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Mean Variance Theory

Mar 05, 2016




mean variance theory, university of harvard
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  • Mean Variance Theory

    September 24th, 2012

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Mean & Variance of a Portfolio

    Let r1, . . . , rN be R.V.s representing random future return rates ofN assets. The portfolio return rate is

    r =Nn=1


    and is also random. Denote rn = Ern and r = Er ,

    r = ENn=1

    wnrn =Nn=1

    wn rn ,

    2(r) = var(r) = cov







    wnwm cov(rn, rm) =cnm


    Mean Variance Theory

  • Covariance Matrix

    C is the covariance matrix of (r1, . . . , rN),

    C =

    c11 c12 c13 . . . c1Nc21 c22 c23 . . . c2Nc31 c32 c33 . . . c3N

    .... . .

    cN1 cN2 cN3 . . . cNN

    C is a symmetric matrix (CT = C ) and is positive semi-definite


    xmxncnm 0 for all x RN .

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Example: Two Assets

    r1 = .12, 1 = .18, w1 = .25r1 = .15, 2 = .20, w2 = .75 and cov(r1, r2) = .01.

    r = .25(.12) + .75(.15) = .1425

    2 = var(w1r1 + w2r2) = cov(w1r1 + w2r2,w1r1 + w2r2)

    = w21 var(r1) + w22 var(r2) + 2w1w2cov(r1, r2)

    = (.25)2(.18)2 + (.75)2(.2)2 + 2(.25)(.75)(.01)

    = .028275 ,

    and so = .1681. Have compromised on the expected return, buthave lowered the overall variation of the outcome.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Diversification (Uncorrelated Assets)

    For N mutually uncorrelated assets with mean return m andvariance 3, portfolio with equal weights wi =

    1N is less risky:

    r =1



    ri ,

    r =1



    Eri =1



    m = m ,

    var(r) =1



    2 =2

    N 0 as N .

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Diversification (Correlated Assets)

    Suppose now that cov(ri , rj) = .32. Then

    var(r) =1


    ( Ni=1

    (ri r)) N


    (rj r)



    Ni ,j=1

    cov(ri , rj) =1



    2 +i 6=j

    cov(ri , rj)



    N2(N2 + N(N 1).32) = .72

    N+ .32 .32 .

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Diversification in General

    Assets all with equal expected returns is unrealistic.

    In general: diversification may reduce overall expected returnwhile reducing the variance.

    Mean-Variance approach developed by Markowitz makeexplicit the trade-off between mean and variance.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Lets Develop a Finanical Model for Measuring Risk

    From N-many assets with returns r1, r2, . . . , rN , well constructportfolios based on our

    concerns regarding volatility,

    and our natural liking for higher returns.

    It turns out that a simple 2-D relationship can be formed.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Simple Example

    Two Assets: with expected return rates r1, r2, variance 1,2, and covariance c12 (each asset is a point in themean-standard deviation diagram)

    form a portfolio of this two assets with weights w1 = andw2 = (1 ),

    r = r1 + (1 )r22 = 221 + 2(1 )c12 + (1 )222

    is a new point in the diagram (, r) (is a new asset)different portfolio for different

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Portfolio Diagram (No Shortselling)

    Figure: For no short selling: the lines labeled = 1 are the lowerbounds on . The upper bound is the line labeled = 1. The set ofpoints (, r) for [0, 1] are the curved line.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Variance Bounds

    For each define



    (1 )221 + 2(1 )12 + 222 .

    For [0, 1] (no short selling), the most variance occurs when = 1,


    (1 )221 + 2(1 )12 + 222


    ((1 )1 + 2)2 = (1 )1 + 2(this is the dotted line in Figure 1).

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Variance Bounds

    Similarly for [0, 1] (no short selling), the minimum varianceoccurs when = 1,


    (1 )221 2(1 )12 + 222


    ((1 )1 2)2 = |(1 )1 2|(this makes up the two straight lines originating on left in Figure1).

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Variance Bounds

    In Figure 1, the point where the two lines meet on the y-axis isr(0) where 0 is s.t. (0) = 0 when = 1, i.e.

    (1 )1 02 = 0

    0 = 11 + 2


    and so r(0) =1

    1+2r1 +

    (1 11+2


    Mean Variance Theory

  • Variance Bounds (with short selling)

    Same bounds for [0, 1], but for / [0, 1] we have

    () |(1 )1 2| case = 1() |(1 )1 + 2| case = 1

    (See Figure 2).

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Portfolio Diagram (With Shortselling)

    Figure: With shortselling. Solid line is |(1 )1 2| and dotted is|(1 )1 + 2|.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • For 3 Assets

    Add a third asset with expected return r3 and std. dev. 3. Let1 equal the total allocation in assets 1 and 2, then repeatanalysis from before.

    Results in more options for allocation (hyper place of R3instead of the lower dimensional hyper lane of R2

    There is a region of possible (, r) points rather than just acurve (See Figure 3).

    In general, can find feasible sets of points (, r) for N-manyassets, and it gives us a good idea of a portfoliosmean-variance trade-off.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Feasible Region

    Figure: Assets 1 and 2 are the same as from slide 4, and for the newasset we have r3 = .11 and 3 = .1.

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Minimum Variance and the Efficient Frontier

    For a portfolio allocation w RN to be optimal, we would like itto minimize variance will still maintaining a certain level ofexpected return. This optimization problem is formulate as







    wnwmcnm = wTCw

    subject to the constraintsn

    n=1 wn = 1 andN

    n=1 wn rn = r ,where r is our desired level of return.We say portfolio r =

    Nn=1 wnrn is efficient if there exists no other

    portfolio r such that Er Er and (r) < (r).

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Minimum Variance Set

    Figure: The side-ways parabola shows the minimum variance set,minw w

    TCw s.t. w1 + w2 = 1 and w1r1 + w2r2 = r . This is the samenumber from slide 4, and the dot on the frontier is the allocation fromslide 4 (its in fact efficient).

    Mean Variance Theory

  • Solving with Matlab

    A good way to find optimal mean-variance allocation is usingMatlabs fmincon (see Matlab code on Blackboard).

    Mean Variance Theory