.79

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midden assemblages. The second is a singlechronology that combines the results of CA 2 forthe earlier assemblages and CA 3 for the later ones.The third is a method of modeling how midden usewas distributed in time around the mean dates esti-mated by CA Axis-1 scores and MCDs.Counts of decorated ceramics deposited into

middens are the proxy for measuring populationchange (Table 5).This technique requires severalassumptions. Middens are adjacent to every roomblock, and we assume their use correlates withroom block use. Second, as commonly used inaccumulations research (Nelson et al. 1992; Varien1999; Varien and Mills 1997), the per- capita depo-sitional rates into middens were constant acrossthe entire sequence. A related assumption is thatthe duration of deposition that resulted in the accu-mulation of each midden is roughly the same. Aswe have seen, four midden assemblages at the endof the sequence violate this assumption, but theimplication is that the rest do not. By using the

results from CA 3 for the four later middens, wecan mitigate these effects. Finally, we assume thatthe CA Axis-1 scores are a linear function of time.The tight, linear relationship between them andMCDs supports this assumption.The second ingredient is a way to combine the

results from CA 2 and CA 3 into a single, contin-uous chronology. To accomplish this goal weregress MCDs on Axis-1 scores separately fromeach CA. We then use the MCDs predicted fromthe CA 2 to date the Period 1 through 3 assem-blages, and the MCDs from CA 3 to date the Period4 and 5 assemblages. The results retain the relativespacing among assemblages on Axis 1 in eachanalysis, along with their desirable theoretical prop-erties, while re- expressing them on a commonMCD scale.The third ingredient is a way to model the dura-

tion of midden use. CA Axis-1 scores and MCDsyield a single date estimate, but middens do notaccumulate in an instant. They are time- transgressive. This kind of accumulation can bevisualized with the help of kernel- density estimates(KDEs). KDEs are designed to portray the contin-uous density that underlies an observed frequencydistribution of a variable (Beardah and Baxter 1996;Sheather 2004). A density function, or kernel, iscentered over each value and used to assign weightsto small increments of the underlying scale. Theweights are proportional to the area under the curvefor each increment. Applying this procedure to eachdata point produces as many density functions asthere are observations. The final KDE is computedby adding up the areas under each function for eachincrement. The smoothness of the resulting KDEis controlled by the bandwidth of the kernel, whichis typically treated as the standard deviation of thedensity function. Although KDEs offer a simple way to model the

16 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Figure 9. Frequency seriation of the eight latest midden assemblages based on CA 3.

Figure 10. Plot of MCDs and Axis-1 scores from CA 3.

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implications of the time- transgressive, middenaccumulations for site- wide populations, there is aprice. Additional assumptions are required, includ-ing the appropriate density function and the valueof the bandwidth, or the duration of midden accu-mulation. The methods and data currently availabledo not permit definitive choices. Consequently, weemploy a Gaussian kernel as our density functionand explore the implications of several bandwidthvalues.

This Gaussian kernel implies that the numberof people contributing to a midden changed grad-ually, increasing to a peak and then decreasing.Extensive statistical research shows that KDEresults are not sensitive to kernel choice, but theyare sensitive to the bandwidth (Sheather 2004).Variation in the amount of time over which eachmidden accumulated is modeled by changing thebandwidth of the Gaussian function.What are appropriate bandwidth values? There

is a large literature on bandwidth selection (Joneset al. 1996; Sheather 2004). The consensus is to useseveral bandwidths chosen by different algorithms.With the San Marcos data, the Sheather- Jones Plug- In method yields a bandwidth of 32 MCD years,while Silverman’s rule of thumb and the Over-

smoothed methods both yield a bandwidth of 13MCD years. We explore two scenarios based onthese estimates. Using a bandwidth of 32 MCDyears implies that about 95 percent of the sherds ineach midden were deposited over a 128-yearperiod. The 13 MCD- year bandwidth implies a 48-year period of deposition for 95 percent of thesherds (Figure 12).Under both scenarios, the population of San

Marcos fluctuated dramatically over 400 years. Inboth cases, the changes were so large that they musthave resulted from immigration and emigration.The 32-year kernel reveals that the populationincreased through the fourteenth century andpeaked in the early fifteenth century. A populationdecline began in the middle of the fifteenth centuryand ended in the late fifteenth century. A period ofstability and perhaps even another increaseoccurred into the late sixteenth century, with finalabandonment in the seventeenth century. The 13-year kernel portrays a more volatile population his-tory punctuated by at least four episodes ofpopulation loss, and perhaps even total abandon-ment: the late fourteenth century, the mid- fifteenthcentury, the mid- sixteenth century, and the finalabandonment in the seventeenth century.

ramenofsky et al.] meaSurinG time, POPuLatiOn, anD reSiDentiaL mOBiLity 17

Table 5. Periods, Middens and Ceramic Counts.

Major Middens Midden Total Ceramics MeanPeriod Ceramic Types MCD by Midden MCD

5 E and F 13 1638 426 1575 538 157710 1567 133

Total 713

4 C, D, 3 1519 1824 1494 180

E, F 20 1488 901 1487 32 14962 1476 80

Total 564

3 A and B 11 439 4255 1433 245

15,7, 9 1422 8378 1413165 1424

14,19, 12 1404 138Total 2024

2 B/W, A 17 1369 23318 1371 90 1370

Total 323

1 B/W, A 16 1377 1318Total 56

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Because we lack the data and models to esti-mate midden- use life empirically, we cannot pointto one alternative as superior, or more complete,than the other. Each model has strengths and weak-nesses. The first scenario with a longer midden uselife suggests a smoother demographic growth anddecline curve with some portion of the populationremaining in residence. A small number of per-manent residents also accords well with the demon-strable continuity in glaze- paint ceramics. Theexcellent fit to the FS model suggests a single styl-istic tradition. Ongoing geochemical and petro-graphic analyses of these ceramics strengthen thisinference and point to continuity in production(Dyer 2009; Schleher 2009). Variation in the num-bers of residents from one period to the next is thenexplained by some combination of arrival of newimmigrants and emigration of some existing resi-dents. If, however, some portion of the population

remains in residence across the successive periods,it is difficult to explain why the San Marcoseñoswould abandon some room blocks and constructnew ones in a different part of the pueblo. Such astrategy is not only costly in terms of labor; it defiesarchaeological understanding of room block con-struction, abandonment, reuse, and recycling. The second scenario with a shorter midden use

life and perhaps total abandonment between peri-ods comes closer to matching the strong spatialsignal of midden clusters and dates. If several aban-donments occurred, the challenge is to account forthe obvious and very strong continuity across 400years of glaze- paint ceramics. Despite these ambiguities, the two models agree

regarding a massive demographic surge through theearly fifteenth century, an equally massive declinein the late fifteenth century, and a final demographicpulse during the late sixteenth through the seven-

18 american antiquity [Vol. 74, no. 3, 2009

Figure 11. Midden use by Period. (Middens labeled by period).

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teenth centuries. Given the general pattern, we con-sider how San Marcos fits into the larger south-western pattern of residential mobility and suggestthe causes for the periodic use and abandonment.Residential mobility is a deep adaptation of

sedentary agriculturalists in the Southwest thatoccurs in response to climatic stress and competi-tion for land, resources, and mates (Kohler 1992;Varien 1999). San Marcos patterns of demographicincrease across Periods 1–3 generally reflects theNew Mexico pattern of aggregation (Dean et al.1994), except that the population maximum is 50to 75 years later than at Pot Creek (Crown andKohler 1994), Arroyo Hondo (Creamer 1993),Pindi Pueblo (Stubbs and Stallings 1953), andTe’ewi (Wendorf 1953). On the other hand, thetiming of the maximum settlement expansionclosely tracks the aggregation pattern on the Pajar-ito Plateau (Kohler et al. 2004). Perhaps settlementgrowth at San Marcos occurs as populations dis-perse from areas further north. Immigrants fromthose areas may have contributed to the fifteenth- century expansion at San Marcos and the GalisteoBasin more generally (Snead et. al. 2004). Elucidating the pattern of initial settlement

growth, however, does not address the causes ofmultiple episodes of aggregation or dispersion atSan Marcos. Here we consider several.

Living in groups confers benefits to the indi-vidual, including proximity of potential mates and

protection from intercommunity violence. Buffering the threat of violence may have con-

tributed to the initial establishment of San Marcos.Burnt Corn Pueblo, located a short distance east ofSan Marcos, was completely burned within twentyyears of its founding (Snead 2008). Because thetiming of that destruction was coincident with thefounding of San Marcos, emigrants from BurntCorn may have sought refuge at San Marcos.Increased levels of intergroup violence may also

have played a role in the fifteenth- century demo-graphic surge. Initial construction at San Marcoswas adjacent to water, but Period 3 constructionswere built on higher ground. Their orthogonalalignments within and among the room blockswould have facilitated defense via enfilade fireagainst attackers (Arkush and Stanish 2005:15).Orthogonal room- block alignments persisted intoPeriods 4 and 5, as did the preference for higherground. Steep arroyo slopes helped defend the east-ern and northern perimeter of the mission complexand Period 5 room blocks. Aggregation also has costs: greater intercom-

munity competition for land and mates as popula-tion increases (Kohler 2004), as well as greater riskof mortality from infectious diseases, whichbecame most important after Spanish contact. Dur-ing Period 1, population size at San Marcos wasrelatively small and access to agricultural land didnot likely constitute a source of conflict. This sit-

ramenofsky et al.] meaSurinG time, POPuLatiOn, anD reSiDentiaL mOBiLity 19

Figure 12. Weighted histogram and Gaussain KDEs for MCDs predicted from Axis-1 scores. (The thicker line is the KDEwith a bandwidth of 32 MCD years. The thinner line is the KDE with a bandwidth of 13 MCD years).

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uation changed. Recent surveys in the GalisteoBasin point to increasing agricultural intensifica-tion associated with increasing population (Corderoand Huntley 2006; Kurota 2006; Snead 2008). Thepresence of these features cannot be directly linkedto San Marcos or implicated as causal in its resi-dential mobility. More generally, however, as agri-cultural land became scarce, the costs ofcompetition may have outweighed the benefits ofcooperation and resulted in dispersion.Changing precipitation patterns were also

important causes of the residential strategy of theSan Marcoseños. Periods 1, 2, and 4 overlappedwith intervals of greater precipitation, whereas thelater part of Period 3 and the onset of Period 5 weremore arid (Dean et al. 1994; Rose et al. 1981;Towner and Salzer 2008). The maximum demo-graphic size during Period 3 was coincident withmuch greater aridity. Perhaps the communitythreshold for cooperation was exceeded by thecombination of worsening climatic conditions andthe largest demographic aggregate. Although theclimatic conditions were wetter, the population ofPeriod 4 was decidedly smaller and may be reflect-ing the failure of Period 3 aggregation.Finally, as discussed for other regions of New

Mexico (Kulisheck 2003; Mera 1940), the Span-ish likely contributed to the nature of the demo-graphic pulses of Periods 4 and 5. Two variablesare particularly relevant. First is probability of dis-ease diffusion.The demographic curve of Periods 4 and 5 does

not match expectations regarding infectious diseasediffusion. The largest decline in population occursduring Period 4 (coincident with a wetter climaticconditions), but the dates of Period 4 midden useare simply too early to invoke disease contact ascausal. The failure of Period 3 aggregation and/oran ameliorating climate are more parsimoniusexplanations of the demography of Period 4.Although disease attrition could have played a roleduring Period 5, it was not a significant one (Kul-isheck 2003*, 2005). There was a return to thepueblo, and the population was larger. This terminal demographic surge has not been

previously documented. Others working in the Gal-isteo Basin (Lycett 1995; Welker 1997) have sug-gested spatial constriction and smaller populationsfollowing Spanish contact. Although our researchshows spatial constriction, it is equated with more,

not fewer, immigrants, suggesting that Spanishpathogens did not decimate the community. According to the shorter use- life model, Span-

ish aggression was likely a contributing cause toany population decline that preceded the Period 5pulse. In 1540, Coronado established his wintercamp southwest of the Galisteo Basin in the regionof the central Tiwish. During that winter, the con-quistadors so decimated the central Tiwish townsthat the region was never fully reoccupied (Flint2007). After that devastation in the spring of 1541,the expedition journeyed east to the plains and, onboth legs of the journey, traveled through the Gal-isteo Basin. None of the Coronado documents men-tion San Marcos (Flint 2007; Hodge et al. 1945).Given its size, it is inconceivable that the town wassimply missed. More likely, the San Marcoseñosknew what had happened in the Tiwish territory andsimply dispersed to more secure locations. OnceCoronado had left the colony, the pueblo was reset-tled. The increase in Period 5 population may haveincluded some survivors from the Tiwish wars.In summary, reconstructing the demographic

trends at San Marcos proceeded from the CA analy-ses that showed strong spatial and temporal pat-terning of middens. Using ceramics deposited inmiddens as a population proxy, we suggested twoestimates for the duration of midden accumula-tions to model demographic change. Despite ambi-guities, both models indicated the same sequenceof demographic pulses that were too large to beexplained by intrinsic growth. Clearly the San Mar-coseños were residentially mobile with demo-graphic fluctuations occurring from one period tothe next.


The current configuration of San Marcos is theresult of Native use that spanned more than 400years. However, the use was neither continuous norwas the demographic curve a simple function ofgradual internal growth and decline. Although oneof the archetypal examples of a late prehistoricaggregated settlement in the Southwest, the size,as well as room block and midden arrangement,cannot be equated with a model of deep sedentism. This demonstration has significant substantive,

methodological, and theoretical implications. Thesubstantive decoupling of sedentism from size for

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the largest aggregated settlements in the Southwestreintroduces these places into the discussion of res-idential mobility. We doubt that San Marcos isunique in its demographic pattern. If we are cor-rect, then this initial demonstration can serve as acomparative case as other such settlements areexplored. Additionally, because the use life of thepueblo extends to the Pueblo Revolt, demographicchange across Spanish conquest need not beassumed or inferred from historical documents; itcan be investigated over a temporal span that beginsbefore and continues after Spanish conquest.Methodologically, our noninvasive methods

were sufficient for reconstructing the occupationalhistory of the pueblo. Using these methods tounderstand surface distributions means that theseancestral Pueblo settlements are not beyond ouranalytic reach for questions of residential mobilityand demographic change. Is San Marcos uniqueregarding the strong temporal signal of the middenrecord? We think not, especially given the evidencemarshaled to demonstrate surface modification.Extending the methodology to other aggregatedpueblos will determine the general utility of themethod.Temporal control was the weakest aspect of our

surface methods. A finer temporal resolution wouldhave helped in more precise bounding of theepisodes of occupation and abandonment, the dura-tion of individual occupation spans, and whetherabandonments were complete or partial. Toimprove temporal resolution requires additionaldating. Tree- ring cross- dates are one possibility,but cross- dates require excavation, and excavationis not encouraged at these large persistent places.Moreover, the duration of ceramic production neednot be isomorphic with tree- ring cutting dates.Direct dating of artifacts is a feasible and efficientalternative for surface assemblages. Luminescencedating of ceramics typically provides direct datesof ceramic manufacture, and is appropriate for sur-face assemblages. When used as an ordinal tem-poral tool, obsidian hydration can also be employedto create a chronology of obsidian manufacture anduse. Both temporal methods are currently under-utilized in the Southwest in large part because ofthe potential precision of tree- ring dates.The demonstration of residential mobility at San

Marcos brings the investigation of its causes intofocus. We touched on possible triggers of the strat-

egy, but the lack of comparative information, aswell as in- depth understanding of Galisteo Basinarchaeology, curtailed the inferences. Prior to con-tact, combinations of climate, external aggression,and the costs or benefits of group living need to bemore fully explored. Because San Marcos wasoccupied to the Pueblo Revolt, Spaniards and theresulting tumult must be more completed investi-gated. Here, we suggested that social conflict––notdisease contact––was the key explanatory variable. In the end, then, this research represents a pre-

liminary effort at understanding residential strate-gies of late aggregated settlements. We are hopefulthat it will stimulate a renewed research focus onthe late large settlements of the pueblo world. Theseplaces are too dynamic and important for under-standing the nature of change and persistence ofPuebloan groups before and after Spanish colo-nization and settlement of the Southwest.

Acknowledgments. This research was made possible with thehelp and support of numerous people. Financial support wasprovided by UNM, who sponsored two surface field schools,and by the McCune Charitable Foundation and StandardProducts. Field school students were enthusiastic partici-pants in this surface research. Shawn Penman laid out thegrid, was responsible for spatial control, and helped withmap construction. She also digitized Nelson’s original plani-metric map of the pueblo. David Vaughan, Jon Van Hoose,Ariane Oberling- Pinson, and Julie Angel were wonderfulteaching assistants in the field and laboratory. The draftswere improved by the careful readings of Anastasia Steffen,Jeremy Kulisheck, and Michael Graves. Lawrence Straustranslated the abstract into Spanish. Finally we thank thethree anonymous reviewers who provided invaluableinsights. All other errors in understanding are ours.

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1. This order was derived by sorting the assemblages onthe Axis-1 scores from CA-2, as described below. We usedCA because FS offers no generally applicable figure of meritto measure the goodness of fit of alternative orders to themodel (Ford 1962; Phillips et al. 1951; Spaulding 1953).

2. In the idiom of correspondence analysis, Midden 16was treated as supplementary point.

Submitted October 20, 2008; Accepted February 3, 2009.

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